#Williamsport MAT
dearnamjoonwithlove · 5 years
Cannabis Use Disorder: The Genetic Component
By Chris Johnston, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Pinnacle Treatment Centers
Marijuana use is not uncommon.
Everyone knows that. And where marijuana is concerned, this common knowledge is not simply an aggregate of anecdotes repeated so often they become accepted as fact. There’s solid evidence backed up by statistics to support the common perception.
In fact, reliable data indicates it’s the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world, with research showing about 9% of users become dependent. Recent studies in the U.S. reveal marijuana use is on the rise among both adolescents and adults. Results from the 2017 Monitoring the Future Survey (MTF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) paint a clear picture of current marijuana use in the U.S.:
45% of high school seniors said they’ve tried marijuana
9.5% of adults said they use marijuana
30% of adults who use marijuana meet the criteria for Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD)
Only 2.9% of those who meet CUD criteria receive a diagnosis from a mental health professional
All of that seems logical to most adults in the U.S. In high school, we all knew people who tried marijuana. Some tried it and enjoyed it – they started smoking sometimes. Some tried it and hated it – they never touched the stuff again. And some tried it, loved it, started smoking all the time, and never looked back – they may still be regular marijuana users to this day.
All of this – the evidence-based facts and the anecdotal observations – begs the question: why do some people develop a cannabis use disorder (CUD) while others don’t?
A series of recent studies conducted by researchers in Denmark offer a new insight that may help answer this question: there may be a genetic component to marijuana addiction.
New Study: A Gene Correlated with Cannabis Use Disorder
First, we need to take a brief side trip to the land of statistics. No, we won’t go back to the most hated class in mathematics. We’ll just make sure we’re on the same page with regards to the terms correlation and causation.
This is what they mean:
Correlation describes the relationship between two or more variables. Correlation between variables does not mean a change in one variable causes the change in the other variable.
Causation indicates that one variable or event is the result of the other variable or event. This is simple cause and effect.
Here’s a basic example of cause and effect: eating too much sugary food causes an increased risk of diabetes. And here’s a basic example of correlation: people who eat a lot of sugary foods are more likely to lead a sedentary lifestyle. In the first example, the sugary food causes the diabetes. In the second, the sugary food does not cause the sedentary lifestyle.
Make sense?
It’s an important distinction to understand, not only for this article, but for reading any type of scientific paper or news articles based on scientific papers.
Now that we have that cleared up, let’s move on to this study. It’s a big deal for two reasons:
The size of the study: 2,387 cases and 301,041 controls.
They replicated the study, the second time with higher numbers: 5,501 cases and 301,041 controls.
That means in the first study, they compared the genetic information from 2,387 people with CUD against 301,041 without CUD, while in the second, they compared the genetic information from 5,501 people with CUD against 301,041 without CUD.
What did they find?
They found a specific genetic mutation present in all the people with CUD, and absent in the people without CUD.
CHRA2: The Gene Involved in CUD
There’s a third reason this study is significant, related to the high numbers of individuals the study analyzed. The study is/was what’s known as a Genome-Wide Association Survey (GWAS). Here’s the NIH definition of GWAS:
“A GWAS (genome-wide association survey) is a way for scientists to identify inherited genetic variants associated with risk of disease or a particular trait. This method surveys the entire genome for genetic [patterns] that occur more frequently in cases (people with the disease or trait being assessed) than in controls (people without the disease or trait). Also called genome-wide association study.”
In this GWAS, researchers identified a mutation in a gene – called CHRA2 – that holds the code for a specific class of nicotine receptors. They found that the people diagnosed with CUD had lower levels of the nicotine receptor than people not diagnosed with CUD. Researchers did not identify the mechanism by which the decreased expression of this causes CUD, but nevertheless, this is a major step forward in the research effort to link genetic factors and addiction.
So, why does identifying this gene matter?
Identifying genes associated with specific diseases is important for many reasons, the primary three being:
Once scientists identify a gene associated with a disease, they can test individuals for its presence, absence, or any abnormalities. If doctors know an individual carries a gene or genetic mutation associated with any disease, it prepares both doctor and patient for the next item on our list.
An individual with a gene or mutation associated disease may or may not develop that disease. However, they can take steps that increase their chances of avoiding the condition or mitigating its effects if it develops.
While gene therapy is a new development in science and medicine, it has the potential to radically alter the medical landscape. The goal of gene therapy – and this is grossly oversimplified – is to change mutated genes or genes associated with disease to their non-mutated, non-health threatening variations. It’s a complicated process, but in a nutshell, the idea is that when they replace an atypical gene with a typical gene, the associated disease or condition improves or disappears entirely.
It’s easy to see how this may work with regards to Cannabis Use Disorder. At its most basic level, a genetic screening could identify those who have the CHRA2 mutation and those who don’t. That’s the awareness aspect. Those who have the mutation will understand they’re at increased risk of developing a CUD compared to those who don’t and will ideally avoid using marijuana. That’s the prevention aspect. Finally, a successful gene therapy approach to CUD would involve replacing the mutated CHRA2 gene with a typical CHRA2 gene, thereby – theoretically – decreasing risk of developing a CUD.
Gene Therapy: A New Direction for Medication-Assisted Treatment?
In the addiction treatment world, we welcome all three aspects of gene therapy – the awareness, the prevention, and the treatment. We also welcome any new scientific knowledge about the genetic component of addiction, because – for one thing – we believe the more we can identify the precise physiological causes and mechanisms of addiction, the more we can reduce the stigma around addiction. Finally, gene therapy has the potential to add a brand-new component to Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): the current mode of MAT happens after someone develops a substance use disorder, but gene-therapy for addiction could happen before someone develops a substance use disorder.
Therefore, gene therapy has the potential to dramatically reduce the number of people who struggle with addiction. This, in turn, would reduce the amount of pain, suffering, heartache, and loss caused by addiction. We see the damage addiction causes every day, first-hand. That’s why this recent discovery of the gene associated with Cannabis Use Disorder gives us hope: we’re committed to using every evidence-based tool at our disposal to heal, restore balance, and help people struggling with addiction live a healthy, productive life, free from the destructive cycles of alcohol and substance use.
The post Cannabis Use Disorder: The Genetic Component appeared first on Pinnacle Treatment Centers.
source https://pinnacletreatment.com/blog/cannabis-use-disorder-the-genetic-component/
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paras-atashnak · 7 years
Its time to meet the first 8 cast members for Nicolas’ Sims Big Brother Season 1!
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Matteo Garcia
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Name: Matteo "Mat" Garcia  Age: 24 Hometown: Riverside, California
 Current City: New York City 
 Occupation: Orthodontist Three adjectives that describe you: Resilient, Determined, Adventurous 
Favorite Activities: Swimming, ature walks, and Twitter 
 What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Sharing the restroom with so many people and having to deal with their habits!  Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Natalie Negrotti! 
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I'm going to try to lay low in the beginning and form friendships and alliances that will stay loyal to me and that I can stay loyal to through the game. 
My life’s motto is… Look good, do good, feel good
 What would you take into the house, and why? A ton of comfy and fashionable lounge clothes since most of what people see on the episodes takes place lounging around in the bedrooms!
 Fun facts about yourself: I can stick my whole fist in my mouth!
Jasmine Jehova
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Name: Jasmine Jegova
 Age: 23
 Hometown: Manhattan, New York 
Current city: New York City, New York 
Occupation: Politician Three adjectives that describe you: Persistent, Opinionated, Confident
 Favorite activities: My job! I love being able to help the environment! 
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? I can’t stand lairs, so keeping my mouth shut when I know people lying is gonna be hard! I also can’t lie, but I know that’s part of the game so being able to keep secrets won’t be easy!
 Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Helen Kim! I feel like she stayed by her morals and I really admire that
 Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I’m a politician, so I want to use my speaking skills to convince people that I am a trustworthy player and a good ally. 
 My life’s motto is… Go for it. no matter how it ends, it was an experience
 What would you take into the house, and why? My stuffed rabbit! It means a lot to me and really helps me through stress.
 Fun facts about yourself: I have chained myself to a tree, I love older men, I don’t own a car and my favorite animal is a lemur!
Piso Pared
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Name: Piso Pared Age: 23 Hometown: The Bronx Current City: Miami Occupation: Waitress at Hooters and a part time Starbucks worker Three adjectives that describe you: Loud, materialistic and scammerLoud, materialistic and scammer What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Having to keep my mouth shut and watch out for lying ass bitches Which past big brother cast member did you like the most? Alison Irwin and Danielle Lickey are my idols Do you have a strategy for winning the game? My strategy is to flirt with all the men and intimidate the other girls so that ill be sitting pretty until i win that check! My life motto is... Dont give up till its over bitches What would you like to take into the house and why? I would like to take my twin sister Oprah Winfrey but i was told that I'm not allowed to.. so ill just take some windex to spray on these hoes Fun facts about yourself:I am a beautiful bisexual mixed woman, Megan Trainor is my mom and she threw me away into a dumpster when i was born. Ellen DeGenerous found me and took me in and raised me with my twin sister Oprah Winfrey, and I want to be in a showmance!
Brad Owens
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Name: Brad Owens Age: 23 Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio Current city: New York City, New York Occupation: Celebrity Pet Stylist 
Three adjectives that describe you: Beautiful, Flirty, and Charming Favorite activities: Parodying popular music videos and perusing pet shops  What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Being away from my life of luxury and convenience Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Natalie Negrotti because she a thiccy who scammed her way to jury by playing James Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Yes My life’s motto is… the roof may not be my son but ill raise it anyways What would you take into the house, and why? My purse lined with 100 dollar bills to remind myself i come from money, My Peruvian Guinea Pig whomst I like to stroke to calm myself, and My photobook of my friends and i in every shady dark bathroom in New York  Fun facts about yourself: I specialize in body shots, I hold the world record for most consecutive snaps, and I've got 400k followers on instagram
Kathleen Bauer
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Name: Kathleen Bauer 
Age: 53 Hometown: Williamsport, PA Current city: Williamsport, PA Occupation: Full Time Mom Three adjectives that describe you: Energetic, Loving, Driven Favorite activities: Hanging out with my kids and husband, going to play tennis at the country club, and drinking wine with the girls on Thursdays! What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Being away from my family is gonna be hard, but I’m playing this for them! Also not having Wine for 3 months will be rough! Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? I love Kathy Hillis! I really related to her a lot and thought she was  a fun personality! Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I know the house is gonna be filled with a bunch of young kids, but I have teenagers I know how to handle them! Im a huge superfan and they won’t see Kathleen coming! My life's motto is… live laugh love! What would you take into the house, and why? My Cabernet! I can’t live without it! Pictures of my kids, I love them more than anything! My best friend Angie, she helps me through EVERYTHING! Fun facts about yourself: I was an extra in the hit T.V. series “Gossip Girl!”, I go to the Little League World Series every year, and I’m an animal person!
Ace Ryers
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Name: Ace Ryers 
Age: 21
 Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio
 Current city: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
 Occupation: Business owner Three adjectives that describe you: Laidback, charismatic, keen
 Favorite activities: Traveling, singing, reading
 What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Finding something to do and keeping my hands busy. 
 Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Victor Arroyo. The guy has some strength and played a loyal game, for what time he had to play the game. Got to still be an all-around good guy and did what he had to do. Not...very refined, but impressive. 
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Hide out in people's blind spots and play the nice guy role until it's time to strike and get down to business. 
 My life’s motto is… if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. 
 What would you take into the house, and why? My Fitbit. It seriously does everything, A good book, and my guitar.
 Fun facts about yourself: I am a shareholder for Starbucks and hold stocks in it. I graduated college at 20 years old. (Thanks Columbia!) and I had my last and first name legally changed when I moved to America at 3 years old.
Mariana Castillo
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Name: Mariana Castillo 
Age: 22
Hometown: San Jose, CA
 Current City: Cambridge, MA
 Occupation: Bartender and Student Three adjectives that describe you: Empathetic, Gregarious, Reliable
 Favorite activities: Going out and partying to distract myself from my studies, Shopping and Reading books
 What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? I assume the most difficult part of living in the house will be getting used to living with 15 other people, I have a very bad experience living with a large number of people.
 Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? I loved Da’vonne the most because she did whatever she had to do to make it far in the game so that she can win money for her and her daughter. That was her motivation to play the game and I feel that mine is kind of similar to her’s.
 Do you have a strategy for winning the game? My strategy is to make close friendships and let them carry me, but also to win comps every once in while to secure my safety and my alliance’s until I want to cut them off.
 My life’s motto is... In life be a warrior not a worrier 
What would you take into the house, and why? 
All the liquor at my job so everyone can let loose and chill
, Pepper spray so if a bitch tries me imma blind her ass
, and My pet chameleon. he’s a cunt but I love him because he’s good company 
Fun facts about yourself: Binge watching tv is my forte, I’m good at martial arts, and I was in foster care for almost half of my life 
Aspen Knolls
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Name: Aspen Knolls Age: 21 Hometown: Monterey, CA Current City: New York, NY Occupation: Freelance personal assistant Three adjectives that describe you: manipulative, subversive, witty Favorite activities: buying clothes I can’t afford, ghosting all my suitors What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Living with other people…. Yuck Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Amber Borzotra and Jozea Flores bc everyone says I look like their love child Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Intimidation LOL My life's motto is… run over anyone in your way (literally) What would you take into the house, and why? My $2000 Jura E8 Automatic Coffee Machine, because….. why not. My pet sphynx cat, Kate Lynn Gender, to show off her pure bred status and my Gucci Resort 17 fur, to STUNT! Fun facts about yourself: Beyonce Knowles is my third cousin, my mom tried to abort me but I stayed alive, and I found Nicole Kidman’s wallet and she took me to dinner after I returned it
The second group of houseguests will be posted tomorrow evening
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morseraynor3-blog · 6 years
6??? Comprehending Fertilizer Numbers.
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dearnamjoonwithlove · 5 years
Addiction recovery is a way for a drug addict to try and re-establish positive relationships
Addiction recovery is a way for a drug addict to try and re-establish positive relationships, and we are committed to making this path easier for them. Our drug rehabilitation programs aim to not only make the patient get back in good health and get sober, but also ensures that drug relapse doesna€™t happen in the near future to disrupt patienta€™s life once again. For this, we utilize medical treatments and detox coupled with cognitive therapies and in-depth counseling sessions. source https://local.google.com/place?id=10457135539799571701&use=posts&lpsid=1135296945806399644
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dearnamjoonwithlove · 5 years
Patients suffering from intensive drug abuse
Patients suffering from intensive drug abuse are most often recommended our inpatient drug addiction programs. Using the medically administered detox prescribed to you by the doctors, can help deal with the cravings and bring down drug levels in your body. However, as soon as you stop taking it, withdrawal symptoms start showing up, dealing with which on your own can prove to be dangerous. At our methadone clinic, however, experienced medical staff is at your disposal 24 hours. They understand exactly how to medically as well as emotionally help you recover from withdrawal symptoms and help you make a lasting recovery. source https://local.google.com/place?id=10457135539799571701&use=posts&lpsid=5783452746019911409
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dearnamjoonwithlove · 5 years
Drug addicts realize that they are not suffering alone
Drug addicts realize that they are not suffering alone. Their families and loved ones are suffering as well, due to the wrong decisions the addicts made. Conversely, it is also true that nobody understands these patients more than their family or loved ones. Our rehab specialists, therefore, focus on the integration of the patienta€™s close relatives in his addiction recovery programs. At Williamsport methadone clinic, our experienced doctors require help and assistance from these loved ones to provide valuable insights into the patienta€™s life, the traumas he has been through and his emotional and mental health, in order to prepare a personalized addiction program. source https://local.google.com/place?id=10457135539799571701&use=posts&lpsid=5152543277604851698
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dearnamjoonwithlove · 5 years
As soon as you notice the tell-tale signs of drug addiction
As soon as you notice the tell-tale signs of drug addiction, that includes a dramatic loss or gain in weight along with slurred speech and emotional instability, you should seek professional help. You alone cannot make addiction recovery happen, whereas not attempting to recover at all can have serious undesirable health implications. Our methadone clinic based in Williamsport offers expert drug addiction programs that can help you re-align yourself and enjoy a healthy life. These programs include not only medical assistance, but also emotional assistance to help you recover from any mental health issues that led to your present condition. source https://local.google.com/place?id=10457135539799571701&use=posts&lpsid=1661154021168094930
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dearnamjoonwithlove · 5 years
Alcohol abuse is dangerous
Alcohol abuse is dangerous not only because of the health implications it brings along, but also because it promotes experimentation with other drugs of different types. This leads to the development of multiple addictions and makes addiction recovery out of this self-created mess rather hard for the patients. Coming to your rescue, our methadone clinic offers drug addiction programs to help bring you out of this undesirable condition. The sooner you start making progress on your rehabilitation process, the better and quicker addiction recovery would be, since it would prevent you from developing additional addictions. source https://local.google.com/place?id=10457135539799571701&use=posts&lpsid=6906201412456521898
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dearnamjoonwithlove · 5 years
Our methadone clinic based in Williamsport offers the best and state of the art in-patient addiction treatment
Our methadone clinic based in Williamsport offers the best and state of the art in-patient addiction treatment to all those seeking respite from drug abuse, specifically opioid addiction. Created by only the most experienced of doctors, our residential treatment addiction programs aim to help patients make holistic addiction recovery, that too under in a fully supervised environment. Even though these drug addiction programs are personalized according to the situation of the individual, there are some common-to-all general activities as well that include counseling and therapies, development of life skills, addiction education and importance of the recovery program to help deal with addictions. source https://local.google.com/place?id=10457135539799571701&use=posts&lpsid=456101434189387617
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dearnamjoonwithlove · 5 years
Just like one can t expect to become sober as soon as he stops taking drugs
Just like one cana€™t expect to become sober as soon as he stops taking drugs, drug addiction programs cannot work simply through localized treatment of drug withdrawal symptoms aided by assistive medical detox alone. Which is why we offer comprehensive addiction programs to our patients, so that the recovery they make is there to stay. In addition to the individualized treatment programs, we offer individual as well as group therapies and counseling sessions to help patients develop life skills once they return to their normal lives. We also offer recreational therapies as well as informative sessions on drug abuse and related disorders. source https://local.google.com/place?id=10457135539799571701&use=posts&lpsid=3702682999377310104
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dearnamjoonwithlove · 5 years
If you or a loved one is suffering from an opioid addiction of any form
If you or a loved one is suffering from an opioid addiction of any form, and also want to get rid of it, you should definitely pay a visit at our methadone clinic in Williamsport. Scheduling a meeting with our methadone experts will provide you with an opportunity to receive a free comprehensive medical screening that follows the standards set by American Society of Addiction Management. After reviewing your medical history in detail, the experienced doctors at our rehabilitation center will help create and monitor a bespoke drug addiction program, which includes medical assisted detox coupled with group therapies and counseling sessions. source https://local.google.com/place?id=10457135539799571701&use=posts&lpsid=1757120095039394838
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dearnamjoonwithlove · 5 years
Addiction recovery is a complicated procedure
Addiction recovery is a complicated procedure and cannot be handled on your own, without proper help from experts. Our qualified doctors and medical staff condemns the intake of medically assisted detox without supervision, since as soon as you stop taking it, your body will start to detoxify on its own, resulting in serious health implications. We suggest our patients to take a free evaluation test, so that our experienced doctors can offer valuable insights into the kind of drug addiction program that their body requires. These programs are holistic in nature and help the patients make supervised drug addiction recovery. source https://local.google.com/place?id=10457135539799571701&use=posts&lpsid=1136449374273233976
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dearnamjoonwithlove · 5 years
The first step in determining the right level of care that you require for addiction recovery is to establish
The first step in determining the right level of care that you require for addiction recovery is to establish, through screening and comprehensive tests, which end of the spectrum of drug abuse do you stand at. At our methadone clinic in Williamsport, we not only offer these screening tests free of cost, but also provide you with specialists who are well versed and have years of experience in the field. Their comprehensive knowledge of the field will help you make an informed decision about the kind of program you should be enrolled in according to your personal situation. source https://local.google.com/place?id=10457135539799571701&use=posts&lpsid=5306589192581420711
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dearnamjoonwithlove · 5 years
Developing an outpatient addiction treatment program is a difficult task
Developing an outpatient addiction treatment program is a difficult task, since therea€™s no way to ensure that a patient wona€™t give in to the temptation of their former drinking habits, especially following the withdrawal symptoms. We, however, understand the importance of friends, peers, family members and the community at large, to help you make a speedy addiction recovery. This is why our drug addiction programs intend to treat you holistically by connecting you with those around you. At Williamsport Family Medical Center, we provide personalized treatment programs to our patients that help ensure the individual needs of patients are catered to. source https://local.google.com/place?id=10457135539799571701&use=posts&lpsid=3907770959432919773
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dearnamjoonwithlove · 5 years
It is a common misconception that participants of outpatient addiction treatment programs
It is a common misconception that participants of outpatient addiction treatment programs do not receive the same care and attention as those enrolled in the residential addiction treatment programs. At our Williamsport methadone clinic, however, we guarantee that no such problem ever arises. This is because we aim to treat every patient individually, through personalized drug addiction programs, whether they visit for three days per week in our outpatient programs or come to stay at our rehabilitation center as per the requirement of inpatient program. Every individual is important along with every step they take towards a fulfilling life. source https://local.google.com/place?id=10457135539799571701&use=posts&lpsid=2570303806225214259
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dearnamjoonwithlove · 5 years
Drug addiction recovery doesn t always require from you to move out of your place
Drug addiction recovery doesna€™t always require you to move out of your place into a secluded no-mana€™s-land. We understand that most of you have responsibilities that cannot be shunned and neither can they be postponed until after you make your recovery. Our outpatient addiction treatment program is designed as such to work around your schedule, so that you can undergo treatment while carrying out your daily uninterrupted routine work. While differing from the inpatient program only in the timings of therapies, our outpatient addiction treatment also makes use of personalized addiction programs aiming to treat you holistically. source https://local.google.com/place?id=10457135539799571701&use=posts&lpsid=1706805744323054947
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