#William Clark Green 2018
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thienvaldram · 1 year ago
(Doctor Who) UK Prime Ministers and US Presidents
Full (Incomplete) UK PM List in the DWU from 1950 – 20XX (Some years are guessed)
Will be updated whenever I can be bothered we get new information. Just random speculation jamming together a list that was never meant to be jammed together.
Historical Before This Point
Winston Churchill (1951-1955)
Anthony Eden (1955-1957)
Harold Macmillan (1957-1963)
Sir Alec Douglas-Home (1963-1964)
Harold Wilson (1964-1970)
Edward Heath (1970-1972)
Harold Wilson (1972-1974)
Jeremy Thorpe (1974-1979)
James Callaghan (1979-1982)
Brenda Jones (1982) (According to a Jonathan Morris Tweet)
Shirley Williams (1982-1983)
Margaret Thatcher (1983-1990)
Margery Phipps (1990-1992)
John Major (1992-1997) (Assassinated)
Lord Greyhaven (1997) (De Facto PM for several weeks)
Tony Blair (1997-1999)
Terry Brooks (1999-2000)
Phillip Cotton (2000) (Deputy PM until election was called)
Kenneth Clarke (2000-2001)
Tony Blair (2001-2006) (Second term)
Joseph Green/Jocrassa Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen (2006) (Only served as acting PM for a day)
Harriet Jones (2006-2008)
Harold Saxon (2008)
Aubrey Fairchild (2008-2009)
Brian Green (2009-2010)
Denise Reilly (2010-2013)
Kenneth LeBlanc (2013)
Denise Reilly (2013-2014) (Resumed for a second term after Kenneth Le Blanc died)
David Cameron (2014-2015)
Daniel Claremont (2015)
Theresa May (2015-2018)
Felicity (2018-2019)
Fiona (2019-2020)
Boris Johnson (2020-2021) (Revealed to be an Auton)
Jo Patterson (2021)
Edward Lawn Bridges (2021-2025)
S J Wordley (2025-2026)
Glenda Jackson (2026-2028)
The Director (2028-2046)
Roger ap Gwilliam (2046)
Dai (2047-2049)
Lomax (2049 - 2050)
Mariah Learman (2050-2055)
Unnamed (Pre-2065-2069)
Corollaries (PM List)
Jeremy Thorpe and Shirley Williams are said to be Prime Minister contemporaneously with the UNIT stories (Which are assumed here to take near future as it’s my preferred UNIT dating scheme)
In a tweet Jonathan Morris claimed the Prime Minister in Terror of the Zygons or Mawdryn Undead was Brenda Jones, Harriet Jones' auntie. I put this in 1982 (for less than a year) because why not. Ignore this if you think it's bad.
The Unnamed Pro Europe PM from the Longest Night has been welded with Tony Blair
The Torchwood Encyclopaedia claims that Denise Reilly succeeds Brian Green, since the next PM chronologically is ‘Unnamed Female PM from BF Silence Audios’ these have been welded together.
Actual dates of Kenneth Le Blanc and Unnamed Female PM are unknown, but are set in the UNIT audios between Power of Three (2012-2013) and DotD (2013).
Felicity and Fiona are given as PMs in Aliens Among Us and God Among Us (Torchwood S5 and S6) released and presumably set in 2018 and 2019 respectively.
Eight gives the PM list as Heath -> Thorpe -> Williams -> Thatcher -> Major -> Blair -> Clarke in Interference, this is not supported as a direct list by other sources, though I tried to fit it as best I could, resulting in Blair having two non-adjacent terms.
2010s are a mess due to BF, Titan Comics and the Lucy Wilson novels all giving conflicting accounts of who is PM only a couple years apart, apparently there were a lot of elections/resignations in that decade
Harriet Jones initially served Three terms prior to the Doctor altering history and deposing her, given UK Term Length is unclear, it's unknown how long this would have been, I would guess around 15 years, which would've put Harriet Jones at (2006-2021) where she'd be succeeded by Jo Patterson.
The UK becomes a military Dictatorship from 2028 until 2046 headed by ‘The Director’.
Dai is described as the 'first Prime Minister to serve after the Director is overthrown' this seems to contradict 73 Yards depicting Roger ap Gwilliam's election, but if Roger ap Gwilliam was overthrown he can't be said to have 'served', his deputy PM, Iris Cabriola technically succeeds him, but is never the official PM and presumably Dai is then elected the following year.
Then in 2050 Lomax is the dictator of the UK. In the 'mid 21st Century', Mariah Learman is a ‘benevolent dictator’ of the UK.
An unknown Prime Minster led the UK during the weather crisis of December 2065 and then was assassinated in 2069.
Full (Incomplete) US President List in the DWU from 1960 – 20XX (Some years are guessed)
Historical Before This Point
John F Kennedy (1961-1963) (assassinated)
Lyndon Johnson (1963-1969) (VP who succeeded their predecessor)
Richard Nixon (1969-1974)
Gerald Ford (1974-1977) (VP who succeeded their predecessor)
Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)
Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
George H.W. Bush (1989-1993)
Carrol (1993-1994)
Bill Clinton (1994-1997) (Presumably VP who succeeded their predecessor)
Tom Dering (1997-1999)
George W Bush (1999-2001) (Presumably VP who succeeded their predecessor)
Bruce Springsteen (2001-2003)
Chuck Norris (2003-2005) (VP who succeeded their predecessor)
George W Bush (2005-2007)
Arthur Coleman Winters (2007-2008) (VP who succeeded their predecessor)
Winter’s VP/Speaker of the House (2008-2009) (Succeeds Winters after he’s killed by Saxon)
2009-2017 Term
Felix Mather (2009-2017) (Presidency overwritten by Faction Paradox)
Sampson (2009-2017) (Presidency induced as an aberration by Lolita)
Barack Obama (2009-2017) (Replaced Felix Mather in history)
2017-2021 Term
Daniel Strunk (2017-2021) (Presidency overwritten by Faction Paradox – Mather’s Successor)
Matt Nelson (2017) (Presidency induced as an aberration by Lolita – Assassinated at Inauguration)
Lola Denison/Lolita (2017-unknown) (Assassinated her predecessor)
Donald Trump (2017-2021) (Replaced Daniel Strunk in history)
After 2021
Courtney Woods (unknown-2049-unknown)
Gavin A32X40 (unknown – 2086 – unknown)
Corollaries (President List)
The Eighth Doctor gives the list of Presidents as Carter -> Reagan -> (HW) Bush -> Clinton -> Dering -> Springsteen -> Norris
The President given in 2004 is referred to by the nickname ‘Chuck’ in Cat’s Cradle: Warhead which combined with the fact Springsteen was the President in 2003 and ‘Norris’ succeeded them suggests that the 2004 President was Chuck Norris.
The President in 2006 was implied to be George W Bush based on Harriet Jones’s dialogue. He was previously stated to be President in 2000 (Which he hadn’t been in real life)
Clinton is stated to be President in both 1997 (by metaphor in Placebo Effect) and in 1999 (in Rosa). However both of these are less conclusive than Tom Dering’s direct appearances in Option Lock and and Millennium Shock (also 1997 and 1999) implying that the mentions in Placebo Effect and Rosa were merely off by 1-3 years.
Obama is explicitly stated and shown to be President in 2009, 2012 and 2016, however Felix Mather is stated to be President in the 2010s, physically meeting the Eighth Doctor in Trading Futures. It is stated that Mather’s role in history was replaced due to Mather refusing to make a deal with Faction Paradox and so that has been taken into account.
Concerning the 2017-2021 Presidential Term
Donald Trump is stated to be a candidate in 2016 and is subsequently stated to be President in 2017, 2018 and 2020.
In contradiction, Daniel Strunk is stated to be President in 2017.
This is resolved by having Strunk be Mather’s successor who’s term was also replaced when Faction Paradox remove Mather’s term from history.
The Faction Paradox novel ‘Head of State’ depicts a 2 term Democratic President named Samson who is succeeded by Matt Nelson of a newly formed Radical Party. They are subsequently assassinated by their VP, the sentient humanoid TARDIS Lolita (Who has also been War Queen of Gallifrey and Queen of the UK before, as well as having devoured the Eleven Day Empire). It’s unknown how long she served nor when beyond ‘Early 21st Century’. She (along with Matt Nelson and Samson) have been as a temporal aberration replacing Mather and Strunk before themselves being replaced by Obama and Trump following Lolita’s defeat in True History of Faction Paradox and the ending of the War in Heaven.
A 2000 Bernice Summerfield short story claims Hillary Clinton was US President at some point. However, these records are portrayed as suspect with Bernice questioning them herself and have been ignored for lack of a position to place Clinton into the timeline.
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beewantstotalk · 2 years ago
Hugo Awarded Books:
1. T.H.White - The Sword in The Stone(1939)(3/02/23)
2. A.E. van Vogt - Slan(1941)
3. Robert A. Heinlein - Beyond This Horizon(1943)(21/06/23)
4. Fritz Leiber - Conjure Wife(1944)(30/06/23)
5. Leigh Brackett - Shadow Over Mars(1945)(19/05/23)
6. Isaac Asimov - The Mule(1946)
7. Robert A. Heinlein - Farmer in The Sky(1951)(30/01/23)
8. Alfred Bester - The Demolished Man(1953)
9. Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451(1954)
10. Mark Clifton - They'd Rather Be Right(1955)
11. Robert A. Heinlein - Double Star(1956)
12. Fritz Leiber - The Big Time(1958)
13. James Blish - A Case of Conscience(1959)
14. Robert A. Heinlein - Starship Troopers(1960)
15. Walter M. Miller, Jr. - A Canticle for Leibowitz(1961)
16. Robert A. Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange Land(1962)
17. Philip K. Dick - The Man in The High Castle(1963)
18. Clifford D. Simak - Here Gather the Stars(Way Station)(1964)
19. Fritz Leiber - The Wanderer(1965)
20. Frank Herbert - Dune(1966)
21. Robert A. Heinlein - The Moon is a Harsh Mistress(1967)
22. Roger Zelazny - Lord of Light(1968)
23. John Brunner - Stand on Zanzibar(1969)
24. Ursula K. Le Guin - The Left Hand of Darkness(1970)
25. Larry Niven - Ringworld(1971)
26. Philip José Farmer - To Your Scattered Bodies Go(1972)
27. Isaac Asimov - The Gods Themselves(1973)
28. Arthur C. Clarke - Rendezvous with Rama(1974)
29. Ursula K. Le Guin - The Dispossessed(1975)
30. Joe Haldeman - The Forever War(1976)
31. Kate Wilhelm - Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang(1977)
32. Frederik Pohl - Gateway(1978)
33. Vonda N. McIntyre - Dreamsnake(1979)
34. Arthur C. Clarke - The Fountains of Paradise(1980)
35. Joan D. Vinge - The Snow Queen(1981)
36. C. J. Cherryh - Downbelow Station(1982)
37. Isaac Asimov - Foundation's Edge(1983)
38. David Brin - Startide Rising(1984)
39. William Gibson - Neuromancer(1985)
40. Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game(1986)
41. Orson Scott Card - Speaker for the Dead(1987)
42. David Brin - The Uplift War(1988)
43. C. J. Cherryh - Cyteen(1989)
44. Dan Simmons - Hyperion(1990)
45. Lois McMaster Bujold - The Vor Game(1991)
46. Lois McMaster Bujold - Barrayar(1992)
47. Vernor Vinge - A Fire Upon the Deep(1993)
48. Connie Willis - Doomsday Book(1993)
49. Kim Stanley Robinson - Green Mars(1994)
50. Lois McMaster Bujold - Mirror Dance(1995)
51. Neal Stephenson - The Diamond Age(1996)
52. Kim Stanley Robinson - Blue Mars(1997)
53. Joe Haldeman - Forever Peace(1998)
54. Connie Willis - To Say Nothing to the Dog(1999)
55. Vernor Vinge - A Deepness in The Sky(2000)
56. J.K.Rowling - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire(2001)
57. Neil Gaiman - American Gods(2002)
58. Robert J. Sawyer - Hominids(2003)
59. Lois McMaster Bujold - Paladin of Souls(2004)
60. Susanna Clarke - Jonathan Strange and Mr.Norrell(2005)
61. Robert Charles Wilson - Spin(2006)
62. Vernor Vinge - Rainbows End(2007)
63. Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policemen's Union(2008)
64. Neil Gaiman - The Graveyard Book(2009)
65. Paolo Bacigalupi - The Windup Girl(2010)
66. China Miéville - The City & the City(2010)
67. Connie Willis - Blackout/All Clear(2011)
68. Jo Walton - Among Others(2012)
69. John Skalzi - Redshirts(2013)
70. Ann Leckie - Ancillary Justice(2014)
71. Cixin Liu - The Three-Body Problem(2015)
72. N.K.Jemisin - The Fifth Season(2016)
73. N.K.Jemisin - The Obelisk Gate(2017)
74. N.K.Jemisin - The Stone Sky(2018)
75. Mary Robinette Kowal - The Calculating Stars(2019)
76. Arkady Martine - A Memory Called Empire(2020)
77. Martha Wells - Network Effect(2021)
78. Arkady Martine - A Desolation Called Peace(2022)
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gorogues · 2 years ago
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Spoilers for comics in June!
These are from the official solicits for that month, which you can see in full at Adventures In Poor Taste.
Here's the full solicit for the Pride reprint issue featuring Hartley!
DC PRIDE: THROUGH THE YEARS #1 Written by GREG RUCKA, WILLIAM MESSNER-LOEBS, STEVE ORLANDO, VITA AYALA, and TIM SHERIDAN Art by J.H. WILLIAMS III, GREG LaROCQUE, JAMAL CAMPBELL, and CIAN TORMEY Cover by DEREK CHARM $9.99 US | 80 pages | One-shot | Prestige ON SALE 6/13/23 Take a journey through over 30 years of fan-favorite LGBTQIA+ characters in the DC Universe with this collection that not only remembers and celebrates three landmark issues of days past but also teases exciting new stories yet to come! DC Pride: Through the Years collects: The Flash #53 (1991), in which villain-turned-hero Pied Piper comes out to his friend the Flash and helps thwart a dastardly villain Detective Comics #854 (2009), the thrilling beginning of Batwoman’s first solo series, which would launch her into stardom Supergirl #19 (2018), which tells the story of Lee Serano—a nonbinary teenager who befriends the Girl of Steel An all-new story starring Alan Scott, which will light the way to his next great adventure as Green Lantern!
And here's the last issue of Jeremy Adams' Flash run, which will feature past creators and future writer Si Spurrier too. There are a ton of variant covers for the issue.
THE FLASH #800 Written by JEREMY ADAMS, MARK WAID, JOSHUA WILLIAMSON, GEOFF JOHNS, and SIMON SPURRIER Art by FERNANDO PASARIN & OCLAIR ALBERT, TODD NAUCK, CARMINE DI GIANDOMENICO, SCOTT KOLINS, and MIKE DEODATO JR. Cover by TAURIN CLARKE Variant covers by MICHAEL CHO, JEFF DEKAL, SIMONE DI MEO, DAVID NAKAYAMA, and OTTO SCHMIDT Special foil variant cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL ($6.99 US) 1:25 variant cover by JAVIER RODRIGUEZ 1:50 variant cover by MATT TAYLOR The Flash movie variant cover by JONBOY MEYERS $4.99 US | 48 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 6/6/23 An oversize anniversary issue concludes writer Jeremy Adams’s acclaimed tenure, with special guests Mark Waid, Joshua Williamson, and Geoff Johns joining the celebration! As the Adams run races to the finish line, get a prelude to the new Dawn of DC chapter of the Fastest Man Alive’s adventures from the dream team of Simon Spurrier (Coda, Detective Comics) and Mike Deodato Jr. (Avengers)!
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01sentencereviews · 2 years ago
“New-To-Me” - August 2023
Elephant (1989, Alan Clarke)
Teknolust (2002, Lynn Hershman-Leeson)
Charade (1963, Stanley Donen)
Star 80 (1983, Bob Fosse)
Mod Fuck Explosion (1994, Jon Moritsugu)
Actress (2014, Robert Greene)
An American in Paris (1951, Vincente Minnelli)
Bug (2006, William Friedkin)
Dragged Across Concrete (2018, S. Craig Zahler)
Funny Face (1957, Stanley Donen)
New Releases:
Birth/Rebirth (Laura Moss)
Bottoms (Emma Seligman)
Full Circle (Steven Soderbergh)
Incredible But True (Quentin Dupieux)
Passages (Ira Sachs)
Smoking Causes Coughing (Quentin Dupieux)
To Catch a Killer (Damián Szifron)
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cleverhottubmiracle · 15 hours ago
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Jalen Hurts accepts Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year Award, Burna Boy hits another major milestone with “On The Low,” Vinicius Junior subjected to racist abuse again. Stay in the know with our Rave News Digest, which summarizes five of the hottest global news stories you need to catch up on, saving you time and energy. Consider it your daily news fix. 1. Jalen Hurts accepts Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year Award “The city of Philadelphia has been great to me. I’ve given it my heart and my soul daily. This holds a special place in my heart. That pursuit to uplift those around us and create opportunities continues.” “I think that’s a quality that oozes throughout the city of Philadelphia:… pic.twitter.com/zqbFe3KPEr — John Clark (@JClarkNBCS) February 26, 2025 Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts continues to prove that his excellence extends beyond the football field. Just two weeks after leading his team to a Super Bowl LIX victory, Jalen Hurts was awarded Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year on Tuesday, February 25, at the second annual gala recognizing individuals making a lasting impact on the city. His Jalen Hurts Foundation, launched last summer, has already donated $200,000 to local schools, funding 300 air conditioners to create a more comfortable learning environment. In addition to financial contributions, Hurts has dedicated time to mentoring young athletes and supporting programs that provide crucial resources for students. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro praised Hurts and his fiancée, Bry Burrows, for using their platform to enact real change. “They understand that kids can’t learn when they’re sweating, so they decided to install thousands of air conditioners in our Philadelphia public schools,” Shapiro said. Hurts, known for his humility and leadership, reiterated his commitment to service during his acceptance speech. “What I strive to do is serve, mentor, progress, [and] give people opportunities that they don’t even know that they have,” he told the audience. Fresh off his MVP-winning Super Bowl performance, Hurts continues to prove that his impact reaches far beyond the gridiron. 2. Burna Boy hits another major milestone with “On The Low” 🚨 Burna Boy’s “On The Low” has now been certified gold in Denmark 🇩🇰 — It becomes his 6th song to be certified in the region 🔥 pic.twitter.com/oqVPkhDE93 — 𝗔𝗟𝗕𝗨𝗠 𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗞𝗦 📀 (@AlbumTalksHQ) February 26, 2025 Afrobeats superstar Burna Boy has reached another international milestone as his hit single “On The Low” has officially been certified Gold in Denmark. This latest recognition highlights the song’s enduring popularity and widespread appeal among global audiences, further cementing Burna Boy’s status as a leading force in the Afrobeats genre. Originally released in 2018, “On The Low” has remained a fan favorite, celebrated for its smooth Afro-fusion sound, infectious rhythm, and Burna Boy’s signature vocal delivery. With this certification, “On The Low” becomes the sixth song by Burna Boy to earn a certification in Denmark, reinforcing his growing influence in the international music industry. As he continues to push Afrobeats to new heights, this achievement adds to his impressive list of global accolades, solidifying his position as one of Africa’s most successful and recognized artists worldwide. 3. A$AP Rocky to face A$AP Relli’s assault lawsuit in civil case trial A$AP Relli is moving forward with his civil lawsuit against A$AP Rocky, Rolling Stone reports. On Wednesday (Feb. 26), a judge gave the green light for Relli’s civil case against the Harlem, N.Y. rapper. Relli sued Rocky in August of 2022 for assault and battery. However, the… pic.twitter.com/hjgclHceCW — XXL Magazine (@XXL) February 26, 2025 A$AP Rocky is set to face a civil trial in the ongoing legal battle with former associate A$AP Relli (Terrell Ephron), despite being acquitted in the related criminal case. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge William Fahey lifted a hold on Ephron’s lawsuit on Wednesday, February 26, scheduling the trial for January 12, 2026. The lawsuit alleges that Rocky, whose real name is Rakim Mayers, assaulted Ephron by firing a gun at him during a heated altercation in Hollywood in November 2021. A hearing for the case is set for May 28. Ephron’s attorney, Melisa Mikhail, has reaffirmed their intent to pursue the case, arguing that while Rocky was acquitted in the criminal trial, the civil lawsuit follows a lower standard of proof. “We intend to continue litigating this case,” Mikhail stated, maintaining confidence in the claims. Rocky’s civil attorney, James Sargent, has pushed back, arguing that the criminal trial’s outcome should render the civil case moot. However, with the court’s decision to move forward, Rocky now faces another legal battle over the same allegations, keeping the dispute between the former associates. 4. Wizkid’s “Morayo” hits new milestone on Spotify Wizkid’s hit song “Morayo” has reached a new milestone, exceeding 250 million streams on Spotify🦅 pic.twitter.com/DF2TuwTVOS — jago …P (@jagoP11) February 25, 2025 Afrobeats superstar Wizkid has reached another major milestone as his latest project, “Morayo,” surpasses 250 million streams on Spotify. This achievement further cements his status as one of Africa’s most streamed artists and a dominant force in the global music industry. The album’s success highlights Wizkid’s ability to consistently capture international audiences while staying true to his signature Afro-fusion sound. With this feat, “Morayo” becomes Wizkid’s third project to cross the 250 million streams mark on the platform, reinforcing his consistency and worldwide appeal. The album has been widely praised for its smooth production, infectious melodies, and seamless blend of Afrobeats and R&B influences. As “Morayo” continues to gain momentum, this milestone solidifies Wizkid’s place as a key figure in the streaming era and underscores his lasting impact on the global music scene. 5. Vinicius Junior subjected to racist abuse again Vinicius Junior complains about racism to referee Jose Maria Sanchez Martinez about RACISM during Real Sociedad vs Real Madrid.pic.twitter.com/zfSJmaY6Zz — Eleventh Minute (@eleventhmin) February 26, 2025 Real Madrid’s 1-0 victory over Real Sociedad in the first leg of their Copa del Rey semifinal was marred by another instance of racist abuse directed at Vinicius Jr. During the match at the Reale Arena, a Real Sociedad supporter was caught on camera making a monkey gesture towards the Brazilian winger, adding to a distressing pattern of discrimination he has faced in Spanish football. Additionally, chants of “Asencio die” were allegedly heard from the stands, targeting Madrid defender Asencio. The match was momentarily halted as referee Jose Maria Sanchez Martinez implemented anti-racism protocols, warning fans that the game could be suspended if the abuse continued. This incident is the latest in a series of racist attacks against Vinicius Jr., who has been subjected to similar treatment in previous matches, including at Valencia’s Mestalla Stadium and Mallorca’s Son Moix. In 2023, Atletico Madrid ultras were arrested after hanging a mannequin dressed in his jersey from a bridge. Real Madrid manager Carlo Ancelotti condemned the abuse, supporting Vinicius’ decision to alert the referee and urging authorities to take stricter measures against offenders. With La Liga and the Spanish Football Federation facing growing criticism, this latest controversy has reignited calls for tougher sanctions to combat discriminatory behavior in stadiums. Featured Image: @jalenhurts/Instagram Our Weekday News Digest summarizes five of the hottest news topics worldwide–including celebrity news from Hollywood to Nollywood, the latest trending global headlines from American reports to top African news today, and the best sports stories in 2025.For the latest in fashion, lifestyle, and culture, follow us on Instagram @StyleRave_— Read also !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', ' fbq('init', '496558104568102'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' fbq('init', '1453079628754066'); fbq('track', "PageView"); Source link
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norajworld · 15 hours ago
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Jalen Hurts accepts Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year Award, Burna Boy hits another major milestone with “On The Low,” Vinicius Junior subjected to racist abuse again. Stay in the know with our Rave News Digest, which summarizes five of the hottest global news stories you need to catch up on, saving you time and energy. Consider it your daily news fix. 1. Jalen Hurts accepts Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year Award “The city of Philadelphia has been great to me. I’ve given it my heart and my soul daily. This holds a special place in my heart. That pursuit to uplift those around us and create opportunities continues.” “I think that’s a quality that oozes throughout the city of Philadelphia:… pic.twitter.com/zqbFe3KPEr — John Clark (@JClarkNBCS) February 26, 2025 Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts continues to prove that his excellence extends beyond the football field. Just two weeks after leading his team to a Super Bowl LIX victory, Jalen Hurts was awarded Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year on Tuesday, February 25, at the second annual gala recognizing individuals making a lasting impact on the city. His Jalen Hurts Foundation, launched last summer, has already donated $200,000 to local schools, funding 300 air conditioners to create a more comfortable learning environment. In addition to financial contributions, Hurts has dedicated time to mentoring young athletes and supporting programs that provide crucial resources for students. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro praised Hurts and his fiancée, Bry Burrows, for using their platform to enact real change. “They understand that kids can’t learn when they’re sweating, so they decided to install thousands of air conditioners in our Philadelphia public schools,” Shapiro said. Hurts, known for his humility and leadership, reiterated his commitment to service during his acceptance speech. “What I strive to do is serve, mentor, progress, [and] give people opportunities that they don’t even know that they have,” he told the audience. Fresh off his MVP-winning Super Bowl performance, Hurts continues to prove that his impact reaches far beyond the gridiron. 2. Burna Boy hits another major milestone with “On The Low” 🚨 Burna Boy’s “On The Low” has now been certified gold in Denmark 🇩🇰 — It becomes his 6th song to be certified in the region 🔥 pic.twitter.com/oqVPkhDE93 — 𝗔𝗟𝗕𝗨𝗠 𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗞𝗦 📀 (@AlbumTalksHQ) February 26, 2025 Afrobeats superstar Burna Boy has reached another international milestone as his hit single “On The Low” has officially been certified Gold in Denmark. This latest recognition highlights the song’s enduring popularity and widespread appeal among global audiences, further cementing Burna Boy’s status as a leading force in the Afrobeats genre. Originally released in 2018, “On The Low” has remained a fan favorite, celebrated for its smooth Afro-fusion sound, infectious rhythm, and Burna Boy’s signature vocal delivery. With this certification, “On The Low” becomes the sixth song by Burna Boy to earn a certification in Denmark, reinforcing his growing influence in the international music industry. As he continues to push Afrobeats to new heights, this achievement adds to his impressive list of global accolades, solidifying his position as one of Africa’s most successful and recognized artists worldwide. 3. A$AP Rocky to face A$AP Relli’s assault lawsuit in civil case trial A$AP Relli is moving forward with his civil lawsuit against A$AP Rocky, Rolling Stone reports. On Wednesday (Feb. 26), a judge gave the green light for Relli’s civil case against the Harlem, N.Y. rapper. Relli sued Rocky in August of 2022 for assault and battery. However, the… pic.twitter.com/hjgclHceCW — XXL Magazine (@XXL) February 26, 2025 A$AP Rocky is set to face a civil trial in the ongoing legal battle with former associate A$AP Relli (Terrell Ephron), despite being acquitted in the related criminal case. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge William Fahey lifted a hold on Ephron’s lawsuit on Wednesday, February 26, scheduling the trial for January 12, 2026. The lawsuit alleges that Rocky, whose real name is Rakim Mayers, assaulted Ephron by firing a gun at him during a heated altercation in Hollywood in November 2021. A hearing for the case is set for May 28. Ephron’s attorney, Melisa Mikhail, has reaffirmed their intent to pursue the case, arguing that while Rocky was acquitted in the criminal trial, the civil lawsuit follows a lower standard of proof. “We intend to continue litigating this case,” Mikhail stated, maintaining confidence in the claims. Rocky’s civil attorney, James Sargent, has pushed back, arguing that the criminal trial’s outcome should render the civil case moot. However, with the court’s decision to move forward, Rocky now faces another legal battle over the same allegations, keeping the dispute between the former associates. 4. Wizkid’s “Morayo” hits new milestone on Spotify Wizkid’s hit song “Morayo” has reached a new milestone, exceeding 250 million streams on Spotify🦅 pic.twitter.com/DF2TuwTVOS — jago …P (@jagoP11) February 25, 2025 Afrobeats superstar Wizkid has reached another major milestone as his latest project, “Morayo,” surpasses 250 million streams on Spotify. This achievement further cements his status as one of Africa’s most streamed artists and a dominant force in the global music industry. The album’s success highlights Wizkid’s ability to consistently capture international audiences while staying true to his signature Afro-fusion sound. With this feat, “Morayo” becomes Wizkid’s third project to cross the 250 million streams mark on the platform, reinforcing his consistency and worldwide appeal. The album has been widely praised for its smooth production, infectious melodies, and seamless blend of Afrobeats and R&B influences. As “Morayo” continues to gain momentum, this milestone solidifies Wizkid’s place as a key figure in the streaming era and underscores his lasting impact on the global music scene. 5. Vinicius Junior subjected to racist abuse again Vinicius Junior complains about racism to referee Jose Maria Sanchez Martinez about RACISM during Real Sociedad vs Real Madrid.pic.twitter.com/zfSJmaY6Zz — Eleventh Minute (@eleventhmin) February 26, 2025 Real Madrid’s 1-0 victory over Real Sociedad in the first leg of their Copa del Rey semifinal was marred by another instance of racist abuse directed at Vinicius Jr. During the match at the Reale Arena, a Real Sociedad supporter was caught on camera making a monkey gesture towards the Brazilian winger, adding to a distressing pattern of discrimination he has faced in Spanish football. Additionally, chants of “Asencio die” were allegedly heard from the stands, targeting Madrid defender Asencio. The match was momentarily halted as referee Jose Maria Sanchez Martinez implemented anti-racism protocols, warning fans that the game could be suspended if the abuse continued. This incident is the latest in a series of racist attacks against Vinicius Jr., who has been subjected to similar treatment in previous matches, including at Valencia’s Mestalla Stadium and Mallorca’s Son Moix. In 2023, Atletico Madrid ultras were arrested after hanging a mannequin dressed in his jersey from a bridge. Real Madrid manager Carlo Ancelotti condemned the abuse, supporting Vinicius’ decision to alert the referee and urging authorities to take stricter measures against offenders. With La Liga and the Spanish Football Federation facing growing criticism, this latest controversy has reignited calls for tougher sanctions to combat discriminatory behavior in stadiums. Featured Image: @jalenhurts/Instagram Our Weekday News Digest summarizes five of the hottest news topics worldwide–including celebrity news from Hollywood to Nollywood, the latest trending global headlines from American reports to top African news today, and the best sports stories in 2025.For the latest in fashion, lifestyle, and culture, follow us on Instagram @StyleRave_— Read also !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', ' fbq('init', '496558104568102'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' fbq('init', '1453079628754066'); fbq('track', "PageView"); Source link
0 notes
ellajme0 · 15 hours ago
Tumblr media
Jalen Hurts accepts Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year Award, Burna Boy hits another major milestone with “On The Low,” Vinicius Junior subjected to racist abuse again. Stay in the know with our Rave News Digest, which summarizes five of the hottest global news stories you need to catch up on, saving you time and energy. Consider it your daily news fix. 1. Jalen Hurts accepts Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year Award “The city of Philadelphia has been great to me. I’ve given it my heart and my soul daily. This holds a special place in my heart. That pursuit to uplift those around us and create opportunities continues.” “I think that’s a quality that oozes throughout the city of Philadelphia:… pic.twitter.com/zqbFe3KPEr — John Clark (@JClarkNBCS) February 26, 2025 Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts continues to prove that his excellence extends beyond the football field. Just two weeks after leading his team to a Super Bowl LIX victory, Jalen Hurts was awarded Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year on Tuesday, February 25, at the second annual gala recognizing individuals making a lasting impact on the city. His Jalen Hurts Foundation, launched last summer, has already donated $200,000 to local schools, funding 300 air conditioners to create a more comfortable learning environment. In addition to financial contributions, Hurts has dedicated time to mentoring young athletes and supporting programs that provide crucial resources for students. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro praised Hurts and his fiancée, Bry Burrows, for using their platform to enact real change. “They understand that kids can’t learn when they’re sweating, so they decided to install thousands of air conditioners in our Philadelphia public schools,” Shapiro said. Hurts, known for his humility and leadership, reiterated his commitment to service during his acceptance speech. “What I strive to do is serve, mentor, progress, [and] give people opportunities that they don’t even know that they have,” he told the audience. Fresh off his MVP-winning Super Bowl performance, Hurts continues to prove that his impact reaches far beyond the gridiron. 2. Burna Boy hits another major milestone with “On The Low” 🚨 Burna Boy’s “On The Low” has now been certified gold in Denmark 🇩🇰 — It becomes his 6th song to be certified in the region 🔥 pic.twitter.com/oqVPkhDE93 — 𝗔𝗟𝗕𝗨𝗠 𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗞𝗦 📀 (@AlbumTalksHQ) February 26, 2025 Afrobeats superstar Burna Boy has reached another international milestone as his hit single “On The Low” has officially been certified Gold in Denmark. This latest recognition highlights the song’s enduring popularity and widespread appeal among global audiences, further cementing Burna Boy’s status as a leading force in the Afrobeats genre. Originally released in 2018, “On The Low” has remained a fan favorite, celebrated for its smooth Afro-fusion sound, infectious rhythm, and Burna Boy’s signature vocal delivery. With this certification, “On The Low” becomes the sixth song by Burna Boy to earn a certification in Denmark, reinforcing his growing influence in the international music industry. As he continues to push Afrobeats to new heights, this achievement adds to his impressive list of global accolades, solidifying his position as one of Africa’s most successful and recognized artists worldwide. 3. A$AP Rocky to face A$AP Relli’s assault lawsuit in civil case trial A$AP Relli is moving forward with his civil lawsuit against A$AP Rocky, Rolling Stone reports. On Wednesday (Feb. 26), a judge gave the green light for Relli’s civil case against the Harlem, N.Y. rapper. Relli sued Rocky in August of 2022 for assault and battery. However, the… pic.twitter.com/hjgclHceCW — XXL Magazine (@XXL) February 26, 2025 A$AP Rocky is set to face a civil trial in the ongoing legal battle with former associate A$AP Relli (Terrell Ephron), despite being acquitted in the related criminal case. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge William Fahey lifted a hold on Ephron’s lawsuit on Wednesday, February 26, scheduling the trial for January 12, 2026. The lawsuit alleges that Rocky, whose real name is Rakim Mayers, assaulted Ephron by firing a gun at him during a heated altercation in Hollywood in November 2021. A hearing for the case is set for May 28. Ephron’s attorney, Melisa Mikhail, has reaffirmed their intent to pursue the case, arguing that while Rocky was acquitted in the criminal trial, the civil lawsuit follows a lower standard of proof. “We intend to continue litigating this case,” Mikhail stated, maintaining confidence in the claims. Rocky’s civil attorney, James Sargent, has pushed back, arguing that the criminal trial’s outcome should render the civil case moot. However, with the court’s decision to move forward, Rocky now faces another legal battle over the same allegations, keeping the dispute between the former associates. 4. Wizkid’s “Morayo” hits new milestone on Spotify Wizkid’s hit song “Morayo” has reached a new milestone, exceeding 250 million streams on Spotify🦅 pic.twitter.com/DF2TuwTVOS — jago …P (@jagoP11) February 25, 2025 Afrobeats superstar Wizkid has reached another major milestone as his latest project, “Morayo,” surpasses 250 million streams on Spotify. This achievement further cements his status as one of Africa’s most streamed artists and a dominant force in the global music industry. The album’s success highlights Wizkid’s ability to consistently capture international audiences while staying true to his signature Afro-fusion sound. With this feat, “Morayo” becomes Wizkid’s third project to cross the 250 million streams mark on the platform, reinforcing his consistency and worldwide appeal. The album has been widely praised for its smooth production, infectious melodies, and seamless blend of Afrobeats and R&B influences. As “Morayo” continues to gain momentum, this milestone solidifies Wizkid’s place as a key figure in the streaming era and underscores his lasting impact on the global music scene. 5. Vinicius Junior subjected to racist abuse again Vinicius Junior complains about racism to referee Jose Maria Sanchez Martinez about RACISM during Real Sociedad vs Real Madrid.pic.twitter.com/zfSJmaY6Zz — Eleventh Minute (@eleventhmin) February 26, 2025 Real Madrid’s 1-0 victory over Real Sociedad in the first leg of their Copa del Rey semifinal was marred by another instance of racist abuse directed at Vinicius Jr. During the match at the Reale Arena, a Real Sociedad supporter was caught on camera making a monkey gesture towards the Brazilian winger, adding to a distressing pattern of discrimination he has faced in Spanish football. Additionally, chants of “Asencio die” were allegedly heard from the stands, targeting Madrid defender Asencio. The match was momentarily halted as referee Jose Maria Sanchez Martinez implemented anti-racism protocols, warning fans that the game could be suspended if the abuse continued. This incident is the latest in a series of racist attacks against Vinicius Jr., who has been subjected to similar treatment in previous matches, including at Valencia’s Mestalla Stadium and Mallorca’s Son Moix. In 2023, Atletico Madrid ultras were arrested after hanging a mannequin dressed in his jersey from a bridge. Real Madrid manager Carlo Ancelotti condemned the abuse, supporting Vinicius’ decision to alert the referee and urging authorities to take stricter measures against offenders. With La Liga and the Spanish Football Federation facing growing criticism, this latest controversy has reignited calls for tougher sanctions to combat discriminatory behavior in stadiums. Featured Image: @jalenhurts/Instagram Our Weekday News Digest summarizes five of the hottest news topics worldwide–including celebrity news from Hollywood to Nollywood, the latest trending global headlines from American reports to top African news today, and the best sports stories in 2025.For the latest in fashion, lifestyle, and culture, follow us on Instagram @StyleRave_— Read also !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', ' fbq('init', '496558104568102'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' fbq('init', '1453079628754066'); fbq('track', "PageView"); Source link
0 notes
chilimili212 · 15 hours ago
Tumblr media
Jalen Hurts accepts Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year Award, Burna Boy hits another major milestone with “On The Low,” Vinicius Junior subjected to racist abuse again. Stay in the know with our Rave News Digest, which summarizes five of the hottest global news stories you need to catch up on, saving you time and energy. Consider it your daily news fix. 1. Jalen Hurts accepts Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year Award “The city of Philadelphia has been great to me. I’ve given it my heart and my soul daily. This holds a special place in my heart. That pursuit to uplift those around us and create opportunities continues.” “I think that’s a quality that oozes throughout the city of Philadelphia:… pic.twitter.com/zqbFe3KPEr — John Clark (@JClarkNBCS) February 26, 2025 Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts continues to prove that his excellence extends beyond the football field. Just two weeks after leading his team to a Super Bowl LIX victory, Jalen Hurts was awarded Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year on Tuesday, February 25, at the second annual gala recognizing individuals making a lasting impact on the city. His Jalen Hurts Foundation, launched last summer, has already donated $200,000 to local schools, funding 300 air conditioners to create a more comfortable learning environment. In addition to financial contributions, Hurts has dedicated time to mentoring young athletes and supporting programs that provide crucial resources for students. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro praised Hurts and his fiancée, Bry Burrows, for using their platform to enact real change. “They understand that kids can’t learn when they’re sweating, so they decided to install thousands of air conditioners in our Philadelphia public schools,” Shapiro said. Hurts, known for his humility and leadership, reiterated his commitment to service during his acceptance speech. “What I strive to do is serve, mentor, progress, [and] give people opportunities that they don’t even know that they have,” he told the audience. Fresh off his MVP-winning Super Bowl performance, Hurts continues to prove that his impact reaches far beyond the gridiron. 2. Burna Boy hits another major milestone with “On The Low” 🚨 Burna Boy’s “On The Low” has now been certified gold in Denmark 🇩🇰 — It becomes his 6th song to be certified in the region 🔥 pic.twitter.com/oqVPkhDE93 — 𝗔𝗟𝗕𝗨𝗠 𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗞𝗦 📀 (@AlbumTalksHQ) February 26, 2025 Afrobeats superstar Burna Boy has reached another international milestone as his hit single “On The Low” has officially been certified Gold in Denmark. This latest recognition highlights the song’s enduring popularity and widespread appeal among global audiences, further cementing Burna Boy’s status as a leading force in the Afrobeats genre. Originally released in 2018, “On The Low” has remained a fan favorite, celebrated for its smooth Afro-fusion sound, infectious rhythm, and Burna Boy’s signature vocal delivery. With this certification, “On The Low” becomes the sixth song by Burna Boy to earn a certification in Denmark, reinforcing his growing influence in the international music industry. As he continues to push Afrobeats to new heights, this achievement adds to his impressive list of global accolades, solidifying his position as one of Africa’s most successful and recognized artists worldwide. 3. A$AP Rocky to face A$AP Relli’s assault lawsuit in civil case trial A$AP Relli is moving forward with his civil lawsuit against A$AP Rocky, Rolling Stone reports. On Wednesday (Feb. 26), a judge gave the green light for Relli’s civil case against the Harlem, N.Y. rapper. Relli sued Rocky in August of 2022 for assault and battery. However, the… pic.twitter.com/hjgclHceCW — XXL Magazine (@XXL) February 26, 2025 A$AP Rocky is set to face a civil trial in the ongoing legal battle with former associate A$AP Relli (Terrell Ephron), despite being acquitted in the related criminal case. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge William Fahey lifted a hold on Ephron’s lawsuit on Wednesday, February 26, scheduling the trial for January 12, 2026. The lawsuit alleges that Rocky, whose real name is Rakim Mayers, assaulted Ephron by firing a gun at him during a heated altercation in Hollywood in November 2021. A hearing for the case is set for May 28. Ephron’s attorney, Melisa Mikhail, has reaffirmed their intent to pursue the case, arguing that while Rocky was acquitted in the criminal trial, the civil lawsuit follows a lower standard of proof. “We intend to continue litigating this case,” Mikhail stated, maintaining confidence in the claims. Rocky’s civil attorney, James Sargent, has pushed back, arguing that the criminal trial’s outcome should render the civil case moot. However, with the court’s decision to move forward, Rocky now faces another legal battle over the same allegations, keeping the dispute between the former associates. 4. Wizkid’s “Morayo” hits new milestone on Spotify Wizkid’s hit song “Morayo” has reached a new milestone, exceeding 250 million streams on Spotify🦅 pic.twitter.com/DF2TuwTVOS — jago …P (@jagoP11) February 25, 2025 Afrobeats superstar Wizkid has reached another major milestone as his latest project, “Morayo,” surpasses 250 million streams on Spotify. This achievement further cements his status as one of Africa’s most streamed artists and a dominant force in the global music industry. The album’s success highlights Wizkid’s ability to consistently capture international audiences while staying true to his signature Afro-fusion sound. With this feat, “Morayo” becomes Wizkid’s third project to cross the 250 million streams mark on the platform, reinforcing his consistency and worldwide appeal. The album has been widely praised for its smooth production, infectious melodies, and seamless blend of Afrobeats and R&B influences. As “Morayo” continues to gain momentum, this milestone solidifies Wizkid’s place as a key figure in the streaming era and underscores his lasting impact on the global music scene. 5. Vinicius Junior subjected to racist abuse again Vinicius Junior complains about racism to referee Jose Maria Sanchez Martinez about RACISM during Real Sociedad vs Real Madrid.pic.twitter.com/zfSJmaY6Zz — Eleventh Minute (@eleventhmin) February 26, 2025 Real Madrid’s 1-0 victory over Real Sociedad in the first leg of their Copa del Rey semifinal was marred by another instance of racist abuse directed at Vinicius Jr. During the match at the Reale Arena, a Real Sociedad supporter was caught on camera making a monkey gesture towards the Brazilian winger, adding to a distressing pattern of discrimination he has faced in Spanish football. Additionally, chants of “Asencio die” were allegedly heard from the stands, targeting Madrid defender Asencio. The match was momentarily halted as referee Jose Maria Sanchez Martinez implemented anti-racism protocols, warning fans that the game could be suspended if the abuse continued. This incident is the latest in a series of racist attacks against Vinicius Jr., who has been subjected to similar treatment in previous matches, including at Valencia’s Mestalla Stadium and Mallorca’s Son Moix. In 2023, Atletico Madrid ultras were arrested after hanging a mannequin dressed in his jersey from a bridge. Real Madrid manager Carlo Ancelotti condemned the abuse, supporting Vinicius’ decision to alert the referee and urging authorities to take stricter measures against offenders. With La Liga and the Spanish Football Federation facing growing criticism, this latest controversy has reignited calls for tougher sanctions to combat discriminatory behavior in stadiums. Featured Image: @jalenhurts/Instagram Our Weekday News Digest summarizes five of the hottest news topics worldwide–including celebrity news from Hollywood to Nollywood, the latest trending global headlines from American reports to top African news today, and the best sports stories in 2025.For the latest in fashion, lifestyle, and culture, follow us on Instagram @StyleRave_— Read also !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', ' fbq('init', '496558104568102'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' fbq('init', '1453079628754066'); fbq('track', "PageView"); Source link
0 notes
oliviajoyice21 · 15 hours ago
Tumblr media
Jalen Hurts accepts Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year Award, Burna Boy hits another major milestone with “On The Low,” Vinicius Junior subjected to racist abuse again. Stay in the know with our Rave News Digest, which summarizes five of the hottest global news stories you need to catch up on, saving you time and energy. Consider it your daily news fix. 1. Jalen Hurts accepts Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year Award “The city of Philadelphia has been great to me. I’ve given it my heart and my soul daily. This holds a special place in my heart. That pursuit to uplift those around us and create opportunities continues.” “I think that’s a quality that oozes throughout the city of Philadelphia:… pic.twitter.com/zqbFe3KPEr — John Clark (@JClarkNBCS) February 26, 2025 Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts continues to prove that his excellence extends beyond the football field. Just two weeks after leading his team to a Super Bowl LIX victory, Jalen Hurts was awarded Philadelphia’s Citizen of the Year on Tuesday, February 25, at the second annual gala recognizing individuals making a lasting impact on the city. His Jalen Hurts Foundation, launched last summer, has already donated $200,000 to local schools, funding 300 air conditioners to create a more comfortable learning environment. In addition to financial contributions, Hurts has dedicated time to mentoring young athletes and supporting programs that provide crucial resources for students. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro praised Hurts and his fiancée, Bry Burrows, for using their platform to enact real change. “They understand that kids can’t learn when they’re sweating, so they decided to install thousands of air conditioners in our Philadelphia public schools,” Shapiro said. Hurts, known for his humility and leadership, reiterated his commitment to service during his acceptance speech. “What I strive to do is serve, mentor, progress, [and] give people opportunities that they don’t even know that they have,” he told the audience. Fresh off his MVP-winning Super Bowl performance, Hurts continues to prove that his impact reaches far beyond the gridiron. 2. Burna Boy hits another major milestone with “On The Low” 🚨 Burna Boy’s “On The Low” has now been certified gold in Denmark 🇩🇰 — It becomes his 6th song to be certified in the region 🔥 pic.twitter.com/oqVPkhDE93 — 𝗔𝗟𝗕𝗨𝗠 𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗞𝗦 📀 (@AlbumTalksHQ) February 26, 2025 Afrobeats superstar Burna Boy has reached another international milestone as his hit single “On The Low” has officially been certified Gold in Denmark. This latest recognition highlights the song’s enduring popularity and widespread appeal among global audiences, further cementing Burna Boy’s status as a leading force in the Afrobeats genre. Originally released in 2018, “On The Low” has remained a fan favorite, celebrated for its smooth Afro-fusion sound, infectious rhythm, and Burna Boy’s signature vocal delivery. With this certification, “On The Low” becomes the sixth song by Burna Boy to earn a certification in Denmark, reinforcing his growing influence in the international music industry. As he continues to push Afrobeats to new heights, this achievement adds to his impressive list of global accolades, solidifying his position as one of Africa’s most successful and recognized artists worldwide. 3. A$AP Rocky to face A$AP Relli’s assault lawsuit in civil case trial A$AP Relli is moving forward with his civil lawsuit against A$AP Rocky, Rolling Stone reports. On Wednesday (Feb. 26), a judge gave the green light for Relli’s civil case against the Harlem, N.Y. rapper. Relli sued Rocky in August of 2022 for assault and battery. However, the… pic.twitter.com/hjgclHceCW — XXL Magazine (@XXL) February 26, 2025 A$AP Rocky is set to face a civil trial in the ongoing legal battle with former associate A$AP Relli (Terrell Ephron), despite being acquitted in the related criminal case. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge William Fahey lifted a hold on Ephron’s lawsuit on Wednesday, February 26, scheduling the trial for January 12, 2026. The lawsuit alleges that Rocky, whose real name is Rakim Mayers, assaulted Ephron by firing a gun at him during a heated altercation in Hollywood in November 2021. A hearing for the case is set for May 28. Ephron’s attorney, Melisa Mikhail, has reaffirmed their intent to pursue the case, arguing that while Rocky was acquitted in the criminal trial, the civil lawsuit follows a lower standard of proof. “We intend to continue litigating this case,” Mikhail stated, maintaining confidence in the claims. Rocky’s civil attorney, James Sargent, has pushed back, arguing that the criminal trial’s outcome should render the civil case moot. However, with the court’s decision to move forward, Rocky now faces another legal battle over the same allegations, keeping the dispute between the former associates. 4. Wizkid’s “Morayo” hits new milestone on Spotify Wizkid’s hit song “Morayo” has reached a new milestone, exceeding 250 million streams on Spotify🦅 pic.twitter.com/DF2TuwTVOS — jago …P (@jagoP11) February 25, 2025 Afrobeats superstar Wizkid has reached another major milestone as his latest project, “Morayo,” surpasses 250 million streams on Spotify. This achievement further cements his status as one of Africa’s most streamed artists and a dominant force in the global music industry. The album’s success highlights Wizkid’s ability to consistently capture international audiences while staying true to his signature Afro-fusion sound. With this feat, “Morayo” becomes Wizkid’s third project to cross the 250 million streams mark on the platform, reinforcing his consistency and worldwide appeal. The album has been widely praised for its smooth production, infectious melodies, and seamless blend of Afrobeats and R&B influences. As “Morayo” continues to gain momentum, this milestone solidifies Wizkid’s place as a key figure in the streaming era and underscores his lasting impact on the global music scene. 5. Vinicius Junior subjected to racist abuse again Vinicius Junior complains about racism to referee Jose Maria Sanchez Martinez about RACISM during Real Sociedad vs Real Madrid.pic.twitter.com/zfSJmaY6Zz — Eleventh Minute (@eleventhmin) February 26, 2025 Real Madrid’s 1-0 victory over Real Sociedad in the first leg of their Copa del Rey semifinal was marred by another instance of racist abuse directed at Vinicius Jr. During the match at the Reale Arena, a Real Sociedad supporter was caught on camera making a monkey gesture towards the Brazilian winger, adding to a distressing pattern of discrimination he has faced in Spanish football. Additionally, chants of “Asencio die” were allegedly heard from the stands, targeting Madrid defender Asencio. The match was momentarily halted as referee Jose Maria Sanchez Martinez implemented anti-racism protocols, warning fans that the game could be suspended if the abuse continued. This incident is the latest in a series of racist attacks against Vinicius Jr., who has been subjected to similar treatment in previous matches, including at Valencia’s Mestalla Stadium and Mallorca’s Son Moix. In 2023, Atletico Madrid ultras were arrested after hanging a mannequin dressed in his jersey from a bridge. Real Madrid manager Carlo Ancelotti condemned the abuse, supporting Vinicius’ decision to alert the referee and urging authorities to take stricter measures against offenders. With La Liga and the Spanish Football Federation facing growing criticism, this latest controversy has reignited calls for tougher sanctions to combat discriminatory behavior in stadiums. Featured Image: @jalenhurts/Instagram Our Weekday News Digest summarizes five of the hottest news topics worldwide–including celebrity news from Hollywood to Nollywood, the latest trending global headlines from American reports to top African news today, and the best sports stories in 2025.For the latest in fashion, lifestyle, and culture, follow us on Instagram @StyleRave_— Read also !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', ' fbq('init', '496558104568102'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script',' fbq('init', '1453079628754066'); fbq('track', "PageView"); Source link
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moochilatv · 4 months ago
Ashtyn Barbaree presents: Along For The Ride
Folky song for special moments
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Ashtyn Barbaree is an internationally touring Americana singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Fayetteville, Arkansas, noted for her ethereal vocals, heartfelt songwriting, and passionate performances.
She was nominated for Acoustic Act of the Year (2024) and Americana Artist of the Year (2023) at the Arkansas Country Music Awards. Performances include opening for talents such as Alexandra Kay, Mike Mains, Jason Boland & the Stragglers, William Clark Green, Arkansauce and Adeem the Artist. She performed at the Walmart AMP VIP Lounge during The Avett Brothers, Sarah McLachlan, Feist and will return for Jewel and Melissa Etheridge.
Her self-titled debut EP was recorded at John Prine's The Butcher Shoppe with David “Fergie” Ferguson, Dave Roe, Kenny Vaughan, Jeffrey Clemens, Michael Rojas and Sean Sullivan, once released, it led to her first European tour in 2018. Her first full-length album, Better Luck Next Time, was recorded in Nashville, TN at The Studio Nashville with Chris Scruggs, Jeffrey Clemens, Jacob Campbell, Tommy Hannum, Brook Sutton and Daniel Thiels, then released in June 2022.
Her latest album, Sent Through The Ceiling, out now, explores themes of self-discovery, resilience, and life's bittersweet journeys. Drawing inspiration from the Ozarks and personal experiences, Barbaree weaves narratives of love, loss, and the pursuit of dreams with a rich musical palette that includes elements of folk, rock, pop, and country.
Along For The Ride is a haunting, introspective folk ballad that captures the bittersweet journey of life through poignant storytelling. Inspired by Ashtyn Barbaree’s personal experience of losing her first love in a car accident in Lebanon, MO, the song carries profound emotional depth. With delicate instrumentation and Ashtyn’s heartfelt vocals, Along For The Ride leaves listeners with a lasting, powerful impression.
0 notes
prideknights · 5 years ago
Say Their Names
Day 1 of Tumblr’s #ActsOfPride campaign:
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These are the black trans lives we have lost due to violence in the United States since 2009. Sadly, this is most likely not a complete list as many of the souls we have lost go unreported or were misgendered. They will not be forgotten.
Caprice Curry, 31 - Killed January 17, 2009 Jimmy McCollough, 34 - Killed April 14, 2009 Foxy Ivy, mid 30s - May 23, 2009 Christopher Jermaine Scott, 36 - Killed July 1, 2009 Beyonce (Eric) Lee, 21 - Killed July 26, 2009 Tyli’a Mack, 21 - Killed August 26, 2009 Dee Green, 25 - Killed October 26, 2009 Toni Alston, 44 - Killed April 3, 2010 Chanel (Dana A. Larkin), 26 - Killed May 7, 2010 Sandy Woulard, 28 - Killed June 21, 2010 Victoria Carmen White, 28 - Killed September 8, 2010 Stacey Lee aka Stacey Blahnik, 31 - Killed October 11, 2010 Tyra Trent, 25 - Killed February 19, 2011 Marcal Camero Tye, 25 - Killed March 8, 2011 Miss Nate Nate, 44 - Killed June 13, 2011 Lashai Mclean, 23 - Killed July 20, 2011 Shelley Hilliard, 19 - Killed October 23, 2011 Chassity Nathan Vickers, 32 - Killed November 17, 2011 Githe Goines, 23 - Killed December 29, 2011 Crain Conaway, 47 - Killed January 17, 2012 Deoni Jones, 23 - Killed February 2, 2012 Coko Williams, 35 - Killed April 4, 2012 Tyrell Jackson, 23 - Killed April 4, 2012 Paige Clay, 23 - Killed April 16, 2012 Brandy Martell, 37 - Killed April 29, 2012 Tracey Johnson, 40 - Killed July 5, 2012 Tiffany Gooden, 19 - Killed August 14, 2012 Dewayne “Deja” Jones, 33 - Killed August 26, 2012 Kendall Hampton, 26 - Killed August 29, 2012 Evon Young, 22 - Killed January 1, 2013 Cemia “CeCe” Dove, 23 - Killed March 27, 2013 Kelly Young, 29 - Killed April 3, 2013 Ashley Sinclair, 30 - Killed April 11, 2013 Fatima Woods, 53 - Killed May 30, 2013 Jock Maurice McKinney, 50 - Killed 12 July, 2013 Diamond Williams, 31 - Killed July 14, 2013 Domonique Newburn, 31 - Killed August 20, 2013 Islan Nettles, 21 - Killed August 20, 2013 Artegus Konyale Madden, 37 - Killed September 1, 2013 Terry Golston, 44 - Killed September 6, 2013 Eyricka Morgan, 26 - Killed September 24, 2013 Brittany Stergis, 22 - Killed December 5, 2013 Kandy Hall, 40 - Killed June 3, 2014 Yaz'min Shancez, 31 - Killed June 19, 2014 Tiffany Edwards, 28 - Killed June 26, 2014 Mia Henderson, 26 - Killed July 16, 2014 Aniya Parker, 47 - Killed October 3, 2014 Ashley Sherman, 25 - Killed October 27, 2014 Gizzy Fowler, 24 - Killed November 12, 2014 Lamar Edwards, 20  - Killed January 9, 2015 Lamia Beard, 30 - Killed January 17, 2015 Ty Underwood, 24  - Killed January 26, 2015 Yazmin Vash Payne, 33 - Killed January 31, 2015 Taja Gabrielle DeJesus, 36 - Killed February 1, 2015 Penny Proud, 21 - Killed February 10, 2015 Keyshia Blige, 33 - Killed March 7, 2015 London Chanel, 21 - Killed May 18, 2015 Ashton O’Hara, 25 - Killed July 14, 2015 India Clarke, 25 - Killed July 2, 2015 Shade Schuler, 22 - Killed July 29, 2015 Amber Monroe, 20 - Killed August 8, 2015 Kandis Capri, 35 - Killed August 11, 2015 Elisha Walker, 20 - Killed August 13, 2015 Kiesha Jenkins, 22 - Killed October 6, 2015 Zella Ziona, 21 - Killed October 15, 2015 Veronica Banks Cano, mid 30s - Killed February 19, 2016 Maya Young, 25 - Killed February 21, 2016 Demarkis Stansberry, 30 - Killed February 27, 2016 Kedarie Johnson, 16 - Killed March 2, 2016 Shante Isaac, 34 - Killed April 10, 2016 Keyonna Blakeney, 22 - Killed April 16, 2016 Tyreece Walker, 32 - Killed May 1, 2016 Mercedes Successful, 32 - Killed May 15, 2016 Goddess Diamond, 20 - Killed June 5, 2016 Deeniquia Dodds, 22 - Killed July 13, 2016 Dee Whigam, 25 - Killed July 23, 2016 Skye Mockabee, 26 - Killed July 30, 2016 Rae'Lynn Thomas, 28 - Killed August 10, 2016 T.T. Saffore, mid-20s, Killed September 11, 2016 Crystal Edmonds, 22 - Killed September 16, 2016 Jazz Alford, 30 - Killed September 23, 2016 Brandi Bledsoe, 32 - Killed October 12, 2016 Noony Norwood, 30 - Killed November 5, 2016 India Monroe, 29 - Killed December 21, 2016 Mesha Caldwell, 41 - Killed January 4, 2017 JoJo Striker, 23 - Killed February 8, 2017 Jaquarrius Holland, 18, - Killed February 19, 2017 Keke Collier, 24 - Killed February 21, 2017 Chyna Gibson, 31 - Killed February 25, 2017 Ciara McElveen, 21 - Killed February 27, 2017 Alphonza Watson, 38 -Killed March 22, 2017 Kenne McFadden, 27 - Killed April 9, 2017 Chay Reed, 28 - Killed April 21, 2017 Brenda Bostick, 59 - Killed April 25, 2017 Sherrell Faulkner, 46, Died May 16, 2017 Ava Le'Ray Barrin, 17 - Killed June 25, 2017 Ebony Morgan, 28 - Killed July 2, 2017 TeeTee Dangerfield, 32 - Killed July 31, 2017 Jaylow McGlory, 29 - Killed August 4, 2017 Kiwi Herring, 30 -Killed August 22, 2017 Kashmire Redd, 28 - Killed September 4, 2017 Derricka Banner, 26 - Killed September 12, 2017 Candace Towns, 30 - Killed October 31, 2017 Brooklyn BreYanna Stevenson, 31 - Killed November 27 2017 Brandi Seals, 26 - Killed December 13, 2017 Celine Walker, 36 - Killed February 4, 2018 Tonya Harvey, 35 - Killed February 6, 2018 Phylicia Mitchell, 46 - Killed February 23, 2018 Amia Tyrae, 28 - Killed March 28, 2018 Sasha Wall, 29 - Killed April 1, 2018 Nino Fortson, 36 - Killed May 13, 2018 Gigi Pierce, 28 - Killed May 21, 2018 Antash’a Devine Sherrington English, 38 - Killed June, 2018 Diamond Stephens, 39 - Killed June 18, 2018 Cathalina Christina James, 24 - Killed June 24, 2018 Keisha Wells, 50s - Killed June 24, 2018 Sasha Garden, 27 - Kille July 19, 2018 Vontashia Bell, 18 - Killed August 30, 2018 Dejanay Stanton, 24 - Killed August 30, 2018 Shantee Tucker, 30 - Killed September 5, 2018 Londonn Moore, 20 - Killed September 8, 2018 Ciara Minaj Carter, 31 - Killed October 3, 2018 Regina Denise Brown, 53 - Killed October 10, 2018 Tydi Dansbury, 37, Killed November 26, 2018 Keanna Mattel, 35 - Killed December 7, 2018 Dana Martin, 31 - Killed January 6, 2019 Jazzaline Ware, 34 - Killed March 25, 2019 Ashanti Carmon, 27, Killed March 30, 2019 Claire Legato, 21 - Killed April 15, 2019 Muhlaysia Booker, 23 - Killed May 18, 2019 Michelle “Tamika” Washington, 40 - Killed May 19, 2019 Paris Cameron, 20 - Killed May 25, 2019 Chynal Lindsey, 26 - Killed June 1, 2019 Chanel Scurlock, 23 - Killed June 5, 2019 Layleen Polanco, 27 - Killed June 7, 2019 Zoe Spears, 23 - Killed June 13, 2019 Brooklyn Lindsey, 32 - Killed June 25, 2019 Denali Berries Stuckey, 29 - Killed July 20, 2019 Kiki Fantroy, 21 - Killed July 31, 2019 Pebbles La Dime Doe, 24 - Killed August 4, 2019 Bubba Walker, 55 - Killed July 2019 Tracy Single, 22 - Killed July 30, 2019 Bee Love Slater, 23 - Killed September 1, 2019 Bailey Reeves, 17 - Killed September 2, 2019 Ja’Leyah-Jamar, 30 - Killed September 13, 2019 Itali Marlowe, 29 - Killed September 20, 2019 Brianna “BB” Hill, 30, Killed October 13, 2019 Yahira Nesby, 33 - Killed December 19, 2019 Monika Diamond, 34 - Killed March 18, 2020 Nina Pop, 28 - Killed May 3, 2020 Tony McDade, 38 - Killed May 27, 2020
All of them should still be here with us today.
Say their names.
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mysticalhearth · 4 years ago
Waiting for Godot - Broadway - November 24, 2013 (Opening Night) (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Aidan Gemme (The Boy), Billy Crudup (Lucky), Ian McKellen (Estragon), Patrick Stewart (Vladimir), Shuler Hensley (Pozzo)
War Horse - West End - February 27, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Sion Daniel Young (Albert Narracott), Josie Walker (Rose Narracott), Alistair Brammer (Billy Narracott), Alex Avery (Captain Nicholls), Steve North (Ted Narracott), Tom Hodgkins (Arthur Narracott) NOTES: Multi-cam pro-shot broadcast live to cinemas as part of National Theatre Live, Includes interval interview and documentary. 
War Paint - Broadway - March 11, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Patti LuPone (Helena Rubinstein), Christine Ebersole (Elizabeth Arden), John Dossett (Tommy Lewis), Douglas Sills (Harry Fleming) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the Broadway transfer. Some changes for Broadway from the previous Goodman Theater production. Excellent performances from the entire cast with clear picture and great sound throughout; very good video. 2 DVDs. A War Paint - Broadway - April 29, 2017 (Matinee) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patti LuPone (Helena Rubinstein), Christine Ebersole (Elizabeth Arden), John Dossett (Tommy Lewis), Douglas Sills (Harry Fleming) NOTES: The master gets caught during Face to Face. You can hear someone say “TURN IT OFF”. Blackout during that part. Wasted - Southwark Playhouse - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Matthew Jacobs Morgan (Branwell Brontë), Molly Lynch (Anne Brontë), Natasha Barnes (Charlotte Brontë), Siobhan Athwal (Emily Brontë) We Are The Tigers - Off-Broadway - March, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Lauren Zakrin (Riley Williams), Wonu Ogunfowora (Cairo), Jenny Rose Baker (Kate Dalton), MiMi Scardulla (Reese), Kaitlyn Frank (Annleigh), Cathy Ang (Mattie Wheeler), Celeste Rose (Chess), Zoe Jensen (Farrah), Sydney Parra (Eva Sanchez), Louis Griffin (Clark) NOTES: Starts at the beginning of "I Just Wanna" and missing part of "Mattie's Lament." The theater was really full tonight so there are a good number of heads in this video, but they are worked around to the best of my ability. This is a super small theater (less than 160 seats) and at times the cast members were definitely singing to the camera and honestly giving their best performances because of it. All of the things on the upper level (the bathroom, the pathway, and the kitchen) are captured perfectly, and the zooms on the lower level (the living room and bench) look good as well. Obviously because this is a murder mystery kind of show the lighting can get a little bit dark, but my camera handles low lighting incredibly well. This is honestly the best video you could expect from this venue We Will Rock You - Germany (Cologne) - August, 2005 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alex Melcher (Galileo), Vera Bolten (Scaramouche), Brigitte Oelke (Killer Queen), Martin Berger (Khashoggi), Michaela Kovarikova (Meat/Oz), DMJ (Brit/J.B.), James Sbano (Pop/Buddy/Bap), Harald Tauber (Teacher), Willemijn Verkaik NOTES: Multicam proshot We Will Rock You - Utrecht (The Netherlands) - October, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: John Vooijs (Galileo), Marjolein Teepen (Scaramouche), Pia Douwes (Killer Queen), Paul Donkers (Khashoggi), Floortje Smit (Meat/Oz), Ruud van Overdijk (Brit/J.B.), Rutger le Poole (Pop/Buddy/Bap) NOTES: Good capture. Heads in the way, but also a lot of good close-ups. Dubble DVD! We Will Rock You - West End - February 11, 2003 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Tony Vincent (Galileo), Hannah Jane Fox (Scaramouche), Sharon D Clarke (Killer Queen), Alexander Hanson (Khashoggi), Kerry Ellis (Meat/Oz), Nigel Clauzner (Brit/J.B.), Nigel Planer (Pop/Buddy/Bap) The Wedding Singer - Broadway - April 1, 2006 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Stephen Lynch (Robbie Hart), Laura Benanti (Julia), Matthew Saldivar (Sammy), Kevin Cahoon (George), Rita Gardner (Rosie), Amy Spanger (Holly), Richard H Blake (Glen), Felicia Finley (Linda) NOTES: Includes pictures of outside of the theatre and playbill. This was before the changes were made to the production. Blackouts throughout the show. The Wedding Singer - Off-West End - March 1, 2020 (Matinee) (Closing Night) (Highlights) (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kevin Clifton (Robbie Hart), Rhiannon Chesterman (Julia), Ashley Emmerson (Sammy), Andrew Carthy (George), Sandra Dickinson (Rosie), Tara Verloop (Holly), Jonny Fines (Glen), Erin Bell (Linda), Lori Haley Fox (Angie), Andy Brady (David Fonda), Nathan Ryles (Harold Fonda), Jordan Crouch (Donnie), Aimee Moore (Tiffany), Simon Anthony (Shane McDonough), Paris Green (Donatella), Vanessa Grace Lee (Donatella’s Mother), Morgan Jackson (Mookie), Ellie Seaton (Crystal) NOTES: 38 minutes of act 1 of the closing performance, unobstructed. Welcome To The Club - Broadway - April 8, 1989 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Avery Schreiber (Milton), Bill Buell (Gus), Jodi Benson (Betty), Marcia Mitzman (Carol), Marilyn Sokol (Arlene), Sally Mayes (Winona), Samuel E Wright (Bruce), Scott Waara (Kevin), Scott Wentworth (Aaron), Terri White (Eve) NOTES: Filmed during previews. Well filmed from the balcony. Mostly a full stage shot. Some generational loss. Wenn Rosenblätter Fallen - Oberhausen - June 13, 2016 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Rose), Anton Zetterholm (Till), Annemieke van Dam (Iris)  
West Side Story - Hollywood Bowl - July 19, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jeremy Jordan (Tony), Solea Pfeiffer (Maria), Karen Olivo (Anita), Matthew James Thomas (Riff), George Akram (Bernardo), Drew Foster (Action), Jose Moreno Brooks (Chino), Anthony C Chatmon II (A-Rab), Kyle Selig (Baby John), Mike Schwitter (Big Deal), Jeff Smith (Diesel), Kevin Chamberlin (Krupke), Jennifer Sanchez (Rosalia), Erica Dorfler (Consuela) NOTES: This concert version of the show is abridged with shortened scenes, simple costumes, and no sets or choreography, but Jeremy, Solea, and Karen are absolutely phenomenal with soaring vocals and emotional performances. Very well captured with no dropouts, no obstruction, and no washout. The stage is filmed directly most of the time; the screens are occasionally filmed, usually when the actors are not onstage. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call and playbill scans. West Side Story - Leicester Curve - December, 2019 (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jamie Muscato (Tony), Adriana Ivelisse (Maria), Carly Mercedes Dyer (Anita), Ronan Burns (Riff), Jonathan Hermosa-Lopez (Bernardo), Isaac Gryn (Action), Damian Buhagiar (Chino), Ryan Anderson (A-Rab), Alex Christian (Baby John), Dale White (Big Deal), Michael O’Reilly (Diesel), Beth Hinton-Lever (Anybodys), Darren Bennett (Lt. Schrank), Christopher Wright (Krupke), Christopher Wright (Doc), Darren Bennett (Glad Hand), Mireia Mambo (Rosalia), Abigail Climer (Consuela), Thea Bunting (Graziella), Katie Lee (Velma), Richard Appiah-Sarpong (Pepe), Dominic Sibanda (Indio) NOTES: Missing 7 minutes at the beginning. No dropouts and no obstruction. West Side Story - Second Broadway Revival - February 23, 2009 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Matt Cavenaugh (Tony), Josefina Scaglione (Maria), Karen Olivo (Anita), Cody Green (Riff), George Akram (Bernardo), Curtis Holbrook (Action), Joey Haro (Chino), Kyle Coffman (A-Rab), Ryan Steele (Baby John), Tro Shaw (Anybodys), Steve Bassett (Lt. Schrank), Lee Sellars (Krupke), Greg Vinkler (Doc) NOTES: Stunning production of this revival. Josefina and Karen still steal the show. The cast was on fire and there was a lot of energy in the audience as it was the first performance on Broadway. There are some changes from the DC run, which work better. Beautiful production and capture with no obstructions. West Side Story - Second Broadway Revival - November 16, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Matt Cavenaugh (Tony), Josefina Scaglione (Maria), Karen Olivo (Anita), Wes Hart (u/s Riff), George Akram (Bernardo), Eric Hatch (u/s Action), Joey Haro (Chino), Kyle Coffman (A-Rab), Brendon Stimson (u/s Baby John), Joshua Buscher (Diesel), Mike Cannon (Snowboy), Kaitlin Mesh (Anybodys), Steve Bassett (Lt. Schrank), Lee Sellars (Krupke), Mark Zimmerman (s/b Doc), Lindsay Estelle Dunn (Velma), Michael Williams (u/s Pepe), Kaitlin Mesh (Zaza) West Side Story - Third Broadway Revival - January 6, 2020 (Preview) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Jordan Dobson (u/s Tony), Mia Pinero (u/s Maria), Yesenia Ayala (Anita), Corey John Snide (u/s Riff), Amar Ramasar (Bernardo), Dharon E Jones (Action), Jacob Guzman (Chino), Kevin Csolak (A-Rab), Matthew Johnson (Baby John), Tyler Eisenreich (Big Deal), Ahmad Simmons (Diesel), Daniel Ching (Snowboy), Zuri Noelle Ford (Anybodys), Thomas Jay Ryan (Lt. Schrank), Danny Wolohan (Krupke), Daniel Oreskes (Doc), Pippa Pearthree (Glad Hand), Lorna Courtney (Rosalia), Gabi Campo (Consuela), Marissa Brown (Francisca), Alexa de Barr (Graziella), Madison Vomastek (Velma), Gus Reed (Gee-tar), John Snide (Tiger), Carlos Gonzales (Pepe), Ricky Ubeda (Indio), Roman Cruz (Luis), Israel del Rosario (Anxious), Michaela Marfori (Nibbles), Marc Crousillat (Juano), Sheldon True (Toro), Stephanie Crousillat (Teresita), Marlon Geliz (Estella), Satori Folkes-Stone (Margarita), Uni-Seng Francois (Minnie), Jennifer Gruener (Pauline) NOTES: Wideshot. Stage right is slightly obstructed due to where the master was sitting. Good audio. SD M4V (567.0 MB) West Side Story - UK Tour - May 23, 2009 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Daniel Koek (Tony), Hazel Gardner (u/s Maria), Jayde Westaby (Anita), Edd Post (u/s Riff), Dan Burton (Bernardo), Aki Omoshaybi (Chino), Ged Simmons (Lt. Schrank), Martin Chaimberain (Krupke) When We're Gone - Joe's Pub (2014) - March 12, 2014 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Gerard Canonico (Todd), Jeremy Kushnier (John), Luke Wygodny (Ashton), Hannah Whitney (Rosie), Eric William Morris (Colin), Bradley Dean (William) NOTES: Concert performance.   
The Wild Party (Lippa) - Encores! Off-Center - July 17, 2015 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Sutton Foster (Queenie), Steven Pasquale (Burrs), Brandon Victor Dixon (Black), Joaquina Kalukango (Kate), Miriam Shor (Madeline True), Talene Monahon (Mae), Ryan Andes (Eddie) NOTES: Excellent HD capture from the Encores Summer Series! The cast was terrific and full of energy giving everything they had. Great to see these songs performed again by this caliber of talent! A The Wild Party (Lippa) - Off-Broadway - 2000 (Highlights) (Press Reel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Julia Murney (Queenie), Brian d'Arcy James (Burrs), Taye Diggs (Black), Idina Menzel (Kate), Alix Korey (Madeline True), Charles Dillon (Oscar d'Armano), Kevin Cahoon (Phil d'Armano), James Delisco Beeks (Max), Todd Anderson (Reno), Jennifer Cody (Mae), Kena Tangi Dorsey (Dolores), Felicia Finley (Rose Himmelsteen), Peter Kapetan (Sam Himmelsteen), Lawrence Keigwin (Jackie), Charlie Marcus (The Neighbor), Kristin McDonald (Nadine), Raymond Jaramillo McLeod (Eddie), Steven Pasquale (Cop), Megan Sikora (Peggy), Ron Todorowski (Kegs), Amanda Watkins (Ellie) The Winter's Tale - West End - November 26, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Kenneth Branagh (Leontes), Dame Judi Dench (Paulina), Miranda Raison (Hermione), Jessie Buckley (Perdita), Hadley Fraser (Polixenes), Tom Bateman (Florizel), John Dagleish (Autolycus) The Winter's Tale - West End - November 26, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Kenneth Branagh (Leontes), Dame Judi Dench (Paulina), Miranda Raison (Hermione), Jessie Buckley (Perdita), Hadley Fraser (Polixenes), Tom Bateman (Florizel), John Dagleish (Autolycus) The Witches of Eastwick - UK Tour - April 4, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: James Graeme (Clyde), Marti Pellow (Darryl), Poppy Tierney (Jane), Rachel Izen (Felicia), Rebecca Thornhill (Sukie), Ria Jones (Alex) NOTES: Beautifully filmed from the balcony, with a great mix of close-ups and full stage shots. Crystal clear. Widescreen. The Wiz - NBC Live! - December 3, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (4K) CAST: Shanice Williams (Dorothy), David Alan Grier (Lion), Ne-Yo (Tinman), Elijah Kelley (Scarecrow), Uzo Aduba (Glinda), Queen Latifah (The Wiz), Mary J Blige (Evillene), Stephanie Mills (Aunt Em), Amber Riley (Addaperle) NOTES: A live production of the 1975 musical The Wiz produced for television; excellent video. A+ The Wizard of Oz (Webber) - First National Tour - September 28, 2013 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Danielle Wade (Dorothy Gale), Jamie McKnight (Scarecrow/Hunk), Mike Jackson (Tin Man/Hickory), Lee MacDougall (Cowardly Lion/Zeke), Jacquelyn Piro Donovan (The Wicked Witch of the West/Miss Gulch), Cedric Smith (The Wizard of Oz/Professor Marvel), Robin Evan Willis (Glinda the Good Witch), Charlotte Moore (Aunt Em/Munchkin Barrister), Larry Mannell (Uncle Henry/Philippe/Head Guard) NOTES: Nice capture of Andrew Lloyd Webber's re-imagined classic; no obstruction and very little washout; a few quick dropouts in act one and a couple in act two, only last about three minutes all together; filmed in 16:9 with a mix of wides, mediums,and close-ups. The Woman in Black - West End - July 8, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christopher Ravenscroft (Arthur Kipps), Sebastian Harcombe (The Actor) The Woman in White - Broadway - November 30, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Brazier (Walter Hartwright), Angela Christian (Anne Catherick), Jill Paice (Laura Fairlie), Lisa Brescia (Marian Halcombe), Michael Ball (Count Fosco), Ron Bohmer (Sir Percival Glyde)  
The Woman in White - West End - February 25, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Maria Friedman, Michael Ball, Adrian der Gregorian (u/s), Oliver Darley, Jill Paice, Elinor Collett (u/s) NOTES: Nice video with good closeups and zooms and great sound. Woman of the Year - Broadway - March 27, 1982 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Lauren Bacall (Tess Harding), Harry Guardino (Sam Craig), Eivind Harum (Alexi Petrikov), Roderick Cook (Gerald), Grace Keagy (Helga), Jamie Ross (Larry Donovan), Marilyn Cooper (Jan Donovan), Rex Everhart (Maury) NOTES: Good color video with clear sound with some generation loss, but a nice video. B+ Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - Broadway - December 29, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Sherie Rene Scott (Pepa), Laura Benanti (Candela), Patti LuPone (Lucia), Brian Stokes Mitchell (Ivan), Justin Guarini (Carlos), de’Adre Aziza (Paulina), Danny Burstein (Taxi Driver), Nikka Graff Lanzarone (Marisa), Mary Beth Peil (Pepa's Concierge/TV and Radio Announcer), Samantha Shafer (u/s Woman at Train/Ana) NOTES: Also includes press reels, cast/creative interviews and video of David Yazbek singing songs from the show.
  Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - Broadway - January 2, 2011 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MP3 (tracked) CAST: Sherie Rene Scott (Pepa), Laura Benanti (Candela), Patti LuPone (Lucia), Brian Stokes Mitchell (Ivan), Justin Guarini (Carlos), de’Adre Aziza (Paulina), Danny Burstein (Taxi Driver), Nikka Graff Lanzarone (Marisa), Mary Beth Peil (Pepa's Concierge/TV and Radio Announcer), Samantha Shafer (u/s Woman at Train/Ana) NOTES: Also includes press reels, cast/creative interviews and video of David Yazbek singing songs from the show. Wonderful Town - Television Production - November 30, 1958 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rosalind Russell (Ruth Sherwood), Sydney Chaplin (Robert Baker), Jacquelyn McKeever (Eileen Sherwood), Joseph Buloff (Mr. Appopolous), Dort Clark (Chick Clark), Jordan Bentley (Wreck), Cris Alexander (Frank Lippencott), Jack Fletcher (Night Club Patron), Michele Burke (Helen Wade), Ted Beniades (“Speedy” Valenti), Isabella Hoopes (Mrs. Wade), Ray Weaver (Shore Patrolman), Gene Carrons (Violet), John Wheeler (Officer Lonigan), Don Grusso (Fireman) Wonderland - Broadway - March 23, 2011 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare), Darren Ritchie (The Victorian Gentleman), Karen Mason (Edwina) NOTES: Very limited trade 3:1 at the master's request. Wonderland - Broadway - April 2, 2011 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare), Darren Ritchie (The Victorian Gentleman), Karen Mason (Edwina) NOTES: Beautiful bright capture of this short lived show that only played 31 previews and 33 performances. I thought this show was very enjoyable and fun with great music. Great performances and voices from the cast! A+ Wonderland - Broadway - May 12, 2011 (juniper47's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare) NOTES: Filmed in widescreen with very few obstructions except for a head blocking the farthest corners of downstage stage left and right, but very little is missed there. Very good video and excellent picture and sound. Wonderland - Broadway - May 12, 2011 (juniper47's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare) NOTES: Filmed in widescreen with very few obstructions except for a head blocking the farthest corners of downstage stage left and right, but very little is missed there. Very good video and excellent picture and sound. Wonderland - UK Tour - June 10, 2017 (Matinee) (bestworstcase's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rachael Wooding (Alice), Francesca Lara Gordon (u/s Mad Hatter), Naomi Morris (Chloe/Ellie), Dave Willetts (The White Rabbit), Wendi Peters (Queen of Hearts), Stephen Webb (Jack the White Knight), Kayi Ushe (Caterpillar), Dominic Owen (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Ben Kerr (Morris the March Hare) NOTES: DVD menu states June 6 2017 matinee, but all other evidence, even the master's weebly claim it's June 10 2017. Good video! Wonderland (Beth Steel Play) - Hampstead Theatre - July 14, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Unknown NOTES: Livestreamed April 2020. The Worst Witch - West End - August 22, 2019 (Matinee) (wheredidtherockgo's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Danielle Bird (Mildred Hubble), Rosie Abraham (Ethel Hallow), Molly-Grace Cutler (Miss Bat/Piano/Guitar/Cello/Dulcimer), Meg Forgan (Fenella Feverfew/Bass Guitar), Rachel Heaton (Miss Hardbroom), Rebecca Killick (Maud Spellbody), Emma Lau (Drusilla Paddock), Megan Leigh Mason (Miss Drill/Guitar/Drums/Percussion/Clarinet/Bass Guitar), Polly Lister (Agatha/Miss Cackle), Consuela Rolle (Enid Nightshade), Lauryn Redding (Griselda Blackwood/Sax) NOTES: A very good show! It’s a show aimed more toward kids so there was a lot of kids in the audience. An amazing performance by Polly Lister as Agatha/Miss Cackle in particular. The Wrong Man - Off-Broadway - November, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP3 (untracked) CAST: Joshua Henry (Duran), Ciara Renée (Mariana), Ryan Vasquez (Man in Black), Amber Pickens, Anoop Desai, Debbie Christine Tjong, Julius Williams, Libby Lloyd, Malik Shabazz Kitchen, Tilly Evans-Krueger NOTES: Near perfect HD capture of this new Off-Broadway show with fabulous performances by the whole cast. There is some wandering throughout but overall a very centered orchestra video with extremely vivid colors. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows. Das Wunder von Bern - Hamburg - July 6, 2015 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ruben (Matthias Lubanski), Vera Bolten (Christa Lubanski), Patrick Imhof (alt. Richard Lubanski), Marie Lumpp (Ingrid Lubanski), Patrick A. Stamme (alt. Bruno Lubanski), Elisabeth Hübert (Anette Ackermann), Florian Soyka (alt. Paul Ackermann), Robin Brosch (Sepp Herberger(Bohse), Jogi Kaiser (Tiburski/Putzfrau/Adi Dassler), Tetje Mierendorf (Pfarrer Keuchel), Alexandra Farkic/Franziska Trunte/Esther Mink (Wunderfräulein), Dominik Hees (Helmut Rahn), Mark Weigel (Fritz Walter), Dennis Henschel (Berni Klodt), Robin Koger (Horst Eckel), Matteo Vigna (Max Morlock), Hendrik Schall (Toni Turek), Matt Cox (Werner Kohlmeyer), Daniel Therrien (Ottmar Walter), Giuliano Mercoli (Josef Posipal), Fabian Kaiser (u/s Karl mai/Fußballartist), Dominik Kaiser (Hans Schäfer/Fußballartist) NOTES: This video was recorded right after some changes on the show were made (doesn't include the new song which will be published on 11th July, 2015). Full show; beautiful picture quality and nice close-ups but rather shaky in the beginning/end of both acts Das Wunder von Bern - Hamburg - July 23, 2015 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Tanja Schön (u/s Christa Lubanski), Patrick Imhof (alt Richard Lubanski), Marie Lumpp (Ingrid Lubanski), David Jakobs (Bruno Lubanski), Shari Lynn Stewen (alt Anette Ackermann), Patrick A Stamme (alt Paul Ackermann), Mark Weigel (Sepp Herberger/Bohse), Michael Ophelders (alt Tiburski/Putzfrau im Hotel/Adi Dassler), Tetje Mierendorf (Pfarrer Keuchel), Alexandra Farkic (Wunderfräulein), Amaya Keller (Wunderfräulein), Franziska Trunte (Wunderfräulein), Dominik Hees (Helmut Rahn), Florian Soyka (alt Fritz Walter), Hendrik Schall (alt Berni Klodt), Robin Koger (Horst Eckel), Matteo Vigna (Max Morlock), Fabian Kaiser (Toni Turek), James Cook (Werner Kohlmeyer), Daniel Therrien (Ottmar Walter), Pasha Antonov (Josef Posipal), Adrian Fogel (Kar Mai/Fußballartist), Dominik Kaiser (Hans Schäfer/Fußballartist) NOTES: "Julius" as Matthias Lubanski. Full show. Great picture quality and beautiful close-ups, though some little obstruction due a railing. The last few minutes of both acts are shot blind without zooms but still capturing the action on stage
11 notes · View notes
tuseriesdetv · 4 years ago
Noticias de series de la semana
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Comedy Central ha renovado South Park hasta su trigésima temporada. Además, Paramount+ ha encargado catorce películas.
Apple TV+ ha renovado Physical por una segunda temporada
Disney+ ha renovado The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers por una segunda temporada
Showtime ha renovado The Chi por una quinta temporada
Adult Swim ha renovado Tuca & Bertie por una segunda temporada
Roku podría producir una película de Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist y quizás más temporadas
Sky Comedy ha renovado Bloods por una segunda temporada
Disney+ ha renovado Star Wars: The Bad Batch por una segunda temporada
Apple TV+ ha cancelado Little Voice tras su primera temporada
Amazon ha cancelado Panic tras su primera temporada
HBO Max ha descartado Overlook. Se venderá a otra plataforma.
Noticias cortas
Britt Robertson (Cheyenne) y Michelle Forbes (Margaret) no estarán en la segunda temporada de Big Sky.
Matthew Willig (André the Giant) será regular en la segunda temporada de Young Rock.
Wyatt McClure (Billy) será regular en la quinta temporada de Young Sheldon.
Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother, A Series of Unfortunate Events) protagonizará y producirá Uncoupled, en la que Michael pensaba que su vida era perfecta hasta que su marido se marcha tras diecisiete años.
Cobie Smulders (How I Met Your Mother, Stumptown) sustituye a Betty Gilpin en el papel de Ann Coulter en Impeachment: American Crime Story.
Ellen Burstyn (The Exorcist, Requiem for a Dream) volverá a interpretar a Bernie Stabler, la madre de Elliot (Chris Meloni), en la segunda temporada de Law & Order: Organized Crime.
Sam Waterston (Grace and Frankie, The Newsroom), Kurtwood Smith (That '70s Show, Resurrection), Anne Archer (Falcon Crest, Ghost Whisperer), Dylan Minnette (13 Reasons Why, Awake), Bashir Salahuddin (GLOW, Looking), Alan Ruck (Succession, The Exorcist), Mary Lynn Rajskub (24, The Girlfriend Experience), Hart Bochner (Too Old to Die Young, Die Hard), James Hiroyuki Liao (Unforgettable, Prison Break), Nicky Endres (One Day at a Time), Camryn Mi-Young Kim y Andrew Leeds (Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, A Million Little Things) se unen a The Dropout. Interpretarán a George Schultz, secretario de Estado; David Boies, abogado representante de Elizabeth (Amanda Seyfried); Charlotte Schultz, esposa de George; Tyler Shultz, biólogo que trabaja en Theranos; Brendan Morris, ingeniero eléctrico de Theranos; Jay Rosan, miembro del equipo de innovación de la sede de Walgreens en Chicago; Lorraine Fuisz, esposa de Richard Fuisz (William H. Macy); Larry Ellison, millonario interesado en Theranos; Edmond Ku, jefe de ingeniería de Theranos; Ana Arriola, diseñadora de Apple reclutada por Elizabeth; Erika Cheung, graduada en Berkeley que empieza a trabajar en Theranos; y Roland, sabelotodo lameculos del CFO de Walgreen.
Ron Cephas Jones (This Is Us, Luke Cage) y Vinnie Jones (Galavant, Snatch) serán recurrentes en la segunda temporada de Law & Order: Organized Crime como Leon Kilbride, un congresista que sabe jugar sus cartas; y Albi Briscu, un gangster europeo.
Leslie Jones (Saturday Night Live, Ghostbusters) y Nat Faxon (Friends From College, Ben and Kate) se unen como recurrentes a Our Flag Means Death.
Sam Elliott (The Ranch, A Star Is Born) y los cantantes Tim McGraw (The Shack) y Faith Hill protagonizarán Y: 1883, la precuela de Yellowstone. Serán Shea Brennan, cowboy con un inmenso pesar que tiene la tarea de guiar a un grupo de Texas a Montana; y James y Margaret Dutton, patriarca y matriarca de la familia Dutton.
Luis Guzmán (Black Code, Oz) será Gomez, el padre de Wednesday (Jenna Ortega), en Wednesday.
Minka Kelly (Friday Night Lights, Titans), Dominic Fike y Demetrius "Lil Meech" Flenory Jr. (Black Mafia Family) se unen a la segunda temporada de Euphoria. Se desconocen detalles.
Michelle Forbes (The Killing, True Blood) será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de New Amsterdam como Veronica Fuentes, una fixer que tiene la tarea arreglar las cifras del hospital.
Kerry Bishé (Halt and Catch Fire, Narcos) será Austin Geidt, empleada número cuatro de Uber, en Super Pumped.
Ian Anthony Dale (Hawaii Five-0, Murder in the First) y Laurie Fortier (Hemlock Grove, Unsolved) se unen a la undécima y última temporada de The Walking Dead. Serán Tomi, miembro del grupo recientemente descubierto; y Agatha.
Keir Gilchrist (Atypical, United States of Tara), Elizabeth Marvel (Homeland, House of Cards) y Tom Pelphrey (Ozark, Iron Fist) se unen como regulares a Love and Death. Interpretarán al pastor Ron Adams, la pastora Jackie Ponder y Don Crowder.
Raza Jaffrey (Code Black, Smash) y Sennia Nanua serán Francois Guise y Rahima en The Serpent Queen.
Ella Rumpf (Grave, Freud) participará como invitada en la tercera temporada de Succession. Se desconocen detalles.
Julie Halston (Bitsy) estará en And Just Like That..., el revival de Sex and the City. Christopher Jackson (Hamilton, Bull) y LeRoy McClain (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Respect) serán Herbert Wexley, exitoso banquero de Manhattan y esposo de Lisa Todd Wexley (Nicole Ari Parker); y Andre Rashad Wallace, exitoso músico y marido de Nya Wallace (Karen Pittman).
Poppy Liu (Hacks, Sunnyside) se une como regular a Dead Ringers. Será Greta, encargada del servicio en casa de Elliot y Beverly (Rachel Weisz).
Eiza González (From Dusk Till Dawn, I Care a Lot) está en negociaciones para unirse al reparto de The Three Body Problem.
Beth Lacke (High School Musical: The Musical: The Series), Stephen Louis Grush (Longmire) y Cass Buggé (Disjointed) se unen como recurrentes a Lightyears. Serán Chandra, antigua alumna de Irene (Sissy Spacek) insatisfecha con su trabajo en una residencia de ancianos y con la vida en general; Nick, un solitario sin habilidades sociales que lleva un negocio familiar de cortinas y tiene una inesperada conexión con Stella (Julieta Zylberberg); y Jeanine, esposa de Byron (Adam Bartley) recién llegada a Farnsworth y vecina de Irene y Franklin (J.K. Simmons).
Byron Bowers (The Chi) será Herman, un director de Hollywood que se encuentra en París promocionando su película, en Irma Vep. Tom Sturridge (Sweetbitter, The Hollow Crown) sustituye a Jerrod Carmichael en el papel de Eamonn, exnovio de Mira (Alicia Vikander).
Daniel Augustin (David Makes Man), Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut (Homeland, Cruel Summer), Amandla Jahava y Jaboukie Young-White (Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens) serán recurrentes en Rap Sh*t como Maurice, amigo y colega de Shawna (Aida Osman); Fatima, compañera de clase y amiga de Cliff (Devon Terrell); Jill, amiga de la universidad de Shawna que trabaja en Spotify en Nueva York; y Francois Boom, antiguo compañero de clase de Shawna y productor.
Richard Roundtree (Family Reunion, Being Mary Jane) y Terri J. Vaughn (Insecure, Greenleaf) se unen como recurrentes a la segunda temporada de Cherish the Day. Serán Mandeville "MV" St. James, exjuez y padre viudo de Sunday (Joy Bryant); y Anastasia, futura exmujer de Ellis (Henry Simmons).
Justice Leak (Raising Dion, Powers) será recurrente en The Staircase como Tom Maher, compañero de David Rudolf (Michael Stuhlbarg).
Martin Bobb-Semple (Pandora, Free Rein), Karim Diané (StartUp), Sara Thompson (The 100, Burden of Truth), George Ferrier (Dirty Laundry), Miles J. Harvey (American Vandal) y Zenia Marshall (Date My Dad) serán recurrentes en One of Us Is Lying como Evan Nieman, novio de Bronwyn (Marianly Tejada); Kris Greene, nuevo estudiante con lazos con Cooper (Chibuikem Uche) y Nate (Cooper van Grootel); Vanessa Clark, mejor amiga de Addy (Annalisa Cochrane); TJ Forrester, novio de Vanessa; Lucas Clay, hermano pequeño de Cooper; y Keely Moore, novia de Cooper.
Melissa Saint-Amaud (Ozark) será Claire Brockman en Long Slow Exhale.
Alfie Fuller (Little America) participará en la cuarta temporada de The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Se desconocen detalles.
Christie Clark (Carrie), Austin Peck (Austin), Thaao Penghlis (André), Leann Hunley (Anna), Greg Rikaart (Leo), Chandler Massey (Will), Zachary Atticus Tinker (Sonny) y Eileen Davidson, que ha interpretado a varios personajes; también estarán en Days of Our Lives: Beyond Salem.
       Nuevas series
Hulu ha encargado Tell Me Lies, basada en la novela de Carola Lovering (2018), que sigue una relación agitada y tóxica durante ocho años. Lucy Albright (Grace Van Patten; Nine Perfect Strangers, Maniac) y Stephen DeMarco se conocen en la universidad, donde decisiones aparentemente mundanas tienen consecuencias irrevocables. Escrita y producida por Meaghan Oppenheimer (Queen America). Produce Emma Roberts (First Kill).
Hulu encarga la comedia This Fool, antes conocida como Punk Ass Bitch, en la que un macarra de Los Ángeles (Chris Estrada) vive aún en casa de sus padres, trabaja en una organización sin ánimo de lucro que ayuda a la rehabilitación de pandilleros y se esfuerza para ayudar a cualquiera menos a él mismo. Con Michelle Ortiz (Mr. Mom) y Frankie Quinones (The Dress Up Gang). Escrita y producida por Estrada junto a Jake Weisman, Matt Ingebretson y Pat Bishop, creadores de Corporate. Producen Fred Armisen (Portlandia, Forever) y Jonathan Groff (How I Met Your Mother, Black-ish).
Syfy encarga Reginald the Vampire, dramedia en la que el mundo está habitado por vampiros bellos, en forma y vanidosos. Reginald Baskin (Jacob Batalon; Spider-Man: Homecoming, 50 States of Fright) es un héroe improbable que tiene que lidiar con todo tipo de obstáculos: no puede estar con la chica que le gusta, tiene un jefe bully en el trabajo y el jefe de los vampiros lo quiere muerto. Adaptación de los libros 'Fat Vampire' de Johnny B. Truant. Escrita por Harley Peyton (Twin Peaks, Channel Zero).
Amazon encarga The Lake, su primera serie original canadiense. Es una comedia en la que Justin (Jordan Gavaris; Orphan Black, Take Two) vuelve a casa tras romper con su pareja, con quien vivió en el extranjero durante muchos años, con la esperanza de reconectar con su hija biológica (Madison Shamoun), a la que dio en adopción en la adolescencia, pero descubre que su padre dejó la idílica casa del lago en la que él pasó su niñez a su hermanastra Maisy-May (Julia Stiles; Riviera, Dexter). Completan el reparto Jon Dore (How to Live with Your Parents (For the Rest of Your Life)), Carolyn Scott, Natalie Lisinska (Orphan Black, Mary Kills People), Travis Nelson, Declan Whaley (Criminal Minds) y Terry Chen (The Expanse, Jessica Jones). Escrita y producida por Julian Doucet (Killjoys, Bomb Girls).
eOne adaptará The Turnout, la próxima novela de Megan Abbott (2021). Las hermanas Durant, dueñas de una escuela de ballet y con una historia familiar problemática, contratan a Derek, un contratista, para reformar el estudio. Una de ellas comienza una aventura con él que amenaza sus lazos familiares y expone secretos de la familia.
Aubrey Plaza (Parks and Recreation, Legion) y Ramón Rodríguez (Gang Related, Iron Fist) protagonizarán el piloto de Olga Dies Dreaming, adaptación de la novela de Xóchitl Gonzalez (2021), en Hulu. Trata sobre dos hermanos nuyorriqueños con una madre ausente y políticamente radical y una vida entre la élite de Nueva York tras el paso del huracán María. Olga (Plaza) es una wedding planner cuya fachada oculta un interior oscuro, su búsqueda de la perfección se ha convertido en un compulsivo mecanismo de supervivencia, cree que nadie la ve como una igual y que su éxito es una ilusión y trata de escapar de su pasado todo lo que pueda. Prieto (Rodríguez) es un congresista orgulloso de su origen puertorriqueño que creció con el papel de patriarca y mantiene esta fachada ante sus votantes y sus oponentes. Escrita por Gonzalez y dirigida por Alfonso Gómez-Rejón (Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, American Horror Story).
HBO Max desarrolla Sag Harbor, adaptación de la novela de Colson Whitehead (2009) en la que Benji Cooper, uno de los pocos estudiantes negros de una escuela de secundaria de élite de Manhattan en 1985, escapa de los Hamptons cada verano para ir a Sag Harbor, donde una pequeña comunidad de profesionales afroamericanos han construido su propio mundo. Escrita por Daniel "Koa" Beaty. Producen Beaty, Whitehead y Laurence Fishburne (Black-ish).
Deceit se estrena en Channel 4 el 13 de agosto
La segunda temporada de Ladhood se estrena en BBC Three el 15 de agosto
La segunda temporada de Code 404 se estrena en Sky Comedy el 1 de septiembre
La sexta temporada de Queen Sugar se estrena en OWN el 7 de septiembre
Doogie Kameāloha, M.D. se estrena en Disney+ el 8 de septiembre
The Lost Symbol se estrena en Peacock el 16 de septiembre
La cuarta y última temporada de Dear White People llega a Netflix el 22 de septiembre
Dopesick se estrena en Hulu el 13 de octubre
La segunda temporada de The Great se estrena en Hulu el 19 de noviembre
The Lord of the Rings se estrena en Prime Video el 2 de septiembre de 2022
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Tráilers y promos
La casa de papel - Temporada 5
Impeachment: American Crime Story
Stranger Things - Temporada 4
Dear White People - Temporada 4 y última
The Great - Temporada 2
Y: The Last Man
Truth Be Told - Temporada 2
Queen Sugar - Temporada 6
Cobra Kai - Temporada 4
Diary of a Future President - Temporada 2
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jackiekashian · 4 years ago
Dork Forest 2011-2020 Cheat Sheet
The votes are in for 2020! 
This is a list of Episode Numbers - Guest Name - Dorkdom.  I take votes for faves of the year and then add a couple for variety of topics that I really thought were fun. ALL THE EPS have something for someone and are great but here is a starter list if you’re thinking to start listening to TDF and are not a numerologist completest.
Note: show’s been going since 2006 but I’ve only been surveying since 2011.  The show is on all the platforms. Pandora, Spotify, YouTube. Start here if you like: www.dorkforest.com . Standup info and other podcast is at www.jackiekashian.com
2020 TDF EP 562 - Guy Branum - Mitford Sisters TDF EP 568 - Maria Bamford - Canadian Reality Shows TDF EP 599 - Jen Kirkman - Hallmark Christmas Movies TDF EP 565 - Darla Kashian – COOKING TDF EP 598 - Russ Kashian - Hallmark Christmas Movies TDF EP 549 - Tig Notaro – Veganism TDF EP 581 - Jenny Yang - Comfort Food TDF EP 591 - Amber Preston - Church Cookbooks TDF EP 574 - Ron Funches - Call of Duty and Animal Crossing TDF EP 577 - Barbara Holiday - Escape Rooms TDF EP 558 - Sarah Mowrey - Fleetwood Mac TDF EP566 - Matt Kirshen/Myq Kaplan - Advice Columns  TDF EP 595 - Kristin Key - Mad Libs TDF EP 576 - Robert Jenkins - Guns and Safety TDF EP 588 - Sofiya Alexandra - Wheel of Time books TDF EP 570- Jim Woster – Columbo TDF EP 573 - Robert Hurt - Babylon 5  TDF EP 550 - Danielle Perez - Mariah Carey TDF EP 583 - Dar Vendegna  - PIckleball  TDF SPOILER 3 - Andy & Jackie - Rise of Skywalker 
 2019 TDF EP 523 Lydia Popovich Dolly Parton TDF EP 511 Auggie Smith Dead Comedians TDF EP 535 Christopher Titus Prince TDF EP 530 Phil Kashian Hitchhiking TDF EP 532 Brian Posehn Heavy Metal TDF EP 549 Tig Notaro Veganism SP1 Endgame Spoiler Dork Out TDF EP 503 Wynter Spears Public Restrooms TDF EP 524 Sara Benincasa Frederick Law Olmstead TDF EP 529 Caitlin Gill Murder She Wrote TDF EP 545 Mary Becquet Chinese Ghosts Vampires TDF EP 525 Matt Oswalt Taking Pictures TDF EP 510 Gary Anthony Williams Birds TDF EP 531 Robert Hurt DS9 TDF EP 547 Thom Tran The Flash TDF EP 540 Brian Jacobovitz Cthulu RPGs TDF EP 515 Judith Stephen CosPlay TDF EP 528 Justin Hermann Heroscape TDF EP 538 Dave Ross Zelda and LINK TDF EP 544 Sharon Houston Netflix British Reality Shows TDF EP 505 Kat Burdick Next Generation TDF EP 509 Michelle Biloon NYT Crossowords
2018  TDF EP 487 Amy Miller - Dolly Parton TDF EP 471 Emma Arnold - BEES TDF EP 499 - Erin Foley - Hallmark Christmas Movies TDF EP 481 - Cheryl Jones - Maritime History TDF EP 471 - Andy Ashcraft - GenCon TDF EP 482 - Nato Green - Union Organizing TDF EP 473 - Tamra Brown - Tiki Bars TDF EP 493 - Nina Manni - Air and Hotel Points TDF EP 446 - Carlos Delgado - Great British Bakeoff TDF EP 495 - Alice Wetterlund - Sharks TDF EP 487 - Mark Waid - Superman TDF EP 454 - Open Mike Eagle - Wrestling  TDF EP 457 - Jean Grea - Ikea  TDF EP 447 - Gariana Abeyta - All Genres have Great Movies
2017 TDF EP 390 - Phil Kashian - LOTR and MY BROTHER TDF EP 422 - Steve Agee  - John Hughes Movies. Weird Science TDF EP 426 - Sara Schaefer - Cross Stitch  TDF EP 431 - Jenny Jaffe - Planners. Calendars. Stickers. All the things. TDF EP 405 - Rebecca Sugar - Musicals  TDF EP 438 - Jen Briney - freaking CONGRESS TDF EP 423 - Karen Rontowski - Moth Man TDF EP 401 - Jason Hatrick - Scuba diving  TDF EP 429 - Kyle Clark - Halloween Theme Parks TDF EP 417 - Nat Towsen - Speed Racer TDF EP 402 - Tyler Hinman - Escape Rooms TDF EP 428 - Solomon Georgio - Black Sitcoms TDF EP 403 - Hal Lublin - Saturday Night Live TDF EP 408 - Al Madrigal - Jack Reacher NOVELS TDF EP 435 - Wyatt Gray - HP Lovecraft TDF EP 442 - Doug Stanhope - getting naked and Leisure Suits TDF EP 404 - Julie Dixson Jackson - Geneology  TDF EP 427 - Lisa Allard – Quilting
2016 TDF EP 336 Jim Stewart Allen - Oregon Trail  TDF EP 383 Jenny Chalikian – Xena TDF EP 387 Caitlin Gill - Roald Dahl  TDF EP 358 Wil Anderson - Cricket TDF EP 359 Heather Simmons - Alice in Wonderland. TDF EP 340 Barbara Holm - Buffy the Vampire Slayer TDF EP 380 Beverly D’Angelo - things that Change your Life - Music, Places TDF EP 366 Karen Rontowski - Tarot Cards TDF EP 373 Stu Goldsmith - Boardgames with a STORY  TDF EP 364 Maria Bamford LIVE at JFL Montreal (Bandcamp)  2016 I really liked: TDF EP 385 Jenny Zigrino - Authentic Historical Costuming  TDF EP 347 Riley Silverman - The Potato. Mostly Frozen.  TDF EP 355 Ivan Van Norman/Andy Ashcraft - Zombies & pen/paper games TDF EP 341 Cathy Ladman - Knitting  TDF EP 349 Moon Zappa - The BIG questions TDF EP 368 Martha Kelly - Law and Order SVU TDF EP 367 Phil Johnson - Pirates TDF EP 362 Rory Scovel - Golf (quietly clap) TDF EP 339 Sovereign Syre - Spanish Invasion of Florida.  TDF EP 348 Dash Kwiatkowski - Superman TDF EP 338 TJ Chambers - Chess TDF EP 379 Michelle Thaller – SPACE! LIVE DC Drafthouse (Bandcamp)
2015 TDF EP 303 Matt Saxe – all Vice Presidents. TDF EP 298 Jason Klamm – Vice Presidents and Lego! TDF EP 312 Greg Proops at LA Podfest – 70s Movies TDF EP 320 Wil Wheaton – BEER and Boardgames TDF EP 287 Michelle McNamara – Robert Durst and more True Crime TDF EP 294 Retta – Purses. Handbags TDF EP 323 Chez Amanda – Xfiles. Finally. TDF EP 310 David Koechner – History dork! TDF EP 268 Tammy Pescatelli – Thrift stores and Vampires TDF EP 279 Brian Kiley – Presidential Biographic Minutia TDF EP 285 Ian Abramson – McDonald’s Land TDF EP 316 Breanna Conley – Old time Photo Booth collecting 2015 another 12 that I picked: TDF EP 329 Robert Hurt – Space Ships TDF EP 321 Ryan Stout – Injustice. AS USUAL. TDF EP 324 Suzy Soro – Ghosts. TDF EP 313 Danielle Radford – great “bad” movies TDF EP 305 Murray Valeriano & Monty Franklin – Surfin. TDF EP 269 Christian Brown, Roselle Hurley and Andy Ashcraft - LARPing TDF EP 271 Bridget Everett - Barry Manilow, Richard Simmons & Rudy TDF EP 273 Sean Crespo – DUNE TDF EP 284 Brian Upton - history and aesthetics of gaming TDF EP 293 Live at Bridgetown Branum, Kilgariff and Preston (Bandcamp) TDF EP 300 Amy Shira Teitel – SPACE TDF EP 325 Gail Carriger Live in SF – Anglophile. (Bandcamp)
2014 TDF EP 259 – Laraine Newman - Dubstep TDF EP 245 – Brittnee Braun - Cosplay TDF EP 249 – Brian Regan – Line Mentality TDF EP 215 – Robert Hack – Doctor Who TDF EP 264 – Joseph Scrimshaw – Star War Prequels TDF EP 227 – Emily Gordon – Breakfast around the world TDF EP 239 – Rhea Butcher – Back to the Future Movies TDF EP 260 – Jimmy Pardo – Chicago (the band) TDF EP210 – Corey Olsen – Tolkien TDF EP 258 – Emily Heller – ESM & HS Debate
2013 TDF EP 177 - Greg Proops - Ancient History TDF EP 172 – Janeane/Bamford - Beading/SuzeOrman TDF EP198 – Live Podfest w Kilgariff/Bamford/Anthony/Valeriano - Salad TDF EP 189 – Moshe Kasher - Religion TDF EP 199 – Michelle McNamara - True Crime TDF EP 203 – Ryan Stout - Traffic Court
TDF EP 150 – Gina Yashere - Ghosts/Elevators TDF EP 151 – Craig Shoemaker - Wizard of Oz TDF EP 207 –  Matt Mira - James Bond TDF EP 167 – David Huntsberger - Horses TDF EP 200 –  Andy Peters/Mike Schmidt - Wrestling TDF EP 190 –  Cameron Esposito - Lesbians TDF EP 202 –  Matt Weinhold/Dana Gould/ Shawn Sheridan - Halloween
2012 TDF EP 129 – Live with Michelle McNamara (True Crime) TDF EP 111 – Jim Gaffigan (obscure news personality) TDF EP 117 – Corey Olsen (TolkienProf) TDF EP 142 – Live with Retta, Rajskub, Kilmartin and Scovel TDF EP 94 – Mary Jo Pehl (reading and writing and more reading) TDF EP 133 – Kira Soltonovich (Korean Spas) TDF EP 113 – Jesse Schell and Andy Ashcraft (oh. Video Games) TDF EP 98 – Henry Phillips and Mike Phirman (Guitar Comedy and Music) TDF EP 139 – Joel Hodgson (ventriloquism) TDF EP 93 – Live with Ernie Cline (the 80s and Ready Player One) TDF EP 102 – Dan Telfer (Dinosaurs and science in general) TDF EP 108 – Al Madrigal (Sales and Cartoons) TDF EP 148 – Guy Branum - Canada TDF EP 95 – Live with Kevin Eastman (ninja turtles) TDF EP 97 – Rose Abdoo and John Matta (tiny tiny ART! And The Thing) TDF EP 99 – Asterios Kokkinos (Pokemon) TDF EP 100 – PF Wilson – (history of the various football leagues)  TDF EP 103 – Live with Andy Kindler (“indie” comic books) TDF EP 104 – Merrill Markoe (I feel like we talked dogs mostly)  TDF EP 110 – Patrick Brady (animation)   TDF EP 120 – Erin Foley (NY Giants) TDF EP 121 – Tom Franck (Art) TDF EP 130 – Lois McMaster Bujold (I dork out AT her. She talks writing) TDF EP 138 – Michael Everson (coding fonts for obscure languages)
2011 # 55 Greg Proops – Making Baseball interesting            # 67 Hardwick/Palascak – Harry Potter                       # 37 Karen Kilgariff  - Sandra Bullock                          # 16 Dana Gould – Planet of the Apes                         # 48 Aisha Tyler – girl on girl fandom                          # 24 Jen Kirkman/ Karen Rontowksi – ghosts/UFO                 # 49 Dana/James - HOLLYWOOD                                # 40 April/Vargus – TRIP TO MIDDLE EAST                                                   # 3 Madigan/Kilmartin – the KENNEDY’S  #42 Maile Flanagan/Yuri Lowenthal - Animation #50 Michelle McNamara – True Crime #30 Ed Brubaker / Kermet Apio – Comics #14 Thrilling Adventure Hour – so many things Origin Story – #69 Andy Origin Story - #71 Maria #73 Rich Sommer – Mad Men and Boardgames #77 Matt Weinhold/Ken Daly – Horror Movies #82 Chad Daniels/David Huntsberger – just hilarious #80 Bengt Washburn – Fine art #51 Andrew Solmssen - IT #28 Eric Drysdale - VIEWMASTER #58 Bees – uh, BEES #63 Perfume – and, PERFUME #44 Jim Coughlin – A4 Paper #91 Trains!    
NOTE Premium eps w/o iTunes:  Here’s how to download albums from Bandcamp:
1.    Download the .zip file from Bandcamp. 2.    Unzip the file to your Music folder. 3.    Rescan your Music folder. 4.    Open the music app and listen to your tunes.
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sagehaleyofficial · 5 years ago
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·         All Time Low dropped their first new song in over a year, titled “Some Kind of Disaster”. The music video takes place at an emotional group therapy session, in which we are able to observe all the different struggles people go through.
·         Over the weekend, Billie Eilish performed at the 2020 iHeartRadio ALTer EGO Festival, where she revealed when we can expect the release of her sophomore album. “This year? No, but I will be making it this year,” she said.
·         Producer Tommie Sunshine and dance artist Disco Fries turned the track “Falling in Love Will Kill You” into an electronic club remix. In 2014, My Chemical Romance frontman Gerard Way collabed with Wrongchilde (Mat Devine, formerly of Kill Hannah) for the song.
·         Paramore frontwoman Hayley Williams released her solo debut after many weeks of waiting with a song titled “Simmer.” She then took to social media to share an extended cut of the video, titled “Simmer Interlude.”
·         After Waterparks’ Awsten Knight got one of his tweets to 20,000 retweets, the singer uploaded some unreleased demos to SoundCloud. The compilation is titled 1 (A COLLECTION OF UNRELEASED HOME DEMOS, THIS IS NOT G, OR EVEN AN ALBUM, SHUT UP ENJOY).
·         Billie Eilish shared the music video for her latest single “Everything I Wanted,” which features the talents of her brother FINNEAS. She shared the video with a caption revealing that she directed the video herself.
·         Machine Gun Kelly shared an Instagram story showing that he would be collabing with The Used on his upcoming pop-punk album. In the video, we see MGK dancing next to Blink-182’s Travis Barker with The Used frontman Bert McCracken singing in the booth.
·         Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong allowed Tyla Yaweh and Wiz Khalifa to use a sample of the band’s hit “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” for the remix of Yaweh’s song, “High Right Now.” The singer also makes an appearance in the track’s accompanying music video.
·         Tyler Joseph of Twenty One Pilots posted a picture with cryptic caption including the words “rough mix,” which may indicate new music on the way. The band has not put out an album since Trench in 2018.
·         Picturesque released a new single titled “Necessary,” alongside a music video, via Equal Vision Records. The band kicked off a tour with Hands Like Houses and Dead American on Saturday in Brooklyn, New York.
·         The Wonder Years dropped a new acoustic version of an old song, “Washington Square Park,” to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of their record The Upsides. The band is hitting the road soon with Free Throw, Spanish Love Songs and Pool Kids for a special tour.
·         YUNGBLUD announced The Underrated Youth North American Spring Tour, starting off with his two Coachella performances on April 12 and 19. From there, he will play a total of 16 shows before wrapping up the tour at the Hangout Music Festival in Alabama in mid-May.
·         This year, The Maine surprised fans at 8123 Day with a free meet and greet at their store in Phoenix, along with a “Make America Emo Again” after-party. They also revealed an online scavenger hunt, through which they released several pieces of content.
·         The Academy Is… took to Facebook to share a celebration of 15 years of the band’s debut album, Almost Here. The event will take place at an EmoVsPopPunk night next month in Chicago.
·         My Chemical Romance announced four more shows, all of which will take place in Europe. Lucky fans will be able to see the band live in Italy, Russia, Ireland and Germany, as well as two more shows added in England.
·         Third Eye Blind and YUNGBLUD had a special performance of the former band’s song, “Graduate,” in Los Angeles during their set at the Roxy. The performance preceded the Grammys ceremony this past weekend.
·         Firefly Music Festival is coming back to the Woodlands in Dover, Delaware, this summer. This year, headliners include Rage Against the Machine, Billie Eilish, Halsey, Blink-182, Khalid and Maggie Rogers.
·         Bayside will be celebrating their 20th anniversary with the 20 Years of Bad Luck Tour. The band plans on bringing fellow acts Senses Fail, Hawthorne Heights and Can’t Swim on the road with them.
·         Fall Out Boy appeared on the iconic game show The Price is Right. Only one half of the band, Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz, were present, but the pair hilariously played the game, filled in and even modeled prizes for other contestants.
·         Brendon Urie of Panic! at the Disco was revealed to be making an appearance in Taylor Swift‘s new Netflix documentary, Miss Americana. The duo previously worked together on their collaboration for Swift’s latest album, titled “ME!”
·         Fearless Records announced they would be hosting an immersive music and merchandise arcade pop-up to raise money for Heart Support and the Living the Dream Foundation. The event was held over this past weekend in Los Angeles.
·         PUP guitarist Steve Sladkowski will be honored in his home country of Canada with the honor of receiving the “Maple Leaf Forever” guitar next year. The guitar is made from a silver maple tree that inspired legendary musician Alexander Muir’s famous 1867 song.
·         Former Set It Off guitarist Dan Clermont revealed he is no longer using his Instagram account to promote music, but instead will be focusing on producing. He also revealed he would be changing his username for “starting fresh.”
·         Basketball legend Kobe Bryant, age 41, passed away on Sunday following a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California. Bryant’s 13-year-old daughter Gianna Maria Onore and Orange Coast College basketball coach John Altobelli were also tragically killed in the crash.
·         The 62nd Grammy Awards were held on Sunday at the STAPLES Center in Los Angeles, with all Rock/Alternative categories announced prior to the televised program. Winners included Tool, Gary Clark Jr., Cage the Elephant, Vampire Weekend and Soundgarden.
·         Delivering an emotional performance of her hit song “When the Party’s Over,” Billie Eilish accepted her first ever Grammy Awards. Eilish had six total nominations, breaking a record as the youngest artist to be nominated and win the four major categories.
Check in next Tuesday for more “Posi Talk with Sage Haley,” only at @sagehaleyofficial!
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livinglikebritishroyalty · 5 years ago
𝒮𝑒𝓇𝓋𝒾𝒸𝑒 𝒮𝓊𝓃𝒹𝒶𝓎: Not Finished!
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The Most Noble Order of the Garter
𝐻𝑜𝓃𝑜𝓇 𝑅𝒶𝓃𝓀
The Most Senior Order of Knighthood in the British Honors System. This honor outranks The Victoria Cross & The George Cross,
King Edward III of England in 1348
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𝐻𝒾𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝓃𝑜𝓇
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃
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The Order of the Garter was created on April 23rd, 1344 & was created to help King Edward’s claim to the French throne. The Order is dedicated to Saint George because he is the Patron Saint of England. The Most Noble Order of the Garter was inspired by the Spanish Order of the Band, which was created in 1330. 
𝑀𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒢𝒶𝓇𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒾𝓃 𝐹𝒶𝓂𝑜𝓊𝓈 𝒲𝓇𝒾𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓃 𝒫𝒾𝑒𝒸𝑒𝓈
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(Joanot Martorell)
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(John of Gaunt Duke of Aquitaine)
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(Countess Isabella of Bedford)
The earliest mention of The Most Noble Order of the Garter was mentioned in Tirant to Blanch by Joanot Martorell, a chivalric romance piece of literature (A literary genre of high culture), which was written in Catalan (Now called Valencian Language) in 1490. King Edward III’s wardrobe shows that Garter habits first issued in 1348. The Middle English poem “Sir Gawain & the Green Knight,” which was written in the late 14th century, mentions The Most Noble Order of the Garter. In the poem, a girdle is very similar to a garter (in an erotic way). The poem also mentions a different version of the Order’s motto which is written “Corsed worth cowarddyse and couetyse bope,” which translates to “Cursed be both cowardice and coveting.” The author of the poem is argued by scholars but there is a connection between two candidates: John of Gaunt Duke of Aquitaine & Enguerrand VII de Coucy. Enguerrand was married to King Edward III’s daughter Countess Isabella of Bedford & was received the Order of the Garter on their wedding day.
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(King Richard 1 of England)
Various stories & legends surround the origin of The Most Noble Order of the Garter. 
The most popular story involves Catherine (Grandison) Montagu The Countess of Salisbury. It is said, that the countess’s garter slipped off from her leg, while she was dancing at a court ball that took place in Calais, France. When the garter slipped from the countess’s leg, courtiers laughed & just watched the scene happen. The King saw what had happen & returned the garter to the Countess exclaiming “Honi soit qui mal y pense!" Which translates in English to “Shame on him who thinks ill of it!” This is saying that is written on the The Most Noble Order of the Garter. 
The earliest written story dates back to the 1460′s. A garter in the mid-14th century, was seen mostly as a item of male attire. Looking back on the story, the garter (that was seen as item of female underclothing), actually has the garter stated as a symbol of a band of knights.
A 2nd story is connected to King Richard I of England. In the 12th century, King Richard was inspired by St. George the Matyr, while he was fighting in the Crusades (A series of religious wars in Western Asia & Europe between the 11th & 17th century). The king tied garters around the legs of his knights, who won the battle. King Edward, recalled the story of King Richard during the 14th century when founding the The Most Noble Order of the Garter. This story is actually recounted in a letter to the Annual Register (A long-established reference work, written and published each year, which records and analyses the year's major events, developments and trends throughout the world) that was written in 1774.
𝒟𝑒𝓈𝒾𝑔𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓂
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The emblem for The Most Noble Order of the Garter is a garter with a written Middle French Moto that says "Honi soit qui mal y pense” which means “Shame on him who thinks evil of it” & the motto is written in gold lettering. The motto refers to King Edward’s claim to the French throne. The use of the garter with the emblem, derived from straps that are used to fasten armor & was chosen because of the tight-knit “band/bond” of Edward’s knightly cause supporters.
𝑅𝑒𝒸𝑒𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝓃𝑜𝓇
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒫𝓇𝑜𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈
Each member would nominate 9 candidates who have the rank of either Earl or higher (3 members), have the rank of Baron or higher (3 members), & have the rank of Knight or higher (3 members). The Sovereign then personally chooses as many nominees that as necessary to fill any vacant spots in the current Order of the Garter. But with the nominees comes a decision. The Sovereign (He or She), are not obliged to choose the nominees who received the most nomination counts. This practice ended in 1860. Today, before receiving the The Most Noble Order of the Garter, an appointment is made with the Sovereign (A.K.A: The Queen) at sole discretion.
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒫𝓇𝑜𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝐻𝒾𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎
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(The Right Honorable Clement Attlee 1st Earl of Attlee)
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(The Right Honorable Sir Winston Churchill)
During the 18th century, the Sovereign would choose those to serve on The Most Noble Order of the Garter, by the advice of the current Government. In 1946, membership of the United Kingdom’s highest ranking orders of Chivalry (The Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick, The Most Noble Order of the Garter, & Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle) became a personal choice of the Sovereign once again, with the joint agreement of Prime Minister The Right Honorable Clement Attlee 1st Earl of Attlee & The Leader of the Opposition The Right Honorable Sir Winston Churchill.
The person being appointed to the Order is announced on April 23rd which is known as St. George’s Day. When created, it was said that the original status required that each member of the Order already be a knight (now referred to as a Knight Bachelor). The initial members were knighted the year, the order was created.
𝒪𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓈
(Each Members photo will be below their name)
Male members of The Most Noble Order of the Garter are titled “Knights Companion.”
♕ Sir Sanchet D’Abrichecourt
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♕ Edward, The Black Prince, Prince of Wales
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♕ Henry of Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster
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♕ Thomas de Beauchamp, 11th Earl of Warwick
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♕ Jean III de Grailly, Capital de Buch
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♕ Ralph Stafford, 1st Earl of Stafford
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♕ William de Montagu, 2nd Earl of Salisbury
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♕ Sir Roger de Mortimer, 2nd Earl of March
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♕ John de Lisle, 2nd Baron Lisle of Rougemony
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♕ Bartholomew Burghersh, 2nd Baron Burghersh
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♕ Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Paveley de Beauchamp, 1st Baron Beauchamp de Warwick
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♕ John (V) de Mohun, 2nd Baron Mohun
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♕ Sir Hugh Courtenay
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♕ Thomas Holland, 1st Earl of Kent
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♕ John de Grey, 2nd Baron Grey de Rotherfield
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♕ Sir Richard Fitz-Simon
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♕ Sir Miles Stapleton of Bedale
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♕ Sir Thomas Wale
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♕ Sir Hugh Wrottesley
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♕ Sir Neil Loring
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♕ Sir John Chandos, Viscount of Saint-Sauveur
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♕ Sir James Audley
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♕ Sir Otho Holand  
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♕ Sir Henry Eam
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♕ Sir Sanchet D'Abrichecourt
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♕ Sir Walter Paveley
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𝒯𝓎𝓅𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓈
𝐿𝒶𝒹𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝒞𝑜𝓂𝓅𝒶𝓃𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒢𝒶𝓇𝓉𝑒𝓇
(Each members photo will be under their names)
(King Henry VII of England)
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(Lady Margaret Beaufort)
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(Her Majesty Queen Alexandra)
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(His Majesty King Edward VII)
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(His Majesty King George V)
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(Her Majesty Queen Mary)
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(His Majesty King George VI)
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(Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother)
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After The Most Noble Order of the Garter was founded, like men, women were appointed Ladies of the Garter but were not companions. Ladies of the Garter included: Lady Margaret Beaufort (Mother to King Henry VII of England), Her Majesty Queen Alexandra (Wife of His Majesty King Edward VII: She was named Lady of the Garter by her husband), Her Majesty Queen Mary (Wife to His Majesty King George V: She was named Lady of the Garter by her husband), & Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (Wife to His Majesty King George VI: She was named Lady of the Garter by her husband). This practice though, was put to a stop by King Henry VII of England in 1488. Although beginning in the 20th century, women began to be re-associated with the The Most Noble Order of the Garter, but were again not made companions. In 1987, under the statue of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, it became possible to install “Ladies Companion of the Garter.”
(Each members photo will be under their names)
(Timothy John Dakin)
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(James Hamilton, The 5th Duke of Abercorn)
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(Thomas Woodcock)
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(Sarah Clarke)
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(The Right Reverend Bishop David Conner, The Dean of Windsor)
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(Patric Laurence Dickinson)
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The Most Noble Order of the Garter has 6 different types of Officers: 
1. The Prelate: This position will always belong to The Bishop of Winchester. Currently - Timothy John Dakin (Since 2012).
2. The Chancellor: Responsible for the Seal & Its Use: Currently - James Hamilton The 5th Duke of Abercorn (Since 2012)
3. The Register: Currently - The Right Reverend Bishop David Conner, The Dean of Windsor
4. The Garter Principal King of Arms: The Officer has jurisdiction over England, Wales, & Northern Ireland (With exception of Canada). Responds to the Earl Marshal for the running of the College & is the Principal Advisor to the Sovereign of the United Kingdom. This officer announces the New Monarch, after the current monarch has died. Currently - Thomas Woodcock (Since April 2010).
5. The Gentleman/Lady Usher of the Black Rod: Responsible for controlling access to and maintaining order within the House of Lords & its precincts, as well as for ceremonial events within those precincts. The officer is also the Usher & Doorkeeper at Order of the Garter Meetings & the personal attendant of the Sovereign. This officer has many other positions & duties as well. Currently - Sarah Clarke (Since February 13th, 2018)
6. The Secretary: Currently - Patric Laurence Dickinson (Since September 1st, 2010)
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(Each members photo will be under their names)
Along with the Founder, Ladies Companion of the Garter, & The Original Members of the The Most Noble Order of the Garter, there is another group of members who receive this honor. These members are called Supernumerary Members & they are the members who do not count towards the limit of the 24 Living Family Members/Companions but are in association of the Order. These members can also be referred to Royal Knights & Ladies of the Garter.
(His Majesty King George I of Great Britain)
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(His Majesty King George II of Great Britain)
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(His Majesty King George III of The United Kingdom)
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(His Imperial Majesty Emperor Alexander I of Russia)
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These titles were created by His Majesty King George III of The United Kingdom in 1786 but didn’t create the statute of Supernumerary Members until 1805. He created the title of Supernumerary Members, so that his sons didn’t count toward the 24 companion limit. King George created the statute of members, so that any descendant of His Majesty King George II of Great Britain, could not be installed in The Most Noble Order of the Garter as such a member. 8 years later in 1813, during the reign of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Alexander I of Russia, a membership of being a supernumerary member was extended to foreign monarchs. These members were known as Stranger Knights & Ladies of the Garter. The Statute of Supernumerary Members was put back into play in 1831 & extended to all descendants of His Majesty King George I of Great Britain. In 1954, each installation into The Most Noble Order of the Garter, required an enactment of the statute. The statute authorizes the regular admission of Stranger Knights & Ladies of the Garter without further special enactments.
𝒞𝓊𝓇𝓇𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝓃𝑜𝓇
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*Fact: The Most Noble Order of the Garter is only allowed to The Sovereign/Monarch, The Heir to the Throne, 24 Living Family Members/Companions, & Various Supernumerary (not belonging to a regular staff but engaged for work) Members. The Monarch alone can also grant membership.*
(Each Member will have their photo below their name)
♕ Her Majesty The Queen: Sovereign of The Most Noble Order of the Garter 
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♕ His Royal Highness Prince Philip
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♕ His Royal Highness Prince Charles: Royal Knight Companion of The Most Noble Order of the Garter
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♕ His Royal Highness Prince William
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♕ His Royal Highness Prince Andrew
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♕ His Royal Highness Prince Edward
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♕ Her Royal Highness Anne The Princess Royal
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𝒟𝑒𝑔𝓇𝒶𝒹𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝒶 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇
The Degradation of a Member of the The Most Noble Order of the Garter is a big issue, but can be done by the current Sovereign. This began in the late 15th century. 
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝑒𝑔𝓇𝒶𝒹𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒫𝓇𝑜𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈
During the 15th century, The Degradation of a Member of the The Most Noble Order of the Garter was a formal ceremony. The Garter King of Arms is accompanied by the rest of the members at St. George’s Chapel. The Garter of Arms reads aloud the reason for degradation as a member climbs up a ladder to remove the former knights banner, crest, helm, & sword into the choir. The other members then lead the degraded knight down the length of the chapel, out the doors, & into the castle ditch. 
𝐿𝒾𝓈𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝒟𝑒𝑔𝓇𝒶𝒹𝑒𝒹 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓈
During World War 1, a total of 8 knights were degraded from their positions: 2 Royal Knights & 6 Stranger Knights. These knights were rulers, monarchs, or princes of enemy nations in 1915.
(Each Member will have their photo below their name)
♕ 1915: His Highness The Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha: Broke off relations with his family in the Belgian & British Courts to support the German Empire. He was stripped of his honor by His Majesty King George V.
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♕ 1915: Crown Prince Ernest Augustus of Hanover, 3rd Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale: World War 1 created conflict between the British Royal Family & the Hanoverian Cousins. He was stripped of his honor by His Majesty King George V.
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♕ 1915: His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty Franz Joseph I The Emperor of Austria & Apostolic King of Hungary: Besides being stripped of his position in The Most Noble Order of the Garter, he was also stripped of his Royal Victorian Chain Award.
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♕ 1915: His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Prussia: Besides being stripped from his position in The Most Noble Order of the Garter, he was also stripped of his position from The Most Honourable Order of the Bath & stripped of his Royal Victorian Chain Award.
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♕ 1915: His Imperial and Royal Highness Wilhelm The German Crown Prince & Crown Prince of Prussia: Besides being stripped from his position in The Most Noble Order of the Garter, he was also stripped of his position from The Most Honourable Order of the Bath & stripped of his Royal Victorian Chain Award.
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♕ 1915: His Imperial and Royal Majesty Wilhelm II The German Emperor & King of Prussia: His Imperial & Royal Majesty is the most stripped Knight on this list. In 1915, he was not only stripped from his position in The Most Noble Order of the Garter, he was also stripped of his position from The Order of Saint John, The Honorary Grand Cross, Royal Victorian Order, & his Royal Victorian Chain Award. 
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♕ 1941: His Majesty King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy: King Victor was stripped of his British Honors, after Italy entered World War 1 against the United Kingdom. His Majesty was not only stripped from his position in The Most Noble Order of the Garter, he was also stripped of his position from The Most Honorable Order of the Bath & his Royal Victorian Chain Award. 
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♕ 1941-1971: Emperor Hirohito of Japan: Emperor Hirohito was was stripped of his British Honors after Japan entered World War 2 against the United Kingdom. He was stripped of his position in The Most Noble Order of the Garter. In 1971, The Emperor was restored as a knight in The Most Noble Order of the Garter by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. His British Honors include: Honorary General in the British Army, Field Marshal of Regular Army in the British Army, Honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Honorary Knight Grand Cross of The Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Knight of The Most Noble Order of the Garter, & Foreign Member of the Royal Society.
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