#Will post actual fic to tumblr once its been fully uploaded on ao3
raccoonspooky · 2 months
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New Billy Lenz fic! I needed a dosage of yucky derangement so I wrote abt He.
I am (In)capable of being (In)human:
(4k words so far, Rated E. Second person, Billy Lenz X fem reader format. POV alternating. Y/n device is never used in my work. Fic is completed and I am uploading a chapter a day!) Please read ao3 tags for full list of tags and warnings! This fic is definitely horror porn to the max. Ur welcome.
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ayamari-no-goshi · 4 years
Verboten 15 | (T)
ff.net | AO3
Fandom: Danny Phantom (DP)
Summary: AU. When Danny was five years old, he went missing for 2 weeks. In the years that follow, his family tried to make sense of what happened, only for the truth to be discovered years later.
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, language. Be prepared for some very weird things
Parings: Danny/Sam
Notes: originally uploaded to Ff.net. Cross-posted to AO3 and tumblr. This fic is very heavily inspired by folklore surrounding mysterious wilderness disappearances
Chapter 15
It took almost twenty minutes for Danny’s mom to finish her tirade against the police. Watching her flip out on the officers was almost therapeutic, and by the time she was done, he was more amused then terrified. It made the actual interview much easier.
The police were initially skeptical, especially since his dad took the lead on explaining what happened. His childish excitement at getting to chase something made it sound like some made up fantasy, but that changed when Vlad gave his account. With his reputation, they were forced to take it seriously.
The older of the two officers, O’Brian, took the statements as his partner, Kiziah, reviewed the scene for any clues or evidence of how the creature got in the house. Other police offers were on the way to do a proper investigation.
“You’re the one that reported that murder… That was just, I guess it’s two days ago now,” O’Brian mentioned as he glanced at Danny, who nodded. “We chalked up the weirdness of your original statement due to shock, but if you’re telling me this thing is the same perp, I have no idea what we have on our hands.”
“I… I don’t really know if it was the same thing or not, but it looked like it.”
The officer frowned as his partner returned. “No obvious sign of a break in,” Kiziah stated, “but I don’t want to touch anything without an evidence kit. There’s definitely a weird substance in the living room and near the front door that will need analyzed.”
“You didn’t hear anything?” O’Brian looked back towards Danny and his parents.
“To be honest, our family tends to be heavy sleepers,” his mother explained as she gave him a sheepish grin. “Jack can sleep through almost anything, and I tend to wear earplugs.”
“And I am of the opposite,” Vlad stated as he made himself a cup of tea. “However, it wasn’t until I heard Daniel sprint up the stairs and bang on his parents’ door that I awoke.”
“Sorry about that.” Danny winced at he glanced at the man. Vlad didn’t seem as creepy as he had the previous day, but something still seemed off about him.
The man gave him a dismissive wave. “No worries, my dear boy. I believe your actions were more than understandable given the circumstances.”
“Err… I guess you want me to say if I heard anything?” Danny shook his head as the officers stared at him. “I didn’t. It… it was just a feeling, you know? Like when you get a sudden chill.” That statement was true enough. He figured it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to state the more paranormal aspect of it. “I thought I was just being paranoid until I looked down the stairs and that… that thing stared back at me.”
An awkward silence fell as O’Brian took some more notes. It was only broken when Kiziah received some sort of notification and moved to let the investigation team in. They quickly went to work examining the scene and looking for anything out of the ordinary. While they worked, an older man with a scar down the right side of his face took O’Brian and Kiziah aside and spoke with them. Once they finished, the older officer approached Danny and his family.
“I’m Lieutenant Metzger, and I’ve recently been put in charge of the investigation of the recent murders in the city. You’ve probably heard the rumors this is a serial case. Well, that’s true.” A muscle moved in the man’s cheek as he seemed to debate with himself over how much he could tell them. “Due to some of the details, we were under the impression these were ritualistic in nature and called in the FBI for some help.” He sighed before asking, “Is it okay if I sit?”
“Sure,” Danny’s mother shared a confused look with her husband before she asked the officer if he needed some coffee.
When he agreed, he waited until there was a cup in front of him to continue. “Look, I don’t want this being leaked. We don’t need people thinking the police force is wasting money on chasing fairy tales.” Once the Fenton family agreed, he continued, “You aren’t the first one to report something not quite human around the time of the incidences. Due to shock and figuring it was some sort of disguise, we originally disregarded that. However,” he glanced around before he leaned in, “one of my own officers gave a report earlier this week of glancing something inhuman. It actually attacked his patrol car before it vanished. On top of that, I don’t think whatever that thing spilled on your carpet has any sort of mundane explanation behind it.” He sighed and rubbed his eyes, “Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, I’m going to be frank with you. I would like to contract you for some sort of weapon for this thing. From previous experiences, I’m fully aware your… experiments don’t tend to do harm to people, so if… by the off chance, this isn’t something normal, we’ll have a way to stop it.”
Danny’s father immediately lit up in excitement. After rambling some idea, he ran down to the lab to act upon it before anyone could stop him.
“Don’t mind him,” his mother fondly chuckled. “Jack is very enthusiastic about our work.”
“I… uh… take that you’re willing to help us?”
“Oh, absolutely. If this thing is what we think it might possibly be, we were going to do that anyways. But I do need to ask you something. You mentioned you thought the attacks were ritual in nature. I’m not really sure how to ask this, but for those poor people, was there a part of the body missing?”
Metzger’s shoulders tensed at her question as his eyes narrowed. “How did you know about that?”
“Wait… wait, you’re telling me… that thing… what it was holding in its hand…” Danny couldn’t say it. The memory of the blood dripping from that thing’s hand temporarily overwhelmed him. He must have swayed as his mother gently put a hand on his shoulder.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to. If you decide to go help your father, I think he’d gladly welcome the help.”
Danny shook his head at the suggestion. He needed to stay put. It just felt safer with her and the officers around. She must have somehow understood as she gave his shoulder a motherly squeeze.
“You didn’t answer my question.” An irritated edge crept into Metzger’s voice.
His mother calmly turned back to him and returned his gaze. “I didn’t until just now. After Danny relayed his story, it struck a chord with me, and I did some digging. There is folklore in different parts of the US which tells of creatures who steal the life of humans and often a part of the body. If… if that’s what’s happening, then we’re in trouble.”
“What do you think this thing is doing?”
“Nothing good. Throughout history, humankind has offered up blood and other bodily sacrifices to gods, spirits, monsters, and everything in between. While usually the Aztecs come to mind, you can find evidence of this around the world. It’s believed those sacrifices would either strengthen or appease whichever entity was the focus.”
“Maddie, are you suggesting this thing is doing something similar?”
She nodded. “I… We aren’t sure if this thing is trying to strengthen itself or if it’s taking its gains to something else.”
A different memory surfaced in Danny’s mind. “That… when we were being rescued… the… the person that helped us get back… he said the A-listers got targeted for their blood,” he stammered before he could stop himself.
Everyone in the room stared at him. He and his friends really hadn’t talked about Frostbite. They mentioned to the police they thought someone helped them, but purposely left it vague. With how disoriented they were when they were found, the police were under the impression the trauma obscured some of their memories. Well, the cat was out of the bag.
Matzger stared at him. “Are you telling me what happened to your classmates may be related to… to this thing?”
“I don’t know. Maybe? Like I told my mom before you came, the person who grabbed me and my friends isn’t the same… whatever that thing is. But, I don’t know what Dash and them encountered after we got separated.”
“Hmm… what about the person who helped you?”
Danny shook his head. “Not the same person. He called himself Frostbite, and…” How could he even explain Frostbite? He was a ghostly yeti with an ice arm for God’s sake! “I didn’t think he was real,” he eventually stated as he glanced down at his hands. “He was so friendly and helpful. He was so much different than that thing.”
“Honey, you never really talked about this Frostbite person before.” His mother tried to reach out for his hand, but he pulled away.
“I… I thought he was a dream or hallucination or something for a while.” He hoped he sounded sincere. It was somewhat true after all. The fantastical nature of what happen still didn’t seem real to him, but he knew better. “I think he had helpers… there were other voices besides his.”
“That would line up with some of the evidence we have from your case,” Matzger stated as he rubbed his chin. “The injuries of you and your two friends were vastly different than the others who went missing which suggested multiple perpetrators. One of the other boys did mention that he thought they were rescued by a small group of people. I will have to take a closer look at the injuries of your classmates to determine whether or not they match up with our current victims. That should give us an idea if it’s the same thing or something different.”
“Sir,” officer Kiziah interrupted, “we’ve finished our initial sweep. We did have some trouble trying to keep Mr. Fenton out of the way in the basement area, but he’s promised to stay at the one table while we work. He’s apparently drafting some blueprints. Forensics is here and are working on collecting evidence. They’re hoping to talk to you.”
He sighed. “Thank you, Kiziah. Can you explain to them their options during our investigation progress?” After flashing them an apologetic smile which seemed out of place with his features, he told them he would be in touch and excused himself.
After shaking his head at his superior, Kiziah stated while the family could stay in the house during the investigation process, it had the possibility of accidentally contaminating evidence. He recommended for them to stay at a local hotel for a time.
Although his mother seemed hesitant to leave the house, she eventually agreed to head to a hotel after Vlad made a show of being concerned for the family’s safety. It took a bit of time to get his dad to leave the basement, but by the time seven am hit, Danny found himself in the best hotel in Amity Park, per Vlad’s firm recommendations.
After sending his friends a few texts to let them know what happened, that he was fine, and where he was, he told them he’d call them after he got some sleep. Although he wasn’t exactly happy he shared the room with Vlad, the pristine bed ended up being far more important to him than any worries.
Several hours later, Danny woke up to one hundred and three texts, fifty-four missed calls, and eleven voicemails. Sam and Tucker had only one voicemail and call apiece and only a handful of texts. The rest were from his sister. Groaning, he sent Sam and Tucker messages to let them know he’d call them after he contacted his sister.
He really didn’t want to talk to Jazz at the moment. When she was scared, she became spastic, and a spastic Jazz was the last thing he wanted to deal with at the moment. Okay, the third to last think he wanted to deal with. The creepy thing and Plasmius took the top two places.
After taking several minutes to do everything other than call his sister, he finally buckled down and called her. As predicted, she spastically demanded to know if he was okay while berating him for not contacting her sooner. He just let her talk while making the occasional ‘uh huh’, ‘sorry,’ and ‘yeah.’ From experience, he knew it was better to let her get it out of her system.
He put Jazz on speaker while he attempted to find the hotel’s TV remote. Vlad didn’t seem to be in the room which really didn’t bother him. The man didn’t need to listen to Jazz flipping out after all. Eventually, he found the remote next to a message from Vlad stating he and his parents went to discuss something with the police and would be back with food.
“Danny, are you even listening to me?” Jazz demanded. He must have been quiet for too long.
“Uh? Yeah, I just happened to find a note Vlad left. You were saying something about how it was irresponsible for Dad to go running after the thing?”
“Wait, are you telling me you were left alone after everything that happened?”
“Jazz, I’m seventeen. I think I’m perfectly fine being alone for a few hours.”
“You were kidnapped by a crazy man and then were attacked in your own home! Do you really think it’s safe for you to be alone right now?” With that, she flew into a different tirade.
Knowing it would be a while, he decided the TV would be a preferable alternative to his upset sister. He turned it on only to have it immediately turn off. Thinking he accidentally doubled clicked the button, he tried again only to have the same result. Thinking the remote was damaged, he moved to try the button on the machine. Only, it turned on by itself. It and the lights began to dim and flicker, and his breath began to mist.
Glancing around, he watched as a girl emerged from the wall. At first, it seemed she didn’t notice him as she moved towards the opposite wall, but she stopped midway and faced him. She looked human but her entire body seemed insubstantial and almost wispy. Her skin, if it could be called that, was an unearthly white while her blue hair flickered like a flame.
She smirked at him while moving a little closer. “You shouldn’t be here, Baby Pop.” Her sultry and musical voice seemed far away, almost as if it was being broadcasted over an old radio. “Don’t know what you’re doing on this side of the veil, but you shouldn’t stay here.”
“What… what are you talking about? Who are you?” he stammered while vaguely registering Jazz asking him what was wrong.
“I like to slip to this side for some fun, but I might stick around a little longer this time. It’s already chaotic here, and a little more might do me some good. Besides, it seems I need to make a few people remember I still exist.” After appraising him, she gave another smile and headed back towards the wall. “You might want to get out while you can, Baby Pop. Things might get a little hot, and you new guys often aren’t strong enough to deal with the heat.”
“Hey, wait!” He tried to get her to stop, but she just vanished back into the wall. Unsure what to do, he stood in the center of the room dumbfounded until he realized his phone was still on speaker and his sister was calling for him.
“Hey, Jazz, I’m going to have to call you back,” he stated as he moved towards the door. “Something really weird just happened.” He hung up on her as he ran into the hallway looking for some evidence of the ghost.
He barely made it to the elevators when the fire alarm sounded. Not wanting to stick around, he quickly found the stairs and made his way to the lobby as the rest of the guests started to follow suit. By the time he reached the third floor, he began to smell smoke. There had to be a fire. Is that what that ghost meant? Did she somehow set it?
He really hoped that wasn’t the case. He really only needed on potentially supernatural thing causing problems in his life at a time.
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bjy-on-ao3 · 3 years
Kinktober 2021, Day 12
As usual, you can find the AO3 version of all my uploads [and some things I don’t post here to tumblr] via my Masterlist blog page.)
I don’t actually know if human sacrifice to gods was quite a thing in ancient Greece at any point, but the gods also probably didn’t physically manifest, so we’ll just call it a wash and move on with the fic.
Summary There are more ways than just blood and guts to satisfy a god of violence and chaos, it turns out.
Tags/Warnings Attempted Human Sacrifice, Blowjob, Face-Fucking, Kinktober, Kinktober 2021, Oneshot, Prompt, Reader-Insert, Shameless Smut, Oral Sex
Kinktober 2021, 12: Face-F*cking (Reader x Ares | Hades)
Your luck had run out, of that you were certain as your village argued amongst one another what they could possibly afford to offer the God of War recently come for homage. Food was out of the question - there was little to spare. Nor was your home known for fancy baubles or well-forged weapons. What else could be given to a god of war and chaos?
Blood. That was the answer your village had settled on. Blood in the form of a living, human offering to the bloodthirsty god. If only that had been the case, perhaps your luck might not have been at its lowest, but you had been chosen as the most suitable to offer as that sacrifice. Had you known of the decision beforehand, you would likely have fled, but you had been left no time, nor informed of the latter parts of the discussion. Not until, at least, they had found and captured you and set off in a march with you in tow to where the war god awaited his tribute.
All the blood drained from your face as you came closer and closer until at last the carved stone throne and shrine that served to honor the war god came into view. Most often, it sat quiet and empty, only not gathering dust by virtue of villagers coming to tend to it as time wore on. But now, a hulking man sat upon it, fully at home and looking lax and bored.
As you approached, more details could be made out. Offerings from other nearby villages surrounded the foot of the throne; gleaming arms, gems, and well-preserved delicacies, among other items. The atmosphere was stifling, choking any warmth out of the midday air and daring anyone amongst you to break the silence. Your captors and fellow possessed faces nearly as bloodless as your own, likely praying your blood would be as satisfactory a tribute as they hoped.
Coming to a stop, you noticed several other small groups, each leaving their offering and words of praise and prayer and thanks to the war god before sweeping away as quickly as was respectful. It was plain enough they were eager to be rid of the violent god’s presence, despite how quiet he seemed as he reposed on the throne. Though once you were near enough to sense the almost tangible aura of power and catch the cold look in his bloody red eyes, you couldn’t blame the others for making such hasty retreats.
You weren’t sure how long you were made to wait, your group appearing to be the last to offer their ‘tribute’ from those that had gathered. Perhaps it was an hour, perhaps it was a few minutes, it mattered not, the fear gripping you made time pass in an instant all the same. And then, the people you had once known as neighbors brought your forward and presented you like some beast for slaughter. You suppressed a shudder, wanting to look away, but at the same time unable to tear yourself away from the sight of the intimidating inhuman individual.
His expression shifted, interest dawning on his bored features. Having sat before with his chin rest on a fist, he sat a bit straighter in his seat. In his interested expression, there was no surprise, though, as if he had seen something like it before, yet still something uncommon enough to be more entertaining.
The village elder was making some sort of speech, offering you as blood tribute to the god as boldly as one could with a quivering voice. It was all nonsensical gibberish to you as the frantic beat of your heart and the chill in your body made you aware of little else. Then, they scurried away as hurriedly as the others, neither keen on sharing the same space with the venerated but bloody god, nor to see what he intended to do with his latest offering. The rest of the villagers followed quickly, leaving you in dreadful silence before the war god Ares, at his mercies.
He sat silent for long enough that, combined with your already apprehensive and tense state of mind, it nearly startled you when he finally broke the quiet with a hum of thought. “What ought I do with you, little sacrificial lamb?” he mused.
You said nothing. In fact, you weren’t sure you could have spoken if you wanted to, as well unsure if he was simply thinking aloud. You stood stock still, trying not to worry your lip or wring your hands and fearfully fold your arms.
“Come, then. Give me a reason I ought not use you for the manner your fellows abandoned you to.”
His demands were enough to loosen your tongue and kick your brain into function, at least long enough to answer his question. “Whatever you ask, Lord Ares. Whatever might please you that would spare me.”. The answer was vague, open, and you wondered for an instant if you had chosen your words poorly.
Ares blew a short derisive huff before falling quiet again, a contemplative look on his face before he spoke again. “To me, then. On your knees,” Ares commanded, gesturing with a curl of his fingers as if you were some subservient animal.
But you heeded his words quickly, closing the distance between you and the foot of his throne in an instant, and then kneeling before him, the stone floor of the shrine scraping your legs. You dared to cast your glance up and, oh , did the war god look so much more imposing from your new position.
Ares reached for the lappets of his clothes, pulling them up and aside with one hand while grabbing himself in the other. He spread his legs unabashedly, stroking his length lazily until it stood taller. Another moment passed, and Are gave you a pointed, expectant look, though his burned with something akin to amusement.
“Go on,” he said, his tone so level it was nearly dull.
You didn’t need to be told twice, hardly giving thought to what Ares was obviously demanding from you. Leaning in closer, you wrapped your hands around his length, and his own hand lifted away to allow you greater access. Pumping them both up and down, you found a rhythm among the anxiety still crowding your thoughts. Your hands alone weren’t enough for him, though, and he tangled his hands in your hair, using it to jerk your head closer to his lap.
You heard the command loud and clear, despite its wordlessness, and opened your mouth so you could slide your lips around the swollen head of his cock. The salty taste of skin and the bitter flavor of pre-cum met you, distracting you as you tried to take in more of his length without gagging yourself.
But Ares’ patience wasn’t long in that moment, and the slow ease of your mouth on his length was enough either. His grip tightened, and your scalp stung where he held you, bringing a prick of tears to your eyes. With little care, he until you sat up on your knees, at a better angle to take him deeper. His hold was iron, and there was no room for you to move back, hardly enough even to try to continue with your pace.
That mattered naught to Ares, though, since he had already tired of your slowness. His hard grasp on your hair pressed you forward until your mouth engulfed him completely, and he groaned softly. Your throat began to burn and you strained not to choke around him, only half-succeeding. There was little time to steel yourself for the brutal pace he swiftly settled on, pulling your head away and his hips back until his heavy head barely remained on your tongue, only to thrust back home mercilessly.
At first, you kept trying not to gag and choke around his cock with each careless, rough thrusts, but your efforts only went so far. Full tears burned and bled down your cheeks, saliva dripping down your lips and chin when Ares pulled back, making your face a flushed, dripping mess. You were left only with the ability to focus on catching a breath whenever he pulled away and looking up through tear-glossed eyes at him as he used your mouth and throat so harshly.
The first glance at his eyes burning down on you was enough to send a shiver down your spine you couldn’t suppress. It was a wild mix of excitement and twisted pleasure that frightened you but called out to something equally wild and perverse inside you. A sensation that roused something that wasn’t fear, but that you had no time to linger on and explore.
By the time Ares’ brutal treatment ended and he came with a hot, thick flow of cum that made your already abused throat sting more, you were thankful. Thankful that he was granting you a reprieve, and that, as rough as he had been, at least all of your blood was still where it belonged. He let go of your hair and allowed you to draw back off his softening cock, still coated with your drool.
You drew in a rattling breath, even the sweet air making your throat sting. You tried not to cough and failed, making your throat feel even sorer. Your coughing fit came and went, though, even if the ache remained - and surely it would remain for quite some time longer.
“Such a more satisfying use of an offering that would grant me no sport to slay,” Ares groaned, his smooth voice made husky and thick.
If the lack of sport you might offer had been your saving grace, so be it, you were thankful for that as well. At least now, you would live to speak of the tale. For a time, there was silence again, and you kept your gaze downcast. Looking up, the throne was suddenly empty, nothing left to suggest a god had been there at all.
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some-cookie-crumbz · 7 years
Crumbles’ Big Dump of Upcoming Fics
Happy New Year, everybody! I certainly hope that so far things are going well for you all. I had been meaning to make this post a while back but things got kinda… delayed. Between a lot of really painful personal tragedies – including the death of my dad – and a stressful schedule with work and school, I’ve been a little all over the place. 2017 has been, by far, the cruelest and loneliest year of my life. My dad’s death has shattered me in a lot of different ways, but it had a huge impact on my ability to write, which crippled my usual coping mechanism. He was always really invested in the original stories that I work on as well and was also so supportive of my works. It made writing – something that I have always relied on as a stress relief and outlet for my negative emotions – painful and challenging and it, in turn, made me bitter and resentful at myself and at him. I’ll make another post about where I’ve been in my own mind fully just to get it all out eventually, but for now I just want to offer up an abridged version.
Most days I didn’t – and, honestly, there are still days where I don’t – feel like myself at all. But I feel that, at this point, not writing would be a disservice to his memory.
In the last few weeks I’ve felt a bit more clarity and I’ve been able to find my voice again. I don’t want to stop writing and I have no intention of doing it. In fact, my imagination has kinda jump-started back to near-normal capacity and I have a lot of ideas I’m really excited to share. This post is about the ideas I have in mind and when I intend to upload what. I want to put myself on a schedule because I feel like setting goals for myself will be a good way to get me back in the swing of things.
In preparation for this, I’ve actually gone ahead and made myself an AO3 account – which can be found [here] - because the ideas under the “Read More” are all going to be multi-chapter projects. I’ll still make posts here on tumblr when any updates go live (and should have schedules for when each fic will be updated), I just don’t want to post full chapters here, since I tend to write long chapters. I am also adding the disclaimer here that one-shots (with some exceptions)/ requests/ and other things of that ilk will not be listed here because those have no real schedule in mind.
Ships to Expect: SasuSaku (Naruto), SoMa (Soul Eater), Hance (Voltron), and a whole mess of Kidge (Voltron) because I have no control.
The Shrink Treatment 3: Voltron (Kidge): I am almost done with this one and, surprise to no one, there’ll be one more part after that to just wrap it all up. Regardless, though, I should be able to finish this short series up before the end of the month! Release Date: January 11th/12th, 2018 Update Schedule: Once (Part 4 will hopefully be done within two weeks from whichever day I upload Part 3)
Request 5: Voltron (Kidge): Leaving this vague, because I still want it to be a surprise, but the final of a list of requests I received a few months ago! This, much like The Shrink Treatment, ended up getting away from me. I relaly loved the idea and it’s taking me a while to get it finished. Release Date: February 14th, 2018 Update Schedule: Once (Valentine’s Special)
Like Treading Water: Voltron (Kidge): Love isn’t exactly an emotion that is easy to explain or acknowledge if you aren’t actively looking for it. Little nuances will stick out as something irregular and strange, but can be easily shrugged off when a mind applies logic or sound reasoning to it. You can blind yourself to something that is so obvious to those around you simply by virtue of coming up with other explanations. This is a chronology of how each Paladin realized that Keith Kogane and Pidge Gunderson were falling for each other; including the two Paladins themselves. Note: I started working on this back in October of 2015, shortly after I watched the first season and became Voltron trash. As such, I’m currently having to re-read what I’ve written so far to assure that it falls in line with the canon of the series thus far. Release Date: February 14th, 2018 Update Schedule: Once (Valentine’s Special)
Keidge Month: Not a multi-chapter story, but I just want to say I have every intention of participating in Keidge Month in March; in fact, I’ve already started to work on some of my prompt fills. I’ll post all my prompt fills to both here and AO3, just so that people can choose to read it on whichever outlet is more comfortable for them. It’s my number one ship and it happens to take place during my birthday month, so what kind of smuck would I be to not participate? ;3c Release Date: March 1st, 2018 Update Schedule: Daily (Month Long Event)
Cherry Bomb: Naruto (SasuSaku) – After an accident in the facility that she is interning at, Sakura Haruno gains super strength and an accelerated healing element. With the help of her role model, Dr. Tsunade Senju, she learns how to control and harness this power to help protect the denizens of the city. She is thrust into stopping a plot by other humans with genetic mutations to take control of the city using intimidation and force while also trying to keep her secret identity hidden from her photo-journalist boyfriend, Sasuke Uchiha. Note: I’ve been planning this project for roughly three – Hell, almost four – years now. This is going to be my final Naruto project – excluding any requests I get – and I want it to be something really special and significant to not just anyone who reads it, but also to my own growth as a writer. Naruto has been one of the longest fandoms I’ve been in and SasuSaku was one of my first really big ships; I want this to be a final love letter worth my time to write and worth everyone’s time to read. Release Date: March 2nd, 2018 Update Schedule: Bi-Weekly
Kidge Week: Again, not a multi-chapter thing but I really needed to say I have every intention of participating in this as well! My goal is to finish as many of my prompt fills for Keidge month before the prompts for Kidge Week drop in February as possible so that I can start working on that ASAP. Release Date: April 15th, 2018 Update Schedule: Daily (Week Long Event)
Hance Month: What do you know, I had way more things to list as non-multi-chapter fics for the first half of the year than I thought! Another extended event I have every intention of participating in because I really want to produce more content for Hance. It’s really such an great, under-rated ship that deserves more love! Release Date: May 1st, 2018 Update Schedule: Daily (Month Long Event)
Lance McClain vs. The World: After getting involved with a charming young engineering student named Hunk Garrett after meeting at a bar, Lance McClain finds himself getting dragged into a series of events that seem to be ripped right out of a comic book. He is given a warning from the leader of something called “Team Voltron”; a group of Hunk’s ex-lovers and close personal friends, dedicated to determining the worthiness of Hunk’s suitors through various competitive means. Never one to back down from a challenge, Lance agrees to the terms and is forced to learn various new skills and talents in order to compete with the roster of powerful opponents he faces. Note: The fact that there aren’t more Scott Pilgrim AUs in any of the fandoms I like is really disappointing, so I decided that I’d fix that problem myself. While I’ll be following the basic formula set up by the source material, I intend to take a very different approach and keep it fresh with some ideas of my own. So if you’ve actually seen Scott Pilgrim? This’ll be of a different flavor, so don’t assume you know what I have up my sleeve. ;3 Release Date: May 10th, 2018 Update Schedule: Weekly or Bi-Weekly.
Bodyguard AU (Title TBD): Voltron (Kidge): After publically calling out the shady business practices of Galra Tech, acclaimed actor Keith Kogane finds himself the subject of both an attempted assassination and threat of blackmail. Undeterred, he feels no fear at the prospect of making an enemy of the powerful conglomerate. Worried about his safety, both physically and his privacy being violated, his agent, Allura LeAltea, calls upon the help of an old charm school friend of hers. Enter Katie Holt; renowned tech prodigy and secret hacker known as Pidge Gunderson, hired on to be Keith’s personal bodyguard. The only catch? The two must pretend to be dating to assure that Katie can tag along with him wherever he goes without cueing Galra Tech into knowing their threats have had an effect. Note: I love Bodyguard AUs. I love Fake Dating AUs. I love deviating from the expectation. On top of that, an amazing Bodyguard AU one-shot has already been written by the talented Camphalfgalra on AO3, in which Keith is the bodyguard and Pidge is his client, so I decided to flip the roles for my own version of the trope. Release Date: June 15th, 2018 Update Schedule: Weekly or Bi-Weekly
Twilight: Voltron (Kidge): One night, Matthew Holt disappeared from his room without a trace. In the time that he’d been gone, his younger sister, Katie Holt, has been frantically pushing for more action to be taken in bringing her brother home; believing he has been whisked away to the deadly mystery of the forest around their small village of Kerberos. With her brother missing, her mother’s health rocky in her grief, and her father away to help a neighboring village with a fast-spreading illness, she is struggling to maintain not only all effort to bring her brother home alive, but also keep the family farm up to its normal functionality. The Head of the Village Guard, Thace Kogane, insists that she accept the help of his two children, Keith and Allura, to assist her with the farm. Initially cold and distant, Katie slowly warms up to the duo and finds that they may be able to offer her more help in finding her brother, as well as unraveling the mysteries of the dark forest just outside the fences of their small village. Note: I basically just threw the Voltron cast into the universe of one of my own stories – The Tragedy of Helena and Jeremiah – and went with it. Pidge is a pseudo-replacement for Helena and Keith is a pseudo-replacement for Jeremiah, though they have drastically different personalities from my own characters, and as such the story goes in a much different direction. I also borrowed some elements from another project of mine - Sweet Tooth - which The Tragedy of Helena and Jeremiah is a prequel to. Release Date: August 17th, 2018 Update Schedule: Bi-Weekly or Monthly
SingleParent!AU (Title TBD): Soul Eater (SoMa): Soul Evans has been struggling with life as a single father for roughly three years now; working two jobs and odd hours to support himself and his precious daughter, Harmony. Upon the announcement of his older brother, Wes, getting married, he is begged to return home to help with preparing for the ceremony and to be his brother’s Best Man. Feeling that he’ll have better opportunities with his family’s support and more time to spend with Harmony, Soul agrees to moving back to Death City. Through fate and circumstance, Soul meets Maka Albarn, the writer of his daughter’s favorite series of children’s books and intended Maid of Honor to Liz Thompson, Wes’ fiancée, and the two get along pretty well. And, perhaps from there, more will develop between them. Note: Bodyguard, Fake Dating, and Single Parent AUs are my fucking weakness. On top of that, I really want to write something that kinda messes with the typical tropes of Single Parent AUs that I’ve read. Hopefully it’ll be a fun ride for everyone! Release Date: September 28st, 2018 Update Schedule: Bi-Weekly
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