#Will Grayam
byneddiedingo · 2 months
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Brainstorm (William Conrad, 1965)
Cast: Jeffrey Hunter, Anne Francis, Dana Andrews, Viveca Lindfors, Stacy Harris, Kathie Browne, Philip Pine, Michael Pate, Robert McQueeney, Strother Martin. Screenplay: Mann Rubin, Lawrence B. Marcus. Cinematography: Sam Leavitt. Art direction: Robert Emmet Smith. Film editing: William H. Ziegler. Music: George Duning.
The vertiginous Brainstorm starts off in one direction, with the sadistic industrialist Cort Benson (Dana Andrews) gaslighting his employee, Jim Grayam (Jeffrey Hunter), who is having an affair with Benson's wife, Lorrie (Anne Francis). But then it turns in another direction: Benson may be trying to make Grayam think he's going mad, but Grayam may actually be insane. He plots an intricate scheme to kill Benson and get away with it, and he almost does. It's a whipsaw premise for a thriller that in the hands of Alfred Hitchcock might have been a classic. Unfortunately, William Conrad was a better character actor than director, and he doesn't quite bring it off. Part of the problem is that Hunter is a little too handsome for the role and doesn't balance the attractiveness of Grayam with enough darkness: We ought to feel more ambivalent about the character from the start. The script has some distracting inconsistencies of plot and character that a more sure-footed director might have overcome, the way Hitchcock covers up the plot holes in Vertigo (1958). There are still some good performances, especially from Viveca Lindfors as a psychiatrist who plays her own ambivalent role in Grayam's case. I think it's the off-balance narrative that has allowed Brainstorm to develop into something of a cult film after its initial rejection by the critics. 
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onomastic-dustbin · 1 year
Some names created by replacing the letter H in familiar given names with the letter Y:
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majorxmaggiexboy · 2 years
*Benoit Blanc in The Terror* “Mah good suhs, if ah may interject,,,, it seems tuh me that howah present foe, though it would SEEM tuh be that uhsus maruhtahmus who, prowlin’ thuh dahknuss which, among howah othah hahdships, currantly oppresses each of us, be not the BAYUH at awl. Wah, did howah troubles nawt begin before owah good friend, Grayam, met his unfortunate fate? No, gentlemen, it is mah belief that thuh bayuh is simply...an outwahd, a physical rep-resentaytive of a deepah and still more unsettlin’ truth. The enemy, gentlemen, and if ah MAY, has been HUBRIS awl along.”
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christinashone · 10 months
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We named him Grayam (later found out his name was Paddy), a cute cat wandering outside our log cabin 🐾
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gcarpenterthe3rd · 2 years
Intent and Treatment / Pitch Materials - RAF Live Project
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Originally, I chose to do Dadaism as my group part's theme, since it was a prolific art movement of the Interwar period. These were the concept art for it, as well as some moodboards, which were used in the presentation.
However, I ended up changing my focus since it was suggested Surrealism and Dadaism were combined. However, I picked parts of it out to use in my new focus, British Poster and Commercial Art, which had its 'golden age' during the interwar period.
Intent & Treatment
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This was my new concept art for the British poster and commercial art movement. This gif was to demonstrate how the scenery would move around the character, giving it a paralex effect by sliding them across the screen at different paces. I wanted it to resemble a scenic poster, using cut out figures from various 1920s - 1930s posters. A majority of these posters were produced by the TfL, so I thought of including another scene with a train in it.
I chose British poster and commercial art as my focus because of its 'golden age' during the Interwar period. This was an interesting video from the Museum of London Transport which covers the boom of poster art for commercialism, specifically for London Transport, where people were encouraged to travel using eye-catching and appealing visuals of landscapes around Britain, such as Briton or Canterbury.
London Transport was one of the biggest commissioners for poster art and commercial art in Britain during the 20th century.
It was used to promote the use of the London Transport system. It was the destination that was often the focus, like the interesting places the passengers could enjoy, rather than the machines themselves.
Frank Pick was an influential designer and commercial promoter, who suggested the poster to promote the London Transport business.
Poster art drew stylistic inspiration from many different sources. Kauffer and Wadsworth, inspired by the Avant Garde movements of the early twentieth century. Commercial art became a source of popular interpretation of art movements throughout the time period - cubism, futurism and vorticism. Wadsworth was a vorticist artist. The interpretation of dimension using vorticism - bold and big geometrical shapes - was important to poster design.
Once the Second World War started, poster art drastically decreased, with the paper shortages meaning that the paper was to be reserved for posters that boost morale.
Some prolific poster artists include:
Frank Branwin
Dora Batty
Laura Knight
Edward Mcknight Kauffer
Paul Nash
Grayam Sutherland
Edward Wadsworth
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thoriffix · 4 years
Grrr can ppl just respect others opinons on the matter and when someone has openly stated patton negativity makes them uncomfortable not come into their askbox and say shit about patton?? like. Ppl who dont like patton are always asking ppl to respect their opinions can u also just respect some people Do like patton and there is nothing wrong with that! Anyway Gray I hope ur doing ok!! Sorry about all the patton negativity ive posted today! Take care of urself! ppl respect gray
fhsjdhsj ty man :"] i hope ur doin ok as well and honestly dw abt it like u said everyones entitled to their opinion n that opinion bein respected so dont apologise 🤟 jus dont like how much beef there is in this fandom in general lmao
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snowyshadow · 5 years
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D. Gray-man [ディーグレイマン]
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overmega · 3 years
relistening to tma and why does he say graham like that. grayam
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askeverypurpleblood · 3 years
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girlgerard · 4 years
I have no idea how “grayam” would sound?? I’m from Texas
it sounds exactly how it looks! ‘GRAY-am’ lmao apparently its the most common way of saying it
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angel-archivist · 4 years
Grayam‽ More like Gayam¡ Eyyo¡¡¡ Gottem¡¡
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derovalfnolem · 6 years
British people be saying grayam cracka
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caramembuatcireng · 3 years
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Cara Membuat Cireng Isi Suwir Ayam - Cara Membuat Cireng Crispy Isi Ayam - Cireng bisa jadi camilan yang pas untuk dinikmati dalam berbagai suasana. Apalagi saat mengobrol bersama keluarga. Namun, di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini, rasanya lebih bijak bila Anda membuat sendiri daripada membelinya di luar.
Tak perlu khawatir, ada banyak kok resep kreasi cireng yang bisa Anda coba di rumah. Salah satunya olahan cireng isi ayam pedas. Tertarik membuatnya?  berikut resep cireng isi ayam pedas. Jangan lupa sajikan selagi hangat agar rasanya lebih nendang.
Cara Membuat Cireng Isi Suwir Ayam -   Cireng Isi Ayam
Bahan isian:
250 grayam suir
8 buah cabe merah
13 cabe lombok
4 siung bawang putih
4 siung bawang merah
1-2 lembar daun salam (bisa ganti daun jeruk)
Garam secukupnya
Kaldu bubuk secukupnya
Gula pasir secukupnya
1 sdt Saus tiram
Minyak untuk menumis
1/2 gelas air
Bahan cireng:
250 ml air mendidih
250 gr tepung tapioka
100 grtepung terigu
1 sdt garam/secukupnya
Kaldu bubuk secukupnya
Merica secukupnya
2 siung bawang putih haluskan
;Cara membuat:
Haluskan bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe. Lalu tumis hingga benar-benar matang. Lalu masukan ayam yang telah disuir dan beri bumbu. Sisihkan.
Campur kan semua bahan cireng beri air mendidih sedikit demi sedikit. Uleni hingga agak kalis (jangan terlalu lama menguleni agar cireng tidak keras);
Ambil adonan cireng (untuk besar kecilnya sesuaikan saja) gilas dengan rolingpin cetak hingga berbentuk bulat atau sesuaikan dengan selera, beri isian ayam lalu tutup adonan/cetak dengan cetakan pastel supaya hasilnya rapi. Goreng hingga matang, sajikan selagi hangat.
cara membuat cireng isi - Cireng isi merupakan jajanan khas Jawa Barat yang terbuat dari campuran tepung yang dibuat seperti kulit dan dibentuk dengan bentuk tertentu sesuai dengan rasa yang ada. Ciri khas dari makanan ini adalah bentuknya yang berbeda dan terdapat isi di dalamnya. Biasanya, pedagang cireng isi berjualan di tempat ramai dan menggunakan gerobak yang khas.  Cara Membuat Cireng Isi Suwir Ayam -  
Varian Rasa Cireng Isi Sesuai dengan namanya, makanan ini mempunyai isi dengan rasa yang berbeda. Rasa yang biasanya dijual adalah :
Baso pedas
Ayam pedas
Kornet pedas
Sosis pedas
Bentuk Untuk membedakan isi dari cireng, pedagang membuat inovasi berupa bentuk cireng yang berbeda. Bentuk yang dimaksud diantaranya :
Seperti matahari
Dan bentuk khas lainnya.
cara membuat cireng isi - Cireng isi merupakan jajanan khas Jawa Barat yang terbuat dari campuran tepung yang dibuat seperti kulit dan dibentuk dengan bentuk tertentu sesuai dengan rasa yang ada. Ciri khas dari makanan ini adalah bentuknya yang berbeda dan terdapat isi di dalamnya. Biasanya, pedagang cireng isi berjualan di tempat ramai dan menggunakan gerobak yang khas.  Cara Membuat Cireng Isi Suwir Ayam -  
Varian Rasa Cireng Isi Sesuai dengan namanya, makanan ini mempunyai isi dengan rasa yang berbeda. Rasa yang biasanya dijual adalah :
Baso pedas
Ayam pedas
Kornet pedas
Sosis pedas
Bentuk Untuk membedakan isi dari cireng, pedagang membuat inovasi berupa bentuk cireng yang berbeda. Bentuk yang dimaksud diantaranya :
Seperti matahari
Dan bentuk khas lainnya.
Cara Membuat Cireng Bermacam Rasa
Cara Membuat Cireng - Cireng singkatan dari aci digoreng. Cireng ialah jajanan khas Bandung yang banyak digemari orang seantero Nusantara. Cireng terbuat dari bahan dasar tepung kanji serta tepung tapioka. Setelah itu dikaliskan serta dibangun pipih kemudian digoreng.  Cara Membuat Cireng Isi Suwir Ayam -  
Cireng sangat lezat disajikan dikala masih hangat. Cireng dimakan sembari dicocol bumbu kacang, saus sambal, bumbu rujak, ataupun bumbu yang lain. Cireng dapat pula dimakan langsung ataupun original.
Buat rasanya, cireng identik dengan cita rasa gurih serta renyah. Cireng umumnya polosan ataupun tidak terdapat isi. Tetapi saat ini varian cireng begitu bermacam- macam. Cireng dapat diisi dengan bermacam- macam toping cocok selera. Keju, sosis, daging, telur, cabe, serta lain sebagainya. Lantaran banyak penikmatnya, cireng ini jadi kemilan yang mudah ditemui di warung kaki 5.
Membuat cireng sejatinya tidak sangat ribet. Cuma dengan bahan dasar tepung, ditambah dengan air, serta bumbu simpel dapur yang lain. Cuma memerlukan waktu sebentar, kalian telah dapat menikmati lezatnya jajanan cireng bersama keluarga di rumah.  Cara Membuat Cireng Isi Suwir Ayam -  
Gimana metode masaknya?  Cara Membuat Cireng Isi Suwir Ayam -  
Cara Membuat Cireng tanpa santan.
tepung terigu 50 gram
seledri 2 batang, iris halus
tepung kanji 250 gram
penyedap rasa ayam 1 sdt
daun bawang 2 batang, iris halus
garam 2 sdt
bawang putih 3 siung, haluskan
merica bubuk 1 sdt
Metode membuat:
a. Campur tepung kanji serta tapioka.
b. Tambahkan daun bawang, seledri, bawang putih, penyedap rasa ayam, merica, serta garam.
c. Tuang air panas sedikit demi sedikit sembari diaduk ataupun diuleni sampai kalis.
d. Wujud adonan cocok selera.
e. Goreng cireng ke dalam minyak panas sampai matang rata.
Cara Membuat Cireng keju serta sosis
tepung kanji 250 gram
daun bawang 1 batang, iris halus
sosis ayam 5 buah, cincang
tepung terigu 100 gram
bawang putih 2 siung, haluskan.
garam 1 sdt
seledri 1 batang, iris halus
penyedap rasa ayam 2 sdt
keju 1 sachet, potong dadu
saus sambal ataupun tomat cocok selera.
Metode membuat:
a. Tuang tepung kanji serta terigu ke dalam wadah, tambah bawang putih halus, daun bawang, dan seledri, penyedap rasa, serta garam. Aduk rata.
b. Tuang air secara lama- lama sembari diaduk sampai adonan kalis dirasa adonan mulai dapat dibangun.
c. Ambil sedikit adonan, wujud pipih kemudian masukkan sosis serta keju. Dapat pula kalian pisah isiannya cocok selera.
d. Wujud bulat- bulat semacam membuat bakso sampai isian tertutup.
e. Goreng cireng sampai matang.
Cara Membuat Cireng bumbu rujak
tepung terigu 50 gram
garam 2 sdt
penyedap rasa ayam 1 sdt
seledri 2 batang, iris halus
tepung kanji 250 gram
daun bawang 2 batang, iris halus
bawang putih 3 siung, haluskan
merica bubuk 1 sdt
Bahan sambal:
asam jawa 1 sdm
garam 1 sdt
cabai rawit 4 buah
gula aren 3 sdm
terasi 1/ 2 sdt
air matang 50 cc
Metode membuat:
a. Campur tepung kanji serta tapioka. Beri daun bawang, seledri, bawang putih, penyedap rasa ayam, merica, serta garam.
b. Tuang air panas sedikit demi sedikit sembari diaduk ataupun diuleni sampai kalis. Wujud adonan cocok selera.
c. Goreng cireng ke dalam minyak panas sampai matang rata. Tiriskan serta sisihkan.
d. Haluskan seluruh seluruh bahan sambal.
e. Siapkan air mendidih. Tuang bumbu bahan sambal.
f. Siramkan bumbu rujak ke cireng yang sudah digoreng.
Cara Membuat Cireng salju
tepung tapioka 1/ 4 kg
daun bawang 1 batang, iris halus
penyedap rasa ayam 2 sdt
bawang putih 2 siung, haluskan
air bersih 250 cc
santan praktis( kara) 1/ 2 bungkus
garam 1 sdt
Metode membuat:
a. Masukkan tepung tapioka ke dalam wadah, beri bawang putih halus, irisan daun bawang, penyedap rasa, serta garam. Aduk rata. Sisihkan.
b. Rebus air, tuangkan santan. Tunggu sampai mendidih.
c. Tuangkan santan ke dalam adonan secara lama- lama sembari diaduk sampai adonan kalis sempurna.
d. Wujud adonan cocok selera, dapat bundar ataupun pipih.
e. Goreng cireng sampai matang.
Cara Membuat Cireng wijen gelap
100 gr tepung sagu
1 sdt jamur bubuk
3 sdm wijen hitam
50 gr tepung mocaf
2 batang daun bawang, iris halus
2 sdt bawang putih bubuk
1 sdm wijen putih
1/ 4 sdt lada bubuk
minyak kelapa
Bahan biang:
50 gr tepung sagu
125 ml air mendidih
Metode membuat:
a. Campur tepung sagu dengan air mendidih. Aduk sampai menggumpal.
b. Tambahkan seluruh bahan kecuali minyak kelapa.
c. Aduk rata sampai tercampur sempurna, uleni memakai tangan hingga kalis.
d. Buat adonan, kemudian pipihkan serta gulingkan adonan pada tepung sagu kering. Jalani sampai adonan habis.
e. Goreng cireng memakai minyak kelapa sampai matang.
Cara Membuat Cireng crispy sambal jahe
3 sdm terigu
merica secukupnya
3 batang daun bawang, iris halus
65 gr santan instan
1 bungkus kaldu praktis rasa ayam
200 ml air
250 gr tepung tapioka
1 sdt bawang putih bubuk
Bahan sambal:
3 buah cabai rawit ataupun cocok selera
3 siung bawang merah
3 ruas jahe
2 siung bawang putih
30 ml kecap manis
Metode membuat:
a. Campur tepung terigu, santan praktis, kaldu praktis rasa ayam, merica, bawang putih bubuk, serta tuang air. Masak sampai mendidih.
b. Gabungkan irisan daun bawang dengan tepung tapioka.
c. Masukkan kombinasi tepung terigu ke dalam tapioka sedikit demi sedikit sembari diuleni sampai kalis.
d. Buat adonan cocok selera, kemudian pipihkan.
e. Goreng cireng ke dalam minyak panas hingga matang. Angkat kemudian tiriskan.
f. Buat membuat sambal, ulek halus seluruh bahan sambal. Tambahkan kecap manis.
Sediakan cireng crispy dengan sambal dikala masih hangat.
Cara Membuat Cireng isi tempe
cabai merah, cabai rawit
bawang merah, bawang putih, kunyit
gula, garam, kaldu jamur
daun bawang
Bahan kulit:
1 gelas tepung terigu
garam, royco, kaldu jamur
1 gelas tepung tapioka
air panas
Metode membuat:
a. Potong kecil tempe.
b. Haluskan seluruh bumbu kemudian tumis. Masukkan tempe, tambahkan garam, gula, serta kaldu jamur.
c. Campur seluruh bahan kulit kemudian aduk rata, tuang air hangat sedikit demi sedikit hingga adonan kalis.
d. Wujud adonan wujud bundar. Beri isi tempe.
e. Goreng cireng hingga matang.
Cara Membuat Cireng crispy gurih
16 sdm tepung tapioka
2 lembar daun bawang
kaldu ayam secukupnya
lada bubuk secukupnya
3 siung bawang putih, ulek halus
70- 100 ml air panas mendidih
garam secukupnya
Metode membuat:
a. Gabungkan seluruh bahan bahan kecuali air panas, aduk rata.
b. Tuang air panas sedikit demi sedikit, aduk lagi hingga menggumpal serta masih terdapat sedikit bubuk tepungnya.
c. Ambil sedikit adonan serta pipihkan.
d. Goreng cireng dengan minyak panas di atas api lagi sampai matang.
e. Sediakan cireng crispy bersama dengan saus sambal.
Cara Membuat Cireng ketahui crispy.
5 buah ketahui putih, haluskan
5 sdm tepung terigu
garam secukupnya
1 tangkai daun bawang diiris halus
10 sdm tepung tapioka ataupun kanji
lada bubuk secukupnya
1 buah bawang putih, cincang halus
1/ 2 gelas air panas
gula pasir secukupnya
kaldu bubuk secukupnya
Metode membuat:
a. Campur ketahui, daun bawang, bawang putih, serta pula lada bubuk. Aduk rata.
b. Masukkan tepung terigu, tepung tapioka, gula pasir, garam, serta kaldu bubuk. Aduk lagi.
c. Tuang air panas sedikit demi sedikit hingga adonan dapat mengental.
d. Ambil sejumput adonan, wujud bundar kemudian pipihkan.
e. Goreng cireng dengan api lagi hingga matang, angkat kemudian tiriskan.
Cara Membuat Cireng crispy balado
1 kilogram tepung sagu ataupun tepung tapioka
garam secukupnya
air panas secukupnya
1/ 4 kilogram tepung terigu
lada bubuk secukupnya
2 siung bawang merah
1 bungkus kaldu bubuk
4 siung bawang putih
bumbu balado praktis ataupun bon cabe
Metode membuat:
a. Haluskan bawang putih serta bawang merah, sisihkan. Tambahkan tepung tapioka( jangan seluruh), tepung terigu, lada bubuk, garam serta kaldu bubuk. Aduk rata.
b. Tuang air panas sedikit demi sedikit.
c. Tuang adonan ke sisa tepung tapioka. Aduk asal tercampur saja.
d. Ambil sejumput adonan, wujud bundar serta pipihkan.
e. Goreng cireng dengan api lagi sampai matang. Angkat serta tiriskan.
f. Terakhir, taburi dengan bumbu balado cocok selera.
Cara Membuat Cireng ikan
garam secukupnya
200 gr tepung tapioka
merica secukupnya
ikan laut fillet secukupnya
200 ml air
kaldu ayam secukupnya
2 siung bawang putih
Metode membuat:
a. Haluskan bawang putih, merica, garam. Tuang kaldu ayam.
b. Haluskan ikan, campur dengan bumbu yang telah dihaluskan.
c. Masukkan ikan yang telah tercampur bumbu ke dalam air mendidih, tambahkan 2 sdm tepung tapioka. Aduk terus hingga mengental. Angkat serta diamkan hingga hangat.
d. Wujud pipih adonan ataupun cocok selera.
e. Goreng adonan cireng sampai matang.
Cara Membuat Cireng mozarella crispy
500 gr nasi, lembutkan
1/ 2 sdt merica bubuk
2 batang daun bawang, iris
150 gr tepung bumbu
200 gr tepung tapioka ataupun tepung sagu
air panas secukupnya
1/ 2 sdt garam
5 siung bawang putih, haluskan
100 gr keju mozzarella, potong kecil kecil
Bahan celupan:
1 butir telur, kocok dengan sedikit garam
tepung roti secukupnya
Metode membuat:
a. Gabungkan nasi, tepung sagu ataupun tapioka, garam, merica bubuk, serta bawang putih, aduk rata.
b. Tambahkan daun bawang serta tepung bumbu. Tuang air panas serta aduk rata.
c. Uleni adonan. Ambil adonan serta wujud jadi bundar. Beri isian keju mozzarella serta wujud bundar lagi.
e. Celupkan adonan ke kocokan telur, kemudian gulung ke tepung roti.
f. Goreng cireng dengan api kecil sampai matang.
Cara Membuat Cireng crispy bumbu kacang
4 sdm tepung terigu
1/ 4 tepung tapioka
penyedap rasa secukupnya
air secukupnya
daun bawang, iris
garam secukupnya
minyak goreng
2 siung bawang putih, haluskan
Bahan bumbu kacang:
2 ons kacang tanah yang telah di goreng
2 buah cabai keriting merah
1 sdt asam jawa, rendam pada 1/ 4 gelas air panas
1 siung bawang putih
5 buah cabai rawit
Metode membuat:
a. Masukan bawang putih ke air mendidih.
b. Masukkan tepung tapioka, tepung terigu, penyedap rasa, bawang daun, serta garam ke suatu wadah.
c. Tuang kombinasi air serta bawang putih ke tepung tapioka sedikit demi sedikit. Aduk rata.
d. Ambil sedikit adonan serta pipihkan. Jalani hingga adonan habis.
e. Goreng cireng sampai matang.
f. Buat membuat bumbu kacang. Haluskan seluruh bahan bumbu, tumis. Tuangkan air rendaman asam jawa. Perkenankan sampai keluar minyak dari bumbu kacang tersebut.
Cara Membuat Cireng mercon
ayam goreng suwir secukupnya
sejumput lada bubuk
1 siung bawang putih
250 gr tepung tapioka
1 batang daun bawang, iris tipis
6 siung bawang merah
1/ 2 bungkus penyedap rasa
air mendidih secukupnya
1 sdt garam
bon cabe secukupnya
Metode membuat:
a. Haluskan bawang putih serta bawang merah. Gabungkan dengan sagu, daun bawang, penyedap rasa, lada, serta garam. Aduk rata.
b. Tuang dengan air mendidih sedikit demi sedikit ke adonan. Aduk lagi sampai tercampur rata.
c. Uleni adonan dengan tangan hingga adonan tidak lengket.
d. Ambil sedikit adonan, buat bundar allau pipihkan.
e. Beri isian ayam serta taburan bon cabe, kemudian tutup adonan.
f. Goreng cireng sampai matang serta bercorak kecokelatan.
Cara Membuat Cireng isi kornet
tepung kanji 300 gram
bawang putih 2 siung yang telah dihaluskan
gula pasir secukupnya
air panas
tepung terigu 150 gram
merica bubuk
garam halus
penyedap rasa secukupnya
minyak goreng
Metode membuat:
a. Campur seluruh bahan dalam satu wadah. Aduk rata.
b. Tuang air sedikit demi sedikit.
c. Uleni adonan dengan tangan hingga kalis, wujud dengan cetakan ataupun cocok seleramu.
d. Iris bagian pinggir, memasukkan kornet.
e. Goreng cireng dengan api lagi hingga matang totalitas.
Cara Membuat Cireng Isi Suwir Ayam -  Dari berbagai sumber google sumber gambar cookpad.com kunjungi  Cara Membuat Cireng berbagai rasa 
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twodragonswrites · 4 years
Enjoy <3
It had been at least five years since Izora had gone home. And as her childhood home came into view on the horizon, she smiled. Faro, asleep in the seat next to her in the car, shifted slightly and bonked his head against the window, waking up. He looks dazedly at Izora.
"We there yet?" He yawns and Izora laughs a bit.
"Yeah, almost. You can see it. We should be coming up to the gate soon."
"Oh good. Good… So...do you think I'll be okay here?"
"Well it'll be better than hiding in my room, that's for sure." Getting Faro out of her room the previous morning had been quite the adventure. There was no way she would've been able to sneak him through the halls, so she was forced to help him out the window and down the side of the house. They weren't spotted, thankfully. But they came terribly close.
"...I did kind of like that." Faro blushes, looking out the window. It's news to Izora, but she doesn't comment on that, not wanting to embarrass him.
"Well, here at least there's no threat of deconstruction or...Experimentation or anything. And I think that's going to be better for you."
"...Yeah I sure hope so." 'I'll miss you' he wanted to say. But he couldn't. They pulled into the rounded driveway, and exit the vehicle, Izora starts up the stairs to her home and is quickly surrounded and hugged by what look to be younger siblings. She laughs, picking up the youngest- a boy who looks to be about five- and squeezing them tightly. Faro smiles. He then sees Alister appear at the doorway, significantly dressed down compared to what he had showed up in when Faro had met him previously. He's holding a mug, and gestures to him in some sort of greeting or at least an acknowledgement of him. Izora having freed herself from her siblings embraces her father and quickly gets to chattering away with him as they go inside. The younger siblings follow, except the youngest, he walks up to Faro and tugs on the edge of his pants.
"Are you Zora's boyfriend?" The five year old says it bluntly, as five year olds often do and Faro is, rightly, very surprised.
"What?! Oh, no. No no no no-" the child's face crinkles in confusion, and maybe a bit of offendedness.
"Do you not think she's pretty?"
"Well I didn't say that I-"
"Then you like her?"
"Well, Yeah but I'm not her boyfriend or anything I'm just a friend-"
"Oh. That makes sense I guess." The boy lets go and looks away. He brings his thumb to his mouth and sucks on it thoughtfully.
"Why...Do you ask?"
"I'm her brother."
"Big brother Gray says I have to watch out for my sisters."
"Ah..Yeah. he's right but-"
"And I don't want Izora to marry the prince of the third kingdom." Faro stops in his tracks. This kid is blunt, extremely. And the idea that Izora might be in some sort of arranged marriage definitely didn't cross his mind.
"Ah...Why would that be?"
"He's got bad vibes. I don't like him."
"I'm sure he's alright…"
"Uh uh. He's weird. I don't like him." Faro really doesn't know what to say to this. He doesn't know this kid and here they are spilling a bunch of info on a stranger.
"...Kid are you sure you should be talking to me?"
"Well you got in the barrier so you can't be all bad."
"Ah well...you don't even know me." The kid puzzles over this a moment, and then holds out his hand.
"My name's Flint what's yours?" Faro smiles, he squats down to be at a better height and shakes Flint's hand with his own human hand.
"I'm Faro."
"Pharaoh? Like an ancient king?"
"No, Faro like the grain."
"Hm." The kid gets that thinking face again and then beams, shaking Faro's hand harder.
"Alright! I'll call you Grain then!" And then he bolts off towards the front door, bounding up the steps two at a time despite his short legs. leaving Faro near the steps agasp.
"I...Okay?" He hears someone who's helping unload the luggage chuckle.
"That's prince Flint for you. Never a dull moment with that kid." Faro smiles.
"Yeah...this is gonna be a weird trip."
His room in the estate’s annex is nice, though it's not anywhere near Izora's. After resting for the trip, he awakens to voices in the hall. He hears someone who sounds like Izora, and another deeper voice that he doesn't recognize. He gets up and pulls on some soft clothes, he doesn't open the door, instead listens through it.
"-You really didn't have to come all the way here, Gray. I'm not even planning on staying too long myself." Faro smiles instinctively at her voice.
"Well, father called me home from my tour, and you're my beloved baby sister. I couldn't pass up the opportunity."
"Doesn't your wife miss you?"
"I know that you like her, Izora. And we're good friends, but we don't love each other. Not romantically anyhow."
"..Right." there's silence outside the door, Faro leans away from it. He feels relieved oddly enough. It's just her brother.
"So you wanted to meet the friend I brought with me, right?" Faro grimaces a bit, but then hears Izora come closer to the door. He goes away from it and starts rummaging in his travel bag, trying to seem busy. Izora knocks.
"Faro? Are you awake in there? I have someone I'd like you to meet!"
"Ah- Yeah, I'm up, you can come in." He feels his face flush and keeps his back to the door. The door opens, he looks over and smiles. Behind Izora is a taller imposing person who Faro almost mistakes for Alister. His grey eyes and more distinguished dress style set him apart though. They smile, and hold out a hand to Faro.
"My name's Grayam. Everyone calls me Gray though. So you're my baby sister's plus one?"
Faro smiles, and shakes Gray's hand with his human one.
"Yeah. Faro."
"Oh so you're the Grain Flint is raving about." He lets out a laugh that startles Faro momentarily as he's still shaking off some sleepiness but he then laughs a bit in return.
"Yeah. I guess so."
"But lemme guess, you're not just here for a vacation. Father said something about a patient of our Auntie's…?" He looks over at Izora expectantly. Izora nods.
"Yes. I was hoping dad might be able to revert his condition, but I'm not getting my hopes up." She laughs sadly.
"Hey don't worry about it. I've gotten used to this." Faro waves at her with his right hand, laughing, trying to brighten the mood. Gray kind of smiles.
"Well, nice meeting you, Faro. I hope your examination goes well. Izora and I have a meeting to attend."
"Right. Is it really that time already?" Izora follows her older brother out the door. Faro hears their chatter continue as they leave and eventually fade away. He's still smiling, face flushed as well.
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Famous Photographs
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Henri Cartier-Bresson- Man Jumping the Puddle,1930
Image of capturing a man in motion jumping across a puddle. Bresson captured and showed an example of “one moment in time when all the elements line up to allow the artist to capture the perfect combination of light, shadow, color, action, expression and emotion to form the perfect image.”Larry Grayam, November 27, 2009) The shadows, lighting and composition create a huge impact on this photograph. The photograph creates a mysterious and slightly depressing tone. Bresson has captured a decisive moment in which he believed “there is nothing in this world that does not have a decisive moment.”(Henri Cartier- Bresson)
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Stanley Forman- Woman Falling From Fire Escape, 1975
Photographer Stanley Forman attended a scene of a fire to document a rescue. However things took a turn for the worst when fire escape collapsed leaving woman and child falling from the sky.  As they were falling he carried on shooting after “he realized what he was witnessing was a woman plummeting to her death.” (Darlene Hildebrandt,23.November.2019)
This photograph done a Pulitzer pride, however, people to question if Forman should or “whether it is appropriate to publish disturbing images.”(Darlene Hildebrandt,23.November.2019)
I personally think this image is shocking and slightly disturbing especially after reading up on how the woman died seconds after this picture was shot. Image is filled with trauma and emotions. Classic example of how documentary photography can be shocking and disturbing.  
References and sources:
Digitalphotomentor.com, https://www.digitalphotomentor.com/20-most-famous-photographs/,[Accessed,15.March.2020]
Henri Cartier-Bressons "Decisive Moment" by Larry Grayam, Redbubble, https://www.redbubble.com/people/grayam/journal/4209684-henri-cartier-bressons-decisive-moment,[Accessed,15.March.2020]
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tanmaticpage · 6 years
Comment on Loose Door Hinge Repair Tip by Tom Grayam
Great tip. Was going to employ a tradesman but, after seeing this, I managed to do the repair myself. It worked perfectly.
Comment on Loose Door Hinge Repair Tip by Tom Grayam published first on https://medium.com/@LandscapingMate
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