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sun-and-yue · 5 years ago
Wiki48 - 6th Best 50′s setlist, what’s old and what’s new?
Here’s the ranking of 2019 best 50, ordered 50-1 because it makes more sense that way, and with where they came from. Italics are songs newly ranked this year.
50. 粗心女孩 – Team G 4th Stage
49. 画 – Team NII 7th stage
48. 信念箭羽 – Team NII 7th stage
47. 灵魂使者 – Team SII 7th stage, previously ranked #12 in 4th request time.
46. 夜行的黑猫 – Team HII 5th Stage, ranked 45th in 5th request time
45. 9 to 9 – Team G 3rd stage, previously ranked #6 in 5th request time
44. 天使的圈套 – Team HII 4th Stage, ranked 42nd in 4th request time
43. 废墟纪元 – Team SII 7th stage
42. 猎梦 – Team NII 6th stage, previously ranked 6th in 4th request time
41. 新世界 – Team SII 6th stage
40. Show – Team B 3rd stage
39. 如果你拥抱我 – Team NII 2nd Stage, #2 in 1st request time, #5 in 2nd request time, #20 in 3rd request time, #19 in 4th request time
38. 无罪无我 – Team SII 8th Stage
37. 塞壬 – Team J 2nd Stage
36. 不秀钢 – Team Z 3rd Stage, ranked 37th in 5th request time
35. 降落伞 – Team SII 6th Stage, ranked 42nd in 3rd request time
34. +- – Team NIII 3rd Stage
33. 梦中的婚礼 – Team NII 6th Stage, previously #41 in 5th request time
32. One Life – Team NIII 3rd Stage, previously ranked 21st in 5th request time.
31. My Boy – Team J 2nd Stage, previously ranked #13 in 5th request time.
30. 暗夜脚步声 – Team E 2nd Stage, ranked #25 in 4th request time
29. 就差一点点 – Team Z 3rd Stage, ranked #1 in 5th request time
28. 关不掉 – Team HII 4th Stage
27. 不曾后悔 – Team SII 5th Stage, ranked #10 in 4th request time
26. 青涩的香蕉 – Team SII 5th Stage, ranked #22 in 2nd request time, #27 in 3rd request time, ranked #3 in 4th request time, #16 in 5th request time
25. Miss Victoria – Team G 4th Stage
24. 双行道 – Team G 4th Stage
23. 凛– Team G 4th Stage
22. 无声的探戈 – Team HII 5th Stage, ranked #11 in 5th request time
21. Fire Touch – Team NII 6th Stage, ranked #24 in 5th request time
20. Blue Rose – Team HII 1st Stage, ranked #16 in 1st request time, ranked #29 in 4th request time, #34 in 5th request time
19. 传颂之歌 – Team NII 7th Stage
18. 占据 – Team G 4th stage
17. 未接来电 – Team NII 6th stage, ranked #5 in 4th request time
16. 黑洞 – Team SII 8th Stage
15. Love Letter – Team XII 2nd Stage
14. 一体同心 – Team NII 7th Stage
13. 玛利亚 – Team G 1st Waiting Stage
12. 低烧 – Team G 4th stage
11. 不安星 – Team Z 3rd Stage, #22 in 5th request time
10. 最终回合 – Team SII 8th Stage
09. 临兵斗者皆阵���在前 – Team HII 5th stage
08. 夕阳下的约定 – Team NII 4th stage, ranked #13 in 1st request time
07. Gravity – Team G 3rd stage, ranked #15 in 4th request time
06. 坐标121E 31N – Team SII 8th stage
05. 异 – Team E 3rd Stage
04: 花之祭 – Team NII 7th stage
03. 美杜莎的温柔 – Team G 3rd stage, ranked #21 in 4th request time
02. Who I Am – Team HII's 5th Stage
01. Hold Me Tight – Team SII 8th Stage
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hatsukoi-butterfly · 7 years ago
Hey so I recently got into SKE48. IK that there are alot of members in the group, but can you tell me a little bit about the group and also about J-pop in general? THANK YOU! :)
Hi :) TBH, I can’t help much with Jpop in general. I like Jpop, but I am following mostly 48G, Sakamichi46 and H!P and there’s a lot of groups I don’t know, as well about the whole history since I am only 16 and that’s my 5-6 in Jpop. But I would like to help with SKE48!
SKE48 are AKB48 first sister group. What does it mean? They can appear in AKB48 singles just like the other 48G, and they have their theater in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan.
To explain about SKE48 well, I need to explain about the whole 48G system first. 48G are couple of groups when AKB48 is the main one (and that’s why everyone can be in their singles and their singles are more like “48G single” than “AKB48 single”), every group has their own…how can I call it, place? In Japan, like, HKT48 are the ones in Fukuoka, NGT48 are the ones in Niigata and such. Each group has her own teams (around 16-25 girls in each team), goes by the letters in their name + sometimes a number if there’s already existing team with the same letter. For example - SKE48 teams are Team S, Team KII (/K2) and Team E. Each team has its own theater performances, and sometimes its own song and PVs in singles. There’s also Kenkyuusei which mean trainees, and their goal is, ofc, to get promoted to one of the teams in the group. There’s so many things to explain and since English is not my first language it’ll be pretty hard to me to explain it in one post, but I suggest you to go to the site “Wiki48” and check the category “Glossary” there, I think it’ll help a lot!
About SKE48 as a group - like I said, most of the members are from Aichi. They have 65 members (13 Kenkyuusei). They started in 2008, and currently have 21 singles and the 22nd will be released in January 2018.
I can’t explain much without talking about too many things that needs to be explain, but I hope it helps a little bit. If you want, you can message me and I’ll explain more, and I think that looking in Wiki48 under SKE48 category will help a lot too! They have a YouTube channel too and also an official twitter. I really hope I helped a bit!
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adventures-inbreadmaking · 4 years ago
I checked on wiki48 and apparently last year they changed their name from MUM48 to MUB48...
Wait a moment wasn't Mumbai 48 supposed to debut sometime last year? What happened to them I was kind of looking forward to it
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renbanota · 5 years ago
From Moeka to zukky,Who is the next Ace of AKB48?
So,we all have our predictions on who is the next ace of AKB48 due to Moeka graduating. AKB in its current state is in need of a new face of the group. This was originally supposed to be Ms.Yahagi Moeka,but that ultimately failed due to her experiencing a scandal at the same time during her new position as center in senbatsu. AKB48′s Latest single(and objectively the most unappealing single in AKB48′s History) Shitsuren arigatou features Yamauchi Mizuki as center. Yamauchi Mizuki is a 16 generation girl(If they were going for a 16 gen i wouldve went for Kurumi Suzuki,but thats oshi bias i guess..) 
From zukkys wiki48 profile it seems she was included in 2 Senbatsu sousenkyo 9th Senbatsu Election - Not Ranked 10th Senbatsu Election - #92 (The 10th AKB48 World Senbatsu Sousenkyo Kinen Waku)
Zukky is being pushed currently. All promo has her face on it,hell she even has a AR app based on her... I predict she will become the new face of AKB since girls like Matsui Jurina and Yahagi Moeka are gone now.
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namidasurprise · 8 years ago
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macorion · 8 years ago
Nogibingo 8 baru saja dimulai, dan bintangnya adalah Gen 3. Untuk pertama kalinya, generasi baru Sakamichi langsung dihadapkan pada dunia yang langsung memegang tanggung jawab membawa nama grup. Gen 2 Nogi dan H.Keyaki tidak mendapatkan kesempatan seperti ini alih-alih -dare I say it- dianaktirikan.
Pertama-tama, harus kukatakan bahwa hal ini terjadi karena satu sistem KKS yang dimiliki Sakamichi. Bukan mengatakan sistem ini buruk atau bagaimana, namun aku punya pandangan sendiri tentang bagaimana sistem ini bekerja. Gen 2 dan Gen 3 berbeda. Gen 2 lebih keras dan panjang jalannya. Begitukah?
Hal ini sama dengan jika kita memilih jenjang karir sebagai astronot. Untuk memiliki kualifikasi sebagai astronot, hal yang wajib diikuti adalah NASA Basic Training dikatakan adalah gabungan situasi saat menjalani ujian akhir di MIT dan menjalani latihan dasar Green Beret secara bersamaan. Terdengar sulit? Well, apa yang didapat dari latihan ini sesuai; memiliki karir paling mentereng di dunia.
Sistem training ini melibatkan pelajaran tingkat lanjut untuk astronomi, fisika, matematika, geologi, metereologi, dan pelajaran dasar anatomi Space Shuttle dan sistem navigasi. Tidak ada kelas puisi atau musik sayangnya. Sudah menyerah? Ini baru teori. Selanjutnya adalah kelas praktek.
Pilot maupun non-pilot dilatih menerbangkan jet T-38 Talon, pesawat yang juga digunakan militer Amerika sejak setengah abad lalu. Pilot wajib mencatatkan jam terbang hingga 15 jam per bulan, plus latihan tambahan mengendalikan Shuttle Training Aircraft yang butuh tambahan 100 jam. Non-pilot minimal mencatatkan 4 jam terbang per bulan.
Sebelum trainee bahkan diizinkan masuk dalam latihan terbang,  mereka dilatih dalam survival untuk militer laut. Dengan kata lain, sertifikasi scuba diving dan kemampuan berenang tiga kali panjang kolam renang Olimpiade dengan baju lengkap dan sepatu. Ditambah lagi survival di alam liar, dimana trainee belajar menentukan arah berdasarkan bintang dan bertahan hidup dengan apa yang ada di alam.
Siksaan belum usai. Untuk menyingkirkan yang lemah, trainee menjalani tes tekanan udara tinggi dan rendah yang extreme untuk menguji tingkat kesadaran mereka. Selanjutnya KC-135 menanti, pesawat tanker yang dimodifikasi sebagai pesawat simulator zero gravity. Beberapa akan menyukainya, yang lain gagal di tahap ini.
Kembali lagi ke teori, manual untuk segala jenis hal yang berbau teknis mulai dari flight control, pengoperasian hidrolis, hingga cara menggunakan toilet. Dari manual sebelum terbang hingga prosedur pendaratan darurat. Trainee juga dilatih di Johnson Space Center’s Natural Buoyancy Laboratory, kolam yang didesain khusus untuk zero gravity. Disini terdapat pula replika dari ISS, termasuk modul JAXA dan SpaceX Dragon.
Zero Gravity Simulator
Latihan final adalah untuk misi spesifik. Tiap trainee melakukan simulasi yang tak terhitung berdasarkan area yang dipilih. Engineer melakukan latihan space walk berulang kali, pilot terus berada di simulator penerbangan. Setelah 2 tahun latihan, trainee mendapat pin perak sebagai tanda mereka adalah astronot. Setelah penerbangan pertama, mendapatkan pin emas.
Sementara di Sakamichi kita mengenal sistem KKS, sistem yang sama dengan 48G dimana member baru tidak langsung menjadi member melainkan di-training dulu dalam jangka waktu tertentu sebelum menyandang status sebagai full member. Meski dibilang Sakamichi juga mengadopsi ini, de facto hanya satu generasi yang mendapatkan status sebagai KKS dalam sejarahnya.
Gen 2 Nogizaka menjadi satu-satunya dari Sakamichi yang pernah mendapatkan status KKS. Dari 14 member Gen 2, yang pertama naik status ke full member adalah Miona yang langsung naik sebagai center. Selanjutnya Kiichan dan Maichun di Kidzuitara Kataomoi, Karin menyusul tak lama setelahnya. Di 2015 Iori naik ke senbatsu Inochi wa Utsukushii setelah dipromosikan akhir 2014.
Tiga KKS, Yonetoku Kyoka, Yada Risako, dan Nishikawa Nanami graduate di 2014. Sisa enam KKS lain baru dipromosikan pada Februari 2015 saat 3rd Birthday Live; Junna, Kotoko, Aachan, Ranze, Renachi, dan Miria. Mereka langsung mendapat lagu Border di single Inochi. Dipromosikannya enam member tersisa ini adalah akhir dari penantian panjang selama 2 tahun sejak mereka menjadi bagian dari Nogi.
Penantian panjang Gen 2 untuk mendapat spotlight adalah perjalanan yang memakan waktu hingga dua tahun. Dari tempo waktu itu, tiga orang gagal di tengah jalan. Lima member pertama bisa dikatakan mendapat kemudahan, namun untuk enam yang lain, jelas bukan hal yang mudah menyeimbangkan impian dan realita selama dua tahun tanpa akhir yang jelas.
Gen 2 hadir disaat Nogi masih memiliki mayoritas member Fukujin yang sedang dalam perjalanan menuju puncak. Bisa dikatakan masih sama-sama berjuang karena Nogi sendiri belum ada di posisinya sekarang, jadi Gen 2 hanya menjadi pelengkap Under dan penambal Senbatsu. Tidak kurang tidak lebih. Hal ini baru berubah di 2016.
Gen 2 masih mendominasi Under
Sejak single pertama pasca perginya Maimai, Fukujin pertama yang graduate, Gen 2 mulai “hidup” dengan kembalinya Kiichan ke Senbatsu. Miona dan Kiichan sampai Influencer masih ada di senbatsu, kini ditambah Maichun yang kembali ke senbatsu sejak Sayonara no Imi dan Ranze masuk di single pertama 2017. Butuh waktu hingga empat tahun bagi Gen 2 untuk memiliki empat wakil di senbatsu.
Ya, Gen 2 memiliki cerita yang paling berbeda dengan generasi lain di Sakamichi. Mereka mengambil sistem yang dimiliki 48G dan terkesan tidak memiliki dasar yang kuat saat mengaplikasikannya. Jujur saja, ingatanku soal KKS Gen 2 ini mulai kabur, yang pasti saat Iori dan 6 member tersisa berpartisipasi di Inochi, hype yang ada bisa dikatakan besar karena akhir dari penantian panjang.
Easy way
Sementara untuk Gen 3, mereka bisa dikatakan mendapatkan jalan yang mudah. Well, mereka jadi yang kedua mendapatkan audisi final melalui SHOWROOM setelah H.Keyaki, jadi fans sudah mengerti cara kerjanya. Selain itu, sebagai generasi baru Nogi setelah 3 tahun, antusiasme fans tidaklah kecil. Sejak awal, hype untuk Gen 3 jauh lebih besar dari Gen 2.
Dari audisi yang menarik hingga 48.986 orang, sampai pada audisi final yang mencakup 13 orang, dan berakhir pada 12 member yang kini kita kenal. Bahkan aku sendiri menulis bagaimana Gen 3 melampaui ekspektasiku. Namun ada satu status ambigu yang menggantung, tentang bagaimana status mereka di dunia Nogi?
Sampai saat ini, tidak ada kejelasan tentang bagaimana status Gen 3 di Nogi, apa mereka melewati prosedur KKS seperti Gen 2 atau langsung berstatus Member seperti OG. Di halaman Gen 3 di Wiki48, mereka masih berstatus KKS meski terms ini tidak pernah digunakan. Nah, jujur saja bagiku sendiri, ada tidaknya status sebagai KKS cukup berpengaruh.
Sama seperti bagaimana untuk menjadi astronot dibutuhkan pelatihan yang lama, ada tidaknya sistem KKS dimana member “disembunyikan” dari radar sampai menjadi full member adalah sistem yang bagus. Karena apa? Pertama, trainee bisa fokus pada hal dasar seperti vocal & dance, juga observasi tentang aspek penting: variety. Kedua, generasi diatas mereka baru saja berkembang setelah 4 tahun. Ketiga, haste makes waste. 
Kultur idol di Jepang relatif berbeda dengan negara tetangganya, dimana membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun sebelum bisa debut, tapi hasil yang didapat biasanya berbanding lurus, act yang debut adalah yang terbaik yang tersaring. Sementara di Jepang, well, terkadang raw-nya lah yang dijual. Tapi, Gen 3 tidak membawa DNA raw, mereka membawa DNA growl.
Dari segi visual, obyektif, Gen 3 menang dari Gen 2 meski memang tidak ada satu standar kecantikan. Disini DNA growl mereka terlihat superior. Dari segi karakter, harus kuakui jika dibandingkan dengan Gen 2 pada awalnya, Gen 3 terlihat sedikit lebih unggul. Sunshine Zukki, duo crybaby MomoKubo, Pikachu Riria, dan Maiyan doppelganger Ume sudah menjual.
Selain itu, mereka mendapatkan Solo Live sendiri, menjadi event kedua setelah Principal. Perbedaan push begitu kentara. Tapi jika ini adalah training dalam artian berbeda, maka tidak ada masalah. Yang jadi masalah adalah perbedaan perlakuan ini mudah memantik api dalam sekam. Seperti saat Gen 3 tampil bersama senbatsu, beberapa member Gen 2 menyampaikan perasaan pahit mereka secara terbuka.
Dalam pandanganku, status KKS yang dibawa Gen 2 selama 2 tahun adalah training yang efektif. Memang bisa dikatakan membuat member menjadi late bloomer seperti Maichun, namun dalam dua tahun terakhir terutama di 2016 kemarin Gen 2 tidak melulu hanya terfokus pada nama Miona seorang. Diversitas karakter berkembang dengan baik meski butuh waktu lama.
Di sisi lain, push yang didapat Gen 3 membuat mereka seolah mendapat jalan yang mudah, tapi jelas tidak begitu. Menurutku malah lebih berat karena mereka sudah dilepas ke publik, tidak lagi hanya di belakang layar. Tidak adanya status KKS -setidaknya resminya begitu- juga membuat kecenderungan bahaya untuk apapun yang bisa mengganggu nama dan image Nogizaka46 semakin besar.
Intinya, baik Gen 2 dan Gen 3 hanya tinggal meneruskan dan menjaga legacy yang dibangun oleh member OG. Dengan cara yang berbeda, tapi sama beratnya seperti menjalani NASA Basic Training. Butuh tekad yang kuat untuk menjalaninya, namun hasilnya sepadan. Punya pendapat lain mengenai masalah KKS ini? Share it below.
All images used is credited to it’s respective owners
Gen 3 Nogi itu KKS atau apa? Nogibingo 8 baru saja dimulai, dan bintangnya adalah Gen 3. Untuk pertama kalinya, generasi baru Sakamichi langsung dihadapkan pada dunia yang langsung memegang tanggung jawab membawa nama grup.
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keobongdalive · 8 years ago
3 nàng “chân ngắn” Nhật Bản vẫn nổi như cồn vì quá sexy
3 nàng mẫu chân ngắn Nhật Bản này sẽ “thôi miên” bạn bằng vẻ gợi cảm từ hình thể đến thần thái.
Người mẫu Nhật Bản Jun Amami có vòng 1 cỡ I dù chỉ cao 1m48.
Cô là người mẫu gợi cảm (gravure idol) được chú ý tại xứ sở Phù Tang.
Jun tuy thấp nhưng bù lại cơ thể của cô rất sexy.
Khi đứng với các người mẫu khác, khuyết điểm ngoại hình của cô lộ rất rõ.
Jun không hề tự ti với chiều cao khiêm tốn,..
Với vòng 1 ngồn ngộn, cô lại được chú ý hơn nhiều người mẫu mình hạc xương mai khác.
Vẻ đẹp bốc lửa của Jun giúp cô trở thành mộ trong những “nàng nấm” hot nhất Nhật Bản.
Ai Shinozaki cũng là một mỹ nữ có chiều cao khiêm tốn vẫn cực nổi tại Nhật Bản.
Cô có chiều cao chưa tới 1m6.
Ai có vòng 1 rất nở nang dù khung người khá nhỏ nhắn.
Cô thậm chí còn được các fan đặt cho biệt danh “thánh nữ vòng 1”.
Không thể phủ nhận được độ hot của kiều nữ xứ phù tang này.
Cô xuất thân từ ca sĩ của một nhóm nhạc “đông dân”. Nhưng sau đó Ai phát triển mạnh ở lĩnh vực người mẫu.
Hirajima Natsumi có chiều cao 1m56.
Dù vóc dáng mini nhưng cô vẫn vô cùng sexy.
Hirajima Natsumi là thành viên của WIki48.
Hirajima Natsumi ngoài công việc là ca sĩ thì cô còn là người mẫu quảng cáo đồ bơi.
Sách ảnh có người đẹp này thường được bán rất chạy vì vẻ đẹp của cô rất hợp nhãn người châu Á.
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the812space · 10 years ago
Opinion on current AKB48 status
I think it's safe to say that I'm not a 100% 48 fan but I am a casual fan of AKB48. I am a PROUD H!P fan however I don't any thing listed bellow to be taken as the spark to a flame war between 48s and H!P.
As most college students do when they are stressed, I'm using escapism to relieve some stress.
Post seeing Morning Musume LIVE in NYC, can't listed to them without breaking out into FULL wota/dance/cry-chanting to any MM. song.
C-ute's newest songs make me wanna do a sexy dance in my chair. (BTW i'm in my college library, so that would NOT be a good idea)
Too sad to listen to Berryz' stuff. They were getting SO good. Post Cha Cha Sing I started buying their stuff again! After Ryuusei Boy, I sadly "gave up" on them.
I do feel bad because I WANT to like S/mileage and Juice=Juice. I LOVED their early singles but can't get into their newest stuff.
So with no H!P groups to relax with I thought i'd catch up with AKB48.
For me AKB48 started with no3b's relax. Seriously this was the COOLEST song when it came out. Also, btw, I HAVE THEIR ALBUM!!! Thank you New York City.
I'd casual check in on AKB48 a couple of times a year. Not a big follower. Only learned maybe 10 or 12 names tops. But what I loved about AKB48, each time I'd reinvest in the group, they were ALWAYS doing something new. The sound was both familiar but fresh. 
Keibetsu Shiteita Aijou - original sound, sad but important concept and message. Do they perform this at concerts? I feel like it would be kind of inappropriate to fan-chant to.
Baby!Baby!Baby! - funky, swimsuits and the members genuinely seemed like they were having fun.
Iiwake Maybe and RIVER - POWERFUL. Only word to describe these two singles. Dancing? Formation? Tempo? POWERFUL.
Heavy Rotation - awesome dance, lots of fan-service, great concert/fan chant song. I think this song was to remind people that they were an otaku-based idol group.
But after that I kind of lost interest/became less invested. Due to a couple of reasons
Morning Musume had announced a triple graduation.
2NE1 release To Anyone (This became my life for the rest of 2010)
and so many more Idol groups were getting public attention, both Korean and Japanese.
I brought back into the 48 world following Miichan's scandal. Being a no3b fan, the incident and the way she was treated following made me upset, hurt and confused. If you wanna talk about sexism in the music industry, a male idol goes on a date nothing happens but a female idol does and she gets demoted from a group she worked to make popular.
The next single that I actually bought, again the last one being Heavy Rotation, was Koi Suru Fortune Cookie. I think we can all agree that this, not blurred lines, was the summer jam of 2013.
But I lost my interest in AKB48 again because of Morning Musume., my main bias and my first music love. Ai no Gundan/Magamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke, came out and my attention was 100% on Morning Musume.
I saw ALL history, to give a context to my opinion. I'm saying this not as a one time-AKB48 fan, but as someone WHO HAS invested time, money and emotions into the group.
It seems recently that AKB48 has gotten, well, boring.
Starting from Heart Ereki, I just watched all of the newest AKB48 PVs, and honestly, I have no want to buy any of the songs. They are all good songs, but none of them are strong and several of them sound like the continuation of the same single.
Don't get me wrong the PVs, are on point. Love the newest PV and I can't wait to see the full version. But the video nor the song installs in me the NEED to get a copy. Iiwake Maybe gave me the need to get it, so did Heavy Rotation and Koi Suru Fortune Cookie. But these new songs seem like there was more investment on the PVs rather than the songs themselves.
I think Aki-P might be stuck in a transition slump. He has to figure out what all the new members can bring to the table while highlighting the older members.
My H!P analogy to this is the period of Morning Musume. when Niigaki was leader. Niigaki has amazing vocals and great on-stage performance ability. But both singles from her time as leader were terrible, was it her fault no but her time as leader is what is giving me the current feels of AKB48. New members = New talent = New song/performance dynamics. However if you take into fact that there are some older members that get/deserve/want/are expected to have main screen time, the song suffers. Instead of making a group dynamic that works best for a new song, the song has to be created to meet a forced group dynamic that isn't ideal. I'm not saying to ditch all the older members but from the point of view of a Morning Musume. fan, once older generations/members left the younger members bloomed. 
That being said about group dynamics, Aki-P seems to be playing it safe and making same-y-same "AKB48-esq" idol songs. Which is sad, cause Aki-P is a legit producer.
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0709fullofstars · 11 years ago
Tumblr media
I just realized that new Team BII (Kamieda x Umeda Team BII) debut is in 3 days! (*゚ロ゚)!! \(^o^)/ Who is exided? I really wanna see how it gonna works!~ Btw, Umechan haven't say anything about NMB recently...even after SSA! Lol
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sun-and-yue · 5 years ago
Wiki48: SNH48 Kami Members
SNH48 doesn’t really use the term Kami, but given how famous it is in the AKB48 fandom, I found myself curious as to the numbers, so I did some research. All Kami/Top 7 members in SNH48 history are as follows:
1st election
Wu ZheHan (Team SII) (19,281 votes) Qiu XinYi (Team SII) (14,802 votes) Zhao JiaMin (Team SII) (11,079 votes) Ju JingYi (Team NII) (10,145 votes) Zhang YuGe (Team SII) (9,061 votes) Li YiTong (Team NII) (9,037 votes) Mo Han (Team SII) (7,331 votes)
2nd election
Zhao JiaMin (Team SII) (74,393 votes) Ju JingYi (Team NII) (64,785.5 votes) Li YiTong (Team NII) (47,134.5 votes) Huang TingTing (Team NII) (35,189 votes) Zhang YuGe (Team SII) (32,306 votes) Wan LiNa (Team NII) (31,608.3 votes) Li YuQi (Team SII) (31,215.9 votes)
3rd election
Ju JingYi (SNH48 - Team NII, 230,752.7) Li YiTong (SNH48 - Team NII, 169,971.4) Huang TingTing (SNH48 - Team NII, 130,258.3) Zeng YanFen (SNH48 - Team NII, 88,656.8) Feng XinDuo (SNH48 - Team NII, 88,598.8) Mo Han (SNH48 - Team SII, 73,362.6) Lu Ting (SNH48 - Team NII, 71,639.6)
4th election
Ju JingYi (SNH48 - Team NII, 277,787.3) Li YiTong (SNH48 - Team NII, 259,478.6) Huang TingTing (SNH48 - Team NII, 165,193.8) Feng XinDuo (SNH48 - Team NII, 133,607.1) Lu Ting (SNH48 - Team NII, 126,639.2) Zeng YanFen (SNH48 - Team NII, 111,145.9) Zhao Yue (SNH48 - Team NII, 90,929.7)
5th election
Li YiTong (SNH48 - Team HII, 402,040.40) Huang TingTing (SNH48 - Team NII, 276,897.20) Feng XinDuo (SNH48 - Team NII, 174,020.18) Lu Ting (SNH48 - Team NII, 145,963.66) Mo Han (SNH48 - Team SII, 116,283.52) Zhao Yue (SNH48 - Team NII, 100,522.08) Xu JiaQi (SNH48 - Team SII, 91,582.06)
6th election
Li YiTong (SNH48 - Team HII, 1,483,041.5) Mo Han (SNH48 - Team SII, 1,222,641) Duan YiXuan (BEJ48 - Team B, 1,157,528) Zhang YuGe (SNH48 - Team SII, 965,200) Wu ZheHan (SNH48 - Team SII, 898,753) Kong XiaoYin (SNH48 - Team SII, 856,471) Xu JiaQi (SNH48 - Team SII, 839,586)
In total, CHN48 has had 17 members who have been identified as Kami/Top 7 over 6 elections, compared to JPN48 having 19 members over 10 elections.
Duan YiXuan is the only sister group member to break the Top 3, never mind Top 7.
Kong XiaoYin is (thus far) the member who took the longest to reach Kami rank (SNH48 1st Generation, 6 years [and it was a well-deserved rank!]).
Ju JingYi and Li YiTong are the only members to have ranked in Kami 7 during every one of their eligible elections. Zhao JiaMin was technically eligible for the 3rd election, but didn’t participate.
Team X is the only still-active SNH48 team to have never had a member rank in Kami 7.
Team SII and NII have each had eight of their members in Kami 7.
Li YiTong is the only Team HII member to have been a Kami member.
The members with the most appearances in Kami 7 are Li YiTong (6), Ju JingYi (4), Mo Han (4), and Huang TingTing (4).
Wu ZheHan ranked number 1 in the first election and didn’t rank again until the sixth election, in which she placed 5th. The difference between the number of votes she got in those two elections is 879,472.
When calculating by total votes over all their elections (using the votes only in which they ranked in the top 7), the Kami 7 members with the most votes are:
Li YiTong (2,370,703.3)
Mo Han (1,419,618.12)
Duan YiXuan (1,157,528)
Zhang YuGe (1,006,567)
Xu JiaQi (931,168.6)
Wu ZheHan (918,034)
Kong XiaoYin (856,471)
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sun-and-yue · 5 years ago
Wiki48: Center History
In the EP and album releases under the name of SNH48, 59 individual members have been center. 16 of those members were from sister groups. For 2 of those members (Feng XinDuo and Lu Ting), their only center position was in a w/center.
3 members only had the position in A-sides. They are Zeng YanFen, Zhao Yue, and Sun ZhenNi.
16 members had the position A and B-sides. They are Tang Min, Zhao JiaMin, Xu JiaQi, Li YuQi, Mo Han, Zhang YuGe, Chen Si, Wu ZheHan, Ju JingYi, Dai Meng, Yi JiaAi, Liu JiongRan, Huang TingTing, Xie LeiLei, Li YiTong, and Su ShanShan.
40 members only had the position in B-sides. They are Dong ZhiYi, Chen GuanHui, Wan LiNa, Chen YiXin, Wang Lu, Zhang Xin, Yang YunYu, Lin SiYi, Shao XueCong, Xie Ni, Zhang DanSan, Fei QinYuan, XuYang YuZhuo, Hong PeiYun, Gong ShiQi, Zhang Yi, Feng XinDuo, Lu Ting, Li Zi, Kong XiaoYin, Duan YiXuan, Ren YueLin, Lu Jing, Long YiRui, Zhao JiaRui, Liu JingHan, Yuan Hang, Chen YunLing, Liu LiFei, Han JiaLei, Ran Wei, Hu XiaoHui, Chen Ke, Sun Rui, Zhang HuaiJin, Shen MengYao, Liang WanLin, Liu YiFei, Qian BeiTing, and Yang BingYi.
Li YiTong has had the most A-side center positions with 5. They are in Bici de Weilai, Sweet Festival, Endless Story, Now and Forever, and Poetry about Time.
Wan LiNa has had the most B-side center positions with 8. They are in Noel no Yoru, Ai no Imi wo Kangaete Mita, First Rabbit (w/center), Almond Croissant Keikaku, Zhuanshu Paidui, Qingting Wo de Ai, Xianding Ji (w/center), and Glorious Times.
Note: this does not include songs from the cover album “Mae Shika Mukanee”.
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sun-and-yue · 3 years ago
Ju JingYi, Li YiTong, and Sun Rui are the only SNH48 members to achieve Top 1 status twice in a row.
Ju JingYi was a member of Team NII both times she ranked as Top 1
Li YiTong was a member of Team HII both times she ranked as Top 1
Sun Rui was a member of Team SII both times she ranked as Top 1
Among the three, Sun Rui had the biggest increase in rank (13th to 1st).
Sun Rui is the only one to have not (initially) ranked in an election she was eligible for.
All three were members of the 2nd generation.
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sun-and-yue · 5 years ago
Wiki48: Senbatsu Trivia
Mo Han has appeared in Senbatsu most often with 21 A-side appearances. She has also appeared in 27 B-sides, for a total of 48 senbatsu appearances.
Dai Meng has had 17 A-side appearances. She has also had 27 B-side appearances, for a total of 44 senbatsu appearances.
Li YuQi has had 14 A-side appearances. She has also had 29 B-side appearances, for a total of 43 appearances.
Zhang YuGe has had 16 A-side appearances. She has also had 26 B-side appearances, for a total of 42 senbatsu appearances.
Xu JiaQi has had 14 A-side appearances. She has also had 28 B-side appearances, for a total of 42 senbatsu appearances.
Kong XiaoYin has had 13 A-side and 28 B-side appearances, for a total of 41 senbatsu appearances.
Wu ZheHan has had 13 A-side and 27 B-side appearances, for a total of 40 senbatsu appearances.
All are members of the first generation of SNH48 and Team SII.
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sun-and-yue · 5 years ago
Wiki48: GNZ48 Kami 7
1st election/3rd election
Xie LeiLei (Team G) Tang LiJia (Team NIII) Lu Jing (Team NIII) Zheng DanNi (Team NIII) Gao YuanJing (Team G) Li QinJie (Team G) Zhang QiongYu (Team G)
2nd election/4th election
Liu LiFei (Team NIII) Xie LeiLei (Team G) Zheng DanNi (Team NIII) Tang LiJia (Team NIII) Chen Ke (Team G) Zhang QiongYu (Team G) Liu QianQian (Team NIII)
3rd election/5th election
Xie LeiLei (Team G) Zheng DanNi (Team NIII) Liu LiFei (Team NIII) Chen Ke (Team G) Tang LiJia (Team NIII) Zuo JingYuan (Team NIII) Xiao WenLing (Team NIII)
4th election/6th election
Chen Ke (Team G) Tang LiJia (Team NIII) Liu LiFei (Team NIII) Zuo JingYuan (Team NIII) Zheng DanNi (Team NIII) Xie LeiLei (Team G) Fang Qi (Team Z)
In total, 12 members have had Kami rank in 4 elections.
Xie LieLei, Tang LiJia, and Zheng DanNi have ranked in Top 7 of GNZ48 in every election they’ve been eligible for.
Liu LiFei had the biggest rank increase (non-rank in her first election to #1 in the GNZ48 group).
Gao YuanJing had the biggest rank decrease (#5 in her group to not ranked at all).
In the second election they were eligible for, all the Top 7 GNZ members also ranked in Top 66.
Fang Qi is the only Team Z member to achieve Kami rank. Despite being formed in the same year as Teams G and NIII, it was 4 years before a Team Z member ranked that high.
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sun-and-yue · 5 years ago
Wiki48: BEJ48 Kami 7
1st election/3rd election
Li Zi (Team E) Duan YiXuan (Team B) Sun Shan (Team B) Qing YuWen (Team B) Niu CongCong (Team B) Hu XiaoHui (Team B) Su ShanShan (Team E)
2nd election/4th election
Duan YiXuan (Team B) Su ShanShan (Team E) Hu XiaoHui (Team B) Liu ShuXian (Team B) Li Zi (Team E) Li YuanYuan (Team E) Liu ShengNan (Team E)
3rd election/5th election
Su ShanShan (Team E) Duan YiXuan (Team B) Feng SiJia (Team E) Zhang HuaiJin (Team J) Ma YuLing (Team E) Chen QianNan (Team E) Huang EnRu (Team J)
4th election/6th election
Duan YiXuan (Team B) Su ShanShan (Team E) Zhang HuaiJin (Team J) Liu ShuXian (Team B) Hu XiaoHui (Team B) Liu ShengNan (Team E) Shen XiaoAi (Team B)
In total, 16 members have had Kami rank in 4 elections. 7 Have been members of Team B, 7 from Team E, and 2 from Team J.
Feng SiJia had the biggest rank increase (non-rank to #3 in her group), and the biggest rank decrease (#3 to non-rank).
Su ShanShan and Duan YiXuan are the only members to have ranked in Top 7 during every election they’ve been eligible for.
Li Zi was the first sister group member to rank high enough to be part of Undergirls. At the time, she had the highest-overall ranking of the sister group members.
Duan YiXuan was the first sister group member to rank in Top 16, in addition to being the first to rank in Top 3.
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sun-and-yue · 5 years ago
A new series in which I gather information about the SNH48/CHN48 group à la the stage48 wiki and post it here because uhhhhh I can’t figure out how to edit the stage48 wiki.
Feel free to send requests.
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