#Whisky Wonderland
wafflefries13 · 29 days
Twisted Teas
I don’t know a lot about tea, only that I usually like it iced and sweet, a casualty of growing up in the south. But I’ve been wanting to learn more about it, especially blends. I found this cool website, Adagio Teas, that have a bunch of fan made fandom blends for a ton of different books, movies, video games, and tv shows (#notsponsored). So I thought I would try my hand at making teas for the Twisted Wonderland cast. I tried to go off vibes, color schemes, and their favorite food. Hopefully my train of thought makes sense. If anyone wants to actually try any of these let me know how they taste. 
Adagio Teas: Signature Blend
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Wild Strawberry 
Summer rose
Extra scoop: Rose hips 
Dewy cherry
Fiery cinnamon spice 
Vanilla oolong 
Extra scoop: Cherry 
Green rooibos blueberry 
White blueberry
Kentucky whisky 
Extra scoop: Blueberries 
Passion Fruit 
Pomegranate grove 
Extra scoop: Orange peels 
Cocomint green 
Assam melody 
Pu-erh hazelberry 
Extra scoop: Cocoa nibs 
Pu-erh dante 
Tiger eye 
Turmeric bliss 
Extra scoop: Marigold flowers 
Ceylon sonata 
Extra scoop: Safflower 
Lapsang souchong 
White pear 
Almond Oolong 
Extra scoop: Ginger root 
Earl gray lavender 
Black cherry 
Chocolate truffle 
Extra scoop: Lavender flower 
Forest berries 
Almond oolong 
Toasted mate 
Extra scoop: Raspberry leaves 
Autumn mist green 
Oriental spice 
Extra scoop: Cloves 
White eternal spring 
White tropics 
Coconut grove pouchong 
Extra scoop: Coconut 
Cinnamon rooibos chai 
Masala chai 
Mango melange 
Extra scoop: Aniseed 
Cherry green 
Rooibos jasmine 
Extra scoop: Cornflower 
Assam melody 
Earl gray bravo 
Extra scoop: Lemon verbena 
Spiced apple chai 
Candy apple 
Rooibos vanilla chai 
Extra scoop: Apple pieces 
Maple cream oolong 
Almond cardamom cake 
Honeybush banana nut 
Extra scoop: Cocoa nibs 
Chocolate chip 
Extra scoop: Candycane 
Earl gray moonlight 
Black cherry 
White chai 
Extra scoop: Cherry 
Forest berries 
Pu-erh hazelberry 
Almond oolong 
Extra scoop: Lemon balm 
Green chai 
Chili lime green 
Extra scoop: Lemon peels 
Dragon fruit dream 
Citron green 
Extra scoop: Hibiscus flowers 
Earl gray bravo 
Extra scoop: Pink peppercorn 
Irish breakfast 
Extra scoop: Raspberry leaves 
Vanilla oolong 
Extra scoop: Apricots 
Masala chai 
Fiery cinnamon spice 
Spiced mate 
Extra scoop: Cardamom seeds 
Green rooibos key west 
Citron green 
Extra scoop: Lemon peel
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
Hi darl, bc I'm obsessed with your OC Heaven and all her lore, I'm curious to know...What bedtime story would Heaven tell John's kids if she was babysitting one night? If not a bedtime story, what games would she play with them?
Ohhh Lee, this is an adorable and interesting question. Thank you so much for asking, and seriously, you make me blush. I'm so moved you're kinda obsessed with little Heaven! Thank you so much, I hope you'll like the answer! 🥺💚 Let's do this as headcanons.
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• She's not so effective when it comes to games -- In fact, she lets Arthur does that because he's always so good at inventing little games and entertaining kids. When it comes to games, Heaven would usually pick Hide and Seek. Overall, the kids go for Arthur if they wanna play, and go to Heaven for activities (cooking, wandering in the forest etc...) or for stories because, God, she's the queen of Fairy Tales.
• Heaven is absolutely fond of fairy tales, myths, and legends. She is an inexhaustible source of stories and knowledge about such topics, partly thanks to her father.
• When John asks her to babysit his children or when the kids go to vacations at Uncle Arthur's house, they know they are going to have fun and get spoiled with French cooking and delicious pastries. But for sure their favorite part is when Aunt Heaven tells them bedtime stories.
• Since John's kids do not want to go to bed, she had found a very effective idea: rather than telling stories in the bedroom, she makes the kid gather around her on a comfy fur carpet on which she had placed a ton of pillows and blankets, right in front of the fireplace. Then, she sits in the middle so that the kids can lean on her or hug her - especially Katie, who always clings to her.
• She would obviously tell them her favorite fairy tales: The Red Riding Hood, The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs, and Goldilocks. She also invents stories from scratch, mixing her own imagination and her favorite myths/creatures.
• But what she likes the best is telling them the story of Alice's adventures in Wonderland because she's in love with Lewis Carroll's works. But there is a little plot twist with this last one...
• Sometimes, she replaces the characters with people from the family or with the family's friends. Taking this into account, Katie becomes Alice and her unnamed siblings are also assigned to a character. Want a few examples.
• "And then! Katie found the Mad Hatter, who looked like her own dad except he had a very great hat on his head. The Mad Hatter, chewing on a toothpick, was arguing with the March Hare. In fact, he wanted the March Hare to stop drinking whisky. Vexed, the March Hare stopped playing with his mustache, grabbed a cup of tea, and threw it at the poor Mad Hatter, who managed to avoid it!"
• It works every time, and the kids end up falling asleep all around her. The thing is, it does not only work with them...
• When she's telling stories, Arthur either leans against the door frame and listens to her, a faint smile etched on his lips and his blue eyes shining with undescribable affection. He falls in love with her all over again... Or he kind of joins the herd, sitting on the couch right behind them. When he does this, he 100% falls asleep in less than ten minutes.
• One time John spotted the whole scene and, putting one hand on his heart as if it has been too cute to handle, he turned towards Arthur and said with utmost envy "Lucky bastard."
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✞ Heaven is “you” in Heaven in Your Eyes, an Arthur x Reader!OC ongoing series. Check out the Masterlist || Last chapter published.
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Right, time for my to dive into episode 3, so my incoherent rambling thoughts will now follow
Coffee shop is playing Radio Gaga
Muriel is so adorably incompetent and she clearly doesn’t want to lie to Aziraphale and he’s so sweet with them. And Crowley is delighted!
Aziraphale makes no objection to Crowley running the bookshop. Obviously he trusts Crowley to do it properly and not sell any books.
Huge gasp! Ok, so in opening titles and in Maggie’s shop there is a poster for Stairway to Heaven, the American title for A Matter of Life and Death, the Powell/Pressberger film about a man in trial in Heaven to return to his love. This episode is called I Know Where I’m Going which is another Powell/Pressberger film, about a woman who falls in love with someone she isn’t supposed to love, against all her plans. The man’s family is under a curse and the curse turns out to be when they fall in love they fall in love forever.
Ok, so Crowley refers to Gabriel’s beauty (when looking at the statue) and Aziraphale gives him a very perturbed look.
Scottish David Tennant doing a variety of very fake Scottish accents here is a dazzling example of how that man controls his voice.
Aziraphale gives himself a Scottish name (McFell) but doesn’t even bother to try a Scottish accent.
Oh god, Aziraphale always has his heart wrenched every time he meets someone poor and damaged by life. Like he feels god and the angels have abandoned them and he feels it’s wrong but can’t question it.
Ooh , the starting everyone off equal conversation from the book!
Aw, the Bentley is playing Danse Macabre for Aziraphale. A distinctly demonic piece of classical music.
So Crowley comes through the radio to chat to Aziraphale just as Satan once came through to chat to Crowley.
Yellow Car! (Hello Arthur)
The mountains are tartan and there’s a monster in the Loch…
Beelzebub’s eagerness to find Gabriel is very different now…she seems worried.
So Crowley is moving books around the bookshop? Apart from the moments where he casts them aside, I presume he’s doing what Aziraphale would do? So he knows Aziraphale’s plan for the bookshop?
There really was a Mr Dalrymple at Edinburgh university but I don’t know if this was him and did just ask him to call him Doctor?! Really going for the Doctor Who references this season.
I see Aziraphale has to ask Crowley to freeze people. He does often enough that now he just hints and Crowley does it.
Aziraphale doesn’t like the whisky but by the time of the events in S1 he is happily pouring a whisky out for both him and Crowley.
Oh dear. Aziraphale hearing about the 7 year old who died. His faith is tested so much.
So the pub owner read both Beelzebub and Gabriel as Masons?
The laundanum is made by C.M.O.T. Dibbler! Another Pratchett reference!
Teeny tiny Crowley and then giant Crowley - it’s all very Alice in Wonderland
Crowley playing the Angel role!
Aziraphale holding up drunk Crowley and calling him kind - definitely smitten. Is it just me or is there a lot more touching and holding than last season?
And then Hell steals Crowley and the next time he sees Aziraphale he asks for Holy Water to protect them both from Hell.
Thing is - if Hell was watching him do that good deed they might have known he was with Aziraphale. Perhaps he had to spend all that time convincing Hell he wasn’t working with Aziraphale, that they weren’t friends.
Aziraphale isn’t afraid of those thugs at all. In the book he ‘takes care’ of Mafia thugs. He obviously can protect himself when Crowley isn’t around.
Crowley doing his own version of Aziraphale’s not selling any books when he answers the phone.
Hmm, it looks like Aziraphale replaced the British flag wallpaper on the phone with a Scottish flag. I wonder if that’s a reference to Scotland leaving the Union?
Ok, the newspaper headlines in this one (and it looks like one of the less reliable papers) has Elvis Kidnapped By Aliens Because He Made Such Good… the other word is cut off but probably burgers as we know he works in a burger place. And the other headline is Pope Missing.
Crowley is so delighted his plan works. He’s very invested in the love story of Maggie and Nina.
I presume whatever Gabriel is saying in this bit is from the Bible but I can’t find the exact quote. It sounds like Revelations.
Very much enjoying that inbetween Shax and Crowley threatening each other he’s explaining to her how to fix the boiler in his old flat.
Oh, very protective of Aziraphale Crowley! My darling!
Oh dear, Crowley saying ‘it’s always too late’
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ofwondersandhares · 2 years
Continued from Here
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"First time in Wonderland, hmm?" An observation. A very obvious one, but an observation nonetheless.
A heavy sigh left heart-shaped lips, whisky brown eyes looking the man up and down before he lightly shook his head.
"Nobody really wants to come to Wonderland, they only think they do. There are a lot of reasons oysters..." Sean had cleared his throat then, didn't he promise himself he would stop referring to people not of Wonderland blood as oysters? "Many things will lead people here. Curiosity, remorse, regret,.....a desire to run away from their own lives and troubles. Myself, I usually always want to leave it, and I do have that luxury, even as someone who is Wonderland born. You see, luv, I'm one of two March Hares in THIS Wonderland and you can call me Sean.”
The Hare had given the stranger a curious tilt of his head right then. "And what do people call you, hmm? The mysterious boy who never wanted to come here in the first place."
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celtfather · 3 months
The Leprechaun, Building Sherwood Forest Faire Castle #286
The modern image of the leprechaun is very different from the leprechaun of Irish legends. But times change and not everyone adapts as easily. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate both the new and the old as we explore the origins of my song “The Leprechaun.”
Ever dream of building your own castle and starting your own Renaissance festival? Dreams can come true. They did for George Appling of Sherwood Forest Faire.
This is Pub Songs & Stories #286
0:24 - Marc Gunn “Parting Glass” from Soul of Harper
I am Marc Gunn. I’m a Sci F’ Irish musician and podcaster living in Atlanta, Georgia.
If you’re new to the show, please subscribe. You can do that PubSong.com or Just send me an email to follow@celtfather.
Poll: What’s your favorite song on Soul of a Harper?
Merch: Buy Soul of a Harper on Patreon
Nerdy Wonderland. Nerdy Wonderland is a unique and free shopping event that celebrates the geek in all of us. It offers a wide range of nerdy and geek-inspired holiday gifts. This event is designed to bring experts and enthusiasts together to explore and discover extraordinary holiday presents.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends.
That is usually how it rolls. But at the end of September, we’re invading Scotland’s Whisky distilleries in between hiking throughout the country. It’s gonna be epic.
You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
Every week, the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast asks fans of the show to vote for your favorite songs in the podcast. Those votes are compiled at the end of the year to create the Celtic Top 20, your pick of the best music of the year.
I don’t just make the podcast, I’m a fan of it too. So here is another favorite from recent episodes.
7:04 - The Dustbunnies "Gillingham Ramshire" from What Goes Around
From Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #655: The Cat’s Meow
“La Ta Tee Da” by Brendan O’Loughlin
Driving to Dallas for gig with Bards
Rewriting the song with Inara
Lucky Charms breakfast cereal
The Leprechaun
lyrics and music by Marc Gunn
There's a Leprechaun in me head, and I wish that I were dead For I don't think he'll e'er let me be. Oh, he tempts me with his gold, and if I were e'er so bold, I'd strangle him and leave him in the street.
* Well, he says to me, "Ah, you're no Irish Laddie! And ye call that thing a harp?" But each time I share the lore that I am learning. He hides in shame while my friends they chant.
* La ta tee, da diddley dee, la ta tee ta tee da La ta tee, da diddley diddley dai La ta tee, da diddley dee, la ta tee ta tee da La ta tee, da diddley diddley dai
There's a leprechaun in my room. He swats me with a broom. That's the reason I forget the words of this song. Well, he shows me a four-leaf clover, and before me song is over, It's buried in a bowl of Lucky Charms.
There's a leprechaun on the floor, and he says that I'm a bore. He yawns aloud as I sing my song. He feigns one last breathe stolen, but I see his eyes are open. And he's watching me with envy deep inside.
There's a leprechaun on a hill, and his gold is buried there. So I grab him by the neck 'fore he gets away. The pot's too heavy, he giggles, so I pinch me just a little, And he thinks he's fooled me as I run away.
21:29 - Marc Gunn “The Leprechaun” from Soul of Harper
The show is brought to you by my supporters on Patreon. If you enjoy this podcast or my music, please join the Club. You get something new every week. It could be bonus podcasts, downloadable songs, printed sheet music, blogs, or stories from the road. Plus, you’ll get access to videos like my Coffee with The Celtfather video concerts. You get it all ad-free when you listen and on Patreon. Email follow@celtfather !
If you can’t support me financially, just sign up on Patreon for free. Special thanks to our newest and returning patrons: James Liang, Carol Donahue
Ever since I started performing at Renaissance festivals in 1999, I've dreamed about starting my own faire. I think most Rennies have. How exciting that would be! George Appling, or King George as he's known at the Sherwood Forest Faire, not only dreamed of it, he made his dream a reality.
How did it happen? Where did this inspiration come from? Where has he seen his greatest successes and challenges over the years?
56:33 - Patsy O'Brien "Jack 'Brien" from Onward
1:01:32 - CREDITS
Thanks for listening to Pub Songs & Stories. This episode was edited by Mitchell Petersen.
You can follow and listen to the show on Patreon or wherever you find podcasts. Sign up to my mailing list to learn more about songs featured in this podcast and discover where I’m performing.
Remember. Refuse, Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on your environment.
Have fun and sing along at www.pubsong.com!
  Check out this episode!
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candy-floss-crazy · 9 months
Hire Gin Bars - Lux Gin Bar Range
Hire Gin Bar Services   It's Gin O'Clock Gin is the new on trend drink. You can have a bar service, offering a range of fun and quirky gins, with mixers, garnishes and a range of themed bar units, this is perfect for reception drinks, exhibitions, weddings and corporate events. Or choose from our whisky bar, prosecco and Pimms bar, or any combination to suit your requirements, and wow your guests. Its gin o'clock somewhere, ask us for a drink. Flavoured Gins Currently the in vogue drink, gin has been elevated from the staid old mothers ruin of yesteryear, to the must have drink for the in crowd, join our gin loving community. Gin Drinks Menu You have the choice of a range of gins in various flavours including; •Rhubarb & Ginger •South African Truffles •Pink Gin •Raspberry Gin •Sweet Violet Gin •Chocolate Gin •Passion Fruit Gin •Blackberry Gin We can source and supply virtually any flavour to suit your requirements, ranging from an artisan gin company to more popular offerings. If required a bespoke menu can be created just for you to include craft gins, and gin cocktails. Hire A Gin Bar Unit You can choose from a range of bar units to suit different events and requirements. Or we can theme them to specific requirements such as Alice in Wonderland etc. Your choice of bars as include; •Rustic Pop Up Gin Bar Units •Horse box •Contemporary Bar •Modern LED Bar •Tiki Bar •Converted Horse Trailer •Pop Up Gin Bars Ask us for a full  custom design and build service for specific mobile bar units for exhibitions and custom events, this can range from a small pop up cart, to a unique converted horse trailer gin bar.This makes a great reception drink at indoors or outdoors events, or as a gin tasting event at private parties. You can even have a gin and Prosecco Service Mobile Gin Bar Hire Your bar is provided with a full range of garnishes to ensure that your drinks look as good as they taste. Mixers, and of course ice ensure you have the perfect refreshing drink at all times. If gin just isn't your thing, but you are still after an alcoholic beverage, we also offer; A Touch Of Bubble Prosecco Bars Hardcore Jagermeister Carts For Winter Events, Mulled Wine For Summertime. Pimms For Events The Green Fairy AbsintheGin has a history stretching back to production in the Netherlands in the 13th Century. Originally known as genever, the drink was distilled from walt wine to around 50% ABV. The original drink wasn’t really drinkable, so it was softened with herbs and spices, Juniper berries initially for their supposed medical properties. Depending on the method of distillation, the alcohol tasted similar to vodka or whiskey. The British discovered the drink whilst fighting in Antwerp, assisting the Dutch against the Spanish in the 80 Years War in the late 16th and early 17th Century. They would drink genever before battle due to its supposed calming properties, some claiming this was the origin of the phrase ‘Dutch Courage’. English distillers began to make their own version, shortening the name to gin. When William of Orange took the throne in the Glorious Revolution, the drink saw a major jump in popularity. What a lot of people fail to remember, is that at the beginning of the 18th Century, much of our drinking water was pretty unclean. Drinking gin was probably a healthier choice. Additionally during that period,we were engaged in one of our many spats with the French, and as a result increased levies on French Brandy. The government of the day reduced taxes on gin and encouraged the production of the beverage in small workshops. Additionally the drink could be distilled fairly cheaply from homegrown British produce, poor quality barley that was unsuitable for beer brewing, could be used to make gin. At one point over half of London’s 15,000 drinking establishments were dedicated to gin. Sadly as time went on, the drink became similar to the modern drug epidemic, with widespread drunkenness being blamed on the low cost of the drink. Finally the government imposed an expensive licensing requirement in the Gin act of 1736. When no one bothered to pay for a licence the drink was promptly banned. Sadly, as in the U.S. prohibition produced the opposite effect to that intended, and the drink became more popular than ever. In 1751 a new Gin Act lowered the taxes but made it illegal to sell the drink from premises whose rent was less than £10 per year, intended to prevent the sales from unreputable premises. By the turn of the 19th Century the gin craze had pretty much ended. The only major manufacturer to survive was Alexander Gordon, whos brand survives today and accounts for over 50% of the U.K. market.WHERE CAN I HIRE A GIN BAR NEAR ME; We cover the full U.K. with our bar services. CAN YOU SERVE ANYTHING OTHER THAN GIN; Yes we offer vodka, whisky and rum bars as well. ARE GIN BARS SUITABLE FOR CORPORATE FUNCTIONS; Yes they work exceptionally well at that type of event. Hire a gin drinks bar for a great reception treat at military functions, bar/bat mitzvahs, college balls, company fun days, corporate events, weddings, parties and exhibitions, and they are available throughout the U.K. including London, Scotland, The North East, The Midlands, Yorkshire and Lancashire. 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 Read the full article
0 notes
pulsdmedia · 10 months
The Week Ahead 12/4-12/10
There's only a few weeks between now and New Year's Eve, and with all the holidays in between, it's easy to get lost in the chaos. This is the season of celebration, so why not make the most of it? You have to soak it all in, and we're here to help you make like a sponge and absorb the magic...
$39: 3 Hours To Drink 100+ Whiskies & Spirits In Chelsea
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Experience the enchantment of The 2023 NYC Whiskey & Spirits Festival at Chelsea Industrial - this Saturday! Enjoy 3 hours of unlimited tastings featuring 100+ premium whiskies, bourbons, scotches, ryes, vodkas, gins, and more, so savor small-batch local distilleries and international favorites while you dive into live music, interactive games, and gourmet delights from Mozzarepas, Chavas Empanadas, Angry Archies, and more. A magical, delicious winter wonderland awaits...
New Year's Eve Wishing Wall
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Whether it's a personal goal or a dream for the future, post your wish to the NYE Wishing Wall and your wishes will be added to the confetti that flutters down in the heart of Times Square on New Year's Eve! Be a part of this magical night by making your wish in person or by sharing your New Year's wish online using the hashtag #ConfettiWish. Here's hoping it comes true!
$59 Ticket To A Pizza & Limoncello Making Class
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Transport yourself to an Italian paradise at LeGrande Lounge & Serafina's Pizza & Limoncello Making Class, for just $59! You'll indulge in a Welcome Tasting of Serafina's Award-Winning Wood-Fired Pizzas and Different Types of Limoncellos, followed by hands-on instruction on crafting your own pizza and Limoncello. Led by skilled chefs and mixologists, savor the process of creating zesty Limoncello before crafting your perfect pizza. Take home both your mouthwatering pizza and a bottle of your Limoncello, along with instructions for a home fermentation experience. Immerse yourself in the flavors of Italy without leaving the city – it's a delicious journey into "la dolce vita"!
Portolano Sample Sale
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Portolano is hosting a sample sale just in time for the winter months! You will find unbelievable deals on hats, gloves, scares, ponchos, shawls, ties, small leather goods, and more- all for heavily discounted prices. Don't miss out!
50% Off: New York Times Critic's Pick Interactive Comedy Show
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Quoting Macbeth, "Drink, sir, is a great provoker," and at Drunk Shakespeare, it's the essence of the experience! Hailed as "The Best Thing to Ever Happen to The Theater" by Slate Magazine, this live show transforms Shakespeare's classics with modern twists, audience engagement, and a spirited touch. Classically-trained actors weave the Bard's tales while one cast member, fueled by shots of whiskey, introduces an element of unpredictability. Enjoy craft cocktails from the bar, snack on delectable treats, and witness the cast create a fresh, unrehearsed performance each night. As the spirits flow both on stage and in the audience, brace yourself for a night of uproarious laughter, lively chaos, and a toast to an unforgettable experience!
Half Baked Harvest Book Tour
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Head to Williams Sonoma to meet chef Tieghan Gerard for a signing of her cookbook Half Baked Harvest Every Day. Half Baked Harvest Every Day is a collection of simple and wholesome yet delightfully decadent recipes. Plus, they'll be serving festive Holiday Cocktails and everyone that purchases a ticket will be entered to win a new KitchenAid Stand Mixer!
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mandyjane-lifedesign · 10 months
Picturesque UK Breaks to Take This Winter
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Getting away with your loved ones for a winter break can be an exciting idea. From decorations and dinners to local attractions and festivities, exploring the UK in winter can give you some of the best and most beautiful chilly days out. So pack up your woollen gloves and windproof umbrella, and head out to a new location in time to enjoy the chilly weather and upcoming activities. Here we will explore the four best places in the UK for you to visit this winter, according to Planet Ware, and what you can do there in the coming months. Edinburgh, Scotland Whether you are looking for a beautiful scenery, a mix of city life and seaside, or a Harry Potter-inspired winter trip, Edinburgh is the perfect place to visit. If you are looking forward to seeing some fantastic foliage and creative lighting designs, then you can visit Edinburgh’s Royal Botanic Gardens. This is a fantastic way to get lost in the winter spirit, whether with your partner, parents, or children – people of all ages can enjoy the range of beautiful designs Edinburgh has to offer. And why not enjoy some Scottish festivities during the winter too? If you fancy a winter break after the Christmas rush, celebrating Burns Night might be the best chance to experience some Scottish culture in the cold. Taking place on January 25th each year, you can enjoy some wintertime activities with you family outside of the Christmas period. York, England Another beautiful location for you to try during your winter downtime is the scenic and historic city of York. And what screams winter and warmth like chocolate? York’s Chocolate Story can show you the process and history behind your favourite chocolate bars, give you a taster or some delicious cocoa and see you make your own personalised creation – making it the perfect day out for all the family and any chocolate lovers! York also hosts the perfect attraction for the Harry Potter fans in your family. The Shambles, from which the film’s version of Diagon alley was supposedly based, is a Medieval side street full of local shops – including some Harry Potter-themed locations which sell merchandise from the books and films, as well as wizarding world-inspired drinks and more. York’s centre boasts a network of rickety old-time streets, so you can travel through time and fantasy as you explore. Isle of Skye, Scotland If you fancy somewhere a bit more remote, then why not try the Inner Hebrides for a few days? This can be a winter wonderland of moody coastal views, castles, and more. This is the perfect retreat for a family wanting to get away from the hustle and bustle of busy city life for the new year. With the stunning view of Eilean Danon Castle, you can stay inside a beautiful holiday cottage with a warming hearth. This is the perfect escape for anyone looking to ditch their technology for a bit of a detox over the winter period. The Cotswolds, England For picturesque English countryside and scenic, historic villages, the Cotswolds could be the perfect location for your winter getaway. You could stay in anything from a small cottage to a manor hotel, all while enjoying views of stonemasonry and rolling hills. For those looking for a romantic break, you could consider activities such as afternoon tea, or even gin and whisky tasting. Or families might consider having fun in the countryside snow, building snowmen and sledding on the hillsides. Whether you are looking for a romantic get away for two, a family retreat, or a digital detox, there are some incredible places you can visit across England and Scotland this winter season. From famous races to stunning views and chocolate history, you can go into the new year experiencing new things. Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash Sources: https://www.staycity.com/blog/edinburgh-christmas-markets/#:~:text=Theterm'winterwonderland'is,shorttripoutoftown. https://www.wayfaringkiwi.com/best-things-to-do-in-edinburgh-in-winter/ https://bestthingstodoinyork.co.uk/harry-potter-york#:~:text=TheShamblesinYorkis,streetappealstousPotterheads. https://www.thehilt.co.uk/post/winter-indoor-activities https://www.yorkschocolatestory.com/plan-your-visit/know-before-you-go/ https://www.whatsonskye.com/journal/winter-skye-2013/ https://www.heatheronhertravels.com/things-to-do-in-the-cotswolds-in-winter/ https://www.boltholeretreats.co.uk/best-places-to-visit-in-the-cotswolds-in-winter/ Read the full article
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sassenashsworld · 11 months
Miracle Mart
It's not a Fanfiction.
It's a small... hmm we call it essaie in french then a 'try', that mean short text of random subject.
I have write it a couple years before, even before being a mother.
To be honest, there's a couple of another absurd short tales before this one in the series; MK, why this world. Should maybe put it online
I was in the garage, in front of the workbench, when I felt a chill from my soul.
I can feel my grandfather's presence from ten years ago behind my back. I feel him bend over my shoulder and ask, softly, "My boy'hon, why do you do it like that? I’m enough afraid that you cripple yourself. Wait." 
And I felt the need to see his hands grab the two boards I was holding, pull out one of his miracle blocks made precisely to nail boards at an angle, or tighten it in the vise in a way that allows me to work well, then watch him look through his countless cabinets, chests, and shelves, scrutinizing the boxes until he take out a small green box containing a drill and… 
I wake from my awaking dream… None of this is still in existence… He passed away ten years ago.
-= Ding =-
"Treasure? What exactly are you doing, Simon… Simon?"
I pass my head through the door that connects to the sunlit apartment—no trace of my companion, but rather a strange colorful arch in the midst of my living room, where the couch should logically be.
I rubs my eyes.
-= Ding =- … in the new aisle… for children's smiles, please view aisle twelve, section Keep your heart young… -= Ding =-
I approach, fascinated, and peer over the arch, seeing my favorite little biker rubs the back of his neck as he gazes at a screen that displays an interactive map of the store along with a list of suggestions. I walk by the ark and glance up, shocked to see a massive Wal-Mart Olympus replica packed with odd merchandise.
When I look closer, I see multicolored bubbles on the shelves, trails that lead nowhere, and mirrors with inscriptions like:
FOUNTAIN OF JOUVANCE. 24 hours, return for a day.
IN WONDERLAND, Are you as talented as Alice?
I WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN, but don't spend too much time thinking about them.
I went to watch Harry Potter with everyone else, and I tried not to look at the large Victorian-style frame that seems to reflect more than my image.
I approach Simon, shaking my head.
"What's going on?"
"I know what it is. It appears to be a shop of… anything."
"I'm curious how much. So, do they provide courage or power? That would be amusing."
"No idea… wait a minute… look here, on the list: Einstein's Intelligence, aisle fourteen. That should be something you like."
I'm deliberating. Einstein's intelligence is stunning, but it also necessitates his nobility of mind and good heart. Perhaps it's not for me. We agree to try at least one thing, so we start strolling around the lanes, dazzled by what we see.
SWORD EXCALIBUR, live Arthur's quest and return to your kingdom as a wise man.
"I suppose you'd be interested in that," my partner said.
I shake my head as I grasp his hand in mine. I'm not sure I want to take the first opportunity.
WISH WELL, as if you were still in need of it here.
"That would be good for you, sweetheart."
"Speak for yourself."
CHILDHOOD MEMORIES, to be consumed moderately.
"It can be a good whisky!"
My remark does not elicit an answer from my companion, who mumbles something about putting the past behind. I look up, and there he is. My heart races to the point where it appears to be about to capsize over my rib cage. I stretch my hand, uttering another stifled gasp, my finger pointing in the direction of the light.
STAIRWAYS TO HEAVEN, to see your dearly departed.
"No! Don't do it. We all recall what happened the last time you visited God. (*MK, Why this world - Let's just say it.) You're not going to do another apocalypse."
"I just want to see my grandfather; I need him."
"Look, you've already seen him once, and…"
"No way in a story. I need to meet him in person. I need to spend some time with him. Like when he appeared in my nightmares over the first few years after his death. I need it."
"Look at the fine print here."
He points to a poster that can be found on nearly every column in the store. I approach, intrigued and begin reading aloud.
"False hopes are not refunded, nor are persistent illusions guaranteed. We recommend a simple dose of happiness for increased enjoyment."
I smile at Simon, and we go down the alley of happiness. I exclaim at the same time as he, and then he shrugs and stuffs his hands in his pockets.
The happy lane returns us to our apartment, and I smile at the life lesson that has just been served to me. So, we go back to our living room, and the ark vanishes behind us.
Intriguingly, I notice a card still on the couch cushion and take it.
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viskit · 1 year
American Whiskey - Midtown: A Spirited Journey Through Flavor and Tradition
Nestled in the heart of Midtown, the realm of American whiskey comes alive in a way that captures both tradition and innovation. This iconic spirit, deeply rooted in American history, has found a home in Midtown, where enthusiasts and newcomers alike can savor its rich flavors and explore its diverse expressions. In this article, we embark on a journey through American whiskey in Midtown, exploring its significance, offerings, and the unique experience it offers.
A Tapestry of Heritage
American whiskey is more than just a beverage; it's a tapestry woven with history, culture, and craftsmanship. Midtown's dedication to showcasing this heritage is evident in the array of whiskey establishments that pay homage to the spirit's roots while embracing modern tastes.
A Whiskey Wonderland
Midtown is a haven for whiskey enthusiasts, boasting an impressive collection of bars, lounges, and distilleries that celebrate American whiskey's diversity. From classic bourbon to rye and Tennessee whiskey, each style offers a unique taste profile that showcases the intricacies of distillation and aging.
Tasting the Terroir
One of the beauties of American whiskey is the influence of terroir – the environment in which the ingredients are grown – on the final product. In Midtown, establishments curate a selection that represents various regions, allowing patrons to savor the nuances influenced by soil, climate, and local traditions.
Craftsmanship and Innovation
Midtown's American whiskey scene isn't just about tradition; it's also about pushing boundaries. Craft distilleries and innovative bartenders are experimenting with aging techniques, barrel finishes, and blending, resulting in whiskey expressions that surprise and delight the palate.
Educational Experiences
For those seeking to deepen their appreciation for American whiskey, Midtown offers a range of educational experiences. Tasting sessions, guided tours, and masterclasses provide insights into the whiskey-making process, the art of nosing and tasting, and the history that shapes each bottle.
Pairing Possibilities
Whiskey's complex flavor profiles make it a versatile companion to culinary creations. Midtown's whiskey-centric venues often offer food pairings that elevate the tasting experience, enhancing the whiskey's notes and complementing its character.
A Gathering of Aficionados
Midtown's American whiskey scene fosters a sense of community among whiskey enthusiasts. Tasting events, festivals, and whiskey-themed gatherings bring like-minded individuals together to share their passion, knowledge, and stories.
Signature Cocktails
While savoring whiskey neat is a cherished tradition, Midtown's mixologists are also renowned for crafting inventive cocktails that showcase the spirit's versatility. From classic Old Fashioneds to innovative concoctions, these cocktails capture the essence of American whiskey in every sip.
American whiskey in Midtown is more than a libation; it's an experience that intertwines history, craftsmanship, and camaraderie. From the classic elegance of a well-aged bourbon to the experimental allure of craft distilleries, Midtown offers a diverse and vibrant whiskey landscape. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a curious newcomer, exploring American whiskey in Midtown is a journey that promises to awaken the senses, spark conversations, and create cherished memories. So, raise a glass to Midtown's love affair with this timeless spirit, and let its flavors transport you to the heart of American whiskey culture.
For more info visit here:-
american whiskey - midtown
blended scotch whisky
scotch whisky brands
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giftsforus · 1 year
The Macallan Whisky Reindeer & Snowflake Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
The Macallan Whisky Reindeer & Snowflake Ugly Sweater Christmas Party is the ultimate holiday event that caters to both men and women. This whimsical and festive party is designed to bring people together and celebrate the joy of the holiday season. With its unique theme and delightful atmosphere, it has become a must-attend event for whisky enthusiasts and partygoers alike. The centerpiece of this party is, of course, The Macallan Whisky. Renowned for its exceptional taste and quality, The Macallan offers a wide range of whiskies to suit everyone's preferences. From smooth and mellow expressions to rich and bold ones, there is a Macallan whisky for every discerning palate. At the party, guests will have the opportunity to sample various Macallan whiskies, each one carefully selected to showcase the brand's excellence and craftsmanship. But the true highlight of the event is the dress code – the infamous Ugly Sweater. This quirky and fun fashion trend has become synonymous with Christmas parties, and The Macallan Whisky Reindeer & Snowflake Ugly Sweater Christmas Party fully embraces it. Men and women are encouraged to don their most outrageous, over-the-top sweaters adorned with reindeer, snowflakes, and other festive motifs. This creates a lively and vibrant atmosphere where guests can showcase their creativity and sense of humor. The party venue is meticulously decorated to evoke a winter wonderland, with twinkling lights, fake snow, and Christmas trees adorned with ornaments. The ambiance is warm and inviting, with cozy seating areas and a crackling fireplace. As guests mingle and enjoy their Macallan whiskies, they can also participate in various activities such as whisky tastings, cocktail masterclasses, and even reindeer-themed games. The event organizers ensure that there is something engaging and entertaining for everyone, making it a perfect gift for whisky lovers and party enthusiasts. Moreover, The Macallan Whisky Reindeer & Snowflake Ugly Sweater Christmas Party is an inclusive event that welcomes people from all walks of life. The festive spirit, laughter, and sense of community fostered by this event make it an excellent opportunity to bring friends, family, or colleagues together. It is a chance to create lasting memories, bond over shared experiences, and spread holiday cheer. In conclusion, The Macallan Whisky Reindeer & Snowflake Ugly Sweater Christmas Party is an exceptional event that appeals to both men and women alike. With its delightful whisky selection, lively atmosphere, and festive dress code, it offers a unique and memorable experience. Whether attending as a gift or for personal enjoyment, this party promises a night of laughter, merriment, and a chance to revel in the magic of the holiday season.
Get it here : The Macallan Whisky Reindeer & Snowflake Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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maltrunners · 1 year
Balmenach 17 Year (1978) Cooper's Choice
Review by: The Muskox I was lucky enough to take another visit yesterday to this magical whisky wonderland. 70’s Balmenach is cool, and Cooper’s Choice bottlings from this era are supposedly very good. For a taste of this rare bottling, distilled nearly 45 years ago, that nobody else in the country has, I was charged an entire $17 Canadian dollars for a glass. Distillery: Balmenach. Bottler:…
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manofmanytastes · 1 year
Sydney Whisky Week 2023: Turning the Harbour City Into a Whisky Wonderland
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peeta333 · 1 year
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This day was fantastic! We had so much fun! Enjoyed our company and critters! Did you know if you are ever at Waskesui and you see the grey jays or whisky jacks…if you put your hand out even without food. They will come land on your hand! Such a cool feeling! They might not do it again lol. But once is perfect enough to capture the shots! This day we had some fog and made for some beautiful photos! The wind gave us a little bit of a breeze making it look like it’s was snowing. Beautiful winter wonderland! Magical and innocent feel to these photo! Thx for hanging out that day @amanda_existing_in_nature ! So much fun!! ❤️❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CrL7a--p4Ev/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ofwondersandhares · 2 years
Continued from
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And just like that, he had captured the attention of the March Hare, 
       Hook, line, and sinker. 
For it was not every day that someone would take him at face value without any resistance at all.
"Curious, hmm? Consider yourself considered." Sean had closed the distance between them, moving to take the empty seat beside him as his whisky-brown eyes focused first on the bartender behind the bar. "Scotch. The oldest year' you have, and make it neat." The bartender had obliged, and Sean had taken the glass of crisp dark liquid, bringing it to his heart-shaped lips just to taste the smoothness of it on his tongue.
"So the stranger wants to learn about Wonderland and its existence. Oh, believe me, luv, it does quite exist, as well as my ability to take anybody through the mirrors that wish to go there.” A pause followed before he had taken another sip, finally placing the glass back down on the bar.  
“Before I get that little brain of yours imagining its possibilities, let me introduce myself -- my name is Sean. Sean O'Hare, and I am a pure-blooded Wonderlandian. Realm traveler and emotion manipulator, I'm a dealer of such emotions' by trade and a March Hare by birth - and you are?"
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celtfather · 5 months
Sci Fi Drinking Songs at Gen Con 2023
We’re taking a journey today as I share the story of how I found myself playing Sci Fi Drinking Songs at science fiction conventions around the nation.
This is Pub Songs & Stories #284
0:15 - Marc Gunn and Jesse Ferguson “Molly Malone” from Come Adventure With Me
I am Marc Gunn. I’m a Sci F’ Irish musician and podcaster living in Atlanta, Georgia. This show is for fans of Celtic music and science fiction and fantasy.
I create Celtic-inspired music. In fact, I also host the multi-award-winning Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. I’ve done that for nearly 19 years now. But I also love science fiction and fantasy. I started playing at Dragon Con, the largest fan run sci fi convention in 2002 and in 2007, I started playing at Gen Con, the largest gaming convention. Both have been super instrumental to my music and career over the years. And today, I’m gonna share a live concert from Gen Con 2023 of Sci Fi Drinking Songs, where I not only share some of my more popular songs there, but I also share how I got here in the first place.
If you’re new to the show, please subscribe. You can do that PubSong.com or Just send me an email to follow@celtfather.
I’m currently working on a new podcast series where I highlight my very first solo album, Soul of a Harper, which is 20 years old this year. I hope to release that series this summer. But I thought I’d give you a live show as you await the next series.
New Poll: Come Adventure With Me
Merch: Come Adventure Album Pin, Poster, Songbook and CD
JUN 8-15: Celtic Invasion of the Isle of Man, UK
JUNE 22: Nerdy Wonderland at The Lost Druid, Avondale Estates, GA
AUG 1-4: Gen Con, Indianapolis, IN
SEP 28 - OCT 5: Celtic Invasion of Scotland's Whisky, UK
OCT 18-20: MultiVerse, Atlanta, GA
NOV 15-17: CONjuration, Duluth, GA
7:26 - The Gothard Sisters "Nightfall" from Dragonfly
On Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #656
The show is brought to you by my supporters on Patreon. If you enjoy this podcast or my music, please join the Club. You get something new every week. That includes bonus podcasts, downloadable songs, printed sheet music, blogs, or stories from the road. Plus, you’ll get access to videos like my Coffee with The Celtfather video concerts. Email follow@celtfather !
If you can’t support me financially, just sign up on Patreon for free. Special thanks to our new and returning patrons: Laura Belle, Michelle Powers, James Regan, Tim G. Thomas, Danny Faught
If you are an official member of the Gunn Runners Club on Patreon, then you can also download all of the individual songs in this show. You can also just buy the songs on Patreon as well.
13:17 - “Intro”
13:56 - “Jedi Drinking Songs”
19:01 - “Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits”
24:23 - “Reavers, Malcolm, Reavers”
30:35 - “Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster”
35:28 - “The Leprechaun”
38:56 - “Come Adventure With Me”
43:46 - “Doctor of Gallifrey”
47:26 - “Close Your Eyes”
51:24 - “A Drop of Vulcan Blood”
56:48 - “Breathing”
1:03:31 - “The Mining Ship the Red Dwarf”
1:09:11 - “Naked”
1:12:27 - “Kilted For Her Pleasure”
1:15:16 - “Don’t Blink”
1:19:45 - “Ring of Hope”
1:23:56 - “Mingulay Boat Song”
1:30:29 - “You Are My Thor”
1:35:10 - CLOSING
1:35:29 - CREDITS
Thanks for listening to Pub Songs & Stories. This episode was edited by Mitchell Petersen.
You can follow and listen to the show on my Patreon or wherever you find podcasts. Sign up to my mailing list to learn more about songs featured in this podcast and discover where I’m performing.
Remember. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on your environment.
Have fun and sing along at www.pubsong.com!
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  Check out this episode!
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