#While me just hehe aliens and technology >:3
zoekrystall · 11 months
Watching su further and lapis and peridot are on screen again and I am glad I'm not the only one but my ex bff/qpp too that can't see both anymore without thinking of us (why still messaging bc I kinda became a covid info messenger for irl people)
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Also I checked when that cosplay stuff was planned and 2016 jfc. That connection is there since so long oof. But also in gen su is really around since a good while huh sometimes still feels like yesterday.
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vinnival · 3 years
If it’s not too much trouble, could I ask for a madness combat matchup?
Im a biromantic (asexual) female. I’m like 5’6 or something like that. I’m a bit chubby, but my breasts rival Sanfords lol. I’ve got glasses because I’m blind as heck and long brown hair with a weird blonde streak. I’m a nerd, and I love to mess around with computers and technology stuff, and for a while I spent a lot of time studying animatronics like they use at Disneyland. I occasionally hop between interests and recently I was really into cryptozoology and learning about the Mothman and aliens. Writing and baking are currently my main pastimes, and I love baking for others and sharing food. I almost always have music playing and love singing, mainly for my self, but occasionally for other people, and I find it fun to make playlists for people and share the music that I like. I’m a total introvert and I don’t spend a lot of time with others, but when I do I’m usually more outgoing. I’m a total crybaby, and I get emotional about everything. I think that’s it, sorry if this is weird or anything like that, and sorry about sending this at a dumb time, my sleep schedule is weird. Thank you so much!!
Don't ever say sorry about sending things in at wrong times !! I'll never judge, I stayed up till 3 AM last night hehe, as long as you get the proper sleep its okay <3 enjoy!
You got a match! You're matched with...
art credit to @//malewifecombat !!
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Everyone wonders how you managed to turn this man into sap
Well, it started with your quaint little job, working as an engineer- you'd just recently gotten it!
You made a moderately big breakthrough in the MAG technology, allowing them to grow even larger in size
Auditor came over to review your work and you just stood there like 🧍‍♀️
You were so tense omg relax bb
He approved of your innovation and he asked you a couple questions
"Are you good with any other types of technology?" Was the one that caught your ear
"Y- ahem- yes! Yes, I love working on robot beings, animatronics, if you will. On a general scale, though? Just robotics!"
He showed no indifference, but you managed to relax for some reason
A couple of days later he reappeared and promoted you to an all-new rank ???
Whoa!!! You had your own special wing???
He promoted you to "Robotic Control", and showed you to a room FILLED with books, tinkering toys, and a cool little area obviously meant for building said robotic stuff.
"You impressed me, newbie. Let me repay the favor."
"Hshs?jdiwh???sksuwu?woouu??u?u?o???" -your brain, probably while crying
You were so happy in there, and all the books were filled with other stuffs you were interested in
Like mysterious cryptids, their myths and it even discussed their supposed anatomy!
He bought you all the best computer parts from out of state and let you build your own computer ,,
Sometimes he would visit you while you worked and you had this weird feeling that he liked you
You were writing a short little story and singing softly to yourself one time, and then the Auditor came in
You nearly threw your book in the air from being scared
"I'm, could you please knock next time, boss?"
He looked like he was about to protest., but hesitated, then nodded. Your brain couldn't comprehend how you did that
A few minutes later you were tinkering on the current project you were working on: a robot grunt
You were hoping it could be altered by the MAG innovation you had
Suddenly, the grunt whirred to life and ran straight at the first target it could see: you
You barely had time to react when your own mf boss YANKED you to his side with lightning speed
He did away with the robot quickly with the spare pistol he had attached to his leg
"Good targeting mechanism, but it needs a little tweaking."
You just stared at him as he held you FLUSH AGAINST HIS SIDE
You stammered out an affirmative
He didn't leave you alone after that, visiting nearly every day
One day he walked in on you actually singing, and eating some brownies
He tried to make a swift exit, forgetting his promise to knock, when-
"It's okay, boss, I can tell when you're coming to see me nowadays."
He did a double-take, and reentered
You offered him a brownie
He loved it
He loves your baking
You bake more
He knocked another day to hear sniffles from inside your quarters. You didn't respond, but he still came in- dare he say that he felt worried?
Auditor cautiously approached you and asked what was wrong
You were overthinking about your weight :(
He doesn't deal with individual insecurities in the common grunt, so he was confused on how to help
You just gestured for a hug, and he brought it in
Some instinctual urge inside him told him to whisper sweet nothings and thats what he did
He complimented your body, your personality, he was WAYYY uncomfortable with being so open about his feelings ngl
But he wanted to help you feel better awww
Eventually he closed off with a curt "I love you"
He didn't even regret saying that
You felt safe with him :)
Ohohoho im getting more matchup requests and I must say; I can take story requests/HC requests too 👀 I hope you liked this OP !! Thank you for the ask 💜
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comicteaparty · 5 years
November 11th-November 17th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from November 11th , 2019 to November 17th , 2019.  The chat focused on Closer to Home by Jess Peck.
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Featured Comment:
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Closer to Home by Jess Peck~! (https://closertohomecomic.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until November 17th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. What has been your favorite aspect of the world-building or the alien species shown so far? In what ways can you relate to the differing cultures, and in what ways do you find yourself confused like the rest of the humans in the story?
Capitania do Azar
1. I honestly can't pinpoint a specific scene, don't hold this against me! But I love the general feeling of the comic. The characters are going through some very specific, emotional things, and I really enjoy the way that those are always handled with a certain softness that I think it's very... refreshing!! That being said, I loved the overdramaticness of The Heist
2 I am confused all the time and I love it. It's always nice to find weirdly alien aliens!! I also appreciate that even tho aliens are familiar with some human things, they're very unfamiliar with others, serving for further confusion. Give me all the confused aliens.
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. Which character’s reaction to the extinction of humanity really impacted you? In what ways do you think the characters will still continue to deal with this emotionally? Also, what do you think would happen if they found more humans?
Capitania do Azar
3. Samira best girl and Tachs best ∆oid. Samira takes responsibility and is in charge and that's a trait I always like to see, while Tachs is a jolly presence, always questioning everything and being super supportive to everyone. And xi's fashion af.
Capitania do Azar
4. I don't think we've heard the last of that, especially since it seems that it was mostly an intelectual experience, but not an emotional one. Like, the characters KNOW humanity's gone, but they don't actually experience it so I think it'll probably come back to them in the future. That being said, I am very emotional on all things Nike related
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. Who do you think caused the genocide for humanity, even to the point of hunting down remnants that had escaped? For what purpose, and how does this tie into all the people hunting for humans still?
Capitania do Azar
5. Really digging the vibes here: https://closertohomecomic.com/post/169303849473/first-smackjeeves-about-topwebcomics
6. I don't really have any theories about the genocide, but it's super intriguing that it happened so early after the first contact with alien species.... with such a short ttimespan, I don't think it could have been anything mankind did. Unless we did it to ourselves, but that doesn't sound like the case (I could be wrong). I suppose humans are just valuable because of their rarity now!!
1) My favorite scene is probably the impromtu museum heist. I kind of liked seeing the newbies embrace that pirate lifestyle. Yet I kind of like this feeling of being lost that kind of hangs around the background. Like to me that scene was a real sign that things are truly starting to sink in for them that Earth is gone, humans are gone, there's no hope. I think I'd actually equate this to the bargaining stage of the 5 stages of grief. To me it feels this action is born from them trying to find meaning again. So for me this scene is both fun but has the right amount of tragic undertone still there. 2) My favorite aspect of the world building has actually been the language translators. I like the logic behind how they work, since it really fits how language works in general. And I like that they aren't perfect so, inevitably, there are things they can't really translate all that well. It really creates an interesting balance between being able to understand while also possessing opportunities for differences. Which is something I kind of like about this comic in general. There's a lot of cultural differences, yet everything is actually explained in a way that's easy to relate. Like a lot of the emotional things alien and human alike go through are universal, so whether things are different or not doesn't matter. It's still easy to attach yourself to what the characters are going through.
3) Definitely Tachs. I like how kind of disconnected from humans Tachs is in terms of cultural upbringing. But at the same time, I like that Tachs is probably the most (ironic phrasing) down to earth of the entire crew. If I had to trust someone with my life, I definitely would pick Tachs, cause Tachs I trust enough to not get me killed. 4) Honestly, for me the character that impacted me the most is Nike. Not cause Nike has been dramatic, but because she's just been really accepting despite having left a wife and two daughters on Earth. And like, I can't begin to imagine the sort of inner strength it takes to internalize it as much as she seems to have done and still move on with life. I think for the newbie humans who just found out, I think they're basically gonna go through a whirlwind of the five stages of grief. Cause I still don't feel like they are ready to accept every implication with the fact that all humans are gone. Which to be fair, I don't think any human could really take that heavy of an idea into their head all at once. For everyone, though, I think there's gonna be a lot of soul searching about what their purpose is, or if they can live without purpose, and a bunch of existential dread questions that are hard to think about. As for if they found more humans, probably not much to besides bring them into the family. However, depending on how many they found, it might lead to potentially false hope that the genocide was fake news.
5) I really like this space shot of the ship https://closertohomecomic.com/post/138665523507/first-smackjeeves-topwebcomics-last-shhh It really expresses not only the majesty of space, but the sheer scale of the ship. Which that last one is not something I see in a lot of comics, since there's rarely any shots of how the characters are to scale with other parts like this. So it's nice to get a real feel for just how large the interior is. 6) I'm not sure who caused the genocide, though I kind of feel like Vee knows more than he's letting on. I feel like the two most viable options are either a) someone stands to make a big profit by genociding humans or b) somehow humans are basically the ultimate threat to the universe. Which I lean towards b right now as this would explain why they're still being hunted. Although, I am willing to give a C) option that the genocide was caused by someone looking for someone specific, and the only way to be sure they killed that someone specific was to kill all humans.
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. Why do you think Vee was in a stasis pod when he was discovered, and how do you think he managed to escape the genocide since he apparently saw it? Do you think Vee will overcome whatever it is he witnessed?
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. Given the themes of this comic around identity, what about the characters do you think will change as the story goes on? In other words, what will they discover about themselves given the rules of society have changed?
1. I haven't read far yet, but the scene with Nike and her family really tugged at my heart. Both the loving family but then a heart that seeks the stars... and then missing that family. Owie my heart. And I think I pretty much like all the flashbacks to Mothers Days on Earth I've seen so far. It really hits that contrast with the new space life hard. 2. It's definitely cool seeing how aliens will interact with humans, and how the aspect of communication is handled! There was quite some thought put into how the actual translation would work, and what kind of technology might have been developed for it. And just like on Earth even when you don't need to speak across language or culture you already have a lot of things that could be misunderstood. I like seeing how even across the universe people/aliens who are all different are getting along better than when they were in their own groups that are supposed to be like them. 3. So far, Samira is my favorite, and the worm doc (sorry I forgot his name > <). I love Samira's boldness, she really stands out. She's a go getter, but I'm glad that she has the rest of the cast to balance out those rash plans. And the doctor is cute! Plus his flat humor is funny hehe. Science!! I think all the characters are slowly growing on me, I didn't really have a great impression of anybody at the beginning.
5. My favorite illustration has been this page. https://closertohomecomic.com/post/133065092214/first-smackjeeves-topwebcomics-last It just has great balance and so much emotion. It's subtle, but I really like it. Plus while I enjoy the pacing and the humor of other parts of the comic, this is really nice and lets that feeling just settle in. I also like the scene with Adam on the rooftop (in the past. Obviously I enjoy those past segments haha. So sentimental. 7. I like this moment here. https://closertohomecomic.com/post/162861036256/first-smackjeeves-about-topwebcomics But I honestly can't say yet, I think some interactions are really surprising me. Have to read some more!
7) At the moment, I like seeing Tachs and Vee interact the most. Something about their relationship really clicks with me. I like how they have shared interests, but are also still vastly different from one another. And I like the weird mix of caring dialogue along with the banter. It just overall warms my heart for reasons I don't quite understand. 8) I feel like Vee was put there on purpose. Like, I like Vee, but I am also suspicious of Vee's part in the genocide. And I kind of feel like Vee in particular might be a target, though for what reason I don't know. And while I get the genocide was traumatizing, I feel there's more to the reason Vee avoids the topic. As for overcoming what he saw, I'm not sure that is something you can get over. If Vee isn't guilty of anything, I feel like Vee is legit in the best emotional place possible after witnessing the genocide of your entire race. Like what a trooper O_O
9) I've enjoyed a lot of the little cultural clash cause alien details considered in the story. Like the language translation issues, the sexuality issues being culturally specific, etc. Like, it is really hard to consider what an alien culture would be like. Since we've never met an alien, it's hard to say what culture aspects would be universal vs. which ones would be extremely specific to earth. So I love seeing when those things are explored, because it really is a topic we need to consider should we ever actually meet aliens. 10) I feel like, overall, the characters are going to discover how to be happy and just go after it. Like take Nike wearing clothes that surprises all the others for a moment till Nike explains "everyone is dead who cares." I feel that is the exact kind of thing were going to see a lot of. The characters will embrace new things, and slowly learn that society is kind of dumb sometimes and tells us not to do a lot of things because its seen as weird. But that society's choice to view them as weird is arbitrary and gets in the way of happiness. And I think slowly the characters will explore and embrace more wild and fun aspects of themselves, cause there is no society to pressure them anymore to conform.
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. What do you think Sam’s backstory is? How and why did she wind up in space? Given the sorts of activities Sam is involved in, where do you think life will ultimately lead her? Also, do you think we’ve seen the last of her old captain?
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. In the larger picture, what do you think will become of Kay, Latoya, and Nike? Will they stay with Sam or eventually find a place to settle down? Also, will they manage to remain friends as their future adventures challenge them?
11) I think this comic's strengths are definitely its world-building. There's a lot of effort put into the small details of what an alien culture would be like and the sort of road blocks that would be hit for humans because of it. That takes a lot of though and preplanning, but it really helps make a super fleshed out setting that feels unique and really pulls you into a separate world. 12) I feel like Samira probably came from a broken home given the info we know. And so when she found out aliens were real, it was no question she should skip out on her home planet. I imagine she kind of just felt in general there was nothing for her, so it'd be easier to get a fresh start somewhere else in the universe. I think Samira is...kind of heading down a dark path at the moment, probably one that mirrors her old captain. Cause I feel the old captain wasn't that bad...but do enough bad stuff, and your morals really start to corrupt. And while I'm sure Samira think she's above it, no one really is. As for the old captain, I do feel she'll make an appearance again, maybe even as a human hunter or something.
13) I am looking forward to exploring some of the other characters we haven't explored that much, like Fuzz who I don't think nearly has had enough screen time. But overall, I think that's a lot more troubling and interesting cultural aspects to explore here. 14) I feel like eventually the three of them will split ways in some regard. Kay I feel is most likely to stay with Samira, cause I feel like Samira's lifestyle suits Kay the most. However, I kind of feel that, when you get down to it, Latoya would rather pursue science stuff and Nike would still explore but do so in a different way than crime. I do feel like they'll all manage to remain friends. Least of all just cause when you're the last humans, I feel it's hard to hate at that point. That's a lot of pressure to be the last of your kind with only a few people who can understand the same things you're going through.
(Picking a few favorite questions!) 2. One of my favorite pieces of worldbuilding so far has been learning about the tiers of alien species, and the kind of sinister underlying implications of that. 3. It's very hard to pick a favorite character but so far I would have to say Kay. They're just so spunky, and I love that even in that initial horror and grief of learning that humanity was functionally extinct, they were the first to stop and really take in the wonder of their situation. They're in space, among the stars, meeting aliens. It's all they ever wanted. 4. To me the most powerful reaction was Nike's, when Latoya tells her she looks cute in her new style, and Nike says (in sign language), "Everyone is dead. Wear what you want." There's so much in that statement--not just the grief she's still feeling for her family and her species and her old home, but also the pressure she must have felt back on Earth to dress and generally conform to a certain set of expectations. In the midst of this terrible loss, she finds a little bit of freedom and she seizes hold of that, as a way to express herself and to cope with the loss.
7. I love Latoya's subtle protectiveness of Nike. I can tell she really cares about her. And currently I'm very interested in Kay's relationship with Charli and where that might go!
12. I suspect Sam maybe didn't have the happiest childhood on Earth. You know that saying in RPGs, "Happy, well-adjusted people don't become adventurers"? I doubt a happy, well-adjusted kid leaves her family and everyone she knows behind forever, even for something as cool as going to space. She didn't say, "I want to go!" she said, "You have to take me with you!"
And I definitely don't think we've seen the last of Schzaar.
13. I am looking forward to many things, but especially learning more character backstories.
14. I predict that the main three will remain friends for life, but if there's any splitting up I would put Latoya and Nike as more likely to settle down somewhere, whereas Kay would want to continue traveling the stars.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Closer to Home this week! Please also give a special thank you to Jess Peck for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Closer to Home, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://closertohomecomic.com/
Jess’ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jestershark
Jess’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jesspretend
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zoekrystall · 11 months
Watching su further and lapis and peridot are on screen again and I am glad I'm not the only one but my ex bff/qpp too that can't see both anymore without thinking of us (why still messaging bc I kinda became a covid info messenger for irl people)
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Also I checked when that cosplay stuff was planned and 2016 jfc. That connection is there since so long oof. But also in gen su is really around since a good while huh sometimes still feels like yesterday.
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