#When net asks “would you still love me if I was a bug?”
marlynnofmany · 7 months
Things to Do on Ice
I adjusted the heat shawl against my neck, tugging my collar over it to keep out the chill breeze. Heatseekers sure knew what they were doing when it came to warming devices. A regular scarf had nothing on this. It was almost enough to let me forget the snowy temperatures on this alien planet. 
Not that I could fully forget, with the snow drifting down into the streets anywhere there wasn't a storefront with a heat-field umbrella. The city-goers were from a range of species, and anyone who didn't have heavy fur was bundled up against the cold in some way. 
Even Zhee, who objected to coats on the grounds that they covered up his glorious purple exoskeleton, was sporting a range of scarves and bracelets that radiated heat. It seemed like an inefficient way to keep warm to me, but that was his business. 
Speaking of business, there were hours left before our ship was due to leave, and everyone was taking the chance to see the sights. Zhee and I had volunteered to scout out the tourism hub. Several others would be joining us shortly. 
“Is that the sports arena?” I asked when a wide building loomed ahead. 
“Yes.” Zhee pointed out a sign with his pincher arm. I'd missed it because of all the burly, yeti-like locals milling around in front of it. “One building, many sports, all open to anyone.” 
I was more than a little curious to see what sort of sports were played here. “Let's take a look! Paint and Eggskin will probably come here first anyway; it's bound to be warmer in there.” 
“A valid point,” Zhee agreed, stepping quickly. His clicky bug feet had the most adorable little booties on, for all the world like something a toddler would wear to keep from slipping on the kitchen floor. The sparkly thread woven through the rim probably meant they were high fashion where Mesmers were concerned. I hoped they were waterproof.
I tromped through the slush in my normal human boots, and soon enough we entered the arena doorway to a much more comfortable temperature. I found the control tab for the heat shawl and turned it off, though I left it draped under my shirt.
Zhee deactivated several bracelets. “A respectable range of sports,” he observed.
I scanned the signs. “I don’t recognize the names of any of these.”
“The viewing areas are this way,” Zhee said, padding off down the main hallway. “Perhaps you will recognize one if you see it in action.”
Surprisingly enough, I did.
“Is that hockey?” I asked a moment later, staring through the big window at the ice rink where two mixed teams of local yetis and offworld Smashers careened around in chase of something small. The full-body thumps vibrated through the floor.
“They’re calling it ‘puck chase,’ Zhee said, reading a sign.
“That’s amazing. We have this exact sport where I’m from.” I looked for differences. The puck looked bigger and heavier, and the sticks were a different shape. Judging by the amount of violence going on, the rules were probably different too. But it was very much the same on the surface, with goalies in front of nets and everything. “I suppose it’s an obvious sort of game to think up when there’s a lot of ice around, but still. I know a few people who would have loved to see this.”
Zhee sniffed. “It’s a bit pedestrian.”
“I suppose,” I said with a smile. “Not your style?”
“I’ve never been one for the more feminine sports,” Zhee said with a flick of his antennae.
“Feminine?” I asked.
He pointed with a pincher arm, keeping it carefully folded. “All this ‘protect the nest; steal the enemy’s egg’ nonsense.”
I blinked. “I guess that’s one way to think of it.”
“Judging by that sign though, there promises to be something more masculine down this way,” Zhee said. He headed off down the hallway.
I hurried to follow. The sign in question had another name I didn’t recognize, though I could guess. I dodged around a trio of yetis — which smelled like cinnamon and herbal tea, with none of the wet-dog scent I’d been subconsciously expecting. I reminded myself not to make unflattering assumptions, and caught up with Zhee just as he turned the corner.
“There we are!” he said in satisfaction. “Now that’s a sport. Even Trrili would have to appreciate this one.”
Figure skating. Aliens of a variety of body types and clothing styles glided around on the ice, leaping and spinning and generally being as flashy as they could. Somebody with wings was even doing a high-speed series of flips that were almost certainly a mating dance. Every skater moved past the others with elegance and grace, a far cry from the violence in the other room.
“I’ll be here for a while,” said Zhee’s voice, already farther away.
I turned to see him gliding toward the entrance to the arena, reactivating his heat bracelets and pulling a currency card from a belt pouch. A vending machine just inside the door looked like it sold force-field ice skates to fit any foot.
“All right, I’ll keep an eye out for the others,” I called after him, though I doubt he was listening. He disappeared through the door in a gust of cold air.
I looked around at the passersby, some of whom were watching the action with recording devices. I quietly got out my phone. I had a suspicion that seeing a praying-mantis-shaped alien strut his stuff in the manly art of ice dancing was about to be very memorable.
I was right.
Shamelessly inspired by this post.
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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sunshine--void · 1 year
first date hc with the welcomehome crew!! maybe they bring y/n a gift like flowers abd such would be cute
Omg how have I not thought of this >:(
🏠 First date with WH 🏠
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Wally Darling 🍎
Your first date with Wally is a two in one
You spend the day having a nice, cute little picnic together
He gives you a basket of apples that the two of you share
Then when night rolls around you have a cute stargazing date that ends with you falling asleep on the grass
And since wally can't sleep that means he gets to watch you sleep all night
"Hello neighbor! I got these for you! ... Are you feeling tired yet?"
Julie Joyful 🏵️
Your first date consists of just hanging out, having girls time
(you can have girls time regardless of your gender :)
During this time the two of you do each others hair, makeup, nails
The whole shabang
I can't believe I just said shabang...
She's sitting there braiding your hair while you pick out nail ideas
Julie is an absolute goddess when it comes to this stuff so... Good luck
Afterwards you have a sleepover!
"Hold still, I'm almost done! ... Oh don't be silly, you look beautiful!"
Sally Starlet ⭐
I couldn't think of anything, sorry!
I will probably do it in the future tho!
Make sure you remind me or I'll forget lmao
Howdy Pillar 🐛
Barnaby B. Beagle 🐾
Poppy Partridge 🍰
Eddie Dear 💌
Baking date!
You don't know how to bake?
Well, your about to find out!
She'll teach you everything she knows!
The two of you make your favorite sweet treats together.
And afterwards you get to eat e'm all!
Much fun!
"Don't pour to much, dear ... Oh! I told you not to eat all those, your gonna be sick"
My sweet, beautiful, cute, kind, loving, talented, and adorably clumsy southern mail man <3
Crafting Date!
The two you are laying on the floor doodling and cutting away
Not a worry in the world
He's going on about his day and the things he saw
Getting so caught up in it all he almost forgot to ask you about yours
"And then- ... Oh- I almost forgot, how was your day? :)"
Frank Frankly 🦋
Bug catching!
Much Fun!
You weren't very good at it...
Whilst trying to catch a butterfly, you ended up capturing poor frank with the net :(
He wasn't very happy about it either
But after giving him a kiss on the cheek, he ended up forgiving you
And in the end you ended up catching a few bugs
"What the- Hey! Get this thing off me! ... Fine, I suppose I can forgive you"
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footygirl114 · 2 years
12 and ale plsssss
Full disclosure: This one hurts
You had been sleeping with Alexia off and on since you joined the Barcelona squad 6 months ago.  Being a centre forward brought in to replace Jenni you never expected to get involved with the captain but one rough practice changed that. You had stayed behind to practice your shooting after you couldn’t hit the target and got into it with Alexia for missing the net. 
When you headed into the change room after this, you were annoyed and pissed mainly at your self. Walking in to Alexia being the last one left you lost it and took your anger out on her. One second you were screaming at each other and the next she has you pressed against a locker 2 fingers buried deep in you. It became your thing, you would show up to hers when you had a bad game or missed the net at practice and she would show up at yours after events when she needed to be someone she wasn’t. 
You both never talked about it but you seemed to be in agreement that this was a benefits only situation. Yet why did every time she sneak out of your bed in the middle of the night did your heart break. Or when you would see her have hoards of people flirt with her you had to clench your jaw to avoid saying anything.
One training she had come in slightly late and had a blush about her cheeks, you both tended to avoid being around each other at training, so you were glad when Mapi called her out on it. 
“Ale, why do you look particularly happy today?” Mapi asked her, you were glad there was only a few people in the locker room so you could see and hear the full exchange. 
When Alexia replied with a blush and looked down when she answered “I just had a good night” you wished you couldn’t hear it, you also wished you could sneak out of the locker room without being seen. But when you got up to leave you tripped over your bag and face planted the ground in the middle of the room. 
Immediately they both were there to help you but you couldn’t take her touch on your arm after what you heard, so you bolted before they could say anything. You were fine with your arrangement you didn’t know why this bugged you so much. It wasn’t until you were sat at home that night ignoring her call that it hit you. You were in love with her. 
Avoiding her became the solution you came up with in your mind, and it worked for a week. When she finally had enough she waited you out after you were delaying the end of practice by having shooting practice. When you came into the locker room she was there, waiting.
“Y/N, I know somethings wrong” she stated at you when you walked in. 
Feeling the energy deplete from you and your shoulders slump you tell her “I am fine.” 
Snorting she says “you are not” 
“how would you know, not like were even friends.” you huff out at her not being able to hold it in. 
Without looking you feel her walk up to you and she stops in front of where you haven’t moved and she asks “is that what you think?” 
“Sneaking out of my bed makes me think that yes” you tell her still not meeting her eyes. 
“Y/N” she says in an understanding voice as she starts “you know thats what we agreed on”
“No we didn’t agree on anything. You were the one who never wanted to stay, never wanted to talk and never wanted to be seen with me.” you huff out and before she can say anything you meet her eyes as you say “I think I am in love with you and I am terrified that you do not feel the same way. That every time you leave my bed you don't feel your heart break over and over.” 
 You can see the conflicting emotions behind her eyes as your speaking and you prepare for the worst when she says softly “Oh” 
“no dont worry about it, I know there’s someone else. I know I was never enough for you, and I was just keeping your bed warmer until better came along. I really do just want you to be happy Ale” you tell her, wiping the tears that have gathered in the corner of your eyes you gather your bag and keys and take off from the locker room. 
The sound of her soft “Y/N wait” falls on deaf ears, as you flee, knowing you left your heart and possibly your career behind. 
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Never in a million years did you think you would have a baby at 17 but you did
I’m y/n and if you asked me 4 years ago that I would be a mom I would’ve laughed in your face. But here I am with a 4 year old toddler named Harper. One thing about Harper is that she loved her daddy, she says she wants to be just like him when she grows up. Speaking of her super star hockey dad luke hughes, now luke loves Harper so much he does anything she tells him to do. And today Harper asked Luke if she can go to practice with him which makes my life a whole lot easier because I get a free day to relax.
I’m in the middle of getting Harper dressed before she says to me “daddy i so excited for hockey time with you, will eddy be there?” I respond to her “yes baby eddy will be there” I think she has a little crush on eddy but I don’t mind because frankly I think it’s kinda cute.
At yost
While we’re walking in to yost Harper spots eddy and runs up to him while yelling “eddy I missed you” Ethan binds down so he can giver Harper a hug “missed you too love bug” Ethan responds to Harper. All three of us walk into yost together.
On the ice
While we’re practicing on the ice I see Harper in the corner of my eye trying to score a goal. “Daddy watch me” she says I turn around and watch her score a goal on the empty net “ good job baby girl, you’re starting to get real good,whenever we get home we’ll have to tell mommy that you made a goal” she replies back to me and says “mommy is gonna be so happy” I just nodded in response before getting back to my shooting drills. Soon enough practice is over and I’m begging Harper to get off the ice “Harper come on practice is over” I tell her “no daddy I wanna stay” she tells me “Harper if you get off the ice we can go get ice cream” and I’ve never saw that little toddler skate so fast off the ice in my entire life.
As I’m finishing up dinner I hear the door open and Harper yelling “MOMMY MOMMY DADDY GOT ME ICE CREAM” “oh did he now” I look at luke and he smiles before kissing me. We break the kiss after Harper says “ew” and fake gags “mhm how was practice baby” luke responds and says “it was good but I missed you” he says before he gives me another kiss. “Harper why don’t you tell mommy what you did at practice today” luke says. Harper stops playing with her toys and runs into the kitchen “mommy I scored a goal!!!” “Oh wow baby that’s so cool, I’m so proud of you” I responded. By the time that conversation is over dinner is ready.
After dinner (still y/n pov)
“Mommy I sleepy” Harper tells me “well let’s you ready for bed hm” after I’m done getting Harper ready for bed I start to take a shower when i feel strong arms being placed around me “well I didn’t know you were gonna join me” I tell Luke. “ I would never miss a chance to shower with my sexy girlfriend” he whispered in my ear, before kissing my neck and running his hands all over my body. Needless to say we did a little more than wash our bodies in the shower that night.
This is only my second story so please lmk if you like it😭
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wookofwallst · 1 year
Is Cyberpunk 2077 the greatest comeback in gaming?
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With Cyberpunk coming off of one of the worst launches in recent history. Now, on the precipice of its bright and shiny 2.0 update, it has people asking... Is Cyberpunk the greatest comeback in gaming history? Let's take a look at it!
The game on launch in 2020 was riddled with game breaking bugs, terrible computer AI, it didn't even work on Playstation 4 and Xbox ones leading to mass refunds on the respective platforms, vehicles felt floaty as you were driving down the road and even if you were going 100mph it still only felt like you were going 20mph.
There were hundreds of exploits, free money glitches, armor glitches, and in my own personal experience, I had a level 1 revolver that did fifteen thousand damage. The "net running" felt like a waste of time, and it felt extremely underutilized, especially when considered the game constantly reminds you of net running and the power it actually has.
I don't think anyone in their right mind would have ever said that this game (when running properly) looks bad. The game looks incredible, and the writing and voice acting are incredible it was everything else that was the problem.
Since launch, there's been a litany of updates to the game play. From bug fixes to the great community support of modders and adding in apparel from the Netflix series Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. That show, in my opinion, single handedly changed the public perception of the game with its introspective writing and absolutely stunning visual design. Your heart gets smashed into atoms by the end of the series. It gave consumers of the game the idea of what this game COULD have been.
Now, with the free "Update 2.0" along with the subsequent release of the paid for Phantom Liberty expansion, has CD Projekt Red done enough to actually warrant more money from the consumers? In my opinion, no.
The huge disappointment of its release, the fact they had to provide refunds, the fact it was taken off of the Playstation store and Xbox stores has to mean something. Some sort of recompense must be made.
It's been reported that some of the updates they made were ripped directly off of Nexus Mods without modders permission. It's also been said that this might be the only expansion we get. I understand they have worked on the game. I understand that they've added in a bunch. But I don't think that deserves the high praise of "Greatest Gaming Comeback." That will for the time being belong to No Mans Sky.
If we look at other games that have launched in a broken or terrible state, they release free expansions, provide free gameplay updates, (looking at you No Mans Sky) or in some cases, just completely abandon the project altogether. (Looking at you, Anthem).
All of the updates, including the upcoming expansion, should have been IN the game at launch. Yes, we should thank them for sticking with the game. But it really has been years at this point, and just now is when we are finally getting our hands on new content and a game play overhaul once again, something that should've been done in the first six months to a year this should be free. But I guess getting Idris Albas voice and likeness has a pretty hefty cost to it.
Will you be playing Phantom Liberty at its launch? Are you excited for Update 2.0? Are you willing to pay for this expansion? Are you skipping it to play something else? Let me know!
I stream every weekday, 8pm-12am EST. I'd love to see you there! The link is below!
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swaglet · 2 months
How did you make friends?
I'm kinda weird like you and I have aspergers and it's so hard for me to make friends and maintain friendships
honestly i'm 100% with u on the "maintaining friendships" struggle... i love my friends sm but maintaining our relationship like hanging out regularly and having average conversations (idek what that means) has never come naturally to me and people worry i don't like them or that i'm ignoring them so i have to let them know that i just go MIA a lot and my favorite thing to do to communicate with people i like is to tell them about my day and then show them things i think are funny that i have on my phone. i always get the "i miss you we need to hang out more :(" from everybody so this summer i've really been working hard on making plans (even if it's just driving down to a cafe or a public beach at a dam and hanging out going for a walk) with my friends every so often and following thru with those plans. ever since i was little i have ALWAYS always struggled sooo hard with the maintenance part i wish i had more advice but honestly the best way i've found to mitigate that is sending them memes and things that make you think of them, and then every so often being like "do you want to go do this thing we like to do when we're both free" and stick with it. it can be completely free like just go drive around and go to walmart and touch the stuff on the shelves and laugh. this is the hardest part for me. i lose so many friends to my lack of maintaining friendships and seeming like i'm completely disinterested when i 100% am not and don't know how to appropriately ask people to hang out or do friend things (like. how often is normal, what activities are normal for friends, etc. but i try not to worry about it and just be myself). if anyone has better advice about this than me feel free to add on
for me i don't struggle as much with making friends as i do with keeping them, i can't tell if it's either me just ending up not clicking with someone after i get to know them better and we don't fit well so i drift away and keep them at acquaintance level, or if i do actually like them and am just kind of inept at remembering how & when to plan hangouts and how & when to communicate with friends in the proper way, but it's probably a mix of both for sure. to make friends i just go about my daily life and do whatever i would normally do, like go to class (which involves a lot of entomology and ecology stuff), go to rehearsal for band and theater and choir, and other stuff that i am passionate about and interested in.
the "DO STUFF YOU ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT AND INTERESTED IN" has been a very important part for me because by just being in a place doing something i'm interested in, there is a high chance that other people who share my interests will also be there. my bug classes are full of people who like to go outside and run around in the grass with bug nets and catch & identify bugs. i actually met one of my best friends rn through my intro entomology & plant systematics classes that i was taking sophomore year and we are still friends to this day and after we both graduate we will both be working on a local restoration project together, because back then we bonded over our passion for natural habitat restoration & educating the public and we figured why not work together on that. most of my other friends come from being in band and choir because we spend a lot of time together (at least 8 hours per week every single day) and when you're in a band with like 30 people you all eventually talk to each other, especially if you're really good at what u play and ppl come to u asking for advice.
idk if this is cringe or not but another thing i do is like, i put little trinkets of things i like onto my bags. just on my lanyard, i have a bunch of things: a drumstick keychain charm, a ferret decal keychain charm, a pikachu figurine keychain charm, another mallet charm specifically for the steel drums i play that my hs director made for all of us. i sometimes have a pokemon card in my phone case and i also have stickers from The Last Of Us inside my phone case as well. and i have a bunch of stickers on my laptop and my water bottle and a bunch of pins and keychains on my bookbag as well of stuff that i like. people will come up to me or be sitting near me and say "hey, i really like that thing too!" or "what is that thing (steel drum mallet) on your keys?" and then it opens an opportunity for a somewhat easy conversation. i do this to people all the time; "hey i saw your butterfly pin on your bag, i think it's really cute! where did you get it?" and sometimes they just aren't interested in talking and that's ok but sometimes other people ARE interested and then you guys talk. one of my current best friends is someone i met in band camp; he was wearing a The Last Of Us shirt, it was his very first week on campus as a new freshman at our meet and greet bonfire, and he unfortunately had his blood sugar drop super low and he got really sick and had to sit down, so i sat down with him and made sure he was ok, and i always carry apple juice in my car and snacks in my bag like peanut butter crackers and gummies and stuff like that so i gave him some and we hung out and talked about his shirt while he sat and waited till he felt better. he also wanted to take his shoes off because he was really hot but didn't want to be weird so i was like "do it bro make yourself comfortabe, i'll take my shoes off with you if it makes you feel better" so then we were just sitting in the grass with our dawgs out. Bonding experience. anyways moral of the story is have things that you're interested in and ppl might ask u about them. i also go up and ask ppl about stuff because i am way too brave. also if someone is drawing i will be like "hey not to bother you but i saw that you were drawing! mind if i sit next to you and draw too or could i see?" this one is harder to execute i will not lie but i like being around other artists
going to college and doing as many activities and joining as many clubs as you can is like a cheat code to make friends. i'm sure it's even easier if you live on campus but i commute so i'm not around people 24/7 like my friends were. i met my bf and all my close friends through band, choir, or theater and we all have just stuck. even if you don't go to college, try to join a local event like a town theater club if you're interested in that or a book club or go to like axe throwing classes or sum shit that interests you, anything you can find in town that meets regularly and is a public thing where anyone can come to and it's about shared interests. i have no idea how to be friends with people if i don't share interests with them so having that common ground to start with is like a necessary step for me Always
i like to go bird watching with my friends a lot or go bug catching with them and we bring some stuff like watermelon and sandwiches and fruit and veggies to have a little picnic while we do. just chill little hangouts like that
Umm i hope this helped. i have never been very shy not even as a kid i've always been really loud and kind of obnoxious and very interested in what other people are doing since i've been very little and i get really bored and weird when i'm alone so sometimes i just go out of my way to talk to random people and over the years i've learned how they'll respond if they don't want to speak to me so i can either keep speaking if they're fine or say bye and walk away if they aren't interested. i kind of just do my own thang and people are charmed by me so they come up to me most of the time. i love to yap so i'll yap to whoever wants to listen and then we become friends. one of the things i do to people who i've recently become friends with is send them silly pictures of birds and be like "look at this weird looking bird picture i found" and if they aren't bothered by that then we can be good friends
another thing is that like, once you make friends with one or two people they will mention you to THEIR friends who also probably like similar things and then you can express interest in meeting them as well and all hanging out together. and then it's like. Free friends!
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
More Apple Spider lore that nobody asked for!!
- Her web shooters are organic!! Ignoring any physics etc. that might make it impossible for her to not be able to shoot through clothing uwu
- She grew fangs after getting bitten, but she grinds her teeth in her sleep, so they quickly became blunted again. She’s technically venomous but has no real way of implementing it
- Before moving full-time to the spidey HQ, she was an entomologist (studied and cared for bugs for a living) at the Central Park Zoo from her dimension. Rather than being a zookeeper she worked “behind the scenes” in a lab.
- One of her favorite little spiders was the one that wound up biting her and making her a spider woman. She forgave it, thinking it was cooler than it was scary, and snuck the lil fella out one day as a pet (so as to stop it from biting and mutating anybody else)
- Named the spider Pine (Pine + Apple………)
- Apple took up aerial silk classes after becoming a spider person because she wants to look cool and graceful and whatever with her webs. Surprisingly, it works
- This is still only a maybe, but I think she is from Earth-690, because of fucking course she would be
- Btw she eventually does move to HQ permanently because she accidentally stopped her canon event (still TBD)
- She was brought into the spider society when this happened by Miguel. He was notified of her world collapsing and had already been observing her in secret as a possible recruit
- When he showed up, she was sitting on the roof to one of her favorite skyscrapers, eating falafel that she stole from her favorite food stand and crying while watching the chaos unfold around her lmao. She knew she couldn’t stop it so she just let it be
- Miguel was all “you need to come with me if you want to live querida” and Apple was all 😏 at him calling her that, but didn’t reveal yet that she speaks Spanish
- (He helped her stand up and she almost fell over because she’s tiny and he’s strong, so while still holding his hand Apple was like, “do you always sweep spider women off their feet or am I just special?” to which he was basically like “damn I should’ve let you die”)
- She’s a polyglot (well-versed/fluent in several languages) but hides it at first to try and get The Tea from Miguel/other various spiders to make her new home more entertaining and palletable
- Gets on well with Hobie because of the chaos she accidentally causes by being a hopeless flirt and a little shit. Gets on well with Peter B, Lyla and Jess even better because they love the playful bickering that they get to see when Apple and Miguel are in a room together
- Her suit, like Miguel’s, can fabricate itself on and off. It’s not a hologram exactly, though — think of it like Danny Fenton -> Phantom’s transformation. She has a few pieces of jewelry that she can press like a button to replace her clothes with her suit (or vise-versa)
- Rather than being all pixelly etc., the suit looks like it’s someone peeling/unpeeling an apple, with an uneven cutoff at the edges when the suit is only partially on/off
- Gets chastised a bit because plenty of spider people think her big comfy scarf is inefficient
- Valid! Because it does get her stuck in certain spots she’d rather not be in, such as being yanked back by it or getting caught on things
- BUT Apple finds uses for it to spite them (I.e. ziplining with it, using it on citizens as a partial safety net while they’re falling, or a blanket in cold weather or whatev, stuff like that)
- Another reason Hobie likes and respects Apple is bc of her commitment to the goddamn scarf against all odds lmao
- Probably in her early-mid 30s but can be a bit childish at times
- AuDHD because of what somewhat-self-insert OC would she be if she wasn’t ND???
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Love Bug
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Media Orbit Ever After 
Character Nigel 
Couple Nigel X Reader
Rating Cute + flirty Af
Concept Love bug 
I stood doing my usual work, scooping in trash from the endless void of space, I'd done it forever and honestly it was boring as hell. It didn't help now I had moved away into my own little hovel away from my family I was all alone which didn't help my boredom. But I did my work anyway grabbing anything I could use for food, fuel, to repair things really anything of use of or interest for me to tinker with. I spotted something just across the way so I waited and set my net up to catch it and slowly dragged it in, I didn't recognize the symbols but it looked pretty beat up so I threw it down into the hovel and didn't think much more of it. Once finished for the week I headed down into my little hovel it fairly tidy and new given I brought a new one when I moved out as I wanted a sleeker and more modern one then my family had. And I stopped off my space suit and began sorting through the various things I had gathered putting them in the various piles until I got to that weird thing.
It was… something technological. I think. I'd never seen the symbols on it before. But given how beat up it was I doubt it still worked. 
I gave it a bit of a tinker and nothing much happened for a good while until I cleaned off some dust and some stuck dirt finding a small old style scanner pad the moment I touched it the whole thing lit up, I was nervous not really wanting to touch it but my curiosity only grew so I touched the scanner pressing my hand against it, just for a second before it became to hot for me to touch almost burning my skin 
"Oww!" I complained moving my hand away and I noticed the scanner then covered itself with an imprint of my hand and I saw it had taken a small skin sample from my wrist no bigger than an inch. It then turned off seaming as dead as before I have it a kick and a poke but nothing so I just threw it on my scrap pile maybe it just had enough power and then finally died.
But I didn't think too hard about it having my dinner and a shower before heading to bed for the night.
I work up so cosy, I was so warm, so happy and I was really comfy until it hit me why am I so cosy an cuddly? I opened my eyes and immediately had a heart attack as in my bed laid … a girl and she- she's beautiful. The most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. She was perfect. As if someone went into my mind and cherry picked all the things I adore and brought her into reality, she laid there her hair against the pillow her body against mine in only a small white shirt dress long enough to cover her even if her nipples piled thought the fabric and her ass almost hung out the back
"Ahhh! Who are you!" I yelped in shock 
"Humm?" She yawns sitting up rubbing her eyes "what's the matter Nigel?" 
"AHH! How do you know my name! Who are you! How did you get here!" I asked getting out of bed putting some space between us
"Hum?" She asks turning her head seeming confused
"What the hell is going on, tell me and tell me right now or I'll swear I'll throw you out the airlock" I told her 
She got up from the bed and walked into the main living area I was confused so I followed her and she went to that weird thing I picked up yesterday that had the scanner on it was now slightly open she dug around a moment before coming over and offering me something
"A fileflash?" I asked looking at the thin thing "my god i haven't seen one in years, uhhhh give me a sec I might have something that can read it" i told her taking the small file flash, I dug around my hovel for a good while trying to find anything that could read a file flash and eventually I found one believe it or not in my junk pile so I set it up on my desk it was a little hazardous and cobbled together but It would do. Putting it in and letting it load up whatever was on it all while she excitedly sat at my feet when it finally loaded I had no ability to input so I just looked through the various things trying to find some kind of explanation "Ahhh a sales video that'll explain things" 
"Hi, I'm Steve and I'm the CEO of love bug enterprises. First I'd like to thank you for your interest and subsequent purchase from our company." He explained "now you have purchased our premium love bug companion package, contents include a shipping pod, scanning plate, your personal file flash, and of course the love bug itself. Now what exactly is a love bug you may be asking? A love bug is our patented term for the creature 'jilloumiaus danataus pilishsjimus' these are native to  flozin 7 a moon orbiting around Colontis in the ramsavix region of the galaxy. These creatures were on the brink of extinction before our company discovered them and helped them achieve their true purpose." He explained I did my best to listen and make notes even if I often had to bat her off me as she kept trying to cuddle me and lay her head on me "now these creatures are very unique in that they remain in a docile state until given a host some describe them as parasite creatures but we like to say there just little love bugs that lie in wait for their perfect companion. What happens is when a love bug is born it remains in a docile fluid egg state until it reaches maturity from then they wait until they find a host where they take a sample of its genetic material and match it's form to that of its host. Then proceed to feed of the host. They feed on genetic material so believe us they are very happy to live this life. We here at love bug enterprises simply take your order for a companion take a newly mature love bug from its natural habitat and ship it across the galaxy to you where your initial scan provides the bug with your DNA allowing it to form a body the same Species and of course to your personal liking. This can take up to six days to fully form but once formed they will have a built in emotional attachment to you as their host. Remember this is what they would do in the wild so they are very happy. Any issues contact the love bug enterprises help line and have a lovely day" he explained
I quickly looked them up and the company went out of business about fifty years ago, meaning that pod is likely one of the last ones or got lost in shipping at some point… and I let it scan me. 
"Ummm time for cuddles Nigel?" She whines nuzzling with my leg 
"I uhh I'm your host aren't I?'
"Of course" She nods "and I love you very much" she giggled 
"Right… when it says genetic material? What exactly do you feed on?" I asked her 
She giggled nuzzling even closer to my leg and stroking her hand delicately across my crotch "oh… okay. Right. Yes. Really?"
"Ummm humm" she nods "I'm hungry master" she pleads 
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Day 1 - The beginning
Today I arrived in a little town called Purinton. The villagers there immediately mistook me as their new mayor and wouldn't listen when I desperately tried to convince them that I was not their intended mayor. So somehow all in the same day I've moved to this strange place in search of a new life & become the mayor of this little village. In order to finalize my position, i must become a full-fledged resident. To begin this process, my new secretary (boy does that sound weird) Isabelle took me to the town hall and got me registered by name. She sent me on my way to a home improvement store over on the bustling Main Street where I met the owner of that store, a tanooki named Tom Nook. He was surprisingly understanding of my situation and actually helped me find the perfect spot for my future home! The only problem -I may have irresponsibly come all the way to this faraway place in search of a new life with no bells to my name at all! There was no way I could afford the construction of an entire house!! Mr. Nook was so kind to me and told me to just pay him whenever I can at my own pace & there was no deadline. What a sweet deal!! I think I love it here already. But I quickly realized that in the meantime, I had no where to live!! And Mr. Nook threw me yet another bone and set up a tent for me to live out of for free. It's a pretty nice set up if you ask me.
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Since I had to figure out how to make bells, I decided to take a stroll around my new home town. Earlier in the day, Isabelle had me plant a tree to commemorate the day that I became the mayor of Purinton. All of the towns people were gathered around there, I decided starting there to look for ways to make money might be the best idea since some of those villagers may still be lingering there. When I got to the plaza though, I met a beaver named Chip. He was conducting a fishing tourney and the goal was to catch the biggest fish of everyone in Purinton. I didn't have a fishing rod or even enough bells to buy one from Chip. But I did run into a villager named Annalisa who told me to sell some shells down at the beach for bells and some fruit off of the trees. That was a pretty great idea so I boogied down to the beach and collected as many shells as I could. When I brought my findings to the village thrift shop, Retail, I made more than enough bells to pay for a fishing rod. So I thought it would be best to go back to mainstreet and spend the extra funds on any other tools I may be able to find after buying a fishing rod from Chip. From the Nooklings Junction i bought a shovel and a bug net. From the Able Sisters I got a pair of blue boxing shorts, blue warm up pants, & a sea captains coat. Since I STILL had money left over, I paid retail another visit and scored some good condition items that were being sold by other villagers including a cute clothes closet & a basic red bed. Isabelle was kind enough to bring me a lantern so I have light when it is dark outside. I gotta say, I'm living pretty large for living in such a tiny tent. Everyone in the village is so kind!
After my little shopping spree, I shook some trees around town and got 300 bells just from doing that. Free money! And finally, I participated in the fishing tourney. At first I kept catching pond smelts over and over. I knew there was no way I would stand a chance with those measily little fishies. I persisted & it paid off! I eventually caught a 14.75in dace and handed it over to Chip which put me in the lead. There was still so much time until the fishing tourney was over, I knew I'd have to go bigger and better if i wanted to ensure my victory. I'm glad that I did! I ended up catching a 21.25in dab and won first place in the fishing tourney taking home the golden trophy which looks amazing in my little tent.
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Since I am the new mayor and all I really wanted to get to know everyone in the village starting on mainstreet. So I went back up to main street just to get to know the business men and women of the town a little better. I started with Tom Nook and scoped out his store. Seeing what kinds of things he sells for home improvement filled me with determination to pay the down payment for my house ASAP! Then I returned to the Able Sisters to chat with Mable, Sable, and Labelle. Mable was by far the friendliest. Sable didn't say much & Mable said it was just because she was focused on her work, but I sensed that she was just an anxious hedgehog and left her alone. Labelle...well I couldn't get much of a read on that if I'm honest. Earlier, I had met Timmy at retail when I went in to sell shells so it was okay that he wasn't at Nooklings Junction. Tommy was there though and all i can really say about both if them is that it seems like they share the same braincell. Then I met Blathers who seems to be a very intelligent owl who works at the museum. The museum was completely empty & Blathers was upset by that because he is very eager to teach about all of the creatures of Purinton. He kindly asked for all different kinds of donations. Luckily I had some left over fish to donate from the fishing tourney.
Finally I properly introduced myself to all of my neighbors. Today I met Naomi the cow, Elmer the horse, Annalisa the anteater, Pippy the bunny, and Avery the Eagle! So far, moving to Purinton has been more exciting than I could have ever imagined. And I can't wait to see what lies in store ahead!
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beommiya · 7 months
It looked like any feeling of tiredness that Xuan might've had until now had vanished in the blink of an eye when he heard Kibum's answer. For a moment, he thought that maybe this was some sort of dream, but as soon as he pinched himself and felt the pain, Xuan's heart leapt in his chest. This was real... Kibum was actually flirting with him and really intense too. "You would?" A swarm of butterflies fill his stomach at the thought of maybe sharing a bath with him the next time and Xuan bites his own lip in a sensual way. He could feel himself warm up, but he had to behave. He was past the age of being a teenager, he couldn't allow himself to get overwhelmed like that, yet here he was, literally acting like a love struck teen with butterflies running wild inside his guts. "Then maybe we could do that next time. As for the massage... I can give it to you now too, if you still want. I've got some massage oils and I don't feel too tired..." Was he pushing it? Xuan couldn't really care much about that, not when the opportunity sounded that good!
"Now don't laugh! There's nothing funny about that!" Xuan can't help but chuckle too. "Well, I could have hated you for literally selling drugs on my land. But luckily, I don't hate you. I hate your dumbass boss and I hate him even more for making you suffer the way he did!" And Xuan was honest. He would've obliterated Ian then and there if he could for the way he had hurt poor Kibum, for all the pain he'd caused the boy and everything else he must've done to him in the past. "I don't regret this day though... In the end I feel like it was all worth it, because I got to meet you properly and now we have... this moment." Xuan can now see Kibum peeking out at him from under the blanket and his smile grows wider. "Bummie... Can I... Can I come and hold you until we both fall asleep?"
Did Xuan just suggest a bath together in the near future? He did, and it made him both nervous and excited. And it seemed like the flirting was almost like ping pong game between the two of them, the empty space between the bed and the sofa merely an invisible net. There was no competition whatsoever, the final prize was for the both of them to share and enjoy. The real question was, who was going to give in first? Kibum was so tempted to ask for Xuan to join him in bed. No dirty motives in the sight, just pure closeness, comfort and a thousand butterflies. How was it possible for someone to crave another's person touch in the most innocent way? It was bugging him and at this point Kibum knew that sleeping any other way than in Xuan's arms was going to be impossible. Not when his soul was begging for it.
"Aren't you tired at all?" he bit his lower lip, the idea of an actual massage making his heart drop. If he said yes, he would be the one giving in into this ping-pong game and he didn't mind losing, cause there were no losers in a love game. Or, at least, not in theirs.
"Are you going to hold that grudge on me for the rest of your life?" he asked as the second pillow started to fly in the air, right into Xuan's face, a bit of a diversion from the topic of an oily massage. But the final question and the nickname made his heart melt, no, it made him melt completely. "Can I say yes to both the massage and the part where you come hold me until we fall asleep?" he was greedy, he knew that but he had give it a try. He wanted this, and he wanted Xuan close to him more than anything.
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sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
Can I request playing animal crossing with the DrV3 boys 🤧🤧
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NDRV3 boys playing Animal Crossing
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#Kokichi Ouma
named his island equestria…/j. in all honesty it was probably named DICEland
HE LOVES zipper so much its lowkey concerning
probably decorated his house with all the easter furniture JUST to piss people off
ALSO has a love-hate relationship with tom nook cause on one hand, he loves how cheeky nook is but on the other, kokichi is so lazy to farm any bells he couldn’t expand his house after paying debts 😭😭
loves to hit his villagers with his net to make them angry (esp bam, reminds him of kaito….)
lowkey vengeful too??? if there was a loot floating around and he was talking w a villager, he would hit them with his net as ‘payback’
his ac profile pic is him w a flimsy axe behind you… ITS /J PROMISE 😭😭
speaking of you, he LOVES to co-op w you, gonta and maybeeee kirumi. his fav thing is to play hide and seek or tag in the game (he always wins at h&s ☹️)
#Korekiyo Shinguji
named his island the default name (Mytown)
he doesn’t rlly have opinions abt his villagers but he really favors blathers, respects his work ethic and likes to listen to his rambles abt the insects
im only /hj when i say that even his house is a dedication to anthropology… like you could walk in and you’d just say “yep this is kiyo’s house.” he used the imperial set + the fossil plaque and incense burner omg lowkey aesthetic tho
i feel like he didn’t know you could have more villagers so for like 9 months, he just stayed there talking to his two villagers BYEE 😭😭😭
LOVES TO FARM!!! omg i wouldn’t be surprised if he could pay off his debts one after the other (although his fav is to look for the fossils)
he also wouldn’t mind if u needed help farming too he just.. REALLY likes farming
he loves co-op!! only requirement is that you must be beside him so he can also see your screen and see him walking around its so cute 💀💀
#Gonta Gokuhara
named it… the island i did NOT ask a gonta bot how dare you
loves blathers!! when i say love, i mean LOVES blathers. loves to bring him bugs but got sad when he saw blathers disliked them
HE USED THE SANRIO SET!!! his fav part of it is the kerokerokeroppi tray ITS SO CUTE <333
FAVE THING is to catch butterflies and tarantulas tbh wouldn’t be surprised if he filled his inventory w them
OH speaking of bugs, instead of running away from wasps, he tried going towards them and had a meltdown when they stung him…
HIS AVATAR’S FACE IS SO MESSED UP….. he honestly didn’t know that you could heal your face until u saw his avatar omg 😭😭 (kokichi then told him you could die and he started to be more careful ☹️)
omg dont let me get started about co-op + gonta… HE INVITES YOU TO ONLINE DATES AND AND YOU RUN AROUND HIS TOWN 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏
#Shuichi Saihara
named his town clair de lune (bc he was playing at night and he liked the music at night (clair de lune meaning moonlight))
his fav is bam, likes how hes so much like kaito 😭😭. might even challenge him occasionally
also he HATES tom, timmy and tommy ☹️☹️ reminds kokichi 🤬🤬🤬
OFDKDKREJH he loves to interact with villagers and decorating his house (he def has island togetherness and DIY furniture lv. 5)
tbh his house isn’t rlly much to gawk at but it does def look like a stereotypical detective’s office (coffee, corkboard) w just… a bunch of wreaths in every room
doesn’t like co-op??? he prefers to switch nintendos w you and letting him explore your island while you explore his AHHSSJSJ 🙏🙏
^^ STILL DOESNT MIND IT!! would def love to play w you and kaede. omg and when he found out you could emote? “you paid off your debt? that’s great, s/o! *clap emote*”
#Rantaro Amami
HE NAMED IT [insert your ship name]’s island 😭😭🙏🙏
loves shari, thinks its cool how she can make leaf umbrellas!! thinks her ‘cheeky’ catchphrase is rlly neat
DESIGNED HIS HOUSE FISH RELATEDDD (so many aquariums + the fishing boat flag..)
unlike ppl like kokichi or gonta he doesn’t login daily, he logs in on weekends and when u wanna play tbh
in shsl adventurer style, he likes hunting! i wouldnt put it past him to show you all around his museum tbh, ITS SO.. FULL 😧😧😧😧
he also.. BUILT A PARK FOR DATES??? there are so many flowers of your favorite color, it’s placed nearest to the stars— he’s such a romantic… 🙏🙏 (gotta find myself a rantaro…)
named it World001.. i love being robophobic 🤭🤭
loves the wisp, kokichi was talking abt how knowing they were annoying for being a scaredy poo and kiibo WENT‼️OFF‼️
tbh hes the type of player that never does the main quest, JUST the side quests, id be so angry…
def is the type who gets motivated for a ‘complete’ profile. naww cause he has so much nook miles…
dislikes zipper, thinks hes creepy.. he heard about the thing where you go out of the screen and zipper starts acting normal and it just gave him the heebie jeebies
he *cough* “cries” when he gets mail… ESP THE ONE FROM MOM!! s—shes so kind?? like he was professor idabashi’s experiment so he never received maternal love it’s just so nice 😭💖
#Kaito Momota
named his island space fantasy (after the universal studios jn ride…)
fav is gullivar, likes his pirate get up and the way he speaks
hes the type of player who has to google everything 😭 like at first he tried doing it without a guide but then after the debts, he gave up
i bet his search history is a lil like ‘how to get abs 1 month’ ‘why is it bad to forge your age’ ‘how many years do you go to jail for age fabrication’ ‘animal crossing step by step’ ‘how to get gullivar on my island’ ‘how to challenge bam’(/hj)
def always fights w bam too (fishing, bug hunting, etc) 😭😭 but like its healthy competition so its ok
HATES THE WISP 🤬🤬 he has the wisp quest and is NEVER finishing it (also lowkey reminds him of pre-workout shuichi and yea… 😨😨😨)
LOVES TAKING PICS WITH YOU?!?!?!?! he saved so many photos of him and you looking at the sky, your avatar smiling, and a pic of bam locked in a fence square (don’t ask…)
#Ryoma Hoshi
he he honestly didn’t put much effort into it since he wasn’t interested at all at first (just named it island…)
omg his house is either all or nothing at all; he mightve just inserts the decor he thinks looks neat or didn’t see the reason why to lose sleep about it and just left it at the default furniture ☹️☹️ (ryoma have some fun plz)
his favorite is saharah cause he appreciates how she makes the own living (he bought alot of rugs but didn’t hv enough space 😭😭 (he didn’t wanna fall for toms schemes & expand))
he also relates a lot to totakeke not the hippie part but the mellowness i something he likes alot
tbh he plays only maybe 6 times a month? he likes to check in on his villagers 💖💖
ngl he doesn’t prefer co-op, he mostly likes to watch you instead and give you advice based on his own experience
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deadhumourist · 2 years
Pink Velvet
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Pairing: F!Reader and Jack “Whiskey” Daniels 
Rating: M, just to be safe - it contains 1 mention of non-explicit, previous sexy times. 
Words: 1300+
Warnings Angst and hurt, character doesn’t feature in story apart from flashbacks. Kids. No happy ending here, folks.
A/N: This is a little hurt/angst/softness piece. Depending on how this goes down/if there’s interest, there might be a part 2 where things end on a happier note. Let me know if we leave it like this or not ;) A huge thank you to @just-here-for-the-moment for beta-ing this and assuring me its not the worst thing she’s ever read. 
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Dusk is settling over the quaint little garden, and one by one, the night dwellers emerge from the nooks and crannies they slept in all day. Lightning bugs glow to life, organic little paper lanterns drifting around. Their lights gently swirl up in the air, the uneven pattern carving up the slowly darkening air. 
The gentle nightbreak brings a stillness both outside your home and inside you. Quiet in the knowledge that another day has come to a stop and you have nothing more to do with the outside world that has taken so much from you. 
Your not-really-a-toddler-anymore Josie is peering at you from the doorway, her face half hidden behind the door jamb. You hear the soft shuffling of her pony-shaped slippers against the reclaimed wooden floor. It's her tell, and you answer the question before she has to ask.
"Let's go pick out a story for bedtime, darling."
You unfold yourself from the large, comfy chair by the window. It has plush pink velvet pillows which in turn you have buried your laughter, your heart and increasingly lately, your sorrow in. The funny thing about velvet is that it keeps stains and secrets all the same. 
You walk to your daughter’s bedroom, making a beeline for your and her favourite feature in the cosy room - the bookcase. You’ve read to her since she was a baby, even if she didn’t understand any of the words yet. You wanted to establish a routine, a safety net that could catch her on hard days that may come. 
You kneel in front of it, pretending to survey the colourful collection for a book to read. But you know this act of the play by heart. You will pretend to select a book, any book, and Josie will look at you with her big, brown eyes, apprehension tugging at the corners. She will sidle up to the corner of the shelf and slide out the same book that you’ve read about 100 times now, and gingerly offer it to you. “This one?” she’ll hesitantly ask as if it’s the first time. 
She is the apple of your eye so you smile warmly while taking it out of her hands. 
“Of course, sweetheart.” 
She bounds excitedly to her bed and jumps under the soft layers. 
You settle down next to her, tucking your legs underneath you, cradling your daughter in your one arm while holding the book in the other. Josie loves helping to turn the pages when you read. 
“Once upon a time, there was a handsome cowboy who lived in a small town. He was the town sheriff, keeping all the bad people out and making sure the town’s people were safe. Every day, the cowboy would ride through the town on his horse, making sure there were no bad men disturbing the peace.”
Your daughter looked up at you, her owlish eyes finding yours. She doesn’t normally interrupt storytime but you wait for her to continue. 
“Mama…” she hesitates for a long beat. 
“Mama, is Daddy a cowboy?” 
The simple question tears through your heart like a shotgun at close range. You had been careful. She was so small when she last saw him, and there aren’t any mementos in the house apart from a photo that you keep close to you. It feels like it was taken a lifetime ago. 
“What makes you ask that, sweetheart?’
“I dreamt about him and we played horsey and he let me ride on his back. And he said he missed me.”
Your heart pinches painfully. She will have almost no memory of him, and you had buried yours so deep. You were sure “Daddy” was a pastiche of the storybook cowboy and the photo in your locket that your curious child would have found. 
No matter what you choose to do next, every option seems cruel in its own way. Deny everything and leave her to wonder, anchorless in a sea of ephemeral memories, or give in and open old wounds to share the reality that he was gone without a trace.
You’re quiet for a long beat before you continue, your voice soft. 
“Yes darling, he is a cowboy. A very noble one that also keeps bad men away.” 
Josie’s face lights up like a ray of sunshine as she smiles, her little rosebud mouth revealing one missing tooth to the side.  
She glances at the page you’re holding and then back to you. 
“And is he also handsome like in the story?”
You glance at your daughter’s glossy dark chocolate hair and golden skin. She is your child too but Jack’s genes had won out by a country mile. You remember his eyes, so much like hers, brimming with tears when he first held her. He was overcome that something so perfect could also carry a part of him and be his. 
“He is. You look so much like him, too.” 
That seems to satisfy her curiosity, at least for the time being. Contentedly, she snuggles against you and lifts her little pointer finger to the open page, indicating that you need to read again. 
You barely manage to hold in a relieved sigh. 
“The town was quiet and safe, because the handsome cowboy was good at his job. Then, one day, bad men rode into town on their horses. One of the bad men went to see the cowboy at the sheriff’s office.The men told the cowboy that he needed to give them all the money in the bank, otherwise they would kidnap the mayor’s daughter. The mayor’s daughter was a very beautiful young woman, and the cowboy liked her very much.” 
“The cowboy told them to leave town, but the next day, the bad men kidnapped the beautiful young woman! Oh, the mayor was so angry! The cowboy was angry too, and vowed to rescue the woman.”
Josie sticks her thumb in her mouth, enthralled by the story she had heard so many times before. 
“The handsome cowboy chased the bad men out of town and rescued the beautiful young woman, and she was very grateful!”
The thumb leaves her mouth with a pop.
“Mama, did Daddy rescue you too?”
You think back to how you met Jack. That’s not exactly how it went down, and you recall jokingly arguing with him over drinks about who rescued who exactly. That was quite the mission. Even though you lost the mark, you didn’t come home empty handed. Not exactly. 
“No sweetheart, that’s just in the story. But if I was in trouble, he would have.” 
She nods sagely, like she knows this to be fact. 
You continue the story. 
“Once the woman was safe, the cowboy told her that he liked her. And she said she liked him too. The cowboy kissed her and they lived happily ever after.” 
Josie’s insistent questioning is unraveling old memories from their tightly sealed boxes in the recesses of your mind, and at the mention of a kiss, Jack drifts into your mind’s eye yet again. 
He’s covering your body with his own, your legs entwined with each other’s. His large hand cupping your jaw and pressing adoring kisses into your heated skin. He captures your lips again hungrily, making sure the only thing you can focus on is him. 
You close the book carefully, noticing Josie slumped over in the crook of your arm, thumb still in her mouth. You slide out as slowly as you can, careful not to wake her. After pulling the covers up around her and switching on the nightlight, you tip-toe out of her room.
Retaking your seat at the window, you take a deep breath to steady yourself. You reach inside your sweater to retrieve your keepsake. Clipping the locket open, you stare at the small photo inside for a long while. 
Jack - dark hair slicked back and moustache neatly groomed and framing an exuberant smile. The one you have to see a ghost of every day, when you have breakfast with your daughter, or laugh with her, or read her to sleep. 
And then the beautiful young woman wept for her cowboy, who never made it home. 
Comments and reblogs are appreciated so much <3
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imaeraser · 3 years
Worst Generation Relationship Headcannons
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He is so spontaneous
He will just drag you out, even if you don't want to. He’s gonna take you out of the ship to go exploring on an island
It would be a fun date… if he didn't get in trouble all the time
But you’re dating Luffy… what did you expect
He can make any activity fun
Laying on the deck? He has already started a tickle fight. Fishing? He’s already trying to make nets with his fingers— and you have to save him when he starts drowning
Maybe not your definition of fun, but more eventful than if he didn't start to drown
He is a cuddle bug, so if your love language is physical touch you are in for the time of your life
But he isn’t very good with compliments, since he doesn’t understand why anyone would need them, the reason someone would like them, or the difference it would make
To him, you are perfect the way you are, and he just assumes you know that
He would also try to make things as gifts for you (like food or a bracelet), they never turn out great, but it’s the thought that counts
7/10 he is lovely, but try not to get hurt (or even killed) when he does something crazy
He is very attentive
This means that he will have everything you need on hand, all the time
Did you get a cut while cooking? Band-aid. Did you run out of toilet paper? He knocks and throws it in there before you even ask
Since he’s a doctor he will always make sure you are in top health, and if not…
He’s gonna be extra strict about what you can and can’t do— almost tyrannical. But if you are laying down, pouting, and making grabby hands at him, he will buckle and be extra doting
But don’t tell anyone, he’ll get shy/salty and ignore you for a few days (but if you’re smart you give him puppy eyes within a few hours, and all will be forgiven)
He gets super busy with all the work he has to do, so he appreciates it if you massage his shoulders while he does whatever he needs to do. And after he is done he will return the favor (and he a good at massaging)
Or you can stand there and drape your arms around his neck while he works
His words are cold sometimes, but his actions show that he cares so much
Whenever you’re ranting to him he’ll tell you to deal with it, but he’ll be rubbing your shoulders while you’re on his lap— the whole time
He’ll also warm you a cup of coffee, tea (or just set out a drink) for you in the mornings. He says it’s not him… but no one else is up that early— he is such an act of service kind of guy
9/10 all he has to do is work on his attitude a little
This man is passionate
It’s all or nothing with him
If you have a goal you are working towards (ex: drawing everyday) he will push you to do it, especially when you don't want to
I can see him being a good workout buddy
When you aren’t able to make those goals, he is uncharacteristically sweet and understanding about it— probably because he fails all the time too (don’t kill me)
But when you do accomplish your goals, he is your biggest cheerleader. He’ll throw a party and everything (even if it was a small goal, man is extra and he’s proud of you)
He likes it when you wear his clothes— specifically his coat
It makes him feel like a big man (unless you’re taller than 6’7, but the next thing still applies) He gets jealous quite easily, so you wearing his clothes makes him feel smug
Kiss his scars and he’ll melt
He’s also a big physical touch guy
He likes to act all tough and cool, but he is just a big softie who wants to be loved
8/10 he needs to tone down the jealousy, he does not need to glare daggers at someone because they complimented your shirt
He loves giving you gifts
If he’s exploring an island and sees something that reminds him of you, he’s gonna get it
Ex: If you love reading and a bookstore was giving out free bookmarks, you best believe that you’re getting one
He is honestly so cute. He’ll make handmade gifts, but unlike Luffy, they look good
I can also see him getting up early so he can cook you breakfast
He can be insecure so you need to reassure him a lot
He is team words of affirmation all the way. Just tell him how nice his hair looks, and the rest of the day he’ll be doing hair flips (or if you compliment his arms, he’ll be constantly flexing)
One negative is that he’ll just kinda expect you to know what he is thinking since he isn’t very good at communicating (this isn’t Law being Tsundere, this is Killer not knowing how to communicate his emotions)
He may be a bad speaker, but he is a great listener
Talk about anything to him and he’ll be listening attentively the whole time
And if you are upset about something, he’ll know exactly what to say and what to do (aka cuddle)
8/10 he needs to sort out his communication issues
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aquabuggy · 2 years
Hi Bug! I found out from a YouTuber that there's a toy fish tank called "Playful Fish" by Mimi World. Does it count as aqua? While you can interact with the fish tank using the buttons, you can still open the lid and remove fish with the plastic "net" that comes with it. In a video I saw, it looked like the tank responded by making fish noises when one of the fish were taken out. I don't know if the net is needed to play with it or not.
Another great question! I think now would be a good time for me to start labeling these sorts of asks as “Is It Aqua” posts, because I can see more of these coming in the future and frankly I love to answer them.
Playful Fish by Mimi World, is it Aqua?
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Rating: Dubiously Aqua
I know I mentioned in a previous ask about the Mutsu Water Looper’s Aqua status that something I took into count was the breaking of this supposed “separate world” by being able to easily touch the items inside the tank, and this toy does have some play features that allow you to directly interact with the play pieces and liquid inside, but the inclusion of a sealing lid really does save its Aqua status for me.
I had to think back on some items I definitely do consider Aqua that have lids or plugs, and what makes them so similar or different to the Playful Fish tank. The Electric Jellyfish Mood Light I feel is most comparable, it too is modeled after an aquarium tank and uses the movement of water to give the illusion that the marine animal shaped pieces inside are moving by themselves.
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The main difference in function is that the Playful Fish tank invites you to remove the lid and scoop out or pet the fish, but that it’s not necessary (to my knowledge), while the Jellyfish Lamp doesn’t. And I ask myself, is this a meaningful enough difference? If both items were missing their lids, would I still consider them Aqua? Is it more the intended design at that point that matters most? …Lots to ponder.
Really though, I don’t find a meaningful enough difference between the two, especially since I’m sure you can play with the Playful Fish tank plenty without ever having to remove the lid, but, that function very much is built in as a feature. So, in my eyes, it is Aqua! Albeit dubiously. Maybe I’ll change my mind sometime, but for now that’s what I feel.
What do you guys think?
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I’ve been so busy lately that I don’t think I’ll have time to draw this anytime soon, and since it’s been bugging me I’m just gonna tell it instead. Thats what happens at the end of the school year lol. Same sort of applies for other things I’m working on, bare with me guys lol but I’ll try to keep you updated.
Anyways on to the summary:
Infected Moon is careful to keep Scrapped Sun busy while he is away from the daycare. Sun is insanely clingy, even more so then normal, but Moon doesn’t want him to be stressed out while he’s away helping Vanny so when down in the utility tunnels he picked up whatever machine bits he could find and brought them back to Sun so he could make whatever he wanted with them. That way he had something to do and felt proud to be able to show Moon what he was working on when he returned. He also asked the mini DJs to visit Sun as there was a vent in the room so they could access it.
So one day Sun was in the nap room working on a little machine, he didn’t know what he wanted it to be but he was experimenting with parts he’d never put together before. A battery attached to a bunch of wires and metal pieces. Despite being blind, it was actually pretty well made. Moon had just finished helping him wash up so there was still a bucket of water sitting next to each other. Moon was sitting with him gathering the cleaning supplies when he heard something outside in the main playroom. He told Sun not to make any noise and left to go check it out, and Sun reluctantly let him go. He was worried something was going to happen to him as the employees had tried really hard to get rid of him but for the last few weeks suddenly stopped all attempts which put him on edge but Moon calmed him down saying he could protect himself and would only be gone for a moment.
He went into the playroom and looked around but didn’t see anyone there, and then realized that the noise was coming from the lobby. This immediately made him suspicious and quite frankly annoyed as he thought the employees got the message that he was going to maim anyone who tried to get near him, but nevertheless he went into the lobby to see what was happening. There was a quiet click sound and before he could question what was happening he got knocked onto his stomach by a weighted net.
Now, you might be wondering: Why the hell would they use a net trap for an animatronic that has talons sharp enough to cut through plastic like butter? Well it wasn’t really a normal net. 1) It was mixed with synthetic material that made it really hard to cut. One of those materials that always seem to bend instead of cut and 2) It was lined with wire for a reason you’ll find out soon. 
Moon tried to break free of the net, but shit it was heavy even for him. They weighed it down well and good, he could barely move. He started thrashing which alarmed the workers who had been out there. One of them yelled something that he couldn’t hear, but he found out quickly what it was when the net pulsed with electricity. It started from one edge of the net and then moved upwards quickly which unfortunately meant he had time to scream his head off as it started off as a blinding pain in his legs and then traveled up his body. Due to how he landed his back and the back of his head was completely exposed, both of those places being insanely sensitive. When it reached his head he short circuited and almost shut off entirely and they worked to gather him up with the net.
Sun heard this happen and of course hearing human voices and Moon scream in agony and then go dead silent scared the ever loving shit out of him. Moon told him to stay hidden, and he didn’t want to disobey him, but he was terrified that his brother was going to die if they got him down to parts and services. And unlike with him, they were going to break his AI chip to make sure he stayed dead and he knew that. So, with limited movement and not wanting to be discovered, he did what anyone would do in that situation.
Pulled a bunch of wires out of the battery amalgamation in his hands, dumped the water on it and then hurtled it into the vent where exploded practically shaking the entire goddamn daycare. The vent slopes down at the entrance, so when he threw it in it started rolling and picked up speed as it went further and further into the building and down into the basement where it landed and promptly exploded. The human employees no doubt heard the literal explosion, as did Moon despite how out of it he was, and so they left to go make sure that.. ya know, the entire building wasn’t going to collapse from whatever the fuck happened in the basement. They assumed Moon would shut off and they could go grab him afterwards.
Moon was in and out of consciousness for a while after that as the shock did a number on his critical functions, and when his vision finally cleared up he noticed that he was back in the naptime area with Sun fussing over him. When Sun noticed that he was finally awake he was so relieved as he expectedly panicked when Moon passed out for over an hour. The first thing Moon asked was how the fuck he dragged him back here and what that sound was, and also where the machine Sun was tinkering with was. Sun explained that he dragged himself to the lobby and removed the net, and then got the mini Djs to help him drag him back to the naptime area. As for the noise, he sheepishly said that when he heard what was going on he panicked and may or may not have turned it into an impromptu bomb. Moon was dumbfounded and didn’t know whether to be concerned or insanely proud of his brothers destructiveness. Though it did follow up with the conversation;
“You know how to make a bomb?!” 
“...Can you teach me?”
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mcheang · 4 years
How about one where Marinette gives up on her class, deciding to get holders from other classes
So she decides to give Aurore the Fox, prompting Lila to lie about the fox.
Next akuma is a mind control akuma, and oh no! Aurore is one of the controlled! Well, she was gonna give the turtle to Mireille but maybe she can be the Fox just this once
And then the Akuma after that, Fox Aurore and Turtle Mireille
Basically lots of quick and random akuma attacks make it hard for Lila to keep up her lies
A Pre-Miracle Queen outline that my mind drove me to
Marinette decides that having her hero allies be classmates under Lila’s spell is a bad idea.
Good thing she is on the class president committee and knows the other class presidents are smart enough to see through Lila’s lies (basically they weren’t pleased with Lila’s flaky absences from class participation. And also because the weather girls know their fair share of celebrities)
First replacement: Aurore as Vixen
The battle was a success but Chat questioned why Rena was replaced.
Ladybug: she can’t tell truth from lies. A bad trait for any hero, let alone one wielding the kwami of illusion
Alya was heartbroken but couldn’t catch Ladybug in time to interview her.
While writing her post on Vixen, Alya asked Lila if she knew what Rena’s flaw was.
Lila: oh that’s easy. Rena and Carapace are so a couple but that just hinders them in a fight. Their first priorities were on each other, not Hawkmoth.
Alya: oh...
So this was about the Scarlet Moth incident. Oh no, then Nino is being replaced too?
Second replacement: Mireille as Kit (she knows she is a substitute so she wanted her name to show she wasn’t a real hero yet)
Aurore had been hit by an akuma, luckily her vice class président had escaped.
Kit’s appearance had Alya confused.
Lila: oh, that’s because Vixen was pregnant. Shocker, I know. Even Ladybug was speechless. But obviously she can’t be a hero in her condition.
Except then why did Vixen return alongside the new heroine, Emerald Shell?
Lila: the pregnancy test results were a dud
Nino was already warned by Alya. While not happy, he was remarkably chill about the new girl.
Honeybee makes her appearance
Lila: ok, how are you surprised Chloé was replaced?
Chloé threw a major tantrum.
Equestria replaces Pegasus
Lila: Ladybug is promoting female power
Max: that doesn’t sound right. She’s unbalancing her team genders.
Not to mention, Max figured he would have been told about why he was being replaced if that was the case. Or maybe he was a one-time hero? Except Party Crasher refuted that theory.
Tarzan replaces Monkey King
Lila: that’s Ladybug’s crush.
Everyone knows that Ladybug prefers to be professional rather than mix personal with business (Aspik was a mistake) so this raised more than a few eyebrows.
Maybe it was that LadyNoir was possibly sunken with that lie, but Alya was determined to ask Ladybug herself.
The heroine had been avoiding her for a while now, leaving her blog posts to have only Lila’s statement for evidence.
It shouldn’t be too hard, except now the Teachers were serious about keeping students safe. Meaning they were anticipating Alya to run to the fight and were determined to stop her.
And apparently Lila didn’t want to call in any favours with Ladybug for an interview because friendships aren’t about favors.
Hence, Alya kept lurking around the park, waiting for the inevitable return of Mr Pigeon.
As has become tradition, after Mr Pigeon is defeated, Mr Ramier treats the heroes to ice cream and they sit down for a while.
But this time, Alya interrupted their peaceful snack.
Alya: Ladybug, Chat Noir, would you please grant me an interview
Ladybug stood up, “Sorry, Alya. But I barely have a minute left. Thanks for the ice cream, Mr Ramier. Bug out!”
Chat had just gobbled his in two bites when Alya called out again, desperation leaking out of her. “Just one question!”
Ladybug stilled, but finally turned around. Her eyes were cold sapphires. “One. I don’t have time right now.”
Be quick about it.
Alya gulped. There were so many questions she wanted to ask about the new heroes, why they were chosen. But if she had to choose one question, Alya blurted out without thinking. “Are you really Lila’s best friend?”
That was her question? Alya wanted to smack herself. That was old news. She should have asked why Ladybug took so long to replace Queen Bee.
Alya stared at Ladybug, having lost her focus in her self-reproach.
But Ladybug had already zipped away.
Chat coughed. “Lovely to see you again, Alya. Have a good day, Mr Ramier.” And he quickly made his escape too.
Mr Ramier looked at the Ladyblogger with pity. “Do you want some ice cream?”
Alya burst into tears. She had paid for Lila’s ice cream. Because of her tonsil surgery. But that was a lie, wasn’t it? Lila had been lying all this time.
At the moment, Alya could care less about why the old heroes were replaced. That was their affair. But now she understood why she had been replaced. Not because of her relationship with Nino, but because she believed lies about Ladybug without even checking with her. What a gullible fool she had been.
As Mr Ramier tried his best to cheer her up, and keep a sharp eye out for akumas, the tale came out. How she had ruined her credibility and blindly believed a liar despite her own best friend warning her.
Mr Ramier: why didn’t you believe Marinette?
Alya: because I thought she was jealous of Lila. They like the same boy.
Mr Ramier frowned. “Is Marinette the kind of girl to hate a supposedly sweet girl just because they share a crush?”
Alya paused. True, Marinette had issues with Chloé and Kagami because of their personalities but Aurore also had a crush on Adrien and the girls got along fine.
Alya: no, she isn’t. What kind of a friend, am I?
Mr Ramier: a human friend. Miss Cesaire, if I may give you some advice, you made mistakes yes. Everyone does. What matters is what you choose to do afterwards. And to do better next time.
Alya: so...I should apologize?
Mr Ramier nodded patiently. “Yes. To your friend, to Ladybug, and if I may say so, to your followers.”
Alya: what should I do about Lila?
Mr Ramier: what do you think you should do?
Alya bit her lip. “I’ll expose her. But not as badly as I would like, because she’ll just end up as an akuma.”
Mr Ramier nodded and stood, his pigeons flying off. “I wish you luck, Miss Cesaire.”
That night, Alya finally did her ground research on Lila. Needless to say, she was horrified at what she had learned.
The next morning, everyone was whispering about the newest post on the Ladyblog. “The truth about Lila Rossi.”
Not only did it feature Ladybug’s statement and Alya’s apologies, but there were links to warnings about Lila from her old classmates.
Lila was absent, hiding from the disgust of the school, but also facing an angry mother. Alya was persistent in getting Mrs Rossi’s attention. It took a while to convince the ignoramus that she was not an akuma and yes, her daughter is a lying bully.
Alya gave Mrs Rossi a heads up because with Lila now exposed, questions about her leave of absence will be raised. Oh, and she needed to keep an eye out for akumas.
Hawkmoth certainly would have loved to target Lila, but Alya was on lookout. She caught the akuma in a butterfly net launcher 10 minutes before the school bell rang. Now she just needs to deliver this to Ladybug. Though maybe they should just hold on to it. I mean if Hawkmoth can’t create more than one akuma, maybe purifying this one was a bad idea.
Ladybug agreed to wait until Lila was dealt with. She commended Alya for finally opening her eyes. But sadly Rena won’t be returning.
Alya accepted that. She wasn’t ready. It would take time, but she would recover.
The butterfly was kept under guard until Mayura finally sent a sentimonster after it.
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