#When I think about it there are a lot of fics where Tighnari's stressed over Cyno's action hero antics
cor-lapis · 1 year
Something I think people don't touch on that often but could be interesting is the fact that Tighnari and Cyno have actually very similar jobs, but the game gives more attention to the "persecution" side of Cyno's, while Tighnari's is more about the "prevention" of harm (to both people and the environment). We know via 'A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird' that poaching exists in Sumeru, but while it's handled by a Corps of Thirty guard in that quest, irl Forest Ranger patrols are also countermeasures against poaching. It's an interesting parallel, and it would be cool to explore more in Collei's hangout, or see Cyno do stuff like 'Heizou Talks Fraud' (Cyno Talks Ethics/Blasphemy Against Teyvat's Laws?? Although he also kind of got Collei to do that in his SQ)
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genshinluvr · 2 years
The Men Who Worry a Lot
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: Ever since you got pregnant, the men have been worrying about you and the baby. Your hunger skyrocketed, your hormones are all over the place, and your immune system is weaker and cannot fight off infections as much as it could before you were pregnant. You sometimes wander off alone when you’re out of the abode with the men. Can you really blame the men for worrying so much about you while you’re heavily pregnant?
Note: This is a spin-off to Mixed Signals and Eating for Two! I will be linking the two fics mentioned down below if you want to read Mixed Signals and Eating for Two first before reading this spin-off! ^^ If you're all interested in the whole parent life with the Genshin men, I can make mini-fics for it or answer asks that relate to the overall pregnancy universe of my isekai'd!reader fics. As previously stated in "Mixed Signals" and "Eating for Two | Mixed Signals Alt. Ending," this story does lean towards female!reader/AFAB!reader because pregnancy does happen in this story. Anyway! Please keep in mind that I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: Pregnancy, and sickness.
Word Count: 8.4k
Read the original and alternate ending here: Mixed Signals, Eating for Two | Mixed Signals Alt. Ending.
You’re eight months pregnant. Your pregnant belly is huge, and you look like you could pop at any moment, and that worries the twenty-five men. When you walk, you waddle, and you look so freaking cute! Your hand is on your baby bump every time you walk, sit, stand, and when you’re lying in bed. Most of the time, you ditch your usual clothes for the men’s button-up shirts, keeping the top half buttoned and the bottom half unbuttoned, letting your pregnant belly peek from the fabrics.
Being pregnant is uncomfortable, and you (and the twenty-five men) have to do everything to make sure you have a safe, comfortable, and stress-free pregnancy. Other than your and the twenty-five men’s baby being spoiled, you’re also being spoiled. It’s not like you don’t know who’s the father of your baby—well, technically, you don’t because all of you haven’t taken the paternity test yet.
It was in the middle of the night, and Diluc was rudely awoken by a bad feeling in his gut. Diluc rushes to get out of bed and open the door. Diluc steps into the dark hallway, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and flicks the upstairs lights on. Lights flood the second floor, and he walks to your bedroom. Diluc cracks the door open and peeks his head into your dark room, only to see that your bed is empty and there’s no sign of you in the room.
Panic starts to kick in, and Diluc turns around to begin searching for you immediately.
“Honey?” Diluc calls out, walking around the upper part of the estate, searching for you— his heavily pregnant partner. 
Sure, Diluc can wake the others to help him search for you, but Diluc cannot think rationally when he’s busy panicking and still groggy from his sleep. Doors on the second floor start to open, footsteps getting close to where he’s wandering around. 
Thoma rubs his eyes, yawning. “Why are you awake at this time?” Thoma mutters, stretching his arms in the air with a groan.
Gorou peeks into your dark bedroom, his ears twitching. “I hear rustling downstairs. Maybe [Y/N] is downstairs snacking,” Gorou comments.
Tighnari sighs and runs his fingers through his messy hair. “I hope that’s not the case. They’re messing up their sleep and eating schedule,” Tighnari sighs.
One by one, the men walk down the stairs to the pitch-black living room. A source of light peeks from the kitchen, light spilling from the gap at the bottom of the door. You are indeed in the kitchen. Dainsleif walks toward the door and pushes it open, revealing you rummaging through the pantry. Your hair is sticking all over the place, your eyes are puffy from sleep, and your clothes are wrinkled.
Dainsleif sighs and leans against the door frame of the kitchen. “Why are you awake at this time?” Dainsleif asks.
You jump and look at the men like a deer caught in headlights. You drop a bread roll on the ground and mouth “fuck” to yourself. You attempt to lean down to grab the bread roll, but your eight-month-pregnant belly is in the way. You kick the bread roll back into the pantry and cross your arms over your chest.
“I, uh, was checking to make sure the bread rolls are still good to eat!” You lie, giving the men a fake smile.
Ayato takes a step toward you, looking at you with amusement. The corners of Ayato’s lips quirk up, taking in the sight of your adorable figure. You look so cute! Ayato just wants to pinch your cheeks and suffocate you in his arms by hugging you tightly until you pop.
“You had the sudden urge to make sure the bread rolls weren’t expired and molding in the middle of the night?” Ayato asks, tilting his head while gazing at you with the softest look you have ever seen.
You blush and look away with a huff. “Of course! Have you guys never had that moment where you’re sleeping or minding your business, and all of a sudden, you start to wonder if certain things are expired or if you still have the shirt you wore a few years ago?” You ask, tapping your sock-clad feet on the ground.
Itto eyes widen, and he nods eagerly. “Oh my gosh, yes! All the time! I thought it was just me, but it’s good to know that I’m not the only one this happens to!” Itto exclaims.
Xiao rolls his eyes and thwacks Itto upside of his head. Itto winces before rubbing the back of his head and glaring down at Xiao with a pout. You press your lips into a thin line to prevent yourself from laughing.
Baizhu smiles at you. “We need to talk about you waking up in the middle of the night to snack on something,”  Baizhu says.
You look at Baizhu in disbelief. “Again?” You squeak.
Scaramouche sighs. “We wouldn’t have to talk to you about your late-night snacking if you stopped doing it,” Scaramouche says, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Ayato holds his arm out for you to take. You pucker your lips, turn the pantry light off and close the door behind you. You loop your arms around Ayato’s arm and let him escort you to the living room. Ayato flickers the living room light on. You squeeze your eyes shut when the light fills the living area.
“I think turning on a lamp would’ve been better,” you mutter, sitting on the couch after Ayato leads you to the sofa in the center of the living room.
Everyone sits around you and gazes at you intently. You feel yourself becoming flustered under their gazes and reach for a throw blanket blindly. You wrap the blanket around your shoulders before placing your hands on your swollen tummy. You’re still craving a snack and can feel your stomach rumbling.
Al Haitham sits beside you and places a hand over yours, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. “You know it's not good to get less than eight hours of sleep, correct? You’re pregnant, and you need plenty of rest,” Al Haitham says, combing his fingers through your bedhead. 
You sigh and lean forward, resting your head on Al Haitham’s chest, and close your eyes. “All I’ve been doing throughout my pregnancy is rest, Al Haitham. Plus, you guys know my cravings have increased ever since I got pregnant! I can’t help it,” you reply.
Kaveh sits on your left, rubbing your back. “We’re not upset that you’re having cravings. We’re worried about your and the baby’s safety. You wandered downstairs for a snack in pitch darkness. You could’ve tripped and fallen down the stairs, hurting yourself and the baby,” Kaveh murmurs, pulling you from Al Haitham’s chest and to his chest.
You sigh and press your head against Kaveh’s chest, listening to his heart beating against his chest. Kaveh runs his fingers through your hair, untangling the knots and organizing your hair. They’re not wrong about that. You did wake up in the middle of the night and wandered down the stairs in the darkness, searching for something to snack on for you and the baby.
“You’re right, and it’s my bad for not waking anyone up before going down the stairs for a snack. Sometimes I forget that I’m pregnant, even though this thing,” you point at your swollen tummy, “gets in the way all the time.”
Kaeya pokes your belly button, causing you to jolt and lightly slap his hands away with a tiny glare. Kaeya chuckles and kneels before you, resting his head on your lap, and reaches for your hand. Kaeya gazes up at you and closes his eyes when he feels you brush his hair away from his face. Archons, he’s so beautiful.
“What do you want to do now, angel? Do you want to go back to bed, or are you still craving something to eat?” Kaeya asks, slowly opening his eyes and staring at you intently.
You drag out a sigh and close your eyes. “I really want to go back to bed, but if I do, this little one will be kicking me all night until I eat something,” you reply.
“Stay here and take a nap. One of us will make you something to eat,” you hear Aether say.
Aether did not have to tell you twice because you were already dozing off on Kaveh’s shoulders, your hand remaining on Kaeya’s head. While you were napping against Kaveh’s chest and one of the men was making a snack for you to eat, you felt the baby kick. You open your eyes and press your hands against your stomach, grumbling about how the baby wasn’t letting you get a few minutes of shut-eye without kicking you.
A few minutes later, Heizou walks into the living room with what looks like mini French toast. Your eyes light up, and you reach forward, making grabby motions. Heizou hands you the plate, and you mouth a “thank you” to Heizou before taking a bite out of the delicious toast.
“That has a lot of sugar and syrup on it. It’s going to keep [Y/N] and the baby up all night,” Xiao commented, eyeing the sugary snack you’re biting into.
Heizou shrugs his shoulders. “Listen, I’m here to please the pregnant person and the baby in the womb. Whatever they want, they get,” Heizou replies, propping his hands on his hips.
The snack satiates your hunger, and after finishing the entire plate, you struggle to get off the couch. Venti giggles and reaches for your hand, helping you get off the couch. You sigh in relief and thank Venti, rubbing your swollen belly with one hand while grasping the plate with the other.
Venti looked at you curiously when you waddled off to the kitchen. “Where are you going, Windblume? The stairs are the other way, silly!” Venti calls after you.
You reply over your shoulder, “I’m going to wash the plate, then I’ll go back to bed!”
Childe runs to where you are and takes the plate from your hands while shaking his head. You blink at Childe owlishly before realizing you’re not allowed to do any household chores until way after you pop the baby out. Ah, right, how could you forget something like that? 
Childe wraps an arm around your shoulders and kisses your forehead. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about chores. We’ll take care of everything for you, like how we have been since the beginning of your pregnancy. Get some sleep, alright, snookums?” Childe coos, resting his cheek on your head.
“Alright, alright. I’ll go to bed now that I have something to snack on for the baby and me,” you said, rubbing your swollen stomach.
Childe smiles wide and pats your head. Childe looks over your head and gestures for one of the men to take you up the stairs. Zhongli walks toward you and Childe, wrapping an arm around your waist and holding your hand. Zhongli guides you up the stairs with the men following behind. Ever since your pregnancy was announced, the men made sure to put a rug over the staircase to prevent you from slipping down the stairs.
Upon arriving in your bedroom, Zhongli turns the lights on. Zhongli walks you to your bed and helps you sit on your bed before tucking you in bed. You would brush your teeth again, but you’re too tired to do it, and it’s already late. Zhongli caresses your face and presses a kiss on your forehead. You reach for Zhongli’s hand and squeeze them, pulling him down and planting a good night’s kiss on his cheek. Knowing the other men are going to complain, Zhongli moves out of the way for the others to kiss you goodnight so you can kiss them goodnight in return. After what felt like fifteen minutes, you were able to bid everyone goodnight.
Zhongli is the last person to leave your room. “Get some rest, alright? Wake us up if you need anything at all or anything happened,” Zhongli instructs.
You nod and give him a thumbs up, too tired to respond. Once Zhongli turns the lights off in your room and closes the door behind him, you snuggle against your pregnancy pillow and close your eyes, drifting off to sleep.
The men worry about you a lot, and they have many valid reasons to worry! While your late-night snacking has become routine to the point where the men will automatically wake up if they hear your bedroom door open (they trained their ears to listen for it). The previous night when Diluc searched for you in the middle of the night, was the only time the men didn’t hear you leave your room until they heard Diluc calling out for you.
They keep an eye out for you almost 24/7, and you love them for it. Sometimes they can get distracted, and that’s okay! Only this time, they may or may not have lost their pregnant significant other while the twenty-six of you were in Inazuma City. The men are crowding around a food stall, trying to decide what to order to bring back to the estate to eat. While you and the twenty-five men can dine out in the city, they worry the number of people would overwhelm you. Especially if those people are constantly staring at your pregnant form while you’re eating, and they treat you like fine porcelain. 
Now here you are, standing behind the group of men, rubbing your swollen belly and breathing in the aroma of delicious food lingering in the air. Your stomach is growling, and the baby is lively today, kicking and moving around in the womb.
“Are you sure a pregnant person like [Y/N] should be eating something like that?” Kazuha asks, eyeing the menu warily.
Albedo looks at the menu and nods. “The food is fully cooked. As long as it’s not seafood or raw meat. There are many things pregnant people are not allowed to eat, and I brought a list with me,” Albedo says, pulling out the long list of foods you’re allowed and not allowed to eat.
“It feels restricting, does it not?” Cyno asks, raising his eyebrows at Albedo.
Dottore nods his head, flipping through the menu. “Sadly, it’s the reality of being pregnant. Even if [Y/N] can eat these things just fine, the baby will not be able to handle foods like the ones listed,” replies Dottore.
Your mouth started watering. Not wanting to wait any longer, you turn around and search around for a food stall to order food from. You lock gazes with the vendor of the nearest food stand. Well, it looks more like a snack stand than a food stand. You waddle off to the snack vendor, and the man gives you a sweet smile after seeing your pregnant belly bulging through your shirt. 
You smile at Tomoki and point at the Dango milk. “May I have a Dango milk, Tomoki?” You ask politely.
Tomoki nods. “Of course! Do you want one or two Dango milk?” asks Tomoki, reaching for the black bottle.
You hum and tap on your chin, debating whether you should get one or two Dango milk. Dango milk is delicious, and you can never get enough of it! Although your beloved boyfriends are currently ordering food to bring to the estate, it’s best you buy only one Dango milk, or else you’d lose your appetite. Plus, not only did you want to save your appetite for food, one Dango milk costs one thousand five hundred Mora, and if you were to buy two Dango milk, it would’ve been three thousand Mora.
“I’ll take one Dango milk! I haven’t eaten anything yet, and I don’t want the Dango milk to make me lose my appetite,” you said.
Tomoki smiles and nods. “Alright! One Dango milk it is!” He says, handing the bottle over to you after you pulled out exactly one thousand five hundred Mora from the Mora bag in your pocket.
You give Tomoki a thankful smile before walking off with your Dango milk, occupied with getting the bottle uncapped so you can start drinking it. While you’re struggling to get the cap off, Pantalone takes the menu from one of the men’s hands and turns to ask you what you want to eat, but realizes that you aren’t with the group. Pantalone stared at the spot where you were standing and turned to the other men, scratching the back of his neck.
Pantalone clears his throat. “Um, we have a problem,” Pantalone says nervously.
“They wandered off, didn’t they?” Capitano deadpans.
Pantalone nodded hesitantly, and the twenty-four men slowly turned to where you were supposed to be standing, only to see an empty spot. Pierro sighs, pinching the space between his eyebrows, and closes his eyes. There’s no way they lost you in the city this fast. You, a heavily pregnant person, somehow wandered off without either of them noticing you waddling away.
“I’m sure they didn’t wander off too far,” Pierro says, looking up and scanning his surroundings. 
While the men are searching for you, you stand in the middle of the walkway, uncapping the Dango milk. After a few minutes of struggling to open the cap, you finally got it off and took a sip from it happily. The Dango milk is sweet, delicious, and chewy. It’s like boba, only it’s Dango. You’re tempted to return to Tomoki’s snack stand to ask for ingredients. Still, you’re not entirely sure if Tomoki would be willing to share the ingredients or tell you how to make it at home.
You shrug your shoulders and walk back to where the men are currently standing. You tap Kaeya on the shoulders.
“Have you guys figured out what you’re going to order yet?” You ask, taking another sip of the Dango milk.
Damn. Ever since you got the first taste of the Dango milk, you’ve been obsessed with it. Well, you are even more obsessed with it than you previously were. Maybe the baby likes Dango milk too and couldn’t get enough of it, thus making your craving for Dango milk stronger than ever.
Kaeya sighs in relief and pulls you into his arms, disregarding the Dango milk in your hands and running his hands gloved through your hair. “Please don’t wander off like that anymore, kitten. You made us all worried!” Kaeya chides, stroking your chin.
“Sorry, I wanted to get something to drink while all of you are ordering something to bring back to the abode for us to eat,” you said, holding up the Dango milk bottle.
Scaramouche sighs and shakes his head. “Idiot. Dango milk is going to make you lose your appetite if you continue to drink it,” Scaramouche tsk’s and flicks your forehead.
You scrunch your face and rub the area on your forehead where Scaramouche had flicked you. Al Haitham grabs Scaramouche’s finger and glares at the shorter male, who glares at him in return. Scaramouche snatches his finger from Al Haitham’s grasp and crosses his arms over his chest, and rolls his eyes.
“Baby, please don’t wander off like that again. At least inform us before wandering off, or have one of us go with you somewhere,” Al Haitham says, combing his fingers through your hair.
You point at Tomoki’s stall. “But the stall wasn’t far from where you’re all ordering the food! It’s about ten feet,” you protest, taking another sip of your Dango milk. You close the bottle and wipe your lips with your thumb and index finger. “Sorry for not informing you all about it. I kept forgetting that I can’t wander off on my own anymore, especially since my stomach makes me look like a sunset cloud angler,” you said, rubbing your swollen belly with one hand.
Ayato holds up an index finger and sighs. “You can wander off on your own as long as you tell us where you’re going and as long as it’s not too far from where we are,” Ayato comments.
You rest your head on Kaeya’s chest and look at the menu hanging above. You’re not entirely sure what you’re going to get since you have a restricting diet due to your pregnancy. Most of the time, Thoma cooks certain food for you to eat. Albedo, Dottore, Baizhu, and Tighnari would write a long list of foods you can and cannot eat, including ingredients for the food. But since you’re all ordering something at a restaurant to bring it back to the estate to eat, you’re not sure if you can eat the food on the menu.
“I’ll try not to forget to tell you all where I’m going before wandering off,” you reply, holding your pinky out in Ayato’s direction.
Ayato sighs, giving you a small smile before linking his pinky with yours. Ayato brings your hand close to his lips and presses a kiss on your knuckles before letting go of your hand. You snuggle up against Kaeya, continuing to look at the menu. Of all the food that is being sold on the menu, you’re not sure what you want to order. Plus, your pregnancy has made you not want to eat certain things like tofu. 
Before you got pregnant, you could eat anything (except for the foods you’re allergic to). But now, your pregnancy has made it hard for you to eat the food you used to love. You used to love eating anything that had onions in it. Unfortunately, now the smell of onions (specifically pickled onions) makes you feel nauseous, and you hate it. Your parents would make you pickled onions back in your world, and you love fermented foods.
“I kind of want kimchi,” you mumble, squishing your cheek against Kaeya’s boob window.
Dainsleif looks at you quizzically. “What’s that?” Dainsleif asks.
You reach out and grab Dainsleif’s hand, lightly squeezing them. “I’ll explain what kimchi is when we’re back at the abode. It’s great to eat when pregnant, apparently,” you reply. 
Ever since you have gotten pregnant, you have been attending classes here and there at the Akademiya. That was before you were starting to show. Since you are currently pregnant, you took a break from your academics and focused on your pregnancy. You didn’t want to put your studies on hold, but since you get stressed out easily, you had to take a break because of doctor’s orders and Al Haitham requested for you to take a break from your academics until further notice.
Now here you are, baking cookies when you’re not supposed to be in the kitchen. Tiny little hands grab at your shirt, tugging on them while peeking at the cookies laid out on the countertop. 
“Hey, be careful! We wouldn’t want you to burn your hands on the hot baking tray now, do we?” You ask.
Klee pouts and steps on the stepping stool, breathing in the scent of freshly baked cookies. “It smells so delicious, [Y/N]! When can we start eating the cookies?” asks Klee, licking her lips while eyeing the chocolate chip cookies in front of her.
“Once the cookies are warm and not ten seconds fresh out of the oven. It’s still hot,” you said, patting Klee’s head.
You’re now babysitting the kids your beloved boyfriends know. Technically, you volunteered to watch over them while the men were out doing their duties in Teyvat. Since you don’t have Akademiya responsibilities, you might as well keep yourself occupied by babysitting Klee, Diona, YaoYao, Nahida (would she count as a kid despite her being an archon?), Dori, Qiqi, and Sayu.
“Are these the soft chocolate chip cookies?” Dori asks, peeking at the counter to get a good look at the cookies.
Nahida props her hands on her hips. “From my knowledge, with the ingredients [Y/N] used and how long the cookies have been in the oven, it should be soft instead of crunchy,” Nahida replies.
You grab the cups from the cupboard and hand them cups. “Go sit at the table. I’ll get some milk, and we’ll wait a few minutes for the cookies to cool down before eating them,” you said.
The girls rush out of the kitchen and sit at the table, kicking their feet with excitement while giggling and chatting with each other. While you’re setting the timer and putting the next batch of cookies in the oven, the front door to the estate opens, and the men start piling into the estate.
Klee’s eyes light up when she sees Albedo. Klee hops off the chair and runs to the chief alchemist, tackling him into a hug. Albedo stumbles back and looks at Klee with surprise.
“Big brother! You’re finally back!” Klee cheers, smiling wide.
“What are you girls doing here? I mean, not that I didn’t want to see you, I’m surprised to see you girls here at the estate,” Albedo says, turning to look at the men with a questioning look.
Dori’s eyes widen before she giggles. “Oh? Did your pregnant lover not tell you that they’re babysitting us from now on? Well, until the baby arrives, of course,” Dori says, leaning in the chair.
Zhongli crosses his arms over his chest. “They have not. Speaking of pregnant lover, where is [Y/N]?” 
The seven girls point at the kitchen simultaneously, gazing at the men curiously. One by one, each man pats the girls’ heads as they walk toward the kitchen where you’re at. After putting the second batch of cookies in the oven, you close the oven and set the timer. The kitchen door creaks open, and you look up to see your beloved boyfriends standing there with their hands on their hips while giving you questioning looks.
“Since when did you start your babysitting gig?” Cyno asks, raising an eyebrow at you.
You walk to the cookies on the cooling tray and hover your hand above it. “I started today, actually! Since I currently don’t have responsibilities, I decided to babysit the seven girls until further notice!” You reply.
“Are you going to babysit them every day? Some of them have jobs, which concerns me because it’s child labor….” Kaveh trails off, stroking his chin.
You shake your head and lean against the kitchen island, caressing your baby bump. “Not every day, only when I have the energy to. The baby’s been keeping me up at night sometimes by moving around and kicking my stomach,” you sigh.
Childe drops to his knees and places his hands on your baby bump, and presses his face against your swollen stomach. “Baby, please let your mommy sleep. If mommy doesn’t sleep, they won’t have the energy. Don’t kick mommy either!” Childe scolds your unborn child.
“As if the baby is going to understand you,” Diluc scoffs, rolling his eyes.
The baby kicks, startling you and Childe. Childe slowly backs away and rubs his nose, narrowing his eyes at your stomach and poking your swollen belly back. The baby kicks in return. You groan and press your hand on the area where the baby had kicked. You flick Childe’s forehead before Childe can provoke the baby again.
“Don’t try to provoke them, Childe!” You chide, poking the cookie on the cooling rack with your index finger. 
You grab a plate from the side and start putting the cookies on the plate. The cookies are still warm, but it’s not hot, nor is it cooled down completely. Childe stands behind you, wraps his arms around your waist, and buries his face into your neck. You snort, watching Childe peek from your shoulders, reach for a cookie from the plate, and take it from the plate. 
“Girls! The cookies are ready!” You announce, walking to the dining room where the girls are waiting, with Childe latching onto you.
You put the plate on the table, and the seven girls begin taking a cookie from the plate to snack on. Thoma walks over to the table with milk in his hands, pouring the milk into each girl’s glass cup. The girls simultaneously thanked you and Thoma with their mouths full of cookies. You snort and wipe the crumbs from the side of their lips.
“Slow down! Don’t eat too fast, or else you’ll choke,” you sigh, shaking your head. 
Heizou nudges Aether. “If this is what married life looks like with [Y/N], then sign me up!” Heizou whispers, feeling his cheeks warm up when he watches Sayu hug your side, her cheek pressing up against your pregnant belly while munching on her cookie. You comb your fingers through Sayu and Qiqi’s hair while the girls eat the chocolate chip cookies. 
“You’re going to have to get in line there, Heizou. All of us want to get married to [Y/N] and have a family with them,” Aether whispers, taking a chocolate chip cookie from the plate and taking a big bite out of the cookie.
Qiqi lightly taps your pregnant belly. You look to see Qiqi holding up her empty glass cup with a blank look on her face. Realization hits you after a minute, and you take the cup from Qiqi’s hand to fill the cup with milk. Before you can walk to the kitchen to fill her cup with milk, Venti takes the cup from your hands.
“I’ll do that for you! You go sit and relax! Remember not to strain yourself,” Venti says, lightly tapping on your nose before walking to the kitchen.
The minute you sit on the chair between the seven girls, they immediately start trying to get your attention to talk about the most random things (to the men). Sayu and Qiqi continue to latch to you while eating their cookies while Nahida, Dori, Diona, Klee, and YaoYao are talking your ears off. 
“[Y/N]! Are you having a boy or a girl? I hope you’re having a girl!” YaoYao says, bouncing on the balls of her feet with a wide smile.
“I think the baby is going to be a boy,” Sayu drones, staring off into space while mindlessly chewing on the chocolate chip cookie.
Nahida looks at Sayu curiously and walks over to the sleepy girl, poking her to grab her attention. Sayu wipes the sleepiness from her eyes and turns to look at Nahida with a questioning look. Nahida props her hands on her hips and tilts her head to the side, her green eyes trailing over to your pregnant belly. Nahida presses her hand on your stomach, and her eyes light up when she feels the baby kick the area where Nahida is pressing her hand.
Nahida clears her throat. “I’m curious what lead you to think [Y/N] is pregnant with a boy,” Nahida says, blinking at Sayu.
“Their stomach is round from the front and slim from the side. I don’t know how to explain it, but that’s what my mom told me,” Sayu replies.
“I think [Y/N] is going to have a boy, too,” Qiqi says softly, rubbing your swollen stomach.
Diona looks at you curiously. “Do you know the gender of the baby?” Diona asks.
You shake your head and run your fingers through Qiqi’s hair. “I don’t know the gender of the baby. I debated whether I wanted to keep it a surprise until I go into labor, but there are some people that wanted to know already,” you say, looking over at the men.
Kazuha smiles and crosses his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow at you. “Is it bad the father(s) of the baby wanted to know the gender of their child?” Kazuha asks.
You clear your throat and scratch the back of your head. “No! But the twenty-five of you are giving me conflicting answers! Some of you want to know the gender of the baby, and some of you want to be surprised!” You huff, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“I have an idea! For those who want to know the gender of the baby, tell them! As for the others,  they can wait until you give birth!” Itto proposes, clapping his hands.
Dori reaches for the cookie and hands it to you. You silently thanked the girl and took a bite out of the cookie, and contemplated Itto’s suggestion. You know, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea. But the issue is that some of the men have loose lips. Meaning they cannot keep a secret, or they will find a way to accidentally reveal the gender of the baby. You pucker your lips and shake your head in response to Itto’s suggestion. Itto pouts and crosses his arms over his chest with a huff like a petulant child. 
“I would tell you not to reproduce, but the unfortunate thing is that we don’t know who’s the father of the baby,” Dottore says, smacking his lips.
Diluc rolls his eyes. “I could say the same thing for you, Harbinger,” Diluc mutters.
You assumed your pregnancy was going to be smooth sailing. No complications, no morning sickness, etc. But unfortunately for you, you have a cold. It’s not the flu, thankfully! But you did catch a cold, and now you’re under twenty-four-hour surveillance. Usually, you would think it’s a bit much to be under constant supervision, but since you’re pregnant, the men’s concerns are valid.
“How are you feeling?” Xiao asks, pressing his gloveless hand against your forehead.
You turn your head away and cough into your elbow— even though you’re wearing a face mask. “I feel awful. This sickness is making my morning sickness even worse, too,” you sniffled. You look at Baizhu and rub your swollen belly worriedly. “How’s the baby?” You ask, clearing your throat.
Baizhu sits at the edge of your bed and smiles beneath his mask. “The baby is healthy and safe. You, however, have a head cold and need plenty of rest,” Baizhu replies.
Baizhu reaches for your hand and gives them a gentle squeeze. You sniffled and smiled at him weakly, squeezing his hand in return. You had the unfortunate fate of babysitting a sick Klee. You didn’t mind taking care of Klee while she was ill, but you kept forgetting that the children in Teyvat are still children whether they have visions or not. Klee got you sick, and thankfully, it’s only a head cold, not the flu.
A knock at the door pulls you from your thoughts. Tighnari walks to the door and opens it, revealing Thoma with a food tray in his hands while wearing a face mask. Oh goody, your food is here! You can smell the food behind your mask, feeling your stomach grumble at the delicious smell. 
“I have arrived with soup! It’s chicken noodle soup; simple, but should be enough for you and the baby to stomach without an issue,” says Thoma, entering your bedroom.
You take your mask off and, with the assistance of Xiao and Baizhu, sit up. You put your mask on your nightstand while Thoma places the tray of chicken noodle soup on your lap. Your head is hurting, and you don’t think you have enough energy to lift your hands to use the spoon. You feel like you could collapse at any moment. Gorou quickly sits beside you and have you rest your head on his shoulders while he combs his fingers through your hair.
You close your eyes, exhaling through your nose. You hate being sick, and you hate being sick while you’re pregnant. It makes everything worse, and it makes all twenty-five of your boyfriends even more worried about you.
Gorou rubs your swollen belly while combing his fingers through your hair. “Are you alright? If you’re not hungry, you can eat your soup later,” Gorou suggests, kissing the side of your head.
You and Gorou feel the baby kick in response. You chuckle and crack your eyes open, rubbing your belly. 
“The baby has spoken. It seems like this little bean wants me to eat,” you murmur.
You reach for the spoon and scoop the chicken noodle soup into the spoon, bringing it to your lips and blowing on the hot broth. The chicken noodle soup smells amazing. So good that your stomach starts to rumble with hunger. After the first bite of the soup, you begin devouring the soup like you haven’t eaten in days. Well, your devouring food like that is normal since you’ve been doing that since the start of your pregnancy. 
Fifteen minutes later, you finished your food and leaned against the headboard of your bed, rubbing your full belly. You and the baby are officially satisfied; both tummies are full and satisfied. You tilt your head back and close your eyes, slowly leaning on Gorou’s shoulders while he continues to rub your arm.
“Ah, ah, ah! Don’t fall asleep yet! You still need to take your medication,” Tighnari says, standing at the edge of the bed and poking you in the arm.
You crack your eyes open and see Tighnari holding out cold medicine toward you. Your face immediately pinches up with disgust when you realize it's liquid medicine. To be more specific, it’s orange flavored, and you hate medicine that tastes like orange. You reluctantly take the medication from Tighnari’s hand and stare at the orange liquid medicine. You pinch your nose and down the cold medicine, your lips trembling at the sour taste while your face scrunches with disgust. 
Pantalone sits on the other side of you and hands the small measurement cup to Tighnari. He grabs the glass cup from your nightstand and passes them to you. You give Pantalone a strained smile and take big gulps of water, hoping to wash the taste of orange-flavored medicine from your taste buds.
“How are you feeling right now, sweetheart?” Pantalone asks, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your jaws. 
You hum in response, basking in Pantalone’s affections. “I’m feeling full, but the taste of the orange medicine is disgusting. It sort of made my stomach churn a bit after I ingested the medicine,” you reply, your nose scrunching with disgust.
“Now that you have eaten and taken your medication, you should get some sleep now. You look exhausted, and we shouldn’t be keeping you up any longer,” Capitano says gruffly. 
You frown and reach for your face mask behind Pantalone and put it on. “What if I’m not feeling sleepy? It’s boring being in my room all day and having to sleep for who knows how long,” you said.
“You say that now, but once your head hits the pillow, you’ll be out like a light,” Pierro comments, the corners of his lips quirking up.
You stare at the first Harbinger for a moment before snuggling up against Pantalone, bringing Gorou with you. Gorou rests his head on your chest, making sure to be gentle. He wraps his arms around your waist, trying his best to ignore Pantalone’s arms around your waist. The day has just begun, yet here you are, bedridden and forced to rest. Why do you have to rest a lot? What if you’re feeling restless or full of energy? Actually, sike, you’re never full of energy because being pregnant is draining, and you feel more like an incubator than a human sometimes. 
You’re excited to be a parent, yes, but often times there are people that treat you like a breeding cow rather than a human. Your boyfriends never make comments like that, but it’s the way random men (and sometimes women) in Teyvat would make comments about you being an incubator for the twenty-five men, and not only is it disturbing, but it also makes you feel uncomfortable. 
Scaramouche plops at the edge of your bed, staring at you worriedly. “What’s on your mind?” He asks, nudging you with his foot.
“Do you guys see me as an incubator?” You ask, looking around the room. 
Kaveh raises his eyebrows at you. “Why would we see you that way? You’re human, not some breeding sumpter beast,” Kaveh replies, crossing his arms over his chest.
“We want to start a family with you, yes, but we’re not going to get you pregnant every time you pop a baby out. Your body changes drastically when you’re pregnant, and we don’t want you to get pregnant twenty-four more times after the first baby is born. You need a break from pregnancy. We won’t make you pop a baby out for each of us. That would be weird,” Cyno answers, sighing softly.
Pantalone presses a kiss on your head. “Who put those thoughts into your head? Name them, and we’ll take care of it,” Pantalone murmurs, rubbing your swollen stomach.
You puff your cheeks out and shake your head. “Just a bunch of randoms in Teyvat. I don’t know their names, unfortunately.” You whisper, chewing on the inside of your cheeks.
“Describe their physical appearance and what region you were in when you encountered them! Shouldn’t be hard for us to track them down,” Childe says, giving you a fake smile while cracking his knuckles. 
You shake your head again. “Not going to happen, Childe. I don’t want you to get in trouble before the baby is born,” you said, stroking your swollen belly mindlessly.
Childe opens his mouth to retort, but you shake your head for the umpteenth time. “Drop it, Ajax. I’m serious; this is for everyone in the room, not just Childe. Understood?”
“Oooh. Not the real name,” Itto whispers, making a ‘yikes’ face.
You give the men a look.
“Understood,” the men reply simultaneously, nodding in response.
You take a deep breath and run your fingers through your hair. Archons, this is embarrassing. You hate being strict or acting this way with the twenty-five men. Your emotions are all over the place because of your pregnancy, but the men understand. They never get upset with you when you snap at them unintentionally. They know it’s because of your hormones and the changes going on with your body that is making you feel overwhelmed and stressed.
You let out a shaky sigh. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so strict and firm about this. I understand you all want to protect me and make me feel comfortable with my body while I’m pregnant. Still, I don’t want any of you to get in trouble with the law before the baby is born,” you whisper.
Itto opens his mouth to reply, but you quickly cut him off. “Or in general,” you add.
Itto closes his mouth with a pout. Diluc rolls his eyes at Itto’s reaction and gives you a small smile. 
“There’s nothing to apologize for, [Y/N]. We understand where you’re coming from. We promise this pregnancy will be smooth and stress-free, but some of us,” Diluc looks at Childe and Itto with a pointed look, “are hard-headed.”
“Don’t forget that things aren’t always going to turn out how you plan for them to go,” Gorou adds, leaning up to kiss the side of your head.
Your sickness lasted a few days, and as time flew by, you found yourself in your ninth month of pregnancy. You and the men are anticipating your labor, and you’re very nervous, but perhaps not as nervous as the men. You’re very tired, and your body is under a lot of strain than it was when your pregnancy first began. You also have a hard time holding in your pee, so you’re always going to the bathroom. You’re pretty sure the baby once kicked your bladder, almost making you pee your pants.
You step out of the bathroom, clutching your giant pregnant belly. “This is so embarrassing,” You grumble, walking past the men to toss your shorts and underwear into the washing machine. “This is the fifth time I peed my pants, all because this baby kicked my bladder and because I’ve had a hard time holding in my pee,” you grumble.
Kaeya ruffles your hair and kisses your head. “Hey, it’s okay. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I heard it happens to pregnant people often. You’re not the only one that experiences this kind of stuff,” says Kaeya.
Your lower abdomen starts to hurt, making you squeeze kaeya’s arms and clench your eyes shut. Kaeya looks at you worriedly, watching your hand fly to your swollen belly, your head ducking down while taking deep breaths.
Ayato steps forward. “Should we go to the infirmary to check and see if you’re okay?” Ayato asks.
You nod, reaching out for Ayato’s hand while Kaeya helps you walk forward. “It’s best that we go see Baizhu. I don’t know what’s happening, and it hurts,” you grunt.
When the other men hear about you visiting the infirmary in the estate, they all rush to the other side of the building and cram into the examination room. You’re laying on the examination bed, hands on your swollen belly, face pinching up in pain every other minute when the same feeling hits you again.
“What’s going on?” Zhongli demands, standing by your side and holding onto your hand.
You immediately squeeze Zhongli’s hand, leaning your head back on the headrest and closing your eyes. It hurts. You’re in so much pain, and even if it was brief, it still hurts so much and feels very discomforting. You take a deep breath and let out slow exhales, trying to remain calm and ignore the pain that appears every now and then.
“The pain [Y/N] is feeling are contractions. How do I put this without setting you all into a panic?” Baizhu murmurs, stroking his chin.
Thoma looks at Baizhu cautiously, holding his hand up. “What do you mean by setting us all into a panic?” Thoma asks cautiously.
“[Y/N] is currently in labor, but their water hasn’t broken yet,” Tighnari replies.
Everyone around your starts to panic and speak over each other. You lightly smack yourself on the forehead and watch the men debate on whether you should give birth at the estate or go to a hospital somewhere in Teyvat to give birth. The contractions hit you again, making you tense up and suppress a groan, your nails digging into the palm of your hands.
“Guys, can we please not argue right now?” You call out, breathing heavily.
Dainsleif turns to Baizhu. “We need to get them to the hospital. The estate’s infirmary isn’t made for delivering babies. What if [Y/N] has difficulty giving birth naturally? They’ll need to have a c-section, and the estate’s infirmary is not equipped for that either,” Dainsleif crosses his arms over his chest.
“He’s right. And looking at [Y/N]’s current condition, we need to get them to the infirmary as soon as possible before their water breaks,” Albedo interjects. 
Albedo walks over to where you’re lying and helps you sit up. You wince and slowly get off the examination bed, clutching your baby bump. You signed up to be a parent, but you did not sign up for the amount of pain you’ll be feeling for the next however long this is going to go on. Labors can last up to over nineteen hours, and that is something you’re not prepared for. Hell no. 
Do you know what else you’re not ready for? The doctors have to cut your entrance to your butthole for the baby to have an easier way out. Heck, sometimes the doctors don’t even have to do it; it can rip on its own while you’re giving birth. Now that you think about it, maybe a c-section is the better option than feeling the pain of natural childbirth.
“Wait! If we’re going to take [Y/N] to the hospital for the delivery, what region are we going to go to?” Venti asks, scratching his chin. 
“Does it matter? [Y/N] is in labor right now!” Aether hisses, nudging Venti in the ribs.
Heizou hums, rubbing his chin with his thumb and index finger. “I mean, I would prefer [Y/N] to give birth in Inazuma,” Heizou comments.
You sigh out of frustration, leaning against Albedo and hugging your bump. Not another debate on where you’re going to give birth. You don’t care what region the baby is going to be born in! Does it really matter?
“I think we should have [Y/N] give birth in the region where the baby’s father is from!” Dottore interjects.
You stare at the men in disbelief. You close your eyes and shake your head, your body tensing up momentarily when the contractions kick in. Putting that aside, you think Dottore’s suggestion is a bit… unrealistic. You say that because there are men whose nations are destroyed and no longer exist. Albedo gives your arm a comforting squeeze, pulling you close to his chest.
Kazuha gives Dottore a fake smile. “I don’t think [Y/N] cares about what region the baby is born in. They just want to get to the hospital as soon as possible and prepare for the delivery,” Kazuha states, looking over at you.
You nod in response, letting out a shaky sigh. “I don’t care what region the baby is born in. Just take me to a hospital and let me pop this dang baby out!” You hiss, reaching for the nearest person and shaking them.
You stop shaking Xiao when you feel something wet gushing down your legs. Your hand flies to your belly, and you look down at the liquid pooling around you. It’s not blood, thankfully.
“Oh, no,” you whisper. 
“What just happened?” Al Haitham demands, pushing through the crowd of men to try to get to where you’re standing.
You groan and tap on Albedo’s chest frantically. “Isn’t it obvious? My water just broke! We need to go to the hospital immediately! I don’t care what region the hospital is in! Just let me get this over with because it hurts so much!” You plead.
Xiao yanks you from Albedo’s grasp and sprints out of the estate’s infirmary with the other men following behind. You didn’t think you would go into labor so early, but unfortunately, pregnancy is unpredictable. You’re prepared to be a parent. You’ve read many books and made sure you’re informed. What you’re not ready for is how long the labor will last and finding out who’s the father of your soon-to-be-born newborn baby. 
Archons, you and the men are not prepared for you going into labor. Kaveh and Capitano will have to return to the estate once you get checked into the hospital to grab necessities. Who knows how long you’ll be in labor.
Note: Idk why I got a sudden burst of inspiration for this fic, but it's here, and it's out! Hopefully, this is the last of a lengthy fic regarding pregnancy. If any of you want a glimpse of the parent life with the reader and the Genshin men, feel free to ask me in my inbox once I open them! I'll be opening them soon and answering any questions. Requests are still closed, so keep that in mind. Oh, and regarding the Burning Desire fic, I will be closing the Google Form very soon. So, vote for whichever Gensin man you want to start off the new smut series before I close the form! To my new and/or returning readers, please keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
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caspersickfanfics · 3 months
I am. Undone. I need 10-12 business days to recover from your fic 😭😭😭 (but like in the best way possible!!!)
angst like with partners fighting is Honeslty so scary to read sometimes!!! But!!! SOMEHOW you paint this beautiful picture of real and RAW upset and hurt and flaws AND ITS STILL OKAY IN THE END!!! there’s something so healing about that??? Like hello????? Because their bond is so much deeper than moments like this. I LOVED how vulnerable Tighnari was, his high standards for himself and his really VALID frustrations!!! Fuck that guy that sabotaged their letters that’s so (clever of you) but EVIL!! But also like, I loved his very human mistakes too! And his even more human break down 🥺🥺 he sounded so terrible and Just sooo defeated. I like to think Cyno stayed for days just silently but very specifically doting on him, making sure he had gentle foods to eat, extra protective, extra silly, and super reluctant to leave.
speaking of I know Tighnari is our caretaker king but I think cyno simply excels at creating safety and holding space for Tighnari. Cuz the anxiety he must have felt was so real!! I was feeling it as a reader lol 😂 but he trusts nari and chooses to breath and wait and meditate- like that’s so honestly goals and such a healthy response!!’ And then after that he’s just more than anything ready to hold Tighnari and meet him wherever he is and protect his heart and - GAAAAAH I can’t!!!!!! Like he may need a bit more instruction on how to heal people in the literal sense but I’m convinced he heals Tighnairs heart over and over again. 😭😭😭😭 this was so good- OH and the ENDING!!! so sweet and fluffy 🩷🩷🩷 I was so glad that nari was able to begin to relax a little, and make a joke WITH cyno aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!! My HEART!!! and just nari scooping Cyno back because he demands more cuddles. Beautiful. I’m so proud of them I love them. I want what they have 😭😭 I LOVE your cynari fics!!
!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU?!?!? give me some days to cover recover from this ask please i have melted into a teary-eyed puddle
Okay, attempting to be coherent - I'm really glad you enjoyed it despite the extra tension of arguments. I had points while writing this where it was very stressful because of that, but I honestly just wrote and re-wrote until I found the words to make it comfortable for me, without taking away from the bite and the conflict. It ended up being surprisingly healing. I like the idea that emotions, even when they aren't expressed in the best ways, exist to inform us about ourselves and the people around us in a way that words sometimes fail, so I wanted to make sure something good would come from the conflict, in the end. I'm not sure I'm expressing this well, but - they care about each other enough to see bad behavior and go "that was wrong, but I still care about the hurt that's behind it because I trust your goodness and love your whole" and I think they are stronger for it (both individually and as a unit).
And yes that evil guy is not gonna have a fun time when Cyno's back at work 😈
Tighnari 🥺 he had such a rough time, our little fox guy. He was under so much stress already and the migraine and the storm on top of it :( If I were a fluff writer I'd absolutely write a whole extra chapter of Cyno coddling him, because he deserves it. They'd also figure out an actual plan for getting both of their needs met - Tighnari needing support with Collei, Cyno balancing that with his job demands. They probably set up weekly check-ins, so that if the communication is ever disturbed again, they'll know right away.
Regarding Cyno - outside of the unresolved trauma (it's there, but not always making itself known), I guess I headcanon him as being quite emotionally healthy! He doubts himself a lot because the trauma bits feel uncontrollable, but he's a good listener, and he cares, and I like to think he had to learn a pretty extensive degree of emotional control to manage Hermanubis at a very young age. There are some complexities there, where his initial instinct for himself is to numb or push the emotions away, associating strong feelings with danger and damage, but he has to have some logical understanding that emotions become dangerous when they're ignored for too long. So he tries to keep things unpacked, even if he prefers to do that when he's alone. Of course, he misses things sometimes.
All this to say - I agree!!! I think he manages his own worries and concerns and even grief really well in this fic. He knows they're there, takes a step back to check himself, and either embraces the feels or sets them aside for later based on what's most needed and productive for the situation. It goes along with "endurance vs. patience" - endurance relating to withstand poor circumstances (which is how he (correctly) interprets/internalizes Nari's temper); patience relating to response to wrongdoings (why the evildoer will have a Very Bad Time with Cyno). (No one asked but I interpret Tighnari as someone with a great capacity for both of these, but who is selective with when to utilize them)
Ugh the ending - I was cringing at myself and them but I now have a Need to include a bad Cyno joke whenever I write him 🤣 I am glad it added a bit of fluff and healing as well though!!
Wow I apologize for such a long response and like, an entire unsolicited character analysis, I think I'm still processing my own feelings about this fic 😂 😭 If anyone reads this far... thank you for your time?? ^^;;
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