#Whelp. This came to mind so here ya go.
30. Partner
Joey didn’t like about how the ritual turned out, but when life gives you lemons… you uhh... panic internally and tell yourself everything is fine while locking yourself up and sending a letter to your old business partner praying he can fix this, or at least make it somewhat better. Thankfully for Joey, Henry seems interested. (Set in an urban fantasy au where chunks of human souls are used in Toon creation, but not entire souls or whole ass human beings, except for Joey, who fucked up the first ritual and it blew up in his face.)
Henry was surprised when he got the letter;
Dear Henry,
While our partnership in this studio was short lived, it was… it could have been... I want to-
Oh fuck it.
Well, Sammy knows about ...this, but he already put most of his soul into five other toons and he’s still recovering from that, so I don’t think he could help and survive it.
(Ps. Please don’t laugh at me when you see me, what I’m going through is already bad enough.)
Your best pal,
Joey Drew.
At first he thought it was some kind of prank, but decided to humor his old friend. He was retired and didn’t really have a busy schedule, so why not catch up with an old friend with an increasingly odd sense of humor?
While he could see Joey tampering with the stuff to cut some corners here and there, he assumed that the man would have taken careful precautions to protect himself from it’s effects, especially when considering how magic liked to mess with the people who used it.
“Alright Joey, I’m here…” He stated to himself as he parked his car near the studio that seemed much bigger than it used to be. “Let’s see what you wanted me for.”
The bustling studio seemed to pay the man no mind as he wandered through the now unfamiliar building. The room that used to be Joey’s office was now someone else’s office, the art department was a lot bigger, he swore that there were doors and rooms that couldn’t even structurally be there, and when he somehow ended up in the music department, he noticed the addition of an infirmary. It was a concerning addition, especially with how busy it looked, but it was better than it not being there.
“Oh hey, Henry!” A voice the former animator didn’t recognize appeared from behind him “Long time no see! How’s da wife and kids?”
He turned to see a rather lanky looking janitor who had a smile with a missing tooth. It took him a bit to remember the man as he had certainly changed in the years he was gone, but it clicked as he saw the man’s hat.
“In da flesh!” The janitor exclaimed. “So what brings ya here anyway? Stroll down memory lane?”
“Well, not exactly, Joey wrote me a letter, can you show me where his new office is?”
“Oh sure, no prahblem!” Wally gestured for Henry to follow him. “Not sure if anyone’s told ya dis yet, but there’s been a lotta weird stuff goin’ on eva since da new toons got animated in da otha sense of da term. Sammy’s been gettin’ sick a lot lately, if he’s not workin’, he’s in da infirmary, Ink around here’s actin’ less like ink and more like some kinda prankster, and Joey refuses ta leave his office, keeps everyone outta there but nobody’s seen him, not even a shada of da guy!”
“Sounds like there’s a lot going on...”
“Ya tellin’ me! So from your end, is it true dat you an’ Joey are partnering up again?”
“If we are, then it’s the first time I’ve heard about it…”
After a while of going through a maze of a studio, Wally had led Henry down to an office that Henry could only guess who it could belong to, the giant sign saying “OFFICE OF JOEY DREW” over the door was truly the subtlest sign of the Office’s owner.
“Whelp, here we are! Now I’d love ta stay an’ chat but da last time I came here without joey knowin’ I was here, he flipped out on me! So, I gotta get outta here. See ya later!”
As the janitor left, the retired animator took a deep breath and opened the door to let himself in.
The office was mostly empty except for some standard furniture and Bendy Memorabilia on the shelves, but Henry swore he saw something move from behind the chair.
When the retired animator took a look at what was behind the chair...
He bit his lip and covered his mouth with his hand in an attempt to stop himself from laughing out of sheer surprise, not the fun laughter, but that nervous laughter. He was almost expecting a seven and a half foot tall, distorted amalgamation of human and something else.
He was not expecting to be face to face with... A slug-like creature made out of ink.
The creature already looked stressed out, especially with its own body, and Henry wasn’t the type to rub salt into the wounds, so instead he asked the other question on his mind.
“So... I’ve heard rumors that you’ve wanted to rekindle our old partnership...”
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cellard0ors · 4 years
No one hated this. so, it's continuing. I have no title as of yet. Still dedicated to @lallyloo
Part 1 here
Rhett used to live closer.
Now he doesn’t.
Link knows there are a variety of factors that went into the move, and he respects them. Still, it was nice before - when he didn’t have to travel so far. Now here he is, driving out into the middle of nowhere to see someone who used to be a short distance away.
Everything used to be…closer.
Sometimes Link looks back, riffles through his memories and it’s almost painful. It’s not that the memories are bad per say, it’s more how they feel. So close and so far – recent, yet ages ago. It’s an uncomfortable dichotomy, so he does his best to just concentrate on the present.
And, presently, he’s pulling up to a tiny little cabin surrounded by towering California redwoods. His car crunches loudly over the gravel drive - loud enough to summon his friend, even if his hearing’s declining. Although - to be fair, Link’s hearing is not the greatest either.
Hearing, sight, the combined ache of your muscles and bones - yeah, getting older is a real bitch. Not a word Link likes to say, much less think, but facts are facts. Age isn’t pretty, albeit there are some advantages. One of which being that you can pretty much go and do whatever you please, whenever you please.
Especially if you made a rather lucrative creative endeavor at one point. Mythical Morning may be gone, but the capital earned is doing its job of keeping him cushy in his golden years. Rhett as well, who certainly couldn’t have afforded this place otherwise and as he emerges from his home he offers a wave.
Link returns it, but finds he has to fight off a scowl. Really, it’s not fair. Link went silver early and he always thought he looked pretty damned handsome with it- a total silver fox.
But Rhett?
Well, Rhett always did have a history of beating him.
He might have gone silver later, but damned if he doesn’t wear it better. His beard is neatly trimmed, long hair tied back and he looks like some kind of rugged highlander cowboy combo that could get away with being on the cover of one of those old romance novels Christy used to thumb through.
A man his age shouldn’t look so good.
Rhett shouldn’t look so good.
And considering what Link’s come here to talk about he really doesn’t want to think about that right now.
Focus on the present, Neal, he reminds himself, shaking his head while he parks. When he gets out Rhett charges up, one hand out for a shake, which Link takes and then the two share a brief, back slapping hug.
“How ya been, brother?”
“Told you last night - tired and tired of being tired. You?”
“Same,” Rhett chuckles, “but figured if you were makin’ the drive up here, there might be more to say.”
There is, but Link’s not ready for it, instead clearing his throat while moving towards the two rocking chairs near the porch, “Mind if I-?”
“Help yourself,” Rhett says with an expansive gesture and the two end up seated and looking out over the wilderness. Link’s been here before. They’ve done this before. Just sat in these chairs and shot the shit. But today, Link finds himself a little more riled than usual, a little stiffer, and Rhett must pick up on it, because he sighs, “You might as well spit it out.”
“Spit what out?”
“Whatever it is you’re trying to avoid, bo,” Rhett says and he’s got a cooler of sprite nearby. He grabs a can and cracks it open, taking a swig before continuing, “We can sit here and waste time until you work up the nerve or-”
“I have the nerve!” Link cries but Rhett just goes on as if he hasn’t been interrupted, “-you can just spill. Probably feel better after.”
“Doubt that,” Link grouses and reaches into the cooler to get his own drink. Because Rhett managed to call him out so smoothly, so quickly, he decides to take his time on purpose. What was it Lily said? Be ‘deliberately obtuse’? It’s not quite what he’s doing now, but close enough.
Rhett, unbothered by Link’s act of defiance, merely sips his can and rests in his chair - annoyingly regal and relaxed. Sometimes Link really hates him. But it’s the kind of hate that’s so tangled up with affection that it’s irritating beyond measure, so he just stews over his own soda and waits.
For the longest time, it feels like neither will break the silence, but - considering Link came here to see Rhett and not the other way around - he decides (very graciously, he might add) to bend first, “Is it ever hard on you?”
One of Rhett’s eyebrows wing upwards, “Is what ever hard on me?”
Link shifts about, suddenly wishing these wooden chairs had some cushion, “The whole,” he waves a hand around them, “lonely woodsman thing?”
“…you think I’m lonely?”
“Well, I mean…” Link feels very tongue tied and very stupid and he doesn’t want to somehow inadvertently insult or hurt his friend, “Do you-? Do you ever think about how-how things changed?”
Rhett shrugs easily, “Things change, Link. That’s just life. Nature.”
“Yeah, I know, I know,” Link grumbles, “But I mean-? I’m more like-?” he growls under his breath because he’s annoyed that he can’t articulate his thoughts easily, “You and Jessie…”
“What about me and Jessie?”
“I mean…you were married…”
“We were?” Rhett asks the last as if it’s a hugely shocking revelation and Link hopes his expression manages to convey how he feels about that kind of response, “Yes. You and Jessie were married and then, y'know, um, you-you weren’t and I-I guess I just wondered if-if-?”
Rhett takes a deep pull on his sprite before sighing, “Are you asking if I’m lonely without Jessie?”
“Uh…sort of? Or, I mean, more-more directly - did you ever think this…this is how it would end up.”
“Gosh, no,” Rhett laughs and the corners of his eyes crinkle in that way that always makes Link’s heart twirl a little, “No, I sure didn’t. But; mean, ’s like I said, things change. So do people. Jessie and I loved one another, but,” he shrugs again, “Kids grew up, moved out, and when it was just me and her we’d found things’d changed.”
“But…” Link sounds sort of lost, “How?”
Rhett’s narrows his eyes at him, “Man, you know how. We’ve talked about this! She and I were just…different people than we used to be. Different from who we were when we got married and all. It wasn’t bad - we still loved one another. But there just…”
He rolls his shoulders and sighs again, one big hand rubbing at the back of his neck, “Wasn’t that spark anymore. I love her. Still do. Heck, we still talk - just spoke to her last week! But being in love with her?”
The last is asked in a way that pretty much answers itself. Link gets it. He does understand it. And as Rhett said – they’ve talked about this before. Back when it first happened, even. Link knows the story. He knows it and he knows it and yet…
“I guess, I’m…well, I’m-I’m just asking because you-you live up here all by yourself and I…I live by myself and…”
Rhett’s heavy lidded eyes take on this sad, soulful look, one that makes Link’s throat close up around his words, “That what this really about, brother? You thinkin’ about Christy again? You really the lonely one?”
“Yes,” Link blurts and, sort of horrified that he did, rushes on, “And no. No, mean…this-this isn’t about Christy…this-this is about Lily.”
Rhett’s eyes widen and his head rears back, the confusion on his face paramount, “Okay, alright then - color me perplexed, 'cause I don’t see how my being lonely and then your being lonely has anything to do with your daughter.”
“Lily thinks we should go out!” Link squeaks loudly and hoo boy! Bad enough the words came out in that sharp of a tone, but he also Did. Not. Mean. To. Say. Them!
He was planning on working into it in a far more casual manner. Maybe even jokingly. Like, 'Hey, my daughter thinks we should go out! Isn’t that a laugh riot?’ Or 'So, my children are conspiring against us!’ Or really anything - any way - different than how it came out just now.
Rhett, for his part, doesn’t seem all that rocked by this announcement, “Oh. Um. Alright. Sounds good.”
“Sounds good?!” And wow. Just wow. Link thought he sounded squeaky and loud before. That came out even worse. Mickey-Mouse-sucked-on-helium-and-went-hysterical worse. Rhett must have misunderstood, right? Right?!
As if sensing the question, Rhett finishes off his sprite and tosses the can in a nearby trash can, “Sure. We can go out. Where you wanna go? Wouldn’t mind takin’ a trip. Been an age since we done it.”
His reply confirms Link’s thinking and he deflates, but only a smidge, because he now knows he still has to explain, “No, no, no. I-I mean she wants us to go out. As-as in out out.”
Watching the realization dawn on Rhett’s face should be funny. It really should. More so when he asks in a higher tenor, “Out out as in-?”
“As in a date, man. My little girl thinks we should date,” Link wants to make this into a joke. He feels like he should be able to do that. He knows he should. Because that’s what this is, isn’t it? One big joke and he tries to laugh but the sound comes out so false and weird he stops it immediately, instead pressing on, “Rest of my kids too. She was just…just the one elected to bring it up or-or something…”
Rhett sits up straighter and crosses his arms. His eyes dart from side to side and he looks like he’s thinking so danged hard about this. Way harder than Link thinks he should.
“Let me get this straight: your kids,” Rhett points to Link, “think we,” he waves a finger between the two of them, “should go out with one another?”
Rhett blinks several times as if he’s physically processing this. His mind a computer pushing through a big old file of data. Which is probably why he offers an indelicate, “Huh.”
“Right?!” Link cries, because he feels like Rhett understands. Rhett gets Link. Rhett knows exactly how Link thinks and feels and Rhett gets this situation, Link’s situation, perfectly.
“My kids pushed me back into datin’ long before yours did.”
…and this was not the response Link expected. He’d expected laughter. He’d expected an eyeroll. He’d expected anything but Rhett to say what he just said and thus his response is less than elegant, “Eh?”
“Locke and Shepard got on me 'bout dating only a year or two after the deal with Jessie was finalized. Think they were worried I’d become some ol’ hermit in the woods…” the last comes out in a bit of a chuckle as Rhett looks around them, “Can you believe that?”
Link can’t help but join him in chuckling on that front. Once the laughter dies down, Rhett sits up, threading his fingers together before letting his hands hang down between his knees, “Told ‘em I didn’t need it. You reach a certain age and you don’t date anymore.”
“That’s what I told, Lily!” Link crows; overjoyed that his pal is in agreement.
One slender shoulder rises and falls in an easy motion as he confesses, “Not that I haven’t been out though.”
This draws Link up short. It startles him. It makes him sit up as well, his own hands mirroring Rhett’s and one of his legs starts jiggling restlessly, “Y-Y-you’ve been-? Been seeing someone?”
“Nah,” Rhett offers a lazy grin, “Not seriously. Seen a coupla different folks, but no one I’d care to see again.”
Rhett had…or is…dating. Sure, he doesn’t call it dating, but still…the omission trips Link up. For some reason, he’d just believed both he and Rhett were in the same boat. Sure, Rhett was divorced, not widowed, but Link had felt – in some way – that it held the same sort of principle.
You chose someone to spend the rest of your life with and when their life or your life ended, that was that. There was nothing else, no one, else. And he’s aware how immature that is, how backwards-thinking, but it just…it’s what he always thought. Until now. Until this very moment where Rhett revealed that it’s not that way at all.
At least not for him.
Rhett…seeing people…with-with potential romantic intent…
For some reason it just doesn’t compute and now Link knows he’s the one blinking madly as he tries to process this. One reason it’s hard to swallow comes to mind, so he asks, "You-you never mentioned…?”
“Gentlemen don’t kiss and tell.”
“You’re telling me right now!” And there’s that hysteric tone again.
“Not givin’ you names, now am I?”
Link feels the sound of sheer disgruntled aggravation that leaves him right now really nails his feelings home. Rhett, however, is unmoved, “Gotta say though, Lily is way off base…”
Link’s hands unhook as he practically melts. A wave of relief washes over him, his whole body falling back to rest against the chair, “Finally!”
“…we already know one another.”
Link’s head snaps back up so quickly it defies his advanced age, “What?”
“Well, not only are we well past the age of dating, dating in and of itself is for people who don’t know one another,” Rhett returns candidly, “We’ve known one another damn near all our lives. So, telling us we should date isn’t quite right. If we went out, it’d probably be called something else.”
Rhett strokes at his beard thoughtfully, “Wonder if there’s a name for that? People who’ve known one another for a long time, but then decide to bump it up a notch. Mean, it’s probably still just called 'dating’, but I really think they should come up with another word for it, because they’re making up new words all the time for all kinds of things so, you think there’d be one for that.”
Rhett looks at Link and he edges closer to him, voice colored with concern, “You alright there? Thought I was the one with the bad hearing. My hearing aids really help, so if you think your ears are starting to go you can ask your doc about-?”
“My hearing is fine,” Link stresses, “But I’m not sure about everything else, because, apparently, I’ve woken up in some alternate universe!”
“…well, we did used to say we traveled the multiverse.”
“Can it, McLachlin!” Link points at him, tone sharp, “You’re the one who said it wasn’t a question you needed to answer!”
“…a question-?”
“Back on the show!” Link cries, “One time you said you didn’t need to answer the question of what it’d be like if we kissed or made out or-!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Rhett laughs and waves both of his hands, “Look…first off - for the most part - you’ve always had a better memory’n me. Even back before we were old coots. Second, pretty presumptions of you, ain’t it?”
Link frowns, waits for Rhett to continue the thought and when he does, it takes all the strength Link has within in his body not to strangle the other man, “Mean – you jumping right into kissing and making out…haven’t even taken me out proper yet. If you want to start courting me…”
“I don’t!” Link practically leaps to his feet at that. A rather impressive feat considering his body doesn’t move with near the alacrity it used to, “I-I-I mean, I’m-I’m not-!”
“No?” Rhett sniffs, “Rude.”
“What?” And Link hates repeating himself, hates sounding so stupefied but honestly: what the heck? “Do you want me to be courting you? To take you out out? To date?”
Rhett looks far too damned tranquil for this conversation, “Just because a long time ago I said I didn’t need to answer the question to that, don’t mean I’m not pondering it now.”
And with that, Link dies.
Or he feels like he dies.
Or something else.
Something transcendent. Something where he really has confirmed that, somehow, the planets have shifted, the stars have aligned, and he’s been transported to another universe, because he couldn’t have possibly heard that right.
Yet he knows he did.
Link feels lightheaded. He feels like he’s outside of his body, his voice coming back to him in an echo, lips moving unbidden, “But-? You’re-you’re not-? You’ve-you’ve never been interested in-?”
Another easy shrug, “Not sure if I’m interested in men. But I sure as shit am interested in you. Always have been.”
Link really thinks he should sit back down. Sit back down or fall down. Just…down…
His hands feels shaky and wild as they find the arms of the chair, as he lowers himself back into, as he breathes, “You’re interested in-in-in-?”
Link’s head moves around as if looking for someone else, because saying ‘in me’ (and the ‘me’ being Link himself) doesn’t seem at all possible.
Rhett, seeming to finally take pity on him, sighs, “When I say ‘I’m interested in you’, I’m not declaring some secret, unrequited, suppressed feelings for you, man. I’m saying you’re my friend, I find you interesting, and I ain’t entirely opposed to seeing if there could be more to it,” he unlaces his fingers to wave between them, “To us,” then he changes one of his hands into the two fingers to motion between their eyes, “To this.”
“…this…” is all Link can manage. It comes out faint and whispery. He’s still pretty convinced he died. Probably happened on the ride here. Damn twisty backroads.
“…’course if you’re not interested,” Rhett sucks his teeth, “Or chicken…”
Link snaps back to life right quick. He’s alive. He’s alive and in his body and his ears are burning, his heart pounding, his cheeks bright red as his blood pressure rises, “I’m not chicken!”
Rhett just eyes him balefully and-and the utter gall of it! Of those eyes looking at him in this fashion and Link puffs up, “I’m not! I’M a modern man, dang it! I-I’m not afraid to-to-!”
He runs a hand through his thick (now completely) silver hair and tugs it hard, “It’s just-? It’s crazy! It’s insane! It’s-it’s-it’s-!”
He’s stuttering all over himself, all the things he wants to say not coming out of his mouth quickly enough and he just points at Rhett accusingly, “It’ll ruin our friendship and be all kindas awkward and-!”
Rhett leans back in his chair, crosses his arms again and stretches out his ridiculously long, giraffe-like legs, “You know…we drank one another’s urine.”
Link stalls at that.
“Once upon a time.”
Link is still stopped. Enough that Rhett just breathes in and looks off to one side, “Messed around with one another’s feet. Did Mama Bird/Baby Bird. Cuddled with cockroaches.”
“Thought you said I had the better memory.”
“’Bout some things,” Rhett offers with a small grin, “My point is – we’ve done much crazier things. Only difference this time would be that it’s personal and it’s not for an audience.”
Link digests that, chews on it. He rolls it over and over again in his mind. Rhett seems to be waiting for him to answer – one way or another and when it becomes obvious that no real answer is forth coming, he lets out another sigh and rises up, wincing some.
Link would bet it’s due to his lower back twinging, because sitting long periods of time now just does that to him. Link knows, because it does it to him too.
Rhett puts his hands in his pockets and offers another blithe shrug, “Look, don’t worry about it. I don’t blame you if you’re-”
Link’s eyes are downcast. They went in that direction when he knew his final answer. He wants to raise his head. He wants to know who said it, that quiet word. So quiet as to almost be inaudible.
And shy.
Quiet, shy…unreal.
And he knows he said it. Knows it came from his mouth. And he feels it when Rhett gets closer to him, feels the heat of his friend and he can just make him out of his peripheral vision as he repeats just as quietly, just as shy, “Okay?”
Link licks his lips and looks up. He looks up into his friend’s kind eyes and feels his head wobbling on his neck as he nods, “Okay. Yeah. I…I guess it’s…it’s worth trying…”
“So,” Rhett’s lips tug up in one corner, a teasing sort of smirk, “You are courting me?”
Link shoves out at him and the two laugh. But the fact still remains. Link has just agreed to go out with Rhett. Out out. As in a date, as in…
…and Link knows, eventually, the panic will return. But for now? For now, it’s nice to just be with his friend and laugh.
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abloomntime · 3 years
A Bloom In Time Ch23 Poppy’s Day Out
"Last stop Express Town. Thank you for choosing PenCo Metro for all your space travels. We at PenCo value your time as customers and hope to see your lovely faces again soon. And hope you enjoyed your space traveling experiences with us." The few penguins that were on the metro along with Poppy, Cookie, and the girls excited the space train as it sat still in the giant tower like structure funnel that would take it back upwards to the moon. Passing a few other penguins and maybe an owl or two heading back towards it. "Attention boarding passengers. The Evening Express back to the moon will leaving within fifthteen minutes. Please be sure to have your luggage in hand when you board."
"Does he always have to say the same thing every time we use it?," Mu asked earning a slight frown from Cookie.
"That's his JOB. It's what he's supposed to do. Don't complain about him doing his job correctly."
Whelp. Here they were. Down on the planet finally and had real dirt under her feet.....Or sand. Really, REALLY hot sand. Blue eyes gazed around her at the scorching desert surroundings and the decently sized town of owls walking around. It looked as if she just walked into a western movie and stopped. There must've been at least a hundred and twenty different buildings if she was estimating it good enough from their spot on the hill. It was a decent sized town all right. Not too big. Not too small. But absolutely hot with the afternoon sun beating down on them and such. One gigantic building stood in the dead center of the town and it had a decent sized parking lot too. She was certainly more at ease and comforted at least. Express Town certainly looked more her time than the flashy neon lights of Moon City that's for sure. Smiling she followed along Cookie as the girls ran ahead of them a few feet giggling and playfully shoving at one another kicking up sand.
"This place looks pretty rustic," Poppy commented smiling. From the hill she could also see a set of train tracks leading into and away from the town and beside that was a train station. Everything just looked as it was in a western like town in her day. Not that she's ever been to one, but she did have relitives who did.
Cookie nodded in front of her watching the girls with a smile. "That there big building is the Dead Bird Studios. Most of the owls who live here work there or in the small shops around town. You see Conductor may be a little.....loud but he loves supportin' local shops here. He gets all his costumes from the famous clothing store nearby, and his coffee from Jukebox Cafe'. They have a delicious bird seed chocolate cappuccino...If you don't mind birdseed that is. My own little resturaunt is right across the street from the studios. I always wanted one, and thanks to the directors' generosity I finally did."
".....I think I actually saw one of this Mr. Grooves's picture shows now that I think about it." Her memory went to two night before while cleaning the attic and kitchen. She still couldn't sleep after a while and stayed up a bit watching something she couldn't remember fully on the television the girls left on.
"Oh really? Well Mr. Grooves certainly has a more flashier taste than Conductor but his are just as nice if you ask me," Cookie replied unbiased before looking over her shoulder at her. "The first place we'll stop by is Hawk's Eye Pawn shop."
".....Pawn shop?"
"It's kinda like a trading post. You trade things there for pons or bye somethin' they have on the store shelves."
Oh. So a trading post. She knew what those were alright, had one on the edge of the town she lived in. Where she got most of her furniture and goods actually. Following Cookie, they all went into the town of owls. And she got a good look at everyday life in a town of owls and birds. As soon they stepped foot in there she could see that everything was made a little taller thank goodness, she didn't feel like crawling through any more doorways and tunnels feeling awkward and big and clumsy. Funnily enough most of the houses they passed seemed to be nothing more than homes, if the stores didn't have open signs or display cases in their windows, she would've thought all of these were just more homes for these owls. And speaking of the owls, most were just walking around minding their own business, walking in or out of buildings, and Poppy even saw a few elderly owls in the comfy seats of rocking chairs on shady porches watching the world go by. The girls giggled and ran past them in a game of tag with Bow reaching her hand out trying to catch Hattie or Mu. And some of the old birds smiled at the energetic children. Poppy would admit they were definately a cute bunch as well. Still following the cat, Poppy lifted her arm up to wipe at her long bangs and forehead. It sure was hot, not surprising since it was a desert, but she hoped they'd get to this 'pawn shop' soon. And hoped it was cooler inside. The girls never got too far from them as they ran around kicking up dust and sand in their game as Poppy switched between watching them and looking around fanning herself. Where did they all get that energy? It was too hot to play in her opinion, and the weight of the gold in her apron was starting to hurt her neck and shoulders a bit. That was soon all solved when Cookie turned in front of an all brown wooden building and started up the steps leading into it. Of course Poppy and the girls following behind and running in. A small bell above the door rang out as the door was opened and Poppy sighed at the wave of cool air hitting them as they waltzed in. But was surprised at the stuff she saw. Calm guitar music played from a small radio in the corner as an owl held his head in his wing looking boredly at them from the desk, to his right was a register. All around the place was cluttered items jammed everywhere. From beds, to pots and pans lining the walls, to random objects she'd never seen before.
With a sigh the owl spoke. "Welcome to Hawk's Eye Pawn Shop, where we have a hawk's eye view for priceless and useful objects. Feel free to ask if you need any help.....or not, " he said in a flat tone. Giving Poppy the feeling of slight annoyance in her as she raised a brow. Luckily Cookie stepped in before anyone else could as the girls ran around looking at things like normal children their age did. Walking right up to the desk as the owl followed along lazily with his eyes as he stared at Cookie before rolling his eyes. "Hello, Ma'am. How may I assist you this fine evening?"
"Glad you asked." Cookie pointed over at Poppy. "My friend here has a lot of gold she'd like to trade in today."
"..Gold?" Immediately the owl's interest peeked as he chuckled and finally smiled at them, "Oh w-well this IS a surprise! Please come, come! You've come to the right place, Miss." He gestured for Poppy to come over and reluctantly she did as the owl rubbed his hands-....uh..Wings together and smiled widely at her. "Just allow me to measure it a-and we can get you your pons, Ma'am."
"Uh...Ok." She reached down to the larger pocket of the two and pulled out the heavy gold cheese wheel, it must've been fifteen pounds at least. She set it with a small thump on the table and the owl hooted in surprise at the large item she placed down. Blinking and gawking in surprise at the large thing. ....Which was followed by the trophy, and the potion bottle out of her large pocket. And then the Mafia statue, pencil, candle, gear, and cheese slice. The owl gawking at all the things laid out before him in pure gold glory. "There ya go. That's the lot of it."
The owl sputtered blinking at them all....Before reaching up to pull out a small magnifying device out of his breast pocket and picked up the golden candle. "T-T-This is!...INCREDIBLE!! I've never seen such fine craftsmanship in my life! AND IN PURE GOLD!! It's unmistakable! Pure. Solid. Twenty four carrot GOLD!!" He could almost FEEL the heat radiating off the candle, it almost looked like it could've been real at one point. He looked back at Poppy unbelieving. "W-Where did you ever aquire such beautiful items?!"
"Oh...I- Uh..." She had to think fast. She wasn't about to tell some stranger some magic alien potion turned these things into gold by some king roach. They'd think she was crazy. So why not tell the truth but a different truth. "My g-great granddaddy on my mama's side was a blacksmith. He worked with metal's all the time." Which was true. Her Great Granddaddy Silver Copper-field on her mother's side was a blacksmith.
"But we found them in the attic," Bow innocently chimed in tilting her head confused.
Mild panick flashed on Poppy's face. "Uh...W-Well people find all sorts of old things in their attics all t-the time!"
Which was another truth. But the owl seemed too enchanted by the items he rolled over his his hold to care about her nervous tone at all. "Well he must've been a fine crafter in his day. I've NEVER seen such beauty." He snapped up to her suddenly slamming his hands on the counter and leaning over making her jump in surprise and lean back. "I MUST have them! Won't you part with them! It'll make me the talk of the town for once besides those ratty directors!! I'll be the only bird in the world to have them!!"
Now Poppy could sense pretty well when some one was gonna fight being raised around a bunch of rowdy country folk that often fought over land and territory. And BOY! The way the two little girls and Cookie bristled at the comment the owl made sure did look like they were about to argue, but that was NOT what she came here to do. She wanted to get out and have a relaxing day seeing this new place, so thinking quickly she got between them and the owl smiling more than a greedy pirate. "Deal. But on the condition ya give me what I'm owed for it all, and the promise ya won't say a word about where ya got it from." She didn't need someone asking around in case.
He quickly agreed grabbed the gold one by one. "Oh I promise. I very, very promise. Hmhmhmhmhm!! Not one word out of me. After all I don't want anyone else to have one but me."
Poppy sighed and watched as with great difficulty the owl man just gathered up all the gold in his arms teetering and wobbling about as he went towards the left side of the counter. They all watched as he wobbled his way towards a large scale against the wall that reminded Poppy of the large scale the local banker used to have to measure her pons in whenever she went to put her savings in the bank, only much bigger. A few large clanging noises rang out as he dumped the gold into it and watched as the red arrow of the scale tipped until it measured-
"F-F-Fifty two pounds!," the owl gawked at the scales before giving a thoughtful look. "Let's see. Minus tax on gold fifty two equals up too about....." His eyes widened and he suddenly let out a hoot gripping the feathers on his head. "F-F-Five thousand pons!!"
"Oh....Do you not have that m-many pons?"
"Uh..." The owl nervously looked between her and the statues. "N-No. J-Just a little over half of it. B-B-BUT I-I C-CAN OFFER A TRADE!!" He quickly pointed around the cluttered place, as if nervous to lose the precious gold he so desperately wanted. "I-I can pay half and trade for the other! W-Whatcha say?"
Poppy stopped for a minute. Looking around the cluttered place with a raised brow, and gazing over everything slowly. That wasn't a bad idea actually. Since she could use some knew things once she gets settled on her own again and didn't need anymore help. And getting stuff for free? Now they were talking! Maybe this was the universe paying her back for all her troubles and hard work finally! Smiling she happily agreed to the deal much to the Owl's delight and he quickly scrambled about to grab all the pons he needed for the trade from a giant vault in the back and they began searching. Well, the girls found lots of little knickknacks like small toys and for Bow a large sunhat with a pretty blue bow on it and how could Poppy say no to that? Well, the red head wasn't going for any random fancy stuff like antique clocks or any other fancy thing right now. But considering $2600) was a lot of pons to trade for, she could spare them to choose a bunch of things for themselves. But looking among some used exercize bikes she found a few things she was really looking forward to see again. What else but some good old fashioned farming tools? A rake, gardon hoe, pitchfork, shovel combo! She hit the giant jackpot!! Smiling as she dragged the old things out of the dusty corner and examined them. They looked to be in good condition. Rusty and dusty, but a mighty fine condition if ya asked her.
"Uh. Ma'am, are you sure you want those?," the owl said leaning back over the counter staring, "T-Those are antique farming tools that were just dumped in the corner. No one would want them.
"I sure do!," She said smiling back at his confused face, "They're just what I needed.
"Well...Y-Yes, t-t-they're in great condition for three hundred year old tools. That's why they're here, they could run in the thousands. Are you sure you want to waste your time with them?"
"Yep!" She Heaved all of them over one of her shoulders with a smile. "I got a plan for these babies. You just keep counting the pons."
"Ok. If that's what you want. It'll be nice to get them out at least," he mumbled to himself ducking back behind the counter.
Continuing looking around a little bit, Poppy managed to find a gold club bag along with her search and stuck her new tools into it, slinging it over herself and able to carry about her new beauties easier. Turns out those tools and the old antique stove Cookie kept looking at. Poppy saw the way she kept longingly staring at it every few minutes of looking around and gladly said she'd take that for her friend here. Cookie insisted she didn't have to but Poppy's mind was already made up anyways, as stated she didn't need that much pons leftover to trade back here again anyways. And she deserved it for all the kindness she had shown Poppy a complete and utter stranger. Well it turns out the knick knacks Hattie stuffed in her hat, (just random things like a few teddy bears, jewelry, a grappling hook, and anything else a girl like her would enjoy) combined with the old stove and it's set, along with those old tools were just enough to cover the other half but she did have to fork over another 100 pons to cover the extra 100 pons the tax came out to be. The bag she was handed wasn't really big, about maybe a small decent sized pumpkin and weighed about as much as a large house cat did. And that went into her large apron pocket for safe keeping while slipping the gold back of farming tools over her. She still had $2,500 to spend. And that was quite a lot of pons especially. Luckily the things weren't as expensive as made out to be. But that did leave another question, what were they supposed to do now? Luckily Cookie had a fantastic idea after seeing the way the uh....tacky dress Poppy was wearing and had the idea for them to stop by the local clothing store much to the children's protest about how boring it was going to be. So they once again found themselves leaving the greedy owl to fond over his new prized possesions and left back out into the hot sun. Resuming their routine of Poppy following behind Cookie as she lead them down the street to wards the far side of the town as the kids ran around again chasing one another. The only difference was Bow was using one hand to keep that giant sun hat on her head now as she went around running after the first two. Poppy still couldn't figure out how Hattie kept all those things in her hat. Alien magic?
"You'll adore this lil shoppe," Cookie happily told her giving a bright grin, "They're real experts at fancy sewing. You see they make most of the costumes for the studio and the directors' movies."
"It sounds like this whole town thrives on that place huh?," Poppy stated giving a look around the old buildings and many owls walking by.
"Oh, this town has been here for quite a long time with the studios," Cookie corrected, "It's only until recently that business really thrived for lacol birds. In the less hotter winter seasons, people come from all over to get a glimpse at the two kooky canaries running those studios. Means Conductor gets some extra business running his train too, he likes to say more budget for his movies come from it."
"Wow. Really?" So this place was some kind of famous spot because of this Mr. Grooves and Conductor, whoever they might be. From what she's heard of them so far, they seemed really nice supporting local business and bringing in so many customers. And she had no reason to not trust Cookie so far. A smile graced her face when he spotted the girls run a little ways ahead of them and caught an earful of their giggles. That was until one fell over. It was just a small rock hidden in the sand that she didn't see, but that didn't stop Bow from tripping over it and faceplanting the sand, knocking up some sand in her crash. Poppy and Cookie both gave a small gasp of surprise and Poppy instantly ran over to her, metal tools clanking together on her back. Hattie and Mu had stopped hearing the thump in the sand from behind them at Bow's faceplant and watched as the curly haired girl pushed herself up. Bow laid there unmoving for a few seconds but by the time Poppy got over there to kneel next to her, she had pushed herself up crying a bit with her eyes shut and spitting out more sand from her mouth. Sun hat falling off her head as she did. Two hands grabbed her and turned her around to face the worried face of the red head as she looked her over. "What happened? Are you alright, Sweetheart?"
"My eyes burn!," Bow cried reaching her balled fists up to wipe at her face but was stopped by Poppy pulling them away.
She sighed. "Well don't rub them, you probably just got some dirt in your eyes needin' ta be flushed out." Looking around she spotted an outside water pump fountain like the one her old home hand and without another thought picked up the tiny girl and stood back up. Bow still crying at the stinging and wrapping herself around Poppy's shoulder as she walked. "Oh hush now. All you need is to rinse it out with a lil water and you'll be right as rain!" She carried Bow over to the small pump across the street and pried her off to set the small gal down in front of the Nozzle. "Now I'm going to pump some water out, and I want you to start rinsing out those eyes and mouth of yers. Ok?" Bow sniffed still crying small tears down her face and Poppy grabbed a hold of the pump handle. Pushing n pulling it up and down to summon the water underneath. A garbling sound came from the pipe's inside and with a pop sound, cold water burst out from the pipe and sprayed the small child in the face. Bow jumped in surprise at the sudden cold water on her but sputtered and swiped at her face and the stream of water hitting her. After a few more seconds of it, Poppy stopped and allowed the strong stream to trickle slowly before stopping completely. She watched as Bow turned her cheek the other way and spat out a mouthful of water, coughing and wiping at her face. Now all soaking wet. She rubbed at her eyes for a moment before blinking her eyes open and looking up with red eyes. There we go. Now that she could see, her eyes would be irritated for a lil bit, but it wouldn't be worse than just someone suffering from a bit of hay fever. "There we go. All better."
....Bow sniffed and blinked. Wiping one eye with her hand and looking down at herself, her other hand grabbing her white jacket. "Now I'm all soaked and cold."
"Uh...Yeah." Poppy rubbed her head. "Kinda figured the sun would dry ya out, but I guess I can buy ya a new dress while we're at this here clothin' store.''
"...*sniff* Really?"
"Absolutely." Walking back over, Poppy bent down and repicked Bow up into her arms letting the little girl grab onto her. "We'll get ya a nice pretty dress that'll make you look like a darlin' lil princess!...Well more of a princess than you are already."
Bow smiled again sniffing and Poppy smiled at her...But paused when she heard someone else awing at them from behind and when she turned around there was a pair of old birds on a shady porch right behind them. The old birds were smiling at them from their rocking chairs like what they were seeing was the most precious thing in the world. "It's so nice to see such a responsible and caring young mother these days," one of them spoke smiling widely, "Your daughter looks like a darling little one."
......Poppy blinked. "Mother? Who me?" She pointed at herself with her free hand before shaking her head. "O-Oh! No, no! I'm not her mother! I'm just watching her for someone I know!"
"Oh, that's too bad. You would make a lovely mother for the dear."
Poppy chuckled nervously but Bow seemed to be looking at her with a strange look. "My...Mother?"
Giving a small thanks Poppy quickly excused herself from the watching eyes of the old birds and back over to Cookie who was waiting for them with the other two children. Wiping dust from the pretty sunhat and looking up at the soaked child in her arms. "Well. I can see we'll be needing to take care of that while we're in there too."
Poppy gave another nervous chuckle but grabbed the sun hat, handing it back to Bow who gladly plopped it back onto her head. Well, guess they weren't going to wait on getting this lil gal some dry clothing. Following Cookie the rest of the way there, they all came across possibly the girliest lookin' store Poppy had ever seen. It was all painted pink and white and had flowers in window pots. Well seeing those cute lil things made her smile at least, she always loved flowers. Above a sign was nailed above the door reading Mrs. Talon's Fabric Shoppe. Guess they were going in when Cookie walked right on up without a second thought so naturally Poppy and the children followed suit. A bell above the door rang like before and thank PECK it was another building big enough she didn't have to crawl through to get there. Upon entering it was the same pink and white themed as the outside. Along the walls was shelves upon shelves of fabric, balls of yarn and threads of all colors, sewing machines for sail along with smaller kits, and anything else one would need for making clothes. Such as buttons, sequins, patches, and books of patterns or techniques. Poppy noticed there was also a giant pink curtain in the back and next to that was a rack of already made dresses with a sign that said 'discount bin half off'. In the very front of the store was a white counter, and a lady owl wearing a floral dress with glasses that made her eyes look too big for her face, but unlike the first owl this cashier welcomed them all with a smile and friendly voice.
"Good Evening, Customers! Welcome to Mrs. Talons! Here we tailor to creatures large and small," she replied in a high pitched tone, "How may I-...I-I..." Her impossibly large eyes went wide seeing the crew of five girls waltz in as Poppy closed the door shut with her foot. "I-....I DON'T BELEIVE IT!!" She suddenly squealed startling the red head woman into almost dropping Bow and blinking at the pig like squeal before the owl lady leaned over the counter looking at Cookie. "I DON'T PECKING BELIEVE IT!! THE COOKING CAT IS IN MY BOSS'S STORE!! M-Ma'am I'm your b-biggest fans! My owlets love your deep fried worm and rice recipe!" Cookie didn't even seem fazed as she chuckled and waved. Making the more owl all the more nervous at having the cat celebity in her store. "H-How may I help you, Ms. Cat?"
"Please. Call me Cookie." Cookie pointed at Poppy still holding Bow in her arms. "We got a youngin' who's in need of some dry clothes and a fashion emergency if I say so myself."
The owl looked up at the two humans adjusting her glasses and frowning at Bow's soaked clothes and the absolutely ghastly amount of tacky lace and fake rubies studded to the collar of Poppy's dark blue dress. Not a good mix, it looked like she was a desperate rich lady trying to play the part of princess. "Oh...I certainly see why. Well, unfortunately with my boss away currently working on a large order for Mr. Grooves, I can't offer anything except for the designs left out from last year's tourism season." She gestured a wing over towards the bargain bin and Cookie slightly frowned at the limited suppy.
"Are you sure you can't make one?"
The owl shook her head. "Sorry, Ma'am. For you I would in a heartbeat, but I'm just the cashier. I ring people out and offer assistance if the customer has questions. The only tailors are my boss and her assistant and they're already away on a giant order call. But if you're interested we do provide everything you need to sew yourself."
"That won't be needed," Poppy cut in slowly lowering Bow to the ground and standing back up and walking to the bargain rack, "I ain't the kind of picky prissy gal a lot of folks I knew was." Walking up right to the rack she skimmed through the options of dresses available and to be honest most were plain day to day dresses without any patterns, but that suited her just fine. She wasn't real picky when it came to clothing as long as it fit ok and it didn't look like the ghastly thing she was wearing so she just grabbed a few random dresses off the bargain pile that was the same size she was wearing. A plain all pink and green one. One that was all white with purple flowers all over it. Another green one with a picture of a kitty cat in the middle of it. And just a purple one with some kind of black vine pattern. Looking back up, she noticed Cookie writing on a piece of paper as the owl excitedly watched, and she gave another small squeal when Cookie handed whatever it was over to her. How strange. Two of the girls were boredly bouncing some yarn balls...Where was- She got her answer when Bow pushed past her and reached up to rummage of her own accord, after a moment pulling out the only thing they seemed to have in a child's size. A bright orange dress with a single daisy on it's front. Her cringe made Poppy chuckle a bit and reach down to pat her head. "Hey. May not be the most pretty, but it's just til we get back an' then you can wear anything ya want. Alright?"
She didn't look happy but relented. "Fine."
"That's my girl!" She gave bow a smile as the little girl blinked and gave Poppy a confused look as she walked to the counter dresses in her arms.
"Your girl?"
Well, the clothes were bought. Which equaled up to about fourty six pons for all of the dresses including Bow's which she changed into behind the curtain. She was dry now but she didn't look like it stomping out and staring at her clothes in disgust. Well with two more bags in hand, one for her new dresses and one for Bow's, they excited the store and the girls were glad to not be coped up in there anymore except for Bow who followed the first two with crossed arms as the adults followed out.
"Come back anytime! Thank you for your purchase!," the cashier called out behind them and Cookie waved back.
"Ya seem to be well known, Huh?," Poppy asked the cat and Cookie shrugged.
"Lots of folks enjoy my work. Who am I to complain?"
"Touche." Poppy sucked in a deep breath and looked out into the world around them with a smile. "Man it's good to see ground that ain't littered with ghosts! But I wish it wasn't so hot!"
"Well this is a desert." Cookie smiled at Hattie chasing Mu around the two using Bow in the middle as a barrier from each other. "But they don't seem to have a problem with playin' anyhwere."
Poppy shrugged. "Doesn't surprise me with what I've seen. But I am surprised they aren't thirsty."
Cookie turned to her. "Why? Are you?"
"Well. A lil bit. When's the next ride back to the moon again?"
"Uh...Well I believe it's just a lil bit past noon, ya'll have to wait for the night train at ten o' clock."
Poppy snapped her head to her with a surprised face. "Wha- THAT LATE?"
"Well it IS the night train for a reason Sugar. But tell ya what, I'll treat ya'll to some real good food at the Jukebox cafe while ya wait." She started stepping towards somewhere else and Poppy slowly followed after.
"Oh no. You don't have to. It's alright."
"And let you eat nothing but a cheese wheel and apples?," Cookie shook her head, "Oh no, no. That wouldn't do at all."
"Ain't there a market or tradin' post with food in these here parts?," Poppy asked back making Cookie chuckle nervously.
"Well....Yes. B-But since everyone in town are actually birds, they don't really sell food catering to humans or many other species except for coffee and what's served in the cafe's since those places get to see more of a diversity especially when tourism comes a callin'. Otherwise it's bird seed, worms, insects, some fruit, and anything else birds eat. Most of what else they get is ordered from the city a couple miles away or mafia town. "
"Oh great. Guess it's cheese and apples for supper tonight then." Her stomach growled and she placed a hand to it shyly making Cookie chuckle.
"Don't worry. I'll send ya'll home with some left overs from mah kitchen set at the-...." Poppy suddenly stopped mid step body completely frozen as if she was paused in the middle of a movie and Poppy almost stepped on her tail stopping just in time. Cookie suddenly grabbed her fuzzy cheeks with a frown. "Oh no!"
"What's wrong?"
"I left my handbag at my set in the studios! My bird passport and wallet's in there, it let's me get free supplies from the cafe with the reward points."
"So...That means?"
"We're going to have to make a pit stop at the studios before anyone eats."
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geekgirles · 4 years
Look Me in the Eye
Whelp, it’s officially Novmeber 27th here where I live, so... HAPPY BIRTHDAY @tipolover22!!!! LOVE YA TO BITS AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS LITTLE SOMETHING!
“A retelling of ‘Eye’ll Be Watching You’ set in the Betrothed AU.”
It all started just like any other day. Poppy was showing Branch around her kingdom as she promised to do once she learned that, apparently, her father had only shown her husband what he’d seen fit for his plans and training. In other words, only anything that could be related to safety procedures. Everything else had been temporarily shut down until her subjects were in the advanced stages of their training.
But now the time had finally come. Her people were almost ready to defend themselves without the prince and his men’s help. And now that they had finally become two sickening sweethearts —like she’d always dreamed of being with whoever troll she’d end up marrying—, it was high time her dear husband learned of the wildest side of Rainbow troll fun.
At first Branch was hesitant. Whatever Poppy had planned had planted the seed of doubt deep inside his chest. In all fairness, it could have very well been because she refused to tell him what it was since it was a surprise. And while his adorable wife was incredibly thoughtful and a master at surprising people, he still did not like surprises.
Only when he was the one giving them.
And 9 out of 10 times when it was Poppy he was trying to surprise.
When they finally made it to the course race of the Flyer Riding event, his mind was conflicted. On the one hand, he could feel the anxiety spiking in his heart because Flyer Riding could be extremely dangerous if one didn’t have the proper safety equipment, which of course the Rainbow Trolls, being easy-going, fun-loving creatures, did not have. And on the other, those bugs were very promising steeds their subjects could use since there weren’t many hummingbirds in the Valley.
Hummingbirds had to be the only friendly critter that was scarcer in the Valley than in the Forest.
Despite his —countless— worries, everything seemed to be going alright. After all, as unexpected as it was to a Forest troll, Rainbow trolls were seasoned pilots when it came to Flyer Bugs. Poppy even made a point to remind him that too much safety could be smothering before flying off with her very own steed.
For a few, glorious minutes Branch couldn’t do anything else but gaze lovingly at the pink beauty he married. There she was, flying with a confidence and ease most of his soldiers would’ve been envious of when they were learning to fly their hummingbirds. And she did it so beautifully, too. The wind caressed her silky, magenta locks as it carried the melodious sound of her laughter, and for a moment, he was jealous of the wind. The sun hit her skin just right, giving it a rich pink hue. And her face was the pure definition of excitement. Just from a glance, one could feel the adrenaline coursing through their own veins, very much like she was experiencing at the moment.
Yeah, that gorgeous, brave and charming princess was his wife, and he didn’t know what he’d do if he lost her.
But, of course, he had to jinx himself.
Everything happened so fast he barely had time to register it.
At the same time as Poppy was trying one of her signature moves she’d learned a few summers ago from Vanessa Heitz, Aspen Heitz’s late sister, Suki, who was on her free day, collided with her in a moment of uncharacteristic irresponsibility. And while Suki managed to regain balance on her bug, Poppy wasn’t so lucky. She plummeted to the ground, her terrified screams promising to hunt Branch in his nightmares until his last breath. But the second most terrifying thing was that Branch could only watch as it all happened right before his very eyes, the scene before him so shocking it paralysed him completely.
But the most terrifying thing was, without a doubt, the few agonising moments where he thought he’d lost his wife forever. As she fell, he could see his entire life flash before his eyes. It was said that such thing could only happen to the person whose life was in danger, but in all honesty, if Poppy didn’t make it, Branch’s own life was as well as over.
His heart was pumping so wildly it could’ve shot off of his chest at any time. Dread overflowing him, he hastily peaked his head from the cliff he stood from to catch a glance of his wife, “Poppy!” he cried.
From his vantage point he could see a mass of trolls circling around Poppy’s form. Her eyes were close, and he begged to all things above him that she was just unconscious. With dread as his only motivation, he strode down to where his wife lay, kneeling by her side, her hand in his, “Somebody call Doctor Plum Plimsy, quick!”
The trolls around him could only gasp in astonishment. In all the months the Forest Prince had lived with them, his voice had never hold such fear. The pain inside him so overwhelming it manifested in the form of his breaking voice. It was such a stark contrast to the stoic, collected leader who worked so well under pressure they’d come to know, that it rendered them speechless. And to Branch’s frustration, motionless.
“Are you deaf?! We need Dr Plimsy, pronto!” he bellowed.
“Branch, she’s with me! She’s here!” Smidge said. True to her word, the purple troll with band-aits adorning her neon green hair was right behind her.
Dr Plimsy kneeled down beside Poppy, opposite from the princess’ distressed husband. “Your Highness, please, if you would be so kind to tell me what happened.”
“Poppy was riding her Flyer Bug when she collided with Suki. She lost control of her steed and came plummeting to the ground, hitting a few leaves and branches in the process.” He recounted, his hand never letting go of Poppy’s. “Please, Dr, will she be OK?”
The purple troll took a deep breath, “I must figure out what the trouble is first, Your Highness.” She then proceeded to examine Poppy, gently touching and rubbing the areas that seemed to have taken the worst of the fall. When she rubbed the princess’ ankle, Poppy finally stirred.
Relief washed over him in waves when he saw her eyes opening. And he could have cried of joy the moment he heard her voice. “B-Branch…? Wha-what happened?”
Branch was about to answer when he felt Dr Plum’s hand on his shoulder, interrupting him. “You fell and sprained your ankle, Poppy. But let’s take you to your room so I can examine it further just to make sure.” She then turned to Smidge, “Smidge, could you please help me lift her up so we can take her to the Castle-pod?”
Smidge did as she was told, but before the green-haired troll could reach them, Branch addressed her, “Dr Plum, shouldn’t I accompany my wife? She just had such a nasty fall that I…” I thought I was going to lose her, that thought was so horrifying, Branch didn’t even want to say it aloud.
Fortunately for him, the lab coat clad troll spoke first. “Your Highness, I believe it is best if I make sure Poppy has just sprained her ankle, and I will work better if it is just her and me in your room.” Seeing his anxious expression, she added, smiling softly, “But you’re free to spend as much time with her as you want once she’s all patched up. I know how much she’ll appreciate having you near.” After patting his back gently, she made her way to where Smidge was waiting for her, a disoriented Poppy leaning on the teaspoon troll’s shoulder.
As the three girls became spots in the distance, Branch’s expression hardened. “Commander, we have got to talk.”
Inside the Castle-pod, in the hall that led to the Royal couple’s bedroom, a furious Branch was pacing in front of Suki, her head hung low in shame. If she hadn’t known she was in trouble the moment she crushed into Poppy’s bug, she was well aware of it the moment Branch called her ‘Commander.’ He hadn’t called her by her military title ever since Poppy started help him to lower his guard, and even before that he only really called her like that in the Forest when they were on duty or the circumstances were serious.
Just like now.
“I just don’t understand!” Branch ranted, just like he’d been doing for the last half hour. “How could you be so irresponsible as to not look where you were going?! And while you were flying, no less!” The grey troll was so far gone in his own rage and bewilderment, he still hadn’t moved on from asking that same question. But it was surreal! The whole situation didn’t make sense! Suki had been so reckless she didn’t pay attention to where she was going, which could have resulted in Poppy getting gravely hurt… He could have expected that kind of behaviour from Mulberry, or Fiona and Finnick, but Suki?! “Do you have any idea what could have happened?! Poppy could’ve-!”
“Branch, enough!” Under any other circumstances, the DJ would’ve never raised her voice at her Prince when he was scolding her for something that was her fault. But he went too far, acting like she wouldn’t be shaken too if something serious had happened to Poppy. “I know what I did was one of the most stupid things I have ever done, but you don’t get to treat me like I’m not perfectly aware of it either!” She was so stressed out, she could feel the tears in her eyes threatening to spill. “I know you could have lost the love of your life, but I…” she pointed at herself, her eyes red from unshed tears and her teeth gritted from helplessness, “I could’ve killed my best friend. So you don’t have to beat me up about it; I’m doing a fine job at it myself.” And with that, she hurried down the halls, her hands desperately trying to hold back the cries coming from her throat.
Branch looked down in shame. While it was undeniable Suki had been too reckless, she was right in being angry at him. He was being too selfish. Even if the both of them were clearly shaken for what could’ve happened, it was Suki who would’ve had to live with the guilt, not him.
He made a mental note to apologise to her as soon as he’d checked on Poppy.
At that moment, Dr Plimsy exited the room. “Just as I thought, just a sprained ankle. She just needs a few days of rest and to keep her foot high while she’s in bed.” She gave him a coy, knowing smile. “You can go see her, Your Highness.”
Branch was convinced he’d never moved so fast in his life, but he had to see her. He just had to see her smile. After the absolute terror he’d experienced not long ago, he was sure he would die if he couldn’t enjoy her radiant smile again. He needed it like oxygen.
Lying on bed, with her right ankle high, was Poppy. And the moment she saw him enter the room, she breathed air into his lungs. She smiled at him. Even when she was weary from what had soon become a very long day, she still found the time to gift him with the object of the sun’s envy. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have her in his life.
“Hey, honey. Are you OK- Branch?!”
He fell to his knees beside the mattress, startling his darling. Taking her hands in both of his, he started peppering them with desperate kisses, he could already feel the moisture in his eyes. Finally, he choked out, “I am now.”
Poppy couldn’t take it anymore, she hated to see him sad, especially because of her, so she did what she knew best; she brought him into a hug. “Oh, Branch!” She began to gently stroke his hair to calm him down, just the way he liked it. “Oh, honey, I’m so, so sorry I worried you like that! But I’m fine! …Well, mostly… But really, there’s nothing to worry about, I’m safe.” He didn’t answer, just held her tighter. Knowing it would take a while for Branch to calm down from such a scare, she just hummed appreciatively and returned his embrace with the same intensity and love as he offered.
But Branch’s mind was made up. That one had been way too close for his liking. He could take many things as the king-to-be of two nations, but losing the love of his life was something that would certainly end him. If there was anybody he wanted to keep safe at all costs, that was Poppy. He would do anything in his power to keep his wife by his side.
And he knew just what he had to do.
Walking down the tunnels of the bunker he and his men had been digging for months ever since they arrived at the Valley Kingdom —the very same bunker he still hadn’t shown to his wife, who was sure to kill him for making her wait for so long—, Branch approached the fortified door that hid away the key element of his plan.
Guarding said doors were the siblings Arum and Mulberry. Any other day, Branch would’ve made a point to let them know they had better behave and not argue while they were on duty. But today he just had one goal in mind: retrieve one of the items behind that door and make sure no one ever got hurt on his watch again.
“Mulberry,” he called the yellow troll, “open the vault.”
Mulberry nodded before he began unlocking the door. While he was putting the codes and turning the keys, he asked, “How’s Poppy?” Suddenly, someone smacked him on the back of his head. “Ow! Why’d you do that for?!”
Arum sent him a glare, “Because you’re on duty, so stop socialising!” While that was what she said with her words, with her eyes she was trying to let him know that he should have a little more tact when speaking about the princess before their leader.
But of course, Mulberry was never good at taking a hint. “Well, excuse me! Maybe you’ve only socialised with Cybil since we got here, but I happen to be friends with Poppy! I’m worried about her, OK?!”
Arum felt like face-palming herself. Even though the idea of face-punching her brother sounded much more appealing at the moment. But before she could sock the idiot she had the misfortune of being related to, Branch spoke up. “She’s doing OK; just a sprained ankle. She should be fine in a few days.”
Arum almost let out the breath she was holding when she saw their prince wasn’t going to try to kill her brother for being an insensitive idiot. Again. Mulberry wasn’t quite the same ever since the Valentine’s Day scare…
“Well, I’m glad. From what I’ve heard, that sure was one nasty fall…” OK, nevermind! The idiot wanted to die, so she would grant him his wish. By the time he said this, Mulberry had finished opening the vault. He stepped aside to let Branch in.
Again, Branch only sighed. “Yes, it was. Despite our best efforts, the Valley has proved itself to be a challenge time and time again, and after what happened yesterday…” he shook his head, he didn’t even want to think about it. “I am initiating Plan Five Delta Zero.”
Arum and Mulberry gasped. Plan Five Delta Zero was so extreme they agreed on using it only on desperate circumstances, like finding out there was an impostor or a spy in their midst. “Branch?” The prince turned his head slightly to Mulberry, humming a little to let him know he’d heard him, “Are you sure we wouldn’t be going overboard? I mean, compared to us, the Rainbow trolls aren’t as-.”
“Well-prepared? Cautious? Ready for anything?” Arum suggested.
“I was going to say paranoid, but sure, that works, too.”
“Mulberry, we’ve been too lenient lately.” Branch said, his back turned to his soldiers as he scanned the room, trying to find what he was looking for. “Believe it or not, Poppy’s accident was because Suki was too reckless when flying her bug.” Again, the siblings could only gasp. “Had we all been in top shape, their bugs wouldn’t have even brushed against each other. So, no. I’m not taking any chances.”
Finally, he spotted what he’d come for. In the far corner of the room, resting on a shelf was a little bag. He used his hair to pick it up before going back the way he came from, leaving behind too flabbergasted trolls.
“…I am so making fun of Suki for being the reckless one for once… Ow! Would you care to stop that?!” This time, Arum had punched him on the arm.
Poppy lay in bed, sleeping soundly. Normally she would hate not being active, which is why she hated training so much when they first started —well, that and because her husband was one Hair of a smug little motherhugger about it back then—, but now that she was recovering from her sprained ankle, she could welcome a few extra hours of rest.
If only her husband were there to cuddle with her…
In her semi-unconscious state, she felt the weight of the mattress shift. She smiled, it looked like her wish had come true. “Hello there, handsome…” She said groggily as she turned around to face Branch, “How’s it going-what in the name of everything trolly is that?!” When she opened her eyes, instead of her husband’s handsome features, she was greeted by one big, bulging eye. She was so spooked she jumped out of bed. But before her face could meet the floor, the thing’s arms —wait, were those arms, or were they leaves? Arm-leaves? — wrapped around her and tugged her safely in bed once again.
“Poppy,” Branch’s voice caught her attention, “meet the Eyestalk. These little guys are my people’s ultimate form of surveillance.” He sat on his side of the bed, right next to her, and gently began to stroke the back of her hand with his thumb. “I was thinking about using them in the kingdom. That way we can avoid any more unfortunate accidents.”
Poppy made a face. “Branch, I know you just want to keep everyone safe, but don’t you think this might be a bit much?”
“Actually, I think I was settling for too little before.” He took a deep breath and squeezed her hand just a little tighter. “If we’d been more on guard yesterday, you wouldn’t have fallen. You scared me to death for a moment there, Poppy. I can live without a lot of things, but I can’t live without you. And I don’t want any more of your trolls going through the excruciating pain of losing someone dear when it could’ve been avoided.” He looked her dead in the eye, his expression so vulnerable she felt her heart constricting in empathy for the troll she loved. “Please, Poppy, let me introduce the Eyestalks to the kingdom.”
His words held so much emotion, he almost moved her to tears. Even to this day she still couldn’t believe how much Branch loved her. It was so wonderful knowing somebody cared about her more than anyone else in the world… Still, she was Acting Queen and needed to think about her trolls and their reaction to those creepy plants.
“Branch, this could be such a great idea, I mean it!” Branch’s grin widened at her words. “But…” and then it fell, “it would also be a huge change for us, Rainbow trolls. We’re not used to such things, it could become very invasive very quickly. How about I get acquaintanced with this… little fella… first and then I tell you if it’d be a good idea to plant some more?”
Though he was a bit disappointed that things didn’t go his way, Poppy was taking her role as Acting Queen very seriously, and she offered a very good compromise. He could wait a little. “Deal.”
Now that he’d agreed on giving Poppy some time to reflect on the use of Eyestalks in her kingdom, Branch knew he had some matters to take care of. After talking a little with Poppy about their day so far —although she insisted on listening mostly to his because, as she put it, “Branch, I am confined to our bed. There’s literally nothing going on for me.”—, he told her he had to go, much to their mutual disappointment, but promised some extra cuddles for the next day.
He was following the path to one particular pod. One he didn’t really visit often but that the troll he was looking for certainly did. But as he was making his way to the twins’ pod, a troll riding a Flyer Bug passed by him, missing him by a hair. The troll in question yelled a quick “Sorry, Your Highness!” before focusing again on flying.
That troll caught Branch’s attention. Now wherever he looked, all he could see where trolls acting recklessly on their bugs. Hadn’t they learned anything from the previous day’s events?
The more trolls flew around, carelessly doing tricks and antics that could cost them greatly, the more anxious Branch grew. His eyes kept darting from one troll to another, one wrong movement shy from disaster to another. He couldn’t take it anymore. He knew he’d promised Poppy he’d wait for her verdict, but this was for everyone’s sake. She would thank him later.
Using his hair to swing from one branch to another, the grey troll landed on top of a particularly big mushroom, took the bag containing the Eyestalk seeds out, and planted one on top of the platform. Immediately, it grew, and declaring danger with its nasal little voice, it extended its vines to carefully tie the Flyer Bugs around it until the plant deemed the activity safe.
“Don’t worry, everyone!” Branch tried to reassure the now bored trolls. “You’re all safe now.”
He was about to resume his previous walk when the Eyestalk stopped him dead in his tracks. “Danger!” It said while pointing somewhere else with its one eye.
Intrigued, Branch took a look at the direction the Eyestalk was pointing at. When he registered what the plant was trying to warn him about, a knowing smile appeared on his face. “Ah, so you want to solve that too, right? Well, little buddy, you read my mind.”
And so, Branch spent the best part of the morning planting Eyestalk after Eyestalk in places where potential dangers could take place. Such as the Jumping Mushrooms, or Cooper’s cupcake stand, or Guy and Biggie’s “fencing.”
“Well, that should do it.” He declared proudly. With that taken care of, he finally went back the way he came from. He still had some important matters to discuss with one particular troll.
Unfortunately, he failed to see the Eyestalks’ ambition growing, as well as their cunning…
When he finally made it to the unusually big pod that held the Fashion Twins’ shop, he tried to compose himself. What he came to do wasn’t going to be easy, but it needed to be done. He knocked on the hairy wall a few times when he arrived at the entrance. Satin was the one to greet him. “Oh! Hi, Branch! How’s Poppy?” she asked, worried about her best friend.
“She’s fine, just needs to rest her ankle a little.” He tried to sneak a peek from over the fashionista’s shoulder. “Can I come in?”
Satin looked hesitant. “Um… I don’t think it’s a good idea, actually. Suki’s in there and she’s told Chenille all about your little spat yesterday.”
“So you’re saying Suki doesn’t want to see me?”
“Well…yeah.” She gave him a sheepish smile. “But mostly I’m saying Chenille’s livid at you for talking to Suki like that. So unless you want to lose your royal jewels, I’d stay away if I were you.”
Branch gulped, who knew Rainbow trolls could be this vicious? But then again, the time Poppy told him off for his behaviour she’d also been a force to be reckoned with. So maybe it shouldn’t have come off as surprising. But he had to see Suki. “Satin, please. I know I was out of line yesterday, that’s what I came here for.”
Satin was about to retort when a voice coming from inside interrupted her, “Let him in, Satin.”
Branch and Satin turned their heads to see Suki, arms intertwined with Chenille’s (who looked like she was trying to hold back from glaring at her future king). Suki, in turn, turned her head to her fiancée, “Can you guys leave us alone for a while? We need to talk.”
“Are you sure?” Chenille asked, clearly worried for her mate.
Suki nodded before giving her a reassuring smile, “Positive.”
“OK.” And with that the twins left them alone inside the pod.
Suki and Branch looked like they were uncomfortable in each other’s presence. Something that hadn’t taken place ever since Suki’s first few months at the Forest. Each of them opened and closed their mouths a few times, before realising they were looking at each other’s eyes and promptly avoiding all eye contact.
Just when Branch had gathered enough courage to speak up, Suki beat him to it. “Look, Branch…” She took a deep breath, “I’m sorry I yelled at you. You’re my prince, I should’ve never done that.” She averted her eyes again, obviously ashamed, “…especially when you were right; I put Poppy in danger. And I know that you were also in very bad shape after the accident. I know that it takes you so long to let people in because your greatest fear is losing them forever. And considering I have never seen you so in love with anyone before, I could always tell from a mile away that Poppy means the world to you.” She finally looked him into the eye again, “Branch, I’m-.”
“I’m really sorry, Suki.”
The Commander’s eyes widened. “Wait, what? You’re sorry?!” She couldn’t believe it! “Branch, I’m the one who acted recklessly and put your wife’s life in danger, not the other way around!”
Branch chuckled lightly. “I know,” he shrugged nonchalantly, “but you were right too, Suki. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like I did. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I think I took all the day’s stress out on you, and that was unfair of me.” He rested one hand on her shoulder, making her look at him. “Suki, you were too reckless for what I’m used of you, that’s true. But you had a point; while I would’ve been devastated had anything happened to Poppy, you would have had to live with the guilt.” He chuckled again, confusing her. Couldn’t he read a room? This was not the sort of subject that elicited a chuckle. “And you and I know that Poppy is unknowingly good at making guilt feel even worse because of her sunny, forgiving nature.” He would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a pang of regret now and then (or every day, really) when she offered him her love and he remembered how cold he’d been to her during their first months together.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is, I forgive you. Can you forgive me, too?”
She smiled, “Of course I do, my prince.”
Now that the air had been cleared between them, Suki felt confident enough to sass him. Crossing her arms and aiming a smirk at his direction, she dared to ask, “So, what’cha been up to? Couldn’t stay away from your wife to come see me sooner?”
Branch actually laughed at that. “No, I was actually planting some Eyestalks on my way here. You could say I got distracted.”
Suki’s eyes were as wide as saucers at the revelation, “Wait, are you saying you’ve set Plan Five Delta Zero in motion?”
“Yes, after what happened yesterday, it was necessary.”
“And Poppy’s OK with this? I dunno, Branch… Such a surveillance system is a huge change in the Valley’s lifestyle. I mean, even in the Forest Kingdom we only use it on very extreme cases… And-, why are you looking at me like that?” When realisation hit her, she gasped. “Oh, Branch! You didn’t!”
The moment Suki mentioned Poppy’s opinion on the Eyestalks, Branch started sweating bullets. “Suki, don’t worry! I mean, sure, Poppy asked me to give her a little time to think things through, but the moment she sees what the Eyestalks can do for the kingdom, she’ll be totally on board with it!”
Suki wasn’t so convinced, “Are you sure about that? ‘Cause it can either go your way, or it can make Poppy think you’ve been stepping on her toes.” She tapped her fingers on her chin in a contemplative manner, “And now that I think about it, as Acting Queen, she’s higher up in the hierarchy than you Branch, and you should know better than anyone what if feels like to be ignored even when you have the last say in something.”
Branch waved it off, “Suki, relax. I know what I’m doing. And Poppy just wants what’s best for her kingdom. Trust me, the moment she sees what those babies can do, she’ll agree with me. Anyway, I gotta go back to her, it’s almost lunch. See you around!”
As Branch’s form retreated in the distance, the DJ’s gut told her not to be so sure about what her prince promised. “You’d better be right, Branch. For your own sake.”
Branch was walking down the Castle-pod’s countless halls, making his way back to his and Poppy’s pod-room, a skip in his step due to how productive the day had turned out to be. “The moment Poppy sees how useful the Eyestalks are, she’s going to want them everywhere.” He optimistically thought to himself.
But just as he was rounding the corner to his room, a tray with their food in hand, a scream came out from inside. Hastily placing the tray on the floor, he ran towards the room where his wife was; he could recognise her screams anywhere. The day she’d almost been taken by a tarantapuff made sure to engrave the sound in his memory. He slammed the door open with a powerful kick…
Only to find his pink beauty wrestling with the Eyestalk he’d left with her.
“Listen up, you horticultural menace!” She cried out with an apparent note of frustration in her voice as she struggled against the plant’s vines. “The only ones I allow to lovingly tug me in are my father when I was a trolling and my husband when I’m having a bad day. And you’re neither! So if you step your boundaries one more time, so help me!”
Taking advantage of the plant’s fixation on his wife, Branch snuck behind it… And effectively took care of the problem by simply smacking and breaking the pot. He looked up at his wife, “You OK, Poppy?”
The pink princess let out a sigh of relief once she’d regained her breath. “Yeah, thank you.” She wiped the sweat in her brow away. “Boy, those things are crazy. I’m so glad we didn’t use them in the village.” She giggled.
The moment she said that, Branch started blushing furiously in embarrassment and turned his back on her so she wouldn’t see him. “Y-yeah! M-me, too!” He stuttered.
Poppy raised a suspicious eyebrow at him, “Why are you turning red?”
“O-oh!” He jumped at her question. He could still get his plan to work if he played his cards well. “I just remembered how much I love you, that’s all!”
Of course, he’d spent his whole life staying clear from bets and card games, so he was terrible gambler material. “Yeah…” Poppy drawled. “You gonna have to do better than that, Branch. ‘Cause you remembering how much you love me would imply that we could possibly forget, which you and I know it’s impossible.” She crossed her arms. “So you’d better spill: What’s. Going. On. Branch?” She made sure to enunciate every word slowly and clearly enough so he would get the point that lying to her was not the way to go.
Her husband tried to come up with a convincing enough story to stall her until he’d made sure what happened to her Eyestalk was just a fluke. Unfortunately, the moment his eyes landed on the broken pot with the dead plant, Poppy’s narrowed on him; her mind finally connecting the dots. She gasped. “Wait. Branch, did you use the Eyestalks in the village when I specifically told you not to?”
“W-well, yeah… But!” he put his hands up in defence, “…But they’re really useful Poppy! You’ll see, the kingdom’s never going to be safer than with these beauties.”
“Beauties?!” She all but screeched. “That thing basically put me under house arrest! It wouldn’t even let me go to the bathroom!”
The uncharacteristic scowl on her face as well as her exasperated tone indicated she was not in a good mood. But just as Branch was racking his brain to find something that would reassure her that everything was under control, she spat at him. “You know, Branch? For someone who’s been raised his whole life to respect hierarchies and protocol, you sure don’t give a cupcake when it applies to you.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that I”, she pointed at herself, “am currently the Valley Kingdom’s Acting Queen, while you,” she was then pointing at him, “are my Prince Consort. According to your precious hierarchy, my decisions are above yours, and you should respect them!”
She was mad. Very, very mad. She was very, very mad at him. She was sure she’d never been this mad at him before. Not since she supposedly called him out on his behaviour on the Coming of Autumn Ball. But he’d crossed the line. It was one thing that they had different ways of looking after their subjects; that was what upbringing was for. But it was another thing entirely that he’d deliberately ignore his own kingdom’s teachings and her judgement on a matter that involved her kingdom.
She was so angry with him, she was sure she could’ve set her hair ablaze. But what he said next froze her to her very core.
“Look, Poppy. I know you were just trying to look out for your people, and that’s great! But really, when it comes to safety procedures, I’m the expert, so just leave it all to me. Just like I would leave party planning to you!”
For a moment, Poppy was completely motionless. His words repeating in her head on a loop. She was numb and disoriented from such a low blow... Until the numbness made way for the crushing weight of disappointment, accompanied by the freezing waves of sadness. Feelings that were sure to break her poor heart. Unconsciously, she gripped her sheets tighter, so tight her knuckles turned white. So that was what he thought of her? After all this time? He really saw her as a dumb pinkette, a funny but not very bright party girl who couldn’t take proper care of her trolls. After all they’d been through, he still thought she wasn’t good enough to rule. To him, she was still the lost child he scolded and belittled during his first months there. A child who clearly didn’t know anything about running a kingdom. He still treated her like an inconvenience, not a capable life partner who was worthy of being Queen by his side. Before she knew it, the tears were threatening to spill.
Worried from her lack of response, Branch tried to reach out a hand to her, “Poppy…?”
“I’m,” she tried to say, but the lump in her throat and the tears blurring her vision made it almost impossible, “I’m never gonna be good enough for you, am I?” She finally choked out.
The sound of his wife’s voice cracking and her tear-stained face immediately sent him into a panic. “What? Poppy, no! Y-you’re perfect for me!” He tried desperately to reason with her. “I just need you to trust me…”
“Trust?!” She screeched. He just put the last nail on the coffin. “You are talking to me about trust when it’s obvious you can’t trust my judgement?!” She let out a sardonic laugh. “That’s just rich!”
“Poppy, listen-“
“Get out.”
“I said ‘get out’! I don’t want to see your face, you hear me?!”
The pink troll chose to ignore the pang of guilt she felt when she saw the hurt reflecting in his eyes; he wasn’t the one who’d just had a reality check that proved he’d never be someone she could count on. He wasn’t the one who’d just got two months of emotional abuse shoved back right in the face at full force.
But the plant lurking by the window didn’t choose to ignore how the troll their beloved prince claimed to care so much about just gave him the cold shoulder when he was just trying to help. It did choose, however, to get rid of the dangerous female once and for all…
Still dumbfounded at how badly things had turned out, and hurt by Poppy’s words, Branch was stomping down the kingdom while grumbling to himself. “How could Poppy react like that? One little fluke and she just decided the Eyestalks aren’t good enough?” he rolled his eyes, “But of course, her father losing his mind was the sort of fluke she could totally ignore…” His eyes widened in shock when he registered his thoughts. He felt like slapping himself. Poppy was worried sick about her father and having a really hard time dealing with his condition. No matter how mad he might be, he should never use it against her.
Raising one hand, he rummaged through his hair until he found what he was looking for. When his eyes landed on the picture Biggie took of them during the cupcake fiasco from his birthday, he couldn’t help but tentatively stroke his wife’s laughing face. Seeing how happy they were even before confessing their feelings for one another always gave him hope that things between them would turn out OK. Funny how one little photo could bring him the hope he’d been missing for most of his life…
“I guess it’ll be best to let her cool down a little before bringing the Eyestalks up again…” he muttered quietly to himself. Before he knew it, he’d made it to the main square, but when his eyes landed on the scene before him, he stopped dead in his tracks. Wherever he looked, there were vines covering every inch of the place, trolls were being held against their will by the plants, and some of them were basically breathing down their necks about how they should live their lives. What had the plants done?
A familiar voice shook him away from his reverie. “Hi, Branch. Your friends like hugging, don’t they?” Biggie said from his vegetable confinement. Guy Diamond was as tied up as him. As if on cue, the vines started holding them tighter, almost cutting out their oxygen.
“We…loooooove…you…too!” The glitter troll choked out.
“What happened?” Branch asked in fright.
“Oh! W-we were just working on Guy’s fence w-when this weird plant, that seems to be everywhere now,” he muttered under his breath, but Branch’s enhanced hearing allowed him to make out the words, “came o-out of nowhere and s-started doing the job for us.” Biggie explained.
“Y-yeeeeah! And because we were s-suddenly free, we thought about t-taking a bath at the lake. But the moment I mentioned I hadn’t p-properly digested my lunch, the plant went craaaaazy! In the blink of an eye, there were dozens of them c-capturing trolls.” Guy finished in his auto-tuned voice.
“Sorry we couldn’t fight them off, but they caught us by surprise.” Biggie apologised.
“And where are my men?!” Branch was already trying to come up with a plan. If he assembled his men, together they could get rid of the plants. But there was one little problem: they were nowhere to be seen.
“Over here!”
When Branch turned around, he saw Suki, Mulberry, Arum, and Sap. They were captured as well. While Mulberry was upside down and blindfolded, Suki was glaring daggers at him.
“Oh, Sap! My darling!” Biggie cried, “Are you alright!?”
“I am, my love. Don’t worry. And you?”
“Better now that I know you’re safe.”
“Well, I wouldn’t exactly identify being held hostage by a safety-obsessed plant as ‘being safe’ but… Ow! Really, Arum? Even now?!” Somehow, his sister had managed to find a way to smack him even when the both were tied up. Muttering obscenities under his breath, the Sargent returned his focus to Branch. “Hate to say it, but told ya! The Valley was not ready for Plan Five Delta Zero. Hm…you know what? I don’t hate it at all! Feels good to be in the right for once.”
“And I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Suki said, “but I so agree with you, Mulberry.”
“OK, now this is just weird.” Arum muttered.
Suki decided to ignore the two siblings bickering to address her prince. “I warned you this could blow up in your face, but did you listen? Nooooo.” She rolled her eyes at him.
“Well, in all fairness, you warned me about the consequences this could bring to me and Poppy’s relationship. You never mentioned the plants could go rogue.” Branch tried to defend himself the best way he knew besides hand-to-hand combat; he used technicalities.
Suki merely hummed. “And how did that go?” The sight of Branch flinching was all she needed. “Yup. Told ya.”
“Look, never mind that. Because I’m going to put an end to this.”
“We’re afraid we can’t let you do that, Sire.”
The captured trolls’ eyes widened in shock, and Branch turned around just in time to witness how the Eyestalks had morphed themselves together into one giant plant with several eyes. Its voice a combination of the plants’ it was made of. “We have accomplished almost all our goals, Your Highness. The Valley Kingdom has never been safer!” They rejoiced.
“Why are you doing this?” Branch demanded to know, ready to unsheathe his sword.
“Why, because it is what you planted us for, of course!” They answered in their creepy monotone. "You wanted the kingdom to be safer, and that is exactly what we did. Are you not content with the result, Sire?” The plant seemed to be genuinely confused by their master’s disapproval of their actions.
“Of course not! You’re more of a danger to my subjects than anything that could come out of the forest!”
Despite Branch’s very specific outburst, the Eyestalks ignored his reasoning completely. “Oh, right! You are disappointed because we have not completed all our goals! But worry not, Sire. Our last objective is about to be met.”
For some reason, the grey troll had a bad feeling about that. “And that is?” He asked with caution.
“Why, to eliminate the pink menace who dare hurt you, your Highness!” Then it proceeded to play a scene where Poppy was being dragged through the floor by the all-seeing plants towards the mouth of a bigger, carnivore plant. “She is, by far, the biggest danger of all.”
Branch’s eyes widened in terror at the sight of his beloved about to be fed to the giant plant. She told him. She told him the Eyestalks were a bad idea that needed to be carefully thought through and he refused to listen, believing he knew which one was the best way to handle her kingdom. No wonder she was so upset. He’d unintentionally looked down on her and her leadership like he hadn’t done since the beginning of November. And now he was paying the price. He started all this because he didn’t want to risk losing her? Well, he was closer to losing her now than ever.
“Oh, my gah! Poppy was right, too much safety can be smothering! What have I done?” While he was on the verge of a full-scale panic attack, the distant sounds of Poppy’s screaming brought him back to reality. Right, he had to save her. He had to save her, and make everything right in the village, and apologise to Poppy for being an idiot. With a determined look in his eyes, Branch used his hair to swing from one branch to another, swiftly avoiding vine after vine. Landing on top of Cooper’s cupcake stand, he picked up a plater full of them and threw the tray at some of the Eyestalks that were coming his way, cutting their heads off with it. Just as he threw the plater away, he tossed the cupcakes that were on top of it inside his hair, and morphing it into a cannon, began shooting them at the safety-obsessed menace, effectively blinding them.
As he battled the vicious plant, there was but one thought running cross his mind, “I’m coming, Poppy.”
Poppy was rightfully terrified. First she had a Flyer Bug accident that forced her to go through several dreadful days of bedrest, and now she was about to be eaten by a glorified insecticide? This clearly wasn’t her week.
The worst part was that her sprained ankle made it impossible to fight back when the Eyestalks were first capturing her. She felt so useless… Maybe Branch was right and she didn’t know how to take care of her kingdom… Seeing how she was getting closer and closer to the carnivore plant’s gigantic mouth, she closed her eyes shut. Her biggest regrets were not living long enough to become the queen her people needed and deserved, and parting ways with Branch in bad terms. How she wished they could just be cuddling in bed, instead of being about to die.
She prepared herself for the upcoming crunch! she was sure to feel when the giant plant bit her, but instead she heard something being sliced. Right before a hand swoop her up and positioned her protectively behind a very strong body she knew very well. Hair, she wished she could hug that same body one last time just seconds ago! “Branch?” she gasped.
“Yeah, Poppy. It’s me.” He sent her a small smile before turning serious again. “Now stay behind me! I’m about to end this!”
She did as she was told and witnessed her husband unsheathe his sword. While she felt extremely uncomfortable around sharp objects that could injure others, she had to admit her husband was an expert swordsman. He moved with ease, blocking any attack that came his way and slicing any Eyestalk that was foolish enough to get too close. But after a while she could feel him growing anxious, his breathing shallow and his eyes darting to any direction.
“Branch, what’s wrong?” She gently put a hand on his shoulder.
“They’re cornering us, I’m running out of moves!” He panted. The Eyestalks took that moment of distraction to strip him of his sword, rightfully declaring it was a danger. Seeing no escape and understanding he’d brought it on himself for being too impulsive when trying to be cautious, Branch slumped his shoulders and sent a regretful look at his dear wife. She was the most important person in his life and he’d been enough of an idiot to endanger her.
“Poppy, you were right. I never should’ve acted before having your approval on the matter. I’m so sorry.”
The pink-haired troll smiled at him, tears already forming in the corners of her eyes. She threw herself at his arms and hugged him tightly. “You should be.” She broke the hug slightly to give him one last slow, passionate kiss on the lips. “I love you.” She whispered.
“I love you too.” He said back, hugging her just as tightly.
They awaited for their bitter end, but when it didn’t come, they both opened their eyes to see the Eyestalks weren’t responding. “Not…danger?” One of them asked.
“Yes!” Branch exclaimed. “She’s not dangerous! She loves me and I love her too! Sure, she hurt my feelings, but I hurt hers, too. And…she was right; too much safety can be smothering.”
Poppy could only smile at her husband. He admitted to her being right! She was so happy she could just kiss him all over again. But before she had a chance, she was interrupted by the Eyestalks malfunctioning, incapable of processing that there could be something as ‘too much safety.’
Soon, only one remained. “Awesome!” it chanted.
“Branch, look! This one seems to get it!”
“Yeah…” he wrapped his hair around his sword before pointing at the plant with it. “Well, better take care of it!”
“Wait!” His wife put a hand on his chest to stop him. “I think I have a better idea.”
The pod-room’s window was placed so Poppy and Branch could have a perfect view of the kingdom even from bed. Which was a good thing, considering the princess was still on bedrest and standing up would certainly tire her out. But they had a perfect view of the harmless Eyestalk, who was now directing the Flyer Bugs so there wouldn’t be more accidents, from where they lay.
“You were right, Poppy. That is the perfect way to keep the village safe.” Branch said as he put one arm around her shoulders before bringing her close to him.
“Told ya!” she giggled as she snuggled closer to his side.
“Yeah, you did…” he whispered, “Just like you told me too much safety could be smothering, and I ignored you…” he looked away, ashamed of himself.
“Aw, Branch… It’s OK. Sure, it was a very stupid mistake, but we all make those sometimes!” she wiggled her eyebrows at him in a playful manner. “Have you forgotten already about that time I ate a poisonous berry that turned me into this huge, round thing?”
That earned her a snicker from her husband. “Besides, I was too harsh on you. Sorry I yelled at you.”
“Sorry?” He asked, incredulous. “Poppy, I’m the one who’s sorry!” He used his free hand to point at himself. “I didn’t get it when we fought, but the moment I saw what the Eyestalks had turned into, it was crystal clear.” Gah, how he hated when Suki was right…”I stepped on your toes. As Acting Queen you decided to think things first before changing anything in the village, and I, as your husband, the troll who’s supposed to trust and support you more than anyone else, acted like I knew best…” He finished, the guilt apparent in his voice. “I’m truly sorry, Poppy.”
Poppy just sent him one of those radiant smiles that ignited a fire in his heart every time he saw them. Just what was life before this wonderful creature became a part of his world? “Thank you, Branch. That’s all I wanted to hear, a sincere apology.” She leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. “And I forgive you.” Feeling like he’d fallen even more for his pink beauty, the grey troll brought her into a sweet kiss. When they broke it, she snickered, “Though, gotta warn you! Another stunt like that and my most reliable troll will end up being Smidge! And you know she’ll physically fight you for that title!”
Branch burst out laughing at that. It was true, the teaspoon troll’s devotion to Poppy was deep enough to rival his, and he was her mate! “Then I sure hope it doesn’t come to that!” he joked, making Poppy giggle. With eyes full of love and a fast beating heart, he whispered, “I love you so much, Poppy.”
She smiled back at him, “I love you too, Branch.” Then she began getting comfortable in bed, “Now, c’mon! I believe someone owes me some extra cuddles!”
And the two drifted to a peaceful sleep in each other’s arms…
“The end!” A male glitter troll with watermelon pink skin and sparkling white hair said, closing a binder full of notes. “And with that it can be concluded that His Majesty, King Branch, didn’t always care for his wife the Queen as much as he was known for doing.”
A completely disinterested female glitter troll, who looked very much like her brother except for having bright red skin, simply rolled her eyes from where she was standing. “For the last time, Charles,” she said, exasperated. “How many times do I have to tell you to check your sources?! That is clearly not how the Eyestalk Crisis happened!” She walked to where he was, until their faces were barely a hair apart. “King Branch was hopelessly in love with Queen Poppy since day 1! Stop with your nonsense, already!”
“It’s not nonsense, Monique!” Charles retorted. ”Their Majesties didn’t always have the loving relationship they are known for today, and I can prove it!”
She sighed, “How?”                    
“Simple.” He grinned before holding out his binder for her to see. “Grandpa told me everything!”
Monique face-palmed herself. “And you believed him? Charles, Grandpa has a fondness for making up stories! You might as well have used Trollipedia and it would’ve been much more accurate!”
“Oh, yeah? And how do you explain the Mandolin Incident, huh?!”
Her brother would be the death of her and of the entire historian community. “For the last time! The mandolin wasn’t properly made, the princess got stabbed with a splinter and the prince, in an act of overprotectiveness over his dear wife, got rid of it for hurting her. Seriously, dude! Check your sources!”
Apparently, the truth behind Queen Poppy and King Branch’s marriage would be one of the best hidden secrets in Trolls history.
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lavendertwilight89 · 4 years
Part 3
Here is the link to AO3
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Inuyasha had heard Kagome say she loved him before when they were alone together back in the hut. He had known it was on accident--just a slip of the tongue. But hearing her proclaim it to the demon slayer, the monk, his asshole brother, and his sister in law? He was at a loss for words. Not to mention she was burning the crap outta him. So there weren’t a lot of words that could be said that weren't curses...
But she seemed to be taking care of telling off the slayer. He held his ground to stay near her even as her power flared up. He was only half-demon--worst thing she would do was turn him human. 
He noticed Sesshomaru had bounded across the room with his mate. Inuyasha was slightly confused because Sesshomaru was a fairly powerful demon. Yea, the purification would hurt him but he was not one to cower from a fight. And this was the second time he pulled Rin away from Kagome while her power was being invoked…
OH. Fuck. He whelped her. That-that--damnit!!! So many emotions were flowing through him; pain, hurt, jealousy, anger, frustration--but he needed to take a moment. He needed to get out of there. Scratch that, they needed to get outta there. 
Sesshomaru. He impregnated her. A hanyou. After centuries of being a beating stick, being loathed, a burden because of his ‘tainted human blood’ and this bastard decided to have his own?! He hadn’t nearly apologized enough. Yea, he called them family. Yea, he brushed off his thanks because it wasn’t necessary but--but--FUCK! Fuck him!! They needed to go back to his room before he fucking beat the shit out of him and they were homeless again.
He stood and took Kagome’s arm trying to make it look like he was only enraged by the slayer’s insinuations--not that he wasn’t, but he knew that low blow was coming. He was prepared to be called out on only being loyal to her because he was a half-demon and he had found his mate.
The thing was he really had fallen for her. It hadn’t really mattered she was his mate. The only thing that did was keep him around so he could learn about her. But he soon grew to care about her. He was a moth to a flame and that flame was Kagome. She was fire in spirit--she had to be fed and cared for to burn brighter.  Her spirit was so bright, how could anyone not be drawn to her? She was so open with her emotions, her thoughts… Even though she kept so many secrets, she did it in order to try and protect people. They weighed her down and it sometimes seemed it would crush her light. Originally he respected it; he didn’t tell her everything about himself either. Not that he had to. She was annoyingly intuitive but she never forced him to open up. No, she would just call him out on his shit with a smile and carry on with her day. Like nothing.  
But in those times when she would look like she was going to break because the weight of the world rested on her shoulders, he would try to prove himself to her. Prove he wasn’t as big of a jackass as he tried to make off to be. Try and show her he could be more when this was all over. 
Even then though, he still would backtrack, he’d say callous things to her. Almost like he couldn’t completely put down his walls and barriers to let her fully in. But she would either fight back or let them roll off her back. She knew him better than he knew himself. He honestly couldn’t believe a priestess had allowed him to be that close to her, allowed him to defend her, provide for her, and even hold her when she felt like she might break. 
When the monk called after them he about lost his shit right then. He just needed to get the fuck outta there. What part of 'see you at fucking dinner' was not understood?!?!
The only reason he backed down was Kagome’s reassurance. He had half a mind to drag her back to the room but she wanted to talk to the monk. Her needs came before his own. He began walking slowly down the hall. Their initial part of their conversation became muffled. He knew Kagome would likely want it to be hushed but then their voices began to raise and he stalled in his gait.
“--do you know how depleted your life force actually is?!? You have maybe a couple of weeks left! If you’re lucky!!” The monk yelled. Inuyasha froze. He had been walking slowly to ensure the asshat didn't start anything with Kagome… he hadn’t been expecting to hear that was what the monk wasn't saying when he inspected Kagome's body when she was unconcious… Why hadn't he told them? That was why he had been summoned.
 “I know!!” Kagome shouted back. Inuyasha’s thoughts turned dark.  Of course she knew. 
“Are you going to tell him?” He heard the monk lower his voice thinking he didn’t hear their conversation. Dumbass.
 “I don’t think it’s really his business at the moment,” she replied back harshly. Typical information withholding Kagome...
“You realize when demons mate you end up sharing life-spans, correct? What happens if you completely deplete or drain his??” The monk questioned. Inuyasha felt his world stop. What…? 
“I--I don’t know. We just--Look I appreciate you keeping this to yourself. I will handle this the way I see fit.”
“Lady Kagome--”
“No. No more. Thank you, see you at dinner, lord monk,” she clipped as she turned away from the monk to rejoin him. Inuyasha could only try to hide his face from hers; he didn't want her to know he knew just yet. Also seeing how her face was contorted with plaguing thoughts and ideas… He did the only thing he could honestly think of--play dumb.
“Everything ok?”
“Hm?” She honestly didn’t realize he was standing right beside her again. Her face looked shocked, then worried, then she locked her forced smile on. She was so infuriating. “Oh, ye-yea. He just wanted to know about how I could heal someone is all…”
Her scent didn’t deviate likely because it was slightly true; so he couldn’t call her out for being a filthy liar. When was she going to learn to stop keeping this kind of shit from him?? She slowed her pace obviously realizing she had no way to really know how to navigate the halls back to his room. He took the lead and slightly brushed his hand against her own. She jumped and looked like a frightened deer.
It hurt that she was put off by what the monk had said to her. But what was worse, was the fact she decided to hide it from him.
I’m over this, hanyou. It is my turn.
You’re just gonna scare her off, so fuck no.
Half-demon--you’ve tried your way. She isn’t responding the way she needs to be. It is my turn.
I’ll repeat: Fuck. No.
I will not harm her. I will get her to fight with us.
You want her to, what?!
Her fire is dying. She obviously is going to try to run again.  Pay attention hanyou; anytime our life has become threatened, she becomes determined to put distance between us. Our mate must learn we are the protector. We are the provider. We are the alpha. She is who we protect. She is who we love. She is ours.
She probably will purify us to hell the moment you tell her to submit.
Not the plan. Just watch and pay attention. 
They got to his room and he opened the door allowing her to enter first. As soon as she was all the way through, he stepped in closing the door quickly before he allowed his demon half to emerge. Play time was over.
His senses began to rise and sharpen; her heart beat started to become more frantic and he realized she likely felt his demonic aura grow and wrap around them. When she turned her sapphire gaze on him, she gasped. He knew his eyes were red, the purple jagged tattoos present, and his fangs were hanging outside his mouth. 
Stepping towards her, she didn't move. She watched until he was an inch from her then she looked up into his eyes. Her eyes were hesitant but oddly firm. 
“Inuyasha…” At her breathy voice, he nudged her to be against the wall and then took her wrists in his hands.
“I don’t like secrets, Kagome,” he warned.
“I don’t like eavesdroppers,” she retaliated when she realized what this whole scene would be about.
“Keh, can’t help listening when you’re both screaming about you only having weeks left,” he growled.
“I’m not submitting to you about this,” she stated, keeping her head facing him in defiance.
“Yes; you are! What the fuck were you thinking?!?!”
“I was thinking I was saving my mate!!”
“At the cost of your own life!!”
“Better mine than yours! Obviously I’m cursed!! You have a chance to have a family and go on! I'll never be able to have that kind of life. My duty was always to the jewel! It always will be! No matter where I go, what I do, I will always have to defend it and put it first!"
“Bullshit, Kagome. Don’t feed me that crap.”
“Come on Inuyasha; we’ve known each other for a month. You can’t honestly expect me to believe you love me. Or that you are ready to sign up for a long term commitment; you have a chance to move on and actually fall in love, have a family...” Her eyes started shifting and as much as she was trying to control her words, her scent was shifting. She was nervous, she was scared. Her fiery personality was dying off quickly. It was then he realized she was actually afraid he didn't care; that he would leave her and go fuck some other woman and mate with her. That she really was just a stand-in for something greater...
“Same to ya bitch,” he enunciated the last word hoping to reignite that flame that burned within her. He knew she hated that word and he kept himself from saying it to appease her. However when he allowed his demonic blood to surface, promises he made with his human heart got put on the back burner. 
“What does that mean!?” She shot him a glaring stare. 
“Exactly as it sounds--how do I know you love me? You’ve claimed it twice but all you do is run and hide at the first sign of conflict. You clearly hold no trust in me. You’ll have to actually convince me of that statement you declared in the hut and with the slayer as your actions always seem to negate it,” he smirked. He knew he was getting to her. His instincts knew all the tricks and ques to making her react the way he needed her to.
"That's not fair! It should show you that I do care! I don't know what I would do if you-- if you got hurt because of me! I don't know if I could ever get over losing you!"
"Then prove it, little mate," he purred as his body was now firmly pressed up against hers.
"N-no-- Inuyasha-- we can't-- I can't-- I won't mate with you if it means killing you!" 
"Why do you put so much faith in a monk who turned you away instead of listening to your story like the half demon who stayed and protected you? Why value his words over mine?" He questioned as his hands released her wrists and moved up her arms.
"To be fair, the first thing you did was push me away, literally," she huffed.
"Are you still angry about it?"
"N-no-- Inuyasha-- please-- we can't--"
"I told you before that I couldn't leave you even if I wanted to," he began.
"Then why?! Ugh!! You're so-so--"
"Why what?" He asked as he stilled his hands on the curve of her hips. Her scent was flooding his nose and he knew he was being more forward than usual. But his instincts were in control. The arousal she was emitting literally could have killed him but she still hadn't submitted. He wouldn't give her everything until he had what he wanted. He made sure his intense bloodlust filled eyes bore into hers so they made her answer.
"Why did you threaten to leave then?" Her voice cracked and she was heartbroken. Fuck. 
Go back. 
No. She needs to hear it from me. 
I am a part of you, dumbass. Why from you?
Because I'm the one who hurt her…I’m the one who tried to leave her. To protect her from you--from our instincts. 
Fine. I will take back over if you fuck this up.  We are not losing our mate. 
Without arguing further,  his demonic blood granted him back full control again. He peered down at the distressed woman caged between his arms. He didn't deserve her. Honestly. Yet here she was, professing her love to him and the undeniable fears she had with it.  The fact he might run. The fact she might kill him. The fact she thought he didn't love her. The slayer’s words likely affected her more than she had initially let on. The fact she insinuated the only reason he wanted to be with her was because there was no other option. But it actually was the opposite. Even if Kagome was somehow not his mate, he’d still be with her.
"Kagome," he said softly. She looked up at him with a genuinely surprised face. "I don't always say the right thing.  I'm not good with words. The only people I've honestly talked to are in this palace or they're dead. If you ask any of them, I've hurt them,  pissed them off,  or I’ve just ran from the situation without even trying to speak. When I get mad, I don't always think.  I just talk; say anything 'til I got what I wanted. Which is distance. To hurt someone before they could hurt me. 
"For a long time it never mattered who I hurt, because it was only me. No one gave a shit about me, Kagome. Not until you came along. And I know I said unkind things when… when Naraku almost killed me. I felt betrayed by you because you were hiding things. I still don’t understand, but it sounds like you do that because you’re afraid of the information yourself; that you’re scared you are cursed. That you actually do think you’ll be the death of me.
“But let’s get one thing straight; even though I said those things--I had no intention of leaving you alone. Even if you refused to be my mate because of what an asshole I am, I planned on just being around you for the rest of your life. Watching you from afar, marrying another man, having his children… Just seeing you alive would be enough. I meant when I said I would die without you.
“Demons only have one mate, Kagome. You’re mine. Yea--we’ve only known each other for a month and not gonna lie; this month has been kinda shitty. But it has also been the best one of my very long shitty life. Even if I could go back and change it, I wouldn’t. Because I found you. So purify me if you have to, but I’m not going to let you go, ever again. You're mine."
She looked shocked from his confession. He knew that's the most he had ever said in a day let alone an hour. Her parted lips finally closed and her teeth took in her bottom lip.
Take it out of her mouth.
Shut up. Be patient.
Hanyou. Do you not have demonic vision? Do you not see the beauty that is before us? Can you not feel the desire to mark this creature as ours?? Take her! 
God, you’re such an asshole. You act like I’m only human when you aren’t in the driver’s seat. I'm dying too, asshole; but I'm not going to push her that far. She needs a second.
Not yet. But you will take her. 
Do you ever just stop talking?!
"You--I-- that's not a confession," she argued weakly.
"God, you are so fucking infuriating! I love you, you stupid girl!" He yelled before he lost control and slammed his lips upon hers.
She stiffened underneath his hold but he didn't let up. Fuck that. He wasn't lying when he told her he wasn't going to let her go.  She was stuck with him.  If all they had was a week, a month, a year at most, it'd be the best year of his life. This amazingly beautiful woman had done more for him than anyone else in his miserable life.
He felt her hands grip the front of his haori. When a moan escaped her mouth, he almost lost the very little control he had over himself. All he could think of was her. Her body he had unintentionally gotten to know very well when he first healed her wounds the first day they met.  The curves, the dips, and even the swells over her luscious body were ingrained in his mind. His hands apparently had minds of their own as they began to trace her lithe body he imagined.
In order to protect her from himself,  he needed to pull back now. He should. He didn't. Fuck him. Well, that's exactly what he wanted.  Or rather the other head that was currently in charge wanted. He knew she could feel it pressed into her stomach but obviously, she was either oblivious to it or she wanted it as bad as he did. 
Damnit. It couldn't be like this. Even though his tongue snaked its way out of his mouth and across her eager opening lips to let him taste her, he knew they needed to talk. Their discussion was far from over.  
She was supposed to be a voice of reason, right?? Shouldn’t she be running by now? Not stroking her tongue against his fang making him groan. Shit. His treacherous hands had somehow lifted her by her ass and was brushing her--oh fuck she was completely bare. There were no undergarments! Fuckkkkkk she was wet. He could feel it. Nope. He had to stop.
Pulling away he growled at himself and slightly cursed his self-control. Thank God she was just as breathless as he was otherwise he probably would have immediately gotten lost in her again. She was panting and he pushed her head into his chest, still holding her up with one arm by her bottom. He needed to regain control as she apparently had none either.  Keeping her head smooshed to him seemed to be a good start because then those daunting kiss-swollen lips were hidden from his sight and not tempting him to eat them. He pressed her nose into her hair and inhaled deeply.
“Kagome--we’re not done talking.”
“R-right,” she stammered.
Fuck he needed his heart to slow the fuck down. Distance. Yea--that’s what they needed. He reluctantly let her down and stepped away from her. Her eyes shot up to him in worry.
“Relax, wench. We just need to slow down a minute.”
“N-no, you’re right. I was careless. I don’t know what came over me,” she said, averting her eyes, embarrassed.
He rolled his eyes. Stubborn as hell woman. Whatever. That worked for now.  Turning, he made his way back to his bed, hoping she’d catch the clue and follow. He turned and luckily she did, albeit, reluctantly.
“I know you’re scared. I won’t lie and tell you I’m completely okay with the situation either. But you have to understand Kagome, now that I found you and fell for ya, even if we don’t solidify the mateship, I will still end up following you in death.”
She knelt down hard next to him, somewhat defeated, “But why??”
“Demons don’t just fall in love--we’re not human--”
“But you’re half-human--”
“Yea, but my instincts and demonic half are stronger than most. Also, I’m stubborn as hell,” he added as he pushed his arms into his sleeves. 
"Inuyasha, I'd want--"
"Yea but this isn't a ‘you want but I want’ situation. This is an all or nothing."
"I wish I had been more honest…"
"Same, but it doesn't matter; we'd likely still be in this situation. You care too much."
"To be fair you're saying I care about you too much. "
"My statement still stands. If I died before we mated, you’d still live.”
“Wait--how--” She started as she sank down to a full sitting position beside him, now fully engrossed in their conversation. Good. She was finally talking. 
“While yes, I can fall in love and care about people because I have a human heart, my loyalties and devotion are kind of separate. They are instinctual. Because I’m human, I can ignore those instincts but if I want to stay alive, I typically follow them.”
“That doesn’t--”
“Kagome do you know how many people have ever accepted me besides you? Do you know how many people treated me with the kindness you did? The care? The equality? My mother. Even Sesshomaru didn’t give a flying fuck about me. Or rather didn’t until Rin came along…”
“Inuyasha… are you--are you upset by Rin being pregnant?”
“No!” The knowing stare she gave him pissed him off further.
“Why aren’t you happy for them? Rin is so nice and she seems like she’s really changed your brother for the better! Look at this room, and the kindness they have given you. No, I do agree, it cannot make up for everything he has done but it’s a start. I could have very well killed Rin accidentally twice now and Sesshomaru is still here. Still helping us. That has to mean something, right? He wants to help you.”
He finally looked at her after her little speech was over and felt like he melted. The heart and body he kept as hard as castle walls and coarse as sand were so easily broken down and softened by this woman.
“Fuck. I don’t like you sometimes.” Her giggle was fucking magic to his ears. He couldn't stop himself from pulling her against his chest and onto his lap. She obviously held no reservations about the contact. Something he was beyond thrilled about. Also slightly terrified. He was attached to her so much; how could she ever think he wouldn’t die if she went away?
“What?” He shot out shortly.
“I’m… sorry.”
“Nah, I didn’t mean to be so gruff. What’s wrong?”
“What do we do now?”
“Well, you can either cry about your lot, or make the best of it. My youkai believes that mating won’t kill me though; it thinks it’ll heal you fully.”
“You… talk to your demon blood?”
“Kinda. It’s hard to explain. It’s like having conversations with yourself, but your instincts and consciousness actually have a voice. He’s me and I’m him.”
“Is he… uhm… is that the you who you became when you demanded I submit?”
“Yea, he’s an asshole. That’s one reason I needed to put some distance between us. Sesshomaru had helped me learn how to control it; it wasn’t until you came along I started struggling to control it again.”
“Is it hard?”
“Sometimes. It’s easier when we’re like this.”
“Li-like--” He could smell her hint of arousal and some embarrassment. 
Chuckling he pressed his head into her hair, “Yea. It likes you enjoying being close to me. That you are depending on me for comfort amongst other things. That you accept this closeness and like it.”
“D-do you like it, too?”
“Dummy, of course I do! He’s not a separate person! He’s just me--just uh… baser form? Less wordy?”
“You mean more basic instinct? Like--closer to your dog demon self?”
“I don’t actually have that form since I’m part human. But basically yes--my more animal self.”
“Don’t say that so disparagingly. There’s nothing wrong with you or your demon half,” she soothed, cupping his cheek, making him look into those beautiful ocean eyes. Gods. How did he get so lucky? He loved her and for whatever fucked up reason she loved him in return. He had begun to lean in to kiss her forehead when he felt her shift and pulled his forelocks to kiss his lips.
Fuck. He could forever get lost in her. In fact, he swore to himself he would in whatever time they had left together…
 Kissing Inuyasha was absolutely amazing. Kagome had never felt those kinds of desires before. As a priestess, she had assumed her life would be one of chastity. Even though she was promised to Hojo, she just didn’t see that ever being a thing. There was nothing wrong with Hojo--but she just never saw him as anything more than a friend. Her own revelations of life of priestesshood became even more so apparent in her eyes when it had been revealed the jewel was housed in her own body. Then it had been solidified when Naraku appeared.
Inuyasha broke all the rules she had set herself. And she loved it.
She felt so free, so cherished, so wanted… and desired. She felt his hardened cock grinding against her when he held her against the wall. The way their hips battled for dominance was so new, inviting, and she wanted more--needed more.
When he had pulled back though she was snapped back to her senses. It was embarrassing how caught up she allowed herself to get just by the brush and stroke of his mouth. The way his fangs felt under her tongue. The way he moaned into her mouth… how he made her feel so powerful over him.
She shook herself alert and noticed he had dropped down onto the bed. Joining him in their discussion, she felt bad that she hadn’t noticed the tension that was caused by Rin’s hidden pregnancy.
How it actually hurt him. But she did the only thing she could do; helped heal him. Helped his heart let go of those feelings. Maybe one day she could heal all the wounds that humans and demons battered him with. But for today, she would help him feel better--help him forgive his brother who seemed like he was trying to make amends. 
Even if he had no one, she would stay by his side. She would make up for anyone and everyone who shunned him.
The fact he called himself an animal in such a condescending manner only told her how much humans had ingrained in his brain how he wasn’t worthy. How he could taint anyone or anything. It hurt. It physically made her ache with sorrow. She wished she was born sooner--or he was born later. He should never have had to live like that. He was so special. Kind. Handsome. Why did no one else see that?
She didn’t even fight the pull to kiss him again. His sadness, his hurt was her own. She would take it from him and replace it with happiness. Love. It bothered her that she was the only one who could give him this kind of love because he deserved it from everyone. But she would happily give him everything and more. Why should they wait? Even if they didn’t bond, he made it abundantly clear he would likely die shortly thereafter.
Even if by some miracle she survived, even if her powers somehow dissipated for lying with a demon, she would never regret her decision to lie with him. Ever. While she knew her fate was to protect the Shikon Jewel inside her body, she knew her destiny was to be with Inuyasha. That call was a thousand times louder than the one she heard for the jewel. 
She brushed her hands through his hair and grasped his ears lightly and stroked them gently through her fingers.
The growl of his pleasure made her so wet she was concerned that there was something wrong--until his hand was suddenly down there stroking between her glistening folds and she felt his moan vibrate through her mouth. It pulled her own groan from her body. She clenched onto the back of his head and neck as she tried to press her body as close to his as she possibly could. She didn’t want to ever let go.
Maybe even in death they could be this close. No space between. Honestly, she wouldn’t be surprised if she was already dead and this was her nirvana. Her peace. Her heaven. Gods, she loved him so much it hurt.
He was so caring. Dashing. He put her ‘human’ needs before his own. Yes, their original first meeting was rough but after getting to know him for the month they were stuck in their shelter, she realized why he was the way he was. She broke down his barriers. Their tender moments meant the world to her. The fact he trusted her that much to embrace her, help her up and down to even pee in the bushes, slept by her futon while she slept on the bed--she owed him. But this wasn’t about repaying a debt at all. This was about the pure lust and desire that flowed through them to mark each other as theirs.
The idea she was fated to be with someone only drew her longing more. This was where she was meant to be. Here--in his arms.
Him stroking her clit. Gods. She pulled her mouth away from his and whined loudly. It felt so good. So overwhelming. She’d never felt this way before. Not even in her free time had she really ever… explored. It seemed forbidden to her. With her duties and destiny riding over her, how could she find time to relax and unwind like that? Not to mention, there was no one who really sparked those interests in her anyway. Hojo was… Hojo. Koga was mated and honestly, he was just a friend. Anyone else in the village only revered her. 
She slightly wanted to ask how he knew what he was doing but also couldn’t make him stop. Hell, she couldn’t form words outside of the syllables of his name.
“Gods, you’re so sensitive,” he mumbled against her shoulder. Her yukata had fallen open. How’d she not notice that? Oh, he untied it? Or did she? 
A little clear-headed, she took stock on what was actually happening. Aside from the fact she felt like something in her stomach was tight and was going to explode--snap. Not in a bad way---slightly different, but Gods did she not want it to stop. She wanted to see what the feeling would become.
She literally thought she might die if he stopped. Thrusting herself into his hand that was still stroking her jewel, she also felt his finger starting to tease at going inside her; she wanted more.
“Yash,” her voice whispered. She knew he would hear her though. He slightly paused and she whined. “Pleaseeeee,” she moaned pitifully.
Finally, she got what she thought she was begging for when one of his fingers slipped into her. His thumb still caressed and stroked her nub all the while driving her higher and higher.
He was panting in her ear, his hand that wasn’t toying with her sex was wrapped securely around her waist, holding her close to him. Thank all the Gods he needed the closeness too. Without it, it likely wouldn’t be that amazing.
Finally she felt something snap and she screamed out due to the overwhelming sensations and feeling of being so ungodly complete. Full. She felt liquid soak her legs curled beneath her and Inuyasha shiver in her hold as she gasped for air. Coming down from her high she felt him kissing her forehead sweetly.
“Gods,” she finally croaked. 
“Fuck Kagome, that was fucking hot,” he said unsteadily.
She shivered in response and he slowly pulled his hand from her. Gazing up at him, still slightly out of it, she caught him licking his fingers. They locked eyes and he looked slightly ashamed. No--she wouldn’t have that. Barely managing to raise on her jelly-like legs she nuzzled his neck and licked his neck seductively as she mumbled, “Do I taste good?” 
“Goddamn Kagome--”
“Is that a yes?”
“Fuck yes,” he groaned into the crown of her hair.
“Mmmmmm,” she hummed happily. Then it dawned on her the very hard appendage that was against her calf and immediately blushed ten shades of red.
“Don’t worry, I ain’t a pup. I’m fine. I know I got kinda carried--” 
She didn’t allow him to continue his apologies or his resolve to stop in hopes to control himself for whatever reason. She had been serious; she wanted all of him. What he gave her was beyond wonderful but she needed all of him. Shoving him down to lay down she straddled him; her robe was still open so it made it easier for her to shrug off completely. She took his hand and placed it on her breast making them both hiss from the contact.
“Kagome--”he started.
“No. I don’t want to wait anymore, Inuyasha,” she said as she dipped her head down to capture his lips. “Please, if we only have weeks, then please, take me. Make me yours.” Did she sound whiny? Absolutely. But she hoped it got her point across. She wanted him--needed him. If they were fated to die together so be it. Let it be while they were officially bonded so they had no regrets.
“We don’t have to rush this, Kagome,” he soothed, splaying his hands across her hips and raising his own to grind against her own. 
“Who’s rushing?” She tried to say it strongly. But it came out as pants. Broken. Whimpered.
“What if this takes your powers, though? What if we have a chance to fight that bastard who took you?” He asked as he sat up still pressing himself against her--the friction between his hardened length still encased in his pants and her core brought her back up to a blubbering helpless pile of goo.
“I-I thought about that--I trust you. I trust that you’ll take care of me. Protect me. Pr-provide for me. I doubt that’ll happen though--that I-I’d lose my reiki. Ah!! J-Just because you’re a demon doesn’t mean you’re tainted,” she gasped when a solid thrust brushed his soaked hakama against her clit again. Her hands were at his obi trying to untie it when his hands stilled her own.
They locked eyes and he was almost testing her. Ensuring this was, in fact, what she really wanted. She was nervous. But there was no doubt that she desired him. Heart and soul and body. 
“A-Are you sure?” She finally asked. 
“It’s not that I’m not sure, Kagome,” he finally relented, kissing her temples, then cheeks. “I just know you took your duty so seriously until literally a couple of hours ago. In my demon form, he didn’t think about these ramifications. He just wanted to claim you because that was what our instinct called for. I just want to make sure I’m doing right by you.”
“I didn’t know I was going to die. I didn’t know our time was limited. I don’t want to waste it now--”
“That could be changed. We might be able to stop this.”
“Inuyasha,” she breathed. Why was he being so… stubborn about this? Was stubborn even the word? “What’s really wrong? You seem uhm, reluctant about this?”
“Trust me; it’s not that I don’t want you. Fuck every goddamn part of me does,” he added an extra thrust that sent her keening into his shoulder to emphasize his point. Obviously the attraction was there. He was still humping her even through his clothes. “I just--fuck why is it me who has an actual working brain right now, Kagome? You’re usually the one who has the sense.”
The beration he was trying to give her didn’t help her non-functioning head. “Probably because I’ve never done any of this before and you feel so good; being so close to someone was never something I was really allowed. I never allowed myself to have those kinds of desires even alone. It’s intoxicating; you’re everything I’ve ever wanted. Someone I honestly never knew I needed. A shelter--a home. Someone I want to call my own. I don’t want to ever fight these feelings. I just want to be together,” she whined. 
“Kagome,” he whispered in awe.
His hand that had moved back on to her breast started kneading it, and then twisted and pinched her nipple. She lost herself and barely realized he had lowered her down onto the pillows the way his mouth was distracting her. His lips moved against hers like magic; he made her feel somewhat more experienced than she was. Especially when his breath hitched when she blessed him with her tongue probing his mouth. She wanted to learn his taste, the feel of his tongue against hers, the way his fangs felt--actually she wanted his fangs to nibble and nip across her body. Along with his tongue. She wanted him to memorize every scar, curve, and crevice of her body. And she wanted to learn all of his.
She wanted him to learn what got her going just like he was teaching her. She wanted to learn the same about him. 
Was it crass to ask someone how they were good at stimulating someone? How they knew what they were doing?? 
“Dunno. Instinct. Also, you’re not quiet or shy about making sure I hear what you like,” he smirked, wiggling his ears.
She knew she was blushing madly. “I said that out loud?!!?”
He chuckled as he moved his face to-- oh thank the Gods, his fangs were pressing against her neck. Panting, she writhed beneath him unable to continue their conversation further. But good to know his instincts were that powerful. Not that she would have cared if he had explored another woman’s body. They did have a rather large age gap between them. OR even if he had to learn everything with her--it would have been okay. Because they would do it together.
“Just so you know--for future reference or whatever, demons are fairly loyal to their mates. Possessive. They don’t stray like humans. Sex is different to us. I am half-demon. So I know what sex means for a human--but I’ve always been too much of a coward to look for sex on my human nights. Also, why bother when I’d have to run the next morning before the sun rose? It was too dangerous to ever explore any of that kind of crap. But with you…”
“You can be vulnerable,” she sighed as his lips descended and suckled on her breast making her cry out and buck her hips off the futon.
“See? Smart girl,” he groaned as he continued his ministrations. Soon his lips dipped lower as he continued to nip and bite her smooth skin. It was a good thing Rin’s yukata covered her body fully--by the time he was done she wouldn’t have a single unblemished part of her skin left. Which only made her body burn hotter. She was embarrassed to think of where she wanted his head the most but it seemed like he knew--or at least that’s where he wanted his head to be as well.
“You like the idea of me tasting you?” She felt a sharp nip at her hip making her focus somewhat as she saw his bright amber eyes searching hers. Why was he asking in such a leading way? Did he feel uncomfortable without her actual words of consent?
“Gods yes,” she pleaded, giving him the permission he was obviously seeking. His face closed the final inches between them and his nose pressed up against the soft curls of her womanhood.
He exhaled shakily making her slightly anxious. Did she smell alright? Was she clean? Did he like that she was as wet as she was?
"Relax, Kagome. You smell fucking amazing," he placated as he took a long leisurely lick of his tongue between her folds. 
"Ahhh!! I-I didn't ask that out loud did I?? Ugh! Inu--" Her hands went to interweave her fingers in his hair as she pulled his face as close as possible as she let unadulterated sounds escape her mouth.
Humming his approval only sent her body into uncontrollable spasms. The vibration made her hips rise further into his mouth as he grazed his fangs inside of her folds. His tongue laved every available surface and she swore she was going to actually cry.  She had never felt this much pleasure, this much-heated desire and wanting it almost scared her. Almost. The other half of her demanded he finish what he started and to quit teasing her. 
"Inuyasha please," she begged, trying to steer his head where she wanted him the most. 
His tongue re-entered her and began stroking inside her wet dripping opening. His fingers latched onto her clit and squeezed, twisted, and pulled forcing out her second powerful release.
It was weird to think about--she swore she had left her body from such an extreme high from the mind-blowing orgasm--that he was literally drinking from her.
The villagers talked. Kagome’s knowledge came from treating the women who were married and gossiped about everything. Everything. EVERYTHING. 
Those conversations always left her mortified. She couldn't imagine these things these women did for their husbands. Like taking them in their mouths OR how they would just enter them whenever they felt like it... And...just how little it seemed like they got back.  Sure, they told her about reaching climaxes but nothing about a man reaching out and touching between their folds, nothing about a man lying between their legs and licking up all the juices they produced. Hell, the liquid that seeped out of her was such a rare topic she could say she was initially concerned when she felt herself become so wet. But Inuyasha only made her wave off her initial discomfort. He apparently was enthralled with the idea her body produced such things. Just the fact Inuyasha was so different from those men made her realize how very special he was. It made her realize how blessed she was.
He slinked his way back up to her and pressed tender kisses on her temples, cheeks, then nuzzled her neck while humming that purr of happiness. He was happy. Inuyasha. He was happy he pleasured her. 
She hummed acknowledging she was more aware and back from her vacation of bliss before she moved her hands to rub his delicate ears. Then she did something without even thinking; she pulled his face up to hers and kissed him. She fully tasted herself and it was… wonderful. Erotic. Arousing.
Just knowing that she was only for him. That only they knew the taste of each other. That she drenched him in her own flavor and being able to taste proof of it was enough to make her want to try that thing the village’s women told her about. He was obviously distracted with her mouth perusing him as she finally dropped her hands to his obi and untied it. She stealthily took her leg and used it to push down his hakama as her hands came up to part his kosode and haori. 
She must’ve caught his attention as her breath stalled as his fingers brushed over his chiseled abs and pecks; he looked deep into her ocean eyes with fiery ambers. Biting her lip she returned his gesture he often did to comfort her and nuzzled his neck in comfort to coax him out of his shell. 
“Kagome…” he sighed.
“Inuyasha,” she said in return and took his hardened length between them in her hand and gave a light tentative stroke. 
“Fuck,” he croaked. “Don’t stop.”
This is exactly what she had thought previously as she felt him shudder and moan into her shoulder. He made her feel powerful. Needed. Desired. Somehow she was the puzzle piece he was missing. 
“Never,” she breathed into his hair. That was a promise.
 Inuyasha wasn’t sure what had come over him when they started kissing again. It was like his demon half had taken control--only it hadn’t. It was all him. He did listen to his instincts of where she should be touched, how hard, how much.
But he was also really testing the waters as he felt around for her nub, twisted her breast, nibbled, and laved her body in the most intimate of ways. He had not only made her come once but twice. And she still wanted him. She still touched him. She was slowly coaxing him to not give a fuck and stop all higher brain function in general.
Fuck. He wasn’t going to be able to last long with her soft unblemished hand stroking him like that. He was going to explode all over her.
He had never been with a woman. A partner. It never really mattered if he saved a village or saved a child, people from far and wide only saw him for what he was; a half-demon. A monster. Sure, he had gazed upon the naked form before. Sure, he had taken matters into his own hands but fuck. Kagome saw him as a man. Someone she wanted to be with. Someone she said it hurt because she desired him so much. His hand would never be able to do the job again. 
Even more than that though, Kagome allowed him to do whatever his body and mind seemed to call for. She teased him about if she tasted good when he tried to sneak a taste from his finger and then egged him on to dive deep face-first into her sex. Then by all the Gods, she let him kiss her and her scent of arousal only sparked back to life while she sampled her own flavor on his tongue. 
She had thoroughly wound him up so tight he hadn’t even noticed when she had untied his obi and somehow pushed down his pants as she parted his kimono. Only the sensation of her gentle and curious caresses of his chest brought him back from his thoughts that were flooded around the ache of his throbbing dick.
He initially wanted her to realize if they were going to stop--they needed to. Either way, there was no turning back for him. He’d have to hurry to bathe to take care of his cock or finish what they started. Either way, he’d likely have to get this hard-on out of the way so he wasn’t too eager if she did choose to continue because he’d wind up hurting her. 
 All thoughts went out the window when she took hold of him and started stroking. Fuck. Shit. He was gonna mate with her. Yep. Settled. She was definitely fucking his. No discussion. He’d never allow her to leave. Now, fifty years from now, hundreds, whatever, she belonged to him. Only he would know the gentleness of her hands but firm pull she gave, only he would know the depths and curves of her body. 
Fuck he was losing his mind. Over her just fucking touching him. They weren’t even mating yet.
“Kagome--I’m gonna--”
“Please--I want you to; but can I try something else?” She was so sweet. An innocent little angel. It made him harder when she spoke so kindly and brazenly without trying. Not to mention it turned him on more knowing she had never tried this before. Even on herself. The fact he made her feel this way was making his demon beyond excited. Far more possessive than before; it swore they'd go back to the village and slaughter anyone who had ever laid eyes on her.
No; that’s a little drastic.
Whatever hanyou. She is ours.
And whatever she says goes, asshole.
Touche, half-demon.
Her pushing on his chest startled him from his thoughts as she beckoned him to sit up. What did she say? She wanted to try something? What did--OH FUCK. Her mouth was on his dick.
Her. Mouth. 
Was. On.
Good fucking GOD.
His. Dick.
His hands flew down to her head but he showed restraint he had no idea he had and forcibly did not shove himself further in her mouth. If anything just having his hands entwined in her hair just solidified how real and tangible this was. This was better than any fantasy he had ever cooked up in his marble-sized brain. Her tongue grazing over his hardened length, her teeth lightly scraping, her fingers playing and teasing his sac, her other hand rubbing where her mouth couldn’t reach--
It was wayyyyyyyyy too fucking much. He was panting, his ears were pressed down, and the sounds being ground out of his mouth were incomprehensible.
He tried to give her some signal that she was gonna taste him. If she wanted to stop, that would be the time. But she hummed and kept bobbing her head back and forth and damnit--he came with a crashing force; he was scared he actually hurt her when he held her head in place as she drank him up.
When he finally figured out which way was up and down again, he finally looked into Kagome’s eyes. He let go of her head, stirred deeply that she was looking at him so… sultry. She was fucking proud of herself. Shit, she was beautiful.
She let go of his still slightly hard cock and smiled at him while she sat up from her previously crouched position and licked her lips.
“Was that okay?”
“Good Gods woman--I thought that--”
“I was the village healer. You think men are bad. Women are worse,” she laughed. And her laugh only made his dick fully rise again. She had to be the embodiment of lust. Beauty. She was so perfect. This wasn't even about being mates; this was about being in love. 
He leaned in and kissed her. Shit. It was like she didn’t totally just blow him. He was up, almost painfully so, and ready to go for round two. Tasting the mixture of her and his own juices was driving him to the brink of insanity. Even though his instincts were yelling at him to flip her onto her hands and knees, he knew he should take her the way he had seen human men take their bitches. 
Honestly, the idea was just as tempting--to be able to kiss her, look deep into her beautiful ocean blue eyes, watch her face contort with pleasure, have her hands actively stroking--
I agree. Take her.
“Inuyasha,” she breathed. It was fucking magic to his ears. And cock. This beautiful naked creature beneath him literally clouded all coherent thought. He hadn’t even noticed he had laid her back and his body was covering hers; that her legs were spread apart and he rested between them. Their most intimate parts grazing each other. He was completely drunk off of her. He would never need to drink or eat again if she was on the menu at night. He dipped down to recapture her lips in his. 
He swore he had to be dreaming. Fuck. He had never felt this complete in his life and they hadn’t even joined yet. All they had been doing was touching. Yea, sexually but shit. He couldn’t even begin to dissect or discern how this was all so different. New. Amazing. 
Was it fucked up that he almost wanted to thank Naraku for driving her to him? Probably. Whatever, he probably would when he was taunting him about how he marked his ‘so-called mate’ as his own. If they made it that far. He knew he would take great pleasure in killing the bastard if they got the chance.
Honestly, Inuyasha didn’t even care if they never saw him again. All the mattered, all that consumed his mind was Kagome. 
He pulled back and looked back into her eyes then softly caressed her cheek extending to touch and smooth down her sex-frazzled hair.
“Are you… really sure?”
“Yes,” she said without hesitation.
“It’s gonna hurt, but I’ll go slow, alright?”
“Mhm,” she nodded with glittering eyes.
He couldn’t stop himself as he kissed her again as he lined himself up with her entrance; his dick was covered with her wetness as her ground against her clit. He felt her arms wrap around him and her hands grip the back of his shoulders to hold him closer to her. Taking a steadying breath he entered her tight wet core trying to ignore the hitch and whine she exerted.
He slowed his pace even though all he wanted to do was slam into her over and over again; he began kissing her face and then nuzzled her neck licking up to the back of her ear before shakily exhaling her name.
Her walls loosened slightly and he finally finished entering her. They laid still, trembling, holding each other for a few moments. Him, giving her time to adjust while he was given the opportunity to comfort her. Her, likely trying to get used to the intrusion and the rub her hands all over his body.
She finally released a breath she was holding and nudged his cheek with her nose and slightly raised her hips as if testing the feeling. All it did was drive him crazy but he refused to move until she said otherwise. He didn’t even care if he came right then. They likely wouldn’t have to wait long to go again if that happened. But he wanted her comfort first and foremost and fuck--he wouldn’t rush it.
“Y-you can move, Y-yash,” she said, kissing his cheek and bringing her hands to his face to angle it down to kiss her. He was only happily complied as he slowly shifted his hips and pulled out to push back in. This time he felt her hymen burst as he reentered her; he also, unfortunately, heard and felt her cringe and whimper underneath him. 
He moved his face and kissed her eyes then licked her tears. Her delicate little hands shifted from his face to his ears. He let out a calming rumble through his chest to help ease her discomfort and pain.
She moved her hips again and this time her voice was laced with a heated moan rather than one covered with hurt. He took her cue and proceeded to restart his movements. 
His ears flicked with the sounds of her uneven breathing, her whimpers of need, the long drawn out sighs of broken versions of his name. Fuck. 
She was so wet again, she wasn’t faking anything--not that he thought she would but everything from her scent to her body rising off the futon to meet his thrusts was telling him she was getting as much out of their lovemaking as he was.
That sounded odd to him. He would never have referred to sex as ‘love-making’. Rutting, fucking, coitus, but never something so--girlie. But with Kagome, that’s what this was. While yeah, she was encouraging his primal urges to emerge and work, and yeah, they weren’t going so slow that they’d never finish, but they were fully expressing their feelings for each other. It was an odd sensation and realization to him that he was loved as much as he loved someone else.
Her bellowment of pleasure brought him out of his ponderings; though he was far from silent as well, he thought his growls and grunts would scare her but if anything it made her pull her legs tighter around his waist, her hips churn to hit parts of her she clearly wanted to be touched, her nails grasp his shoulders and dig in deeper--shit he was close but he needed her where he was for the mate-bond to hold.
Moving one of his hands from her hips, he used his thumb to stroke the nub he had originally discovered in his venture of fingering her. Her breath caught and she cried out. She writhed beneath him as he felt her contract around him. 
Resting his forehead against her as he continued his ministrations, his hair fell and curtained around them as they were trapped in their own sweaty, hot, panting world. He honestly thought about skipping dinner after all. He would never get enough of this gorgeous woman wrapped around him. 
“Kagome, I--I’m gonna mark you.”
“O-Okay,” she ground out with another cry along with another squeeze to his deeply submerged cock.
He lowered his head to the crook of her neck and licked as she began to cry out his name.
“Come for me, Kagome,” he said steadier than how he felt. He was nervous, excited, crazed, everything was swirling around in a timeless blurr. When she began to spasm around him, screaming out her orgasm, he couldn’t hold back his to even save his own life. Right before it was ripped from his body, he bit down on her neck and allowed his youki to flow through her. He hadn’t expected her own reiki to react by flowing back through him.
Coming down from their mutual bliss, their high from release, he raised his head up from her shoulder and gazed into her eyes. 
“I love you, Kagome.”
“I love you too, Inuyasha,” she whispered leaning up to kiss him again. 
There was a surge of reiki beneath him--coming from Kagome. But it oddly didn’t burn. It seemed to have startled her too because initially, she tried to shove him off of her. He looked down at her hip and saw a bright light that blinded him before it formed into a fucking person. 
Now he’d seen everything. Of course, they would be fucking naked, just enjoying the bliss of the afterglow from having sex and a fucking ghost would appear. He pulled out of her and sat up in front of her. Snarling.
His demonic blood hit him full force, without even a warning or blip to alert him before it took over. Kagome's hand grabbed his bicep quickly from behind as she pressed her body into his. 
“Wait--” she gasped.
“Who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want?!” He growled menacingly.
“Relax, half-demon. I am not here to harm you or my descendent,” the ghost waved her arm in placation. 
“‘Descendent?’ Are you… Lady Kikyo?” Kagome asked.
“I am. I’ve come to warn you,” she stated emotionlessly.
“After we mated? Your fucking timing sucks,” Inuyasha snarled.
“Yes, that is why I came,” she said.
“Too late now,” he grumbled. Of course, her ancestor would be a judgemental bitch.
“Lady Kikyo, I love Inuyasha. Even if you are here to warn us about mating, it’s already been done and I still have my reiki. Even if I didn’t, he is my mate--”
“No, I came to warn you of Naraku. Your mating only destroyed the things he wanted most. He will be rather angry.”
“What do you mean?” Kagome questioned, still securely pressed to Inuyasha’s back.
“By solidifying your mateship, the jewel has been purified. The act made from pure love was too much for the jewel to take--it is no longer of this world. For that, I am indebted to you.”
“You mean--”
“Fucking made the jewel pure?” Kagome smacked him. Likely for how he had phrased their mating. To be fair he was in demon form--fucking was what it was called. His human half could call it love-making. Same fucking thing.
“Yes; I did not mean to intrude on your post-coital bliss but, we must speak before my spirit is gone. There was a remnant of it imprisoned by the jewel. It was taken to serve as a warning to whoever purified the jewel.”
“Why?” Kagome asked.
“Naraku was once my betrothed, Onigumo. However, he fell prey to the jewel’s darkness, and soon, the demons descended and ripped his body and soul apart. He ceased to exist and became what you know now as Naraku. He is the one who slew me, hoping I, too, would fall and use the jewel for my deepest desires. However, I took the jewel with me to the netherworld knowing it should be destroyed. 
“Then it was born again in you, Kagome. For that, I am sorry. But you were able to purify it, unlike so many before you failed to do. You found the answer no one else could come up with.”
“Love?” Kagome curiously said.
“Indeed. Your love for the hanyou is what ultimately purified the jewel. The selfless love you had for him made the jewel unable to maintain its form. But now that the jewel is gone, Naraku will be even more enraged. The fact you have been claimed by this half-demon may even send him over the edge. This is the warning I give to you; Naraku will not stop until he has exactly what he desires. Even if that means he has to start over.”
“Start over? What the fuck does that mean?”
“You will soon find out,” Kikyo said as she slowly began to disappear.
“Wait!! Inuyasha and I won’t be around long enough to finish what you started! OR what we started! Whatever! How--”
“Do not be foolish. You allowed another’s prejudices to cloud your mind. Your mate bond with Inuyasha has, in fact, saved your life. His youki has refilled your life energy and the reiki that you lost when the jewel was purified. 
“It is still your destiny to destroy Naraku. But it was never your destiny alone, Kagome. Good luck,” Kikyo finished as she disintegrated from sight.
Inuyasha’s blood receded with Kikyo’s presence gone and he turned to face Kagome who was staring at him in shock. Tears pooled at her eyes and all he could do was grab her face, smashing his lips to hers. She frantically returned the pressure and moaned into his mouth. 
When he withdrew, they were both breathless. She giggled with unbounded happiness. Inuyasha wiped her tears away with his thumbs and couldn’t help but return her smile with all the love he felt for her.
“Told ya,” he smirked. She batted his chest and made him chuckle. He took her face and lightly pressed his lips to her when they heard a frantic knock at the door.
“Lady Kagome?? Lord Inuyasha?? Are you both alright???” Rin’s voice called.
“Go in! We must check on her!” They overheard the monk saying.
“This one advises against entering,” Sesshomaru said evenly.
Kagome blushed the brightest he had ever seen and he tossed her the first thing he could find to coverup with--which was his kosode but fuck it--something was better than nothing at that point! He threw on his hakama in haste hearing the slayer demand to enter to make sure neither of them were injured in the surge of demonic aura and reiki.
The door finally burst open. The slayer and monk lead the way followed by the sheepish Rin and exasperated Sesshomaru. Kagome sat behind Inuyasha again, grabbing his bare arm making sure he felt her reiki flow to him to calm him. It oddly worked in settling his raging blood that demanded he slaughter the humans for seeing Kagome in such an intimate position. Wrapped up in his clothes, flushed from their activities, mark fresh from their binding, hair wild from lust, her scent still hot, spicy, and mixed with his own. 
Not that they could smell that--but his asshole brother could. It made him growl.
“Lady Kagome--we sensed a large amount of reiki; are you alright? Lord Inuyasha, are you??” The monk began.
Kagome kept hold of his arm as if sensing he was about to tear the monk's arms off and use them to beat him. “Y-Yes we’re fine,” she mumbled into his back. Oh fuck. He needed them to leave so he could take her again. Her full breasts so intimately rubbing against him, her hot breath swaying his hair and brushing against his neck. Fuck. She was so fucking desirable without even trying.
Rin stepped out from beside Sesshomaru and gasped then rushed to Kagome’s side. Inuyasha snarled a warning and she whacked him. Rin. Rin hit him?! What the fuck?!? 
“Shush you! Oh my goodness!” She exclaimed, turning to Kagome and slightly touching the area he marked. “You did it!!! You mated!! EEEEEEEEEE!!!!” 
“Rin,” Sesshomaru tried.
“We truly are sisters now!! How exciting!!! You probably want a bath before dinner, do you not?? Why don’t you come with me!!” Rin more or less ordered as she grabbed her yukata that was sprawled on the ground and held it in front of Kagome so no one else could see her get dressed.
“What the fuck--no--Rin--” Inuyasha started. Then she whacked him again. WHAT THE FUCK!?!? Why did she keep doing that and why was his fucking inner demonic jackass self taking it?!?
Alpha male’s whelped mate. We aren’t looking for a challenge. We have a mate to consider. Allow the woman to bathe her that way we can reinstate our scent and mark later. When we won’t be interrupted. When we can take her over and over and over--
Fucking hell.
We respect the chain of command, hanyou. Calm your hormones.
“Now, now, respect your lady. She needs a girl talk and a bath. She hasn’t had a proper one in a long time and I’m sure she would love a woman’s touch, Lord Inuyasha. Stay and chat with my lord husband.” Rin helped a frazzled, still heavily blushing, confused Kagome and led her out of the room.
“Inu--” Kagome started.
“Stay,” Sesshomaru ordered the moment Inuyasha began to rise. “Slayer. Accompany them.”
“Excuse me?!” The slayer bellowed.
“Now Sango, maybe they would uhm… like to get to know you better. It seems our goals for vengeance have aligned,” the monk tried to soothe. 
“Fine…” she glared at her husband then shot a deadly glare to Inuyasha. He only thought the response he wanted to say; he didn’t want to set her off further while she was going to be with his mate by saying his derogatory thoughts aloud.  
Once she was gone, Inuyasha turned back to his brother, “Whaddya want? Obviously you wanted our mates gone.”
“We received something at the gates,” Sesshomaru informed.
“What do you mean you got something? From who?”
“We believe it was from Naraku… We wanted to share this with you before we shared it with Lady Kagome. It is--unpleasant,” the monk added, obviously off-put by whatever it was they got.
“Well what is it?” Inuyasha demanded.
“It belonged to your Miko,” Sesshomaru grimaced. He grimaced. That bastard didn’t give a shit about anyone or anything--well besides Rin. What in the fuck did Naraku have that could disturb Sesshomaru? Stoic Inu-no-Taisho, Lord of the fucking West?
Inuyasha began to get nervous. Edgy. His youki automatically went to seek Kagome’s presence out. Low and behold it found her and her reiki stroked back comfortingly. She was safe. Rin had her. Why was that so comforting?
“Sesshomaru… just fucking tell me. My instincts are all over the fucking place right now,” Inuyasha finally relented to his brother.
“As they should be. You just mated with your priestess. If your youki wasn’t melding with hers, it would be an issue,” he commented as he pulled something from his sleeve and extended it to him.
Inuyasha took it and was assailed with not only Kagome’s scent but Naraku’s. It had another scent on it as well but he hadn’t smelled that person before. He looked down into his hand and saw what looked like a ring… with her hair entwined with it. What in the seven hells--
It was a western tradition to exchange rings when someone became betrothed. Was it possible this was that Hojo-person’s ring? How did Naraku come to have it? He gazed back at Sesshomaru who didn’t look pleased by the development. 
“What?! What aren’t you telling me?!”
“It was attached to a finger, Lord Inuyasha,” Miroku conceded. 
“A finger?? Whos?!”
“I assume the male of which you scented on the ring. Did you know your mate was betrothed?” The monk watched Inuyasha’s face for a sign of anger, remorse, or whatever. It pissed Inuyasha off further.
“Of course I did. She told me when we were stuck in that shelter we found after we met.”
“Yet you still pursued her??” The monk inquired curiously.
“She was the one who told me she wanted nothing to do with the marriage. Even if she hadn’t run, she said she wouldn’t have gone through with it,” Inuyasha sneered at the monk.
“My little brother would not mate with a woman who was spoken for unless she had been forced into the said arrangement. Your insinuations must stop if you wish to remain here and find your vengeance for those you have lost.”
“My apologies. As I have admonished before, this is an odd situation for me in general. A Miko the mate of a demon, who happened to be the reincarnation of the legendary Kikyo and holds the Sacred Jewel in her body, who we originally thought was mated to the demon who killed our friends and family, and now who happened to be betrothed to another man in her village. Lady Kagome just keeps proving to be a very special woman.”
“Speaking of my mate, she still has her reiki.”
“Unsurprising as she is the keeper of the Shikon no Tama,” Sesshomaru expressed.
“Yea… about that,” Inuyasha started. “When I marked her--the jewel uh--vanished. Purified or whatever.”
“A thousand pardons, Lord Inuyasha. But do you mean to say that--when you and the Lady Kagome were-- intimate, you purified the jewel?”
“Yeah, pervert. And her ancestor, Kikyo came out and had a nice little chat with us. Which was why you sensed the large amount of youki from me and the spiritual power from her. She told us about Naraku. What he actually wanted. Then gave us some half-ass weird ominous warning about him still trying to get what he wants even if he had to start over--now that we covered that, why the fuck is my mate’s hair wrapped around her ring??”
“We believe it was cursed. Especially with the finger that was attached. I have locked the uh--appendage away for now. Lady Kagome’s power may be able to ward off the evil that we sensed with it.”
“The ring is fine though?” Inuyasha demanded. 
“We do not sense jyaki from it. So it is. For now,” Sesshomaru spoke.
Damnit all! Of course, the bastard would still be at large! Ruining the time that Inuyasha should be exploring his new mate’s body, solidifying their bond, rutting her over and over, making her glands literally drip of his scent--
"This conversation should be continued with your new mate, Inuyasha. We should see if she is able to detect anything from the object. I have also invited another guest to enlighten us on these recent developments. He should be here by dinner time. "
"I agree with Lord Sesshomaru," the monk added. "Lady Kagome should be informed of the newest situation."
"Maybe I missed something, but why are you trying to be all 'buddy buddy' now?"
"It will be discussed at dinner which should be ready shortly, little brother. Get dressed and head down to the dining hall," Sesshomaru lamented as he left his chambers.
Before Miroku could bow Inuyasha grabbed him by the robes and hauled him in front of him. He let his aura flood him just so he knew how powerful he actually was. 
"Look here monk; that asshole may say we should wait ‘til dinner but I want answers. Now."
"Lord Inuyasha, we never meant any harm to begin with. As I have said,  this is a peculiar situation--"
"Can it. Why did you change your mind? Why are you willing to stick around with Kagome and I? You and your bitch didn't seem keen on the idea the moment you laid eyes on her."
"We all make mistakes, Lord Inuyasha. We learned quite a bit more after you and Lady Kagome engaged in--"
"Shut the fuck up. You're such a bozzo."
"My apologies. Old habits die hard. However, we did learn from scrolls about mating, a little more about Naraku’s whereabouts, and also about another Lord who has been having trouble with him.”
Oh for fuck’s sake--
“Lemme guess; Koga?"
"Yes. He was more than eager to join us at the castle knowing Kagome had come here for refuge."
"My asshole brother say anything else to him about why she was here?"
"I don't believe so; just that she was under his protection. I think he was going to leave it to you and your mate to inform him on bond.”
“Good.” Not that he thought it’d be disrespectful of Sesshomaru to tell the wolf of his and Kagome’s now marked mateship, but he knew Kagome was friends with the fleabag. She would likely want to be the one who shared the news with him.
Walking over to the chest, he pulled out another clean kosode and redressed himself. He turned and saw Miroku still standing there waiting for him.
“What do you want?”
“Lord Inuyasha, I do wish to extend my deepest apologies for upsetting you and your mate. We hold no grudges against her. While we know it was truly not her who attacked our friends and family, her face still does strike a raw emotion for my wife and I.”
“How long ago was the attack on your people?” 
“Just over a month. From Lady Kagome’s tale, he likely had her for a couple of weeks between when we saw her to when you two met. Did anything happen between them?”
“Even if anything did happen, it’d be none of your business.”
“Of course not. It is apparent Lady Kagome does not wish to associate with him. She seemed uncomfortable at the mention of his name entirely.”
“She’s not the most forthcoming person in general.”
“As most priests, priestesses, and monks are. When things come from a higher power, we tend to try and control the situation as much as possible.”
“Huh. I’ll keep that in mind. Explains why you failed to mention her lifespan was shorted.”
“Again, I am truly sorry--”
“It’s fine. It’s fixed now.”
“Your bond truly does astound me, Lord Inuyasha. I wish you and your mate many years of happiness.”
If Inuyasha had anything to say about it, they would. Centuries even. He would always make sure Kagome was taken care of. Physically. Emotionally. And intimately. Kagome was his life now. He would be damned if he let anyone or anything get between their happiness. As he and monk made their way to the dining room, the tension between them slowly lifted. But a new realization hit him; he knew they would still have some battles to overcome. Naraku. Her family… if they were still alive. Where they would go. What they would do. 
All he knew was that he would always ensure she and himself had a shelter. A home. A place to call their own they could fill with their love that was deemed so pure, it purified the jewel.
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mythicamagic · 4 years
Impostor Syndrome: Sesskag oneshot
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Summery: Kagome is resurrected by a grief stricken husband- brought back to fill his late wife Kikyo’s shoes. While the characteristics unique to Kagome are rejected by Inuyasha, there’s a certain Daiyoukai who has a fascination with her blue eyes, sun kissed skin and curling hair.
Rated T (angst, relationship drama, romance and hurt/comfort) 7,000+ words.
AN: Inuyasha plays a more antagonistic role here but in case you’ve never read my stuff before, just know that I do like him and love me some good platonic best friends Inukag, as seen in Conversing with Emotion and Swimming in Silk. It’s just that I like to play around with the characters, so forgive me for how he’s written in this one.
No smut here but please enjoy.
Impostor Syndrome
There once was a young man who married for love. Born a half-demon, he never anticipated anyone loving him, let alone a priestess; enemy to his father’s kin.
But just as he did not fit in with demon or humankind, she did not belong within the role assigned to her either. An extraordinary woman wishing to be ordinary. To be free from the weight of expectation placed upon her shoulders.
And so they’d fled.
After marrying for love the young man experienced pure, quiet happiness with his wife. She had a calming spirit that could turn hard as flint, blinding in her cold ruthlessness. She could slay enemies efficiently and with poised control yet turn soft and loving for him alone.
They lived for a time together in the forest, keeping to their personal haven.
Because of her skill, the young man trusted her power not to fail on the night of the new moon.
He howled his grief and despair long into the early hours of morning after discovering her broken body lying in the grass of a clearing.
But that was not quite the end of the man who married for love. Instead, he attempted to play God.
She took her first breath and broke into a coughing fit. Rising up from the cold floor, a young woman shivered. Glancing down, she found herself covered in sticky sweat, completely bare.
“Kikyo,” someone breathed, barely above a whisper.
The young woman started. Her hand was caught between two larger ones that clasped her fingers tight, squeezing. Blue eyes raised to the stranger with muted confusion.
He blinked with equal confusion and mounting anger, sniffing. “You don't… smell like her,” the words came faintly. “Why doesn’t she smell like her!” He burst, causing the woman to jolt.
“Master Inuyasha, the spell you desired is a finicky one.” A slippery, hoarse voice came from behind them, dripping fake pleasantries. “Be patient. Your wife may not look or smell quite the same but her memories will return from the dead.”
Inuyasha glared over his shoulder at the witch who lingered in the entrance to his hut like an unwanted spectre. “She better. This ain’t what I agreed to,” he stood, fists trembling.
The girl at his feet stared with furrowed brows, uncertain why disappointment brimmed in the stranger’s eyes. Nonetheless, he seemed to try and correct his attitude, reaching down to grasp thin arms. Roughly tugging her to stand, he supported her around the waist when she wobbled. “I guess we’ll just take this slow,” he sighed. “I’m your husband, Inuyasha. And your name is Kikyo.”
She blinked and tried to steady herself on trembling legs, frowning.
The very first words out of her mouth were;
“I’m not Kikyo.”
Perhaps those words didn’t help endear her to Inuyasha. Nonetheless, he resolved to start from scratch.
‘Kikyo’ was given his late wife’s clothes to wear, smoothing the priestess robes over her body. However, with every opportunity, the woman slipped out of the robes in order to wear a yukata or kimono instead. Anything but the miko attire. It set his teeth on edge. At least she held the holy power of a priestess like his wife.
She understood his language and already knew the basics of reading and writing. Inuyasha took this to be a good sign since his late wife had been educated.
When it came to other things, the woman tried her best to learn the necessary herbs for healing as instructed. Yet her attention often wandered away, lost in a daydream.
“Oi,” he grunted. “Focus. Kikyo was dedicated to this stuff.”
“But we already have enough herbs from yesterday,” sighing, she straightened and rested the basket of herbs against her hip. “Can’t we do something else?” Blue eyes lingered on the treetops. “Is there a beach near here? I’d really like to see the ocean.”
White ears flicked and pressed to his skull. “Where’d you hear about beaches? I never took Kikyo to one.”
She continued to gaze longingly at the trees, as though looking through them to somewhere else, somewhere far away. Inuyasha grit his teeth, bristling. Grasping the woman’s chin and turning it slightly to better inspect the structure of her face, he tsked. “Damn it… wish your eyes were brown like they used to be,” he grumbled. “Hurry up and remember everything already. You’re not acting right.”
Blue eyes slid away, lips thinning. “I’m just acting like myself…”
“Keh, you ain’t anyone else but Kikyo,” dropping her chin, he straightened. “Things are weird right now but they’ll go back to normal as soon as you remember, I promise.”
The young woman buried her feelings anew. She’d been doing that a lot lately. When he walked away and called for Kikyo, it took her a moment to remember that she’d been assigned such a name. It didn’t sit right on her tongue.
Inuyasha lived fairly isolated within the woods with his wife. However, there were those who knew where to find him. Namely: his half brother.
“Don’t you think it’s about time you used it?”
“I have used it.”
“Experimenting with the sword on Jaken and a little girl does not count,” Inukimi hummed with amusement, watching her son with dancing eyes.
Sesshoumaru’s narrowed, head tilting back and brushing long silver hair over his shoulder. “As this one has stated numerous times; a sword of healing is a useless prop for a warlord to wield.”
His honoured mother hummed, resting her pale cheek in her palm boredly. “I do wish your Father were still with us to temper that disrespectful tongue of yours. Consider my words, pup. That sword should be used, and preferably to save a life that is precious to you. Don’t squander it, dearest. I thought you hated wasted potential.”
With a snort, Sesshoumaru took his leave. Disappointment radiated off Inukimi but he hardly cared. Whatever ‘lesson’ Father had intended for him to learn about Tenseiga was ultimately useless for a demon like him.
Returning to his own stronghold, Sesshoumaru listened to the reports from his advisers, before making his way down a hallway. Strange that his blood did not sing with the thrill of victory. Reports of his army’s success in battle were usually a favourable thing. Lately, however, there was no burning satisfaction. Perhaps he merely needed to visit the front lines again for himself. Jaken was most likely instructing Rin in her morning lessons at that time, so he made his way towards the gardens.
Whispers flitted into the air, irritating his ears. Sesshoumaru zeroed in on the hushed mutterings and paused mid-step. The Lord of the Western lands did not care much for idle gossip, yet a particularly prevalent one kept cropping up lately.
“Did ye hear? Master Inuyasha’s wife perished.”
“The priestess Kikyo?”
“Mn- and do not repeat this but I hear he revived her with the use of dark magic.”
“Yes. Though I suppose he’d need to rely on such means. It is not as though Lord Sesshoumaru would lend him Tenseiga.”
At the mention of his name, a frosty gaze swung to the servants down the hallway. They squeaked and hurried away.
Though he loathed agreeing, the validity of their statement couldn’t be denied. He and his brother were not ‘close’ by any stretch of the imagination. Still, Sesshoumaru felt mildly curious about the whelp’s situation.
This curiosity resulted in the Daiyoukai gliding through the sky that afternoon. It took a few hours, but Sesshoumaru followed his memory towards Inuyasha’s humble hut. He did not land gracefully before the house, instead keeping to the surrounding bushes. Moving near silently under the heavy shade of the trees, pointed ears twitched.
Sesshoumaru scented the air and minded some low hanging branches aside, revealing the figure of a dark-haired young woman in the clearing ahead. She drew a bowstring back and arched her spine slightly, pulling taut. Taking in a breath, she released in time with the arrow sailing free.
Sesshoumaru’s eyes widened slightly, watching it fly through the air. Blazing, rippling light flowed around it like a fireball, crashing into the target and licking at the paper with burns before fading away.
“The hell was THAT?!”
Sesshoumaru dazedly forced his attention to Inuyasha, who stomped into view. “One: ya missed the bullseye! Two: your stance was wrong, and three: Kikyo had amazing control over her powers. She never woulda let them loose like that! Ya stupid or something? Do I gotta tell you the basics over and over?”
The miko sighed and dropped her arms, making a face. “Can’t you encourage me for once and say ‘good job?’ I try my best every time!”
“I’ll tell ya 'good job’ when you do one!”
Sesshoumaru raised a brow, watching as Inuyasha fell quiet. He reached up and contemplatively curled his fingers into the woman’s thick dark hair. The woman stilled, becoming watchful.
“It’s startin’ to kink at the ends again. Go wash it,” he grunted so softly Sesshoumaru’s hearing strained a little to catch it.
Blue eyes dimmed. The woman broke from Inuyasha’s touch to flee, hurrying away from their training grounds.
Sesshoumaru pursued.
Silently moving through the trees with all the grace of a jungle cat, limbs shifted and eyes assessed, gleaming bright in the shadows. Sesshoumaru leaned against a tree, remaining hidden by the foliage. The sound of muffled sobs reached his ears, almost buried under the noise of a waterfall. Salt fanned through the air. The woman knelt in a pool beside the falls, stripped down to a white underlayer yukata. She poured a bucket over her head, shuddering. Biting back sobs, she miserably combed shaking fingers through her hair, pausing to inspect the naturally curling dark locks.
“Just flatten. Why can’t you stay straight?” She sighed.
Sesshoumaru rose a brow as the young woman raised an arm, pushing back her sleeve to glare at her skin. “And don’t even get me started on you.”
When she did not elaborate, he found himself walking through the greenery, pushing past the bushes to inquire: “What exactly has your flesh done to offend you, madwoman?”
Starting violently, she fell back to land on her ass, creating a small splash. Blue eyes flew wide, flitting over his figure. Sesshoumaru let her drink him in. He often had that effect on people.
She gathered herself a little quicker than expected, rising. “I was just annoyed about being so tanned. My uh… husband,” the word was faint and sounded almost like a question. “He said his former wife was pale but she spent all her time outdoors. How’s that possible?!”
Sesshoumaru blinked languidly, tilting his head slightly. “Hn. This one was led to believe Inuyasha had resurrected the priestess Kikyo. However, you seem more like a replacement than her double.”
Flinching, she began ringing her hair. Water droplets slid down rosy cheeks and fell from the dark, dishevelled strands of midnight black locks. The white yukata plastered to her body almost indecently.
Sesshoumaru lifted his eyes from where they’d been lingering and caught her gaze. Colour leaked into her cheeks, darkening them further as she huffed. “You know Inuyasha, then?”
“This one is his half brother, Sesshoumaru.”
“Oh,” her eyes clouded with thought. “I didn’t know he had a brother. I don’t get to talk to anyone else but he still doesn’t tell me much about himself.”
Sesshoumaru watched as the woman bowed slightly. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m-” she caught herself, lips thinning. A dark look crossed her features before the name was pushed past her teeth like mud. “Kikyo. I'm… Kikyo.”
“No, you are not.”
The woman jolted and stared, fingers curling into her sleeves tightly. “I don't… have another name,” came a fragile murmur.
“Then give yourself one,” he uttered flatly, uncertain why he lingered. He supposed it displeased him on some level. Sesshoumaru did not like unnecessary waste. What he’d witnessed earlier of her powers hinted at a deep well of untapped potential in the girl. She’d likely not unlock it if Inuyasha kept her mind on trivial details like 'straight hair.’ “This one gave himself the name Sesshoumaru, or Killing Perfection. When a demon comes of age, they may choose a new one for themselves,” he elaborated. “I have been bred for war. So that is the most fitting name.”
She blinked and rubbed at her eyes, before raising her head, lips curving. “The 'killing’ part, sure. But 'perfection?’” She teased.
“I am very good at it,” he said in a silky tone.
Bursting into a laugh, the strange woman gave the brightest smile the demon lord had yet to witness, blue eyes glimmering. “I see. Thank you for the advice. I’ll do that.”
He frowned slightly, suddenly feeling a little odd. Hyper aware of his lack of reason to be there now, Sesshoumaru turned on his heel and walked away. In his eagerness to leave, he quite forgot to check in with Inuyasha himself.
A few days went by before Sesshoumaru made the journey back to Inuyasha’s home once more. Peace reigned throughout the Lord’s lands so he allowed himself the 'entertainment’ of watching Inuyasha’s latest drama. It was most definitely not to glimpse the miko again, nor to monitor her progress.
She seemed to have improved her aim, yet the reiki remained unfiltered and untrained. What was Inuyasha doing?
Ah, it seemed he was in the middle of their latest shouting match.
Clearly yelling would not make the girl learn any faster. Golden eyes cut to the sky. Why did he have to get involved?
“Concentrate your energy into the arrow.”
“Huh?” The woman glanced over her shoulder, now left briefly unmonitored by the whelp. She shifted the bow and arrow in her hands, dressed in traditional red and white miko attire today. They made her look like a Kikyo doll. “I don’t…know how,” she confessed. “It always feels like there’s so much of it. Like I’m trying to hold onto water that’s pouring too quick. I can cup a little into my hands, but the rest overflows.”
Sesshoumaru hummed, gaze ripping itself away from the light catching in her hair, causing some strands to shine a strangely blue hue. “Practice yields results. Eventually you will manage to filter the 'water’ into the arrow and allow the excess to flow back into you.”
She nodded and faced the target, elbows drooped and feet too close together. Biting back a sigh, he approached.
A hand met her elbow, pushing to raise it. “Keep your arms in this position…” his deep baritone became clogged with a velvety rumble, finding her scent not unpleasant when it brushed over his senses. His palm met the base of her spine, prodding to arch her back. She felt warm to the touch.
He then slid a foot between her own, nudging her legs to part wider. A rapid heartbeat thundered in his ears. “This is the correct stance.”
“A-ah, thanks.”
With a palm pressing against her back, Sesshoumaru felt it when she inhaled a breath, coiling static energy into the wooden arrow and releasing it.
The arrow flew free, missing the bullseye. However, the holy powers raced over her bow in an agitated manner before settling back down instead of scotching the target.
Better, he mused.
She gave a much louder whoop of success.
From that day on, he visited the miko in secret once each week. It pleased the slumbering desire within him to witness the smile come to her lips the instant blue eyes fell upon him. Like she’d been waiting. Whenever they met and the demon’s knuckles grazed her waist- her arm, her hair- the woman scrubbed herself afterwards in a hot spring or pool, mindful of Inuyasha’s keen nose.
Sesshoumaru’s voice was crisp and clear, instruction brief and to the point in his teaching. She tried her best as his pupil, grumbling sometimes but not outright complaining. Instead, the nameless woman threw herself wholeheartedly into what was demanded of her.
Two months later, she finally hit the bullseye with perfect control. Not a hint of reiki over-spilled.
“I did it!” The woman glanced over her shoulder to look up at him, beaming from ear to ear.
Sesshoumaru stared. Her happy scent washed over him in waves. His lips parted to drink it in easier. Faintly, the sleeping want for her stirred and stretched awake like a disturbed cat.
It was while staring that the dip of her collar hinting at succulent flesh laying just beneath- that something caught his eye. Her clothing shifted downwards, revealing a glimpse of something unmistakable.
A love bite.
The situation suddenly dawned on him, the ridiculousness of what he was doing. He should not get involved with Inuyasha’s wench. Hell, he shouldn’t even be there. What was he doing? He had wars to plan, subjects to lead. And yet he’d been waiting each day for that favoured time he’d visit her anew. Mentally he took a step back.
He frowned at the familiarity with which she used his name. At his pensive silence, dark brows pulled together and she bit her lip maddeningly.
Foolish miko. This one’s teeth should be the ones to catch your lips and bite down-
“Oi, Kikyo!” Came a distant shout.
They both jolted, Sesshoumaru raising his head. He did not run nor hide, because Sesshoumaru did not flee from anyone.
From out of the forest greenery, Inuyasha burst forth, snarling. He raised a hand and flexed his fingers. “I thought I smelled ya. The hell are you doing here, Sesshoumaru? Back off. That’s my wife you’re hovering around.”
“Is that so?” He uttered, raising his chin in a lofty manner. “She is so changed in appearance and scent this one mistook her for a different human entirely.”
Out of his peripheral vision, the woman flinched. For some reason, this set his teeth on edge. She should not think it an insult. Inuyasha’s words were starting to infect her, seep into the woman’s self-image, rotting it like poison.
Not that this one cares.
Inuyasha snarled. “She’s gonna go back to normal soon, it ain’t any of your business!”
“No, it is not. In fact, it is far beneath my notice,” he uttered, claws flexing. And then because he could, Sesshoumaru blurred through the air and struck. His fist plummeted into Inuyasha’s cheek, sending the hanyou sailing away and crashing into the ground.
His half brother sputtered and snarled, sitting up and holding his cheek. “The fuck was that for?! You wanna fight?”
“I have little inclination to linger here any longer than necessary,” Sesshoumaru lied, turning on his heel and passing the miko. Sadness fanned out from her scent, irritating his senses. She didn’t look at him, which the Daiyoukai found displeasing and unacceptable. Nonetheless, he walked away.
Dark, wild hair had been tamed back into a low ponytail the next time he saw the miko. It was unfortunate that she happened to also see him. Oddly, the usual method of concealing his youki hadn’t worked, and she’d zeroed in on his presence within the trees. Perhaps she had much-untapped potential.
Gracefully dropping from the branches elicited a gasp from the woman. “Y-you’re injured!”
Sesshoumaru glanced at his shoulder wound. Blood had leaked into the red crest patterning his clothes, dying it a deeper crimson. “Hn.”
“Don’t you 'hn’ me! What happened? Why aren’t you treating it?” She fussed, approaching to grip the clean material of his white silks and try to pry them away from the wound, squinting at the slash marks.
“In a few hours this one will be healed. There is little reason to fuss, woman,” he tried to bat her hand away but surprise froze his veins when she caught his striped wrist. Her hands felt soft and smaller than his own, but firm and sure.
“I’m going to fetch my supplies. You wait here or I’ll damn track you down myself, got that?” She threatened, blue eyes sparking in such a way that they made the male twitch and wish for a different kind of touch from the miko. Sesshoumaru bit the inside of his cheek, watching her hurry away.
When she returned, Sesshoumaru had reclined against a tree, arm draped gracefully over one bent leg. The woman dropped to her knees before him and reached for his collar, gaze flicking to his wordlessly for permission.
He granted it by glancing away mutely, throat tight. For some reason, saliva pooled in his mouth the moment she began undressing him. It was foul to be affected so. She only aimed to aid him. Still, Sesshoumaru sat rigidly still while her gentle scent flitted and teased his senses.
“I think I’ve found a name for myself,” she hummed while cleaning his wound.
“It’s Kagome.”
“That is acceptable.”
She giggled, “I’m glad you like it.”
“I did not say that.”
Kagome bandaged the flesh, despite him informing her that it was not necessary. He also did not stop her. Every faint brush of her fingertips became distracting, silently invited.
“It’s a really nice day,” she hummed, wiping her brow. The humidity made her bangs puff up. He hated that he found it endearing. “Perfect beach weather day. Does Rin enjoy going there? I’d love to meet her and take her paddling,” she babbled and cooed.
“I have not taken her. Why do you wish to go to the beach so badly? You mention it often.”
“Huh? I don’t think I’ve talked about it to you before?”
Sesshoumaru fell into moody silence, inwardly kicking himself. Thankfully she carried on, thinking she had a faulty memory rather than accusing him of eavesdropping. “I don’t know why exactly. I just keep feeling like it’s where I’ll find something important. Like I can see this image in my mind of the sun setting beyond the waves. It’s peaceful, but also kind of scary at the same time. Maybe it’s the last thing I saw before I died? Who knows.”
He glanced down, feeling hot breath fan over his exposed chest. “Hn…I suppose you were brought back from the same place Inuyasha intended to pull Kikyo from.”
“Mhm, though I don’t remember anything else about my previous life.” Kagome shrugged, fixing the silks back over his bandaged shoulder and smoothing the hankimono back into place over his chest. She fixed his collar with gentle hands, fussing like a wife.
A wife…
Sesshoumaru frowned slightly, startled to find her attention on his mouth. His heart started to pick up, blood heating when those intoxicating blue eyes flitted up to drink him in.
She abruptly broke the spell between them by getting to her feet and picking up the forgotten bandages and alcohol she’d used for disinfectant. Sesshoumaru’s hand snapped out to lock on her wrist.
Kagome stilled, lips thinning. “Please let go, Sesshoumaru.”
“Do you intend to return to that whelp in such a hurry?”
“At least I’m not 'beneath his notice’.”
Golden eyes cracked a fraction wider. So, his words had truly been the ones to cause her sadness. They’d bothered her. His grip tightened slightly, causing her to flinch.
“You’re hurting me, let go.”
“A human like you should be beneath my notice,” he uttered, shifting to stand before her. Sesshoumaru took a step closer, leaning down. Pale strands fell loose from behind a pointed ear, rushing down to hide their faces from view behind a curtain of silver. “You are Inuyasha’s wench, a miko, a mortal. Many unsuitable things wrapped into one. And yet I linger…I wonder why.”
“So do I, since you clearly don’t want to be here,” she hissed lowly, cheeks blooming red.
Slit pupils grew a tad larger, dilating. Sesshoumaru inched closer, on the cusp of grasping something as their lips were but a hair’s breadth away- before she snapped her hand out, slapping him across the face.
Kagome ripped herself free, panting slightly and raising a hand to her lips. “I’m only good at archery now because you taught me, and I only wanted to be good at it because Inuyasha told me to be better. I have a name now because you told me to get one. I keep…doing things just because other people want them for me! You could’ve asked me to kiss you just then and I would’ve-” tears pricked her eyes. “Just like Inuyasha has asked me to kiss him and…”
She hugged her arms tightly to her body, shuddering and bowing in on herself, folding like crumpled paper. “I don’t know who I am. What I want. I-I don’t know if things would be any different with you, Sesshoumaru. So please, just leave me alone. You’re making me question things. I obviously do strange things to you too so let’s just drop whatever this is.”
Sesshoumaru sneered, “you are content with being his doll, then?”
“At least being a doll doesn’t hurt! He doesn’t see me, so it doesn’t feel as personal as getting rejected by someone whose opinion I care about!” Kagome snapped, light voice darkening into something raw and real. Sesshoumaru’s cheek stung despite her hand having left no mark, his skin too tough for such things.
Blue eyes filled with tears as she turned and fled, salt catching in the breeze.
Sesshoumaru marched with his troops. Remaining on the front lines of their latest battle, he raised his claws and bid the song of war to flood his veins.
The sensation did not come.
Bereft, Sesshoumaru found himself immensely sober with each life he took. The slash of his claws unhinging a jaw- his sword swinging to cleave a horse in two. All felt like a mechanism. Easy, flavourless.
After the enemy soldiers lay dead and he returned to his stronghold, Sesshoumaru listened to his men. They made merry throughout the night, demons through and through.
“Lord Sesshoumaru?”
Blinking, he glanced down at Rin from where he leaned against a pillar. She yawned and rubbed her eye with a tiny fist. “You’re covered in blood, my Lord.”
He supposed he hadn’t changed clothes. Looking at the little girl that he’d resurrected on a whim, Sesshoumaru was struck by a troubling revelation.
The Killing Perfection hadn’t enjoyed the killing.
A strange feeling permeated his being, new and foreign. Such insecurity did not belong in a being carved from confidence, but the blemish was there all the same.
He wanted the beach.
Giving a long, extinguished sigh, Sesshoumaru pinched the bridge of his nose with bloodied claws.
Sitting up from the futon, Kagome hugged the furs to her bare chest. Shivering from the chill in the air, she glanced down at Inuyasha’s sleeping face, a snore rumbling out of him.
An emptiness crawled higher within the bowels of her stomach, threatening to consume her lungs and steal her breath. Kagome pressed a hand to her mouth and hurried out of the hut. She’d given herself away. Allowed Inuyasha to indulge himself in her countless times now. And it wasn’t as though the hanyou hurt her- but every grunt and curse, every pleasured sigh of 'Kikyo’ dug deeper into her heart.
She’d told Sesshoumaru it didn’t hurt, but that had been a lie.
Squeezing stinging eyes shut, Kagome took a wobbly breath. Taking a few steadying gulps of air, she raised a tear-stained face to the crescent moon in the sky.
Setting her shoulders, something quietly shifted within the woman. She slapped her cheeks lightly and exhaled.
The next morning, while preparing breakfast, Kagome stilled when a hand reached over and lightly tugged on her wild bangs.
“Cut these,” Inuyasha said easily. “Kikyo had short, chopped bangs. I can cut em off later if ya want-”
The hanyou blinked and froze, ears twitching. He then did a double-take, frowning. “What’d ya say?”
“I said no,” she muttered, resting clenched fists on her knees. “And there’s another thing; My name isn’t Kikyo. It’s Kagome.”
Inuyasha stared for a long while. Slowly, bushy brows drew down. His lips thinned, golden eyes hazing.
Kagome held his gaze, feeling a thrill of warning rush down her spine. It didn’t matter, she told herself. She’d always been an impostor, from her very first breath.
Many moons had passed by the time Sesshoumaru lay eyes upon her.
Remaining under the shade of the trees, he watched as she gathered herbs. Kagome wore miko attire, dark hair pulled back into a low ponytail. Her skin looked paler, and he wondered if she’d either isolated herself indoors for a while or layered powder over her tanned skin. Even her frame looked thinner, from what he could tell.
The wild bangs that had fluffed up so endearingly in the humidity had been chopped into neater, more orderly bangs on her forehead. She did not chatter to herself or smile.
Rather, she worked diligently in silence. Inuyasha skinned a rabbit not too far away, his face content.
Sesshoumaru could’ve left things be then. He could have carried on with his life, never to be blemished or disrupted by confusing thoughts and desires for his brother’s miko again.
But then he happened to catch sight of her eyes.
Bursting from the treeline, Sesshoumaru’s hand snapped out. Inuyasha’s snarl was ignored as the demon lord seized the woman’s chin and lifted it.
Sombre brown eyes stared back.
His own began to shake. “You are not her,” he breathed.
Kikyo frowned, her voice tempered and steeled like matured wine rather than the bright, confident tones of the other miko. “What are you talking about, demon? Unhand me at once.”
Sesshoumaru remained frozen until a hard force collided with his side, knocking him back enough to release her. Bellowing out an enraged snarl, Sesshoumaru’s hand snapped out- locking tight around Inuyasha’s neck as they struggled.
“Where is the miko Kagome?” He demanded.
White ears flicked and pressed to his skull. “The fuck are you talking about? Whose Kagome?”
“Your wife!” Sesshoumaru snarled, flicking his fingers out towards Kikyo. “This is not the woman you had with you previously. Where is she?”
Inuyasha sank sharp claws into his striped wrist, but the Daiyoukai barely flinched. “Keh…ah I get it now,” he growled. “It wasn’t working out, so I asked the oni sorceress who first used the spell on her to reverse it. I then tried to bring back Kikyo again and it worked out,” golden eyes darkened slightly with hazy stability. “She’s back now. Kikyo’s returned to me. It just took a little time- had to remind her of all her memories, but this time it’s definitely her, not like the other one.”
The other one…
Kagome’s breathtaking smile briefly came to mind.
Sesshoumaru’s grip tightened until Inuyasha chocked and squirmed, sinking his claws deeper into the Daiyoukai’s pale flesh until they scraped bone.
“By 'reverse it’ what do you mean, whelp?” He snarled, throat so tight it strained.
“Gah!- she’s a doll again. A clay pot! Ogoranko took the clay body back!”
Sesshoumaru released him, sending the hanyou staggering to the floor. Heedless of the blood pooling to the surface, running down his tattered wrist, he turned and collected white energy around himself, bursting away from the earth within a bright, glowing orb of light. He left behind the reunited couple, Kikyo’s gaze apathetic as she watched Inuyasha struggle to catch his breath.
Flying as pure, unfiltered instinct, Sesshoumaru forgot himself. He was no longer a warlord bent on total conquest and domination of the lands. No longer an inuyoukai with superior breeding and impressive lineage. He was nothing more than the simple, consuming desire to see someone again.
The glowing orb blasted straight through the door to Ogoranko’s workshop. She shrieked and grabbed her scythe- but felt it be knocked aside seconds before a hand met her neck, grasping tight. Her head met the wall, grey hair flying around her as a harsh choke sounded out. She wriggled, trying to get free.
The light died down, causing her eyes to widen and narrow. “You are not one of my previous customers…what does the Lord of the West want with me?” She hissed.
“Where is the clay body you took from Inuyasha?” He uttered quietly, voice like the finest steel wrapped in velvet. A calm before the storm.
Her brows drew together in confusion. “I-if you wish to have a loved one returned to you, I can perform the spell-” his hand tightened.
“The body. Where is it?”
“Gah- ah! O-out the back!”
Sesshoumaru released her and sped outside in a blur of white. He moved around the back of the meagre house, heart dropping into the depths of his stomach.
A large, deep pit had been dug into the earth, opening wide and vast. Countless clay bodies had been dumped inside it like a mass grave. They were featureless, faceless, yet retained the arms, legs and the general shape of a human. Sesshoumaru stared down at their discarded forms.
A cough sounded out beside him, Ogoranko rubbing her throbbing neck. “They’re quite useless once they’ve been used one time. They can’t be reformed into clay or burned down. Only thing left to do is bury them. Urasue herself taught me the spell but my techniques aren’t quite as refined as my great master. I can fashion a new body for you though my Lord- ah…my Lord?” Red eyes widened with disbelief as he pushed off the edge of the pit, sailing down. “There is nothing down there,” she called after him.
Sesshoumaru ignored her.
Landing on a mound of bodies, he began filtering through the different scents left behind on the clay surfaces. Moving some puppets aside, he lifted a few out of the pile and discarded them, deaf to how they chipped or shattered. Pushing his sleeves up, Sesshoumaru worked with single-minded intent, skin becoming stained with dust as he dug both arms down through the piles, searching.
He began to pant. Panic erupted in his chest though he were in no danger. Sticky fear leaked into his body like tar. Where was she? Why couldn’t he…
The scent of salt caught his attention. Lifting his head, Sesshoumaru softly muttered to himself; “the beach.”
Ogoranko blinked, observing him. It wasn’t every day you witnessed a demon lord lose his mind, especially not one of his calibre. “Yes, the ocean is just south of here.”
Sesshoumaru looked at the bodies. Their heads were all facing forwards, staring up at the sky with blank, smooth faces of clay. His frayed attention slid over them, and he moved to another pile, catching sight of one head turned south just as a familiar scent caught his nose.
Reaching out, Sesshoumaru picked up the fragile body, lifting it into his arms. She looked exactly like the rest, no distinguishing features, save for her attention on the sea beyond.
“What happened when you reversed the spell on Inuyasha’s wife?” Sesshoumaru said faintly.
Ogoranko hummed, “I took her back here and then discarded her with the rest. Ah, did you favour her, my Lord?” Her voice dipped into suggestive tones. “I can resurrect her for a reasonable price. Say the word and I shall-”
“Now I see.” Sesshoumaru appeared next to her, gaze blank and removed. A thrill of warning rattled down the oni sorceresses spine at how perfectly calm and apathetic he appeared towards her existence. Like how one might view a candle they were about to extinguish. “You prey upon a creature’s grief and offer a solution. Something too good to be true,” chuckling in a deceptively gentle tone, he held the clay miko a little closer. “And if I gave her over to you, yes…you’d resurrect this body with a soul. But not hers. A random one. That is all you are capable of at your level.”
Organko quickly reached for the knife hidden in her obi, intent on striking it through his windpipe.
A hand impaled itself through her chest. Easily. So painfully easily he may as well have cleaved through butter. Choking, she cried out, staring into his merciless, wintery eyes, the likes of which she’d never seen in all her years of rifling through souls in the afterlife.
“Only a God can restore a soul to their rightful body,” Sesshoumaru uttered, rippling his hand free of her torso and shifting to hold the clay figure with both arms, walking away.
Ogoranko wailed and clutched fruitlessly at her wound, crumpling to her knees and bleeding out, never to rise again.
He took her to the beach.
Soft, pleasant oranges bathed the clay in a gentle glow. Sesshoumaru set the body down on the white sands, steeling himself. He then reached for Tenseiga with a bloodied hand.
Drawing the sword forth from its sheath, he inhaled the salty breeze, soothed when it combed silver hair back from his shoulders in a sweet caress. Tenseiga lay silent.
Frowning, Sesshoumaru gripped the hilt tighter. “You will do this thing for me and bring her back,” he uttered in a dark voice. “If my Father wielded you to resurrect life from a body that has recently been cut down, I will imbue you with my own will. Heed me well,” he fed youki into the blade, effectively mirroring Kagome’s imagery of running water. His burst forth like a geyser, forcing itself into the blade so quick the sword could barely contain it. “Find the soul of the one I seek.”
Tenseiga rattled, wishing to be free of him. Sesshoumaru held tight, threatening to break the sword in two.
Blue light burst forth from the blade, shining so bright it rivalled the setting sun. Sesshoumaru closed his eyes and tried to focus on Kagome’s fleeting scent on the clay.
“Kagome. Come.”
A faint, flickering presence could be felt, drawing just out of reach from Tenseiga’s light. It hesitated, worn thin.
Blood ran down Sesshoumaru’s torn wrist, landing on the blade. “I desire you to join my side,” he admitted in a hushed tone. “However, it is your choice. If you must live, do not live for anyone’s will but your own this time,” the words came to him like a quiet revelation.
He then struck the blade down over the clay body.
Tenseiga made a noise of distress, blue sparks bursting forth before the light sputtered and died, swallowed up by the sun.
Sesshoumaru tried to force the blade to awaken once more, but it remained silent. Nothing about the clay shifted.
Sliding the sword back into its sheath with more force than necessary, thin lips peeled back to show gritted teeth. “Useless,” he chastised the blade. Easier to think Tenseiga was to blame than to accept that Kagome…bright, beautiful Kagome- should refuse to live again.
Giving one last look at the clay figure, Sesshoumaru turned on his heel and padded away. He’d allow her to be taken by the sea she so adored, rather than dig a grave. His heart sat like a heavy stone within his chest. Every nerve ending shrieked, skin-crawling like it did not belong on his bones.
Pointed ears twitched.
More cracks joined the first, spilling out like spiders webs. The clay began to split, crumbling away like sand.
A woman sat up from the overcoat, coughing. Sesshoumaru stopped dead, turning back with disbelief. Golden eyes widened.
Broken clay fell from dark hair, catching in the curling, wild mane. Her tanned, bare skin caught the light of the sun. Frightened, wide blue eyes struck an unknown part of him right into his core. Sesshoumaru blurred through the air.
Strong hands caught her elbows as she tried to stand, the two kneeling together. Kagome sobbed as she bowed into him, wrapping trembling arms around his neck. Calloused palms, rough with years of swordplay, slid around her waist and dragged up her spine, bringing her into his warmth.
“I h-heard a voice, calling my name,” she said, voice tenuous and thin as she sobbed. “It was yours.”
“Hn, Ka-go-me,” Sesshoumaru’s lips peppered her soft hair, the shell of her ear, her wet cheek.
Giving a broken noise, she clung to his solid figure, blunt nails sinking hard into his back. He did not mind the sensation.
“S-say it again.”
Sesshoumaru ran his hands over her body, moving his mouth over her jaw. “Kagome.”
She shivered and bowed in on herself, hiccuping. They remained like that for some time, Sesshoumaru unused to the burning, open display of feelings yet having no choice but to weather the storm of emotion with her, both hers and his own.
Feeling a wet and sticky sensation down her back, Kagome pulled away to touch the area above his bleeding wrist. “Silly, you’re injured.”
“It is of little consequence.”
“Of course its of consequence,” she sighed, rubbing her cheek. Silence reigned between them for a moment, only broken by the gentle crash of waves on the rocks. The ebb and flow of the tide.
“…Why did you come back for me?”
Noticing the goosebumps racing over her flesh, Sesshoumaru curled mokomoko around her middle. Golden eyes flitted away towards the sunset. “This one dislikes waste.”
“Ah,” a quiet, fragile laugh escaped her. Gratitude welled up like an inflated bubble when he flicked the secures of his armour open and lifted it away from his chest, discarding it into the sand to land with a heavy thud. Pressing close with no barrier between them, Kagome tucked her knees up, sitting on his lap. Sesshoumaru’s trailing sleeves slid over her bare form, regal nose buried in her hair. “I don’t know why I even returned,” she mumbled. “I mean look at that. We’re on a beach at sunset. My one wish is fulfilled. I don’t really know what else to live for…just that I want to.”
“I find myself dissatisfied with my own wish these days. My desire for supreme conquest,” Sesshoumaru admitted, a sin, surely, for a warlord to feel no passion for the prospect of battle.
Kagome hummed, watching the waves. “Maybe it’s possible to simply move onto a new wish. Dreams and desires can change, can’t they?”
“Hn, we may yet find new ones to pursue.” Tired golden eyes slid down to her, catching the sunlight just as the great orb slipped beneath the horizon. “Together, foolish miko.”
Kagome lifted her head. She watched him for a moment, before pressing a long, firm kiss to his jaw. “I’d like that very much, Killing Perfection.”
Bowing his head to catch her soft lips with his own, Sesshoumaru cradled the back of her neck, curling long fingers within dark hair and silently adoring the way it tumbled wildly down her back.
The Demon Lord was not supposed to be a part of the man who married for love’s tale. And yet, like a bookend, the story ends with him on a beach.
Embracing the discarded woman.
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lillaxtrigger · 3 years
Young Hope: Chapter 37
The shining sun beats down its heat rays upon the vast, greenless landscape of Utah; the only shadows cast along the dry grounds be from the towering rocky formations upsetting the wasteland horizons. Miles underneath all this dry ground however be a network of caverns that stretch out deeper down into the earth, signs of green spreading out through the caverns the deeper down they go until growing to cover the rocks in the massively sized flora. Suddenly from an entire wall of the overgrown plants, a blade of jet black pierce right through and slice the vines straight off their stems; all the severed leaves and petals fluttering down to the ground and clearing the path for the black horned demon himself, Alex. Following the shape shifting demon through the flora dressed caves be his purple haired mentor and his orange haired sister; both of them trailing behind the boy as he continues to slice through the vines and plants in their path. “Roy, do you honestly think its still a good idea to come along down here; I mean you still haven’t fully healed yet?” the orange girl questions her purple hooded brother. Traveling along the back of the pack, the merc can’t help but scratch the spot where is missing arm once was while he answers his sisters worry with: “Mal, relax. The doc said herself how bout 94% of my bod’s good to go, practically ready to take on whatever wants me to bend over and take it from behind. A bit of minor pains ain’t gonna stop me from thrusting myself straight into the action.” “You’d like that, wouldn’t you. All I’m saying is that it wouldn’t hurt ya to spend about another week or two in bed.” “Tell ya what. Ya hire a nurse with some sweet ass cake to come in and give a full body on body exam and I won’t be a bitch. Til then, I ain’t layin in that bed another day. There’s only so much pornography can satisfy before it stops being pleasurable and starts making ya feel sad, like the kind of sad that makes ya question the fuck your even doing with your life. And you and I both know that I don’t need that being crammed in my overflowing vault of mental problems right now.”
“Hmph. Like your the only one with ongoing problems. One that would be nice of you to answer is why you decided to drag me along in this horrible ordeal of a spelunking expedition; having to soil my ability gardening through this overgrown cavern just so clear a path. It’s patronizing.” the demon leading the way chimes in with. “What it is is that I’ve been letting you metaphorically sit on your demonic ass for way too long now. We need to get back on track with our regimen so your don’t wind up turning into a pompous chode hole, that’s how ya ass gets flat. You wanna be out walkin around people hiding that plank ass of yours, or you wanna bake some delicious thick cake for whoever ya fancy given a slice too?” “For the love of sweet satan, just shut the hell up!” the flustered demon demands, his cheeks blushing bright red. “Yeah, please stop.” the purple angel’s sister begs for him.
“Aight, fine, fine. I get it, the sexual innuendo quota’s full here. Let’s just change the subject.” “Yes, lets.” “So, what’s with those numbers that you found in the middle of the mountain with yer threesome pals.” “I-” A small sigh escapes from her lungs as she decides to simply skip past her brothers wording and starts to dig into the contents of her backpack; soon pulling out the very same withered piece of wood that takes the shape of a severed hand. “We went and found this next to all those carved in numbers. Ryan claimed that they were a bunch of coordinates that pinpointed somewhere deep underneath the soil of the Utah wastelands. It’s still shocking to find something other than hallucinogenic liquid filled cacti growing down under the scorching rocks.” “You’d be hella shocked what sort of stuff you could find under the earth if ya dig deep enough. I recall the time I took a job digging out for an underground trading ring and wound up finding a bunch of people going around and trading all sorts of human, animal, and miscellaneous organs and body parts. Like it seriously didn’t matter where the hell it came from; long as you had a working organ from anything, you could make a marginaly medium profit from your harvesting venture. I specifically remember this one guy cashing in like 450,000 dollars for trading in a whale eye; a whole giant functioning whale eye. I seriously didn’t expect something so fucking huge to have an eye the size of a baseball.” “That is-...that is some serious grody stuff. What sort of demented and horribly grotesque mind would even think about running a bracket like that.” “Never really went and questioned who was running that joint, though that might’ve been for the best. The organ black market is vast Mal. Long as people need working organs to live, somebody’s gonna be in the market to trade for one.”
As the demon cuts straight through another bramble of plants that stand in the trio’s way, Alex’s foot is caught on a wooden root that sprawls across the ground and lets out a yelp as he starts to trip over; both Mally and Roy witnessing the demon straight through the ground. “Holy shit! Alex!” the orange skater exclaims while rushing over to where she had seen the demon fall, discovering a steep dark pit before them. “Alex!” she shouts down, gazing into the dark void of the cavernous pit. Amidst her panicking worry that she witnesses their demonic third simply hover right back out from the depths of the pit; the skater’s worry diminishing as she proclaims that: “Oh yeah, you can fly. It’s been a while since I’ve seen ya, hasn’t it.” “Hmph! Did you really believe that my demise would come from simply falling into a lowly pit? I thought you would have known better.” Alex scoffs. “Geez, sorry for being so concerned.” the orange skater coldly retorts, her expression beginning to sour. “Kinda looked like you didn’t exactly remember for a sec there either, mate. Seriously just yelping there like a little jackal getting their foot caught in a bear trap.” the merc jests to the demon. “Gee, I’m quite blessed to have so many others with my best interests in mind.”
Their eyes trail over to all the roots that pierce through the caverns hard rock, following them all straight into the very hole that the demon had fell down into; all the wooden roots growing thicker as they slither down into the holes depths. “I’m definitely feeling alotta stuff crawlin down there, it ain’t just these plants either. I’m talking strange things here.” the merc mentions. “What else could be crawling down this deep in the earth? Do you think that it could be hell down there?” his orange sister wonders aloud. “Hardly. We’d be drowning in our own sweat if it was.” the black horned demon corrects. “Whelp. Guess there’s one way to tell what’s down here.” Speaking this does Mally leaps right down into the depths of the mysterious hole, with her purple brother following her straight down into the void after; Alex simply hovering right over the hole and stating out: “As if you’d see me recklessly plunging down into some random pit.” Countering the demon’s very statement, Roy reaches right out from the depths of the void and grasps his pupils leg; Alex letting out a terrible shriek as he’s forcibly pulled down into the abyss.
Amidst their delve straight into the unknown depths of the pit, the three suddenly feel themselves splash down into a strong water current; the trio fumbling through the dark rapids as they’re swept deeper into the cavern river. While fighting against the forceful water flow, Mally reaches into her backpack and feels around for her trusty grapple-yo; her eyes adjusting to the darkness as her and the others that fumble behind her. Finally does she pull out her gadget right out from her pack, immediately tossing the yoyo straight to her brother; the gadgets string wrapping right around the merc’s leg. “Roy, get Alex!” she calls out to her sibling. Though Alex rolls right out along the merc’s left, Roy nonetheless attempt to catch his pupil before he could fumble further down the rapids; his right arm failing to reach the demon in time before Alex tumbles further down the current. “He coming your way, Mal!” he alerts to his sister. When seeing him tumble straight her way, the orange skater reaches out for demon and tightly grasps one of his black horns; Alex letting out a little yelp as the unexpected touch makes him puffs into smoke to switch from a boy to a girl. Despite the rushing rapids thrashing them all about, Mally maintains her hold upon her two companions as they all steer through the twisted and dividing river; the skater refusing to let go of either of them no matter how hard they slam against the rocky tunnels. But through the harsh of it all, the trio are soon greeted by a growing light coming from the end of the tunnel; the three of them closing their eyes tight as they’re forced straight through the end of the river rapids.
After a moment or two, the skater feels next to nothing underneath her feet; Mally slowly opens her peepers back up and lets her eyes adjust to the bright light that shines before her. As her eyes get used to this newfound light, the orange girl first beholds the very tunnel that her and the others had rode in through; the waters falling straight down and crashing into a lake below. Aiming her gaze straight up does she discover her gadgets string still tied to her brother’s leg, keeping her from plummeting out of the air. “Roy, you know where we ended up.” she asks him. “Just look for yourself.”
Gazing ahead like her brother suggests, Mally’s very pupils widen when discovering the incredible site that sprawls out before them all; the skater left to behold a vast, luscious jungle that sprawls out form what seemed like hundreds of miles on end; the horizon before them lush green mountains and peeks aplenty. Her site peers down to the plains that loom down below; finding what were numerous giant dinosaurs of many shapes and sizes all roaming through the valleys and lumbering across the thick jungle forests. One of the reaches its neck out up far above the treetops and lets out a thunderous roar that echoes through the entire vista; dozens of other dino’s and hovering birds joining alongside the outcry and creating a booming sonata of the jungle. “Whoa...But where is the light...” The orange skater peers right up above towards the very roof of these wondrous caves and discovers them covered in a blanket of strange crystals, all of them softly mimicking a glow that seemed like the sun itself; a light intense enough to avert her vision before it could harm her eyes. “All of this was underneath the dry lands of Utah the whole time. Incredible.”
Mally’s enchantment is then broken when hearing a voice beneath her grab her attention with: “Excuse me!” Glancing down to the demon she holds in her grasp, she hears Alex further request that: “Might you be so kind as to let go of my horn!?” “Oh right, sorry.” the skater utters as she complies to the demon’s demand; releasing Alex’s horn from her grasp and letting the demon hover through the air on her own. Aiming her site back up to her bro, Mally takes a turn to request that: “Yo Roy, mind kicking me up?” Upon his sisters request does the merc jerk his leg back and flings the skater right up in the air; Mally flipping through the air as she descends back down and lands right atop her flying brothers back. “So now that we got all the excess eye candy outta the way, what do ya think were supposed to be lookin for down here?” the purple merc asks her. “Hmmm...Good question. Guess what were hear to find out is what that hand we found in the mountain might’ve been trying to tell us.” “So just to be clear on this, do you even have a plan set on what were doing here?” Alex questions as she hovers over to their side. “Uh...Not really. I’ve kinda been following bread crumbs this entire time.” “Well, that certainly reassuring.” the demon sarcastically claims. “Guess that’s why they call it an adventure; to broaden our comfort zones and plunge straight into the unknown. I mean if people weren’t forced straight into the wondrous horizons, then they wouldn’t have gotten used to living alongside people like you.” the merc explains to his pupil; something that Alex seems to take visible offense to. “Wait, I didn’t mean...” Before the purple angel could apologize for his miswording, the demon looks away from him; Roy letting out a little groan upon his blundering statement.
As both the angel and demon start to float down onto the rough jungle landscape, Mally hops right off her brothers back and onto her own two feet; all the while Alex keeping her back turned away from her purple mentor. “Shit. Did I really sound that racist? Or demonist, I think? I just meant how anyone these days is willing to let others in their social circles.” the merc whispers to his sister. “That might just be the problem though. The few times I actually catch Alex at school, she’s usually all by her lonesome; sometimes snooping around to stalk Kingsley from class to class. I mean sure, there’s Cayenne jumping in to keep her outta trouble. But beyond that, most people that are around just tend to avoid her.” “Damn, didn’t realize how off I was with that whole xenophobic ball busting speech.” “I’m not sure if that really the crux of the problem.”
Peering back to the girl in question, the two look over just in time to witness a small lizard start to crawl out to Alex; the demon turning into a boy as he reeling back exclaiming: “Ugh! Vile thing!” Flailing his foot out to the small and harmless reptile, Alex scares the tiny lizard back from whence it came; gazing to the retreating reptile with a wicked grin as he taunts with: “Yes, run; you fowl creature! Return from the dung filled hole from where you spawned!” A short grunt manages to slip out from his mouth before the purple merc laments on how: “I thought this whole self superiority bullshit would’ve been buffed outta him by now.” “How you even brought up the subject of humility at all to him?” Mally then question. “Where exactly am I supposed to start with a mess that big?” “Come on, Roy. We both know you were an even bigger mess at 3 quarters of his age and you manage to get better. You need to make some leeway through to him, and what better time than any.” his orange sibling proclaims before shoving the merc right over to the demon; Roy nearly falling over from the unexpected push.
When realizing his purple mentor approaching, the demon simply gives Roy the cold shoulder as he simply peers away; Alex hearing the angel let out a little sigh before attempting to state: “Alex, listen. I think I need to clear up a couple things on what I said a few minutes ago. See, when I said that, what I meant was-” Right before Roy could even speak even another word on the matter however, all three of them hear a thunderous roar ring out through the whole jungle; one loud enough to cause the tree’s surrounding them to tremble like tuning forks. Emerging out from the treeline be the head of a monstrously sized Tyrannosaurs rex, its gigantic sharp toothed maw drooling as its cold beady eyes stars down upon the three; none of them even slightest bit fazed as they all look back to the giant. “Eh, gimme a sec here.” the merc request as he turns over to face the dinosaur. The towering T-rex then thrusts its gaping maw straight out to the approaching merc, ready to chomp down upon his flesh with just a single bite. Just before the ferocious beast could chomp down upon the purple angel, Roy throws his only fist straight out to the dino’s head and punching the dinosaur hard enough to send the thrusting back out through the jungle depths from where it had emerged; its careening body knocking down dozens of tree’s before skidding to a stop in the dirt. Arising from the soil, the once mighty T-rex gazes back over to the very angel that had sent it flying; the dinosaur racing away in a trembling fright and retreating deeper into the jungle.
When Mally peers over to her brother’s side, she notices him having a little bit of trouble moving his arm back into place; small grunts quietly escaping from between his teeth as he slowly jerks his only arm back down. “Roy, you sure you’re as aight as you say?” “Come on Mal, you know it ain’t nothing I’m used to.” Turning back to both his orange haired sister and pupil, the purple angel continues with: “So, whatdya think that hand ya found back in the mountain might’ve been trying to tell us pointing out a place like this?” “I’m...I’m not really that sure. That ice golem that guided us into the center of the mountain was hella bummed about whatever was on that icy pedestal going missing. These coordinates that hand left behind might’ve been a warning. Least that’s how I’m reading it.” “You think that the sites you had on this Mall guy Tore’s paling around with might be starting to line up?” her brother asks. “To be honest, I’m hoping they’re not.” Amidst their conversation, Alex cuts in between the siblings and claims how: “Hmph! If your blue brother was gullible enough to hastily set out with some rando he barely knows, then I say that fool might as well deserve whatever trouble he ends up in.” “Thanks Alex for your completely unnecessary and impractical input.” his purple mentor mentions. “It’s apparently all I’m here for.” Letting out a frustrated groan, Mally starts to trek out through the forest as she suggests that: “Let’s just get a move on. There has to be something here that this hand might’ve been trying to warn us about.” While the two boys begin to follow the orange skater through the thick of the prehistoric jungle, a figure peeks out from the tree’s behind them; their sky blue sclera squinting as they stare out to the trio as they trot along.
Not long after starting their trek through this prehistoric window through time, the three come to discover a deep, vast valley of thick, ivy covered tree’s that tower high up above; all the numerous branches that spread out from their bark stretching out to twice the size of jumbo highway truck beds. “Damn, can’t even see those crystals under these thick ass trees. You needin another flight, Mal; cause I don’t think Alex would say no if you rode him.” “Excuse me? As if I’d let anyone taint by backside so casually.” the demon object. “Doubt you’d be bitchin right now if it was Kingsley.” “You two are kidding, right? You really think I’m gonna pass up a chance like this? Check this out.” Upon her very words, Mally lunges straight out to the collection of ivy covered tree’s and lands right on one of their many branches; sliding right along the length of ivy until jumping out to the next branch. “That’s the spirit, Mal.” her purple brother cheers her with; both he and his pupil gliding through the jungle air to follow after.
Along her little skate through the prehistoric thick jungle skyline, Mally skillfully leaps right off from branch to slippery branch as if she was grinding from rail to rail; dozens of exotic birds fluttering out from the tree’s as she and the boys speed through the forest. Up ahead does she find barely any branches along the path to jump to, the skater eyes peering up to discover a couple of other limbs hanging above; Mally taking out her hockey stick upon seeing the opportunity before her. Leaping further up to one of these branches, the orange hooks the head of her weapon right along its bark; the momentum of her jump causing her to flip along the limb until she launches herself upwards to the treeline above. Once coming to the arch of her ascent, the orange lass takes out her trusty grapple yo and tosses it right out towards the branches ahead; the gadgets string enveloping one of the branches and letting her swing right up to another stretch of ivy.
After landing right along the branch does a blur streak right past the girl, nearly hitting the skater right along her side. “Whoa, what was-” Gazing out to the site up ahead, Mally finds an entire flock of winged reptiles gliding right towards them; their cold eyes glaring to the trio as their jaws ready to bite upon their skin. Another lizard breaks off from the flock and lunges ahead to the skating young girl; loud hiss escaping from its maw as he dives right down to its potential prey. Just as the carnivorous reptile was ready to sink its teeth into her, Mally swings her hockey stick straight into its open mouth and sends it careening straight back its flock; the lizard crashing straight into a number of its brothers and sending them down to the jungle floor with it. When a chunk of their flock is struck down, the entire swarm charges out to the young lady all at once; Mally tossing her grapple-yo out to the crowd and wrapping one of them in its string. Having one of the lizards in her grasp, the orange skater leaps right off the branch and spins right in the air; twirling the trapped reptile around and swinging it right back to its very flock. The entire swarm splitting off in different directions to evade another of their swung back members.
Despite the flock of deadly lizards having been broken apart, a couple of them persist and glide right out to the girl just as she starts to land upon another ivy covered branch; both of their mouths salivating as they attempt to strike from above and below. Moments before either of them could take a bite right out of the airborne skater, a pair of streaks swoop right in and knock the right out of the air; Roy kicking the one above while Alex slices the other clean in half. Finally landing upon the jungle branch below, Mally turns out to her two partners as they start to hang back and gives the duo two thumbs up with a thankful smile.
“Rather vapid of her to thank us for fixing her screw up. I would have at least made sure the whole flock was killed so that none of them could come back.” the demon claims. “You weren’t exactly eager to jump in against them all with her. Doubt there would be any of them left.” “Please, why would I even waste my breath on such inferior reptiles unless absolutely necessary?” “Because your part of this team, dick wit.” “Ha! Team. I seem to recall you practically kidnapping me against my will, all the while deceiving my foolish mother in claiming it all to be nothing more than a simple train trip.” “Hey! I didn’t spurt out a single white lie to your sexy milf momma. I told her that life ain’t gonna wait a single sec while you prep for whatever kind of curveballs its got planned to throw at ya pair of sweet cheeks. Gotta be ready to bat the ball back right into its stupid fucking face.” “Oh, believe me. I am more than prepared to face whatever challenge this existence has to stop me.” Right on queue of stating this does the demon accidentally smacks straight into a jungle branch, his purple mentor slowing down to witness Alex plummet straight down to what seemed like the waiting maw of a giant plant. “Agh. Mal, might need an assist here.” he calls out to his orange sister. Hearing her purple brothers call out, Mally takes a look back in time to witness the giant weed devour the little devil with just a single gulp; the skater letting out a little yipe before she takes out her grapple-yo and tossing it back out towards the site.
While racing right out to the towering plant that had consumed his pupil, Roy aims the palm of his hand out to the weed and fires out a beam of black and purple straight to the neck of the carnivorous flora; the ray cutting straight through the stem like clean butter and decapitating the plant in one swoop. The head of the monstrous plant having been severed, the purple merc gazes down to its giant bulb along the bottom and discovers something kicking underneath. “Alex, just cut right through!” he shouts to the demon trapped within. Upon these very words does a blade of jet black pierce straight out from within the bulb and slices straight through the flesh of the plant; a bout of steam wafting out as the black horned demon attempts to crawl his way out from the flora’s very stomach. Right as he begins to fully pry himself out from the depths of the plant, an entire mess of tendrils wrap around parts of his body and start to drag Alex straight back within the stomach; the slashed piece of the bulb regenerating as the demon is pulled right in. “Dammit!” His eyes are drawn above the bulb when the cut stem attached starts to furiously wriggle and bulge; the neck erupting in a splatter of gooey chlorophyll as a half a dozen more voracious plant head burst out, growling out a vicious sonata as she peer out to the angel hovering over them. “Gotta be kidding with this kind of Cerberus bullshit.” he curses. “Hydra.” his sister corrects as she swings right into the scene.
The orange skater swings over to take a crack at the deadly weed herself; leaping into the air and tossing her trusty gadget straight out to the bouquet of carnivorous green, her yoyo’s steel string wrapping around the plants numerous necks to bundle them all together. Mally streaks right past the tied tethered green and slams straight down onto the ground; all of the heads struggling and squirming as the orange skater tugs them all aside, demanding that her purple brother: “Get’em outta there!” From his sisters request does Roy delve straight down towards the stomach of the carnivorous plant, ready to thrust his fist through its flesh. Before the merc could even touch a single leaf of the restrained bouquet, a thick tree suddenly bursts out from the ground right underneath him and practically uppercuts the angel up to the treetops; Roy screaming out as he’s launched out beyond the leaves above. “Roy!” Among witnessing her brother being shot right out of the scene, the string wrapped around the bouquets numerous necks start to unravel; Mally ultimately losing her grip as the deadly green shakes itself free and is flung straight out towards the trunk of one of the jungle trees. Right after feeling the jungle tree’s harsh bark slam right against her back, Mally peers up to witness all of the heads that she had once kept down now lunging their maws right out to her; the orange skater able to do little but hold her hockey stick up to black the oncoming heads.
Right as all of the deadly heads tempt to take their bites out of the young girl, Mally sees each one of them suddenly come to a halt just a few feet from her; drips of their saliva drooling along the grounds right next to the young lass. Whaaa… As she questions why every one of them stops just short of gnawing her to bits, the skater watches as all of them forced to retreat back to the very bulb that keeps them together; even the heads being pulled right back from wench they had sprouted. Once all the heads were sucked back in, the bulb itself starts to shrink down while being uprooted from the earth; Mally glancing underneath the shrinking weed to find something of wood standing right behind it. As the entire plant is further shrunk down, she soon discovers not another strangely shaped tree, but a figure made from wood roots and leaves that grasps the weeds bulb and sucks every part of the plant into its body; their bright blue sclera upsetting the aged wood that makes up the figures very features with some of the deadly plants head poking out from its roots. The bulb that had trapped the demon is finally dispersed, exposing a female Alex to the open jungle air once more; her face twisting in utter disgust as she finds herself covered in juices and chlorophyll. “Ah, wretched!” Once having absorbed the rest of the killer plant straight into its body, the figure of wood and leaves thrust its other arm straight down into the soil beneath its feet; the roots of the carnivorous green sowing out from its body and straight out into the soil below, all of them watching as the plant worms away deeper into the jungle.
While Alex remains occupied with swiping away all the leftover strange goop that covers her body, Mally walks right past the demon as she approaches the wooden figure that had saved their hides; extending a hand out to them as she greets with: “Man, I don’t think we can thank you enough for-” She’s just a couple feet away before the figure turns right back, the roots of its arm stretching out to form a sharp tipped lance that’s pointed straight down the orange skaters neck. The figures bright blue sclera narrow as it continues to stare down orange young girl, finally questioning to her in a raspy, but faintly feminine voice: “What are you doing here?” “Ju-just take it easy. We didn’t come here lookin to start trouble.” the skater assures the wood woman, her brother crashing straight into the ground a couple yards behind her. “We just wound up following some coordinates and got swept straight in this prehistoric jungle.” “Who told you of this location.” the withered wooden warrior demands to know, pointing the tip of her bark lance right onto the girls neck. “We found the numbers carved in the center of a mountain next to this hand.” Mally explains as she starts pulling out the withered wood hand in question. As soon as her blue eyes behold the palm she pulls out, the wood woman turns her weapon arm back to normal as she snatches the severed hand right out from the skater grasp; the wood woman retracting her arm back to her head so that she can examine the palm closely. The wooden warrior once cold killer gaze twists into a mixture of bewilderment and lament while staring down to the severed palm she holds in her hands, letting out a small breath before whispering: “Nevaline. So you did make it.”
Amidst this brief moment of grief does a streak of black and purple streak right past Mally and rockets right into the wooden warrior; the purple merc grasping the wood woman by the neck and pins her right against the side of a thick jungle tree. “Roy, wait!” Mally shouts as she races out to the two. Though the orange girls fails to stop the conflict from starting as the wood woman shoves her arm into the very tree her purple foe pins her down to; a sharp branch suddenly bursting out from the side of the tree and twisting right at the merc. Roy lets go of the wood woman as he retreats away from the thrusting limb, the edge of the bladed branch slicing the socket of his missing limb; the limb twisting around and attempting to drive its tip straight into the purple angel. Right before the branch could drive its tip anywhere into the merc, the orange skater delves right in the nick of time and breaks the limb in half with just a single swing of her hockey stick. In the very next moment does Mally drive her weapon straight into the earth and leaps backwards to kick her purple brother aside; Roy skidding across the dirt and stopping just short of slamming right into a rock.
“Ah! Mal, what the hell was that for!” the merc exclaims. “You just tackled the person that saved Alex’s hide.” “What?” The merc witnesses his demonic pupil walk into the picture as she swipes away the last of the gooey chlorophyll off her; confirming that: “Indeed. And about time to. It was practically vomit inducing within that vile plants stomach.” “Try telling that to my arm socket.” Roy counters with; pointing out the bleeding gash inflicted onto where his arm once was. “I can-I can mend your wound. Just let me...” the wood woman offers as she starts to approach. Rising right off the ground, the purple merc starts to back away from the wood woman as she nears; ready for whatever sneaky bull she attempts. Peering right behind the wooden warrior however does he see his sisters cautious gaze, his siblings stare telling the merc to put his guard away; Roy stops backing away and presents his cut to the wood woman.
The wood woman reaches down to one of the patches of grass and makes a couple of blades slither right into her arm while warning the merc that: “This may sting a bit.” From this does the wooden warrior reach her arm over to the very wound that she had inflicted; the palm of her hand hovering over the merc’s arm socket as the pieces of grass she had taken slither out from the wood woman’s roots and pierce through Roy’s skin. The purple angel lets a little hiss escape from between his teeth as the grass worms its way around and over his arm sockets gash, the strings of green tying themselves together and effectively closes the merc’s wound. “That should stop any more of your blood from spilling out.”
Having patched up the cut she had inflicted upon the angel, the wooden warrior turns back to the orange skater  and presents the severed palm to demand: “Now answer me; what urged all of you to follow Nevaline’s directions down into this window of still time?” “We’re just trying to find where our brother went, following all this trace clues from an underground mystical library all the way to the center of a mountain and wound up coming down here-” Before Mally could admit any further info, her purple brother steps in front of the orange lass and starts to whisper: “The hell are you doing spilling our business to this piece of morning wood?” “She’s practically been the only thing down here that hasn’t tried to tear us into bloody meat chunks.” “Speak for yourself Mal. You serious not recall her launching me into the sky and cutting by arm socket open, recently?” “Honestly, that sounds like the fault of your own. Surely you of all people should’ve sensed her coming from a mile away.” their demonic partner brings up as she butts right in. “Gimme a damn break here. You know how many predators are lurking through these parts stalking us, and I was a tad busy saving your ungrateful ass.” “Yeah, we should be thanking...uh, thanking...” the orange skater mentions, her site turning over to the wood woman as she attempt to fish for a name.
“Carila, the soul keeper of this slice of time long forgotten and the very secrets it holds. I had intervened against your struggles against the deadly viper bulb to save the plant from your wrath.” “Well, seems for a keeper, you weren’t exactly in much of a hurry to aid us in the fight against that Tyrannosaurs rex or those vile flying raptor.” Alex snidely points out. “I admit, I thought that nature would simply take its course upon you all. But simply from observing you fend off all those carnivorous predators with such ease; I realized how less and less of a possibility that was. I approach you all now to request that you take your leave from this natural wonder and never return.” “Yeah, that ain’t happening.” Roy then tells her. “Indeed. And I’d like to see you stop us, you flat chested wooden tramp.” Alex adds. “If that’s what you wish.” Carila states as her limbs form into weapons.
Right as the three were about to lunge right out to one another, the orange skater once again stands between both parties; speaking on behalf of them all to the wooden guardian on how: “What Alex is trying to tell you that we can’t exactly leave yet, not until we get some answers for all the clues we’ve been following up til now. Whoever that hand you hold belong to, they used their last fleeting moments to carve in the coordinates we followed to get down here. You mentioned their name, you gotta know what they’re trying to tell us.” “And you said that you found these coordinates within the middle of a mountain.” Carila questions. “Yep.” The wooden keeper peers down to the withered hand that rests in her palm, letting out a little groan as she finally gives in and claims that: “If it was Neveline’s final request, then so be it. One that I hope was thought through. Just keep up.”
All of them watch as their newfound guild leaps right up to the tree’s and slithers along their bark like a serpent, Mally ready to jump after before she stops in her tracks when hearing her brother’s pupils remark: “Please tell me you’re not this daft.” “Excuse me.” the orange skater utters while glaring back. “Are you that moronic enough to trust the word of a strange woman that dared to point the tip of their weapon right to your neck?” the demon reinforces, her body shifting to that of a boy. “That strange woman just saved your buns from getting digested.” “Please, I did not need her charity. I was on the verge of escaping from the belly of the beast myself. I assure you that I’m not as defenseless as you’re claiming I am.” “I didn’t say a damn thing like that.” “No, but please. If you wishing to lead all of us to our eminent doom and destruction, then be our guest.” Alex states.
As Alex hovers out in the direction the wood woman had slithered out to, his mentor approaches the girl he had just argued with as she mentions: “Does he not realizes that this is why no one wants to hang around him?” “Yeah, I think I might need to have a word with him.” the merc admits. “Hey, are you to coming along or are you just gawking about waiting to be a prehistoric meal, keep up!” they hear the demon call to them with. “I hope you do so soon.” Mally hopes as both her and her brother leap up to the treetops to catch up to their wooden guide.
While both the purple angel and his demonic pupil hover through the jungle treetops, Mally grinds from branch to branch as all of them follow their newfound wooden guide, who slithers in and out from tree to tree. In the midst of their travels through the tree’s, the wood warrior decides to pry with: “Might I ask what may your ends in coming down here be? I wish to know what Nevaline was attempting to warn you all about.” “Uh...” Leaping right off the tip of a branch, the orange girl spins back to peek over to her purple brother for a clue of what she should do; finding the merc simply shrugging at her as she lands right upon another limb. “Like I said, we’ve been trying to find out where our brother wound up being dragged to. Our one solid lead to go off of is what he not only called himself, but what he had called the man he follows too.” “You seek knowledge of the Kybr, correct?” Carila question.” “Ah, yeah. How’d you-” “Believe me when I say that the Kybr have quite the extensive history; one that the gods themselves were hoping to bury with the passage of time.” “Any chance you could teach us what that history might be?” “Afraid not. But do not fret, your answers shall all be revealed once we travel to the very edge of this domain. Then and only then will you find out what the Kybr truly were.”
Tailing right behind the orange girl and wooden woman, Alex hovers aside his black angelic mentor to comment: “I highly doubt that this living bunch of old roots is so willing to lead us through this jungle for the sake of her departed friend. There’s a clearly ulterior motive afoot.” “I ain’t doubting that. But this whole trail for Tore’s provin hella thin as is; we gotta take in every lead that we get here.” “Rather foolhardy on your end if you ask me.”
“Yeah, speaking of shitty ends, we gotta talk about the way you just piss people off.” “Agh, not you too. I get enough of that sort of infernal yapping from my asinine mother.” “I’m just gonna cut through the bull here and say that maybe constantly acting like pompous dick horned asscheek ain’t gonna get up any friendly faces. You’d probably get way more tail and cooch waiting for ya at the end of the day if ya quit being such a stuffy little bitch.” “Oh, and you’re confident that piece of advice fares no hypocrisy coming from you? How everyone just tends to avoid you as well? Don’t think for a moment I haven’t heard all the stories concerning you and your demeanor when greeting others. Of how you ask almost everyone, even going up to multiple people at once if they’re down to quote on quote “Diddling down in the back alley” with all the charm and subtly of a wayward perverted slob.” From this very statement does the purple merc let a bout of laughter escape from him, Alex hovering back a bit as his mentor’s chuckling starts to die down before the merc responds: “Diddling down in the back alley”. Where did you even-...Did someone actually say that or did you just pull that outta yer ass.” “My point being here is that don’t not exactly have the heart of the public eye either.” the demon rings back. “Hey, least I’m open and outta the gate with that to people. Ain’t like those kinds of dipshits that try to walk around questions and be those fedora tipping self entitled jackass’s. I mean if the people would be less strict about fucking one another, the world would be an honestly happier place for everyone.” “What in the living realm of sweet satan are you paddling about?” “Uh, what was I talking ab- Right, right, right, right, your attitude. All I’m saying is if you don’t wanna wind up reflecting back on your life wondering why ya got nobody to talk to and comfort ya; then quit recklessly putting other people down and stroking yourself like a self masturbating stiff prick.” the merc concludes
“Oh really. Did you hold that sort of attitude when you were with Roxanne?” The mere mention of the girls very name proves enough to send a powerful jolt through the purple angel’s entire body; his expression breaking into disbelieving shock as he turns to his pupil and simply utters: “What?” “Did you really not hear all the rumors and blog posts being passed around about all that juicy drama? Cause from what I’ve heard, the two of you didn’t exactly split things off quite cleanly. All of them kept saying that you were the one acting like the right dick in that whole shpeal.” “W-wh-what the hell does all that gotta do with now?” “I’m just saying that if you’re wishing to criticize me for my behavior, shouldn’t you set a better example?” “You have no fucking clue what happened between us that night!? You really think your gonna get away with going for those kinds of low blows!?” “Hey, if were taking stabs at each other for how we treat people; then I sure as hell ain’t gonna miss the chance to get a couple in. An eye for an eye sort of approach really.” Upon the demon’s very words is Roy left utterly speechless, his enraged gaze cooling into a contemptuous glare before he finally responds with: “No wonder you don’t have any friends.” This last remark manages to shatter Alex’s smug grin so that only a glaring hurt remains; the demon shifting into a girl as she watches her mentor glide out ahead to both the orange girl and the wooden woman up ahead.
Gliding right between both his orange sister and the wooden woman, their newfound guide can’t help but squint her blue sclera eyes straight the purple angel; Mally meanwhile questioning her: “Why can’t you just simply explain all this yourself.” Shaking her gaze away from the purple merc and states how: “The knowledge that you seek simply cannot be put into words; thus I lead up all through this slice of still time to something needs no words to show you. Held with the confines of my sacred grotto lies a piece of wood nymph wood containing an unflinching, unbiased memory of the nature of its time. One that has been preserved since the Kybr’s inception.  If you truly seeks to learn of what the beings that she seeks out truly are, then they must let this root pierce into their minds and share its secrets with them all.”
Along their travels do the numerous jungle tree’s finally begin to thin and dwindle before them, letting the sunny light shine upon them once more as all of them start to reach the end of their forest trek. Leaping straight through the end of the woods do they come to witness a vast, crystal clear lake, reflecting the soft glow of the shinning rocks that shimmer above them all. Mally strolls over to the shoreline of the wide lake to discover half a dozen towering dinosaurs that float just above the surface; some of them swimming over to the shores to walk upon the land. “Wow...” the orange skater wondrously utters. “Yes indeed. Let’s truly thank our rashly trusted guide for leading us to absolutely nowhere, I’m sure that the majestic site was more than worth nearly being devoured alive.” the demon sarcastically mocks. “I did bring all of you hear for more than just the site. The scared grotto of my kind lies right underneath this very lake, buried underneath the galleons of crystal clear waters.” Carila counters. “Hang on here; you seriously expecting us air breathin motherfucka’s to swim all the way down into this who the hell knows how deep body of water?” “Oh no. You won’t have to touch a single drop to enter. Give me just a moment.”
Saying this does the wooden nymph waltz over to the very edge of the vast lake, lifting her root arms as high as she can before kneeling down and thrusting them right into the shoreline; the wood warrior remaining utterly silent as the trio behind her simply stare and watch. “Oh, the hell is this woman even doing?” Alex asks. “Are...are we supposed to do something with her while she’s like this?” Mally questions. “I think I know exactly what were supposed to do with her.” Roy suggests with a stretching grin. “NO!” both his sibling and pupil harshly deny.
Its after the two deny the merc’s request that they begin to feel the ground underneath their feet start to gradually quake, all the exotic birds perched along the edge of the woods behind them flying off as the trembling grows more fierce. Among the constant quaking are their sites drawn over to the lakes quivering waters, where upon they begin to witness dozens upon dozens of what seemed to be wooden tree roots arise from the surface; all of the clustered together as they erect out from the center of the lake. Water spurts right out between the encircling walls as the roots continue to rise out, the trembling starting to die down as they trio see before them an entire sphere made from wooden entangled roots; a path of wood erecting out from the lake trailing straight to the hole leading right inside. Once the entire ball had been risen out from the depths of the lake, Carila finally uproots her arms right out from the shoreline soil; the wooden nymph slowly pulling herself off the ground as the angel behind her questions: “So, this the grotto you talkin about.” “Indeed...” Though Alex is left agap by the incredible bout of natural power that the wooden woman had just displayed before her; the demon shakes off her astonishment and recollects herself to faux say: “I-I-I must admit, that was not half bad for a woman with such a plank chest.” Peering over to the very woman who had just finished erecting the entire cluster of roots, Mally finds the wooden warrior on the verge of passing out; the orange skater coming to her side and brushes her hand against the wood woman’s side. “You need a minute?” Upon asking of her well being does Carila simply swipe Mally’s palm away from her side; simply responding with: “I’m fine. Let’s just move out.”
While Mally follows the weary wood woman along the freshly erected root built path leading straight ahead, the demon and her mentor opt to simply hover along overhead; Alex glaring down to the wooden nymph as she ponders aloud: “Does she really take us for such dimwitted fools? Surely she doesn’t think that we would let her lead us right into her “sacred grotto” without even an iota of suspicion?” Hearing his remarks gaining not even so much as a single response, the demon peeks over to the purple angel hovering right beside her and see’s him simply ignoring her; rather staring down to his phone and texting. Left upset with the merc’s lack of attention, Alex shifts into a boy as he further questions: “Oh come now. Are you really still upset from calling you out over your double standards? Get over yourself already.” Despite his pupils clearly callous, Roy simply continues to look down to his phone, watching as a fresh text from his sister comes in reading:
Mally: “Did he seriously went and bring that whole mess up?”
Roy: “Yep.”
Mally: “What the actual hell! I kind see where Alex is coming from, but seriously bringing up that whole business with you and Roxanne was just a step too far.”
Roy: “I’m just done here. I seriously don’t know what to do next.”
Mally: “Why don’t I chip for a bit, have a little talk with him.”
Roy: “Wouldn’t mind if you whipped his ass either.”
“I must warn you now.” the orange skater starts to hear their wooden guide start to speak; Mally putting her phone away as she listens to what Carila has to further say. “Due to its very nature, the memory root shall attempt to bore itself into your mind to share the knowledge locked away within its very veins; the knowledge of the Kybr themselves.” “We really can’t thank you enough for leading us through this slice of prehistory; I gotta come clean here. That whole bread crumb trail I’ve been following was serious about done. I couldn’t figure out what the hell we were supposed to do down here before you came along.” the orange skater admits. “If that is all you simply wish out from this trip down, then I’d be more than happy to speed your trip along; simply as you not disturb any more of this domain.” “Ya don’t gotta worry a little green leaf on your head about it. We’ll be outta your hair faster than you can produce chlorophyll.” “Oh, I’m betting on that.” Nearing the hole leading straight into the spherical root cluster, both Roy and Alex begin to lower themselves down behind the orange skater and their wooden guide wander straight inside; a strange light beating upon them all as they enter.
Once their eyes start to adjust to the heavenly glow, the three peer out to behold what was field of red, near dying grasslands; the eerie plains of which decorated with open and withered tree that still drip out water from their hollow insides. “This is your grotto?” Mally despairingly question.” “It was...” the wooden warrior despondently confirms. “This is serious meant to be your sacred grounds? All the near dead flora spread through here makes it seem like a forlorn garden if nothing else.” the demon remarks. “Quit it.” Roy harshly growls. “What. No snappy and lewd comeback on your end?” Alex barks back. Rather than respond to his pupil, Roy simply glares out to the plains that lie ahead; the demon himself scoffing from his mentors shunning as he shares in the site.
Out along the very edge of this near lifeless grotto does the wooden woman lead the trio over to a small den made from the inside of a large hollow tree; the inside letting out this strange yellowish orange glow. Walking straight into this den do all of them find the very source of the light; a long single root that pierces straight through the earth below, with Carila proclaiming to them all that: “This root here is the very same that bestows the memories of the time it had grown in; to let another peer into the nature of its time. It however can only share its memories with but single entity and burrow its roots with their very mind to share its wisdom. So I must ask now, which of you three shall approach and bear the history it has to tell?” “You’re seriously expecting one of us to let this thing dig its tendrils into our heads? As if I’d let a dirt ridden plant like that come anywhere near me and taint my mind.” the demon rejects. “Yeah, I ain’t exactly in the mood to get brain probed either. Already made that mistake once letting the Austrian gov cut me open and dig out a chip that they accidentally lodged in there. The scares on the back of my head still itch like hell.” the merc also denies. Mally peers over to the two to find them both staring right at her, the orange skater asking them: “So your seriously expecting me to step up to the plate?” “Mal, you went through the highest of mountains to the deepest of pits just to try and find our bro. If anybody’s earned to find out the truth of this whole mess, it you.” her brother responds. Upon her purple brother’s very words does Mally take in a deep breath while turning out to the mystical root in question, exhaling before beginning to approach the piece of wood; the orange girl feeling a strange sensation through her body as she nears the glowing root.
Once the girl stands before the glowing enchanted root, Mally and those behind her watch as the tip starts to grow out towards the young girls head; the tip splitting in two as it wriggles near the sides of her cranium. With the roots only a few inches away from her head, Mally peeks back to the wood woman and asks: “This isn’t gonna hurt, right?” Right then and there does Mally get her answer when the root’s tips pierce straight through the sides of her head and burrow themselves into her cranium; a yelping shriek escaping from her mouth as she starts to spasm and tremble. The angel and demon taking in the site see the young girl shortly stop her violent shaking and watch her as she slumps backward, discovering her eyes devoid of any pupils as she blankly stares out to them both. “Uh, she gonna be fine after this, right?” Roy concerns. “These roots secrete a special ooze which mends injury upon exiting the host. She will awaken as if nothing had happened.” their wooden guide assures. “And how long will it take for her to wake up?” “With how much the roots have to show, I imagine a long while.” From these words does the wooden warrior start to stroll back out towards the way they had ventured in, the demon asking: “Where the hell do you think your going?” “I have duty to fulfill. One that I had held myself to since I was just a sapling.”
Upon the wood woman’s leave, the two peer over to the young skater as she remains utterly comatose; neither of them able to do much in the moment besides wait for Mally to finish her little history lesson. “Whelp, got nothing better to do.” the purple merc, waltzing out towards a couple of dead hollow tree’s. “Th-that’s it? Am I not to expect some sort of evaluation, training regimen, or any kind of inine physical activity that involves violence, most inflicted on my end.” the black horned demon questions. “I...I-I’m not really in the mood Alex. I’d rather just go behind a couple tree’s and alleviate some stress going through my head...by masturbating.” As his mentor walks out to the dead tree’s, Alex peers to the purple merc with hints of wondering disgust; grumbling: “It still baffles me what sort of sick forces present in this universe that chose him over anyone else to me my guiding mentor.”
Once delving deep within the mental depths of her own subconscious, natural sunlight shines out as the orange skater opens her eyes; Mally giving herself a moment to adjust to the heavenly glow before finally taking in the very site she stands upon. Stretching out as far as her eyes could see, Mally beholds a vast, luscious meadow filled with colorful flora; the likes of which rival the size of oak tree’s as the sun shines upon their petals. Fluttering along all these numerous flowers does the girl witness what she at first seemed like dozens of butterflies; their wings showing dozens of unique designs and patterns with glisten with the sunlight. When one of them starts to descend down towards her, the girl holds her hand out to let it perch atop her index finger; her eyes widening when it finally touches down and discovers what these creatures truly were. A fairy. A small fairy the size of her head greeting the young girl with a friendly wave. Mally left astonished as she gazes up to the numerous others that flutter and dance away from her; the one that stood on her finger gliding off alongside the swarm.
The orange skater follows after the flock of fairies through the lush meadow of giant flowers, soon peering out from the flora to come to a steep incline leading up to a clearing above; the face of this grassy cliff decorated with dozens of branches. Immediately does the girl start to climb up to the top of cliff, grasping hold of the patches of grass and tree limbs that litter its very face; all the while gradually losing site of the fairies that hover above. When just about to reach the top of this steep cliff face, a patch of grass that she holds onto breaks off from the rock; Mally losing her grasp and plummeting back down to the bottom of the incline. Moments before she could slam down onto the earth below, the girl feels something grasp her arm and stop her from taking the nasty fall; the skater peering up to find one of the branches that sprout from the cliff face holding onto her wrist with a warm greeting smile. More of this wooden limb begin to crawl out from the depths of the cliff, revealing itself to be a figure completely made from bark and leaves; quite similar to the guide that she and the others had recently met. The rest of the branches that protrude out from the cliff all start to erupt from its very rock, all revealing themselves to be other wood nymphs that start to sprout out from the earth. When the whole group of wood nymphs start to pull themselves out form the earth and start to climb up to the top of the cliff, the one that holds Mally flings her straight up with just a single sling upwards; the orange girl grasping the very edge of the cliff when coming to the top.
All the sprouting wood nymphs climb to the top of the steep incline as the young skater pulls herself up above the edge with them; Mally standing tall above the rock to behold the site that lies before her. Frolicking through the meadow plains does she discover numerous mystical and legendary creatures, all roaming about and coexisting with one another; centaurs proudly galloping through the calm plains, hard rock golems lumbering out in the distance, foxes with numerous tails racing along the thickets off grass, rabbits with but single horns protruding out from their heads that feast upon the wood nymphs offered leaves, even strange chimera’s sporting the body parts of numerous animals. When she finds dozens of shadows gliding over these flowery plains, Mally’s eyes peer up to the clear blue skies above and witnesses dozens of hovering beasts and creatures all taking through and sharing the air. Pegesi that gallop through the air, griffins that flap through the skies, dragons that huff out bouts of sparks from their nostrils, harpies that share the lower forms of wolves gliding alongside the gentle breeze, little plant creatures whose petals spin like helicopter blades. Incredible. These creature are all from legend, myths. They’re numerous. But why are they here? What even is this place?
The beautiful site of these vast and lively plains start to waver when dark clouds begin to blanket the clear blue sky in their darkness; Mally beginning to feel the very ground that she stands upon start to gradually tremble. Midst this earthly quaking does the orange skater discover a bright tan light that emerges out from the clouds, the glow beaming out from a pair of angelic wings that stem from the back of a human that hovers above them all. Is that… Fluttering above all the numerous mythical creatures of old, this winged figure thrusts their limbs down to the very trembling earth below; the rocky grounds soon fracturing apart at the very seems and uprooting chunks of the earth up towards the skies. The chilling outcries of the numerous mystical fauna pollute the very air with terror as the earthbound creatures fall into the depths of the stretching fissures, never again to see the light of day as they plummet down into the once peaceful grassy plains. Not even the giant rock golems prove safe from this horrifying phenomenon, their very earthly bodies fracture and crumble into chunks of broken stone; their remains joining the chunks of the earth in their ascent up towards the angel. Presented with this very threat do all the numerous sky bound beasts all take charge towards the angelic figure, their claws and beaks ready to rend the angel to pieces in their vengeful rage. Yet their numbers prove utterly fruitless as the angel gathers the ripped pieces of earth aside him and cast them all forth towards the armada; the entire airborne army shot down out of the sky from the barrage of rocks. Left distracted by the horror’s playing out before her, Mally fails to notice the earth beneath her feet crumbling apart; the ground finally giving way and causing the young girl to plummet down alongside the dozens of other mystical creatures to their doom.
Among plummeting through the dark abyss, the orange skater starts to feel the very air around her grow warm the further she descends; drops of sweat beginning to drip up from her body while falling. Its suddenly through the dark that she feels herself slam right down upon a patch of flat earth, feeling an almost relaxing warmth radiating onto her back. From the unexpected impact, the young lady opens her eyes once more to find every bit of the void she had once descended down through replaced with warm streaks of red and orange that waft through the wavy air above; with only the site of a single hand with a fiery orange tan upsetting the site. Mally reaches up to the presenting palm and grasp it to feel herself being pulled right off the warming stone, peering out into the horizon ahead to discover a vast fiery valley made from scorched rock and veins of lava that flow through the land like natural rivers. Beyond these streams of burning liquid, she finds dozens of flaming creatures that crawl and slither through this burning valley of blackened rock and lava; slugs made from molten liquid, butterflies whose wings blaze as they flutter through the air, fiery phoenixes that trail embers through the skies above, packs of deer with curling horns that spurt out flames, insects sporting hardened magma carapaces. Even the flowing rivers of lava hold their own life that breach out from the gooey surface like hopping mullets partaking in the air above.
Her eyes wonder away from the rivers when noticing humanoid like inhabitants roaming throughout these lively scorching plains; their skin a fiery tan orange, their hair bellowing through the air like burning flames as they all ride atop equine boasting skin of blazing rock and flesh. While she views some of these fiery nymphs mingling with one another as they relax along the lava riverside; other ride through the blistering hot valley brandishing weapons that blaze crackling flames; the pack charging through and hunting the blazing deer that roam the plains. Staring out to the site of all the numerous fiery people does Mally suddenly feel a hand grasp at her shoulder; the orange haired girl glancing over to her side to find a woman with long fiery hair, giving her a warm and welcoming smile.
Breaking her eyes away from the welcoming fiery nymph does the orange skater come to witness a hint of blue corrupting the blazing orange sky; Mally peering out to discover this blue light to belong to a pair of flaming blue angel wings attached to what seemed to be a regular human. When the angel thrusts their hands straight out the fiery plains it hovers above, the orange girl begins to hear a disturbance; her attention drawn back to the blazing woman that stands beside her to witness her violently spasm and fall upon her knees. Collapsing onto the scorched earth does this woman start to vomit out spurts of lava from her mouth; her fiery color draining away as more and more of her precious molten ooze spews out from her maw. The whole display brings out an unimaginable fright upon the young orange haired girl as she watches the crying fiery woman suffer from the uncontrollable hurling; Mally retching only further when daring to look out to the others that reside in the blazing valley. Every other living creature from the nymphs to the magma insects all start to quake and collapse in unimaginable agony as their blood of red hot magma spews and burst out from their orifices; all of their bodies breaking apart as more of their bright lava escapes from their flesh and arise up into the fiery air. Among this horrifying nightmare do the veins of lava that had flown through the land erupts out in columns of blazing bright red, mixing along with the bright orange blood that twist through the air and gather atop the angel. All the lava extracted from every single piece of land and creature below the angel gathers right above their head into a massive sphere; one that threatens to grow to the very size of the moon. Out from this newborn core of burning hot lava, a bout of flames spurts out from the underside and descends out over to the young orange girl below; Mally closing her eyes and putting her arms against her face as the fires were seconds from engulfing her.
Outside of Mally’s full on mental envisioning nightmare, the orange girl’s body yet remains complacently right within the small wooden den as the memory root remains within her head; the black horned demon standing outside tiring of simply standing watch and starts to wander out to the dozens of hollow tree’s that litter the grotto. She’ll be fine. Rather take this dull moment to investigate something a curious notion itching in the back of my head. Upon approaching one of these withered trees, the first detail that catch’s Alex demon red eyes simply be the very middle of their stretched and bulged out inside; with only the parted wood leading within the hollow center. The lack of any visible marks outside suggest something might’ve resided within these tree’s once. But what strange and disgusting sort of creature could have dwell underneath it very wood, and why are they practically the only noticeable foliage decorating that wood woman’s grotto? Finally taking a little peek within the hollow inside of the tree, the demon discovers some of the roots failing to simply rise up with the wall; rather a good half of them rising out to the center of the empty space. Far be it from me to waste time studying dendrology, but its a certain fact the inside of them don’t form like this. Seems more likely that something grew from the depths of this wood. But was it what manner of creature that grew within it sapped away its very life, or perhaps would it be something else?
Before the young horned demon could continue to ponder any further on the whole strange matter, Alex lightly jumps when feeling what he felt like raindrops pattering along his backside. The devil? The young demon climbs right out from the depths of the hollow tree and peers above to discover a light drizzle pouring down from the roof of the enclosed grotto; drops of water leaking through the root cluster and dripping down towards the ground. Rainfall? We’re underground, under the dry wasteland of Utah. What matter of trickery is this? In pondering this very phenomenon does he witness an entire chunk of the ceiling break right off; an entire torrent gushish right out from above; Alex finally realizing the events that were transpiring. “Oh sweet Satan, the grotto’s sinking!”
Once realizing the watery doom encroaching upon him and his other’s, the orange demon disappears in a poof of black smoke; swiftly reappearing out to the cluster of tree’s that his mentor had retreated to. “We need to escape immediately. This whole poor excuse of a garden is starting to sink back do-” Amidst attempting to warn his mentor of the looming watery doom encroaching upon them all, Alex transforms into a girl as she riles back in utter disgust when witnessing Roy watch his phone with his pants down. Hearing his pupils verbal retch, Roy swiftly pulls his underwear right back and puts his phone away in a startled panic; collecting himself before turning back to the demon and questioning: “A-Alex! Pht-thed-de-Th-the hell is gotten into you!? Don’t you know better than to disturb somebody while they’re appreciating the precious art of multiple biological copulation?” “Can you quit jelling off to your disgusting smut for a single minute and look up!?” the demon demands. Humoring his pupils request, the purple merc peeks up and behold the root ceiling breaking apart and letting torrents of water flood down and drown the garden. “Oh Jesus, the grotto’s sinking.” the merc states in a blatant calm tone, Alex letting out furious growl upon his mentor finally realizing severity of their situation. “Kay, how bout you go over wake Mal up and get her while I try and figure out where my pants went.” the black winged angel orders, both of them splitting apart as Alex zooms out to the den they had left Mally within.
The demon zips straight inside that very same den, finding his purple mentors sister remaining attached to the memory root, still as comatose as ever. Alex rushes right over to the orange girls side and swipes her body right off the floor by her collar, frantically shaking her while screaming straight into her ears to: “Wake up, you crass ruffian! Our aquatic doom is loom over us and your still casually napping away like the moronic brute you are!?” A furious growl escapes from his teeth as he finds the young girl failing to awaken from her coma, Alex swiftly resorting to physical means to attempt to snap her out from her daze; be it slapping her in the face, kicking her in the shins, and twisting her arms with Indian rope burns. Alas do any of these methods yield even an inch of progress in waking Mally from her unconscious stupor, the demon throwing her body down on the ground in his frustration. “What must I reduce myself to free you, dammit!?” Upon exclaiming such a question do Alex’s bright red eyes trail from the sides of the orange girls head and all the way out to the very root bounding her in place; the black horned demon letting out an irritated sigh as he shifts his hands straight into a jet black axe. Nrrr. Lumberjacking it be then.
Moving right over to the root that holds his mentor’s sister in place, the demon tucks himself back before swinging the blade of his newly formed hand axe out to the side of its very wood; putting every bit of himself in each swing as he repeats the process over and over. With nicks of the root being chopped through, eventually does he manage to severe the wood straight off the trunk; Mally’s body falling over as the root tumbles down onto the ground. Returning to the young skater’s side however, Alex finds the girl still out cold. Damn woman! His masters sibling refusing to awaken from her comatose stupor, the demon is left with little other choice but to simply carry the girl out and starts to pick her right off the ground; Alex surprised with how easy he could heave her right over his shoulder. Huh, lighter then expected. Perhaps this whole training nonsense may not have been a complete waste of time.
The orange skater nestled atop his very shoulder, Alex zooms right out from the den and start to glide straight towards the flooding grotto’s ceiling; peering out to his side to witness his purple mentor return to his side donning pants and all. “This rugged sibling of yours refuses to awaken!” the demon tells the angel. “That so? I ain’t so sure she’s exactly done with her little history lesson yet. That root that’s in her head’s gotta have a hell of a bombshell to drop if she’s still out. “Agh! Of all times for class to be in session.” The angel leads the demon out to one of the rapid torrents that fall from the broken ceiling; Roy warning his pupil to: “Hold your breath.” Both Alex and his mentor take in as much air as they could while rocketing straight towards the descending torrent; the two piercing straight through the water in a huge splash.
Hurdled through an entire stream of bubbles, Mally herself careens through a body of thick, crystal clear water; attempting to close her eyes and hold her breath for as long as she could while submerged. Alas can she could not hold her breath a second longer, a great exhale escaping from her mouth with next to no bubbles of air coming out; the skater left astonished and dumbfounded when finding the water around her as breathable as air. Right, all this a memory. None of it’s real. Her eyes open out to the crystal clear waters ahead and let her behold the numerous aquatic life that swims through out these oceans; schools of fish traveling together, octopi stroking through the waters, sting rays gliding through the sea like butter, and other sea life flowing all around. Yet these dozens of common sea creature be not the only that roam through the ocean, the likes of which that catch her eye being what she could only remember described as myth. Semi aquatic humanoid people dawning scales across their skin with manes of teal that flow like the wind as they swim through the waters; dressed in clothing holding swirling bright color’s and golden jewelery. Giant serpents that stretch along the sea, their gnarling teeth contrasting with their gorgeous fins as they devour prey whole. Some pieces of the coral ocean floor arising and revealing themselves to be massive turtles that trudge along the bottom of the sea. A massive shadow casts down onto them all, some peering up to find the silhouette of an incredible leviathan passing above. But all this was, wasn’t it? What happened to them all?
Midsts pondering of this beautiful sea’s very fate, Mally comes to witness a light of orange delve down into the depths; a human dawned with bubbling orange angel wings glide straight out right in the middle of this oceanic site. When the figure motions their arms straight up towards the surface, pillars of light rain down and pierce through the waters; galleons of sea water being lifted up within the light as the inhabitants retreat deeper down into the depths. Despite swimming as fast as they could, some are engulfed within these glowing columns; some of the sea folk watching in utter terror as their fellow kin are forced to rise from the ocean and up and breach the surface. Engulfed within one of these pillars, Mally is forced straight up alongside the galleons of ocean and flies straight through the surface; covering her eyes as she rises up into the light.
The young girl feels that very light eventually dim, letting her slowly open her eyes to adjust to the newfound site; Mally staring straight up to an entire sea of stars that glisten like diamond along a dark blue sky. Something about the ground beneath her feels strange as she pulls herself up, a comforting surface the likes of which she had never felt before; the skater aiming downwards to find whatever she stands upon wistfully fluffy and dark gray. She sees this fluffy gray shortly end straight out towards an entire thicket of clouds that stretch out beyond the horizon; mountains of fluffy gray ascending up above like mountains, with some puffs drifting across the skies. Alongside these stretches of gray fluff, Mally witnesses dozens of airborne creatures gliding through the skies while sharing the air with one another; avian birds that boast majestic feathers that bellow through the air, glistening lizards that crawl just along the clouds, airborne manta rays that glide through the breeze. Among these numerous skybound creatures does Mally witness numerous people; humanoids with hair like flowing clouds and tattoos of the very winds that streak across their pale bodies. While she finds some of them simply standing tall upon the clouds and taking in the view and mingling with each other, Mally see’s others ride through the air atop the numerous creatures of the night sky. All this was here once before, wasn’t it? But then…
The moment of calming sireen is then disturbed when another angel with wings of pulsing teal winds erupts right out from the sea of gray clouds; the figure hovering above them all as they wave their hands above their head in a swirling motion. The very air itself that was once peacefully still following the angel’s motion and is quickly whipped in a bellowing frenzy, the dozens of creatures and birds that once glides through the sky are cast aside by the raging winds; some of them torn right apart in horrifying fashion as easily as tissue paper among the gales. Its among the swirls of their hands that the angel thrust their palms straight up to the very stars above; the winds that surround them all blending together to form a powerful twister,  one that rips apart the stratosphere itself. Countless outcries and panicking screams flood the raging air as all the creatures and people swept up into this deadly tornado are plucked out from the earthly skies and our sent straight out in to the cold void of space; never to be seen again. Try as she might to keep herself gripped upon the night clouds, Mally’s grasp proves not enough to fight against the incredible gales and is caught within the winds alongside the dozens of other people and mystical animals all drawn straight into the tornado’s wrath; thrust upwards into the starry abyss of space like the rest.
Along the very surface of the Jurassic lake do a pair of figures breach out from its very very depths; the water that splashes out from their ascent glistening from the sunny crystals above; both the purple angel and black horned demon gasping for much needed air as they water splashes back down. After coughing up whatever water may be still left in his mouth, Alex peers out to the shoreline to discover the very wooden woman that had guide pulling her arms right out from the ground; cursing out: “That vile wooden bitch! She did attempt to drown us in that horrid grotto!” While his angelic mentor shakes off all the water that soaks him, the demon then witness’s the wooden woman start to flee out towards the jungle edge; a sinister gnarl escaping from Alex’s teeth before he tosses the comatose skater in his arms out to his mentor with: “Here!” Though caught off guard when his pupil throws his unconscious sister straight to him, Roy manages to catch Mally with but his only arm; his demonic student then delving straight after the retreating nymph.
Racing away from the lake shoreline, Carila gallops back towards the very woods she lead her guests through as fast as she could run; suddenly stopping in her tracks when a streak of orange and black crashes down before her. The dust settles to reveal the black horned demon with his hand in the form of a spiked hammer, ready to swing down upon the wooden warrior. She leaps back away from the demon’s hammering assault and beholds the fury burning with the demon’s bright red eyes; Carila’s own eyes widening as she utters: “Y-You!? But that means-” The wood woman’s face morphs into a star of utter horror upon discovering the demon’s angelic partner touching down; witnessing him gently put the unconscious girl down along the grassy plains before fluttering closer. “Noooo!” she growls. “Indeed.” the demon counters, slowly marching to the wood woman. “Were you really foolish enough to believe that galleons of dirty Jurassic water would be enough to do away with me? A miscalculated assassination attempt that that we’ll shall surely make sure you pay with your life.” “Why did you trying doing that shit, anyway? If its for the whole jungle protector bit, I think punching some dinosaur and cutting some weeds isn’t exactly worth getting so pissy over.” the purple merc questions. “...Do you honestly believe that this has anything to do with any meaningless duty? Do you not know the ramifications that your very existence implies!?” From these very words does the wooden warrior transform one of her arms into a sharp splintery mace; soon charge out to the purple angel as she declares: “This stopped being about the job the moment all of you came down here!” Carila swings her mace arm out to his head once close enough to the purple merc; Roy swiftly kneeling down to evade the spiked weapon and kicks the wood woman right off her feet, making her fall flat onto her back. Peering up does the wood nymph witness the purple angel lifting his leg up and diving his foot straight downwards; the wooden warrior acting fast and burrowing straight down into the soil before Roy could stamp her right out.
Having witnessed their foe dig through the dirt to escape, Alex sweeps his site all around the shoreline; wondering aloud: “Where the hell did that wooden harlot scurry away to?” Glancing over to his purple mentor, the black horned demon finds the merc waltzing to his side while staring straight out to the jungle edge behind him. “The jungle?” Alex utters. Fully turning over to the forest edge, a smarmy grin stretches across his cheeks as he lets loose a little chuckle; mocking out with: “A failed assassination attempt and fleeing into hiding? What a sheepish loathsome guardian.” “Don’t think she’s exactly done yet.” his purple teacher warns. From this warming does the forest before them begin to quake, numerous jungle tree’s spurting out from the earth and clustering together to form one gigantic arm; the limb hammering its hard wood fist straight down to the duo. Roy and Alex split away from eachother as the giant arm dives straight down upon the earth in a furious hammer; the demon between them blocking the flying debris before he claims that: “No doubt she’ll keep attacking like this unless we flush her out.” “Think I know a way that we can to.” Roy follows with.
Along the other end of the gigantic wooden limb, Carila manages to dislodge her own arm right out from the stub of the massive cluster of jungle trees; the wooden warrior peeking out along the stretch to witness the purple angel zoom right out from the horizon. Once the wood woman was right in site, Roy fires out a deadly ray of black and purple out from the palm of his hand and straight out to his wooden foe; Carila springs up to the treetops above to evade the dark blast. As soon as she lands atop one of the branches overhead does the wooden guardian thrust her foot deep into the bark of the tree she stands upon; all the moss covered branches that protrude out from the tree lunge straight out to the approaching angel, with their sharp tips ready to pierce through flesh. The purple angel weaves himself around all the branches that thrust their tip out towards him as he zips straight towards the base of the tree; not a single bit of their rough jungle bark able to brush along his precious purple hood.
Once near the tree his foe stands upon, Roy rams his legs right against its trunk hard enough make the jungle wood begin to tilt over; the towering tree’s roots tearing out from the soil as its plummets. With the very tree she stands upon on the verge of crashing down, Carila pulls her leg out from its very bark and leaps out towards one of the logs that neighbor her; the purple merc seeing his moment to strike and rapidly rocketing right up to the airborne wooden warrior. Right when the guardian was about to land right onto another branch, she feels the mercs fist right against her chin; Roy delivering a rising uppercut that sends her flying straight up through the treetops. Having been sent several feet above the treetops, Carila regains her composure just in time to witness a pterodactyl gliding through the skies; a smile cracking along the wood woman’s cheeks as her arm sharpens into a thin tipped pike.
The merc soon breaches through the treetops himself and hovers along the brightly lit cavern skies, holding his hand right above his eyes to block out the light of the crystals as he peers out to where his wooden foe might’ve went. A high pitched screech then rings right in his ears from behind; the purple angel peeking back just in time to witness the sharp beak of a pterodactyl thrusting out to him. Roy veers out along the side in an effort to evade the dinosaurs skewering tip, feeling the underbelly of the winged beast brush along the fabric of his hood as the pterodactyl passes by; purple angel peering out to the dino to discover the wooden warrior riding atop the monster, all with one of her limbs rooted right into its brains. “Jeez, who’d think that the protector of the jungle would stoop to such hypocrisy; how the prideful and bold have fallen from grace.” he mocks. “To hell with this outdated piece of earthly history, it could drown into the depths of the abyss for all I care anymore! For once in my long and arduous life of wasting away in this worthless hole, I’ve found a calling of greater importance.” Upon these very words does the wooden warrior swing her arm out in the air, flinging out an entire salvo of splinters and thorns that rain down towards the angel; Roy covers his face as the flurry of wooden needles showers down upon him. Her angelic foe distracted by the shower of sharp thorns, Carila forces her flying steed to glide out to the young merc once more; her free arm morphing into a splintered scythe as she rapidly approaches. Just as the wooden warrior was ready to chop her foe’s head clean off his neck, Roy quickly jets up right out of her blades swing and grasp the guardians arm before she could pass by; the purple angel uprooting Carila straight out of the pterodactyl’s brains and flings her back in the direction of the lake. The wooden warrior crashes right along the Jurassic lakes shallow shores, waves of the water splashing and rippling from her little dip. Water leaks out from the opening along the roots of her wooden body as she lumbers out from the lakeside; her bright blue sclera eyes trailing over to the comatose orange girl left resting along the shore.
Hovering down over to the shores where he had tossed away his wooden adversary, Roy’s eyes widen when that very same foe holding his comatose sister by the shirt collar; Carila brandishing a blade of wood straight against Mally’s very neck. “Listen, I get how all the work stress ya got piled up made ya fall from grace hard as hell; but going so low as to take a hostage that can’t even fight back? Not a bad play there if I’m being honest; even if its a dirty one.” the merc briefly praises. “Don’t you dare lecture me on morality, not after all that I had experienced. I imagine that with what the memory root is showing this girl, she would more than agree on how justified this is. A justice with which fate has bestowed upon me after enduring countless years of haunting memories and infinite sadness. And now...you shall taste that very same despair!”
Right as the wooden woman was ready to thrust her wooden blade straight into the comatose girls body, a sudden sharp pain thrusts into her side; the pain enough to paralyze the wood woman from moving even a single root. Slowly she peers down to the side of her lower torso and discovers one of the girls arms piercing straight through her wooden body; the orange girls head rising from its slump to reveal the bright red pupils staring back at her. A sinister chuckle leaks out from her devilish grin as the girl’s body start to morph before her eyes, the roots attached to her head transforming into a pair of jet black horns. “You blind fool. Did you honestly believe we didn’t think this wouldn’t be the first thing that you would try?” the girl asks as she finally fully forms into the very demon that had accompanied the two. With but a single swift movement, Alex slides his razor sharp hand blade across the wooden warrior root body while slipping right out from her grasp; Carila effectively split diagonally as what remains of her upper body is sent careening back in a splatter of chlorophyll. In a sudden poof of black smoke does the demon return over to his mentor’s side, Alex’s smile remaining when fully expecting some form of praise for his performance. His prideful grin deflates when peeking over to the purple angel and finding him not even uttering a single word as he simply stares outward.
When hearing the sound of agonizing grunts and gnarls, Alex glances out to the very wood woman he had just finished slicing straight in half; left astonished when watching her pull what little was attached to her head off the ground. “Gotta give it to ya; pulling yourself back up after having most of yourself slashed off; color me impressed. Even a pornstar’s morning wood would have trouble keeping itself up after getting slashed, they’d be lucky enough to walk away with even a slightly functioning libido afterward. And yet, here you are, ready to erect herself out from your slump and willing to get back in the shoot. Bravo” the merc further compliments with a full blow applause. “Will my disgust of your horribly perverted mind ever cease?” the demon beside him comments.
A bout of lime green pukes out from the fallen wood warriors maw, commenting in between her breaths that: “So many millennia have passed...and nothing...nothing has changed...You still treat us as clay...patronizingly abuse and mock us…as if were nothing but meager toys you could mold to your sick whims...completely disregarding the fact that we had lives of our own...You’re nothing but a sick little fledgling!” “Hmph, whatever qualms you had against demon kind, your grudge was surely not worth the sorry state you’re left in.” Alex chimes in with. “This is far beyond any demons, you irritating little imp. If you wish behold a true monster, look to the man beside you. His very presence is nothing but a reminder of horrors not just countless others had to suffer.” the wood woman specifies, Alex gazing back to the purple angel standing beside him. “Um, mind being specific here? I gotta a mile long list of people I screwed over who want to rip out my testies.” Roy requests.
Carila coughs up little bits of chlorophyll that splatter along the grassy shoreline, taking in another before continuing to explain: “My kind had been plentiful and happy. More than willing to support the very world we had shared with others. All that changed when your kind...the Kybr had revealed themselves...countless worlds and the lives that inhabited them were torn asunder and changed into whatever demented forms they had desired them all to be; caring little of how much any creature in this universe was suffering under their omnipotence. Throughout the ages did the wood nymphs dwindle in number in the struggle against the Kybr, their blood mixing along the oceans of other creatures that had fought against them. Not even the most powerful of demon’s could stand against them. I was helpless to watch as my people had thinned to a meager handful, constantly fleeing from a threat nobody in this universe could even comprehend stopping. I could no longer look to that very grotto under the lake as the place of my birth. All it stands to be now is a graveyard where the last of my kin had faded away.”
The wood woman grunts out as she stands atop her severed upper torso, resuming her lament with: “And though the Kybr have vanished, the scars they had inflicted still remain upon the universe and those who reside within; wounds that prove far too severe for time itself to heal. This jungle, this slice of frozen time was all that the wood nymphs had left to them; one of the pieces of this universe left untouched by the Kybr. And so with nowhere left in this world to harbor, we were tasked to preserve this land....I didn’t ask for this. None of us had! My own mental scars ached the very moment I had laid my blue eyes upon your black wings; the display of power he had demonstrated against this harsh natural land was more then enough proof that you were indeed one of them...one of the Kybr. You claim me as a hypocrite, yet here you stand, demanding one hurt by your ancestors to recount the tails of trauma they had inflicted. You spill the blood of their fraternity and now this? You Kybr are the real monsters.”
Having fully sat through the crippled wood woman’s brief history lesson, both the angel and demon look upon her with pitiable contempt, the merc between them stating: “So all this was just a ploy for vengeance over people that are not here anymore? I mean I respect the dedication, at least.” “But it seems that you’re admirable ploy for such pointless revenge has run its course. A shame.” the demon beside him joins. “Oh, but my ploy is far from over.”
Upon the very next moment does a giant stomp between the duo and their fallen foe; both of them gazing up to find the foot belonging to a massive sauropod that lumbers into the lake beside them. Once the giant dinosaur passes by, Alex returns his eyes over to their front and discovers their thought to be beaten foe having vanished; the demon’s eyes peeking over to his purple mentor to find him still staring over to the sauropod. Returning his sites back to the dino in question, he shares in the site of the wooden woman fleeing atop the beasts very back; a small growl escaping as he readies to fly out in pursue. Without even so much as a word of warning does his purple teacher suddenly take off after their retreating foe; Alex left behind to cough up whatever dirt wafts through the air from the unexpected takeoff.
The dust finally settles, Mally coughing up what dirt had slipped into her mouth and uncovers her eyes to the scene set before her. She stands in the midst of vast army stretching out for miles on end, made from diverse and numerous mystical creatures, people, animals that marching together; limb and limb, hand in hand; all of them determined to face the threat all of the stare out to. Turning over to the direction the battalion marches does she see a brilliant gleaming like that shines upon them all, a warm glow filled with comfort and hope. Peering beyond the heavenly light does she then discover what manner of foe this entire battalion faces; a giant withered head with angel wings coming out from its mouth and flapping in the wind, all attached to a centipede like body sporting numerous eyes along its glimmering exoskeleton. All the numerous eyes that decorate this holy abomination slowly begin to open; a shinning glow pouring out from their pupils and glimmers upon all standing before it, making the entire army stop dead in their tracks. The young girl standing out among them all watches as the sheer determination that once radiated from the entire army crumbles away in but a single instance; every single creature that had marched out to the celestial being now kneeling upon their knee’s and bowing faithfully to the angel’s blinding glow.
This hope filled light starts to fade away and lets the orange skater view the world around her once more; Mally discovering herself standing among yet another army made from numerous magical creatures, mystical beings, and mighty deities. Peering out to the direction they face does she discovers the angelic monstrosity they stand against; a twisted and warped purple shape protruding out several heads of different creatures from its edges, with wings flapping out from these creature’s eye sockets. A deep purple mist exudes right out from the dozens of mouths that the angelic horror opens; all the demons, gods, animals, and people that stand together against this threat all are halted mere moments from attack as this mist blankets them all. Among the army’s stupor does the girl see all of their eyes glow out with the very same purple they breath in; their daze swiftly turning into absolute maddening fury; raging screams and horrified shrieks echo out from the entire battalion as anger and confusion overwhelm them all. Mally watches in utter terror as all these people that once stood together in the face of greater adversity were now violently ripping each other apart; bloody chunks and part flying across the air in the descending madness. The angelic horror pours out more of this maddening mist out from its numerous maws until the very air itself was consumed in raging violet.
Soon enough does this fog eventually lift, letting Mally come to see herself hovering along in the void of space; staring down upon the earth as thousands, if not, millions of holy abominations much like the two she had seen before hovering alongside their angelic humanoid counterparts, surrounding the very planets stratosphere and beyond. Beholding this is she forced past all the winged monsters, her site zooming in towards the center of South America and keeps closing in until she sees a golden tower that stretches from the ground to the shrouding dark clouds. Atop this golden tower was a massive halo that holds a strange space within; all the while beneath this ring stood numerous figures, one with orange horns with a flame in the middle, another the head of a skull surrounded by a cosmic aura, one bearing a crown of pure flames and three eyes, one with a tiara of ice crowned atop her head, another garbed in a cape of winds, and finally one donning a set of armor made from thick bedrock. The millions of holy monsters and human angels all start emerge out from the surrounding clouds, all of which approach the towers very top as the halo overhead starts to rapidly spin and pulse. Working underneath this very ring is a lone angel donned with wings of pure solid matter, typing across and adjusting numerous holographic panels; this lone man pressing one final button on the screen right as all of his fellow kin lunge forth. All the numerous celestial beings that surround them are all drawn straight into the space held within the ring; the halo’s reach extending out to all the angelic beings that surround the very planet as the earth glows brighter and brighter the more of them are absorbed.
Her entire vision engulfed in this glow, the intense light finally starts to fade away and letting Mally open her eyes once more; the orange skater rubbing her head and flakes pieces of root off her head as she sits up. Greeted with a much softer glow set among the darkness, she starts to crawl out from the gap and comes to find herself back out in the prehistoric open air; the echoes of the jungle’s wildlife ringing in her ears. This ain’t the grotto. Is this still...What the hell even happened in the time that root burrowed through my skull? As the young lass ponders weather her surroundings are reality or not, a rumbling explosion draws her attention out along the lands very edge; Mally immediately taking off towards the direction she heard the blast go off without even a moments hesitation.
Once having climbed up to the towering head of the sauropod, the wood woman digs her roots straight into its head and burrows right into its very brains; the dinosaur crying out and flailing before the parasite atop its head takes control. Forcing the dino’s head to peer back, Carila is alarmed to discover the very angel that she had cursed in hot pursuit; the wooden warrior thrusting the sauropods elongated neck straight out to the nearing merc in a desperate attempt to swat him away. Roy hovers right aside the dino’s thrusting head and slaps the beast hard enough to make it careen out from the lake waters and crash along the opposite shoreline; the lake waters trembling from the hefty impact. Gliding out to the lake shores himself, Roy lands right atop the fallen dinosaurs very head and peers down to the hole that she had burrowed into the poor thing; a trail of its blood leading straight into the forest edge. A sinister chuckle leaks out from the merc’s maw before he shouts into the woods: “Running like this ain’t gonna do you a lick of good. You’re the one that started this whole shitshow, you should at least have the theoretical vag eggs to take the consequences like a stiff bean cu-” Right upon the very instant does massive mess of wooden roots stretch out from the edge of the forest and envelope the angel’s entire body; pulling Roy further into the depths of the woods.
All the numerous roots tied around the purple angel’s body bash the boy into tree after thick prehistoric tree pulling him deeper through; some of the towering tree’s crashing down to the ground from the slamming impact. Once dragged far enough through the woods, all the roots that bind the purple angel’s body unravel and send the merc crashing right into the face of a towering cliff; chunks of the rock descending alongside him as Roy shakes off his daze just in time to witness his wooden foe lunge out from the forest with a freshly made body. When Carila thrusts her newly made splinter claws right out to the falling angel, Roy strafes aside the wooden warriors thrusting jab; her claws digging straight through the rocky cliff face as she slides down. Carila bounces right off the rocks and out to the receding purple angel; Roy holding up his only arm as the wooden woman feverishly lashes her thorny claws and smashes through the fallen boulders while furious screaming: “Die!...Die! Die! Die!” “Still can’t believe your using the old and tired “sins of the father” bullshit just to throw this little shit fit of yours. Least you could do is come up with a better excuse that doesn’t dump all your problems on somebody vaguely related to some assholes that screwed you over. You might as well just be pissing in the wind at that point.” “What the hell could a cretin like you possibly know, left utterly ignorant of your ancestors sins inflicted upon this very world, all the tormentous suffering that had echoed across the anneals of time to countless others thanks to them. What would you know of that pain, of watching all the people you hold dear die before you!?” Upon the wooden warriors questions of suffering does the merc’s smug grin suddenly shatter, the skin along his arm socket violently pulsating as he leaps right over one of the Carila’s swipes. Hovering right above the wood woman, Roy hammers his tightly clenched fist straight down onto her head and punches her straight down into the dirt; shouting back: “You think I wouldn’t know that pain!?” Carila’s crash down into the earth manages to leave a crater the size of a small home; Roy glaring down as what remained of his wooden foe worms down into the soil. A serene breath passes out from the merc’s mouth, putting aside his short lived anger like a briefly brandished weapon. Easy Roy. Don’t need to get worked up all at once. Just start digging this morning wood out from the ground and then we can starting beating on her.
Right as the merc readies to thrust his arm down into the dirt, the crater he stands upon suddenly erupts in an explosion of dirt and rubble; the intense force of which launching the angel back up into the prehistoric air. Once stopping in the middle of the air, the purple angel peeks back down to discover what looked to be a gigantic worm all made from numerous roots bursting from the soil and rising straight after the merc; Carila riding right atop the worm with fury in her blue sclera. Roy ascends up along the cliff face as the wood worm furiously gives chase, the ascent crumbling into rocky chunks as both of them head towards the top. Coming out from the cliffs ascent, the purple angel glides straight into the forest edge perched along the top; peering back to see the worm stopping just short of the woods and continues the chase on foot. Yet even as Roy stays a good distance away from the pursuing wooden warrior, Carila refuses to hold up on her relentless assault and start to shove her arms straight into the very tree’s she runs right past; uprooting them from the soil and tossing them out like thick, ivy covered spears. Seeing all the plucked out tree’s descend down towards him, Roy weaves out from all the treetops that slam down upon the jungle grounds; some of them even knocking down the surrounding tree’s upon the descent. Jeez, seems like this bitch’d tear through this whole damn forest before calling the whole thing quits. Course, it be a bit easy just to tear and blast her to pieces; but that sure ain’t no fun. Think something more ironic might be better thematically appropriate here, but how to go about that? Upon coming along the next part of the jungle does the purple angel sense his answer, a devilish grin creeping out from between his cheeks as he peers out along his left. Oh yeah, that’ll work beautifully.
Back out along the receding lakeside, the black horned demon stares down into the water as it reflects her feminine form; a low growl slipping out from between her teeth before she swats at her own image. Where does that purple low life get the nerve? Ignoring his his own pupil and leaving them behind on the shores of a prehistoric lake. He should know better than this, dammit. Don’t say that he’s still upset of our last conversation? You’d think somebody with such grizzly professions would be more thick skinned than to be affect by something so harmless as words. How foolish.
On these very thoughts, the demon’s ears catch something rustling behind him; Alex quickly pulling herself up and turning out to the forest edge to find the bushes quivering. Her alarm dies down when witnessing none other than his mentor’s sibling emerge out from the green; stating: “Oh, its only you.” “A-Alex? Is- is this another...Is that you?” Mally utters. “Oh I don’t know, has that rancid branch that bore into her head deprived her of what sense you had?” “Okay, yeah, this is real.”
Strolling over to the demon’s side, the orange skater peers out to the vast lake before them while questioning: “So, where’s Roy.” “Hmph, that depraved brother of yours is off somewhere in combat with that wooden harlot after she attempt to drown us all.” “Ke-I-what...Agh...I’m out for about an hour and I miss all this. Though after everything that root wound up showing me, I shouldn’t be surprised things went downhill like this. We need to find them before it gets worse.” “Why should we? He doesn’t seem so eager to so much as speak to me, let alone fight by my side. Pretty rude if we’re being honest. Why should I humble myself to go crawling back to him?” Alex refuses with arms crossed. “Jeez, starting to see why he just up and ditched ya.” “What are blathering about?” “Did you seriously expect him to just leave off like nothing ever happened after you deliberately trash talking him about the beef with his ex?” Mally asks him, fully turning over to the demon. “Well, guess that should be the turnabout to it all, should it? If he’s so eager to jest of my demeanor; then he should be prepared to face the same sort of judgment. And from all those rumors said what had happened; its no wonder that she dumped him.”
Seeing her demonic partners make this last statement with a smug grin prompts the orange skater to slowly start stroll closer towards her; remaining silent as her fist clenching tighter the closer she nears. Once standing right beside the black horned demon, Mally roughly grasps Alex by the throat and pulls her closer; the skater swinging her fist hard enough into her jawline to splash her down into the shallow lake water. Pulling herself right out from the shallow end, Alex starts to cough up bits of water as she rubs the part of her chin that was struck; glaring up to the skater with: “What the hell is your-” Before Alex could so much as utter another word, Mally grasps the demon’s shirt collar and pulls her face to face; drips of sweat running down the demon’s head as she stares upon the skater blood red glare. “Did you not think that black horned head of yours that he said all that to you to try and help you, to try and break down the raw reality of how you treat people like they’re nothing just to try and change your sad, sorry situation. Cause if there’s one thing that my bro’s on the mark with, its that you no one likes you; and you saying shit like that is exactly why. You just treat everyone around you like your better than them, like barely anybody you know is worth your precious time. You think that’s the reason why everyone stays away from you?”
The demon’s face sours upon the girl’s enraged ranting; Alex growling back: “Like hell you know what people are really like around me, the way they all stare as if they’re very eyes say that I don’t belong with them. You wouldn’t dare say all this to me if you could see the scorns they’d give as far back as preschool.” Suddenly does Mally lay down a nasty headbutt right upon the demon’s face, one that makes Alex splash back down into the shallow shores; her node blood floating through the lake water as the skaters shadow looms over her. “You think that excuse is gonna come even close to working here? I knows somebody who has the same sort of copy paste sob story of being rejected cause of the way they look; somebody who could’ve just as well wound up being just as much of a bitter prick as you’re being. But she didn’t. She kept going and kept her chin up despite all the names, all the scorn, all the mockery. And thanks to that, she wound up having people that cared about her by her side, ready to throw down life and limb at the drop of a hat for her if ever need; and they’d sure as hell know she would do the same for all of them.”
Clutching the wet demon’s shirt collar once more, Mally drags Alex right out from the lakeside and has her stand right on the solid shores behind them; keeping her enraged glare upon the demon as she claims how: “Now you’re gonna go out and make up for the inexcusable shit that you said to Roy; or so help me god, I’m going to take you by the horns and drag your sorry ass out to him so I can shove my fist down your bunghole far enough to make you puppet out an apology. Do you understand me?” Among Alex mix of borderline fright and questionable arousal, Alex calms herself and states that: “Fine. But I’m going out of my own volition.” Saying this does the demon start to hover out to where her purple mentor had flown out to, all while the skater follows behind with her hockey stick brandished.
Perched along the branches of the prehistoric tree’s, several exotic birds that once called these woods their natural homes flutter away in terror as a streak of purple and black zoom right past; the tree’s that they once inhabited soon absorbed within a slithering mass of roots and bark that pursues after. While swerving around the dozens of towering jungle tree’s, the purple angel peers back to the mess of gathered wood that chases after his hide and finds his wooden foe riding atop the mass; her upper half sinking into the mass as she feverishly pursues after. Yeah, that’s it girl. Keep that raging hate boner up chasing after this sweet ass. Your gonna find out in a sec that this tail’s way too tasty for your own good.
Soon enough does Roy manages to glide right out from the depths of the forest and starts to descend down into a small valley clearing; the merc peering back to witness Carila leap right out from the woods, rocking a gigantic body cobbled together with dozens of jungle wood. While the two race through the valley field, Roy takes the time to peer back to the wooden woman feverishly chasing after and further demeans: “Ya know, I’m beginning to wonder when exactly all this pent up hatred and rage made ya loose yer head. Course, its another question to ask weather you had a mind in the first place underneath that mess of aging roots that you unfortunately gotta call a noggin.” Rather then attempting to respond back with words of her own, Carila instead lets out a monstrous screech as she leaps up through the air; her heavyweight body plummeting down towards the merc like a tumbling tree. The purple angel weaves right out from the wooden warriors plunge, her massive body crashing back upon the earth with a trembling quake; strands of white and yellow goo splattering along her feet the moment she stomps down.
Her blue sclera locked right upon the purple merc, she witnesses him retreat out to the side of a towering rock cluster; Carila wasting not another moment to lumber out towards her target. Roy rises right out from the wood giants tackle upon the last moment and makes her crash right into the rocks; countless boulders break off as the cluster crumbles to pieces, a couple of other strange boulders falling over and breaking apart into yellow goop. Carila keeps her killer glare onto the angel as Roy hovers high above and lands right atop a towering jungle tree sitting right in the middle of the valley; the merc sticking his tongue out while nonchalantly flipping her the bird. The wood woman stretches out her massive log of an arm right out to the very tree that her foe is perched on, plunging her roots straight into the tree’s very wood. The towering tree within her grasp, Carila uproots it straight out of the soil and flings the merc right off; several oval rocks falling off the branches as she continues to flail the massive jungle tree about. “Why won’t you die already!?” the shrieks whilst continuing to violently swing out to the fleeting angel. Straight into a cliff face, sweeping out through the meadow, and down upon uphill ascent of an incline; Carila slams the tree into wherever in her efforts to strike the purple merc out from the sky; Roy continuing to simply evade her flailing without so much as counterattacking himself.
Eventually does one of the wood nymphs aimless swings actually manage to swat the angel out of the air, sending the merc straight down in the middle of an enclosed cliiffside. An unhinged laugh escapes from the nymph as Roy pries himself off the soil; Carila’s blue sclera locked as she finally corners the merc. “Not once in the thousands of years I had been cursed to remain down in this slice of frozen time did I ever this this chance would grace me. But it shall be all worth it for avenging my ancestors that had suffered at the hands of you Kybr; forcing us all to hide down in this hellhole until our inevitable extinction.” “Funny as hell for you of all people to brag about taking vengeance. Just hope your ready to have those same words spewed right back in yer face.” Roy warns her.
These words of warning spoken do both of them hear an enraged roar ring out from above, the wooden warrior glaring up to the top of the cliff to witness a vicious T-rex start dropping down; the dinosaur descending down onto the wooden giant and digging its sharp teeth straight into her shoulder. Carila tumbles back as she attempts to pry the dino right off her as a triceratops charges in, ramming right into the guardians shin and knocking her down upon her back. The very moment she tumbles down into the ground does a pterodactyl swoop down and try to dig its claws straight into the wood woman’s tiny head; a whole pack of velociraptors joining in and clinging to part of her wooden body as she struggles against all the furious dinosaurs piling onto her. “Why!? Why are you all- Why is this happening!?” the guardian yelps out among the chaos.
The giant wood woman hears a devious laugh sound out alongside the growling dinosaurs, her head peering up to see the laughter coming from the purple angel as he hovers above; further berating her as she’s being torn apart at the seems. “Can’t believe you seriously call yourself a guardian of these parts. You’ve been on the job for serious how long now, and you were so occupied with wanking off your hate boner that ya didn’t realize where I lead ya to.” Curious of what the merc was prattling on about, Carila peers out around the very valley she had just thrashed about in. Absolute horror crawling through her as she finally discovers all the broken eggs that litter the ground, their shells and yolk splattered and scattered along the grassy plains. “You’ve been calling me a monster this whole time, all for a bunch of shit people related to me did a long while ago. And yet look at what you just did now. You were so busy trying to stamp me out that you wound up screwing over all these poor dino motherfuckers. Guess’s it might not be worthwhile if that kinda reach around prankster bull ain’t poetically catharsis.” The angel taunting words finally break the last bit of sanity holding the wood woman together, a maddening cry echoing out from her maw as all the roots that make up her body pierce through the dozens of dinosaurs that once tore her flesh apart.
Along the valley’s edge do both Alex and Mally emerge out from the forest in time to behold the wooden behemoth draw in the numerous scaly beasts within her own body; the dinosaurs crying out in agony as the wood nymphs roots tear their flesh and consume their very forms. Peering away from the agonizing site to find her purple brother hovering overhead, left utterly mesmerized by the grotesque scene playing out under him. “Shit man...” “Roy!” he hears his sister call out to him with.
The purple angel parts his eyes away from wretched site and gazes down to discover both her and his pupils approaching; Roy himself fluttering down to greet them back with: “Welcome back to reality, Mal. The hell sort of trippy sites did ya see while that root was digging in your brains?” “I...I’m not even sure I can put what all I saw into comprehensible words. But I can definitely say that whatever the Kybr were, friendly sure as hell is the furthest words away from them. I practically saw them all tear apart worlds and people effortlessly before my eyes.” the orange skater describes. “Wait a moment. Are you saying that irritating splinter woman’s venomous words towards your perverted brother hold some modicum of truth?” the demon questions. “Yep. Terrible stuff.”
“And speaking of mistakes, I think that Alex’s has something she wants’ta say to ya, Roy.” Mally segues to. “That true?” Roy asks, his purple eyes locked to the demonic girl. After transforming herself into a boy, Alex coughs a little bit before taking in a deep breath and going: “I-Indeed I do. For you see, underneath my awe aspiring complex personality; I am in fact capable of humbleness. And I dare slaughter anyone that says otherwise… My point is that humility allows me to perceive some ill made mistakes I have made; specifically making mention of your most recent relationship affairs as a crutch to counterargument. Such behavior was out of line for me. I’m starting to understand why those around me might react when taking aim for a more personal target. And for such an undeserved low blow; I must sincerely ap-..apo-…apollll...apolooo...ap...apooolllo...” Amidst the demons’s attempt to apologize, his mentor takes a gentle grasp upon his shoulder and gives a grin while responding: “Eh, I can probably take that crappy attempt of a sorry. Sound like I finally broke through to ya on that shit.” “Yes, well...best savor that. Don’t expect me to lower myself to such levels again.” Seeing the two make up brings out a warm smile across Mally’s cheeks a moment that’s promptly interrupted when a trembling squeal screeches before them all.
The trio glancing back towards the ongoing scene and come to watch as their wooden foe rises upon her feet, the countless dinosaurs that had once attempted to rend her to pieces now sown into her very roots; the head of the tyrannosaurus stuck to end of her right arm while the head of the triceratops is stuck to her left. The dozens of velociraptors decorated across her torso. “My duty doesn’t matter anymore; it never did in the end. Attempting to safeguard that which the Kybr had destroyed, it was nothing but a fruitless endeavor to falsify a purpose; one that I attempted to engrave in my fateless life for the sake of those long past. But now, a new road stretches out before me, one to prevent those like me to spawn in this world with such predetermined scars; ones that ache with a cold and empty loneliness and yearning for others that will never come to pass. And the first step upon that path is with the Kybr’s true extinction!” Upon those very words do all the dinosaurs trapped within her body all roar out at once; their outcries ringing across the entire prehistoric jungle.
“Oh yeah. Kind forgot about that. Probably should just blasted her to bits while she was turning, huh. Still, hearing Alex let out hilarious attempt of an apology might’ve been worth it.” the purple angel claims. “A rather careless mistake if you ask me; should’ve just ended her quite long ago. But this laughable error matters little in the end. No matter what grotesque form this worthless wood woman takes, its doubtful it would be nowhere near enough to stand up against the might of me and my constituents.” the black horned demon adds. “Couldn’t have said it better myself.” “Glad to see things are finally back on track.” the orange skater among them states; the trio taking their stance against the behemoth of wood and dinosaur flesh.
The horrible amalgamation of jungle wood and dinosaur flesh suddenly lunges forth, thrusting its T-rex limb and opening its jaw wide as its maw races to the three. The trio split apart before the head of the beast could sink its teeth into them all, with Roy leaping right back into the fray after which and kicking the head of the dino right in the cheek; the purple angel’s kick strong enough to make the entire giant tumble aside. As the wooden behemoth continues stumbling back, a lone yo yo twirls around the very same arm and wraps the T-rex head within its reinforced steel string; the string pulling back and keeping Carila front regaining her balance. Peering back does the wooden warrior discover that very string belonging to the orange skater, Mally single handedly keeping the amalgamation of wood and beast from standing on her own two feet. Its in that moment that the wooden woman hears the air above her let out a distinctive poof, the head of the giant gazing up to discover the black horned demon plunging down upon her with his hand taking the form of an axe. Alex slams his transformed axe hand down onto the wood girl’s neck, the impact however not being enough to make a clean cut; the demon’s weapon only getting through about a tenth of their foe’s thick neck. Before the demon could take another swing at her neck, Carila swats the imp away with her other free arm; this very action causing the giant body to finally fall onto the earth with a trembling quake. With the chimera of wood and flesh having crashed on her backside, the purple angel ascends the air above the fallen giant and holds his only arm up in the air; a sphere of purple and black cultivating in the palm of his hand. As the angel above her prepares his assault, Carila glances over to her arm to find the skaters string still wrapped around the head of the T-rex; a sinister smile cracking between her cheeks before she starts to pick herself off the ground. Rising right off the ground, the jungle wood giant thrust her arm straight upwards and flings the orange girl that had held her back up towards the purple angel; Roy discarding his ball of purple and black to catch his sister with but his only limb. “Dammit!”
With but a single hand, the merc manages to grasp his orange sibling before she could be flung right out into the jungle; Roy keeping Mally in his hand as the giant above continues to pull its heavyweight body off the ground. “Kay, we might need a plan here. How bout pulling out one of those strats of yours out, eh Mal?” “I ain’t too sure. Alot of them won’t be as effective with our blue brother AFK.” “Let’s just cobble one together instead. This 20 ton of morning wood is practically on high alert for anything I do.” “She didn’t exactly see Alex coming though. He got a good chop onto her neck before he was swatted away.” Mally gazes out behind the rising giant and discovers their demonic third gliding out from the depths of the woods, sweeping away whatever leaves and branches wound up on him. “I think that might just be our winning ticket. Fling me out.” the skater requests. “Uh, kay.” When her brother tosses her up into the air, Mally stiffens her entire figure before landing right back in Roy’s palm; the merc holding his sister like an Olympic javelin thrower as he asks: “Where at?” “Aim for the head.”
Just as his orange sister instructs him to, the purple angel lobs Mally straight towards the very head of the giant of wood and flesh like a throwing spear; the skater flipping herself feet first as she streaks through the air like a missile. Though Carila attempts to lift her triceratops head to block the oncoming lass, its weight simply proves far too much of a hindrance to lift up in time; the wood woman able to little but brace for impact as the orange skater harshly stamps her feet straight into the behemoth’s tiny face The wooden giant reels back as Mally leaps right behind the amalgamation and out to the approaching demon; Alex’s pupils shrinking when peering up and discovering the skater descending down towards him. “Grab me! Grab me! Grab me! Grab me! Grab me! Grab me!” the skater screams while plummeting down. Any attempts to catch the girl dropping down towards her are forsaken right then and there when the black horned demon disappears in a puff of smoke; Mally dive bombing straight through the cloud and violently crashing down into the dirt below. Alex reappears a few feet beside as the orange skater plucks her upper half right out from the soil, shaking the dirt out of her hair before sarcastically thanking the demon with: “Gee Alex, sure appreciating ya catching me in the air like that. Sure saved my hide from crashing down into the dirt face first!” “I’m honestly at a lost on what exactly you were expecting me to do with you bombing down to me at breakneck speeds.” Alex earnestly questions. “Well, can I at least expect ya to listen to a little plan I got going on in the deep fryer?”
Freshly recovering from the orange girls harsh stomp, the behemoth again charges out to the purple merc that hovers before her, thrusting the open jaws of her T-rex head towards the angel to try and take a bite out of his purple hide. Roy strafes right aside the dinosaur heads clamping teeth and darts straight to the giants chest to attempt to counterattack, ready to deliver a punch right through the sternum. Just before the merc could even touch a single root of the wooden giant, Carila’s chest suddenly burst open before him and unleashes an entire gaggle of velociraptors; all of the mule sized motherfuckers lunging out from the depths of the wood woman and biting down on the angel. “Gah!” Right as one of them was on the verge of piercing through the skin, Roy acts fast and casts a beam of dark and purple down upon where they spawned; effectively forcing all of them to retreat as the giant herself stumbles back. Once free from the numerous dinosaur jaws, Roy fires out another ray up towards the gigantic amalgamation’s head; the wood woman raising the shield like head of the triceratops; the beast moaning out in pain as its forced to take the blast literally head on. Having blocked the angel’s beam, Carila suddenly charges towards the purple merc while keeping the triceratops head up; Roy gliding back as the giant of wood and flesh readies to slam the head right into him.
Distracted from her feverish pursuit after the Kybr, the wood woman then and there feels something land atop her head and hook into the wood woman’s bright blue sclera; Carila letting out a horrible shriek as the hook digs further into her eye socket. Gazing up amidst her painful agony, the giant discovers the black horned demon perched atop her relatively sized noggin and shoving his transformed hook hand deep down into her eye; Alex wearing a deliciously sinister smile as he keeps holds onto his wooden foe’s head. “You-!” Just when she attempts to reach over and pry the demon off her, Mally leaps right onto the top of her arm and casts her grapple yo to the T-rex head stuck to the end; leaping off as its string wraps around scaly beasts upper jaw. Landing back onto the ground, the orange skater wrangles the massive tyrannosaurus head; the beast struggling to free itself as Mally keeps the beast bound. “Go for it, Roy!” she shouts to her purple brother. Both of his teammates keeping the giant mess of roots and dino flesh, Roy swoops back in the fray and takes hold of one of the triceratops’ horns before lifting the entire behemoth up towards the crystal coated ceiling.
The orange haired skater and demon release the giant from their grasps as the angel continues to drag the wooden giant straight towards the glowing roof of the prehistoric cavern. Once close enough to the shinning crystals above, Roy heaves the behemoth of roots and flesh skywards; Carila’s massive body crashing right into sharp glowing rocks hard enough to cause the entire roof to tremble. Alongside chunks of the glowing crystal and stone, the behemoth starts to plummet back down towards the prehistoric earth; Roy ordering his pupils to: “Finish it!” The demon is more than happy to obey his mentors command and lunges out towards the falling giant at breakneck speeds, clasping both of his hands together and forming them into the head of a giant axe. Closing in towards the very head of their wooden foe, Alex swings the edge of his weapons to the wooden warrior as she opens her maw wide; the demon only able to cut about 6/10th’s through the giants thick neck before suddenly feeling an overwhelming pain surge within his stomach. Roy and Mally gaze upon the site in a horrifying blend of alarming terror and utter dread; beholding a single straight root that had erupted from their foe’s mouth and pierced straight through Alex’s body.
The very silhouette of the root piercing straight through his pupil’s stomach causes his vision to fade in purple; the shadows of the site transforming into a pair of shadowy winged figures, one of which driving a sword through the other’s chest in a haunting similar manner. Bouts of purple liquid spurt out from the stabbed figures mouth as it slowly tilts its head towards Roy, its eyes reflecting despair and dread as it leaks out tears of violet. The very image pulled from the boy’s demented mind is swiftly overcome by a creeping darkness that stems from these figures and consumes Roy’s whole vision; the angel plummeting down to the earth as the socket his left arm once was start violently pulse.
The giant of wood and flesh finally crash back down in the once pristine valley, the dust swiftly settling to reveal Alex remaining utterly limp while dangling unto the very pike that pierces his body. “You nasty little devil...” Carila sighs. The wooden warrior’s arm staggers as she lifts the head of the Tyrannosaurs rex up to the impaled demon; the dinosaurs teeth glistening as its starts to open its drooling maw. “You’ve caused me enough trouble.” The T-rex’s mouth just inches away from the black horned boy, a streak of orange zooms through and breaks the demon off the wood woman’s pike just seconds as she bites down; Carila peeking over towards the same direction to discover the orange girl swinging away with the boy on her shoulder. While Mally flees out towards the jungle’s edge, she peers back to find the giant refusing to pursue as the wooden behemoth rises off the floor to instead face the purple angel; her brother continuing to struggle and tremble as he remains kneeling on the ground. Come on, Roy. Don’t quit now.
The merc breath shakes as he trembles onto the floor; the giant that he had once tossed aside now towers over him, with her very shadow looming over the young angel. “Do you feel it yet, Kybr? That is the very same horror and despair that your ancestors had inflicted upon not just me, but all the wood nymphs that had suffered under your power. Unlike those wretched monsters however, I take no joy in watching you suffer from your loss. Be grateful, young Kybr, for you shall join your demonic ally in his passing very soon.” the giant states, staggering her tyrannosaurus hand down to the trembling angel. “This day shall be remembered. The day the last of the Kybr are snuffed out from this worlds existence.” The tyrannosaurus’ close in on the kneeling merc, ready to tear apart the angel with its sharp killer teeth at any moment; its hungering breath waft upon the boy’s entire body.
The very moment the teeth of the beast were on the verge of clasp down upon him, the purple angel finally rises off the valley grass as the stitches along his arm tear off; the Tyrannosaurs rex’s assault suddenly thwarted when strands of pure black puncture through the dinosaurs head. Carila watches as these newfound strings push their way from the head of the T-rex and weave themselves across the cracks and crevices of her gigantic arm; the wooden warrior gazing down along her limb and discovering the very source of these strands. From the angel’s missing arm socket do dozens of these black tendrils wriggle out from the depths of his body; drips of the merc’s blood trickling down his torso and staining the grass beneath his feet. Though the amalgamation of jungle wood and dinosaur flesh attempts to jerk her arm away from the angel standing before her, the numerous strands of black enveloping her arm refuse to free her from their grasp; Roy lifting his head up and staring to her with his eyes glowing a sinister shade of violet. A single jerk back is all it takes for Roy to rip the gigantic log that was his foes arm straight off the rest of the giant’s body; Carila tumbling back to the edge of the small valley and falling upon the face of a rocky cliffside. Out from the fall does the wooden woman gaze back towards the violet angel, watching as the Tyrannosaurs rex and all the other tree that made up her severed limb are covered in more and more of these black lines until the fully envelope the limb; all of it swiftly devoured until being reduced to nothing underneath the shadowy mass.
As the giant wooden woman slowly pulls herself up along the cliffside, she keeps her eyes locked to the angel as he starts to hover out to her with his tendrils of pure black squirming like a mass of raging worms. “You think you’re the only one who can regrow their limbs?” she remarks. Though the giant reaches her only arm up to the forest above the cliff, not a single roots starts to stretch itself up towards the top no matter how hard she reaches. “Why...won’t...my arm...My neck!” Glancing down along the edge of her neckline, she finds the veins that run along the side of it now left severed and disconnected; a seething growl escaping from her mouth as she curses out: “That little bastard!” Its in that moment that the angel’s strands of black all wrap around the wooden behemoths massive log of a leg and tear off the entire limb in but an instant; some of the velociraptors that were once trapped within Carila’s body scrambling away through the valley.
Left desperate to end the angel that hovers before her, the wood guardian leaps into the air with but her remaining leg and hammers the head of the triceratops down upon him; the entire jungle trembling from the incredible impact. A moment of silence passes among the small valley, the giant letting a breath escape as she assumes the fight to be over. Alas does she swiftly retract that same breath as she begin to feel her entire arm quake; the head of the triceratops slowly forced back up by the dozens of the violet angel’s stands of pure black. “No...No!” Carila screeches; shoving her arm down towards the earth. Before the giant could crush the angel under her weight, a great surge of purple and dark blasts out from underneath the head of the triceratops; the pulse launching the giant of wood and flesh right off Roy. The ground beneath the behemoth cracks as she crash back down; Carila peers up from beyond her body to witness all the merc’s tendrils lunge out towards her; their ends transforming sets of deadly sharp teeth that open their maws as they close in.
All the maw made from the dark mass sink their chompers down into the giants very roots and begin to rip and tear apart the wooden guardians gigantic body; stains of chlorophyll and bits of red splattering across the valley grass as Carila struggles and flails under them all. When attempting to smack all the mouths of dark away with her other arm, she finds the beast itself missing from the end of her limb; the triceratops once trapped among her roots fleeing out in the jungle. All of her options to retaliate dwindling at the very seems, Carila decides to just simply cut her losses and makes a small branch protrude out from the side of her head; the wood woman pushing up from her shoulder and pulling her head off her giant bodies neck. Once freeing herself from the roots of her own body, the wooden warriors head leaps away before a set of black teeth could clamp down upon her head; Carila feverishly racing away from the scene and out towards the forest edge. The violet angel lets all the black strands that had emerged from his arm socket quickly finish devouring what remained of his foe’s abandoned corpse; and though silent, Roy keeping his enraged glare locked to the head as she pathetically flees.
Once getting far enough away from the action, Mally hops down from the tree branches and lands along the jungle floor with the wounded demon in her arms; the orange skater gently setting Alex along his side. The black horned demon lets out a retching groan as he squirms on the soft grass, the girl stating for him to: “Take it easy, Alex. Y-You’re gonna be fine.” “That fucking wooden plank of a nymph! I refuse to be left down by such a dastardly surprise assault!” the demon growls aloud, grasping the pike left stuck within his stomach. Before the demon could even start to pull the piece of root out from himself, Mally grabs hold of his arm and warns: “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! We can’t just pull that outta ya yet, we don’t got anything to patch it up with.” “Then what do you suggest we do?” “I-I don’t-” A brief breath escapes from the orange skater as she peers up to the roof of the prehistoric cavern; reviewing how: “Even if we could get back up to the surface, the nearest hospital’s probably miles away. Maybe we can...No...Ah...”
In the midst of breathing through the uninterrupted pain surging through his stomach, a strange scent greets the demon’s nose between his breaths; Alex taking a deeper smell of the air before concluding: “Is...is that me?” “Dammit Alex, can you stop thinkin about your self image for one bleeding second and worry about the literal hole in your stomach!?” “No, you rambunctious git! I can smell more of myself, more of me than their should be.” “Is all the bleeding making you hallucinate already, or are you just screwing with me? Cause at this point, it seems like either or.” The skater watches as Alex struggles to pick himself off the jungle grass and starts dragging himself across the floor; the demon heaving himself out towards the direction they’d just came from. “This...this could be just what I need.” he claims aloud. “What the hell are you on about?” the girl standing beside her questions. “This newfound darkness that permeates the air. If I can find and consume it, then it may be enough to patch up this pathetic wound I’m being forced to endure.” “And you’re sure about that?” “I’ve never been so sure in my entire life.” Upon those very words does the demon then feel something sweep him right off the rough jungle floor; Alex gazing up to find himself carried within the orange skaters arms. “Right, just lead the way.” Mally request as she starts to jog back. Gently caressed by the skaters firm, but soft arms, Alex reactively transforms into a girl as a bit of blush glows along her cheeks; the demon shaking this off to peer out to the woods ahead.
Feverishly dragging what remains of herself along the grassy valley, the wood woman’s fearful gaze begins turning into a hopeful smile the closer she nears the forest edge; Carila just a couple more feet away from her only salvation out from the brink of her demise. But just when she was ready to reach her arms out to one of the towering jungle tree, her hopeful grin shatters on the spot when feeling something grasp the back of her head and haul her away from salvation. “No! No! No! No!” she screams out as the dozens of black strands all jerk her back through the valley plains; the tendrils swiftly tossing her remains through the prehistoric air. Her careen through the valley air comes to a sudden end when caught by the purple angel’s actual arm, with the merc grip tightening as he clutches the head by the eyes. The wood woman hopelessly struggles as visible cracks start to form around her very head; the base of her neck falling apart as the fractures worsen.
Moments from snuffing out what remained of the once proud guardian, Roy stops tightening his grasps when hearing the head let out a wheezing chuckle; Carila proclaiming with a weak smile: “So you finally embrace it, do you?...You’ve decided to finish what your ancestors had started so long ago...It’s not surprising, not even a smidgen. Snuffing out the future of a species that your people had dwindled to near nonexistence; you’ll be no better than them in the end.” “Ya know...” Upon these very words does the purple angel resume squeezing the head of his foe in his iron grasp, Carila’s face contorting into sheer agony until finally breaking into chunks of withered roots; the wood woman’s remains scattering along the valley grass. “I can live with that.” Feeling something left within his grasp, the purple merc opens his palms and discovers something peculiar leftover from her demise; a set of strange seeds now resting in the palm of his hand, decorated with a bright blue circle along the middle. Hmm…
Among pondering what to do with the leftovers of his foe does he then sense both his sister and his pupil on the approach; Roy dunking the seeds down into his pants pocket as Mally lands behind him. Once gently setting the wounded demon down upon the gentle valley grass, a stark shock is reflected through the orange skater’s eyes as she peers up to discover all the waving black strands along her brother’s side; stuttering out: “R-roy?...Wh-what the hell are all those things?” “Why’d you come back?” he asks her. “Uh, well. Alex wanted to-”
Midst attempting to explain themselves, the black horned demon herself slowly arises from the valley earth while grasping the pike left lodged in his stomach. In just a single swift pull does Alex uproot the sharp spike straight out from her body in a splatter of black and red; an action of which catches both Mally and her brother completely off guard. “Give it to me...Give them to me!” she shrieks before lunging over to the dozens of strands stemming from the merc’s side. Both the merc and skater remain utterly astonished as the demon sinks her teeth into these black tendrils and tear them right off their stems; Alex slurping them all down like an Italian dish. While watching the demon continue to consume the numerous strands from her brother’s side, Mally’s attention is drawn over to the open wound left along Alex’s stomach; a thick black goop dripping out from within the demon’s body and filling the hole, all until the terrible wound that she had suffered from moments ago disappears.
A heafty sigh escapes from Alex as she leans away from the tendrils she had spared; claiming with euphoric calm how: “Ahh. Finally, that horrible pain has ceased.” “Alex...the fuck happened?” her mentor obviously questions. After pulling herself off the valley grass, the demon clears her throat before explaining: “Is it not obvious to you yet? All those black strand that had erupted from you’re arm socket, their very same substance is what makes up my biological makeup; tis why consuming them dressed my wound so efficiently.” “So this stuff coming out of his arm is some sort of demon goo?” the orange skater behind her asks. “To be less moronically blunt then that, this substance is one the feeds of negative emotion. I can only imagine something that this purple pervert thought off had awoken it from its slumber.” “So this stuff is a part of you. So can I...” Upon pondering of something, the merc begins to concentrate while keeping his eyes locked to the dozens of strands. All these dozens of black lines start to form together under the merc’s very command, forming straight from his arm socket and growing to match the exact length of his other arm; leaving five strands out along the end to form the fingers and thumb. Beholding the results of his concentration, Roy thrust his fresh new arm of pure black into the air as he cheers out: “Hell yeah. Got me a fresh new arm, bitches! I’m ready to belt people across the ass and make em scream out for more...Wonder what jacking it with this must feel like?” “Hmph. I’d normally be quite upset from this newfound development. The fact that you happen to sprouts a fresh new limb that happens to be made from the same biological material I am. But seeing how it had bloomed at such a convenient time, I suppose it’s something I can overlook. Consider it a gift then, for your gracious and surprisingly effective training.” A warm smile stretches across the angel’s cheeks when hearing his pupil state such, responding to the gesture with: “He he he. That ain’t the only gift that’s being given out today. I got something for ya that you’ll love.” “Oh, a present for me? You shouldn’t have; but please go on, don’t let me stop you.” the demon tells him with a grin.
Roy approaches the young demon before kneeling down to her very level; putting his hands upon her shoulders and simply stating to her that: “You pass.” From these very words does Alex’s grin suddenly break apart at the seems; the demon uttering: “P-Pardon?” “Congrats, kid. You graduated from your training, all with flying colors too. You’ve gotten over your smug demeanor and finally shown some actual growth and maturity while under my wing. I’m absolutely certain now that whatever this harsh existence that we have deemed to be life has to blindside ya around the corner with, you got enough in ya to take from their hands and shove it straight back down their damn throat.” “So...I won’t have to drag myself to your training sessions?” the demon softly asks. “Yep, you your own demon now.” “Uh...Well, that’s...quite the relief. All those regimen were beginning to grind through my life.” she responds with half hearted faux smug.
“Hey, uh, hate to bring down this his precious moment of euphoric conclusion of character growth, but I got a hell of a bombshell to drop here.” Mally cuts in with. “If it ain’t aimed at the Ukraine, the fire away.” her brother requests. “That memory root made me see a lot of things that Kybr had done in their time; none of it being remotely good. I’ve seen them change and transform so many lands and homes by just the wave of their hand; uncaring of how many people they kill, lives they ruin, or how many they driven to utter extinction.” “Eesh. Really that bad.” “So much worse than you think. And the cherry on top of this impending nightmarish sundae is that I had a horrible realization. Tore’s been out there helping somebody that wants to release them all back into the world.” “But we still don’t have a single clue where he might be.” “I think I might know where. But if we don’t hurry back up to the surface and out to them, then we’re gonna have a hell of a lot more problems that nobody can ever prepare themselves for.”
As so, the truth behind the Kybr and their past has finally been revealed to Mally and her friends, but can she relay this newfound knowledge to her brother in time before those how had once terrorized the universe could be freed? Find out on the season finale of Young hope.
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edgeofmyniall · 4 years
no way in
catch up here
a/n: my computer hates me and won’t upload the picture.... i hate technology
“I switched from [stabbing to strangling] because I was tired of getting blood on myself.” -Gary Lee Simpson, victim count: 3
The following morning Kennedy woke up to her head pounding as the shine of the sun clamored through her window. She groaned into her pillow before sitting up letting the memories of the previous night flood her mind: the body in the parking lot, the night full of drinking, the car ride, and the mere moments before she stormed into the house with tears flowing down her face. How could she have done that? She would risk her entire relationship with Richard over someone she barely knew? She touched her lips, secretly hoping the taste of Niall wouldn’t fade away any time soon. She wanted to remember how he tasted. 
Kennedy knew sooner or later she would need to make an appearance, to face what she had done. Normally, Kennedy wouldn’t question herself or her decisions, but with Niall crashing into her life, she questioned everything she felt. The touch of Niall set her skin afire and her heart banged itself against its cage. She thought of him more often than one should of an acquaintance. She looked forward to the nights Niall didn’t work and the hour he returned from the bar. She caught herself wandering about what his past life was like. What was he hiding and why did he mask it?
Kennedy held her breath as she opened the cracked bedroom door and saw the closed door of her father’s old bedroom. She had warned him- doors that are closed in this house stay stuck. She sighed in relief at the absence of Niall, but felt uneasy as she stood in the hallway. Was he ignoring her? Kennedy’s thoughts raced through her mind: is he mad at me? We need to talk about what happened. I can’t ignore that kiss.
What interrupted Kennedy’s thinking was the turning of the bedroom door knob. Kennedy froze and watched the metal doorknob twist and turn, but it did not prevail. The user couldn’t turn the knob properly, and what wanted out couldn’t get out.
“Fuckin’ hell,” Niall banged on the door with his fist and tried to turn the knob again. Kennedy walked slowly towards the stuck door and rested her hands on the knob. Quietly, she listened to Niall curse himself again as he swore in Gaelic. She smiled subtly and closed her eyes. “Stupid ass door, I swear to Christ, if ya don’t open.” Niall pulled at the knob once again before banging on the door.
“You’ve got to pull,” Kennedy spoke, breaking her silence. Her voice was calm and collected, but the thought of seeing Niall after last night left Kennedy nervous and shaky. She felt Niall let go of the knob.
“On the count of three?” Niall asked.
“You pull and I’ll push. One, two, three.”
On the count of three, Kennedy pushed the door open, forcing the door to hit Niall on his forehead. He staggered back slightly and began to rub his sore spot. Standing in the doorway of her father’s room, Kennedy looked wildly around, finding any excuse to not look Niall in his eyes. The item that found Kennedy’s attention was her dad’s old watch that sat on the worn down dresser. She pushed past Niall, her step becoming heavy, and picked up the broken watch. Tears formed into her eyes and she wiped them away quickly as a hand rested on her upper arm. The touch was electrifying and tiring. She wanted more of the high she experienced last night, but she knew better than to get addicted so she rolled her arm out of Niall’s embrace. 
“I used to come in here when I was little. When I was scared. And my parents...they-it was like they were waiting for me to come in. They would take me in their arms, and just hold me. And the only thing I could hear when my dad wrapped his arms around my head was this watch ticking. I don’t know why, but it soothed me,” Kennedy laughed slightly before looking around the room. “I haven’t stepped inside here since he died two years ago.” 
“Ken,” Niall said quietly. He was trying to search her. Any sign, any glimpse, anything to hold on to, but there was nothing as she turned to him with a blank stare. The only thing that Niall could see was her red swollen eyes. 
“My name is Kennedy Elise Jones, not Ken. Only my friends and family call me that,” Kennedy shook her head as the anger pulsated out of her. “You aren’t either of them. You’re just a stranger.” Kennedy’s shoulder pushed Niall’s arm aside as she marched out of the room.
“Kennedy…” Niall turned around and yelled out to the woman who marched out of his life as quickly as she came in, but there was no answer except for the slamming of the front door. ~~~
“Lincoln, I’m going to the office,” Kennedy said as she turned into a diagonal parking spot across the street from the Blue Lake Gazette. “Don’t wait up.” She ended her voicemail with a quick affirmation of love before turning the engine off. She picked up her phone again to make one last call before heading inside to her office. 
The phone rang until the voicemail turned over. “This is Richard Madden. Sorry you missed me. Leave me a message and I’ll get back as soon as I can. Thank you.” Years later, Kennedy still cringed at the formal recording of her fiance’s voice. The reason being was that clients called his cell, but this wasn’t the Richard she knew. The Richard she knew was warm and relaxed, not rigid and uptight like the recording implied. “Hey babe. We need to talk. Nothing too serious, but I just… I don’t know I think I messed up. Call me as soon as you can, okay? I love you so terribly much. God it hurts,” Kennedy’s voice cracked at her profession of love. Tears rolled down her face and she began to cry uncontrollably. So this is what guilt felt like.
The usual humming of the office all but halted when Kennedy stepped in. The faces of her coworkers were unfamiliar, but as she passed by each one she nodded to them. Her office sat upstairs above the reporters, but before she could take the second step on the stairs, someone tapped her on the shoulder. 
“What are you doing here?” Tasha asked as Kennedy looked down at her best friend and co-worker. “You never come in here. We put your office up as storage space.” Kennedy saw the sweet smile of Tasha as her brown eyes crinkled against her dark brown skin. 
“All the more reason to be here. I can’t stay at that house.” Kennedy made her way up the stairs; Tasha following suit. The door closed with Tasha standing in an empty room. The desk was covered in files and USB drives. “I thought you said…”
“I lied,” Tasha said quickly, “What in the hell is wrong with you? You look terrible.” 
Kennedy sat down at her desk, and turned on her computer. Tasha sat down slowly and watched her friend busy herself. “Talk to me, Ken.”
“It’s… it’s this guy...:” Kennedy pulls her USB drive out of her purse and struggles to find the port for a minute. “At my house. Lincoln, he… brought him here. What’s my password?” 
“RJMKEJ01052015!” Tasha spouted off the password. “Wait, what guy?”
“His bike broke down and Lincoln took pity on him and brought him to the house to stay, and why is this going so slow?” 
“You haven’t been here in a year, Ken, it’s going to be slow. Continue.” Tasha stared at Kennedy, soaking in this rare sighting of her high school best friend. 
“And he’s there to help out at the bar, but now he’s everywhere and I can’t be with him. I mean, I’m with Richard, and it’ll just….” Kennedy stopped mid-sentence and looked at Tasha whose eyes had begun protruding out. “I’m a fucking terrible person.” Kennedy’s voice cracked again. She looked down feeling the whelping of tears begin as she turned her silver engagement ring around her finger. It almost burned her skin. “How could I? Richard’s been way too good to me...for me…” Her words stumbled over themselves as Tasha’s hand covered her friends. “He’s never going to forgive me.” Kennedy pushed back her brown mousy hair and rested her head against her hand as she looked down at the framed picture of her and Richard. 
“I’m sure he’ll understand, Ken…” Tasha’s voice soothed Kennedy, and she looked at her friend with a gratuitous smile. “He’s such a great guy.” 
“Yeah, he is,” Kennedy smiled and felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Upon seeing the name, she groaned and put the phone down to only go back to work on her computer. 
“Niall Horan? Is that the guy?” Tasha asked before getting up. Kennedy nodded and ignored the vibrating phone again. “He’s persistent, I’ll give him that. But Ken, you got to talk to both of them. You can’t be with someone who is already taken.” 
With that, Tasha walked out of the office and Kennedy was left with the silence of the tapping of keys on her keyboard as she began to edit the newest edition of the daily newspaper. She began to think of Richard and all that memories they have shared together, but the one that resonated with her was where they were canoeing at the lake and Richard taught Kennedy how to paddle. His hands and body were pressed up against hers and while they had only started to date, she felt alive with him- her spirit soared when she was near him. He kissed her cheek, and they immersed themselves in one another. She wanted more, but Richard would only allow things to go so far. He wanted to wait, to take his time to get to know Kennedy more. But the one thing Kennedy loved more than anything about Richard was that he didn’t make her feel less than anything about herself. Because with Richard, she was Kennedy. Not some poor girl whose parents broke up. She was Kennedy, with all her flaws and talents. And he was Richard. Not the son of a multi-millionaire or a mass company. Not the heir to some royal seat in the business world. He was just Richard, the kind and caring soul that Kennedy saw the first day they met.
It was this memory that replayed in her mind until her eyes became too heavy to hold open, and her head found comfort on the surface of her desk.
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ffxiv-ariavitali · 4 years
4: Clinch
Summary: What Stryder would do to support his younger sister (Character-centric, probably doesn't make sense and isn't interesting but I wanted to convey how Stryder [Aria's older brother] feels even if it's just a little bit.)
On the topic of family: Stryder Vitali and Aria Vitali
Time period: post-Dragonsong War
941 words
AO3 ver.
❅ ❅ ❅
“How must it feel having such a talented younger sister and you are so...worthless.”
It wasn’t the first time that Stryder had heard such a statement thrown his way. Although he was the eldest of the Vitali siblings, he was always perceived as living in his sister’s shadow. With her talents spread across the seventeen soul crystals she bears—both Disciple of War and Magic alike—anyone would fall into the easy trap of comparing the siblings together.
Stryder wouldn’t deny the envy he felt towards Aria as they were growing up. It was true that their mother had paid more attention to his sister because of her early blooming in arcane magicks, but he understood the rationale behind it. After all, there is power that could easily go out of control if the talents aren’t honed, aren’t properly cultivated and left wild and rampant.
However, now that he’s had many years of life on his belt and has taken responsibility as head of their family’s name, he’s matured. He’s learned the reason why his younger sibling is so desperate to learn the martial arts across the entire star, for the role she had assumed with nary a choice was one that she shouldn’t have had to embrace in the first place. After all that they’ve experienced, there was even a time where he questioned what they had done to deserve such responsibilities, such pressure, such pain.
Such a sentiment was only exacerbated when he was witness to the way his sister had changed after Haurchefant had passed; the first Ishgardian that he had ever learned to trust.
Stryder remembered the change in his sister, the way her hope was snuffed out only to be replaced by a burning desire for vengeance that would have all consumed her. In fact, it almost did when she allowed herself to be baptized in the dark abyss of the Dark Knights and pulled nearly too much for her to come back from.
The elder Vitali knew, in the moment he realized what was going on, that he was at a crossroads. He had to make a decision; to be one of two versions of the elder brother that Aria needed—Aria, not the Warrior of Light.
It was a simple answer, really. One that he didn’t need too long to think.
He remembered the night he approached their grandfather, Naivont de Lukos, with his sister. How they both discussed the matter prior and came to a similar conclusion and how their grandsires turned them down. Harshly.
“An inept whelp such as you? Take the family name? Are you of the right mind?”
Stryder knew this mentality was to be expected, but he didn’t prepare for hell to be let loose from his sister’s mouth. It had been some time since he had heard the roguish accent from her; their late mother had beat it into them to speak with more clarity in their intonation. She was fire in all her grace and had given him something that he felt he had lost along the way: hope.
“How dare ya speak to Stryder like that!” Aria had shouted without reservation. “If ya swids think ya could stabble on my brother like that, ya better off stubblin’ and skulkin’ back into the dark! Seventh hell take all of ya!”
Aria then had grabbed him by the hand and dragged him all the way back to Fortemps manor to petition their surrogate father. Stryder remembered the passion she showed, the tears that escaped her eyes as she felt so deeply for her failure of a brother and how angry she was when he had said such a thing to her.
“You are not a failure!” she exclaimed. “You are Stryder Vitali. You are still a trueborn son of the Lukos family. You gave me faith when I could not bear to go on and you pushed me to be a better person. How many times must I tell you this before you realize that I would not be here if you were not by my side?”
The man’s eyes widened and he was taken back to the early days of their childhood. How his sister would rush to him when she was being bullied by the Lominsan children, when she would ask for advice in training, when she had accomplished a new feat and wanted to share it with him. In each moment, he heard her call his name with such love, with such respect and he began wondering why he had even contrived to doubt himself.
So, he turned to their father with determined eyes and a straight back.
“Father, allow me to become the heir to the Lukos name,” he insisted to Edmont. “Allow me the opportunity to support my sister in the ways only I could.”
Stryder remembered the way Edmont smiled so warmly at him, the same way that their birth father had smiled at him all those years ago.
“I have been waiting, my son,” Edmont answered.
From then on, he clinched the title and did exactly as he said he would. He supported his sister the best he could from his place. Whenever she would return to Ishgard for respite, he would always visit her at the Fortemps manor.
(He dared not urge her to move in with him at the Lukos estate. Ever since she had lashed out at their grandsire, the relations between the two had been awkward at best and volatile at worst.)
Whenever he did, she would welcome him in the same way she always had: with the brightest smile and the biggest heart.
He has never regretted his decision. 
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kayteewritessteve · 5 years
DT - Twitter Drunk 2/3
Description: One stupid drunken night leads to an uncomfortable week from hell. That only gets worse when you are forced to face the problems, that your drunken escapades caused, head on. Yeah, you are never going to drink ever again.
Masterlist HERE.
Word Count: 9,250 ish.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: Lots of curse words, awkward moments, and a slightly frustrated reader. Little angst here and there, but lots of stupid humour.
A/N: I sadly don’t own any of these characters. And no beta reader, so I do proudly own all the errors and this story, so there’s that.
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Steve’s POV
Steve finds himself seated at the breakfast bar in the towers main living area. Sam and Bucky on either side of him, as they all silently munch away on their individual bowls of cereal.
The tower is relatively quiet this morning, which is both relieving and scary, all at the same time. The tower feels very much like a small child to Steve, when it is eerily quiet, that’s when he truly had to worry. That’s when he should probably go investigate and prepare himself for the incoming chaos that he may find.
Though the fact he can physically see Bucky and Sam currently, does give him some peace of mind. Those two, together, were mayhem and destruction personified. Anytime they were out in the world together, something usually ended up broken. Be it a window, a plate, a car, or Steve’s mental stability.
However, the lack of a Stark currently, in the silence of the tower, was a little unnerving, if he’s being honest. Though at least when Tony was alone, he stuck mainly to only blowing up parts of his lab, or other people’s personal lives. So he didn’t really need as much supervision as the other two did.
But when the three of them were together, now that was another story entirely. They honestly reminded Steve of a show he used to watch as a kid, The Three Stooges. Though they all sort of switched roles, just depending on the day really. However most days Tony was Moe, while Bucky and Sam were Curly and Larry, respectively. But the odd days they’d switch roles, ya know, just to keep things interesting.
Steve sighs quietly to himself at the thought, as he makes a mental note to see if he can track down some of The Three Stooges videos to watch again. He always did enjoy that show—well, that is before he had to basically live it in real life. So yeah, maybe he won’t look those videos up now.
The sound of hasty shuffling feet catches his attention and he looks up just as Moe—excuse me, Tony, enters the kitchen, looking slightly frazzled and far too overly excited for this early on a Saturday morning. Steve internally groans because he knows Stark is about to drop some sort of bomb on them all.
Something clearly happened that Stark finds incredibly funny or worthy of the whole tower knowing right this very second. He is honestly surprised Stark doesn’t just use Friday to play a pre-recorded message throughout the tower so that everyone can learn of the news at the same exact time. That would be far more efficient, if you ask Steve, but does he plan to mention this idea to Stark? Not a hope in hell. That man doesn’t need anymore ideas to help him gossip more quickly and effectively.
No, Steve will just let him continue to work for it. It keeps him busy and less likely to mess with anyone around him, so that’s a small win, in and of itself. Plus he’s pretty sure that Tony truly enjoys actually seeing the looks on peoples faces when he shares his random news with them, so that would probably explain why he does this all in person.
Tony catches sight of the three men and the wicked grin on his face only grows, and this time Steve externally groans.
“There you guys are!” The older man says quickly as he makes his way towards them, “have any of you happened to check out Twitter yet, this lovely morning?”
Steve furrows his brows, yes, he has a Twitter account, but does he actually use it? Hell no. He can barely even figure out what Twitter is for, honestly, let alone how to maneuver the hell site. And anytime he does get on his account, the tweets—what a ridiculous thing to call them—are usually pretty descriptive and very, very highly inappropriate to say to a complete stranger. When Steve had mentioned the aggressive tweets to Sam and Bucky, they had both burst out laughing and when they’d finally managed to reign themselves back in, Sam had told him those were called ‘Thirst Tweets’—Whatever the hell that means.
That was when Steve came to the unwavering realization that Twitter just was not for him. Though Bucky seemed to pick the site up rather quickly, and now he was tweeting with the best of em.
Steve shakes his head at just how stupid those words truly sound. He’ll never fully acclimate to this time, nor the strange and invasive customs, ideologies, and ethics that comes along with it. Don’t get him wrong, this century does have a lot of really amazing features, such as better healthcare, easy access to information, more equality and a larger variety of much, much better tasting foods.
But some days he did miss the simple things from the 40’s. Meeting people in person, going to the movies unbothered, the anonymity that came with a lack of widespread media, and just going out for a drink and some dancing with a good pal or your girl—not that he did a lot of dancing back then, nor did he actually have a girl, but still, life was simpler then, less wasteful and a heck of a lot less superficial.
“No,” Sam answers, and Bucky just shakes his head before following it up with a, “why?”
“Oh, well, then the three of you are truly missing out,” Tony grins widely, his eyes locking with Steves and instantly the latter knows this cannot be good. “Someone wrote a very sweet and long winded Tweet about our little Capsicle here.” He chuckles, gesturing to Steve, and the super soldier is now positive the older man is actually vibrating with excitement currently.
“No way,” Bucky’s eyes grow wide as he quickly pats himself down then pulls his phone from his front pants pocket.
“What does it say?” Sam hastily asks, as he tries to reach across the counter for Tony’s phone. But doesn’t even get close as the billionaire quickly yanks his hand, the one holding said electronic, away from Wilsons reach.
“Simmer for just a moment, my dear Sammy. Don’t you worry your pretty little head, I’m planning to read it out loud for all of you,” he happily says, putting his phone up in front of his face as he clears his throat loudly. Then he begins to read the tweets, raising his voice probably in an attempt to sound more like a woman.
“‘Do you ever just hear of someone in passing, or see them in the media, and have this instantaneous deep longing emotion within you. Not a longing in the sense of wanting them, but entirely due to hoping with everything inside you that they find their true happiness one day..’‘..‪That they wake up in a few years and smile, like truly smile, because they are exactly where they wanted to be. Where they deserved to be. That they’d ended up with every desire they had yearned for. And I’m not talking about material objects. I’m talking life goals and accomplishments..’‬‪‘..I’m talking about the true important aspects of life. The things that actually matter in the grand scheme of it all. Well, that is how I feel whenever someone brings up Steve Rogers. Or whenever I see an article or a news story about him. I instantly have this desperate want for him..’”‬
Sam cuts in, a goofy grin on his lips, “girl, I feel that. I also have a desperate want for Steve whenever I see him.” He turns to playfully wiggle his eyebrows at Steve, while Bucky and Tony burst out laughing. ‬
‪All of this only causing the blonde to shake his head and drag a large hand down his face in exasperation. Knowing instantly that these 3 were never going to let this go, he just silently prayed that no one else in the tower had seen these tweets yet. Don’t get him wrong, they were sweet as hell, and made a slight blush creep its way onto the super soldiers cheeks, but he wasn’t really a huge fan of the spotlight. Never had been, never will be, and this very much put a blinding light smack dab on his face. ‬
‪Tony quickly attempts to steel himself once again, but he can’t stop the chuckles from bubbling out as he continues to read. Every few words a snort or giggle escapes the confines of his lips. “‘..to be happy. *snort* Truly and utterly happy. The man deserves exactly that, and yet so much more. *small giggle* What with everything he has done for us and this planet. *snort* If anyone in this world has earned their happily ever after, *small giggle* it’s that man.’” ‬
‪Steve just groans and lays his forehead against the cold surface of the counter, as the three men continue to laugh boisterously around him. This couldn’t get anymore awkward and embarrassing, and Steve wasn’t even the one who wrote the tweets. ‬
‪“What are we laughing about?” ‬
‪Whelp, obviously Steve spoke too soon, clearly it could get worse. And much, much worse at that. He slowly lifts his head and then promptly drops it back down to the solid surface with a thump. ‬
‪“Oh Nat!” Tony excitedly calls out, “you’re just in time! We were just discussing the most recent fan tweet for ol’ Rogers here.” ‬
‪“Ah yes,” she snorts, “I also truly hope Steve gets every desire he yearns for.” ‬
‪He doesn’t even have to raise his eyes to know she has a playfully quirked brow at the moment. He can just feel it on her, staring smugly at him. ‬
‪“You saw it already?” Bucky chuckles. ‬
‪“Are you kidding? Who hasn’t?” She cackles, her voice sounding much closer now, “I even already retweeted the entire thing.” ‬
‪“Me too!” Tony quickly chimes in, “I had far too much fun responding to that third part.” ‬
‪“Shit, I need to retweet this now too!” Sam adds, and Steve can hear him shuffling around next to him, most likely attempting to find his phone. ‬
‪“Oh, same,” his traitorous best pal says from beside him and Steve’s head snaps up to narrow his eyes at his buddy in outrage. But Bucky just smirks right back, shrugging his shoulders and then focuses on the phone in his hand. ‬
‪Everyone falls silent as they tinker on their phones, Steve getting up to wash his dishes so he can make a hasty exit from the kitchen. But before he can even turn the water on, a low whistle rings through the room, “damn Punk, you gotta see this dame. She’d give Vivien Leigh a run for her money back in our day.”‬
‪That only slightly peeks Steves curiosity, but only slightly—who is he kidding, that’s a complete lie. The truth is, now he really wants to know what she looks like, but he refuses to let any of these dickheads know that. He’s always had a wee bit of a crush on Vivien Leigh, ever since he’d seen Gone With The Wind. But he ignores Bucky’s obvious use of Vivien to entice him, and instead just nods nonchalantly as he continues to wash his dishes, “I’m sure she would.” ‬
‪“Tin Man’s right,” Sam starts, “this woman is insanely attractive. Steve, man, you gotta check her out,” and just as his friend finishes his words, the unmistakable sound of a stool being pushed back echoes through the room. ‬
‪Steve just hums as he quickly dries his bowl and spoon, before putting them away, “maybe later, Sam. I ah,” he scrunches up his face, which luckily no one can see as he is still facing the cupboards. “I have something I need to attend to at the moment.” Yeah, that didn’t sound convincing or truthful at all. But he doesn’t give anyone a chance to retort as he makes a beeline out of the kitchen. ‬
‪Though he doesn’t miss Bucky playfully yelling, “yeah, I’m sure you do.” And the hidden meaning of those words makes Steve shake his head, and flush just a little as he hastily makes his way down the hallway. Clearly his lifelong best friend knows him far too well, and is more than aware that Steve is sneaking off to both avoid this conversation and privately creep this sweet tweeting woman. ‬
‪Which again those words sound utterly and completely ridiculous to Steve. ‬
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‪It had been a couple of days since Tony had come barreling into the kitchen, and since then Steve’s Twitter app had been taking a damn beating. ‬
‪Not in the sense that he’d started posting more, but in the sense that he’d been going on it more. He’d actually asked Bruce that Saturday afternoon if he could walk Steve through how to maneuver the hell site a little better. Figuring Bruce would be the least likely to judge or mock Steve for the request. Nor would Bruce tell the others that Steve had asked, as if they all learned of this, they’d know exactly what he was up to, and why he wanted to know how to use the app. ‬
‪When he’d arrived back to his room after promptly fleeing the kitchen and his overzealous friends, he’d opened the app and tracked down the famous tweets. Which honestly wasn’t hard at all, as damn near everyone Sam had set up for Steve to follow had retweeted the posts by this point. So they were basically his entire main page. ‬
‪He’d clicked around for a bit, until he managed to finally end up on her—Y/N’s page. And then opened her picture only to abruptly drop his phone. Though luckily for the tiny electronic, it never actually met the ground, all thanks to his ridiculously fast reflexes. ‬
‪He’d then just stood there, awkwardly wide eyed and staring at her picture. Because shit, Bucky wasn’t lyin’. She did give Vivien a run for her money. She was stunning, and upon scrolling through her page and reading her other posts, he learned she wasn’t just beautiful on the outside. ‬
‪He’d then noticed a few retweets from some girl named Lindsey, figuring that must be a friend of hers, he opened her page. Instantly noticing a string of retweets of Y/N’s original lengthy post, and jokingly commenting about ‘how much did you drink last night, girl?!’ Though in a lot more words than just that, he was paraphrasing her friends actual response here. ‬
‪And that’s how Steve figured out that obviously when Y/N drank, she wrote sweet and thoughtful messages to and about complete strangers, people she idolized or looked up to, or just plain admired—which yeah, that wasn’t really normal. But in all the best ways. Most people who tweeted him were vulgar and far too descriptive. He honestly didn’t get many heartwarming messages from the public, so these words really stuck with him. They brought a smile to his face. ‬
‪And on top of all of that, she’d been drinking. And most of the drunk people he’d ever encountered were all either loud, rude, belligerent or far too flirty. Booze giving people the liquid courage to say the things they’d never voice sober. Liquor basically heightened a person's internal personalities, which wasn’t always a good thing for some. So the fact that she was so damn sweet when intoxicated, only stood to reason that her sober was probably a true sweetheart, through and through. ‬
‪Which all only made Steve yearn to actually meet the woman behind these thoughtful words. Though he knew that would never actually happen, because reaching out to her now would be weird, wouldn’t it? ‬
‪I mean, would she even want to hear from him? Would she even be interested in possibly meeting him? Would she even respond to a message from him? From the looks of it, she hadn’t posted anything since that night, so maybe she was avoiding her social media at the moment. Maybe she just wanted this all to blow over, and maybe Steve should want that too. Maybe he should just let this all rest, and continue on with his life as normal. ‬
‪It’s not like they’d meet and fall madly in love instantly, or end up becoming something more than that. It’s not like him just letting this whole situation blow over would really affect him all that much, right? Maybe she only felt that way about him because she’d been drinking. What if sober, she had completely differing opinions of him. ‬
‪Yeah, that’s very unlikely, he knows that. But truthfully, Steve was ridiculously nervous at even the thought of interacting with her. I mean, he never really had ‘game with the ladies’, as Sam had put it. And he’d never even really entertained the idea of meeting someone, or dating someone, since he’d woken up from the ice. He’d just focused himself and his mind on his job, and didn’t even allow any hopes of love or a relationship to infiltrate his head. Because he knew once he really, truly thought about it or gave it any weight in his mind, that he’d come to the unwaveringly obvious realization that he was alone. That he was lonely and wanted more than anything to have someone special in his life. Someone who saw him for him, for Steve Rogers the man, and not Captain America the legend. ‬
‪But now all of this had crashed those very thoughts that he’d avoided for so long into his head, like a dang freight train slamming into a car stuck on the tracks. And now all he could think about was how desperately he wanted a person, a gal to call his own. Someone to go to bed beside every night, and wake up wrapped around every morning. A woman to share his free time with, to tell about his days, his stresses, his accomplishments and goals. And have her do the same in return. ‬
‪But even with that all bouncing around in his head, he was scared. Truly and entirely terrified. Because with opening yourself up to another, giving love a shot and taking the leap to see where it goes, came the potential of heartbreak. Came the possibility of ending up hurt and even more alone, if it all fell apart in the end. ‬
‪And yeah, you can’t have true happiness without taking a chance on it. You can’t succeed without first trying. But Steve had struggled his entire life, he’d fought to get where he is today, he’d sacrificed so much of himself and his life to get where he is now. To be at the place he is now, and even though being alone was a sore spot for him, his heart wasn’t tattered. It was fully intact again, and he really just wanted it to stay that way. ‬
‪He’d finally reached a place where he was actually content with his life, where he was proud of who he was and how far he’d come. And he refused to mess with the happy balance he’d found now. ‬
‪Was that a foolish choice for him to make? Oh definitely. But was he going to just continue to be stubborn and pretend like he was truly happy in this moment? Hell fucking yes.‬
‪Steve was ridiculously stubborn, and he fully knew it, and owned it, 100%. ‬
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‪Steve walks into the kitchen to grab a midday sneak before heading back to hide in his room. And the second his eyes land on the current occupants of the space he almost groans loudly. ‬
‪Tony, Nat, Sam and Bucky are all lingering around the kitchen island, talking about what Steve can only assume is his personal life. Or rather, the lack thereof. ‬
‪There are only two days left until the press release and Steve has been basically avoiding his friends for the last 2 days. Ever since Tony cornered him in the gym trying to give him the full run down on Y/N. Where she worked, where she’d gone to school, where she’d been born and raised, everything.
‪All things Steve honestly had no business learning from the billionaire. Who had actually proudly admitted to doing a full background check on the woman, as if that was normal to do at a complete stranger. Steve had instantly scolded the man, citing that it was only ridiculously intrusive and unacceptable to creep into someone's personal life like that. Especially someone who none of the team actually knew. ‬
‪She wasn’t some criminal set on world destruction, nor was she a person of interest to the team in regards to a mission. She was a civilian, a regular person, and she didn’t deserve having her entire life picked apart and invaded like that. She deserved her privacy. ‬
‪Tony had then tried to talk Steve into contacting her, even just a small message to her Twitter account to thank her, or something of the like. But Steve wasn’t interested, he was still happily stubborn and pretending to be ignorant to the longing feelings within him when it came to Y/N. Because honestly, he didn’t know her through a dang hole in the ground, let alone should he be feeling this way about a woman he’s never even met, let alone spoken to. This was outrageous, these strange feelings were ludicrous. ‬
‪So no, he doesn’t feel anything towards her. And yeah, he knows wholeheartedly that that’s a blatant lie, but shoot him for trying to think rationally here. For trying to be logical to the fact that one shouldn’t feel this strongly for a damn stranger. So, by day he’ll just continue to fake that he isn’t interested. That he hasn’t checked out her account or photos, that he hadn’t been day dreaming about meeting her. He’ll just continue to pretend like he wants no part of this in front of the whole team. ‬
‪But then by night he’ll check out her twitter, like every night since she’d posted, and wonder what she’s like in person. Wonder if she’s easy to talk to, if her laugh is infectious, if her smile is like the sun, if her mere presence alone is truly calming. ‬
‪She still hadn’t posted a damn thing since the famous tweets, so clearly she was avoiding her social media. She hadn’t even retweeted a single response, nor deleted the original posts. It was like her account was completely frozen in time—pun not intended. ‬
‪Tony had just stood there, continuing to pester Steve about Y/N, up until Steve had opted to completely ignore the man entirely. After he’d stopped responding, Tony had finally dropped the topic and left, but not before vowing to get Steve on board with this ‘operation get Rogers a date’ mission, as the billionaire had hilariously nicknamed it—Note the sarcasm. ‬
‪And once Tony had left the gym, and the door slamming shut had confirmed he was truly gone, Steve had glanced over his shoulder to fully affirm he’d left. And instantly noticed the manila folder sitting on a bench where Tony had been standing. And it didn’t take a rocket doctor to figure out what was in that folder. No, Steve was instantly aware it was most likely a full and complete write up on Y/N. ‬
‪He chose to ignore the folder, or at least he’d put in a solid effort to ignore it. But after a little while—read, literally 2 minutes—Steve finally caved and hesitantly walked towards the folder, wiping his sweaty hands on the towel he’d kept over his shoulder. And once he reached the folder, he glanced around as if to double check there was no one watching or present to witness his next move. ‬
‪Then he gingerly scooped up the folder, staring at the outside for a moment before taking a deep breath in and opening it up. To only be instantly met with a stunning photo of Y/N, that adruptly confirms his earlier thought, her smile is like the sun. ‬
‪And as he delves into every fact and detail about her, all the things Tony had managed to dig up about the woman, the irony is not lost on him. He’d literally just chastised Tony for invading her privacy, and yet, here he was, doing the exact same thing. Lapping up every little detail he could about her. ‬
‪At least Tony had invaded her privacy for semi honourable reasons, he’d only done it to help a friend out. Where as Steve was doing it entirely for selfish reasons. His desperate need to know everything about her, yet being entirely too petrified to actually reach out to the woman, to just speak to her. To give himself the chance to learn all of these things about her, from her, as was the way it should have been. ‬
‪The only thought running through his mind at that point was: What an utter schmuck he’d truly turned out to be. ‬
‪Back in the present, he halts his steps and honestly contemplates if he should slowly back out of the kitchen, before anyone even notices him. But he never gets that chance as 4 sets of eyes snap up to land on him, and he knows escaping now unscathed is highly unlikely. ‬
‪So with a deep breath in, he enters the lions den, entirely prepared for the razzing and ridicule he was about to endure from his, so called, best friends. As they continued to chide him for having not made a move yet, as they continued to inform him that they were displeased with his lack of action in all of this. ‬
‪And as they kept reminding him of what happened the last time he’d waited too long with a gal, and yeah, those comments cut deep. But only because he knew they were entirely accurate, and that’s why they truly cut as deep as they did. He was well aware of his shortcomings in the romance department, but did that stop him from stubbornly pretending like his friends were entirely wrong? Of fucking course not. ‬
‪Because Steve Rogers was thee most stubborn man on the planet, and he was entirely proud of that simple fact. ‬
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‪He’s standing on stage, Tony droning on and on about God knows what. Steve had tuned out a while ago, his mind still all over the place. Still focused on entirely different things than the current topic of the day. He should be focused on the facility's grand opening, and Tony’s eloquently chosen words, but yet again, for the millionth time this week, his thoughts are on Y/N. The woman he feels like he knows damn near entirely at this point, yet has never once laid eyes on. Not even so much as seen a glimpse of in real life. ‬
‪And how truly creepy does he sound right now? This was some next level stalker behaviour, as Sam would call it, and he freaking knows it. God, did he know it. ‬
‪Bucky’s elbow making direct contact with Steve’s left side ribs, jars him painfully from his reverie. He manages to only wince slightly at the forceful hit before snapping his eyes at his best pal—who may lose that title soon if he isn’t careful—and glaring at him. ‬
‪Bucky just grins and leans in towards Steve, as he whispers, “don’t look now, Punk, but it appears a little Tweety Bird is in attendance with us today.” Then the brunette nods his head in a direction towards the back of the audience. And yes, Steve is well aware of who he is referring to, as Tweety Bird is the name his ‘friends’ had been using to refer to Y/N as all week. And don’t even get him started on how much that nickname truly irked—‬
‪Hold up. Wait a tick. What did Buck just say? ‬
‪Steve's eyes quickly scan the crowd before landing on her near the back. And God, he couldn’t have missed her beautiful face even if he’d tried. He honestly isn’t sure how he hadn’t noticed her before. His super soldier eyes clearly need to be checked as they so obviously missed the stunning woman hidden in the masses. ‬
‪He finds himself completely and totally trapped in her stare. His eyes locked onto hers as if they were high powered magnets, and not even his super strength could pull them apart now. He is just about to break out into a huge grin, just at the fact he actually got to finally see her in the flesh, but then his mind catches up to the moment. ‬
‪And wait, wait, why is she even here to begin with? ‬
He snaps his eyes to his possible ex-best pal, and narrows them accusingly. If Bucky is behind this, he can kiss his best friend title goodbye. And Steve will happily inform him that Sam has taken up that position now, just to be as petty and childish as he possibly can.
But all he receives in return is a wicked grin from Bucky, as he nods his head towards Tony. And just like that, Steve flicks his intense gaze at the billionaire in question. Wishing in this moment that looks could kill, that he had that super power. Because if they could, if he did, Tony would be laying on the floor right now. But luckily for the smaller man, he doesn’t have that ability, though Tony will wish for a quick death once Steve gets his hands on him.
Once this is all over, and everyone leaves so there are no witnesses, Tony will get what’s coming to him. Mark his words, Tony Stark will learn a valuable lesson tonight—
Movement catches his attention and he flicks his eyes back to see Y/N hastily packing up her things. Wait, she isn’t leaving yet, is she? The press release isn’t even halfway done yet. She can’t just leave, not before he has a chance to actually speak to her. To actually, finally, interact with her. She is here after all, he’d be an idiot if he didn’t use this to his advantage now.
Maybe Tony will be safe after all. He did sort of give Steve this opportunity after all. Maybe Tony’s meddling wasn’t entirely bad this time. Though he would still need a stern talking to about interfering with other people's lives.
Her eyes lock back on Steves and he can see the tears pooling in them now. His perfect eyesight honing in on them, and his heart feels like it’s about to break. She’s tearing up? Why is she tearing up? He sees a tear slip down her cheek as she quickly wipes it away just as she turns and hastily heads for the exit.
And watching her retreating form snaps something in Steve—well that and another well positioned elbow jab from Bucky. As if trying to break Steve out of his head, while also urging him to do something.
Steve shakes his head and then quickly makes his way to the edge of the platform, jumping off it and landing gracefully on his feet before taking off at full speed after her.
Members of the press moving out of his way, and snapping photos as he runs passed. But he isn’t focused on any of that currently, he just needs to reach her, to stop her from leaving just yet. He just wants to meet her, to talk to her in person.
He vaguely hears Tony trying to wrangle in the press, trying to regain their attention as he makes up some excuse for Steve's abrupt exit. He’s guessing Tony saw her leave just like Steve and Bucky had.
He stops when he reaches the first road, and glances around, quickly pinpointing her form hastily walking towards the main road. Her head down as she goes and he begins to jog after her and once he gets close enough he calls out, “Hey, hold up.”
He watches as her steps falter and then stop entirely, her shoulders deflating slightly as her arms rise up a little. Though he can’t make out exactly what her hands are doing currently, but a gut wrenching thought tells him she is probably wiping away more tears. However then she slowly turns to face him, keeping her eyes down as if the ground is the most fascinating thing she’s ever encountered.
And all he wants is for her to glance up, to look at him, to allow him to finally truly take her in. He desperately wants that, he is about to beg her for it honestly. But he is so tongue tied in this moment, he can’t even think of a single word to say. Nor is he sure his voice will even work at the moment.
After a moment though, it appears she’s managed to locate her voice. But she still keeps her eyes down, even as she speaks, and her voice is nothing like he’d imagined it would be. It’s way prettier sounding then his mind could have ever conjured up.
“I um, I’m really, really sorry,” she starts and then clears her throat, “I shouldn’t have come here today. I ah, I didn’t want to ever make you feel uncomfortable in any way. And I guess I just need to apologize to you for my ridiculous antics last week. And ah, and for stupidly agreeing to come to this junket. I’ll just um,” she glances over your shoulder momentarily, as if looking for an escape. “I’ll just be going now,” she quickly says as her eyes finally meet his. And he is instantly aware that she has been crying, confirming his earlier worries. She gestures with her thumb over her shoulder as she takes a small step back. “Sorry again, for um, for everything.”
Their direct eye contact momentarily stuns him, so much so that he had yet to fully comprehend her words. He is just happily lost in this moment, hoping it doesn’t actually ever end.
But then it does, and he is instantly thrusted back into the here and now when she turns and quickly continues down the road. Hastily moving away from him yet again. And fuck that if he is going to let her get away now. Not yet at least.
He quickly catches up to her, softly saying, “wait,” as he gently grasps her elbow in the hopes she’ll turn back around.
She takes a deep breath and then turns to face him again, just as he’d hoped and he quickly, be it reluctantly, removes his hand from her skin. Their eyes connecting once again. And shit, what does he do or say now?
Before he can even realize what he’s doing, his hand rises up to rub the back of his neck as he rips through a bunch of different thoughts as to just how he should proceed here. What he should say to her now.
“I ah, I wasn’t—“ he pauses realizing his mistake then quickly corrects himself, “I’m not uncomfortable about you being here,” he shakes his head, “not at all. I just—firstly, I just wanted to apologize to you, actually. I know they probably forced you to be here today, I don’t really know how, but judging by your reaction to all of this, I’m guessing you really had no say in being here.“ He sighs deeply, “I had no idea that they’d actually invited you, so I can only assume that Tony played a huge hand in all of this. He really likes to insert himself in other people's lives, so I apologize that you got dragged into this. He doesn’t really know when to butt out.”
She nod slowly as her eyes flick down to the ground again, “it’s okay. You really don’t owe me anything, I honestly brought this all on myself. I um, I don’t blame anyone else for any of this, but thank you for saying all of that.” She looks back up at him, “it really helps to hear. This week has just been—“ she halts her words and sighs deeply as she waves a hand around. “Sorry, that’s really not important. Um, just basically thank you, ya know, for easing my mind with all of this.”
He can’t help the frown that forms on his lips, she honestly believes that anything she has to say isn’t important? God how wrong she is, he’d enjoy nothing more than to hear her talk for hours. Even about absolutely nothing. And God, he really shouldn’t be this damn smitten with her already. He shouldn’t be feeling this damn connected to her already. He’s doomed, but yet, he honestly has no issues with that fact. He quickly wipes the frown from his lips and shakes his head, “don’t mention it, but I should really be the one thanking you.”
Her eyes instantly widen, and it takes everything in Steve not to chuckle at the shocked look now on her face. Her eyebrows slowly crinkle in the most adorable way, as her mouth hangs open just slightly. It’s honestly the cutest damn thing he’s ever seen. And he’s seen a lot in his time.
And then she seems to pull herself back together, “I’m sorry if this is rude, but um, why exactly would you owe me a thank you?”
He can’t help the stupid smile that forms as he tries to hide it by glancing over his shoulder to ensure that no one had followed them. Mainly anyone from his team, if he’s being honest. The press following him is nowhere near as much of a possibility as his fellow Avengers, and also nowhere near as embarrassing.
Seeing that luckily no one has, he comes up with a quick plan to ensure that they aren’t bothered or overheard. “I’ll explain all that, but first, can I show you something?”
She nods quickly, “um, yeah. Yeah, of course.”
“Okay, great. Just uh, just follow me then,” he quickly says before he starts to lead them both towards the spot he’d decided would be the best choice for privacy. And to ensure no one overhears either of them.
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Reader’s POV.
You fall into step with the giant man, curious where exactly he is leading you to. He hasn’t said anything since you both began walking and you honestly have no idea what to even say to him. The silence isn’t too bad, though that’s honestly a lie, the silence is actually extremely awkward.
You have no idea what he still has to say to you, nor where your currently heading towards, nor what he feels about all of this. I mean, yeah, he said he wanted to thank you, but for what exactly? You have no fucking clue. And shit yeah, that’s a little unsettling, if you’re being honest.
Your hands start to clam up again, as you keep your eyes down, watching your steps to ensure you don’t eat it. Because that would just be so magical if you did biff it right now. Ya know, in front of Steve Rogers and all.
He’d probably think you were just a ridiculous klutz, or an accident prone nincompoop. But really, you just aren’t the best on heels, and as you both have now left the glorious cement behind and are trekking it through the compound’s vast green space, falling is a very real possibility. You hoofing it through the dang wilderness now, as if you’re some seasoned hiker on a nice, scenic Sunday adventure, instead of a small, sightly out of shape, journalist in high ass heels.
You stealthily side eye your adventure buddy and wonder if he’d give you a piggyback ride. I mean, that’s a ridiculous thought, but like, would he though? Ya know, if you asked really nicely and remembered to use your manners? He is rumoured to have insane strength, so he could probably easily chuck you over his shoulder, as if you weighed nothing at all.
Oh God, why do you now want nothing more in this life, than to be slung over Steve Rogers shoulder like he’s some damn caveman. Shit, yeah, that’d be hot for sure.
You shake your head and stifle the laugh that wants to bubble out of you, as you focus back on the ground ahead of you. What a ridiculous person you truly are. Who even thinks something like that about a complete stranger, let alone Steve Rogers—Though, come to think of it, probably a lot of people think things like that about him.
Once again you feel a large warm hand on your elbow and you halt your steps to glance up at him, curious what’s happening. Oh shit, what if he can like, read minds or something, and just no one actually knows about that enhancement of his? Fuck, please God say he can’t.
Though let’s just test that theory, ya know, just to be sure. Hello? Steve? You there? If you are, fyi, my favourite number is 9. And I think you have a fantastic ass—shit, just ignore that last part—
“We’re here,” he says quietly, and his hesitant expression leads you to believe that he can’t, in fact, hear your thoughts. And thank fuck for that.
You nod—no clue why you do, you just do. And then quickly glance around at your surroundings, only to then have your mouth fall open at the beautiful sight before you.
You hadn’t even noticed where you’d ended up until this exact moment. You are standing on the edge of a large body of water, and with a quick glance over your shoulder you realize you are surrounded by trees. The facilities buildings no longer even in sight, and it fells like you are in the middle of nowhere, like there isn’t a single soul around.
Your eyes slowly slip back up to meet the large blondes piercing blue ones, a smile on your lips. “This please is beautiful,” you whisper before your eyes drift back to the water ahead of you. “It’s so peaceful here.”
“Yeah,” he sighs deeply, “it is. It’s ah, it’s one of my favourite spots on the compound to escape to. Ya know, when I just need a moment alone, or some time to think.”
You side eye him again, seeing him just staring out at the water now, and then your eyes drift back to the water as well. “I can totally understand why, it’s so quiet,” you whisper, as if speaking too loud will ruin the tranquility of the location. “Thank you,” you glance back at him, his eyes on you now. “For showing this place to me, for sharing your secret spot with me. I honestly needed a peaceful moment like this,” you sigh, “it’s just been such a long and gruelling week. So, seriously, thank you.”
He nods, “I’m sorry to hear your week hasn’t been very good. Is there anything I can help with?”
“No,” you shake your head, but then halt the action as a thought crosses your mind. “Unless you happen to have access to a time machine?” You ask playfully.
He chuckles, “I do actually, but why do you need a time machine?”
“Just so I can fix a few mistakes from my past,” you nonchalantly answer, but then his words fully sink in and your eyes widen once again. “Wait, actually?”
“Yeah, actually,” he grins as he brings his index finger up to his lips in a ‘shh’ motion. “But that’s just between us, no one actually knows that we have one.”
“Damn,” you mutter as you glance back out at the water. “And here I thought self driving cars were insanely futuristic. But a time machine blows that out of the dang water.” You quickly shake your head, looking back up at him, “sorry, yes, your secret is safe with me. I won’t tell a soul.”
He just smiles down at you, “perfect.”
A few moments of silence go by as you both just enjoy the comfortable moment, just standing quietly at the waters edge. As if time has come to a complete stand still, and no one else exists in the world. But then your mind reminds you of the real reason he brought you here, and your curiosity won’t allow you to stay silent any longer. “Um, I believe you wanted to tell me something,” you turn to face him, giving him your full attention.
“Right, right,” one of his large hands comes up to rub the back of his neck again. “I ah, I just wanted to thank you. Ya know, for all the kind things you said about me. Honestly, it was really refreshing to have someone say all of that to me. I’m not really used to people caring that much about me—“ he shakes his head, “no, that’s not the right wording, I mean more, the sentiments behind your words. Lots of people idolize Captain America, they wish him the best, but not a lot of people actually acknowledge me, Steve Rogers, as a person. So it meant so much to me that you were talking about me, the guy from Brooklyn, and not the hero persona I live in the shadow of every day.”
Before you can think better of it, you reach out to gently lay your hand on his forearm. And yeah, you have to force yourself to ignore the instant tingles and warmth that floods your system, just from merely touching him. This is not the time to perv out.
“I’m so sorry, Steve. You truly deserve so much better than that, and I apologize on behalf of my generation for making you feel less important than the Captain. Because honestly, that couldn’t be further from the truth. There would be no Captain America without there first being a Steve Rogers.” You remove your hand from his arm, “and furthermore, Steve can and will live on without the Captain, but the Captain cannot live on without Steve. It’s impossible, he does not exist without you.”
He just stares at you, silently, as his face holds an unreadable expression.
Feeling like you might have overstepped or said too much, you quickly shake your head, “I’m sorry, ignore me, I’m totally rambling again.”
“No,” he shakes his head now, as if snapping out of it, “please don’t apologize, I was honestly just a little caught off guard by all that you’d said—in all the best ways, I promise.” He smiles, “I can’t even begin to explain how truly amazing it is to actually hear someone say that. After all these years. It’s just,” he sighs contently, “it’s just really nice to hear, is all.”
You smile up at him, glad your rambling meant so much to him. He deserves to hear these things, and you believe every word you’ve said wholeheartedly. You wouldn’t have said them if you hadn’t. You may be a lot of things, but a liar or a fraud weren’t one of them. If you deeply believed something as true, you always voiced those thoughts. “I’m so glad to hear that,” you say quietly as you turn to face the water one last time. “I guess we should probably get back. Ya know, before someone comes looking for you,” you glance up at him and smirk. Knowing full well that no one is missing you currently, but you can only assume Steves absence hasn’t gone unnoticed by his team members, nor the press.
And honestly, you don’t need anymore gas thrown on the raging fire that is your life currently. The press would have a damn field day if they caught wind that you two were hiding out in some secret place, alone—Oh God, just imagine the headlines for that.
He sighs, nodding, “you’re probably right.”
Then with a final glance at your surrounds you both head back, you pull out your phone along the way to finish ordering your Uber. Because you refuse to walk back into the conference, side by side with Steve. It’s probably just best if you leave now, before anyone clues in that you both were together this whole time.
You reach the road again, and luckily managed to not fall or break a heel. Which is honestly a feat in and of itself. You’d have to put ‘skilled heel hiker’ on your resume once you got home. Because honestly, that was something any future employer of yours should really know, and appreciate.
You stop walking and Steve notices instantly, turning to look back at you, his brows furrowed in the cutest way. You have to stop yourself from reaching up to smooth out the lines, because it’s weird to touch strangers, right? Yeah, yeah, it’s weird.
“I’m going to head out, I’m sure I’ve missed the entire last part of the conference by now, and I kind of want to beat the rush of exiting press,” you say, which is all true, you just might have also strategically left out the main reason as to why you’ve chosen to leave early.
He nods, “ah, yeah, that’s a good point.”
You smile up at the beautiful man one last time, you’re not entirely sure if you’ll ever see him again, so you take a moment to memorize his features. Ya know, so you can happily and accurately daydream about him later. But then the sound of an approaching car hits your ears and you glance to see your Uber pulling up and—shit. Of course he would have the fastest response time of any Uber driver in history. Because yeah, clearly you aren’t supposed to spend anymore time with this amazing human. That’s just your damn luck.
You turn back to him, and saying goodbye now honestly sucks, but you both have lives to get back to. “Thank you again for showing me your spot, Steve. And for just taking the time to talk to me, it made my whole week so much better,” you smile as the car pulls up beside you both. The driver quickly confirming you are who he is picking up.
“No worries at all,” he smiles back, “it made mine as well.”
Your smiles grows at his words and you reluctantly force yourself into the car, waving as it pulls away.
And as it makes its way down the road, you slump back into your seat, releasing a deep breath. This afternoon will forever live on in your head; the day you met Steve Rogers in the flesh. It will, from this moment on, be your all time favourite memory, hands down.
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Steve’s POV
Steve stealthily makes his way back to the compound, rejoining the touring group as his teammates show the press around the main areas of the facility. He falls into step next to Buck, who is lingering near the back to ensure no press members sneak off or get lost.
“So,” Bucky pipes up quietly after a few moments of them just silently walking side by side. Not even turning to look at Steve, and instead keeping his eyes fixed ahead of them both. “How was it? Did you manage to catch her?”
Steve smiles widely, he couldn’t prevent it even if he’d tried. “Amazing, Buck. I did catch her, and she’s just,” he pauses, no words really holding enough meaning to describe Y/N. “she’s amazing, in so many ways,” he finally finishes, even though the word he’s picked really doesn’t do her justice.
Bucky grins widely, “so, when do you see her next?”
And Steves steps falter just slightly at his pals words.
Bucky stops walking altogether, gaping at Steve. “Punk,” he says slowly, “please tell me you got her number?”
“Shit,” Steve cringes as he stops walking as well, he knew he was forgetting something. He then sighs loudly as he drops his head forward. “I totally forgot.”
Bucky groans loudly, “Punk, we talked about this! Rule numero uno, always get the cute girls number!”
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Reader’s POV.
You’re sitting at your dining room table, laptop in front of you as you slowly work on the Avengers article for your boss. You had luckily gotten a bunch of photos and recorded most of the conference, so you have more than enough to work with. Which, thank fuck for that. You really need to keep your job, at least for now, at least until you can secure something better.
Your phone starts to ring and you glance over at where it currently sits on the table beside your laptop. You pick it up and see it’s an unknown number—which yeah, that’s a little odd.
You hesitantly answer, unsure who it could be, “hello.” But then there is no response, you pull the phone away from your ear to see if the call is still active, and it is. You put it back to your ear, “hello?”
“Uh, yeah, hi, sorry. Is this—is this Y/N?”
“It is, may I ask who’s calling?”
“It’s um, it’s Steve,” he says and instantly you almost gasp because how did he— “Steve Rogers,” he quickly clarifies, as if you wouldn’t have figured that out already.
You giggle, because this man is just far too adorable for words. “Hi Steve, how are you?”
“I’m good, I hope you don’t mind that I’m calling you. I was going to message you on Twitter but I honestly couldn’t figure out how to do that. And I’m not really any good at texting, so a phone call just seemed like the best option.”
You smile widely, barely containing your laughter at how flustered he sounds. “I don’t mind at all, it’s so nice to hear from you. Though I am a little curious how you even got my number.”
“I ah, I sort of had Tony look it up for me.”
And that does cause you to laugh, “I should have guessed. So, what can I do for you, Steve? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. I just,” he takes a deep breath, and now you swear you can hear voices in the background, you just can’t make out what any of them are saying. A scratchy sound rings through the phone, as if the mic is being covered by something and then you hear a louder muffled voice now, but still can’t make it out. However then the scratchy sound stops and Steve speaks up again, “I ah, I was just curious if you’d be interested in maybe going out to dinner with me sometime this week? I mean, ya know, if you’d be interested in that,” he pauses for a second then quickly adds, “Did I already say that?”
You hold back the excited giggles that want to break from your lips, he is clearly flustered by this and the very last thing you’d ever want to do is make this worse for him. Or to hurt his feelings by laughing at him putting himself on the line like this. Asking someone out is nerve wracking enough in this day and age, let alone when they laugh in your face—or over the phone—directly after you ask.
“I’d love that, Steve. Which day did you have in mind?”
“Friday is perfect,” you grin widely, then you quickly exchange details and give him your address as he insists on picking you up. You both then say your goodbyes and hang up. And the second you put your phone back on the table, you squeal loudly.
You have a date with Steve Rogers in 5 short days, and you honestly couldn’t be more excited for it. And this all came to pass because you’d been on Twitter Drunk. Who would have ever seen this insane turn of events coming. You certainly wouldn’t have.
And shit, what is Lindsey going to say about all of this? Oh God, when she finds out she's going to just die. You pick up your phone and dial the familiar number, knowing that she’ll be pissed if you don’t tell her right away, or if she hears it from anywhere else other than you.
“Hey Y/N,” her chipper voice plays through your phones speaker.
“Linds, you’ll never guess who I have a date with on Friday. But you have to promise you won’t tell a soul, or so help me God, I will disown you!”
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@caps-lockdown @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @tfandtws @boxofteenageideas @wangdeasang @giggleberts @casuallydarktiger @theonelittleone @agentbadbitch @ratwrites @starrystellars @bandsandanimefreak @rockyroadthepastryarchy @lovvliies @cuffski @icesoccerer @alwaysright4 @lilsthethrills @steeeeverogers @zombiepotterfour @mu-mu-rs @ledandan1244 @straightforwardly @denzmallows @xremember-me-notx @gwynethjodie @lollipopdomination @capstopavenger @jemimah-b99 @rcvenqers @justkending @alagalaska @starstucknature @silent-loucidity @sabertooth-potato @pies-wands-and-more @interstellarmess @gabriella69816 @phantom-soilder @wordlesscaptain @captain-hammer-of-asgard @viarogers @pixieferry @kaithezaftig @the-kinkiest-goblin @hysterically-original @badassbeckettswan @heyiamthatbitch @zlixlle @capsicledoll @givemehopenfandoms @pretendingandpreposterous @frozen-phoenix17 @emotionallysalty @saturngirlz @atomicsludgedonutbiscuit @ivannagotthebeat @bohemian-barbie @marvelous-capsicle @ivoryhazlewood @steverogersxreader @cjhorseback @jasminecalia @secondstar2disney @jessiedaeum @betsynodak @capricornprince118 @just-ladyme @pinkleopardss @drayshadow @sister-of-stars @wiserebelpartypie
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Do You Love Me? Lancer Cu Chulainn x Reader
Yo! How are you doing on this fine day? ^^ Thank you very much for clicking on this fanfic of mine, its the first time i've really written for Cú so i apologize if it seems out of character for him.... but i had fun writing it! And i hope you do like it!
P.S. I had originally planned for this to be only 150 words T^T but i got carried away slightly....Whelp! i like the length of it now so i hope you guys like it ^^ enjoy!
P.S.S A quick translation! Mo sholas geal = My Starlight
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Today was the day. The final day you had to ask him about his feelings. You had sent a simple text asking him to meet you in the gardens by the side of the church, now you just had to wait for his arrival. Your phone had buzzed its usual jingle played when you received a text message in reply  saying that he’d be there, so you felt a tad bit relieved that he had got your text and had decided to meet up with you but that didn’t stop time from feeling like it was going by slower then a snail, so you paced along the church’s garden path in the hopes that it would go quicker.
Stopping to admire certain flowers every so often, you paused at the neat rows of white chrysanthemum. You smiled reaching out to touch the silk petals of white, swirling your painted index finger nail gently until white faded turned into the pale yellow of its centre taking in its beauty as you did so. Your mind wondered into a blank oblivion as you hummed a tune from your childhood; when mother would braid your hair while telling you fairy-tales of princesses, dragons and dashing knights in gilded steel armour. Such a simpler time…
You squeaked as familiar warm hands covered your eyes and warm breath hit the shell of your ear sending pleasant chills down your spine.
“Yo!” – He had always been taller then you and used it constantly against you, his chest behind your back and long locks twisted against yours as he gently tipped you back into him – “Guess who?”
You giggled, your hands quickly rising to cover his as you leant more into his warmth, it was always easy to guess who it was after-all he’d been doing this since Secondary School.
“Come on Cu” You said, a soft giggle once more passing from your lips “I know it’s you!”
He Chuckled, removing his hands and retreating a few steps to give you space to turn. It was then when his breathe caught in the back of his throat at how beautiful you looked, properly taking you in then from the quick glance over he’d done before. A pale blue dress that that hugged your sides nicely, off the shoulder sheer cape sleeves draped themselves elegantly down and blended with the equally as elegant double layered skirt. On a closer inspection what he thought to be a plain ombre white blue lace turned out to be lace flowers in various sizes methodically falling from your sleeves and chest until they stopped around your waist,
“…. beautiful”
“Hm? Did you say something Cu?”- You asked coming out of the bubble of trying to straighten out the shear lace layer of your dress
“I might have~” He purred cheekily, a certain glint twinkling in his eyes as he fiddled with the end of his loose braid
You smiled slightly, pausing to take in a deep breathe before turning to face Cu with some confidence.
“Um, I have something to ask you” you manged to stutter out, pressing your pointer fingers together as the breeze fiddled idle with the embroidered hem of your dress
Cu blinked. A perfectly shaped eyebrow was raised in slight confusion as vermilion eyes flickered briefly to the watch on his left wrist taking in the time before meeting your worried (E/C) orbs. A gentle smile crossed his face,
“Ya know we don’t have much time….so we should be quick about this” he began tenderly “but ok Gorgeous, go ahead!”
You gulped as a rosy hue crossed your cheeks; for a moment you couldn’t speak nor could you fully stare into Cu’s eyes. You took a deep breathe as you built up what little confidence you had inside before speaking,
“I’d like to know if you really….um…. love me?”
Cu paused. A small “eh?” escaped his lips as he stared at you. Confusion written so clearly on his face it was like shirou had something stupid (again), it was silent between the two of you as the gears in his head turned, but he started laughing soon after.
“Babe” he began “Darling, we’ve been together for 6 years and we are getting married in 10 minutes”
With a confident stride he swept you up, giggling as you squeaked when being spun around, before setting you down gently. Softly pressing his forehead Cu stared languidly at you, a barely visible smirk tugged at his lips something that he only really did when he was planning on doing something, something he wasn’t meant to,
“I love you...”- he pressed a quick kiss against your lips before pulling back to smugly grin at your flushed face – “…I love you a lot, Mo sholas geal”
“And I love you” You murmured, cheeks still stained with a rose hue “…. But I’m afraid if you keep kissing me, you’ll ruin my lipstick and you know how Rin gets…...”
“I know I know,” He began “But its not my fault you’re so kissable”
You gently slapped his forearm as you snickered. But soon you both fell into a comfortable silence, swaying slightly from side to side as you enjoyed each other’s warmth and love. Cu pulled away from your embrace to look at his watch, eyes widening briefly before looking back at you with a small smile and tugging you into the direction of the inside of the church
“Now! I think we’ve been out here for long enough” He began “What do you say we get this show on the road and get married!”
You smiled warmly, giving his hand a small squeeze as the nervousness and excitement came back full force……what a wonderful set of feelings to have.
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Hi! If requests are still open, can i have a Rosa Diaz imagines. Where Rosa’s wife is pregnant, and she is in the precinct so Rosa can keep an eyes on her. And they go into lockdown and the reader is about to give birth. So they have to help her give birth in the 99, and at the end it’s fluff with Rosa, the reader and there baby! Thank you! :)
Here ya go, anonny! Sorry it took so long…
Imagine Being Rosa’s Wife and Giving Birth at the 99
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WC: 3K
Warnings: None
Rosa Diaz x Female!Reader
Tags: @sorenmarie87 @cloverhighfive @kazosa @whelp-that-just-happened
“This is completely unnecessary you know,” you said as you waddled towards the breakroom. She had insisted that you go to the station with her that day, despite feeling extra tired. Your back was especially sore, and there was a war of indigestion raging in your chest. But, with the recent rise in break-ins in your neighborhood, Rosa didn’t want you to leave her side. “Babe, I don’t need a babysitter. I would have been fine at home.”
“Yes you do,” Rosa mumbled and helped lower you to the couch there. “You’re nine months pregnant with our baby, and if you think for a second I’m letting you stay at home with all the craziness that’s been going on in this city, you’re just as bad as the… crazies out there,” she stuttered a little, shook it off, rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “Sorry babe, you’re stuck here for now. My shift is over soon and then we can go home, and–” she trailed off, looking around to make sure no one could hear her, “I’ll rub your feet for you.”
“Well now, Diaz, are you being soft for me?” you teased.
“No. Shut up,” she scoffed, took one more look around and bent down to kiss you quickly before turning towards the door. “So, stay put, eat some crap from the vending machines and take care of our little girl.”
“Yes ma’am,” you winked and gave her a mock salute.
Trying to settle in for her long shift, you got as comfortable as you could, laid your head back and closed your eyes. There was a nice, ambient lull to the precinct that day, and you weren’t even mad that she dragged you across town just so she could keep an eye on you. Rosa must have put the fear of death into the squad not to bother you, because for more than an hour straight, neither Hitchcock or Scully even came near the room for snacks, or the use of their favorite couch.
In fact, it wasn’t until you heard the crack and then whoosh sound of someone opening a soda can, did you even start to stir. You opened your eyes and saw Jake standing near the vending machines, orange soda can in hand, and a look of fear on his face as he saw you wake up.
“Hiiii, Y/N. Sorry to wake you,” he whispered loudly. 
You laughed. “Its fine, Jake. How ya been?”
He looked nervously out into the bullpen and then back to you. “Good, good. Go back to sleep. If Rosa knew I woke you up, she’d kill me. Like, literally. She promised to hog tie anyone who disturbed you and then said she would tie them to the back of her bike then give them a tour of Brooklyn. I’ve already seen Brookly, Y/N. I don’t need a tour.”
“Come on, man, you really think I’d let her do that. Help me up off the couch and I promise your secret is safe with me.”
Jake put his soda down and gave you both his hands to help heave you up from the couch. 
“Damn, little Rosa seems ‘bout ready to pop, huh?”
“Dude, you have no idea. This little girl is a firecracker. She’s already taking after her mommy.”
“Aww, that’s so great, I can’t wait–”
“Jake!! What the Hell?!” Rosa exclaimed from the doorway. “I told you, what would happen if you woke her up!” Rosa glared and went to slowly pull something from the inside of her leather jacket, then stopped. “You’re lucky I don’t have the bike today.”
“Babe, stop. He didn’t wake me. In fact, he helped me up off the couch and then was about to get me a snack, right Jakey?”
“Yep, exactly. See! Uncle Jake is helping…”
“Fine,” Rosa relented and turned to you. “Have a good nap?”
“Yeah, it was great. Now I’m gonna eat the vending machine crap–”
“Over my dead body,” Charles chimed in from behind Rosa. Boyle walked further into the breakroom, his hands on his hips, his eyes wide with disbelief and cast as shameful look at Rosa. “How could you let the mother of your child dare to poison herself and that sweet wittle baby with vending machine crap!?”
“It’s fine Charles, I’m okay with it,” you laughed, knowing he meant well, but cheese puffs and an orange soda actually sounded pretty good. 
“I’m–I’m appalled. At both of you. I am going down to the deli and bringing you back the most AMAZING Italian sub. They shave the lunchmeat so thin–”
“Alright, Boyle. Thank you for feeding her, now go before I have to hear something gross about shaved meat and feel the urge to punch you,” Rosa groaned and looked back to you with a little shrug as Charles turned and bolted quickly, most likely afraid Rosa would change her mind. 
The moment he was out of sight, you walked over to the vending machine and procured the snack and soda you really wanted while Charles was gone. As you tasted the sweet orange bubbles, you smiled as it refreshed the dry throat leftover from your nap. You were about to say something when out in the bullpen a bout of chaos pulled everyone’s attention.
Jake and Rosa passed a curious, but a nervous glance and both turned to venture out to see what was happening. In the doorway, Rosa turned back to you. 
“Stay in here, okay?” she asked but you knew it wasn’t a request. 
The blinds were drawn so you couldn’t get a good look at what was going on, but you heard a variety of shouts and sounds of a scuffle. From somewhere else in the building, it sounded like a gunshot went off. You pushed your back flush up against the vending machines, suddenly terrified of what was going on. That’s when you felt the trickle of water running down your thigh, then a gush if it soaking your shorts. 
“Shit!” You nervously touched the wet spoke of the shorts, worried that you’d see blood there, but thankfully there wasn’t. Sighing with relief, you tried to move off the machines and towards the door to get Rosa. 
Jake came through the door just as the first few moments of a strong contraction were making you stop to rest at the table.
“Y/N?!” Jake exclaimed. “What’s wrong?”
“Labor…” you managed to get out, trying not to scream as the pain spiraled quickly through your back and legs. “Get Rosa, pleeease!”
“Ok, okay… come on, let’s get you somewhere comfortable. The precinct is on lockdown. Had a perp escape custody downstairs. The whole building is on lockdown until the situation is resolved. Let me take you to Holt’s office, at least his couch isn’t covered in Hitchcock and Scully leavings…”
You groaned in both pain and disgust as Jake slung an arm around your waist and you put yours around his shoulder. As he got you from the breakroom and out into the main room of the precinct, Rosa came running over. 
“What’s wrong, are you–” she stopped at seeing the wetness on your shorts. “Shit. Water broke. You need to get to the hospital. Now.”
“We can’t get out, Diaz. Let’s get her to Holt’s office, maybe he can call in paramedics at least.” 
Rosa nodded and helped prop you up from the other side as they assisted you into the Captain’s office. His door was already open, and he waved you in immediately. 
“Sir, Y/N’s water broke, her first contraction has already started. Is there any way you can pull rank and get some paramedics up in here? I know this can hours but–”
You inadvertently cut Jake off by a cry of pain as another contraction pierced through you. 
“–you can see things are speedin’ up a smiidgal.”
“Yes, I can see that. Thank you, Peralta. Diaz, stay here with Y/N, try your best to keep her calm. Let me make a call and see what I can do about getting medical help. Jake, find Amy, brief her of the situation and see if she has some kind of binder for this emergency. After Sharon went into labor, I believe she put a protocol together just in case it should happen again.”
Jake nodded in confirmation, while Holt followed behind and closed the office door behind him. Rosa knelt by your side and squeezed your hand tightly. The pain from the contractor subsided a little and you tried to remember the breathing techniques from the one Lamaze class you and Rosa attended. You couldn’t help but laugh when you remembered why you never went back.
“What?” she asked. “What’s so funny?”
“I was just thinking of the one birthing class we went too,” you replied, swallowed thickly and wishing you had some of the orange soda to wet your throat. “There was that one couple… The Bernbacks… Bernsteins? I don’t know… Bern–somethings…”
Rosa rolled her eyes at the mention of their names. “I don’t care what the instructor said, we totally beat them at all the exercises. They thought they were so perfect in the burrito roll, telling me how I should–”
“Alright, babe… I didn’t mean to rile you up. I just can’t believe its happening. All this time we waited… and now here she comes.” You felt a severe rush of hormones and emotions take over, tears quickly bubbling to the surface and spilling down your cheeks.
“What? What’s wrong?” Rosa asked, trying to assess what was causing you to cry. 
“Please don’t let the first thing our daughter see be Scully or Hitchcock… or some weird food ritual for newborns that Charles tries to present.”
“I promise you, I would let either of those two bozos within a hundred yards of our little girl,” Rosa said. “You just breath and relax.”
“We never did pick a name,” you said, trying to think of the hundreds of options you and Rosa had discussed over the nine months. “Think we can try and settle that before she makes her grand entrance?”
“You know my choice…” Rosa shrugged casually and exhaled through her nose. “But you didn’t want Nancy.”
“I am not naming our daughter after Nancy Meyers… please pick something else.”
“I just don’t want it to be all… froo-froo.”
“Ok, then, besides Nancy, what do you like?”
Rosa was thoughtful for a moment but ultimately shook her head. “I don’t know. I think you should pick, and whatever you pick, I’ll love it. Right now all I can focus on is making sure you and her are both okay.”
You nodded and couldn’t help but laugh. “Alright, I’ll think of the perfect name for this little firecracker.”
Rosa comforted you and did her best to keep you calm, as another couple minutes went by before the next contraction hit. By the time it subsided, Holt, along with Jake and Amy returned to the office with hurried excitement. 
Holt explained to Diaz paramedics were on their way, but there was still a situation on the second floor. They were letting them in through the back entrance and could hopefully get them up here with no trouble. Amy was on the couch, a binder in hand and asking you a flurry of questions about pressure here, pains there, and if you thought your cervix had softened. 
“Amy!” Rosa admonished. “Come on dude, just… help her.”
“I’m not a doctor Rosa! I just… know the steps and questions a doctor would ask. I didn’t think you or Y/N would be comfortable–I’m NOT, by the way–to check it myself!”
“Fair enough,” Rosa relented and came back to kneel by your side. “Help is on the way, but I don’t know how long before it gets here.”
“Ookay…” you breathed, trying to fight the urge to scream. “I hope its soon because I feel like I need to push.”
“No, no. Don’t do that, not yet,” Amy warned. “At least let me read ahead and see what the binder says. This isn’t exactly like trying to teach someone how to rotate a tire, or organize a closet.”
“Yeah, maybe a bit more complicated, babe,” Jake said and touched her shoulder lovingly, trying to guide her up off the couch. “Come on, let’s give the binder to Captain Holt, then you and I give Y/N and Rosa a minute to breathe, okay? There we go…” Jake slipped the binder from Amy’s arm and handed it to Holt before they left the office.
The contractions came and went quickly over the course of the next twenty minutes, and when the elevator opened, a paramedic team with a stretcher getting off on their floor brought everyone a deep sigh of relief. 
They got you moved to the stretcher, and realized that there was no time to move you, the baby was coming. They cleared Holt’s office, letting only Rosa stay to hold your hand. The paramedics worked fast to cut away the shorts and cover your lower half. The pain tore through you as they told you to bear down and push. 
It felt like hours went by, but in reality, it was only about ten to twenty minutes of hard labor before a big, piercing cry filled Holt’s office. From the other side of the drawn blinds, an eruption of shouts and cheers filled the bullpen at the sound of a healthy baby. 
You were exhausted, in pain and yet smiling from ear to ear as the paramedics gave the baby a quick once over before bundling her up and handing her to you. Gazing down at her little face, you looked up at Rosa, whose dark brown eyes were filled with tears, a soft smile quivering on her lips. 
“She’s so beautiful,” Rosa whispered and delicately touched the baby’s cheek. “She’s perfect.”
“Ok, mom and baby, you guys ready to travel? Let’s get you to the hospital and make sure baby… she have a name yet?”
You and Rosa locked eyes for a moment, and just as she was about to say no, you said. “Yes, actually, we do.”
“We do?” Rosa snorted. “Since when? Literally twenty minutes ago, she was gonna be Baby-Not-Named-Nancy (Y/L/N).”
You shrugged and looked down at the beautiful baby currently sleeping in your arms. “I was thinking, Charlotte Marie Diaz. You can call her Charlie, thought that wouldn’t be too… what was the word you used? Froo-froo?”
“Diaz? I thought…” Rosa hesitated, surprised at hearing her last name and not yours. 
“The way this girl heard a bit of commotion, then raced to get here to see it… she is a Diaz through and through. Just seems like she should have her feistier mom’s name.”
“It’s perfect.” Rosa bent down and kissed the side of your head and mumbled, “I love you.”
As the EMT’s rolled the gurney through the precinct, Amy, Jake, and Captian Holt were standing by to catch a glimpse of the newest addition to the Nine-Nine family. Right before the elevator, you asked them to pause just for a moment, so you could introduce everyone to little Charlotte. Even Captain Holt couldn’t stop himself from cooing at her. Everyone was so enamored with the little pink bundle, no one saw Hitchcock and Scully approaching from the other side. 
“Hey, we found this, thought maybe you could give this to the baby from us!” Scully said, beaming with pride at the treasure he was holding out towards Charlotte. 
Jake saw him first and quickly moved to stand between the dark, furry item that Scully assumed was a stuffed animal of some time. Blocking you and the baby from even having to see it. 
“Noooo… No. Not gonna give her that,” Jake groaned and quickly disposed of whatever it was. “Go! Go!” Jake waved the EMT’s, along with Rosa to get you into the elevator. Amy and Holt blocked Hitchcock as he also went to hand a baby blanket that had been in the lost and found since 1995. 
“No! Hitchcock!” Amy admonished and smacked it from his hand to the floor. “No gifts from you for the baby. I’ll find you something you can give her. New… from a store. Not something you pulled from lost and found.”
“No, that’s not from lost and found! That’s just old evidence from a–”
“Alllright,” Holt called out, getting everyone’s attention. “Let’s go, mother and child need to get to the hospital.”
Acting as a barrier, Holt, Amy, and Jake waited until the elevator doors opened. Charles came through the elevators, holding the bag from the deli and a look of sheer exasperation on his face. The moment he stepped off the elevator, he started rambling, completely unaware of the EMT’s and the fact that you were on the gurney, holding a baby in your arms.
“You will NOT believe what just happened. I ran down to the deli, and it took a minute or two longer because they had this gorgeous goat’s head in stock. Can’t find a good goat’s head in Brooklyn these days. Anyway, so I was trying to get back in the building, but the stupid lockdown. Had to wait until they finally lifted–”
“Charles!” Amy, Holt and Jake all yelled, interrupting his story. Incensed at being interrupted during his rant, he followed their line of sight to see you, and finally notice the baby. 
“Wha-How-I missed…baby…” he trailed off and his eyes rolled back as he fainted to the floor. 
“And down he goes,” Jake narrated and shook his head with a laugh. “You guys go, we got Boyle. Meet you over there soon, okay?”
“Thanks, Jake,” Rosa smiled and followed the paramedics onto the elevators. 
As the door closed, you were gazing down at your daughter, who was starting to get fussy and was probably ready to eat. Despite the pain and exhaustion set into your body, you felt a rumble of hunger yourself. 
“Oh man,” you mumbled, making Rosa look down as the elevator descended to the bottom floor. 
“I shoulda had you grab the sandwich from Charles. Hospital food sucks.”
Rosa laughed and rolled her eyes. “I promise, once you and Charlie here are all checked out, I will bring you whatever you want to eat. Anything at all.”
“You spoil me,” you teased and leaned your head against her side. 
“Now I get to spoil both of you,” she mused dreamily, unable to take her eyes from Charlotte. “Maybe I should take some time off work. We could just chill at home with the kid… just enjoy life a little,” Rosa shrugged, but once she saw your reaction, she couldn’t hide her smile. 
“Charlotte and I approve of that decision. Very, very much.”
As the EMT’s pushed you and the baby through the precinct doors and out into the light of day, Rosa squeezed your shoulders. 
“Good. Now let’s get you two to the hospital before there are any more crazies coming out of the woodwork today.”
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seecarrun · 5 years
Anyone else ever notice how no one ever seems to date in the Pokémon anime world? Like any proposal goes from friends to engaged! Not that that’s a bad thing, but definitely something I’ve noticed.
Pokeshipping Week 2019- Day 7- Marriage/Proposal
Honestly, Ash should have known better.
But at the end of the day, it was the Cerulean sisters or Brock and Tracy, and he knew the lesser of two evils when he saw them.
Three pairs of eyes twinkled at him in delight, and for a split second, he contemplated just straight up running away and trying again in four or... forty years. Fortunately (or unfortunately), Pikachu was not about to let him squirm out of this one, and his partner could be quite persuasive when he wanted to be, so he was kinda stuck.
"So do you like, have a ring and everything?" Violet gushed.
He nodded shyly, pulling his cap even farther down in front of his face as the sisters squealed in excitement.
"Oh my goodness, you have to let us see it!" Daisy urged, her own diamond wedding band sparkling mockingly from her left hand.
Ash gulped, trying and failing miserably not to let the girls smell his fear as he pulled the little box out of his jacket pocket and opened it up for them to see.
"Oh, Ash," Violet breathed, "it's beautiful!"
"And it's, like, so her," Lily agreed.
Ash let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding at their praise. "You guys think she'll say yes?" he asked nervously, which was apparently not even kind of the correct thing to say, as they all snapped their heads up simultaneously to glare at him at the exact same time.
"Are you like, serious right now?" Daisy asked, her voice dripping with ire.
"Well, I mean-"
"No," she interrupted. "Just- no. Like, shut up."
Intelligently, he kept his mouth shut.
"Ash," she began, at this point holding the bridge of her nose in the same way Misty often did when dealing with Psyduck. Or, you know, him. "Our little sister, despite her claims, has been in love with you since she was, like, ten years old. I like, totally understand that you are nervous. You have like, every right to be. But I swear to Arceus, if you do not propose to my little sister soon, I will propose to her for you."
He chuckled nervously, Lily and Violet nodding sagely behind their sister. "Got it," he mumbled weakly.
Whelp. Blessing granted.
Which brought them here, days later, in muted lighting, a candle in between them as they waited for their overpriced dinner. They were...dating?, Ash supposed, or at least whatever the Ash and Misty equivalent of dating was, for the last few years. They never actually had any sort of talk or conversation about it, but both seemed to be under the same assumption that whatever it was they were doing, it was exclusive and special and only for them.
He loved Misty. Really, truly, loved her, and he always had in some way or the other, so when the decision to make this thing official, as Brock had oh-so-eloquently phrased it, made its way into his head, it seemed like the natural next step.
Of course I want to spend the rest of my life with her, he remembered thinking, as naturally as throwing a pokeball, why wouldn't I?
"You okay over there, Ash?"
He blinked, his eyes widening comically as Misty raised an amused eyebrow over her wine glass. "Huh?"
"You were spacing off," she explained. "A lot on your mind? I know thinking can be a difficult process for you, so just let me know if you need a minute."
"Oh, ha ha," he snorted, and took a sip of his wine as well, for lack of anything else to do. "Just hoping having to look at your face for an hour wont ruin my appetite is all."
She kicked him under the table for that one, but her put-upon expression leaked way to an amused, fond smile nonetheless. Ash grinned, some things never changed, teasing always was and was always going to be their favorite love language.
"But seriously, Ash," she continued, her face softening. "You've been kinda quiet all week, you doing okay? Is the league stuff getting to you? Because you haven't taken a day off in like, a decade. I think they would understand if you needed a break."
He shook his head. "Nah, it's fine. I mean, the gym leaders are being a pain in my ass, but what else is new there?" He grinned when she kicked him under the table once again. "But, well..." He gulped. This was it. Now or never. "I guess there is one thing that's kinda stressing me out..."
She blinked and put down her glass, her eyes wide and oh so green in the candlelight. "Oh yeah?"
His hand sweaty, he reached into his pocket and ran his fingers over the small, round box sitting heavily against his leg. "Yeah."
Never one to master the art of patience, she tilted her head to the side, just a bit annoyed. "And what would that be?" she asked.
Ash opened his mouth, the speech he had practiced with Pikachu a hundred times dancing along the tip of his tongue. You're my best friend, thank you for always supporting me, even when I was a little punk kid with a bad attitude, thank you for loving my pokemon like your own, even the bugs, thank you for putting up with my nonsense and knocking sense into me when I'm being an idiot, thank you for never giving up on me.
But instead what came out was a quick, nervous, stupid, "You're sisters promised me you'd say yes."
Misty's mouth fell open, her wide eyes flicking back and forth from the beautiful, glittering ring Ash (Ash!) held out to her, to Ash's own, as wide and surprised as they were brown and warm. "A-Ash, wha-?" she began, before Ash cursed and slapped his forehead.
"Oh my god, that wasn't even close to what I wanted to say," he moaned. "Pikachu is going to kill me."
But if Misty was aware of the inner turmoil Ash was facing, she didn't give any indication, her attention set squarely and solely on the present situation. "Ash," she hissed, and Ash noticed with some acute nervousness, that her hands were clenched into the tablecloth, her knuckles white. "If this is some sort of joke, Ash Ketchum, I swear, I will-"
"No joke!" he insisted quickly, cutting her off. "I, uh, actually had a whole spiel ready to go about how much you mean to me and how you're my best friend and stuff, but well," he laughed, running an anxious hand through his hair. "I'm a moron, as you know, so..." he paused, smiling genuinely. "What do ya say?" he wiggled the box a little. "Mist, will you marry me?"
"Of course I will, you stupid idiot!" She cried, shaking her head, as if not even believing herself that she would say yes, though Ash noted with a little pride that her eyes were just ever so glassy. A little shakily, he slid the ring onto her finger. A perfect fit.
And everyone told him he wasn't romantic.
"That wasn't even a little romantic," she laughed, her cheeks rosy.
Ash snorted, grinning. "And yet you still said yes, so who is the real idiot here?."
She stuck her tongue out, turning her attention to the glittering ring on her finger, causing Ash to brim with pride, excited for what the future held.
After all, all his best adventures started with Misty. What made this one any different?
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scottishoctopus · 4 years
Not So Heartless After All.
Chapter 3: An unexpected arrival.
~ ~ ~
Captain Davy Jones wasn't quite sure what to make of the small girl crying in front of his crew and himself. He was going to yell at Maccus as to why she was on board when he had noticed that hidden under her sleeves were scars speckled around her wrists. Her hands were suffering the same as well, and to add to that, her clothing was slightly bloody despite being extremely wet. Her neck was extremely thin, and around her throat were spotted purple bruises, shaped in the size of large fingertips.
It did not matter to him, she must of came from a destroyed ship that had many losses abroad which explained why she was filthy as a rat. But then she looked up and her eyes widened in fear at the sight of the captain!
It couldn't be could it? A man that used to be in the tales that her friend Spencer told her about. A horrid man who had cut out his heart. But the tales weren't true, were they? They couldn't be! His eyes to her looked as if he was a devil, there was no life in them, she imagined bright red eyes instead of his milky blue ones. Tentacles were slick with wetness and it seemed as though they could strangle you in an instant if you were unfortunate to be close enough to the man.
The child shivered at the thought of the tentacles being wrapped around her throat like her uncle's big hands when he got very angry with her. Taking all her breath away when he squeezed too tight, leaving purplish blotches on her neck to remind her to never disobey him.
Maybe this man was just like him.
"Where the devil did ya find this...child, Maccus?" The captain growled through gritted teeth as he did not take his eyes off the small girl who she also stared back at him, her eyebrows as high as they could get on her face as she panicked internally. Her body shivering uncontrollably. The sight of him reminded her of her uncle who she did not know where he had gone.
"We found 'er in the sea, sir. There must be a wreckage nearby if she's out in the middle of nowhere." Maccus spoke quick but very clearly as Jones' tentacles wriggled in annoyance. It had been a very long time since a girl was on board the Flying Dutchman, not since Calypso. And there was likely not to be on ever again, apart from the unexpected child!
"Well done on statin' the obvious -ah." Crew mates behind the cursed captain snickered at the reply but one sharp growl from the tentacled man pretty much silenced them all at once.
Davy Jones now turned back towards his first mate, glaring right into the eyes of him. His mouth twitching into a fierce frown. Most of the crew looked like they were at a loss from words, they eyes full of disbelief and fear. But some like Kolenkio and Jimmylegs were snarling at the thin girl, a hungry thirst for blood in their cold bodies.
Meanwhile, as all eyes were set on the captain as he thought of what he should do, the small red headed girl made small unnoticeable movements as an attempt to get away from the monsters. As soon as somebody looked her way, she would stay as still as a statue and they would unable to realise that she was getting further and further away from the crew. She had to get away!
She had to get back to her uncle or else she would be in deep trouble! Who knows what would happen if she stayed here any longer!
"What do we do with her, cap'n?" Hadra's asked, awaiting for orders. Jones thought very carefully, lifting one not really clear eyebrow.
He did not need a woman on board, especially a miniature one. They were the cause of trouble and work would not get completed as easily if they had a nuisance they had to look after as well. Unless she was out of everybody's way when they were working.
"...Take her below deck and get her to start cleanin' the ship. Ah have no use for a child -ah..." Most of the crew sneered and chuckled darkly as they muttered to each other. Maccus looked pleased for a split second before he nodded in response at the cold order. But when he looked over, he was expecting to see the child staring at him with fright in her eyes. However she was not there, she was rapidly running fast towards the hull of the ship.
"Aftar her!" Davy Jones practically roared at his crew behind the running child!
She made a break for it! Ignoring the fact that her feet were still extremely sore and her body was still aching immensely. She needed to get off this ship before they would take her away! She desperately wanted to wish that this was just a nightmare but after pinching her arm to make sure, the nightmare was reality!
She stumbled and fell flat on her stomach with a cry of pain escaping from her sore lips, but she couldn't let her body give up now. As she slowly got herself to her shaking limbs, her head turned behind her to see that the crew and the captain were sure chasing after her, yelling at her to stop! But she didn't obey, they were not her uncle, so she painfully continued to get her trembling body to it's feet so she would be able to get away for good.
But by the time she had attempted to run, she felt something clamp tight around her neck, halting her breathing slightly! Her eyes looked up to the cold face of the monstrous Davy Jones once more, but he had somehow arrived at the front of the ship before she did!
But wasn't he far behind her a second ago? His face stared down at her with fury in his cold blue eyes, as his left arm which was shaped as a claw was snapped around the girl's skinny throat. She desperately gripped the claw with her fingers, attempting to pry them apart with extreme struggle.
"Go! G- go away!" She cried helplessly, shutting her teal blue eyes completely as an attempt to wake up, still convinced that this whole horrifying thing was a nightmare.
Jones recognised that she had a strong Welsh accent in her soft voice as she thrashed about and cried. Her tears trailing down her dirt covered cheeks.
"You're quite braver than Ah thought, for a small lass." He smiled slightly with a small snarl in his slick throat. The child didn't stop fighting against his left arm, she didn't notice that her fingers had started to bleed at the amount of force she was trying to pry apart the claw, and yet she still didn't stop!
Where did this child get all this energy and strength from? She was looking like she had been battered like the many souls who perished when their ship was attacked by the Kraken. And yet she was still fighting against Davy Jones, and to add to that part, she was only a child!
"Let me go! Let me go! Please!" She squealed, gasping for air, her body felt so numb that she couldn't fight against the pressure put on her throat no more, and she just rested her hands on top of the rough surface. Staring at the cursed captain, hopeless.
Davy Jones was a little taken aback at how hard she had attempted to not give up, despite that unsuccessful effort to jump off the Flying Dutchman. That attempt to pry apart his indestructible left arm even though her hands were pretty much in a ruined state. Even though she was just a young child, she could be proven useful if she was set to do the harsh work that the other crewmembers did. She looked like she wouldn't tire so easily as well.
The cursed captain then released the girl from his unbreakable grip, and she immediately fell to the wet floor, coughing and spluttering for oxygen. She clutched her stomach in pain, her form shaking terribly.
Unable to make a decision as to what to do with her, he stepped back from her shaking form, his frown softening slightly. Jones noticed that some of the crew were looking very confused at him, confused that he hadn't just killed the whelp right here and now. As that what he usually did if men had tried to escape from the Flying Dutchman.
"Maccus! Put her in the brig- ah." He ordered before walking back to his cabin, limping on his stiff right leg, his mind mixed with confusion and annoyance. Tentacles curling slowly as he shoved aside his crew with just his right hand.
"But sir, I thought--"
Jones rapidly turned himself around, still seething with anger, his eyes might as well be flames by how he was looking at his first mate.
"Ah said put her in the brig!" He spat violently, his voice booming out like thunder! Before he glared at him and then continued to walk back to his cabin, alone once more. Maccus and Kolenkio forcefully lifted the crying child to her feet and hauled her down to the deep decks of the Flying Dutchman.
~ ~ ~
She couldn't describe how she was feeling, her body felt like it was on fire! And her throat was definitely starting to hurt now, and she could not get herself to her feet. So she sat rather pathetically against the wall of the brig, pulling her knees together. She couldn't cry no more, instead, she just stared at the decaying bars of her cell.
What did she do wrong to deserve to be rotting away in the brig? Maybe it was because she didn't obey her uncle's orders. Maybe her life was destined for this constant agony and torture that never left her. She had always been the one to rebel against orders and then end up in this state. She should have never left the ship!
Why couldn't she just listen for once, she may not be punished for her stupid actions!
Why did her parents have to die? Was it her fault? She was there to witness her mother's death but not her father's. Maybe she should have been the one to have that disease, not her mother, she should have been the one to perish from it. Why did it always have to be the ones she loved, gone away forever.
Life was cruel, and the afterlife was most likely the same.
She couldn't even remember her own name! No matter how much she attempted to think hard that had only left her with a headache, the name was gone as well. Leaving her only what her uncle called her.
Maybe that's what the captain and the crew thought of her as well, when he nearly strangled her and then ordered those monsters to chuck her down below in the brig. She definitely deserved that name now for sure. Now that her limp body was most likely not going to perform work without dropping down to the floor, she could tell that when that moment happened, she would be punished greatly. And that was exactly what she desperately wanted right now. Or maybe, if she had the chance, she could try to jump off board again, but let herself sink to the dark cold darkness of the harsh sea.
Her thoughts were cut short when she heard footsteps drawing closer to her. She felt fear overwhelme her once more and she immediately pressed her face into her knees.
Was the captain going to end her life here and now? The footsteps were becoming louder, but they didn't seem like it belonged to the captain, they seemed slow and quiet as opposed to the loud thumping of the captain's right leg. A right leg that hideously looked like it belonged to a crab!
She heard the cell doors being opened now, footsteps now entering the cell. She could only brace for what came for her now.
She lifted her head and her eyes widened in confusion as she stared at a young boy that was not Davy Jones. A boy that she had known a long while ago. When he tried to help her escape her uncle's ship.
His brown hair was messy and quite long, hiding back his chestnut eyes behind his very thick fringe. A small nose was there but looked as if he had ran right into a wall as his nostrils were slightly bloody. His cheeks were black and dirty but you could make out that he was definitely a young child. He was wearing a neat vest on top of his barely white buttoned shirt, although his trousers were too big for him.
"Michael?!" She stuttered in fright, was he going to kill her instead of the Captain? But he couldn't! He was her friend!
He smiled brightly in joy and quickly crouched down and gave her a gentle embrace, she felt like she didn't deserve it but she gave into his warmth, resting her tiny little head on top of his shoulder. The last time she had ever seen him, was when he was thrown off the Darkened Thorn, by her uncle.
~ ~ ~
Michael was slammed into the wooden decks, somebody had strongly punched his left cheek, and he tasted something metallic in his mouth. Something trickle down his chin.
Captain Daniels was furious as he then swung his right foot into the poor boy's stomach. The front of his boot digging right into his ribs painfully. Michael yelled in agony, tears trailing down his cheeks.
The crew looked horrified but contained their fear, they were stood around the scene, their eyes set firmly to the captain. Two of the men were holding the niece tightly in their grip so she could not try to stop what was happening.
"Stop it, uncle! Stop! I beg you!" The red headed girl pleaded out in fright, seeing her friend grit his teeth together and groan as he held his stomach. The captain growled, turning his head sharply towards his niece. He aggressively walked to her, eyes beaming with fury and despise. She swallowed as he now stood very close to her.
And without warning, he harshly slapped her with the back of his large hand and sent her to the floor too. She yelped in pain and held the side of her dirty cheek, tears continuing to pour from her eyes.
Her uncle then crouched down at her level and moved his head closer to her, she quickly tried looking away and shut her eyes. He snarled and gripped onto her chin, forcefully turning her head towards him so she could face him.
"This is your own doing, Worthless. You made this happen to your friend. What I am doing, is entirely your fault. You diseased rat." The man spat at her and stood up whilst she continued to shiver and sob at the sight of Michael.
"Don't listen to him!" Michael gasped and stared towards her, his chestnut eyes glistening with his wet tears. He desperately wanted to escape the ship with her, to take her away from this monster of a man. But he had him and her outnumbered and he could not do a thing about it. There was no telling on what her uncle would do with him now.
"You're the diseased rat! You deserve to drown in the dark depths of the ocean! One day you'll get what you exactly deserve!" Michael yelled at the top of his voice, louder than the captain, pointing his finger directly to him in disgust. How he wished that some of the sea myths were true so that they could put an end to the man. One myth stuck out and he was the most feared captain among the seas, but it didn't seem true.
Captain Daniels turned around to face Michael now, letting out a harsh laugh that echoed around the ship, the red headed girl wanted to cover her ears because of that frightful sound. That laugh meant that something terrible was going to happen, and even Michael knew it.
The captain walked towards Michael now, and gripped onto the boy's shirt, lifting him slightly into the air. Michael wanted to fight back but his body would not let him! The pain in his chest was overwhelming that he could not even lift his limp arms. All he could do, was watch as the furious gaze in the captain's eyes turned to a sneer.
"And today, you'll get what you deserve for not knowing what loyalty is."
The girl could do nothing but stare at her uncle's harsh frown as it turned into a sick twisted grin, a grin that formed from the action that he was about to make.
It was all too quick.
Firstly, the captain had walked towards the edge of the ship, Michael still in his tight grip and aware of the events that were going to unfold. And then, the boy was just gone after that. Thrown right overboard the Darkened Thorn, and sent into the harsh waves of the deep sea. Michael didn't scream or yell in fright, there was just a splash, and the red headed girl knew that her friend was gone forever.
~ ~ ~
"How did you make it?"
Michael placed a dented wooden cup of water next to his friend and watched as she took it with shaking hands. She took one sip and then the water in the cup was just gone like that. She downed the drink pretty fast and the water soothed her dry throat.
She sighed in relief as she placed the cup back on the floor, pulling her knees together and resting her head on top of them.
"I don't actually know. I think it was because I was so determined to stay alive. I was desperate to see you again." He stuttered slightly on the last part, his cheeks reddening with a small grin on his dirt smudged face.
The red headed girl could not help but feel disappointed. Why did he want to see her again? After what happened with her uncle? His life was nearly ended because of her!
"You- you should not be happy to see me." She frowned and looked at the floor, her head no longer facing him.
"Why not?" Michael looked confused and cocked his head slightly, like a little puppy. She was his friend after all, and he wanted to make sure that she was okay. He hated to see her like this. Her feelings pummeled to the ground like a piece of rubbish, because of her uncle.
"Didn't you nearly die because of me?" She choked out, tears threatening to pour out her eyes once again. She closed her eyes shut once more.
"No! Of course not. That was your uncle, remember?" He asked, concerned. Michael was very confused, did she suffer from memory loss because of her uncle? He was desperate to find out.
"You don't understand, Michael. It is all my fault."
Michael opened his mouth but was alerted to hear footsteps that were coming towards him. But they sounded very odd, as if the person was wearing a heavy boot on one foot. And he knew one person who was able to make those kind of sounds. And he instantly gulped when the shadow of Davy Jones was revealed on the wooden floor. Growing bigger and wider.
His chestnut eyes looked up and saw the captain, stood on the other side of the cell, he wasn't looking like he was furious, but he looked intrigued. He was still a terrifying sight to see though.
"Captain!" Michael quickly stood up, grabbing the wooded cup along, the red headed girl stood too, looking very panicked now. Her breathing was becoming very quick.
"Ah don't recall that Ah gave yeh order to come down here, Stephenson." He uttered in a low growl, his eyes fixed on the young boy.
"S- sorry sir. It is just that she was my friend before I joined your crew. And I really wanted to see her, sir." Michael quickly explained himself, his chestnut eyes glancing to his best friend and back towards the cursed captain. He really hoped that he wouldn't be punished for such a small matter.
The captain didn't reply straight away, as his eyes lingered on the wooden cup in Michael's hand, it was dripping with water slightly.
"Very well. You may leave."
To be honest, Michael was a little taken aback by the reply. He thought that because Jones knew that he had brought her down some fresh water, he would be yelling at him, maybe deciding to throw him off the ship for disobeying orders. But no, he was just going to let him go, like that?
"Ah'll be speakin' to her alone- ah."
Michael looked horrified at the thought of his best friend being alone with the captain. Especially a cursed one like Davy Jones! His head turned to the red headed girl and the captain back and back again. Unable to think straight. If he stayed then he would probably get into trouble, and he didn't want his friend going through all that again.
"Y- yes sir." Michael glanced at his friend, his face giving the impression that he was really sorry that he would have to leave her alone with Jones. He then passed the cell keys to the cursed captain and slowly left the two.
They were both alone together for the first time.
The red headed girl wanted to back further away from the captain as he entered the cell, but the back of her made contact with the wall of the ship, and she could not get away from him any more. She could already feel her entire body shaking once more as the cell door was shut.
"What is your name, lass?"
She didn't know what to say! How pathetic it was for her to forget her own name! Especially in front of the most feared man of the seas! She started to panic now, breathing very heavily as he stared at her, his cold milky blue eyes boring into her teal blue ones.
What was he going to do to her?
"I- I...uh..." she stuttered heavily as his expression grew impatient, his tentacles writhing in annoyance. He took a step closer to her, his stiff leg hitting the floor with a ominous thud. She gasped quietly in fright, eyes beginning to shine once more with tears.
"Did ya mishear me? What is your name?" He scowled, his sentence ended slowly as he studied her face. What was wrong with this child? Was she just too afraid to even speak to him?
"Worthless...My name, my name is Worthless." She quickly muttered out from her lips, looking down at the floor in shame.
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abloomntime · 4 years
A Bloom In Time Ch 23
"Last stop Express Town. Thank you for choosing PenCo Metro for all your space travels. We at PenCo value your time as customers and hope to see your lovely faces again soon. And hope you enjoyed your space traveling experiences with us." The few penguins that were on the metro along with Poppy, Cookie, and the girls excited the space train as it sat still in the giant tower like structure funnel that would take it back upwards to the moon. Passing a few other penguins and maybe an owl or two heading back towards it. "Attention boarding passengers. The Evening Express back to the moon will leaving within fifthteen minutes. Please be sure to have your luggage in hand when you board."
"Does he always have to say the same thing every time we use it?," Mu asked earning a slight frown from Cookie.
"That's his JOB. It's what he's supposed to do. Don't complain about him doing his job correctly."
Whelp. Here they were. Down on the planet finally and had real dirt under her feet.....Or sand. Really, REALLY hot sand. Blue eyes gazed around her at the scorching desert surroundings and the decently sized town of owls walking around. It looked as if she just walked into a western movie and stopped. There must've been at least a hundred and twenty different buildings if she was estimating it good enough from their spot on the hill. It was a decent sized town all right. Not too big. Not too small. But absolutely hot with the afternoon sun beating down on them and such. One gigantic building stood in the dead center of the town and it had a decent sized parking lot too. She was certainly more at ease and comforted at least. Express Town certainly looked more her time than the flashy neon lights of Moon City that's for sure. Smiling she followed along Cookie as the girls ran ahead of them a few feet giggling and playfully shoving at one another kicking up sand.
"This place looks pretty rustic," Poppy commented smiling. From the hill she could also see a set of train tracks leading into and away from the town and beside that was a train station. Everything just looked as it was in a western like town in her day. Not that she's ever been to one, but she did have relitives who did.
Cookie nodded in front of her watching the girls with a smile. "That there big building is the Dead Bird Studios. Most of the owls who live here work there or in the small shops around town. You see Conductor may be a little.....loud but he loves supportin' local shops here. He gets all his costumes from the famous clothing store nearby, and his coffee from Jukebox Cafe'. They have a delicious bird seed chocolate cappuccino...If you don't mind birdseed that is. My own little resturaunt is right across the street from the studios. I always wanted one, and thanks to the directors' generosity I finally did."
".....I think I actually saw one of this Mr. Grooves's picture shows now that I think about it." Her memory went to two night before while cleaning the attic and kitchen. She still couldn't sleep after a while and stayed up a bit watching something she couldn't remember fully on the television the girls left on.
"Oh really? Well Mr. Grooves certainly has a more flashier taste than Conductor but his are just as nice if you ask me," Cookie replied unbiased before looking over her shoulder at her. "The first place we'll stop by is Hawk's Eye Pawn shop."
".....Pawn shop?"
"It's kinda like a trading post. You trade things there for pons or bye somethin' they have on the store shelves."
Oh. So a trading post. She knew what those were alright, had one on the edge of the town she lived in. Where she got most of her furniture and goods actually. Following Cookie, they all went into the town of owls. And she got a good look at everyday life in a town of owls and birds. As soon they stepped foot in there she could see that everything was made a little taller thank goodness, she didn't feel like crawling through any more doorways and tunnels feeling awkward and big and clumsy. Funnily enough most of the houses they passed seemed to be nothing more than homes, if the stores didn't have open signs or display cases in their windows, she would've thought all of these were just more homes for these owls. And speaking of the owls, most were just walking around minding their own business, walking in or out of buildings, and Poppy even saw a few elderly owls in the comfy seats of rocking chairs on shady porches watching the world go by. The girls giggled and ran past them in a game of tag with Bow reaching her hand out trying to catch Hattie or Mu. And some of the old birds smiled at the energetic children. Poppy would admit they were definately a cute bunch as well. Still following the cat, Poppy lifted her arm up to wipe at her long bangs and forehead. It sure was hot, not surprising since it was a desert, but she hoped they'd get to this 'pawn shop' soon. And hoped it was cooler inside. The girls never got too far from them as they ran around kicking up dust and sand in their game as Poppy switched between watching them and looking around fanning herself. Where did they all get that energy? It was too hot to play in her opinion, and the weight of the gold in her apron was starting to hurt her neck and shoulders a bit. That was soon all solved when Cookie turned in front of an all brown wooden building and started up the steps leading into it. Of course Poppy and the girls following behind and running in. A small bell above the door rang out as the door was opened and Poppy sighed at the wave of cool air hitting them as they waltzed in. But was surprised at the stuff she saw. Calm guitar music played from a small radio in the corner as an owl held his head in his wing looking boredly at them from the desk, to his right was a register. All around the place was cluttered items jammed everywhere. From beds, to pots and pans lining the walls, to random objects she'd never seen before.
With a sigh the owl spoke. "Welcome to Hawk's Eye Pawn Shop, where we have a hawk's eye view for priceless and useful objects. Feel free to ask if you need any help.....or not, " he said in a flat tone. Giving Poppy the feeling of slight annoyance in her as she raised a brow. Luckily Cookie stepped in before anyone else could as the girls ran around looking at things like normal children their age did. Walking right up to the desk as the owl followed along lazily with his eyes as he stared at Cookie before rolling his eyes. "Hello, Ma'am. How may I assist you this fine evening?"
"Glad you asked." Cookie pointed over at Poppy. "My friend here has a lot of gold she'd like to trade in today."
"..Gold?" Immediately the owl's interest peeked as he chuckled and finally smiled at them, "Oh w-well this IS a surprise! Please come, come! You've come to the right place, Miss." He gestured for Poppy to come over and reluctantly she did as the owl rubbed his hands-....uh..Wings together and smiled widely at her. "Just allow me to measure it a-and we can get you your pons, Ma'am."
"Uh...Ok." She reached down to the larger pocket of the two and pulled out the heavy gold cheese wheel, it must've been fifteen pounds at least. She set it with a small thump on the table and the owl hooted in surprise at the large item she placed down. Blinking and gawking in surprise at the large thing. ....Which was followed by the trophy, and the potion bottle out of her large pocket. And then the Mafia statue, pencil, candle, gear, and cheese slice. The owl gawking at all the things laid out before him in pure gold glory. "There ya go. That's the lot of it."
The owl sputtered blinking at them all....Before reaching up to pull out a small magnifying device out of his breast pocket and picked up the golden candle. "T-T-This is!...INCREDIBLE!! I've never seen such fine craftsmanship in my life! AND IN PURE GOLD!! It's unmistakable! Pure. Solid. Twenty four carrot GOLD!!" He could almost FEEL the heat radiating off the candle, it almost looked like it could've been real at one point. He looked back at Poppy unbelieving. "W-Where did you ever aquire such beautiful items?!"
"Oh...I- Uh..." She had to think fast. She wasn't about to tell some stranger some magic alien potion turned these things into gold by some king roach. They'd think she was crazy. So why not tell the truth but a different truth. "My g-great granddaddy on my mama's side was a blacksmith. He worked with metal's all the time." Which was true. Her Great Granddaddy Silver Copper-field on her mother's side was a blacksmith.
"But we found them in the attic," Bow innocently chimed in tilting her head confused.
Mild panick flashed on Poppy's face. "Uh...W-Well people find all sorts of old things in their attics all t-the time!"
Which was another truth. But the owl seemed too enchanted by the items he rolled over his his hold to care about her nervous tone at all. "Well he must've been a fine crafter in his day. I've NEVER seen such beauty." He snapped up to her suddenly slamming his hands on the counter and leaning over making her jump in surprise and lean back. "I MUST have them! Won't you part with them! It'll make me the talk of the town for once besides those ratty directors!! I'll be the only bird in the world to have them!!"
Now Poppy could sense pretty well when some one was gonna fight being raised around a bunch of rowdy country folk that often fought over land and territory. And BOY! The way the two little girls and Cookie bristled at the comment the owl made sure did look like they were about to argue, but that was NOT what she came here to do. She wanted to get out and have a relaxing day seeing this new place, so thinking quickly she got between them and the owl smiling more than a greedy pirate. "Deal. But on the condition ya give me what I'm owed for it all, and the promise ya won't say a word about where ya got it from." She didn't need someone asking around in case.
He quickly agreed grabbed the gold one by one. "Oh I promise. I very, very promise. Hmhmhmhmhm!! Not one word out of me. After all I don't want anyone else to have one but me."
Poppy sighed and watched as with great difficulty the owl man just gathered up all the gold in his arms teetering and wobbling about as he went towards the left side of the counter. They all watched as he wobbled his way towards a large scale against the wall that reminded Poppy of the large scale the local banker used to have to measure her pons in whenever she went to put her savings in the bank, only much bigger. A few large clanging noises rang out as he dumped the gold into it and watched as the red arrow of the scale tipped until it measured-
"F-F-Fifty two pounds!," the owl gawked at the scales before giving a thoughtful look. "Let's see. Minus tax on gold fifty two equals up too about....." His eyes widened and he suddenly let out a hoot gripping the feathers on his head. "F-F-Five thousand pons!!"
"Oh....Do you not have that m-many pons?"
"Uh..." The owl nervously looked between her and the statues. "N-No. J-Just a little over half of it. B-B-BUT I-I C-CAN OFFER A TRADE!!" He quickly pointed around the cluttered place, as if nervous to lose the precious gold he so desperately wanted. "I-I can pay half and trade for the other! W-Whatcha say?"
Poppy stopped for a minute. Looking around the cluttered place with a raised brow, and gazing over everything slowly. That wasn't a bad idea actually. Since she could use some knew things once she gets settled on her own again and didn't need anymore help. And getting stuff for free? Now they were talking! Maybe this was the universe paying her back for all her troubles and hard work finally! Smiling she happily agreed to the deal much to the Owl's delight and he quickly scrambled about to grab all the pons he needed for the trade from a giant vault in the back and they began searching. Well, the girls found lots of little knickknacks like small toys and for Bow a large sunhat with a pretty blue bow on it and how could Poppy say no to that? Well, the red head wasn't going for any random fancy stuff like antique clocks or any other fancy thing right now. But considering $2600) was a lot of pons to trade for, she could spare them to choose a bunch of things for themselves. But looking among some used exercize bikes she found a few things she was really looking forward to see again. What else but some good old fashioned farming tools? A rake, gardon hoe, pitchfork, shovel combo! She hit the giant jackpot!! Smiling as she dragged the old things out of the dusty corner and examined them. They looked to be in good condition. Rusty and dusty, but a mighty fine condition if ya asked her.
"Uh. Ma'am, are you sure you want those?," the owl said leaning back over the counter staring, "T-Those are antique farming tools that were just dumped in the corner. No one would want them.
"I sure do!," She said smiling back at his confused face, "They're just what I needed.
"Well...Y-Yes, t-t-they're in great condition for three hundred year old tools. That's why they're here, they could run in the thousands. Are you sure you want to waste your time with them?"
"Yep!" She Heaved all of them over one of her shoulders with a smile. "I got a plan for these babies. You just keep counting the pons."
"Ok. If that's what you want. It'll be nice to get them out at least," he mumbled to himself ducking back behind the counter.
Continuing looking around a little bit, Poppy managed to find a gold club bag along with her search and stuck her new tools into it, slinging it over herself and able to carry about her new beauties easier. Turns out those tools and the old antique stove Cookie kept looking at. Poppy saw the way she kept longingly staring at it every few minutes of looking around and gladly said she'd take that for her friend here. Cookie insisted she didn't have to but Poppy's mind was already made up anyways, as stated she didn't need that much pons leftover to trade back here again anyways. And she deserved it for all the kindness she had shown Poppy a complete and utter stranger. Well it turns out the knick knacks Hattie stuffed in her hat, (just random things like a few teddy bears, jewelry, a grappling hook, and anything else a girl like her would enjoy) combined with the old stove and it's set, along with those old tools were just enough to cover the other half but she did have to fork over another 100 pons to cover the extra 100 pons the tax came out to be. The bag she was handed wasn't really big, about maybe a small decent sized pumpkin and weighed about as much as a large house cat did. And that went into her large apron pocket for safe keeping while slipping the gold back of farming tools over her. She still had $2,500 to spend. And that was quite a lot of pons especially. Luckily the things weren't as expensive as made out to be. But that did leave another question, what were they supposed to do now? Luckily Cookie had a fantastic idea after seeing the way the uh....tacky dress Poppy was wearing and had the idea for them to stop by the local clothing store much to the children's protest about how boring it was going to be. So they once again found themselves leaving the greedy owl to fond over his new prized possesions and left back out into the hot sun. Resuming their routine of Poppy following behind Cookie as she lead them down the street to wards the far side of the town as the kids ran around again chasing one another. The only difference was Bow was using one hand to keep that giant sun hat on her head now as she went around running after the first two. Poppy still couldn't figure out how Hattie kept all those things in her hat. Alien magic?
"You'll adore this lil shoppe," Cookie happily told her giving a bright grin, "They're real experts at fancy sewing. You see they make most of the costumes for the studio and the directors' movies."
"It sounds like this whole town thrives on that place huh?," Poppy stated giving a look around the old buildings and many owls walking by.
"Oh, this town has been here for quite a long time with the studios," Cookie corrected, "It's only until recently that business really thrived for lacol birds. In the less hotter winter seasons, people come from all over to get a glimpse at the two kooky canaries running those studios. Means Conductor gets some extra business running his train too, he likes to say more budget for his movies come from it."
"Wow. Really?" So this place was some kind of famous spot because of this Mr. Grooves and Conductor, whoever they might be. From what she's heard of them so far, they seemed really nice supporting local business and bringing in so many customers. And she had no reason to not trust Cookie so far. A smile graced her face when he spotted the girls run a little ways ahead of them and caught an earful of their giggles. That was until one fell over. It was just a small rock hidden in the sand that she didn't see, but that didn't stop Bow from tripping over it and faceplanting the sand, knocking up some sand in her crash. Poppy and Cookie both gave a small gasp of surprise and Poppy instantly ran over to her, metal tools clanking together on her back. Hattie and Mu had stopped hearing the thump in the sand from behind them at Bow's faceplant and watched as the curly haired girl pushed herself up. Bow laid there unmoving for a few seconds but by the time Poppy got over there to kneel next to her, she had pushed herself up crying a bit with her eyes shut and spitting out more sand from her mouth. Sun hat falling off her head as she did. Two hands grabbed her and turned her around to face the worried face of the red head as she looked her over. "What happened? Are you alright, Sweetheart?"
"My eyes burn!," Bow cried reaching her balled fists up to wipe at her face but was stopped by Poppy pulling them away.
She sighed. "Well don't rub them, you probably just got some dirt in your eyes needin' ta be flushed out." Looking around she spotted an outside water pump fountain like the one her old home hand and without another thought picked up the tiny girl and stood back up. Bow still crying at the stinging and wrapping herself around Poppy's shoulder as she walked. "Oh hush now. All you need is to rinse it out with a lil water and you'll be right as rain!" She carried Bow over to the small pump across the street and pried her off to set the small gal down in front of the Nozzle. "Now I'm going to pump some water out, and I want you to start rinsing out those eyes and mouth of yers. Ok?" Bow sniffed still crying small tears down her face and Poppy grabbed a hold of the pump handle. Pushing n pulling it up and down to summon the water underneath. A garbling sound came from the pipe's inside and with a pop sound, cold water burst out from the pipe and sprayed the small child in the face. Bow jumped in surprise at the sudden cold water on her but sputtered and swiped at her face and the stream of water hitting her. After a few more seconds of it, Poppy stopped and allowed the strong stream to trickle slowly before stopping completely. She watched as Bow turned her cheek the other way and spat out a mouthful of water, coughing and wiping at her face. Now all soaking wet. She rubbed at her eyes for a moment before blinking her eyes open and looking up with red eyes. There we go. Now that she could see, her eyes would be irritated for a lil bit, but it wouldn't be worse than just someone suffering from a bit of hay fever. "There we go. All better."
....Bow sniffed and blinked. Wiping one eye with her hand and looking down at herself, her other hand grabbing her white jacket. "Now I'm all soaked and cold."
"Uh...Yeah." Poppy rubbed her head. "Kinda figured the sun would dry ya out, but I guess I can buy ya a new dress while we're at this here clothin' store.''
"...*sniff* Really?"
"Absolutely." Walking back over, Poppy bent down and repicked Bow up into her arms letting the little girl grab onto her. "We'll get ya a nice pretty dress that'll make you look like a darlin' lil princess!...Well more of a princess than you are already."
Bow smiled again sniffing and Poppy smiled at her...But paused when she heard someone else awing at them from behind and when she turned around there was a pair of old birds on a shady porch right behind them. The old birds were smiling at them from their rocking chairs like what they were seeing was the most precious thing in the world. "It's so nice to see such a responsible and caring young mother these days," one of them spoke smiling widely, "Your daughter looks like a darling little one."
......Poppy blinked. "Mother? Who me?" She pointed at herself with her free hand before shaking her head. "O-Oh! No, no! I'm not her mother! I'm just watching her for someone I know!"
"Oh, that's too bad. You would make a lovely mother for the dear."
Poppy chuckled nervously but Bow seemed to be looking at her with a strange look. "My...Mother?"
Giving a small thanks Poppy quickly excused herself from the watching eyes of the old birds and back over to Cookie who was waiting for them with the other two children. Wiping dust from the pretty sunhat and looking up at the soaked child in her arms. "Well. I can see we'll be needing to take care of that while we're in there too."
Poppy gave another nervous chuckle but grabbed the sun hat, handing it back to Bow who gladly plopped it back onto her head. Well, guess they weren't going to wait on getting this lil gal some dry clothing. Following Cookie the rest of the way there, they all came across possibly the girliest lookin' store Poppy had ever seen. It was all painted pink and white and had flowers in window pots. Well seeing those cute lil things made her smile at least, she always loved flowers. Above a sign was nailed above the door reading Mrs. Talon's Fabric Shoppe. Guess they were going in when Cookie walked right on up without a second thought so naturally Poppy and the children followed suit. A bell above the door rang like before and thank PECK it was another building big enough she didn't have to crawl through to get there. Upon entering it was the same pink and white themed as the outside. Along the walls was shelves upon shelves of fabric, balls of yarn and threads of all colors, sewing machines for sail along with smaller kits, and anything else one would need for making clothes. Such as buttons, sequins, patches, and books of patterns or techniques. Poppy noticed there was also a giant pink curtain in the back and next to that was a rack of already made dresses with a sign that said 'discount bin half off'. In the very front of the store was a white counter, and a lady owl wearing a floral dress with glasses that made her eyes look too big for her face, but unlike the first owl this cashier welcomed them all with a smile and friendly voice.
"Good Evening, Customers! Welcome to Mrs. Talons! Here we tailor to creatures large and small," she replied in a high pitched tone, "How may I-...I-I..." Her impossibly large eyes went wide seeing the crew of five girls waltz in as Poppy closed the door shut with her foot. "I-....I DON'T BELEIVE IT!!" She suddenly squealed startling the red head woman into almost dropping Bow and blinking at the pig like squeal before the owl lady leaned over the counter looking at Cookie. "I DON'T PECKING BELIEVE IT!! THE COOKING CAT IS IN MY BOSS'S STORE!! M-Ma'am I'm your b-biggest fans! My owlets love your deep fried worm and rice recipe!" Cookie didn't even seem fazed as she chuckled and waved. Making the more owl all the more nervous at having the cat celebity in her store. "H-How may I help you, Ms. Cat?"
"Please. Call me Cookie." Cookie pointed at Poppy still holding Bow in her arms. "We got a youngin' who's in need of some dry clothes and a fashion emergency if I say so myself."
The owl looked up at the two humans adjusting her glasses and frowning at Bow's soaked clothes and the absolutely ghastly amount of tacky lace and fake rubies studded to the collar of Poppy's dark blue dress. Not a good mix, it looked like she was a desperate rich lady trying to play the part of princess. "Oh...I certainly see why. Well, unfortunately with my boss away currently working on a large order for Mr. Grooves, I can't offer anything except for the designs left out from last year's tourism season." She gestured a wing over towards the bargain bin and Cookie slightly frowned at the limited suppy.
"Are you sure you can't make one?"
The owl shook her head. "Sorry, Ma'am. For you I would in a heartbeat, but I'm just the cashier. I ring people out and offer assistance if the customer has questions. The only tailors are my boss and her assistant and they're already away on a giant order call. But if you're interested we do provide everything you need to sew yourself."
"That won't be needed," Poppy cut in slowly lowering Bow to the ground and standing back up and walking to the bargain rack, "I ain't the kind of picky prissy gal a lot of folks I knew was." Walking up right to the rack she skimmed through the options of dresses available and to be honest most were plain day to day dresses without any patterns, but that suited her just fine. She wasn't real picky when it came to clothing as long as it fit ok and it didn't look like the ghastly thing she was wearing so she just grabbed a few random dresses off the bargain pile that was the same size she was wearing. A plain all pink and green one. One that was all white with purple flowers all over it. Another green one with a picture of a kitty cat in the middle of it. And just a purple one with some kind of black vine pattern. Looking back up, she noticed Cookie writing on a piece of paper as the owl excitedly watched, and she gave another small squeal when Cookie handed whatever it was over to her. How strange. Two of the girls were boredly bouncing some yarn balls...Where was- She got her answer when Bow pushed past her and reached up to rummage of her own accord, after a moment pulling out the only thing they seemed to have in a child's size. A bright orange dress with a single daisy on it's front. Her cringe made Poppy chuckle a bit and reach down to pat her head. "Hey. May not be the most pretty, but it's just til we get back an' then you can wear anything ya want. Alright?"
She didn't look happy but relented. "Fine."
"That's my girl!" She gave bow a smile as the little girl blinked and gave Poppy a confused look as she walked to the counter dresses in her arms.
"Your girl?"
Well, the clothes were bought. Which equaled up to about fourty six pons for all of the dresses including Bow's which she changed into behind the curtain. She was dry now but she didn't look like it stomping out and staring at her clothes in disgust. Well with two more bags in hand, one for her new dresses and one for Bow's, they excited the store and the girls were glad to not be coped up in there anymore except for Bow who followed the first two with crossed arms as the adults followed out.
"Come back anytime! Thank you for your purchase!," the cashier called out behind them and Cookie waved back.
"Ya seem to be well known, Huh?," Poppy asked the cat and Cookie shrugged.
"Lots of folks enjoy my work. Who am I to complain?"
"Touche." Poppy sucked in a deep breath and looked out into the world around them with a smile. "Man it's good to see ground that ain't littered with ghosts! But I wish it wasn't so hot!"
"Well this is a desert." Cookie smiled at Hattie chasing Mu around the two using Bow in the middle as a barrier from each other. "But they don't seem to have a problem with playin' anyhwere."
Poppy shrugged. "Doesn't surprise me with what I've seen. But I am surprised they aren't thirsty."
Cookie turned to her. "Why? Are you?"
"Well. A lil bit. When's the next ride back to the moon again?"
"Uh...Well I believe it's just a lil bit past noon, ya'll have to wait for the night train at ten o' clock."
Poppy snapped her head to her with a surprised face. "Wha- THAT LATE?"
"Well it IS the night train for a reason Sugar. But tell ya what, I'll treat ya'll to some real good food at the Jukebox cafe while ya wait." She started stepping towards somewhere else and Poppy slowly followed after.
"Oh no. You don't have to. It's alright."
"And let you eat nothing but a cheese wheel and apples?," Cookie shook her head, "Oh no, no. That wouldn't do at all."
"Ain't there a market or tradin' post with food in these here parts?," Poppy asked back making Cookie chuckle nervously.
"Well....Yes. B-But since everyone in town are actually birds, they don't really sell food catering to humans or many other species except for coffee and what's served in the cafe's since those places get to see more of a diversity especially when tourism comes a callin'. Otherwise it's bird seed, worms, insects, some fruit, and anything else birds eat. Most of what else they get is ordered from the city a couple miles away or mafia town. "
"Oh great. Guess it's cheese and apples for supper tonight then." Her stomach growled and she placed a hand to it shyly making Cookie chuckle.
"Don't worry. I'll send ya'll home with some left overs from mah kitchen set at the-...." Poppy suddenly stopped mid step body completely frozen as if she was paused in the middle of a movie and Poppy almost stepped on her tail stopping just in time. Cookie suddenly grabbed her fuzzy cheeks with a frown. "Oh no!"
"What's wrong?"
"I left my handbag at my set in the studios! My bird passport and wallet's in there, it let's me get free supplies from the cafe with the reward points."
"So...That means?"
"We're going to have to make a pit stop at the studios before anyone eats."
0 notes
canid-slashclaw · 4 years
The Outliers - A Guild Wars Love Story
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9,  Chapters 10 and 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16 , Chapter 17
Chapter 18
"Right this way, ma'am," said one of the charr medical attendants who opened the door to Amalthia's convalescent room.
Centurion Siri Blastfuse stepped through the metal-lined archway as she looked towards the female attendant and said in a low but stern voice. "No one is to disturb us. Is that clear?"
The mother strode over to the bed where her daughter lay. She pulled up a rough-hewn stool, sat down then started caressing her cub's muzzle with the long claw from her index finger. She then jabbed her claw into Amalthia's upper lip testing to see if her cub was still in an unconsciousness state.
My mouthy little whelp. For the first time, you have nothing at all unpleasant to say to me. How ironic is that? If I wanted to, I could pry your jaws open and tear out that belligerent tongue of yours.
"No matter," her mother said into her daughter's upper ears in a gruff, but soft voice. "It's not like you can hear a damn thing I have to say, anyway. Which is fine by me."
She started to stroke her daughter's head gently. "You think I am a cruel charr dam for treating you the way I have been all these years. But the truth of the matter is, I am cruel because I have to be. Naive little cub, this world is an unforgiving and lonely place where anything you care about can be taken away in an instant. For my own survival, I learned to stop caring long ago. And it is unfortunate that you haven't yet learned such a lesson."
Amalthia's chest rose and fell at a steady breathing pace as her head rested upon a thick pillow, her visage calm and serene. Her mother slowly ran her long claw down the center of her daughter's mouth, along her neck then stopped at the middle of her chest.
"You may wonder if I hate you. Well, in one sense, I do hate you. I hate you because, out of all my cubs, it is you who reminds me of the dam I once was." Siri cocked her head as her seemingly cruel gaze softened for a moment.
"Before your siblings successively perished, I was like you in so many ways - carefree, hopeful for my future... even caring... if you can possibly believe that. But fate changed all that; you changed all that for me. Of all my cubs, you - the weakest and most obnoxious - managed to survive."
"Though your body is frail, your heart has remained strong and positive. Now that, dear cub of mine, is why I both adore and resent you at the same time. Your spirit, for lack of a better word, has never yet wavered. So many times, I wanted to break it, to break you until you became like me," Siri shook her head as she traced Amalthia's chest using her claw.
"Yet there is a part of me that doesn't want you to be broken. I suppose I do what I do to you for your own good. If you can endure me then you are strong enough to endure anything."
"No whelp. I will never go soft on you. Not ever!"
"Bah! Why am I even murmuring to your unconsciousness carcass anyway? Better yet, why am I even talking aloud at all?"
Siri reached into her jerkin, pulled out a small burlap bag then set it down upon the dresser next to her daughter's bed. "These made me think of you during a time when the worst thing that came out of your mouth was vomit."
"Anyway... enjoy them, cub... for old times sake, of course."
Her mother stepped out the door without saying anything further. When she saw the assistant she beckoned her close then stated in a threatening tone. "See to it that she is provided adequately. I want updates of her progress."
"Yes, centurion."
"One last thing - under pain of death, you are to never reveal to her or anyone else that I was ever here. You got that?"
"Of course." Nervously, the attendant saluted Amalthia's mother, as she was about to depart.
Siri cast one last look over her shoulder and said with the slightest of grins. "Have a most pleasant rest of your day."
There. I can be nice to others, sometimes.
Kaleb arrived at the Blazeridge Butcher Shop the following early morning carrying a small bundled gift item. He knocked on the door hoping that he didn't arrive too early and wake Ludrick prematurely.
Within a few minutes, the door opened. The enormous charr stood in front of him wearing a bloody smock and carrying an enormous meat cleaver in his pawed right hand. His claws were still dripping with blood from an order he had just finished prepping.
"Good morning, sir." Kaleb saluted him with deference.
"And top of the morning to you, my furless friend. Sorry if I don't return the salute. I've had that trick played on me one too many times. People say I look scary enough as it is even without the blood on my attire."
Kaleb laughed as he stepped through the door being careful not to bump into Ludrick's cane or chronically injured foot.
"Judging by the blood, my guess is organ meat. Liver in particular," he observed.
"Close. Kidneys and tripe to be exact."
"Tripe. Jeese! I gag just smelling the stuff. Why people would even eat that is beyond me," Kaleb jested.
"You're supposed to be the fancy chef. Am I right?"
"Sure, but..."
"But nothing. Expand your palette, cub. Some of the best flavors come from some of the most unexpected ingredients. Bah! Getting me off track, aren't ya?" Lucrick laughed.
"It never hurts to lighten the mood, especially when the rest of the day will be anything but."
Ludrick washed his hands then removed his apron before doing some last minute tidying up. He put the customer's order into a freezer chest then began repacking the rest of the meat case.
"I gave Ralph keys to this place while we are gone. He's a good kid who is eager to learn the cutting trade and I trust him enough to tend to the shop while I'm away."
Kaleb helped him out where he could by tossing an extra layer of ice onto the tray of fresh shrimp and crawfish. As they were working to get the market counter prepped, he asked. "Any updates on Amalthia's condition?"
"None. That's why we need to go to the Black Citadel in-person."
"I can get the dolyak hitched up to the wagon in a jiffy once we are through here," Kaleb stated.
"I appreciate that very much."
Once all of the necessary opening preparations had been completed, Kaleb hitched up the wagon then helped Ludrick into the front seat. After climbing into his own seat next to the big charr, he whistled aloud for the sluggish dolyak to move. The beast faltered momentarily before finally taking a hint that moving was far better than hearing the incessant sound of a cracking whip.
"Waypoint's not too far away. I can pay someone to return the cart to the corral once we get there," Kaleb stated.
Ludrick pointed towards the horizon. "How about we bypass the waypoint entirely. If you don't mind, I would very much like to take the scenic route till we get to Lion's Arch. From there we can gate into the Citadel."
"Fine by me."
As the human and charr meandered along the winding roadway on the rickety cart, the odd pair was stared at by a number of passers by who seemed amazed that such a non-violent coexistence was even possible. Kaleb laughed to himself over the peoples' reactions while Ludrick just grumbled and shook his head.
The old char turned and looked at Kaleb and said, "I am glad you came. This means a lot to both me and Amalthia."
"And I'm glad to be here, sir. However, I get the feeling that you wanted to take the scenic route for more than just fresh air. Am I correct on that assumption?"
Ludrick smiled. "You are a keen observer, cub. There is something you and I need to discuss first before we arrive at our destination."
"It's about the nature of my relationship to Amalthia. I understand, sir. She and are close friends, and I care deeply for her... as a friend." Kaleb knew where this conversation was going.
"So long as you both understand that, then everything will be fine. Just remember one very important thing - there are some lines that should never be crossed. Doing so only results in heartache and misery for everyone."
Ludrick bowed his head and closed his eyes as if reflecting on something.
"The one thing I understand, sir, is that the world is always in a state of change. She and I are responsible enough to know when to do the right thing. I will never willingly do anything to dishonor either you or her. She is too much of a good soul for that," Kaleb said as he held his head up high.
"Good. Then I trust that you will honor the boundaries and treat her like the good friend that she is."
Kaleb parsed his words carefully. "I will respect her judgment and follow my moral guidance."
Ludrick eyed him with what seemed like a slight degree of skepticism. But, his only response was soft chuff.
"One last thing."
"I'm sorry for the argument that happened between you and Amalthia. I was partly responsible for creating the situation. You are a good man, Kaleb. And it was not my intent to cause undue friction between you and my daughter," Ludrick said apologetically.
"I guess friendships go through these relationship growing pains, sir. She and I are evolving past them and learning as we go along."
They had reached Lion's Arch by evening. The asura gates lay arranged in a semi-circular pattern as the one leading to the Black Citadel was flanked by two legionnaires who guarded the entryway.
"This is it, cub. If this is your first time in the Citadel, then it would behoove you to stick very close to me. Treaty or not, there are still many charr who don't look too kindly on humans being in their city. But if any of them gives you grief, they'll have to answer to me," Ludrick said as he slapped Kaleb on the back.
The force of the hit nearly knocked him off his feet and into the concrete. "Oh, sorry. Guess I don't know my own strength sometimes."
Kaleb just laughed. "I guess all those years of swinging meat will do that to ya, huh sir?"
"Damn right! Now let's get moving. Daylight isn't going to give us a free pass, yanno."
They passed through the waygate and emerged on the other side into the bustling metallic city that was known as the Black Citadel. The air was thick with the acrid stench of soot and smog. And mulling amongst the paved roads of iron, were scores of horned feline figures almost all clad in some type of battle armor.
"Ah. The smell of home - nothing quite like it. Come to think of it, I haven't seen this place in, gah! Decades..." The old charr let out a hearty laugh.
For the first time in his life, Kaleb found what it was like to have everyone staring at him. What's more, most of the stares looked none too friendly either. As the two of them began wandering closer to the crowds, Kaleb could hear the flurry of slurs and derogatory comments being hurled in his direction.
"Say it to my face, fleabag! If you have a problem with this human then you have a problem with me!" Lucrick raged at a couple of Blood Legion soldiers who directed some epithets at Kaleb.
"Unless yer takin' that thing to the meathouse to be cooked, I suggest you get it out of our sight. Don't you know it's bad manners to allow your food to be wandering around?" Retorted one of the soldiers.
Within a split second, Kaleb pulled back his trench coat, drew forth his revolvers then promptly shoved the barrels down each of the charrs’ mouths.
"You whiskerfaces really talk big. But that's all ya do... talk. Now, lemme introduce you to my two friends here, Lulu and Sweetpea. My friend here happens to be one of your peoples' most decorated war heros. His name is Ludrick Crushblow. Ever hear of him? Now, if you don't mind providing him with a much-needed apology, then I suggest the both of you do so, quickly." Kaleb shoved the barrels even further down their mouths.
The two soldiers nodded in submission. "C... Crushblow? The Ludrick Crushblow?"
"The one and only, fleabag! I'm still waiting on that apology." Ludrick stared down the one soldier.
"S... sorry, sir." The other one saluted. "W... we didn't know who you were, sir."
"Now you do... begone! Otherwise I just might ask this deranged mouse to knock holes through both your skulls."
Kaleb withdrew his revolvers as the two soldiers beat feet away from him as fast as possible. He couldn't help but laugh at the situation.
"Welcome to the real Black Citadel, cub."
"Actually, I think I might like it here. At least the people are honest about what they think. Besides, if someone gets too out of line... I can always just up and kill 'em!" Kaleb gave a devilish grin.
"I like you, Kaleb. I can understand why Amalthia does too. Now let's stop providing cultural exchanges with the locals and find our girl," Ludrick said as he beckoned for Kaleb to follow.
"Sir. Shouldn't you find an ox cart to ferry you around? I mean it's got to be excruciating walking on just that cane all the time," Kaleb commented.
"Sitting on my duff can be construed as a sign of weakness, even for someone in my condition. No cub. I have to suck it up and move around on my own two feet."
Ludrick inquired with several of the locals as to the location of the infirmary. Once he was directed to the right place, both he and Kaleb soon found they way to their destination. To their surprise, they were greeted by an asuran nurse who directed them towards the room where Amalthia was staying.
A sylvari dressed in what appeared to be an ornate medical garb walked from the room as he was checking a billfold of some sort. He glanced up at the human and charr then said in an even-toned voice while checking his chart.
"Ah. Sire, Ludrick Crushblow, I presume?"
"Yes." The charr nodded.
The sylvari gave a slight bow interleaving his hands as a gesture of respect. "I am doctor Ellemeyre, and this is my assistant, nurse Ona. It is good you are here as there are a few matters I wish to go over with you."
"I'm Kaleb. And I'm here as well," the young man said, trying to get some acknowledgment from the doctor.
"Um. Yes. Anyway, Mister Crushblow. I wanted to inform you that your daughter's injuries, though serious, are healing up nicely. However, there is one problem."
Ludrick looked up at the doctor with a sense of dread. "Whatever it is, please tell me. And Kaleb - you have a right to know as well so don't feel you have to leave on my account."
Kaleb nodded quietly.
"Sir. Due to the length of your daughter's duration between the time of her wound and treatment, the level of infection that spread throughout her uterine area was quite extensive. Although we were able to remove the infection, the damage it had caused has resulted in our having no option but to remove one of her ovaries. The scarring has left her uterus in a fragile state. To put it plainly, she will no longer be able to bear cubs," the sylvari doctor said in a somewhat somber tone.
The news hit Ludrick like a ton of bricks. His only child would no longer be able to carry children of her own. He would never see his lineage continue. As the full weight of this information bore down, Ludrick sank to his knees and quietly wept.
"I'm sorry," was the only thing the doctor said before he departed.
The nurse stood next to the old charr and asked him if he wanted some type of refreshment. He shook his head and she departed as well.
Moments later, three more charr emerged from around the corner and headed towards Kaleb's direction.
"Hey! What's that mouse doing here?" Krenesh growled as he saw the young man.
"Maybe she ordered it as a take-out menu item," Navina commented as she brushed past him and turned around staring him down in the face.
Bogo just looked at Kaleb and said as he held up his pawed hand. "Uh. Hi."
"I like you. At least you are polite. But you other two might need a little lesson in courtesy," Kaleb said as he was about to unbutton his trench coat.
"Kaleb! No! Not here!" Ludrick growled as he stood up while resting his right arm on his cane.
Both Navina and Krenesh said in unison.
"Uh. Hiii!" Bogo said in a much more affable tone.
"Listen you knuckleheads, this boy has gone through hell in high water to see my cub. If either of you have problems with it then you can take it up with me." Ludrick snarled at the two charr.
"That's Amalthia's dad, by the way. You know, Centurion Ludrick Crushblow the one who fought off an entire platoon of Ebonguard and saved his warband?" Kaleb said with a smirk.
"Uh. So sorry, sir. I meant no disrespect," Navina said as she saluted the old centurion.
Krenesh begged for forgiveness as well. "Yes. My humblest apologies. I did not know."
"Hey guys. Kaleb's a human!" Bogo 'astutely' observed with a wide grin.
Navina held out her hand waving it to Krenesh. "Okay, pay up sucker. I was right all along!"
"Damn! I would never have thought..." Krenesh said dejectedly as he pulled out some coin and handed it to his mate.
"Just who the heck are you folks, anyway?" Kaleb asked.
Shaking his head in disbelief, Krenesh said nothing. Navina, on the other hand, was far more forthcoming.
"We are part of her warband, the Blades. So you are Ama's mate, right? I would never have..."
"Friend," Ludrick corrected her, "she and him are friends and nothing more."
"Whatever you say, sir." Navina saluted the old charr then turned her head and gave Kaleb a wink.
"It's nice to meet you guys in the flesh. Amalthia's told me all about you. Anyway, can we see her?"
Kaleb was anxious to see his love once again.
Her father had already peeked through the door. He stepped out then turned his head and pressed his clawed index fingers to his lips. "She's asleep. Come in, but be quiet about it."
Kaleb saw his love lying on her right side, serene as if nothing bad had ever befallen her. As he moved closer, he could see her chest slowly heaving in and out. Her nostrils flared to the rhythmic flow of her breathing while her arms lay cupped under her head. Almost instantly, Kaleb noticed a familiar odor. As he began sniffing around the room, he noticed the smell coming from the brown burlap bag that was on the table. He reached over, opened the bag and smiled as he saw what was inside.
"Cinnamon covered Maguuma nuts, shells on," he said softly as he took a few of them out and placed them next to her muzzle.
Kaleb turned to look at everyone while holding the bag out as an offering.
"Try these. They are to die for."
"You're gonna wake the dead talking as loud as you are," Krenesh said in a noticeably louder voice as he turned his snout up at the offering.
"I think she's playing dead. She hears us. Am I right?" Kaleb leaned over just inches away from her ears.
"See. They twitched when I said that. She's only faking it." He then walked away turning his back on her as he beckoned for the others to gather around him.
"The cubs' been through enough as it is. She needs rest. I'm going to go spray a wall, I've been holding it in for far too long and my bladder is about ready to burst," Ludrick said as he headed out from his daughter's room.
As Kaleb huddled with the three warband members, facing away from Amalthia, he suddenly felt something hit the back of his ear. He looked down and saw a husk from a Maguuma nut.
"Cower before the ferocious fusillade of her mighty Magumma nut barrage!" He said aloud.
"Kaleb! You'll wake her!" Navina chided.
He felt the back of his head being pelted by another husk.
"For she is charrr!!" Kaleb shouted as he turned towards her while the other three charr looked on in disbelief.
Amalthia was awake.
Kaleb ran over to her and gave her what amounted to a bear hug. Flush with excitement, the two began nuzzling and gently kissing each other.
"Amalthia! I'm so happy to be staring into those lovely ambers of yours again. I figured the nuts would rouse you out of your slumber."
"Okay. I'm gonna step outside. This is all too much for me to take in at the moment. But anyway, it's good to see that you are awake, Amalthia," Krenesh said as he grabbed Navina by the arm and dragged her along with him.
"Good seeing ya back amongst the living, sister. Sorry, but gotta go. The mate's not yet ready for inter-species primetime yet," Navina said as she disappeared though the door.
"C'mon, Bogo. You too. Leave these two lovebirds alone."
With the three warband members, plus her father gone, the room was now left with only Kaleb and Amalthia.
"Your father had to take a leak. He should be back soon," Kaleb said as he stood over her with a wide smile on his face.
Noticing his predicament, Amalthia slid over and offered him part of her bed. "Come hop in, you silly mouse. There's room enough for two."
Kaleb's face turned bright pink as he removed his shoes, sat down then stretched out next to his love.
"You know something?"
"What's that?" She asked.
"This is the first time we have been in bed together." Kaleb said with an evil grin.
On the other side of the room, Krenesh shook his head.
"Burnfur help me. I can't believe what I'm hearing."
Navina patted him on the back. "There, there. It's okay. You'll earn that coin back in no time flat."
Krenesh looked at her shaking his head. "Ugh. It's not the coin I'm talking about. My ears are beginning to burn already... and my stomach too."
Bogo looked at his bandmates and said in a sheepish voice. "I think I'm going to go to the cafe and find some grub. You cats are welcomed to join me."
Krenesh and Navina shook their heads.
Back to Amalthia's side of the room.
"I think your daddy would disapprove. Anyway, how've you been feeling? And... I'm sorry about what happened to your... cub-making abilities...," Kaleb stammered to find the right words.
"It's okay. I'm doing fine other than being groggy sometimes. Also, it's not like I had plans to be an incubator anyway. In a way it kinda makes things easier in that I'm no longer under any pressure to bear offspring," she said with a smile.
Amalthia slid down and snuggled up to Kaleb's chest even though she was still almost a head and a half taller than him. She pressed her muzzle tightly against the crook of the right side of his neck as she began playfully teasing his abdomen with her long clawed fingers.
Kaleb gently clasped her hand then lightly kissed it as he looked deeply into her amber eyes. "If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know."
Amalthia smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."
"Your father was talking to me about certain boundaries that shouldn't be crossed. He's not going to...," they were both interrupted as Ludrick returned and noticed the two of them snuggling up to each other.
Upon seeing her father, Kaleb immediately shot up from the bed then slid off. He, then, turned around and began searching for any loose nut shells that were scattered on the bed sheets.
As always, Amalthia pined for a quick answer. "Hi sire! So good to see you. I had the chills so Kaleb offered me some body warmth. For medical purposes only.... sir."
Ludrick shook his head and grumbled. "If you say so, cub."
On the other side of the room, things were getting even more intense for the two warband members.
"I thought she was gonna go for a full body warmup and go all the way. What about you, Kren?" Navina cocked her head then winked her eye as she looked at Krenesh.
"This is all giving me a splitting headache. Why would any charr in their right mind go for a human? Disgusting!"
"Different strokes for different folks, I guess." Navina shrugged.
Once again inside the room, Amalthia was directing Kaleb to hunt down the errant nut shells. Her father, meanwhile, took in the spectacle with a slight degree of amusement.
"Did your dam ever teach you to clean up after yourself?" Amalthia playfully chided with a grin.
"Me?? I'm sure yours was the epitome, no offense to your choices on mates sir, of maternal ideals."
"Um. Hello... I was raised in a fahrar since I was eight years old. My primus taught me quite well on proper table manners, thank you very much!"
"Bah! You two are arguing like a human... ohhh, nevermnind! I'll just leave you cubs alone... just no hanky panky!" Ludrick hobbled off as Kaleb wasn't quite sure if the old charr was upset or amused.
"Ohh. Kaleb? About that offer..."
"Hmm?" He cocked his left eyebrow curiously.
Amalthia lay under the covers smiling, then looked up at the bewildered human and said. "Well, you did ask if there was anything you could do for me."
"Hey. Anything to share the load."
"Oooo. Ahhhh! I'm so glad you can share the 'load' because that's exactly what I have coming..." She started to moan with the biggest smile on her face.
"Bedpan, please. Do it, now!" She grinned.
Kaleb was completely at a loss for words. But like a faithful love, he toughened up and performed the task.
"Eww! Gad! That smells horrid!"
"Meds." She giggled some more.
As he walked somberly from the room carrying his "duty", he turned to look at the other two charr who were gazing at him dumbfounded. Holding up the silvery chalice, he gently pulled back the covering as the bandmates reeled in disgust.
"Wow. Your people let some whoppers. I didn't know she could drop one this big. Wanna see?" Kaleb held the offending pan aloft as the terrible aroma wafted through the hallway.
"No!" Came their collective response.
At the other side of the room, Amalthia shouted with a silly grin on her face. "Behold! My medically-induced masterpiece! Now go throw that nasty stuff away, Kaleb."
With a sheepish grin on his face, Kaleb trotted off down the hall.
After disposing of the foul waste material, Kaleb returned within several minutes bringing with him some hygiene supplies. Upon entering the door, he saw Amalthia grooming the back of her left forearm.
"It took me a little while to find the rubbish bin, but I did snag you some extra wipes for you," he said as he kissed her on the lips.
"I won't be needing them," she replied.
Then as he gazed deeply into her amber eyes, he said. "Mmm! Your breath smells like crap."
"Like I said - I won't be needing them."
Upon hearing those words, Kaleb gave her an even deeper kiss.
On the other side of the room, once more...
"Ahh! What kind of sick, twisted... ugh! Where's a safe place I can hurl? I'm leaving! Bogo - where are you, you pussy willowed fruitcake?!" Krenesh yelled as he bounded through the hospital corridors on all fours.
"Don't leave me you numbskull!!" Navina said as she too darted out quad-footed.
Amalthia and Kaleb just laughed together.
"Well, that got rid of 'em. Now where were we?" Kaleb said as he climbed back into her bed.
For the next three hours, the couple enjoyed each others' company in a platonic sense.
Down in the cafeteria, Bogo found Krenesh sitting at one of the tables alone. He walked up to his bandmate then sat down at a table across from him.
"Hey Kren. Where's Navi?"
"Trying to replenish her stomach, that's where."
"Didn't she just eat a couple of hours ago?"
"Yeah. But she lost it...we both lost it... Gah! Forget it already!" Krenesh growled.
"No need to bite my head off. I was just curious," Bogo said with a dumbfounded look on his face.
Krenesh breathed in deeply. "Look, Bogo. Today has been one of those really, really weird... disgusting... Idunnowhat kinda days, ya got that?"
"You sound confused." Bogo looked at him strangely.
Krenesh shook his head. "Stating the obvious again, eh?"
Suddenly another charr, who had a very droopish appearance walked up and said in a tenor-pitched voice.
The dopy charr turned around and smiled wide. "Toovuuu!"
"I’m about to take a steam bath. Would you like to come?" Tovu asked with a devilish look on his face.
"Oooo. I would like that! Being in this gear all day has made me all hot and sweaty," Bogo said with a grin.
"Then I would be happy to remove all of that wretched gear from your sticky, smelly body," Tovu replied.
"My undergarments are sticky and smelly too."
"I can help you out of those as well." Tovu gave his partner a soft pat on the shoulder.
Krenesh lost it completely as he leaped up from his chair then bounded off. "Gaah! I can't take it anymore! This world has gone to the freaks!"
Tovu looked at his partner. "What got into him? Oil?"
Bogo glanced into the big, droopy charr's eyes and said in a sultry male voice. "I have no idea. Must be a lack of kitten action, I suppose. Mineral spirits, please. Oil gums up my fur, something fierce."
"You got it, you big beastie, you! Let's get you outta that dreadful gear and into something more... natural." (All chapters have been posted to AO3. Chapter 18 is posted here.)
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