#Whatever...c'mon. You like sushi?
rkaji · 2 months
(=♡ ᆺ ♡=)
- @therealpekej
...Cute. You wanna come inside?
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silentcryracha · 1 month
❍ ‗ Playing a game with Seungmin ‗ ❍
Pairing : Kim Seungmin x f reader
Summary : chapter seven of a cute standalone miniseries. It's what it says in the title
Genre/ Warnings : scenario/imagine/headcanon, drabble, fluff,
Word count : 620 words
A/n : none
ps: There could be grammar errors. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
series masterpost
Maybe it was the fact that you were two teasing little shits made for each other. Or maybe competitiveness was just in your blood. Or then again it just kind of became your thing when you went to live together.
Many things since then had become a game. Literally. Sometimes you'd be planning dates based on who won the game.
"If I manage to throw the bottles in the bin three times in a row, we're going to the next baseball match on Sunday"
"And if you miss?" you teased.
"If I miss I guess I'll just have to tag along to whatever my boring girlfriend wants to do" Seungmin rolled his eyes, toying with one of the empty plastic bottles.
"Boring? Oh, I'm gonna take revenge on that one, just so you know." you replied, waving your hand towards him. "C'mon, shoot."
Not that spontaneity was dead in your relationship or anything, you simply found it fun. You'd actually just play with each other, more than anything. A bet, an actual table game, cards, impromptu little stuff...and well of course there's the other kind of games and playing reserved for the bedroom, but still.
"I want meat tonight" he said as he threw his card pick on the pile.
"Well I felt more like sushi" you replied, placing your own card on top of his, effectively making Seungmin huff as he picked up four extra cards. You smirked, an idea already forming in your head.
"Okay, how about we start over and if i win we get sushi and if you, somehow, win, then we get meat?" he squinted his eyes, accepting the challenge.
"Bring it on"
And of course, you won. Uno was kind of your thing, you were unbeatable at it. So sushi it was. But he didn't sulk, he liked it too and regardless he knew that you could've eaten meat the next day.
When one of you was mad sometimes all it took was literally some tickles and play fight to cool down the situation. That's because it was never that serious in the first place.
"Min?" you tried again.
"Seungminnie" your voice got higher in pitch, as your arms slumped over his shoulders.
"Minnie" your head resting on his. Still nothing.
"Okay enough with the cutesy stuff, then" suddenly you started to tickle his neck with your fingers, which made him yelp and stand up from the couch quickly.
"Yah! St-stop it!" he screamed, as you climbed over the couch and dragged him back onto it, to then straddle him.
"Tell me why you came home angry and I'll stop" you manage to say as you keep attacking his sides. He can't help but contort himself, giggling and cackling like a little kid.
"I-I don't- AH- wanna talk 'bout it" he finally managed to take both of your wrists in his hands, spreading your arms above him.
"I don't want to see you sad" you justified, not trying to free yourself. He looked up back at you with his puppy eyes, then sighed.
"I'm not sad. Just annoyed. I had a small argument with one of the boys and then messed up a bunch of times at practice." he explained, "Enough?"
You gave him an understanding look and then slowly brought your hands back down, which he didn't fight, freeing them gently.
"Alright. I'm sorry it was a shitty day. If you want you can talk more about the fight later" you said sweetly, positioning yourself on his chest, hugging him.
"Now cuddles because I'm tired"
"You tired yourself out" his voice hid a smirk and some irony.
"Whatever. I did it for you, you kid."
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mysticstarlightduck · 11 days
Food Questionnaire Tag!
I was tagged by @thelovelymachinery (here) and I believe that I was also tagged by @the-golden-comet a while back but I'm so swamped with tags that I cannot find it 🥲
Rules: Answer the food-related questions provided using the voices of your OCs. The yummier the descriptions, the better!
I'll go with Dylan Millihan, Liam Steele, and Christine Nespor from What Lurks In The Hollow for this one <3
what is one comfort meal that'll change your whole mood for the day?
Dylan: Eh. It takes a lot to change my mood for the better after a bad day if I can be brutally honest. I guess some pizza is always nice - might not change my whole mood for the better but it's my favorite food so, whatever. I'd take it over anything else.
Liam: Why do you ask? (he grumbles, eyes narrowed, before begrudgingly answering) Okay, fine. I like shepherd's pie, with as much cheese as possible. Uncle Nick is a pretty good cook, all things considered, and he makes some pretty good pies. I also love the cookies, especially the chocolate chip ones me and Savvy buy in the arcade, they're crunchy.
Christine: Oh! Oh, that's a good one! I love Mac & Cheese, but not the icky takeout ones that are always chewy like gum, or the store-bought ones that taste like plastic. I'm talkin' about the homemade ones! With that sweet, melty cheese goodness with some bacon sprinkled on top. That's the one. I also love me a good coffee - can't start the day without one, but don't come to me with that iced coffee BS, I like mine pipin' hot. Like so hot it feels like it was sourced straight from the earth's core or the depths of hell's fiery abyss. Yeah. Am I weird? (laughs)
what is an experience (good or bad) that has turned you off or on to a food completely?
Dylan: Y'know, I used to love those honeycomb toffee candies, the crispy ones and all. But then during a festival, Mrs. Draycott came up to me and was like (imitates the annoying 50-year-old 'female cougar' voice) "Oh my. Sweetheart, you're looking as SCRUMPTIOUS as a honeycomb fresh from the oven, aren't you?"
And I. wanted. to. die. Like not really but (mock gags in disgust) c'mon! What kind of fucked up, 'Karen' pick-up line is that? And, better yet, who even has the time to come up with shit like that? (sighs, wearily pinching the bridge of his nose) I might need a restraining order at this point, it's giving horror movie vibes. I can't have honeycombs anymore, thanks, Mrs. Draycott. Yay.
Liam: Okay, so when I was like 7 or something, my Uncle was having this garden party with his friends, I think, and they were having sushi. Thing is, 7-year-old me didn't know what sushi was, and me being a dumb little shit thought, wholeheartedly, it was candy. Like bonbons. For some odd reason! Cue me, who had been running around the yard all day, swooping into the patio table, picking one of the sushis, running off, and eating it whole before anyone could explain otherwise. I was expecting coconut candy covered in chocolate, or something sweet. What I got... was raw fish and rice. Long story short I ended up throwing up in the garden and I could never have sushi again after that. I tried once! I swear I tried! And it's okay that people like it. But even now the texture just feels...too slimy and it gives me the ick. Nuh-uh.
Christine: I think the time I ate a hot dog at an admittedly very shady establishment - looking back with hindsight - on the side of the road one time while traveling and got salmonella. Yeah, that hotdog was not a good idea on my part (chuckles). Spent the following week almost getting my soul exorcised from my body in the bathroom, in a metaphoric sense, if ya know what I mean. Now I can't even think about eating a hot dog again. It's a nah for me, bro.
if you could eliminate one piece of produce, meat, dairy or sweets off the earth what would it be?
(I'm not sure about this one but I think all three of them would answer onions, garlic, or stinky foods because those are disgusting and should be banned from the menu lmao)
and dessert is normally saved for last, but if you could what would you order for your entree at a restaurant?
Dylan: I guess, uh. I don't know, vanilla ice cream? I know you're gonna call me 'basic' for that, but I don't care. Vanilla is the best ice cream flavor out there and this is the hill I'll die on.
Liam: Hm. The chocolate chip cookies from the arcade. Gosh, those are just amazing. I could eat a whole packet! Or two, even!
Christine: Churros! The cinnamon and sugar ones with coffee sweet cream filling. That's heaven right there for me, yeah.
what are some food fusions that should never be mixed?
Dylan: Don't you ever mix savory, fried, spicy potato chips with marshmallows or melted ice cream or... god forbid, chocolate! That should be a sin or at least some sort of infraction because holy fuck.
Liam: If I see anyone else putting freaking pineapple or worse, watermelon on pizza I swear I will have a nervous breakdown and turn into a slasher movie villain. Not quite really, but keep FRUITS AWAY FROM MY PIZZA!
Christine: I'm probably gonna get hated on for this one. But avocados on a salty toast with eggs and pepper are a hate crime against humanity and I can't stand people who think that's a reasonable breakfast.
what food spot are you gatekeeping and why?
Dylan: My dude. I'm broke. I barely go out to eat in restaurants. I mostly eat at home or order cheap takeout pizza or something. And even if I wasn't broke, I just don't like eating around people whom I don't know in general, and I don't feel much at ease at restaurants unless I am in a really good mood.
Liam: I like 'Nana's Witchy Speakeasy'. The name might be odd or off-putting but it's just a nice little diner owned by this kooky old lady named Betty, who's one of the funniest people I know to be honest. Me and my friends love going there for a snack at the end of the day, the place's great.
Christine: Not sure, but there's this one milkshake place that sells the most wonderful chocolate frappes on earth. It's a bit far from my place but gosh it's so worth it.
cooking is a life skill, why haven't you started learning yet!?
Dylan:...Why haven't I learned it? I already have. I know how to cook. And quite well at that, though not perfectly - I'm my sister's legal guardian, do you think I would be able to manage having a moody teenager in my house all the time if I didn't know how to cook? No. I just don't usually have the time and patience for it, so I end up ordering takeout, but I always make us homemade breakfast.
Liam: 'Cause the last time I tried it I almost ended up setting the kitchen on fire, carbonized one of our best skillets, and was banned from the kitchen for a year (laughs). And cause I don't have the patience to learn, and already have other people in my life who cook really well.
Christine: Hey!!!! I know how to cook. Really, really well at that. I hate industrialized food and don't really crave fast food, but I love myself some good homemade food. I cook for myself every day, it's almost like a meditation for me - it makes me happy and calm, and at the end I get to eat something delicious. It's great!
Is there a smell that reminds you of something you never want to remember?
Dylan: Not really, I'm not easily shaken by smells unless it's something really, really freaking strong or pungent, or if its those perfumes that give me a headache cause I'm allergic.
Liam: My friends and I were exploring the woods to try and find out why the place's cursed and what happened to the ghosts trapped inside, but then we stumbled across some...remains? I guess it was the remains of someone who was killed and eaten by the Mayor's ghouls, and the smell of rotten flesh felt like it was stuck to my nostrils for a week. I hated that. I so hated that.
Christine: I'm not sure. I guess not emotionally, but I do hate the smell of salads and especially vinegar-based salad dressings. It makes me wanna puke - and the thing is it's not for any particular reason. It's not a trauma or anything. I just hate the smell, it's foul.
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @wyked-ao3, @topazadine @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @thecomfywriter
@thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @amaiguri
@cherrychiplip @thecomfywriter
@differentnighttale, @leahnardo-da-veggie
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Hello is this the Vill-Inn?
I’d like to get the  BBQ Platter [captain boomerang], with the  Signature Cocktail [smut/pwp], 🍣Sushi Sampler [edging/orgasm denial] and 🥓 Bacon Bits ["i didn't say stop"].
Sorry if this was a weird way to send in the ask, I let the tism win.
general!boomer x gn!reader, word count: 300 content (warnings): orgasm denial, ruined orgasm orders open here! 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block) a/n: don't be sorry, everyone playing along has given me so much joy!! ;-; 💚
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You removed your hands from the seven inches of thick and pulsing cock, only briefly, literally for less than a second, just to scratch the side of your nose. But you were swiftly met with Digger's voice, sharp, rude, thick with an air of arrogance you were so familiar with from him.
"I didn't say stop, did I?"
"Excuse me?"
"C'mon then, love. Back to work."
He bucked his hips up, his erect cock bouncing before settling back against his abdomen. You followed it's compass point up the chiselled torso to his smug, lewd grin, where your gaze, eyebrow cocked as you questioned his attitude, caused him to chuckle before winking.
"You know what, Dig? Just for that..."
You sat forward slightly, grabbing his balls and squeezing them in your hand, pulling a sharp hiss from Digger as he sat forward himself, intrigued with where you were going.
With your other hand, you grabbed his length, holding it straight and firm, moving down to the base as you watched his head exposed by the pulled foreskin, flushed red, precum oozing out lazily.
His breath shuddered, the sudden forcefulness, the firm grip, pushing him closer to the edge of his orgasm. He bucked his hips up, thrusting his cock into your grasp as you continued pumping, a slow tight motion that had his thighs tensing, his stomach tightening.
Digger's telltale whine caught in his throat, and you knew he was seconds away from spilling himself over your fist, and whatever else it might land on. So you quickly removed your hands and stood up, walking away from him. With a grunt and a moan, his whole body shuddered to a halt, cock immediately throbbing, waiting for an ending that wasn't coming, at least not by your hand.
"Aw, fuck off! That was an absolute cunt move, babe."
You offered him your finger in response as you left the room, smiling.
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faememes · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐈𝐈: 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
Change pronouns and titles as needed!
"Being a teenager is hard, and, uh, all kids your age feel... awkward, and..."
"Ha! You know perfectly well what's kicking!"
"That song. Where have I heard it? It's Atlantica, with merpeople and everything. Mother, you always said it was just an old fish tale."
"We shall not rest until that mad woman is vanquished. FIND HER!! FIND HER!!"
"You went over the wall, didn't you?"
"I miss you, Daddy. I wish you could be right here with us."
"Actually, I went under it. I hate that stupid wall."
"________, you know you're not allowed in the sea!"
"You know these waters, and you know our daughter."
"But why, and why does that necklace have my name on it?"
"You deliberately disobeyed me! I never want you going out there again. Do you hear me? It's dangerous in the sea!"
"Grandfather, I think this belongs to you."
"How would you know? You've never even been in it!"
"Oh, _________, I can't help it. I just love the sea!"
"You’re a mermaid?"
"One minute you're on top, the next you're sushi. Now is that fair, Gramps, I ask you?"
"Hey, ________! Hey, ________! What's kickin'?"
"________, child, how many times do I have to tell you?"
"You know, when I was a teenager, you couldn't get me out of my shell for nothin'. I had this HIGH SQUEAKY VOICE and these itty-bitty liddle pinchers! Then one day, BOOM! I sound like Caruso, and these WHOPPERS pop out!"
"Hungry? Afraid all I have is a cold plate."
"Alright, _________. You must remain calm. Dis is not your fault. All you have to do is go in there and calmly explain that ________ has run away. No reason to lose your head. Whatever you do, you abso-tively, posi-tutely, must. Not. Panic."
"It is expressly forbidden for you to be swimming beyond the safety of the sea wall."
"You're not the only one with a mother who doesn't understand you. BELIEVE me."
"WAH!!! _________'S GONE, __________'S GONE, ________'S GONE!!!!"
"Oh, wishes do come true. SEE THAT, MA?! WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE NOW?!"
"Any such swimmin' is a reckless disregard of da rules. Don't ya know?"
"Mom, I'm the princess of disaster!"
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thessalian · 11 months
Faerun!Alisaie vs A Whole Lot Of Mess
Wandering through the streets of the Lower City
Wyll: Did we have to go tomb-raiding? Really?
Alisaie: I trust precisely nothing underground in this city right now.
Shadowheart: Which is why we're taking the walking tour, I imagine.
Alisaie: Pretty much. If we had a ship with Shadow Curse clinging to it docked nearby, it's a good idea to check the docks in general and--
Sahuagin: *attack*
Citizens: *cower*
Gale: ...Really?
Alisaie: Okay, this doesn't generally happen, so I guess we're searching around the docks for the source of a fish-people invasion now. But first... HEY! COME GET SOME, YOU SUSHI PLATTER WITH DELUSIONS OF SAPIENCE!
Wyll: Okay, I love the blade-work, but I did miss the literally deadly insults. *Eldritch Blasts a sahuagin into next week*
Stabnation: *ensues*
Awhile later, further down the docks...
Gale: Well. This is netting us a whole lot of nothing. Except for raiding a supply shipment of illegal nonsense.
Alisaie: I want to find all the ins and outs to the undercity before I go hunting Orin down there, so... Huh. What's that commotion over there?
Shadowheart: That's ... Volo.
Alisaie: Huh. I wondered why he wasn't hanging around our room at the Elfsong. What the fuck is he doing out here?
Volo: *tied to several barrels of smokepowder* Help! Help!
Wyll: Annoying the populace, apparently.
Volo: Volothamp Geddard; now will you do something about this?!?
Alisaie: So ... you have a thing against bards, then?
Absolutist: Frankly, yes.
Alisaie: *sigh* Everyone's a critic.
Absolutist: Wait-- You're a--?
Alisaie: College of Swords says hello, shitbag. *shanks*
Absolutist: *throws torch onto alcohol 'fuse'*
Alisaie: Oh fuck-- WYLL!
Wyll: On it! *Misty Steps to Volo*
Stabnation: *ensues*
And, once the stabbing is done...
Alisaie: They don't step in when innocent people are being attacked, but they give me funny looks for looting the corpses of people I killed in self-defense? What is wrong with people?!? Last time I checked, there wasn't a decree about leaving someone's coin to pay for their burial or anything...
Wyll: I think there were fewer dead people at the time, and the coffin-maker wasn't dealing with a month of backlog.
Alisaie: We don't dump criminals into mass graves anymore? Eh, whatever. I suppose we should check in on Volo.
Volo: You're welcome!
Alisaie: ...Excuse me?
Volo: A daring rescue was just the thing you needed to add to your legend! I have things to impart but in private! Yes! I'll be back at your camp! ...Um ... where is your--?
Alisaie: *sigh* Elfsong Tavern, upper rooms.
Volo: Fabulous! *exits in an Elfsong-wards direction*
Shadowheart: Did you have to tell him where we were staying?
Alisaie: Maybe he doesn't have anything important to tell us, but at this point, I'm not taking any risks. Now, let's head in that general direction via the Society of Brilliance. Blurg always has the best components and... Huh.
Wyll: Huh?
Shadowheart: Yes, we should probably go investigating the singing. Sounds like a Water Queen funeral. Got any offerings you'd like to make?
Alisaie: Song, respect, my sword to avenge them if they were killed--
Allandra: Yes! That one! Evil poisoned creatures came and--
Alisaie: Okay. I get it. I'll find whatever did this. Promise. I just really do need to speak to the Society of Brilliance and get a decent night's sleep. This should be fine because the gods are at least supposed to understand mortal needs and mortal frailties.
Gale; Shadowheart: *grumble*
Alisaie: I said 'supposed to'.
And, walking towards their rooms...
Alisaie: I really don't like this. Too many people are just plain missing and--
Lae'zel: This child is the imposter!
Alisaie: ...the fuck? Lae'zel, Gortash said it was one of our allies, not a little kid who barely knows half of what we've been doing-- Oh. Right. Okay, Orin, c'mon out and leave the kid alone.
'Lae'zel': *shanks the kid anyway*
Alisaie: Oh you nasty little--
Orin: *taking her true form* So I have a deal for you--
Alisaie: Where is Lae'zel?!?
Orin: Safe for now. But here's the deal. You finish off Gortash for me, then you come down to me and you and I fight it out for the stones!
Alisaie: What, no "Rule at my side" bullshit?
Orin: Oh, no. I want to make you bleed. I want you to make me bleed. We will flay each other in glorious battle and the pain and the blood and the--
Alisaie: Oh for fuck's sake shut up! How exactly am I supposed to trust you?
Orin: *shrug* Don't disappoint me, or your friend suffers. *poofs*
Alisaie: Well ... fuck.
Shadowheart: She and I never really saw eye to eye, but...
Alisaie: I know, I know. We will fix this. I just need a night to figure out how. One way or another, both of those two dickwaffles are going down, but finding the best way without getting Lae'zel killed is ... tricky.
Jaheira: I admit to being new with this entire party, but ... you didn't seem the least bit surprised when the false Lae'zel held a child at knifepoint.
Alisaie: She does that.
Shadowheart: Seriously. She does that.
Astarion: How many holes will I have poked in me by various people's weapons if I ask if we're really invested on saving someone who's been ... honestly, nothing but antagonistic, that I've seen.
Alisaie: Well, you two have seldom if ever worked together, so maybe consider there's shit you haven't seen. Also, if you want pragmatism, what's Kith'rak Voss going to say when he finds out we let a murder-happy asshole kill one of his only allies? We've already got half the gith race wanting us dead; we don't need the other half too.
Astarion: Buuuuuut you're doing it because you're a hero and she's a friend.
Alisaie: And I am giving you pragmatic reasons to let you save face and never have to admit you're worried too.
Astarion: ...Right. Insight Queen. I'm shutting up now...
Alisaie: Right. I am going to try to sleep, but first I should see if any of Volo's stuff is useful at all.
Volo: Lovely little set-up you have here! I'll just make myself at home, shall I?
Alisaie: But--
Volo: So which bed is mine?
Alisaie: But you said--
Volo: Ooh, vegetable soup!
Alisaie: .........I am going to bed so I don't yeet you out the nearest window!
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temperedsims · 4 months
Ch. 2: Mr. Popular
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3rd period ended with Naruto being a little more than annoyed. Sasuke had been in every single class of his so far. Maths with Asuma, English with Kurenai, PE with Mr. Guy. Like c'mon they were in their second last year of highschool, most of their classes were electives and yet three classes??. So what if they were the same age and their birthdays were only a few months apart, so what if they both attended the same primary school, so what if both their last names started with U, that wasn't reason enough to stick them in every single class together. He gripped his pencil a little more tightly. His fourth period was study period and usually Naruto ditched to wander around the local shopping center. Usually. But Sasuke was still at the desk beside him, and Sakura had wandered over with her pink bubblegum hair swaying prettily in the light. Ino was there too. "Sasuke, what are you doing after school?" Sakura asked him with a bright smile. "we usually hang out at the sushi shop across the road." "I'm going home." He responded. "If you're not busy, why don't you join us?" Ino asked leaning into his space. "I'm going home." He repeated a little more curtly. Naruto scoffed. Of course all the girls would be hanging all over Sasuke, and of course Mr. cool guy would turn them all down. If Naruto was asked out by girls he would take them to Ichiraku's ramen shop, it's the best place to eat in town. That didn't matter though, because Naruto was busy after school anyway. He had been asked out by some guy from the grade above to meet behind the school. Of course, that meant he wanted to fight. Naruto would beat him up if he wanted it so badly. That pansy Sasuke probably couldn't even fight at all. "Sorry," a soft voice wandered from beside his desk. Naruto looked down to see Hinata picking up an eraser she seemingly had dropped. She looked up at him, for a second, before blushing and returning to her desk. He saw her famous grey eyes for the first time and indeed they did look like a shade of purple. He thought of sasukes midnight black eyes and looked over to him involuntarily, only to find him looking back. "whatdya want, idiot?" "I don'want nothin from you, stupid." He snapped before quickly looking out the window to hide whatever expression was on his face. He and Sasuke had never gotten along and it irked Naruto to think that if Sasuke wasn't such a douche all the time, Naruto probably would have tried to be his friend...maybe. He gathered up his books and bags and hightailed it out of the classroom before he could think any more of tanned skinned and dark eyes. Naruto groaned realising that he was still thinking of Sasuke, even as he sped down the halls and away from the boy in question.
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professorxwolf · 9 months
It’d been a while since Luc had shifted, letting their bear out in the world to do what animals do best. Just like a pet, a shifter’s animal required enrichment and socialization, and it was starting to show in Luc’s temperament that they had not been very attentive to the bear’s needs. The short fuse, his anxious smoking habit, the incessant craving for sushi, they were all indicative of an impending, involuntary shift. At least, it would be, if he didn’t give it what it wanted soon. 
Eager to placate it, Luc put the finishing touches on some smaller projects around the campus and called it an early day, opting for a hike up in the North Shore. Which, according to the campus map, should have been secluded enough to provide them with a little bit of privacy.  Finding a nice bit of wilderness, Luc stripped down from his thermal wear, shivering involuntarily from the brisk winter breeze. “The shit I do for you,” he huffed under his breath, getting down to his birthday suit. Just as quickly as they’d undressed, Luc changed, his comparatively smaller frame giving way to his massive bear form. It wasn’t a painful process, at least not anymore, and if it ever had been, the memory was lost on him. Bounding through the tufts of snow like a kid on a snow day, Luc wandered through the dense forest, leaping through soft mounds of snow until they came upon a clearing. Curious, the bear stalked further onto the property, cautiously at first, and then determined when they spotted a nice little patio set they could curl up on for a bit. The snow was clear here, and with the bit of respite it provided from the snow, the bear decided it would be a lovely little place for a nap. When Luc woke up several hours later, it was to the sound of someone gently trying to shoo him. His first human thought was that engaging with a bear was kind of stupid. His second, that he should probably change before they decided to take more drastic measures. Snatching up the long lounge chair cushion, the bear wrapped it around his waist and shrunk down to Luc’s much more modest six foot four frame. “Sorry, uh…” Luc held onto the cushion for dear life. “...don’t call the police?”
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Well...this was a bloody first. Ciaran had been on the island long enough that there wasn't a lot of weird-ass shit that actually managed to surprise him, but this did. It wasn't every day that a bloke came back from a run to find a fucking bear asleep on this front porch. He thanked his stars that the dogs and Mr. Feathers had apparently had the smarts to stay away, then approached the what he assumed was a shifter. "Mate..ya wanna wake the fuck up now?" He muttered, nudging the creature once more with a flip-flop clad toe before taking a big step back to prepare for whatever the hell was going to happen next.
The wolf watched with arched brows as the bear shifted back into a form that, well...he really didn't have a problem with. Lips twitched before curving into a downright cheeky smile as he watched the man, unable to resist giving him some kind of shit. "I dunno" Ciaran shrugged, scratching his unruly raven locks. "Ya are tresspassin' ya know. May have to give me a reason to not" He teased, before letting out a good-natured laugh.
"Just takin' the piss love. C'mon in before ya freeze to fuckin' death. Got somethin' that'll probably fit ya if ya want." He himself was clad in only a pair of worn sweats and a white tee, a nod to the magical weather as he usually only came back from his runs in boxers. Gym shorts if he was feeling fancy. Opening the door to his cabin, he invited the other in with an incline of his head.
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interlagosed · 3 years
would any of the carlandad kids force lando to eat sushi bc they like sushi? curious.
Allegra likes sushi but once she becomes a racer, she can't eat it within like 24 hours of a race because then she gets nauseous in the car which isn't ideal. So she kinda swears off it. Charlie and Lan LOVE sushi. They terrorize Lando a little bit. Charlie starts it.
"C'mon, Landon, honey, you have to have your veggies."
"I don't wanna! They're gross!"
"Sometimes we have to eat things we don't like."
Then, from across the kitchen, Charlie mutters, "Like sushi, dad?"
Carlos hides his laugh by coughing. He pretends that whatever he's doing requires his entire focus.
Lando freezes. Then he frowns hard at Charlie. "...yes. Like. Sushi."
"Well, papá and I were thinking of getting sushi tonight. Right, papá?"
Carlos shoots a miserable look at Charlie for bringing him into this. "Uh. Yes. Right. Of course."
"Right. So if we order you some, you'll have to it eat. Right, dad?"
Lando glares at Charlie. He glares at Carlos. Lan is FASCINATED by the proceedings. "I think," Lando says, slowly, "that it's okay to not eat things you don't like sometimes."
Landon cheers. Charlie shoots Landon a thumbs-up when Lando isn't looking. Lando mutters something about children getting too smart, and Carlos keeps to himself the opinion that Charlie's argument didn't even make sense. He'll try to enroll him in debate lessons or something.
But this marks the beginning of a long and illustrious career, where Lan and Charlie terrorize their sushi-hating father.
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steale24 · 3 years
Fights no more
Dabi x villain reader
Warnings: blood, violence (ppl fighting against Machia-kun) a bit of fluff at the end if you squint, sarcasm and an absurd use of pop culture quotes (I'm sorry guys)
Plot: you just wanted to train a bit, but things got out of hand
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"Sooo, are we gonna do something here or not? Your eyes are beautiful and a perfect cerulean, but looking into them for another hour would be annoying even for me" you stated after finishing stretching.
You were in this situation because that morning you asked Dabi if he was free the afternoon to help you with hand to hand combat, he unexpectedly said yes, but now you're both in a field waiting for who knows what to happen.
"Just be patient, you spoiled little child" he answered back taking off his coat, "I would be offended if we weren't the same age. And then, wait for what? I just asked you to help me once, so this evening we would be eating sushi or whatever...". You look at him suspiciously and sighing you start guessing that maybe you were tricked.
Sensing it he smirked and got closer "Well, I wasn't actually free, but I needed help with a certain someone that is bothering me in this period... Would you be so gentle to be my backup?" he whispered to you and put a couple of fingers under your chin tapping it.
You slapped away his hand and take your own to your forehead "What a drag... Let's see who you pissed off this time, Flamethrower"
"No one you should be worried about, it's a five minute work with you"
You should've probabilly understand that he was lying, but you didn't imagine to what extent he was actually lying.
"Don't tell me you're already dead Y/n!" he shouted while creating a circle of blue falmes around Gigantomachia to keep him in place, while you're blocked into his enormus hand.
Now you know, if you're alive at the end of this, you're going to kill him for good.
"You said that this was a SIMPLE job and that you pissed off someone! Not that you were supposed to keep an eye on the rock transformer!"
He winked his eye at you while smiling, "Sorry, my bad..."
This situation was like that for way too long, you try to move your hands and now they can actually move a little, Gigantomachia is too accupied in trying to kill Dabi to keep his attention on you. You needed energy to use your quirk and right now is impossible to use your own, you didn't storage enough to being able to break his hand. Looking around, trying to find a solution, you see a pylon not so far away.
"This is a fantastic idea" you murmur while a devious smirk appears on your face, "Dabi! Bring him near some electricity!"
"Do you want me to help? Bring Optimus Prime near to that pylon!" you scream using your head to point the objective.
"Are you out of your mind?! We don't have to kill this thing, Handyman will kill us if we do this!" he said this but starting to run to the pylon anyway.
"I'm offended boy, you still don't know how my quirk works! I'm not gonna kill him!" you shout back, taking a hand out of the grip that blocks the rest of your body.
"C'mon only a bit closer..." and in a moment you feel it, the megnetic camp created by electricity and its energy.
"It's over big baby, go to bed!" you cry at the monster, making energy flowing into your system and exploding from the hand that is still clutched by Machia, in the same moment the pylon explodes too. A buzz passes your nerves in the moment you're free again.
Only one shot, you have only one with the remaining energy. You point the other hand towards his head, that is looking at his burnt hand screaming, and then a bubble of bright energy forms in front of you before being propelled to Gigantomachia.
A bright explosion make you cover your eyes. He screams a second after and a thud makes you understand that he will be out for a bit. Happiness didn't last long, now another problem faced you: you were falling. You didn't thought about this, and obviously you don't have enough energy to levitate yourself.
You try to think of a good position to take that will hurt less when you'll hit the ground and you put yourself like a starfish hoping that elevator security norms will work here too.
A second away from splattering on the ground you feel something crush against your side, hugging your head and then hitting the concrete, rolling a couple of times before stopping.
"Do you have your brain into your butt or something? What was that?!" you hear Dabi talking to you while you still have your eyes closed. Little by little you open your eyes and you face a concerned Dabi that is looking all aver your face to understand if you're hurt.
"Hi cerulean eyes, I saved you" you say while smiling and bringing your hand to his face to squeeze his cheeks, in that moment you notice that your little outbreak burnt the skin of both your hands and now they're bleeding.
"Oh... Ok maybe I exaggerated a little"
"A little?! If it weren't for me you would be dead!"
"And if it weren't for me Gigantomachia would have killed you anyway. We're even. Now, pick me up and bring me home, you still brought me here without telling me the truth."
"Still a spoiled child," he said scoffing and picking you up in his arms, "This is for being a good backup, next time try not to kill yourself."
"Yeah yeah burnt chicken nugget..." you said while thinking. "What if we stop and steal some sushi on the way home?"
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So, @nagisushi, i got you for the secret santa! hope you like this!
It was December 22nd, three days away from Christmas. Karma had invited him and Sugino over to his house after realizing in horror that Sugino had never watched a Sonic Ninja movie in his entire life. The three of them were going to binge watch the movies and then sleepover since they probably wouldn’t be able to finish catching Sugino up to speed in just one day.
With Christmas coming up, his mother’s job had become just about busy enough that she’d rather have him go away until she had less on her plate. Honestly, Nagisa was glad she wanted him away for a while. He didn’t want to have to walk on eggshells around her either.
And so, here he was. In front of Karma’s house, Sugino beside him, and a backpack with his toothbrush, pajamas, and a spare change of clothes.
"Watch your step," Karma warned, stepping aside so they could come in. "Don't step on the tripwire," he pointed out a thin piece of string rigged over the floor at ankle-height.
"Why do you have a tripwire at your front door?" Sugino looked at him in disbelief. "Actually, why do you have a tripwire at- y'know what? I'll ask you that some other time,"
"Never know when someone's gonna break in. Come on, let's go watch Sonic Ninja,"
Nagisa laughed nervously, and followed Karma to another room, ducking under a rubber spider hanging from the doorway by a thin string.
Once they got into the room, Karma promptly launched himself onto a pile of blankets and pillows on the floor in front of a TV. 
Nagisa and Sugino sat down next to him. It was comfy, though small enough that the three of them had to squish together a little.
Karma took a remote out from one of the pillowcases, and started playing the movies.
Nagisa had watched them before, but it was still interesting to see the characters react and change as the story progressed.  Besides that, he always noticed a little detail he'd dismissed before that made the plot twists seem so obvious. Sonic Ninja really did have good replay value, even if it had a few somewhat cliche twists, they made sense in the plot after rewatching it.
Something else that made this time exciting was that it was Sugino’s first time watching Sonic Ninja ever.
Seeing him quickly take a liking to certain characters, disliking others, dismissing some details while looking too far into others, it was refreshing to see Sugino react from the series. 
Sugino also had a habit of grabbing onto his arm during the jump scares. It was a little surprising at first, but after a while, Nagisa ended up holding hands with him during the tenser moments. Sugino’s hand was strangely warm, but it felt nice since it was a little cold.
As for Karma, he had a bit of an annoying habit of keeping a running commentary during movies. It was just something that happened while watching them, though it certainly led to having a peek into his thought process if he was focused hard on the scene enough to say things without a filter. For some reason, he didn’t do it as often this time. Every few minutes, he’d open his mouth, start to say something, and then close it again.
Plus, despite how mischievous he usually was, he wasn’t a bad host. He’d been awkward when he, Sugino, Kayano, Okuda, and Kanzaki had shown up without warning when Karma got sick, but give him a clear idea of what would happen and he would be fairly prepared for the day. Karma kept them well-supplied on snacks and drinks, passing around bottles of soda, boba drinks, along with popcorn.
At some point, Nagisa ended up with Karma’s arm slung over his shoulder, with both him and Sugino leaning gently on Nagisa. It was warm and comfortable, and felt strangely safe.
And somehow, between the familiar storyline, Sugino’s hand in his, Karma’s arm over his shoulder, and being tired in general, he fell asleep. He was vaguely aware of movement, whispers, and what might’ve been the sound of a photo being taken, but he managed to sleep through it.
When he woke up, it seemed that some time had passed already. The TV was off, for one thing, and when he checked his phone, it was already 6.30 pm.
“Hey,” Sugino said, with damp hair and soft-looking dark blue pyjamas. “You fell asleep earlier, do you wanna go take a shower?”
Rubbing his eyes, Nagisa stood up. Sugino took Nagisa’s bag. “I’ll help you take this to the bathroom, apparently there's a trap on the door handle. Karma’s off picking up some food. We already ordered for you earlier, since we didn’t want to wake you up,”
"Oh, thanks," Nagisa said. He wasn't sure why Karma would have a trap in his bathroom, but it was nice of Sugino to take him.
While he was drying his hair, Nagisa heard Sugino talking to Karma, who had probably gotten back while he was showering.
"Hey, do you have the stuff?" Sugino asked.
"Yes, I have the drugs,"
"Karma, you know what I mean,"
"Yeah, of course I have the stuff, don't forget what we have in common,"
Curious and nervous about the potential chaos that could happen based off of that exchange, Nagisa opened the door.
Karma had probably taken a shower while he was asleep, since he was wearing a black hoodie and a different pair of pants.
He also had two plastic bags in his hands, both with a very familiar brand on them. 
"Nagisa!" Sugino said, surprised. "We, uh, got you sushi," he rubbed the back of his neck. "We weren't completely sure which one was your favorite, so we just ordered a ton since it's on Karma. I'll take whatever you don't like,"
For just a moment, Nagisa just stared at them.
He broke out into a grin. "Thanks, both of you,"
Both Sugino and Karma's ears went strangely red, and the two of them smiled as well.
"Yeah, we really are great," Karma joked. "C'mon, let's go eat. You mentioned the place we got the sushi from once or twice and it really does look good,"
The sushi really did taste good as well. Karma and Sugino had ordered a few different kinds, somehow managing to have chosen most of his favorites. But then again, his favorite did consist of almost all of the different kinds.
Over dinner, the three of them talked about Sonic Ninja. They were only about halfway through the series, according to Karma. 
Sugino was trying to predict what was going to happen, and how issues would be resolved based off of the story he'd seen so far. While his theories were pretty off on what actually happened, Nagisa had to admit they would've made good storylines, and that they made sense as well. 
Karma on the other hand just seemed to be enjoying trying to confuse and trick Sugino on what was actually going to happen. He was half encouraging Sugino's theory, while also pointing out how it could be wrong. 
The rest of the night passed by in a happy blur. Eating, watching, talking, and eventually, Karma and Sugino drifted off to sleep. Sugino was hugging his left arm, and Karma had somehow managed to lay his head across both his and Sugino's laps.
Nagisa noticed a slip of paper with writing on it sticking out of Karma's hoodie pocket. Curious, he cautiously slid it out, and started reading
He covered his mouth, suppressing a laugh.
It was a to-do list. It had the words "operation: Nagisa has a Good December 23-24" written in Karma's fanciest cursive, with little doodles of him that Sugino must've drawn around it.
Nagisa noted how cute he looked in Sugino's doodles.
Under that, there was a list of things the two of them must've been planning for the day and the next. It included giving him presents (descriptions on where they were hidden were next to that step), a hoodie (Sugino and Karma had written each of their names, crossed the other's out, and ended up just writing "whoever gets the chance first"), buying him sushi, and talking to him about Sonic Ninja.
And at the very bottom of the paper, in Sugino's big, blocky handwriting, underlined twice, was "DO NOT TELL HIM!!! DON'T RUIN PRE-CHRISTMAS!!". Nagisa felt guilty for reading, though he wasn't completely sure why it was so important to keep it a secret. The amount of effort they had put into it made the whole thing a lot more touching, in his opinion.
Sugino's head fell on Nagisa's shoulder, breathing softly and steadily.
They've put so much effort into all of this, Nagisa thought, absentmindedly leaning his head on top of Sugino's. After all that, the least I can do is let them think I don't know how much planning they did for me.
Nagisa slipped the paper back into Karma's pocket. Karma's hand curled around his subconsciously.
Surrounded by two of his best friends, Nagisa smiled, and felt himself drift off to sleep as well.
Thank you, both of you.
Bonus headcanons since this is a mess:
Karma and Sugino both have a crush on Nagisa
they found out about their own crush from Okuda and Maehara respectively
Nakamura found out and added them into the “Nagisa Simps” group chat
the group chat plans little events or things to make Nagisa happy
they also lowkey tease each other of their crushes, take turns being jealous occasionally, yet sometimes wingman each other
the goal is Nagisa’s happiness, not their own relationships
the  "DO NOT TELL HIM!!! DON'T RUIN PRE-CHRISTMAS!!" part of the note was about confessing their crushes. they didn’t want Nagisa to have any bad memories tied to before Christmas because of them
Karma’s handwriting is either insanely fancy cursive, or complete chicken scratch
Sugino doodled Nagisa smiling on the plan as decoration
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fogsrollingin · 4 years
Title: calculated losses, chapter 3 Author: fogsrollingin fandom: Supernatural Story details: Sam & Dean, rated PG-13, 2.3k words. Summary: my next entry for @whumptober2020! Prompt filled is no 21. “hypothermia.” and No. 22 “withdrawal.” This chapter completes the whole story! chapter 1 on tumblr || chapter 2 on tumblr || full story available on AO3 || FFnet too
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ calculated losses, ch3  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Dean hunched over the wheel, hands gripping it tight at ten and two, knuckles whitening as he tried to suppress the shivers wracking his body. Sam was still so cold he hadn't started shaking yet. He was lethargic, slumped against the passenger door and mumbling incoherent strings of words. Dean couldn't forget Sam was withdrawing too. The heat blasted through the vents. Dean drove, eyes wide and desperate for lodgings.
The convenience store they'd been held up in had been on a frontage road parallel to the highway. He cursed the long local street, his side of it holding nothing but Pennsylvania wilderness now, interspersed with gravel driveways leading to decent two-story houses. It was empty of traffic. He'd probably need to get onto the highway before he could find a place to stay.
He glanced at Sam. His brother had closed his eyes, his mouth hanging open.
"Sam? Sammy!?" Dean shook him, grabbed his arm and Sam sleepily came back to life.
"Yeah here, jeez," Sam wheezed as Dean kept shaking him. "Dean, okay!"
"Stay awake," Dean ordered roughly. He was so worried about Sam, still holding Sam's arm that he almost missed the wide driveway of "Osa Motel and Campgrounds."
Dean slammed on the brakes and twisted the wheel, making Sam lean then fall into his lap. The Osa general store parking spaces were right there so Dean pulled up and took the opportunity to feel Sam's forehead. Still ice cold. Sam moaned and curled up.
"Gonna get a cabin, Sammy, be right back," Dean promised. He slipped out from under Sam, making sure his head landed carefully.
The general store was a godsend. Dean paid for the closest cabin and several heat packs. He explained to the manager, Achak, a middle-aged Native American man with intelligent, curious dark eyes that he and his brother were just getting back from a bad camping trip and needed to rest and recuperate from the elements. Achak gave Dean a knowing and sympathetic nod before coming around the counter. He handed Dean the key and went outside with him, confirming Dean's story with a glance at Sam sort of sleeping in the front seat of the Impala. He pointed at the traditional log building that was theirs.
They busted into the spacious one-room cabin, Sam draped over Dean and stumbling. Dean dropped him onto the closest bed, found the heater under a window sill and turned it all the way up, came back and started in on Sam's shirts, wet from the freezer's ice that melted on the way here. Once Sam was bare-chested, Dean used towels to pat him down, then the heat packs against his neck, under the arms. He used both sides of the blanket to wrap Sam's upper half like a burrito. Next Sam's shoes and socks, his wet jeans and boxers had to go. Same routine. Towel pat-downs, warm packs along his groin, under his knees, then he went and got all the blankets from the second bed and made a mountain so thick and warm on top of Sam Dean was honestly ready to get under there and pass out too.
He thought to get a hand towel and wrap it around Sam's damp-cold hair. Sam seemed to wake up for that, probably from Dean jostling his head.
"Dean, it's okay. I can die, I'll jus' come back," Sam stuttered and slurred.
"You're not gonna die again, Sam," Dean yelled, cupping Sam's face, tried to get his little brother to look at him. "We're gonna get you warm, Sammy. Me too, for that matter," he added as he started to undress. Sam watched him, eyes glazed, pupils blown out wide though.
Dean left his boxers on before burrowing in and unceremoniously draping himself over Sam.
"Oh fuck you're so cold,"  Dean exclaimed.
"Just let me die," Sam laughed blearily and Dean glanced down and let the relief wash over him at the sight of those dimples. He chuckled and arranged the covers more while Sam yelped and fumbled under him, weakly resisting Dean's closeness.
"Shh stop, stop Sammy," Dean whispered and Sam stilled. "You know the drill. You're coming out of it. You're gonna start shaking real bad and skin-to-skin is the best fastest way to get this over with," Dean explained softly as he maneuvered Sam around so they were on their sides and chest to chest.
"Y-y-you'll hol' m-m-"
"Shh, yeah," Dean agreed, aligning himself along Sam's block of ice body, clamping his legs and arms around him. "I'll hold you, I got you."
Sam started whimpering, the feeling coming back into his limbs, his shakes turning to spasms. "Dean," he cried against his brother's bare chest. "This is..."
"I know it's bad, Sammy. I know," Dean soothed. "Don't talk, just... c'mon." He rubbed Sam's back and got him to snug in closer against him.
"Dean..." Sam breathed into his brother's neck.
"Your hair smells like that shawarma we had yesterday," Dean whispered. "Could really go for that right now."
Sam gasped and whimpered, clutched onto Dean harder.
"It's okay, it's okay, Sammy. How's the withdrawal?"
"Feels like my heart's beating out of its chest," Sam replied, his breath punching out on every word. "My ribs are gonna crack. My head wants to explode."
Dean's heart ached. "Okay, stay with me though, okay?"
"Okay," Sam cried, burying his head into Dean's neck. "I'm sorry."
"What? For what?" Dean asked, confused.
"I don't know," Sam sobbed and Dean recognized Sam wasn't really thinking anymore. "I'm just... It hurts so much, I'm so sorry Dean."
"It's okay, Sammy."
"I love you. I love you so much. I hate dying."
Dean squeezed his eyes shut. "Shhhh. You're not dying, Sammy, nobody's dying."
"Feels like it," Sam wept. Dean shuddered for his brother because apparently Sam did know how it felt to die.
"Sammy, you're alive, you're just hypothermic and withdrawing from demon blood. We're getting through it," Dean coached, smelling Sam's shawarma hair again. "We'll get through it and then we'll find some middle eastern or Thai, or uh... sushi, I know you like sushi," Dean trailed off, not even knowing what he was saying anymore.
Sam spasmed and jack-knifed against him, nearly tagging Dean in the nads and Dean was just about to scold him for it when Sam fell out of bed. 
"Sam!" Sam let out a blood-curdling scream. It stopped abruptly like someone had cut his vocal chords and Dean gasped as he watched his brother's body vault up against the bumpy logs of the wall. He was held up suspended by nothing, arms wide and fingers scrabbling for purchase, his face a rictus of pain. It was a replay of what Dean had seen in the panic room last year when he'd locked Sam up to detox.
"Sam!" Dean roared, launching up and getting his arms around him, trying to pull his little brother down from the supernatural throes the demon blood had pinning him.
For too long Sam was stuck to the wall, his back unnaturally glued to it as he jerked and writhed, tried to get free, trying to reach his big brother.
"Dean," he begged, tears streaming down his face. "Please."
Finally whatever was holding Sam let go and he collapsed into his brother, kitten-weak but clinging. Dean hefted him up. "Okay back into bed, come on. Come on, Sammy," he spoke, his voice cracking. It had scared him to see Sam like this in the panic room last year and it still scared him now. But this time he wasn't leaving.
He got Sam onto the bed. Sam curled up and rolled over, heaving in agony. Dean picked all their blankets back up and draped them over him before climbing in and wrapping himself around Sam's back. "I'm not leaving you, Sammy, stay with me. You in there?" He squeezed his brother with his arms and legs. Sam jerked.
"You feel me?" Dean moved to press a palm against Sam's chest, over the anti-possession tattoos they booth wore, over his heart. "I've got you. We'll get through this, Sammy, listen to me, okay?"
Sam put his hand over Dean's and went silent. They were quiet for awhile but then Sam's body shuddered like he'd just woken up. His shoulders started to shake, and finally Dean heard a wet gasp. "I can't do this. I can't even fall asleep right now because I'm so.... Lucifer's waiting for me. I can't do this anymore. Dean," he said his brother's name like a plea. 
"He's not gonna come this time," Dean lied.
"You don't know, you can't know that," Sam objected, tone pitchy with indignity.
Dean gritted his teeth, squeezed his eyes shut for some kind of solution.
"Cas! We'll call Cas, Sammy. If anyone can figure out how to keep an archangel out of your dreams it's gonna be him."
Sam might've whispered 'okay' but Dean didn't press it. He was warming up but the withdrawal was giving him the same kind of tremors anyway. Hallucinations might come into play too, Dean knew. He leaned his forehead against the nape of Sam's neck and prayed aloud.
"Castiel, please hear me. We're in a bad way and we need your help. Please come to us, Cas, please. Osa Motel and Campgrounds in Pennsylvania."
They waited with Dean clamped strong around his naked, detoxing little brother. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew Sam was almost over the hypothermia. The heat packs now strewn around under the covers as well as the blankets could finish warming him up. Dean could get out and sit by Sam's side or something now as he came down. And yet.
Dean kept his arms around his brother. Maybe it was because this time Sam had been forced to drink blood against his will or maybe it was because Sam was so apathetic with his own suffering in the walk-in freezer. Dean's thoughts danced around the truth though, something that struck him every time he thought about how Sam had lost count of how many times he'd offed himself. What were the last things Dean had said to Sam those times?
Dean wasn't an idiot; he knew Sam really only had him. This was destabilizing for Dean too though. He thought Sam was safe for now, but instead Sam could've taken his own life after they'd had a good laugh at the bar last week, or after a successful hunt a few days ago, the two hours Sam had been at the library before they hit up the shawarma place yesterday...
When and how had he been hurting himself with Dean none the wiser the whole time? And what if he'd succeeded with any one of them? Cold dread seeped through him at the thought. Sam would've died and Dean would've been the one to find the body. He'd be the one trying to eke out the rest of his life knowing Sammy had saved the world just by successfully killing himself.
So no, Dean kept a hold of his brother, his body warm now, shaking, slicked with sweat, his skin unmarred except from scars that Dean knew every story to. The living, breathing reminder that he still had his brother, broken and tortured but still calling his name when he was hurt, still so desperately wanting Dean's approval and love and trust.
"It's true, he does," a gravelly voice intoned, surprising Dean. He rolled away from Sam onto his back to find Castiel hovering over them.
"Cas," he breathed. He couldn't be bothered the angel had been following his thoughts. In all fairness he hadn't thought to say 'end prayer' or anything since praying to him. "Lucifer can reach Sam in his dreams. Can you stop it?"
Sam shifted weakly, moving just enough to get on his stomach and look over, eyes puffy and wet and glazed but mildly focused on the two of them.
Cas's expression was empathetic sorrow. He nodded. "I can. I will ward the cabin."
Cas vanished. Sam scooted closer to Dean inch by inch until Dean noticed and helped to get Sam resting along his side, head cushioned on his shoulder, shallow wheezy breaths against his neck.
"You'll be able to sleep soon now. Just hold on, okay?" Dean murmured. Sam sniffed and nodded. "We're gonna talk about it again later but Sam, I want to make a new rule. No dying alone anymore, you understand me?"
"We all die alone," Sam rasped.
"Not you, not when you've got me. I understand why you decided to try it, why you're still trying. I actually don't think it's a half bad idea but... we figure out a way to die permanently, we stay together," Dean paused, deciding he wouldn't go into how he'd want to die too. "And we just... go from there. Okay? Sammy?"
Sam latched onto his shoulder and tucked into him more. "Yeah, okay. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. We'll get through this," Dean reassured, calm and controlled.
Sam didn't let go of his brother even after he cried himself into a dreamless sleep. Dean followed soon after, relieved Sam was out of conscious misery and in dire need of rest himself.
Castiel bid them farewell too but not before stocking the fridge in the cabin, something Dean discovered the next morning with such immense gratitude he actually prayed to the angel again just to thank him.
Sam woke up dizzy and disoriented around two in the afternoon while Dean was putting clothes on him. He was still so out of it he wasn't embarrassed but he wasn't in pain and Dean counted that a huge improvement. Sam couldn't remember anything past the walk-in freezer so they would have to revisit what Dean had said before but that was okay. Sam wasn't getting out of Dean's sight any time soon which was going to settle his nerves about Sam's secret opt-outs. And Sam had confessed so much that'd been eating away at him. Dean could tell their stay here, just the two of them at this warded cabin hashing things out, was going to heal them both.
A/N: And with that, we bring this fic to a close 😊
Thank you for reading. Please let me know if you enjoyed with a like, a comment, a reblog!
To see what the last 9 days of Whumptober are gonna look like for me, you can visit my tumblr post here with a few details. Fingers crossed I can get everything done in time. I'm really cutting things close 😵
Also if you've read my fic "in this house" (the story right before this one in my Sam Whumpchester series), I need to share MidnightSilver's incredible artwork that they posted yesterday inspired by it. It's just like, I'm speechless. Silver is a g i f t.
Thank you again for reading! Have a lovely evening (new SPN episode woo!!!) xoxo Alex
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mentalpolaroids · 3 years
CH | 9. crush
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CH 8
"Kelly, this is getting ridiculous, you have to tell Camila."
Noah opened his front door and let me in while I took off my jacket and sat down on his couch. In the car, I told Noah what happened right before he arrived and, safe to say, he was pissed. And, honestly, I couldn't blame him, I was freaking out too.
"I'm gonna text Camila and ask if she can hang out tomorrow. It's my day off."
Noah sat beside me and turned on the TV while I texted Camila. I leaned forward to put my phone on the coffee table and then to take off my boots, meanwhile, I felt Noah lay down behind me and hug my waist. It was funny because from one side I could only see his legs and on the other I could only see his head, while his arms held me in a weird way. I caressed his arm and laughed when I looked at him, even though he looked serious.
"Promise you'll tell her? I don't want you feeling uncomfortable walking alone, I mean, the guy is basically stalking you, we don't know if he will do anything else."
"I wouldn't say stalking..."
"Kelly, you have to stop trying to always see the good side in people. Sometimes there isn't one. From the things you described, he is stalking you, and, let's be honest, none of us knows the guy that well and I'm telling you now that I never really trusted him, like, there's something there that makes me not trust him."
"Yeah, I feel the same way. But what if I'm wrong? What if I tell Camila and she confronts Julio and he denies it?"
"Of course he's going to deny it, babe, but then it's Camila's decision to believe one of you, and I don't think she would believe her boyfriend of almost six months over her best friend of more than ten years."
I looked away, mostly to try to hide the blush on my cheeks caused by Noah calling me babe again. And also to think about what he said. He was right, but I still felt unsure of what the situation really was and I didn't want to cause trouble to anyone. Even if I was the one in trouble. Noah reached one of his hands to move my hair out of my face so he could touch my cheek and make me look at him.
"Whatever you decide to do and whatever happens, I'm here for you, ok?"
I smiled and moved my head slightly to the side to kiss his hand and, before I could become burning red from all that lovey dovey moment, I grabbed his hands and pulled him up (with a lot of effort) to a sitting position.
Noah insisted in me staying the night. I didn't want to accept it, only because I wanted to talk to Kevin after our short conversation in the car that morning but, on the other hand, I really needed a distraction from everything crazy happening, so I texted Kevin saying I would stay over at Noah's.
We ordered sushi and were eating on the couch while watching a random documentary on Netflix. Noah and I weren't really paying attention to it due to our conversation.
"So, how was work with your dad? Is he calmer?"
"Not really. I mean, he's pretty much ignoring my presence, only talks to me when he has to and, you know, tries to act as normal as possible in front of clients but I know he's still mad."
"That's so stupid. Why would he be mad about you defending your family?"
"'Cause his pride and ego are bigger than his ability to be understanding and sympathetic. I'm honestly so tired of working with him, I just want to find another job. I'll take anything, I just can't take working with him anymore."
He put down the now empty box of sushi on the coffee table and, seeing that I had finished mine as well, took the box from my hands and put it down next to his. He then pulled me closer to him, his arm around my shoulders, and moved my legs to be on top of his.
One of my favorite characteristics of Noah was that he was this super tall guy with nice built muscles, but then was a complete softie who loves to cuddle and would take any chance he had to give and receive love. I was lucky to have an exclusive kind of love from him. I knew he wasn't this close to anybody else and that was one of the reasons I liked him so much. I felt genuinely loved by someone and I was glad that someone was my best friend, that I secretly had a huge crush on. Even though it felt like way more than a crush.
"So, how was your day? At work, I mean." he asked, after kissing my forehead.
"It was really good, actually. There's this guy, Eric, who I helped yesterday with the website he was working on, and he was so impressed that he offered to help me get an interview with the head director of the web designing department."
"Really? That's amazing! Does that mean you would actually work for the company? Like, no more assistant stuff?"
"Wow! That's my girl!", he hugged me tight which made me laugh, "I'm so proud of you, seriously!"
"Thank you! I'm really happy too, hopefully I get the job."
"I'm sure you will, you're amazing and they'll see it too."
Noah kissed my forehead again while still hugging me tight, and, with my mouth forming a smile and my cheeks warming up with a light blush, we stayed like that watching the rest of the documentary until we decided to go to sleep.
The next morning, after a very nice breakfast with my best friend and lots of joking around with each other, Noah left for the workshop and I stayed at his until it was time to meet up with Camila. We hadn't had a girl date in a very long time and, even though I hated the reason I decided to meet up with her, I was still excited to spend time with my feamle best friend. Noah wasn't fond of the idea of me taking the bus alone but I assured him I would be careful and would call him in case something happened.
Arriving at the theatre where Camila and I agreed to go watch the movie, she was already at the front door waiting for me with our tickets. We greeted each other with a hug and a very unnecessary squeal that us girls do for no reason when we are excited. We didn't talk about anything important in particular, I was still deciding if I should tell her about Julio or not, even though I promised Noah I would. It just didn't feel right to tell her with no actual proof. We went to a cafe to grab something to eat before heading home and to talk more about random stuff. Everytime Camila talked I would debate with myself about telling her or not and before she could notice that I wasn't really focusing on the conversation, I decided that I would not tell her, I would just make small conversation about Julio and ask her about him.
"So, how are things going with Julio?", I tried my best to disguise my discomfort mentioning his name.
"Things are great! I mean, I wish we could spend more time together, he works at a bank almost outside of New York but he tries his best to spend time with me."
Well, that was a surprise. I didn't know he worked so far away. How the hell did he find time to come all the way downtown to grab lunch at Norma? Or what would he be doing outside of the company when I left last night if he didn't even work close by?
"When was the last time you guys did something together? Like, a date or something."
"I... don't know, actually. He's always really busy, even when he's not working he has other things to take care of. It's frustrating sometimes, you know? But we try our best to make it work, because when we're are together is really worth it, if you know what I mean.", she winked.
I wondered what other things he had to take care of. Or other people. She noticed my concern so she continued.
"But we love each other besides the complications. He's always texting me 'I love you's' and sending treats to my house. My mom is always teasing me about it.", she laughed.
"I'm glad to hear that. I just want to see you happy. And you know I'm here if anything happens, right?", I wasn't really sure what I meant with that or why I said it. I hope I wasn't implying that something bad would happen and their relationship would be over. Camila looked at me with confusion in her eyes but she smiled and thanked me, saying she was there for me too.
"So, talking about love...", she sang the last word and did a weird dance with her shoulders and I could see what was coming from that, "How is Noah?", she wiggled her eyebrows and I couldn't help but laugh.
"I don't know what Noah has to do with 'love' but he's good. I mean, some family problems but, he's holding up."
"So, when are you going to tell him? Or, better yet, show him?"
"Tell him what?"
"Don't act clueless with me, Kelly Winter, I know you are obsessed with that guy."
"Am not!"
"Yes you are! I know you like him! Everybody knows, even my mom asks about you two!"
I didn't know if I should be shocked or embarrassed or laugh at the whole situation. So what? Everybody knew I liked my best friend except him?
"Ok, fine, yes I like him?", panic washed over me for a second, "You don't think he knows, do you?"
"I don't think so, unfortunately. I mean, if he did, he would have acted on it by now."
I stared at her, questionably.
"Kelly, c'mon, he likes you too, it's so fucking obvious."
"Shut up."
"Never! It's true! The way he looks at you sometimes? I don't know if I should clap out of happiness or divert my eyes by how intimate it feels."
She interrupted me.
"Kelly, that guy is crazy about you. Seriously, you two were really made for each other, you're both so stupid for not seeing what is right in front of you. Pendejos.", she whispered the last word.
"Always a pleasure to be insulted by you."
"You already know it, girl, I'm always brutally honest with my friends."
We stayed for another hour talking about everything and anything, with Camila randomly throwing some shade in the conversation about Noah and I's 'unbearable sexual tension', as she put it, and I couldn't contain my blush anymore, which made her tease me even more.
It was nearly 7pm when I got home. I went to take a shower and, after getting in my pajamas (more like, the shorts and a random sweater), I called Dustin through facetime to talk to him for a bit. We've all been busy lately so we haven't hung out with him since that day at his grandma's house. Tierra didn't let Dustin do much, let alone leave the house, worried that his rib would break again. I didn't even notice the time passing. I checked the time on the screen of my phone and told Dustin I should go and eat something before going to bed since it was later than I thought. I made a sandwich and ate on the couch while watching TV. Not long after I finished eating, Noah called me and asked my about my day with Camila,
"I didn't really tell her..."
"Why not, Kelly? You promised you would tell her."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry. It just didn't feel like the right time to do it. I did find something though."
"What? Anything that proves why he's stalking you?", I rolled my eyes at the stalking part.
"Maybe. Apparently he works kind of far away. Camila said they don't spend that much time together and that sometimes he's busy even outside of work. I mean, if he works so far away why would he travel across the ciry to have lunch at the restaurant near my company? And what was he doing outside the company last night?"
"It is weird for sure. That bastard. I still think you should tell Camila though, that information won't do much if he keeps harassing you.", I agreed with him.
I asked about his day too, he said it was the same, his dad was still barely talking to him and he was really tired of working there with him. We talked for a little while until, once again, I checked the time and decided to say goodbye to my best friend and go to sleep.
I wasn't sure what time it was but I knew I hadn't been sleeping for that long. The front door unlocking woke me up and, knowing it could only be Kevin, I got out of bed and went to the living room to see if he was ok, since he was arriving home late. To my dismay, he wasn't ok. He was leaning against the kitchenette counter, trying to hold himself up. He was drunk. Again.
CH 10
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
status | keigo takami x reader
a/n: hello! here is chapter four of this hawks multi part fic :) don’t worry, y/n is a little nicer here
previously: chapter three
pairing: kiego (hawks) takami x fem!reader
word count: 1.1k
warnings: cursing
links: playlist | wattpad
taglist: @mixfi​ @lilacskyura​ @katsuhoee​ @star-mum​ @moonlightinsanity​ @domhoni​
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Y/N was waiting for Keigo by the set. Ruisu was so perplexed to the fact that she had even given the guy a chance. Like she said, it would take a miracle.
Keigo came down, his wet blond hair brushed back.
"God he's dreamy," Ruisu mumbled.
"Shut up," Y/N hissed.
Keigo gave a small wave as he walked over.
"Ready to go?" Y/N asked.
She laughed and tapped his head.
"C'mon Hawks, I know you're not thick. We're going out remember?"
He blinks and nods, a slight blush rushing to his cheeks.
"Right!" He extends his hand and Y/N huffs before taking it. They walk out to the parking lot, Ruisu snickering at how Y/N is managing to keep her composure.
"You ready?" Keigo asked, turning to the confused model.
"Where's your car?"
"Car?" He laughed. "No no, we're flying."
He laughed more as her eyes widened.
"What? No no no-"
In one swift movement, Keigo wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close, his wings spreading. With one large 'flap' they were in the air. Y/N screamed and clung to him for dear life.
"You good?"
"You are so lucky I'm quirkless, you little-"
Keigo brought them higher in the air and began to fly themselves over the city before Y/N could spew any insults at him. At first, she buried her face in his chest, terrified to look out at the city below them.
"Look," He said sweetly. Slowly but surely, Y/N turned her head around. A small gasp escaped her lips as she looked out. They were flying high above the sky scrappers. If Keigo wanted, he could've sat themselves down at the Iron Tower of Tokyo. But he continued flying, grinning whenever Y/N whispered a "woah" or "holy shit". He dipped down, causing her to grip tightly to his shirt. Gently, he landed on his feet, Y/N holding onto him like a koala.
"We're here."
Y/N blinked and slowly let go of him. She looked up at him, a wide smile spreading across her face.
She couldn't lie to him, not after that. Despite whatever hatred she had for the hero, she couldn't contain her joy. The ride over the city was my exhilarating than any first-class seating on a plane.
Keigo on the other hand was shocked by her reaction. Was he already getting through to her?
She spun around and stopped seeing Keigo admiring her. She stopped, cleared her throat, and patted herself down.
"So where are we?"
He frowned, seeing her go back to her stoic self.
"Uh, you like sushi?"
She cocked her brow and folded her arms.
"This is Japan, everyone likes sushi."
He rolled his eyes and grabbed her arm, pulling her inside the restaurant with him.
"Table for two?"
Keigo nodded as the host grabbed the menus and brought them to a table.
Y/N sat down and instantly picked up the menu. All she had in her system was tea and water so she was starving.  
Keigo watched her as her eyes raked the menu. Fresh from her shower, her hair was all-natural and she didn't have a single bit of makeup on. She looked more beautiful to him than anytime she had been photoshopped by a big-time magazine.
The waiter soon came over and asked for their drinks.
"I'll have a malibu sunset please," Y/N beamed. It was true she was incredibly polite to everyone she met. That was one thing the press was never allowed to butcher.
"I'll take a long island iced tea."
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him and kicked him directly in the shin, the point of her stiletto stabbing him.
"OW! O-oh, uh please?"
She smiled, "Better."
The waiter nodded and walked off to get the drinks.
"You're really a stickler for manners huh?"
"Well, you don't get anywhere in life being a jerk."
Keigo nodded slowly, only to be cut off by a teen girl.
"O-oh my god, you're Y/N Megami!"
Y/N turned to the girl and gave her bright smile.
"Hey! Yep that's me."
"C-can I get your autograph? And a selfie?!"
"Of course!"
Y/N proceeded to sign the girl's napkin and asked her about her day, where she was from, even what she was ordering. She posed with a happy expression in the selfie and hugged the fan tightly. She waved her goodbye as the girl scurried back to her table.
Keigo was watching her every move. He knew he had a high approval rating, he was so charismatic with his fans. But Y/N truly had him beat. She made her fans feel as if they were the only two people in the room. And she showed how much they really meant to her.
Y/N turned back to Keigo, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Sorry about that, you were saying?"
Even when she hated him, she was polite.
"Well I-"
Keigo was cut off once more by the waiter placing their drinks and a bread basket in front of them. Y/N moaned at the sight of the bread, stuffing a piece in her mouth.
She nodded, her cheeks full of bread.
A flicker of light out of the corner of Kiego's eye had caught his attention. He turned around to see a flock of paparazzi standing outside the window, watching the two of them.
Y/N turned to see what he was looking at. She swallowed the bread hastily and gave the paparazzi a wave and a smile. The paparazzi took notice, some of them giving surprised grins that she had acknowledged them.
This really took Keigo off guard. She was nice to paparazzi too?
She took a sip of her cocktail when it dawned on her. She could use Kiego- Hawk's- no. 2 status for her own gain. What a perfect way to kill two birds with one stone, pun intended.
Slyly, she reached out to hold Kiego's hand across the table.
His cheeks grew pink, but he quickly cleared his throat, hoping the paparazzi wouldn't catch him acting so soft.
Y/N placed her chin in her other hand and gave him her best face of admiration.
"So, Keigo," she said purring his name. "Tell me about the man behind the number two hero."
She wrapped her lips around her straw, gazing at him with suggestive eyes.
He smirked softly.
"You have Google. My life has been televised since I was a child. You, however, all that is ever seen of you is photographs. So who are you really Megami?"
Y/N paused, taken aback by his confidence. For a moment she had forgotten who she was dealing with. She needed to be craftier.
"Well, you already know I model. I don't have a quirk-"
"Cut the shit Y/N, I know there's more to you than being pretty and quirkless."
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jeontaeh · 3 years
"Why do birds need to walk though. They've got wings. It's unfair lowkey."
"Bro.. they don't have intellect and shit... We've got that... we're still superior bro."
"Shut dude... you're right... but still having wings would be fuckin' tight."
"Just flappin' them around an' shit. I'd just go fly onto buildings, dude. Sleep there and shit."
"Fucking shut up- oh my god." Youngi groaned, covering his face with his hands. "Just- shut up. Stop talking. Eat your food and don't talk."
Jungkook giggled, gulping down another spoonful of cocopops. It was a Sunday morning, and everyone was in casual attire, hanging out at the cafeteria hall and then doing god-knows-what till the end of the day.
"Jungkookie!" Jungkook heard loudly, and lifted his head and saw V walked towards the table, silver hair pulled back by a blue bandana, loose black shirt and sweatpants on. He looked hot as fuck.
Jungkook watched with big eyes as V walked over to him and then slapped some kind of a pamphlet onto the table. "Sunday."
Jungkook, a little confused, looked down at the pamphlet. "There's an art exhibition happening in our school. Artsy kids from all over Korea are coming, there's some kind of a gallery being set up. Usually this is just for seniors, but I convinced the principal to sign you up."
Jungbook paused, big eyes blinking in confusion. He looked at V slowly. "W-what?" He squeaked out, and V chuckled, sitting down beside him.
"Yeah! I have to help chaperone the kids because, y'know, I'm football captain or what not. And I know you like doing and.." V trailed, and Jungkook found his cheeks turning a rosy red.
"O-oh!" Jungkook said, and then gripped the pamphlet, gulping. He read over it, and his blush only grew. He couldn't look V in the eyes. "You-you really didn't have to t-though.."
"What? I'm gonna give you something and not even get a little thank you, Jeon?" V rasped to Jungkook, who turned and realised their close proximity. He gulped, seeing V's eyes looking intensely into his.
"V's being nice? To Jeon Jungkook? Hang on guys, I think I'm high-" Jin said, and the guys started laughing.
Jungkook smiled to himself, and then looked at V. "C_could you come with me right now to discuss the details for this?" Jungkook asked, and V nodded quickly, and they both got up and rushed out of the cafeteria.
Jimin looked at where they went off, and then looked at the guys. "Let's hope they don't beat each other up. I have noticed, though, that they're not as rude to each other anymore. I mean, we actually get through football practice." Jimin laughed, and Namjoon nodded.
"Fucking finally, right?" Namjoon snickered, and the others nodded, and the got back to discussing about birds.
Jungkook and V rushed towards the nearest janitor closet, and then Jungkook opened the door quickly and walked in, and V followed suit, closing the door. The moment he did, Jungkook grabbed V close and kissed him hard.
V smiled into the kiss, letting his hands slip from Jungkook's back to his waist. Jungkook hummed into the kiss, throwing his arms over his shoulders, and then pulling away.
"Thank you." Jungkook whispered, and then smiled. "I-It's genuinely really nice of you." Jungkook said timidly, and V looked to the other side, clearing his throat.
"It's no big deal."
"No, it is! I-I mean- you convinced the teacher to let me participate? That is a big deal-"
"Jeon, I said it wasn't a big deal. Stop.. being gay about it." V snapped quickly, and Jungkook nodded, looking down.
But he couldn't help but smile to himself, and then let out a giggle, covering his mouth with his hands. V raised his eyebrow. "What?"
"Nothing." Jungkook said quickly, looking back up at him, smoothening the front of his t-shirt. "Just that.. I'm starting to think I'm a little special to you. That's all." Jungkook teased, and V looked at him for a few seconds, and then grabbed his wrists.
V didn't say anything, just leaned down and pressed their lips together, pinning Jungkook against the wall. Jungbook hummed into his lips, letting him get placed against the wall. V let his hands go and slipped his own down to Jungkook's ass.
Jungkook pulled away, breathing heavily, and then reached his hands up, fixing V's bandana a little bit, brushing off strands of silver hair. He let his eyes trail down and met V's eyes, and then smiled a little.
"You wanna.. come see my art stuff?" Jungkook said in a small voice. "I need to paint today. Do you wanna sit with me in the art room upstairs?"
"What the fuck am I going to do watching you paint? Sounds boring as shit," V laughed, and Jungkook pulled his hands back.
"Yeah but we can be togeth-"
"I could literally list 20 more things I could be doing. Sorry Jeon, but unless you suck my dick while painting- I'm good." V said, and then slapped Jungkook's ass quickly and turned around to walk out of the door.
Jungkook watched him walk out, and felt a little.. unsatisfied with that response. He sighed to himself and then walked out of the janitor's closet, seeing V walking up to the cafeteria. Before V walked into the cafeteria, he turned and looked at Junkook, who walked up to him.
"My place before lunch, kay?" V said, and Jungkook shook his head.
"I can't. I have art stuff." Jungkook said. "And now I have the exhibition thingy tomorrow and need to work for that."
V huffed, scratching the back of his head. He laughed to himself. "Jeez, I get you this whole thing and can't ever get same nice head after?"
Jungbook frowned. "I thought you selected me 'cause you thought I was good and like art.."
"Well, yeah. You're talented or whatever- but I was hoping this meant you could let me doggy style you." V said to him huskily, and Jungkook frowned harder.
"Whatever. I'm gonna go work on art." Jungkook mumbled, pushing him away lightly.
V scoffed, seeing Jungkook walk the other way. "Jeon," V called out, and Jungkook felt this stupid hitch in his stomach. probably a stomach ache, he presumed. But then, he felt V grab his hips and spin him around.
"You're so fucking annoying." V snapped, and Jungkook frowned. "Fine, I'll come with you to your stupid art room. But only because you're forcing me! Not because I want to see you do artsy stuff." V said, and Jungkook blushed.
V started walking, and Jungkook rushed to catch up with him, heart beating fast. Something which felt like butterflies erupted in his stomach. Something unknown.
"Jungkook?" A voice said, and Jungkook turned. It was one of the art students from the grade above, Nayeon. "Are you in the exhibition?" She asked.
Jungkook nodded. "Yes. I put my stuff up." He explained, and she nodded. "Okay, good! I just need to give you lD's for this thing, identification purposes. Here's yours," She said, taking out an ID with Jungkook's name on it. Jungkook took the ID and pinned it to his shirt.
Nayeon took out another ID. "And this one.. same guy from your batch, I have no clue. Taehyung?"
Jungkook frowned. "What? There's no 'Taehyung' in our batch." Jungkook said, and she handed him the ID. He looked at it.
Kim Taehyung. Junghook's literally never heard that name before. "Well, he's in your batch, so please give the ID to him." She said, and then rushed off.
It was the night of the exhibition thing, and Jungkook felt kind of out of place and.. scared. Everyone was from other schools and older and he felt insecure about his art he put up. It was one he made ages ago. He had it put up in the end of the room. His was in the end and the lights weren't great here, but he didn't really care. He's glad he got to be a part of this.
v where are you
jungkook im in the end of the room. near the washrooms.
v come here. they've got great snacks
jungkook get me some
v no
jungkook pwease
v fine
Jungbook walked towards the food table or whatever, and then saw V walking towards him, wearing a suit. A suit.
Black trousers, a while button up (which was not fully buttoned up, the first two or three butters opened) and a black suit jacket with a fat expensive looking watch on his wrist. Along with all that, he had a black bandana on his head.
Jungkook's mouth went dry at the sight.
"C'mon. Let's get you all filled up with food so you don't get tired by the end of this." V said, and Jungkook looked at him with big eyes.
He was so fucking handsome.
He looked tall and.. grand, really, in this lighting. With his tan skin enunciated in the light, dark eyes, playful smirk and silver hair. Jungkook didn't know he would be wearing a suit.
Jungkook felt a little dumb now, in his tight black trousers and white shirt with a black collar. He looked dumb compared to V.
"Hello?" V snapped, clicking Jungkook out of his thoughts. "You okay?" V chuckled, and Jungkook nodded quickly, cheeks pink.
Jungkook looked over at the food table, and gasped. "Look at that chocolate fountain!" Jungkook said in awe, and V hummed.
"I know right. I dipped some strawberries in 'em." V said, and Jungkook looked around and grabbed a slice of orange.
"Ew. Chocolate dipped orange?" V said in disgust, and Jungkook looked at him. "The strawberries are all out. I wanna try."
"Okay fine. I'll try with the.. sushi." V said, and Jungkook gasped, seeing V pick up sushi with a pair of wooden chopsticks lying on the table.
"No! V- please don't dip the sushi in choc-" Jungkook started, and then squealed out in laughter when V dipped the sushi into the chocolate, and then put it into his mouth.
Jungkook started laughing loudly, and saw V made a disgusted face and then grab a tissue quickly and spit the food out. Some of the teachers glared at them, so Jungkook put his hand over his mouth, still giggling.
V threw the tissue into the bin and then started laughing himself. It was all cute until they were both reduced to a fit of giggles over trying various foods dipped in chocolate.
Jungkook cringed when he bit into a shrimp cocktail dipped in chocolate, and V did as well after swallowing a bite of a spring roll dipped in chocolate.
"This is disgusting!" Jungkook cried, and V laughed. "It's fucking gross, I hate us."
Jungkook giggled, picking up a piece of lettuce and dipping it into the chocolate. "Here try this," Jungkook said, reaching it to V's lips.
But V was looking to the other side, and then patted Jungkook's shoulder. "I'll be back in a minute." V said, and Jungkook nodded, and V rushed off. So Jungkook grabbed a plate and put some crackers and strawberries on them, covering it with chocolate.
He started getting a little giddy at the thought of V coming back to him. Maybe after the event was over they'd go back to V's dorm and V would fuck him in the-
"Hey." Jimin said, and Jungkook looked up. "Hi! You're here?" Jungkook asked in confusion, and Jimin hummed. "Yeah. Just decided to come and see the exhibition. Art teacher allowed me to." Jimin said.
Jungkook smiled. "Nice! Go see my stuff, okay." Jungkook said, and Jimin nodded, and then snickered. "Check out V over there. God, classic V behavior." Jimin said, and Jungkook looked over at where he was pointing at.
Jungkook saw V talking to.. Eka, he thinks. She was in a small red dress and looked quite pretty. They were talking, and Jungkook saw how V was laughing at something she was saying, smirking at her cheekily, making her blush, patting her ass while whispering something to her.
Which made him think. Does Taehyung act like this with everyone?
More importantly, why was Jungkook... upset?
Jealous? Kind of.. but more than anything a little upset? Why the fuck was he upset? V talked and flirted with girls all the time, Jungkook never cared.
V would literally fuck him in a crying mess and then they'd leave the room and pretend nothing happened. Jungkook would see V tell a girl she's 'hot but would look hotter in his bed' in Chemistry and then later be in V's bed.
It never upset him.
But now it does. Why?
"Yeah." Jungkook laughed nervously, and then turned back around, taking a small strawberry and popping it into his mouth.
"I'm gonna go look around. You should probably go back to your art thing, no?" Jimin said, and Jungkook nodded.
Jungkook saw Jimin walk away, and then found himself walking over to where V was standing. With Eka, and some more guys and girls. Those popular kids.
"Hey." Jungkook said softly to V, who was talking to one of the guys. Jungkook sucked in a sharp breath and then tapped on V's shoulder. V turned to see him.
"What?" V said, voice coming out harsher than Jungkook expected.
"Y-you- um- you wanna come see my art stuff?" Jungkook asked in a small voice, and V hummed. "Later." V mumbled, and then turned back to the other girls and guys, laughing at whatever they were saying.
Jungkook stood behind V, feeling this terrible twist in his tummy. He was hoping it was the chocolate taco he ate earlier, but he doesn't think it was.
"Did you guys see that freshmen kid walking around?" One of the guys said, probably a senior. "So fucking gay, bro. He had that dumb rainbow flag shit on his backpack. We told him to cut that shit out but he tried sassing us like the fag he was," The guy said, and Jungkook stilled.
"Ugh, that sounds gross." Eka mumbled. "We should do something about that."
"V? I saw him walking around here somewhere. Wanna go show him what's what?" The guy snickered, and V nervously paused for a second.
Jungkook found himself frowning a little. "He's just 14 or 15.. just a kid. I'm sure he's not trying to do any harm." Jungkook said softly, and then V looked at him.
"Jungkook, don't you need to go next to your exhibition or whatever?" V said, and Jungkook paused.
"No.. it doesn't start for another 10 minutes." Jungkook said, and V gave Jungkook an annoyed look which Jungkook didn't understand.
"Just- go next to the food place or something." V said sharply, grabbing the plate from Jungkook's hands and keeping it on the table next to him for himself.
Jungkook frowned, looking at V in confusion. "B-but that's my-"
"Jeon," V snapped, and Jungkook gulped. Usually he would snap back or think this was playful rivalrous banter happening between the two, but Jungkook felt his stomach drop.
"I-I'll go." Jungkook squeaked, and then turned around and walked away. He heard those guys laugh, and rushed closer to where his painting was, and then just stood there for the rest of the time.
Half an hour or so later, when Jungkook decided he was a little tired and wanted to go back to his dorm. Not a lot of people were coming to his area anyway, and he wanted to watch tv in peace in his dorm, so he made up some excuse for the art teacher and walked out of the banquet hall.
Jungkook didn't see V anywhere, and began walking down the hallway towards the exit of the building. Just the thought of seeing V somewhere got him a little excited, and he didn't know why.
Jungkook went down the stairs, and then stopped.
He heard some sounds.
He heard a loud groan, a cry. "P-please- I'm sorry-"
Jungkook heard some more sounds, a sound of a locker banging, followed by laughter. He rushed down the steps and turned the corner of the wall, and then froze.
It was a kid, a 14 year old kid with brightly colored hair standing with his back against a locker. Eka, that other dude, and V were all there, along with some more of them, standing around him.
"Shut up, geez. You chose to get it up your ass, now deal with the consequences of it." Eka snapped, and then Jungkook saw with widened eyes as V grabbed the boy and slammed him against the locker quite hard.
"This is what you get for being a gay bitch, don't you? Told you to cut it out, didn't we?" V growled to him with a smirk, and the others started laughing, and Jungkook saw how the younger boy quivered in fear.
Eka turned her head and saw Jungkook standing there with big eyes. "Oh hey Jeon. Enjoy the show," Eka said with a laugh.
"Fucking faggot-" V started with a snicker, and then heard what Eka said and froze.
V turned his head, and saw Jungkook standing there with widened eyes, looking.. both confused and scared.
V instantly let go of the guy, and the poor kid just stood against the locker fearfully. V looked a little guilty and red handed himself, looking almost regretful.
"Jungkook-" V started, and Jungkook looked at him. "Shut up. Just shut the fuck up." He snapped, and V gulped, looking down. Guilty as he should be.
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amysantiagoisfone · 5 years
The Blanket
Hey, @amydancepants-peralta, I am your @b99fandomevents fix exchange writer! I really hope you enjoy this!! Thank you for giving me the idea <3 
Summary: As Jake and Amy's relationship becomes more stable, they start to learn each other's annoying quirks and wonderful traits- which is just what Jake wanted to do this weekend. (Set just before s3's episode the cruise, where Jake and Amy admit that they love each other.) (word count: 2,074)
Read On Ao3
New York was never the hottest place on earth. It was a fact that Jake had to deal with, arming himself with expensive blankets (Too expensive, definitely not warm enough to keep a penguin warm in the Antarctic, as the commercial that got Jake to call in had promised) and warm PJs against the chill that started in September, fighting against the feeling of waking up in the morning with that gross half-cold that could last the entire day.
Sighing as he got out of the elevator, Jake could feel the AC heating up his nostrils, his hands, until he felt warm enough to take his coat off, draping it over his forearm.
His shoes made a squelching sound as he walked past Captain Holt, greeting him with that "Mornin' Cap'n" that would've granted him a lesson on how to say the word 'Captain' in the past, but now it was just ignored- Jake saw that as a definite victory.
"Peralta, why are your shoes making that sound?" Holt asked, his arms crossed over his chest and his jaw set as if he were angry, but after three years of being under Holt's command, Jake knew that that's just how his face was usually set, making it super hard to understand if the Captain was actually mad, sad, or glad.
"Got out of my car and into a puddle, Sir. Just, straight in," He said, trying to sharpen the image of the incident with a motion of his hand, going downwards.
"Take your shoes off and put them outside," He commanded, an edge of annoyance in his voice that usually colored his speech when he spoke to Jake for more than a minute.
"With all due respect Sir, taking my shoes off is something we got's to avoid," Jake whispered quickly, piercing his lips as he looked at his Captain, wide eyed and waiting for his answer.
Holt huffed through his nose (disastrously dramatic) uncrossing his arms and putting one hand in his pocket. "Dry them off in the bathroom. I highly suggest you leave a change of clothes in the precinct with your track record."
Jake obviously knew what the Captain was talking about- Terry's Yoghurt incident, Charles' steaming pot of whatever-gross-thing-he-was-making, that one time he missed a d-hole (He blamed it on the fact that the donut hole was powdered. "I didn't account the weight of the powder in my calculations!" to which Amy said "You don't even know how to heat up leftover pizza.")
"Duly noted, Cap'n," But Holt was already walking away from him.
Before he'd go and dry his shoes, Jake decided to start his computer up. Even if he'll be gone for fifteen minutes with his shoes, he was sure he'd come back to the loading screen still halfway done. Amy was already sitting at her desk, working with the hard copy of a case until her own computer was ready to go.
When they wouldn't spend the night together she'd come early, and on the days where they did (nights that were becoming more and more frequent, to Jake's satisfaction) they'd come on time- Well, Amy would come on time, and Jake would come in five minutes later, to make sure Charles won't freak out.
"God, that noise is annoying," Amy said, without looking up from her file. She was smiling though, and soon enough she did look up at him, catching him in the middle of dressing his chair with his coat. He leaned in to press the 'on' button on the computer, before he stood next to Amy's chair, walking in place and grinning down at her while the sound of his shoes seemed to irritate her immensely.
"Ha, ha," She said sarcastically, even though her face seemed pretty entertained. Jake's own face seemed smug, because making Amy want to smile, seeing the edges of her lips forced down because we're at work, Jake, felt like the biggest, most definite victory of them all.
He leaned his hand on Amy's desk and looked around. Charles was in the breakroom, far enough for them to talk without his interruptions.
"I was thinking, maybe, a weekend in? Order take-out and watch something on Netflix?" A weekend in and something to watch was the next big step in a relationship, as Jake saw it. To him, it was the moment a relationship got serious- Fancy dinners, pretty clothes and hooking up was amazing, of course, but he wanted to see the more casual side of Amy. In all of his past relationships, that's what he liked best- the moment it went from dates to hanging out, to a routine life with someone he liked.
"On one condition," She said, leaning closer. "Uh-huh," Jake retaliated, biting his smile. "No Die Hard."
Jake huffed, leaning back and clapping his hands together. "You drive a hard bargain, Ames. Fine, you'll pick the movie." Amy's smile made her whole face scrunch up. Stupidly adorable. "I'll come over at Eight." He smiled as she agreed, before walking off to take care of his shoes, wondering where he could get a different pair.
At Seven-Fifty Seven, Jake heard the doorbell ring. It was nice to not have to straighten a buttoned-up shirt or check his breath. He opened the door to find Amy in a regular T-shirt and comfortable leggings, making his already wide smile grow wider. "Hey," She said, getting through the door and pecking his lips. "I ordered Chinese, extra Egg Rolls as you wanted. Should be here any minute," Jake sat on the sofa, and Amy immediately sat next to him. "Great, I'm starving. I didn't actually get to eat lunch today, too preoccupied with this case," Jake leaned his head closer, his arm around her shoulders, his attention all on her. "Rosa and I are working on a murder. A woman fell off a fourth-floor window. It seems like no one was in the apartment, but she had fresh bruises around the neck and forearms."
"There was definitely someone in that apartment. Maybe a partner? Got into a fight?" He suggested, and Amy nodded. "That's what we thought- but her husband was out of town. He's heading back to the city right now, we're meeting him tomorrow to go through our list of suspects."
Jake nodded, but tried to shut off his detective-brain. He definitely couldn't. "Any good suspects?" Amy sighed, shaking her head. "No signs of forced entry. If she did get murdered, it was someone she trusted."
Amy kept talking about the case, her hands gesticulating and her eyes shining and eyebrows raising at the ends of her sentences. Even though Jake listened to Amy and knew that what happened to that woman was horrible, he couldn't help but smile. "So there might be a conne- why are you smiling? Don't tell me you solved it," Amy leaned her head to the side and was smiling with him now. Jake shook his head no, "It's nothing. You're just adorable. Do continue," Amy didn't try to hide her smile now, kissing Jake for a moment before she continued all the same, only to be cut off by a knock on the door.
"If it's not the Egg Rolls I'll literally start eating the couch," Jake said, getting up to open the door.
Three hours of noodles, Sushi and teaching Amy how to use Chopsticks later, she was sleeping next to him, her arm around his stomach, lips parted, cheek squished to his chest. As much as he hated waking her up, Jake knew it was best to do so- sleeping like this will lead to a day of a painful neck. "Ames," Jake whispered, rubbing her arm. She let out a soft 'huh', her eyes still shut. "I can't believe you picked the movie and still fell asleep," Jake teased, and then her eyes looked up at him, so tired and comfortable. "C'mon, I'll give you the good lump." At that, Amy groaned. "You and your lumps," She muttered, getting up with Jake to his bed.
"A change of clothes?" Jake held out a warm shirt. Amy took it and turned away from him, which almost made Jake snort. He stayed silent, changing his own shirt and turning the AC on. The room was filled with the beeps of the AC as Jake flipped through the settings until he got to warm. "Thanks, I get super cold when the weather's like this," Amy said, kissing his cheek and getting into bed.
"Yeah, same. People that put their AC on cold are ruthless," Jake took his place next to her, wrapping himself with the best, warmest blanket he had. Amy was turned away from him, as she liked to sleep facing the edge of the bed. He looped one arm around her stomach as she settled, taking a bit too much of the blanket for Jake's liking- His thigh was peeking under, and when it comes to the cold, every inch of his body needs to be covered to survive the night.
Jake tugged at the blanket, just enough to cover up again, only for Amy to take the blanket- this time, she took even more, and he saw the bunched up fabric of the blanket against her chest. His eyes widened and he inhaled sharply through his nose. "Blanket hog!" Jake whispered in a pointed manner, making Amy turn towards him.
"Your blanket's too narrow for two people!"
"It's not too narrow if you stop hogging it like the hog you are, you hog. This is MY blanket, it was too expensive for me not to use it."
Amy gasped, and with that she took more of the blanket. "No, no," Jake muttered as he pulled at Amy's bunch until they were both hugging the blanket to their chest, half and half, pulling at it until a tear formed in the middle of the blanket. The good news was that it didn't go all the way through, but it was definitely unusable for two people.
Jake gasped, then groaned, throwing his hand in the air. "I'll fix it up somehow tomorrow," He said, getting up and reaching for another blanket. This one was wider, definitely enough for two people (or a single human burrito)
The blanket was thinner than his normal one, but there were no holes in it. With this blanket, Amy could still (annoyingly) bunch the fabric up and Jake would have enough to be fully covered.
In the morning, Jake knew Amy was around even if she wasn't in his bed. He searched the room and figured she was in the living room. Making his way to the kitchen, Jake stopped himself when he went into the living room. Amy was sitting on the couch. Having moved the trash of last night's date, she sprawled the blanket on the coffee table, sewing it methodically.
"Coffee?" Jake asked, and Amy looked up from her work, her hands still on the blanket. "Please. Your machine kept beeping at me and I was scared it'd start splashing steaming water in my eyes." She went back to her sewing, and Jake joined her on the sofa a few minutes later, two cups of coffee in hand. "You really don't have to," Jake looked at her, wondering if she felt guilty and that's why she tried to fix the blanket. "I know. But I want to. It's a good blanket, and I want to keep it alive." Amy shrugged, piercing the fabric once more. "Besides, I could use the practice, not a lot of time stitching between work and dating and, well, everything else."
Jake looked at Amy for a few moments, at how her hands moved swiftly and steadily, before he turned the TV on. "Thank you, it's really nice that you're doing this for me."
Amy turned to him, pecking his lips quickly, then biting her own. "It's the least I can do after you gave me the good lump."
As the morning kept on going and the blanket was finished, the two cuddled under it, finally watching a movie that Amy picked, eating cold take out and ordering some more food.
That weekend, of being together and fighting, making out, talking, laughing and making it all feel so routine in the best way possible made Jake want to stay like that forever, as long as he had Amy with him, he could make do with no one else.
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