#What's the point of having an amazing prime video subscription if ALL of the shows have 5 minutes of ads
slumbering-shadows · 2 years
It's so funny that I pay for these streaming services and they still make me watch ads hahaha it's soooooo fun
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 3: Release Date, Streaming Guide & Recap
SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 3 release date is right around the corner and fans are pretty excited to know about the same. The show throws light on the people working in the US military. Benjamin Cavell has worked on this series as a creator. Till now, we have had 5 successful seasons of the same and thus, a sixth one was provided. In the prime focus of the plot throughout the installments, we see the camera following the Bravo Team. It happens to be a sub-unit of the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group. These trained officers are one of the elite members who are recruited as the Navy SEALS. The pressure on their shoulders is uncountable. These folks take on projects and missions inside the country as well as international ones. Mostly, the officers have to respond to emergencies that are presented on very short notice. Their impulse is what takes them forward and at one point, every SEAL had to trust their instinct. We also see a considerable focus on the families of these officers working as a team. They will have to balance both, their personal and professional ones throughout the seasons and it absolutely causes a lot of drama. Coming back to the series, let us have a quick recap before talking about the future of the same. SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 1 & 2 Recap Back in SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 1 titled Low Impact, we saw that the BRAVO team has come on the screen yet again with the start of this season. Although, the mission which they handled during the same, will scar them for life. It was quite a dangerous one and took all of their energy and devoured it into the same. Later in SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 2 titled Crawl, Walk, Run, we witnessed that the SEAL Team is back on the ground again to take even tougher missions. They have gone over to Russian-controlled territory in order to handle a high stake project. On the other hand, the episode also focused on Clay as he was trying to handle his own personal battles while navigating as a soldier of the United States. Coming back to the future, here is what fans can expect from the same. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t582xwsvUT4 SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 3 Release Date SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 3 release date is on the 2nd of October 2022. The episode is titled Growing Pains. It is supposed to drop out on Paramount Plus at 3 AM Eastern Time. New episodes of the show are slated to release every week on Sundays. You can keep a track of the same through Otakukart. How to Watch SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 3 SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 3 can be watched easily when it releases on Paramount Plus. All the previous seasons and episodes are available to watch from the same platform. You can buy an official subscription to the same for 4.99 dollars a month. This is a commercially supported version. In order to watch the content and episodes without any advertisements, I suggest you buy the higher plan at 9.99 dollars a month. Paramount Plus can also be watched with a free trial as a bundle with Amazon Prime Video. The free trial lasts for about 7 days. You can use it in order to watch SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 3 for free legally in the United States. The free trial is only valid for new users. Also read: What Time The Amazing Race Season 34 Episode Releases? Read the full article
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When my husband's father died, about ten years ago, my husband took it really hard. He even went to --and paid-- "psychics" to get "messages" from his father. I thought this was coo-coo, but didn't say anything, because it was, well, awkward and these "messages from the other side" seemed to help my husband process his father's death.
Eventually, I started to gently question my husband's beliefs: "what was so amazing about your "psychic reading?" One time, husband answered, "the psychic said that everytime I find a coin on the floor, that's dad trying to get my attention," as if this was PROOF. Well, we have coins all over the floor (because my husband never empties his pockets, and the coins fall out every night when he removes his pants. They're not placed there by some "ghost"). When I pointed this out to him, he just shook his head and said, "you're just not a believer." Eventually, he stopped going (and paying) "psychics" and that was that. But tonight, he announced he wants to go back for another "reading" to "check in" with his dad. Ugh. Is there anything I can do, or say, besides getting him a subscription to Skeptic magazine?
LOVE your tumblr! Always enjoy your posts. Thank you. --Jack
This one's a tricky one. As with religion, people believe because they have an emotional need to believe. You can't just talk people out of those superstitious beliefs, they have to think themselves out of them.
So if you argue this one out, he could see it as you keeping him from his father.
There are a few things I would suggest.
1. Ask questions, such as how he believes it works, why other people don't seem to get communications, why's the father hanging around rather than living his best afterlife, which incarnation of his father is it - young, prime-of-life, just before death, did he never find coins lying around prior to his father's death (sounds like he should have), etc. It sounds like you're already doing that, and I think that's a good thing, encouraging him to think his way through and eventually out of this.
But with particular emphasis on the psychic. In my opinion, I think it's relatively less troubling that for him to believe his father is watching over him, and more troubling that he's willing to put time, money and power into a con artist. If he can be... self-sufficient, I guess... supernatural-wise, it may be a compromise you can live with. And may just eventually fall away.
2. Talk about his father and other members of his family, both living and dead. Go through photos. movies, etc. Talk about old times with the father's siblings if they're still around, or others who knew him. Do the family tree. It may help your husband to feel closer to family without the involvement of a con artist, to fulfil that need that's driving him. Don't make a show of it, just hey, I was looking through the album, what was going on here... It might also give you some ammunition with the claims of the "psychic." to become familiar with his family, and for him to remember them clearly, rather than through the suggestions of the fraudster. For example, if his dad was quite frugal, I wonder what his father would say about spending this money on "psychics," rather than on your life together. And it may subtly point out that dear departed Great Aunt Ruth never pops around to send him messages, for some reason.
3. Go to any sessions with him, so you know what's going on. Ask questions there too, but be more cautious. The "psychic" is a con artist, and holds a lot of power. They could cast you as the "dark energy" preventing the father from communicating, or someshit. Consider it more reconnaissance for later questions and discussions with your husband, rather than taking on the "psychic."
4. Read up on the fraud of psychics. James Randi comes to mind; whatever you can get your hands on. There's videos, articles and other things online:
His books:
Flim-Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions
Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural: Decidedly Skeptical Definitions of Alternative Realities
Some other articles:
Psychic Blues: Confessions of a Conflicted Medium (book)
As I said in the beginning, it's a tricky one. I think you have to tread very carefully here. It's not like with gods, which are no more than conceptual in nature, where you can call the god an immoral monster and that you and the god will duke it out when you're dead. This is - a fictional version of - a real person who lived, and was loved, who’s now being misappropriated by someone whose career is literally lying for a living.
i don't envy you.
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letterboxd · 3 years
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How I Letterboxd #12: Joe Lynch.
Self-described cinedork and Mayhem filmmaker Joe Lynch tells Horrorville’s Brett Petersel about cinematic sausage, getting to direct Creepshow episodes and being a three-star starter on Letterboxd.
“Even when I watch what I would think is a real stinker, I also consider that there were many people involved in that film who didn’t walk on set going ‘okay people, let’s screw this up today!’” —Joe Lynch
It is always a pleasure to find film directors lurking on Letterboxd. Joe Lynch is a bona fide, OG member, having racked up more than 1,500 diary entries, giving half-star reviews to his own work, and creating lists of the movies that have influenced the making of his films.
There are the films that were in Lynch’s subconscious when he made Mayhem, a workplace splatter led by Steven Yeun and Samara Weaving. There are the movies he watched while researching the Salma Hayek-starring Everly. And this just in: films that influenced The Right Snuff, one of Lynch’s two episodes for the new Creepshow series—based on the 1982 horror-comedy classic and its sequels—which premieres on Shudder April 15.
Like so many of us, Lynch took time during the pandemic to catch up on films he had neglected to watch in spite of a previous career as a video-store clerk (a Criterion Channel subscription helped him get on top of the backlog). In this edition of ‘How I Letterboxd’, Lynch discusses how those classics have informed his craft, who his Letterboxd faves are, and why the horror genre is the future of the industry.
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Steven Yeun and Samara Weaving in Joe Lynch’s ‘Mayhem’ (2017).
How long have you been on Letterboxd? Joe Lynch: I remember when Letterboxd was in its beta phase way back in good ol’ 2012 and I couldn’t wait to sign up, breathlessly waiting for an invite to the party. At the time, I had a digital database where I would log movies I’ve seen, but it was always subject to whatever laptop or device I had handy and would just be a mess of titles with no rhyme or reason.
When a member follows you, what should they expect? I put it right up top in my description: “I am not a critic”, just a lover of cinema. At first I didn’t want to write “reviews” in the description, especially since I first started using the service whilst in the throes of a horrible experience making a film that I thought would bury me and I’d never work again. I was like, and I still feel this way, “who am I to rip on a movie when someone can throw it right back at me? Like ‘dude, you directed Knights of Badassdom, sit down’.”
I’ve always had the highest regard for filmmakers who can get anything made. So even when I watch what I would think is a real stinker, I also consider that there were many people involved in that film who didn’t walk on set going “okay people, let’s screw this up today!” but instead were trying their best and circumstances just got in the way, which always happens. Having made a few films and TV now, I’m fully aware of the trials and tribulations that go into making a movie and have all the respect in the world for anyone who can steer that ship to completion. It’s hard making movies and even harder making one that is your original vision [and] that is widely embraced by an audience.
I have very weird tastes so don’t be shocked if you glance at my recent activity and you see Casablanca, The Silence of the Lambs or Bigger Than Life right next to The Legend of Billie Jean, Con Air or Candyman 3. I’m usually bouncing all over the place in terms of what kinds of movies I’m screening. From films recommended to me, to films that I may be watching for research, or even just how I’m feeling that day and maybe need a good laugh or a good cry or to be scared stiff. I like that kind of variety. There’s something out there for everyone and every emotion. If anything, I’d say expect the unexpected when it comes to my viewing habits.
What’s your favorite feature to use and why? One of the residual effects of working at video stores as a kid was my desire to siphon people’s tastes in movies and possibly recommend films to others as well, so my favorite feature is the ease of use in logging films and being able to quickly recall those films as well in the event someone asks me “what’s something I should watch?”. Getting older, the “employee’s picks” in my head is getting a little harder to cross-reference than usual so to have the ability to whip out my phone and say “oh man, I just watched Possession and it was awesome!” is exponentially helpful to a cinedork like myself.
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‘Big Trouble in Little China’ (1986)—a five-star film says Joe Lynch.
How do you rate the films you watch? For example, what type of film is worthy of a five-star review? Funny, I always start out on three-stars mainly because I’m so proud of the filmmakers actually getting it completed! I’ve been there! I’m somewhat biased in my reflections because I’m always rooting for the artists and from there, it’s usually gauged on both an emotional level and a technical level. I always get made fun of while watching movies because I can point out hidden cuts or when a shot is reversed but [I’m] not trying to point out flaws, it's just how my brain is wired at this point. When you pull the curtain back enough to see how the cinematic sausage is made, it's harder and harder to objectively watch a movie without trying to dissect how it was done. I try so hard to shut that part of my brain off to just passively enjoy a movie but it’s tough. I usually skew towards the positive.
The films I’ve given five-stars are movies that have continually affected me over the years and have inspired me as a person and a filmmaker, which is everything from The Empire Strikes Back, Dawn of the Dead and When Harry Met Sally... to Big Trouble in Little China, The Blob, The Last of the Mohicans. I looked back at my five-stars and it’s mostly movies that made a significant impression on me from an early age and continue to do so, maybe even more so as I get older and I view these movies in a different light.
The anthology show Creepshow returns to Shudder this month. Tell us about the two episodes you directed for the series, ‘Pipe Screams’ and ‘The Right Snuff’. Both Creepshow and Creepshow 2 were important films in my youth and even today, they were some of the first movies I remember where I wasn’t quite sure if I was supposed to be scared or laugh. These films proclaimed we could do both! As a disciple of George A. Romero, Stephen King and Tom Savini, Creepshow really shaped how I watched movies and how I made them—consider the anthology I did a few years back, Chillerama, as a prime example. So when Shudder announced the show, I had to do everything on my part to convince them I could take the baton from these masters of the macabre and do them and the many fans proud.
To come to the table and say “I want ‘The Right Snuff’ to feel like 2001: A Space Odyssey crashed into The Andromeda Strain, and ‘Pipe Screams’ is my homage to The Blob and Delicatessen”—and then everyone just immediately getting it—was a dream. Between the casts I was lucky enough to work with and the amazing crew, especially the FX geniuses at KNB, it really was one of those dream jobs I’ll never forget. I hope audiences dig the madness we conjured up on those!
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Season 2 of the Shudder series ‘Creepshow’ returns to the horror streamer this month. A third season has been ordered.
If you were to expand the Mayhem universe, what would it look like? We tried! I pitched the producers the idea of the ID-7 virus in other locations and situations because in essence the idea of being uninhibited by mental and emotional constraints is so ripe. My favorite was the idea that it would get loose in a Wal-Mart or a mall on Black Friday when consumers swarm to these department stores for the best deals. You’ve seen the videos, it’s just mass hysteria. The footage already out there would have been perfect to use already and those people aren’t even infected!
Sadly it didn’t come to pass, mainly because they asked “how do we get Steven and Samara back?” and I didn’t want to force those characters into that scenario, Die Hard 2 style. Plus they’re both huge stars now and likely unavailable for the next twelve years. But the ideas people have thrown out to me show that it was impactful enough to warrant variant scenarios in a “what if?” way that’s really exciting. Who knows, maybe the ID-7 virus could find its way onto the set of a movie production…
What excites you about the future of filmmaking, especially in horror films? The world is embracing new faces and voices more than ever and it means we’re getting stories that may not have ever had the chance to flourish and be seen and heard before. For the longest time the system was much more rigid because executives and producers thought that the audience was much less accepting of a wider world view in cinema and I think the last ten years has proven them wrong. There shouldn’t be any more “token” character or “strong [insert non-white-male] character” descriptions in development meetings. I hear it less and less, which is great because that’s not our world and since cinema—especially horror—is and always should be a reflection of our culture and times, it should reflect these evolutions as well.
When I made Wrong Turn 2: Dead End, the discussions over how one of the characters—a Black character played by Texas Battle—survived at the end was not in the original script but I pushed for it mainly because it was rare for the Black character to do so in a horror film. That shouldn’t be an anomaly! Why can’t there be a ‘final guy’ or have the survivors be LGBT+ or a POC and not the usual stereotypes?
I think now it’s more commonplace to see this and it excites me for the future of the genre that artists are being more welcome to express themselves without it feeling like it’s a gimmick or a twist on the norm.
I think generations of kids growing up with horror now are gonna see these strides in the storytelling—and who’s telling the stories—and push it even further. Places like Netflix and Shudder are willing to take chances with new voices more than the studio system, now more than ever, and that’s only going to produce some great stories now and in the future.
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Erica Leehrsen and Texas Battle in a scene from ‘Wrong Turn 2: Dead End’ (2007).
How has the pandemic affected your creativity and influenced your work moving forward? Aside from losing a bunch of gigs due to the shutdown and being delayed on shooting Creepshow—which was a blessing in disguise considering the time we took to further develop the scripts and design of each episode—one of the main effects of the pandemic was how it gave many of us the time to catch up on a lot of films, mainly older ones. As you’d see from my diary entries on this very site, my viewing habits changed from a lot of modern films in that rat-race of catching up with the latest release, to mainly watching films I loved in the past and a lot of ’40s to ’70s films that I never got around to.
We have the tendency as film lovers to keep a mental list of films we’ll eventually get around to as if we have all the time in the world, but with the threat of the apocalypse and no real new content coming our way at the usual rapid clip, it was so gratifying to buy an annual subscription to Criterion Channel and start watching films like The Old Dark House, The Crimson Kimono, Contempt and many others.
All of these films impacted how I view film now and have bled into future projects I’m working on—especially on the technical side, when the world wasn’t influenced vicariously through MTV coverage and letting scenes play out in masters or longer takes, relishing in the performance or the mise-en-scéne. So, silver linings!
Before we go, who are some of your favorite follows on Letterboxd? I’m a big fan of Sean Baker, who I’ve known for almost 20 years now! We worked together in NYC and I was already a big Greg the Bunny fan but our mutual appreciation for fringe and exploitation films, especially international horror and genre films, seems to have bonded us for life. I love when he posts what he’s watching. Even if he’s just saying he screened something on Blu or streaming, his thoughts on cinema are always enjoyable and engaging.
In the same breath, filmmaker Jim Cummings has the best perspective on modern filmmaking and he’s clearly a big fan of using Letterboxd, so whenever I see peers like them using the app it makes me feel less like an obsessive movie dork myself, who should be getting back to work.
Some of the other follows I really enjoy are cineastes like Elric Kane and Brian Saur, who are the hosts of the New Beverly podcast Pure Cinema. Writers Anya Stanley, David Chen, Walter Chaw and Lindsay Blair Goeldner, musician and filmmaker Brendon Small, writer and critic Brian Tallerico, author Glenn Kenny, filmmaker Rodman Flender—just to name a few people who clearly love film and love sharing their thoughts on films in a very thoughtful way.
More times than not, I’m getting some great advice for what to watch next in my “new from friends” section! Because, like being at the video store, it’s casual conversations like the ones on Letterboxd that I love and always steering me to new films or revisiting old ones with a new perspective.
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sunsuenm · 3 years
Get Paid To Take Pictures With Your Phone – 20 Ways That Work(Previous)
This is an article quoting a blogger.For more high-quality content, please go to the subscription blog: https://italiangoat.com/
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In the past, high-quality cameras were expensive, fragile devices used primarily by professional photographers. And while you can still spend a pretty penny on a top-of-the-line model, most modern smartphone cameras are more than capable of taking amazing pictures — even if all you know how to do is point and click.
And whether you’re a full-time photographer or an amateur in search of a good side hustle, there are dozens of ways to sell the images from your phone.
All you need is a smartphone with a camera and a good platform on which to sell your photos.
In this post, we’ll run down some of the best ways to get paid to take pictures with your phone, and we’ll answer a few of the most commonly asked questions about the process.
Getting Started
Starting a photography side hustle is not as easy as whipping out your phone to catch a pretty sunset, then selling the image online.
Before you can get started making money from your iPhone or Android photos, you’ll need some equipment, software and basic know-how. You don’t need to be an expert — just cover these basics and you’ll be ready to get started.
Smartphone with a high-quality camera: With technology constantly advancing, a good smartphone camera is essential if you want your images to sell. Even if your images are properly framed and well-lit, they’ll be tough to sell if they’re shot with an outdated lens or in low resolution. Here’s a post that outlines some good quality smartphone cameras that will serve you well.
Photo editing software: You can do basic edits on your phone, but if you’re optimizing photos for print (think wall art and merch), you’re better off editing your images on a computer. Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom have been the industry leaders in photo editing software for decades, but if the price tag is too steep, GIMP (desktop) and A Color Story (mobile) are cheaper alternatives for editing your photos.
#1. EyeEm
EyeEm has some exclusive technological advantages over other stock photo sites. The app’s algorithm analyzes your photos for aesthetic value and relevance and automatically tags their visual elements.
EyeEm also partners with Getty Images, a major stock photo website, which increases the exposure (and potential sale) of your images.
Completing photography “missions” (requests or contests from EyeEm clients) can get your photo licensed by big name brands, get your image shared on EyeEm’s social media channels, or earn you swag.
EyeEm pays a 50% royalty rate for sold images, and you retain all the copyrights to the photo.
#2. Foap
The Foap app offers clear guidelines on acceptance criteria for photos. You can also connect with other Foap photographers and get constructive feedback on your photos.
Foap offers 50% profit sharing on sold images. Payments are sent via PayPal.
Foap’s marketing is not as strong as some other big name stock image companies and apps. This has resulted in some users complaining about a lot of work for minimal pay. However, if you’re a new photographer looking to develop your skills and gain exposure, Foap can be a solid option.
#3. Snapwire
Snapwire has a fairly generous payout structure: you keep up to 100% on client requests and challenges, and you earn 50% on downloads from subscribers.
This app is much more based on client requests than others. Requesters can award points to photos that exemplify the look they’re going for. At the end of the contest, requesting companies buy the photos they want from the winner(s).
Photographers can “level up” with successful images and projects, gaining advantages with each level that helps them gain more exposure and sell more photos.
#4. AGORA Images
Based in Spain, the AGORA app is more like a social media platform than a stock photo website. They offer cash prizes for their weekly photo challenges, with winners determined by app users’ votes.
Payouts range from $1,000 to $25,000, along with the chance to be published in some of the leading newspapers and magazines around the world. Because they focus on a worldwide audience, competition is diverse but also steep.
AGORA is a great way to gain exposure. That said, while you may get lucky and win one of the contests, other apps may be a better fit if money is your primary goal.
Stock Photography Websites
When you see breathtaking landscapes and portraits with personality on stock photo websites, you may think they’re all shot by expert photographers with years of experience. But that’s not necessarily true. Many of these stock photography websites accept and sell images from shutterbugs of all types and experience levels.
#5. Adobe Stock
Formerly called Fotolia, Adobe Stock is woven into the Adobe suite of products. You can upload your photos directly from Lightroom or Bridge. If you’re new to tagging your photos, Adobe Stock’s AI will prompt you with relevant tags. Adobe stock pays 33% royalties to contributors via PayPal or Skrill.
#6. Shutterstock
Shutterstock is one of the most popular stock photo sites on the web. It offers a mobile app to help track sales, submit photos and get notifications of what customers want. Their payout structure is tiered, so the more lifetime earnings you have the greater the percentage of royalties you keep. Earnings top out at 30%.
#7. IStock By Getty Images
A great option for the experienced photographer, iStock by Getty Images requires you to get accepted to be a contributor. This is one of the most well-known stock photo websites, and while royalties start at only 15% (more for exclusive contributors), the high traffic makes it an option that’s well worth your time.
#8. 500XPrime
500X Prime offers high royalties for contributing photographers — 30% for non-exclusive and 60% with exclusive content. Each photo is reviewed prior to licensing for technical quality, originality, aesthetic value, and other requirements.Plus, their proprietary “Pulse” algorithm is designed to surface the submissions of new photographers so they can gain feedback and increase their exposure.
#9. Twenty20
Twenty20 is a part of the Envato ecosystem, which is an array of marketplaces for creative producers that offers everything from website templates to visual assets for use in video games.
If your photo gallery makes the Curated Collections, you’ll gain increased exposure on Twenty20’s website. Check out the Sold Feed to see what photos are selling in real time to help guide you on what to shoot.
Twenty20’s Subscriber Share is a more complicated payout structure than most, but it rewards photographers who have devoted, niche followings.
#10. DepositPhotos
Like Getty Images, DepositPhotos requires photographers to pass a short test and submit sample photos before they start uploading. Their compensation structure is generous: contributors earn 34% to 42% royalties from on-demand photos and $0.30 to $0.35 from subscription files. You can also level up your pay grade based on your overall amount of downloads. The more downloads your photos get, the greater your royalties on all your photos.
#11. Dreamstime
Dreamstime has been selling photographers’ stock photos since 2000. With a worldwide audience, the site supports multiple currencies and languages. It doesn’t require prior approval or testing to upload, but it does vet images to meet standards of commercial and creative appeal. Payouts range from 25% royalties for newbies to 60% for exclusive contributors.
Photos On Merchandise
You can create additional value by turning your photos into items for sale — especially if you have graphic design skills to create fresh, new images. From t-shirts to coffee mugs to wall hangings, there are online markets for all sorts of widgets to sell with your decorative photos.
#12. Etsy
On Etsy, you can sell prints, canvases, framed photos or digital image files — it’s all up to you. Opening your shop on their website is easy and free, and listing each item costs only 20 cents. Etsy handles the transaction while you do all the printing, packaging and shipping.
#13. Merch By Amazon
You can turn your art into t-shirts with Merch by Amazon. Amazon takes care of the business side of t-shirt production (printing, shipping and handling, and payment). Plus, they produce t-shirts as they’re ordered, so you don’t pay anything upfront (and you’re not stuck with boxes of t-shirts you can’t sell cluttering up your garage). Royalties are $1 to $10 per shirt.
#14. MiPic
If you want to go a step beyond t-shirts, MiPic can turn your photos into leggings, swimsuits, towels and more. Open your own customized print store and earn up to 20% commission on the sale of your items. There are no setup fees, and MiPic takes care of all of the manufacturing, sales and distribution aspects of the business.
#15. Society6
Society6 is more than just an online marketplace for selling items with your photos on them; it’s also a community of artists to engage with and inspire you. The website is very artist-focused, which is why they offer 10% commission on referred sales in addition to the 10% you make on your own items.
#16. Redbubble
Redbubble gives you a lot more leeway on setting your own prices than other photo sites. Rather than the website setting the price, then paying you a commission, Redbubble sets the base price, then you choose the markup on your items for sale. They offer a wide range of products to display your images, from scarves to coasters to journals.
#17. Instaprints
Instaprints has several unique marketing tools to increase your sales and exposure. You can sell on Facebook, through retail stores, and even license your art for the walls of TV show sets! The Instaprints mobile app lets customers see how your image will look on their wall before they buy.
Most features come with a free account, but premium members can access additional options like building your own website and sending promotional emails.
I will regularly share the high-quality content of the blog in order to help more people.
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Facebook Gaming has offered their developer API's so we can make streaming games to your favorite social media platform extra handy than ever ahead of. A gaming weblog alongside your gaming channel can only improve your exposure if you do it properly and high quality content. But Netflix subscriptions beat Blu-ray sales, and Spotify users outnumber vinyl geeks. Games, as the much less established and more technologically demanding medium, are just taking a bit longer to make the jump. All the indicators point to cloud gaming becoming the new standard - and there is every thing to play for.
GAMING Is Essential For the Success. Read This To Find Out Why
The theme is perfect for gaming editorials and reports as properly as blogs as it has an inbuilt infinite loading feature. Furthermore, with its integration with Ajax, you can quickly generate a properly paged and sorted blog immediately. The theme also gives creative web-site section creation tools, custom widgets, lightbox galleries, social sharing and additional.
The theme characteristics Unity 3d prepared design, HTML5 games' full-screen compatibility for mobile devices as well as MyArcadePlugin compatibility to permit you to generate an amazing arcade expertise for your viewers. Gameleon features a myriad of add-ons and possibilities to assure that you can share an exquisite gaming experience with your visitors.
Paul: Green Man Gaming, like many information driven technology marketplaces, was born in a spreadsheet and continues to this day to be heavily information dependant. The small business uses historical analysis of correlated data to produce forecasts of client behaviour, as well as real-time information streams to augment those forecasts in actual time.
If you happen to be a video gamer, you will want to verify out the major gaming blogs and game evaluation web pages weekly—if not every day. On the other hand, not a lot of folks have time to check each and every single gaming blog and gaming assessment internet site, so it generally just comes down to checking a handful of select ones. So which ones should really get the lion's share of your everyday browsing time? These are the leading ones according to gamers.
Will this dominance lead to intense mobile gaming vs computer gaming competition? Or will Computer and mobile games handle to hold their niches with no crossing each other's boundaries? Beneath we have shared some of our most recent findings and thoughts. Gummicube is the gummy bear of all gaming blogs. The web-site delivers fantastic App store optimization and spotlight. Do not neglect to read by means of their gaming community weblog to discover out gaming reports on different genres every single month.
Blogs listed must be either mainly about board games, or contain adequate relevant content to be regarded a 'gaming blog'. Tech Guided is a technology and gaming neighborhood web site that publishes articles on the very best Computer, CPU, video game cards and other beneficial gadget reviews that is required for a smooth gaming practical experience.
Gaming content on YouTube is some of the stickiest. Far more than 20 of the major one hundred YouTube channels with the most subscribers worldwide are gaming connected. Who's the most subscribed? That would be Let's Play creator PewDiePie , with over 32M subscribers. His loyal following now outnumbers the population of Canada. To give you some viewpoint, Google Trends shows that searches for PewDiePie on YouTube are on par with stars such as Eminem and Katy Perry. He's even produced a cameo on South Park.
Alia Lia” Shelesh, much better known as Sssniperwolf is the initially female gaming influencer on our list. She began her YouTube career by playing very first-particular person shooter games like Call of Duty, Halo, and Far Cry. Her account right now consists of vlogs and diverse video games that she plays and has additional than 7 million subscriptions.
The HyperX Cloud Stinger is the greatest sub-$50 Pc gaming headset you can gift. It has a lot of functions, but possibly most significant is the quality audio and a mic that has a genuinely very good audio pickup. It also has a steel slider, an straightforward-to-adjust volume controls situated on the bottom of the right ear cup, a swivel-to-mute noise-cancellation microphone, and flexible 90-degree rotating ear cups.
In the ‘90s, televisions got larger, and gaming consoles got extra highly effective. Nintendo and Sega fought for the best spot with the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and the Sega Genesis, respectively. You'll obtain all the retro games for SNES and Genesis you loved back in the day in one particular convenient spot. From Golden Axe to Mega Man X, all your favourite 16-bit titles are accessible at the Retro games retailer.
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gamingbugs542 · 4 years
What is a non gaming license
50 Ideal Gaming Web-sites To Stop by In 2017
It really is time to recognize the best gaming blogs of the year. EDIT:I made use of to watch the Feedback video more than at G4 just about every week, but it really is gone down hill the final couple of instances I watched it and now that Adam Sessler isn't on it and they have that girl from IGN that everybody hates in each and every episode I just can't be bothered to watch it any more. Still worth going back and watching some of the older ones although. Klepic employed to be on that show and back then in the early days was when it was the greatest. Back when they basically talked about gaming news with some semblance of intellect instead of just gushing about whatever game they are told is cool this week.
The close to future promises a bunch of new possibilities for Pc and mobile games. It means we will appreciate high high quality gaming content material no matter what device is made use of. Hey guys! I am looking for indie gaming blogs out there that are truly good. There is an endless supply of gaming resources on-line if you know where to look or who to speak to.
I got into action games late but when I did it entirely changed how I viewed gaming forever. The game which brought me round was Viewtiful Joe. Right here was a game with a deep and open-ended combat technique which seemed to be constructed as a implies for the player to express creativity. This system is then pitted against opponents and obstacles which had been designed from the ground up to interact meaningfully with the core system. The course was fixed, but the technique for dealing with that course was fully down to the ingenuity, talent and inspiration of the player. You play like you have a huge audience watching and the game consistently entices you to strengthen the concentrate is not simply on having the player from A to B, the focus is on getting the player to play Viewtifully”.
Nowadays is the day! I will be steadily releasing the names of the major ten gaming blogs of 2014. Looking over this list, I am positively blown away. So a lot of great posts this year! If you were disappointed by the Ennies… if you assume that the real deep thinkers in gaming commentary do not get the interest they deserve… nicely, people, we are going to fix that.
Live in the planet of games on this site that is devoted to providing out magazine style overview contents on the hottest games, characteristics on the gaming community and multiplayer user interface for its readers. How to download games on computer system. Buy games & game keys with Green Man Gaming backwolf.online Mobile gaming blog - get the most effective costs, amazing bundles & exclusive game deals each day! Visit to discover Green Man Gaming.
Never Just Remain There! Start GAMING
CrystalSkull is packed with adequate features to enable you make pretty much any form of gaming web site with WordPress. The integrated review system suggests your content will rival the articles identified on the top gaming critique web-sites. With CrystalSkull, you are going to be in a position to generate your own custom criteria for your testimonials, then add a score for every single item, ahead of awarding a final overall rating for the evaluation.
It's worthwhile getting a niche which will bring people today back time and once again. This is how you come to be an authority in the gaming community. Your branding and domain must all point to what it is you do, generating you uncomplicated to come across. Be creative. Put your own character into your writing, and your editing. Play to your strengths. If you are a whizz on the Xbox, run with that.
Microsoft — with our nearly 40 years of gaming knowledge starting with Computer, as effectively as our breadth and depth of capabilities from application to hardware and deep encounter of getting a platform corporation — is effectively equipped to address the complex challenge of cloud game-streaming. With datacenters in 54 Azure regions and services readily available in 140 nations, Azure has the scale to deliver a excellent gaming practical experience for players worldwide, regardless of their location.
Travel into a virtual world with a VR headset , exactly where all of your senses will be treated to a barrage of stimulus from different sources. With the Oculus Rift + Touch Virtual Reality Technique , you'd have to prepare oneself for extra intense gameplays, much more immersive action, and a completely new and exhilarating gaming gift practical experience as the package currently comes with six VR games that will hold your heart pumping through your chest. The Oculus Touch controllers are ingeniously created for optimum and unparalleled interaction with the a variety of components in the virtual world. You will need to meet specific program specifications on your personal computer, though. This also tends to make a ideal gift for nerds in your life.
We're going to the International Festival for Enterprise this month and will be hosting a special event Inspiring Entrepreneurs '˜Going Global' exactly where leading business folks will inform us the secrets of their achievement. One of these entrepreneurs is Paul Sulyok, CEO and Founder of Green Man Gaming Green Man Gaming is a pioneering, global eCommerce technology enterprise that has gone from strength to strength given that its launch in 2010. We asked him how he did it.
It's February! In 2017 that suggests that we get six additional weeks of winter AND your yearly dose of video game statistics and trends. We're taking a look at major events and shifts in the gaming market and thinking of the current state of gaming. Take a peak, or stay for a week! All statistics are thoroughly researched. See sources at the bottom of the page for additional info.
Sophisticated technologies power CrystalSkull, from the most up-to-date W3C valid HTML5 code to custom CSS3 styling and animations as well as fascinating and awe-inspiring Parallax smooth scrolling and visual effects sections, so your customers will be dazzled by your tech prowess. Under the hood, CrystalSkull is very customizable and veritable brimming with selections and selections for you to merely and efficiently deck out your CrystalSkull gaming magazine or blog web-site to your precise specs. With out of the box assistance for bbPress, beginning and managing your personal complete-fledged on the web gaming forums for any niche, cult or mass industry game or audience has never ever been simpler, and the potent Theme Barracks powers a wealth of customization solutions that will make your CrystalSkull gaming site the belle of the ball.
Alia Lia” Shelesh, greater identified as Sssniperwolf is the initial female gaming influencer on our list. She started her YouTube career by playing first-individual shooter games like Get in touch with of Duty, Halo, and Far Cry. Her account these days consists of vlogs and various video games that she plays and has much more than 7 million subscriptions.
The HyperX Cloud Stinger is the very best sub-$50 Computer gaming headset you can present. It has a lot of options, but perhaps most essential is the good quality audio and a mic that has a truly great audio pickup. It also has a steel slider, an effortless-to-adjust volume controls situated on the bottom of the ideal ear cup, a swivel-to-mute noise-cancellation microphone, and flexible 90-degree rotating ear cups.
In the ‘90s, televisions got bigger, and gaming consoles got much more strong. Nintendo and Sega fought for the prime spot with the Super Nintendo Entertainment Technique, and the Sega Genesis, respectively. You will locate all the retro games for SNES and Genesis you loved back in the day in 1 easy spot. From Golden Axe to Mega Man X, all your favored 16-bit titles are readily available at the Retro games shop.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
How to Watch Anime Online: The Best Legal Anime Streaming Options
It’s been amazing to witness the growth of the anime industry in America. It used to be extremely difficult to find anime in the country and even then, it was a very select handful of programs that were only available with questionable dubs. Over the course of a few decades this niche genre of animation hasn’t just become a mainstream obsession, but it’s now actively sought by streaming services. Anime’s popularity in America has reached a point where there are now multiple streaming services that offer ways to consume this content. There’s no need to get unnecessarily overwhelmed with all of these options for where to get anime. Here’s a helpful breakdown of not just the anime-exclusive streamers, but also the services that you may already have that are full of satisfying anime content.
Anime-Exclusive Streaming Services
Price: Free (with ads); $5.99 per month; $7.99 per month; $99.99 a year ($8.30 per month) Advantages: Huge library of titles, largest library of dubbed content
Funimation is an essential name in the anime industry and they’ve been able to grow from a plucky dubbing studio to one of the biggest providers of anime to the country. Funimation is a great place for beginners to check out what anime they’re interested in and it also offers a two-week trial to explore their content. 
Funimation’s large library features a good deal of crossover with Crunchyroll, but their library skews more towards dubbed content. Funimation’s ability to maintain a speedy simuldub schedule, even during a pandemic, is very impressive. The free tier option faces certain restrictions like being locked to a lower video resolution and needing to wait for new content, but there’s still a ton to enjoy, including exclusive titles. Funimation’s only growing bigger and they’re routinely behind some of the dubs for the most popular anime series.
Notable Series: Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Mob Psycho 100, Dragon Ball, The Promised Neverland
Price: Free; $7.99 per month; $9.99 per month; $14.99 per month Advantages: Massive library of titles, now producing original anime
Crunchyroll is a fundamental service when it comes to anime streaming services, especially since it offers a free tier to enjoy its content. There are nearly 1000 available titles to explore, which includes both older titles as well as a tight simulcast schedule with the latest series. This also applies to both subtitled and dubbed content. Crunchyroll’s prominence in the industry has even grown to the point that they’ve started to produce and co-produce original anime series like Tower of God and The God of High School, which have turned into massive hits. Crunchyroll’s interface isn’t the easiest to navigate and there are certain frustrating restrictions placed on the free tier, like the resolution at which content can be watched. 
Funimation recently acquired Crunchyroll, so it’s likely that a lot of changes will take place between these two services, whether that means a union in the coming years, or that they’ll both focus on slightly different demographics, albeit under the same parent company. It does indicate how the anime streaming industry has become increasingly consolidated and that the value of these services is finally getting recognized in a significant way.
Notable Series: Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Kaiba, My Hero Academia, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Digimon Adventure
Price: Free (with ads); $9.99 per month (no ads)  Advantages: Includes Crunchyroll and HIDIVE’s libraries
VRV hasn’t gained the same level of acclaim as Crunchyroll and Funimation, but it’s created a strong streaming package by building its library off of other streamers’ content. VRV is basically a combined version of Crunchyroll and HIDIVE, which isn’t exactly original, but it’s still a decent strategy to acquire content.
VRV may seem a little sketchier or more unstable than other anime streamers, but it offers a deal that’s hard to ignore. The HIDIVE anime streaming service is typically $4.99 per month or $47.88 a year on its own, so VRV is quite the steal in comparison. 
Notable Series: Higurashi: When They Cry, Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon?, Made in Abyss, Ahiru no Sora, The Promised Neverland
Retrocrush, Viz Media, Tubi TV
Price: Free Advantages: Uniquely curated libraries and niche titles
In addition to these subscription services, Retrocrush, Viz Media, and Tubi TV are all free streamers that narrow in on more specific areas and have some excellent anime titles in their libraries that can’t be found anywhere else. These services lack some of the flair and support of the larger competitors, but they’re still a great place to binge on classic anime titles. Retrocrush is an especially useful streaming service that features not just some of the biggest titles from the ‘70s to the ‘90s, but also a handful of modern series with classic sensibilities. 
Retrocrush Notable Series: Flame of Recca, Cromartie High School, Samurai Pizza Cats, Pop Team Epic, Lupin The Third Part II
Tubi TV Notable Series: Mr. Osomatsu, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Kaiba, Lupin the Third Part I, Redline
Viz Media Notable Series: One-Punch Man, Death Note, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon, Ranma ½
Popular Streaming Services With Anime Libraries
Price: $8.99 per month; $13.99 per month; $17.99 per month Advantages: Original anime series, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Netflix has turned into an unexpected power player in terms of their anime content. More and more series are getting acquired by Netflix in a way where it’s clear that they see where the future is headed with the industry. The “original” series that Netflix has acquired like Devilman Crybaby, Great Pretender, and Japan Sinks: 2020 all exhibit fantastic taste. 
However, the older anime series that Netflix has are often incomplete and there are many great titles included that just have their first seasons available. This can be seriously frustrating in some cases, but for beginners it’s sometimes enough of a taste. Netflix is also the only place in America where Neon Genesis Evangelion can be streamed, which is honestly a detail that trumps everything else for some people.
Notable Series: Great Pretender, Kakegurui, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Devilman Crybaby, Gurren Lagann
Price: $5.99 per month (with ads) or $59.99 per year; $11.99 per month (no ads) Advantages: More classical anime series and a lot of Funimation and Adult Swim’s content
Hulu is another streaming service that’s not designed around anime, but still has a decent library of titles to enjoy. Hulu currently benefits from a partnership that they signed with Funimation back in 2018 that allows them to stream much of their library. Hulu also has similarly benefitted from access to a lot of Adult Swim’s library, too. 
This, as well as the healthy amount of classical titles from older generations, gives Hulu audiences a lot to enjoy. However, as the anime streaming industry continues to fracture, pieces of Hulu’s library have disappeared. They still have many titles, but a lot of them are incomplete or are sporadic when it comes to whether subs or dubs are available.
Notable Series: Space Dandy, Gintama, Psycho-Pass, My Hero Academia, Kill La Kill 
Amazon Prime
Price: $119 per year (or $12.99 per month) Advantages: Impressive library of anime films
Amazon Prime used to be a much more prominent player in terms of places to stream anime content due to their Anime Strike service. In the coming years, their focus has shifted elsewhere and a lot of their anime has hit the chopping block. 
This means that there’s a lot more of a random selection on Amazon Prime, but there are still some exceptional titles available, including some fantastic anime movies. Amazon Prime’s sporadic anime line-up isn’t enough to warrant a subscription, but if you’re someone that’s already a member then it’s worth checking out the titles that they do have.
Notable Series: Dr. Stone, Fire Force, Mob Psycho 100, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, FLCL 
Price: $14.99 per month Advantages: Studio Ghibli library and a lot of Adult Swim’s content
HBO Max is one of the newer streaming services to come forward and even though anime is not their priority, they’ve still already made a strong impression in the area. HBO Max has become the exclusive streaming home for Studio Ghibli content in America and they’ve also singled out the filmographies of other anime visionaries like Masaaki Yuasa. 
This behavior and how new dubs have already premiered on HBO Max shows that the service understands that anime is an important area of focus. HBO Max continues to acquire a lot of Adult Swim’s content, which includes some of their more notable anime titles, too.
Notable Series: Mob Psycho 100, Berserk, The Promised Neverland, Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!, and the Studio Ghibli library
Adult Swim
Price: Free with a Cable Subscription (with ads) Advantages: Exclusive dubbed series
Adult Swim isn’t on the same level of any of these other services, but the channel’s commitment to their Toonami programming block of anime has made them an important player through all of this. Toonami is still the place to see many of the dubs for the most recent anime hits and titles like Dragon Ball Super, My Hero Academia, and now Attack on Titan have all been vital programs for Adult Swim.
Adult Swim has even gone into the co-production of original anime series, which will bring even more exciting titles forward. However, much of Adult Swim’s streaming content has been poached by HBO Max and it’s unclear how much of their influence will determine their future.
Notable Series: Assassination Classroom, Attack on Titan, Cowboy Bebop, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
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Additionally, there are also YouTube Channels for studios and series with lots of free content, like Bandai America, Discotek Media, Gundam.Info, and Toei Animation.
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The post How to Watch Anime Online: The Best Legal Anime Streaming Options appeared first on Den of Geek.
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gamesgiga416 · 4 years
Why would principals would not want a gaming room at their s hool
Why You Should Commence Your Gaming Weblog On GameSkinny (Rather Of WordPress)
It's time to recognize the greatest gaming blogs of the year. Thankfully, as more games are being published, extra gaming blogs are becoming created. Since it really is no longer achievable for gamers to attempt out just about every game that releases, blogs have come to be an vital tool in the gamer's toolbox. They give up-to-date data about new and future releases to enable gamers answer their undying question, "Need to I invest $60 on this?".
It's hard to compare 15mm rulesets due to the fact they're often so various, so rather than attempt I will merely say this Patrol Angis stands on its personal laurels as an exemplar of contemporary wargaming. It is rapid to play, it has sophisticated systems, and it is not overburdened by rules. It has a operating points program. It benefits drastically from the amazing fluff of the Ion Age and the miniatures that go with it but could effortlessly be applied for any 15mm games you want to play. Regardless of its billing as a 1-platoon skirmish game I can not see any reason why it would not hold up properly with ten+ units on the board.
You have played thousands of distinct board games, yes that is ideal not hundreds, but thousands. You are a member of various gaming groups, and you have come to realise that distinctive groups have unique personalities and one of a kind dynamics. You comprehend what style of games you take pleasure in and precise mechanics that you do and don't like in a game. You never actively preach or tell folks about board games, but when asked you are an ambassador for the genre and with your vast information you can always add thoughtful discussion and predictions concerning games you are but to play. Your collection is the excellent range of games that you like. It is not uncomplicated for a new game to make it into your collection, and you have a defined a rigorous trial of fire that any game will have to meet to make it successfully into your collection.
Do you love to fight even though creating your own town or village in a game? If yes, Clash of Clans is the very best remedy for your gaming needs. It is a single of the most well known games by Supercell. It is a multiplayer game that comes cost-free of cost with in-app purchases. The principal aim of the player is to build a village and fill it with all the things that the villagers will have to have. A town hall, gold mine, army camp and considerably far more get unlocked through the course of time.
With Giving Assistant, you can now get money back each time you get a new game. Take a look at the internet site to come across coupon codes valid on Green Man Gaming. You can then adhere to the hyperlink provided to take a look at that web-site and start out buying. As long as you use Giving Assistant and stay logged in to your account, you'll get a double cash back with each and every buy that you make. Providing Assistant pays out earnings every single week on Monday, which helps you get your income back more rapidly than you thought possible. You also get peace of thoughts because Giving Assistant will respond to any issues swiftly and help you get the money that you earned automatically deposited in your account. Video game lovers can now earn dollars and save funds at the same time.
Tank is a well-optimized cost-free gaming WordPress theme that comes with a responsive layout that displays your content beautifully on phones, widescreen monitors, and every thing in among. With the help of WooCommerce help, you can conveniently commence an on the internet organization conveniently. The theme comes with a impressive layout that is infused with charcoal black colour that provides the site a incredibly royal outlook. This theme comes with a design and style that is one of a kind and aids to appeal to individuals with an affinity for the army and tanks in specific.
And finally, in order to maintain your audience closer to you, do not forget to add a contact kind and subscription type to your gaming internet site. Running a gaming blog let your readers comment on your publications. Under no circumstances miss a possibility to reply to the comments of your readers. This will show that you care about the time that folks spent to look through your information.
A gaming internet site solely devoted to Pc Gaming for over 20 years. The platform brings professional evaluations on most recent gaming gears, introduce you to strange new mods & ground-breaking news about-the-clock. They also organize yearly events such as Pc Gaming Show & Computer Gamer Weekender which is rather common all more than the globe. Apart from posting every day updates on video game news & previews, user can also obtain incredible hardware buying guides and ideal gaming offers here.
Like gaming? With the help of a screen capture device (or a video camera) you can pass on your knowledge on a unique game (or level) and entertain people today at the exact same time. Video games as a spectator sport is a reasonably new phenomenon, but immensely common. Take Twitch, exactly where millions of gamers gather every single month. Some gamers have even develop into celebrities as a outcome.
If you want to create an E-commerce gaming web-site, Crystal Skull is a wonderful selection for you. This Visual composer powered WordPress gaming theme lets you incredible internet websites with high definition components with its parallax and video blocks. Place that extra charm on your web site with all the animated icons and photos the theme supplies you with.
GAMING Expert Interview
Green Man Gaming is a well-known web-site that sells video and laptop or computer games. Related to each F.Y.E. and Gamestop, it also lets consumers get income for games they trade or sell to the web page. Although it is primarily based out of England, the web-site gives shipping to consumers about the world. Irrespective of whether you want a new game for your PS4, a youngster-friendly game for the Wii or even a battle game for amoterasu.online the best gamers your Pc, Green Stop Gaming ought to be your initially stop.
Zombie games in AR are the true hit of today's gaming sector. Zombie GO is one particular prime example of outstanding Augmented Reality shooter games. It brings zombie apocalypse into the genuine world, at least that's what the producer tell. As a player, you walk by means of your dwelling, college or the nearest parking lot and anticipate zombies to pop up at any second. Then action begins - fight and kill with a weapons of your choice.
So you want to start off a gaming blog? Superior for you! Gaming is a excellent subject to create a blog about, with lots of persons out there interested in this niche. Irrespective of whether you want to start off a blog as a hobby or you are seeking to make a bit of cash from blogging, the following guidance can assistance you get began.
And this is where cloud gaming has fallen down historically. In the past, bandwidth just wasn't higher sufficient to deliver responsive gameplay - but now, we're starting to see world wide web speeds that make cloud gaming a viable choice. 5G broadband is observed as a essential enabler, with a reasonably high quantity of customers now in a position to take complete advantage of remotely hosted gaming services. That said, it really is crucial to note that high-speed internet is far from widespread even in developed markets like the US, exactly where poor connectivity and bandwidth caps are nevertheless challenges for quite a few users.
If you're in the marketplace for more affordable or additional economical games, make confident that you verify the Hot Offers section of the internet site. Green Man Gaming contains a hyperlink to that web page on all its pages. You can look at the Deal of the Day or at current specials that let you save up to 75% off the MSRP on well-known games. The Hot Bargains section also consists of some VIP specials selected by top games from around the globe.
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arsenicpanda · 5 years
I need your guidance senpai 😋 What anime series should I watch with the Boy next? We just got through HunterXHunter and I endured but then was endeared. We also watched Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun. I have gotten a lot better at taking in anime that isn’t Cowboy BeBop, the Grail War series, or Gurran Laggan over the years but I still have my limits lol Any recs?
Okay, so I’d really need to know more about your individual taste to make proper recs, but let’s go with general stuff I love.  I’ll note where it’s legally streaming (Note: I think some of the stuff on Funimation’s site can be streamed for free, but I’m not sure which of these that applies to).  Warning: This is gonna get long because I couldn’t help myself 
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - You can’t go wrong with this one, you really can’t.  This is probably the best show I’ve ever seen period, and I’d rec it regardless of taste, honestly.  The setting is amazing, the plot is flawlessly executed, the characters are fantastic and fleshed out, and the ships are adorable.  Bonus: it avoids the classic shounen problem of being bad at female characters; the FMA series in general has such fantastic female characters.  The first 13 episodes can fly by a bit fast with less than fantastic pacing because they were already done back in the original 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist, but I promise it’s worth it.  In fact, here’s a whole video about why you should watch it.  It’s streaming on Netflix, Amazon, and, I think, Hulu, so it’s easy to watch.  If you just watch one of these shows, it should be this one
- Revolutionary Girl Utena - SO GOOD.  This show is weird, but in the best way, and not to the point that it’s difficult to understand.  If you like symbolism and deconstruction of fairy tales, this is a good show for you.  Also, highly complex characters!  Note: The dub for this one is…less than good, so probably watch it subbed.  It’s on Amazon, but you have to pay for it.
- Mawaru Penguindrum - Yeah, I know, more Ikuhara anime, but I love it so.  Again, a weird show, but understandable.  Good characters, good ships, and a very interesting premise that’s well-executed.  Streaming on HiDive.
- Code Geass - Do you like giant robots, political intrigue, and complex characters?  Then Code Geass might be the show for you!  This is also the show with my all-time favorite character and ship.  The main character, Lelouch, is also cut from similar cloth as Jughead in his darker moments, so that’s fun.  Now streaming on Netflix with a great dub!
- Durarara!! and its continuation Durarara!! x2 - Teen gangs, headless riders, the mafia, a serial killer, a mastermind, a magic sword, this series has it all!  And it’s so good!  Seriously, the character work is great, and it’s not afraid to spend episodes on one character if that’s the best way to pace the plot.  And, oh man, is the pacing great.  The plot too, honestly.  I highly recommend it, and, if you watch it, you can finally understand my “Riverdale season 2 is just live action Durarara!! but not written as well!” ravings.  Also streaming on Netflix with a great dub.
- Baccano! - An excellent period piece set in the late 1920s that’s full of the mafia and magic and excitement.  It follows three sets of characters and storylines at once, and they all come to a head in the final episode, although there are also some bonus episodes.  The characters here are phenomenal, and the opening is killer.  I highly recommend the dub because they do a great job with everyone’s accents.  Inexplicably, I don’t think it’s streaming anywhere
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - This is more of a weeb-y show, as it’s set in a Japanese high school and talks about anime culture, but it’s also so good and one of my favorite shows, so I have to recommend it.  It follows a girl with reality-warping, god-like powers that she doesn’t know about; the people who are studying her and trying to keep those powers a secret from her and others; and this regular guy who befriends her.  There are a number of orders to watch this show in, but it’s generally recommended to do broadcast order rather than chronological order.  Again, a phenomenal dub.  The first few episodes (sub only, I think) are streaming on Funimation’s site for free (chronological order).
- His and Her Circumstances - This is just a fantastic romance anime, old though it may be.  You can watch it on Amazon with a Starz subscription.
- Neon Genesis Evangelion - A seminal anime, and one that holds up in my opinion.  Giant robots, fully explored three-dimensional characters, and some weird shit, Eva is just a damn good show.  Coming to Neflix some time this summer!
- Black Lagoon - Damn, is this show dark but good!  Seriously great characters and a fantastic dub.  Streaming on Funimation’s site.
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - A great bit of sci-fi.  You can buy it on Amazon, but stick to season 1; season 2 (Second Gig) is a whole different beast.
- Hyouka - A cute series about a group of kids who solve mysteries.  Really, it’s just precious.  I think it’s only streaming on Funimation’s website, though.
- Kara no Kyokai (aka The Garden of Sinners) - Ok, so this is a series of movies, not a tv show, but it’s pretty good!  And it’s from the same universe as all the Holy Grail/Fate stuff, so if you liked those, you might like this.  Streaming on Crunchyroll.
- Ouran High School Host Club - Kiss kiss fall in love!  This is a very funny reverse harem show that does not take itself seriously.  Streaming on Netflix, Hulu, and Funimation’s website.
- Princess Tutu - A truly fantastic magical girl show that’s a mix of fairy tales, ballet, and awesome meta stuff.  Streaming on Amazon Prime and Hulu (dub only on both sites, weirdly enough).
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica - A dark take on the magical girl genre, but pretty good.  It’s streaming on Netflix, I think.
- Steins;Gate - A really great sci-fi show.  Good characters, good plot, a damn good ship.  Streaming sub only on Hulu, sub and dub on Funimation’s site and Crackle, and you can buy it on Amazon.
- School Rumble - Such a good comedy show in a high school setting.  Streaming on Funimation’s site in sub and dub, sub only on Hulu, and you can buy it on Amazon.
- Tsurezure Children - An adorable series about a bunch of couples, told in various snippets of their lives.  Seriously, it’s got so many flavors of ships, there’s bound to be one you’ll like.  Streaming subbed on Crunchyroll and both subbed and dubbed on Funimation’s site.
- The Vision of Escaflowne - So good!  Steampunk mecha with a bit a magical girl stuff set on another world.  And Van/Hitomi is such a good ship.  Streaming on Funimation’s site.
- Vatican Miracle Examiner (but just the first four episodes) - This is the weirdest fucking thing I’ve ever seen with the highest WTF quotient.  I have no words for it, but damn is it funny, although not on purpose.  Streaming on Amazon with Amazon Prime.
And here are two movies:
- your name. - So good!  Such a great romance, and it’s so beautiful too!  I think you can rent it on Amazon (I wouldn’t know because I bought it.)
- The Girl Who Leapt Through Time - Fantastic sci-fi/romance movie that’s not hardcore sci-fi.  It always gives me so many emotions.  Again, I think you can rent it on Amazon, but I’m not sure because I bought it.
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daniloqp · 3 years
19 best Prime Day deals on Amazon 2021 devices: Kindle, echo, fire (day 2)
19 best Prime Day deals on Amazon 2021 devices: Kindle, echo, fire (day 2)
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Tablets i Eco speakers are some of the cheapest personal technology devices in the world. They are built to be affordable and some are especially cheap for Prime Day. Kindles are a different story. They are more expensive and are put up for sale less often. We’ve compiled all the Prime Day-worthy deals on Amazon-branded devices we’ve tested (and we like). Amazon has one Device offers page with many of their best deals, but then the best options are organized.
Note: We regularly update articles and attack through items that run out or increase the price from publication and mark discounts based on recent product prices or the average price, not PDSF. Check out the discounts for yourself. Our choices come from research and our extensive experience reviewing products. You will need one Amazon prime subscription to get the most out of these offers.
Updated Tuesday: We’ve removed the echo point with Clock, though it’s worth checking it out, as this deal may be back. We’ve also added two offers on Google Assistant alternatives.
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If you buy something through links to our stories, we may earn a commission. This helps support our journalism. Learn more.
Kindle Deals
Amazon’s Kindle practically owns the e-book market and for good reason. Business book readers offer more than a month of battery life per charge, the ability to hold thousands of unlimited book titles and subscriptions. It can even be achieved free books from your local library. See ours Amazon’s Best Kindle Guide.
Photography: Amazon
The basic Kindle remains a solid offering and the latest model includes a backlight for the 6-inch E Ink touch screen, which means you can read in the dark. Is it like that our favorite Kindle for the money. This is the best price we’ve seen on the Kindle this year. It comes with three free months of Kindle Unlimited, which gives you access to a huge library of e-books. Once the three months are up, Kindle Unlimited costs $ 10 a month.
Paperwhite waterproofing makes it a Kindle upgrade worth considering. For a couple of extra Jacksons on the simple Kindle, the joy of reading opens up in the pool, beach and tub without fear. The screen is flush and the device has an IPX8 rating, meaning it can stay in 2 meters of water for two hours. Read more information on its features here.
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Kindle Kids Edition
Photography: Amazon
The Kindle Kid’s Edition is the basic Kindle with some parental controls and, most importantly, Amazon’s 2-year worry-free warranty. This means that if your Kindle Kids Edition is going to fall down the stairs because your child has decided to see if it would bounce like a slippery slope, Amazon will replace it.
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Kindle Oasis
Photography: Amazon
The Oasis is the Kindle candle. The processor is faster for smoother page changes, is easier to hold with one hand, and the screen automatically adjusts brightness. This version also includes 32 gigabytes of storage, enough to hold tens of thousands of books.
Eco speaker deals
Read our document Best Echo and Alexa Speaker Guide to get recommendations on what Amazon Echoes we think are worth. The short version is the Plus for music, the Dot for Voice and the Show for a screen. Our The Best Smart Speaker Guide you have more options if you still decide which purchase.
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Echo Show 8
Photography: Amazon
The latest 8-inch Echo Show is sleek and stylish. We like this size more than the 5 and 10 inch versions. It’s large enough for weather updates, video chats, and recipes to appear clearly, though compact enough so they don’t take up too much valuable real estate on your desk or kitchen counter.
If you want an alternative based on the Google Wizard, we like it Second Generation Google Nest Hub, which is currently on sale for $ 80 ($ 20 off) at Walmart.
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Echo Show 10
Photography: Amazon
The Echo Show 10 has a rotating screen to follow you as you walk around the room. This feature requires a bit of setup: place it where you want it and then the Echo chooses its range of motion, but it works well on calls and when trying to check how much time is left on a kitchen timer. The base of the screen houses good-sounding speakers, which offer a fairly important sound stage, similar to a standard Eco.
Standard echo is one of the best smart speakers and the best Alexa speaker (8/10, WIRED recommends). If you don’t want a fixed screen and camera in you, but if you want a higher quality sound than a small Echo Dot, it’s worth listening to the standard Echo. It has alternated between $ 80 and $ 100 since its debut last year. This week’s price is € 10 cheaper than the lowest sale price.
The version of this Echo speaker, based on the Google Assistant, the Nest Audio, is on sale for $ 75 (25 off) at Walmart. We believe the Google Wizard provides better results most of the time.
Echo Dot is one of the cheapest ways to spread Alexa around the house, if that’s yours. He’s also a pretty damn speaker, especially at this price.
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Echo Dot Kids Edition
Photography: Amazon
The children’s edition of Echo Dot offers some parental controls and child-friendly designs: Gear Team editor Adrienne says it’s incredibly beautiful and has a surprisingly fantastic sound. This offer also includes one year of Amazon Kids + content (formerly FreeTime Unlimited). After the first year, Amazon Kids + costs $ 3 a month, so write a note on your calendar if you plan to cancel it.
WIRED team audio expert Parker Hall calls the Dot the “greatest alarm clock in history.” You can easily check the time at midnight thanks to the clock facing forward and wake you up with your favorite seasonal playlists. Clockless models are still useful, especially if you want to add Alexa to more home rooms without spending a fortune.
The Echo Buds (8/10, WIRED recommends) offer good sound and have great integration with apps and Alexa. Noise cancellation isn’t quite the same as you’ll get on Apple and Samsung headphones, but it’s good enough to block most ambient sounds. The buds come with a carrying case and numerous ear tips and ear sizes to ensure a good fit.
Fire tablet deals
Amazon tablets are so cheap that they are almost suspicious. We have some reservations about tablet software, but they are generally worth it. See our updated decryption guide which Amazon Fire tablet is best for you.
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Fire HD 8 Plus
Photography: Amazon
While the HD 10 is nicer, the Fire HD 8 is a tablet very capable of paying the price. The Plus model is recommended, with additional RAM (3 gigabytes instead of 2), and yours on sale for $ 65 ($ 45 discount).
The Fire HD 8 Kids edition is our best choice for children under 7 years. It is small enough for younger hands and is padded so it doesn’t break when dropped. You will also get a two-year replacement plan without questions.
If you have older children (eight years or older), the Fire HD 10 Kids Pro Edition has a smaller case and more application options. It still has a lot of parental controls in the settings.
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Fire HD 10
Photography: Amazon
Amazon renewed its Fire HD 10 earlier this year with more RAM and a brighter screen, reaffirming it as a more capable tablet than the 8-inch version. Is it like that our favorite cheap tablet and the best Amazon tablet you can buy, with faster performance, more storage, and a 10-inch HD screen that looks much nicer. There’s also the Plus model with an extra gigabyte of RAM on sale for $ 110 ($ 70 discount), and the new productivity package costs $ 180 ($ 100 discount). This includes a keyboard, along with work-adapted software, that makes the Fire HD 10 a more capable device, as long as you don’t use Google’s office suite, which won’t work with Amazon hardware.
Fire TV deals
Amazon’s Fire TV platform is great if you subscribe to Amazon Prime or buy Amazon instant videos. It highlights Amazon content above Netflix and other providers, but has most of the major streaming apps. With Google and Amazon have ended the dispute, you can get YouTube back on FireTV. At these Prime Day offer prices, even the Fire TV Cube is very attractive.
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Fire TV Stick 4K
Photography: Amazon
The Fire Stick 4K is the best of Amazon’s Fire TV devices. All things considered, us they prefer Roku devices for real-time playback, but if you are a prime user of Prime Video or have a 4K display, it works great. Like Fire tablets, the interface is insufficient, but you’ll get used to it.
We encourage you to buy the Fire Stick with 4K, but if you don’t have a 4K TV and want to save that extra $ 10, disconnect.
Other Amazon device deals
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Halo Band
Photography: Amazon
Amazon Halo isn’t a useful fitness tracker, but it does something that no other device we’ve tested will do: keep track of your emotions. WIRED associate editor Adrienne So took him for a month and found the emotion tracking feature interesting and ultimately useful. At the same time, should any company, let alone Amazon, standardize the whole-body deployment exploration process for its customers? This is a good price, but this first version of the device is not finished yet. Read the review first to find out what interests you.
The Eero is the mesh router that Apple would have made if it had bothered. This offer includes a base station and two smaller extenders, which will provide more than enough wireless signal coverage for most homes. The Eero app has some interesting features like the ability to pause the Internet on certain devices. At this price, our big complaint about the Eero, which is expensive for a router, is resolved.
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Eero 6
Photography: Amazon
If you do not need the extenders (as if you live in a small apartment), this is the same base unit as above. It should cover about 1,500 square feet, although coverage will vary depending on the design of the rooms and even the building materials of your home.
Retail pages
If you want to check out more deals yourself, here are some links to the sales that will take place this week.
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tricksle · 4 years
Free Netflix Account with Email & Password [Today’s working accounts 2021] — Tricksle
Hello Everyone, Are you Looking for the Free Netflix Account if yes then you are landed in the right place, In this Article We are going to provide you a premium Netflix Account,
Basically Nowadays the OTT platforms like Netflix, Amazon prime Became so much popular because of the rise in the issue of covid 19, However,
Netflix is one of the premium famous dominator OTT platforms which has a massive library of shows and web series.
Due to its massive collection of Shows and web Series, Various people always Watch the Netflix Shows which is online available on the Netflix Account But Due to its high subscription price many people are unable to enjoy the Netflix Web series So they try to get the Accounts free of cost,
But they always get the Account in the form of Netflix cookies and other sources of the account.
You can also Use Netflix Using Netflix Cookies
But They never knew the best and step by step way to get the free Netflix account So, In this Article, We are Going to solve your problem regarding all the issue of the Account, So without Wasting your Time Let’s Get started.
Netflix: A Brief Introduction
Netflix, Inc. is an American based Shows creation organization settled in Los Gatos, California.
Netflix was established in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in Scotts Valley, California.
These organizations essential do business in the form of a paid membership-based system. offering a real-time feature like a library of movies and TV arrangements, incorporating those delivered in-house.
The scope of OTT stages like Netflix, Amazon Prime TV, Hulu, Disney+ Hotstar is expanding step by step.
An Over-the-top (OTT media administration), Netflix is having the monopoly of the web-based media shows in the entire online market.
Netflix is among the main 10 OTT stages on the planet with in excess of 195 million paid memberships. As of October 2020, Netflix had more than 195 million paid memberships around the world, remembering 73 million for the United States.
It is accessible worldwide besides in the accompanying: terrain China (because of nearby limitations), Syria, North Korea, and Crimea (because of US sanctions).
It was accounted for in 2020 that Netflix’s working pay is $1.2 billion. The organization has workplaces in France, the United Kingdom, Brazil, the Netherlands, India, Japan, and South Korea.
Notwithstanding, Netflix is definitely not a freebie. It comes with 3 paid plans which helps Netflix To continue its entire setup. So Let’s Jump to it’s paid plans and their feaatures.
Netflix Paid Plans and it’s Features
As we know that Netflix is one of the paid Network so it contains 3 paid plans which are described in this table,
They have three different paid plans that you can buy. Basic Plan Price is $7.99 per month, Standard Plan Price is $10.99 per month, and Premium Plan Price is $13.99 per month.
Netflix Basic Plan:- The cheapest and under your budget plan is The basic plan of Netflix which charges only 9$ and Enables you to play Netflix in the Sd(480p) Quality video and is only playable on your phone or tablet you can not enjoy this on your Tv.
Netflix Standard Plan:- It is one of the most recommend plan which you must buy if you are thinking to buy the plan of Netflix Account then you can go for this plan offers the HD Streaming of the video.
And it also offers a 2 devices connection which is very useful for you if you are having a Smart TV. Working on the Internet and searching is profitable. Tests are conducted regularly, and the menus fulfill daily tasks. You can gradually earn enough points to buy yourself a Netflix subscription.
Netflix Premium Plan:- It is the most Expensive Plan of Netflix, it offers 4k streaming which improves your Video Streaming Quality Drastically which is Amazing to play and it also offers 4 devices connection which is good for the Heavy user.
Best Features of free Netflix Account
There Are various features available inside the free Netflix Account, You will get Every premium feature which is inside the premium plans of Netflix you will get Access to these Accounts for a particular Time period but I had shown the way to get the Netflix Account each and every time.
The Major features which is offered inside your Free Netflix Account are
We knew very well that Ads are so much irritating and it causes so much problem whenever we watch any Show After it ads arrive then it would ruin the enjoyment of watching the show, So
We decided to provide a way to escape Ads in your Account. So in this article, we had tried to provide you a way to get a free Netflix Account.
Multiple Device Supports
With Netflix, you can transfer content to up to 4 screens at a time. Sharing your Netflix account with friends and family will help. Also, the smartphone is only available on all 4-screen devices.
Unlimited download
Netflix also offers you unlimited downloads. Alternatively, you can download your favorite shows and movies offline and watch them offline. This is a very useful feature when traveling or when you do not have access to a stable internet connection.
Methods For Getting Free Netflix Account
There Are several ways to get a free Netflix account and But majorly 5 ways are the working ways which I used and Seem to work.
There are five ways to get free Netflix accounts
Free Netflix Accounts through Giveaways
Free Netflix using the Mod APK
Free Netflix Account Through Trial
Use Free Netflix Using Netflix Cookies
Free Netflix Account due to using some Apps
Step 1: First you need to download and install the IRCTC Imudra application from the Google Play store.
Step 2: Now open the application and enter the required login information like your name phone number and Contact details, then check the box to accept the terms and click “Continue”. You can now see the successful registration page here, click the Start button.
Step 3: Create an iMudra IRCTC account
Step 4: Now if you enter the details of the document, such as the number or driver’s license, if I use a driver’s license. Don’t worry, you don’t have to check your documents. After completing the document, click “Continue”.
Step 5: You will now see the “Get a virtual card” button, then click the “Get a virtual card” button and then the next page.
Step 6: Creating an IRTCT iMudra VCC
Step 7: You have now successfully created a virtual card that uses this card for a monthly free trial of Netflix Which is mentioned Above there is also other methods too,
Participate in giveaway and Get a chance to win a Free netflix accounts without any charges. We keep arranging giveaways so make sure you are in our telegram channel @tricksleofficial
View Giveaway
There Are Different Types of queries Are always asked or Questioned by people who maybe not there in any of the Articles so it may cause you trouble and so much irritation.
In this whole article, we had tried to provide you all the ways to get free Netflix Accounts as we also provide you the accounts, Trial methods, Vcc Method, Netflix cookie methods, and others too, we hope you would show your love for the Article and if you face any query then you can comment below we would be happy to solve your query.
Originally published at https://tricksle.com on March 3, 2021.
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16 hours ago
Netflix Cookies Hourly Updated & 100% Working [Today’s working 2021] — Tricksle
We know that Netflix is one of the best online OTT platforms which provides various Shows, web series, and movies as well, that help it’s a user to complete entertain their self But due to its High subscription many of its users can’t afford the Netflix premium,
For the Solution of this Problem, we had discovered a new way to solve this issue, That is called Netflix Cookie,
Actually this was not a new way, it has been used from years but for the new consumer of Netflix it can be the new way,
We had Already discussed about the…
0 notes
orbemnews · 4 years
Amazon Moves From Film Industry’s Margins to the Mainstream Sacha Baron Cohen may have been going a little mad. It was August 2020, the pandemic was raging and his secret production had shut down. He was determined to reprise his role as Borat in a feature film designed to satirize the Trump administration ahead of the November election. But how? First he persuaded Universal Studios to allow him to shop his incomplete movie. Then he cobbled together an hour of footage. (The infamous scene with Rudolph W. Giuliani had yet to be filmed.) Hulu was interested. So was Netflix. But Amazon Studios was the one most committed to getting the movie out in time, no matter the cost. Amazon spent $80 million to acquire “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm,” a decision that incurred extra expenses because of Covid protocols, test screenings in New Zealand — one of the few places in the world at the time where the company could gather a group of people in a dark movie theater — and a last-minute dash to incorporate all the gonzo footage before the film’s release on Oct. 23. (Mr. Cohen was cutting it close, still shooting three weeks before he had to deliver the movie.) “They broke every rule for us,” Mr. Cohen said in a phone interview. “There was a certain delivery schedule that they felt was necessary, and they halved that time. They realized the imperative of getting this out before the election. And they changed their procedures completely to help us do this. I’m really, really grateful.” Jennifer Salke, the head of Amazon Studios, is also grateful. When the Golden Globes air on Sunday, “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm” will be competing for three awards: best comedy or musical, best actor and best supporting actress (Maria Bakalova). Other Amazon acquisitions, including Regina King’s directorial debut, “One Night in Miami,” and “Sound of Metal,” starring Riz Ahmed, are also contending for prizes. Those accolades, coupled with the cultural impact “Borat” has enjoyed across the globe, have significantly altered the perception of Amazon Studios’s film division in Hollywood and among Amazon’s more than 150 million Prime subscribers. (The studio, which does not disclose viewer numbers, will say only that tens of millions of subscribers watched “Borat.”) Once a home for indie darlings such as “Manchester by the Sea” and “The Big Sick,” Amazon Prime Video is transforming itself into a place for commercial films with broad appeal that can travel internationally. It’s all part of Ms. Salke’s plan to turn Prime into a service people subscribe to for more than free shipping for their paper towels. “We had seen firsthand when Amazon gets behind a piece of content, just how big the muscle is that they are capable of flexing,” said David Ellison, chief executive of Skydance Media and the producer of Amazon’s “Jack Ryan” series. He recently sold the films “Without Remorse” and “The Tomorrow War” to Amazon. “With ‘Borat,’ they showed they could do that with films, too,” he said. Amazon has thrived in the last year, with profits increasing some 200 percent since the pandemic began. That success has extended to its film business. Like other streaming services, it has been able to snatch up big-budget, star-driven films that studios have been forced to shelve in response to the closing of movie theaters. Netflix, Apple, Disney+ and Hulu have all benefited from the studios’ woes, but Amazon has been one of the most aggressive in acquiring new movies. In September, Ms. Salke acquired “Without Remorse” — starring Michael B. Jordan and based on a Tom Clancy series — for $105 million. It will debut at the end of April. The following month, it paid $125 million for the rights to “Coming 2 America,” which will premiere on March 5. Eddie Murphy was initially hesitant about taking the sequel to his much-beloved film to Amazon, but Ms. Salke and others say he was reassured by the performance of “Borat.” In January, the company made its biggest bet yet, paying $200 million to acquire the Chris Pratt-led action film “The Tomorrow War,” which Paramount was set to release. To date, it stands as Amazon’s largest financial commitment in acquiring a feature film. The company hopes to debut it on Prime Video this summer. “We don’t have a huge bench of big blockbuster movies in the works,” Ms. Salke said with a laugh. “So for us it was opportunistic to be able to lean into that.” With more players than ever joining the streaming fray (Paramount+, anyone?), the pace at which new content is delivered is an issue every service worries about. Netflix threw down the gauntlet in January when it announced its 2021 strategy of delivering one new movie per week, which followed WarnerMedia’s announcement that all of Warner Bros.’s 2021 theatrical films would debut in theaters and on its HBO Max streaming service at the same time. With so much volume being offered by those two companies, along with Disney’s recent announcement that at least 80 percent of its 100 new projects would be earmarked for Disney+, the only way to compete is to go big. “It’s going to be really interesting over the next three years,” said Roeg Sutherland, one of the heads of media finance for Creative Artists Agency. “With platforms programming one new movie a week, this is fueling a competitive marketplace for high-end, independently financed films.” At the Sundance Film Festival last month, Apple paid a record $25 million for rights to the independent film “Coda.” Ms. Salke pushes back on the idea that her plans to broaden her offerings is a reaction to her competitors. Rather, she said, it’s the culmination of a strategy that began at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival, when as a newcomer to the film world, she spent $46 million to acquire four films, including “Late Night” with Emma Thompson and Mindy Kaling, and the feel-good movie “Brittany Runs a Marathon.” Before joining Amazon, Ms. Salke spent her career in television, shepherding hits like “Modern Family” and “Glee” at Fox and “This Is Us” at NBCUniversal. After her Sundance shopping spree, she was mocked by some film insiders as an out-of-touch television executive overspending to acquire niche movies. She was criticized for paying $13 million for “Late Night,” when it grossed $15.4 million at the box office. “Brittany Runs a Marathon” earned just $7 million. That commentary still seems to sting Ms. Salke, though she argues that she released the films theatrically only to appease the filmmakers. The movies’ real metric of success, she said, was how they played on the streaming service. “Those movies all kept coming out as No. 1,” said Ms. Salke, referencing the films’ performances on Amazon Prime. “Every time we launched one, the next one would eclipse the next one. We were training our audience to know that we would have big original films that were more commercial on Prime Video. It’s a little bit of an ‘If you build it, they will come’ strategy.” But what happens to that plan once the pandemic is over and studios are no longer willing to sell their movies to streaming platforms? Amazon has some 34 films in various stages of production around the world and Ms. Salke said the company was committed to spending upward of $100 million on a production if merited. (Amazon’s founder, Jeff Bezos, is stepping down as the company’s chief executive later this year, but the studio isn’t expecting any big changes when Andy Jassy takes the reins.) The Culver City, Calif., complex is still being built and, if anything, investment has increased. Ms. Salke points to Aaron Sorkin’s upcoming film about Lucy and Desi Arnaz, starring Nicole Kidman and Javier Bardem, as a potential hit. There’s also George Clooney’s film “The Tender Bar,” starring Ben Affleck, and an LGBTQ romantic drama called “My Policeman,” featuring Harry Styles and Emma Corrin (“The Crown”). “The new news is that you will see us embrace some bigger projects going forward that are self-generated,” she said. In Ms. Salke’s mind, this was always the place where Amazon Film was going to land. And there is a newfound confidence to her outlook as she celebrates her third anniversary as the head of the studio. In addition to her recent acquisition spree, she’s made overall content deals with Mr. Jordan and the actor and musician Donald Glover, which she says will reinforce her mission to burnish Amazon’s reputation as a talent-friendly place. With its healthy subscription base, Amazon is attracting those in Hollywood who are interested in the company’s global reach but also curious about the company’s other businesses that have the potential to expand a star’s brand beyond film and television. Mr. Jordan, for one, said his overall content deal would allow him to explore areas other studios can’t offer: specifically fashion, music and podcasts. His portrayal of the physical incarnation of Amazon’s Alexa during a Super Bowl ad was an example. And Ms. King got a kick out of just how pervasive Amazon’s marketing of her film was whenever she logged into the company’s e-commerce site. “When I’m on Amazon, buying doggie bags, and my film pops up at the top, that’s pretty amazing,” she said. “That’s like, wow! Every single day I am getting a text from someone who saw the movie that probably wouldn’t have seen it if it didn’t pop up in their shopping queue.” Source link Orbem News #Amazon #Film #Industrys #mainstream #Margins #Moves
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danyelle756games · 4 years
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Of Wolf's Gaming Weblog
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The essential piece of the cloud gaming puzzle is latency. A information centre can have the most strong, cutting-edge hardware running the most current titles at ultra-high settings and framerates - but the user's experience will constantly depend on the speed of their connection. Games rely on genuine-time interactions, so any lag amongst a button press and the action playing out is detrimental. Tolerable latency varies across genres, but for speedy-paced shooters and action games, it wants to be kept to an absolute minimum to make certain a playable encounter.
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lauraramargosian · 5 years
Positive Celebrity Exclusive: Wentworth Con 2019 was a complete success!
Positive Celebrity Exclusive: Kiana Clark, Danielle Cormack, Celia Ireland, and Libby Tanner answer our questions!
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The best Australian tv-shows of all-time has a mile-long list. Regardless, it’s safe to say the Wentworth tv show has safely earned its place in the top ten. 
Even earning itself a better score than competing programs such as Orange is The New Black.
Fortunately, we owe it to the Wentworth cast, creators ( Reg Watson, Lara Radulovich) and crew for creating a modern version of the old original “Prisoner,” series which ran from 1978-1986 on SoHo. 
With that in mind it’s no surprise Wentworth season 8 and season 9 have been commissioned, making fans wonder, how the plot will develop for the finale. 
Further, it’s predicted Wentworth seasons 8 and 9 will go into production mid-October 2019 and wrap mid-June 2020. 
The show’s direction has fans diving in more deeply on the direction of Wentworth, especially after Wentworth Con 2019. 
Question and answer sessions sparked many questions about further seasons including: 
Why is “The Freak,” alive and who let her out of the grave? 
Does Bea Smith (Danielle Cormack) have a chance at returning? 
Most importantly, Franky and Bridget’s relationship (mostly because of her development as a character, it would be nice to see more of her.
There are endless questions for each character and that’s what makes everything so exciting.
The Wentworth Con Q&A panels were everything fans expected and more, for example, the overwhelming emotion to see a packed ballroom with Wentworth fans who know every line for every brilliant character. 
Most importantly, it brought Wentworth talent to tears as they filled with utter shock and love due to the amount of admiration. 
Nicole Da Silvia (who will be at Wentworth 2020 in Chicago) opened up about Wentworth, sharing her thoughts on it feeling “surreal,” on an online Australian news outlet: 
“I’m getting more and more sideways glances now the show is available here. People are coming up to me in the supermarket. I’ve had a few fan encounters, which is kind of surreal. I’m very used to not being recognized at all.”
Cormack shared “it’s a dream come true,” to the cast and crew. 
“You’d be hard-pressed to find any actor, producer, director or crew member who doesn’t want their work to reach as far and wide as it can.”
“For our show to be recognized internationally is a testament to the stories, themes, characters, and performances. It’s incredibly exciting and I’m really proud.”
Kiana Clark On Wentworth Con 2019
First, it’s important to note, taking the time to put together any kind of convention takes an immense amount of patience, passion and time. Kiana Clark opened up about the feeling of seeing fans and talent come together repeatedly for successful Q&A’s to private round-table meet and greets.
“Thank you so much! I can’t even put this feeling into words. At the end of the first event, I sat in the hotel room with my wife (Amanda) and best friend (Danielle) and just cried. Happy tears. I was SO happy with what we created and how happy we made everyone feel. It truly makes all the hard work “worth it” to see happy, smiling faces all day long. To see the fans “dreams” come true when they meet their favorite cast members. It’s therapeutic, really. I know this sounds “cliche” but I’ve been producing events for 12 years, and have been so passionate about my career. I often get wrapped up in the structure and organization that I don’t stop and see the overall result. But with Wentworth Con, the fans have gone out of their way to thank me and thank my staff for creating this event and doing something that they never thought would happen (Meeting cast who live across the world). And for me to produce an event that results in “dreams coming true”… there are no words for how rewarding that feels. The feeling in that panel room. It’s not your typical “convention”. It’s an event filled with love, encouragement, support, and hope! People share stories, talk about difficult topics and how they overcame them, and how the show has helped them in numerous ways. It is so overwhelming. There’s love for the show. Love for the cast. And love for each other! There are some AMAZING friendships forming at Wentworth Con. I hope we can keep this going for years to come!
Further, it’s inspiring to watch Kiana Clark hard at work, she’s incredibly inspiring and positive. Chances are her volunteers who have an absolute blast all while strengthening their set of skills.
Isn’t it true we all have our favorite scenes?
Clark opened up about her favorite scene even though there are so many that are unforgettable.
“AH! This is so hard. There are many. BUT, the first that comes to mind is when Bea shoots Brayden Holt. I think it was because we saw such heartache from Bea when she lost Debbie, and we all started “rooting” for her to get revenge.”
As previously mentioned, Wentworth Con does stand out because the fans, they see themselves through the characters and can relate.
Most importantly, Kiana Clark also touched on how the show influences different issues in the world.
“The thing about Wentworth is… it touches on some real issues in the world, issues that, unfortunately, many people have been experienced first hand.
Domestic Violence. Losing a Child. Sexual Abuse. Dementia. Drugs. etc.
People relate to these stories, to these characters. And it hits “home.” They fall in love with the characters. They see a lot of “themselves” in the characters. Tammy MacIntosh and I spoke in great detail about Wentworth Con in LA and saying ‘I don’t think you know what you created.'”
Honestly, she created a convention that feels like home. There is nothing better than attending an event where you feel good, and where you don’t feel like a “black sheep,” because of how you relate to real-life situations.
The whole Wentworth cast and crew did an amazing job at delivering the message of love, compassion, struggle, regrets, and different relatable hardships.
Despite our struggles, it was comforting to attend Wentworth Con, share our struggles during the Q&A and get a true response from the talent who took on our trials and successfully delivered it on screen. 
Positive Celebrity review on Wentworth Con 2019
Perfection, no other words fit.
At this point, it’s safe to say, Wentworth Con 2019 is by far one of the best conventions I’ve ever had the opportunity to attend and cover.
Ultimately, the convention has been everything and more to those who have been able to attend, and there’s no doubt the crowd will be back for Wentworth Con’s upcoming events.
“Our next events are in Chicago April 4, 2020 (tickets on sale Dec 8 at 12pm EST) and Whippany, NJ August 1-2, 2020!”
Wentworth Con Hilarious Moments 
It was Chelsey Handler who said, “if you can make someone laugh you can make someone listen.” 
She was completely right, Danielle left us with a joke that will last a lifetime after she shared a story about her pant zipper problems. 
“I’ve been having this zipper problem today, I’m about to take a picture and there’s my… “ 
And then you hear a loud shout from within the crowd “Pineapple!” 
Danielle Cormack lost it, laughing “is that what you call it, okay, my pineapple.” She continued, “you guys are never going to be able to look at a pineapple the same,” the fans lost it. 
The moment Danielle Cormack ran to the stage from the opposite end of the venue the crowd went wild. She truly is the “top dog.” She loved to react scenes, answer questions and most importantly, be herself on stage. 
Isn’t it inspiring to see actors for who they are up and personal?
In the end, we have the perfect idea of how talented they truly are, it’s a whole new world when we aren’t just seeing them play a character on our TV screens. Cormack had some funny moments with the fans, sharing how her zipper was down during the Wentworth Con round table meet and greets. 
And we all left that panel with a new outlook on Pineapples.
During Celia Irelands Q&A at Wentworth Con 2019 fans truly wanted to know “how she played being sh*tfaced on set,” proceeding to laugh and inquire if she was actually drunk. 
Ireland laughed hysterically sharing jokes about being allergic to most alcohols. 
Despite not drinking much, she showed everyone just how she managed to act so wasted on set and it was brilliant. 
Next, there’s the gorgeous and energetic Tammy Macintosh who shared a lot of behind the scenes which were fun to film. 
Lastly, Libby Tanner who played as Nicole Da Silvia’s therapist in Wentworth shared how their relationship developed and when she felt her character, Bridget fell in love with Franky. 
Most importantly, we wanted to know, was Franky a good kisser? 
The Wentworth Con 2019 provided us more than just a Q&A. It allowed us to meet and take pictures with Libby Tanner, Celia Ireland, Danielle Cormack, and Tammy Macintosh. 
The convention provided beautiful photos that were used for the autographing time-slot. During this we were able to thank, laugh and joke around, it felt very personal and it was fun. 
Most importantly, the round table meet-and-greets where fans spent quality time with the actors, shared stories that inspired and took extra pictures. 
Wentworth season 8 (all previous seasons with subscription only), $8.99 USD
YouTube (with subscription only). $1.99 USD
iTunes (with subscription only), $1.99 USD
Amazon Prime (with subscription only), $1.99 USD. 
Foxtel Now (is a subscription streaming service delivering great entertainment including TV shows, Movies, News and live sport. Members are only charged for the packs they select and can cancel anytime. If you’re new to Foxtel Now get a 10 day free trial of all content packs), $25.00 USD 
Stay tuned for our full panel edits!
Stay up-to-date on future Wentworth Con conventions!
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How about this line up!?
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Our Guests for #WentworthCon Chicago are: Danielle Cormack, Libby Tanner, Nicole da Silva, and Socratis Otto!
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Tickets on sale Dec 7 for the fan club patreon members (patreon.com/wentworthcon) .
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General on-sale is Sun Dec 8, at 12pm EST at (wentworthcon.com)
A post shared by The Official Wentworth Con (@wentworth_con) on Nov 27, 2019 at 1:09pm PST
Wentworth Con: https://www.wentworthcon.com/ Wentworth Con
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WentworthCon/ Wentworth Con
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WentworthCon/
Blessed be!
The post Positive Celebrity Exclusive: Wentworth Con 2019 was a complete success! appeared first on Positive Celebrity News and Gossip.
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Positive Celebrity Exclusive: Wentworth Con 2019! (preview)
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airoasis · 5 years
"Luna Moth Love" Part 1 of 2 Green Gold Challenge ASMR Acrylic Painting Demo #GreenGoldChallenge
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/luna-moth-love-part-1-of-2-green-gold-challenge-asmr-acrylic-painting-demo-greengoldchallenge/
"Luna Moth Love" Part 1 of 2 Green Gold Challenge ASMR Acrylic Painting Demo #GreenGoldChallenge
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Hello this is Dena Tollefson and welcome to my studio i’m so happy to have you ever here in these days if you are new to my channel thanks so much for joining and in the event you’ve been here earlier than welcome back i hope if you haven’t already you’ll ring that subscription bell so that you can recognize if i will be doing a live movement or will be importing a brand new video I do reside streams twice per week on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 o’clock relevant time which is let’s have a look at that’s three o’clock GMT so this is the golf green gold undertaking and i hope that you are participating in the green gold undertaking I’ve acquired my green gold correct here and this portray goes to be a luna moth i’ll be using paint brushes I’ve received some residences and a few chisel blenders and a liner brush to sign my identify and that is all acrylic paint so I’ve blended up somewhat titanium white and a few inexperienced gold and now we are going to put this over onto the canvas so the green gold challenge is a enjoyable little assignment that I created and all of the persons who are collaborating and anyone can take part you just put the phrases green gold task into your title and upload your video onto your onto your channel and then the entire videos that i will to find that have the hashtag inexperienced gold assignment or have the words green gold undertaking in the title are going to go into a huge playlist and if you want more understanding about how you can participate i’ve a brief two-minute video on my channel that offers all of the small print of how to do that and for this video right here i am gonna this is my entry for the task and i proposal it will be relatively enjoyable to color the luna moth and i have received just a pencil simply did just a little graphite sketch one luna moth that’s in full flight and an additional little guy off to the facet here who’s just type of twisting and gliding and that’s whatever that’s very characteristic of the luna moth they’re most effective found in North the united states and after they fly they’ve these form of streamers that you see at the backside these long twisting streamers and when they’re flying they’ll twist their physique and twist these streamers so that they are able to confuse their major the foremost predator who is a bat so bats love to devour luna moths it seems that they are very tasty to them and so the luna moth has acquired some these little streamers that it uses to confuse the bat so it is not particularly certain which approach it can be flying and then the luna moth also has these form of neat there are two sets of almost like a false eye or something like a little eye shaped pattern and the luna moth is sometimes called the American Moon Moth so I concept it would be quality to place a moon in my painting just compositionally and then additionally to style of symbolize the title of the of the luna moth and luna referring of direction to the word moon or lunar and i’m just doing hanging a little titanium mild on that get the moon started so here is a little phthalo blue purple coloration and i inspiration I would get the get the sky began with that only a flat American Painter brush and we are going to just begin to dam at the hours of darkness inky sky so luna moths you really simplest see them lively at night time they’re nocturnal and the adult the adult on no account eats once it can be an adult it comes out of its cocoon so at butterflies have chrysalis is and moths have a cocoon so this little cocoon they when they may be little caterpillars they like to devour leaves from the birch timber and from walnut bushes another exceptional bushes and timber they usually they will go into their cocoon and then when they come out they simply reside for one week and so they don’t eat the entire time that they’re a a moth and in its grownup type they’re simply looking to find other moths to mate with and to proceed the lifestyles cycle and the physique of the moth is a type of a white fuzzy furry style of a factor and then they have got these amazing kind of simply shiny gentle limey gold green green gold kind of wings I feel they’re just rather lovely they may be also very tremendous they’re they are able to be as much as four and a half of inches throughout which is lovely significant from off so simply utilising the comb to take that colour and simply get it proper up alongside the edge there we go and i want the moth the smaller moth that i need it to show up in the distance more so and then have the focal point be extra the larger moth and i would like this smaller moth i am gonna paint him with some softer edges to make him believe like he’s receding and i am also gonna be eager about the moon and portray that with a tender part so that it also feels it can be find it irresistible’s more within the distance now this colour that you just see that’s been painted over the complete canvas as yellow ochre and that i tone all of my canvases good perhaps not a hundred percent the vast majority of my canvases I begin with a wash of yellow ochre if for some rationale i have a canvas I must have a white history or something like that but that’s lovely distinctive for me it can be most likely this heat yellow ochre and what that does is that removes the white and slightly bit something yellow ochre will peek through i’m simply utilising a filbert brush so that is a filbert has a smooth rounded facet on it it is obtained the roundness of a circular brush however it’s a flat if you view it from the aspect it can be flat and i am simply making these pleasant soft edges here for our luna moth that is off a bit distance just fine and easy variety of i am letting little bits of the underneath portray show by means of and i am working to get simply relatively gestural marks i would like this to not have i would like it to believe free and gestural so simply letting the paint do its factor come up correct here on the highest the top of the luna moth or the highest by means of wing there may be this fairly style of distinct burgundy color that we will be adding in somewhat even as now as i am working around the moon i’m letting a bits of the white go via and later we are going to come back with some brighter colors to get the feeling that the moon is reflecting light from the solar and it can be giving a appearing as a mild supply in the night time sky just sort of teasing that blue up along the sides of the moon get a bit extra blue there there we go my darken that up it is feeling a little of it inexperienced side with somewhat an excessive amount of of the yellow ochre is peeking via right here we go when i’m hoping that you all got a risk to take part in inexperienced gold venture and green gold is sort of a difficult colour to use and however yet it can be this kind of enjoyable and neat color so i am quite watching forward to seeing all of the distinct ways that each one of fellow youtuber artists are developing with i do know there’s going to be some performance art there’s gonna be paintings and colored pencil drawings and even someone’s going to be doing makeup so it will have to be a neat neat factor to peer the entire special ways that the color can be used so i’m simply scrubbing in somewhat bit I used a colour that I made with yellow ochre and black and white to have in the moon a little little bit of element let’s go in now with slightly bit of this everlasting alizarin crimson and begin to denote that this prime ridge on the highest of the body of the insect I’ve obtained this really best contrast between the green and then this strong daring color at the prime now I’ve received somewhat liner brush and a liner brush is fairly just a circular brush with lengthy bristles that’s meant for element work or I most often use it once I signal my name and these little eye patterns both at the prime of the body and the backside set of wings I suppose marvel if this is probably God made camouflage to spare that negative little luna moth so he can get faraway from from its predators however the bats need to consume whatever so probably when the luna moth is worn out and he’s had the end of his time then probably the luna might be the bat can have him as a snack however it’s variety of sad to think about that bad luna moth falling prey to the bat the myotis so i’m now not taking a what is this that is dioxazine purple and the highest of the eye marks have nearly like eyeliner or anything it’s like a darker bit and the middle’s have white so we are going to put a bit of little bit of this light colour in the center and then i’ll have got to blend these colours so they’re one of a kind methods you can combination of path which you could combination through robotically scrubbing a colour to both remove some of it or scrub it in and another method to blend can be so as to add a different color on prime so i will do type of a hybrid between the 2 i’m gonna do a little mechanical motion right here of the colour round after which add yet another color just to sort of soften that up so they are quite distinctive different approaches to make inexperienced gold I’ve received green gold correct out of the tube and i’m also mixing a green gold by using taking yellow and an extraordinarily tiny tiny quantity of black that can make style of a unusual variation just a little little bit of white right here on the body with pleasant little fluffy body and then the grey that you just see I just blended the gray making use of a little bit little bit of Mars black and a few white and a tiny quantity of yellow ochre to show the stomach or the backside of the luna i suppose it is the abdomen it is the bottom a part of the the torso of the insect i suppose I don’t know what the bottom little section is it can be a bit his little bottom but his little backside type of curves in in and down as he is flying so now I’ve bought only a yellow and i’m gonna just take yellow and restate some of these brighter areas on the insect over the preliminary out of the blue painted yellow ochre that are not yellow go that thinly painted green gold i am just coming again with a bit of little bit of yellow to brighten a few of these areas and now just a little bit of shadow so there’s the highest set of wings and the backside set and there is a bit of a gap between the two and i need to play that up by all I did was just use a darker variant so that might be green gold with a bit only a contact of black or person might use yellow after which and then black as a combo now i will go in and soften this edge by means of simply taking a smooth brush that used to be dipped into water smooth it off after which i will be able to form of unpolluted up the edge through simply scrubbing it out a bit of bit now if I acquired some paint where I didn’t wish it i will be able to always paint over the top so i have somewhat as can see just a little spot there on his physique the white physique i will go back and add just a little add a little touch of white to quilt that however I need to get the these of the moth has got style of fluffy furry however the wings themselves are form of soft and fluffy and furry so I need to sort of get that feeling after which the physique of the moth is very fluffy and furry so I need to get that feeling across via the paint and then one thing that’s fairly attribute between a moth and a butterfly is a butterfly has antennae which might be like somewhat stick with a bit of thing on the finish of little bulb at the finish and that you could always tell a moth from a butterfly when you consider that a moth will have form of a feathery watching the antennae will seem very feathery and and so that is that’s a giant colossal technique to simply tell them when you simply come throughout one and appear at it then that you could tell that means butterfly versus moth so I’ve got I used to used a liner brush to create that little feathery sort of outcomes I first put down a layer of yellow no longer yellow i suppose it was a cad orange medium or cad orange hue and then got here over the top with a bit bit more white plus the cad orange let’s take a little titanium white and our phthalo blue purple color and get that mixed up so the sky may be very dark by means of many of the portray and i love that contrast between the dark inky sky after which the moon but i’m looking to create a transitional area between this inky darkness and show the influence of the moon and the way the moon is interacting with the insects and the bugs are drawn to the moon so I wish to put certain attention on that here’s a exceptional clean dry round brush and i am taking a tiny quantity i’m gonna do a dry brushing technique right here i’m just taking an awfully time so this technique is called scumbling or dry brushing and once I’m doing this i’m simply hanging an awfully small amount of paint on the dry brush in order that brush is not wet at all first after which i will be able to put this paint simply sort of particularly brush it excessive and i will be able to both put it in and scrub it in or just calmly practice it here i’m gonna honestly scrub it in and i’m being careful to no longer put an excessive amount of paint on the brush for those of you who have ever finished stenciling you understand the outcome of that you’ll be able to take a gentle brush and put a very small quantity on striking relatively a little greater than what a person would use for stenciling nevertheless it’s the same style of concept where you you pounce it pounce they paint on after which here figuring out i am putting the phthalo blue red colour that we blended up just now and striking that on so first we have now a teal and then working outward from the moon now the phthalo blue red shade plus white so I wish to get this feeling of the teal is a warmer and lighter color and then figuring out and giving the feeling like the moon is brightening and lightening the sky however getting slightly bit of the colour up on to the insect that is k i will simply you understand put somewhat color over the top of that later i’m particularly more fascinated by getting getting excellent insurance policy and i would like some of the darkish colour to top by means of too so there is kind of an effect that you would be able to get with scumbling this dry brushing that’s distinctive than if the if the brush were at first wet a wet brush that I dipped into the paint is going to offer a entire distinctive mark than a fully dry brush with a spare amount of paint all proper so now an extra clean brush tiny tiny quantity of the teal i will be able to go back in and layer this now that it is dry return and layer that over and a further layer variety of enhance that teal color and fairly give a tender gentle part to the moon i’m going to be going back over with some titanium white in the other course there we go and simply making that tremendous tender so in my painting i am i am imagining that these two luna moths are going to have their love reunion or their love union up within the sky and they’ll be equipped to create more luna moths and that both of them will ward off the bat or if they’ll be a meal for the bat perhaps it’s right on their final day due to the fact they get a couple of week to live might be on the last day and the moth can have a meal but expectantly not too quickly so i am just going back over and restating some of these areas with thee permanent alizarin crimson and now signing my identify utilising cad orange hue and a liner brush well I need to thank every person for becoming a member of and i am hoping that you have had a fun time doing the green intention task and that you can make a version for yourself and end up part of this playlist and i am hoping to do it again this is 2019 i’m hoping to do it again in 2020 so so all people is welcome and and and i am hoping that you’ll participate so here is my finished painting and thanks so much for becoming a member of that is Dena Tollefson bye bye
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