#What happened to him was horrible jfc that bereskan was on steroids
belleropheon · 1 year
I understand that the blight and darkspawn are like the ultimate evil in Dragon age and that to stop it you can't really be noble or 'good' about it because you can't REASON with it but this post was more about how they tried to portray the people whose job it is to stop it as these noble knights in shining armor whose morality is superiorly just and not these fatalistic walking dead men that 1 have to basically become darkspawn lite to stop it. 2 can't or won't talk about how terrifying it actually is (becoming the thing you're sworn to destroy in the long run). 3 Even if one volunteers for the grey wardens the most you get from other Grey Wardens is "Are you sure?/ You don't know what you're asking/ Just know it isn't glamorous and you can never go back to how things were before".
It is basically a death cult that is the last chance for many rather..morally dubious people who get recruited and gives them 30 years give or take before they have to go underground and die fighting actuall monsters in dark caves.
The OG post I had was actually way longer and was about having to do terrible stuff for the greater good but it was too long imo so I cut that out since it was more on the Wardens and not the weird portrayel they got in Inquisition.
Uh it was basically how the lucky ones die during the Joining and that the Joining is the first and easiest step of the downward spiral your life is gonna become. Not to say a Warden is forever depressed and can't do good it's just that as a whole it is a terrible burden with a terrible end. Look at Duncan towards a Mahariel "this isn't a mercy" when they offer the 'cure' and how instead of disarming and talking to Jory he just went straight to stabbity stab. He threatened a Cousland who doesn't want to go with him basically telling them he won't help them escape if they don't join him. Duncan, arguably a morally good man, is extremely shady to get what he wants aka a Grey Warden. I think a lot of them have this resentment to their recruiter for not telling them wtf they were getting into.
In the previous games there wasn't a warden that was like the fantasy shining knight trope but in Inquisition they all seem to have this idea they are and everyone around them seem to line up to kiss them full on the lips. Here lies the Abyss should've gone more "fuck off, we're Grey Wardens. We use whatever to fight the blight" and less "Uwu we have to resort to such EVIL and CRUEL things as blood magic oh nooo how far we've fallen".
When Blackwall gave his pretty cool speech about how awesome and good the wardens are I expected one to go "tf you talking about man? Since when? Betty over there had to kill an entire tainted family and it was terrible but we'd do it again in a heartbeat"
..I may have used your reply to actually write the rest I had in mind lol
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