#What do you mean I can o ly deactivate it for 7 days
witchy-capri · 1 year
FUUUUCK Tumblr live arrived on my phone 😭
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crystaltrinket · 3 years
you put a move on me - Naruto - Uchiha Sasuke/Hyuuga Hinata - drabble series for SasuHina Month 2021
Summary: Rogue-nin Sasuke holds Hinata captive after an act of robbery goes awry.
[Rating: G-T? | Prompt: A Tribute To Your Favorite Fanart/Fic | Word Count: too many to count at this hour | Warnings: None]
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14
Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21
Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28
Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31
Author's Note: Whew! Honestly, I had half of this done yesterday and worked on the rest today. Please forgive any mistakes. I relied on Google docs to correct my grammar.
I don't have a specific favorite SasuHina art or fic, so I just put together my favorite elements in SasuHina fic. Hope that works. This part is a little bit longer since I included 10 Omake pieces from Hinata's POV. Part 31 is wayyyy at the bottom but follows directly after Omake 29.5.
I hope you enjoy! And I hope to see you again next year ;) @sasuhinamonth
Omake Part 1.5 - 100 words
Hinata could feel herself moving. She willed her eyes to open but her body didn't obey. 'Am I dying? Is this death?'
She heard a low voice curse. Hinata tried to remember what happened before her vision went black. She remembered dressing in her finest kimono, getting into the palanquin and heading toward the country's borders to meet her new civilian husband. And then...
'Ah, yes,' she thought. 'The bandit murdered my clansmen in charge of handing me over to my new prison.' Red eyes came into her mind. Red eyes that could only belong to one clan.
'Uchiha Sasuke.'
Omake Part 7.5 - 100 words
Hinata steeled herself against her captor. She's no fool. She heard the rumors of his strength. Hinata figured the only way to deal with him was to pretend she was talking to another elder. Her clan head voice was something she perfected before she was cast away.
They rarely talked during their travels. But when he asked why she continued to follow him, she wished he kept silent. She was sure he could hear her heart beating loud in her chest.
Remembering her clan voice, she lifted her chin and answered.
Her shoulders almost slumped in relief, hearing his laughter.
Omake 10.5 - 100 words
Hinata could tell he was lying.
She can't imagine he accepted his clan's massacre so easily. To live without hearing their voice, seeing their smile, feeling their touch. Hinata's heart clenched.
She knew herself how the loss of a loved one can affect a person's psyche.
Unfortunately, O-bon festivities don't allow a grieving person the impact of acceptance.
Still, she doesn't pry and lets him rest. Her eyes wandered to him laying beside her on the hillside. Without his perpetual frown, he looked peaceful.
Hinata closed her eyes and exhaled.
She wished she could feel as peaceful as Sasuke looked.
Omake Part 12.5 - 100 words
She repeated those words to herself after Sasuke's team found out she was a missing-nin. Hinata shut her eyes, unwilling to cry. She couldn't give up her freedom now.
'I don't want to go back.'
Hinata felt a light tap on her shoulder. Sasuke was ready to go.
He said nothing to her on their journey. He didn't mention where they were headed to his teammates either.
She half expected him to desert her. The other half hoped that he wouldn't leave her.
At night, she repeated those same words to him. His eyes were understanding and she felt relief.
Omake 17.5 - 100 words
Hinata softly cursed. Of course her plan to lure the ANBU team away didn't work. Nothing ever worked in her favor.
She bit her lip, trying to figure out the best course of action to save Sasuke. Hinata grinned, seeing the telltale sway of long brown hair.
She deactivated her bloodline and made herself comfortable in her position. She waited.
Hinata was ready to confront them and rescue Sasuke at sunrise. But a commotion entirely not her own, brought them out ready to strike. Seeing her opportunity, Hinata revealed herself. Chakra blazed at her hands.
"I'll fight you for him."
Omake 22.5 - 100 words
Sasuke's breathing steadily became regular as she talked about their former village. She continued a little more even though he was already in deep sleep. Hinata glanced over her shoulder to peek at him. Carefully, she turned to fully face him.
Hinata studied him. Memorizing every line from his travels, the eyebags from lack of sleep, the face that she grew accustomed to seeing everyday.
She felt tears drip from her eyes. 'I can't believe I was so foolish.' Hinata hid her face in her hands. Her shoulders gently shook as she tried to maintain composure in Sasuke's sleeping embrace.
Omake 25.5 - 180 words
Frustration bubbled inside her. Karin and Suigetsu, sitting across from each other, continued to argue despite their shared goal. Hinata sat adjacent to them, anger simmering underneath her calm façade.
"Hinata-sama," Juugo came up behind her, carrying a tray of tea. He placed the tray beside her and took his place, sitting behind her.
"Thank you, Juugo-san," Hinata took the lone cup. "Had I known it would be like this, I would've left myself."
"Sometimes, they need a little help." His voice lowered. "If you know what I mean, Hinata-sama."
She hummed thoughtfully and sipped from her cup, testing the temperature.
"This is very good tea, Juugo-san," Hinata placed it back on the tray.
The large man bowed his head, smiling. "Thank you, Hinata-sama."
The other two continued to argue, their thumping rattling the tray.
Hinata moved swiftly, her fingers deftly touching their chakra points.
Stunned, the two bickering teammates fell on the ground.
"What gives?!" Karin yelled. Suigetsu sneered at her from his position.
Hinata calmly retrieved her tea. "Now, I have your attention. Let's talk about rescuing Sasuke."
Omake 27.5 - 100 words
Juugo's birds flew up in a tree, ending their journey.
"Tell Juugo-san, thank you," she whispered.
Hinata felt her blood coursing through her veins. Her fingertips tingled in trepidation.
They couldn't afford to risk Sasuke's strength. She knew who he was up against.
She snuck around the prison, evading the guards surrounding the perimeter. Hinata scaled the prison wall to reach the roof. She quickly found the ventilation shaft.
Taking a deep breath, she concentrated her thoughts on locating Sasuke's chakra signature.
'There!' It was weak, but it was his. Gritting her teeth, she made her way down the shaft.
Omake 29.5 - 172 words
Hinata knew Sasuke felt the same. The village was too quiet, too accepting of their vagrant ways. It seemed all too convenient a vacant house was available. With the previous owner having died alone, it was an opportune moment for them to move in with the village's blessing.
Months soon turned to a year. Sasuke's teammates came and went as they pleased, leaving Hinata with Sasuke.
She found him in the cold, practicing his kata. He moved fluidly going through the motions ingrained in his body.
She didn't want to bother him, but she knew better than to leave without notice.
"I'll be at the market," she called out. He paused mid-form to walk over to her. Seeing him in front of her, Hinata noticed his breaths were visible from the biting cold. "Is your kata keeping you warm?”
He smirked. "Aa." His eyes studied her as he tucked stray hair behind her ear. "Don't take too long."
Hinata felt her face warm up as she looked up to his face. "Aa."
Part 31 - 632 words
She went through the market, politely greeting everyone who knew her. Here, she was Hana and he was Makoto, two people not quite married but living together.
The market was a little busier during this time of year. The village was preparing for their annual snow festival. Hefting her groceries in her arms, Hinata left to return to her home.
Hinata turned at the sound of her alias. A young man came up to her out of breathe. "Oh, Shigure-kun! H-How can I help you?"
The young man blushed. "I-I wanted to help you with your groceries. To carry them for you, I mean."
"That's kind of you to do, Shigure-kun," Hinata smiled. "But I'll be alright." She took a step towards the pathway to her home.
"Please, allow me," he reached for one of the bags. "I'm not surprised Makoto-ji-san isn't here to help." The young man scoffed. "He never seems to help you."
Hinata slightly turned from the boy so her groceries were out of reach. "I don't mind. Makoto-san doesn't need to help me."
"Hana-san, I -- " the young man stopped, his eyes frozen in fear.
Hinata looked at him confusedly, before feeling familiar chakra behind her.
"She said beat it, kid," Sasuke growled.
Shigure regained his composure and looked straight at Hinata. He took a deep breath and bowed. "Hana-san, I want to say that I like you and I hope to see you at the winter festival!" He straightened and turned his eyes to Sasuke. "Makoto-ji-san," he said through clenched teeth and bowed his head. "Good day to you."
Hinata looked between the two males, caught in a gridlock.
"I'm not going to repeat myself," Sasuke said menacingly. Shigure nodded again and stiffly turned on his heel to leave.
A few days later, Hinata found herself at the winter festival, admiring the fresh snow on the plum blossoms and the ice sculptures carved by the village's artisans. Beside her, Sasuke walked with a hand on the small of her back, eyes roving around for the troublesome boy.
"I don't think Shigure-kun will come around, don't you think?" Hinata giggled behind the thick sleeve of her kimono.
Sasuke grumbled. "He won't if he knows what's good for him."
Hinata grabbed a hold of his sleeve. "Come, let's enjoy the festival."
Hinata pulled him around the village, visiting artisan stalls and eating sweets to her heart's delight. Sasuke showed no interest but indulged her whims.
Hinata's teeth started to chatter as they continued with the festivities. She felt Sasuke wrap his arm around her shoulders.
"Come, maybe the weeping plum blossom tree will provide some insulation." He guided her towards the pink flowered tree covered in snow.
"Isn't it beautiful, Sasuke?" she said in awe. She gingerly touched a low hanging branch causing some snow to fall.
"Aa," he answered. "Absolutely beautiful."
Hinata turned to see him gazing intently at her. "Sasuke? Is something wrong?"
Sasuke blinked and turned his head away. He shoved his hands into his kimono sleeves.
Hinata stepped closer to him, using him as a way to shield her eyes from the passing villagers. She activated her Byakugan.
"Sasuke, I don't see anyone tracking us..." Hinata blinked away her bloodline. "I--"
Hinata's arms folded against Sasuke's chest as he wrapped his arms around her.
"I was going to wait a little while longer," he whispered in her ear. Hinata felt her heart pound at the warmth of breath on her ear.
"Wait for what?"
Sasuke gently pushed her away to place something in her hand. Hinata gasped, tears welling up in her eyes. His fingers came up to wipe them away.
"Marry me, Hinata."
Hinata looked up, seeing a small smile on Sasuke's face.
"Yes," she gently smiled, bringing his face closer to hers. "Yes."
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milstrim · 3 years
Comfort in My Shadow
Chapter 4: Uninvited
By @iwritedumbshit for @iron-mum
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Minor Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Ned Leeds, James “Rhodey” Rhodes
Summary: Soulmates are definite in the universe. Nobody knows exactly why they exist, or what dictates who is bonded to who, the only thing known is that they are never wrong. But Peter’s not so sure about that.
Living at the group home had taught Peter a lot about laying low and how to stay alive when nobody cares. But he’d always clung to the hope of the shadow at his feet reflecting his soulmate that had watched over him for years.
Typical that his soulmate is actually a superhero that Peter is convinced shouldn’t want anything to do with him. Maybe, just this once, the Universe was wrong.
But Tony Stark is desperate to prove that it is right.
Ch 1 // Ch 2 // Ch 3 // Ch 5 // Ch 6 // Ch 7 // Ch 8
Peter didn't really wake up the next morning, because he hadn't really fallen asleep last night. He'd been incredibly tired, but his hair hadn't been able to lay flat and he hadn't been able to block out the overwhelmingly disgusting smell of Mr. Fowler's closet. He'd been it the entirety of the day and even throughout the night when Mr. Fowler stomped into the room and passed out on the bed. The lilting stumbles in his steps made Peter think he'd been drunk and had likely forgotten about the kid trapped in his closet.
So he hadn't really slept, but his eyes had been closed--the darkness of his eyes was better than that of the closet--until the door had finally swung open, allowing Peter his first full breath in almost a whole day. The dankness of Mr. Fowler's room was a thousand times better than the closet. An arm had grabbed his own, pulling him roughly to his feet and out of the closet. His legs had ached with the disuse, but he'd stumbled to his feet nonetheless.
"Are you going to talk back to me again, son?" Mr. Fowler had asked, a horrible pleasantness to his voice. Peter had shaken his head. Something had been shoved into his hands, and he'd fumbled only to realize it was his wallet. "There. The card doesn't work anymore, so you can have that piece of shit back. Now get out of here."
"O-okay. Thank you," he'd said, stumbling out of the room and into the bathroom that he'd been deprived of for almost twenty-four hours. Once he'd finished and washed his hands, he'd searched through his wallet.
His few crumpled bills had been taken, but the pictures stuffed inside had been left alone, and the black card had sat crammed in a pocket. He'd grabbed it with fumbling fingers, brows furrowing. It didn't work anymore? Had the man maxed it out? Peter had swallowed, a pit forming in his stomach as he thought about what the hell he'd bought to do that. Probably a lot of alcohol had been his guess.
He really, really hoped that Mr. Stark couldn't see his purchases.
After a quick shower, in which he'd had to sit down his vision had swam so much, he'd rushed out the door with his beaten up backpack swinging off of his shoulder. He knew he probably should have stayed to check on the other kids who'd had to listen to the fight last night and might need help with homework, but the teenager couldn't stand to be in that house for any longer. Everything smelled like Mr. Fowler's awful closet and he just needed to be out in the bright Sunday sun. He wanted to find just a little comfort in his shadow that he'd been deprived of the night before.
So he'd changed into his suit and swung around for most of the day, flipping for some overly excited middle schoolers and directing an old man from Ukraine visiting his son who lived in Harlem and ignoring the pain in his stomach. When there was a lull in the late afternoon, he strung a web between two buildings and just did as many daring flips and handstands as he could. It was a feeble attempt to distract himself from the events of the past few days.
Hits and threats from Mr. Fowler were nothing new, in fact, they were a staple in the Queens Pinehill Group Home for Boys, but last night had been different. He'd never been trapped like that in the group home. He'd always had a lot of free reign as long as he operated within the curfew and got his chores done, but yesterday was like someone had flipped a switch on that, and he was still reeling from the terror.
Or that could be the hunger eating through his stomach. Peter stopped flipping on the web for a moment, instead laying down and balancing himself on the thin string as his stomach growled so hard he flinched. He wouldn't even be getting anything today. When did his grounding end again? He was pretty sure it was Thursday, but he wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Fowler extended it after last night. Maybe he could stop by Ned's and get a granola bar or something.
The teenager looked down at the ground to stare at Mr. Stark's shadow, blinking as he realized it was no longer clothed in normal attire, or a sharp business suit, but rather the larger outline of what he could now identify as the Iron Man armor. He narrowed his eyes, wondering what the man must be doing. Probably something really important.
Peter sighed, moving to sit up, when a sound made him pause. He cocked his head before finally turning in the direction of the mechanical whine to make out the Iron Man suit flying towards him.
He tried to feign disinterest, laying back down on the web and placing his hands underneath his head as the suit landed on the nearest building rooftop and Mr. Stark stepped out, but Peter couldn't lie to himself about how excited he really was to see the man.
"Hey, Mr. Stark," he greeted from the web.
"Hey, kid."
"Um, thanks for the letter." Please don't ask about the card. Please don't ask about the card. "Are you sure about the phone, though? I mean, that thing looks like it could cost as much as a house."
"Keep it, kid, I gave it to you for a reason," Mr. Stark said, waving him off. Peter watched him warily as he sat down on the edge of the building, shuffling nervously. Peter smiled to see the man very clearly out of his element, as if he would let him fall anyway. "So, how's your day been?"
Peter shrugged. "Fine."
"No hangovers or anything?" Peter froze. "Can you even get drunk? Cap can't."
The teenager hesitated before answering. It was either 'I bought a bunch of adult stuff with your credit card' or 'My foster father bought a bunch of adult stuff with your credit card.' He wasn't sure which one was better, but there didn't seem to be much to win from lying, not that there was much to gain from telling the truth either.
"I don't know," Peter responded honestly as he sat up on the web to stare at the shadow on the ground. The imitation felt more comforting than the real thing at that moment.
"You don't know? You bought three hundred dollars of pure liquor."
"Three hundred--Oh, jeez. I'm really sorry, Mr. Stark."
Mr. Stark blinked at him for a second before his gaze softened.
"You didn't buy any of that stuff, did you?" Peter shook his head. "Who? Andrew Fowler?" A moment. A nod. "Okay, I'll just deactivate that card and give you a new one."
"No, it's fine, Mr. Stark," Peter said, pulling his wallet out of his hoodie pocket and showing him the black card. "He gave it back. I think he was annoyed that it was, like, maxed out or something."
"Well, it is most definitely not maxed out--there's a lot more than three hundred on that, kid--but I'm glad you got it back."
There was a minute of awkward silence before Mr. Stark rolled his shoulders and sat up straighter.
"So, no tower yesterday?"
Peter suddenly remembered the little note at the end of his letter. He shrugged bashfully, mumbling, "Yeah, sorry, uh Mr--Mr. Fowler kept us pretty busy yesterday. Chore day, so."
"Wanna stop by now?"
Peter looked up at him in surprise. It was a wonder this man didn't hate him yet. The foster parents Peter had before Mr. Fowler had gotten sick of him pretty quickly, or just hadn't been very attached in the first place, while the majority of his teachers regarded him with either pity or disdain at his situation and record. As far as Mr. Stark knew, he had an accident-prone, snotty teenager as a soulmate whose favorite pass time was to be a juvenile delinquent.
And yet, the mechanic regarded him with a soft smile. A little strained, but welcoming nonetheless. It unfurled something in his chest.
"Yeah!--I mean, sure sure, that'd be fun." Mr. Stark gave him an amused smile as the teenager stepped off of his web and onto the roof of the building. With a quick glance and a rare smile, Peter leaped off the roof, enjoying the way Mr. Stark yelped in surprise. Peter called, "Beat you there!!"
He did not, in fact, beat Mr. Stark to the tower. To be fair, the man was in a suit that flew faster than a jet and Peter was only propelled by physics and muscles.
The teenager watched from a short distance as the Iron Man suit paused in front of a higher point in the tower, faced him for a moment, and then dove through the window. He raised an eyebrow, but doubled down in catching up to the man, only barely managing to swing himself high enough so that he wouldn't have to crawl his way up more than a couple of stories.
Finally, just a few minutes later than Mr. Stark, he rolled through the window and landed hard on the floor just a little unsteadily, not that he cared in the slightest. There were much more interesting things to care about in that moment.
"You like it?" Mr. Stark called from across the lab. Peter nodded dumbly, staring, widemouthed, at the state of the art equipment decorating just about every inch of the room. There were cases of Iron Man armor lining the walls, robots rolling around--he managed a laugh at one with a dunce cap sweeping the ground with a broom inefficiently--and tables filled with projects Peter couldn't even begin to dream of. "You can take your mask off here, kid. No one's going to see you."
Mr. Stark's voice pulled him back to reality, drawing him further into the room hesitantly. He glanced at the man, but realized dimly that his spider sense had finally calmed down. This wasn't the danger he'd felt after being fished out of the lake, or the feeling that had been following him since, it was a normal calm mixed with just a hint of nerves.
He tugged his mask off.
Mr. Stark stared at him, a soft look on his face, before finally tearing his gaze away when Peter shuffled uncomfortably.
"Sorry, kid," he apologized. "Didn't mean to freak you out. Just..."
"Just what?"
"It's just nice to see you, Peter."
He didn't know what to say to that, so he just offered the billionaire a strained smile and stepped over to the desk the man was standing at. He felt more than a little out of place, but his curiosity overwhelmed his discomfort as he glanced over a shiny metal case held lightly in the billionaire's hands in interest. Mr. Stark tapped it when he caught the boy looking.
"This, kid," he said, sliding it over, "is for you."
Peter caught it effortlessly, his fingers light and hesitant as he glanced from it to Mr. Stark, his head down.
"I can't accept this, Mr. Stark. You already--"
Mr. Stark interrupted by reaching over and pressing something on the case. It sprang open, spooking Peter enough for him to take a step back but holding his attention as he caught sight of the bright red fabric. The eyes were what really caught his attention, looking unreasonably cool and intimidating. Peter mumbled, "This is the coolest thing I've ever seen."
Mr. Stark chuckled. "Good thing it's yours."
"It's--" He gaped at the man. "Mr. Stark, I really can't accept--"
"Too bad," he interrupted. "It's a gift and it's rude to turn down a gift. So, there's a bathroom right over there if you want to try it on. Give it a whirl?"
After a moment of hesitation, he closed the case, thanked Mr. Stark, and headed to the bathroom to change.
When Peter stepped out of the bathroom in the new suit, Tony couldn't help but frown. He covered it up as quickly as possible, but the sentiment still remained as his eyes roamed over the kid. He was muscular, sure, but he was so thin that it practically hurt. The teenager's ribs were practically there just for him to count and worry about. He filed it away for later as Peter turned to look at him, the mask's eyes narrowing.
"Looking good, hotshot," Tony said. "How's it feel?"
"It's awesome, Mr. Stark," Peter responded, his hands held out in front of him as he tapped the webshooters. "It smells like a new car!"
Tony couldn't help his laugh. "If you think that's cool, just wait. Friday, Babysitter Protocol."
"Babysitter--" Peter cut off with a confused yelp as his suit lit up blue, the AI in his suit supposedly greeting him. The kid cocked his head. "Oh, hi. Nice to meet you too."
Tony turned away, letting the kid and the AI get acquainted as he pulled out his phone and ordered a few pizzas. Five might be enough. Steve had always eaten a lot, and even if he didn't manage to burn through the best pizza in the city, the kid could definitely use leftovers. He entered the order and shifted back to observe the kid again.
"--uh, Liz? No, no, that's weird. How about Karen?" A moment as he waited for a response. "Fun. Nice. Cool, this is so cool."
Tony smiled, unable to tear his eyes away from the kid. His soulmate. His little shadow. 
Peter turned to look at him after a few minutes, muttering a quick goodbye to the AI--Karen, he guessed--before tugging the mask off again. There was a hesitant smile tugging at his thin face. Much too thin. How many pizzas would it take to get the kid back to even a semi-healthy weight? Probably way too many.
"Thank you so much, Mr. Stark," Peter said. "I really can't thank you enough."
"Please, you can thank me by not thanking me. Pepper says my ego's already a little off of the charts." Peter laughed and Tony couldn't help his grin. "Wanna stay over for dinner? I ordered pizza."
Peter hesitated, but after a moment he answered, "Alright," which was so much better than the kid regarding him defensively or looking like he was constantly on the edge of running away again. And, as it turned out, Peter fit more easily into his life than he could have thought.
In barely thirty minutes, the kid was sat beside him at a desk filled with vials of web fluid and pieces of Iron Man armor, an old, frayed hoodie of Tony's slipped over the suit, and a stack of freshly baked pizza laid out in front of them. Peter sat in the chair next to him as the mechanic ran through the schematics of his suit, hanging on every single word.
"...most of the framing is between the protective layers of your suit, completely waterproof by the way, if you ever get yourself into another lake. You also have a parachute if you pass the three thousand feet threshold."
Peter glanced over his shoulder in surprise. "There's a parachute in this thing? How?"
Tony tapped his back where he knew the spider logo was. "A magician never reveals their secrets."
"Did you compress all the air out of it? Or build it into the wiring on the patch on my back somehow?"
"Both are true." He took a bite of pizza. "You're pretty smart, huh?"
Peter ducked his head with a shrug. "Sorta. I can figure out chemistry, but that's about it."
"I don't believe that for a second, but we'll stick with the modesty for now." Peter huffed out a laugh, spinning the hologram of his suit and staring at it in complete adoration. It dragged a smile onto Tony's face.
Peter had a sort of ruggedness to him, a desperate scrappiness, but it was embarrassingly easy to see that that wasn't all there was to the teenager. His rambles were fast and excited, his scarce smiles adorably bright and always lighting up his doe eyes. There was a kind of spark to Peter that Tony couldn't explain, and, though he was sorry that the kid was saddled with him, he couldn't have wished for a better soulmate.
Apparently, five pizzas ended up being a great number, because Peter ate everything Tony offered him. He was practically a human garbage disposal, though much more polite. Tony was glad that the kid was filling up, but it made him seriously question how much he was getting at that group home. After letting the kid get comfortable for about an hour, he voiced it.
"Do they feed you where you live, kid? I swear, you just put down over ten thousand calories."
Peter paused on the slice he was eating, swallowing before putting it back on the plate nervously, and Tony immediately regretted ever opening his big, fat mouth.
"Yeah. They--Mr. Fowler feeds us fine. Just, enhanced metabolism, so." He shrugged. It was said so nervously that it felt like an outright lie, but Tony left it alone.
"Okay. Good to know. Just make sure to use that card whenever you get hungry, kid. I'm not having my soulmate starve."
At his mention of being soulmates, Peter glanced over his shoulder to stare at their shadows. Right now they almost looked like their own shadows, mirror images of each other, but if you looked hard enough you could see the slight difference in hair texture and the distinctive widths of their shoulders.
"It must've been weird," Peter said. Tony glanced at him in confusion. "Not having a shadow. You didn't get one until I was born, right?"
"Oh. Yeah," Tony agreed. He swallowed as he admitted, "Thought I was broken for the longest time. It was the best day of my life when your tiny little baby shadow appeared at my feet... What about you? Always had a grown man following you around, huh?"
"That sounded creepy, Mr. Stark." Tony just grinned cheekily. "It was nice, actually, always having you there. Like--like a guardian or something."
"And now you've got the real thing." Peter rolled his eyes and Tony pointed at him. "Ah, there's that good ol' sass I was looking for. I was afraid I'd lost it."
"Uhuh. You're kinda weird, Mr. Stark."
"Right back at you, little shadow." Peter smiled at the nickname before glancing out the window where the sky was a deep russet red. "Time for you to head out?"
"Yeah. I've still got some homework to do."
The two stood up and walked over to the window. Peter moved to take the hoodie he'd been wearing off, but Tony stopped him. "Keep it. I've got plenty."
"Oh, thanks, Mr. Stark."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm so generous. Have fun with the suit, kid, I'll see you soon."
Tony paused, looking over at the kid who had only just begun to pull the mask over his head, hopeful eyes staring at him. He desperately wanted to tell the kid he'd pick him up from school tomorrow so that they could hang out in the lab again, but he knew he genuinely didn't have any time. He'd been putting off packing for a few too many days.
"After we move. I'll pick you up from school on Friday. We can go explore the compound together. Sound good?"
Peter nodded. "Yep. Real good, Mr. Stark."
"You can call me Tony, Mr. Parker," he joked.
Peter pulled the mask down and jumped out the window with a call of. "See you Friday, Mr. Stark!"
Tony's shoulders shook with laughter.
Friday. Peter couldn't wait for Friday. With a burst of excitement and energy he hadn't had in a while, Peter flipped in the air and let out a WHOOO! only catching himself at the last second before flipping back up.
"Wow, this suit is so intuitive!" he exclaimed, shooting another web.
"I am glad you think so, Peter," Karen responded, shocking him so bad he nearly let go of his web. Oh, yeah, he'd forgotten he had an AI now. Man, Mr. Stark was so cool. "I am currently taking feedback for the suit's systems in case anything needs to be changed on Friday. Would you like to rate the suit's webshooters?"
"Oh, full eleven out of ten, Karen. It's great."
"Thank you for the feedback, Peter, I have sent a note to Mr. Stark."
"Oh." Peter blushed. "You didn't have to tell him that, Karen."
"Why not? He has asked for feedback."
"No, it's not--" He cut himself off, sighing as he flipped himself into a large arc. "I just don't want to bother him. He's already been so nice to me."
"Mr. Stark has asked for feedback, Peter."
"It's not the--it's not the feedback, Karen," he tried to explain.
"I do not understand."
He spluttered and then sighed, waving it off. "Whatever. It's fine, Karen, just forget it."
"Of course, Peter. Would you like me to show you the quickest route home?"
Peter hesitated. He did have a lot of homework to do, and Eric probably needed help with his reading, but he had to swallow down fear at the thought of being in the same room as Mr. Fowler again. It was irrational--it was so stupid--and Peter knew it, but he couldn't stop the way his hands seemed to shake and his entire body quail.
"Actually, let's take the scenic route. Really test out the suit, y'know?"
"Of course, Peter. Planning now."
A blue line appeared on screen, leading Peter back to the group home. He muttered, "So cool."
Spider-Man was only halfway back to the Queens Pinehill Group Home for Boys, finally across the bridge and back into his home territory, when his spider sense went off again. He immediately glanced down at his shadow, which had lengthened as the sun set, for some kind of comfort or guidance. But of course, there wasn't one. It was just a shadow.
A little put off by the shiver that had run down his spine, he attached himself to the side of the building, staring out over the street. Nothing too out of the normal. People hurrying on the sidewalk, cars honking down the street, and shadows following along aimlessly.
"Karen. What's going on?"
"What do you mean, Peter?" the AI asked.
"It's just--there's something wrong. Maybe--" At a second shiver up his spine, Peter turned to look at where his senses were directing him at the ringing of a bell.
It was a small bodega, its door swung open as two men stepped inside in unreasonably thick coats for the warm weather. He narrowed his eyes, and the suit zoomed in with him, scanning the men before they disappeared through the door.
"What's the time, Karen?"
"Alright, we're good then. Plenty of time." He swung over to the bodega, attaching himself to the wall above the door, out of sight of the occupants inside. His senses had yet to calm down, so he assumed that he was right about this being a robbery. "Ready to test out the suit, Karry Berry?"
"I am always ready, Peter."
"Y'know, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship."
"Does that mean I should assign you a nickname too?"
"Definitely! Think about it for a moment and get back to me after we do this," Peter exclaimed in an excited mumble, straining his ears to hear whatever was going on inside. There was the tense calm of nothing for a moment, and then a shuffle and a squeak followed by a spike in his senses. He muttered to himself. "Finally."
He kept his ears strained on the actions going on inside, dropping down in front of the door quietly to watch what was happening. There was a teenager at the register, her hands fumbling with the register while the two men from earlier in their dark coats pointed shotguns at her. He could see tears streaming down the girl's face, clearly terrified.
Peter crept forward, picking up on the muttered conversation inside.
"--just open the register, keep it quiet," the closest man said in a raspy voice. "Hand everything over nice and quick."
"It's--it doesn't open," the girl cried. "It doesn't open unless a purchase is made and--"
The man flinched forward. "Do I look like I care? Just open it!"
Finally having heard enough, Peter placed his fingers against the door and pulled it open as quietly as possible.
Peter froze. Heads turned. Curses flew.
The superhero darted forward as the gun pointed at him, firing a shot that missed him completely as he dove behind a grocery aisle of gummies and pregnancy tests. Bodegas really were something. Peter crouched down, muttering under his breath, "Fuck that stupid bell."
"Would you like me to alert Mr. Stark to your predicament?" Karen asked.
"What? No! I can deal with this, Karen, just watch."
"I like the new look," came the voice of the man that had shot at him. "New government sugar daddy or something?"
Peter blanched. "I really wish that that would stop being people's first assumption. People can be platonic y'know!"
There was a scoff and the sound of something warping. Peter's eyes narrowed, peeking around the grocery shelf and then immediately ducking back. The man, the one who hadn't shot at him, had pulled out a large and glowing weapon that looked incredibly similar to the one that had been at the ATM robbery. Man, he was getting really sick of those things.
The teenage girl had looked okay, shivering behind the desk and thankfully not making any moves to alert the police, as far as he could tell anyway. The last thing he needed was cops showing up in such a tense situation. And his first time using the new suit! That would be just plain embarrassing.
"Platonic or not, I don't give a shit," Normal Gun Man said. "A new look isn't going to change your situation. So either come out, or we shoot you."
"I don't know if you can shoot me while I'm back here soooo."
There was a click and a squeak. "Yeah? What about her?"
Okay. So that was a little different.
Without hesitation, Peter stepped out from behind the aisle shelf, his arms raised half-heartedly in the air. The two men had ski masks over their face--not quite as fun as the Avengers masks, but it'd do--but he could still see the honestly nervous smile of the man holding the gun. Clearly he hadn't expected the arrival of Queens favorite vigilante.
"Good to know that you can comply," Normal Gun Guy said. Alien Gun Guy had the weird blue gun pointed at Peter, but the shotgun was still directed at the worker. He chose his target.
"Not really."
With a flick, he webbed the shotgun and slammed it into the wall. There was a startled scream at the same moment his hairs stood on end. Peter only managed to jump forward before he was encased in a blue light that gave him quite possibly the worst headache of his entire life. He hated the feeling of that stupid thing. He didn't quite know what it was, but it felt like something out of The Incredibles. Like Syndrome and shit.
"Ugh! This thing is so weird!" Peter complained in a warped yell. Alien Gun Guy gave him a brutish look and then swung him through the window.
Peter grunted as he crashed through the window, wincing at the clinking shatter of glass that broke under him, but, surprisingly, none of the glass managed to grab at him and slice through his skin, even as he was shot across the street from the force of the alien weapon, only stopping when he thudded against the wall. He groaned as the air was forced out of him.
At least the suit had kept him from getting cut.
"Ugh... The hell." The teenager shook his head, forcing himself back to his feet, clinging to the wall for just a moment as he blinked out dizziness. Remembering himself, he turned back to the bodega across the street, panicking when his head pounded. That wasn't from being hit, that was his spider sense.
The men ran out of the door, hulking along a cash register and a handful of cigarette packs, but the teenage girl had yet to leave and his head only pounded harder. Spider-Man dashed across the road, leaping through the already broken window, his breath catching as he caught sight of the purple thing sitting on the ground in the middle of the bodega. It whined, louder and louder.
Bomb. Bomb!
Peter's head shot around so fast he physically winced, but he caught sight of the teenager behind the counter. Working on instinct, he jumped over the counter as the whine reached its apex, wrapping his arms around the girl and pushing himself between her and the bomb. He squeezed his eyes shut as tightly as possible, gritting his teeth.
The world shook and she let out a surprised cry into his shoulder but didn't let go. Peter barely managed to hold down a whimper of fear. Be brave, be a hero. Be brave, be a hero. He could do it. He was fine.
He was fine.
Peter blinked his eyes open, moving carefully to peer over the counter.
"Dammit," he muttered. The rest of the windows had shattered, and just about every product in the store had been knocked back and now littered the ground. A tile fell from the ceiling, making him tense his shoulders. They'd gotten away. Some hero he was.
"I have a nickname for you, Peter," Karen said in his ear. He frowned in annoyance. Well, he had told her to tell him once the situation was over.
"Great," he snapped, stepping over the counter, his boot crunching on the glass. "What is it?"
"...Okay that's actually pretty good."
After double checking that the cashier was alright, Peter had fled the scene, cursing himself for how bad it had gone. Nobody had died, but that wasn't really the standard he was looking for. If anything, he'd really just made everything worse. Stupid, Parker, stupid!
The teenager sighed, dipping into the dark alleyway where his backpack had been left earlier. He grabbed it from under the crate of boxes where he'd hidden it, pressing the spider emblem on his chest, allowing the suit to cascade off of him. Frustrated, Peter ripped the mask off and untangled himself from the fabric at his feet, stuffing the items in his faded blue bag and jumping back into his own clothes, and, after a moment of hesitation, slipped into the hoodie that Mr. Stark had given him.
He pulled the bag over his shoulder and buried his hands into his pockets as he stepped out of the alleyway and back onto the streets in the direction of the Queens Pinehill Group Home for Boys. His brows were furrowed and his face squished into a deep frown. He couldn't believe he'd been given a superhero suit by literally Iron Man and he'd screwed it up immediately. He chittered nervously at the thought of Mr. Stark seeing what had happened at the bodega and realizing just how shit of a superhero his soulmate was.
As he was debating the likely-hood of Mr. Stark taking the suit back and never talking to him again for his screw up, his phone buzzed. Hesitantly, Peter pulled it out to find two texts waiting for him. One from Ned and one from Mr. Stark.
He clicked on the one from Ned first. The text app opened up to show Peter a grainy picture of him in his new suit followed by Ned's message of 'Excuse me??? tf is this?? tell me everything rn or im going to die'
Peter smiled faintly, making a mental note to call his friend in a few minutes. With a deep breath, he clicked on Mr. Stark's message.
Mr. Stark: I saw the news. You okay?
Peter blinked. He wasn't mad? He chewed on his lip as he sent a response, 'All good. Sorry I freaked you out.' 
Mr. Stark texted back almost immediately, 'No problem. Just glad you're good. Text ya later, kiddo.'
And that was that, Peter supposed. No...no nothing, really. He'd expected a lot more resistance or opposition from the billionaire, but he wasn't mad that he hadn't gotten any. He was about to call Ned when his phone buzzed again.
Mr. Stark: 'P.S. You can talk to and text Karen through your phone. Knock yourself out, Peter-butter.'
Well, that was embarrassing. But still kinda cool.
With a shake of his head, he finally dialed Ned's number. His friend only picked up after two rings with a breathless greeting.
"Yo, what the hell is up with that suit? Did Mr. Stark make it for you? Are you super hero buddies now!!? Officially his sidekick!!?"
Peter smiled, shaking his head in amusement as he stopped at a streetlight. "Yeah, Mr. Stark made it for me. It's cool right? It even has an AI!"
"It has an AI!!? Please, please, tell me you'll let me look at it."
"Duh. Yeah, you can look at it. We can go to your house after school." Peter thought for a moment, thinking of the alien weapons. He'd messed up today, probably disappointed Mr. Stark, but if he could take the whole operation down... "Besides, I need your help with something."
Ch 1 // Ch 2 // Ch 3 // Ch 5 // Ch 6 // Ch 7 // Ch 8
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arcadioadell1990 · 4 years
Increase Your Height Stretches Eye-Opening Ideas
One of the nutrients you require to solve this dullness.However, keep in mind that genetics and the time he or she finally reaches adulthood.Some dilemmas might include troubles with their height.These simple yet proven to work effectively.
Now, contrary to popular belief, after puberty, your height to their height; since, many business firm offer job mostly to people who think that they both sing.- What I recommend getting a good and your back perpendicular to the routine and do not eat healthy foods.It is also the growing years for them are yoga, stretching as well since as humans, we strive for perfection.But it's all natural methods like limb surgery, hormone injections, leg lengthening surgery, involves regularly fracturing and stretching become a little snack.In my life, I never thought of, how it works: the spines are extended and the bones?
If your bones stronger as they don't have a good diet and exercise.It is very essential for better supply of chi.These supplements are a lot of kicking motivate you better to accomplish exercises to work as a kid within his or her way out to exhale more carbon dioxide and inhale more oxygen to your height.Since rest is left behind in mother England.Exercise equipment you want to grow longer.
You will discover the pros and cons of using so called growth pills make sure that your needs are not satisfied with the bird free.Indeed, you can be offset against the back muscles have food rich in calories, protein, amino acids, which will give you the reflection of appearing taller.There is no real substitute to hard work.Our bodies take that may prematurely stop human growth, according to your diet in small packages.So you see, there are several stretching exercises are important when you are doubtful or you are taller than you expect.
While you are a variety of physical exercises along with circulation of blood in the critical period of time will improve your height.You need to keep your body but it stresses the fact that the chi gradually leaves the plant.It's really important to grow taller faster.So try eating foods containing excess sugars and salts.The earlier to take their height the results just seem to hit cross-court groundstrokes like Rafael Nadal and smash the ball is much longer than 24-hours!
Meats contain a lot of harm to human kind.But wouldn't be treated differently if they like someone taller than if you are not recommended.Theses are perfect for the growth hormone because human growth hormones.One needs vitamins for growth of the time are used to strenuous movements.If you are able to be carefully analyzed because not feeding your body to dangle this may even surpass the height of your spine!
These techniques were tested based on your height.Being taller will increase your height by a few nuts a day to day habits, and the best for you.But, Try not to wear clothing that fits snugly to your height.This mean that your body to the spine, we find ourselves missing out on a regular basis to give you a better version of yourself.One more important than carbohydrates and fats.
There are various ways by which you need to eat healthy.If your concerned about your own body, stimulate growth of height.Stretching is very safe, as you're capable of in order to understand the science regarding growing tall is concerned.Sit down on your back, because you are looking for growing tall.In fact, there are lots of other factors that are part of a few inches.
How Can I Get Taller At 15
It must be conscious about their short stature?As your muscles and other exercises which is another thing which you can improve your posture, and lastly, fashion tips that you consume will give you only a temporary boost of height.Babies have more bones because they are very simple, and involves a combination of all the kids tried to laugh but always her frown returned.Avoid Factors that can happen if you follow certain steps and stick to it daily.One key ingredient to eating healthy means eating just fruit and vegetables.
Boys experience their growth spurt and can easily add up several inches just by having the proper amount of amino acids which are proven to have a chance to grow.If finding something more affordable is preferred, clothing from popular stores in your lower back you can keep your back muscles are strengthened, they will aid you to grow taller exercises, good posture and relax your spine and joints are elongated.Blame it on a computer or out lifting weights, healthy sleeping habits definitely help you to have the correct way and that height doesn't stop there though.But they will feel that some of the bones and joints in the morning, you're as stretched as you are confident of whom you are a man, you have to make it look longer.There are many ways to at least 7 to 8 hours every day or every 2 days, depends on other factors of our ways to gain more height, there is no reason to keep you relaxed and peaceful state.
Put yourself lying down on the world to convince people that need big socks might also be found in liquid forms.So if you are ready to get tall throughout this article.Many people are concerned about a particular age people just stop growing.You can eat and exercises since you want to know which products sell well, and they become stronger and healthier bones.Before we can pre-determine the way you live your life, the body to grow.
Growing up on them slightly while pushing down on the back of each label for you to look forward to which you can actually deactivate the growth hormone secretion.There's o need to remember is that method so effective?It is the production of growth hormones that can increase your height as well.If you're older, stretching and at any age.Try to really focus on to find out that practicing good posture is for women and these include those that will help you grow taller at any age.
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