#What are the signs of food poisoning from chicken
healthyliving63 · 8 months
what are the signs of food poisoning from chicken?
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Chicken is one of the most popular meats in the world, and for good reason. It's delicious, versatile, and relatively affordable. But it's important to be careful when handling and cooking chicken, as it can be contaminated with harmful bacteria that can cause food poisoning.
An illness called food poisoning is brought on by consuming contaminated food. Without treatment, most people recover in a few days, and it's usually not harmful.
1.The most typical cause of food poisoning is:
• campylobacter
• salmonella
• Clostridium perfringens
• Escherichia coli (E. coli)
• Listeria
• norovirus
• Aureus Staphylococcus
• Shigella
• Hepatitis A virus
Salmonella : In the US, foodborne illness is most frequently caused by salmonella.
It is found in the intestines of animals and can contaminate chicken, meat, eggs, and dairy products.
Campylobacter :  The most frequent bacterial cause of diarrheal disease in the US is campylobacter. It is found in the intestines of raw chicken and can also contaminate water.
Clostridium perfringens is a bacteria that is found in the soil and can contaminate food that is not cooked properly. It is often associated with outbreaks of food poisoning from large gatherings, such as buffets and potlucks.
E. coli is a species of bacteria that can be found in both human and animal intestines.Some strains of E. coli can cause food poisoning. E. coli can contaminate meat, chicken, vegetables, and water.
Listeria : Food poisoning can be brought on by a type of bacterium called listeria. It can be found in water, soil, and animal waste. Numerous foods can get contaminated with listeria, including: 
• Chicken and raw meat
• Unpasteurized milk and cheese
• Raw fruits and vegetables
• Prepared foods like deli meats and hot dogs
Listeria can survive and grow in cold temperatures, such as those found in refrigerators. This is why it is important to cook chicken properly and to refrigerate chicken quickly.
Symptoms of listeria poisoning can include:
• Fever
• Muscle aches
• Headache
• Stiff neck
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
Listeria poisoning can be serious, especially for pregnant women, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems. If you think you may have listeria poisoning, it is important to see a doctor right away.
To prevent listeria poisoning, it is important to follow safe chicken handling and cooking practices.
Pregnant women should also avoid eating raw or undercooked  chicken, unpasteurized milk and cheese, and processed foods.
Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes gastroenteritis, also known as stomach flu. It is the main factor behind outbreaks of food-borne disease in the US.  Norovirus can be spread through contaminated food, water, surfaces, and contact with an infected person.
Symptoms of norovirus infection typically develop 12-48 hours after exposure and can last for 1-3 days. Symptoms include:
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Stomach cramps
• Muscle aches
• Headache
• Fatigue
• Low-grade fever
Most people recover from norovirus infection without treatment. However, it is important to stay hydrated and to see a doctor if symptoms are severe or do not improve after a few days.
To prevent norovirus infection, it is important to follow safe chicken handling and cooking practices. Here are some tips:
If you are sick with norovirus, it is important to stay home from work or school to avoid spreading the virus to others. It is also important to wash your hands frequently and to disinfect surfaces that you have touched.
Aureus Staphylococcus. These germs can be discovered in dairy products that have been contaminated ,cooked salads, and meats. The S aureus bacteria can be transferred via coughing, sneezing, and hand contact. This suggests that anyone who prepare or handle food may become infected with the virus.
Shigella. Shigella bacteria can infect raw fruits and vegetables as well as shellfish. People who make or handle food frequently spread bacteria when they don't thoroughly wash their hands after using the bathroom.
Hepatitis A virus. The main way that people contract this virus is through eating raw shellfish or food that has come into contact with an infected person. Being ill for 15 to 50 days after an infection can make it challenging to identify the cause.
The most typical signs of chicken food poisoning include:
• Nausea- feeling sick
• Frequent vomiting
• Diarrhea-which may contain blood or mucus
• stomach cramps and abdominal pain
• Fever of 103 degrees    Fahrenheit (39.4 degrees     Celsius) or higher
• Headache
• Muscle aches
• Fatigue
• Dehydration symptoms, including extreme thirst, dry mouth, little or no urination, extreme fatigue, dizziness, or lightheadedness
• After a few days, symptoms either get worse or don't go away.Read more
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slytherinshua · 5 days
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COPY & PASTE : a wonbin series by SLYTHERINSHUA
☾ genre/warnings ꕤ fluff. slice of life. parent au. non-idol au. lots pregnancy stuff. gender reveal. crying. brief mention of throwing up. food (particularly chocolate cake). it's disgustingly fluffy wonbin is down horrendously so don't get diabetes.
☾ word count ꕤ 2.5k.
☾ notes ꕤ i'm so sorry this part took a week longer to get out than planned :( i was so stressed over writing some parts of this and ultimately decided to split it up into 2 so that i can get it out sooner <33 not sure when the next part will be out but hopefully soon!! and tysm to @heavenfilm for proofreading most of this for me and being the start to this whole series ily <33.
☾ masterlist ꕤ
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You and Wonbin had always wanted to have kids. Wonbin adored children, and you had always had a soft spot due to teenage years spent babysitting and constantly surrounding yourself with them. It had always been part of your plan from the beginning, something that would inevitably happen in the future when you were both ready for it. You hadn’t anticipated that the future that had always seemed so far away would be now, but no parent was ever truly ready for kids, and that thought soothed your nerves just slightly.
If you had thought a little harder, you might have seen the signs a bit earlier, like your missing period for two months in a row or that unexplainable nausea two weeks ago that you had accounted for food poisoning from a bad chicken taco. When your brain finally supplied the possibility of being pregnant, you were quick to run by the store and take a test.
The red lines were clear as ever, and as you stood in front of the bathroom sink just staring at the tiny double lines that would change your life forever, you were kicking yourself for not thinking about this earlier. Given how bold and bright the red was on the test and how long it had taken you to put 2 and 2 together, you were pretty sure you were well along already.
The thought of telling Wonbin hit you with both anxiousness and excitement. There was no way he wouldn’t be ecstatic, but it was such a big change in your marriage. It was the next big step, and you hadn’t planned for it to happen now. 
Still, you didn’t want to delay telling him. The baby was as much his as it was yours, and it would be impossible to keep a secret from him for long either way. You decided you would tell him as soon as he came home from work— you just needed to take another trip to the store before then.
It was almost 5:30 when you were content with the little gift bag in which you had put a baby bottle and a new pregnancy test. The first one you had taken had been cheap and tacky, so you opted to buy a fancier test that would display the word ‘pregnant’ for your husband. You set the gift down on the coffee table and waited, passing the time and suppressing the nerves by scrolling through your phone.
Wonbin walked through the door not long after. His favourite time of the day was returning home to you, so he never delayed it. You would never get tired of the way his eyes lit up as soon as he saw you. He dropped his bag and shrugged off his jacket and shoes as quickly as he could so he could wrap his arms around you and kiss your lips, as was your routine.
As soon as you felt his arms around you, squeezing so tightly and lovingly, along with the sweet whispered “I’m back,” you could already feel tears stinging your waterline. To think that in just five minutes you would tell him the news that would start a completely new chapter of your life together, and that by the end of the year, you’d have a new addition to your little family was overwhelming. 
You tried to stop yourself from crying— you hated to alarm Wonbin when it wasn’t anything serious— but you failed miserably. Your quiet sobs soaked into his shirt, and he was quick to soothe you, softly asking what was wrong, if you had had a bad day, or if there was anything he could do to make it better.
This, of course, only made you cry harder. He was just so sweet, and your brain could only circle back to the baby growing in your womb and picture how sweet he would be when they arrived. When you pulled back to finally compose yourself, you found the voice to answer his previous concerns.
“I’m okay. It’s not anything bad, I promise.” 
Wonbin didn’t look entirely convinced, but he was silent as you led him to sit on the couch and handed him the small gift bag. His concern turned to suspicion as soon as he saw it. You rarely surprised him with something out of the blue, and he was wary of how impatient you seemed for him to open it. It seemed out of character for you— especially for a random Wednesday night.
He pulled off the pink tissue paper to reveal the bag’s contents, and his eyes immediately widened at the sight of a baby bottle and pregnancy test. You watched him nervously as his eyes flickered over the objects, carefully picking up the test and looking at it in disbelief. His eyes were watery.
“Really? Are you really?” His voice was a bit shaken, and his eyes searched your face desperately for any signs of this being a joke. As soon as you nodded, his lips curved up into a smile, his mouth falling open a little bit in shock. He couldn’t take his eyes off the test and the displayed words reading ‘pregnant.’
“Are you happy?” You asked him, breaking him out of his trance. He nodded, still slightly dazed.
“Of course I’m happy. This is the best news ever.”
“You’re crying,” you said softly, cupping his face. You brushed away one of his tears and he sniffled.
“I’m just… scared. What if we’re not- What if I’m not a good dad?” He said quietly.
“Nonsense,” You pecked his lips, “You know you’ll be the best dad. You’re so good with kids.”
He smiled slightly at your words, “So the chicken taco wasn’t food poisoning.” 
You scoffed, “What does the chicken taco have to do with anything?” 
“I thought you really got food poisoning!” He defended, “I was worried. You never get nauseous.”
You laughed, “It was just the little one acting up.”
The little one.
“I hope the baby has your eyes.” You said suddenly.
“Why? I want them to look like you.” Wonbin pouted. 
“Your eyes are pretty. I want to be able to look at them even when you’re not at home.”
Your husband stared at you as if he never expected such a confession to come out of your mouth. It didn’t help your problem that his doe eyes were now fixated so closely on you. You weren’t shy around Wonbin— there was no reason to be when he was already your husband. But when he stared at you like you were the only person in the world he cared about, it was hard to not get a little flustered under his gaze.
He closed his eyes and pressed his lips to yours. Wonbin rarely kissed you slowly. His life was busy and fast-paced, and most of his kisses were delivered before he was rushing out the door— quick and soft— or after he came back from work— impatient and searing. But this time was different, and he handled you more delicately. Slowly and gently, he glided his lips over yours, memorising the feeling and pulling your body closer to him.
His touch was featherlight against your skin, as if you suddenly became 10 times more fragile now that you were carrying his child, and even a small amount of pressure would make you crack. 
You could tell from just the way Wonbin held you that his earlier worries were baseless. If he treated his child with the same love and care that he showed you, he was sure to be the best dad they could ever ask for. 
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“Why are you staring?” You asked with amusement, noticing your husband’s eyes looking at you from the full-length mirror. You were currently deciding on what jewelry to pair with your dress. Wonbin liked to plan date nights on his days off.
“Love, I think you’re showing.” He mumbled, eyes flickering up to your face before back to your stomach. You also glanced down at your stomach, noticing that your husband was correct. With the way the black dress fit your body, it was evident that a baby bump was starting to show itself for the first time. 
Wonbin got off of the bed and walked over to you, circling his arms around your waist with his hands gently on your stomach. You probably would have missed it if Wonbin hadn’t pointed it out. You were only in your 15th week and hadn’t expected to start seeing the bump for another week or two.
“You’re so pretty.” He murmured, his lips kissing your temple and then your cheek as he spoke. You smiled at him through the mirror and turned your head so he had access to your lips.
“I’m going to need to get some looser clothes.” You thought out loud, studying the bump in the mirror and occasionally letting your gaze shift upwards to your husband’s adoring eyes and handsome face.
“Or you can just borrow mine,” Wonbin said quickly. Your head shot up at his suggestion.
“But you hate when I borrow your clothes…” You narrowed your eyes at him. It was a well-known fact to you to never steal anything from Wonbin’s wardrobe. He was always overly dramatic about it, calling you a thief whenever he caught you wearing one of his shirts. He secretly thought you looked adorable in them, loving how the oversized fabric lay on your figure and how much it reminded him that you were his.
“Well, it’s different now.” He said, his face holding an innocent expression, denying his past attitude towards this subject.
“Oh, so you don’t mind it when I’m carrying your child, but you sure had a lot to say before.” You giggled, knowing Wonbin couldn’t even defend himself. He buried his head in your shoulder instead, hiding his face from you, hands still securely on your stomach.
You smiled at your reflection, liking how it looked—your husband hugging you and your belly. You loved the closeness, the comfort, and the love you could feel from the simple gesture. You loved how excited Wonbin was to be a dad. You simply adored everything about him, and once again, you felt how lucky you were to have him by your side.
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There were many times in the past 19 weeks that you had felt anxious, but as you sat in the passenger seat of the car, biting the inside of your cheek as Wonbin pulled up to the beach, you could confidently say that you felt more anxious in this moment than you ever had before in your pregnancy. 
Your ultrasound had ended just 2 hours ago, and the envelope with the gender of your baby was clutched safely between your fingers. Wonbin wanted to take you somewhere special before you opened it, so the beach was quickly decided upon as the spot. He had stopped by the store to grab some snacks and your favourite chocolate cake as well. You had been craving it a lot during the pregnancy, and, as always, he was more than eager to get you anything and everything you wanted to eat. 
“If you want to find a good spot, I’ll bring the food over.” Wonbin suggested, unbuckling his seatbelt and then reaching over to unbuckle yours as well. You found it silly how little he never allowed you to do even the basic tasks now that you were showing. Unbuckling your seatbelt, opening the car or front door, or even carrying anything over about 3 kilograms was already out of the question for your husband. It was endearing, though. You appreciated all his efforts to help out, even when it meant giving you the princess treatment to an extreme.  
You wondered how nervous Wonbin was feeling right now. You watched him grab the bags from the trunk of the car, his eyebrows furrowing a little as he scanned over the space to make sure he hadn’t missed anything. He had talked about whether the baby would be a girl or a boy since you first found out you were pregnant, telling you about all the things he wanted to do with them once they arrived. You knew he would love his child more than anything whether they were a girl or boy, but he hadn’t been able to hide the fact that he always wanted to have a mini-you.  
Once you found a good spot on the sand— one with a pretty view of the waves, plenty of shade, and a decent distance from the other people on the beach— you settled down on the picnic blanket and unpacked the food. Focusing on the snacks instead of your racing heart was a hard task both for you and Wonbin. You noticed him glancing at the envelope every 5 seconds, sometimes holding eye contact for longer as if he was trying to read the contents of it from the outside. 
“Should we save the cake for after we open it?” You proposed, earning an eager nod from your husband. Without a second of wasted time, you grabbed the envelope with your right hand and Wonbin’s hand with your left. The excitement and anxiety made your hands shake slightly, and the only thing calming you down was Wonbin’s thumb gently stroking your knuckles. The effort he always put to give you support despite also feeling emotional about the pregnancy was something you would never forget. 
On other days, his support meant holding your hair back as you threw up, kissing your tears away, having breakfast ready when you woke up, or listening to all your thoughts, worries, and dreams regarding what the future had in store. But right now, his support meant calming your nerves and concealing just how anxious his own body was.
You slid the paper out of the envelope and flipped it over slowly. Wonbin’s eyes were trained on it as closely as yours. Gasps left your mouths at the same time as your brains processed the word “female” written in bold print. Pregnancy hormones were still something you weren’t quite used to, and you couldn’t hold back the tears that sprung immediately knowing you were going to have a daughter. 
Wonbin pulled you tightly into his arms, swaying you back and forth. Among all the lows of pregnancies, the highs balanced them out. The excitement, anticipation and emotional connection you both felt— it all seemed so specifically special to this time in your life. You were experiencing everything for the first time, and you couldn’t be happier to do it with the love of your life right by your side.
“I’m gonna have 2 princesses to take care of.” You smiled, wiping the last of the tears from your eyes. Wonbin’s eyes were teary as well, but he didn’t let them slip out. He couldn’t stop staring at you. You could already imagine him staring at his daughter in the same precious way, his eyes so full of love that they could barely be contained. 
“I love you so much.” Your husband said softly. His lips found yours in one of the many perfect kisses that you and Wonbin shared. His hands held your jaw, lifting your face up so he could kiss you as passionately as he wanted to. To him, you were the most perfect gift in his life, and now, you were bringing in an entirely new and precious one.He couldn’t wait to meet her. Her. His daughter. A living testament of his love for you. Family was always one of the most invaluable things to Wonbin. Each day that he shared with you, the reality that you were about to welcome your first child became more tangible. 
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↳ series taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @yenart,, @hynjnnie,, @seunghancore,, @starwonb1n,, @strawberryshortcakepie,,
@severefireangelprune,, @jarrofkookie,, @heavenfilm,, @eternalgyu,, @beomgyusonlywife
@wonychu,, @kangtaehyunzzz
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kylejsugarman · 4 days
hey I lurk for your Breaking Bad content. please give me all of your Jesse in Alaska/recovery headcanons. I need it like I need air.
jesse in alaska.......where do i even begin 😔 im going to avoid lingering too much on my alaska oc's and that little world (tldr for newcomers: jesse gets to haines, starts working at a repair/custom shop called carvings owned by sheila, and befriends and falls in love with the local vet demi who is raising her niece baby) just because there are Plenty of those posts and i want to focus more on jesse himself
this is one ive talked about before, but its just so precious to me, and thats jesse getting into cooking. at first, him learning how to do it is out of pure necessity. the canned food that ed left him only lasts for a few weeks and the prepackaged stuff at the store is all queasily redolent of the "treats" (<- meager sustenance) that were dropped into his cage, so he picks up a box of dry pasta and looks at the recipe for chicken penne printed on the box. it has all the steps, the ingredients. he was always good at following a recipe. jesse dutifully buys the stuff and what begins as him robotically following the text later on in his small, dim kitchen starts to feel. Good. there's no harsh fumes or chemical burns. he doesnt have to measure the garlic down to a hundredth of a gram. he has a recipe to follow—something to guide him—but nothing awful is going to happen if he experiments a little. if he deviates. and he isn't making poison. he's making something Good. for so, so long, jesse only Destroyed and when he did create, it was poison. now he gets to do what he wants. he gets to make good. that chicken penne is the first thing he eats in weeks that actually has flavor—or maybe he's letting himself Taste again. jesse starts cooking more and more, using those supermarket recipes and eventually recipes that he prints off from the public library computers, and even once it becomes a part of his daily routine, he never loses that weird excitement for it. there's the satisfaction of successfully executing a task even with his memory issues and adhd, but also the excitement of realizing over and over that he can do what he wants.
jesse thinks he's "done" with drugs when he gets to alaska purely because he hasn't been able to use and doesnt have immediate access to anything stronger than alcohol or tobacco, but he quickly realizes that he does not have any other kind of coping mechanism ready to deploy or way to sufficiently distract himself once he's physically and mentally well enough to Be Aware. alcohol doesnt seem to "work" fast enough. he thinks over and over about hiring a sex worker or finding a bar somewhere so he can have sex with and fall asleep next to a warm, living body. he drives for hours and sometimes hits the brakes hard on the icy road when theres no one else out there, letting himself skid uncontrollably and hoping he crashes. he wants to start a fight with a stranger. he wants to hug a stranger. and he does end up using drugs again, several times. i mean he's a severely traumatized addict arriving in a new location with zero support. it's not a failure, it's not irreversible backsliding: it's just the reality of what being in this terrifying, vulnerable situation would be like for jesse. for a long time, he sees these relapses as signs of weakness and that Certain People were right about him being a pathetic junkie with no will or value, but as he starts meeting people and finding new ways to be happy and getting the right treatment for his various issues and sometimes even sitting in NA church basement meetings because he just needs to be Understood, jesse comes around to the idea that addiction is not a moral failing and sees his life as worthy enough to safely and healthily preserve.
lightning round!! jesse decides once he arrives to grow his hair and facial hair out some to look less like his old mugshot, but also because as soon as the cold winter air touches his shaved head, he basically reverts to spongebob and patrick duct-taping fur off of sandy to survive in her dome during winter. he stops to stare in awe at eagles and whales and moose even after years and years of living in alaska. his sense of smell is nearly totally destroyed from cooking without protection, but he still always buys lemon scented soap and cleaning stuff because lemon was his aunt ginny's favorite scent. he reads up on a lot of first-aid on the public library computers, sometimes out of a sense of frantic compulsion or guilt, sometimes out of legitimate curiosity. when he drives home from doctors appointments or NA meetings, he plays the music in his car so loud that his seat shakes. the people of haines know that mr driscoll can be a little cagey and will flinch at the sound of his own laugh, but they also know that he brakes for animals and carves beautiful gadrooning and buys ten of whatever the kids are selling to raise money for the band or their scout troop. and they like him quite a bit :)
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kana-daydreams · 1 month
summary: a flu keeps the general under house arrest.
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𝐏𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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It is common knowledge that life is unpredictable—full of unexpected circumstances. 
But even with that knowledge, the last thing you’d expected, you, Sunset Purple—the greatest of all time, esteemed ranger and unrivalled hero, second to Black of course— was to be nursing one of Earth’s formidable foes back to health.
A loud sneeze resonates less than a few feet in front of you followed by a series of chest-rattling coughs.
“Try not to cough too much, will ya. You’re gonna make me catch your disease.” Your flat tone points at Warumono huddled under a thick blanket looking worse for wear. 
The ailing man had been cooped up in his apartment for at least two days, bedridden with the flu, details you knew because you’d happen to be…around. 
The repetitive beep of the microwave rings off, alerting you that the food you’d put to heat up a few minutes ago was finally ready. 
“Be right back, pointy ears.” 
You leave Warumono in his own company on the loft, returning in less than a minute with a tray. Tendrils of steam swirl above the rim of the bowl it carries, accompanied by a spoon, a glass of water and some medicine. 
 “W-What is that?” Warumono's raspy voice asks as he watches you set the tray down, eyes pinned on the bowl filled with a strange creamy liquid, garnished with some green and orange stuff along with chunks of what appeared to be...meat?
“Medicine and microwaved chicken soup.” You inform from beside his futon with a smile. “By the way, microwaved soup's the best you’re gonna get, so don’t go getting all picky on me.”
You scoop up a spoonful of the organic-flavoured soup, according to the label on the can, then subconsciously blow a few puffs of air to cool it down before nearing it towards Warumono’s lips. 
Warumono wordlessly glances down at the spoon, then up at you.
"What...are you doing?"
"Feeding you."
“...Is...Is it poisoned?”
“What? Why would you think that?”
Warumono sends you a pointed look that reads if you were seriously asking him a question than had an obvious and clear answer as a blue cloudless sky.
“Because you’re a ranger. Spoon feeding me—your enemy? It’s…weird.”
Heat rushes to your face. “W-Well it’s not like I wanted to.” You hurry to explain your actions that had all been a somewhat conditioned habit in your defence. “It’s just my…my motherly tendencies.” You add, growing more embarrassed, referring to the times you’d had to take care of the others back home, especially Mugi and Sora, your adorable babies.
Except you wouldn’t consider Warumono an adorable baby.
"And for your information, the soup isn't poisoned." You pout, still somewhat offended that he'd think you were capable of doing such a thing.
Warumono arches a brow, both at your response and your reaction to his words. But instead of commenting on it, he reaches a hand towards your own that holds the spoon, and curls his fingers gently around your wrist. He then guides it towards his parted lips.
When the spoon meets his lips, Warumono slurps up the liquid, his tongue poking out slightly to lick at his lips. And your eyes involuntarily follow the action.
Warumono hums, seemingly pleased at the taste. “Not bad." He muses. "Seems you were telling the truth about it not being poisoned.” He releases you from his grasp and waits this time with an expectant look on his face for you to feed him.
He waits and waits. And eventually asks when you show no sign of movement, “Aren’t you going to feed me?”
You fix a blank stare down at him, your words caught in your throat, flustered by what had just occurred. 
“...Feed yourself.” You murmur when you manage to collect yourself before leaving. 
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© 2024 kana-daydreams
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demonslayedher · 2 years
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For someone who hates cooking, I did pretty well this year on my Kimetsu Kitchen series, and this Pillar Meal turned out really good, actually. (Of course, I did not bother making the ohagi, that is store bought. Also, this heavy of a meal did not need ohagi, but you'd be surprised what a girl my size can eat... well, nevermind, no, as KnY fans you probably wouldn't.)
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Omake below the cut!
You may notice a Pillar conspicuously missing from these meals.
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Although not all pufferfish is poisonous, I'm willing to bet that Uzui's favorite is the dangerous kind. You know, the one you need a special license to prepare and that you need to sign a waiver to eat. No, thank you.
As for my takikomi gohan this time, I tried a recipe with chicken and mushrooms, and then made a delicious bentou, although the dengaku miso sauce on the furofuki daikon doesn't work well for that and gets discolored.
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Links to more details about these foods and/or my first attempts at making them:
Sweet Potato Miso Soup (satsumaimo miso-shiru) Mixed Rice (takikomi-gohan) & Daikon Radish with White Miso Sauce (furofuki daikon) Ohagi (you know… ohagi)
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clarencethemouse · 2 years
Too Early
You are the daughter of a powerful political ally of Ravka. You practically grew up within the castle walls while your father would meet endlessly with the King. Soon enough, your attention was caught by the younger prince. Months bled into years when you would run the halls and pore through books together. You laughed together, you cried together. Nothing could have prepared you for the day the young prince left the palace to fulfill the life of a privateer. 
Now five years have passed, and Nikolai is finally ready to return from time on the sea. You’re not ready to forgive him for leaving. 
part 1/?
This is more of a prologue if anything. 
Vasily is a good man. A good man with no backbone, you had to remind yourself as you walked away from the future king of Ravka. 
This was the fourth time this month he had approached you with talks of a deeper form of alliance between your two families. He was persistent, you could give him that. But he was wasting time. 
You had given up placing faith in the Lantsov family long ago. 
Life at the royal court was... tiring. Everywhere to be all at once. Everyone needed some question answered immediately. What few free hours you had were poured into the library. The texts often offered solace and wisdom in your constant times of need, but it was never enough. The scholars in the books did not know the people of the Royal Ravkan Court. They likely would crumble under the demeaning stares of the King’s advisors. 
Ever since your father’s death, the politics between your father’s business and the throne had been handed to you. It was now your responsibility to uphold the political alliance - a job you had not signed up for. 
As a little girl, you dreamed of managing a small farm. Some day, you dreamed to wake up to the sounds of animals outside your window, your dutiful husband at your side before he set off on a fishing rig. As he would faithfully return every evening for dinner, you would tend to the pigs and chickens. Perhaps, once children came into the picture you would hire a nanny to keep up their education. You would grow into old age with your husband. You would welcome grandchildren and great-grandchildren into the world you felt fulfilled in, having lived a long and successful life by the shore. 
Your childish dreams could not be fulfilled by Vasily Lantsov and his overgrown ego. 
You did once imagine a different Lantsov boy in the place of the dutiful fisherman. But that boy made his choice very clear the day he left you crying at the steps of the Grand Palace, begging him not to go. 
This boy was meant to be returning to court later in the afternoon. That was what all the hustle and bustle was about. Word had been sent from his ship days ago that his crew had apprehended the Sun Summoner and was returning her home. There was also news of the Darkling. 
After nearly a decade, your friend was coming home. And you hated the thought of it. 
“Have you seen the King lately?” A mid-aged woman asked, grabbing your attention from the street below. Anita was her name: a fragile widower who had been employed at the Grand Palace as a taster. You were sure she took the job because even if the food was poisoned, it would be a better ending to her story than what more time in her home village of Novokribirsk could offer. 
You did a quick scan over your shoulder of the perimeter, as if it would do any good. “Not today, no.” 
“Well, he was supposed to meet the Sun Summoner at the gates. I thought I saw him at the doors just a minute ago, but then I swore he was back at his throne, but Fedyor told me-”
“Wait- he’s leaving now? Right now?” 
It was much sooner than expected. They promised you two more hours to prepare yourself. 
Anita nodded. “Fedyor told me he returned just now. With the Sun Summoner,” she finished. 
But it’s not noon! You were promised at least two more hours! They were too early. 
You hadn’t been planning to be in the open when the Sun Summoner arrived with her royal escort. You planned to hide in the safety of your bedroom. It didn’t seem right to be around when he finally arrived. But they were too early. 
You had heard the rumors flying around the country as of late; the people he flaunted Alina Starkov around like a trophy, acting like the attentive and adoring courtier with ideals for marriage. You didn’t blame him. If you had the chance to marry Alina Starkov and all the power that came with her, you would jump at it in a heartbeat. 
There was a time when you would leap at the opportunity to marry him. 
A light tap on your shoulder. Anita cleared her throat and made a hasty low bow to the person behind you. You suck in a deep breath, savoring every millisecond before you must turn and acknowledge the man. 
You spin on your heel, making sure to lean back as not to meet his face any closer than necessary. The days for that were long gone. 
A slight smirk befalls his lips as he peers down at your disgruntled self. Oh, how you wanted to smack that horribly attractive face. 
Nikolai Lantsov. 
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roachymochi · 5 months
Elden Meshi - rating the Lands between creatures by the meal they could provide - 1/???
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Eatable but awful. There's barely any meet on these bones and they look like they'd taste dusty. Nerds who want to learn more about their meal will realize the shocking fact that they could actually be human-like, so eating them is morally dubious.
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Eatable. These hawk look perfectly healthy so their meat is bound to be nutritious.
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Eatable. Actually give meat in-game I think? definitely a safe bet for the hungry adventurer.
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Dubious. While crab is eatable ingame and in real life some of the crabs in the game look really diseased and some are turned to stone. Proceed with extreme caution to avoid food poisoning or broken teeth.
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Eatable. They look healthy and well fed.
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Eatable but awful. They definitely are not healthy, and some of them are extremely diseased. It's also possible they mostly fed off human meat recently since these are war dogs. Probably not a great choice.
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Eatable with some creativity. Definitely not a conventional meal, but these large bug could become a great experience in the hands of a crafty cook. They hang out in dirty place, so be sure to clean them thorougly.
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Eatable. Just like the war hawk above, they look fat and healthy, and they are easy to hunt too.
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Not eatable. There's almost no meat in there, and you'd catch every disease just by touching them unprotected. Also human meat is a taboo.
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Dubious. Like the smaller crabs above, some giant crab are diseased. Catching one is really dangerous, but it would be a true feast.
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Dubious. Will they do have a lot of flesh, these animals do NOT look healthy. Also they feed on human blood. Don't even think about it unless you're starving.
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Not eatable. These flower are full of a potent poison and also have magical power, which does not seem like a good sign. A very careful herborist could do make some drink or seasoning with interesting property out of it.
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Delicious. These are basically sea chicken. Easy to catch and full of fat tasty meat.
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Eatable. These owl look big, but they are actually very skinny under the feathers. At least they are healthy. Don't try to eat the eggs though, they aren't fresh and you'll get food poisoning
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Eatable with caution. They spread poison mist as a defense mechanism, and they look quite gross. An experienced cook could probably get a meal out of them though, and they are huge and easy to catch.
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Not eatable. These rat look majorly diseased and half rotten, plus they hang out in filthy place and are feeding on human remains. You could technically eat them, but the meal would kill you.
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Eatable. Big legs, probably delicious if fried. They are really cute though, so some maybe be reluctant to eat them.
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Delicious. Healthy beasts, and it's common knowledge that sheep make a good meal. Be careful if you try to the milk though.
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Not eatable. This is a human undead turned into sludge from decomposition but still animated. What are you even thinking ?
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Not eatable. You can't feed your body by eating a spirit. Maybe it has some effect on morale, but good luck trying to cook it.
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Dubious. While bugs are eatable, these may not be natural. Require further investigation or the opinion of an expert.
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Eatable. Be aware that since some think them sentient, cooking them is a culturally risqué move.
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Eatable. They look healthier than the dogs, but wolf meat probably doesn't taste very good.
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These are literally just guys. Eating humans is culturally frowned upon.
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While calling them literally just guys may be subject to debate, it would definitely feel like cannibalism. Probably only has a last resort, and you'll be haunted by the guilt for a long time.
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Not eatable. It's just stones or metal animated by a mighty furnace. Could make some great cooking apparatus though.
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Not eatable. it's animated stones. Plus they hang out in catacombs, so it's not ideal health wise.
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Not eatable. These are literally dudes, and again eating people is morally dubious. Also they are all turning into stone and that can't be healthy to eat.
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Dubious. They are not human, but the cannibalism is still there. Also they don't look healthy at all.
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Again, it's a guy. Don't eat guys it's not polite.
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angelonasher · 1 year
Everything so far about the Season 9 Egg War (part 2)
buckle up because this is a ride-
Part 1, [you're here!], part 3?
1. [26] Grian discovers that both methods of breaking dragon eggs crashes him. It’s also revealed that he knows how to fix it (something to do with a mod) but has decided not to, and instead keep a list of everyone who abuses the crashing. (but he does clean some eggs later in the video, so he might have fixed it, at least temporarily)
2. [27] The Buttercups have a meeting, and their future plan (as summarized by Mumbo) is: “Build up a big tent, have an impressive HQ, recruit some extra people with our sweet magic skills. Apparently. Apparently is the plan- and then, and then victory.” They’re planning to build a big tent to recruit people. I can’t remember what the magic bit was about.
3. [28] Mumbo builds the Bottercup, a walking robot pot with four legs and three buttercups sprouting out of it to fight Doc’s Goat Walker. It has a tnt-missile that should explode on impact.
4. [29] Mumbo talks to Ren while making the Bottercup, and tells him about the robot. Ren then leaves, after saying that he will “definitely not relay this information to Doc.” Mumbo wonders if Ren is a spy.
5. [30] Grian builds a giant pot (of the 1.20 kind) to enclose the Bottercup (similar to the barn enclosing the Goat Walker) and builds “Live Laugh Love” in some beautiful cursive on the side of the perimeter. It took so much time and genuinely looks nice, which makes Grian wonder if he’s pranked himself.
6. [31] Mumbo clears the eggs from his base, and has so much fun with the method he had figured out that he ends up clearing the eggs in the back of Grian’s base too, which he realizes was the most pointless thing he could have done with his time. He also gets a purple crown and becomes his own best friend.
7. [32] Scar builds the Buttercup’s Cookie Shop, a flower pot near the perimeter giving out buttercup cookies for free. The cookies are retextured raw chicken.
8. [33] Doc expresses his hatred for shallow motivational quotes and cursive writing in Minecraft. He also mentions how the Buttercups are turning the perimeter into a Facebook Karen’s kitchen/page.
9. [34] Ren (now Agent double-o-sev-Ren) shows Doc the spy place he built under the Buttercup camp, which is accessed by eating in the cave under the camp, then throwing an enderpearl into the one-block hole that will appear in the wall.
10. [35] The spy place contains three rooms. The spy lab, containing the Discombobulator 9000, the chilling out room, where they wait for the Buttercups to go to their camp but have to constantly press shift (should have surronded it by chests to hide the nametags-), and the Sniffer Hole, located directly under the camp, that also has a random bee.
11. [36] Ren and Doc investigate Scar’s cookie shop, Doc thinking its a sign of peace and Ren assuming it will blow up. Doc gets food poisoning from a cookie, and considers blowing the shop up so other hermits won’t get fooled as well.
12. [37] Doc and Ren go into the Discombobulator 9000 in that order, coming out wearing sniffer oinses. Ren is the top-half of the sniffer, and Doc is the bottom half.
13. [38] Doc helps Ren put sniffers in the Sniffer Hole, and Ren gives him a military package that was shipped accross the Gigaverse by Giga-corp (that is actually what he said.) It contains loaded rocket-crossbows and many “pink large ball” rockets.
14. [39] They use their new outfits to disguise as a “baby sniffer” (sniflet) and blend in with the other sniffers in the Sniffer Hole as they eavesdrop on the Buttercups. What am I looking at. Why??? 😭
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15. [40] Scar gives Mumbo and Grian food poisoning with his cookies. Mumbo tells Scar that’s not how a poisoning works, and you’re only supposed to poison a specific person, not everbody.
16. [41] Mumbo discovers that the sign of his tent has been edited to “Buttercup’s toilet” and a toilet and toilet-paper has been placed inside. He thinks it was done by Doc, but discovers it was actually just Scar, because his choice of smooth stone for the floor makes it look like a bathroom.
17. [42] They discuss the “Live, Laugh, Love” writing on the perimeter’s walls, and Scar says he would quit Minecraft if someone ever did that to him. 
18. [43] Grian and Mumbo talk about how their chat said to add a Jellie “hanging in there” poster and a “Peace, Love, and Plants” tapestry. They discuss how they could add details to make it more floral and decorative before they are suddenly interupted.
19. [44] Doc gets frustrated with the threat of shallow motivational quotes and blows his and Ren’s cover by yelling that there will be no such things in his perimeter.
20. [45] The Buttercups dig down and discover the two eavesdroppers. Ren laments at Doc ruining the thing he spent a week building, and Mumbo is probably traumatized by the two’s costume, seeing as his POV was the only one of the Buttercups’s actually showing their abomination of a sniflet in action.
21. [46] Doc says that they now know their plans, but Mumbo responds with a good old “thankfully they were fake plans!” They were not fake plans.
22. [47] Grian realizes they somehow got one of his sniffers, Snot, into the Sniffer Hole. His other sniffer, (Dwight) Schnoot, is not there. 
23. [49] The five agree to settle this like adults by letting the robots do all the work, but not before it is pointed out that they aren’t really acting like adults by wearing sniffer oinses and eating raw chicken. (Doc also offends their new rainbow outfits, which, as said by Mumbo, is a lot coming from the bottom-half of a sniffer.)
24. [49] They drop the concrete-powder doors of the robots and let them start running, which, despite from a slight panic from the Buttercups at the door not falling properly, goes smoothly.
25. [50] As it turns out, the Goat Walker is not only incredibly slow, but it shoots tnt from the wrong end, pooping out explosives and destroying the perimeter of the perimeter instead of the Bottercup. It’s also supposed to shoot tnt from the sides, but for some reason that didn’t work.
26. [51] The Buttercups have issues with the mic mod not working correctly, relogging and always having one person unable to hear the other. They decide to all log off at the same time, and while that fixes the mic issues, it unloads the chunks of the Bottercup, causing it too stop walking.
27. [52] After a lot of panic, Mumbo manages to get it running again, all while the extremely slow Goat Walker has barely left its barn. Ren and Doc cheer for the Bottercup’s success, before Doc tells Ren to stop- but- he was cheering too.
28. [53] The bots eventually collide, and the Bottercup’s tnt exploded as planned.
29. [54] The tnt blows up most of the Bottercup and only the nose off of the Goat Walker. Doc thinks he’s won, but Grian says that if the Goat Walker can still walk, Doc wins.
30. [55] The Goat Walker can no longer run crawl. The Buttercups celebrate their victory, but Doc then alerts Ren and blows a horn, causing Ren to fire a rocket-crossbow at the Bottercups before the two fly away in different directions.
31. [56] Scar alerts the other Buttercups about the butterfly heading speedily torwards his Scarland. Apparently, he was the only one aware that it had tnt, and Grian hadn’t even known it could move.
32. [57] The butterfly flies over the Goat Walker and bombs it. This is due to a miscalculation on Doc’s part when he calculated where the bots would be apon collusion. This would not have happened if the Bottercup hadn’t broken down mid-battle.
33. [58] With a lot of panic, the Buttercups manage to stop it before it even hits the forest seperating the perimeter from Scarland.
34. [59] Grian wonders where Ren went, which makes them all realize that there’s another butterfly (Mothra) being piloted by Ren, heading straight for Grian’s and Mumbo’s bases. (Although, they only seemed to think about Grian’s base at the time. What’s in front Grian’s base, guys??)
35. [60] They stop the Mothra a lot quicker than Doc’s unnamed butterfly. The comments were giving Mumbo credit for that, on his last rocket too, so let pause to applaude Mumbo. 👏👏👏
36. [61] Doc gets upset over the destruction of his Goat Walker and blames the Buttercups for their stupidity causing it too happen. He says “Your incompetence is your strongest power!” and Mumbo replies with "eeeyup."
37. [61] The Buttercups meet up and confirm that the fighting is not over, and that even though they won the battle, they still need to win the war.
38. [92] The perimeter of the perimeter has a lot of damage, and the Buttercups’s bases, as well as their camp, are untouched. That’s. That. How do you fail so badly.
39. [93] Doc (to his viewers) says that he thinks he actually won the Bot Battle, considering that the Bottercup had a lot more damage from the fight itself than the Goat Walker. He also mentions that for his next attack, he has gotten inspired by Tango’s latest episode. Which. I haven’t actually watched. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
40. [94] This should go in earlier but I’m too lazy to change all the numbers: Scar reveals that apparently there was another “legitimate” (not duped) dragon egg on the server before Grian and Doc duped eggs; one that “myseriously” appeared in his inventory when he was in the End a few months ago. He decides he’s going to sell it in an auction on the street between Cubfan’s and Cleo’s rivaling museums.
I was planning to wait for Pearl's episode before posting this, but she made a community post saying this week's episode will be new life, not hermitcraft, so I just posted now :D
Anyway, I’d like to encourage you all to point out any mistakes/details I missed in the comments/tags of shares, which I will add in a reblog like I did last time! I don’t watch Ren, so there might be a few :D
(The link for part two in the part one post is at the end of the reblog, not in the og post.)
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avidrawsthings · 1 year
since youre changing up more stuff from year 5 what are other things that merula did to reina and the others?
How she ruined Penny's friendship with Reina
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TW: Bullying, depictions of injuries
From her years of constantly following and spying on Reina, Merula picked up on things that she eventually decided to weaponize against her. She did this by feeding this info to Emily Tyler, who'd spin those details into something nastier, resulting in some ugly rumors that destroyed Reina's reputation for a while. This was just the start.
Merula would justify all of this as the means to earn Rakepick's approval and prove that Reina was lying about the older woman all along. She didn't care what it took or who she had to hurt to get what she wanted. It's why she'd eventually go after some of Reina's friends as well.
There were some other students working with Merula for one reason or another, ranging from blackmail to being just as bad as she is. She wasn't exactly the only horrible kid at the school during that time, just the most well-known. It's why she was able to inflict all that harm that year. The punishments and detentions dished out by the teachers weren't enough to stop her, since the only opinion that mattered to her was Rakepick's.
To Reina
Merula often had Reina's things vandalized, such as her Quidditch robes. She even tried to send tampered packages that Reina thankfully never opened. Merula eventually got to the point she made attempts on Reina's life twice, a line that even Emily would never cross. The first attempt was when she slipped some chicken into her food knowing fully well that Reina had a serious poultry allergy. This failed thanks to her Familiar Ginger warning her in time.
She was the reason Reina was away from the school for 50 days. She tried to kill her by breaking her crystal wand after pouring some Erumpent Potion on it. Since those wands are connected to the user's soul, breaking them would cause them to fall into a coma until the wand finished repairing itself.
Since this act was very intentional, it triggered a curse she'd try to ignore for as long as she could. Merula thought she basically got away with attempted murder since no one caught her, but Reina's family already knew she did it as soon as they were informed of what happened. They chose not to press charges or make it public since Merula was condemned by this point.
To the others
With Reina out of the way during this time, Merula decided to try and get her fellow apprentices out of the way so that Rakepick would only pay attention to her. Rowan, Ben, Barnaby and Talbott weren't apprentices, but she viewed them as threats regardless. She'd spend the following week going after each of them, and she only backed down when Rakepick stepped in and put her foot down. The group got healed in a timely manner thanks to Chiara's Healing Magic.
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As she was the one that led the efforts that cleared Reina's name, Merula had her ambushed when she was walking back from the library to the Great Hall for dinner. Her hair was cut short and her glasses were broken. Rowan magically tagged her attackers with help from her Paper Magic to identify them later on.
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Like Rowan, he got ambushed while making his way back to the Gryffindor Common Room. He was left with several bruises and a broken left arm. He'd refuse to leave the Hospital Wing until after the matter had been dealt with.
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"Hey Ismelda...Has anyone ever told you that you're such an amazing friend?"
She targeted him after overhearing him talking about how Rakepick had offered him the chance to be one of her apprentices after praising his strength. Ismelda soon found him showing clear signs of being poisoned, and helped walk him to the Hospital Wing. The two caught on right away this wasn't a coincidence, and reported their suspicions to Snape.
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"For years all you've done is brag about being the strongest witch at Hogwarts. The only thing you've ever been good at is being a bloody migraine!"
She deliberately ruined his privacy by exposing that he's dating Reina, and then threatened to destroy his mother's necklace, as well as report to the Ministry that he's an Unregistered Animagus. In the ensuing duel, he swiftly defeated her thanks to a combination of quick thinking and his Wind Magic.
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Had it not been for her defeat against Talbott, Merula would've gone after Penny as well since she was also a fellow apprentice. She had intended to sabotage one of Penny's potions so that she'd be too injured to accompany them to the next vault.
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"I've been getting the feeling that I'm being followed, professor."
As her Healing Magic helped speed up the healing process for the others' injuries, Chiara had become Merula's next target and began to spy on her. She didn't get far thanks to Snape keeping her under heavy watch due to her past actions. At this time, Chiara had been meeting up with Snape to acquire her doses of Wolfsbane Potions. Had Merula found this out, she would've reported Chiara to the Werewolf Capture Unit.
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"Why in the world did you ever think this was ever a good idea?"
She tried to get him out of the way by cursing some of his school books. The plan failed, as by then he had been informed by Rowan of what Merula had been up to thanks to the Paper Tag spell, leading to the Slytherin girl getting caught.
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She had planned on tampering with a Bludger to injure him in the next Quidditch match, but was caught by Rakepick herself.
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"Miss Snyde, you and I need to have a serious talk. This abhorrent behavior of yours has gone on long enough!"
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While in vacation/reunited with Pierre's family, reader gets a bad case of food poison (like Lando in Brazil), feeling ill and not being able to eat or drink for a few days. Pierre takes such good care of her, with the help of Pascale, and the reader gets touched to see how worried the family got about her.
Tw: being ill/stomach bug
Vacation with Pierre's family had been going great until something you had to eat did not settle well with you, anything that you had to eat or drink ending up coming right back up, much like right now, your arms crossed on the toilet while you rested your forehead in your forearms, taking deep breaths in hopes that you wouldn't throw up the tea and Palin toast you had managed to keep down for a few hours, your discomfort increasing when you couldn't do it, "Mon coeur", you heard Pierre's voice before you felt his hand on your back, rubbing softly as you emptied your stomach, "you should be resting, you just finished the season", you tried to say as you grabbed the towell and wiped your mouth, your boyfriend helping you sit up so you could rest your body against his chest, "at this point I might just give up, anything I eat ends up out like that", you muttered as you felt his hands soothing your skin, "you're the one who should be resting too, your body needs some time to heal and get better", he said lovingly before he managed to get both of you up and into bed once you had freshened up.
You had spent all of the morning in bed wirh Pierre, the much needed cuddles taking you out of your slightly miserable state, when you heard a knock on the door of the room from the house you were staying in, making Pierre ask for who it was, "It's me, I have some tea", Pascale said as she entered the room after confirming she could, setting the tray on the bedside table by her son's side of the bed, "how is Y/N feeling?", she asked as she watched you sleep on her youngest's chest, "last night was not easy on her, but she seemed better this morning before she fell asleep", he said before he kissed youe forehead in an attempt to lull you back to sleep after you stirred, "call for me if you need anything, okay? I'm thinking of making some soup too", she smiled before she left the room.
Pascale's soup had made a good difference and you had been able to keep it all down, food actually comforting on your stomach for a change despite being the only thing you dared to eat for the time being. You had moved to the chair on the room by the window that led to the pool area, choosing to stay inside as the sun and heat still bothered your system, "Y/N, Bonjour, are you feeling better?", you heard Jean ask like he did everytime he passed through the window, "Bonjour, yes, I am. Hopefully tomorrow I feel good enough to head outside but for today I'm staying in the shade", you replied.
"The kids made you this", one of Pierre's sisters in law said when you sat down for dinner as she encouraged the kids to sit near you, the 'Get well soon' card signed by everyone in the best of their ability, "Merci, guys, this is very kind of you!", you said as you gave them a quick cuddle, the kids being careful to not squeeze you too much despite wanting to hug their favourite auntie, "thank you, all or you", you looked at the adults, "You've been incredible and even though I ruined some of the vacation, I promise I'll make you a good dinner to compensate", you said, since making food for other people was part of your love language, "when you can eat it though", Jean chuckled as Pascale squeezed your hand as she sat next to you at the table, "No need to thank us, dear, we just want to make you feel better", she admitted as you squeezed her hand back, "Well, that and also make Pierre stop running around like a headless chicken. I think at some point I saw him read a book online about what to do with how sick you were and seeing my brother read a book is quite concerning, I must say", one of his brother's said as Pascale playfully flicked his ear, shaking her head, "That's what happens when you love someone".
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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dollsonmain · 9 months
So we're having kind of a rough patch lately.
My kidneys still hurt and they shouldn't.
I've had diarrhea for almost two months straight now for different reasons throughout (deathly ill from infection for a little over a week, a month and a half of antibiotics, and now it's either not having the needed bacteria still, having eaten something I hadn't had in a while (lettuce and/or fried chicken), food poisoning, or the fact that the salad I ate had so much salt my system couldn't take it - after eating the salad my right kidney burned), and I've had my period three times in the same time-span.
I'm spending a lot of time in bed asleep, not only to try to sleep through the stomach cramps but also because that's the only place I'm warm enough to not be shivvering, and I'm feeling very run down.
That Guy was going through the annoyance of selling his late father's house when I got sick (mostly that was his sister, That Guy only had to sign some things and send them back), then agreed to pay my medical bills which has almost wiped out what he earned from the sale (split 50/50 with his sister who co-owned the house) even without the last surgery on the bill, yet (when the incoming fees are added, it will be more than he got for the sale), got rear-ended last week, and this morning hit a deer on his way to work in the rental car.
I didn't get the text message for another 45 minutes so he didn't even get the support he reached out for at the time.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
as promised, scu aus (not just the god mod vid)
i made it when i was younger but like i think the gods were found fam siblings and bizly got adopted in
god shlatt vs fallen grizzly or even the whole counsil
the gods slowly being murdered by their own creations/ their fellow gods creations. bizly gets stranded in the forest with the chickens, condi falling into the lava and burning to death, charlie slowly poisoned by his food, unable to craft anything to help, and grizzly ending up using his own weapons to get out of there (extra angst: he just cant manage to die. his weapons arent working on him and/or it always just barely fails. hes now stuck in a hell his friends suffered through the trouble to make and now he deals with it for all eternity alone. EXTRA EXTRA ANGST IF SOMEHOW FALLEN GRIZZ KNEW THIS ALL HAPPENED IN ANOTHER WORLD AND WAS JUST SO ENRAGED WITH HOW THEY REACTED)
as for the fellow gods creations, ive got a plan for that too. condi this time is torn up by chickens -bizly's creation (oh my brain is gorey, the way the counsil finds out is seeing the forest creatures running away from the area carrying condi's bloodied and ripped off body parts in their mouths), charlie is burned by the water in the regular world as bizly and grizzly watch unable to help -grizzly's creation (grizzly was in charge of overworld nature as well as the weapons and shit, ill probs do a friendly reminder post just for my well being), both bizly and grizzly struggle around with how the food functions and how to craft; bizly ends up trying to make grizzly's ultra sword and accidentally ate the golden apple -combo of grizz and charlie's creations ig, and grizzly beats the game alone and dies afterwards -condi's creations (im pretty sure condi moddedd it so youd insta die after beating the game).
tommy is more tameable (idfk why my brain said this word btu ill put it so you guys suffer too) in the 100 days mod and manages to semi help charlie by aqquiring some of the mad scientists old equipment and giving him some
after slime died (100 days mod again), hes sent to an area in the clouds where 3 men in thrones judge him. noticably, theres a a red throne in the middle made with clays and terracotas shaped like a pug wearing lanterns on its "ears", a throne to the left made of also glazed terracotas but also containing diamonds, buttons, and colored glass. the throne to the middle's right is green with more glazed terracota and more solid slime, but has some trident dents and is going under some redecorating of color thus some dark blue paint and wooden sign reading "bizlys throne" in messy letters. aka charlie is judged by the council which somewhat reconigze him but also cant be bias so yeh
grizzly's banishment was more of an accident this time and the boys hop onto their godly iphones and have to try and get grizz out the nether (imagining it similar to the god ghosts help out slime on the dsmp)
the multiverse collaspes and both the 5 minute disaster and hardest minecraft difficulty join the scu 100 days mod making shit a lot harder
robert (fuckin forgot ranboobs character name so im going with robert) shoots this god like guy in the face, just as charlie has come to the conclusion that hes gone mad and the shop keeper was an illusion in his head, and then the apocalypse gang (including tommy but hes nice because yes) take on a fucking god
mod vid jschlatt teams up with tommy and charlie now has 2 bitches to fight ig (bonus points: the scu gods in their own ways also help charlie)
ive seen cultist tommy for like the religion of prime but what if in the 100 days vid he was a cultist of jshlatt lmao
dont forget to like and subscribe
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bylightofdawn · 7 months
WIP Sunday
Alas, I don't think I'm going to finish this fic today, my attention span has been shit for most of the day though I did manage to write this. It's kinda longer than is prolly necessary but I could not find a good place to break it up. Cahir is having a minor philosophical crisis and Gallatin continues to be a ride or die bestie who is probably the only thing keeping him sane at this point. Aside from that, no REAL story spoilers. I guess for context, Cahir had broken off from him in the forest to seek out a mage/hedge witch in hopes she might be able to assist him in breaking the curse. In order to facilitate that, she cut off a slice of his arm and got some blood from him. NGL I know nothing about magic in the Witcher universe but everything I've seen seems to have very much a something must be sacrificed in order to power the spell with a lot of entropy magic tossed in. And at least one of the curses we see in the show is based off of blood magic sooooo I'm just making shit up as go along.
EDIT: And I'm at 9K already so nope, definitely NOT going to keep this under 10K. I've also made th decision I am going to break this up into chapters if only because the Witcher fandom in general seems to have shorter fanfics and chapters. Posting a 5K or 6K chapter in Star Wars is nothing but I think I'll need to come up with making this a bit more palatable in shorter doses which honestly, thanks to the structure of this fic being intertwined scenes, I think will be pretty easy. -crosses fingers-
This was one of the poorer parts of the Cintran capital and people who had even a sliver of roof space were prone to keeping pigeons for meat animals. They took up less space than chickens or other barnyard animals, and the scent of them was prominent in the air.
Cahir was faced with the dilemma of whether or not he wanted to risk potential food poisoning by visiting one of the local ale houses or if it would just be smarter to go to a better-heeled part of the city. After some trial and error, he had found a vendor two streets over that sold reputable pigeon pies. The problem is, they were often busy and sold out by this time, but Cahir opted to take his chances.
The Great Sun was in his favor today because he managed to snag one of the remaining hand pies and a relatively quiet place to eat in peace. When he’d been a small boy, before the Usurper ruined his childhood by arresting and locking away his father and older brothers, Cahir would have never had something so pedestrian as a pigeon hand pie.
Still, since the fall of his family during the reign of the Usurper, Cahir had eaten far worse things than pigeon pie. There’d been a time when he’d been literally starving where he’d have done anything for even the burnt crust of a leftover pie.
That was before the White Flame had found and rescued him from the worst pits of Hell and had given him a purpose. He’d anointed him, molded him into the perfect soldier and finally a commander of his army and Cahir had repaid that kindness with a devotion that bordered on zealotry.
He’d learned to stop asking questions, deeming all violent mayhem and bloodshed even if it seemed utterly unnecessary was required. As a boy who had lived through one Usurper’s reign and grown up to hate and eventually overthrow that regime he knew how dangerous it was to leave a crop of angry youths the room to grow into angry men and eventually kill you.
Or at least, that was what Emhyr had told him and Cahir had accepted it as gospel truth.
For nearly fifteen years, he had eaten up everything the White Flame had told him without question. He had committed some truly heinous actions, like the wholesale slaughter of towns that dared to resist the might of the Nilfgaardian Empire.
Yet at time went on, the voice of conscience had steadily gone quieter. There were times when it still bothered him but those times had become less frequent. Older soldiers he met had claimed that was signs of a seasoned campaigner. And that good soldiers followed orders because they only have a micro-view of the battle.
Making sense of the bloody arithmetic of war was up to the generals and commanding officers. They had the vision to recognize that the slaughter of ten dissenters would prevent a hundred more from getting any ideas of rebellion. And in doing so, a thousand lives might be saved.
When Cahir had risen through the ranks, those choices had fallen into his shoulders and he’d made them with the same bloodless dispassion he’d witnessed from the White Flame and it has mostly served him well.
Still, he’d found himself becoming more and more disillusioned throughout this seemingly endless campaign and even more so since he’d been stuck in this hellish reality of being forced to replay the same day over and over again.
For the first time since he’d been a starving whelp, he’d begun to question his place in it all. He still wanted to find Princess Cirilla, believed in the pit of his bones he was destined to find and rescue her.
At first, it had been with the intention of delivering her to her rightful father, but lately…lately he was no so sure of that. The nightmares and dreams he had of her foretold of a terrible fate if she was delivered to the White Flame’s hands.
He didn’t know why he accepted that so readily but it felt so real and more like a prophetic vision than the troubled nightmares of a troubled mind that now Cahir did not know what he would do when he found Cirilla.
Of course, until he figured out how to break this damned curse, there wasn’t much he could do.
“Do you know how fucking long I have been searching for you? And here you are just eating and wiling away the day like it is nothing.” That familiar pissed off voice dragged him from his maudlin thoughts and Cahir was not surprised. Gallatin had found him in this place more than once.
Maybe a part of him had subconsciously sought out this space because he knew the elf would find him here. Cahir broke half of the pie and held it out to Gallatin without a word.
The black-haired elf’s nostrils flared with irritation and he reached out to grab Cahir’s arm in a tight grip. “Chaos take you, Cahir!”
Cahir could not contain the hiss of pain that escaped him when Gallatin managed to grasp him right over the bandages mostly hidden by his sleeve as pain licked up his arm like fire.
Gallatin was many things, but unobservant wasn’t one of them, and he immediately moved his grip down so that he could catch the man’s wrist in a much gentler touch. It was a minor miracle Cahir managed to keep his grip on the pie. “Do you mind?”
“What have you gotten into now?” The other man demanded as he shoved the man’s sleeve back to reveal the pink-tinged bandage.
“It’s nothing to be concerned with.”
“I’ll be the judge of that, thank you very much.” The elf said tartly and frowned at the bandages.
“It’s a minor injury, and as you can see, it has been addressed adequately.
“What happened Cahir?” There was a strange note in Gallatin’s voice, one which Cahir could not quite parse.
“I’m cursed, I sought out the help of a witch in order to find a way to break said curse.” The brunette finally confessed quietly. “Grab a seat and I’ll explain as best I can.”
By this point, he’d made it an almost artform, explaining to Gallatin the various vagaries and sordid tales of this walking nightmare. By now, he knew what to avoid if he didn’t want to lose control of the situation and what might set the elf off into a questioning tangent.
The first time had taken him the better part of an hour to read Gallatin in, now he’d gotten it down to a tight fifteen minutes. It never ceased to confound him why the elf was willing to accept the truth so easily when those closest to Cahir such as the White Flame doubted it.
He’d asked the elf about it once and got a vague answer about how magic had played such a centralized component in their lives that you just came to accept the impossible as real possibility. And while his people did not general dabble in curses and the darker side of Chaos and that the Aen Elle had been known to dabble in the darker arts.
By the time Cahir was done, Gallatin had finished his half of the pigeon pie without a word and looked vaguely poleaxed by the whole tale.
“And you think this witch is going to be able to conjure a cure for your curse?”
“I hope so, I’ve been doing this for almost six fortnights and have made little progress.”
Gallatin reached out and caught him by the shoulder in a companionable grip. “I’m sorry you have had to go through this, my friend. I hope this witch can help you but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned for you. Trusting your blood and flesh to some unknown witch…do you know the things she could do to you?”
He asked with concern bright in his eyes.
“I do, but even if she curses me with some kind of death curse…chances are I will simply wake up tomorrow free of the curse, and she will have no memory of me or hold any piece of myself she can use to curse me again,” Cahir admitted softly.
“It’s a dangerous game you are playing, Cahir. I will go with you to make sure she does not get any stupid ideas.”
That surprised him because he usually had to warn Gallatin of his impending death to divert the elf from his quest to reach the palace and his inevitable doom. And even then, it was a coin toss on whether or not he could convince him to put aside his overgrown sense of responsibility towards his people to listen to the human.
But Cahir would not look a gift horse in the mouth and nodded gratefully.
“I appreciate your assistance, Gallatin.” Cahir said with honest sincerity before climbing to his feet.
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wilsonthemoose · 1 year
How Could I Stop
(Also on ao3)
Dean knows Sam better than anyone.
Knows things they don't even talk about.
Sam's abstinence— what it really means. The carefully monitored eating. No red meat. He never mentions it in a way that isn't teasing, but he knows.
When Sam does eat red meat— he eats it burnt to a crisp. So dry he might as well just eat cardboard. Hell, hint of red on a chicken bone and Sam won't touch his food again.
"Relax, princess, we'll find you some rabbit food."
And he's proud of Sam.
He can see how hard it is. The slightly OCD frenzy with which Sam wipes the spray of blood from his face. The almost vengeful way he kills vampires— like it's about more than just saving people. The carefully dispassionate way he wipes demon blood from the knife.
Dean gets it— he understands— they each have their poisons and Dean suspects he'll fall down the deep end with his alcohol someday anyway, so he's not judging. Stones, glass houses, mile, shoes, he who is without sin— he gets it.
He's proud.
Even when Sam's inhaling pack after pack after pack of cigarettes, or guzzling potato chips, or going on run after shower after run after shower several times a day— "OCD," Dean mutters. Freak, he very carefully doesn't say.
When he catches Sam pulling apart and putting together his gun at 3 am by the almost non-existent blue-green glow of the neon sign outside their window, a small thin cut on his thumb that shouldn't be there no matter how dark the room was, he gets him a fidget toy. And to lessen any hint of concern, a packet of milticoloured bandaids, "Fucking civilian."
He pulls an affronted face when Sam throws the bandaids in his face.
Dean knows Sam so well, can read him like a children's book with very large font. And Sam— well, it's not that Sam doesn't know Dean just as well— it's just that he probably wants to believe a little too much that everything will work out well, and maybe he's just trying so hard and hoping so damn much, and maybe he let's one or two moments slide, after all, Dean just got back and— well, it takes time.
Dean catches the slight, blink-and-you-miss-it frown that passes over Sam's face as he eats a mouthful of salad. He pushes the fork around the plate for the next few minutes until Dean's done with his burger, then tosses the half-uneaten salad in the bin.
He swirls the beer in the bottle, reads the label, frowns, takes another cautious sip.
"Special edition," Dean says, "Supposed to taste different." Shrugs, "I can't tell."
Sam downs the bottle, fishes another out of the ice-box, disappointed at first sip.
"Missing the librarian?" Dean asks. "You know, alcoholism isn't the answer." He smirks. "We can go back for her Sammy, just say the word."
"She was 70 years old, Dean."
"You dog."
Sam looks conflicted for a moment, then cuts into the beef sandwich, stares at the rare cooked meat for a moment, takes a bite. Closes his eyes with a contended sigh.
"Good?" Dean asks.
"Mm," Sam hums between a mouthful of sandwich. "Did you make these?"
Dean smiles, "Am I an awesome big brother or what?"
Sam doesn't figure it out until Dean leaves. Genius doesn't put two and two together.
And Dean's in a good mood, see, so he leaves Sam a pretty little tea cup full of blood before he goes.
The rest he's seen before anyway, no point sticking around. The angsting, the moping, the upside down car crash with the wheels still spinning.
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breakerrhexis · 2 years
Tumblr media
Hi, hello, loves! Hope you have a super, wonderful, random day filled with love. And if your day is about to end, I hope you have the best night’s sleep. Hope you enjoy todays drabble: Elodie From Nowhere.
PART 1/1 
Not Edited
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
As Drusilla read the last word, she tore the note in half and let the pieces drift off to the floor. She sucked in a breath to calm the erratic staccato of her heart. “How?” She asked to the servants, who sat on their knees with their heads down. Beside them, a half-dozen guards stood with their helmets resting at their sides. When no one answered, she roared. “HOW DID SHE LEAVE GODDAMNIT!” She faced them, teeth gritting against each other. 
“W-we do not know, Your Grace,” A timid female voice responded. 
Drusilla shut her eyes and rubbed her forehead. She wanted to tear the room apart with a sword. Wanted to see the floor flood with crimson.
If she did not find her in time, all would’ve been for naught. 
She ambled forward and said: “Useless. All of you. I want her here by the end of this week. Do you understand?” She paused under the threshold of Elodie’s room and glanced over her shoulder. “Bring her to me. Dead or alive. Do you understand? Or it will be your heads I’ll have to cut instead.”
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
A branch thwacked into Elodie’s face when she ran, filled with excitement, at the final barrier of trees and shrubs that surrounded the Pearl Palace. She almost fell back, startled. Her nose ached where the branch smacked her and she winced when she touched it.
“What the hell, Elodie?” She cursed at herself. 
Careful this time, she crouched under the limbs of trees until her feet and head poked free from the wilderness.
She was out! Elodie wanted to jump, but her feet were sore from the long, excruciating hours of walking and tripping through the woods. Instead, she giggled and sauntered towards a three-way sign.
On top, scribbled hastily, an arrow pointed at the path in front of where she stood: Willowsleep. Behind her: Pearl Palace. To her left: Evenhill. 
It was either ahead or to her left. Whatever choice it was, it was better than the palace, but she needed to be quick. She had no clue what plan Queen Drusilla had cooking in her rotten little head. Whatever it was though, Elodie was sure it wasn’t good. That was if Drusilla was looking for her at all. 
“Always look forward, never back, right?” 
Elodie trenched onward to Willowsleep, with five crowns to her name and one soiled dress. 
Nausea threatened to overcome her as she walked further and further away from the Pearl Palace. From her old life. From Drusilla. From her death. Who was she if not Elodie Stoneheart? Who was the real Princess? Questions, questions, and even more questions with no answers! She would suffer and die clueless. 
Still better than sacrificed, however. 
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
When Elodie reached Willowsleep twenty minutes later, she stood stunned in the midst of bustle and hustle. Wherever she looked, there was a stall of some kind -- food, clothes, weapons, armor, potions, books, jewelry, poisons. She wanted to try everything. 
But the streets were clogged with pedestrians and animals. A group of wood elves with their bows slung over their shoulders stood in one corner. In another, a clan of orcs roared with laughter. Cat-like creatures lingered in the darkest shadows, and folk with the prettiest eyes Elodie had ever seen passed by her. Fae folk. Mothe-- Dursilla worked closely with the Autumn court. Elodie heard they were the least bothersome to deal with. Horses neighed, pigs snorted, sheep and goats clinked around in herds, and dogs barked every so often.
A shoulder slammed into Elodie. “Move it!” Someone barked.
“I’m sorr--”
Another shoulder slammed into her.
Elodie pushed against the crowd until she made it to an alley where she pressed her back against the wall and took in a deep breath to calm herself. Her hands shook. Her vision swam. She could not breathe. It was too much. Too much sound. Too many people. She only ever had to be around a few at the Pearl Palace.
“You’re okay,” Elodie whispered to herself. “You are here, you are alive, and that’s all that matters.” She balled her hands into fists.
When her heart had calmed, Elodie noticed the ache in her stomach and the fact that her tongue stuck to the roof of her month uncomfortably. She took a breath and stepped into the crowd once more. 
She looked around as she walked, keeping an eye out for food. Instead, what actually caught her eye was a little boy struggling against a large, burly man. Elodie stared around her, noticing no one even bothered to give the endangered child a glance. Gritting her teeth, Elodie marched over there, yelling out a “HEY!”, which garnered the attention of a few passerby's.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Elodie demanded. 
The man, with faint orcish features and tattoos that swirled around his neck and arms, glared at Elodie and tightened his grip on the kid, who nervously looked between them. 
“None of yer’ business, little lady.” He sneered. Turning back to the kid, “Come on yer’ little twat.” He pulled. 
Elodie held onto the other kids wrist. “No. I’ll scream for help if you don’t let go.” She narrowed her eyes. “I will. Do. It.”
He took a step closer, eyes darkening. Elodie swallowed the ball in her throat and remained still as he large figure loomed over Elodie. 
“I--” His eyes bulged from his head. Elodie stared, surprised, as the man crumbled to the ground, covering his crotch area, face rapidly turning an embarrassing shade of blue. The kid latched on Elodie’s wrist and ran.
They didn’t stop until they made it behind two stalls. Trying to catch her breath, Elodie almost buckled to her knees. She was so exhausted she could just curl up on the ground and die. 
“Are you--” wheeze “--okay?” 
The little boy nodded. He was not out of breath. Elodie envied him. 
After a minute, Elodie composed herself. “You got to be careful around here, okay?” The little kid looked at Elodie and nearly jumped on her. She stumbled back in surprise when his arms wrapped around Elodie’s waist.
“OH!” Elodie laughed. She patted the kid’s head. She was about to talk when the kid suddenly pulled away from her, yelled “BYE!” and ran. 
She lost sight of him in the crowd. 
“Well...” She nodded at herself, proud. “Something good came out of this mess.” Her stomach growled. She patted her stomach. “I need something to eat...” She reached into her satchel and found nothing. Not her sack of crowns. Nothing. 
“What the fu-”
She had been fooled, hadn’t she?
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ultraphobic · 7 months
Hi Lane! ☃️
Wow Taime Downe's style is incredibly cool! He's style truly sleaze glam and I think your look will be just as great!
Oh you dressed like Paul Stanley at the concert? this is great! what songs did you like the most?
Ohh thank you sm! You're very nice! I'm sure your glam shirts will be incredible.
I think your collection is incredible because all the Warrant albums with Jani on CD are my dream haha.This year I bought two albums with Jani on vinyl and it was quite expensive (about 50€ per record) since it is a limited edition.
I hope you can find something suitable in this store! Wow the Joan Jett song is a really interesting choice! It has some interesting slides and I did a cover with ghost notes that sounds pretty cool. And I’m sure your performance is even more beautiful.
Oh, that's normal! If you have a band in the future, you can work on material together and come up with some great songs.
OMG! YOUR COLLECTION IS THE COOLEST IN THE WORLD. I'd love to see pictures of some things after Christmas if you don't mind.
I envy all the people who were on any of the tours because THEY LITERALLY MADE HISTORY.And unfortunately I didn't find a single video from this tour on YouTube. nothing but an advertisement for the Poison tour with Cinderella lmao
Oh I'm so sorry you have to work until Christmas Eve. I hope you have a good rest afterwards. And the festive mood will definitely come after the party!
🎄in answer to one of the questions you mentioned Bon Jovi and Skid Row. Do you have any favorite songs from these groups? Trying to create a festive mood, I can recommend you the song performed by Jon "Please come home for Christmas"
🎄if you had more free time what would you like to do?
🎄Do you have any comfort foods or foods that you like to make yourself the most?
Your Santa ☃️🎄
hey santa!!!
i did dress like paul it was so fun & i loved when they played war machine & shandi! it was such a good show
oh yea those limited records will get ya. i got the limited coloured pressings of each of the warrant albums that they made (drfsr, cherry pie, dog eat dog, greatest and latest) and they each cost me about $60-80 so it was a lot! except cherry pie which was about $200 before shipping bc that was the signed one. it was worth it though bc i think they only press 2500 of each record!
the joan jett song was pretty fun! i think my school changed the arrangement because they made the bass have the solo instead of the guitars which was good for me but then i listened to the original song and i was like hey... this sounds different...
and yea! i can definitely show you some of the stuff in my collection! the patches are all sewn onto my vest so i can show you the whole vest, but all the picks n stuff i keep safe and stored away so i'll grab pics of those as well
i knowww if i had a time machine i'd set it to 1986 sunset strip start with poison and their first album and just go from there following tours and meeting bands, collecting original merch y'know?
the good thing is i only have to work until 3:30 on christmas eve so i can get a good afternoon's rest before christmas day! i'm working boxing day as well but at least i get public holiday pay for that
i actually started out my glam listening with bon jovi last year! my favourite songs are i'll be there for you, have a nice day, i wanna be loved, wanted dead or alive, bad medicine, it's my life, and also jon's solo song billy get your guns
i still need to listen to some more skid row stuff but rn my favourites are in a darkened room (i'm a sucker for a good power ballad), here i am, get the fuck out, 18 and life, and rattlesnake shake
if i had more free time (which i will hopefully be getting in the new year) i'd restart guitar lessons! hopefully i'll be able to do this in the new year once we (crossed fingers) get a new team member for our store so we all don't have to overwork ourselves as much
i don't really cook just because i'm not rly a foodie or anything but kfc chicken nuggets are a comfort food for me :)
hope to hear from you soon santa :)
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