#What a bizzare thing to hear! Hope I never have to listen to that again!
Notable interactions I've had in the last two weeks
Got called an Evangelical and paedophile supporter for commenting "None of those words are in the bible" on an IG post
At work, this regular customer was in a dress instead of her usual pants and tops, and I complimented her dress, to which she proceeded to reply with, "I got spray tan to get some color, like your natural tone. You are blessed with your beautiful skintone. (I just laughed) You have such beautiful skin, and so young too. (I again just politely chuckle, customer service persona baby)" I gave her her things, and she left. Definitely thought I was starting my Get Out arc. Yes, she was White, yes, I am brown.
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mvrtaiswriting · 3 years
hi marta! i thank you for your follow, and i hope you're doing well and you're safe there in the UK!! if you don't mind it, could you possibly write josuke with a s/o who is terrified of storms and freaks out during a power outage?? your writing is awesome and i look forward to seeing more on my feed! thanks again love!! 💞💞
Force of Nature - Josuke Higashikata. 
Hello! I am deeply sorry for the late, late reply - you probably even forgot about this request! It got paid dust and it deserved so much better. I absolutely loved writing about this, because I used to be so scared of storms in my younger days! It’s been a while since the last time I wrote, so I’m sorry if this does not meet your expectation. Thank you so much for waiting so long and for believing in me & my writing, I hope you’re okay and safe. Sending looots of love!!
Neutral reader x Josuke Higashikata.
Jojo’s bizzare adventures: Diamond Is Unbreakable & Stardust Crusaders
Trigger warning: really minor, slight sexual things ?? (just a kiss mention tbf)
Words Count: 922
Hi! Are you a new reader? Check my masterlist for more content! 
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© bearing in mind everything I post/write is my intellectual property so please don’t steal/copy and paste and post it as yours.
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“It looks like it’s going to rain soon, should we just head home?” you heard your boyfriend saying, while he fully extended his arm in front of him to catch a raindrop and feel it on his hand. You nodded, holding his hand tight. He looked at you raising an eyebrow and, letting out a smirk, he said “don’t worry; storms are rare in this period of the year.”
Josuke was usually right in regard to these kind of things. Joseph had taught him some tricks he learnt during his trip in Egypt to understand how the weather will change during the day, and Josuke picked these skills up quickly, thinking they would come in handy. Not that they were of much use in Japan, having full access to weathercasts – but every time Josuke’s prediction were right, his heart filled with pride and satisfaction: he would smile widely, jumping around you with glimmering eyes shouting something like “See? Just like I told you!” and this was something you could never resist too. Trusting his intuition once again, you guys slowly headed home, taking the long way and enjoying the cloudy sunset in front of you.
The rain however did not take longer to arrive, and by the time you arrived home, you were already soaking wet. Shaking from the cold, you quickly removed your wet clothes and made your way to your bedroom to put some warm, more comfortable clothes. “Why don’t you pick something to watch on tv while I prepare some hot chocolate?” Josuke said, kissing your forehead. “Be quick, I’ll wait for you on the living room!” you answered, tiptoeing to give your boyfriend a kiss. He nodded and, after kissing you back, the two of you parted your ways.
You prepared your couch for the movie night, fixing its pillow and bringing a big, warm blanket just to make everything cosier. As you were zapping through the channels on the tv, the weather outside kept worsening; the rain was now banging loudly on the windows, while the wind was howling and whistling, shaking the trees’ branches and their leaves. You were terrified. Storms were something you hated since you were a child; there was no particular reason for it, not that you could remember. Simply being aware of the unstoppable force of nature was something that petrified you – you felt so small, so powerless. You always thought storms were nature’s way of saying ‘I can destroy everything and take my place back if I just want to’. You snuggled into the blankets, hoping Josuke would hurry up and come back to you. Having him around always made you feel secure and protected, as if nothing bad could happen to you as long as you were in his arms.
Then it happened. The sky lighted up for not more than two seconds and the jet black dark of the night was quickly replaced by a white light. From your window, you could perfectly see the lighting striking on the ground and before you could even realise, you heard a rumbling thunder, so loud it felt as the walls of the house were shaking. At the same time, before making a strange noise, you TV shut down and so did every single light of the house. The fear almost paralysed you, you felt as if your entire skeleton was shaking too. You screamed in reaction to what you had just witnessed, while outside lightnings and thunders were continuously succeeding each other.
The first thing you heard – apart the noise of the storm, was Josuke screaming right back.
“YOU scared me!” he shouted from the kitchen, before bursting into a laugh while quickly reaching you in the living room, holding a candle.
“Why are you laughing?!” you asked, visibly frightened. He smiled and sat next to you, quickly welcoming you in his arms holding you tight and kissing all over your cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I’m laughing at myself because I got scared from hearing you!” he answered, trying his best not to laugh. He quickly got serious when he noticed you were shaking, holding you tighter in response.
“It’s okay, I’m here.” He whispered in your ear, while caressing your hair with his hand; he even summoned his stand, Crazy Diamond as if he was ready to fight just to protect you. You rested your head on his big chest, listening to his heart-beat which really calmed you down. The storm outside kept raging but now, with Josuke by your side, you didn’t care anymore.
“Thank you for being here. I know it’s silly of me..” you said quietly, feeling your cheeks getting warmer and warmer after every word you said. Josuke let out a soft laugh, putting his forehead against yours, forcing you to look at him.
“You know what’s silly?” he said. “You apologising for something that is absolutely normal, or thanking me for taking care of you. I love you, that’s the least I can do.” He continued, leaving a soft kiss on your lips, which you welcomed with pleasure. You placed your hands around his neck, slowly pulling Josuke's body on yours.
After a long, deep kiss, you and Josuke spent the rest of the night playing with the shadows on the wall using the candle’s light, making all sorts of animals and making up funny stories about them. Not a second passed by without Josuke making you laugh, who, as always, managed to make your heart feel less heavy and eternally grateful to have him by your side.
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grimrester · 3 years
The Heat
The fall semester of my last year of art school had barely started when the air conditioning in the senior art studios broke. If I lived further north that might not have been a problem, but I lived in Georgia, where the summer heat didn't quite break until September or October. And it was still August.
To make matters worse, the studios were in an old building with high ceilings and big glass panels built into the steep, sloped roof. All the natural lighting normally would've been a blessing. But with the air conditioning broken, it instead turned the studios into an oven. Heat seeped in all day long and remained trapped there indefinitely.
The studios themselves were two rows of cubicles with high, 8ft walls, built right in the center of the building after the college had purchased it. The open ceilings of each cell and the large gap between the cubicle wall and the sloped windows above allowed the light - and the heat - to reach anyone who might be working inside them. Each graduating senior was assigned a specific cubicle as their personal, 24/7 studio space.
There was a big hallway around the perimeter of the building. One section of the hallway widened to make space for a sink to wash brushes in and a table and chairs for critique sessions. The bathroom was there, too - a unisex one with a derelict little door, nearly hanging off its hinges.
Initially I'd worried that having just one toilet in the building wouldn't be enough, but it ended up not being an issue. Most of the students didn't last long. The heat during the day was too oppressive. At times, the air in the building was so suffocating that the heat almost felt like a physical presence, like a large creature weighing down on our shoulders, crushing us under its weight.
I caught the student assigned to the cell next to mine moving out all his paintings just a couple weeks into the semester.
"Hey," I said, pausing outside the door to my own cubicle to gawk. The student - I never bothered to learn his name - looked entirely morose as he stacked a few canvases by the door. "Moving out already?"
"Yeah," he said, solemnly, heavily dropping another canvas on the pile. "I have no idea how you can work in here. My oils keep melting."
"What?" I said, confused. I shuffled over to get a look at the top painting on the stack, and sure enough, the half-finished landscape he'd made with oil paint was completely distorted. Strangely, the melted paint seemed to be in round sections, about as large as my head, scattered all over the canvas.
"It's fucking weird, right?" he said, following my gaze.
"Wouldn't it melt all over?" I asked. "Why is it just in some parts?"
"Beats the hell out of me," he replied. "My best guess is it was cloudy or something so it melted unevenly where the sun got to it."
"Guess it's lucky I work with ink," I said. "It dries fast so it'd sooner burst into flames than melt, and it's too humid in here for a fire."
The student clucked his tongue. "I shoulda used acrylic. Might've held up better." He sighed and picked up the stack. "Too late now, I guess. I'm going to see if I can salvage them at home."
"Good luck," I said, watching him go. At least he had the option of working at home. My apartment was too small for the large paintings I wanted to make, so I was forced to bear the heat.
I and the few other students who had to work in the little plaster cells complained to the administration about the heat many times, but I guess our small group just wasn't a priority because the air conditioner remained broken. The heat remained an issue into September, even when the outside air had cooled off a little. I began to think there was something wrong with the building, that perhaps the AC was spitting out hot air or the large windows had been specifically designed to turn the place into an oven.
I eventually started coming into the studios later and later, hoping that the space would at least cool down at nighttime. I preferred working in crappy, dim synthetic lighting over standing there with the sun bearing down on me through the open top of my cubicle. But even at night, the heat was terrible. It felt muggy, smothering. I felt the weight of it on me from the moment I entered the studios.
To add to the uncomfortable conditions, the building was pretty old and made creaking and moaning noises as it marginally cooled down overnight. The exposed pipes near the ceiling were especially noisy, making all sorts of awful, creepy groans. I'd mostly gotten used to them after a while.
Then one night it got worse.
I was in my cubicle, in the final stages of one of my larger ink drawings. I was painstakingly cleaning up some lines with a fine brush when suddenly there was a huge slamming noise, loud enough that I could hear it through my music and earbuds. I jolted, screwing up my line in the process, and hissed through my teeth.
"What was that?" I called out, taking out one earbud. I thought maybe one of the artists who worked in the far end cubicles had dropped something or fallen over, but there was no reply.
I cracked the door of my cubicle and peeked out, looking around either end of the hallway. Nothing seemed amiss, so I just closed my door again and went back to work. I assumed it was just a new pipe noise or something.
Maybe fifteen minutes later, I was trying to decide on a new playlist when it happened again. My music wasn't playing, so I heard it clearer this time - a loud BAM noise from the back building wall, several cubicles away from me. It almost sounded like some huge beast was outside, hurling its body against the side of the building, trying to get inside.
But that would be silly. This was the first time I'd stayed past midnight and these noises were probably normal at this time of night. I just hadn't heard them before.
I tried to focus on picking a playlist. The noise happened again. But this time, the brushes on my work table rattled in their mason jar from the force.
I stared at them. I'd never heard a building settle so hard that it made things move.
I suddenly had the feeling that something was very wrong. I felt queasy - my stomach tightened and churned. Maybe I was just not feeling well and the heat was exasperating it? I'd been working long hours and late nights in the studio, so it was possible I'd made myself sick. I felt the need to vomit, and I hoped it would make my nausea subside.
I pulled my earbuds out and left my studio, walking quickly to the bathroom. The slamming noise echoed out again, on the other side of the building. I locked the rickety bathroom door behind me, my moist palms sliding against the metal handle as I did so. The back of my neck felt wet, too, that sort of gross, warm moistness that comes with the Georgia heat.
I knelt by the toilet, face hovering over the bowl. I still felt sick but nothing was coming up. I pressed my fist into my stomach hard and tried to retch, but still nothing happened. The nausea was starting to make me dizzy. Did I get heat stroke or something?
The door rattled behind me.
"Someone's in here!" I called out, my voice warbling a little. Weird, I thought, since the studios had been quiet all night. I thought I was the only one there.
The door rattled harder, the whole thing shaking with the effort.
"Jesus," I muttered. Then, louder, "I said, it's occupied!"
The rattling increased and there was a loud BANG as something hit the door hard. I twisted around and stared, gripping the toilet seat, shocked. Who the fuck needed the bathroom that badly? Whoever was outside smacked the door hard again and I worried that the shitty, old wood would simply splinter under the force.
Then, just as quickly as it started, it stopped. The rattling and banging just ceased. I stared at the door a little longer, wondering if the person outside had left yet. I didn't particularly want to run into them if a locked bathroom door was enough to make them throw a fit outside. I waited and waited, to be sure they left, so long that my nausea had subsided.
Put off by the whole experience, I quickly gathered my things from my studio and left for the night.
When I returned the next night, the heat was inexplicably worse than before. I couldn't even listen to music to distract myself this time. I was a little worried that whoever had given me a hard time in the bathroom would come back, and I didn't want to miss hearing them coming if for some reason they were on a warpath.
The relative silence of the studio was decidedly eerie. There was a faint buzz from the lights and the occasional groaning and moaning of old pipes, but otherwise you could hear a pin drop. I began to rethink my decision on the music because the silence was spooky and setting me on edge. I thought maybe I could play it on my phone's speaker so I could still hear someone coming. But then, if they were there and so quiet I couldn't hear them, playing music out loud might've pissed them off…
My train of thought was interrupted by that awful, thundering slamming noise from the far wall of the building. The great, hulking beast I had imagined was back.
Sweat began to gather on my palms and neck again and I put my brush down to wipe my hands on my pants. The air in the studio became so muggy that breathing suddenly felt like inhaling swamp water.
Hardly a moment later, there it was again - BAM. My paintbrushes rattled in the little jar. My first thought that maybe whoever had needed the bathroom yesterday was throwing another fit, but it really sounded like something massive hitting the wall. Something too massive for one person to hurl.
I once again had the distinct feeling that something was wrong. What would have the kind of force to make everything move like that? Was the old building going to collapse?
BAM - louder this time.
Maybe this was some bizzare, localized earthquake, I told myself. It didn't matter that I'd never heard of an earthquake that behaved this way. It seemed more likely than the alternative I imagined, that some huge beast was hurling its hairy, grotesque body against the walls.
I sat motionless, listening closely.
BAM. My door rattled.
There was no mistaking it that time. The sound wasn't getting louder - the source of it was just getting closer.
The monster I had imagined wasn't outside and trying to get in. It was already inside the building.
I stared, frozen in place, at my studio door. I felt ridiculous. How would some kind of monster large enough to shake the walls even get through the building's doors?
BAM. Even closer now.
BAM. It sounded like it was right outside my door. I could see the handle shake with the force. Something was definitely wrong. This wasn't an earthquake and it wasn't some deranged art student. There was something out there and it wanted to be in here, with me. I tried to take deep breaths to remain calm, but sucking in big gulps of warm, humid air just made me feel queasy again. I looked around, trying to find somewhere to hide, but my cubicle was bare - just a folding table and a stool. There was nowhere to go. I pressed myself against the corner of my cell, as far away from my door as possible.
There was a long moment where there was no sound - not the slamming, not the usual groaning of the pipes. I slid down to the hard concrete floor and waited. Perhaps it was over?
The door handle rattled, this time unaccompanied by any slamming noise.
My breath caught. Sweat dripped down my forehead. I stared, watching as the handle jiggled. Whatever was making it move seemed unable to turn it properly, just fumbling it around without getting it to unlatch.
I waited. The handle stopped moving.
There was another moment of dead silence. Then another new sound - fast, heavy, stomping footsteps, heading towards the section of hallway with the bathroom, table, and sink.
I got up and grabbed my phone and bag. I didn't know what the fuck was going on, but I couldn't stay there any longer.
There was a creaking noise, and then a terrible thumping sound, like something had just hit the ground hard. Then crashing, over in one of the cubicles on the far end, as though whatever had been in the hall had used the table in the critique area to hop the cubicle wall and was now making a mess inside. Another creak, another thump, more crashing, closer, just a few cubicles away.
I threw my cubicle door open. I just had to make it to the main door, but it was all the way on the other side of the building. I'd have to run around half the perimeter hallway to get there.
So I ran.
The beast, whatever it was, continued into another cubicle - creak, thump, crash. Then it paused as I rounded the first corner, my sneakers squeaking on the concrete. A terrible dread settled in my stomach. It was listening and it knew I was trying to leave. It didn't make any noise - no breathing, no wailing, no roaring - but I somehow still got the sense that it was pissed off by my attempted escape.
I rounded the second corner. I could see the door just ahead.
A creak. I looked at the tops of the cubicles as I ran for the door, but there was nothing there. No hairy beast hovering over the wall and dropping into the next studio. I slowed my running.
A thump. A crash. A creak.
I paused, my hand on the front door, my mouth gaping as I looked at the tops of the cubicles. I felt I had to see it, had to know I wasn't just crazy, but it seemed there was no beast to see.
Then I finally saw it, lurching over the wall, headed right for me. Warped air, shimmering, the way streets do on a hot day. A mass of heat made alive, barely visible unless you're looking closely. It was hard to tell the boundaries of it, but I could tell it was huge, fat enough that it nearly didn't fit in the cubicle it was lumbering out of.
It dropped down over the wall, landing in the hallway, with a thunderous thud.
I pushed the door open and ran into the night. I ran and ran and didn't look behind me. I didn't hear its thumping footsteps, but it was so difficult to see that looking might not have helped anyway.
I ran all the way back to my apartment, about a mile from campus. I slammed and locked the door behind me, blasted my air conditioner, and hid in my bed until morning.
I was eating a late breakfast, wondering if I'd somehow imagined the whole thing, when a friend called me.
"Were you in the studios last night?" she asked, a touch of panic in her voice, forgoing any pleasantries.
"No." The lie slipped out easily. I had that feeling of inexplicable dread again. "Why?"
"Apparently there was some huge break in," she said. "All the studios were trashed! It sounds like the people who did it didn't even take anything, they just… melted a bunch of stuff. Paintings, metals, anything meltable."
I struggled to think of an adequate response, just stared down at my soggy cereal. "Huh. Weird," I managed.
"Do you think they'll put some extra security on the building?" she asked. "It's weird they leave it unlocked all the time."
"No," I said, thinking of the broken air conditioning. "Knowing them, they'll probably just leave it, since no one got hurt."
I never told anyone what I saw that night. What would I even say? Who would believe me? Anyone would just assume I was crazy or suffering from heat exhaustion.
But I wish I'd at least tried.
I waited a week before going back to the studios to clean out my cubicle. I went during the day this time. I wouldn't be there long and I had encountered the creature at night so it seemed safer.
The building seemed empty when I arrived, but as soon as I opened the doors there was a terrible smell. It was sickly-sweet and sour, like trash left out in the sun. I pinched my nose as I rounded the corners to my cubicle, but the smell only got worse. It was so overpowering as I rounded the second corner that I considered cutting my losses and just leaving.
The cubicle door on the end was left wide open. Was someone in here working? I looked inside as I passed, then froze.
There, huddled under the table as though hiding from something, was a body. It was withered as though there for some time, almost mummy-like, the skin leathery and dry like beef jerky. The eyes were wide open, dry little balls pointed right in my direction.
I didn't scream. I just turned around, walked out of the building, and called the police.
The autopsy said the student died of dehydration and heat stroke. The news reported it as some sort of freak accident, a student that got so lost in their art that they stopped taking care of themselves and passed out in that hot studio, baking alive until they finally died.
The air conditioning finally got fixed after that.
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annabethy · 4 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow day 10: pen pal
Character A and Character B both sign up for a Christmas Pen Pal project to exchange post cards,, percabeth. not just letters I promise
Hi! My name’s A, and I’m eight years old. Well, my name isn’t actually A, but I don’t know you yet so I can’t tell you my real name. I don’t know your name, and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.
I don’t know why I’m doing this whole pen pal thing. I just thought it would be fun, but I don’t really know what to expect either. I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself.
My favorite color is grey, like my eyes. I like to read a lot too. I don’t have many friends, but that’s just because I don’t like talking to people. They start to talk, and it makes me feel like I want to hit them, so I prefer to just be by myself. I wouldn’t mind being your friend, though. I don’t have to hear you talk.
Hope I get your response soon! Goodbye until then!
Love, A.
Dear A,
I guess you can call me P then. I’m eight years old too, so that’s cool! We’re practically best friends already. I’m doing the pen pal thing because my teacher says I should practice writing. I’m not very good at writing, but I promiss prommis promise I’ll get better for you!
I like to swim. The water is cold where I live, but I still go in anyways. My mom says I’ll get hypothermia, but I do it anyways because it’s fun. I wonder if you like the water too? You’re crazy if you don’t, but it’s okay. I’ll be your friend anyways. I have one friend, but I don’t really like them very much. They’re mean to me a lot. You seem much nicer.
I’m so excited to get to talk to you!
From P :)
Hey, P! It’s been a couple of months since we spoke. I’ve missed my mystery-stranger-pen-pal-person. Hope you’re doing well.
Honestly, not much has happened with me. It’s the end of sixth grade, thank god. I actually hate all of my teachers. Especially the history one. She makes something that could be so interesting so dull, and it’s upsetting. There’s so much to tell about the past, and she’s ruining it. I’d consider saying something to her, but you know how it is.
I’ll just complain to you instead ;)
I remember you said you were applying to the swim team, and I think that’s so exciting! I know the try-outs passed, so let me know if you got in! (and if you didn’t, don’t worry about it. You don’t need to explain it to me if you don’t want to.)
Anyways, eagerly awaiting your response (but not that eagerly. It’ll be a couple of weeks, if not more.)
Love, A.
A! I’m insulted that you would think I didn’t make it onto the swim team. I am one with the fish. I am living my dream of swimming around the water like a turtle. It’s been pretty fun actually, except for when I ran into a wall and nearly bust my head open months ago. We don’t like to speak of that moment.
And yes, your history teacher is absolutely bizzare bizarre. I’m not the best with grades and spelling (clearly. I mean, look at my spelling of “bizarre”) but history is one of my better subjects, surprisingly. I think that it’s because the past is so important. My mom always likes to tell me that without the past, we wouldn’t learn for the future, so I try to pay attention to that class. I’m sorry you don’t like it :(
I really missed talking to you too. I don’t even know your name (cue frown), but I feel like I’ve known you my entire life. A person I can talk to when there’s no one else.
You’re my best friend (though I do love the term “mystery-stranger-pen-pal person).
Sincerely, P.
P! Get ready for my rant because I’m about to go off, and you’re going to listen.
People always say that you lose friends sophomore year. I didn’t think that was true. BOY, was I wrong. I’ve lost, like, twenty friends. I thought I’d be more upset about it, but honestly, I’m relieved. They always made me feel excluded, and without them, I’m not going home near tears every day.
I did meet a guy. His name is Luke, and he’s a junior. We’re not dating, but I wouldn’t mind it if we did. Not that I think it’ll ever happen because I’m too focused on school, but it would be nice to at least be friends. He’s really nice.
Also! The last letter was two months ago (?) and you said your school placed second in the state competition! Does that mean you’re going to nationals?
If you are, I am so proud of you. You seriously have to let me know how that goes.
Until next time.
Love, A.
A, my love!
As your best friend, I am obligated to say that you must not let the man be an obstacle to your schoolwork. I say this because I want you to do well. (Also because I’m in love with you)
Really though, I’m happy for you. I hope everything works out and you’re happy. That’s all that matters.
As for the sophomore thing, I felt that. I’ve never had all that many friends, but a lot of them changed. Change isn’t a bad thing I guess, but I wasn’t willing to stick around for them destroying themselves, so I didn’t. I’m always here if you need me.
(And I did place at states! Nationals was actually a few weeks ago! I didn’t place there, but I apparently got pretty close, which is awesome)
Love, P.
A! It’s been a while. I haven’t heard from you since October, and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. Is that weird? I don’t know you but I’m checking in?
Oh well. I just really missed you. Not much has happened. Just wanted to say hi. Hope all is well.
Love, P.
A! Babes! Where are you? I’ve sent a few letters but haven’t gotten any responses. You’re kind of scaring me haha. Is it something I said?
I totally get if you don’t want to do this anymore, but just let me know please? I’m checking the mail every day and I keep getting more and more worried, so… Just let me know, please.
I miss you.
Love, P.
Dear A,
You never responded to any of my last letter. I get the feeling you’re not going to respond anymore, so I guess this is my last letter.
I graduated. Finally. It was a struggle, but I managed to bring my grades up. I even got accepted to a pretty good school. It’s not Ivy League, like I’m sure you got into. You’ve always been so smart.
I’m going to school in New York. I don’t think I’ve ever told you that in any of the 126 letters we’ve sent. I counted.
Anyways, I just really miss you. I hope you’re okay, and I really wish you the best.
My name’s Percy by the way.
Love, Percy.
Percy jumps as his girlfriend wraps her arms around his shoulder and nips at his ear. He turns and gives her a playful look.
“You want to take me to the ground?” he asks.
Annabeth rolls her eyes, sliding her hand into his. She feels really warm, even in the cold air outside of Rockefeller Center. “I’m not that heavy.”
“What if I told you you’re wrong?”
“You would get no more kisses for today.”
“Oh, we can’t have that.” Percy’s arms slide to wrap around her waist and tug her closer to his. She doesn’t resist, hugging him back. Percy nudges her jaw with his nose until she turns her face up so he can kiss her. “You’re not heavy at all. Super light, actually.”
She hums, kissing him again. “Good answer.”
Percy laughs, letting him detangle himself from her. His hand goes back to hers, and they begin walking around the plaza, taking in the beautiful decorations. It’s really pretty outside. He’s always had a thing for Christmas and its sparkling lights. He loves the smell of the pine trees and the feel of the light snowflakes against his face.
Annabeth swings her hands between them, and he thinks she looks so cute with her hair down in the cold and nose turned red that he can’t help but kiss her on the cheek.
Percy catches sight of a large sign at a random booth sitting along the edge of one of the buildings. It’s decorated horribly in the most adorable way — no doubt done by children. It’s what it reads that really makes him doubletake.
He just barely manages to make out the words, Christmas Pen Pal Exchange.
It makes his heart ache. He hasn’t heard from A since sophomore year of high school when he was sixteen. He’s twenty-three now. He can’t believe it’s this close to ten years since he heard from her.
He misses her so much. It’s not that he necessarily needed her because he has Annabeth, and he wouldn’t trade that for the world. He’s in love with Annabeth. He thinks he’s going to marry her someday.
A helped him get through difficult times. He wishes he could at least know that she was okay, or why she stopped talking to him. He doesn’t care why it happened anymore. He just wants to know, and to tell her things he was always too scared to say.
Annabeth bumps his shoulder as they pass the booth. “You okay?”
Percy swallows the small lump in his throat that formed. “I’m okay.”
“You sure? You look like you’re about to cry.”
A part of Percy doesn’t want to tell her. He wants to keep it to himself because he has for so long. What he and A had was different.
The other part, and the bigger part, does want to tell Annabeth. He loves her and wants her to know every piece of him. Annabeth is Percy’s best friend now, and there’s no reason for him to keep something like this for her.
“It’s just.” Percy pauses, looking over his shoulder at the booth. “I did one of those when I was young.”
He expects her to tease him, so he’s surprised when she says, “I did too.”
Percy looks at her. “You did?”
“Yeah. I was eight, I think.”
Percy breaks into a smile. “So you were that kid with no friends in elementary.”
“Okay, mister, you wrote them too.”
“That’s how I know you were a loser back then. I was too.”
“A match made in heaven,” she says, wrapping herself in his arms to block the wind that’s begun to blow harder. “Do you still talk to them?”
“Not anymore,” he admits. “We just stopped talking.”
“Aw. Why?”
Percy breathes deeply. “I’m honestly not sure. She just stopped talking to me.”
“What an ass,” Annabeth says.
“Right?” Percy laughs slightly. “I miss her, to be honest. Is that weird? I just used to talk to her all the time, and then — nothing.”
“It’s not weird at all,” she tells him, snuggling her face into the crook of his neck. “I miss mine too.”
“Why’d you stop talking?”
“I moved here. I lost their address, and I got a new one. It just didn’t work after that.” She smiles, thinking of a fond memory. “They used to call me their best friend. The only one I had.”
Percy turns his nose up. “Well now you have me, so forget that guy. No man dares hurt my baby.”
“If I ever meet them, promise to beat their ass.”
“I’ll do my best,” he promises.
“What was their name?” she asks. “Of your pen pal?”
“I never found out,” he says. “She didn’t tell me her name. Only that it started with an A, so I called myself P, and we just kind of went on like that.”
The atmosphere suddenly turns cold as Annabeth stiffens in his arms.
“What is it?” he asks.
“You called yourself P? And the other person was A?”
Percy thinks to confirm before saying, “Yes. Why?”
“Did this person also meet a guy named Luke?”
Percy pulls away slightly. “How did you know that?”
“And you told them about your love for history at one point?” Percy suddenly feels lightheaded. “Annabeth…”
Annabeth’s lower lip trembled, and when she speaks, it comes out cracked. “I’m A.”
It hits him like a train, and Percy suddenly can’t breathe. His mouth opens for air, but his lungs fail him. His mind races, he doesn’t know what to say, and he feels like he’s going to pass out, and… “Oh my god,” is all he manages.
“You’re A.”
Tears are falling from her eyes, and he doesn’t know how to feel. He doesn’t feel anything at all at first. It’s a weight off his chest, and he’s finally able to take a wrangled breath as it settles inside him. He feels something dripping down his face and realizes it’s tears.
He feels like he should be mad, but he’s not. He can’t be mad at Annabeth because he loves her so much, and he knows what happened, and it’s not her fault, and it’s not his either, and he’s in love with her.
Percy tugs her close. He doesn’t kiss her because right now, this is him seeing A again. His face is in his neck, and he can hear her sobs, and he’s sure his are just as bad. He pulls away, and he lets himself kiss her this time.
“I missed you so much,” he whispers into the kiss. He can taste the tears falling, but he pays it no attention. “I missed you, and I love you so much.”
“I’m sorry,” is what she says.
“Don’t,” he says, pulling away sharply. His voice is wobbly. “This is not your fault.”
Annabeth whimpers. “It feels like it.”
“It doesn’t matter. We found each other, and that’s all that matters, okay?” He wipes the tears from her face gently and kisses her forehead. “We found each other.”
“A twisted way of fate.”
Percy lets out a wet laugh. “It is, but it’s okay.”
“I love you,” she whispers.
There’s so much he wants to say back, but he would never have enough time to say it. “I love you too, mystery-stranger-pen-pal-person,” he whispers. He stays like that, her wrapped in his arms, and he doesn’t know how much time passes like this.
He kisses her, but this time it is as more than her boyfriend.
They are P and A.
Percy and Annabeth.
They are best friends and lovers in one.
He’s going to marry her. His best friend.
Percy and Annabeth.
P and A.
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the-pale-goddess · 4 years
Blind - Ethan Ramsey x MC (Tiffany Addams)
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The annual Edenbrook gala is all about extraordinary food, free booze, serving looks...and jealousy in every possible form. Who will crash and who will burn this night?
Warnings: NSFW (+18) Nothing too explicit this time! But obviously, suggestive adult themes are all over the story. Plus there’s alcohol, a lot of swearing and all that jealous angst we like.
Rating/Category: Mature / AU
Author’s note: This fic takes place not long after the AU Miami conference in the Miami Heat series where E&T went all the way.  I hope you’ll like the twist! It’s also kinda long - sorry about that.
Taglist (let me know if you want in or out)
@caseyvalentineramsey  @interobanginyourmom  @newcolonies @ernest-harrington @openheart12 @perriewinklenerdie @mvalentine @ethandaddyramsey @kaavyaethanramsey @lion-ess24 @choices-love-affair @justanotherrookie @rookieoh @rookie-ramsey @queencarb​ @schnitzelbutterfingers​ @doilooklikeiknow​
„Ramsey, would it hurt you to crack a little smile? We're at a freaking gala.” Dr. Tanaka's teasing voice was just as annoying as his remark, but it failed to provoke any kind of emotion in Ethan. He shot the other attending a condescending glare from above his glass of scotch.
„I see no correlation.” Tanaka laughed at the blunt response, shaking his head in disbelief.  
„Is open bar not reason enough to get a little festive?” He leaned against the bar, his hand pointing at the impressive wall of liquor in front of them.
„I can afford my own alcohol, Tanaka, and I'd rather drink it, quite literally, anywhere else.”
„If you hate it so much why are you even here?” That was in fact an excellent question. Why was he still there? Ethan rubbed his brow and took a look around before responding. The spacious ballroom was already packed. All these familiar faces passing through in their best gowns, getting advantage of the night off at a luxurious hotel.
„As tedious and pointless as this schmoozing is, it's still a work duty. Everyone has to do their part.” He downed his drink and called the bartender to do a refill. In that very moment three young nurses approached the bar, standing right behind Dr. Ramsey, all of them oblivious to each other's presence. „I've been actually meaning to ask you about my lung cancer patient. Have you managed to read the file I left you today?”
„Yes. Dr. Mirani consulted with me before the recent development occured. I've allowed myself to...” Tanaka's voice dropped to a background noise when someone said her name. Ethan's attention immediately shifted to the lively chatter behind his back.
„...Have you seen Addams? Who does she think she is? A Grammy winner? This isn't the red carpet, sweetie.” All of them giggled. Ethan felt a tingle of irritation while trying to focus on his own conversation. But he just couldn't stop listening...
„Totally! That dress is scandalous.” The other nurse added. „Three mojitos, please!”
„Come on, girls. She's smoking hot with or without makep, in scrubs or in a way too revealing dress. I'd kill to have a body like Addams. You're just jealous because Scalpel Jockey is all over her, not you.” Ethan almost choked on his drink. Did he hear that right?
„I suppose she cleans up real well, yeah. But Brycey could've done so much better, is all I'm saying.” It was the first nurse talking again, her voice full of envy. Ethan's face turned red, eyes wandered to the glass he gripped with white knuckles, not paying any attention to Tanaka and his surgical rant.
„How long have they been a thing?” The question made Ethan's blood boil. Are they really a thing?
„I didn't even know they were a thing.” The first nurse theorized. „That chick's always running after Ramsey.”
„Susan, shhhhhhhh...” The second nurse whispered and the conversation suddenly died. None of the nurses realized it was already too late for shushing. As soon as they received their drinks they were gone, leaving the messy gossip buzzing around Ethan's head.
„What do you think, Ramsey?” He finally looked up at Tanaka. Fuck. Fucking fuck. Fucking fuckety fuck. What were they even bouncing around? He scratched his chin trying not to look too distracted.
„I...I just remembered. There is a matter that needs to be taken care of.” He gulped the scotch down and left the glass at the bar. „I'll stop by your office the first thing in the morning to discuss the case. Enjoy the rest of your night, Dr. Tanaka.”
Ethan whisked through the crowd looking for air. Meanwhile, his mind had a race of its own. Tiffany's seeing Lahela. So what? It's none of his business. He made that clear after the Miami incident. They both agreed it was irresponsible, unethical and can never happen again. She's his intern. The best one there was. He won't jeopardize her career development over a stupid crush. It was a crush, right? Just a simple chemical reaction, pure physical attraction....She's a brilliant and ravishing young woman – everyone would fall for her. No wonder that real-life Ken doll took his chance. Whatever. She's only his intern, he shouldn't care about her personal life. So why was she still on his mind? And why hadn't he seen her yet?
Luckily, the balcony wasn't as crowded as the ballroom. Ethan walked up the railing and sighed deeply, knowing no one in the close proximity was beside him. The chilly breeze of the night proved to be a great companion as he didn't need another dull small talk with any of his coworkers or the company leeches. He just needed a moment of peace to clear his mind, that's all. But then he heard a familiar laughter, the sound that owned his soul. Hesitantly, he turned around and his jaw dropped.
The dress was scandalous, indeed. Its milky white satin material accentuated all her curves in an obscene way. But that wasn't even the most outrageous part – the slit was the worst. The thigh-high, treacherous side slit that put her long leg on display. When Tiffany turned her back another surprise awaited – the exposed skin of her back was glowing at him. Her every move was torture and he was being punished, but he wouldn't look away. Her black hair was styled in perfect Hollywood waves that cascaded down her bare shoulders. And finally – the cherry on the cake, her full lips painted red, seeking undivided attention. She was absolutely breathtaking.
And she caught him staring. Their gaze met for the first time this evening. She didn't smile, but he could swear there was a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. She looked him up and down, trailing over his expensive tailor-made tux, fresh haircut and a flushed face, and then she had the audacity to bite her bottom lip, the movement slow and subtle, followed by a tantalizing flick of the tongue. Suddenly, he felt an uncomfortable motion in his pants. For fuck's sake, Tiffany.
The horror took a different form when a wave of his inappropriate thoughts was interrupted by a large hand that slipped on Tiffany's lower back. Ethan took a deep breath, trying to control the anger building up inside of him.
Lahela looked much like the dreamy prom king from a teen movie, with his golden bronze skin and perfect white teeth. His blonde hair, usually side swept and tousled, today made a rare slicked back appearance. He was whispering something to Tiffany's ear, but her gaze was still fixed on Ethan. What was she thinking about? And then she turned to Bryce, giggling like his very own prom queen, waving at the rest of their friends standing nearby. Except she was not some clueless chick, she was his intern. His Rookie.
Another minute of observing this bizzare spectacle would make Ethan think he's a masochist. He desperately needed a drink, but the gang was standing in the way of the outside bar. Without thinking, he took one of the champagne glasses distributed by a waitress, chugged it quickly, then took another and rushed inside.
~ A malicious rumour ~
„Please, welcome my dear friend – Don Julio!” Jackie got back to the gang's table with a tray full of tequila shots, receiving a perplexed look from Sienna. „What, you didn't believe in me? I can be very persuasive.” She moved her chest to the sides, making her tits jiggle, while distributing the shots.
„I genuinely hoped the bartender would tell you off and qualify as too drunk for another round.” Sienna rolled her eyes and glanced at Landry as if she was waiting for him to back her up, but he was lost deep in his thought. „We'll be doomed tomorrow.”
„Si, please, turning free booze down is like throwing real money into trash.” Elijah gently smacked her elbow.
„Who said anything about turning it down?” She laughed, holding her shot close.
„That's my girl!” Jackie whistled and clinked her glass with Sienna's. „Let's drink like we've won the lottery tonight!”
„Earth to Landry!” Sienna pointed at him with her shot. „Are you drinking with us?”
„Yeah, yeah, sorry...” He smiled briefly and took his glass up. „To Edenbrook!”
„Hell yeah to Edenbrook! Thanks for making us fucking plastered.” Elijah marked the toast and they all downed their shots.
„This is...” Sienna blinked and a single tear fell down her cheek.
„Nasty?” Elijah winced with disgust while Jackie grinned. „Delicious fucking meal?” The group burst out laughing and then proceeded with drinking.
„Where's Tiffany? I haven't seen her around for a while.” Sienna wondered.
„She's probably getting busy with Meathead in one of these lavish bathrooms.” Jackie's response resulted in Sienna's squeak. „Kidding, he got stuck in the friendzone. Who cares.”
„But he's also missing, isn't he?” Elijah looked at Jackie quizzically, challenging her for another take at the theory.
„Turn around, Walmart Sherlock.” They all turned their heads just to see Bryce walking in their direction with other surgical interns. Elijah folded his arms in defeat, while Jackie continued, trying to hold back a chuckle. „She said something about an important phonecall before disappearing.”
„What if something...happened to her?” Sienna's face was etched with worry.
„Well. I'm too drunk to get up...So.” Jackie pointed at the stairs on the other side of the room. „The last time I saw her she was walking down there.”
„I'll go check it out. Call me if you find her before I do.”
The hotel was huge. After running down what felt like a hundred stairs, Landry reached a long corridor. He wandered slowly, trying not to make any noise just in case. At the end of the hall he found another stairs. He walked down, and down, and down...Until he heard some grumbling and stopped in his tracks. He wasn't sure where was it coming from and what the sound was. Cautiously, he continued his journey, his steps as silent as possible. When he finally saw the floor his eyes went wide and he almost screamed at the sight. With the last bit of his sane mind, he took a step back, still having a good look but not in a way his presence would be compromised, and watched the scene unfold.
It was unmistakably Tiffany. Even though her red lipstick was smeared, perfect hair ruined, disheveled along with her satin dress, it was definitely his friend. Her body pulled against a man he was about to recognize...
Ethan Freaking Ramsey.
The blood drained from Landry's face. He was appalled to the core, clenching his fists until the knuckles got white. But he couldn't move. He just kept on lurking.
Ethan was kissing her neck with such force, the marks of this shameless encounter will surely bruise her skin. But she didn't seem to mind. Her mouth let out muffled moans as her hands greedily explored his body. Her leg was hiking up Ethan's waist and his possessive hand gripped her exposed thigh, sliding his fingers up and down, grabbing her skin, smacking her ass and squeezing it.
„You're mine, Rookie.” He whispered into her ear. Tiffany moaned loudly, clearly forgetting they were in a public space.
„I'm all yours.” She purred. Ethan smirked and moved his lips to meet hers. Their kiss was passionate and urgent, as their tongues fought for dominance. Their bodies were grinding against each other in an unsteady rhythm...
He's seen enough. He tried to back away. There was no reason to continue watching two people in a loving act...But it was not loving, was it? She corrupted him. She seduced him. That tricky little bitch! She wanted to win the competition but she couldn't outshine the others, so she had to come up with a plan of her own. Was Ramsey really that stupid and blind after all?
Landry's whole world crushed down and a wash of despair fell on him while trying to think of a solution. He was determined to make Tiffany pay for her deviousness. For a single minute a defiant thought crossed his mind – maybe it's a little unfair to interpret the nature of their relationship without knowing the slightest hint of their story? But it was too late, he was already blinded by his jealousy. He found himself in a position to judge, and that advantage was vindictive enough. He shook his last decent thought off and doubled back to the party.
~ A blinding revelation ~
Inside wasn't safe either. Everyone watched The Ethan Ramsey follow his nose straight to the bar. Some of the big fish already made their steps towards him, dying to talk to him. Just one more reason to get out of this horrifying event...Before he managed to place an order, a strong vanilla scent filled the air around him. The savor deeply evocative to him, despite his effort to deny its importance. The muscles in his jaw clenched. He didn't even have to look. He didn't want to look.
„Dr. Ramsey, what a surprise. I didn't think I'd find you here.” Tiffany leaned her back against the bar, a glass of champagne in her hand, her eyes scanned the ballroom carefully before they landed on Ethan. He ran the risk of looking back at her. She was even more stunning up close. His eyes quickly avoided hers, finding a neutral spot at the height of her ear.
„Where else would I be, Addams?” His brow arched.
„Literally anywhere else. This isn't a typical Ramsey environment.” Tiffany laughed softly. Ethan's gaze fell back at her face, studying it as if looking for an answer to a question he wouldn't even dare to ask himself. She noticed the cryptic staring and her cheeks flushed with a tint of red. „What did I do now?”
Ethan was silent for a moment, considering his options. The image of Bryce's hand claiming his intern repeatedly slapped him in the face, leaving him no choice but to surrender to this blind rage.
„So you're Lahela's pain in the ass tonight.” He alleged, his speech stilted and mocking.
„Didn't hear him complaining.” She shrugged, dodging a bullet and pointing her own gun at him, scratching him in defence.
„There is no conclusive evidence to prove that, Rookie. You're standing here annoying me, not him.” The intensity of their stare was hardly appropriate for the place they were in. But they were too absorbed in their interaction to register that.
„What if that was my plan all along?” Tiffany's finger brushed his hand as if by accident when she began to walk away. His eyes followed her every move, focusing on how her hips swayed, lingering on her curves. And then, in the middle of the ballroom, she stopped and looked at Ethan over her shoulder. He swallowed loud, knowing damn well what was about to happen next. She bit her bottom lip, smiled teasingly and continued her walk. For fuck’s sake.
Ethan cursed himself for being such a fool and followed her at a safe distance. She was heading downstairs, like she knew exactly where she was going. Except she didn't. It was an exciting, alcohol-driven improvisation.
A trail of vanilla scent she left behind intoxicated him to the point he failed to notice how far from the party they wandered. Judging by the long corridor they passed through, they possibly entered the hotel wing. They were finally alone. Just the two of them and a meaningful silence punctuated by the violent sound of her heels. They reached a luxorious lounge when Tiffany decided to end the journey. She leaned against a white table, sipping her drink with eyes glued to Ethan.
„Why did you follow me?”
„Why would you want to come here? Wherever we are.” They smiled at each other in agreement – they truly deserved each other. The cheeky grin on Ethan's face quickly disappeared, as he moved next to Tiffany, playing with his glass of champagne.
„I'm simply trying to avoid a very public catastrophe.” The young doctor admitted. She hopped on the table and crossed her legs, letting the material of her dress slip to the side, completely exposing her leg.
„Are you seeing Scalpel Jockey?” The waspishness of his own voice sickened him as much as the fact, that the decision to spit the question out was motivated solely by self-interest.
„Why do you care?” She looked at him staggered.
„I don't.” He responded immediately. His words, as sharp as a knife, cut her deep and she turned away. The look of sadness on her face made him bite his tongue...Only just a second too late.
„Tiffany...” His hand reached her shoulder, but she threw it off. She remained silent for a long moment, her chest moving furiously, face hidden behind her locks. The catastrophe was on its way. When she finally regained her composure, her head angled at Ethan revealing an indignant glare.
„I'm so done with your hot and cold bullshit. You have no right to treat me like this...You rejected me. You made it painfully clear that you're only interested in Doctor Addams.”
„I know, but...”
„You know?” She got up and scoffed at him, taking a step in his direction. „You know, yet you continue this immature act. You're all jealous and possessive, but when it comes to owning it you deny everything.”
„Tiffany, your whole career is at stake here. Why am I the only one thinking about it?” He said through gritted teeth.
„Man the fuck up instead of altering the subject.” She leaned closer, unaware of the consequences, until their faces were merely inches apart.
„What's that supposed to mean?” He knew exactly what she meant. In fact, he knew way too well. Playing dumb, are we?
„Tell me now, Ethan. Right in the eye.” Her voice was filled with pain and frustration as she pointed her finger at her teary eyes. „Tell me you don't care about me.”
„What...” He blinked, utterly disconcerted.
„Tell me I can date and fuck whoever I want.” She's seen him mad before. This was something different. An entire new level of rage crossed his face. He was breathing fire.
„That's enough, Addams.” He pursed his lips and shook his head with eyes closed, as if he was trying to teleport to another dimension just to calm himself down.
„Using my surname won't...”
„Do you really think it's easy for me?” He hissed, interrupting her. „It's not like I've walked into the waiting room the day we met and decided to fall in love with an intern. Nothing of this was my intention.”
Ethan's words made her stand straight. Her face softened, lips slightly parted. They waited in silence for a minute, trying to deal with the surprising turn of events. Ethan felt the need to even his breath, when a blinding revelation downed at him.
„I have feelings for you, Tiffany.” She moved closer, standing between his legs, her hand flicked through his thick hair.
„Yes, you said something about falling in love.”
„Stop it. I know what I said.” He leaned into her touch and put an arm around her waist, a playful smile playing on his lips. She pulled his head closer, letting his chin fall between her breasts.
„I'm not seeing Bryce. I just had to see you green with envy.” Tiffany confessed, caressing his cheek with the back of her hand.
„And that worked extremely well, didn't it?” Ethan arched his brow, his hand traced her curves up and down on the side.
„It did. I think I got what I wanted.” Their eyes were still locked, his baby blues finding safety in the green of her emeralds.
„You might want to revaluate that.”
„Wha...” He didn't let her finish. With a brisk movement he stood up, catching her in his strong arms, and kissed her hungrily.
Tiffany melted into him, staining his lips Russian Red with every kiss. Her arms immediately twined around him as he blindly moved her forward until her back was pinned against the wall. The kiss deepened, making them both dizzy with its intensity. They gasped into each other's mouth while their tongues danced together.
„I see your point now, Doctor.” She mumbled when they finally parted for air. The lipstick printed on Ethan's lips made her chuckle. „How come you look so good in red?”
„I can assure you, it's not as good as your smudged look.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, inhaling her delicious scent.
„Shut up and kiss me.”
She didn't have to tell him twice. He crashed into her again with renewed passion, his hands tugging at the satin of her dress. Never breaking the kiss, she slightly spread her legs and he instantly felt the movement, pressing his body even closer against hers. The rock hard bulge begged for her attention by rubbing on her inner thigh, and she willingly complied. Her hand slipped into his pants and stroked his length teasingly through the fabric of his underwear. He moaned into her lips and gripped her ass, as they continued kissing.
„You're making me crazy, Tiffany. And that dress...” He trailed off, trying to find a proper word that matched with his unholy thoughts.
„You'd like to tear it off, wouldn't you?” The lustful glance followed by a tightened grip was answer enough and it made her grin from ear to ear. „Not so fast.”
She quickly unzipped Ethan's pants, and before he realized, she was on her knees, her slim fingers tracing the waistband of his underwear.
„Tiffany...” He was slack-jawed, unable to move. His mind went off for a split of second. Luckily, he managed to come to his senses before she pulled his pants down. He reached for her shoulders and gently brought her back into his arms.
„Ethan, let me. I want to taste you.” She whispered, cleary disappointed he spoiled the fun. Ethan stared at her in awe, trying to shake off the image of his cock in her mouth.
„No...Not here.” His hand held her jaw and tilted it slightly up. „Someone might walk in on us any minute.”
Then he began kissing her neck with such force, the marks of this shameless encounter will surely bruise her skin. But she didn't mind, she was delirious. Her mouth let out muffled moans as her hands greedily explored his body. The high slit came in handy when her leg was hiking up Ethan's waist and his possessive hand gripped her exposed thigh, sliding his fingers up and down, grabbing her skin, smacking her ass and squeezing it.
„You're mine, Rookie.” He whispered into her ear and sucked the skin behind it. Tiffany moaned loudly, forgetting they were in a public space.
„I'm all yours.” She purred. Ethan smirked, pleased at the response, and moved his lips to meet hers. Their kiss was passionate and urgent, as their tongues fought for dominance. Their bodies were grinding against each other in an unsteady rhythm, desperate to feel skin on skin. „Let's move somewhere private.”
„We need to clean this mess up first.” Ethan took a tissue out of his pocket in order to get rid of the lipstick smudges all over his face.
„It's pointless. I sucked on your lip pretty hard, you’re staying red.”
„Give me the lipstick then.” She burst with laughter and Ethan soon followed.
They did their best attempt at tidying themselves up with the minimal equipment Tiffany carried in her tiny purse. They really did. Was it enough? Probably not. Did they care? Surprisingly, not in the slightest.
„Ethan?” Tiffany took his hand in hers right before they decided they looked decent enough to head back to the ballroom. He laced their fingers together when their gaze met.
„I have feelings for you too.” She coughed up nervously. A very rare beaming smile lit up Ethan's face. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
„I know.”
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2018shawn · 4 years
the anatomy of you and i | s.m
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Hi I was wondering if could do prompt cozy 3 and 12 with Shawn and inexperienced!y/n she’s never shared a bed with a boy before or something only if ur comfortable u don’t have to of course just thought it would be soft and sweet 🙈❤️
cozy prompt 3: “Don’t be nervous, you can come closer”
cozy prompt 12: We could... take a nap together?
a/n: so it came out like college!shawn x college!reader au bc that’s just kinda what flowed so i hope that’s ok and i also really kinda wanna do a part 2 to this because it turned out more of a fic than a blurb lmao 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 also pt 2 i’m sorry the layout of this is gross i’m on my phone and can’t figure out how to do anything ok bye
warnings: just swearing and i think that might be it
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the music from the room next to yours was something you imagined only happened in movies. it was loud and bassy and everything you didn’t want on a wednesday evening; you knew part of living in dorms would entail disturbances and inconveniences, but a party? on a wednesday night? you picked up your tote bag full of reading and text books after throwing your trusty vans jumper over your head, all ready and prepared to head down to the 24/7 library on campus. 
if you thought the music was loud in your room, you could think again, because in the hallway, not only could you hear the echos from the speakers, you could hear the shrill screams and yells from the party goers. the further away you got from your neighbouring apartment, the (thankfully) quieter it got and your short trip to the library was soon complete, the dull street lamps and soft breeze in the trees accompanying you along the way.
just as you thought, the library was empty, nothing but the sound of the door clicking shut behind you filling the room. a relieved sigh left your lips as you tugged your bag close to your body, as if the room was full of robbers who were about to mug you for your oh so precious books. opting for a more relaxed approach, seeing as it was 10.45pm, you headed to the sofa area, half thinking it would be a great place to take a nap.
instead, the anatomy of the heart was more important and your assignment was due in within a matter of days. you grabbed one handle of your bag, stretching it away from your body so you could pull out your book of choice before coming around to the front of the sofas so you could finally relax and take your time and- oh. you weren’t the only one here.
even though he was sprawled across the sofa, you could tell he was tall, really tall. the cap, embroidered with the college logo, covered his hair, but from the few stray strands, you could see wild, chocolatly curls falling loose. his eyes were shut, almost peacefully, arms crossed across his chest and very, very quietly, you could hear the soft sound of music coming from his headphones. his eyes flickered open, feeling a presence above him, and he laughed at you when you freaked out, realising you were staring at him. creepy or not, he thought you were cute; the way your finger twirled the front sections of your hair, the way your hip popped to the side as you watched over his resting frame, the way your eyes pulled into a squint as if it was the most bizzare thing to see another person in the library. the very public library.
you muttered a very embarrassed i’m sorry, before turning to walk away from the chilled area of the building. he pulled out his headphones, the sound of the 1975 becoming much more prominent, and propped himself up on his forearms. “hey, no...” he spoke, “come sit.”
scoffing, you rolled your eyes as you thought to yourself, as if you was going to let a random (but incredibly handsome) boy tell you what to do. as if you was going to actually listen and do as he said. as if- who are we kidding; your feet brought you back to the sofas, perching awkwardly on the end of the seat opposite his. he smiled, not smugly, not suggestively, not even cockily, but just a pure, genuine smile. “sorry i didn’t realise people actually like...”
“used the library?” you raised an eyebrow and he threw his head back in laughter, forearms still supporting his body which only made his t shirt strain against his chest. you recognised him from around campus, and you thought he was one of the music kids, one of the ones that did open mic nights and played guitar on the beach until 1am, but from the judgment of his toned physice, you thought maybe he played a spot of sport on the side, just for fun. not like the serious jocks who lived, breathed and worshiped football. he was definitely friends with your roommates boyfriend too, or friends with one of his friends, or- something like that, there’s a lot of people at college.
“yeah, well, no. but at this hour? why don’t you just read in bed?”
you sank back into the cushions, bringing up your legs and crossing them infront of you, looking like a little buddha wearing a vans hoodie and comfy leggings. “why don’t you just lay down in bed?”
this time, when he smiled, he smirked. “touché.”
he popped his headphone back in his ear, and the music died down again as he let his head fall back to the sofa, eyes closing shut. you wondered what had happened to bring him here, why the somewhat popular boy was cooped up in the library at this hour with clearly no intent of using the facilities. he thought the same about you. you felt awkward at first, pulling out your reading and note books, turning to the pages you had marked and setting them down around you. unbeknown to you, he cocked his head to the side slightly, eyes opening into thin slits as he watched you. he’d seen you around, even told one of your friends that he thought you were cute, but you were from different stretches of the college and really, he was nothing but the friend of a friend of a friend of a friend. he wanted to tuck the fallen piece of hair behind your ear and help you lean onto him as he noticed how you struggled to manage holding two books at once and tell you not to grind your pen in between your teeth as you thought about your work and- “can i help you?”
“sorry, i just... what you reading?” he asked, even though he could quite clearly see the front cover of the book, which read a bold title of the essentials of human anatomy and physiology. and even though you held the front cover up further, showing him more of what he could already see, you confirmed it with words.
“i got an assignment on the heart, so, yeah...” you shrugged, peeling off a post it note marker and sticking it to a relevant paragraph in the book.
“can i see?” he didn’t know why he was asking, he just knew he wanted to be closer to you. he genuinely was interested in what you were learning, and although you’d only spoken a handful of words to each other, he thought the way you spoke and tone of voice was the nicest he’d ever heard. nicer than any voices he’d heard during his classes and he studies with people who sing all day. he pushed himself up, body resting into the corner of the sofa, leaving an empty space on the pad next to him. you took that as an invitiation, not entirely sure where your sudden confidence and welcoming of strangers had come from. “what are you studying?”
“human evolutionary biology and biological science.” it rolled from off your tongue like you said it every living minute as you rested down on the sofa next to him. “you?” even though you were 95% sure you already knew, you didn’t want to let on.
his answer was much simpler, and in all honesty, he felt like a fool. “music.”
“that sounds fun.” you nodded with a smile. he reached over for your book, fingers running down the edges as he looked over the words which looked like a completely different language. your body was tense, and the closer he got, the more you could feel your heart beating, which just felt highly ironic.
“these words...” he laughed, mentally kicking himself for sounding like a dumbass who literally just knew how to strum a few chords. “chor... da? tend.. in.. ee?” you giggled innocently at his attempt, but he found it in no was patronising or belittling. in fact, he thought it was cute.
“chordae tendineae.” you confirmed, looking up and directly into his eyes for the first time. you were instantly lost in the hazel pools that looks slightly lighter when certain flashes of light fell across his skin. “heart strings, to you and i.”
you went on to explain that heart strings were in fact not just an expression that people used when they felt some sort of emotion, that you could actually physically hold a heart by their - chordae tendineae - strings and they wouldn’t break because they’re so tough. you told him it would take a lot of strength and pain to actually break one. he admired how passionate you were about the subject, reeling off facts as if you could tell them in your sleep. “sorry, i get carried away.”
your cheeks blushed a deep shade of pink and you did that hair, twirly thing you did when you felt nervous. “don’t apologise, it’s nice.” he restored your faith that not all pretty boys were assholes, and maybe it was just your poor judgment in the past that had led you to ever think that. as you stared down at your book, he stared at you, wondering if he was being overly friendly or super creepy or just a total inconvenience to your evening. you thought he was neither of those, but simply a nice addition.
“so, what brings you here at...” you looked at your watch for time reference, eyes widening as you realised you been sat boring him for the past 20 minutes... about heart strings. “11.30 on a wednesday night.”
he shrugged, leaning back and falling into the cushions, hoping a more relaxed body language would help you to relax a little more too. he could tell you were just perched on the edge of the sofa for fear of touching him. “sick of my room mate fucking his girlfriend like a porn star, dont know how he’s got it in him.” your lips formed an open ‘o’ shape, not expecting the sudden change in tone or language. “told him i was going out, he said he’ll be done by 11.30.”
“and they said chivalry is dead.” you dryly commented, only to make his eyes crinkle up as he laughed. “do you have a rota for that kinda thing or is it just a come and go as you please kinda rotation?”
“well, my rota’s severely empty.” you were shocked, and thought maybe he was just saying it because he might be a total fuck boy. you could imagine he had girls falling at his feet, and you wouldn’t blame them, because those eyes. “what about you?” you furrowed your eyebrows at him and tilted your head. “no... i mean... the why are you here part... not the sex rota part...” he pulled his cap further over his forehead, wanting to bury himself in a pit of embarrassment. if you didn’t think he was a creep before, you most probably did now, he was sure of that.
to say you were, inexperienced, would be total honesty. you’d slept with one guy and one guy only, and he was someone who thought having sex on the foot of the bed was adventurous, and you vowed never to distract yourself from your studies with boys who would waste your time. it was also just a couple of hook ups, nothing serious, in fact, you’d never even shared a bed with him overnight- and you laughed at yourself for ever being the naive girl that thought he wasn’t just using you to get laid. “there’s a party next door, they usually go on until the early hours, so whether i’m here or there, i still get no sleep.” you confirmed, and he nodded, half wishing you were going to tell him your rota was also empty. not because he wanted to pounce on you and take advantage, but because the hopeless romantic inside of him thought maybe there’d be a pathway to something special. “also, it’s 11.30, so your probably safe to head back.”
he thought maybe he was an inconvenience to your evening, that you said that because you wanted him to leave you in peace so you could crack on with what you’d set out to do. shoot your shot, shawn, he thought to himself, pulling his bottom lip inbetween his teeth and you had to force your eyes away from him because you suddenly felt all warm and bothered. “you wanna come?”
“huh?” your head snapped up, book also falling from your grip and you fumbled to stop it from landing on the floor. it was an expensive book, and you weren’t about to let some cute ass boy ruin your pages.
“not like... i mean... if you want somewhere to stay. i can take the sofa.” in the 8 months you’d been at this college, not one boy had offered you an invitation back to his dorm. mainly because you hid from any form of human contact and spent most of your time cooped up in your own room with no intention of leaving.
something in you switched, when you looked back to him to see he’d taken his cap and flipped it backwards, the peak of the hat now dipping behind the back of his neck. more light hit his features, and you felt like jelly, realising just how incredibly perfect he was. even the little scar on his cheek was kissable and you don’t know where this new confident you had appeared from this evening. you leant closer, placing your book down - carefully, of course - on the sofa, letting your hands rest on his thighs and you thought you felt him tense up, but you were probably just imagining it. “only if we can stop for hot chocolate.”
“i think we have some.”
“whipped cream?”
“is that for the hot chocolate or for me?”
although he was joking, he didn’t know if what he had said had sent a wrong message, because on the walk back to his dorm, you went back to being your quiet little self, answering questions briefly and turning the questions around onto him more often than not.
you didn’t think he had sent a wrong message, but you were well and truely helpless at flirting and maybe he wasn’t even flirting with you and you was completely overthinking it, but nevertheless, it made your stomach tighten and breaths deepen. whether it was an accident or not, your hands brushed against each other’s several times on the walk back, and it was one of those cliche, awkward moments where you both look at each other and laugh awkwardly like little kids. both of you also introduced yourself, coming to the realisation that no names had been exchanged but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t already know yours because he definitely searched for you came across you on facebook. “are you sure you’re okay? i can stay with you in the library if you prefer?” he asked, although you were both nearly at his door.
“you think i’m walking all the way back over there? nuh-uh, plus, you promised hot chocolate.” he smiled and nodded, “unless... you don’t want me, and then i totally can leave you alone.”
“no i do want you.” he spoke so quick he thought he must’ve sounded so desperate. “do want you to be here, i mean, like, if you’re cool.”
you nodded, feeling somewhat... wanted? by a cute boy? who treat you like a lady and offered you his jacket even though you had your own? who literally peeled your bag from your shoulder, just so he could carry it for you? and made you walk the side of the sidewalk furthest away from the road? and took a genuine instrest in what you said?
you’d be damned if you didn’t wake up and it was all a dream. this was by far the most college-ey thing you’d ever done; meeting a random guy in a random location and deciding to risk your life by going back to his place. maybe risking your life was a bit dramatic but we’ve all seen what happens in horror movies.
when you both reached his door, he unlocked it with the key and swung it open, holding out his arm as invitation for you to go first. of course, you thought, just be even more of a gent. inside the room, it was very similar layout to yours - you walked straight into the living/kitchen area and three doors were spread across the two back walls, one of which you guessed to be the bathroom and the other two to be bedrooms. the room was dull, the television being the only thing to illuminate the area and shawn sighed with relief when he saw his roommate and his girlfriend chilled on the sofa. “well, looks like we’re safe from the porn.” he whispered to you, throwing his keys on the table next to the door.
when his roommate’s girlfriend heard shawn speaking, she shot up and peered over the back of the sofa. her eyes flickered between you and shawn, before she poked at her boyfriends arm to get his attention. “brian...” he ignored her at first, popping another piece of popcorn in his mouth. “brian. shawn has a girl here.”
“girl can hear you. and so can shawn.” shawn said, rolling his eyes as brian also shot up, smirking as the four of you all entered a staring competition.
was it such a big thing he had a girl here? because you didn’t think it would be so much of a huge deal. have you seen him? perfect college boy with incredible muscles (from what you’d seen in your imaginatation), and here you were, stunning the members of the household into silence. “hi, uh, i’m y/n?” you almost sounded like you were questioning yourself, unsure whether you were meant to say anything or not.
the girl got up from the sofa, offering you some popcorn as a peace offering before she finally spoke to you, instead of about you. “so sorry, shawn just, never brings girls here because - ow!” shawn lightly jabbed her on the arm, taking the full bag of popcorn for himself and grabbing a handful. “it’s nice to meet you, i’m winnie. and brian...” she pointed at the boy still sat on the sofa who was too busy sending brain signals and eye expressions, about the random girl in their apartment, to shawn to notice he was being introduced. “brian was actually just talking about getting a mcdonald’s so, we can go do that and you can do... your thing.”
“nothing like that,” shawn was quick to jump in and although you weren’t necessarily here for a quick fuck or a one night stand, you felt slightly disappointed.
“oh? okay, well, let us know.” she smiled and snatched her popcorn back from shawn. “i know shawn doesn’t take long.” she laughed, clearly joking about the situation which only made shawn feel like he was dealing with bringing a girl home to his parents for the first time. before thinking about it, shawn grabbed your hand and dragged you towards one of the back rooms, presumably his bedroom.
you figured it must be when the door opened and you saw three guitars perched against the wall, an unmade bed, a laptop open on the desk and a bunch of photos on the wall of him with numerous other people. “make yourself comfortable, i’ll be back in a second.” he smiled and vanished back out of the room.
taking the time to be a bit nosy, you let’s yourself study the photos on the wall. a shorter, younger girl appeared in a fair few, along with two older adults who would appear to be his family and it made you smile at the fact he wasn’t afraid to have them on display. you felt a light twinge in your heart as you looked at a picture in which a girl was kissing his cheek, even though you had no right to feel any form of jealousy. moving on, you found the notebooks on his desk that was already opened up on a page which sent your notebook organisation through the roof. the page was full of messy scribbles, more than half of the words had been crossed out aggressively and replaced with new words. it was quiet, only the sound of quiet mutters could be heard from the other side of the door and you tried you’re best to listen in to what they were saying.
dude, she’s hot
you’ve never made any other chick hot chocolate
go back in that room and get some
at least try
you tried to look like you weren’t eavesdropping when he came back into the room, holding two mugs of hot chocolate, and just as you’d requested, with whipped cream. shawn thanked brian and winnie and their weird ass sex kinks for that. “thank you.” you smiled, taking it from him and wrapping your small hands around the mug to be met with warmth.
“i’m, uh, sorry about them..” he said, setting his own drink down on the bedside table.
“don’t be. they seem nice.”
“so, if you wanna go to sleep i can leave you be and like i said, i can take the couch and you can have the bed.”
“we could both have the bed?” you’d said, before even having time to think about letting the words fall from your mouth. his eyes almost looked like they’d lit up and you blew into your hot chocolate just so you had something to do instead of awkwardly staring back at him. “if you want, i mean, i can go home, i’m sure the party will die down soon.”
“stop doing that.” he rolled his eyes, leaning back against his headboard as you sat cross legged at the edge of his bed, surrounded by the navy duvet.
“doing what?”
“doubting yourself.”
“well i’m good at it.” he laughed at you, reaching his hands out and taking your hot chocolate mug from your grasp.
“i wanna know more about that heart shit.” he admitted, missing how you passionately spoke about something you were so interested in.
“heart shit... you mean the thing that keeps you alive? maybe tomorrow, i’m all organed out.” he looked a little disappointed and you thought maybe he was thinking you’re suggesting you don’t wanna stay up with him. he was wrong. “although, modern family is back on netflix now and that is something i will never turn down.”
he grabbed his laptop from his desk, setting it next to you at the edge of the bed. you adjusted yourself, moving more to the middle of the mattress, therefore, slightly closer to shawn. you could smell his cologne, just like you could when you sat close to him in the library.
smiling at how you twirled your hair, bit your lip when you concentrated on what people were saying, covered your mouth with the sleeve of your sweater when you started to yawn, he thought; it was weird, how he just had this feeling that he wanted to spend countless nights with you, learning about whatever organ you needed to. and you thought too; how you felt more comfortable around him than any other person you’d met at college thus far.
still sat upright, cross legged in the middle of his bed, your back started to ache and legs started to feel numb as the second episode started. you stretched out as much as you could before looking behind you and eyeing up the empty space next to shawn. “i was wondering how long before you couldn’t sit like a buddha anymore.” he laughed, speaking over the familiar theme tune coming from the laptop. “please get comfy, you look in pain.”
“i am not in pain, i am simply just... respecting personal space.” in all honesty, you couldn’t remember the last time you cuddled up to a boy. the last guy used to literally leave as soon as he’d done what he needed to do, leaving you empty and alone every night. “and you might not want me, all up in your space.”
“oh my god, just stop!” he laughed, despite his demanding tone.
“stop what?!”
“doubting yourself... again!”
you huffed, uncrossing your legs and crawling up to where shawn was sat. he smirked as you got closer, settling down next to him, your back also against the headboard. your legs were outstretched, finally free from their crossed positioning, and your hands fell to your lap. another ten minutes of the episode went by when you get yourself getting tireder, head leaning to one side a little more.
shawn noticed how your body was a little more relaxed, less rigid than when you first joined him at the head of the bed. risking his move, he stretched his arm behind you, draping it over your shoulder which caused any relaxed part of your body to stiffen back up. “don’t be nervous, you can come closer.”
you looked up to him, shooting him a warm smile. it didn’t take long for your body to relax again, and it actually felt nice how natural it felt to be curled into his body. his fingers traced patterns on your shoulder as your head moved in time with his chest, a loud yawn escaping your mouth. “tired?”
“mhmm,” you answered, evidently too tired to even speak an official word.
“we could... take a nap together?” he stuttered.
“a nap? shawn it’s like 12.30am, we need a full ass sleep.” you giggled, leaning up off him to pull your sweater over your head.
“then a full ass sleep we shall have.” he sorted the set up out, turning off the laptop and placing it back on the desk. he took out a t shirt and shorts from his drawers, putting them on the edge of the bed before retrieving and additional pair of shorts. he told you he was going to change in the bathroom, and to put his clothes on, only if you wanted, before disappearing out. you took advantage of the empty room, immediately peeling off your own clothes and replacing them with his. they smelt like him, like citrus and cassis and as you climbed back into the bed, where you were previously sat, a light tap on the door sounded.
“yup,” you said, popping the last letter as he shot his head around the door, smiling when he saw you’d taken up his offer of borrowing his clothes. he says borrow, but he’d be more than happy for you to keep them, because you looked a hell of a lot better in them than he did.
he’d lost his t shirt, not that you were going to complain - and yes, he did have muscles exactly how you’d imagined him to - and the sweat shorts he’d changed into hung low from his hips and you’re pretty sure you’ve never seen a sight like it. shawn wasn’t the type of boy to feel embarrassed or nervous; hell, he’d managed to shit talk his way into getting you to come back to his dorm, just in a bid to keep hold of your company because he’s never felt a feeling like it. shawn’s clothes were the first you’d ever borrowed from a guy, never having the experience of the morning after or spending a long night with someone you really like, staying up all night and talking about nothing in particular. it was also a first that you’d let yourself be conned into coming back to a guys dorm.
“you sure you don’t want me to take the sofa?” he asked as he stood at the side of his bed, unintentionally towering over you, almost making you feel as big as ladybug.
“stop doing that.” you raised your eyebrows, pushing back the duvet so there was an empty space next to you.
his face showed pure confusion, having no idea what he’d done. “doing what?”
“doubting yourself.” you mocked his voice the best you could, dropping a few pitches and moving your head theatrically.
he rolled his eyes, plopping down into the empty space next to you, and although his clothes smelt like him on your body, he could still smell the orchid and vanilla scent that covered your skin. “i don’t sound like that.”
rolling onto his side, he turned to face you, slightly closer for comfort than he would normally like to be, but with you, he didn’t think he was close enough. you were on your back, eyes tracing the outline of the shadows on the ceiling that crept through from the blinds. “you kinda do.”
“oh... as opposed to, the deoxygenated blood travels into the left ventricle-” he’d put on his best higher pitched voice.
“right atrium.”
“-and opens those little valvey things-”
“just valves is fine.” you rolled onto your side to face him, but he was too busy mocking you to notice.
“-which make your heart do the ba-dum thing that i’ve been able to feel in my fucking throat all night-”
“you mean the heartbeat?”
“-all because you’ve been pulling on my chordane tendineae because you’re just too fucking amazing.” you swolled hard, and suddenly it was you who could feel the ba-dum thing in your throat. he was just looking at you, now aware you were face to face with him, only inches apart in his queen sized bed. he had just tried to twist your words in a confession of admiration, but couldn’t help but think he’d just sounded dumb instead. “no smart ass comment?”
normally you’d be offended at someone calling your comments smart ass, because they were in fact just the truth, but you knew shawn was messing, although, maybe not about the heartbeat part. you’d found yourself being drawn in, faces getting closer together with each breath, so much so you almost didn’t notice how his hand was stroking over the skin of your hip. he was searching your face for an invitation, he wanted to kiss you so bad, but at the same time, didn’t want to scare you off. the air was thick, and you were sure you could hear your heartbeat, but shawn was convinced it was his. his breath fanned against your lips, creating a cool minty sensation, and as your eyashes fluttered, your eyes looked straight into his. “kiss me.”
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shawn taglist: @imaginashawnns @fallinallincurls @mendesficsxbombay @fallinfortom
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can we get a blurb where peter's crush/friend is in need of help from some because she's in trouble and she finds out that peter is spider man in the worst way possible?
A/n: So I’m not sure what you meant by the worst way possible so I hope this is okay anon! I went a little overboard with this one haha. Sorry if the read more doesn’t work straight away
WC: 1.2k 
Warnings: angst, injury. 
“So you still coming to the party with me later?” 
Peter turned to you in surprise and closed his locker before looking sheepish. “Oh I completely forgot. I can’t.” 
You sighed and gave him a knowing glare. “Why not?” Peter bit his lip and looked down at his shoes, you could only roll your eyes in response. “Oh right, internship.” 
“Sorry Y/n but it’s going really well and it might even lead to a real job with Tony Stark.” Peter smiled but there was something about it that didn’t reach his eyes. You knew he hated lying so whatever he was hiding had to be important. 
“It’s ok Pete.” You touched his shoulder and watched as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he looked back up at you with surprise.
“Y-you’re not mad?” You shook your head and squeezed his shoulder before pulling away with a slight smile. 
“I’m not mad.” 
Peter gave a visible sigh of relief and smiled at you. “I’ll make it up to you with waffles?” He really knew the way to your heart.
“You better Parker.” You nudged him and laughed softly before walking away and finally letting the disappointment show on your face. 
And that feeling stayed as you turned up to MJ’s party alone. Thankfully, she was quick to notice and tried to spend the night distracting you from thinking about Peter but it didn’t cure the aching of worry or sadness in your chest. Eventually you gave up and left to go home. 
You should have known walking the dark streets of New York CIty at night by yourself was a bad idea. It was cold and late and you just wanted to be snuggled at home with Netflix. Maybe you should have listened to Peter and stayed home instead of going to the stupid party. It didn’t matter to him anyway since he apparently had better things to do.
Normally you weren’t one to doubt your best friend but he’d been acting strange recently; late nights, strange bruises and dodging any questions you asked him about his behaviour. Peter never had been one for keeping secrets especially from you but he seemed determined to not tell you about whatever was keeping him busy.
Of course other people noticed too and some rumors flyed about Peter being a male escort or secretly dating some rich woman, there was even one bizzare rumor that he was Spider-man but you knew it was none of those things because you were sure Peter would have told you. 
The thoughts raced through your mind, consuming you so much that you failed to notice the guy following behind you, watching intently and talking to someone in his ear. You got your phone out to text Peter before hearing the guy speak.
“I have eyes on her.” 
A shiver went down your spine and you gulped nervously. Your hands were now shaking as you sent a text to Peter, telling him what was happening. You had just managed to hit send when another guy started walking towards you. 
You turned around quickly, only to be cornered by the other guy. “Tell us where Spider-man is.” You looked at him with wide-eyes and shook your head. 
“I-I don’t know. I’ve never even spoken to him.” 
“Oh really? Cause the boss found pictures of you on Spidey’s camera.” Your whole body was shaking now - not only was this “boss” after you but Spider-man too? 
One of the guys held up his phone and showed you the picture of yourself. It was a posed picture and you remembered taking it. Peter had asked you to be his model for his photography class and you had spent the day goofing around, taking pictures. 
You furrowed your brow in confusion and shook your head, trying to come up with an explanation but the guys grew impatient. “Tell us right now or you won’t like what happens next.” 
“I-I don’t-.” One of them reached out to grab you but before he could his hand was webbed to the wall behind you. You opened your eyes and saw a red and blue blur pass before your eyes as the other guy put up a fight. 
You heard the guy almost yell into the bluetooth in his ear. “Spider-man’s here boss!” The guy kept fighting until he was webbed to a nearby streetlight. Spider-man dusted off his hands. 
“Maybe that will help you brighten up a bit.” He laughed at his own joke before turning around to face you. His mechanical-looking eyes widened. “Y-Y/n?” You took a step back and bit your lip.
“H-how do you know who I am?” 
Spider-man seemed to curse at himself before stuttering, trying to think on his feet before he heard indistinct yelling coming down the street. “Oh shit, Fisk.” He turned back to you. “Run, get as far as you can before you get hurt.” 
You were about to protest that you could stand for yourself before you heard him plead with you and an overwhelming sense of care and trust washed over you. You nodded and followed his advice, running but deciding to hide close by. 
You watched as each side put up a good fight but ultimately each guy in black ended up webbed to a nearby building or in pain on the ground. That was until the “boss” showed up. He stampeded his way over to Spider-man and instantly went to crush him with his fists but Spidey was quick to dodge. 
It went on like that for a little while before Spider-man spotted you and suddenly he froze, Fisk’s fist hitting down on him so hard that one of his mechanical lenses broke as he hit the floor. You gasped before biting your lip to keep quiet. 
Fisk looked ready to finish the job before he got called away by one of his men. “You’re lucky this time Spider-man.” 
“Feel it.” Spider-man struggled to say, groaning on the floor. Fisk simply laughed menacingly before driving off. You rushed out from your hiding spot as soon as it was safe and knelt by his side.
“Oh my god, are you ok?” You panicked, wanting desperately to help the hero in front of you. He nodded with a wince and looked up at you. 
“Are you ok?” He asked, concern laced in his strained voice. You nodded, looking down into his eyes and seeing through the broken lense. You smiled a little as you saw the familiar coffee brown colour of his eyes. 
And then it clicked. 
You gasped again and Peter knew that was a look of recognition. He sat up with a wince and shook his head. “Y/n I-”
“Come on.” You took his hand and helped him up, walking the short distance back to your house. He tried to speak but you just squeezed his hand to let him know it was ok. He felt unsure as you snuck into the house with him and sat him down in your bathroom before getting some medical supplies and sitting with him. 
You pulled a little at his mask and bit your lip as you looked into his eyes. “Can i?” He hesitated for a moment before giving a slight nod. You smiled and took the mask off to reveal your best friend. You didn’t say anything further, just started cleaning up his cuts with a kind smile. 
He watched you the whole time, admiring how calm you were about the situation and after a long night, he was thankful for it. “So you knew?” 
You simply smiled and nodded. “From the moment I saw those coffee brown eyes.”
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noromojustkeith · 5 years
Pippythewriter submitted to noromojustkeith:
Okay, so I’m Pippythewriter. I’m fanwriter who has been lurking in the shadows of various fanfic sites for several years. I’ve been reading fanfic since April of 2013. I’ve been a (relatively) silent part of the Voltron fandom for a little over a year now, and a lot has happened since then. I want you to know that after many years of not understanding my feelings towards other people, your blog personally helped me discover that I’m ace, and that that means a lot to me. Through your Tumblr I’ve found a handful of others in the same place as me. So in return I give you this story. It may not seem like much and it’s very choppy, full of typos and antiquated info, but I’ve never shared my writings and I thought this was a good start. I hope you enjoy. Introducing, October 23rd.
My apologies for taking a little to get to this submission; been away this weekend at a family event. But this was so neat to find when I opened my inbox today! I’m thrilled to hear that this blog has had such a positive impact on you, and flattered to death that it encouraged you to share your writing! (Which, by the way, you did a great job on! You have given me EMOTIONS!)
The fic in question is under the cut!
October 23, 2066
Kyle Kogane knows only 3 things right now. First, he is now 18. Second, he LOVES racing on his hoverbike. And third, because of the other 2 things he’s never felt freer in his life. That is, until he crashes. One second he’s speeding across the desert and he’s feeling the wind in his hair, and next thing he knows he’s got a cut on his eyebrow that’s sure to scar with his arm broken. His parents lecture him on how he should know better than to do things like this at his age. And he and his little brother Kent just nod their heads. Of course, mere moments after his parents leave the room his brother is at his bedside raving about how cool that was. Kyle promises he’ll teach him how some day.
October 23, 2067
A year later and that race seems miles away, standing at his parents grave hugging his sobbing brother close to him. He doesn’t cry, not until his brother’s safe in bed next to him after crying himself to sleep. Then he finally lets go, and makes a tearful promise to his parents that he’ll try his hardest to do better. To be the big brother Kent deserves, and maybe, to someday be even half the father his was.
October 23, 2071
A few more years have passed and now Kent’s on his own, and Kyle’s a firefighter. He’s working hard to save people from what he couldn’t save his parents from. He married a beautiful woman, they had a child that he loves more than all the stars in the sky. He loves her, Krolia, too. He misses her dearly, though he knows that she left to protect them. Which may sound like an excuse, but to be fair the survival of earth actually depended upon it. Now Keith’s a year old and the spitting image of his mother. Keith misses her dearly as well and is making it known by wailing his little heart out. He hasn’t said any real words yet, but Kyle isn’t worried, as Kent didn’t speak until he was 5 and he turned out fine… Well, mostly fine. Anyway, so he does the only thing he can think of and swaddles the kid and takes him out to see the stars. Surprisingly enough, it works, and Keith starts gurgling and laughing happily.
“I don’t know how, but I think you just figured out where your Mama is.”
October 23, 2075
Keith’s 5 now, and is about to start kindergarten. Kyle’s temper flares when they want to put him in the CDC class just because he still has trouble with verbal speech. He tries to explain to them that he taught Keith Morse code, and that if he has a nonverbal episode, he’ll use that. Eventually though, he has to compromise, and they agree that Keith can go to mainstream if he takes speech and if he sees a therapist. Kyle reluctantly agrees and after several hours with the behavioral therapist, they get a diagnosis. Autism. Keith, has autism. They want to put him on medication for it, but Kyle refuses. On the way home from Keith’s first day of school Keith has a thoughtful look on his face.
“Daddy?” He asks.
“Yes kiddo?” Kyle replies.
“What does retard mean?” When Keith asks that Kyle almost crashes the car.
“Who called you that?” Kyle bites out angrily.
“Why?” Keith asks.
“Keith, tell me who called you that.” Kyle repeated, trying to keep the anger out of his voice.
“His name is James, but what does it mean?” Keith asks, nothing but innocent curiosity in his eyes and Kyle sighs. Kyle was hoping this wouldn’t happen at least for a few more years.
“It’s…” Kyle tries to gather his thoughts. How do you tell your autistic 5 year old that he just got called the allistic version of the N word? “It’s not a very nice thing to say.”
“Oh…” Keith replies, eyebrows furrowing. Before Keith can question further, Kyle interjects.
“How’d you like to get a soda to celebrate your first day of school?” Kyle asks, and Keith’s face lights up.
“Can I get strawberry fanta?” Keith asks and Kyle chuckles.
“Okay, just this once.” Kyle concedes, and the way Keith’s beaming is almost worth the headache he’ll get later from Keith bouncing off the walls (red dye number 5 is a truly terrifying foe)
October 23, 2080
Keith will never forget his feelings that day. The utter terror of facing an early death. The pain of the flames licking his cheeks and the smoke in his lungs. The crushing loneliness of realizing that he was all by himself. And the all consuming guilt that his father died saving him. Kyle Kogane died a hero at 31, just 3 days shy of 32. He survived by his 10 year old son and his brother who couldn’t take care of him because of a technicality. Keith remembers his dad’s last words to him.
“Keith, when I’m gone-” Kyle started, but a sobbing Keith interrupted him.
“No dad. You’re not gonna die. You- you can’t! You- you just can’t!” Keith stuttered, and Kyle stroked Keith’s long hair through his fingers like he always had to soothe him.
“Keith, you know I love you more than all the stars in the sky, but this is out of my hands. But no matter what happens I want you to remember that I love you.” Kyle said fighting off his own tears.
“N-no y-you-” Keith stuttered.
“I’m sorry kiddo.” Kyle said, as he closed his eyes for the last time. These are the things Keith will never forget. But there are things that he won’t remember. His first social worker’s name, the first family he was placed with, even the first year after his father died. He won’t remember not speaking aloud for that year, though he frantically tapped out Morse code to anyone he thought might listen. And years later he would forget what their home together looked like before it went down in ashes, no matter how hard he’d try.
October 23, 2085
“Shiro?” Keith asks tentatively, and he gets a warm smile in return.
“What is it Keith?” Shiro asks.
“Can you take me somewhere? Tomorrow?” Keith asks.
“That depends, where do you want to go?” Shiro asks.
“Nevermind, forget it.” Keith says, not making eye contact.
“Keith, I have to know where we’re going. Otherwise how are we supposed to get there?” Shiro tries to lighten the mood but Keith still won’t look him in the eye. Shiro sobers. “Keith, what’s going on, huh? What’s wrong?”
“I… The place I want to go to is a graveyard.” Keith states vaguely.
“Okay, which one?” Shiro asks, and Keith, of all things, blushes.
“I- I’m not sure what it’s called. It’s, the one in the city? For… For ‘fallen heroes’? I think…” Keith asks, unsure.
“I think I know which one you’re talking about, I can take you there.” Shiro replies, smiling reassuringly.
“Thanks.” Keith says.
“Okay well, if we’re going to make that trip tomorrow you better get some sleep.” Shiro states, firm but kind.
“That’s all you’re gonna say?” Keith asks, confused.
“What else would I say?” Shiro asks.
“You’re not gonna ask me any questions?” Keith asks, afraid of the answer.
“Why would I?” Shiro asks curiously.
“I don’t know, just… I don’t know.” Keith trails off. Shiro gives him that same reassuring smile.
“I figure you’ll tell me when you’re ready.” Shiro shrugs, and Keith finally looks at him.
“Thank you.” Keith replies empathetically.
“No problem kiddo.” Shiro says, not knowing what he’s gotten himself into. He finds out at 5 AM when he hears a knock on his and Matt’s door. Thankfully Matt is still (not after waking up, but STILL awake) awake, and answers.
“Why if it isn’t Kashi’s shadow? You want me to get him? SHIRO! Keith’s here for your late night escapades!” Matt yells, Shiro groans.
“It’s 5 in the morning Matt.” Shiro says and winces when he realizes his mistake.
“Well then someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Matt says and narrowly misses the pillow that Shiro throws at him. “Sorry Keith. But it looks like it’s too early for your hero to do the one thing-”
“I’m up, I’m up.” Shiro protests and proceeds to get up. “Just give me a second to get dressed.” Keith nods and Shiro gets dressed. “Okay, let’s go.” The ride to the graveyard is silent, with Keith looking out the window with a solemn look on his face. “Alright, we’re here.”
“Can… Can you wait in the car? I won’t be long.” Keith asks, the tentative tone returning.
“Sure, take all the time you need.” Shiro reassures. He thinks he hears Keith mumble 'thanks’, and Keith leaves the car. While Keith’s gone Shiro catches up on his emails and gets sucked into a bizzare pun war with Matt and his little sister Katie.
“Okay, we can go back now.” Keith says as he gets in the car, and Shiro can’t help but notice how his voice wavers.
“Buckle up.” Shiro states and Keith nods, once again refusing to make eye contact. “You okay?”
“I’m fine.” Keith shrugs, buckling his seatbelt.
“Alright. But I’m here if you need to talk.” Shiro says, and is met with a contemplative silence.
“My dad was a firefighter.” Keith whispers so softly that Shiro almost doesn’t catch it.
“That’s cool. Did he save a lot of people?” Shiro says, and quickly realizes it was the wrong thing to say because Keith flinches. “You sure you’re alright?”
“I’m fine.” Keith states weakly, but Shiro’s getting more because Keith’s shaking now. Shiro pulls over.
“Keith, Keith it’s okay. You don’t have to talk about it if you’re not ready.” Shiro tries to reassure Keith, but he’s inconsolable at this point.
“No! No, I… I have to.” Keith states almost resignedly.
“Are you sure?” Shiro is met with silence. “Keith…”
“You deserve to know.” Keith says, and this time it’s said with the determination that Shiro remembers.
“Okay, take your time.” Shiro reassures softly.
“My dad, he… He was the only one who cared about me. For a long time it was just the 2 of us. When I was 10 there was… Our house caught on fire. He gave me his breathing mask… We both got out but… He died a couple of hours later in the hospital. It was a little over 5 years ago.” Keith was trying so hard not to cry at this point and Shiro could tell.
“Keith I’m…” Shiro starts, but trails off. Instead he decides to start stroking Keith’s hair, not knowing that Kyle would have done the same thing. Keith finally breaks down, and Shiro pulls him into a hug. “It’s okay Keith, I’m… I’m not your father but I’m here. And I’ll never give up on you.”
October 23, 2087
Keith hasn’t gotten off the couch in 3 days. It’s been 2 months since the Kerberos went offline. 66 days since the Kerberos crew was declared dead. 1589 hours since Shiro… 3674598 minutes since he became alone. 94608000 seconds since he found someone again. 5720400000 milliseconds since he became alone again. Keith so desperate for a distraction that he used the calculator to do the math. He had to get up, so he did. He took his old hoverbike to the graveyard and visited his dad’s grave.
“H-hey dad I…” Keith trails off and there’s no one to stop his impending breakdown now. He wants someone anyone, to come to him and stroke his hair like Shiro, or like the father he tries so hard not to forget but finds slipping away little by little. He remembers both and cries himself to sleep when no one comes.
October 23, 2088
The day after the incident with Lotor and the storm planet is the day Keith’s been dreading all week. He hides in his room and turns off the lights. He knows that he messed up, that he should apologize to the team, to Allura. But the person he really wants to apologize to isn’t here and it’s his fault. And as if the universe wants to punish him there’s a knock on the door.
“Hey Mullet. Come on, open up!” It’s Lance, obviously. Keith doesn’t have the energy to argue so he opens the door wordlessly and let’s Lance in. “Hunk made those amazing arepas for breakfast you have t-”
“Lance is there something important you want to talk about?” Keith says, feeling guilty but wanting Lance to let him suffer in silence.
“Well I just wanted to cheer you up, but since you insist on being the broody loner why don’t we talk about how you totally demeaned Allura’s idea that she was totally right about, by the way.” Lance states angrily.
“I messed up okay! You try leading!” Keith retorts defensively.
“Here we go again! Keith gets to be leader and he’s pouting about it!” Lance replies.
“Do you think this is easy?” Keith asks.
“I think we deserve better!” Lance answers.
“Do you think I don’t know that?! Do you think I WANT this?!” Keith yells, and Lance is taken aback.
“What?” Lance asks, startled.
“How do you think I feel?! Knowing I’m failing the team, that I’m failing the ONE PERSON THAT CARES ABOUT ME! Knowing that my dad would have been 40 today and that the universe would have been better off if he’d put the STUPID MASK on himself instead of ME!” By the end of his rant Keith is panting and tears are running down his face. Lance doesn’t know what to say.
“What did that last part mean?” Lance asks, afraid of the answer.
“What?” Keith asks.
“The last thing you said, the part about your dad.” Lance answers.
“What are you talking about?” Keith asks and Lance gets upset.
“You KNOW what I’m talking about, the part where you said you SHOULD HAVE DIED instead of your dad.” Lance states on the verge of tears.
“Just forget about it.” Keith blows it off.
“Now you see I can’t forget it, because ONE OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS JUST SAID THAT THEY WISH WERE DEAD, and that is NOT I repeat NOT okay!” Lance is crying now.
“I’m sorry.” Keith chokes out.
“You don’t have to be sorry, you just need to ask for help.” Lance states firmly.
“I just… I don’t know how.” Keith stutters, still holding it in. Lance pulls him in for a hug, and strokes his hair. Keith finally let’s go.
“… Lance?” Keith mumbles.
“Yeah buddy?” Lance asks.
“I… I need help.”
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almasy-fics · 6 years
The Major
Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender Chapter: 2/? Rating: T Warnings: None yet Pairing: None yet
Summary: Major Lenore Falsetto, ex soldier of World War III and recipient of many awards and medals for her service decided that her skills were needed elsewhere after the war was over and decided to become a combat and firearms instructor at the American branch of the Galaxy Garrison. When Shiro and the Holts go missing during the Kerberos mission, the staff of the Garrison resign themselves to never seeing the trio again. But then Shiro arrives back on Earth in an alien escape pod and The Major gets tangled up on a bizzare, larger than life adventure.
Notes: I’ve actually written a few chapters out, but I’m not gonna post them all at once. Where’s the fun in that?
AO3 Link: Ko-Fi Link:
Tagging:  @averyverymary@jastiss@lazarustrashpit@sugarbombxv@fangirlreice7 @major-artery@tehrevving@zetsubou-student-artsu @mashkewrites
It all happened so quickly.
Shiro’s abrupt return on a stolen alien ship, him being subsequently quarantined on the crash site before Keith barged in closely followed by Pidge, Hunk and Lance and then she helped them escape by pretending they were able to over power her with plans to fetch Shiro later. Keith did nothing short of beg her to let him take the unconscious Shiro and he’d explain everything later. Anyways, it was much easier for her to be punished than having three promising cadets be expelled for whatever reason kidnapping Shiro was. So as a result, Commander Iverson gave her the dressing down of a lifetime.
“How the hell did you, Major Lenore Falsetto, recipient of the Victoria Cross of Australia, Star of Gallantry, the Meritorious Service Medal among other classified commendations and merits, get taken down by four underage cadets?! One of whom has failed your hand to hand combat course several times in the past year!”
She rolled her eyes and shrugged, “I taught Hunk how to successfully apply a rear naked choke, henceforth I present to you exhibit a: choke marks.” A singular finger point to her red neck drew a low growl from her commanding officer.
“You are a goddamn ex serviceman from World War Three, letting these children manhandle you is an utter embarrassment to the personnel of the Galaxy Garrison and I am very disappointed in you.” Okay, that one stung a little. “For one who is always aware of their surroundings, having four teenagers blindside you is shameful at the very least.”
From that point on his words became white noise, Lenore hoped he would finish his rant soon so she could transport the needed materials to Keith’s accommodation to get Shiro up and about once again.
A few hours later she found herself sitting on the roof of Keith’s rundown, wooden shack, staring up into the clear night sky. She’d left the kids to rest with pillows and blankets she’d pilfered from the barracks. Hearing the door below her she sighed and laid back, listening to the footsteps slowly crunch through the dust and sand.
“I never thought the Milky Way would look so damn beautiful.” Shiro spoke after moments of silence.
“You should be resting.”
“I can say the same for you Lenore, have you slept?” The uniform jacket launched from the roof and onto his head was his answer and all he could do was laugh, “You haven’t changed a bit.”
She couldn’t bring herself to ask him what happened while he was gone, the current contentedness of the discussion was more preferable at this moment.
They watched the sunrise together in the companionable silence they were used to until Keith made himself known.
“It’s good to have you back.”
“It’s good to be back.” Shiro smiled, but Keith looked at his brother figure in concern,
“What happened out there? Where… were you?”
Lenore sat up, shuffling down to hang her legs over the roof to listen. She couldn’t see their faces but a simple observation told her that Shiro was struggling to answer the question coherently.
“I wish I could tell you, my head's still pretty scrambled. I was on an… alien ship… and I somehow escaped. It’s all a blur. How did you to come save me when I crashed?” That was something niggling on the Major’s mind as well. Why did Keith come to the quarantine area in the first place? Why the hell did the other three turn up as well?
It probably had something to do with Lance’s inferiority complex, Pidge’s unhealthy obsession with the Kerberos mission and Hunk’s inability to say no. She saw the three up on the roof when the ship crashed, she was up on her usual spot too doing her usual stargazing when this whole kerfuffle begun.
She saw movement, Keith turned to look at her whilst regarding the both of them, “You should both come and see this.”
It was truly bizarre and otherworldly watching such unfamiliar carvings become bathed in blue light. It was even more unbelievable to find a giant, blue, mechanical lion being protected by an unfathomable forcefield type element. The six were absolutely mesmerised at the sight.
“We… we should probably report this in.”
“What?! No way!” Yelled Lance, her glare stopped him in his tracks, “M-Major, ma’am.”
“I think Lance is right, Major,” Begun Shiro, “If we report this in, they’ll just take it to Area-51 where it will never be seen again.”
“How are we supposed to get past this thing then?” She said, gesturing to the barrier, shield, whatever it was that was surrounding it.
“Maybe we just have to knock on it.” Lance shrugged, raising a fist to knock directly onto it. To their immediate surprise, the barrier burst away into the bright blue light they saw earlier in the cave.
“Well fuck me sideways…” She murmured whilst the other five gasped in surprise,
“Did you all just see that?!” Lance screeched.
“See what?”
“Oh, ho, ho. Major, Voltron is a massive, mega awesome, mega robot!” Hunk said excitedly,
“And it looks like this is just one piece to it. I wonder where the other four are.”
What exactly did the kids see that she didn’t, she wondered. Whatever it was, she decided it was something that was obviously not meant for her mind’s eye to see.
Almost as if she wasn’t needed.
The lion would proceed to transport the six into a wormhole that lead into deep space, parrying and dodging the terrifying alien cruiser that spotted them the moment they left the Earth’s atmosphere. They escaped unscathed.
The Major closed her eyes. A deep breath, a count to three and an exhale, images of wartime fading from her rattled mind and she held on tight to the back of Lance’s seat.
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Demencia Theory- Not What She Seems
hello my villainous fans and random scrollers by I am from the villainous amino and I am about to show you a theory made by my friend M. with the help of me and a few others to show you a side of dementia you do not seem to see, so before I show it heres a link to M’s original theory on amino:https://aminoapps.com/c/villainous-4971691/page/blog/demencia-theory-not-what-she-seems/8BWv_8mvCmujakwpQx6kxLZvbMaxp5L6LbghR now lets begin
Oh, Demencia, you childish, hyperactive ball of enthusiasm!
With your evil chaotic-ness and your enchanted feelings for your boss, how could you ever be more than the silly thing that meets the eye?
We could think of a few ways.
The following theory is brought to you by the amazing minds from the  Villainous Theory Chat! Those that were involved with this theory include: Notdepresso, Siramay (hey that's me :D), Snivy, and Lynxi!
(And me but eh)
I'm almost tempted to say "forget about all of the other theories about Demencia you may have heard of before" because, this. is. insane.
We Villainous theorists believe that Demencia is....
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A Podemos Bailar agent. 
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Now before you start shaking your heads, hear us out.
Yes, she acts like she has an evil agenda.
Yes, she's the practical personification of chaos.
Yes, she's absolutely head over heels for Black Hat
And yes, she's just so darn silly and maybe even annoying to some.
And doesn't she play it off so well?
Demencia is always at the max with all of these qualities and they never waver.
Her imperfections are too... Perfect.
But oh, is it an amazing disguise.
Who could possibly realize they're being fooled when they are too busy laughing at the fool?
As we all know, Demencia annoys and bothers both Black Hat and Flug with her obsessive and destructive qualities, to the point where they try to avoid her at all costs. Notice how it's always Demencia who approaches them and that it's never the other way around unless the two are absolutely forced to?
The woman has a ridiculous amount of free time to herself; finding the time to teach a bear and a handful of robots a song, destroy thousands of dollars worth of products, draw her Demencia Tips, attempt to romance Black Hat, make puppets, learn guitar, etc.
With all that free time and privacy... Who really knows what Demencia can and will do?
This disguise, this face she has made for herself is perfect. She is free to stalk her subjects right in front of them and not be questioned for it except for the occasional, exasperated "what does sHE THINK SHE'S DOING!?"
And this is just the minimal tip of the iceberg.
There's so much more.
Demencia's bizzare behavior truly doesn't raise any real questions because everyone within the manor is so used to it that something as odd as messing with a computer to creating your own "advertising" short without anyone's knowledge to it is seen as Demencia being Demencia.
This lizard lady could do almost anything without ever being truly interrogated for it.
She has trained her prey to not be scared of her as she walks right up to it.
Another thing to note about Demencia's behavior is her job at Black Hat Organization. As stated by Flug in the Anniversary short, Demencia handles all hero extermination. This, however, is only to his knowledge. We have no evidence other than Flug's word and a possibly staged picture to prove this. We've yet to find anything stating that a hero has died at any particular time.
In fact, we dont even know if this is really Heavy Punch's cape from the Evil Conquest episode.
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Bish W H E R E ?
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(And don't try to tell us it's because it's a kids show, Gravity Falls, a DISNEY production, managed to sweep in 2 paragraphs full of hidden jokes within the same screen pan without drawing too much attention from the younger audience) (besides that there are to many dark and demonic jokes in villainous for that to be a reason also just look at the episodes on mojo jojo and rob) ((this bold is me))
But this all pales in comparison to what's truly incriminating about Demencia, and the answer is found buried within this fandom's favorite bookmarked tab: Podemos Bailar.
Now, I made a post the other day about what we discovered is going on in that right side scrolling of commands on the website: http://aminoapps.com/p/56jwha
What we discovered is that two people are interacting over that animation loop. One person is telling another how to decode a specific piece of an audio file in order to get a message while the other is actually inputting the commands to do just that.
We can firmly assume that these two are our last two dancing agents.
Now how does this tie in with Demencia? Well, it has already been established that Demencia knows how to create her own codes and sneak them into BHO's production videos as we see happen in the very first short, The Perception of Evil, in which a code flashes on screen saying "Demencia Was Here".
Funny enough, a short was released a few months back called "Demencia Wuz Here". And my what a controversial short this one is if you see it like we do.
Let's break it down:
So Demencia left a hidden code for someone to decipher that referenced an advertisement short that didn't even exist yet. This means that the short was a premeditated thing and not just something done at the spur of the moment for some pickles.
What's also good to note is that there was no reference to King Wazuq's Glove before ((well like that one end frame but nothing else in like actual videos that what I think he meant)) this episode and the outer Demencia doesn't appear to be the type to search for information that deeply for something she wouldn't even know she'd need months before hand.
Unless... The heist was staged.
What we also see in this short is Demencia being able to hack into The Defence Departments, high security, Area 52 cameras in order to capture her stealing the glove. A very difficult task I'd imagine for an empty-headed lizard girl. But... She really hasn't proven herself to be all that has she?
Another thing to note is that Demencia created this entire short on her own. 505, Flug, nor Black Hat knew of this until they walked in on her but, once again, do nothing to stop her. It's just Demencia being Demencia.
Also, have any of you noticed that Demencia is the only character in Villainous so far that labels herself as an agent?
Oh, but this only goes deeper.
Not only is Demencia a Podemos Bailar agent, and not only is she working as an undercover agent amongst villains, she is also the agent telling the other what commands to input on the Podemos Bailar website.
She is telling her true co-worker exactly what to do to find a code she has hidden especially for him in her "advertisement" short.
But how can we be so sure that it's her?
How can we be so sure that it's that video specifically?
Because, if you click and drag the I See All picture into the Google search bar, you will find a link to the website's assets page. With that page are a series of links to different parts of the site. One of those links holds the exact audio file from the "Demencia Wuz Here" short...and it is the only short there.
The short Demencia made without anyone's knowing.
The short that she aquired impossible information for.
And the short she specifically designed and planned from episode one to reach out to her last comrade for and betray her villainous coworkers.
I mean, just look at her body type and compare it to the yet-to-be-found female Podemos Bailar agent! They're a practical match, thick ((EXTRA THICC note I hate using that word)) legs and all! And there is no way that giant next to her is Flug!
Also, another thing to consider is, if neither of these last two agents are on the villainous scene, then how have they been aquiring photos from within the manor? Flug's notes about 505's creation and the picture of the organization's plans to go to Japan are prime examples!
 (another thing about that japan plan pic is that in the same episode it was released with we can see dementia reading that EXSACT same magazine that's in the picture! the clues are hiding in plane sight and no one is any the wiser!)
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The evidence is stacking here people, and we the Villainous Theory Chat truly believe that it's only going to become more suspicious as time goes on.
This also means that there is a secret audio code that we need to find in the "Demencia Wuz Here" video. All we need to do is follow the steps she's given us on the site in order to find it.
There is a spy among us and she is clothed in green. (A sheep in lizards clothing)
I hope you enjoyed reading our idea!
Happy Villainy!
and that's his theory he has others to I might post here but if you like this then go to the villinos amino and join are theory chat! and if you are against this theroy tell me why and we at the theory chat will try to debunk you debunking this unless your right BUT YOU GOT TO OPEN YOUR EYES DEMENTIA IS NOT WHAT SHE SEEMS, SPREAD THE WORD or not black hat might be listening and we don't want to blow her cover! but I would like to see more talk about this
so I'm siramay and remember keep claim and drag-on
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bestest-badgers · 6 years
Unexpected Event
By Mod Seto
Review by Mod Haruka:  “It’s really heckin’ good, dude”
[KageprOTP Month 15/07: Affection]
This is it. This is the day I’m gonna die. What was I thinking? Why I agreed to this… this… disaster, I’ll never know. I could’ve got out of it. I should just said I had the flu, or have Ene send out an email saying I died. Not that Ene would’ve done that. She’d have probably laughed and sent something private. It just seemed like something so innocent, albeit terrifying, at the time. But this is too much. I can’t help but go back through the event that lead to this, just to see if I missed something, anything, that could have gotten me out of this nightmare.
“Shintaro? Are you even listening to me?” I blinked back into life, my eyes greeted by a particularly scorching light. I turned my head and saw her. My old friend, Ayano, was looking particularly annoyed at me that morning. I couldn’t help zoning out. I was too busy thinking about what torture Ene was going to present to me when I got home, while she was lecturing me about something. Was it my attitude? My lack of social interest? Both? Probably both. “Ah, sorry, what did you say?” I gave the weakest of smiles to her. Hopefully that would smooth it out a bit. She shook her head and sighed. “I knew it. You should pay more attention to what people are saying to you. It might help you one day. Anyway, I was just saying you should really get out more. It’s not healthy for you to be shut away all the time.”
Yep, the social lecture again. I’ve heard this so many times. Not just from her. I knew it so well I could easily predict the outcome. I would moan and refuse, she’ll get annoyed, I’ll agree to try to make her calm down and nothing would change. To be honest, the lecture didn’t bother me all that much. It’s become some sort of ritual for us. This must have been the 7th or 8th time this month. This was different though. So many little details I missed the first time, that looking back, I should have noticed. She looked more flustered than usual, her face was red and her voice was unsteady, yet somehow firm. She was definitely embarrassed, but was filled with a sense of purpose, like she was on a long, rewarding quest, but she had to do some bizzare side quests to start the journey.
“We’ve had this conversation too much recently. You always say you’ll try, but you never do. So, to make sure you actually try this time, you’re taking me to dinner tonight. I’ll pick you up at 7 pm on the dot, just to be sure you actually make it.” I sat upright, like a ghost had just passed through me. “H-hold on! I c-can’t do something like that. That involves people and crowds and talking to strangers. All the things I’ve worked so hard to avoid.” Ayano put her hand on her face and shook it. “Well, you can either come with me to dinner or you can spend the night with Ene. Or did you lie to me when you said anything is better than spending time with her.” Shit! She had me there. I didn’t exactly hate spending time with Ene. Sometimes we could have lovely, deep talks. But those we extremely rare. Most the time she just tortured me. “Okay fine, I’ll go with you.” I muttered. “Good! You won’t regret it!”
And that was that. I had somehow been coerced into going out to dinner with a girl. Most guys would kill for this. Hell, the thought of it didn’t exactly bother me, but the execution was terrifying. I had to go somewhere that was probably crowded and talk to someone for a long time. I spent most the day panicking about it. I had hoped to find some sort of wisdom from Ene as to what I could do, but she kept saying things like ‘Master has a new woman in his life. He should be thankful I haven’t shown her his secret folders.’ I should’ve guessed she’d be overjoyed at the chance to torture me over something new. I scolded her slightly, telling her it was just Ayano trying to boost my self-esteem, but Ene insisted it was more than that. I kept try to think up plans to cancel and still keep Ayano’s respect. But ultimately, I knew there was nothing I could do to avoid it. Ayano wasn’t going to take no for an answer today. She had made up her mind and put her foot down.
The dreaded time hit and, as she had said, Ayano appeared right on time. I let her in and she wasted no time. “So, where are you taking me?” Crap! I was so busy trying to not go out that I forgot to look for a place. I ran around frantically, looking for any trace of an idea. I considered asking that demon program of mine for recommendations, but I didn’t see that lead anywhere but my demise. Ayano started giggling. “Geez, if I had known you were gonna be this bad, I would've done this ages ago to get it over and done with. I already booked a place for us to go. I figured you'd forget. You’d be too busy panicking and thinking of ways to avoid it.” I gave her a small grin. I had to hand it to her, she knew me well.
I let out the smallest sigh of relief before we left. Partly because her happiness made me relax, but mostly because she covered for me. Still, I couldn’t help being uneasy. I kept thinking about what Ene had said. No way was this anything special. That blue haired deviant was just looking to get into my head. It took about half an hour to get to the place. It was an Italian place. We sat in silence until we ordered and Ayano suddenly spoke. “I'm proud of you Shintaro. The fact that you managed to come here without much of a fuss shows a lot of growth. Even if you can't talk right now.” I could feel myself blushing slightly. Honestly I was still a little on edge. “Either way," she continued, “I'm having the best first date! Thank you so much for agreeing to this!”
And that brings me back to the now. The disaster. I had no idea what to say. I sat there in stunned silence for so long, the food turned up before I could even offer a piece of a response. So many thoughts rushing through my head. Ene was right, this wasn’t just about my self-esteem. Ayano had really decided to confess her feelings to me in this abrupt way. She probably assumed I knew what this was, or that this was the easiest way to get my attention to it because of how oblivious I’d be until this point. Of course this was a date. Thinking about it now, it seemed so obvious. If it was social skills for the sake of self-esteem, she’d have invited more people to come with us. Yet, it was just me and her, in a romantic restaurant setting. A classic first date scenario.
But this is completely nuts. No-one has ever shown much of an interest in me beyond a friend. I want to run and hide, but I resist the urge. Instead, I decide to tell her the truth. “Ayano, I had no idea that's what you wanted. I had no clue you felt that way about me. I-” I trailed off. I had so much to say, but nothing came out. The longer the silence lasted, the more awkward it became. Even worse, Ayano started to cry, ever so slightly. The silence was getting to her. No, my lack of response was getting to her. She must feel like an idiot right now. I can’t even imagine how she felt right now. Confessing and getting rejected immediately was bad enough. But this lack of response was too much. Her tears were getting bigger and I was the cause of all this sadness.
After what seemed like an eternity of silence and tears, Ayano managed to speak through her sobs. “Well, Shintaro? Do you feel the same way?” I was lost for words. She did look extremely cute and I had thought about it but I just never dreamed she’d actually go for it. “Yeah I think I do.” I whispered in a hushed tone. “What did you say?” She looked at me, with inquisitive eyes and tears streaming down her face. I shrank in my chair. I was hoping she’d hear me so I could avoid being heard by anyone else. “Never mind. I’m just an idiot. I shouldn’t have told you!” Ayano gave a weak smile and started to leave. An attempt to hide the pain she was going through right now. If I didn’t say something now, I could never look at her again without feeling like a jerk. I choked back any anxieties I had and spoke, almost with purpose. “Ayano wait!” She stopped in her place. “I said, yes, I feel the same way. I have for a while now I think. I just never thought you’d return my feelings.” She turned round and sniffed. “Shintaro, don’t be silly! Of course I do!” And all of a sudden, I could say this disaster had become the best first date ever, as well as being the first of many.
- Mod Seto (who is very sorry at how long this is)
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magicallibary · 6 years
Diary of The Unreal Gem
A/N: I wanted to try something different so, I went with a diary format for this one and I quite like how it came out. It’s also left to your interpretation a bit: you decide who the main character is and their relationship with the male in the story. So, hope you enjoy and have a great rest of your day :D
Word Count: 1681 Words Warnings: Character feeling uncomfortable and scared (there’s probably more but I don’t really know how to frase it :P)
Summary: After a seemingly fun trip, this diary’s owner’s friend/lover/other starts changing rather quickly. To say the least, they’re worried about him.
May 10th, 2019
I’ve never felt this confused before. I knew he was acting a bit off since a while ago, but, I never expected it to go this far. By ‘this far’ I mean, I’m becoming scared of him. Everything still feels really strange; almost like I’m living in a strange nightmare.
In the 8 years I’ve known him, nothing like this has ever happened. So, why now? I feel like I know or, use to know but, why can’t I remember? It’s all so bizzare.
I guess I’ll have to flick back through these pages, while he’s sleeping. I think he still sleeps, anyway. I’m not entirely sure. But, if I manage to read back, I should probably be able to piece something together. At least, hopefully.
April 2nd, 2019
We had a wonderful day today! We went to this awesome exhibition about different discoveries from around the world and we even got a private tour of the place and got to touch some of the things! All for free! How generous is his friend, right? I couldn’t believe it when we got told all of this. Because, he has a friend who works in caves, he explores and discovers amazing things so, when they opened this exhibition he invited him to see the amazing gem he found a few years back. A friend told me her brother saw it once. It’s called the Unreal Gem. Some say, the first person who saw it went insane, that his personality began changing in the matter of seconds. But that’s just a story.
Sadly, I didn’t get to hold it. Only he did. The gem was extremely big and a shiny green color. I didn’t get to see it properly; our explorer friend said ‘it was too dangerous for me.’ I only know it must have been amazing since he looked at it for a very long time, his green eyes wouldn’t leave it!
Sadly, he’s acting a bit distant right now.
When we got home, I tried to ask him what the gem was like and he gave me a very short response. Something like: ‘yeah, yeah, really pretty.’ His eyes didn’t meet mine as he spoke and they haven’t since, which is strange, since he always looks at me while we talk.
I guess he’s just tired. I hope he gets a good night rest and, hopefully, he’ll be the same cheery person he’s always been. And that I love.
April 9th, 2019
He’s acting extremely strange now. In just a few days it’s gotten way weirder and I’m starting to get worried by it. I’ve tried to ask him about it, but he’s completely ignoring me. I feel like I’m talking to myself. I miss our chats and our lovely conversations, now that he barely looks at me. I’ve even tried to get his attention but he won’t budge out of his in trance-like state. He’ll sit on the couch and look straight ahead for hours at a time, sometimes I get the feeling that he isn’t even blinking.
For some reason I feel like that gem is what did this to him, but, that doesn’t really make sense, does it? I’m really trying to find out what’s wrong with him, I have been for the last few days. It’s proving to be extremely difficult, though. I just want him back; I really miss him.
April 18th, 2019
There’s a strange smell around the house still; the same that started two days ago and it’s still there. I can’t really describe it. It’s not particularly horrible but it isn’t nice either. I’ve never smelt anything like it. It sort of smells like a chemical but not entirely; it’s too strange to simply be a chemical. It’s not too strong, not in any way over-powering but, sometimes I have to go outside to get rid of it for a moment. After a while it makes my thoughts become foggy. I even start forgetting things easily; it’s really messing with me.
I also haven’t seen him in days. He just suddenly disappeared a few days before the scent began. It makes me wonder if he’s the one responsible for it. It wouldn’t really surprise me if that were true. Until I know though, I’ll keep trying to find out what the source is. Wish me luck.
April 29th, 2019
This morning I woke up and I think something is missing. Something that used to be here but isn’t anymore.
There’s the smell of the spring flowers coming through the open windows, which makes everything feel a little bit better. Unlike him, today. When I first saw him this morning, his clothes were different. By different, I mean completely different. I grabbed my phone to check if I was right- just in case I was going mad- and he’s never worn anything like that.
A dark red shirt covers his chest but the bottom of it looks like it went through a shredder. His pants seem to be completely made out of black leather, similar to his black and purple toe-length coat. Metal chains are hung around his body, some wrapping around his limbs and one even wraps loosely around his neck several times. The dark colors make his eyes look brighter; a bright green that feels like it would grab your complete attention if you look at them for too long.
I better go- he just called after me and something tells me I should listen to what he has to say.
May 3rd, 2019
It’s getting worse.
He’s barely eating now. I say ‘now,’ I honestly can’t remember if he ate yesterday or not. He’s still not going outside, he won’t even look out through the closed windows. Also, I haven’t seen him change his clothes since the day he completely changed them. At least I think so.
He’s noticing me more now. I’m not sure how I feel about that. At some point in the past, I would’ve welcomed his attention, the small touches his fingers would do across my arms. But, again, I’m not so sure now. When did that get so sinister?
He’s also whispering to himself more. I’ve never been able to understand what he says, though. I’ve really tried. Additionally, he won’t let me inside his room anymore, the door is locked all the time and I can’t get it opened.
He is chatting with me more, which gives me hope that, after this lowest point is over, he’ll begin to slowly get better. I sure hope that’s right. I don’t know what I’ll do otherwise.
May 8th, 2019
If I thought it was bad before, I had no idea how bad it could get.
Before, he wouldn’t go outside but, now, he isn’t letting me outside of these walls. Not even to the backyard. Also, that strange smell is back but, it’s stronger now. Way stronger. So strong that it feels like my mind is thinking less and forgetting certain things for a few minutes before turning itself on again.
Sometimes, he locks himself up in his room and suddenly starts screaming. Like he was in pain. At first, I’ve tried getting inside the room, but, I can’t. I’ve tried everything: lock picking, force opening it, maybe even kicking it down; nothing works.
Now that I’ve given up on that, I’ve tried to escape while he’s inside, but, that doesn’t work either. As soon as I even begin to open any door, the screaming would stop, the house becoming extremely silent. In the span of seconds, he’ll be besides me, his hand rising from the back of my neck to the top of my head, where my short hair starts.
He’ll sometimes lean in real close, his lips brushing my ear slightly and whisper something. I can’t seem to recall what he whispers, but, I know he does do it. Why can’t I remember?
Other times, he’d simply grip my wrist and pull me away from the door, gently. He’ll let go of his tight hold as soon as I sit down on a chair. Then, his large hands would rest on the sides of my face, his greens hiding behind his eyelids as his lips would brush a quick kiss on the crown of my head. Usually, this action would be considered nice, even safe, in fact, I once loved it when he did this. Now, though, his lips feel colder, like his stare, that use to be welcoming and that seemed to wash a sense of safety over you. Those times feel so far away that I’m actually beginning to think I’ve imagined it. But, how was it so real?
I just want to close my eyes and escape this horrid nightmare.
May 13th, 2019
If anyone finds this, never, ever look or find the Unreal Gem. Don’t let anyone find it.
The effects of the smell have banished and I remember everything now. I did a bit of research about the gem, which was my original concern and I found something. The information about the gem gets past around and the people who hear about it are the ones who suffer. The person who hears about it, one of the people they know and care about, will somehow look at the gem. This causes their personality to change completely. They’ll begin to lose themselves in the effect of the gem. Soon enough, they’ll change so much that they’ll become controlling, hurtful and so much more. If you’re reading this and if you’ve read some past entries, then, you know about the gem. I’m so sorry.
I’m currently hiding in my room, I’ve locked the door and I can hear his loud steps walking around outside. I can’t really tell how far away he is, but I know he can’t be that far away. I can feel my hands begin to shake, I’ve never been so scared of a person before.
I don’t wait. Is that the door opening? Alright, he’s coming in! Don’t look at the Unreal Gem. Please. Pleas-
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grimelords · 7 years
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Hello and god bless, I have finally finished my November playlist a week and a half into december. Disco, Guns N’ Roses, an entire doom metal album and everything in between. Please enjoy.
​Extraball - Yuksek: Aside from the extremely nice electro bass I think what I appreciate most about this song is that the chorus seems like the sort of thing you could sing in a round, or as some kind of children’s clapping game.
Mirror Reaper - Bell Witch: Let me be the first to apologise for putting an 80 minute doom metal album as the second song on this playlist. I’m sorry. It was selfish and it won’t happen again. That said, please listen to this because it is transformative. I’ve listened this a lot this month and it’s really affected my mood I think. Doom metal is one of the only genres that takes itself seriously enough to release an album that’s just one 80 minute track but I really can’t fault them for doing it. This is a piece of music that demands to be listened to in full, and while it does naturally divide into movements like anything else this long would, it would be weaker overall if it were split into individual tracks or listened to individually. A lot of the playing on here, which is very sparse in long sections feels like ritual music of some kind - a feeling that’s compounded by the length when you’re absolutely lost within it. It makes electric bass and drums feel like modern ritual instruments and this album feels like an invocation of the spirit of loss itself.
Sixteen Tons - Merle Travis: For some reason I keep thinking about and listening to different versions of Sixteen Tons. This is Merle Travis, the orginal songwriter, but this is a new recording he did in 1989. Notably I love the very plaintive solo in the middle of this, but I especially love that he changed the lyric at the end to say “I owe my soul to Tennessee Ernie Ford” which feels like an agressive rebuke or a solemn nod but I can’t tell which.
Looking Up - Michael Smith: My girlfriend sent me this song because she heard it on the podcast Good Christian Fun which as I understand it is an exploration of the bizzare world of american evangelical christian media. Anyway this song rocks. It sounds like Todd Terje remixed the theme to some lost 80s sitcom and I really can’t get enough of it.
Wild - Beach House: This is such a beautiful song. I love the tinny drum machine and the live drums that sound programmed constrasting against the huge wall of guitar and synths. I used to listen to this album a lot a few years ago when I worked night shift and it reminds me of standing on top of wine tanks in the cool night air at 2am texting my now girlfriend as she went to bed. Sorry.
Piano Concerto No. 3 In D Minor, Op.30: 1. Allegro ma non tanto - Sergei Rachmaninoff: I had a friend in school who did his licentiate degree in piano in year 12 and was obsessed with this piece. One day he took me through the whole first movement and showed me how the theme is established and comes back in different forms over and over again throughout and basically taught me how to listen to classical music which was very kind of him because it’s something I’m only really appreciating now.
Verklärte Nacht, Op.4: String Sextett for 2 Violins, 2 Violas and 2 Cellos - Arnold Schoenberg: This is an early Schoenberg piece before he got into that good good atonal serialism, but it does still have moments that presage what was to come. I don’t really have much to say about this other than it’s a very good place to start with Schoenberg because it’s like proof that he was a human man at one point.
Day-O (The Banana Boat Song) - Harry Belafonte: I’ve really been thinking about how work songs like this and like Sixteen Tons become international hits. This one especially, in the 50s, was it because it was a really good song (which it is) that a lot of people related to or was it a sort of exoticism about funny banana song (which to be fair, it also is).
Boogie Wonderland (12" Version) - Earth, Wind And Fire: This is the song you hear playing from the other side of the door when you get to heaven.
Apollo’s Mood - The Olympians: This album is basically a collection of Daptone All-Stars under the name The Olympians just doing their thing and it’s really amazing. I especially love the harpsichord in this, an instrument that doesn’t get nearly enough of a workout in soul music. Also, I don’t really know how to describe it but I really love the way the snare roll that starts it off and comes back a few times sounds - buzzy and busy without rushing anyone.
Saturn - The Olympians: This is the song you use for your montage at the end of a James Bond movie that’s just four minutes of him relaxing and drinking different cocktails by himself that the critics called ‘wholly unneccesary’. In the drums and bongo break he does a little dance and falls over.
November Rain - Guns N’ Roses: As far as overblown classic rock epics go, I really wish November Rain had the cultural place of bad song Bohemian Rhapsody or Stairway To Heaven because underneath the 9 minutes of stings and bullshit it’s actually a very beautiful and sad song written by an idiot.
Sisters Of The Moon - Fleetwood Mac: With the current wytchy cult that Stevie Nicks has around her it’s easy to forget that she wrote songs like Sisters Of The Moon, a song explicitly about a witch converting other women to witchery. I love the big extended phrase of guitar chords in the chorus and I’m very mad about how this song fades out just as it’s absolutely going off.
When The Levee Breaks - Led Zeppelin: Rounding out this unexpected classic rock trio is When The Levee Breaks which I was thinking about because I was thinking about The Big Short. This song sounds so good and there’s been so much written about the famous drum sound and the production but what I only learned this month is that it was apparently recorded at a faster tempo and then slowed down afterwards, which explains a lot about a lot of the sounds in here.
Bad Liar - Selena Gomez: This is maybe the pop song of the year honestly. It’s so good in every single aspect, especially the when she says’ oh baby lets make reality, actuality, reality’ which is a very weird lyric. So is 'you’re taking up a fraction of my mind, every time I watch you serpentine(?)’. Great stuff all around.
Hello Miss Lonesome - Marlon Williams: I saw Marlon Williams a year or so ago and it was one of the best gigs I’ve been to because things just kept going wrong. Broken strings and misunderstandings and all that sort of thing, and the highlight for me was in this song the drummer got overconfident and started pushing the tempo near the end and eventually tripped over himself so badly they had to stop and start again.
The Voice Of Q - Q: Here’s how you can tell a song is good: you can only find it on Spotify on a compilation album called 'Cocaine Boogie: 24 Kilos Of Underground 80s Dance’. This song seems like a classic case of 'somebody bought a vocoder’ and it’s very very good, another fantastic entry in the canon of interplanetary disco. I also love the children sadly pleading with Q to come back at the end, because the song hasn’t really given you any understanding of who or what Q is other than a being with a voice who is from space.
Take A Trip - Rev. Utah Smith: If I were, hypothetically, to start, for example, a UFO cult, I would definitely have my congregation sing this song. I love it so much. Outside of the fun premise it does what good gospel music should do and completely uplifts my spirit by promising a better life after this one, and if I get to go there by rocket ship, well that’s all the better.
Normal Person - Arcade Fire: I love the little 'do you like rock and roll music? 'cause I don’t know if I do.’ he sings at the start because it sounds like they’re into their 13th hour of recording or something. I love the lead guitar that sounds like it’s severely undernourished but trying its best and I love how strangely heavy the bass and rhythm guitar is compared to a lot of their other songs. A good song to sing along to while you’re driving.
Top Of The World - Kimbra: I don’t know exactly how or why but Kimbra made a Kanye song. Playing the dual roles of Kanye and Featured Artist she does a great job and once again defies whatever I thought she was going to do next. I can’t wait for the album, I hope it has even more Raps.
Eric’s Trip - Sonic Youth: I’ve never gotten much into Sonic Youth because they seemed way too New York Cool for me, so imagine my heartbreak when I found out the lyrics to my favourite song of theirs are wholesale lifted from an Andy Warhol film. I still have a lot of love for 'my head’s on straight, my girlfriend’s beautiful, it looks pretty good to me’ though.
I Hope I Sleep Tonight - DJ Seinfeld: God I’d be embarrassed if I blew up on soundcloud with the name 'DJ Seinfeld’ and then had to keep it when I put my album out. This album varies pretty wildly in quality but I really love this track, the synth melody that just careens around wildly while the rest of the song happens nearby is what does it for me I think.
Problem With The Sun - Nicolas Jaar: “In an interview with Self-Titled Magazine, Jaar said “I was watching a documentary about bugs. It said that if they looked at the sun, they’d die. I thought ‘Oh, that’s funny; that’s cute’ and I wrote a track about it (…). If you find something really special in a tiny story about bugs, it could have a much bigger meaning than that. I like the idea of turning life into this miniature thing”.” He’s used this particular voice modulation on a couple of song and it really cracks me up because it so thick and textured and just plain silly but somehow it suits the song perfectly.
Long Strong Diamond - Baggsmen: This is a song I remember seeing on Rage late at night years and years ago. The guy was dressed up as a werewolf and kidnapping some girl but he gets so distracted by his song about being a werewolf that she ends up escaping. Extremely mad to find out that the guy in this song from years ago that I love is none other than personal enemy of mine Jake Stone from Bluejuice.
XO/The Host/Initiation - The Weeknd: Trilogy could well be the best album of the decade. Remember when The Weeknd was this mysterious anonymous guy who was firmly a character and not an actual guy who seems to actually believe what he’s singing? I love Trilogy because the progression across the three discs from like 'cool indifferent party guy’ in House Of Balloons to extremely deranged cult leader in Echoes Of Silence is very satisfying. Initiation especially is great because it’s like a cool fun song about a party mixed with some extremely dark shit about the clocks not working so you can’t tell the time and the blinds not working so you can’t see outside in a scary pitch shifting voice. “And all I wanna do is leave 'cause I’ve been zoning for a week and I ain’t left this little room, trying to concentrate to breathe” but you absolutely MUST meet my boys.
This Guy’s In Love With You - Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass: Anyway here’s a change of pace. A very peaceful song about just fucking dying if she won’t be your girl. I love how dramatic this song gets before completely stopping and starting again into a very relaxed trumpet line.
Jasmine (demo) - Jai Paul: I’m obsessed with the cult that develops around guys like Jai Paul and Jay Electronica, who put out two songs that are so good that it drives people insane when they don’t put out any more. There’s apparently a bunch of stuff happening with Jai Paul currently that I haven’t been keeping track of but The Fader had a really good article earlier this year about how the Jai Paul leaks and how insane it made everyone. Aside from all that, the song is pure magic - just listen to it and you can understand why everyone was obsessed as they were.
Freaking Out The Neighbourhood - Mac Demarco: I remember I saw an interview with Mac Demarco talking about this song and he described the riff as just some dumb little thing he made up which is shocking to me because I am totally obsessed with how good it sounds. It’s perfect!
Bob - “Weird Al” Yankovic: Yes baby it’s Weird Al’s all-palindrome Bob Dylan parody! I was telling my girfriend about how this is actually really good songwriting because even though it’s essentially gibberish it has enough good imagery and fun sounds that it works anyway and really how different is 'may a moody baby doom a yam’ to 'transient jet lagged ecto-mimed bison’ from the Mars Volta which also appears on this list? Anyway she hated it, and rightly so.
I Have Good News To Bring - Sister Rosetta Tharpe: Live from the basement church of my UFO cult, a beautiful version of Take A Trip that sounds like it was recorded on the organ of an empty baseball stadium at night.
Julia - Jungle: I have been desperately waiting for three years now for another Jungle album and they finally posted about new songs the other day and I got very very excited. This is an amazing song, every sound in it is so perfectly placed and the vocals are very beautiful and have such a rich bass for such a high tenor. I love the way the drums subtly get very busy in the last few choruses, I could listen to this song for hours.
Ray Gun (feat. DOOM) -BadBadNotGood & Ghostface Killah: I love that this song is maybe 20bmp faster than Ghostface or Doom are expecting. Doom especially sounds far more excited than he has in years and they both do really well with it. Also, I was certain the melody it breaks into in the last third was some Lalo Schifrin bit I’ve heard before but I can’t seem to find any info corroborating that. If it’s familiar to you or you know where it’s from, please reply to this post because it’s been driving me crazy.
Confessions Pt. III - BadBadNotGood & Colin Stetson: Any song where Colin Stetson has to play with others is funny to me. He’s such a self contained ball of power that him joining a traditional group like it just wouldn’t work. Sure, this song does sort of sound like him doing his own thing for seven minutes while the band sort of reacts to him but it is absolutely fantastic anyway.
Everyone Nose (All The Girls Standing In The Line For The Bathroom) - N.E.R.D: Remember when Pharrell was crazy? This song is total chaos. The pitched down sample in the hook, the two note bassline, the sax that just hoots once a bar. And I absolutely love the contrast of the beautiful bridge, especially the 'achooo’ backing vocals.
Parties - Shlohmo: Bad Vibes was such a moment. It is such a beautiful album, and a very easy album to fall asleep to and then wake up 20 minutes later terrified and choked by your headphones because Trapped In A Burning House, the song that sounds exactly like its title and nothing like the rest of the album, came on. I have such a strong emotional reaction I really can’t explain to the cutoff samples of people laughing near the end of this song.
Bering/Human Till Born -Talkdemonic: I have no idea how I came across this album but I’ve been listening to it constantly for ten years now and I still find new things to appreciate in it. The drums especially in Human Till Born are a source of obsession for me.
Don Caballero 3 - Don Caballero: For a long time I never 'got’ Don Caballero or Hella or any of these supposedly legendary math bands, despite loving so many bands obvously influenced by them. But then one day this album, and this song especially just clicked for me. It also happened to coincide with one of the most surreal weeks of my life when I was on a cruise ship and all I listened to was this and a field recording album that seems to have completely deleted itself from my computer since then. The best advice I’ve heard for listening to this is, and bands like it is that it’s backward. The drums are the lead instrument and everything else works around that, if that helps. This song has a twisted sort of morose quality that’s really hard to pin down. Some days it is absolutely heartbreaking, which sounds silly but it’s true.
B.Y.O.B. - System Of A Down: There’s a few reasons I was thinking of this song. First and most importantly it’s because of that dog vine but the other reason is I was thinking about how there hasn’t been a good anti-trump song yet outside of YG’s FDT, and that came out before the election. This and American Idiot came out in 2004/5, and I suppose it’s only been a year since the election so we’ve got a few years yet until the real hits come out I guess. Or I suppose he’d have to actually properly declare war, which, you know.
4D/MTI - Koreless: These songs are so intertwined in my head I feel like you can’t have one without this other. 4D is such a simple, beautiful piece of music. The synth that sounds like glass and the chopped vocals getting more and more contorted as the song goes on contrasted with the propulsion of the drums is so great. Both of these songs have a meticulousness and restraint to their sound, every single piece is perfectly where it should be and nothing else is allowed. Even MTI using so much white noise feels incredibly controlled and when it totally drops out it feels like coming up from underwater.
New Lands - Justice: Remember when Justice took 4 years to write a follow up to their album that lit the world on fire and instead of doing the same thing again they made a classic rock album? Everyone was so mad. Luckily this song is incredible and everyone was wrong once more.
You Discovered The Secret And Juiced It For All Its Majesty - Venetian Snares: This is from an EP called Cubist Reggae which I think a lot about in concept alone. This is probably the song that illustrates the idea worst but I love it a lot. My incredibly unpopular opinion is that Venetian Snares is miles better of Aphex Twin and whoever but everyone’s written him off as the Rossz Csillag guy so he doesn’t get no respect. I love how detailed his music is, how every one of the million sounds seems to be perfectly placed. I think he’s in a similar position to Autechre where he’s been making and listening to only his own music for so long now that he’s forgotten how normal music sounds, which is good.
Blues Run The Game - Jackson C. Frank: I made a playlist a couple of years ago of all the songs I sing to myself when I’m just walking around or whatever and it turned out about 6/10 had 'blues’ or 'hard times’ in the title, which is tough but it’s ok, and this was one of them. If you want to read a wiki article that’ll make you cry, read Jackson C. Frank’s, but mostly you should just listen to this, his only album.
Thermal Treasure - Polvo: I played this song for my girlfriend and during the intro she said 'you have such a wide variety of tense, off kilter music seeminly designed just to put people on edge’. I’m a huge fan of this very defensive sentence in Polvo’s wiki article 'Their sound was so unpredictable and angular that the band’s guitarists were often accused of failing to play with correctly tuned guitars’.
FML - Kanye West: This is such a strangely affecting song and it’s hard to be sympathetic to Kanye as a narrator sometimes (especially when he insists on doubling down on dogshit lines like “'I'mma have the last laugh indian cause I’m from the tribe called chekaho’”) but against all odds you can identify and relate to his struggle to hold onto the woman he loves and not be undone by his own worst instincts. Musically this is the best The Weeknd has ever sounded and I already love him a lot, and the way the drums lead into the sample at the end is just perfect.
Roulette Dares (The Haunt Of) - The Mars Volta: This is the album I’ve probably listened to the most in my life. As a teenager I would listen to this album every night for easily a year and somehow there’s still something new to hear in it. It’s almost hard to listen to it now because I have so much Teenage Feeling attached to it but it’s still an incredible piece of work. Jon Theodore deserves a statue for his drumming on this album, and this song especially, in my humble opinion.
Life’s A Beach! - Studio: God I love Studio. I think if you tried to describe them on paper you could never make it sound like good music. “It’s sort of, balearic , reggae, guitar-led dance music and the songs go for about 15 minutes most of the time.” But it is good music! I absolutely promise it’s incredible music!
The Number Song (Cut Chemist Remix) - DJ Shadow: I love this remix because it feels like theseus’ ship as demonstrated via remix. How many parts can you swap out for similar but not identical parts before it’s a completely different song. The drums are almost the same beat, but a totally different sample.The Jackson 5 horns in the original that signal the transition to the second half are still here with the same function, but it’s an entirely different horn sample, and an entirely different second half save for 'the party’s already started, and it’s about to end’. 
listen here
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hoseokhearts-blog · 7 years
Bad For Me (Min Yoongi x Reader) Part Three
3] crush
"Listen up kids, I got a hot date tonight, so I'll be leaving a half hour before closing. You two are responsible for closing up, okay?" Stevens said the following Thursday. It'd been a week since your 7-Eleven trip with Yoongi, and you were pleased that after that night, things hadn't become awkward between the two of you. In fact, when Yoongi showed up for work the Tuesday after you'd had dinner with him, he seemed in a better mood than you had seen him so far.
"Sure," Yoongi said, sipping his latte. You had decorated it with a leaf design again.
"Another date?" You questioned your uncle while slightly rolling your eyes. Stevens was notorious for going on bizzare dates with random people that he met on offbeat dating sites, and those dates never had a bright outcome. In some ways you felt sorry for your uncle, seeing as he was simply going on those dates to try and fill the void that had been created after his wife had passed away. But on the other hand, you wished he would find a more proactive way to meet people- people that weren't total nutjobs.
"Her name is Patsy and she's a high school art teacher," Stevens said defensively.
"There's no way her name is "Patsy"," you scoffed, shaking your head.
"You don't know her life! Her name most definietly could be Patsy!" Stevens exclaimed, and Yoongi laughed, immediately covering his mouth after doing so.
"Sorry," he mumbled from behind his hands.
"Look, Stevens, go for it! Go on this date. But, if she turns out to be a catfish like last time, I don't want to hear you complaining about it," you shrugged.
"You got a lot of sass, you know-" Stevens began to lecture you, but was interrupted by the sound of the door opening, and the first wave of customers entering. Yoongi glanced down at his watch and nearly jumped. He set his empty cup down on the counter and gave you a small closed-mouth smile before running off to the piano to begin playing. For nearly 5 minutes after, you could still feel your heartbeat in your ears.
Sometime around 9 pm, thirty minutes before closing, Yoongi was in the middle of playing Clair de lune by Claude Debussy. You had your hands resting in your face as you leaned against the counter, watching him intently. The rush of people had slowed as the cafe was now packed, and all of the customers were happily sitting with their tea and pastries, chatting amongst themselves and listening to the music.
You watched Yoongi's jaw clench as he reached a critical moment in the song, his eyes still closed, not depending on the sheet music. You were so into watching him that you didn't hear Stevens trying to talk to you. It wasn't until he literally snapped his fingers in front of your face that you acknowledged his existence and focused back into reality.
"You okay?" Stevens raised an eyebrow at you as you stood up straight.
"Fine," you cleared your throat.
"Okay then. I'm leaving for my date with Patricia," he informed you, flashing a grin.
"I thought her name was Patsy."
"Oh, right. My date last week was named Patricia...Anyway, I'm off. Do you feel comfortable being here with him?" Stevens asked, nodding in Yoongi's direction. He was still playing piano with his eyes closed.
"Why do you ask?"
"I'm just looking out for you. If he makes you uncomfortable we can just close down before I leave," Stevens said, still eyeing Yoongi from afar.
"No, it's fine. Really," you reassured him even though you did appreciate his consideration.
"Alright. I'm a phone call away if you need me. See ya!" Stevens waved, half skipping his way to the front door before promptly exiting. You couldn't help but smile; he reminded you of  the way his brother, your father, used to be. Sometimes this connection between their behavior would make you laugh, but other times it would make you cry.
Shaking the thought out of your head, you looked back toward Yoongi, who had moved on to Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. You sat there watching him, only looking away to tell customers goodnight as they slowly began to filter out. By 9:30, the place was empty and Yoongi had finished off his last song.
Raising from the piano bench, Yoongi looked content, a small smile on his face as he gathered his sheet music together and placed it back into his music folder. You flipped the door sign to closed and began to clean up the tables. He began helping you without you having to ask, as he had been doing.
"You did well," you complimented him a bit shyly as you were collecting cups from a table while Yoongi was wiping it down with cleaner.
"Oh? Thank you," he offered a small smile.
"You seem like you don't get told that often enough," you blurted out before you even had a chance to think thoroughly think about it.
"What do you mean?" he replied. The two of you moved onto the next table.
"People haven't told you how talented you are. It seems like you don't even realize the potential that you have," the words flowed honestly from your mouth.
"Ahh, come on. I'm not that good," he waved your comment off, but it didn't seem like an act. It didn't seem like he was being modest out of politeness; it seemed like he truly thought he wasn't that talented. And that made you upset.
"Yoongi, you're amazing," You said seriously, stopping your cleaning to look him straight in the eye. The tips of his ears turned pink as he broke eye contact, looking down.
"Thank you," he murmured, before picking up the cleaning spray and rag and moving onto a different table. Your heart thudded as you kept replaying his reaction to your compliment over and over in your head. There was something so pure and genuine about his response that made your chest hurt, a feeling that you couldn't put a name to.
The two of you didn't talk anymore as you finished the rest of the cleaning. By 10, everything that was finished. The two of you met by the door; he flicked the lights off as you put on your jacket. As he had a week before, he opened the door, allowing you to walk out first, then checking to make sure it was locked behind you.
"I'll see you on Tuesday?" You asked.
"Yup," he smiled a small smile and the two of you turned away from each other on the sidewalk, beginning to walk in different directions. Part of you felt disappointed as you breathed in the cool air, walking away from Yoongi. However, the feeling didn't last of long as less than 20 seconds later, you heard footsteps quickly approaching from behind you.
"Y/N!" It was Yoongi, calling out your name. You stopped dead in your tracks, turning around to face him.
"I was just, um, thinking that maybe, um, I should, uh, walk you home?" He stuttered, scratching the back of his neck.
"I-I was just thinking about what Stevens had said before...Uh about you walking alone at night..." From the light of the street lamps you could see his face had flushed. He was embarrassed.
"I m-mean it's cool if you don't need me to, I just thought maybe I should offer. You know, because-"
"Thanks, Yoongi. I'd appreciate that," you smiled, cutting him off because he couldn't stop nervously babbling.
"Sure," he nodded, his cheeks turning an even dark shade of red as he began walking alongside you.
"My dorm is only a few blocks away," you informed him casually, trying quite hard to keep your cool. He had turned around and came back for you, just to make sure that you got home safely. You bit your lip, trying your best not to full-on grin. The slight disappointment you had before had completely disenegrated. Yoongi had come back for you.
"Okay, cool," he stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked a bit closer to you than he did the night you two went to 7-Eleven. You walked in silence for a few minutes.
"Yoongi?" you said suddenly.
"That day you came in for the audition...Why didn't you have an umbrella?" You were hoping that question would cause him to open up a bit to you, and maybe share some information about his life with you. You'd been curious about his lack of umbrella since the first time you saw him, and you finally felt that the moment was right for you to ask.
"Oh...that," he hesistated slightly, "I wasn't having a very good day." Yoongi's shoulder brushed against you accidentally as you walked. You waited for him to elaborate further, but he shifted the subject slightly instead.
"To be honest with you, I haven't been having a very good past couple of years. I've been trying to work hard because I don't want my family to feel ashamed of me." You looked toward Yoongi, but he kept his gaze facing forward as he continued talking.
"My parents wanted me to go to University, but I can't afford it right now. But even if I could afford it, it's not what I want to do. I just want to persue my music, but my family doesn't approve of that, so I feel like I can't..." He trailed off. You glanced up at his face again. He looked melancholy, and it made your chest hurt. You really felt for Yoongi, and you felt sad that he was stuck between his parents' wishes and his own.
"I'm sorry, Yoongi. Honestly, I'm sorry you're having to try and juggle that." His shoulder brushed against you again.
"Yeah...So, right now I'm kind of caught in the middle. I'm working to save money to attend school when I don't even want that, and I'm playing music at the cafe and looking for random opportunities even though I know it's a long shot," he sighed and you suddenly found yourself filled with a rare form of bravery. You stopped walking and lightly pulled on the sleeve of his dress shirt, causing him to stop walking as well.
His eyes were wide as he looked at you with curiousity, and you wondered if maybe your gesture had made his heart beat faster.
"You'll get your shot, Yoongi. Talent like yours is few and far between. It's only a matter of time before someone more important than me or Stevens takes notice of it," you reassured him as he blinked a few times. "I mean it," you whispered.
"That means a lot," he nodded. He looked a bit emotional, biting his lip as if he was trying to avoid letting tears out. You both stood there for a few short moments before Yoongi spoke up, "It's cold. Let's get you home."
By the time you arrived at your dorm building, you had a lot on your mind. But, something felt different between you and Yoongi after that conversation. It was almost as if there had a been an emotional wall that had been broken down. He didn't feel so much like an acquaintance or just a work partner anymore; he was really starting to feel like your friend. He had been slightly vunerable in front of you, and you didn't take that gesture lightly.
"Thanks for taking the time to walk me home," You said as the two of you lingered outside the front door.
"No worries," Yoongi smiled at you, and it was real this time.
"So I'll see you soon?" you asked, even though you already knew what the answer was. For some reason, you yearned for confirmation that you would see him again. Confirmation that this was all real, and he was real.
"Of course you will," he assured you, and something about the way he looked at you compelled you to believe him. His eyes were soft and honest, and you were completely and utterly lost in them.
"Goodnight, Y/N. Sleep well," he said softly, before turning and walking away.
You stood on the front steps of your dorm building for several minutes, watching until you no longer could see the outline of him.
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Reunion: An NDRV3 Fic
(So I talked before on Discord about the scene in DR3 where the class of 77 show up and whoop the Future Foundation, but instead it's the NDRV3 cast. I decided to share a few scenes I thought up. Thank you for reading in advance! BTW, in this, they were the Remnants, not the SDR2 crew.)
Makoto and Byakuya’s trusted agents are being pinned down by a group of Future Foundation soldiers that were brainwashed by Ryota Mitarai’s Hope Anime, a fate that the rest of the world would soon face if Makoto doesn’t get there and stop him in time. Makoto is racking his brain trying to figure out a way to get through them without anyone dying. Makoto was desperate enough to bolt through the bullets hoping his luck wouldn’t fail him now. When suddenly, he heard a few loud grunts, several loud sounds of impact and the bullets cease fire. Makoto cautiously raised his head over the wall he crouching behind with Byakuya’s men to see the future foundation members knocked out by pieces of rubble thrown at their heads. He then looked up to see the ones who did the throwing and found to his surprise a group of cloaked figures standing atop the rubble. The cloaked figures parted and knelt as a young-and-innocent-seeming boy walked to the front. One of the cloaked figures crawled up to the boy with a bucket of ice and several sodas wedged in the ice. The boy happily takes one, opens it, and after taking his first sip, finally acknowledges Makoto with a simple, “We’re here!” and went back to his soda. Makoto expected nothing less of Kokichi Ouma, former-SHSL Supreme Leader.
Kyosuke Munakata is going up against a bridge full of soldiers with only his swords, and then he sees a projectile bounce from soldier head to soldier head in a zig-zag pattern and they are dropping immediately after with something else flinging them in a straight path down the middle. He catches the projectile when it reaches him. It’s a simple tennis ball. The thing coming down the middle is actually a person, he was was just too short for Munakata to see. The unique-looking man is armed with only a tennis racket, he pulls out a cigarette, lights it, and takes a long drag. Munakata grimaces, as he recognizes the man as Remnant of Despair and former Death Row convict, Ryoma Hoshi, the former-SHSL Tennis Star. He scoffs, “Remnant, why are you here?” Ryoma, takes the tennis ball, that Munakata had dropped after recognizing what it was and who was using it, looks up at him and says, “I seek something that I might never earn, yet I shall still try to: atonement!”  As Ryoma said that last word, he jumped high into the air, far higher than any normal human could, and spiked the tennis ball back into the crowd of hypnotized soldiers.
Outside the facility, two figures stand in the pouring rain. One was a member of the Future Foundation Elite Force, made up of former SHSL students, this person in particular was the former-SHSL Shuriken Thrower. The other was Korekiyo Shiguuji, former-SHSL  Anthropologist, and former Remnant. Korekiyo was dancing past the Shurikens like they were nothing. The Shuriken Thrower let out a, “Tsk!” in frustration at the Korekiyo’s evasiveness. “Let me guess what is frustrating you.” Korekiyo stated calmly, sending a chill up his opponent’s spine. “’How is this despair scum, evading my black shurikens, being expertly thrown, in the middle of a storm where he shouldn’t even be able to see them?’ That is what you’re thinking isn’t? Well, the answer is simple. I am a human, the most beautiful thing in the world. And I am something even better than that, a human whose life and the lives is in danger, raising my adrenaline, which can make me do things that most people believe is only possible in fables and myth. But they forget that all fables are based on truth in one way or another. And there is another reason. You are afraid of me. After all, I had a hand in the destruction of the world.” Korekiyo’s voice had lost it’s calm cadence and is now become more aggressive, dripping with venom. The F.F. agent could only imagine the face he was making under that mask, despite really not wanting to find out. Korekiyo began approaching his opponent, all the while still dodging the increasing number shurikens that were flung at him. “You should be afraid, for I have already won against those much stronger than you. The world collapsed at my feet. Not even for a reason that matters, simply because my friends and I wanted to. All of this happened because we thought it would be fun! So go on, be afraid! For I am a human, the most destructive force the world has ever seen!” Korekiyo laughed as lightning struck the platform behind him, illuminating his silhouette and making his presence seem all the more intimidating. The Shuriken Thrower reeled back and screamed as he tried to throw another shuriken, but was stopped as Korekiyo’s vine whip wrapped around his neck and pulled him towards Korekiyo. The Shuriken Thrower lost consciousness and collapsed, and as he did, the last thing he heard was his attacker simply saying in a calm voice lacking any sarcasm or the venom that was previously there, “Sweet dreams.”
A fighter jet was flying over the island was locking on to the stolen Future Foundation ship that the remnants had used to get there. The jet was piloted by the former-SHSL Pilot. She flashed a cocky grin and said to herself, “Target locked on. Ready to fire.” Immediately after she said that and just before she was going to fire, a voice came through over the channel, but it wasn’t a member of Future Foundation. It was a loud yet polite voice she didn’t recognize that stated, “I’m going to have to tell you to land now! Do not fire or face the consequences!” She couldn’t help but scoff, this guy had to be a Remnant right? She knew they were stupid enough to be pawns to Junko Enoshima, but come on! The Pilot spoke into her mic, “Yeah good luck buddy! I can out-fly any human or drone in the world, and I definitely can avoid missiles or artillery! What can you do to-?” As she said this, a heavy slam could be heard from the bottom of the jet’s front, shaking her even in the cockpit, buckled up. They’re were several more smaller noises, that sounded akin a pair of the Jaws of Life being used on a car, approaching the cockpit, going up the nose of and flipping to the top side, but it was still just out of her line of sight. The previous voice picked up again this time seeming less loud, and more confident. ”No humans or drones can match you and no missiles or artillery can hit you, huh? Well it’s a good thing...” The Pilot finally saw what was on her jet. A man-shaped figure was clutching the dome window of the jet, casting a shadow over her and the cockpit as a whole. She couldn’t see anything about them- him? it? -because of how dark it was except for a pair of glowing blue eyes that seemed more like headlights than anything. “...I’m none of those! I’m Kiibo, Greetings!” The pilot panicked and fired the missile in hopes of anything saving her. Kiibo turned away from her and removed his grip off the dome window, allowing the Pilot to hit the eject button and escape from the jet. Kiibo’s collar came together in front of his face and connected as he raised his left hand and fired a laser at the missile, blowing it up before it could do any harm. The pilot let out a sigh as she watched the jet where she last saw Kiibo hit the ocean surface and explode. “I’m safe...” “Don’t worry, I was not going to let you die there.” The pilot blanched as she looked up from the sea to in front of her where Kiibo was flying in front of her as she gently floated towards the ground with her parachute. “However, I told you not to fire. So now, you’ll have to suffer consequences.” The pilot sat there trying to process everything that just happened and tried to respond to Kiibo or defend herself. Her body settled on emptying her bladder and throwing up in Kiibo’s general direction out of fear before losing consciousness. “Oh no! My readings show her heart rate is out of control! I know!” Kiibo rubbed his palms together and shouted, “Clear!” as he attempted to resuscitate the ‘flat-lining’ pilot.
Inside the facility, a loud cackling could be heard coming from one, Miu Iruma, former-SHSL Inventor. She was fighting one of Future Foundation’s drones. These drones were basically small quadrupedal tanks. “Listen up, you pile of scrap I coulda built better if I was half asleep and jerking off in the shower, you have no chance of beating me and my patent-pending invention, the Kiibo Kanon, made after some nobody I call a friend’s own arm canon, this thing is at least 50,000,000-fold better than his lasers!” Miu continued on with her half-monologue-half-bizzare-imaginary-infomercial, switching to a nasal and whiny voice. “‘But super-sexy-Miu-sama-onee-sensei~ how could you have made that?’ I hear some of you at home ask, well it’s simple fools! It’s because I’m SO FUCKING STROOOOOOOOOONG!” She fires her laser canon at the drone, blowing it away until it’s nothing but dust. “KYAHAHAHAHAHA! And that’s just a taste of my full power!” After she said that a drone appeared from right behind her, making her jump with an, “EEP!” and drop the Kiibo Kanon down a hole in the floor. She looked at the now advancing drone nervously. “Hehehe...PLEASE DON’T HURT ME! I’LL GIVE YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT, MR. DRONE! MY MONEY, MY INVENTIONS, MY BODY! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!” After emptying her pockets, throwing all of their contents at the drone, and opening her shirt to show off her body did nothing, Miu was in a ball on the floor sobbing. “I DON’T WANNA DIE A VIRGIN! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” She didn’t notice when the drone stepped on a roach in its path to Miu, but someone else sure did. The drone was about to pounce when, it was held back by something. It was then flung off the edge of the walkway, into the floor far below where it exploded on impact. Miu stopped sobbing and looked up at her savior, Gonta Gokuhara, former-SHSL Entomologist. “You alright, Miu?” Miu quickly wiped her saliva, tears, and running mascara off of her face before regaining her arrogant composure. “Of course I’m fine! I’m me, aren’t I? I saw you were coming and started acting scared as a distraction, is all. You should be thanking me!” She turned around and huffed. Gonta then responded with, “You’ve got a brown stain on the back of your skirt, Miu.” Miu’s eyes popped open as she covered up the back of her skirt and rear end. “What? Oh my god, I haven’t done that when I got scared since middle school! Kirumi is gonna kill me! Ouma will never let me hear the end of it! Maybe Maki has some spare panties and a skirt or somethi- wait a second, no there isn’t!” Gonta chuckled and said, “Sorry Miu, I couldn’t help myself.” Miu started to tear up a bit again. “Ug...You better not tell anybody about either of the things that happened, got it?” Gonta nodded and said, “As a gentleman, that’s the least I can do Miu.”
“A sea monster! Run for your lives!” The majority of Future Foundation soldiers were being incapacitated by a giant creature looming over the docks of the facility, it was swinging its giant tentacles all over the place knocking people over and rendering too terrified to even shoot back. “RAAWWRRR!!! Teehee! This is going great!” On the other side of the ‘giant monster’ were the ones who built this on such short notice, Angie Yonaga and Tsumugi Shirogane, former-SHSL Artist and Cosplayer, respectively. They each had their limbs tied to a stick that was controlling one of the tentacles. Angie had her mouth in a large cone that was making her voice louder and she was wearing a voice modifier that made her cute voice change into a ravenous beast’s. Tsumugi pondered out loud, “Wow, I’m really surprised they aren’t noticing that this is made out of foam, wood, paint, and glitter glue.” Angie took another break from screaming into the cone and said, “That’s because God is on our side, Tsumugi!” “Giving how much could’ve gone wrong, I’m inclined to believe you, Angie...”
Rantarou Amami, former-SHSL- Oh who cares what talent he has? He certainly didn’t in this moment in time, he was busy being chased after by a Future Foundation agent who was throwing knives and breathing fire at him. Yet Rantarou kept a calm composure. ”Look man, you don’t have to hurt me, I just wanna get by. We can talk this out, all you have to do is listen to-” He stopped talking when a knife landed between his legs and lodged into the wall. Rantarou realized that this was a time where his negotiation skills are useless. Rantarou also realized he was going to probably die here. But then he heard a loud battle cry, coming from Tenko Chabashira, former-SHSL Aikido Master, Tenko was dodging the fire and kicking the knives away using all of her Neo-Aikido skills. “Like any dirty boy is gonna stop Tenko! Outta my way!” Tenko flipped him into a wall with enough force for him to get stuck in the wall. Rantarou smiled as his classmate and was about to thank her for the rescue when suddenly, he found himself being flung down the hall by his hero. “Sorry Rantarou! Force of habit!” Tenko somewhat-insincerely called out. Then Tenko was knocked onto the floor after being surprised by another Future Foundation agent. She was the former-SHSL Kick-boxer. “Damn it! She’s a girl!” Tenko explained as the Kick-boxer was standing over her and had a foot on her back. “Tenko’s senses are best at sensing nasty boys, she didn’t expect a girl to attack her from behind! You’re a fighter, you should fight with a shred of honor, at least!” The Kick-boxer laughed and was about to bring her foot down on Tenko, but was interrupted by a fist to the side of the head, knocking her out. It belonged to Kaito Momota, former-SHSL Astronaut. “Good thing I’m a cheater too.” Kaito reached down and helped Tenko up. Kaito bushed and asked Tenko, “Y-you alright?” Tenko blushed and said, “Y-yeah. Don’t think I needed you Kaito! Tenko doesn’t need any boys! But...thanks...” “Uhhh...I’m not fine...” “SHUT UP RANTAROU!”
Kirumi Toujou, former-SHSL Maid was no one to scoff at when it came to skill. That’s why the group of soldiers that came across her cleaning up the rubble of the ruined facility, soon regretted lowering their guns at first. They also soon learned how someone could get their ass handed to them by a maid, that was armed with only a broom and a feather duster. That’s right, she beat someone who had a rifle, with a feather duster. Never doubt Kirumi Toujou.
Maki Harukawa, former-SHSL Caregiver and Kaede Akamatsu, former-SHSL Pianist were sitting on a stage with a microphone and a piano, singing lullabies. Maki’s heavenly and serene singing voice, mixed with Kaede’s Piano skills were putting any soldiers around them to sleep with their rendition of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” The former-SHSL Sniper was wearing sound-proof headphones and was about to take a shot at Kaede. She was stopped by Shuichi Saihara, former-SHSL Detective. Shuichi waved bashfully, mouthed an apology and used his magnifying glass to put a glare in her eyes and disorient her. He then ran up and ripped her headphones off, putting her to sleep. “Ok you two! I think that’s all of them!” Shuichi yelled out. Once they ceased their song, Shuichi removed his earplugs and walked over to them. “Not all of them!” a loud voice rang through the room as the owner of the voice, the former-SHSL Recon Specialist dropped in with a gun pointed at the three Remnants, finger on the trigger. “You’re finished, remnants.” Kaede smiled and responded with, “Not yet!” and played a very short and odd-sounding series of notes. the Recon Specialist was lost, “What was that supposed to knock me out? That was terrible!” Kaede had a smug look on her face and said, “Oh, I know. That song wasn’t going to do anything to you directly. That was a signal.” The Elite Force agent laughed, “Oh yeah? Signal for what?” Maki, responded this time, “It’s the ‘Kiibo we’re in trouble signal.’” They all then heard a loud crashing noise as Kiibo came flying in and tackled the one endangering their friends to the ground. And then through the ground.
The 16 Remnants now were back together in front of the broadcasting tower, ready to stop Ryota. But one last obstacle stood in their way. The former-SHSL Tank Operator, was blocking the way in a tank (”Makes sense.” Rantarou muttered.) “Remnants of Despair: Turn back now or be blown away! I really don’t care which!” “Neither.” Ryoma confidently stated, his cigarette still in his mouth despite getting wet in the rain. “We may have become puppets to Junko, but we refuse to hesitate here and now! Please get out of your tank or we will have to use force!” Kiibo Proclaimed, getting worried about how much rain is getting on him today. “We are going to stop Ryota no matter what it takes.” Rantarou said, unwilling to back down. “What a filthy boy, bringing a tank to a fist fight! A coward like you can’t stop Tenko, let alone all of us!” Tenko said, standing her ground. “I’m famous in space! What makes you think you’ll stop us?” Kaito had a resolve to see this to the end as well. “God is on Angie’s side and her friends’ side!” Angie said with her hands to the sky. “If this was an anime, this would be our redemption arc.” Tsumugi seemed to only be half there. “I lead over 10,000 people in a secret society. I’m one of the most evil and manipulative people I know, and even I know that we have to stop this.” Kokichi was on his fifth soda now. “My golden brain cell will figure us a way in no matter what!” Miu was back to her confident facade. “We as human beings can power through anything. Especially when we do it together.” Korekiyo had his eyes closed and his bandaged hands out. “I deal with kids. You can’t scare me...” Maki had a determined look, well determined in Maki’s book. “As a maid, it is my duty to clean up a mess. And this is a big one.” Kirumi stood with her hands behind her back. “When it’s all of us, we can do it. I know it.” Shuichi seems calm despite how nerve-wracking the situation is. “A gentleman would see that letting us through is the right thing to do and move aside!” Gonta was smiling and was hoping that this would end peacefully. “This is tiring...I want outta this rain! Let us stop him, so we can go home!” Himiko Yumeno, the former-SHSL Magician, who had been staying on the boat as a lookout until this point, was playing with a tennis ball she asked Ryoma for earlier. “We believe in each other, we believe in earning redemption, even if the world will still hate us. We have to make things right. Please, let us through.” Kaede looked at her classmates friends family and knew that they weren’t scared or unsure like they were in the game, or being manipulated like they were before by Junko, they were determined. And they weren’t going to be sto- “Alright! Prepare to be blown away!” They sorta forgot that they were talking to someone, and not just motivating themselves. As they heard the main canon of the tank start to fire it’s laser cannon, Himiko scoffed, said, “Enough talk!” threw the tennis ball in the air, pointed her wand and shouted, “I summon you, my familiar, Nutter Butter!” In a plume of smoke the tennis ball turned into Nutter Butter, Himiko’s pet elephant. Nutter Butter crushed the tank as they heard the Tank Operator let out a blood-curdling scream. Kaede was the first to react, “Is he dead?” Himiko made Nutter Butter disappear, looked back and said, “I don’t care...” Kiibo scanned the wreckage of the tank, ripped open a part of the wreckage, and found a perfectly fine Tank Operator. “Wow, you’re lucky you made it out of that Ok.” The Tank Operator sighed, and said, “Yeah, I am.” Then he realized the remnants surrounded him. “We weren’t gonna hurt you...” Rantarou nonchalantly mentions. “But then you tried to blow us up!” Gonta shouted, obviously having decided that there will be no more Mr. Nice Gonta. “But look,” Ouma said, “because we’re trying to show we’ve changed, we’re only gonna beat you half to death.” The Tank Operator let out a scream as the 16 students began to pummel him.
(I guess they just beat up Ryota too. I wanted them to have a nice group resolution like the SDR2 cast did with Ryota but they weren’t his classmate in this so...Thanks for reading!)
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hyttesanger · 7 years
When You Wish Upon A Star (Your Dreams Come True)
T | Lee Soojung x Lee Mijoo
"Yah. When can we go back and sleep?" This is the tenth time Soojung whines since she and Mijoo arrived at their apartment building's roof few hours earlier, armed with layers of thick blanket and pillows and sweaters to fight October's chill air. She barely stifles a huge yawn with the back of her hand.
"Hold on." Mijoo fishes a phone out of her bag, scrolling through a page from some space and astronomy website before reciting what's written in there. "It's said here the best time to see the meteor shower is around midnight to early morning. Be patient, unnie, it's only 01:15 now."
"Mijoo..." Soojung retorts. It's that tone that normally precedes a long motherly nag, so Mijoo cuts her right away.
"Yes, I know we have schedule tomorrow. But I've never seen shooting stars before." She quickly does the sort of exaggerated pouty face - which she's very certain wouldn't work with Soojung, but oh well... At least she tried, right? "Pweeeaseee! Just one more hour! I promise if by then the meteor doesn't show up, we will head back to the dorm right away and sleep."
It all started few weeks ago when Little Sujeong discovered the information of Orionid meteor shower, which is supposed to be visible throughout October and peak tonight, then declared they should go see it. Everyone sans their leader seemed to agree and immediately launched numerous “Lovelyz Goes Stargazing” plans - Soojung preferred to call them nonsensical ideas. The one that gained most votes from all members was taking a gigantic tent up to the hill nearby, but it sadly didn't get approval from their manager ("Who would drive you all there? Do you know how much a tent for eight people cost?”), so they gave up and decided the dorm's rooftop and blankets would do fine.
Days passed, their previously empty schedule began to get busier and busier with preparation for upcoming comeback. Then on the d-day, of course, true to Soojung's dubiety, the initiator of this ridiculous big plan was the first one who bailed out.
"My eyes can't stay open for more than one second. You unnies, take lots of pics and show me tomorrow, 'kay?" Bbangdeokkie had said when Soojung tried to wake her up. The girl didn't even bother getting out of her comfortable bed.
In the end, nobody else beside Mijoo was awake enough to watch the meteor shower - which is kinda surprising actually, since the girl resents staying out in the open during this season. Taking pity on the dancer's sullen face (she'd even got her sweater and blankets prepared since morning), Soojung finally offered they climb up to the roof accordingly to the plan. Which then brought them to their current state; each of them snuggled into their respective pillows, occasionally sipping hot chocolate or munching the snacks they've stolen from Little Sujeong's secret food stash as they're waiting for the meteor shower to start.
They wait for another hour listening to owls hooting lowly and crickets chirping in the faraway, tonight's autumn breeze is pretty nice in a way that drives both girls drowsy. Just as Soojung is starting to regret her poor life choice of coming here, the first meteor cuts through the dark, faraway sky. It happens very sudden, in just a fraction of one second Soojung almost thought she might've been hallucinating. She blinks few times, beside her, Mijoo gasps an oh! quietly, indicating what they've seen was indeed, a real thing.
Soon, thousands more shooting stars continue to rain down, blazing the whole sky with their magnificent trails. It's magical. It's by far the prettiest scene they both ever witnessed, even someone as riotous as Mijoo actually seems to be too deep in awe to make a commotion this time.
"We should make a wish." She whispers.
But never one to believe in such fairytale-ish superstition, Soojung only scoffs watching the younger girl closing her eyes, hands clasped together before her chest and looking dead serious.
"I'd never understand why people do that. The best, logical way to attain something is by working hard, not talking to stars."
"Tsk, you really have no sense of romance." Mijoo chuckles. "Well, if you don't want to ask anything, then I will make a wish for you. I hope Soojung unnie grows tall and sexy like me—oof!"
A blanket smothered her entire head effectively shuts Mijoo's mouth. "I should've never accompanied you, jerk!" Soojung gets up, struggling to hold the urge to throw this stupid girl off to the cold street below.
"Fine, I have a wish now! I hope Lee Mijoo shrink into a dwarf and have to walk around with insoles hidden inside your shoes forever!" She says one last time before storms out of the roof, all the while Mijoo's still bursting fit of boisterous laugh.
The younger girl soon follows Soojung, dragging the whole pile of blankets down the emergency stairs leading to their apartment unit, occasionally rambling series of half-hearted apologies which Soojung completely ignores. Across the sky they've left behind, one last shooting star streaks beautifully; and little does Soojung or Mijoo knows, it might've been listening to their wishes.
First abnormal thing Soojung notices right after she wakes up is her slightly bigger than usual boobs. Not that she is the type who obsessed over stuffs like that, Soojung just... can't help but observe the deep cleavage peeking out of the not-properly-buttoned pajama shirt. She mutters a confused hmm?, absent-mindedly kneading one of her own breasts while the other free hand is tucking some strands of her long hair behind her ear—
Long hair?
"Unnie, I know you have a great pride in yourself, but please, don't be gross."
Soojung's head shoots up instantly when she hears Jiyeon's voice. The girl is in the middle of her morning skincare ritual, perched before the chaotic vanity across their bed, a very rare frown of disapproval spreads across her normally amicable face as she watches Soojung's reflection on the huge mirror.
"What are you doing here in my room?"
"Uh. It's our room?" Jiyeon corrects her.
Soojung begins to feel her blood run cold. She carefully climbs off the top bunkbed, inspecting her body while walking towards the younger girl, who's still giving her a weird look. The pajama shirt she's wearing positively isn't hers. These all-skin-and-bone thin arms, they definitely aren't hers. And these... Long?? Her legs are long? Is there any way Soojung, a twenty five, could experience sudden spurt of growth overnight?
She finally stops just beside Jiyeon, the sound of her thumping heart is deafening as she looks up to the mirror.
There, reflection of Lee Mijoo stares back right at her.
Soojung has never screamed that loud in her life before.
"Soojung unnie, is that you?"
With her now smaller feet, Mijoo carefully pads through the bedroom, towards... Herself. Or more like, towards Soojung, inhabiting her body. The older girl sits hugging her knees by the corner of the room surrounded by Jiyeon's Rilakkuma stuffs, presumably trying to convince herself that this all are is just a very bad dream.
Surely Mijoo too, has gotten her share of huge shock when she found out about the whole situation few moments ago. Then came a loud screaming voice she recognized as hers, followed by Jiyeon running around the dorm telling everyone else I don't know what happened but Mijoo unnie suddenly freaked out!, and her gut feeling shifted to certainty; she and Soojung had swapped their bodies.
"This is.." After a long bizzare silence, Soojung finally speaks up, gesturing back and forth between... herself and herself. Lord this is so confusing she really wants to pull her hair out and shriek. "Is this because of what we wished last night?"
Mijoo tilts her head, feature scrunches while she's trying to remember. "Last night you said..."
"I wish Lee Mijoo shrunk..."
"And have to wear insoles... Forever..."
"Forever." Soojung echoes the last word slowly, turning even paler as the meaning of it dawns on her.
"No. No no no no. No! This is madness! I cannot live in this body forever!" She yells frantically. "Yah! There must be a way to reverse this, right?!"
"Maybe, I don't know. But first thing first, unnie, we have to perform in like five hours." Mijoo gives her a pointed look.
"Exactly why we have to figure something out before the schedule starts! Or— Or we should call it off!"
"Exactly why we have to get ourselves together and carry on!"
"But this is super emergency!"
"Yeah like hell the managers and our members would believe something as farfetched as this! How do you expect them to help anyway? Drag us to the hospital for mentally-ill people?" Where have their level-headed, undeterred by anything leader gone? Did they also swap their personalities along with their bodies? Mijoo groans in disbelief.
"Unnie, just stop thinking too much. We will figure something out, but right now, we don't have time for that. I promise we will discuss this tonight after the event. Are you understanding me?" She tries to offer an encouraging big smile. It must look good, she knows how adorable Soojung is when smiling.
"C'mon. As long as we don't talk too much, nobody would realize we've swapped bodies."
"Right. Okay." After a little moment of consideration, Soojung eventually allows Mijoo to pull her up and steer her out to the hallway. They walk stealthily past the other members' rooms with the mockery of burglars avoiding getting caught.
"Then, where are we going now?"
"Um. Let's shower first. Everyone else are getting ready to go to the beauty shop."
Suddenly, Soojung's eyes widen at the mention of shower. "Uh. Do you think we can survive without going to the bathroom for a few days?"
"No." Mijoo sighs again. "Don't be ridiculous, unnie."
"I mean, this is your body! I just don't want to see.. I... You get what I mean, don't you?"
"If it makes you feel better, I've sort of seen yours. Went to pee first thing after woke up, that's when I realized we have our body swapped." Mijoo says, the volume consistently descends with each word. "And I might have... Accidentally touched few things..."
"What?!" Soojung screeches, halting abruptly in the spot. "God, you're unbelievable! I hate you! Bastard! Pervert!"
"Well I didn't do it willingly, I swear! Stop hitting me!" Mijoo desperately tries to block all kicks and punches directed at her, which is hard, because now she is small and Soojung is so much taller. Oh so this is how it feels to be tiny person and get picked on by huge bully. "I had no other choice, is all! Do you want me to cause your bladder some permanent damage?!"
It makes sense, so Soojung finally stops her attack. She rubs her forehead in frustration. "This is crazy. I can't do this."
"Say, why don't we just do it together? That way we will be even, and each of us doesn't need to worry about what we do behind closed door, yeah?"
"You mean— Wait— No!"
But Mijoo is losing patience. Whilst Soojung is too stunned to fight, she ducks and hoists the older girl by waist, exerting all strength she got to push the now taller girl into their dorm's bathroom which, fortunately, located only few steps away from where they're standing. Another scream of terror ensues.
Three hours later, Soojung is still flushed red, to the point her make-up artist falsely suspecting her of being ill. Been living together for years, this morning wasn't the first time she got to see one of the other girls naked, intentional or not. With so little break between schedules, it's inevitable for them to change or shower together occasionally to save time.
But still, to see her own body moving around across her, not to mention with Mijoo's mannerism - the way her hip would swing with each step like there is an invisible red carpet beneath her feet, the confidence projected as she struts forward, that's.... A whole new level of peculiarity.
And now, just remembering one second of that event somewhat can make her heart jolt uncontrollably. It's strange, why would someone feel like this - like having such a wrong desire towards their own naked body? Is she having some sort of narcisstic disorder she'd never known before? But then again, Soojung isn't particularly a big fan of herself no matter people keep telling her how cute she is. She has confidence, sure, but not in a shameless à la Lee Mijoo way.
"Uhm." The sound of Mijoo clearing her throat sends Soojung back to reality.
"What do you want now?!" Soojung spats. Being the fourth born now she can no longer be the first to get anything, and waiting for turn to get her make-up done at this moment really doesn't help toning down her rage. Why can't this day be over already, she just want to sleep and who knows, maybe everything would be fixed by itself once she wake up the next day?
"I need some earrings."
"So what?! You don't have hands to get it by yourself??"
Mijoo purses her lips, looking like she's contemplating a major life decision before finally lifting a finger up. "It's kept over there."
The shelf Mijoo's pointing at isn't actually that high, but Soojung remembers exactly that the accessories box is placed on the very top, behind any other boxes, which would be quite a hassle for someone's Mijoo's height - her height - to get.
"I can't reach it." Mijoo says, hands in the air, a defeated gesture. And Soojung immediately lightens up in a terrifying sort of way.
It's a very foreboding oh.
The rest of their time in the beauty salon proved that Soojung could be quite a mean prankster when she wanted to. First, she took some of Mijoo's belongings and hid them on high places. When Mijoo refused to ask for help and insistently tried to find them herself, she hid the stool.
"Unnie." Mijoo's no longer able to remember of how many times she has came to the mischievous leader today in search for missing things. The way her shoulders slump makes her seem even smaller. "Where are my insoles?"
"Hmm.. I wonder where are they." Soojung replies is lazy drawls, internally very pleased at how super annoying it sounds in Mijoo's voice more than hers. Maybe this isn't so bad to dwell in this body.
Mijoo swears under her breath, watching with dread as Soojung casually takes out her shoes from beneath the couch where she's sitting at. Just now the manager oppa has told her they're going to depart in fifteen minutes. Not exactly a good time to play around.
"Can you please stop with all of this?"
"No." Soojung stands up to her full imposing height. She holds the shoes as high as her arm can stretch, out of Mijoo's reach, joker-ish smirk plastered all over her face. "Take this if you can, shorty—"
— and that's Mijoo's cue to act. She lunges wildly at Soojung, who seems to be well prepared and immediately scrambles out of the way.
"Oh crap!" The first attempt at catching the damned girl ends up with Mijoo's head slamming hard against the couch. She bolts back up, chasing Soojung around the bustling salon while rattling vile curses at a mile a minute. The ruckus is enough to cause every head turn at them with curiosity, and slight disgust.
"What's gotten into these two today?!" Jiae grumbles, clearly not enjoying the situation. "They are humiliating us!"
Yein only shrugs, standing perfectly rooted on her spot as the older girl is still busy dabbing some pink-ish blush on across her cheek. The salon is currently short of staffs, and there are eight of them, so everyone's instinctively helping each other as much as they can.
"And we thought they're past the stupid push-and-pull phase. Tsk tsk."
"I know right. If they want to date why don't they just do it the sane way like any other grown-ups! This is not high school romantic comedy!"
"But, unnie, don't you notice they are slightly... Hm, how should I put it? Different, today?"
"Different how?"
Like they are behaving super extra, more than usual, Yein wants to say, but a flurry of Soojung suddenly sprinting past between them kills her voice. She and Jiae barely spring apart in surprise when Mijoo follows suit just a beat behind. Yein hears Mijoo's warning of 'scuse me! Coming through!, but it's a little too late to keep her balance. With a yelp, the maknae slips backward, her long leg accidentally intertwined with Mijoo's short one in the process, dragging the older girl along with her and they both miserably falling together to the cold floor.
"Oww! Soul unnie, my nose!" Yein cries in protest, rubbing her nose which Mijoo has unknowingly elbowed just now.
"So sorry, Yeinnie!"
It's barely midday and she's already one step away from wishing death would come claim her right now. Mijoo pulls herself loose from Yein, whirling left and right in search of the woman who's been making her life hard. Instead of Lee Soojung, she finds their manager, stomping over towards them with his spine-chilling glare. Helping Yein to get up, Jiae blanches in fear.
Okay, lord, please just kill me now.
"Yah Soul-ah! Are you crazy?! What do you think you're doing, running around like that?!"
"It's not my fault, oppa! So— Mijoo took away my shoes!" It's no use, the real perpetrator has completely vanished, the shoes and insoles left neatly not far from her. Oh fuck...
"You're the leader, control you members! Am I managing some kindergarten group?!" He huffs one last time in annoyance before commanding everyone to gather, his face resembling the internet infamous grumpy cat. "We have no more time! Whatever you're doing, just resume it in the car! Let's go!"
One by one, the members start leaving while Mijoo is still gawking in disbelief.
"Why are you still daydreaming there, Soul unnie? Get yourself together." Mijoo hears Soojung sing-songs in mocking tone. She's leaning against the entrance's doorframe and sticking up her tongue teasingly at her.
This little shit.
So she wants to play dirty, huh? She will see how evil a Lee Mijoo can be.
Once they get into the stage, Mijoo absolutely forgets about showing Soojung how evil she can be.
It's not until the intro to Candy Jelly Love starts playing and they have to get into their respective position Mijoo realizes that she isn't much familiar with Soojung's dance moves. Some of the student organization members in this college where they currently performing are Lovelyz' fans, and those people spared so much timeslot for the group, which means Lovelyz have to perform five title songs. Mijoo gulps nervously, taking a sideway glance towards the leader beside her. Seeing Soojung's face - her own face, is totally on high alert, she's certain another doom is waiting for them.
But somehow, they survive. The performance turns out not as abysmal as expected. In this time they are so grateful for the sweats and tears they'd shed practising until the wee hours, all they need to do now is just let their bodies taking control, moving by itself according to the strong muscle memories which had formed thanks to those hard work.
Few mistakes here and there still happen, like Soojung sometimes shuffles to the wrong spot or Mijoo accidentally almost crashes against someone. And two members busy exchanging silent you should go forward not backward, moron! wasn't really a good sight for the audience as well. Soojung catches how their managers are watching from faraway across the stage, evidently awestruck, but she decides they can deal with this later.
In between performances, the event's MCs show up, two young college students who seem all so excited to talk with pretty idols. They blabber every sort of compliments, to which Mijoo's tuning out the whole time until the part where they have to introduce themselves.
"Unnie." Jisoo slaps her back rather hard, and Mijoo jerks in surprise. "It's your turn!"
"Oh. Me— Yeah." Right, she's leader now, she's supposed to go first before anyone else. What did Soojung usually say again? Mijoo gulps. Her palms are clammy from the nervous sweat and she grips her mic tighter, afraid it might slip out of her hand. And yet while she's still momentarily disoriented and barely strings something intelligible, someone else already beats her to greet people.
"Good evening. I am Lovelyz' leader, Babysoul!"
The audience, the MCs, the other members, all fall into stupor. Soojung freezes, belatedly realizing the mistake she's done, whilst Mijoo hangs her head very low. Her cheeks are hot with embarrassment as she doesn't even have to see to know the collective hard stares directed towards herself and Soojung back and forth.
"Yah, Lee Mijoo, it's a hundred years too early for you to snatch the leader position from Soul unnie." Neither of them present a reply, and it's Jiae comes to save the day, oh-so-sweet smile concealing her exasperation towards the two nutheads. Predictably, the joke is gaining big laughters as response, and for awhile Soojung and Mijoo can let out a relieved breath.
(But they don't get out of the woods right away, of course. Later when the group are about to leave after their performance ends, as usual Mijoo is the one left on the stage, maybe attempting at giving a meaningful goodbye to their audience with.... Doing some extreme dance in the middle of the stage. She throws herself into all her moves, there's an expression in her face which even Soojung herself had never known she could make.
Holy fuck.
This is so gonna be the hottest topic within the fans in an hour; Soul did crazy dance without anyone placing her under a grave threat. Gritting her teeth behind the stage, Soojung can already feel her reputation is crumbling down epically.)
It's finally evening and Soojung's ears are absolutely in pain from all the managers' severe nagging, repercussion of the chaos she and Mijoo had created on this one single day. Even their director is present just to reprimand the two harshly. Once done with the meeting, they both go to take a bath separately, and this time Mijoo doesn't bother to force Soojung to do it anymore. The younger girl doesn't even respond when Soojung calls her, only giving an icy later, unnie, then slamming the bedroom door shut.
Settled inside the bathtub, Soojung twists the shower knob to the lowest temperature. It's freezing like crazy, but she somehow finds the coldness is helpful at clearing her mind. What is wrong with that girl now, Soojung thinks bitterly as cold water hits her back steadily before pooling around her. The on-again-off-again feeling she used to had towards Mijoo long time ago involuntarily resurfaces, and it annoys her greatly.
"Don't be stupid, Lee Soojung." She whispers to herself.
First of all, Soojung still doubts highly two girls in love could actually make it out through the cruel, unforgiving world full of bigots and close-minded people here. Experiences from her naïve teenager days had taught her enough about it, and she doesn't want to get hurt once more. As long as she doesn't speak out, nobody will know and she can continue pretending that she's content with the life she has.
Secondly, Mijoo had once confessed to her few years back, and she was the one who straight-up rejected the other girl. It would be too late to regret it - to think about all the what ifs that could've been them had she ever given Mijoo one chance - now, wouldn't it? Mijoo probably had gotten over her completely just like herself as well.
So why is she having this weird aching sensation in her heart thinking about how Mijoo's face - hey no, it's not even Mijoo's, it's her own face - wilted with undecipherable sadness the last time they saw each other?
The water has filled more than half of the tub, Soojung turns it off before proceeds to lie down, soaking herself wholly along with all her worries.
The thing Soojung never expected, is to find Yoo Jiae waiting for her as soon as she steps out of the bathroom.
"Lee Mijoo, would you come here a bit?"
Ugh, this can’t be good.
Jiae wriggles her finger, motioning for Soojung to come after her to her room, and the younger girl seems totally unreadable. Soojung knows despite their indifferent attitute towards each other, Jiae and Mijoo are actually pretty close and might’ve been confiding secrets towards each other. Oh no.
They close the door and Jiae immediately plops herself down on the floor. Soojung follows suit, sitting cross-legged and fidgeting uncomfortably, trying to avoid meeting the other girl's eyes. "What is it?"
"What happened with you and Soul unnie this early morning? Did you finally ask her out again? You two have been acting so weird the whole day!" Judging from her expression, this isn't some sort of teasing, Jiae is erious. And Soojung nearly bites her own tongue in her haste to response.
"Mijoo still likes me?! I— I mean, I'm still pining for her? How did you know?"
"Are you high?! We've talked about this like hundred times already!"
Aah. Is that why she always involuntarily felt like her heart was about to burst everytime the image of them sharing a bathroom popped out inside her head? Is that some sort of muscle memory deeply ingrained to this body which had caused all the butterflies going frenzy around her stomach whenever they touched or simply met each other eyes?
So it wasn't her, it was Mijoo's natural reaction?
"When did I—"
They both jump on their seat as a chorus of shrill screaming of Little Sujeong and Jisoo interrupt Soojung midsentence. Jiae's previous confusion is immediately replaced by an expression which translates as why am I friend with these bunch of looneys? At this rate, it's possible their neighbours would send some complaints regarding noise to the landlord, or maybe even report to the police that they’ve been hearing girls screaming from this unit.
"Now what?!"
"Wait! Jiae, wait—" Soojung tries to stop Jiae from storming out of the room to no avail, thus she decides to follow her to the source of the commotion. Whatever happened to that Bbangdeokki and Jisoo, it better be something worth more than her urgent need to figure out about this pining thingie.
When they arrive, jogging in towards two Sujeongs room, the other members are already there flocking about the doorway. Yein and Myungeun quickly give way once Jiae makes an impatient waving gesture. They shuffle through the crowd, Soojung feels her heart doing spectacular flip when she spots Little Sujeong lying unconscious in Jiyeon's lap, a fresh, golf ball-sized lump already forming on her forehead.
"OH MY GOD!" The two oldest girls are yelling at the same time.
"Is she alright?!"
"She is! Um, probably not that alright, but she'll live. She's just... Shocked, I guess." Mijoo is the one who answers, guilt tainting her voice. She clenches and unclenches her toes in anxiety.
"How did all of this happen though?" Myungeun pipes in curiously.
"We wanted to borrow Soul unnie's novel." Jisoo, the sole witness of the whole catasthrope, starts her testimony. Everyone's gazes swivel in her direction as she's going back and forth, rounding up the evidence; a book, a dirty jeans, and a freaking plastic tarantula, the one which looks like a very convincing substitute for the real thing.
According to Jisoo, Sujeong was consumed by visceral stab of panic as soon as she found the fake arachnid. Then in an attempt to escape, the girl accidentally tripped on one of the clothes Mijoo's left littered around the room, and crashed headlong against the hard wall. The hit, combined with the initial shock caused her to pass out right away.
"Soul unnie are you out of your mind?!" Jiae's jaw hangs a fraction open in utter distress. Being mother of seven is a very hard job, eh? "You put a fake spider inside your book, for what purpose?! And don't tell me that's a bookmark!"
"It was just a joke!" Yes, like everyone said, it's fun and games, until someone loses an eye. "I intended to prank Mijoo! Thought she's going to continue reading it tonight."
"Oh so you intended to kill me?!" Soojung snaps, aggravated at best.
"Who do you think started this first?!" Mijoo hops one step forward, sending a challenging glare at her own tall self fearlessly.
"You really want to argue about who started first?! Then we should go waaaay back to years before—"
And the whole world seems to come to a standstill after Jiae's ground-shattering wailing.
It takes a moment before Mijoo manages to scrape a courage to mutter a quiet, "I'm sorry."
"Yeah it's on us." Soojung agrees. "No more fighting for now. We need to take Sujeong to the hospital now for a check-up."
"We will take Sujeong to hospital. You two, stay here!" Jiae's fingers jab threateningly at Soojung's and Mijoo's chest. "You are making so much non-sense, unnie! And I, as the second born in this group, will temporarily take over the leader position until you sort out whatever it is happening between you two!"
"Are you kidding me?! You can't do that!"
"Yes I can! Who knows what kind of disaster you two will cause later if we let you roam free." Jiae insists, in a way that brooks no argument. She begins instructing Myungeun and Jiyeon to help her raising Sujeong off the floor.
"Yein, Jisoo, hold these two in this room, so they can reflect on their mistakes!"
The two girls don't need telling twice, who would dare to fight with angry Jiae anyway? In just a couple of heartbeat, they're already grabbing handful of Soojung and Mijoo's pajamas, hauling them back into the room before they can flee the scene too far, then slamming the door shut.
"Let us out!" They've heard a click of lock, yet Mijoo still desperately bangs the solid wood, her tiny fists turning slightly red. "You will regret this! Jiae is the evil step-mother she will eat you all! YAH—"
"Hey, quit it and sit down, would you?" Soojung sighs, giving the other girl firm taps on the shoulder. "They won't listen to us, we were indeed wrong anyway."
"Well, at least now we can talk calmly." Following her own advice first, Soojung drags two bean bags for her and Mijoo to sit on. But the younger girl apparently ignores her, she walks quickly past Soojung then throws herself onto the bottom bunkbed instead, tousling her short hair in rough way that makes Soojung flinch.
"Yes, let's discuss on how to cure this stupid curse! None of this would happen if we didn't switch bodies!"
"Why are you acting so crabby now?! I thought you were like, super calm about all this crap before?!" Soojung nearly shouts, an action which she regrets a second later. Fighting fire with fire won't do any good in this situation.
"I'm sorry if earlier today I was too much." Soojung starts again, with more controlled tone this time. She moves to the bed as well, taking a seat by the edge of it.
"Nah, I've done worse to you. And to Bbangdeokki as well. I'm the one who owes big apologies."
"I heard from Jiae. You told her that you still like me?"
At this unexpected change of topic, Mijoo shoots up abruptly, her eyes widen slightly.
"Is that true?"
"It is." She answers after a moment of hesitation, yet still refuses to look directly at Soojung. "That's why right now I'm so... No, not angry.. More like scared."
"Of what?"
"I know you've said no one time, regarding us... But I just... I can't give up." For awhile, Mijoo fumbles with her own words. The way Soojung observes her intently right now isn't helping to melt down her uneasiness. "I've been in love with Lee Soojung for the longest time, and that's all I will ever be in the future too, no matter you would change your mind or not. I was ready to be stucked with this one-sided love as long as I live."
"But look at us now. All of a sudden, you are no longer you, you are me... I— I always imagined to hold or kiss you, and I can't do that anymore. It's just weird in any sort of way to love yourself like this, right? I don't know what to feel, what would we be.. And I don't want to lose my Soojung—"
Mijoo doesn't really realize what is going on when out of the blue a pair of hands are pushing her down the mattress, efficiently silencing her rambling. The next thing she knows, her lips are colliding against Soojung's, and she's pinned under the other girl's weight. Even more shocking, she definitely cannot resist herself from responding instantly with evenly fervent kiss, sliding a tongue into Soojung's welcoming mouth before her brain ever give command to do so. Everything's happened innately like it's the rightest thing for them, like they were made to loving each other.
"Was that what you've been wanting to do with me?" Soojung says when they finally parted for air, small smile on her lips. Beneath her, Mijoo still seems too dazed to say anything.
"I know it now, how much you think of me above anything, your sincere feelings... I can sense it. My soul may be occupying this body, but your instinct, your reflexes, everything you kept on the back of your mind, they are all still here." She takes Mijoo's hand and places it at her chest. "When I heard my own name, this heart would beat slightly faster in excitement. And when I saw my own upset face, it would hurt this heart greatly too."
"It's— Um. Just now, I—" Mijoo stutters, still burning deep crimson it would be unsurprising if steam comes out of her head next.
"Exactly." Soojung nods solemnly. "That's how much my body had been yearned for you."
"But you said our relationship would never work out?"
"I had a girlfriend before, it was my first love, long time ago when I was still living in my hometown." Soojung admits without preamble. "Of course our families and friends were all against the idea of two girls dating each other. But that time, I thought if we want it hard enough, we could stay together and be happy. I even told her we could elope to another country. Silly, right?"
"Apparently she didn't feel the same and decided to ditch me for some guy. Our breakup was pretty much messed up. She's maybe already got married to her boyfriend by now."
Mijoo opens her mouth but then closes it again, like she's unsure of what to say, before finally settles with a quiet, "What an awful bitch."
"It's fine, I don't hate her. Anyway we were both still too young back then." Soojung waves one hand dismissively. It's actually rather amusing to see someone else gets angry on her behalf. "But I could never defeat the trauma whenever I start to fall for someone. You included. I just can't stop this thought that one day you would eventually grow out of love, once the euphoria wears off and pressure from society begins to brutally set upon us. And I would be left hurt once again."
"Then be my girlfriend." Mijoo blurts out, her voice soft as she slings an arm around Soojung's shoulders and gently pushes the other girl down against her chest.
"I mean, I'm not going to offer you romantic promises here, given that you're not interested in sweet words. So why don't you just give me a chance? I will prove that my feelings for you will remain for the rest of my life. Plus, if the universe really wouldn't switch us back and we have no other choice but learn to live with this body, it's better to just stick together, don't you think? I will totally need someone to help me getting things from high places."
The last one gets Soojung unable to hold back burst of cackles that's escaping her. "Oh my life would be so much fun from now on.."
"Now you're already plotting something mean again, huh?" Mijoo scoffs. "Should've kept that spider before the girls confiscated it. Tsk."
"Lord, don't you ever dare pulling such stunt anymore. Jiae would cut you."
Soojung waits a moment until their laughter completely subdued before continues, "But really, I'm grateful we swapped body."
"Because like this, at long last I can learn that you really love me."
Silence stretches on. And by the time Mijoo finds her voice again, it's tight with emotion.
"It's my actual wish, y'know." She mutters, willing all the sheer happiness brewing inside her not to spill as tears.
"I wanted Soojung unnie to know how much I love her... Is what I wished for real that night."
Soojung doesn't reply, she nuzzles impossibly closer into Mijoo's neck, planting little kisses in every inch of skin where she knows exactly would feel amazing - and of course Soojung knows, it was her body afterall - until she can hear Mijoo's deep blissful sigh. Her heart flutters warmly, flooded with delight once again as she looks up to meet her own adorable dimpled smile. It still feels a little freak, but it's fine, Soojung decides. With them being stuck in such an unexpected anomaly, this is most likely the greatest turn-of-events she could ever hope for.
They wake up still tingling all over with residual buzz of pleasure from last night, limbs remain interlaced together.
"'Morning." It is Soojung who speaks first.
"Good morning. Sleep well?"
"Never better." Soojung smiles. She rolls to the side and make a small space between them, propping her head against one hand while the other reaches out to brush off Mijoo's cheek. Waking up to Mijoo by her side like this really reminds of their roommates days, there's still that same warm sleepy eyes, lazy grin spreading across the younger's face....
Soojung blinks few times, inspectng her hand.
Her small hand.
And Mijoo's face.
Right in front of her.
"Mijoo! We— We are back!" She sits up hastily, then grabs Mijoo's shoulder so she can give her a vigorous shake. "We are back to normal!"
"Yes! Oh thank god!" No more hesitation, Mijoo launches herself at Soojung, tightly wrapping her arms around the smaller figure.
"Gosh. Turns out I still love you better when you're yourself." Her voice's muffled as she continues burying her head into the crook of Soojung's neck, taking in every single thing about her; the slighty sloppy shoulders which always carry lots of burden, the smooth hair that's been growing back longer recently, the small of her back that fits perfectly into Mijoo's embrace. Yep, this is absolutely Lee Soojung whom Mijoo loves so much.
"Same here, Mijoo."
They separate a few inches apart, foreheads still connected, and eyes locked with each other's. Soojung hands easily slide up to cup Mijoo's jaw on her palms, then she pulls her in for another searing kiss.
The rest of Lovelyz come back at nine sharp, and judging by the deserted looking living room, they figure Soojung and Mijoo haven't managed to get themselves out. Or maybe they didn't even try, Jiae thought. If everything went along accordingly with the scenario she's got in mind.
"Don't you think we are too mean for locking them up like this?" Jiyeon says, eyeing Yein and Myungeun who've been giggling and whispering presumably inappropriate things regarding their leader and Mijoo. Kids nowadays...
"Like I'd care.. If this could bring those two together and resolve the sexual tension between them then it's gonna be a damn heyday for me!" Jiae exclaims, mouth filter already discarded to hell. "I've been constantly watching over them for six years! Give me a break!"
They skid to a halt right in front of the door on Jiae's command despite Little Sujeong's desperate whine about how tired she is and all she wants right now is just to sleep on her own bed. The eldest holds up her hand, signaling everyone to wait while she's inclining her ear against the wall in attempt to get a clue of whatever's happening in the other side.
"So, what are you hearing? Are they in the middle of making out session?" Yein asks smoothly, defying her unnies glares.
As she's listening with full concentration, Jiae's cheeks starting to color. "Uh. I think it's best for us to come back few hours later." She scampers away from the door with scandalized expression.
"Let's go! Go!" She glares especially at their maknae, who's still so petulantly trying to eavesdrop.
"Wait!" Sujeong cries out suddenly, turning around like she's remembering something very important. "We should stop them, they’re probably doing it on the bottom bunk! I just washed my bedcover yesterday! Oh my god!"
"It's too late. Unnie will buy you new sheets, Sujeong-ah. C'mon!" Jiae makes a high-pitched wheezing noise, using all her strength dragging Sujeong away before the tall girl manage to jog back to her own room.
"Nooooo my beddddddd!"
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