neshampoo · 5 years
Leon: Okay, Claire. I'll tell you something * sip his coffee * Claire: Wassup ? Leon: I like men like my coffee * turn to see Wesker, Piers, Chris or Krauser * Strong
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catyeager · 6 years
Wesker collecting pictures of Leon having sex with Chris!
His office was empty and the lights were off, his eyes gleaming despite the lack of light in the room. Everybody else had gone home that day, including the man who was in these pictures… The pictures that he had been collecting over the span of a few months.
Since he was the only one left at the office for the night, he took off his usual sunglasses and placed them on the table next to his computer. His phone was now shut off after he finished the transfer of the pictures, not wanting to be disturbed while he gazed at every single picture he had.
There was ones of just Leon, and then there were ones of both Leon and Chris together. The two of them had a bad habit of having sex in the RPD building, though it was always closer to the time when nobody else would likely be in the building. They always believed that they were being stealthy about it, but… No.
Oh no, Wesker was always there to watch it happen.
Call it a strange and sick obsession if you will, but he was sure that it was just a form of love and domination that he had over Leon. The man in question was beautiful, fearless, fierce, and he would never let himself be caged in by anybody.
Which was what made things even more interesting. He always enjoyed the thrill of the hunt when it came to Leon, and the younger man was always ready and willing to fight him off with everything he had. It amazed him that Leon was so eager to stay with Chris…
Even when he had so much more to give him. A stable life, a nice home, and he would even be in the position to live without ever having to work again. All he needed to do was give up on the life he had no… Which might’ve been too much for him to ask for.
Wesker chuckled darkly and opened up one of the pictures, which showed the back of Chris as he pinned Leon to a wall. This was taken when they were together in the locker room just a few days ago, and it was his favourite picture since it showcased Leon’s face better than the rest of the ones that he had.
He scrolled through the rest of the pictures, humming with interest at every one he scrolled past. There was one of Chris pinning Leon down on his desk, another one showing Chris pinning Leon up against the office door… That one was good as well, because the glass on the door gave him a perfect view of that beautiful chest that he loved so much.
There was nothing he would love more than to take Chris out of the picture and have Leon for himself, but he couldn’t do that… Not yet.
The thought of taking Leon for himself was interesting, yet he couldn’t take Chris out of the picture either. If he did than that fire in his eyes would likely die out, and that was one of the last things that Wesker wanted.
There was a pause in his movements before he clicked on the next picture. Every picture of Leon was absolutely stunning, and this one was definitely more proof of that. His eyes were glossed over with lust, his hands were up against the stall of the shower, his body small and shaking underneath Chris’ larger one… It made him want to take out everything else in the picture that wasn’t Leon.
And once he got to the end of his pictures, he remembered that there was a clip in the batch as well. This was from when he went to Irons’ office, getting the video footage of when he had Leon pinned down against the desk. That was the closest he had ever gotten to making Leon his, yet the younger man still fought him off even then. His fire was only just getting lit at that time, it seemed.
The video picked up on the small moans that Leon made with every push and thrust that Wesker gave him, causing his body to shake with pleasure. Every time he heard Leon’s voice like that… Every time he saw that face in pure ecstasy… Every single time he watched Leon in the midst of passion, he couldn’t contain himself.
He took one last look at the video before paging down the folders on his computer, the desktop background having a picture of Leon having just put his uniform back on after a round of sex with Chris. His hair was messed up, his face darkened with a blush even after they finished.
Leon was like a wild cat that would never be caged in, and he wanted to make sure that he could one day cage in that beautiful creature and take care of him for the rest of his life. All he needed was to make sure that Chris would never figure out about these pictures or videos.
These were all his own, after all. His perfect, beautiful, and flawless pet that was going to be his one day soon.
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catyeager · 6 years
Wesker watching Chris and Leon make love in the RPD locker room!
There was no way that those noises could be anything else that wasn’t… Yes. Wesker knew exactly what those noises were, and he was rather fond of one of the voices that he heard coming through the door. All he had to do was look in through the crack of the door and catch a peek of what he wanted.
His beautiful, strong, Leon was panting and moaning underneath that oaf of a man, Chris Redfield.
“I don’t understand why you would choose that oaf, but at least I can see what makes you tick. I want to see every single thing about you, sweet Leon.” Wesker whispered those words to himself when he opened the door just a little more, thankful deep down that both men were far too distracted to notice his presence.
Leon was pinned down against a wall that was next to the lockers, his hair still fanning out a bit as he wrapped his arms around Chris’ shoulders. His face was scrunched with pleasure as Chris stretched him open slowly with his fingers, obviously whispering sweet words into his ear and causing his lover to cry out quietly in pleasure.
It made things easier for Wesker since he could only see Chris’ back. The last person in the world that he’d want to see feeling pleasure was that oaf of a man, but Leon? Oh yes. He could watch that man cry out and moan loudly with every thrust, every kiss, every pinch of his nipples… All of it needed to be engraved in his memory for future use.
“Ah, Chris! I need you to thrust inside now! I don’t need the prep anymore because I’m used to it…” Leon balled one hand into a fist, hitting Chris hard in the back. The action caused the man in question to let out a low laugh, pulling his fingers out and leaning in closer to kiss his lover gently.
“Whatever you say, princess. Don’t come crying to me if your waist hurts in the morning.” Chris’ voice was quieter than Leon’s as he spoke, although his actions were more aggressive than the ones of the smaller man. Each grab of his hands, each grunt he made… The urgency in his voice was rather obvious at that point.
Wesker couldn’t blame him. Leon was a force to be reckoned with when it came to his sex appeal.
The sight of Chris pulling his cock out made him cringe, and he was thankful yet again that he couldn’t see the other man’s face. His own cock twitched hard with interest when Leon’s face contorted with pleasure, his eyes filling up with tears of pleasure at the feeling of being fucked.
Even through the crack in the door, Wesker could see every muscle twitch and pull on Chris’ back. Every moan from Leon could be heard with crystal clarity, and his face was very clearly contorted with pleasure. The urge to reach out and touch Leon, to push Chris out of the way and take his place… It was strong, yet he held himself back and simply watched on with interest.
He didn’t pull out his cock while he watched, since there was a chance that somebody else could walk out into the hallway and see something they didn’t need to see. There was nobody else that should see Leon like that. If it were up to him, there would be nobody else but him that could see it, but Chris was the one who got to see it up close and personal.
“I will do whatever I can to make you mine someday, Leon Kennedy.” Wesker licked his lips, his cock twitching and becoming painful when he heard Leon let out a particularly loud moan. His arms were wrapped around Chris’ shoulders, his fingers curling and leaving bloody marks all across his back.
His voice in the midst of passion was absolutely perfect.
Wesker made sure to turn his phone on to a silent mode before opening up the camera in it, a smirk sliding on his face as he snapped a picture of Leon’s face. It wasn’t as good as seeing it up close and in person, but this was the best he could do for the time being. That blush was cute as well… Everything about him was perfect and flawless.
Once he slipped his phone back into his pocket, he kept his gaze trained on Leon. This would very likely be something that he would retain in his memories, and there was no way that he would ever forget the sounds and faces that Leon continued to make while he made love with Chris.
Chris Redfield… That man knew exactly what he had in his arms. There was no way that he would ever let that prized possession go either, so there would have to be some other way to have those beautiful eyes look only at him. Have that beautiful voice cry out his name in the midst of passion.
Yes. One of these days he would make Leon Kennedy his own, and he would make sure of that someday soon.
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catyeager · 6 years
Chris catching Wesker touching and feeling on Leon, and Chris getting angry because he thinks Leon's cheating? 👀👀
“I said leave. I already told you that I’m with somebody and I don’t want anything to do with you anymore. I rejected the offer you sent me, so that needs to be the end of it.” Leon narrowed his eyes when Wesker walked into his office, making his way over to Leon with steady steps.
“Did you reject it of your own free will, or were you convinced to by that oaf you’ve been seeing? I find it hard to believe that you’d choose to be with somebody like that when there are much better options out there.” Wesker moved around the desk, stopping next to Leon who was still sitting in his office chair.
This guy just didn’t take no for an answer.
“What, like you? Give me a break. Chris is far more genuine than you anyway, so just get out.” Leon made a motion to push at Wesker, but he grabbed Leon’s wrist and pulled him up out of his seat. He let out low growl when he was pushed against the wall behind his desk, causing him to let out a low hiss of pain.
Wesker was looking down at him with a smirk on his face, one hand on Leon’s waist while the other one was on his cheek. His hands were rough just like Chris’, but there was no real love or affection in his touches. They were filled with nothing but eagerness and pure lust.
The hand that was on Leon’s waist soon moved further down, rubbing against his ass before pushing him further back against the wall. Wesker leaned down and started to kiss at Leon’s neck, causing the other man to groan again try to push back against him.
“Get the hell away from me, damn it!” Leon gripped Wesker’s shoulders tightly, his eyes narrowed with a venomous glare as he kept pushing. His movements soon froze when he heard the sound of his door open… And Chris was on the other side.
He looked like he had seen a ghost.
“I see that I’ve interrupted something. Excuse me.” Chris turned around and walked out of the room, the sound of his voice broken up when he witnessed the scene that had been playing out. He was obviously going through a huge misunderstanding.
“He looks upset, doesn’t he? I wouldn’t worry about him. Let’s just focus on making you feel good…” Wesker’s grip on Leon tightened, his hardening cock pushing up against Leon’s eagerly despite the panic in the other man’s expression. He was desperate… He needed to get away. He needed to clear this misunderstanding that Chris had built up in his head before things got worse.
“I said get off.” Leon eventually got the strength to push Wesker away from him, causing him to stumble back and hit the wall behind him. His breathing was ragged after he managed to push the other man away, his legs carrying him as quickly as possible towards the direction he saw Chris go in.
He could see that his lover was obviously upset, his shoulders being incredibly stiff while he made his way through the building. This entire thing was going to cause a huge fight if he didn’t resolve it soon, and he knew that their relationship wouldn’t be able to handle a fight like that since they had only just gotten together.
Chris actually made him happy. He wouldn’t let Wesker get in the way of that happiness.
“Chris! Chris, wait a minute!” Leon shouted out, but Chris kept walking as if he didn’t hear him. Once he got outside, Leon finally caught up to him and gripped on to his wrist. The action caused the other man to flinch, trying his hardest to pull himself away without pulling too hard and knocking Leon over.
“What is it? Are you already done spending extra time with Wesker? It looked like you were getting into it, so why did you stop so early?” Chris eventually gave up with trying to pull his arm away from Leon, settling with looking down at him steadily. His expression… It was filled with hurt. It was like he thought this was already something that they couldn’t have.
Leon shook his head at those words. There was no reason for him to abandon Chris and go for Wesker, was there? If he wanted Wesker, he would’ve taken the offer to go work for him personally. Instead he chose to stay here, and it was a choice that he was more than happy that he made because it lead him to meeting Chris.
There was no way they would’ve met otherwise.
“I don’t want anything to do with him. He tried bringing me with him to his place to work for him personally, but I rejected the offer. You know him, Chris, and you know that he doesn’t like to take no for an answer. Why would I choose him and not you?” Leon took his hand off of Chris’ wrist, thanking the gods that the other man didn’t pull away like he thought he would.
“Why should I believe you? We’ve only been dating for a month… We haven’t had much time together, so you would normally feel lonely wouldn’t you? Looking for company. And he also has a lot of money that would persuade anybody to sleep with him and-” Chris continued to ramble, but he stopped when he felt Leon cover his mouth with his hand. His eyes widened in shock, the look of anger coming from his lover making him shake a bit.
There was a small pause before Leon pulled his hand away, reaching down and punching Chris in the arm hard. The force made Chris flinch away a bit, a low grunt of pain coming from him when the man in question glared at him. Oh… Oh. He was pissed.
Chris was going to say something else, though his words were cut off when Leon stood on the tips of his toes and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. He pulled his lips down so that they could press them together, his eyes slipping shut for only a moment before pulling away.
Leon pushed Chris right up against the wall after that, keeping his on him steady while their lips were only inches apart. Their breaths continued to mingle at the close proximity, and Chris could hardly manage to keep his erection from hitting his lover in the leg.
This was not a good time to have those kinds of thoughts.
“You’re an idiot if you think that’s what it takes to persuade me. If I liked him, I would be with him. And if I didn’t like you than why the hell would I still be here? Now shut up and believe what I just told you before this turns into a huge fight that neither of us want to deal with.” Leon finally pulled away, waiting impatiently for Chris’ response. For a moment he remained speechless, but his words soon came together once he realize just what his lover meant.
“You’re right, you’re right. Please tell me you kick him in the nuts, though? If not, I may have to do that for you.” Chris grinned, which caused Leon to chuckle and shake his head in exasperation. It was better for the fight to be resolved sooner, since their new relationship likely wouldn’t last long if they kept this misunderstanding from being resolved.
When Leon placed his hands back on to Chris’ wrists, he squeezed them hard and pulled him back into the building. He had no idea where Leon was taking him, but for the time being he didn’t really seem to care. After all, it was clear that Leon was more than happy with choosing him over a man like Albert Wesker.
“Not yet. Once we finish resolving this issue, though, we can kick him in the nuts together. How does that sound?” Leon looked back at Chris, dragging him through the building and over towards the change rooms. They were going to be empty at this time, which only meant… Oh. That’s what he had in mind.
Well, maybe this fight wasn’t such a bad thing after all was it?
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catyeager · 6 years
Wesker pinning Leon down and touching him?
There was no reason to believe that the knock at the door was something to worry about. So when Leon heard the sound of somebody’s knuckles hitting his door, he kept his gaze on his computer as he typed a report for the last case he worked. He gave in the invite to come in, though his hands froze when he heard the one voice that he didn’t want to hear.
“Good afternoon, Officer Kennedy. I think I have some information that you could use for your case?” Wesker chuckled when Leon narrowed his eyes at him, the anger evident as he watched the man in question walked over to his desk with a stack of papers in his hands.
Leon sighed and gestured for Wesker to put the papers down, but instead he decided to circle around the desk and stand next to the other man instead. No matter what he did it seemed as if Wesker wasn’t willing to give up on making Leon become his…
His stupid smirk was starting to piss him off.
“Wesker. Could you please just put the papers down? I need to finish writing this report and then I’m going home.” Leon sighed again, turning completely so that he could look at Wesker. The man was looking down at him with the papers in his hands, holding them out of reach and making Leon have to stand up and grab them.
“I’m sure that  you can finish the report later, can’t you? I need you to tell me what you have written already. Maybe you should come to my office so that I can hear it in vivid detail?” Wesker chuckled when Leon stood up, reaching up grabbing for the papers that were in his hands.
This was going to turn out to be a bad idea, but he really needed those papers.
“Just give me the damn papers, alright?” Leon let out a sharp hiss when Wesker dropped the papers on to the ground beneath them. When he reached down and went to pick them up, Wesker had grabbed his wrist and spun him around. His waist hit the desk hard, making his eyes narrow sharply with anger.
Wesker had placed one hand on Leon’s waist, his other hand gripping on to his wrists and pinning them down on the desk. There was a picture of Chris that was knocked down on to the ground, the glass shattering and making a loud crash that broke the tension building up between them.
Even as Leon started to squirm, Wesker pushed further against him and leaned down to start kissing at his neck. His hardened cock was pushing against Leon’s leg, making him reach his leg up so that he could kick the other man in the shin. The hardest kick didn’t seem to deter Wesker from his advances, who slid his hand around and pushed the palm of his hand against Leon’s cock.
“Get the hell off of me, alright? I don’t want this from you of all people. Haven’t I told you this before?” Leon started to shake when Wesker smirked, kissing his way up Leon’s lips and pushing against them hard. His hand pushed even harder against Leon’s cock, causing the man beneath him to squirm even more at the feeling.
“I can feel you hardening under my touch… You like this, don’t you?” Wesker’s words were sickeningly sweet, his lips moving up to Leon’s ear as he kissed it slowly as well. Every shaky breath and moan that Leon let out only seemed to spur him on even more, his hand sliding down and stroking his fingers over Leon’s entrance. It was still covered by the fabric of his pants, but the feeling still caused the younger man to flinch at the feeling.
This guy was worse than his ex boyfriend, wasn’t he?
Leon tried to raise his hands up and push Wesker away from him, but his wrists were pinned above his head while Wesker thrust his hardened cock against his thigh. It was making him shake even more, but that didn’t mean he was going to let himself get overthrown by the man on top of him.
“You’re far from my type. I like guys with tact, not blonde assholes who wear sunglasses indoors.” Leon’s voice had a little bit of bite in it, a small smirk forming on Wesker’s face at the words as well. It was like he was amused by this whole thing with Leon… Even as he fought back, he still didn’t let himself shut down.
“I can see why Chris likes you. But why don’t you decide on coming over to spend time with me for a night? I might change your mind.” Wesker’s fingers pushed against Leon’s hole through the fabric of his pants, causing the man in question to hiss quietly with displeasure. No… He wouldn’t let this man get away with whatever he wanted.
Oh no. He was going to fight against him no matter what.
Leon smirked before he lifted his leg up a bit, swinging it to the side and hitting Wesker hard in the leg. The force was enough to cause him to stumble to the side, his hands leaving Leon’s body once he hit the wall next to the desk. There was no way that Leon could see his narrowed eyes, though they weren’t narrowed from anger.
They were narrowed because he was feeling like a wild animal hunting his prey. So when he managed to gather himself, he straightened out his jacket and chuckled at Leon’s disheveled appearance. The idea of him being with Chris was enough to make him feel sick, and he made sure that Leon knew that.
“No. Now get out of my office before I grab your nuts and shove them down your throat.” Leon narrowed his eyes at Wesker before leaning down, grabbing the papers and placing them on his desk. He knew that nothing else could happen because of the cameras that lined the offices and hallways, but that didn’t mean that Wesker wouldn’t try and seduce him a little bit.
“I’ll be back later. Maybe you can think more about it once Chris fails at pleasing you?” Wesker turned away when Leon went to stand up again, taking his threat to heart for a moment before leaving the office. After all, Leon would most definitely take his threat seriously and rip his nuts off.
Chris was lucky to have a fighter and a firecracker like Leon. Yes… He was going to enjoy hunting him down for as long as he needed to.
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catyeager · 6 years
Thankfully he didn’t have to meet with Chris today, because it could’ve made things more difficult for him. Chris had a meeting with his sister and her boyfriend, so any plans they made would’ve been put on hold regardless. Although today was probably the worst day for that to have happened.
When he closed and locked the office door behind him, he made sure he had all his things before he walked over to Wesker’s office. They were supposed to leave the station together because Wesker didn’t trust Leon… He was under the impression that the man in question was going to leave the building without saying a word.
But since Chris’ job and livelihood was on the line, there was no way he would back down.
“Wesker? It’s Leon. We can go wherever you want.” Leon’s voice was void and not filled with a great deal of emotion, the fact that he was scared would’ve been obvious to anybody that saw him. He didn’t want to do this, yet he also didn’t want Chris to lose his current stable life.
After a few moments of silence, Wesker appeared from his office and walked over to Leon. Once his door was locked, he wrapped one arm around Leon’s waist and turned them towards the exit, his eyes gleaming despite not being able to be seen.
“I’ve got so many things we can do together, but for now I’ve decided to put it down to one. How do you feel about drinking and having a good time at my home? You can get a taste of what you’re missing out on.” Wesker could feel the tension that was building up in Leon’s shoulders, causing him to become more excited than he ever thought he could be.
Leon didn’t respond to those words, his eyes staying downcast as they made their way through the building. Even once they got to the car, Leon still hadn’t said anything, which only seemed to make Wesker smirk even more. The fear was making him feel excited… He needed to make him feel more fear if he wanted this to be more exciting.
“My sweet Leon, I think you need to be reprimanded some more for not talking to me. Should we skip the dinner and just have the fun I want to have in my car?” Wesker placed a hand on Leon’s thigh, making the other man twitch and pull away from the wandering hand. Instead of getting mad, though, Wesker just laughed and pulled his hand away.
“Don’t touch me. I’m not going to have sex in your car for any reason, so just get going.” Leon glared over at Wesker, his gaze soon drifting out the window as he rested his chin on the palm of his hand. He didn’t let the fear or agitation show on his face… He couldn’t let Wesker have the enjoyment that he wanted.
That bastard didn’t deserve something like that, after all.
Wesker didn’t say anything else as he put the car into drive, pulling out of the parking lot and driving towards his house. It didn’t surprise Leon at all when he noticed that the house was on the outskirts of the city, and it looked like he lived in a small and unsuspecting house down the road.
His body was shaky and filled with nerves when they pulled up into the driveway, the nerves only getting worse when Wesker circled around the car to wrap his arm around Leon’s waist again. He lead him into the house with slow and steady steps, his face still stretched out with a smirk at the sight and feeling of having this man be fearful of something.
“I’ll let you go back home after this, sweet Leon. I just need to tame you a bit first before I l keep you in a cage.” Wesker brought Leon inside of the house, gesturing for him to go towards the couch and get comfortable. He turned on a few lights as well before he went into the kitchen, grabbing a few wine glasses and a bottle of wine. The hunt was only beginning, so he needed to take his time and enjoy the moment right now.
Even if he was doing this to keep Chris safe, Wesker didn’t care. What he cared about was the fact that he had this beautiful creature put in his temporary cage.
He brought the glasses and the bottle out to the living room, setting them down on the table and pouring the wine for both of them. Once he did that, he grabbed the glasses and sat down next to Leon. The other man didn’t flinch or pull away like before, which was a sign that he knew exactly what was happening… There was now way to get out of this anymore so fighting it meant nothing.
“Just the wine with no dining? You’re not a very good host.” Leon spoke with a teasing tone for the first time since he had left the office, although his expression was still void of any real emotion. This would be a good time for him to let go of the fear that continued to build up, and that’s what he was going to do.
“I’ll be dining in a moment. I just thought you’d like some wine before I have my meal…” Wesker’s voice was low, the dark tone making Leon shiver again. He was obviously feeding on the fear, his face still widened with a smirk and his eyes still gleaming with lust at.
Leon frowned and took a drink of his wine, hating the fact that it was actually really good wine. That didn’t change the fact that he was stuck doing this with Wesker, and it didn’t make him feel any better when he felt one of Wesker’s large hands touch his thigh again.
He wanted to pull away. He wanted to grab Wesker’s hand and break it, making him scream out in pain. There were so many things that he wanted to do with Wesker, but he held back for the sake of keeping Chris happy and stable with his job and his life.
“You’re disgusting. I want to break your hand off and feed it to you, you asshole. Don’t think I wouldn’t, either.” Leon grimaced when Wesker moved his lips close to his ear, a low chuckle coming from him and tickling the sensitive skin there. The feeling of his hand hovering over his cock didn’t make things any easier, either.
“I know that’s what you want. You won’t do it though, will you? You don’t want Chris to lose the stable life he has now… No. Now because of his blunder, I’ve seen your face as you feel the pleasure building up inside of you. I know how you sound when you’re ready to cum, and I know what your face looks like when Chris makes you feel good.” Wesker’s words made Leon freeze up completely, his hand opening up and dropping the glass down on to the floor below him.
Wesker chuckle again before he placed his own glass down on the table, turning Leon so that they were now facing each other. That fear was making him feel more aroused than he ever had been before, and the feeling only became stronger when he pressed his lips against Leon’s. The other man was frozen with fear and unable to move, making it easy for Wesker to pin him down beneath him. He was happy to see the fear build up more and more, which only served to make him feel more aggressive.
Oh yes… He would definitely have fun taming this wild, beautiful creature.
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catyeager · 6 years
Ooooh Leon being reprimanded by Wesker 😍
Leon still felt a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach once he got back to his own office, even though Chris continued to tell him that everything would be fine. After all, there was no way Wesker would actually go after him since he seemed to like him so much.
But maybe that also gave Wesker more reason to go after him?
“I need to stop letting Chris rope me into things like that. He’s nothing but trouble…” Leon mumbled that last part, though he didn’t really mind staying with Chris for that reason. After all, he was happier with Chris than he had ever been with anybody else before.
He had been typing at his computer when he heard a knock at his door, which made him freeze his movements for only a moment before he shook his head. Nothing to worry about… So he gave the person permission to come into the office, and he wasn’t surprised to see Wesker on the other side of the door.
His eyes followed the other man as he slowly walked into the room, approaching Leon with his steady steps and a small smirk on his face. It was obvious that he knew what had happened in his office, and he was here to reprimand Leon for doing that.
If something really bad happens, just blame Chris.
“Is there something you need, Wesker? I’m rather busy as it is so I need to take care of business.” Leon went back to continue typing, but his movements stalled again when he noticed that Wesker went behind his desk and then behind the chair. Whatever he had in mind it wasn’t going to be good…
“I think you know why I’m here, yes? You should be lucky that I’ve come to talk to you instead of Chris. You’re far better to talk to about this anyways.” Wesker smirked and raised his hands up, placing them on Leon’s shoulders and rubbing them slowly. The feeling of tight muscles under his shirt made Wesker groan, causing the younger man to flinch a bit at the noise.
Leon paged down his document when he felt Wesker run his hands down his shoulders, eventually finding their way to his chest before he leaned down. Their faces were next to each other, and Leon did all he could to hold back the fearful expression that wanted to slip on to his face.
Wesker could likely feel the fear and tension already, which was probably why he was smirking as his hands traveled lower and lower… Luckily he stopped just before the waistline of Leon’s pants.
“I knew doing that was a bad idea… What do you want from me? If it keeps Chris from getting fired or removed from his post, I’ll do almost anything you ask.” Leon made sure to say almost anything, otherwise Wesker would take advantage of what he said. It was driving him insane, but there was nothing he could do to fight the other man off.
He had video footage of what happened in his office, and he could use it to get both of them arrested or fired if he chose to do so. He didn’t want to overstep his bounds, so taking this at a slower pace was probably the best thing he could do for now.
“There are a lot of things I want from you. But out of the kindness of my heart, I’ll only ask you to do one of them tonight. When you’re done work, I want you to come see me outside of work… I have something I need to show you.” Wesker’s hands traveled a little further down after that, and they were now pushed against Leon’s cock. He was enjoying this far too much, wasn’t he?
“After work… Fine. But don’t think too much into this.” Leon wanted to run away and puke when he felt Wesker’s breath against the back of his ear, and then he felt it down by his neck. The other man started to kiss the spot between his neck and his ear, getting nothing but enjoyment out of Leon’s fear.
After what felt like an eternity, Wesker finally pulled away from Leon. He circled back around the desk, placing a card down on it before he walked towards the door. If anything, his expression had become even darker than before. Whatever he had planned wasn’t good…
“Chris shall never know about this. And by the way, Leon, I’m looking forward to seeing that face of pleasure in person this time.” Wesker turned away and left the room after that, making it seem like a perfectly normal meeting just happened in that room.
Leon felt his blood run cold at those words, looking down at the card on his desk after Wesker left. It had his cellphone number on it, as well as a note that was written by him. It said, I know what you did. If you want to save Chris, you’ll do as I say.
“I can’t even blame you for this, Chris.” Leon’s voice sounded broken and quiet, his heart sinking into his stomach at the idea of what was going to happen to him later. He was fearful, yes, but he knew he had to do it.
Not for himself or his sanity, but… He needed to do it to keep Chris safe.
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