#Welcome to being a waking born elf Des here is ur tragic backstory u r welcome
selenelavellan · 7 years
Concert AU
Some backstory that’s unlikely to come up naturally so I’m putting it out here. I actually wanted to do more bits, leading up to how Selene lost her  teaching job but this seemed long enough on its own, so that’ll likely be up tomorrow.
TW for Sexual Assault, Death, Violence, Rape, and Shitty Parenting
tagging @feynites for reasons
Era'harel joins clan Ralaferin when he is still a toddler.
His name was different before then. Sweeter, like music when it rolled off of his parents tongues.
But he can't remember it, when he is found. He tries to, tries to remember the way his parents smiled at him, and held him, and how they would call for him near cobbled stones and ratted ceilings. He recalls the warmth, and the love, and the way the sunlight streamed through endless branches of a giant tree in a courtyard. But no matter how he tries, he can not recall the words, in the end.
As he grows, he doesn't think it matters anymore.
“Era'harel,” They call him, as he is taught to string a bow and clean a corpse and sit quietly for a hunt. Something to make him useful, something so he can earn his keep in the clan with no parents and no family to care for him. Some of the members are kind, and he bounces from aravel to aravel wherever room can be spared. Wherever there is a spare bit of love he can snag, or warmth he can gather and tuck away for later.
He is thirteen when he goes to his first Arlathvhen.
It is loud, and raucous and he loves it.
There are so many other elven children to run with and dance with and kiss with, and he discovers that he really, really likes kissing behind the closed flap of a tent.
Or what he thought was a closed flap, until he hears the giggling, and spies several sets of eyes peeking through the cloth like sunlight through branches.
It doesn't bother him, but the other boy blushes and giggles and runs back to the main events with a quick pardon.
He frowns, left alone again and not quite sure where he went wrong, but doesn't think anything more of it.
By the end of the Arlathvhen, he has been traded to the other boys clan, anyways.
“Alaris, First of Clan Lavellan,” he reintroduces himself, as though his tongue had not been down his throat a few days prior.
Era'harel nods, and introduces himself again as Alaris takes him on a tour of the clan site. Lavellan is more centralized than Ralaferin had been. More of its members are reliant on crops and trade than hunts and livestock.
It's nice, but it's also much, much more boring.
The hunting team is smaller, so his workload increases substantially despite it being a less necessary trade here. Hunting becomes a daily ritual, rather than a weekly one. He hates it, really. No time to do anything else, just a repetitive, monotonous list of daily tasks. Wake up too early, fletch some arrows for the following day, inspect the ones from the day before, hunt, clean the kill, eat, sleep, repeat.
At least his dreams are vivid. Parties and people and never having to touch another bow in his life. Visions of massive trees in courtyards, music, laughter. Freedom.
He's grateful that he's been taken in by the Dalish, really. They could have left him to die, and there's always one or two members that won't let him forget it. But he watches the ink on the faces of the other hunters, the bow permanently scrawled over the features, and feels sick at the permanence of it. At being permanently tied some predetermined role that he hates. Life is meant to be enjoyed.
No one else seems to get that.
And then the wyverns come. A small grouping wanders too close to the camp, picking off their usual prey and the hunters all have to scare them off, or hunt them down.
Arrows whiz past his ears, long dark hair blowing past his peripheral vision in the aftermath. The wyverns remain, screeching, and dart towards the group. The hunters leap, climb into the trees effortlessly, as they have done countless times before.
Era'harel stumbles, and falls back onto solid ground. Three scaled down dragons barrel towards him and he panics. He stands, and looses a fireball, managing to strike one right in the eye as it lets out an ear-splitting shriek.
The other two don't even pause, and one slams straight into his ribs before he can run, knocking him flat on his back. The other hunters call for him, and the wyvern rears its head up, teeth gleaming in the sunlight as he prepares for his death.
Several arrows thunk into it before it can tear out his throat, and the beast collapses, dead, on top of him.
Which would be less of an issue, he thinks, if they were not so heavy.
Another hunter slashes the throat of the already blinded wyvern, and the last is taken care of in short order before they are able to pull the carcass off of him. His ribs are crushed, he feels as though his entire body has been flattened out like jerky, and every step he tries to take sends another shot of pain straight through his body. The hunters that are not busy bundling up the wyverns help carry Era'harel back into the clan, and into the healers aravel. They dump him (rather roughly, if you ask him) into the empty patients hammock before leaving to finish the hunt.
Alone again, he sighs. Immediately, he wishes he hadn't as his ribs press painfully back into him with the deep breath.
“You look like hell,” comes a soft voice from behind a shelving unit full of salves and potions. “What did you do?”
“I killed a dragon.” Era'harel lies with a smug grin.
The girl doesn't seem to believe him, on any account. White hair braided down her back, a small curl wisping over her forehead as she strides towards him in traditional healers garb.
She pokes and prods and hems and haws at him, and he relaxes at the attention, until he realizes something odd.
“You look like you're my age.”
“Well, how old are you?”
“Then I'd say that makes sense, since we are the same age.” she quips.
“Why haven't I seen you before?”
“I'm not always around. The last few years my time has been split between the trade routes and, well,” she gestures to the space around them “being locked away in here.”
Era'harel blinks “They let you go on the trade expeditions?”
“Mm-hm,” the girl grins “I'm good with numbers, and Keeper agrees that I need to get out of my fathers shadow from time to time.”
“Do you get to go into the cities?”
“Sure do.”
Era'harel thinks of giant trees and laughter and ratted roofs, and how much he misses these things he scarcely remembers.
“Could you take me with you?”
She blinks.
“I...don't know. We need the hunters here, for food. There's only about six of you.”
“Well there's only two healers, and they let you go.” he points out.
“That's...” she frowns. “I mean, you're right, but I don't know...”
“What don't you know?”
“You, for starters.”
Era'harel thinks that's probably fair, and gives her the best semblance of a wave and a charming smile as he can manage in his current situation, and introduces himself.
“That's a weird name.” she comments. “They named you 'demon mage'?”
“It's not like I picked it,” he gripes. “So what's your name then, Ms.-hyper-critical-of-naming-customs?”
“Oh, 'alive'. That's much better.” He snickers.
Sulvuna turns red beneath the strands of her hair that have come loose in the humidity of the aravel before she pokes him harder than is necessary for her inspection in the ribs. He yelps in pain, and notes the flat 'oops' she gives him in lieu of an actual apology.
She does end up asking if he can go along on the trade routes though. She even goes so far as to lie for him, claiming that his injuries will require more recovery time before he can shoot an arrow or cast a spell correctly. Her father scoffs and derides her for it, and Era'harel pretends not to hear him calling her a disgrace, or notice that it's the first thing he's said to her in the week he's spent resting in their hammock.
She was willing to stick her neck out for him. He should do something in return, probably.
They're on the road with another elf, a slightly older one who is far taller than any elf really has the right to be with bright orange hair, (“His name's Haleir,” Sulvuna informs him from beneath rosy cheeks and eyes that are trying to act like they aren't focused on him for half their trip) who is in charge of the actual trades. Lots of exchanges made over the years, and Era'harel notices the gifts Haleir buys for Sulvuna on their trips. Nothing extravagant, some clothes and foods and most notably a smooth stone in the shape of a crescent moon that she keeps tucked away on her person, even when they are back at camp.
He also notices Haleir giving gifts to several other members of the clan, when Sulvuna isn't looking.
When they are eighteen and he and Sulvuna consider each other best friends even in the daylight, they go into town with Haleir for the umpteenth time. But their first night, Haleir sends him away. Some errand he says needs to be double checked, and Era'harel goes without question.
When he returns, he finds Haleir asleep beneath the covers of the bed, and Selene with tear streaks down her face, her dress torn and shredded and hanging off her shoulders.
He's frozen in the doorway, her gaze going right through him. Empty, hollow.
And then he is angry. He doesn't ask what happened, doesn't need to, doesn't want to make her say it when he's seen the looks and he's seen the signs and he still trusted them here alone together and he was wrong, he was so wrong, he should have been looking out for her, he's supposed to be her friend damn it.
Era'harel drags Haleir out of bed, slamming him to the floor and shocking him awake.
“What the fuck-” Haleir screams.
“How dare you!” Era'harel interrupts “How dare you, she trusted you, the clan trusted you and then you turn around and pull this sort of shit, you fucking monster-!”
“Era-” Sulvuna whispers, moving to stand from the bed. Haleir speaks again and she winces, immediately sitting down as he starts yelling excuses to Era'harel about how it wasn't his fault, and of course she wanted it too, she just doesn't know how to have a good time, and it's right around this time that he stops listening and smashes his fist into the side of Haleirs jaw, instead.
Sulvuna freezes, stunned, still caught trying to figure out what the best course of action might be. Haleir, clearly unused to being held accountable for his own actions, is momentarily stunned as well before he pulls back and strikes at Era'harel, who narrowly ducks out of the way and uses the momentum to slam Haleir face down onto the bed, twisting his arms painfully behind his back until he's screaming in pain instead of anger, and pleading to be let go.
“Apologize.” Era'harel grits out.
Haleir is silent, until his arm is twisted tighter behind him, and he yells once more before finally saying “Fine, fine!” he turns his head slightly, to look at Sulvuna “Sorry for giving exactly what you wanted you fuckin-”
“That is not an apology!” Era'harel roars, before kneeing him as hard as he can in the groin and slamming the taller elf back into the wall. Haleir crumples to the floor, unconscious, while Sulvuna stares uncertainly back at Era'harel.
“I...thank...thank you?” She manages, voice scratchy and raw enough to break on the higher tones.
He sighs, and pulls her tightly into his arms. Tries to emulate what he knows is supposed to be reassuring. “I'm sorry,” he mumbles into her hair. “I shouldn't have left.”
“It wasn't your fault...” She whispers back, arms awkwardly coming up to wrap back around him. “You didn't know. I didn't know. These things happen.”
“That's not- That's not true, Sulvuna. The world doesn't have to be like this. Not everyone is like him, I've slept with plenty of people, and none of them were-none of them did anything like this! You're not supposed to!”
“It doesn't matter.” she whispers back with a shake of her head “It doesn't-I don't..It doesn't matter. It happened, and nothing I do will change that. I just...can we...can we go for a walk or something? I'd really like to...to not be here, right now.”
“Yeah,” Era'harel swallows, handing her his traveling cloak. “Yeah, wherever you want to go.”
She nods, and thanks him as she dons his cloak, and they step back out into the hallway.
They end up walking all the way back to the clan, without Haleir, and without going back.
Era'harel confronts her father first. He's a healer, and he's her father, and that means he should be the one to help her here, right? You're supposed to see a doctor after stuff like this, he's pretty sure.
But it becomes clear early into the conversation, Sulvuna thankfully still outside, that Elrogathe has no desire to try to fix the situation.
“I don't see the problem.” He shrugs without even looking up from his work.
“You're shitting me, right? Haleir raped your daughter, and you 'don't see the problem'?”
“Haleir is going to be bonded to Sulvuna soon, and then she will be expected to have relations with him regularly so that they can have children and strengthen the clan.”
“And if he knocked her up already?” Era'harel manages through grit teeth.
“Then for once in her life, my daughter will be ahead of the curve.”
The nonchalance grates at him. He should care, he should love her, parents are supposed to love their children. Era'harel can not even remember his parents faces, but even he knows that. Purple flames lick at his arm, and Elrogathe finally glances up from his work table when he smells the smoke.
“Please do not set the aravel on fire. It would set me back by months on work.”
“What is wrong with you? Doesn't Sulvuna matter to you at all?! Isn't her well-being important to you?”
“Sulvuna is important to the clan. Her mother and I are both from long lines of Dalish blood, as are Haleir and his parents. I wouldn't expect a shemlen like you to understand.”
“Excuse you?”
“Do you prefer demon spawn, then? I assumed Shemlen was the polite thing to call you.”
“I am not-my parents were-”
“Your mother was a whore from the city, who ran away when your father was slaughtered by templars. Keeper Ralaferin found her standing over you, already a demon, an abomination given in to her sin entirely. Ralaferin has always been a soft clan. They slew her to save her, and took you in in the hopes that a proper upbringing could make you better. An offering of repentance to the gods, to show that even the doomed could be saved.” Elrogathe leans back in his chair, raising one eyebrow.  “They were wrong, of course. We took you in, because we needed more hunters. But a demon dressed as an elf is still a demon in the end. You are still not one of us, nor will you ever be. And the next time you fall ill, do not expect me to save you. It is not worth wasting the resources anymore.”
“That's enough.” Sulvuna insists from the doorway, fists tight at her sides. “You are being needlessly cruel. Era'harel is a good person-”
“We call him demon for a reason, Sulvuna-”
“And yet his heart is kinder than yours.”
Elrogathe tsks, and returns to his work as Sulvuna snags Era'harel hand in hers and drags him out of the aravel.
“I'm sorry, for what he said.” she apologizes. “He was out of line.”
“Is it true?”
Sulvuna blinks.
“Is it true?” Era'harel repeats, more insistently.
“I...I don't know,” she admits. “I've never known him to lie, though.”
It stings. It stings, the only thing anyone has told him about his parents in years, and it's this. Slaughtered, given in to temptation. Temptation he's been eyeing himself, in dreams. Memories tainted, smiles and warmth and love all ended with blades.
His end too, probably.
Sulvuna hugs him.
She doesn't say anything, usually not one to initiate physical contact, especially given recent events, but she steps in and wraps her arms around him and pulls him into her until his head is on her shoulder and he returns the embrace.
And then he cries. He cries, and he howls for the first time in his memory as she holds him and hums old songs into his ear, and takes him to one of their more secluded spaces in the woods, one of their bottles of alcohol still hidden in the trunk of the tree.
They stay there like that until the sun begins to set. Sulvuna still stroking his back gently, soothingly. 
“We should leave.” She muses.
He scoffs.
“I'm serious.” she says.
He lifts his head, pulling back from her and wiping at his face  as he makes eye contact. 
She certainly seems serious.
“Where would we go?” He asks, warming up the the idea the more he considers it.
“Anywhere,” Sulvuna shrugs “Anywhere we wanted, that's the point. We could go somewhere no one knows us. Reinvent ourselves, start from scratch. I've got some things we could sell, and we both know how much things are worth, and we could go. We could go anywhere.”
“Let's do it.”
She nods. “Pack a bag. We'll head out in...an hour?”
Era'harel grins. “I love you.”
She snorts. “Oh, shut up.”
They leave that night, and travel to the nearest city to find a bus. They take the bus for a few days, until nothing is familiar anymore, until no one's heard of their clans, or anyone linked to their clans. Until Era'harel is sure he's too far for it to be where he was born.
“We should rename ourselves.” he decides over a burger and fries at a small diner. And gods, he is not going to miss having to kill something to eat meat.
“You think so?”
He nods. “We hate these names anyways. Why drag them into our new life? If we're gonna start over, let's go full balls to the wall.”
Sulvuna laughs. Light and easy, and more freely than he thinks he's ever seen her laugh back with the clan. “Ok, sure. What do you want me to call you?”
He ponders it for a moment, before the perfect name hits him, and his face splits into a grin. “Desire.”
Sulvuna almost chokes on her milkshake. “Oh, surely something more modest and subtle for someone like you would be better.” she teases.
“Nah, I like Desire. Des, in fact. Des has a nice ring to it.” 
Like reclaiming the very thing they tried to condemn him for, he thinks. Fuck them. They want to keep it hidden behind closed doors, like some shameful secret? He'll wear it as a badge of pride, instead.
And besides, he knows he looks good. No one would argue it.
“What about you?” he asks.
Sulvuna ponders the question for a moment, nodding decisively and declaring “Selene. I like Selene.”
“That's like a moon thing, right?”
“Something like that, yeah.”
“Suits you. Hair like moonlight. People will write poetry about you.” He teases with a waggle of his eyebrows.
She laughs again. “I doubt that.”
“You never know,” Des smirks “Our future looks bright, after all.”
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