#Welcome Pinkers from III
oscteamstournament · 1 year
has anyone submitted the thinkers from iii yet?
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love-of-fandoms · 4 years
Don’t Tell Ryder: Master List
Cassiel Ryder, younger sister of Colin and Cody Ryder, came to Andromeda in hopes of having a normal, diplomatic job. Then her dad dies to save her brother, a hostile alien race called the Kett shows up, and said brother asks her to join his Pathfinding team in case of first contact. In the meantime, he’ll just have her drive the Nomad… what could possibly go wrong? Cue grumpy angaran general, which is actually one of the few things that goes right… but who’s counting?
I: Oh Look! Kett! ““Kett ships, a dozen… no, more!” Suvi called, her voice slightly muffled as Cassiel couldn’t seem to focus on anything. “They’ve got us pinned against the scourge!” Kallo fretted, and Cassiel was thankful in that moment for her brother’s military training, though not as extensive as his twin Cody’s, he was much better suited to be Pathfinder than the baby of the family, Cassiel Ryder.”
II: Oh Look! Angara! “”I’m Paaran Shie, governor of Aya,” she, or at least Cassiel assumed they were female, introduced herself, Cassiel’s translator, or more probably SAM, finally picking up the language. “We are the angara,”. Cassiel bowed her head slightly in greeting.”
III: Welcome to the Crew! ““I’ll accompany them!” Jaal volunteered not a second after, both Cassiel and Evfra’s heads snapping to look at him in surprise.“Absolutely n-”“I know you can spare me,” the purple angara pushed with a smirk, and Evfra scowled, not that his resting face was much different.”
IV: New Pet Mom “I’m assuming this Mr. Tumnus is the flanjaak? What kind of name is that? Flanjaaks can eat almost anything without getting sick. Whether or not they’ll like it is a different thing entirely… they all have different tastes. The best course of action is to feed him small amounts of different things to find what he likes. -Evfra de Tershaav, An Annoyed Resistance General”
V: Lowkey Mom Friend ““I EXPECT EVERYONE IN THE MESS IN FIVE MINUTES! GIL I DON’T CARE WHAT EXCUSE YOU COME UP WITH YOU ARE EATING BREAKFAST!” she shouted into it before softening her tone. “Jaal, hun, come down when you’re ready, I set aside some pancakes for you to try, otherwise there’s some nutrient paste in the cabinet above the stove,” with that Cassiel flicked off the intercom and turned to raise her eyebrows at Kallo. “But-” he began to protest, but was quickly cut off.    “The ships on autopilot,” Cassiel said, pointing to the doors, and Kallo pouted as he got up and went to the galley.”
VI: Frustrating the General “Evfra couldn’t stop himself from rolling his eyes at how many times his operative mentioned the human he had met-Cassiel Ryder. Jaal was too trusting sometimes, and it was obvious he was already pretty comfortable with the small woman.” 
VII: Cora’s a Meanie ““I was just taking a break,” she murmured, Suvi and Kallo sensing the mood and returning to staring at the displays in front of them. “Since it’s not urgent,” Cassiel continued, and Cora bristled, her glare hardening further.“Not urgent?” she barked, and Cassiel appeared even smaller as she hunched in on herself, Jaal watching with a sad expression.”
VIII: Oh Look! Havarl! “Scrambling, Cassiel tried to buck the creature off her, only succeeding in shifting it a little down her body. Letting out a grunt, Cassiel flung her arm down to her thigh holster, grabbing a knife she kept there that was more for fighting against humans, not weird reptile creatures, and shoving it through the creature's skull with a shout.”
IX: Angara Magnet? “Colin’s brows rose as he led Jaal and Drack through the group to find Cassiel and all three members of the Tempest ground team were incredibly surprised to find Cassiel sat cross legged on the floor in front of a light blue angaran male, with Mr. Tumnus sat behind her, resting his chin on her shoulder.”
X: Jaal Has A Death Wish “The Resistance general shook his head harshly, attempting to clear thoughts of Cassiel Ryder from his mind, and typed out a reply to Jaal, his fingers admittedly tapping on the datapad a little harsher than was strictly necessary.“
XI: Professional Integrity? Psh... ““Who’s a good boy?” Vetra was purring to him in a baby voice, and Cassiel almost froze at the surprising sound, but instead she went to the dish where she had placed the dextro omelets and passed it to the turian. Mr. Tumnus didn’t even acknowledge his owner, leaning into Suvi even more when she began to scratch at the space between his horn and ear.”
XII: Run Ins And Ideas “Evfra was quick to roll off the human, briefly noting that her cheeks appeared pinker than normal as he stood. “It’s fine,” he told her, glancing at her flanjaak, his mind racing.”
XIII: Lessons In Badassery ““Cassiel, are you sure this is the wisest course of action?” SAM piped up in her head, and Cassiel scoffed. “Of course it isn’t,” she smiled slightly as she pulled up the map of Havarl on her omnitool.”
XIV: I Don’t Know What I’m Doing, But Trust Me Anyway ““Oh and please don’t tell Colin!” “What?” the salarian asked, disbelief in his tone. “Please,” Cassiel pressed, and he sighed. “Fine,” with that, Cassiel heard a low tone signalling the call had been ended.”
XV: On to the Vault... Nope! “Surprisingly, Evfra was the one to break the silence. “Why did you name him Mr. Tumnus?” he asked, and Cassiel’s eyes widened as she looked up at him. “It’s a very odd name,” Cassiel giggled.”
XVI: Okay, Vault for Real This Time... ““Oh fuck!” she shouted, pushing her legs a bit more. Evfra was a couple meters ahead of her, but he seemed to notice she was falling behind, and he stopped. “Keep going!” she shouted, but as soon as she was within reach Evfra grabbed her, throwing her over his shoulder with ease. “What the fuck?!”
XVII: (Not So) Platonic Snuggles “Jaal chuckled, turning to Evfra, but the General just glared at him, holding a hand up. “Not. A. Word,” he muttered, shouldering past Jaal, who smirked to himself.”
XVIII: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow “It was an unconscious movement, and before Cassiel really realized she was hugging Evfra her arms were around his waist. She froze, going to pull away, but large, muscular arms encircled her much smaller form and squeezed her slightly. “Goodbye,” he said to her, voice incredibly soft.”
XIX: Let’s Build a Snowman! “he scoffed, rolling his eyes. “You wanna build a snowman in a dangerous blizzard?” he challenged, and Cassiel pouted. “Maybe?” Colin chuckled”
XX: No Chance, No Way, I Won’t Say It “She said she wanted to spend time with him! Watching a vid! On Aya!”
XXI: I Love Snow! Remant Though... “it was Kallo again. “You just dropped 100 meters in altitude, are you alright?” Cassiel was still giggling, unable to respond, so Vetra responded for her.“She just drove us off a fucking cliff,” she grunted, still winded, and scrambling was heard from the other end.”
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TIR  IV - Arrival
Part I//Part II//Part III// Part IV// Part V// Part VI
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When a new color is created, a new part of their world is also created. A new color joined the rainbow sun, making it brighter than ever. A pink glaze coated the rainbow fields and stones as it embedded itself into its proper place in between red and white. Sehun and Jongin ran into the gentle pink field, the new color immediately felt safe. Like the field cared for their safety and made every step feel as soft as the clouds.
 It’s been quite a few years since a new color had been created. The sky above them sparkled as the soft pink sun settled into its new home. 
Chanyeol joined Baekhyun on the ground, watching the youngest two run around. He gently curled his fingers into the beautiful pink soil. Baekhyun watched the youngest with eyes void of emotion, he couldn’t get the Great One’s words out of his head.
 The Humans have become bored with you, a new color must be created.
 “Chan, what happens when the Great One deems us completely useless?” Baekhyun asked his best friend softly.
 “What do you mean?” Chanyeol asked as he brought a bit of soil closer to his face to investigate it.
 “Do you think they might destroy us completely and start over?” Baekhyun asked, his gaze no longer seeing the scene in front of him as he thought about the past few days.
 “Where’s this coming from?” Chanyeol dropped the soil and turned to look completely at Baekhyun.
 “We’ll never be enough, Pink won’t be the last color to be created,” Baekhyun brought his legs to his chest as he shivered.
 “We don’t know that Baek, besides the Great One gave us life. Shouldn’t we be grateful to them? Without them we wouldn’t have our brothers,” Chanyeol smiled gently.
 “Chan, we don’t know the Great One. We’ve never even seen them before. They give us orders and we make sure they’re followed through,” Baekhyun looked toward the beautiful pink sky.
 “When will it be our turn to live?” Baekhyun asked softly.
 “That’s not our purpose. Our purpose is to-“
 “Is to bring balance to the world the humans walk upon. I know, I know…” Baekhyun interrupted softly.
 “Baekhyun hyung, Chanyeol hyung! Come look there are pink creatures!” Sehun’s excited voice startled Baekhyun from his thoughts. Chanyeol stood up quickly and helped him up. True to the youngest’s excitement, strange creatures took form in the bright pink water running though the Pink sector of their home. They were a different shade of pink and stood on one leg. They looked kind of like the robins from Chanyeol’s sector, but… Bigger and pinker.
 “What are those?” Chanyeol asked with amazement as they caught up with the others.
 “The Great One calls them the Flamingos,” Jongin explained excitedly.
 “Do they have a purpose?” Baekhyun tilted his head slightly.
 “Unknown, but they’re really pretty!” Jongin smiled happily.
 “Hyung, when will we get to meet Pink?” Sehun asked impatiently.
 “Well, it’s been a few days since creation. I believe their illusion will be taking form soon,” Minseok smiled as he ruffled Sehun’s hair.
 “I can’t wait until we meet them! Can we take them to Earth?” Jongin asked excitedly as he grabbed Junmyeon’s arm.
 “I don’t see why not, but we should let them get acquainted before we take them anywhere,” Junmyeon shook his head with a smile.
 “Should we go back and see how Pink is doing?” Junmyeon turned to Minseok.
 “I think we should, it’s also getting late. It’s time for the rest of you to go home,” Minseok looked at all his younger brothers sternly.
 “Hhyyuunngg, that’s no fun…” Sehun crossed his arms over his chest and grumbled.
 “Fun or not, it’s getting late. Baekhyun, make sure everyone gets home, okay?” Minseok smiled at Baekhyun, who nodded quickly.
 “Come on kids, let’s go home,” Baekhyun gently grabbed Jongin’s hand away from Junmyeon.
 “Fine, but I’m not going to be happy about it,” Sehun growled softly.
 “No one’s asking you to be~” Jongdae teased lightly.
 “Yah, Jongdae don’t tease him. He’ll whine the whole way home,” Chanyeol teased gently.
 “They’re bullying me!” Sehun looked at Minseok and Junmyeon for help.
 “Boys be nice. Or We’ll hear about it,” Minseok threatened lightly.
 “No need to worry Hyung, I’ll make sure they leave Sehunnie alone~” Baekhyun rolled his eyes slightly at Jongin, who then tried to protect Sehun from Jongdae’s humor.
 “Alright. Get going before the suns go down. I don’t want you out when the moon rises,” Junmyeon scolded lightly.
 “What’s so bad about being out when the moon is out?” Sehun grumbled under his breath as Jongin pulled him along. Junmyeon and Minseok looked at each other, maybe one day they’ll explain the dangers of the night, but for now, they had no reason to. The boys usually listened to them without hesitation.
 Minseok and Junmyeon watched as their younger brothers left the beautiful pink plane. Their smiles slowly slipped from their faces. Their nonexistent age showing more prominently. Slowly they walked toward the entrance of the Rainbow plane. Quietly, they walked through the dark halls to the Place of Perfection, the room that led to the Room of Creation. The Pink orb began to fade, and an illusion started to replace it. A young man, like the rest of them, began to take form with each level of fading. Minseok and Junmyeon sat down the small fading orb in front of them.
 “Younger than Kyungsoo, but older than Jongin and Sehun?” Junmyeon asked quietly.
 “That’s what the Great One said,” Minseok nodded and smiled at Junmyeon.
 Slowly but surely, as the Rainbow Sun began to set, and the Rainbow moon took its place, the orb disappeared. Junmyeon and Minseok stood up and dusted themselves off, wanting to look nice the first time they met their new brother, and waited for him to awaken. Beautifully soft pink hair fully took form as their younger brother went through the last stage of completion. The young man was carefully placed on the ground, the symbol below glowed brightly for a moment. Pink has arrived.
 The light of the pale Rainbow moon filled the room. Junmyeon and Minseok walked closer to their younger brother and waited. A few moments passed, then suddenly caring bright pink eyes opened. A couple of slow blinks and the eyes finally focused. The young man slowly sat up and looked around.
 “Welcome Huang Zitao, Welcome Pink.” A beautiful pink flower bloomed strongly in between the red and white rose of life.
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randomoranges · 6 years
advent calendar part 3
Day 1
Word: “I love you”
Object: A photo of Étienne and Edward, taken with a cell phone, at the Christmas Market in Old Montreal
“You know, for a guy who doesn’t like winter, you look pretty cheery,” The fall term had finally ended and Edward appreciated being in Montreal for the winter season once more – since they both didn’t have to worry about class assignments for the next following weeks, Étienne suggested they head out to the Old Port to see the Christmas Market and then walk down to the waterfront to see the fireworks at the skating rink– Edward had agreed, and they had bundled up before heading out – now Edward had found out quite quickly that Étienne did not like winter – he hated being cold, detested wearing boots and generally did not enjoy the season, but now, as they walked down the main street of the market, looking at the stalls and marvelling at the pretty decorations and festive lights, Edward noticed that Étienne looked... happy and serene, “Hey, that’s not true – I don’t like January and February when there’s absolutely nothing to look forward to other than being cold and miserable,” Étienne explained, turning to look at him, “This is different – Christmas is a magical season; there are things to look forward to, you have Christmas carols and Christmas spirit all around – it’s fun, festive, pretty – I mean, look at all these Christmas stalls!” He waved at the stalls ahead of them and Edward chuckled, “Christmas time is chill for snow and some cold – but after the last New Year’s/Christmas party, I want warmth,” Edward rolled his eyes and caught up with him, linking their arms together, “Yes, I know, you’ve made that abundantly clear every year when you’ve gone ahead and stolen every blanket for yourself,” Étienne tried looking indignant, but failed; they kept walking down the market, stopping at a stall here and there to look at the merchant’s wares and Edward paused to look on as Étienne tried a sample of a mulled wine at one stall, beckoning Edward to try as well, feeling the texture of warm looking colourful socks the next and Edward couldn’t help but smile at the scene – he liked Étienne, he liked the way the other’s presence in his life made him feel, he liked the crazy adventures they went on and how easy it was to talk to Étienne; from the moment he had met him, Étienne had been warm and welcoming towards him and over the years, Edward had come to treasure their friendship and now that they were dating, he felt even luckier – Étienne made him laugh and was always there to lend an ear when he needed someone to talk to; he loved the moments they created together and looked forward to wherever else this venture would bring them.
 “Hello, earth calling to Edward, you still here or did that last paper really make some damage?” Edward blinked and looked at Étienne who was standing in front of him, holding out what seemed like a steaming cup of something, “They had the most decadent hot chocolate at the booth over there and I got you some,” He explained, handing the cup over, “You’ll love it,” Edward smiled softly at the word and the gesture and took a sip – Étienne was right; the chocolate was smooth and not overly sweet; there was a hint of hazel that added to the flavour and it went down nicely, warming his throat, “You seem pensive,” Étienne mentioned, re-linking their arms together, as they fell in step, “What’s up?” Edward paused and Étienne did the same, taking another drink from his goblet, waiting for Edward to go on, “I love you,” He said plainly, a small smile playing on his face; he looked at Étienne and watched as his eyes widened ever so slightly; Étienne stood still for a moment, as if he was processing what he had just heard, “I feel like maybe I’ve always been a little bit in love with you,” He added and laughed when Étienne stepped closer to him to hide his face in his jacket, mindful of the hot chocolate; they had spoken about this – about feelings and love, so many years ago, and Edward knew that Étienne found it easier to like than to love – that the idea of love sometimes scared him – it was such a big thing and it could be so easy to break, but Edward was sure of it – of this way he felt when he was with Étienne, “Me too...” Étienne mumbled through the folds of Edward’s jacket after a moment; Étienne hugged him tightly, almost trembling, and Edward rubbed his back for a moment, understanding that this was Étienne’s way of expressing the same emotion and for now it was more than enough and Edward felt elated and light, enjoying the way Étienne felt in his arms.
 “We should commemorate this event,” Étienne recovered a moment later, resurfacing, Edward thought it endearing how Étienne still looked a little flustered and how his cheeks looked even pinker than they had before and something told him it didn’t all have to do with the weather, “Yeah? What did you have in mind?” He asked, Étienne looked around and then grinned, grabbing his hand, “We should totally take a cheesy picture under one of these lit up arches – you know, like a couple picture, maybe we can even kiss,” Étienne suggested, stammering towards the end, but trying to act calm and collected; Edward agreed and they walked towards one of the many arches, one that wasn’t too crowded, and Étienne took out his phone, opened his camera and set it so that it was facing them, he extended his arm in front of them and once he was certain that the picture was framed correctly, he turned towards Edward, who smiled brightly at him for a moment, before he leaned in to kiss him.
note: the format of these might be a little different than other 3 sentence aus. these might be between 3 to 5 sentences. also, they will only have the actual memory and not étienne and edward who are looking at the advent calendar. some of the memories may appear or may have appeared in pre-amnesia and amnesia au
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How to visit Komodo Island to see the Dragons
Komodo Island travel guide is part of – 2 Week Indonesia Itinerary
Komodo Island is home to cold blooded creatures from the days of the dinosaur. Where the continental plates collide, lies the domain of the Dragons. Komodo Dragons are the largest lizards in the world. They can reach a length of 10.3 feet (3.13 meters), weigh around 154 pounds (70 kg), and can run at speeds up to 13 mph (20 kph). They are only found on a few Indonesian islands mainly Komodo and Rinca, both accessible from Labuan Bajo, Flores.
Welcome to the domain of the poison-breathing dragons!
Where is Komodo Island
Komodo Island (Komodo Dragon Island) lies off the coast of Labuan Bajo in the northwestern corner of Flores in Indonesia. It is part of Komodo National Park. It is one of the two islands in the world to have Komodo Dragons in the wild, the other being nearby Rinca island.
Komodo Island Map
Komodo Island is only accessible by boats from Labuan Bajo or liveaboards from Bali and Lombok. If you are coming from Bali, then you can fly into Komodo Airport (IATA: LBJ) in Labuan Bajo. There are few other daily flights to Komodo Airport from different airports in Indonesia. Almost all the travel agencies in Labuan Bajo offer a day tour to Komodo Island to see the dragons. More on the tours later.
A Tale of the Dragons
Komodo Island Day Tour
The Boy: “What is the Kiss of the Dragon?” The Blue Ocean: “The dragon has an anticoagulant venom. When it bites its prey, it drools the nasty fatal toxin into the wound of the animal. That is the Dragon’s Kiss of Death!”
How to Visit Komodo Island
The dragons are truly beasts out of the mythical books – dinosaur scales, flickering tongue sensing the surroundings, arrogant piercing eyes, and the gait stamping authority
Labuan Bajo is the gateway to the Dragon’s Domain. You need at least 3 days to visit Komodo Island. On the first day, you will land at Komodo Island Airport in Labuan Bajo. After checking-in to your hotel, you will have to look for a day tour to Komodo Island. Either you can ask your hotel to arrange a tour or you can speak with travel agencies located on Soekarno Hatta street. Almost all the agencies sell the same standard tour at the around the same price (negotiable). The tour includes a couple of snorkeling stops, trek in Padar Island, an hour at Pink Beach, and of course the opportunity to see Komodo Dragons. Do check the snorkeling gear carefully.
Komodo Island Tour Options
(i) Komodo Island Budget Tour
Cost: IDR 100,000 transportation + IDR 300,000 Entrance Fee + Optional Snorkeling Tour = IDR 400,000 per person (US$ 30/ INR 2,000)
The cheapest way of seeing the dragons is by taking a local boat from Labuan Bajo to Komodo Island. The local boat leaves Labuan Bajo port at 10 am on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. It costs IDR 50,000 pp (US$ 4/250 INR). You can pay the park fees (IDR 300,000 pp) and a ranger will accompany you on the trails in search of the dragons. The return boat runs on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, the same price. You can stay the night in Komodo Island at Erjun’s homestay for IDR 350,000 (US$ 26/ 1700 INR) including 3 meals for two people. Erjun is a certified park ranger of Komodo National Park with great knowledge of the dragons and fluent English. He can also arrange full day tours from Labuan Bajo. You can contact him on WhatsApp at +62 813-3778-2881 or Instagram @jhuna_ranger27
(ii) Komodo Island Day Tour
Cost: IDR 600,000 tour cost + IDR 300,000 Entrance Fee = IDR 900,000 per person (US$ 67/ INR 4,300)
Tour timing 7 am to 7 pm. Includes visiting Komodo Island, snorkeling at Pink Beach and Manta Point, Padar Island, breakfast, lunch, and hotel pick-up and drop-off. We went with Wanua Adventures because they allowed us to customized our tour without any extra cost. We dropped Padar Island and went in search for Komodo Dragons on Rinca Island. Rinca Island is smaller than Komodo Island, therefore the chances of spotting Komodos on Rinca are higher. You can get in touch with Ignas on WhatsApp +62 812-3982-2705 or [email protected]
(iii) Komodo, Rinca, and Snorkeling 2 Days Tour
Cost: IDR 1,000,000 tour cost + IDR 300,000 Entrance Fee = IDR 1,300,000 per person (US$ 97/ INR 6,000)
The tour starts at 7 am on day one and ends at 4 pm day two. You visit Rinca, Komodo, Pink Beach, Padar Island, Kanawa, and snorkel at some prime spots including Manta Point. It includes all meals, snorkeling gear, and live aboard a ship. For more info contact Ignas of Wanua Adventures on WhatsApp +62 812-3982-2705 or [email protected]
Komodo Island: A tryst with the dragons, flight of the Mantas, and colorful corals
Tears rolled down my eyes as I was stupefied by the sight of the black beauty of the blue ocean – Manta Ray. Wings spread wide gliding, almost flying in the calm waters of the Flores Sea. My heart happily burst into a thousand particles that still live on in the ocean bed frequented by these gracious beings of the ocean. “Our Planet is Beautiful” moment
Our Wanua Adventure tour started at 7 am. We were picked from our hotel and dropped at the harbor. The boat staff was incredibly helpful and served us snacks, fruits, tea, and coffee. Our first stop was snorkeling near the Pink Beach. The colors and shapes of corals were incredible. Some of the best snorkeling I have ever done. Unfortunately, as I dived into the sea my GoPro case leaked and 🙁
Pink Beach Komodo Island Snorkeling
The pinkness of the Pink Beach, well let’s just say it can be pinker. Some Photoshop-ed images could be misleading so trust them with a grain of pink sand. After Pink Beach, we snorkeled at Manta Point (Manta Alley) in search of the devilish angel of the ocean. I snorkeled around with intent on finding the devilish angel. Tears rolled down my eyes as I was stupefied by the sight of the black beauty of the blue ocean – Manta Ray. Wings spread wide gliding, almost flying in the calm waters of the Flores Sea. My heart happily burst into a thousand particles that still live on in the ocean bed frequented by these gracious beings of the ocean. “Our Planet is Beautiful” moment. We saw 4 Manta Rays and 1 baby shark at Manta Point. Snorkeling here is absolutely a must do.
We were served unbelievably delicious vegetarian lunch. I have always had a bad experience with vegetarian meals on organized tours. But, the food served was beyond expectation. Next, it was time to enter the Dragon’s Lair.
Komodo Dragon, Rinca Island, Indonesia
Rinca Island (198 sq km) is smaller than Komodo Island and has forest cover. Therefore, Komodo Dragon sightings are almost guaranteed. You pay the Komodo National Park entrance fee of 150,000 IDR (US$ 11/ 725 INR) and some administration charges at the park entrance. A ranger accompanies you on the trails in search of Komodo Dragons. You are almost certain to find some lying around the ranger cabins. We saw a Komodo Dragon couple mating. The guide mentioned they had been at it for 8 hours.
Komodo Dragon Couple at Rinca Island
The big bad ones are to be found in the jungle. On the trail, look out for Buffaloes and Timur Deer, since they are the dragon’s prey. We were fortunate to see an adult dragon in the wild. He was humongous and strolled with authority in the jungle looking for a mate. The dragons are truly beasts out of the mythical books – dinosaur scales, flickering tongue sensing the surroundings, arrogant piercing eyes, and the gait stamping authority. I have seen many an animal across the globe, but nothing comes close to witnessing the dragons.
After leaving the lair of the dragons, we made our way back to Labuan Bajo. The tour gets you back around 7 pm. They provided us a drop-off at the hotel as well.
Where to stay
I highly recommend staying at Komodo Island. Very few people stay there, therefore it is an off-the-beaten-path experience. Staying there is an incredible opportunity to witness the harmony between villagers and Komodo Dragons. You can take a local boat from Labuan Bajo to Komodo Island as I mentioned earlier. Erjun’s Homestay is a homely and comfortable place to stay, price IDR 350,000(US$ 26/ 1700 INR) including 3 meals for two people. You can contact him on WhatsApp at +62 813-3778-2881 or Instagram @jhuna_ranger27.
Hotel Sunset Hill, Labuan Bajo, Flores
If you prefer to stay in Labuan Bajo then Sunset Hill Hotel is an excellent hotel with lavish rooms and a view to kill for. Pagi Hotel is a good budget option closer to the town with scenic views from the terrace, delicious breakfast, and very friendly staff. Both hotels can be booked from Booking.com
Vegetarian food in Labuan Bajo
Chef Rafael is a homely Indonesia restaurant serving delicious local vegetarian dishes, comfy sandwiches, and tasty pasta. Casa Seleni is an opportunity to sail from the islands of Indonesia to Isles of Greece one Greek delicacy at a time. Mouthwatering falafel, delicious baba ghanoush, and healthy salads. LaBajo Flores Coffee is the place to sip in all the experiences over a cup of fresh and aromatic Indonesian coffee.
2 Week Indonesia Itinerary
Bali One Week Itinerary
4 Days with the Walking Dead of Sulawesi (Coming Soon)
1 Week in Java amongst active volcanoes, largest Buddhist monument, and mythical Crater Lake (Coming Soon)
How to visit Komodo Island to see the Dragons was originally published on Winds of Travel
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