monriatitans · 4 days
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The image was made in Canva; check it out at the [referral] link here!
"Ta-Da!" List: Tue-Fri, September 17-20th
I share my "Ta-Da!" Lists so everyone gets updates and I have reminders of what I've accomplished.
To learn more about "Ta-Da!" Lists, and other ADHD life hacks, check out Jesse J. Anderson's book Extra Focus: The Quick Start Guide to Adult ADHD.
- MT: MonriaTitans - O&T: Opinions & Truth Blog - NRL: The Neverending Reading List - WGS: The Weekend Game Show - Q: Quote - ADHDM: ADHD Acceptance Month - LCSUM: Library Card Sign-Up Month - COTM: Cause of the Month - ASO: Artist Shout-Out - TMA: TitansMonriArt - IG: Instagram - RP: Rendezvous Point Bookshop - BMAC: Buy Me a Coffee - TDL: Ta-Da! List
"Ta-Da!" List
✧ throughout the days: 1. Personal-ish: a. Chores & Miscellaneous: was reminded Patreon's system for managing email notifications is shit while making email(s) manageable; did the dishes; checked the mail; cleaned the toilets; cleaned the sink and the bit of counter space to the left of it b. Read some of Divergent Mind and Men Who Hate Women c. Games Played: FFXIV with partner d. YouTube: watched and/or listened to videos by, not in order, Cinema Therapy, Jim Sterling, Andres El Rey, Morgan Foley, NeurodiverJENNt, Robert Reich, Leeja Miller, LegalEagle, Upper Echelon, Patrick (H) Willems, ashley viola, The Financial Diet, Jessie Gender, Adam Conover, The Hound + The Fox, tinysey, Tom, and HealthyGamerGG 2. Business: a. Designs: in Canva, designed an "ASO Placeholder Image" for the ASO…
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sublimebeebeauty · 4 years
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What have you achieved this week? #weeklyachievements # #oriflameUK #sublimebeebeauty https://www.instagram.com/p/CFxJ7k2gr3V/?igshid=of7jyu1peiiw
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monriatitans · 12 days
"Ta-Da!" List: Mon-Fri, September 9-13th
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The image was made in Canva; check it out at the [referral] link here!
Mon-Fri, September 9-13, 2024
I share my "Ta-Da!" Lists so everyone gets updates and I have reminders of what I've accomplished.
To learn more about "Ta-Da!" Lists, and other ADHD life hacks, check out Jesse J. Anderson's book Extra Focus: The Quick Start Guide to Adult ADHD.
- MT: MonriaTitans - O&T: Opinions & Truth Blog - NRL: The Neverending Reading List - TBR: To Be Read - SQ: Stupidity Quotes - TMA: TitansMonriArt - WGS: The Weekend Game Show - LCSUMQ: Library Card Sign-Up Month Quote - COTM: Cause of the Month - LDS$: Let’s Discuss Some $#!7! - ASO: Artist Shout-Out - IG: Instagram - RP: Rendezvous Point Bookshop - BMAC: Buy Me a Coffee - TDL: Ta-Da! List
"Ta-Da!" List
✧ throughout the days: 1. Personal-ish:  a. Chores & Miscellaneous: was reminded Patreon's system for managing email notifications is shit while making email(s) manageable; did the dishes via the dishwasher; downloaded the GamerProfiles app; swept the kitchen; DoorDashed some necessities; looked at the budget b. Read some of Divergent Mind and Men Who Hate Women c. Games Played: FFXIV d. YouTube: watched and/or listened to videos by, not in order, Jim Sterling, Robert Reich, Morgan Foley, Orion Kelly - That Autistic Guy, How to ADHD, BlackBeltBarrister, Cinema Therapy, LegalEagle, Rowan Ellis, Chad Chad, Leeja Miller, ashley viola, tinysey, The Financial Diet, humorous story, Patrick (H) Willems, and HealthyGamerGG
2. Business: a. WGS: on…
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