#Wechat Mini Program
p-h03n1-x · 8 months
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Xiao Zhan for Boucheron WeChat Mini Program 11.7.2023 Let’s take a look at their WeChat store, and looking at the prices, the least expensive I saw is at $4k 😂😂😂
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greenguy56 · 4 months
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Red Osmanthus art from
The WeChat mini program
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Translation version
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happyzyx · 1 year
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230719 lay_studio: SHENZHEN · BOARDING GUIDE
TICKETS GO ON SALE:2023.07.21 (FRI.) 13:14 (CST)
TICKET PLATFORM: Maoyan (Ticket could be purchased overseas on WeChat Mini Program)
See you in Shenzhen with Captain @.layzhang on August 5th!
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datayuan · 4 days
SenseNova Model AI office assistant "Office raccoon" on the wechat mini program
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umichenginabroad · 15 days
Week 5: Holiday Travel Part 1 at Qingdao
On the Friday night before an early flight to Qingdao, I stayed up filled with excitement for the many things we can do there, worried about what to wear for the crazy 90 degrees Fahrenheit at Yantai, anxious for the upcoming EECS216 midterm, and busied myself in an ongoing battle with an unyielding mosquito. There is no way I'm letting the mosquito get to me when my left eye is still swelling from its previous bite. Being so occupied, I didn't sleep all the way to 3AM, when the alarm finally sounded and signaled me to get ready. Half an hour later, I was waiting at the east gate outside of the dorm with Ramona and my cousin Christine. We were waiting for one last person in our traveling group— my uncle Kelvin, who I need to emphasize is very young and having just graduated, this summer in China is his last vacation before he begins working. Imagine setting up countless 5 minute interval alarms on 3 different devices and oversleeping all of them. Thankfully, he did not mute WeChat text notifications. Cutting close, Kelvin arrived at the same time as the car did and the four of us took off.
The weekend's theme places are two coastal cities in the Shandong province north of Shanghai. The plan was to spend Saturday at Qingdao and save Yantai on Sunday and come back on Monday, which we have off because of the Dragon Boat Festival. I will cover the full day at Qingdao in this blog and save Yantai for next week as there's a lot of content.
After flying for one and a half hour, we arrived at Qingdao's airport at 8:30 AM and spent another hour on the metro, where I got really excited to finally see the city. Qingdao is a super popular tourist vacation city, and there have been many shows filmed there, including a Chinese pop idol show that got me into c-pop back then. Following Plan A of Ramona's detailed itinerary, (she was up at 1AM crafting three potential itineraries, respect), we dropped off our stuff at an airbnb conveniently located at the city center and headed out for lunch.
Qingdao looks like an anime world— there's the uniformly painted peach and orange colored apartments on the main road, cute street decorations and cartoon graphics along clean alleys, and big comic fonts on the restaurants' signs. Our hotel is a walkable distance to the anime street so after lunch, we trudged uphill and I found myself marveling again at the cute aesthetics. The anime street is a popular place to take pictures and with each block of stores we passed, I would see people claiming a spot at both sides of the streets giving their best poses. We had to line up a bit for the popular Totoro wall and there's us roasting under Qingdao's welcoming sun.
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And of course, nothing's more exciting than trying out new food. For lunch, we had dumplings color coded with different fillings inside and underneath the dumpling picture is a simple dessert made out of yam coated with blueberry sauce (tasted minimal in sugar like most sweets in China) . The restaurant also kindly served us free Zongzi, which is the holiday food for the Dragon Boat Festival. Zongzi is glutinous rice that can have sweet or salty fillings tightly wrapped in leaves. They are in the picture at the top right of this mini food album. After lunch, we visited a coffee shop at the anime street where I got a rose flavored latte, and it was good good.
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Next up on our itinerary is the beer museum, where we were about to have a sip of the local Tsingtao Beer. I should mention that the legal drinking age in China is 18. Although I'm not an alcoholic, I'm willing to give Qingdao's local specialty a try. We bought the tickets in advance in the museum's official mini program available on WeChat and off we went.
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Taking shelter at the museum during the hottest time in the afternoon, we scanned over the beer's history, watched the assembly line factory where bottles and caps move around at fast speed and came out as packaged products on the conveyor belt, and experienced the loss of balance inside a drunk house designed for recreating the feel of getting drunk. When I finally get to try the beer, I have to say it did not taste very appealing. I'm better off drinking my mixed drink that is half fruit mix, half sprite, and a few droplets of alcohol. None of us had the courage to finish the drink, so we all dumped it and returned our glasses.
After we got done with the museum, we lost some time taking the metro to Laoshan, only to be dropped off at some ticket gate far away from the mountain trails and eventually decided we're not up for hiking so we took an hour subway to May Fourth Square instead.
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Quoted from wikipedia, May Fourth Square is a public square in Qingdao's central business district that borders the Yellow Sea. The red spiral sculpture is called May Wind. Its color being Chinese red, the sculpture commemorates the patriotic spirit of the May Fourth Movement during World War One. One of the proposals in the Treaty of Versailles had involved transferring German concessions of the Shandong province including Qingdao to Japan. In response, mass student organizations gathered in Beijing on May 4th, 1919 and protested against the treaty. Their determination influenced the Chinese delegation to refuse to sign. Hence, a separate treaty was signed to return Shandong back to China. That's the history of the May Fourth Square. The May Wind stood as proof of the people's collaborative effort in a patriotic movement to get back the coastal province.
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Credits to Ramona for taking the beautiful picture of the tall straight rose at the right.
After May Fourth Square, we headed back to our hotel and I fell asleep soon after settling into the comfy bed. The mattress was softer than my dorm's bed and the pillow was plumper. Most of all, I need to make up for the lack of sleep last night and replenish my energy for Yantai the next day. I needed rest so much I managed to block off the sound of the speaker down the street that repeatedly called out soufflé for sale. Goodnight to Qingdao.
That's it for Qingdao.
See you all next week for the upcoming Yantai, which embraced us with 90 degrees Fahrenheit but the fun of pedaling across the beach, the view of the glowing sun settling in the beautiful dusk, and the food patrol is so worth it.
Vivien Lin
Computer Engineering
UM - Shanghai Jiaotong University Joint Institute
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google22 · 27 days
Buy WeChat Account
Using WeChat Accounts for businеss purposеs offеrs sеvеral bеnеfits.
Widеr Rеach WеChat has ovеr a billion monthly activе usеrs, making it a powerful platform for rеaching a largе audiеncе. By using WeChat Accounts, businеssеs can connect with potential customers both locally and intеrnationally.
Markеting Opportunitiеs WeChat Accounts provide various marketing tools and fеaturеs, such as WеChat Official Accounts and WеChat Momеnts ads, that allow businеssеs to promotе thеir products or sеrvicеs to targеtеd audiеncеs.
Customеr Engagеmеnt WeChat Accounts еnablе businеssеs to еngagе with customers through mеssaging, posts, and intеractivе fеaturеs likе mini-programs. This helps businеssеs build rеlationships with their customers and providе pеrsonalizеd еxpеriеncеs.
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E-commеrcе Intеgration WeChat Accounts can bе intеgratеd with е-commеrcе platforms, allowing businеssеs to sеll products directly to customers through thе app. This sеamlеss intеgration simplifiеs thе purchasing procеss for customers and еnhancеs thе ovеrall shopping еxpеriеncе.
Data Analytics WеChat provides analytics tools that allow businеssеs to track the performance of their accounts and campaigns. By analyzing data such as еngagеmеnt mеtrics and customеr dеmographics, businеssеs can optimizе their marketing strategies and improve ROI.
Lеvеraging WeChat Accounts for businеss purposеs can significantly еnhancе brand visibility, customеr еngagеmеnt, and salеs opportunitiеs in thе vast and dynamic Chinеsе markеt.
24 Hours Reply/Contact Telegram: @smmvirals24 WhatsApp: +60-179880108 Skype: smmvirals Email: [email protected]
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charlesfarnandes · 2 months
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liulouxi · 4 months
Do you know all about the smart battery swapping cabinet for the entrepreneurial trend?
1、 Introduction to the requirements for intelligent battery swapping cabinets:
In terms of appearance, the shape of the smart battery swapping cabinet is similar to the combination of "shared power bank" and "smart express cabinet". The usage method is similar to that of a shared power bank. Users pay a deposit by scanning the QR code, take out the battery for use, and return the old battery after use, while obtaining a new battery. The overall design adopts a form similar to a courier cabinet, with each battery stored in an independent cabinet door. The borrowing and returning of the battery is completed by controlling the opening and closing of the cabinet door.
Usually, intelligent battery swapping cabinets are deployed at battery repair points or existing charging stations, which are areas with a high concentration of battery trucks, making it convenient for riders and other users to borrow and return batteries at that location. To avoid the situation where users arrive at the battery swapping cabinet but find no available batteries, the battery reservation function is also supported. Users can book batteries online in advance and complete the borrowing and returning operations before arriving at the cabinet, improving the overall user experience.
Overall, intelligent battery swapping cabinets provide an efficient and flexible battery replacement solution for electric vehicle users with their innovative design and convenient services.
2、 Usage of shared battery swapping cabinet:
Similar to other shared projects, each cabinet door of the shared battery swapping cabinet is equipped with a LCD display screen. A QR code is displayed on the screen as an entry point for users to perform operations. Users can directly scan this QR code through WeChat mini programs or mobile applications to enter the battery rental process.
This design allows users to easily access the shared battery swapping cabinet service through simple scanning operations, improving the convenience of the user experience and the ease of operation.
3、 Battery replacement process
A. By scanning the QR code, you can easily access WeChat mini programs or mobile applications.
B. Select the battery swapping option in the application to enter the battery swapping process.
C. Once entering the battery swapping process, the system will automatically open an empty cabinet, and users can put the discharged battery into it.
D. The cabinet will automatically reassign a charged battery and pop it up for users to access.
E. After removing the new battery, the user can continue to use the electric scooter.
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4、 Composition of shared power exchange cabinet
The system architecture and composition of the shared power exchange cabinet on the sixth floor of the west are very similar to other shared equipment, and the overall composition is as follows:
A. Shared battery cabinet terminal: This is the physical hardware part of the entire system, responsible for storing battery equipment. The appearance is similar to a delivery cabinet, with different compartments inside, each compartment storing a battery. Usually, a display screen is installed on the battery cabinet to display the operation QR code of the cabinet. By controlling the opening of the cabinet door, the rental and return of the battery can be completed. Each cabinet is equipped with a charging device that can automatically charge the battery.
B. Battery: Durable lithium batteries are used and stored in each cabinet door. Users can open the cabinet door and remove the battery when renting.
C. WeChat Mini Program or APP Client: The client where users perform operations, usually WeChat Mini Program or iOS or Android applications. The implemented functions include battery replacement process, cost payment, and deposit
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mamun258 · 5 months
How to do digital marketing of real estate?
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Real estate has attributes such as large volume, high price, and low frequency. So how to do precise online marketing? This article HE Tuber dismantles the main transaction processes of customers and analyzes real estate digital marketing ideas. Let’s take a look.
Real estate transactions have attributes such as large volume, high price, and low frequency. So how to do precise marketing? We will focus on the customer's life journey of purchasing a home to analyze how to operate the entire link and create its own private domain traffic pool. Let’s explore ways to strengthen the construction of self-built channels and improve existing and new transactions to smoothen the path of real estate digital marketing.
Let me tell you a short story first. When you want to buy a house, what would you do?
In the old days when sellers were king, there was a rush to buy houses, and sometimes you had to pay a tea fee to get a place to buy a house. At that time, information dissemination channels were also relatively limited, mainly including paper media, large-screen advertisements, television and other dissemination channels, and more reliance was placed on offline sources to obtain housing information.
Nowadays, in the buyer's market, everyone has more ways to obtain information. VR house viewing, short videos, live broadcasts and other methods allow customers to more conveniently and comprehensively understand the housing information. Some customers will also use public accounts, Zhihu, Many platforms such as Xiaohongshu, Douyin, and Kuaishou understand professionals’ explanations of these properties, and customers’ decision-making paths are also longer.
The main process of the entire customer transaction is broken down, and it is mainly divided into steps such as customer acquisition, interaction, conversion, repurchase, and fission. The following will be carried out one by one.
1. Acquiring customers
There are two main forms of real estate marketing and trading platforms. The first one is the "online + offline" model, which mainly earns commissions. The core competitiveness is the huge offline network. The other is the "traffic model", which mainly earns advertising fees. The core competitiveness is abundant online traffic.
1. Online
Common real estate information platforms include Beike, Anjuke, QFang.com, etc. These platforms display a wealth of real estate information. Traditional pictures, videos, comments, questions and answers, property brochures and other introductions no longer meet customers’ needs for house viewing. New modules such as VR house viewing, real estate aerial photography, 3D lighting, and noise evaluation have been added to make the real estate details more diversified. The main purpose is to understand the real estate details without leaving home. At the same time, it also provides real estate reviews and establishes a house purchase discussion group to create a more open discussion community.
This type of information platform generally has abundant traffic, and will sell some port traffic to give the brokers a chance to display. The brokers are responsible for accepting the traffic entering these platforms.
Online property sales platforms are similar to real estate information platforms. What we are talking about here are more WeChat property sales mini-programs with developers as the main body. Common ones include Vanke’s Yixuanfang, Longford's UXiangjia, and Yuexiu Fangbao. Wait for the platform. We can see that the differences in functions of these mini programs are relatively small. They focus on the private domain of the group, hold various preferential activities, guide customers to pay attention to the official public account, accumulate customer resources, and provide nationwide home purchase services, owner services, Other business service entrances, etc.
The main receptionists in the product are sales representatives at the case site. As official salesmen, they are more familiar with the project and can better serve customers, provide customers with richer real estate information, and answer questions.
Mini programs belong to the WeChat ecosystem, and most of them are bound to official accounts and video accounts. After customers follow the public account, real estate companies can push template messages, real estate updates and activities to better operate customers and complete conversions. Articles published on the public account can also be synchronized to the housing magazine module of the mini program, reducing repeated publishing operations. On the one hand, the videos and live broadcasts in the video account can enrich the content of the platform, and on the other hand, they allow customers to understand real estate information more intuitively.
As a new media platform, both Douyin and Kuaishou currently want to get a share of the real estate pie. Douyin’s real estate business platform has a relevant clues board. In the future, it will build a related operating platform "Zhaofang" to build a "content-house-leads-transaction" "Full link; Kuaishou's Ideal Home also provides comprehensive assistance through tools, traffic, and training, allowing more real estate anchors to achieve both fame and fortune. At the same time, self-media people will also open video accounts, Xiaohongshu accounts and other platforms to create personal IP. In addition, real estate companies will also register official accounts to create relevant real estate matrices.
On new media platforms, customers are mainly acquired through high-quality content, such as pictures, videos, and live broadcasts. As for live streaming of house buying in 2020, when the new crown epidemic was rampant, there were already players entering the market. Through professional real estate knowledge, the anchor provides detailed explanations of the property, answers questions, etc., completes the process of receiving customers online, and then guides offline viewers to promote the transaction.
2. Offline
Second-hand intermediary stores are a relatively common method. In addition to second-hand houses, intermediary stores also undertake the business of new houses. Intermediary stores such as Zhongyuan, Beike, and Leyoujia have a large number of offline customers. At the same time, some small intermediary stores will join the distribution platform and provide channels through second-to-three linkage to quickly eliminate sales for developers. Second-hand intermediaries can also obtain extra income.
Local promotion, in some popular business districts, subway entrances and other places with a large flow of people, distribute leaflets, set up booths and other operations to promote the project to obtain new customers. This method is relatively inefficient, and the leaflets sent are often ignored. Subsequently, the channel code will be printed on the leaflets to more accurately judge the efficiency of expanding channels, and customers can be acquired through small prizes.
2. Interaction
Establishing interactions between employees and customers can strengthen the connection with customers to promote conversion goals. Popular at that time were small programs such as JiaTui and Siwei Business Card, which provided employees with certain content to reach customers, such as pictures, information, updates, documents, videos and other content. These contents all have touch points, which can capture the customer's browsing track, how many times the customer has browsed, how long they have viewed it, and which module content they pay more attention to. The system can better analyze it and get the customer's profile information to help Employees comprehensively identify customers' real needs and purchasing intentions to win over customers.
The establishment of interaction between the platform and customers makes customers more involved and increases user loyalty to the platform. Most platforms provide IM services. When customers inquire about real estate-related information online, intelligent robots can reply and complete operations such as installing electricity, which provides great convenience to salesmen. In addition, the planning will plan a series of large-scale activities based on time nodes, such as lottery activities, support activities and offline registration activities.
Attracting users to participate through more interesting ways such as prize activities can increase the traffic of the platform on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can attract traffic to designated properties and attract customers offline at a lower cost.
3. Transformation
A common method used in the e-commerce industry to promote user conversion is to send limited-time coupons. When a user collects a product, adds the product to the shopping cart, places an order but does not pay, the system will automatically detect this behavior and then send it via text messages, internal messages, etc. The method reminds users to place an order, or sends a limited-time coupon to prompt users to place an order.
As bulk trading commodities, such as real estate, this method is sometimes used to attract users to place orders through certain benefits and limited-time offers. Common discount methods include: group buying, discount coupons, flash sales, home buying festivals, etc.
Most of the flash sale activities are negotiated with potential customers, and then the real estate companies use limited-time discounts to allow users to place reservations online, and at the same time, they can attract traffic to other properties. There are two types of groups targeted by the Home Buying Festival. One is for brokers, which allows brokers to reach more customers through incentives such as viewing incentives and commissions within seconds of closing transactions, focusing on customer acquisition and conversion; the other is for brokers. Special activities for home-buying customers, such as the Double Eleven Home Buying Festival, free parking space, home appliances, property fees and other fancy promotion methods.
4. Repurchase
Repurchase is generally difficult in the real estate industry. Unlike FMCG, users can be reminded to repurchase in almost a certain period. But the real estate industry can reactivate owners to buy products in other formats such as parking spaces, storage rooms, and businesses. When the project has relevant parking spaces for sale, the project will screen out the corresponding group of people, such as owners, and send relevant marketing text messages. Some projects use corporate WeChat, and can also send information to relevant personnel in bulk.
In addition, some platforms have achieved better management of customer data and can also provide more targeted marketing. Some residential real estate, investment real estate, etc. can screen customers with strong purchasing power, screen customer information, behavioral information, transaction information, generate corresponding crowd packages, implement precise push, and conduct precise marketing. This will be more targeted and improve marketing effects.
5. Fission
Real estate companies will hold marketing fission activities from time to time to attract new and old customers to participate through gifts. Through sharing and boosting, the sharer can get more draws, achieving a fission effect.
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sultanaislammow · 5 months
For mini program platforms, accepting “hostile” platform mini programs is an inevitable choice to enrich ecological services.
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Taking Meituan as an example, iiMedia data shows that in 2022, the Meituan App will have about 300 million monthly active users, and Dianping will have about 160 million monthly active users. This means that nearly 500 million users will use the Meituan Dianping app every month. Alipay will launch “Meituan Dianping” "Meal" mini program directly enriches Alipay's service ecology. When dining at Meituan-owned merchants, users no longer need to switch to WeChat or the Meituan-Dianping app to scan QR codes.
In the same way, after Alibaba services are launched HE Tuber on WeChat through mini programs, WeChat users can consume directly on WeChat without having to switch to related apps, saving users time and enriching WeChat's own service ecology.
From the perspective of the development of small programs, the more services are added, the more prosperous the ecosystem will be and the better it can meet the real needs of users. On January 9, 2017, the WeChat mini program was officially launched. Since the outside world did not quite understand its gameplay, it was not very popular in the early stage. It wasn't until the "Jump" mini game became popular that mini programs became popular, and small and medium-sized enterprises entered the game one after another, and then mini programs became more popular.
This is actually the reality that Internet giants are unable to "include" all services in the world. By sharing an entrance, they attract more service providers to enter the ecosystem, and then use these services to "attract" users.
When users become accustomed to ordering food, shopping, taking taxis and other services in the mini-programs of their own super apps, their stickiness to the ecosystem will be greatly enhanced.
It is certain that super apps need a richer ecosystem to consolidate and deepen the depth of connection with users. All Internet companies, large and small, even if they have one or several super powerful "Apps", still need more external traffic for their second-tier or even marginalized businesses.
For a weak business, the more external ecology it connects to, the wider its own growth space will be in theory.
There is no doubt that small programs will be an important hub for the interconnection of Internet giants in the future. In the context of existing competition, they have to learn how to cooperate in the competition.
3. Outlook: "Tear down the wall" needs to inspire the giants to "gamble"
A mobile Internet with islands everywhere and walls on all sides is inefficient and inconvenient. However, in reality, relying on antitrust governance or public opinion to “tear down walls” among super apps will only result in a large number of “face projects.”
If we truly want greater interconnection among various ecosystems, we need to find their common interests. In fact, the islanding behavior between super apps is two-way. Actively blocking rival apps is based on the consideration of controlling traffic entrances. Apps that “block” off-site connections do not want their traffic dividends to be “stealed” by external platforms.
The essence of this ambivalence is that the user's "choice" is not something that the platform can control. Only by isolating users can the platform feel at ease. But the rapid rise of two rookies, Douyin and Kuaishou, shows another possibility.
In the early days, Douyin and Kuaishou opened short video traffic to Taobao and JD.com, providing the latter two with a steady stream of new traffic. During this period, the shopping habits of internal users on Douyin and Kuaishou platforms were also developed, and Douyin stores and Kuaishou stores were launched one after another. It has realized the goal of moving towards self-built e-commerce ecosystem from advertising services.
For Taobao and JD.com, past cooperation has also brought them incremental users. It can be said that with the opening up of super apps, users can choose to stay in the ecosystem or jump out.
"Tearing down the wall" is a double-edged sword for Internet giants. In short, it opens up traffic and also precipitates new consumption habits of users. Is it a loss? Or profit? It depends on the user’s final decision. Interoperability is like a “big gamble” in terms of hard power.
Judging from the suspension of services on Tmall Premium, the "tearing down the wall" between giants is still full of uncertainty. The mobile phone screen is only so big, and the user's attention is only so much. Turning left or right is an issue that every giant needs to think carefully about.
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rafi420 · 5 months
It’s Xiaohongshu’s turn to harvest
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When the old and new giants were fighting anxiously on the live broadcast track, Xiaohongshu was filled with the optimism of an attacker.
On the one hand, celebrity anchors such as Zhang , Dong Jie, and Zhang HE Tuber Jingchu are showing off to the outside world Xiaohongshu’s unique live broadcast field and the ability to bring tens of millions of goods in a single game - they have abandoned the shouting-style order promotion model. , conquered the users squatting in front of the screen with their unique delivery style.
On the other hand, since this year, the "Dong Jie effect" has driven a number of brand merchants and bloggers to join Xiaohongshu to test the waters, and its live broadcast business has accumulated huge potential. Huxiu learned that from March to May this year, the number of e-commerce brand merchants on Xiaohongshu doubled compared with the same period last year. The monthly transaction volume of live broadcasts has tripled compared with the beginning of the year. Live broadcasts also became the platform’s sales volume in May. main source of sources.
Moreover, after celebrities and top bloggers created a buzz, Xiaohongshu put encouraging store broadcasts on its important agenda - Huxiu learned that Xiaohongshu has listed store broadcasts as the company's key e-commerce live broadcast efforts in the second half of 2023. direction.
In fact, since the live broadcast e-commerce trend started in 2020, there have been upstarts such as ByteDance and Kuaishou on the live broadcast table, as well as strong rivals such as Taobao and JD.com. The outside world thought that the leading players had far surpassed other players. However, since 2023, Xiaohongshu is showing more possibilities to the market, and the territorial fragmentation of live broadcast e-commerce is obviously not yet a foregone conclusion.
Xiaohongshu squeezes into the “last train of live broadcast”?
No one expected that after Dong Jie emerged from the industry with her products, Zhang , the "first generation socialite", would also become famous in Xiaohongshu.
At the end of May, Zhang  launched her first live broadcast on Xiaohongshu, which lasted for nearly 6 hours and attracted more than 600 million views. According to data from Xiaohongshu, the live broadcast called "Rose Window" was viewed by more than 1 million people and generated sales of more than 50 million. Yuan, breaking Dong Jie’s previous record of 30 million yuan in goods in 6 hours. However, Dong Jie’s latest single game GMV exceeded 73 million yuan and completed the overtake.
Sorting out Zhang 's sales layout began in January 2018
From the opening of the public account "Zhang  aroseisaroseisarose" to the creation of the personal brand "Rose is a Rose", the launch of the WeChat mini program, and the trial of the video account to bring goods in March 2022, it has not taken off. Too big a splash - however, Zhang , who moved to Xiaohongshu, exploded with huge potential: not only did she bring in more than 50 million yuan in a single game, she also ranked first on the fan list for several days in a row and captured more than 1.122 million fans.
Looking back, it’s hard to say whether Dong Jie and Zhang  made Xiaohongshu successful, or whether Xiaohongshu further explored the business capabilities of these two female stars - at least, in the field of live streaming, Xiaohongshu finally found its presence. feel.
However, the question before Xiaohongshu is
 how to let the outside world see more amateur bloggers’ ability to bring goods-after all, a large number of amateur bloggers are the cornerstone of Xiaohongshu’s live broadcast-so, Dong Jie, After Zhang , Xiaohongshu is trying to copy more amateur bloggers who have exceeded 10 million in a single game.
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jahidur369 · 5 months
WeChat change withdrawals were free
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As a platform, the short drama He Tuber publishing platform is naturally responsible for supervising whether the content direction of micro short dramas violates regulations. From this point of view, WeChat’s collection of deposits from short drama mini-programs is also a powerful means to supervise them~
With the deposit and the restriction on the identity of the registrant, short drama practitioners will not dare to cross the line and violate the rules at will!
Seeing this, friends can let go of their worries. This time WeChat charges have nothing to do with us ordinary users.
Having said that, WeChat actually had a lot of "chargeable" operations in those years, which is nothing new.
For example, WeChat change withdrawals were free at first, but later changed to a lifetime withdrawal limit of only 1,000 yuan for a single ID card.
Once the limit is exceeded, you will be charged a service fee of 0.1% of the cash withdrawal amount, with a minimum of 0.1 yuan per transaction.
Although WeChat later launched a "payment discount", you can save gold coins and redeem free withdrawal coupons through WeChat payment. But for people who often make large amounts of money, they still hope to have larger free withdrawal coupons.
To put it more recently, in June this year, many universities such as Northwest University and Nanjing University of Science and Technology announced that they would suspend the use of WeChat payment.
Well, WeChat plans to carry out refined management of campus scene users starting from July 1st. In addition to tuition fees, charges for other items will be restricted, and a 0.6% handling fee will also be charged.
WeChat said that since 2015, it has provided a long-term zero-rate preferential policy for campus non-profit payment scenarios, and it has continued to invest a lot of costs.
At the end of the incident, the WeChat Pay team issued an apology statement and provided follow-up solutions.
Only for a small number of profitable scenarios such as e-commerce and wine and tourism, preferential rate policies lower than the market average will be implemented, while campus non-profit scenarios will continue to maintain zero rates.
Judging from Xiaolei’s many years of experience on the Internet, WeChat still has a long way to go if it really wants to charge fees.
First of all, WeChat is a social chat APP. In order to distinguish it from QQ, it takes the simplest route possible. If you want to add paid items to decorations other than chatting, that would still deviate from the original intention of WeChat.
And users who really like personalized decoration can choose to use QQ. Of course, WeChat does not aim at this.
Secondly, if WeChat charges for some office functions, it will be inconsistent with the office APP and its own social attributes.
For example, if you already have an enterprise WeChat, if WeChat is used in the office field, it will be repetitive.
So, personalization is not necessary if you don’t want to do office work. If WeChat wants to find charging items in the daily use of ordinary users, it will take more effort.
However, Xiaolei has a clever trick. It might work from the cloud backup of chat records, which is highly requested by the majority of users.
For example, create a backup cloud space and set corresponding packages with different prices based on capacity and time limits.
In this way, users who need it can choose to buy it themselves, and those who don't need it can choose local backup such as a computer.
Finally, Xiao lei leaves me with a little homework. What aspects of WeChat’s fees are acceptable to friends? Let’s chat in the comment area.
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jahidur1999 · 5 months
Having said that, WeChat actually
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As a platform, the short drama He Tuber publishing platform is naturally responsible for supervising whether the content direction of micro short dramas violates regulations. From this point of view, WeChat’s collection of deposits from short drama mini-programs is also a powerful means to supervise them~
With the deposit and the restriction on the identity of the registrant, short drama practitioners will not dare to cross the line and violate the rules at will!
Seeing this, friends can let go of their worries. This time WeChat charges have nothing to do with us ordinary users.
Having said that, WeChat actually had a lot of "chargeable" operations in those years, which is nothing new.
For example, WeChat change withdrawals were free at first, but later changed to a lifetime withdrawal limit of only 1,000 yuan for a single ID card.
Once the limit is exceeded, you will be charged a service fee of 0.1% of the cash withdrawal amount, with a minimum of 0.1 yuan per transaction.
Although WeChat later launched a "payment discount", you can save gold coins and redeem free withdrawal coupons through WeChat payment. But for people who often make large amounts of money, they still hope to have larger free withdrawal coupons.
To put it more recently, in June this year, many universities such as Northwest University and Nanjing University of Science and Technology announced that they would suspend the use of WeChat payment.
Well, WeChat plans to carry out refined management of campus scene users starting from July 1st. In addition to tuition fees, charges for other items will be restricted, and a 0.6% handling fee will also be charged.
WeChat said that since 2015, it has provided a long-term zero-rate preferential policy for campus non-profit payment scenarios, and it has continued to invest a lot of costs.
At the end of the incident, the WeChat Pay team issued an apology statement and provided follow-up solutions.
Only for a small number of profitable scenarios such as e-commerce and wine and tourism, preferential rate policies lower than the market average will be implemented, while campus non-profit scenarios will continue to maintain zero rates.
Judging from Xiaolei’s many years of experience on the Internet, WeChat still has a long way to go if it really wants to charge fees.
First of all, WeChat is a social chat APP. In order to distinguish it from QQ, it takes the simplest route possible. If you want to add paid items to decorations other than chatting, that would still deviate from the original intention of WeChat.
And users who really like personalized decoration can choose to use QQ. Of course, WeChat does not aim at this.
Secondly, if WeChat charges for some office functions, it will be inconsistent with the office APP and its own social attributes.
For example, if you already have an enterprise WeChat, if WeChat is used in the office field, it will be repetitive.
So, personalization is not necessary if you don’t want to do office work. If WeChat wants to find charging items in the daily use of ordinary users, it will take more effort.
However, Xiaolei has a clever trick. It might work from the cloud backup of chat records, which is highly requested by the majority of users.
For example, create a backup cloud space and set corresponding packages with different prices based on capacity and time limits.
In this way, users who need it can choose to buy it themselves, and those who don't need it can choose local backup such as a computer.
Finally, Xiao lei leaves me with a little homework. What aspects of WeChat’s fees are acceptable to friends? Let’s chat in the comment area.
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josnashak69 · 5 months
Brand public account
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(1) When choosing a public account, should you choose a service account or a subscription account?
Commodity-type corporate public accounts, such as shelf-type companies such as FMCG, Big Health, and durable consumer goods, used to struggle with whether to be a service account or a subscription account. In the current traffic environment, it is best to let users see you in their friend lists. Select, service number is required.
As the requirements for product-efficiency integration become increasingly higher, it is important to leverage the service interface capabilities of service accounts to undertake product sales and services. If it is a content service-oriented company, such as a design company, media company, or financial company, unless You have a lot of high-quality content and can provide professional content value. Otherwise, I still recommend that the service account be updated weekly.
(2) Stop operating with a single account and operate in series with private domains.
As mentioned before, official accounts are now one of the components of the WeChat ecosystem, and as the weight of content decreases, they should play the role of business connectors:
Official accounts + mini programs + private domains are the iron triangle of private domain operations surrounding public accounts . Opening up these three touch points is the infrastructure for private domain sales;
Official account + video account is a bonus that uses the existing fans of the official account to expand the public domain of the video account to more users . Whether it is live broadcast or short video, users who have followed your official account may be able to view your videos. Number, it has important traffic starting value for video account number.
(3) How to create content for brand-type public accounts?
Divide the content of your official account into two major categories:
Brand content, that is, to enhance users’ awareness of your brand and products, exquisite graphic design + story-telling content copywriting + brand activities, use this content as your business card content for product promotion, sales, business introduction, etc.;
Sales content allows users to find out how to buy from you on WeChat , and what are the latest activities or new products on the entire platform: Plan the sale-type content in the official account according to category day, new launch day, and node sales, and use the official account content as Feedback to the diversion platforms of various e-commerce platforms and live broadcast platforms is the focus, and sales within official accounts are supplementary.
Annual content tags + monthly inspiration keywords + N theme topics , build your content information house, and reasonably plan the proportion of brand content and sales content.
2. Traffic monetization public account
What is a traffic monetization official account? I define it as the type of content that is monetized through the existing traffic or new traffic of the public account. It is collectively called the traffic-type public account.
First of all, we need to know that there are several monetization models for public accounts: monetization by traffic owners, monetization by receiving advertisements, monetization by articles and goods, paid articles and rewards, public account sales of products/services, and private domain sales and monetization.
Compared with brand-based official accounts, I think the biggest difference is that the operation methods are more "wild" and the purpose of large-scale monetization is stronger . The main methods are:
(1) Use the matrix of existing public accounts to guide sales with headlines that are on the verge of violating regulations and exaggerated product effects. This is more common in education and training industries;
(2) Accumulate fans by creating accounts, and use some task platforms, such as earning advertising tasks on new lists, etc.; or diverting traffic to other platforms to share sales according to CPC or CPS;
There is also the AIGC method to produce batches of content for explosive articles. After typing a category, it is quickly copied to multiple accounts. After increasing the number of fans, the traffic master is opened. The traffic master advertisement of the WeChat official account can be clicked once by the reader and earn 30 cents. income to 80 cents.
If an article has 10,000 views, the traffic owner will earn thirty or forty yuan, and if it has 100,000 views, it will earn five or six hundred yuan.
Nowadays, the content of some short dramas is relatively popular. For example, some creators produce a large amount of content through AIGC, and then update the content daily. The number of fans increases quickly and the content is highly sticky, which can be monetized through the traffic main model.
Under the strengthened supervision of the platform, there will still be stricter monitoring of some strategies that circumvent the rules of the platform. Therefore, only by reasonably complying with the platform rules and iteratively obtaining the path from traffic diversion to monetization can the traffic be monetized.
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charlesfarnandes · 2 months
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arafatssss1267 · 5 months
"Mini program short drama" is booming: shot in one week, launched in January, a movie about wealth and freedom
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"oops! "The Empress Comes to Work" has exceeded 12 million user recharges in 24 hours, "After the flash wedding, Mr. Fu can't hide his vest HE Tuber  anymore" 24-hour recharges have exceeded 20 million, "Wushuang" has exceeded 100 million in advertising consumption within eight days of its launch...
In the circle of "mini program short dramas", you can always see pictures like this: colorful seasonal fruits are dotted around, and the words "user recharge fee exceeds 10 million" and "over 100 million" are particularly eye-catching in the center of the cake. This is an exclusive celebration ceremony for practitioners of mini-program short dramas. Receiving the cake means that the project has become a hit, and it also means that the team has completed a breakthrough of "taking small to win big".
Celebration cake, source interviewee
Mini program skits, this business is becoming more and more fascinating.
Those who used to make online movies and long-form dramas began to change their careers. People in Xiangshan, Xi'an, Zhengzhou and other film and television bases were coming and going, queuing up for filming, and villa rentals had to be booked in advance; the mini-program short drama industry also saw the emergence of "top stars in the circle". "Flow", according to producer and producer Wang Yunxiao, Xu Yizhen, who has starred in many popular mini-program short dramas, has seen a simultaneous increase in the number of fans and salary, and the announcement has been scheduled for three months; the production team is also quietly "internally" "Scroll", shooting both horizontal and vertical screen versions at the same time to increase the probability of hits.
What’s even more surprising is that those who “pay” for mini-program short dramas are often ignored marginalized groups on the Internet: middle-aged and elderly people between the ages of 35 and 55 who are in a sinking market, have money and leisure, are not very well educated, people. More than ten years ago, when "Goldfinger" cool articles were popular, they were loyal paying users; more than ten years later, these cool articles were made into short plays and moved into mini programs, and they became addicted to them again and spent a lot of money. Thousands of gold.
Anyone who has watched mini-program short dramas knows that its payment path is simple and straightforward: when you watch a short video, you accidentally see the advertising material, click the advertising button, and you can jump to the WeChat mini-program to watch the full version with one click. Stimulated by the high-energy plot, people can't help but pay to watch. Each episode costs a few cents to two or three yuan. A mini-program short drama has 80 to 100 episodes. To watch the entire episode, you need to pay anywhere from tens to hundreds of yuan. In addition to unlocking a single episode, you can also choose monthly, season, or monthly subscriptions. Annual recharge mode.
Long-form dramas have been free of membership fees for ten years, but micro-short dramas on the platform have not yet developed a payment habit. They still rely on platform subsidies and commercial advertising, but this kind of mini-program short dramas is lower cost, shorter cycle, and more advanced. But he got through first and used traffic investment to generate tens of millions of revenue.
The special business model determines the difference in production logic. After dismantling the production process of mini-program short dramas, we found that it is a traffic world completely different from the production of long-form dramas.
1. Emotions, stuck points, copying peers
Yan Min, the founder of "Short Drama Expert" recalled to "Shenxiang" that mini program short dramas probably became popular in April last year. Since the "interconnection", major platforms have been "breaking the wall and merging". Short videos Advertisements can also be redirected to WeChat mini-programs. Many WeChat mini-game developers have gone to Douyin and Kuaishou to buy games, and have "invested" in one movie after another. Online writing platforms also seized this opportunity, equipped with traffic pools, and began to produce mini program short dramas.
Everyone joined the game, and the first one to make a hit was the social media Yingke Live Broadcast. According to Yan Min, at that time, the mini program short drama produced by Inke had a single-day consumption of 5 million, setting a record for the mini program short drama market at that time. In the latest half-year financial report released by Inke, it was also clearly mentioned reflects his emphasis on short plays.
In addition to Yingke, online text distribution platforms such as Jiuzhou, Capacity, Dianzhong, and Peanuts have increased their presence. Production companies and streaming companies across the country have also further increased their presence. Platform parties, producers, distributors, and mini program short drama producers The industry structure has initially taken shape, and the consumption of products has continued to climb to tens of millions or even over 100 million with the production of hot products.
Long-form dramas have been paid for by members for ten years, but micro-short dramas on the platform have not yet developed the habit of paying. This kind of lower-cost, shorter-cycle, and more high-end mini-program short dramas has used traffic investment to leverage tens of millions of dollars. income. The special business model determines the difference in production logic. After dismantling the production process of mini-program short dramas, we found that it is a traffic world completely different from the production of long-form dramas.
Producer and producer Wang Yunxiao is one of the people who caught up with the trend. In December last year, he switched from the field of online movies to making mini-program short dramas. So far, he has produced more than a dozen short dramas, including some with a consumption of over one million. . In the non-standard content industry, hits are always difficult to attribute and uncertain, but in Wang Yunxiao’s view, the production of mini-program dramas can be streamlined and digitized.
If you look at the mini program dramas at the top of the platform’s list, you will find that they all have similar routines and templates. For example, the son-in-law who is the most likely to make big hits starts out with a low status and is scorned by his mother-in-law. As the plot progresses, he opens up his golden fingers and completes his identity counterattack. In female videos, the sweet pet type of the wealthy is more popular, with domineering CEOs, hand-to-hands, etc. Tearing up mistresses and rejoicing in enemies are essential settings in script creation.
"The main focus of mini program short dramas is pleasure and pain. The important thing is not to write stories, but to write about emotional pull." A screenwriter of mini program short dramas said, and these high-profile scenes that can attract users are all the same as top-up paid ones. Nodes are tightly bound.
A mini program short drama basically lasts from 80 to 100 episodes, and there are about four payment nodes. The first node is from eight to 12 episodes. The accumulation of emotions in the early stage is to pave the way for this stuck point; the second node Between episodes 26 and 30, being able to attract users to pay with two cards also indicates that the show is starting to make money. Therefore, the second card is also called "earning points" internally; the third card and the fourth card will be based on each drama. The plot is specially set. To put it simply, every twenty episodes, the script must set an anchor and hook that can attract users to pay.
Mini program skits for users "on top"
After the script is completed, it's time to "code plate production". What's even more exaggerated than the three-month creation cycle of platform short dramas is that the mini program short drama production is more like pressing the double speed button. It only takes just One month's time.
Behind the short-cycle creation is the entire team's strict control of time.
When casting, small program short dramas rarely use new actors, and they tend to prefer young actors who are experienced, have acting skills and are cheap, saving the time cost of trial and error training; during the filming stage, a short film can be filmed in six to eight days. Procedural short plays are the norm, because actor remuneration and venue rental are calculated on a daily basis, and one extra day of delay is the cost of one day. If time and funds are tight, there are crews who can compress the construction period to three days; the remaining 10 to 20 It is left to post-editing, and there are fixed formulas for how to reverse the camera and when the BGM appears.
The completed mini-program short dramas can be released online. This is where mini-program short dramas have an advantage over long-form dramas - there is no need to rate or wait for scheduling. It only requires self-review on the WeChat platform. After the review is completed, Just put it into the traffic pool, waiting for users to "favor" it.
If there is traffic, you will make money; if there is no traffic, you will "die".
Because the payment logic and production process are similar, many people in the market compare mini program short dramas to online movies. However, Wang Yunxiao believes that there is a big difference between mini program short dramas and online movies. The essence of mini program short dramas is more Such as e-commerce live broadcast rooms and Douyin plot accounts.
Mini program short dramas focus on emotional foreshadowing and focus on atmosphere consumption, which is exactly the same as the consumption logic of e-commerce live broadcast rooms. The "hook" in the mini program plot can be understood as the anchor words "OMG buy it". Techniques, things will be sold only when passers-by take advantage of it. In the same way, mini-program short dramas will become popular. After mini-program short dramas are released online, they are often measured by shallow data such as bounce rate, completion rate, number of likes, and number of comments. To judge whether the content is good or bad, the creation logic of Douyin plot account is exactly the same.
Under different production processes, many directors and creators who have switched careers from online movies and long-form dramas will always feel uncomfortable and find it difficult to "put down their body" to produce these high-energy reversal "quick meals."
When Wang Yunxiao switched from Internet University to making mini-program short dramas, he occasionally doubted himself, but as time went by, he began to be logically self-consistent and gradually invested in a streamlined production line: the content followed the platform, and what was given by the platform Just shoot whatever you want in the book, no need to think about whether the subject matter will be popular or not; how to set the rhythm according to the timing, just look for the popular ones and copy them.
"Only by copying can you quickly integrate into the circle. Otherwise, if you lose money, who will invest in you? To be honest, doing small program short dramas is just throwing aside your dignity, and don't engage in artistic sentiments. "
2. Exchange materials for quantity and money for ROI.
When it comes to investment in mini-program short dramas, the cost of streaming is much higher than the cost of content production.
Affected by the length and audience, mini-program short dramas are short and fast products, and the scripts serve more as "anchors" and "hooks". It is difficult to incorporate in-depth content such as feelings about family and country, humanistic thoughts, etc. like long dramas. Therefore, short dramas There is a natural "content ceiling" in the content of the drama. To break through the ceiling and become a hit, it must be filled by casting. In addition, the current user attention is extremely divided, and powerful streaming is needed to feed content to users.
The mechanism of advertising is very simple. Pitchers place advertising materials on short video platforms in exchange for user clicks and recharge fees. As long as the recharge income is higher than the advertising cost, it means the advertising is effective. "To put it bluntly, the core of investment is to exchange money for ROI." Yan Min said frankly.
And "investing in traffic" is not a "one-time deal" as everyone thinks. The traffic attracted from the short video platform can also be converted into your own private domain traffic, which can be invested once and benefited for a long time. Jiuzhou CEO Wang Jiacheng once revealed in a speech that Jiuzhou has accumulated private domain traffic of millions of people.
Use money in exchange for users, and users recharge and pay, which in turn nourishes the streaming market. A cycle runs like this: the more money you invest, the more users you have, and the easier it is to make money. Yan Min estimates that the current streaming market for mini-program short dramas has reached tens of millions, and the combined daily consumption of Tencent, Douyin, Kuaishou, Baidu and other platforms may reach 80 million. A streaming practitioner told Shenxiang, "The overall consumption of mini program games is about 100 million to 200 million, and mini program short dramas have basically reached half of the game."
Attracted by the charm of real money and silver, those who enter the game will naturally not give up this rich mine.
Currently, platforms such as Jiuzhou, Dianzhong, Capacity, and Yingke are also responsible for distribution. They have pitching teams of hundreds of people inside. The pitchers contract the mini-program short dramas produced by the platform itself. At the same time, the platform will also cooperate with pure Content companies cooperate to help them deliver content, and both parties share the content in proportion.
Advertising materials with a high completion rate in the past seven days, with a huge amount of creative image sources
However, making a good pitch is not as easy as imagined. The amount of materials, pitching ability, and luck will all affect the final effect.
Advertising is a "funnel logic". Advertising materials must be screened by platforms, users, etc. In the end, only a few will be seen by users and click to pay. Therefore, a sufficient amount of materials must be prepared before advertising. The more you have, the more you can achieve.
While the "quantity" of the material is achieved, the "quality" must also be ensured. Only the part of the advertising material that users see and are willing to click to pay is effective. Yan Min said that the general advertising materials are divided into three categories: original, mixed-cut, and second-generation. The content rhythm of each type of advertising materials should be the same as that of mini program dramas. The first three seconds should keep users engaged, and there should be some content in the middle. Scenarios and turning points attract users to click on the material, and suspense should be left at the end to attract users to take the initiative to pay.
Of course, for advertising materials to be "effective", the pitcher's ability requirements are not low. He must be able to edit, grasp points, and understand what users want to see. At a distribution company that Yan Min had contacted before, a post-00s editor who had just been working for two or three days cut out a piece of hit material, which also led to the success of this small program short drama.
"For a good pitcher, the one who is good at editing the material is me." He sighed.
With enough materials and excellent pitchers, the next step is to put the materials into the traffic pool and wait for user testing. "Generally, the production team will cooperate with multiple distribution teams to launch on multiple traffic platforms. Only by agreeing to start at the same time can the volume of sound be maximized."
However, the release of material also has a "life cycle", and it is not endless. As long as the ROI of the release does not meet expectations within half a month, then the mini program short drama will be regarded as "abandoned" by the production team. , turning to new episodes.
When "Shenxiang" communicated with many producers and investors of small program short dramas, everyone had different standards for the ROI indicators of investment. Comprehensive estimates show that for a short drama with 80 to 100 episodes this year, the best overall ROI can reach 1.7. If it is 1.2 to 1.3, it means it will run better and the team can make a small profit. Once the ROI is lower than 1.1, then the investment team will no longer continue, and continuing to invest will just "make a profit at a loss".
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