#Weblena Week 2024
kinuhanino · 3 months
Weblena Week Day 1: Crushing Hard
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They are horrible
anyway my first contribution to weblena week 2024! @weblenaweek2024
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zhenni12 · 3 months
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…so this happened…
(day 3: years later)
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weblenaweek2024 · 4 months
Announcing Weblena Week 2024!
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A week dedicated to the two silly ducks Webby Vanderquack and Lena Sabrewing! Share your art, music, stories and such relating to the duo! Week will run from June 17th to June 23rd! Prompts will be announced on May 20th! You will have plenty of time to prepare your works!
Remember to have fun!
- Check back soon for the prompts and info on the 20th of May! - Edit: Prompts have been released! Click here! - Please do help spread the word! Likes, reblogs and shares help us plenty and are appreciated! See you all soon!
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certified3nakin · 3 months
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Hey guys I like Ducktales
Doodle of Webby and Lena (humanized) for Weblena week
Day 1- Crushing hard
(I had another doodle to add but the day's almost over for me. Maybe I'll post it another day if I finish it!)
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boingodigitalart · 3 months
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Weblena Week 2024 Day 1: Crushing Hard - 2nd Kiss
My first contribution for @weblenaweek2024 featuring these two kissing.
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bubblegumpopz · 3 months
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Weblena Week day two! (Posted on day three bc whatever lol) Basically Lena went to get popcorn, lost Webby, and freaked out until she noticed Webby fling herself across the room from the rafters to hug her <33
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tokuvivor · 3 months
Just wanted to get this one in at the last minute for Weblena Week! @weblenaweek2024
I’ve really enjoyed seeing all that people have come up with for these two this week!
Webby and Lena play a VR game together.
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i-am-bored · 3 months
Finally posting my stuff for Weblena Week (only four days late, rip) other chapters should be coming soon!
Fic also below the cut
“Ok you have everything? Toothbrush? Sleeping bag?”
“Yes Papi.”
“We’ll pick you up tomorrow morning,” Ty said, “Stay safe, and try not to summon anything too dangerous.”
They gave the car a wave as it rolled back down the long long driveway of McDuck manor. It was a far cry from Lena’s first sleepovers, where she spent the whole walk up the hill being lectured about the importance of Scrooge’s Number One Dime and was constantly wary of being found out. 
Now she was nervous for an entirely different reason. 
She took a deep breath, forcing her hands to stay still as her and Violet walked up the steps of McDuck Manor. Ok Lena. Don’t panic.
It’s just Webby, she told herself, It’s just your girlfriend, and it’s just a kiss.
She didn’t know why she was so worried. Her and Webby were already dating after all, and they had already kissed once. It wasn’t like Webby would reject her.
But Webby had been the one to initiate the kiss last time, so Lena wanted to ask her for their second. Which again, shouldn’t be a big deal. She was Lena Sabrewing, incredible sorceress! She helped save the world! She was cool, calm, rebel teenager, not flustered by anything. She could ask her girlfriend for a kiss no problem.
The door to the Manor flung open, “Lena! Violet! You ready?”
The only problem was, that every time she saw Webby she seemed to lose any coolness she previously had as her brain was reduced to mush that only seemed capable of thinking things like ‘wow’ and ‘pretty’.
So yeah, things were going great. 
Webby leapt through the door and pulled Lena into a hug (Which, like most Webby hugs was more of a tackle, but Lena didn’t mind).
“Hey Pink,” She said, resting her chin on top of Webby’s head, “It’s good to see you too.”
“Blegh. You two aren’t going to be gross now that you’re dating are you?”
Ah yes the one cure for girlfriend brain: annoying siblings.
Lena looked up to glare at Dewey, who was still mildly scared of her and raised his hands in surrender, “Kidding! Just kidding! You two are great!”
“I’m still confused,” the new duck, Gosalyn, said, tossing down her backpack, “You mean you guys haven’t been dating this entire time?”
“They’ve been unbelievably annoying about it for the past several years,” Vi said dryly. 
“Hey!” Lena snapped, “We weren’t that annoying.”
Violet gave her a Look, throwing back her head and sighing dramatically, “Oh Violet! I don’t know what to do? How shall I ever confess my love for Webbigail? She will never return my affection!”
“I don’t sound like that nerd,” Lena said, lightly shoving her.
“Webby wasn’t much better,” Huey said, “We thought she was going to explode when you finally went on a date.”
Lena had felt the same honestly. For so long Webby had been something shining and perfect and good, everything Lena wasn’t. The idea that she would return her feelings, that she could love Lena back- it was laughable. 
“Anyway,” Gosalyn said, holding up her sleeping bag, “Where can I put this?”
“We’ll show you,” Dewey said, “Oh yeah you need the whole tour! Okay so this is the entryway where Mom shield-surfed down the stairs, and this-”
They walked away, leaving Webby and Lena alone. 
Lena looked down and gulped. Webby looked- well she looked the same as she always looked, which was beautiful. 
Ask her now you idiot. Her brain said. 
“Uhh Webby-”
Nope. Too cowardly. Abort!
“Uhh just, wondering what we’re having for dinner is all,” Lena winced. That was the best you could come up with? Seriously?
“I think Grandma made chili,” Webby said, “Oh! And there’s cookies for dessert. Della made them and they didn’t set anything on fire!”
“Impressive,” Lena said, trying to pretend like she wasn’t having a wasn’t mentally banging her head against the wall.
“Oh look what we found in a tomb the other day!” Webby held up a musty leather book that was glowing slightly, “It has spells in it! Maybe-”
“Nope,” Lena snatched it out of Webby’s hands, “No magic. Normal sleepover.”
“Come on,” Webby pleaded, “Just one spell?”
“Nuh uh,” Lena said, stretching back and holding the book over her head. “I’m retired.”
“You can’t be retired, you’re made of magic!” Webby grunted, leaping up and trying to grab the book to no avail. “Give it back!”
Lena grinned, knowing full well that if Webby really wanted it back she would be on the ground in seconds, “Nope.”
Webby pouted (or tried to, she couldn’t quite keep from laughing), “Lenaaaaa.”
Lena laughed, hovering a few inches so the book was higher, “You’ll never defeat me!”
“Watch me,” Webby grinned, jumping and tugging on her arm before falling back down. 
Webby looked-
Webby was looking at her. Webby was looking at her with a hint of a smile on her face. Webby was looking at her and Lena wanted nothing more than to kiss her.
Lena moved forward, dropping the book and taking Webby’s hand. “Webby I-”
“Pillow Fight!”
Very occasionally, less than she used to at least, Lena really hated Webby’s brothers.
She held her hand out, halting the pillow with magic before it could hit them. Webby grinned viciously and snatched it out of the air, whipping it back at the triplets before any of them could move. “I’m on Lena’s team!”
“No fair!”
“Don’t argue, just run!”
Lena’s plan had been simple. Go to the sleepover, have fun with her family, at some point get Webby alone and kiss her. 
It was the last part she was having trouble with. 
It wasn’t like her and Webby had had a hard time finding a moment alone before. But that had been when sleepovers were just the two of them and the boys. Now there was Violet and Gos and Boyd and May and June. And Della, who kept appearing at random moments to give them food and pillow fight tips, which Lena appreciated, but not when she was trying to kiss her girlfriend. But as it was the night was filled with pillow fights and video game tournaments and entirely too many cookies, and not a single moment with Webby alone. 
She gave up somewhere around midnight, when the games slowly turned into sitting and talking, and then dropping off to sleep one by one. She fell asleep holding Webby’s hand, as close to her as their sleeping bags would allow, and promised herself that tomorrow she would do it. 
She woke up.
The room was still dark, all she could hear was the soft snoring coming from the sleeping bags around her. 
Sometimes sleep was hard to come by, even without the nightmares. Years of sleeping rough had made her a light sleeper, and the habit was hard to lose. After a few minutes of tossing and turning she gave up, throwing off her blanket as quietly as she could and stepping out of the room. Maybe the night air would clear her head. 
The night was quiet, still heavy with the heat of summer and just a gentle hint of a fall breeze on the wind. Lena looked up at the moon and the stars. You could see more of them from the manor than from Duckburg. They twinkled back at her. 
She sighed and leaned against the railing, the smooth stone cool to the touch. 
Summer was almost over. The other kids would be going to school soon. Lena wouldn’t, but Ty and Indy were still making her take online classes, (which was stupid, what was she going to do? Go to college? Not likely), but it made them happy so she wasn’t going to argue. 
The wind ruffled her feathers, Sometimes she worried that the rest of the world was moving by without her, that everyone would grow up and move on and she would still be here, the same, until even Webby would leave to spread her wings. 
She shook her head. Nope. Not going there. She had Webby, and Webby had her. 
“Lena?” As if she summoned her a soft voice came from the doorway, still rough from sleep.
“Hey Pink.” Lena smiled. Webby rubbed her eyes, walking to join Lena at the railing. 
“Not this time,” Lena said, putting an arm around her,“Just couldn’t sleep I guess.”
Webby hummed and leaned against her side, eyes half closed. She was warm. 
“Watchca thinking about?”
Lena shrugged, “Dunno, the future I guess.”
She looked at the duck in her arms, eyes still closed, and smiled. Whatever happened in the future, she knew that Webby would be a part of it. 
“Hey Webby?”
She leaned closer, putting a hand on her face, and kissed her. 
Their first kiss had felt explosive. Mostly because Lena was riding a wave of adrenaline and excitement and was so nervous she could barely breathe. 
This kiss was softer, gentle, sending warmth down to her toes. 
Webby leaned into her, humming gently, and for a second Lena felt like she was flying. 
She broke the kiss softly, looking at Webby who looked dazed. 
Lena smiled down at her, “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.”
Webby blinked, still looking miles away, “Can we do that again?”
Lena laughed, “We’re dating Pink, it’s kinda part of the job description.”
Webby nodded, “Cool. Very cool.”
“Yeah,” Webby smiled at her, “Sleep time?”
“Sleep time,” Lena agreed, letting Webby lead her back to their sleeping bags. This time when she went to sleep she dreamed of a bright pink girl with a smile on her face and all the adventures they would have together. 
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robynstumpytail · 3 months
Weblena Week 2024 Day 7: Free Day - Remix Day
hey yall! last minute entry to weblena week! ive been having a lot of fun keeping up with it, so heres an excerpt from a weblena fanfic ive been working on abt lena's mental health and growth through the series for the free day. this is the last part, the most explicitly shippy, taking place after the end of the series. its my first time publishing my own fanfic, so i hope u like it!!
The fire crackled. Lena sat on her couch across from it, watching it flicker back and forth. It was the only light in the room. It had been years since she last saw Magica, longer since the worst of her control. Still, old habits die hard. Every time Lena thought she saw movement in the shadows, red eyes flickering in the dark, she reflexively checked to make sure she was alone. She always was, but still. She took a sip of her hot chocolate and sank deeper into the sofa.
Her ears pricked at the sound of the door unlocking, then the door opening. “Lena! I’m home!” Webby’s voice called, one room away.
“I’m in here!” she called back, not taking her vision away from the flame. Only when she saw a flash of movement did she look. This time, it was Webby, standing in the doorway. Despite the shadows, Lena could still make out her furrowed brows, the concern in her eyes.
“Everything alright?” she said, sitting down next to Lena. Lena waited for Webby to notice the mug on the coffee table and take a sip as she gathered her thoughts.
“Yeah, just thinking,” Lena said. She paused as Webby wrapped her arms around her in a cuddle. Of course, Lena reciprocated, giving Webby a kiss on the top of her head before continuing. “I started imagining what would happen if you and I hadn’t met. I don’t even remember what triggered it. Something stupid, like maybe an online quiz. But then I just got stuck in there, thinking about how long I would’ve been with Magica and how she would’ve hurt me. It started feeling more and more real, like you were actually gone. So…” she trailed off, motioning with her mug to the fireplace. Webby knew about the ways in which they grounded her; she didn’t need an explanation.
Webby started rubbing Lena’s arm. “Okay. First off, you know that you can call me about this stuff any time, right?”
“Sure,” Lena said. “But you were coming home soon enough. Plus, I called Violet when it started. She helped.”
“Oh, awesome! Second,” she said, drawing back enough to look Lena in the eye. She hoped that her tear stains weren’t obvious, “That’s never going to happen. I’m right here, and I always will be.”
“I know,” Lena said. She squeezed Webby tighter, trying to commit it to memory. Webby’s here, Webby’s here, Webby’s here. They sat like that for a minute before Lena couldn’t resist chiming in, “Unless you find an artifact that changes the past or something.”
“Lena,” Webby groaned. “That’s not the point.”
Lena knew Webby was right. Lena also knew that she was right. “Which one is it?”
Webby paused for a minute, clearly fighting something her instincts. “...The Wall Flower of Bielefeld, but still!” Lena laughed, and Webby quickly joined in. She quickly got serious again. “Even if that does happen, I’ll find you again. I always will.”
Lena got choked up and started to feel her eyes water as she pressed into Webby’s shoulder. “I love you, Webby,” she said.
“I love you too, Lena,” she responded. They sat like that for who knows how long. Lena wasn’t counting. All that mattered was that she was with Webby. Passionate, lovable, caring, genuine Webby. She was safe.
After however much time had passed, she asked Webby, “So how was your adventure with the triplets?”
“Oooh! It was awesome! First of all, they love the bracelets you made! Second, Dewey has gotten way better at flying. He only crashed…” As Webby kept talking and Lena started to drift asleep, comfortable in her arms, she saw red flash out of the corner of her eye. She didn’t bother checking if it was Magica. It didn’t matter. Only this moment, right now, mattered.
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raeinspace · 3 months
Day 3 prompt - day to day
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feeling--pink · 3 months
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Day 15 (pink) - Weblena 💕
I'm back!! Y'all would not believe the week I had but I digress- weblena!!! :D
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kinuhanino · 3 months
Weblena Week Day 3: Day to Day; Years Later
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they were supposed to be holding groceries but I'm low on braincells so now Lena's carrying a box! the box was supposed to have groceries in them instead but again, low braincells here, its just a box now lmao
my sibling said Webby looked like she was wearing Spider-Gwen's clothes and now I can't unsee it
anyway third submission for @weblenaweek2024 !! woohoo!
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zhenni12 · 3 months
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Weblena week last post! ‘Twas enjoyable! (Part of my fairytale au, weblena exists in every universe)
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…also the boys. (Huey’s still a boy btw, someone had to have the hair)
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weblenaweek2024 · 4 months
Weblena Week 2024 Prompts!
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The Prompts for this year are:
Day 1 (June 17th): Crushing Hard - 2nd Kiss
Day 2 (June 18th): Surprise Hug - Teasing
Day 3 (June 19th): Day to Day - Years Later
Day 4 (June 20th): Star Gazing - Burger Date
Day 5 (June 21st): Adventuring Together - Dance at the Amphitheatre
Day 6 (June 22nd): Magic Sleepover - Casting a Spell Together
Day 7 (June 23rd): Free Day - Remix Day
You're open to picking and choosing what days or prompts you want to do! You may do only one or you may do all of them if you're up to it! Don't force yourself to do every day if you don't have time or don't want to!
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Info and guidelines, please follow them for a great week!
Whatever medium! Drawings, Stories, Poems, Music, Edits, etc. Let your imagination flow, just have it relate to the ship and themes!
Anyone can participate! Regardless of skill level, presence, etc. This is an event held for fun!
Smaller injuries and small amounts of blood are fine, but anything excessive, hate speech, political, nsfw, etc are not allowed under ANY circumstances.
No Ai. It has to be your work, unless you're posting it on behalf of someone and you have their permission.
Tag us and please either use #Weblena Week 2024 or #Weblena Week within your first 5 tags. This is not mandatory but your work might not get reblogged if you don't follow this. Alternatively, you can send us a message before/during the event and tell us when to post it and the chosen prompt!
Only works posted on Tumblr will be reblogged. However, you can link one of your other works on a different site! Alternatively, you can contact us and have us post the work onto the blog for you and give you the proper credit!
We ask of you to post the works on time, but we will try to reblog any early or late works! Alternatively you can contact us and ask us to post your work on the day of the prompt!
Each prompt will have its dedicated hashtag! We recommend using this hashtag when posting, so it's easier for us and others to find the posts!
If you have any more questions you can freely ask us!
Remember to have fun and take your time! Event starts on June 17th and runs until June 23rd so you have plenty of time to polish up your works! Any likes and reblogs are extremely appreciated, please help spread the word!
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boingodigitalart · 3 months
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Weblena Week 2024 Day 4: Stargazing - Burger Date
Decided to draw both stargazing and a burger date for this prompt of @weblenaweek2024
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bubblegumpopz · 3 months
Weblena Week Day 1 (Crushing hard): an excerpt from an old fanfic I haven’t worked on in forever
…Once the others were gone, Webby let out a sigh. She felt bad for Lena, all of her life was spent scared, hiding and running. But it gets tiring, especially once you get a sample of true love and just know that you and that other person can trust each other, no matter what. Knowing that kind of love and compassion can soften your heart, and even if it's just a little bit, it still makes a big impact. That person to Webby was Lena, and by the gods she wished with all her heart that she felt the same way.
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