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Avadhut Sathe Net Worth और Full Course Fees: क्या उनकी Mentorship सही निवेश है?
जानें Avadhut Sathe Net Worth, Full Course Fees, Webinar में क्या सीखेंगे, ये किसके लिए है, Reviews और Contact Details. क्या उनकी Mentorship आपकी Investment के लायक है?
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Key Components to Suspicious Activity Monitoring and Reporting Process: Do You Know Them?
Every day in your branches situations occur which are considered "suspicious" and may even put your employees and customers into what we will call a "felony moment." If your customer asks "Should I deposit this money?" The answer your officer gives may encourage the customer to structure, and that is a problem for both the customer and the employee. This program will answer commonly asked frontline questions and it will go over the red flags for money laundering for deposits and loans. You won't want to miss this fun frontline approach to red flags and your anti-money laundering program.
Thomas E Nollner is keynote speaker at ComplianceKey he has more than 38 years of experience in financial institution supervision and consulting. Mr. Nollner spent 30 years as a National Bank Examiner (NBE) for the Comptroller of the Currency where he was a safety and soundness examiner and a compliance examiner.
Register: https://www.compliancekey.us/webinarDetails?industryId=3&webinarid=1434&speakerid=144
Compliance Key
Visit: https://www.compliancekey.us/upcoming-webinars
Phone: +1 717-208-8666
Email: [email protected]
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Why Productivity Initiatives Fail?
Productivity starts at the front line. An organization's processes need to work seamlessly. But implementing the new systems to improve processes seldom goes smoothly. In fact, most major projects fail to deliver - 70% or more according to multiple research studies.
Dwight is the Founder and President of Effective Managers , a management consulting firm based in Canada that provides services globally through a network of consulting firms.
Register: https://www.ijonaskills.us/webinarDetails?webinarid=560&speakerid=182&domain=4
Ijona Skills
Visit: https://www.ijonaskills.us/upcoming-webinar
Phone: +1 302-830-3132
Email: [email protected]
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How to Prepare an Effective Audit Manual for an Internal Audit Department
Date and Time: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 13:00:00 GMT Info: Topic : How to Prepare an Effective Audit Manual for an Internal Audit Department Register :https://www.compliancekey.us/webinarDetails?industryId=4&webinarid=1587&speakerid=94&source=TSL_LN Discount Coupon : Use this Coupon (NEW2COMPLIANCE) an Get more info here: http://www.teleseminarlive.com/teleseminars/view_entry.php?id=6168&friendly=1&rssuser=__public__&date=20200406
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IAS 12 - What You Need To Know About IFRS and Taxes
We all know that domestic and foreign taxes are based on taxable profits. But how exactly do you account for the current and future tax consequences of transactions and other events? When can you defer taxes and when do you have to record a tax expense? What about taxes on revaluation of assets? How do you account for taxes on share-based payments (options)? Can you offset tax assets and tax liabilities?
Mike Morley, Keynote speaker at ComplianceKey. He is a Certified Public Accountant, business author Mike Morley is an entertaining and informative speaker and a recognized authority in the field of finance.
Register: https://www.compliancekey.us/webinarDetails?industryId=3&webinarid=1440&speakerid=38
Compliance Key
Visit: https://www.compliancekey.us/upcoming-webinars
Phone: +1 717-208-8666
Email: [email protected]
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The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Awareness 2019 Updates The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) authorizes the EPA to establish rules governing the manufacture, import, processing, distribution, and disposal of chemicals. One section of the act (Section 8e) covers reporting requirements which extend to individual persons as well as to companies. This section provides that: "Any person who manufactures, processes, or distributes in commerce a chemical substance or mixture and who obtains information which reasonably supports the conclusion that such substance or mixture presents a substantial risk of injury to health or the environment shall immediately inform the Administrator (of the EPA) of such information unless such person has actual knowledge that the Administrator has been adequately informed of such information."
Joe Keenan is Keynote Speaker at ComplianceKey. He is highly experienced Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) and Human Resources (HR) Professional and Management Consultant with over 21 years of experience.
Register: https://www.compliancekey.us/webinarDetails?industryId=3&webinarid=1427&speakerid=159
Compliance Key
Visit: https://www.compliancekey.us/upcoming-webinars
Phone: +1 717-208-8666
Email: [email protected]
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Why should you attend this webinar at Compliane Key? Validation of computer system software is completely different than the validation of device software (embedded software). Attempting to conduct a CSV following device software validation concepts could result in a 483 or rejection of a product approval submission. Register:https://www.compliancekey.us/webinarDetails?industryId=3&webinarid=1418&speakerid=48
Compliance Key Phone: 717-208-8666 Email: [email protected] Visit: https://www.compliancekey.us/
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Why Productivity Initiatives Fail?
Productivity starts at the front line. An organization's processes need to work seamlessly. But implementing the new systems to improve processes seldom goes smoothly. In fact, most major projects fail to deliver - 70% or more according to multiple research studies.
Using his experience as a manager, executive, and management consultant, Dwight Mihalicz helps CEOs and Executives maintain the balancing act required to maximize their organizations performance. Using every-day language, he translates complex concepts into meaningful action that clients can apply immediately. He has worked in a broad variety of organizations and situations - solving complex problems in local, national, and global settings.
Register: https://www.ijonaskills.us/webinarDetails?webinarid=560&speakerid=182&domain=4
Contact Info:
Ijona Skills
Email: [email protected]
Visit: https://www.ijonaskills.us/soft-skills-training
Phone: +1 302-830-3132
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Why I Can't Work with You Anymore - Working Style and Generational Challenges in the Workplace
By 2024, it is reported that about 25% of the workforce will be over the age of 55 compared to only 12% 20 years earlier. In fact, in some workplaces, employees in their 60s, 70s and in rare cases; even 80s are staying on part or full time! What does it mean when a Traditionalist sometimes referred to as the Greatest Generation or the Silent Generation or the Lost Generation is still working alongside a Gen Zer or Millennial? What is it about when, how and where they grew up that may inform us of their needs in the workplace today? And what is it about the motivations and fears of four different working styles performing side by side in offices, stores, on job sites and on the assembly line? Can the combination of diverse working style and diverse generation really work collaboratively or is the only outcome that someone simply "...can't work here anymore?"
Sheila Krejci, M ED is keynote speaker at Ijona Skills and she is an author, master facilitator and consultant at Sheila K Consulting, Inc. has trained and coached hundreds of corporate leaders, police and fire support staff, professional, technical and support employees and elected officials to recognize and mitigate the risks of inappropriate and destructive workplace behaviors, participate in the investigation of harassment and discrimination claims and model critical behaviors that encourage respect for healthier, happier, more productive workplaces.
Register: https://www.ijonaskills.us/webinarDetails?webinarid=559&speakerid=160&domain=4
Contact Info:
Ijona Skills
Email: [email protected]
Visit: https://www.ijonaskills.us/soft-skills-training
Phone: +1 302-830-3132
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Avoiding Medical Malpractice
Over 250,000 American die every year as a result of medical malpractice, making it the third leading cause of death, according to a 2018 Johns Hopkins study. Each incident of medical malpractice stems from one or more poor decision by healthcare providers. Recent research in cognitive neuroscience and behavioral science shows that the human mind is wired to make many poor decisions in modern healthcare settings, resulting in dangerous judgment errors that scholars term cognitive biases.
Gleb Tsipursky known as the Disaster Avoidance Expert, Dr. Gleb Tsipursky has over 20 years of experience empowering leaders and organizations to avoid business disasters by addressing potential threats, maximizing unexpected opportunities, and resolving persistent personnel problems.
Register: https://www.compliancekey.us/webinarDetails?industryId=3&webinarid=1430&speakerid=254
Contact Info:
Compliance Key
Email: [email protected]
Visit: https://www.www.compliancekey.us/upcoming-webinar
Phone: +1 717-208-8666
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Improve patient safety by dealing with toxic behaviors once and for all! We can no longer stand by and let toxic people erode patient safety, our self-esteem, and the bottom line! This webinar will help you take immediate action!This problem is so severe that Dr. Kusy's research discovered:
Only 1-6% of targets of incivility ever filed complaint
94% of leaders reported working with toxic people
92% rated the severity from 7 to 10 on a 10-point scale
45% said the uncivil person lashed out 2-3 times per week
51% of victims said they would likely leave as a result
Speaker: Dr. Mitchell Kusy, a 2005 Fulbright Scholar in Organization Development, is a full professor in the Graduate School of Leadership & Change at Antioch University in Yellow Springs, Ohio, with campuses in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, California; Keene, New Hampshire; and Seattle, Washington
Register: https://www.ijonaskills.us/webinarDetails?webinarid=564&speakerid=158&domain=4
Contact Info:
Ijona Skills
Email: [email protected]
Visit: https://www.www.ijonaskills.us/upcoming-webinar
Phone: +1 302-830-3132
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How to Conduct an Internal Harassment and Bullying Investigation to Determine Facts and Minimize Liability?
The EEOC requires that employers receiving a complaint, or otherwise learning of alleged harassment in the workplace, to "investigate promptly and thoroughly...take immediate and appropriate corrective action by doing whatever is necessary to end the harassment, make the victim whole by restoring lost employment benefits or opportunities, and prevent the misconduct from recurring". That's a tall order to ensure a just and fair handling of a harassment complaint - an essential order that all organizations are required, by law, to follow. The investigation process is, perhaps, the most critical element in dealing with harassment. In cases that have gone to court it is often due to inadequate or absent investigations of complaints. Do you know how to conduct an investigation? This program will cover the intricacies of conducting a harassment investigation.
Register: https://www.ijonaskills.us/webinarDetails?webinarid=526&speakerid=47&domain=1
Contact Info:
Ijona Skills
Email: [email protected]
Visit: https://www.ijonaskills.us/upcoming-webinar
Phone: +1 302-830-3132
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Hospitality in HealthCare
Health care organizations are becoming more competitive and more driven by patient loyalty. Patient loyalty is primarily a function of how a patient feels they were treated during the receipt of their care. It's more important than ever for medical organizations to remain in-tune with the needs and perceptions of patients as well as providing thorough customer service training to employees. This is what's going to allow medical organizations to gain a competitive edge in a rapidly shifting industry. When delivering care the focus should be on the patient and providing the best value for the individual, which means that healthcare providers and organizations must work to create a patient centric experience - which is why customer service is an imperative.
Register: https://www.ijonaskills.us/webinarDetails?webinarid=541&speakerid=63&domain=1
Contact Info:
Ijona Skills
Email: [email protected]
Visit: https://www.ijonaskills.us/upcoming-webinar
Phone: +1 302-830-3132
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Top 20 Internal Controls to Detect and Prevent Fraud.
The "Top Twenty Internal Controls" to detect and fraud are built upon standards of internal control and risk management. This instructor will review each control in detail and will suggest the roles and responsibilities for each control. Specific examples will be given for each top twenty control including the top three critical corporate controls. The instructor will explore the "Internal Controls Universe" and will explain how the universe along with the standards of internal control can help to detect and prevent fraud across any company.
Speaker Profile:
Chris is Keynote Speaker at ComplianceKey. She held senior finance and controller positions at Digital Equipment Corporation, Compaq, and Hewlett Packard which allowed her to develop and implement standards of internal control and leading practices for all aspects of financial operations. She was recruited to lead WorldCom (MCI) in the implementation of internal controls, policies, and corporate governance processes. She fine tuned her consulting experience in the Procure to Pay (P2P) area at APEX Analytix and BSI Healthcare.
Register: https://www.compliancekey.us/webinarDetails?industryId=3&webinarid=1332&speakerid=164
Contact Info:
Compliance Key
Email: [email protected]
Visit: https://www.compliancekey.us/upcoming-webinar
Phone: +1 717-208-8666
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The Complexity and Interplay Among ADAAA, FMLA, and Worker's Comp (WC) - How Do They Work Together, or Not?
Challenges - It's confusing, isn't it? How are we supposed to keep it all straight when there are times when the legal requirements of both Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the American Disabilities Act Amendment Act (ADAAA) are similar, yet at other times one law contradicts another? We find that we can't comply with both laws at the same time, so which one takes precedence over the other. And where does WC come in? To complicate matters even more, WC is a state law, while FMLA and ADAAA are federal laws, and there are other state civil rights laws that also impact FMLA and the ADAAA. Consider that an injury under WC may also be a "serious health condition" under FMLA. State laws may differ from federal laws by covering additional health conditions, may apply to small organizations, or may cover situations in which the federal laws have no say such as domestic abuse. As HR, we have the responsibility of sifting through these laws to ensure that we comply with each law that provides the best benefit to our employees. These laws provide entitlements to our employees which means they are not considered an optional benefit. So, even if you fail to apply the law to your employee, they can claim protection anyway. For example, if you fail to provide appropriate leave under FMLA, that does not remove the employees right to job-protected leave. The ultimate goal of all three laws is to assist the employee to return to work.
Speaker Profile:
Susan is Keynote Speaker at ComplianceKey. She has worked as a registered nurse (RN) in a variety of nursing specialties. She has also been the director of healthcare quality improvement, director of education and development, and held other healthcare leadership roles. One of Dr. Strauss's areas of expertise is with bullying and harassment in healthcare- working as an expert witness for lawsuits, training, and conducting investigations. She researched physician abuse to RNs in the OR to determine if the abuse varied based on the gender of the nurse.
Register: https://www.compliancekey.us/webinarDetails?industryId=3&webinarid=1405&speakerid=68
Contact Info:
Compliance Key
Email: [email protected]
Visit: https://www.compliancekey.us/upcoming-webinar
Phone: +1 717-208-8666
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Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPRCA) Sara 313 Form 'R" Reporting
Under the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), facilities are required to report the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Form R Reports by July 1st of each year. The TRI Form R Reporting is very complex and can be difficult to navigate through. This course will teach Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Professionals how to evaluate if a facility falls under the TRI Form R Reporting requirement. This course will show EHS Professionals how to easily navigate the complexities of filling out and submitting the TRI Form R Reports and answer site-specific questions or concerns.
Speaker Profile:
Joe Keenan is Keynote Speaker at ComplianceKey.He is highly experienced Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) and Human Resources (HR) Professional and Management Consultant with over 21 years of experience. I received my Green Belt in Six Sigma/Lean Manufacturing in 2005, Masters in Business Administration (MBA) with a Human Resource Management Concentration in 2007 and Certified Safety Professional (CSP) in 2011. I have the current pleasure of serving as President of the Mississippi Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE). I served on the OSHA Voluntary Protection Program Participants Association (VPPPA) Region IV Board of Directors as a Director at Large from 2013-2015. Since 2002, I am an OSHA General Industry and Construction 10/30-Hour Authorized Outreach Trainer (both renewed in 2016).
Register: https://www.compliancekey.us/webinarDetails?industryId=2&webinarid=1426&speakerid=159
Contact Info:
Compliance Key
Email: [email protected]
Visit: https://www.compliancekey.us/upcoming-webinar
Phone: +1 717-208-8666
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