#Weather has been so weird this week we had like an unpredicted inch of snow on Sunday and the sky was completely clear this morning
passerinesoncaffeine · 7 months
its raining outside guys. Guys. Hey. Its raining. There's rain. Falling from the sky. I'm gonna go make warm chai and watch the rain.
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D. Series: The Pirate
Chapter 16
Do not close your eyes,
For you it will be your demise,
Lose your senses,
Making you restless.
August 12, 1543
A year had almost gone by and during that time Cronus training had increased in difficulty. The only lessons he considered easy were the one he spent with his Uncle Faber. Aroldo would ram through the book lectures followed by exams right afterwards. Depending on how much Cronus failed was the quantity of warm exercises he would have to perform. So in other words the higher his test scores the less he would have to do.
The one hour daily training he would spend with his father proved to be just as hard. They always took place right after the first third of Aroldo's lectures leaving Cronus emotionally exhausted. Cronus believed with Clement being his father his training would be lenient. Boy was he wrong. Clement did not seem to hold anything back when it came to his fighting lessons. It was about a week ago when Aroldo would stay and watch the fights take place. From there he would take mental notes on what Cronus needed much improvement.
Although having Aroldo during the fights did prove to have one benefit. They had a healer who could look over their wounds in case things went a little too rough. Which was a good thing considering how terrifying Godiva was. Cronus found it amusing how a tiny five foot two woman could intimidate not only her father but Aroldo as well. They would both try their best to stay on Godiva's good side.
“You are getting better,” complimented Aroldo returning today's test, “You only missed two questions this time around.”
“It's good to hear,” sighed Cronus looking down at his work, “I don't want to repeat what I did yesterday.”
“I'll bet,” agreed Aroldo nodding his head, “You placed the answer for the first question on the second slot. That tiny mistake caused you to fail the rest of the exam. If you had been more careful you would have gotten a perfect score.”
Cronus shuddered just in remembering the intense workout he had to pay up with. By the time he was finished all he wanted to do was lie down face first on the ground. Unfortunately, both Clement and Aroldo would not allow him such a luxury. Instead they forced Cronus to keep moving forward.
“I see you've managed to find yourself a martial arts' mentor,” commented Aroldo as he picked his things off the small table.
“It wasn't easy,” nodded Cronus remembering how he had to try to concentrate during his visions. The first time he found the Dojo he became overwhelmed by the instructors skills.
“I would think so,” agreed Aroldo, stuffing his things into his bag, “The good thing is that you are learning.”
“It was even harder trying to get back there a second time around,” droned Cronus slumping his head against the table.
“Come now, don't slouch! You still have to train with your father,” reminded Aroldo making his way to the doorway, “Be sure to put your things away. Like always I will be back in fifteen minutes.”
“Of course, you will,” groaned Cronus getting his own things.
“Oh, chin up will you! You did better on your test this time around. Meaning today's lessons won't be as harsh as they usually are,” smiled Aroldo making his way out the door.
“Somehow I doubt it,” sighed Cronus walking up the small flight of stairs leading to his bedroom.
“Yeah, you ain't wrong,” admitted Aroldo walking out the front door, “See ya in a bit.”
Cronus dragged his feet up the stairs. He opened his bedroom door and like usual placed his items back underneath his floorboards. Once his items were securely in place he went outside to train with his father.
Clement stood in the center of their backyard. He was looking up at the warm August sky. Cronus could already tell what he was thinking. His father was an easy man to read. Aroldo warned Cronus that Clement would need to learn how to improve that about himself.
“Why is that bad?” wondered Cronus looking at his father.
“It's never good to show your enemies all of your cards,” sighed Aroldo as they continued with their training.
Cronus shook his head as he stared at his father. Clement favored fall or winter instead of the hotter seasons. They seemed to make life easier. After all cold weather was manageable unlike their unpredictable brethren. Clement kept busy to prepare for the colder months. He glanced back down and picked up the pieces of wood he had cut out.
“Cronus, did you come out here to help me?” smiled Clement already knowing the answer to his own question. Still though he asked it out of courtesy.
“What would you like for me to do, father,” nodded Cronus making his way closer to where Clement was standing.
“I am going to need your help in fixing the roof of our house,” ordered Clement, picking up more small squares of wood, “Don't just stand there. Here help me carry some wooden pieces as well.”
“Why do we need to fix the roof? I mean it's perfectly fine just the way it is,” objected Cronus picking up a stack of wood.
“Or so it seems,” breathed Clement inching closer to their home, “Trust me once you get up on the roof. You will begin to notice there is much work to be done.”
Cronus did not say another word instead he followed right after his father. Clement gave Cronus the order to help him bring out the ladder. Clement told Cronus that for the time being he would be the one on the roof. Well until Aroldo returned from wherever he usually runs off to.
“Why can't you go up there?” shot Cronus puffing up his cheeks and placing his hands on his hips.
“One of us has to go up to the roof; meanwhile, the other holds the ladder. You may have gotten stronger during this past year. Still, I have a doubt you are able to carry my weight,” explained Clement pointing out the obvious.
“I don't wanna,” whimpered Cronus backing away from his father.
“I know you are afraid of heights, Cronus. I can assure you that there is nothing for you to be afraid of,” encouraged Clement kneeling before his frightened child, “I promise you that if you were to fall. I will be there to catch you. If I am not close to where you will land. I will run if I have to just to make sure you don't get hurt. Now go up the ladder and help me fix the roof. We do not want snow to get inside our house.”
Cronus gulped and trembled with each step he took. He would climb up one step and pause before proceeding to take the next. He began to feel dizzy once he reached the top of the ladder. He trusted forward the items he had managed to carry with him. He avoided looking down and pulled himself onto the roof.
“So is Cronus going to help you fix the leaky roof,” observed Aroldo appearing right next to Clement.
“I would hope so. It just took him a lot longer than I expected him just to get to the roof,” shrugged Clement scratching the back of his head, “My son sure has a fear of heights.”
“At least he did not faint this time,” smiled Aroldo looking up at Cronus' blond hairs glowing in the sun.
“I guess you are right,” agreed Clement holding onto the ladder, “I suppose you are going to want him to come down. Hold the ladder will yo-”
“Now, Clement, what is the hurry? I think we should leave him up there. It will help him get over his fear of heights. Once he sees that he is in no immediate danger he will begin to calm down. Besides, you have him help you with the roof. I can begin my own training as well.”
“What do you mean?” questioned Clement knitting his eyebrows at Aroldo.
“Cronus is too busy with his own fear. That he hasn't noticed I have returned. So we are going to have his work on fixing the roof. Until he starts to realise that I am already here. This training session has two parts. The first is noticing that I am present. The second part will be seeing me. Once he spots me he will be brought down and we can continue with the third part of our lesson,” informed Aroldo standing closer to the building.
“Why are you doing this?” questioned Clement not understanding Aroldo's weird teaching methods.
“I want him to be more aware of his surroundings. Especially during stressful situations. I cannot just place my pupil into such situations myself. When the opportunity presents itself. Then I as a mentor must take full advantage of it. Would you agree, Clement?” grinned Aroldo leaning against the building.
“You are a terrifying man, Aroldo,” acknowledged Clement glancing back up to his son.
“Thanks for the compliment,” sassed Aroldo with a malicious smile.
“That wasn't a compliment,” sighed Clement crossing his arms.
“It is if I think it is,” asserted Aroldo nodding his head, “I am going to be playing a little game of cat and mouse with Cronus.”
“You do realize Cronus is going to come down for more planks of wood. Right?” wondered Clement looking over at a frozen Aroldo.
“ER... right!” stammered Aroldo staring blankly at Clement.
“You really did not expect a nine year old boy to carry everything he needed in one go. Did you, Mr. Cruz?” questioned Clement, raising a disapproving eyebrow at Aroldo.
“Don't call me that! It makes me feel old,” shuddered Aroldo wrapping his arms around himself, “I haven't even been born yet! My Great-grandparents aren't even two separate piles of cells for crying out loud. Wait... isn't this universe separate from the one I am from? Questions that remain to be answered.”
“Father, I think I should like to let you know. I have no idea what I am doing,” announced Cronus as he struggled to get down, “Damn it! Why is getting down scarier?!”
Aroldo floated up to the roof. Taking advantage of Cronus' fearful state. He found it somewhat amusing that Cronus kept his eyes shut. Seeing this pumped his veins with an adrenaline rush. He slowed down his pace as he loomed over to inspect Cronus' hand work.
“Tsk...Tsk, Cronus, you are not thinking clearly,” whispered Aroldo as he helped rearrange the small square planks.
Aroldo fixed Cronus work without a care. When he was finished Cronus' arm reached out to smack the top of the roof. He watched as Cronus blindly moved his arms around. It wasn't until he had pulled his entire body on top on the roof did he open his eyes. Fortunately by the time this happen Aroldo had already begun his descend back down.
Only an hour had gone by of Aroldo's game. It became rather clear to Clement that it was starting to bore him. Clement could tell how antsy Aroldo was starting to become. To the point he would not float onto the roof the second Cronus would begin to climb down. It was as if Aroldo wanted Cronus to spot him at this point. At times Clement was sure he had spotted the mentor blowing saliva bubbles.
'Damn, are you really that bored?' thought Clement feeling sympathy.
“Cronus, when did Aroldo say he would return?” asked Clement holding the stare as Cronus began to climb back down.
“He said that he would be back in fifteen minutes,” stated Cronus, keeping his eyes shut.
Clement watched as Aroldo dragged himself towards the roof. He seemed to be void of any enthusiasm. This was a whole new level of boredom.
“And how long do you think you've been helping me?” questioned Clement holding onto the ladder.
“Five minutes,” shrugged Cronus pausing after each step.
“Cronus, it takes you fifteen minute just to climb up and down this ladder,” groaned Clement, trying not to feel embarrassed of his son.
“Then how long have I been working?” wondered Cronus opening his eyes but not really looking.
“Are you almost done?” asked Clement watching Cronus jump off the final step.
“Uh... I... Oh,” voiced Cronus letting Clement that his son was already finished. He looked down at the hammer and small box of nails he carried.
“Sigh... Cronus, you must be more observant of your surroundings. Aroldo has been here for an hour. Do you have any idea how frustrating that man is?” groaned Clement rubbing his temples, “For crying out loud! He is so annoying!”
“Aroldo has been here? Is that why things were different from how I left them?” wondered Cronus looking down at the ground and rubbing his shin.
“Aroldo! Get down I already told him you are here!” shouted Clement placing his hands against his cheeks.
“Boo! You're no fun,” pouted Aroldo floating down from the roof.
“Whatever, you weren't really having any fun anymore,” dismissed Clement shrugging his shoulders, “And don't try to deny it.”
“You got me there,” accepted Aroldo sitting down on the grass, “You need to be more observant of your surroun-”
“I already told him that,” interjected Clement glaring at Aroldo.
“Yes, but did you also tell him wwwwhhhhhyyyyy?” belittled Aroldo looking at his nails, “You did not just say 'Cronus, you must be more observant of your surroundings'. Without giving him an explanation.”
“My explanation was that you are vexing, Aroldo,” scoffed Clement crossing his arms, “What other reason would I need?”
“You've been in battles,” reminded Aroldo with a grin, “Surely, you can do better than that.”
“Father you've been in battles?” gawped Cronus his eyes widening as he stared at his father.
“He is talking about the demons I fought!” blurted Clement sweating nervously.
“No I- URK!”
Clement punched Aroldo in the stomach. He used enough force that it caused Aroldo to double over in pain. He clutched his belly as he stood up.
“Uh... You... do.... realize... hitting... me... only... made... things more... suspicious... right... Clement,” stammered Aroldo rubbing his aching stomach.
“What are you talking about?” questioned Cronus placing his hands on his hips, “I want to know!”
“Not now, Cronus, the grown-ups are talking!” barked Clement trying to avoid Cronus' curiosity.
“Hey, do not yell at Cronus. It is not his fault,” scolded Aroldo standing between him and Clement, “You are going to have to tell him.”
“Tell me what!” yelled Cronus getting rather annoyed.
“Well, I am not ready!” argued Clement walking away.
“What were you two talking about?” asked Cronus looking up at Aroldo hoping he would tell him.
“I am sorry, Cronus, but it's not my story to tell,” lamented Aroldo shaking his head, “Let's get back to how you are not very attentive.”
“Urk! I thought you weren't going to mention that,” laughed Cronus, a nervous smile reaching his face.
“I would not take the blindfold off if I were you,” cautioned Aroldo sensing his student's plan, “You think I did not set traps as a precaution? Anyway I made each end have a sweet scent. If it smells bad then you are going the wrong direction. Also I repeat under no circumstances are you to remove your blindfold.”
“What happens if I do?” mused Cronus facing Aroldo.
“Trust me, there are things better not seen,” reasoned Aroldo placing a hand on Cronus' shoulder, “Ignore the voices.”
Cronus gulped knowing by now to always follow Aroldo's rules. Especially when it came to things the man created himself. Cronus took a deep breath and moved towards the maze. Then smacked the metal bars listening carefully to how it rang. Hearing it helped him get a feeling as to where it was. He moved around the maze carefully.
Clang! Cronus raised his foot up to his chest as he moved over a bar in his way. He could smell a faint scent of white roses. Their fragrance made his mouth water. They smelled closer to a batch of fresh warm cookies. He wiped his mouth of drool. He began to run towards their direction. He tripped on one of the bars completely forgetting about his task. He dusted himself off and stood up.
“Why are you here?” questioned the voice of a young girl.
The girl sent a cold chill down Cronus spine. He scrambled to his feet. Trying to get away from the girl. He banged on the metal trying to get back on track.
“Why don't you take off your blindfold?” asked the girl inching closer, “I bet you have the most beautiful eyes.”
Cronus bit his mouth as he ignored the girl. He smelled the air around him trying to find the cookie rose mix scent. Once his nose found it he walked in it's direction. He had a sensation that the “girl” wasn't really a girl at all.
“You won't even talk to me?” sniffled the girl, “I have been so lonely. I am sure you would understand. I mean you are here alone too.”
Cronus rushed away from the girl. He was frantic as he banged on the metal. He needed to get to the other side as quickly as possible.
“Are you trying to get to the other side?” asked the girl.
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