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“I’m protesting for the millions of women, young and old, who suffer from pain daily, multiple surgeries, infertility, financial hardship due to medical bills, and years of missing out on life because of one or all of these reasons. At 24, I was told I had endometriosis - 3 surgeries, financial problems, stress, anxiety and 2 decades of pain later there is still no cure for my endometriosis which continues to get worse every month. We need a change.” - Kyung Jeon, Artist
#WeMatterACOG  For decades, we've been collectively fighting obstacles to care & calling for change. Time & time again, ACOG executives have been presented with the grave reproductive injustices endured by patients at the hands of their members, but failed to act. In the U.S. today, individuals still see an average of 8 doctors over 10 years before they are diagnosed. Due to lack of proper education & training among ACOG's approximately 58k OBGYN member providers, patients are regularly told their symptoms are ‘in their heads’ or ‘normal’, that pregnancy & hysterectomy are cures, & that hormonal medications effectively treat the disease. The time of inaction is over. The time for change is now. JOIN US as we stand up & say #WeMatterACOG.
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kidneystories2013 · 7 years
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We'll be protesting in DC next week- demanding the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists @acognews address the #endometriosis care crisis. Time of inaction is OVER! - #WeMatterACOG @CtrForEndoCare #endometriosis (link: https://www.wematteracog.com/) wematteracog.com (at Lake County, Indiana)
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Fotógrafa expõe cicatrizes para conscientizar sobre endometriose
A fotógrafa britânica Georgie Wileman lançou nas redes sociais uma campanha para conscientizar sobre a endometriose, doença que afeta 176 milhões de mulheres em todo o mundo e 6,5 milhões no Brasil.  Usando a hashtag #ThisIsEndometriosis (Isto é endometriose) ela tem postado fotos de suas cicatrizes, fruto de cirurgia.
A ideia é incentivar outras  suas histórias para discutir a doença e os possíveis tratamentos. Embora seja comum, a endometriose ainda é pouco conhecida e costuma demorar a ser diagnosticada: cerca de oito anos após o aparecimento dos primeiros sintomas.
“Muitas vezes, pessoas com esta doença são submetidas a operações repetidas que geralmente causam mais danos e dor. Cirurgia de excisão (retirada das lesões) com um especialista em endometriose é atualmente o melhor tratamento para esta doença. Esta cirurgia geralmente não é coberta por planos de saúde na maior parte do mundo. Isso não é bom o suficiente. Ao namorar e conectar nossas cicatrizes, estamos mostrando a verdadeira extensão da endometriose e as falhas finais de nossos sistemas de saúde”, escreveu ela um dos posts no Instagram.
Cirurgia de endometriose suspende uso de medicamentos
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We are showing the constellation of our scars to display years of mistreatment and pain. #thisisendometriosis To participate and find out more information about the campaign, follow link in bio. Thank you so much to these wonderful people for their contributions @eightysixthebread @rayleesalik @hannahoftheshire @emlwy @arrhogant_love @carlamcressy @ellieworldwide @katherinealyce @alislimaz . . . . . . . . . #endometriosis #endo #endometriosissupport #endometriosissurgery #endostrong #endometriose #endometriosisawareness #endometriosisawarenessmonth #calltoaction #healthcareadministration #protest #publicprotest #socialcampaign
A post shared by Georgie Wileman Studio (@georgiewileman) on Mar 16, 2019 at 11:20am PDT
Mulheres em várias partes do mundo aderiram à campanha e também publicaram suas fotos e histórias de luta contra a endometriose.
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What if my gynecologist had referred me to an #endometriosis specialist as a teenager when I had clear #endometriosis symptoms? What if the general surgeon who took out my appendix at 23 could have recognized the disease that was clearly covering my entire pelvis, impacting multiple vital organs? What if my reproductive endocrinologist sent me to an #endometriosis specialist instead of just ablating my disease? How much less suffering? How many less surgeries? How much more health, joy, opportunities would have come my way? While the amount of scars and surgeries may be unsettling what is more shocking is the unwillingness of @acog_org to work with advocates to fix this and help amplify the voices of those who have suffered to transform care. Thank you to @georgiewileman for creating this powerful campaign. #thisisendometriosis #wematteracog #endometriosis #infertility #endometriosisawarenessmonth #enoughisenough #wedeservebetter #5monthspostop #reproductivejustice
A post shared by Casey Berna (@endosocialworker) on Mar 5, 2019 at 7:09am PST
“E se meu ginecologista tivesse me encaminhado para um especialista em #endometriose na adolescência quando eu tivesse claros sintomas de endometriose? E se o cirurgião geral que pegou meu apêndice com 23 anos pudesse ter reconhecido a doença que estava claramente cobrindo toda a minha pelve, impactando múltiplos órgãos vitais? E se meu endocrinologista reprodutivo me mandasse para um especialista em endometriose em vez de apenas ablacionar minha doença? Quanto menos sofrimento? Quantas cirurgias a menos? Quanto mais saúde, alegria, oportunidades teriam surgido em meu caminho? Embora a quantidade de cicatrizes e cirurgias possa ser inquietante, o que é mais chocante é a falta de vontade do @acog_org de trabalhar com os defensores para consertar isso e ajudar a amplificar as vozes daqueles que sofreram para transformar o cuidado”.
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Just because endometriosis is invisible. Doesn’t mean it isn’t there! (affective feeling of imagining what endometriosis would look like if visible) Imagine your own body going AGAINST YOU. Imagine a sort of cancer that won’t kill you, but you will live with forever. Imagine finding out there is no cure. Imagine knowing you will have to live with this for the rest of your life. Imagine constantly being told false information by professionals… ‘’have a baby it will cure you’’ or ‘’have a hysterectomy it will cure you’’ You are actually made to feel like this is your only option. It causes fertility problems. Being told to have 'child' when having a children may not be an option for you. Anxiety and depression emerge, you begin to forget how to keep it at bay. Crippling pain that stops you from doing the hobbies you love. Excruciating pain that stops you from being employed and making a living. Bloating so much you look 6 months pregnant. Constant trips to A&E for help. Pain that feels like fireworks are trapped exploding throughout your body. Pain that feels like a cat is trying to claw its way out of your abdominal. Pain that feels like your organs are being carved out like a pumpkin on halloween. Pain that makes you physically sick. Pain that feels forever lasting. To feel so horrific and no-one believes you because you don’t look unwell. I hope this message is powerful.
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(@thegoddessher) on Nov 2, 2018 at 9:01am PDT
Apenas porque a endometriose é invisível, não significa que não está lá! (sensação afetiva de imaginar como seria a endometriose se visível). Imagine o seu próprio corpo indo contra você. Imagine um tipo de câncer que não vai te matar, mas você vai viver para sempre. Imagine descobrir que não há cura. Imagine saber que você terá que viver com isso pelo resto da vida. Imagine ser informado constantemente de informações falsas por profissionais … “tenha um bebê que cure você” ou “faça uma histerectomia para te curar”. (…)  Ansiedade e depressão surgem, você começa a esquecer como mantê-lo sob controle. Dor incapacitante que te impede de fazer os hobbies que você ama. Dor excruciante que impede você de ser empregado e ganhar a vida. Inchando tanto você parece grávida de 6 meses. (…) Espero que esta mensagem seja poderosa.
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My struggle was diagnosed in 2004 after years of ignoring the pain myself, and to the doctors not really believing my pain. I could not fight it any longer. Looking at my timeline I’ve had a surgery every 5 yrs since then. My fist operation in 2005 was scheduled right before I left on my first year long military deployment. After surgery I was deployed with my shots in hand. In pain I went on with my life as if this would always be my life. 2010 after another 6 month deployment I was back in the operating room. In 2015 after having my son a year earlier it came back with a vengeance, and I found myself once again under the knife. This pain along with a miscarriage has made me feel less than myself. The strength of a women is something remarkable, but the strength of a women with endometriosis is astonishing. I salute all of those who have to live Day to Day with such a horrible diagnosis. March is endometriosis awareness month. #thisisendometriosis Thank you @getkris_t_luv for sharing your story! #thisisendometriosis #endometriosisawareness #endowarrior
A post shared by E40 (@arrhogant_love) on Mar 18, 2019 at 4:42pm PDT
Minha luta foi diagnosticada em 2004, depois de anos ignorando a dor, e os médicos não acreditando na minha dor. Eu não podia mais lutar. Olhando para a minha linha do tempo eu fiz uma cirurgia a cada 5 anos desde então. (…) A força de uma mulher é algo notável, mas a força de uma mulher com endometriose é espantosa. Eu saúdo todos aqueles que têm que viver dia a dia com um diagnóstico tão horrível. Março é mês de conscientização sobre endometriose. #estaismetometriose
Veja também: Jovem com caso grave de endometriose tem menopausa aos 22 anos
Fotógrafa expõe cicatrizes para conscientizar sobre endometriosepublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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dmnsqrl · 6 years
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#Repost @centerforendocare (@get_repost) ・・・ #icymi #wematteracog #nothingaboutuswithoutus #176million1voice #medpage #endometriosis #fightingforchange #acog #factsmatter
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