#We interrupt our usual salmon slammin Saturday programming to bring you this important announcement:
One year ago today, Bearotonin International was founded. It’s been a wild year and so much has happened. Whether you’ve been with us from the start, or just discovered our bear programming today, we would like to thank each and every one of you for sharing this crazy, hilarious, absurd, delightful bearotonin-filled journey with you all.
It has been our utmost pleasure and privilege to provide you all with bearotonin to help make your lives a little more bearable 💙💙💙
Here’s to another year filled with soggy beasts, lethal goobers, majestic floofs, snoofers and snorf, sniffy snoots to boop, salmon slammers, teensy weensy adorableensy babies, shaped beasts, dad jokes and bad puns, and above all, lots of bearotonin!
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