#We have bobby. The prisoner. The beheaded. and then Flame Face
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smoll-jade · 5 months ago
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He's more worried about the two on the right, me thinks.
Pretty sure this is my first time drawing the 'Cover art' Beheaded, too.
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woods2006gal · 7 years ago
There Will Be Blood
Addison sighs as she stares at her computer screen. She was confused; confused about what Sarah had told her and about what she had read in Patrick’s journals. Nothing was making any sense and what little did make seemed to contradict something else. “Okay, man, I have read this more times than the Playboy I found in Dad’s duffel,” Dean says, breaking the silence over the cabin. He was stretched out on the couch, with the notebook containing the translated word of God in his hands.
“Anna Nicole,” Sam questions.
“Anna Nicole. Oh, the good, they die young, huh.” Dean runs a hand over his face. “Look, we can read this till our eyes bleed. It ain’t getting any clearer.”
“So, then what does it mean,” Addison asks, closing her Macbook.
“Uh, cut off the head and the body will flounder. Well, I think we all agree that, uh, the head is Dick. Right?”
“Right,” Sam agrees.
“So, bottom line is, we go grab the stuff and we mix ourselves a weapon. End of story,” Dean tells them, grabbing a beer off the coffee table and taking a swig.
“Look, I’m all for killing Dick. I’m just saying, what then,” Sam argues. “I mean, what about the rest of the Leviathan? What? Are they just gonna drop dead?”
“I don’t know. Maybe.”
“Maybe? Maybe is good enough for you right now?”
“One problem at a time, all right?”
“Okay. But it's not a crazy idea to try and figure out what the catch is before we go crashing the gate.”
“Maybe this is the catch. God’s not telling us every detail. You know? The word is from God. I don’t know how much better it’s gonna get.”
Addison stands up. “I’m gonna go for a run. I’m going stir crazy sitting in here.”
“I’ll join you,” Sam says, shutting his laptop.
Dean shakes his head. “You two are a couple of freaks.”
“Says the man who has Dick on his mind,” Addison retorts, walking out of the room.
“So, you want to tell me what is bothering you,” Sam asks, as he and Addison walk back to the cabin. They had done a three mile run. She shoots him a confused look. “I know you, Ads. There’s something bothering you.”
Addison sighs and grabs his arm. She bites her lip for a moment. “If I tell you, you have to promise to never tell Dean,” she says.
“I’ve kept your secrets, Sam. You owe me.”
Sam lets out a huff, not okay with lying to Dean. “Okay. I won’t tell.”
“Sarah told me there were other tablets. An angel tablet, a demon tablet, and one about us.”
Addison shakes her head. “No. On Sarah…and me. She…Sarah said I could have powers. The tablet on her and her decedents probably has the spell to activate my powers.”
“Powers like Sarah’s?”
“Yes! I think we should find it. And do the spell. Sarah doesn’t use hers. So, we don’t know what the full extent of them.”
Sam sighs. “Ads, that’s a bad idea.”
“Why is it a bad idea? If I have these powers, then think of all the good that will come of them. We don’t have to worry about going to hospitals or running out of wine. What if I can touch a monster and it’s gone. Just poof.”
“It’s a bad idea. There’s a reason you don’t have powers in the first place. Let’s not mess with it,” Sam says, then walks past her.
Addison rolls her eyes as she sits on the couch watching a video on Sucrocorp on Sam’s laptop. Sam was sitting next to her. “Little FYI,” Dean says, pouring himself a glass of whiskey. “Bobby’s officing out of the john these days.”
“That’s awkward,” Addison replies.
Dean sits down in a nearby armchair and puts his feet up on the coffee table. “Yeah, you’re telling me. Uh, he does have some ideas about the weapon though.”
“Really? Well, uh, he may be just time,” Sam tells him, bringing up an article about Dick Roman and how he had just brought another company.
“Roman acquires…” Dean trails off. “What’s Sucrocorp?”
“They made food additives, namely high fructose corn syrup. That shit is in…well, it’s in just about everything. Um, soda, sauces, bread.”
“Don’t say pie.”
“It’s definitely in pie,” Addison says.
“Bastards. So now what? Roman’s moved past restaurants?”
“And into grocery stores, gas n’ sips, vending machines,” Sam explains.
“What can we do about it?”
“Short of going Al Qaeda on their trucks and plants, there’s nothing we can do about it.”
“Like I said, uh, Bobby’s got some ideas.”
Addison stands back, watching as the boys set up a table to do a summoning spell. Dean had filled them in on everything that Bobby had told him and they had done the easiest part, which was filling a vial up with Addison’s blood. Dean steps back from the table after slicing his palm and letting his blood drip into the bowl. Sam finishes the spell, then lights a match and tosses it into the bowl. Flames shoot up and Crowley appears in the room. “Hello, boys, Ads,” Crowley greets. The trio sets to filling the king of Hell on what had been going on with Dick Roman. “So, that’s what all the ‘rumble, rumble’ was about.”
“Who translated it for you,” Dean questions, then shakes his head. “Never mind. You gonna give us the blood or not?”
“Happily. But not quite yet. I’m all for chopping Dick, but I can’t have you running around with a vial of my blood, now, can I? You know the sheer number of nefarious spells my enemies can use that blood for?”
“Well, then when?”
“Last. After you’ve got all the other components. Most difficult, the angel part, I’m assuming. Given your role in their little apocalypse, I can’t imagine the choirboys upstairs are wetting their vestments to do you - what’s the word - a solid. Unless, of course, you have an angel up your sleeve.”
“Well, that’d be convenient, but, uh, no.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Sam tells the demon. “We’ll get the angel blood one way or another. We just need you to be ready next time we call.”
“Fine.” Crowley smirks. “Oh, here’s a tip. I have it on good authority there’s one Alpha still among us.”
“Whose,” Addison questions.
“Mine. Wily character, that Alpha vampire. Somehow made good his prison break before Cas went nuclear on the place.”
“How do you know this?”
“Keep your friends close, your enemies, blah blah. Needless to say, I keep tabs. He moves around quite a bit. But I have an inkling I know where to start the Easter egg hunt. Happy trails.”
Crowley vanishes. “Okay. Where, jackass,” Dean shouts.
The flames on the table rise and die down. “Hoople, North Dakota,” Sam says, reading the words craved into the table.
“Piece of paper would have worked.”
Addison frowns as she looks around the gas station. Nothing had seemed out of the ordinary when she had entered earlier to use the bathroom. But she was now noticing the people around the small store. She spots the boys enter the gas station and makes her way over to them. “I’m talking pure hatred, Dean,” Sam says. “No humanity. I mean, he could…kill, possess people. I mean, Bobby could burn this fucking building down. Look if he goes off the rails—”
“Do the people in here seem out of it,” Addison interrupts. “Look at the guy.” She motions to where a man was pumping a large amount of mustard onto a hot dog.
“I - I don’t know,” Sam replies. “Maybe.”
“And what about the lady who is staring into the cooler of beer?”
“Yeah, they…they look like, uh, like those turducken people. It’s starting.” Sam picks up a can off a nearby display. “Its the corn syrup. Everything in the store is laced with it.”
“Everything,” Dean questions, looking around the store. “Hey, guys, I’m gonna go into toxic shock, okay? I - I need my road food.”
“And I’m sure that’s exactly what Dick Roman is counting on,” Addison counters. 
“Hey. Hey.” Dean picks up a container with a slice of pie inside it. There was a bright orange sticker, proclaiming that it was ‘natural.’ “This one says ‘natural.’ That means it’s safe. Right?”
Sam takes the pie out of his older brother's hand. “I hate to break it to you, but corn syrup is natural. Technically.”
“Well, then what the hell are we supposed to eat,” Dean argues. Addison grabs a banana and a bottle of water and shoves it at his chest, with a smirk.
The trio is parked outside of a large house at the address Crowley had given them. Dean was looking through a pair of binoculars while Sam and Addison try to see if there’s any guards. “It’s totally dark,” Dean tells them. “I can’t see inside.”
“Well, should we wait for daylight," Sam asks, looking between Dean and Addison.
“Hell no,” Bobby says, appearing in the backseat. “We’re not waiting. I’ll scout it. See if we need to bring in the big guns.”
“I don’t know,” Sam counters. Bobby disappears as Sam turns to the back seat. “Look, Bobby…” He trails off after seeing the hunter was gone.
“Okay,” Bobby says, reappearing. “Place is clear. But there’s something you’re gonna want to see.”
Addison shakes her head, grabbing her machete off the floor. “Let’s go.” The trio climbs out of the car and makes their way into the house. As they enter a room, they find three bodies stretched out over a table.
“Careful,” Dean tells them, leaning over to look at one of the bodies. Vampire teeth were visible, along with burn marks around the mouth. The body next to it was the same way. “You know a way to kill vamps with battery acid?”
“Only way I know is beheading,” Bobby answers.
“Yeah, well, these vamps ate something that didn’t agree with them,” Addison says.
“Hey,” Sam says. He motions to the wall behind them. “Check out that. Something seem weird to you?”
“Yeah, see if you can find a switch or a lever or something,” Dean replies.
“Don’t need one,” Bobby says and walks through the wall. 
The trio searches the wall. Sam picks up a book and discovers a button. “Hey.” Sam presses the button and they watch as a hidden door opens up. They enter the room to find Bobby and a young woman. The woman moves closer to the fireplace, tightly clutching a teddy bear. “Dean, Ads. Machete.”
They hid their machetes. “Hey,” Dean greets. “Look. We’re not gonna hurt you. Okay.” They trio shows the woman their teeth, reassuring her that they weren’t vampires. “No fangs. See.”
“We just want to talk,” Addison softly tells her. After getting the young woman a cup of tea, they group sits down in the room.
“I was eight,” the young woman says. “My mom left me at the playground while she ran to the store. A man approached me and said I was the prettiest girl there. And I’ve been living with these…things…ever since. At least until now.”
“Do you have any idea why,” Sam questions.
“I’m one of his special girls. All the others, it was their job to make sure I was ready for the Alpha, whenever he came. Wash me, give me my IV bags every day. It’s my only food. So my blood’s pure.”
“And they’ve been doing this for almost twelve years,” Addison asks.
“Virgins are a delicacy. He always has at least one of us on hand.”
“Well, don’t worry, okay,” Sam tells her. “We’re gonna get you back to your mother.”
“Think she remembers me?”
“Of course she does. Don’t you remember her?”
The young woman shakes her head. Dean motions to the vampires on the table. “Hey, these, uh, these guys, they, uh friends of yours,” he asks.
“They take care of the Alpha when he’s here. Or did.”
“What happened to them,” Sam questions.
“A week ago, they came back from what they said was an easy hunt. Three humans just came, didn’t put up any fight. But when they started on them, the vampires screamed in pain. The ones who ate died immediately.”
“And the ones who didn’t?”
“There was only. When he saw what happened, he moved to animals. He’s out hunting as we speak.”
“Never heard of vamps being allergic to humans before,” Dean says, turning to Sam and Addison.
“You think maybe it’s the corn syrup,” Sam asks. “I mean, think about it. The Gas n’ Sip was lousy with stoners. All ripe for the picking.”
“She did that it was an easy hunt,” Addison reminds.
“Do you know where the Alpha is now?”
“I don’t know,” the young woman answers. “Maybe. He has a place he goes when something’s wrong. He call it his retreat.” Sam pulls out his phone. “What is that?”
“That’s, uh, that’s Sam douche tracker,” Dean replies. Addison shoots him an incredulous look. “Helps up find the Alpha. All we need’s an address.”
“I don’t know. But I remember things that maybe can help.”
“That’s okay,” Sam reassures. “Just do the best you can.”
“I can’t do this, guys,” Dean complains as they walk out of the grocery store. Sam was carrying a bag of fresh vegetables and fruit. Addison rolls her eyes. “I can’t live on rabbit food. I’m - I’m a warrior.”
“You’ll be fine,” Addison tells him.
“You don’t know that, Ads.”
“So, what’s next on the list,” Sam asks.
“Well, if we’re bum rushing the Alpha, then we’re gonna need dead man’s blood, which mean a morgue. Or…”
“Or what,” Sam and Addison asks.
They follow Dean’s gaze to where a man was sitting on a bench, drinking a Big Gulp. “You fucking kidding me,” Addison says, shaking her head.
“Forget the morgue. We are swimming in vamp poison,” Dean tells them.
“No, we can’t just walk up to someone and ask for their blood,” Addison argues. She turns to Sam, hoping he would take her side. She finds a contemplative look on his face. “Seriously?”
They walk over to the man. “Excuse me, sir,” Sam says. “Hi. We’re with the…Red Cross? See, we have an emergency shortage.” He pulls out his FBI badge. “And we’re gonna need you to…” Sam trails off when the man looks up at him with a blank look. “You’re not getting a word I’m saying, are you?”
“Hey,” Dean says, snapping his fingers in the man’s face. He sits down next to him. “Hold out your arm. We need your blood.”
“Dean,” Addison snaps as the man holds out an arm.
“All right, Sam.” Dean pulls out the syringe and hands it to Sam. “Tap the keg.”
“Here,” Sam disbelievingly asks.
“Yeah, Sam, look around. It’s fucking Woodstock. Everybody’s hopped up on the brown acid. We don’t need the song and dance. Give him a little prick.”
Addison shakes her head as she sits down next to Dean. Sam sits on the other side of the man and pushes the syringe into the back of the man’s hand. “Ow! That hurts. This is for Hurricane Katrina, you said,” the man asks.
“Yes. Yes. I did.”
“So, look, uh, when we get there…” Sam trails off.
Sam glances back at the car where the young woman, whose name they learned was Emily, was sitting. “Bobby’s gonna have to hang back. Do you disagree?”
“He ain’t gonna like it. I mean, he helped us in getting Emily.”
“Look, I’m Team Bobby, too. Okay? But there’s a reason we left him in the car with Emily. You know that. The more action he sees, the more chance he gets to spin out.”
Dean turns to Addison and she sighs. “I’m with Sam on this one,” she softly tells him.
“All right, fine. So, we’ll keep him off the front lines and he can just, you know, keep calm and carry on, right.” A police car slowly drives by them, with ‘Why Can’t We Be Friends’ blaring from the speakers.
“Well and if he can’t,” Sam asks.
"When they hauled you off to vamp camp, do you remember how long the drive was,” Dean questions Emily as their latest piece of junk car speeds down the dark highway. Emily was sitting in the backseat with Addison.
“We left at night," Emily tells him. “Got in before dawn.”
“Maybe six or seven hours,” Addison asks.
“I think so, yes.”
“Do you remember any highways,” Sam asks.
Emily shakes her head. “No. We only took back roads.”
“Okay. So, figure they averaged forty-five miles per—”
“Couldn't have been more than three hundred miles,” Dean interrupts.
“What direction were you going?”
“I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
“You’re doing fine, Emily,” Addison softly reassures. “Is there anything else you can remember?”
“Bells. As we pulled up, I heard these loud bells.”
“What it still dark out?”
“You thinking church, Ads,” Dean asks.
“That’s too early for mass. More like a monastery. Monks get up at four a.m. to pray.”
Dean shakes his head. “Can’t get laid. Can’t sleep in. A fucking tragedy. Okay, so, Alpha’s camping next to, a, uh, monkey house.” He glances at his younger brother and finds Sam glued to his phone. “How many we got in range?”
“Looks like one. Just outside, uh…” Sam trails off as they speed past a sign declaring they were entering Missoula, Montana.
They drive to the nearby monastery and park in front of the gates. “This is where he took me,” Emily tells them, looking around.
Sam frowns, noticing that someone appeared to be patrolling the area. He notices another person standing guard on the roof. “Are you sure?”
Emily nods. “What now?”
“We’ll get you someplace safe. Circle back and Ginsu these leeches,” Dean says.
Addison raises an eyebrow as the TV host talks about the details of a house. The trio had checked into a nearby motel in order to leave Emily somewhere safe. Addison turns as Dean holds out one of the syringes filled with blood from a stoner. “All right, here we go,” Dean says, handing a syringe to Sam. “Ten ccs of vamptonite.” Sam and Addison shoot him annoyed looks. “It’s a thing.”
“What’s a Kardashian,” Emily asks.
“Oh, that’s, uh, just another bloodsucker.”
An alarmed look appears on Emily’s face. “He’s joking,” Addison reassures. “Dean isn’t good at making jokes.”
“What,” Dean replies, walking over to the safe. “I’m hilarious.”
“Here,” Sam says, holding out a piece of paper to Emily. “If we’re not back by dawn, call this number. Jody Mills. She’s a friend. She’ll take care of you. Here, use this phone.” He also hands her an older flip phone.
“You gotta hang here,” Dean quietly says as he puts Bobby’s flask in the safe. “For your own good. Capiche?”
“Sam,” Emily says, standing up. “Thank you.”
“You bet.”
Dean opens the motel door and it slams shut. “It was wind,” Dean tells an alarmed Emily. He shoots her a smile that didn’t come off as reassuring. “Chill out, Bobby,” he whispers. “We’ll be back soon.”
Dean opens the door and the trio walks out. “Well, he didn’t take that very well,” Sam says.
“How’d you think he was gonna take it?”
Sam bumps into a cleaning cart being pushed by a maid. “Excuse me,” the maid says and continues walking down the hallway.
“Sorry,” Sam apologizes.
“Well, this time of day, most of them would be catching z’s,” Dean says, parking the car outside of the monastery. “They won’t know what hit them.” Dean looks between Sam and Addison when neither of them say anything. “Hey. You guys with me?”
“Yeah,” Sam replies, turning from looking out of the window.
“Are you sure you just want to charge in there, machetes blazing? Last time, it took a dozen hunters to take down the Alpha. And most of them didn’t make it out.”
“I’m with Dean on this one,” Addison says.
“Can you say that again? And slowly,” Dean replies, smirking.
“Shut up. But, yeah, most of them will be asleep. It’s the best plan we have. Unless you can think of a better one, Sam.”
“Actually I do,” Sam says, looking between them. He tells them his idea and Dean and Addison exchange a look.
Addison nods. “All right then. Let’s go.” She climbs out of the car and the boys follow suit. They quietly make their way to the main entrance of the monastery. Sam pushes on the door and it easily opens.
“Maybe we’re too late,” Dean quietly says.
“Or it’s a trap,” Addison softly replies as Sam starts to enter the monastery. A force jerks him inside. “Sam!” Dean lunges through the door and is grabbed. Addison steps through the door and is also grabbed. The vampire bares it’s fangs at her.
The vampires lead them through the monastery and into a dining room. At the end of the table was the Alpha. “The Winchesters. I’m intrigued,” the alpha greets.
Emily enters the room and stands behind the alpha’s chair. “Emily,” Sam states.
“Hi, Sam,” Emily replies, placing a hand on the back of the alpha’s chair.
“Wow. For a girl raised in a basement, you’re a hell of an actress,” Dean says.
“You were gonna hurt my daddy.”
“Wow. You got a trophy in Stockholm Syndrome. And sorry to burst your bubble, but, uh, we weren’t. Sam here had a better idea.”
“We’re here to talk,” Sam says. “That’s it.”
The alpha scoffs. “Now that my guys have taken your blades and your syringes of tainted blood. Is that what you mean?”
“Well, we, uh, figured you might hold a grudge,” Dean defends.
“And why would I? Because you captured me, tortured me, sold me to the king of Hell?”
“That was more our grandpa.” A vampire slams Dean against the table and he falls to the ground. He groans as he pushes himself up. “Thank you. That was awesome.”
“I’m going to peel off your faces and drink you slowly.”
“Look, you need us,” Addison says.
“Oh, yes. I am thirsty!”
“The plague,” Sam says. “We know what it is! What do you know about Leviathan?”
“A bit.”
“You know they’re poisoning the food supply?”
“Roman didn’t mention that when we met for dinner last fall. We made lots of plans. We are on excellent terms, he and I.”
“You sure about that? Did he mention that he was going to Maui wowie the human population?”
“Oh, of course. He said grabbing a snack would easier than ever.”
“He said you’d all live together, didn’t he,” Sam asks. “You really believe him? You think your children are dying by accident? There is pesticide in the formula!”
“It suits you to think so. You need me on your side.”
“Hey, we’re not the ones that are burning from the inside whenever we eat,” Addison argues. “Think about it. Whatever deal he made with you was bullshit. And you know it. You can trust us.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because we can stop Dick,” Sam answers. “Stop all of it. We just…we need your blood. For the weapon.”
The Alpha scoffs. “So now you want to prevent the extermination of the vampire race.”
“No,” Dean replies. “But it beats going down with you.”
The door opens and they turn to see a young boy enter the room. “Allan, darling. Come.” The boy walks over to the Alpha and stands on the other side of the chair.
“Well, the creep gets creepier.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Edgar’s here,” Allan informs.
The trio exchanges a look as Allan walks out of the room. “Wow, what a funny coincidence,” Dean says. “All right, we need soap, uh, cleanser, anything with borax in it. We need knives.”
“Put them in the study,” the Alpha orders.
“What? No, no, no, wait,” Addison says as vampires grab them.
“Word of advice. You do not live through centuries of fire and ice and continental divide by jumping to conclusions.”
The vampires push the trio out of the room. “You’re making a mistake,” Sam shouts. “Listen! Wait!” They’re shoved into a nearby room and the door shuts behind them. Addison sighs as she looks around the room. There were a couple of desks and bookshelves in the room, along with a refrigerator with blood bags hanging in them.
Addison turns when Dean walks over to the door and tries pulling it open, only to find that it’s been locked from the outside. “Anything,” Dean asks, turning back to them.
“Nothing,” Sam replies. “You think Edgar’s here for the same reason we are? I mean, look, if they figured out that we’re here to get Alpha blood for a weapon…”
“I think any way you slice it, you got Pac Man and True Blood in the same room and that’s bad news. I mean, he’s not stupid. Why the hell do you think he locked us in here?”
“Dean, we’re his enemy. I mean, they’re like monster cousins or something. Who would you give the benefit of the doubt to? Man, you know what? Maybe the Sucro is poisoning the vamps on accident. Maybe they’ll fix it.”
Addison scoffs. “Sam, one of the planet’s oldest monsters is thinking that he can take the leviathans because he’s always been able to.”
“Edgar’s gonna eat him alive.”
“Hey,” Dean says, holding up a needle from one of the blood bags. “You think one of you could pick a lock with this.”
Addison takes the needle out of his hand and walks over to the door. “Dean, we gave up all our vamptonite,” Sam reminds his older brother.
“Did we,” Dean counters, pulling a syringe out of his boot.
“Hey,” Addison softy calls. The trio slips out of the room and makes their way downstairs. A vampire grabs Addison and pulls her against his chest. Dean injects some on of the vamptonite and the vampire instantly releases Addison. They watch as the vampire lets out a scream and falls to the ground with his skin burning.
“Wow,” Dean says, examining the dead vampire. He stands up. “Fucking vamptonite. All right, we need knives. There’s got to be a prep room or a kitchen somewhere. Come on.”
After finding a repair room and grabbing some machetes, the trio makes their way back to the main dining room. When Edgar’s mouth opens to reveal his true teeth, Dean walks up behind him. Edgar turns as Dean swings his arm and stops Dean from slicing his head off. The machete falls to the ground. Edgar grabs Dean’s jacket and yanks him forward. Sam walks up behind the leviathan and slices his head off. “Grab a glass,” Dean says, walking over to the Alpha. “We’re juicing this freak.”
“No,” Emily screams, protectively standing in front of the Alpha.
“Stay back!”
The Alpha sends Dean flying across the table. “Leave her alone,” the Alpha snaps. “She’s been through quite enough.”
“Now, that’s rich,” Sam replies. “Coming from the guy who took her off the swing set.”
“Do you want to do this fight? Or do you want my blood?” The trio remains silent as the Alpha sits down in his chair and slices his wrist with a long fingernail. The blood drips into a glass and the Alpha holds it out to Addison. “For taking care of Edgar. Now go.”
“What about the little boy,” Sam asks.
“Are you joking?”
“Do we look like we’re joking,” Dean argues. “How many other kids you got in here, you freak?”
“At the moment, just him. Emily, help Allan with with his coat. He’s living with Sam and Dean. Now, take it.” Addison picks up the glass and starts to walk to the door. “What? No ‘thank you?’ Oh, right, right. Your flesh is crawling. All you really want to do is kill me now. You hate having to wait and come back and try again.”
“Pretty much.” Dean motions to the Edgar’s body. “I wouldn’t leave that head too close to that body for too long.”
“See you next season.”
“Looking forward to it.”
After dropping Allan off at the nearest police station in town and having to deal with the questions from the police, the trio had made their way back to their motel. “Let’s never do that again,” Dean says as they walk down the hallway to their room. “Cops through we took that kid.”
“Long as he gets back to his folks, I don’t care what they thought,” Sam counters.
“Sam, we had to jump out of a window,” Addison reminds, rubbing her shoulder. She bumps into Dean when they reach their room. The door was slightly opened. They each pull out a gun before slowly making their way into the room.
The mirror above the sink was cracked. “Bobby,” Dean calls out. “Bobby?”
“Dean, Ads.” They turn to see Sam standing by the safe. It was open and empty. Sam pulls out his EMF meter and turns it on. “I’m getting trace bits of EMF, but it’s fading fast. And Bobby’s probably been gone three or four hours. He’s got the flask, Dean. How the hell are we supposed to track him? Look, I hate to say this...”
“Well, then don’t,” Dean snaps. “He’s gone. How could he do this...now? I mean, we’ve got half the fucking weapon, we’re almost there.”
“He’s not thinking clearly, Dean,” Addison reminds him.
“So, what, we just keep going while he’s out there like this?”
Addison exchanges a look with Sam. “I don’t think we have another option. It’s what Bobby would want us to do. Right?”
“Yeah. Yeah, him and Frank and Cas, if his marbles were in the bag. It’s a good thing we got Crowley in our corner. Right? Seeing as how it all comes down to him.” Dean scoffs. “What could possibly go wrong?”
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