#We crave your soft selfies
Soft-Selfie Wang YiBo: A Collection
Let’s celebrate that fact that we got a new selfie from Wang YiBo…
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…with this series of WYB’s soft selfies:
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See Mirror-Selfie-Era Wang YiBo
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Hi! If requests are still open, can I request for a Reader who like prince charming in manga or manhwa? Like the reader is such a gentleman(or gentlewoman), treat the TWST guy like a princess, and even when the TWST guys fall the reader just caught them and say "are you ok, princess?"or something similar? For self-aware!Au and Leona/Malleus/Vil if possible? Thank you! Please take time to rest and feel free to delete it if it broke the rule or you are not comfortable making it! 😊
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNING: Yandere themes, neglect, family problems, stalking, taking photos without consent, invasion of privacy, violence, unhealthy relationships
Leona Kingscholar/Vil Schoenheit/Malleus Draconia-Player is like prince charming
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Imagine this: Leona tripping over air, a most heinous thing hiding in plain sight, and then suddenly something catches him
If it weren't for your face being so famous he would have thought you were a student from RSA
“Are you alright?” Yeah, I think he is. Other than the fact that he stares at you like the red dot of a laser pointer is on your forehead, he is fine
What he didn't know though was how everyone else in the hallway was just staring at the two of you. Could be the stars and flowers surrounding you two but what do I know?
If Leona wasn't such a loner then he would have started a fan club or something like that
But since he can't he is more on the “silent screeching teenager on the inside” trip
Like, my man is hiding behind corners, snapping pics, trying to smell the slightest bit of your perfume
Ok, maybe he is a bit more intense than an entire fan club usually is but he is just trying to figure out more about his prince char- *ahem* you
And we wouldn't be talking about Leona if there wouldn't be the tiniest bit of that, you know, manipulating others
Ruggie once more gets a chance to make others have “accidents” but if it would be too obvious why he orders him to do that then he can also take care of it himself
You know, roughing up a few students who came too close to you. That kind of stuff
But oh, how much he wishes that you would pay most of your attention on him
Leoan might not seem like it but all the years of neglect back home had made him crave it
So he gifts you a lot of things
From simple things for everyday use to luxurious accessories
But why won't you accept them? Do you dislike him that much? What else does he need to do? Tell him. Tell him!
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Dramatic violin chorus, Vil falling backwards from the stairs, heels caught in the carpet, one last desperate look into the air before a chorus of opera singers screams in despair to add even more dramatic flair to the situation
And then, nothing. A soft cello plays a soft tune as arms close around his waist, stars sparkling in Vils eyes as his gaze falls upon his savior
Birds are singing and warm sunlight falls upon the duo... until the two Pomefiore students who carried a mirror start to move again making the reflecting light which fell on the two of you break away once more
Five meters away Epel just stares at you two with an expression that can only be described as “Ugh”
Rook stops the music which played in the background, the piece surprisingly supportive of the situation
As if the moment needed even the slightest bit more to seem like an abridged version of a Disney film you even asked Vil if he was alright
One second later and Epel asked himself what the heck Disney is
But congrats, you have now what Vil would call “a troublesome fan”
Oh no, Vil wouldn't buy merch of you or something like that. He has an even better collection
If you were to push his clothing in his closet to the side you would see its wooden back littered with photos of you
Some are a few selfies the two of you had snapped together (it was just a nice memory. He totally didn't mean to use it in any creepy means) and other photos you were not aware of
Some of them are taken disturbingly in private moments like when you were cooking and somewhere buried even deeper is even one when you were starting to change your clothing...
Vil also starts to hog all your time
No more eating lunch with a group of students you deemed your friends. Oh no, now it's Vil, Epel and ,if our local harassments of overgrown house cats has behaved well, even Rook
Although Vil doesn't trust Rook 100% when something is about you. The queen knows after all that the hunter has his own sights on you and is more than ready to snatch you up at any moment
Should you try to distance yourself though I recommend wearing long sleeves, otherwise the desperate clawing of nails that are way too sharp will rip your skin to shreds, a desperate fan of yours hanging just as desperate as the fairest Queen was on her beauty on your arm
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Do you hear that too? What you don't? Did I imagine the wedding bells just now?
When Malleus fell from his broom, most ungraceful, he was surprised when you suddenly caught him (although this tiny bit of hight wouldn't be able to harm him)
Even after he reassured you that he was more than just alright you still insisted to bring him to the school nurse just to be sure and even then you still treated him like he was something easily broken
Is... Is this how normal people feel when someone takes care of them?
The poor school nurse was almost screeching in fear when Malleus suddenly made a sound akin to purring
The situation is kinda as if the prince who fought against Maleficent suddenly apologized after striking her, making sure that she got better and then proposing to her
Ok, maybe he imagined the last part but he is just a lovesick fire spewing lizard in human form. Let him have his fantasies!
Malleus isn't your ordinary Fae though. Oh no. You are courted by royalty here but given his rather... unhealthy interest in you I am not sure if you could consider this a win or a loss
Gold, rubies, diamonds and much, much more is at your disposal. Don't tell anybody. Otherwise there will be break-ins
At this point it's a normal occurrence to see a scene from those clichè romance novels acted out in the hallways of NRC
But since Malleus has “Fae-prince-who-can-end-your-life-with-the-snap-of-a-finger” privileges no one dares to say anything
Malleus wouldn't be a good dragon if he weren't even the lighter bit hoarding
Only that it isn't just “a bit” but rather “hoards all the time” when something concerns you
And suddenly eh invites you to visit the Valley of Thorns
“Visit” haha, funny
Have you heard? There are rumors of Briar Valley soon having a second future ruler. Huh? Who? I don't know? But aren't you close to Malleus? Maybe he knows something
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fantasticsandwich · 1 month
yandere influencer x fem! reader (pt 1)
Don't you know you're the apple of his eye?
The dull hum of the museum’s air conditioning blended with the soft shuffle of footsteps, hardly alleviating the stifling heat that clung to  your skin. You trailed behind Cillian, gaze lingering on a serene landscape that seemed worlds away from the cramped gallery you occupied. However, instead of succumbing to the immense discomfort of being perceived, Cillian was in his element, angling his body to capture the perfect selfie, his phone held aloft.
“Stand over there,” he directed without looking your way, focused on capturing his reflection in the glass protecting a centuries-old portrait. “I need more light.”
Yielding an ungodly ring light, you shuffled into place, feeling the tight pull of your blouse as you dangled it over your head. Struggling to hold it in one hand, you fidgeted, tugging at the fabric, wishing you could blend into the walls and disappear. Your oversized glasses slid down the bridge of your nose as you glanced at Cillian, who paused to wipe a bead of sweat from his forehead before flashing another practiced smile at his phone. Or rather, yours, because he thought pictures always looked better through your lens despite the inferior quality.
A couple cast a glare in your direction, clearly annoyed by the disruption. You watched Cillian wave dismissively at the glaring onlookers, his attention never straying from the image on his screen.
“Can’t have them ruining the shot,” he murmured.
As Cillian lined up another photo,  your thoughts churned. The museum had become a stage, and Cillian, its sole performer. Every sculpture, every painting—they were merely props for his endless stream of portraits. You wondered if he saw anything beyond the likes and comments each picture might garner.
“Isn’t it hot in here?” you ventured, seeking some acknowledgment of the discomfort you felt. “The light isn’t helping. Maybe we could enjoy the art without—”
“Comfort doesn’t get followers, Y/N,” he interjected, his tone light but firm. “You know how it is. Image is everything.”
“Right, of course,” you answered, your cheerful facade slipping into place as easily as your sleeves slipping down your arms. “Image is everything.”
In the silence that followed, punctuated only by the sound of Cillian’s camera shutter, the art around you—a tapestry of colors and emotions—seemed to fade into the background, overshadowed by the one-sided performance playing out before it.
His silhouette morphed with the statue beside him, his body language shifting from casual to statuesque in a heartbeat.
“Y/N,” he called over his shoulder. “Stand next to that one. I want  a photo. It looks like you.”
You hesitated, your eyes tracing the contours of the marble goddess before her: poised, serene, and eternally graceful. You glanced down at your own trendy and curated, yet slightly mismatched attire.
“Um, sure,” you replied, stepping forward with a forced smile. Your limbs felt awkward as you raised an arm, trying to emulate the statue's elegant gesture. The solid chill of the museum air wrapped around your exposed skin, making you acutely aware of how out of place you looked.
“Just like that,” Cillian encouraged from behind the camera, his voice smooth as silk. The device made a soft click sound as it captured the moment.
“Did it turn out okay?” You asked, hoping your performance had been convincing enough to meet his standards.
“Let me see,” Cillian murmured, tapping on the screen with slender fingers. A pause stretched between the pair, filled with the hum of distant conversation and the subtle clicks of camera shutters from other visitors. “Perfect,” he declared, the word dropping from his lips like a verdict. He switched off the camera, his eyes not meeting yours. “Just perfect.”
Your heart fluttered with a mixture of relief and unease. His approval was something you couldn’t help but crave, despite the cost. His hand brushed against yours as he handed back the device, leaving a trail of cold uncertainty in its wake.
“Thanks for helping,” he said with a smile. “Let me treat you to something.”
Exiting the viewing hall, the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the muted whispers of other patrons as you and Cillian found your way to a secluded bench in the museum's on-site cafe. A sigh escaped  you, your shoulders slumping slightly as you settled onto the cool metal seat, Cillian taking the booth. Already, he held his phone. His thumbs flicked across the screen, dredging forth a gallery of images.
“Look,” Cillian said, holding the phone between them. On the screen was a photo of him standing confidently next to a marble statue, both strikingly handsome, distant and untouchable, cold in their own regard. “Which is prettier?”
You hesitated, your gaze flitting between his expectant eyes and the image of the two figures frozen in time. You zoomed in to inspect their expressions. The statue’s face was one of great speculation, perhaps even sorrow. Cillian, though undeniably attractive, seemed haughty, almost too aware of his beauty. You experienced a surge of jealousy when you realized his skin was as pale as marble and his eyes were as clear as the glass protecting it from view. Adorned by a light blush, his cheeks were not untouched by the heat. Still, not a single hair was out of place. Not a single blemish or dark spot on that noble farce. His skin was smoother than porcelain.
Meanwhile, spotting your bespeckled reflection on the screen nearly caused your heart to stop. Little flyaway strands plastered against your forehead and splay out across your flushed cheeks. Sighing, you turned your head away, pressing against your shoulder to push your glasses up the bridge of your nose. You felt a dull ache as your lips parted to answer, only for the words to tangle in your throat.
“Hard to choose, right?”
“Both are remarkable,” you managed to say, your words carefully neutral. You hoped your voice didn't betray the unease that coiled within, the sense of being tested. His smile widened, but there was a sharpness to it that didn't quite reach his eyes, and you wondered if your response had been enough to satisfy.
“Of course,” Cillian replied, the word drawn out like a soft purr. “But I’d prefer you say I’m living art.”
Your gaze lingered on the screen as Cillian flicked to another photograph, this one a close-up of his profile silhouetted against a canvas of Renaissance art. His nose stood out. Roman, straight, and perfect, casting a shadow that seemed sculpted by the same hands that had carved the figures they admired all afternoon.
“You are. You look like a statue,” you murmured, voice laced with an involuntary admiration that made your stomach clench. Why weren’t you as pretty as him? Was some cosmic force punishing you for a misdeed in a past life?
“Yeah?” Cillian reveled in your praise, leaning closer. “And what about my other features? Do you think they’re just as perfect?”
You glanced at the high curve of his cheekbones, the arch of well-groomed brows, and how his smile never appeared to belong to you.
“More so. It could’ve been modeled off of you, but you’re still incomparable.”
Abruptly popping out his seat, Cillian muttered an excuse and bolted to the counter. He swiped your desserts up and returned in three long strides. Carefully, he placed them onto the table. Humming cheerfully, you swiped a spoon off the table and guided its tapered head to the dessert.
“Wait,” he said, hand blocking the spoon’s path. “Take some pictures.”
Sighing, you yielded and accepted his phone. The parfait was already melting into a puddle of unappealing, inedible goo, but you slid it across the table. When you pulled back from the lukewarm glass, sugary residue clung to your fingers. The strawberry syrup was congealing, slowly sinking to the bottom to mingle with the yogurt, bleeding pink.
Staring at the mess, you licked your lips. You longed to steal a spoonful, but you couldn’t even consider eating until Cillian decided they had enough pictures. Already, you had snapped fifteen at every angle possible. Upon request, you even shimmied out of your seat to take more.
To think, you could’ve been at home, studying, doing anything else instead of practicing your still-life portrait skills. You shouldn’t have been so excited to be invited out by Cillian. Excitement only brought disappointment.
Popping upright, your knee nearly knocked against the underside of the table. At the last second, Cillian reached out, slotting his hand between to lessen the impact. His skin was warm and soft against yours. His palm enveloped the entirety of your knee. You winced and nervously laughed at the contact, swatting him away.
“Tell me what you think about them,” you said, passing the phone back into the hands of its owner.
Your beaded keychain snagged on a strand of hair that had fallen loose from your ponytail. Wincing, you halted to allow Cillian to detangle it. Once free, you moved to stand at his side, peering over his shoulder as he flicked through every photo. One by one, Cillian kept zooming in on his face, only to pinch his fingers back out to focus on a minuscule detail. Not a single pixel was free from scrutiny.
Slipping his phone into his pocket, he sighed. His hands snuck out across the table, then his gangly arms followed. Elbows resting on the table, he cradled his face in his palms. His gaze rose, narrowed onto you, startlingly innocent.
Although it enhanced his features during photoshoots, you loathed his opaque expressions. Even after several years of knowing him, it was impossible to gauge his response, to anticipate his next word. Fortunately, most of his requests were only minimally irritating to fulfill.
“Can you take a few more pics on your phone? Maybe they’ll turn out different.” He requested, peering up from his device. Neck craned back to view you, his hair flopped over, billowing out into disarray.
A stray strand brushed against your nose, tickling. His roots were growing in, stark against his bleached strands. You pursed your lips, urging your attention elsewhere. Otherwise, he’d ask what you were looking at, and you’d have no choice but to answer. Since that apparently wasn’t a solitary task, you could expect to dedicate an additional hour to helping him pick a shade then dye his hair.
Self-conscious at the proximity, you stabbed your fingers through your hair, tugging the thick mop back. Prodding through knots, you felt the sweat of your scalp melting through your fingertips, boiling into your skin. Mournfully, you realized you would have to take another shower. And to think, you finished your favorite shampoo the morning prior. You’d ask him to buy more and call it a photography fee.
Feeling more coerced than inspired into the act, you sighed and snatched your bag off the back of the chair. Rummaging through the contents, you plucked your phone out. Cillian eyed the keychain with a small grin.
You inhaled for the sake of your patience. Lowering into another awkward position, you guided the camera around, searching for the perfect angle as he posed, arms thrown over the back of the plush seat.
He was rather opinionated about composition; he liked either having his face centered in images or leaning more to the right-hand side. Rule of thirds, symmetry, and whatnot. A simple photo became a portrait, something meant to rival baroque image. You clicked another picture when he scooped a glob of the parfait onto the spoon. Another, when he took a bite, then another when he pressed the spoon to his lips, and another when his eyes fluttered shut.
At some point during the ten-minute extension, a drop of the watery yogurt slipped past your trained eye, dribbling onto his chin. You set the phone down and moved to grab a tissue off of the table when he prompted you to continue. You complied. At last, Cillian decided to grant your wobbly arms mercy as he finally picked his final pose. To end it, he winked and blew a kiss. 
You grumbled, plotting back onto your seat. You winced when the cold metal touched your thighs. “Pay me.”
“An air kiss isn’t enough? Want a real one?”
“Pass. I’d rather gut myself.” You swiped your hair over your shoulder and grabbed a stack of napkins to fan yourself with. Hoping to experience a reprieve from the heat, you reached for your dessert and was sorely disappointed to discover that it had liquified. Only the precipitation clinging to the cup was cold. You grabbed the cup and sloshed its contents around, watching globs spill over the edge. You looked over at Cillian’s dessert and sighed upon discovering that it was in an even worse state. His big, warm hands had cradled it for too long.
Opening up Instagram, you slumped over, assassinated by a surge of jealousy. Posts about vacations in Granada, California, and Rome filled your recommended feed. These broke college students shouldn’t have been partying abroad, living it up. And why were they on vacation when there were still two weeks of spring semester left? Did they take their finals early? How? Could you still get in on the action? Oh well; it wasn’t as if you had money for plans anyway.
When you were done imposing misery upon yourself, you handed your phone to Cillian. He accepted it with the grace of a dog snagging meat.
“I appreciate it,” he said, attention glued to the screen. You saw the images flash across his eyes, his own face superimposed on his retinas as he zoomed in, pinching and frowning. After browsing and sending the photos, he placed your phone down on his lap. Ignoring your sudden anxiety, he rested his hands on the table and smiled. “I mean it. No one else does this for me. Thank you.”
You observed the rings on his knuckles. Glinting like teeth in subdued laughter, he tapped against the table. So pretty and shiny, gleaming with sunlight… And that face… If you became rich enough, you would consider asking him for fashion and skincare advice. He’d taken to giving you gifts at random, and all the products were from expensive brands you couldn’t pronounce.
The perks of having a trust fund, you supposed.
“You’re leaving the country soon, right?” You leaned back against the chair and splayed out your legs, recoiling when your foot made contact with his shim.
A trickle of sweat ran past your neck, seeping down to the plunge of your shirt. Contrarily, Cillian was dressed to attract the sun; he wore a dark dress shirt, rolled up to his elbows. The top few buttons were unfastened to reveal the black designer t-shirt trapped beneath. His jeans were black, with slices at the knees.
“I’ll only be gone for two weeks. Why do you ask? Are you going to miss me? Already feeling the crushing weight of my absence? Don’t worry. I’ll text you everyday. I’ll even bring you souvenirs.”
“No.” Firmly, you shook your head. “You’re the one who’s going to miss me.”
“Get WhatsApp so I can text you without getting charged. It’s about time you finally downloaded it.”
“So you can spam my messages with even more pictures of yourself? No thanks. You have a mirror, and my gallery is already filled by you.” You narrowed your eyes. “Even if I wanted to, how can I download anything if you have my phone?”
“You mean this thing?” Teasingly, Cillian brandished the device. When you reached for it, he leaned back, toting it out of reach. “I can figure out your password and get it for you.”
He typed random combinations of numbers until he successfully unlocked it.  You rose from your seat, more serious about retrieving it. To counter, Cillian hunched over, shielding the screen with his body.
“Relax,” he said, head disappearing beneath the table. Self-conscious again, you tugged your skirt down. “I’m sending myself the photos you took of me.”
Red with anger, you joined him, ducking beneath the table. With the slit of your phone screen showing through the opening in his posture, you glanced down, realizing he was going through your messages and replying with a selfie of himself.
“Cillian…” You grasped his shoulder. “Stop being a cunt. I’m not getting WhatsApp if you’re going to keep acting like this.”
Ignoring you, he abruptly stood. In y ourhaste to follow, your head slammed on the underside of the table. With a hand pressed against your scalp, you rose, only to encounter your frazzled expression staring back on the screen.
“Say cheese!”
Holding the phone over his head, Cillian snapped a selfie of you. As usual, he was smiling, sparkling, while your hair was frazzled and your face was sullen. Although you begged him not to, he promptly posted the picture to your Instagram, accompanied by some of the parfait and himself.
“Cillian,” you tried again. Shaking his shoulders, you groaned when he refused to budge. “Alright, then. I guess I’m just gonna get your phone.”
As if shocked by lightning, he jolted upright. He stared at her, eyes peering into your soul. “Go on. I don’t have anything to hide. But why don’t you want me to have yours? Do you have something to hide?”
“Nothing at all.”
“Good.” He shot you one of his infamous, heart-melting smiles. “Since I already looked at yours, we can look at mine together. It’d please you, right?”
There were moments when he sounded peculiar. Was it something in his tone, or was it his irregular phrasing? Regardless of the strange feeling’s origin, you felt a guilty caution and were inclined to dishonesty in his presence. You wouldn’t want to be a bad friend by misinterpreting his overly-zealous intentions.
Swiping his phone off the table, Cillian placed it into your palm. He relayed the password, but his hand remained enclosed around yours, so you punched in the code with your thumb. Chewing your cheek,  you scrolled, hesitantly tapping onto a conversation, utterly disinterested until you saw the strange memes passed between Cillian and his friend.
“Here,” you said, resigned as you handed the device back.
He smiled. “See? Nothing to hide.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Shrugging, Cillian retrieved your phone from his pocket again to scrutinize the photos in your camera roll, trained on his appearance as he glided between filters and toyed with the saturation.
You futilely observed him before redirecting your thoughts to something more productive, the upcoming final exams. Soon thought, you began to daydream about fast cars and countryside estates, forgetting how, with the new year’s onset, you watched self-help videos, browsed countless articles to curb your materialistic tendencies.
You took up new hobbies with your friends, painting and snacking on charcuterie and wine. You denied yourself the pleasures of theaters, of restaurants and shopping hauls. But when your paycheck arrived, you found yourself partitioning it into tuition costs, then different discretionary categories.
Your mother incessantly begged you to enjoy your youth. One day, you’d have a fulfilling hospital job, packed with plentiful hours. Even then, there was an expected exchange of currency; time for a pay stub. So, at some point, you lost the desire to save and smartly concluded, that whether for necessity or whim, people only made money to spend it. Money was entertainment. Money was activity. Money was the tears in your mother’s eyes when you paid for half of your snot-nosed brother’s school fees.
Money was whatever you needed it to be, and it was all you lived for. You had tried amending this mindset countless times, but no other inspiration stuck. It was fortunate that you were friends with someone who had too much of it. Cillian spoiled you on excursions, with gifts. So, if he had money, then money was him, and by proxy, you were getting that bag while being in his presence.
Once, during your final year of secondary school, you turned to Cillian for advice. You purchased a shirt from a designer brand and wore it to his birthday party, only to have his younger cousin spill juice on you, Rianning it. On the verge of a breakdown, you stormed to the kitchen. As you furiously scrubbed your shirt with a dishrag, you heard footsteps in pursuit. Teary-eyes, you turned to him and asked to hear his truth of the world.
He hadn’t been rich back then. He was only the boy in the council house next to yours, your life-long friend. He knew you better than you knew yourself. You were attuned to his every quirk.
“I’m so tired of buying, buying, buying, but never feeling like I have enough. How do you get through it? Feeling like you’re enough without having it?”
“I’ll show you,” he said, reaching into his pocket. He removed a small clasp mirror, the kind that comes free from stores with a hundred-dollar purchase, and unceremoniously presented it. “You’ve got to love yourself.”
“And how do I go about that when I haven’t the slightest clue?”
“It’s simple.” A light red tinted his cheeks. “You tell yourself ‘You’re everything I’ve ever wanted,’ and know that’s what you’re always meant to be. At the same time, you need to know you’re insignificant no matter what you do. Only relationships define you, and no one wants to be around someone pathetic. You’ll only be used like that, so you need to change to protect yourself.”
Almost reluctantly, he peered up from the glassy surface to look at you, but you felt as if he never truly looked away, as if he were still tracing the contours of his every feature through the glare of the spectacles perched on you nose.
“People say beauty is on the inside, but if you’re ugly on the inside, then you know it can be manufactured.”
Cillian still hadn’t stopped staring at himself as he walked past anything reflective, anything that resembled him. He’d still stare so deeply into your glasses, at his reflection in your eyes and you still wondered if he was searching for a mirror that would twist his form into something beautiful.
You were snapped out of the memory when he voiced a request.
“Your turn,” he said suddenly. “May I?”
“May you… May you do what?”
“You looked at me earlier. I want to do the same.”
“I  mean, you’re already looking at me…” You felt his stare and winced. “But it’s… alright? Yeah, go ahead.”
The air was thick as you waited, trying to anticipate his thoughts, unsure of what he had in mind. Cillian observed you with an intensity that felt almost palpable, his scrutiny a tangible force that rendered you immobile—a specimen under a microscope, a subject in a frame.
“Such pretty features,” he commented softly. His fingers slid along the curve of your cheek, coming to rest on the bridge of your nose. Before you could comprehend his intentions, he plucked your glasses off with a swift, almost surgical movement.
The world around you dissolved into a wash of colors, each brushstroke of reality smearing into an indistinguishable palette of hues. Sounds seemed to amplify in the absence of clear sight, the distant murmur of museum visitors swirling around like wind rustling through autumn leaves.
“You look better without these. You can’t see without them.” He dangled the glasses just out of focus, the lenses catching the light and casting ghostly reflections onto the blurred canvas. “But when I’m this close, can you only see me?” He leaned in, noses almost touching. “Sometimes, I like when you wear them, too.”
You blinked, trying to force clarity back into your vision, but it was futile. The room felt larger, more intimidating, as if the ceiling had stretched away and the walls were leaning in to listen. You were acutely aware of your heartbeat, a tumultuous rhythm against the backdrop of this disorienting scene.
“Cillian?” Your voice quivered slightly, betraying your unease.
“Shh,” he hushed, the sound slicing gently through the air. “Just look at me.”
You tried, oh how you tried, but his face was nothing more than a kaleidoscope of light and shadow, his features lost in a fog. He loomed over you, a specter made of shifting shades rather than flesh and bone. The faint scent of his cologne, usually so comforting, now seemed overpowering, filling your nostrils and clouding your thoughts.
“Beautiful,” he whispered, though whether he spoke of you or to himself, you couldn’t tell. The air was charged with a strange energy you couldn’t define. “Can you see me?”
“Only… only shapes. Outlines.”
“Like an abstract. Can you read me? Do you know what I mean?”
“No?” You said, uncertainty. “If you want to talk art, give me a day to talk to that one upperclassman who keeps begging to paint you.”
His presence was static, pointillism in slap-dash dots, yet there was a sharpness to it, like the glint of a knife hidden beneath silk. Suddenly, Cillian's hands cupped your face. His thumbs brushed against your cheeks in an unexpectedly tender gesture.
“You’re cute.” A soft laugh escaped his lips. The familiar sensation of being pinched and appraised was oddly comforting in its normalcy.
“Alright,” he said briskly, pulling away and breaking the momentary spell. Your gaze fluttered up, onto him. He stood, legs screeching against the ground as he jammed his chair under the table. “It’s about time to leave. We’ve got places to be.”
You blinked, trying to focus on his voice as it cut through the disorientation of your vision. “Can I have my glasses? And my phone?” you asked, reaching out in the direction of his voice, fingers grasping blindly at the air.
“Your glasses?” Cillian teased, dangling them just out of reach. “But you look so adorable without them.” His laugh held an edge, like the thin crack running down a perfectly glazed vase.
“As you know, I need to see,” you said, the words coming out more plaintive than intended. You felt for the spectacles once more, movements uncertain without sight to guide you.
With a sigh that suggested he was granting a favor, Cillian finally placed the glasses in your outstretched hand. The world snapped back into sharp relief as you slid them onto your nose, the cafe and its patrons coming into clear view once again.
“And this?” Cillian echoed, his tone playful. Retrieving the device from his pocket, he waved it around. “I’ll give it back, but you need to promise that we'll look at these together tomorrow. I want to coordinate our feeds.”
“Sure, yeah. We’ll align our online synergies tomorrow,” you echoed, using buzzwords and nodding although a part of you screamed in protest.
Standing, you snatched a few napkins and wiped down the photo shoot's debris. On the way out, you tossed the melted goo into the trash and bid him goodbye, slouching as you turned away and stepped onto the sidewalk, almost immediately surrounded by a torrent of pedestrians. You surged ahead, elbowing your way through the crowd.
“Hell is other people,” Cillian mindlessly commented. You instantly pinpointed his melodic voice amidst the throng. “Want me to give you a ride? Or walk you to the bus stop?”
Halting, you spun around, wrapping your hands around your mouth to shout. “No thanks. It’s not that far. You should also get home before it gets dark.”
“Alright. Be safe. Don’t get kidnapped.”
“Walking with you could endanger me. Someone would take you for ransom.”
“And you’d pay for it, wouldn’t you?”
“Well, I need to get my paycheck first.”
“Y/N,” he whined.
“You’re not Caesar, so why wouldn’t I?”
He shrugged and turned away, finally bidding you goodbye. His arms dropped to his side, madly swinging. You watched for a moment as he pranced, caught in his cool-guy act that he pursued it even as he stumbled over a curb. You chewed your lip to stifle a laugh, allowing yourself a final glance at his strange gait. You began at a leisurely pace, loosening up to let your arms swing like him. Maybe he was happy because he allowed himself to live so freely.
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
Hi ! For your event can i request yeonjun with best friend to lovers true with eventual smut??
Yes you can my friend 😼
Best Friends to Lovers with Choi Yeonjun:
cw - fluff, smut, Jjunie’s a tease, clearly I see him as a prince charming, clothed sex
Nothing says bsf Yeonjun more than the scenario where you and Yeonjun are besties signed under Hybe
The official unofficial couple of the company
Because you’re never apart
Even if you are, you talk about each other so much that nobody feels the other person’s absence
Present in spirit❤️
Living on through either of you gushing about your extra talented best friend slaying
(Yeonjun’s words not mine)
If someone hears loud noises coming from the hallways they just know you and Yeonjun bumped into each other
He’s the type of friend that talks to you the way people talk to babies
Until you have enough and start wrestling him
Imagine the shock in their dance instructors face when they come in and see the boys nonchalantly using their phones while you and Yeonjun do backslams and shit in the middle of the practice room
Safe to say everyone is jealous of how close and comfortable you two are with each other
The boys always take advantage of Yeonjun’s weak spot for you
Like when you come around they’re always blackmailing him into paying for all y’alls coffee because you asked for it first
(you didn’t but why would Soobin lie?)
Or prank calling you and telling you Yeonjun asked you to bring donuts to the dorm asap for a movie night
(Kai was the one craving donuts. Yeonjun wasn’t even invited to he movie night)
You and Beomgyu steal Yeonjun’s phone and take a million cryptic selfies that could be used as evidence as alien sightings
One particular image your Jjunie cherishes the most is a photo of yours where Beomgyu said something so unnaturally funny that your laugh emerged from your stomach
And you look truly happy in the image
You look absolutely radiant
Yeonjun has that as the only image in his favourites album for easy access
Every time he has a bad day he looks at that to lift him up
And one day you find him alone in the practice room staring intently at his phone
He hides it before you can catch it
It was something about a new choreo that was kicking his ass
You caress his head and Yeonjun looks up at your face, noses inches away
The intimate moment electrifies your bones.
The spark makes you run up and out of the room
Ofc Yeonjun runs after you
He finds you on the roof of the building with your head in your hands
You’re shocked to find him there because you thought he’d probably go down and out the building after you
You thought you were a genius coming up with this detour to get him off your back
“I know you like the back of my hand, remember?”
Now you do
“Why did you run away?”
No explanation has to be given for you both to know you’re on the same track regarding what you felt in that practice room five minutes ago
He steadily walks to you
“We can’t,”
“Why not?”
You’re shaking your head no when he cups your face and makes you look up at him
“Why not?”
His soft voice cradles your anxious body into a hug
“We’ve been best friends since we were fourteen–“
“We’re not fourteen anymore,”
You bite your lip and stare into his eyes to confirm if what you’re interpreting is really what he’s trying to say
“I love you. More than anything.”
The kiss you share is all infinite shades of passionate and desperate
So desperate that you can’t even make your way down to the practice room or find any empty room
Yeonjun turns you both around to a nearby wall, lips not leaving yours for the entirety of the trip
He runs his hand behind you to detect whether the wall is smooth or not
Once he’s satisfied that it actually is smooth, he picks you up and pushes you against his
Your entire body is squished between the wall and Yeonjun
You’re too busy trying to kiss his mouth and lick into his hot mouth to taste him however you can at the moment
The next thing you know, the tip of his cock is dragging against your entrance
“Tell me you really want this, that you want me like this,”
You’re frantically nodding your head yes
“I’ve always wanted you,”
“Oh? So all this time you said i was gross you were only thinking about fucking me?”
He nudges your nose with his when you groan
“Don’t do this to me man c’mon,”
“So casual for someone about to get dicked down under the stars,”
Its the whine that you use against him every time you want a favourite
A kiss on the cheek isn’t enough to distract you from the unbelievable stretch your body spreads to just to accommodate him
His hands grip your thighs and spread them farther apart
He fixes his stance and then he’s using his dancer hips to make you scream
You try your best really, not to be so loud
But it’s not your fault that even biting his shirt to stop your inevitable yelping is useless
His thrusts are hard and deep and purposeful
He’s trying to reach your throat from down there
Trying to make it a night you’ll never forget
“I’ve waited for so long,” his own groan interrupts his sentence, “Wanted to melt with you into one,”
“So romantic,” your thighs lock up on his sides as you ride out your very rushed but very needed orgasm, “While your cock is actually bruising my insides, you freak,”
That makes your best friend laugh
And his cock vibrates inside your sensitive walls
You try to manoeuvre your hips so you can help his cock inside you
Clenching when his cock retracts from your hole
He hisses so deliciously on the side of your mouth, missing your lips by a centimetre
He’s a gentleman really because instead of coming inside you in the head of the moment, he shoves his tip into your underwear
And empties his load there
And then he has you travel in the elevators all the way down to the parking lot so you can go get icecream
Yes with the dirtied underwear still on
He says it’s punishment for running away from him instead of facing confrontation
(Its really not thats much of a punishment when it makes you both spend the rest of the night fucking in the dorms while the boys hurdle outside the main door because they can “digest you two being in love but the thought of you two moaning each other’s names is less appealing than drinking drain water” – Taehyun)
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Arms of Orion- Never Ever Have I- Chapter Nineteen
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Summary- Evie surprises Sidney with some special gifts during his trip to Europe
Word Count- 5.5 K
Warnings- allusions to BDSM activities, smut and a lot of PINING
Previous chapter: https://at.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/dont-go-chasing-waterfalls-never-ever-have-i/jwh0fs48xkur
@fallinallincurls @penstxgal1968 @pattiemac1 @equallyshaw
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Tuesday, May 20th- London, England
Sidney tipped the bellman and closed the door to his hotel suite. He walked over to his window and looked at the view of Hyde Park. Mike would arrive in the next hour or so. His stomach growled. He realized that he hadn't had lunch yet in the bustle to get through customs and out of the airport. He ordered lunch through the tablet provided before he grew restless and went to his backpack. He pulled out the envelope marked Beso and opened it. Inside were twenty one envelopes sweetly labeled day one through day twenty one. Sidney smiled at the sight of Evie's feminine handwriting. He opened the envelope marked “Day One”. 
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“Beso- If you are reading this then you have discovered one of your surprises. You should also be in London. My guess is that you just got to your hotel and are waiting for Mike. I hope that you were able to sleep on the plane and the jet lag isn’t too bad. Call me when you can and let me know that you are safe. I love you to pieces. Only twenty more sleeps until I am in your arms again.”
He sorted through the remaining envelopes and fought the urge to read them all. He heard his Evie notification and pulled out his phone. Evie had sent a text with a selfie in bed with the caption "Look no tears, Beso!" He worked out the time difference in his mind and realized that she would be getting ready to go to work soon. Suddenly, Evie's face appeared on the screen and he happily accepted the call.
Sidney: Evie!
Evie: Beso! Are you at the hotel? How is it?
Sidney: I just checked in. Mike should be here soon.
Evie: Did you sleep on the flight? Of course you did.
Sidney: I crushed a nap- not going to lie. How did you sleep?
Evie: Not bad. I have a super busy day at work. 
Sidney: I got your surprise. I love the first one. You were right. You know me so well, my love. 
Evie: Oh, I am glad. I wanted you to have a little piece of me in each city so you wouldn’t miss me as much. 
Sidney: What’s the other surprise?
Evie: You’ll find out when you REALLY miss me, like in a physical way miss me.
Sidney: I already miss you in a physical way. 
Evie: It's only been fifteen hours, but you decide when to open it, Beso. I wouldn’t advise it right before Mike gets to the hotel. You might need some time afterwards to ummm, process the gift. 
Sidney: Sounds naughty, Evie
Evie: Me? Be naughty? NEVER! Okay, maybe a little. Ummm, do you have plans today?
Sidney: Nice deflection there, Evie. We are going to do a river cruise and see the Tower of London.
Evie: That sounds fun. Call me before bed?
Sidney: Can't wait. Love you Evie
Evie: Love you more
Thursday, May 22nd- London, England
Sidney dried his hair with a towel and stared at his reflection in the mirror for a moment. It had been a full day of sightseeing on the double decker bus tour. He had dark circles under his eyes. His body was still fighting jet lag and his sleep was miserable. Well, he tried to blame his lack of sleep on the jet lag, but he knew that he was craving Evie’s body curled into his at night. He thought how he missed kissing the top of her head while she slept peacefully. His cock twitched when the memory of her little purring sounds flitted through his head. The soft moans in her sleep that signaled that she wasn’t quite awake but definitely craved his body on top, behind and inside of hers. He checked his watch. Evie should be at a happy hour with Adriana and he didn’t want to disturb her. 
He then remembered the second surprise from Evie in his backpack. He went to retrieve the padded envelope and sat on the bed. Inside the envelope was a 10 inch tablet with a note “For Beso’s eyes ONLY”. Below that was a note, “The passcode is my birthday”. Sidney stared at the screen momentarily, “What would need to be passcode protected?” When the screen lit up, he entered the pass code and a selected the note labeled “read me first” 
Beso- On this tablet are some photos and videos that are for your eyes only. If they get leaked, it’s on you. I hope that you enjoy them. 
His eyebrows shot up and clicked on the photo folder where dozens of photos of Evie were stored. They ranged from silly selfies to graphic photos of her fingering herself. His breath became shallow while his penis became hard as a rock. He thought of her as his hand began to stroke. He groaned as he swiped from photo to photo. His mind swirled with thoughts that ranged from amazement that she had the forethought to take the pictures, the wanton desire to be with her, and the shock that the pictures existed at all. “Videos,” he thought to himself as his hand stroked, “The note said that there were videos too.” 
He paused and found the video folder. Four files were contained in the folder, labeled “Evie”, “Beso”, “Mr. Crosby” and “Daddy”. His eyes grew wide and he struggled with the decision on which to pick. His erection throbbed and he selected “Beso” at last. 
The video began with Evie’s face in front of the camera. She blew a kiss and stood up. “Beso,” she called, “I need you.” His eyes squinted as the memory of that night popped into his head. He watched it unfold on the screen. He walked into the room and stood in front of nude Evie at the end of the bed. She reached and pulled his boxers down and began sucking him. She deftly maneuvered him so that he was on the bed. She dropped to her knees between his legs which created a clear line of sight for the camera.
Sidney watched in amazement. She had created their own porn for him to enjoy. All rational thought left his brain as he watched her expertly suck his cock. He felt the tightness in his balls before he exploded almost simultaneously as he did on the video. On the video, Evie's head turned. She looked straight at the camera, wiped his cum off of her mouth then blew him a kiss. He laid back on the bed and tried to catch his breath. He remembered the night in question and picked up the tablet. In the video, Evie was stroking him. "Holy fuck," he thought to himself as watched. When she mounted him on the video, he started stroking himself again. He watched transfixed as she rode him hard. His hand pumped furiously. He grunted as he listened to Evie's moans on the video. 
His brain fought with his tunnel vision focus. "Your phone is ringing," his brain tried to signal. "Fuck my phone," his passion answered. "It's Evie!" His brain interjected. He could not take his eyes off the screen nor his hand off of his cock. "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God," his thoughts mimicked Evie's voice in the video. They came at the same- her in the video and he, alone in his hotel room. Still he couldn't take his off of the screen. There were a few minutes of snuggling before he got up in the video to get the items to clean Evie  and she rushed to turn off the camera.
Sidney laid on the bed, panting and looking at the ceiling. He looked down and chuckled. It had been a hot minute since he had gone more than one solo round in a session. The phone rang once again and Evie's face popped onto the screen.
Evie: Beso?
She heard Sidney's  heavy breathing
Evie: Beso?
Sidney: Just a second
Evie: Are you okay?
Sidney: Yes, you wore me out
Evie: I wore you out? How did I do that?
Sidney looked into the phone. She saw his flushed face and sweaty brow
Evie: Why does it look like you just fucked?
Sidney: Because I did
Evie: Excuse me?
Sidney: Relax, it was my hand
Evie: How did I wear you out Beso?
Sidney: I found the videos, Evie
Evie: Oh, are you mad?
Sidney: Am I mad that you made a sex tape of us without my consent?
Evie bit her lip: Are you?
Sidney smiled: Surprisingly no. How many copies are there?
Evie: You have the only copies 
Sidney: Good girl
Evie: You liked them?
Sidney: Only watched one
Evie: Which one?
Sidney: Beso one
Evie: That was a good one
Sidney: I thought so. Why aren't you at happy hour?
Evie: I came home because I got tired of men hitting on me. It got annoying. I got a man. I need little boys approaching me as if I would ever glance their way. 
Sidney raised an eyebrow: but you are home safe now? No issues?
Evie: Yes, I am home safe and sound. I called so you wouldn't worry.
Sidney yawned: Thanks you, Evita
Evie: Are you sleepy Beso? 
Sidney: Yes
Evie: Want me to sing you to sleep?
Sidney: Please
Evie: Orion's arms are wide enough, to hold us both together. Although we're worlds apart, I'd cross the stars for you.In the heart of a sleepless moon, I'll be with you forever. This is my destiny, 'Til my life is through. The arms of Orion that's where I want to be. Since you've been gone, I've been searching for a lover In the sea of tranquility. I'm drowning without you here, my dear
Saturday- June 1st- Normandy France
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Sidney stretched out in the hotel bedroom. It had been a full day of visiting the historical sites at Normandy Beach. He was looking forward to talking to Evie about his day. They had established a routine of nightly calls when she arrived home from work and he was headed to bed. There were texts throughout the day but the nightly FaceTime call was the bright spot of the day for both of them. 
Sidney: Evie, mon étoile.
Evie: Hi- what does that mean?
Sidney: It’s my star. Since I have been in France, I have been brushing up on my French. I was out on the balcony looking at the stars and thought of you. 
Evie: That’s sweet, Beso. Wait, you speak French?
Sidney: You didn’t know that? I learned it in school but then had to use it in Rimouski. 
Evie: That’s where you played junior league hockey, right?
Sidney: That’s right in Rimouski. Hey, speaking of Rimouski- can you put something on your calendar? They are having a ceremony to retire my jersey in September. I would really like it if you can attend. 
Evie: What are the dates? (looking at her calendar on her phone)
Sidney checked an email on his phone: September 27th- It’s a Friday
Evie: Crap. They can’t do it on a Saturday?
Sidney: What? No, they are not going to reschedule it to Saturday.
Evie: If it’s on a Friday, I will have to take ANOTHER day off of work. I mean- how long is the flight? 
Sidney: From Halifax, it would be a little over an hour. 
Evie: I won’t be in Halifax, Beso. How long is it from Pittsburgh?
Sidney: I was hoping that you would come to Halifax first and then we can fly up together
Evie groaned and did a quick Google search
Sidney: Evie, if you don’t want to go, then just tell me. 
Evie studied the phone and saw the sad look in his eyes. 
Evie: It’s not that I don’t want to go. It’s just that I have a job and a limited number of days that I can take off. Between the All Star game, Stadium Series game, the disaster of the playoffs, the trip to Germany and a trip to Nova Scotia in August, I am running out of days. I need my job, Sidney
Sidney: I know that you need your job- at least for now.
Evie: What’s that supposed to mean?
Sidney sighed:  Why does it feel like we are about to fight something stupid?
Evie sighed: I don’t know- maybe because we are? I don’t want to fight, Sidney. I will try to make the Rimouski thing work if I can. I am sorry I am cranky. 
Sidney took a deep breath: Mon etoile, why are you cranky?
Evie smiled: Is that going to be a thing now? My new nickname?
Sidney: I am testing it out. I like it so far.
Evie: Me too. I am getting less cranky now, Beso. You always make things better. 
Sidney: So why are you cranky?
Evie:  I haven’t eaten since breakfast. I am about to scrounge for food. 
Sidney’s eyebrows raised- Wait, why haven’t you eaten today? Are you on a diet?
Evie paused and didn’t respond. 
Sidney: Why haven’t you eaten?
Evie: Apparently my debit card got hacked so they turned it off. I was going to go grocery shopping today but couldn’t because I didn’t have my card. I can get to the bank on Monday to get cash. It’s all good. 
Sidney paused: I’m sorry- what did you say?
Evie: My debit card got hacked so I don’t have access to any money today. I was going to get groceries but again- no money. I have some soup I found in the pantry I am going to fix soon. 
Sidney stared at the phone and at Evie. He blinked slowly as his mind tried to process the situation. The fatigue from the day had set in and his body ached slightly. He spoke softly but firmly.
Sidney: When did you find out about the debit card?
Evie: This morning- it got declined when I went to get coffee. I had just enough cash to pay though. 
Sidney: So let me get this straight- at least eight hours ago, you found out that your debit card was deactivated, you have no cash and you barely have food at home so you haven’t eaten all day. Is that correct? Is that what you are telling me?
Sidney’s volume had risen to just below a scream. Evie had never heard Sidney at that volume off the ice. She blinked and felt the knot form in her stomach. He was angry that much she could tell, but she had no clue why. 
Evie whispered: Yes, that’s what I am telling you. 
Sidney’s nostrils flared and he didn’t speak. 
Tears formed in Evie’s eyes and she spoke again: Beso? Beso- what’s going on?
Sidney screamed: Why didn’t you call me? You went all day without eating? You have no access to money? What if there had been an emergency? Don’t you have a credit card?
Evie: You are in France, Sidney. There is nothing that you can do from there. Yes, I have a credit card. I only use it in emergencies and I kind of ran it up last month with the playoff stuff so I don’t want to put unnecessary stuff on it.
Sidney screamed again: Why didn’t you call me?
Evie stammered: It's not a big deal, Sidney. I will find food in the pantry. It’s not your responsibility to take care of me. 
Sidney stopped and blinked: Excuse me? Yes, it is. 
Evie: No, it’s not your responsibility and it’s not that big of a deal. 
Sidney screamed: You are not my responsibility? The person I love not eating is not my responsibility? Taking care of my future wife is NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY?? Are you crazy???
Evie: Don’t scream at me, Beso. 
Sidney paused and looked at her face. The tears had begun to flow. “Fuck,” he thought to himself, “Now I have upset her.”
Sidney: I am hanging up now. I can’t speak to you right now and I don’t want to say something I regret. Good night. 
Sidney ended the call and threw the phone on the bed. He punched the pillow in anger and thought to himself. “Find a solution- find a solution,” he repeated to himself. He sat up and grabbed his phone. After thirty minutes and a few phone calls, he called Evie back.
Evie wiped her eyes: Beso?
Sidney paused to control his voice: Evie, I am sorry that I got so angry. 
Evie: I don’t know why you are so angry. I had a problem, but I worked through it. 
Sidney: You don’t have problems alone, Evie. WE have problems. Do you understand? If you have a problem, then I have a problem. If you need something- no matter how small it may seem to you, you tell me. 
Evie: I wasn’t trying to make you angry, Beso. I didn’t know how you could help me from there and I didn’t want to worry you. I don’t like it when you are angry at me, Beso. 
Sidney: Shhhhh…. Evie, it’s okay. We are going to fix this. We’ll fix it together. 
Evie took a deep breath: Okay- how?
Sidney spoke softly: There is an order of food coming to you from Luigi’s. I ordered enough for you to have leftovers. I ordered all of your favorites plus dessert. I want you to eat, Princess. 
Evie smiled at him. 
Sidney continued: Then sometime tomorrow I want you to go to my house. In the safe in the closet, I have cash. The code is 8787. Take all of it and use whatever you need to get groceries, gas, whatever you need. 
Evie started to interrupt. 
Sidney: Don’t argue with me, Evie. Take the money and use what you need. On Monday, there will be a package delivered to you. I want you to accept it. 
Evie: What is it?
Sidney: You will find out on Monday. Now, are you feeling better? I am very sorry that I got so angry. I don’t even think it was anger actually. I was hurt. I was hurt that you didn’t ask for help and that made me angry. 
Evie:  I am sorry that I hurt you. I just thought I should take care of it myself. 
Sidney: I take care of you now. It’s what I do. Remember what you said last month? We are going to make some vows next year, but I am honoring them now. For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health- I mean them. 
Evie: Okay, I mean them too. 
There was a knock at the door. 
Evie: The food is here. 
Sidney: Go get your food. Call me before you go to sleep please. 
Evie: I will. I love you Beso. Thank you for taking care of me. 
Sidney: Always. I love you mon etoile. 
Sidney placed his phone on the bedside table. He walked out onto the balcony of his room again. He stared up at the sky and sang lowly- “Orion's heart is bright enough to shine on both of us. The constellations never fail to light the way for love”. Truthfully, he was still irritated about the situation. He couldn’t put his finger on it. Why can’t she just let me take care of her? Why is she so goddamn independent? He liked her much better when she was on her knees submitting to his every desire. That wasn’t true, he thought to himself. He appreciated her strength and ability to exist without him. He enjoyed the fact if she needed him at all it was emotionally. He found comfort in the knowledge that she was with him by choice, not out of dependence. The fact she chose to submit to him sexually was just a very nice bonus. 
His mind wandered back to the videos on the tablet. He had enjoyed the “Evie” video the other night for another mind-blowing solo session. Watching her masterbate while calling and screaming his name had made his own orgasm even more intense. “I wonder what that Mr. Crosby video is,” he thought to himself. I mean, he was fairly certain he could guess the content. He felt him getting aroused. “Fuck it,” he said as he went back inside to get the tablet. He clicked on the video. 
Evie’s face appeared on the screen. She was dressed in her green satin robe and nothing else. Her robe fell open and exposed her breasts as she set the camera at the perfect angle to get the bed and her pillow. She looked up into the camera and smirked, “I know that I am going to get into so much trouble for filming this, Mr. Crosby. You won’t want any evidence of how naughty and kinky you can be to exist. I should be scared of your reaction, but I am not. What are you going to do when you watch? Spank me from across the Atlantic Ocean?” He growled to himself. She continued, “I know that you are not going to pack those sorts of toys to take with you so you can’t even punish me when I get there.” There was a noise in the background of the video. She scampered to her pillow and assumed her submissive pose with a wink to the camera. Sidney smirked momentarily then focused on the content of the video.
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After an intense, three round solo session, Sidney set his camera set on the table and gathered a few items.  He hit the record button and stared into the camera. He was completely nude. He held his leather belt in his hands and snapped it with authority. “Princess, do you think I need special toys to discipline you?” he said softly. He put the belt down and picked up two neckties, “You don’t think I can restrain you with these?” He laughed, “Do you think that they don’t sell rope here in Europe? I won’t find a sex shop here? You miscalculated, Princess. I hope you pack the aloe gel when you fly over here. You are going to need it.” 
Friday, June 7th- Rome, Italy
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Sidney put on his dinner jacket and looked his phone before he walked out of his hotel room. He received a text message from Evie and frowned. 
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Evie: Beso, I am sorry about tonight. 
Sidney: Don’t be sorry. I am glad that you are going to have fun. 
Evie: Your voice doesn’t sound like it’s glad that I am going to have fun. 
Sidney: I just like talking to you before I go to bed. It helps me relax
Evie: What time will you be back from dinner? I could call you on the way to the show. 
Sidney: I should be back in my room by nine. 
Evie: Okay, I will call you then. 
Sidney: Promise? 
Evie: I promise Beso. I will call you. 
Later than evening
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Mike and Sidney walked back into the hotel lobby after eight thirty. Both were full from their decadent dinner out. Sidney looked forward to getting out of his pants that were suddenly very uncomfortable. They said their good nights and separated into their hotel rooms. He had thirty minutes before Evie was supposed to call. His desperate need to speak to her confused him and he grew restless.
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He looked out the window and stared at the stars. “Come Mon Etoile, call me,” he wished. The tablet called to him and he removed it from the backpack. There was one final video he had not watched, “Daddy”. Curiosity got the better of him and he clicked play. 
The video showed him sitting on the couch casually. Within a few seconds, Evie appeared on screen, fully clothed. 
In the hotel room, Sidney sat on the bed and leaned forward to put his elbows on his knees. His focus was entirely on the video, which appeared to be non-sexual. 
Back in the video, Evie climbed  onto the coach and sat perpendicular to Sidney. She placed her legs over Sidney’s legs and leaned her body against his. She then wrapped her arms around his body while he slowly caressed her arm. “Evie” Sidney said in the video, “You look sad.”
Evie replied, “I am sad. You are going away soon and I will miss you.” 
Sidney frowned in the video, “I don’t want you to be sad though.”
Evie pouted, “I can’t help it. My Daddy is going away for a long time. That makes me sad.” 
Sidney kissed her temple, “Baby Girl…..listen to Daddy”
Evie looked up into his eyes, “You will see Daddy soon. I won’t be gone for that long.” 
She shook her head, “Three weeks, Daddy, three weeks”
Sidney paused the video. His eyes were filled with tears. The quiet desperation in her voice caused his heart to ache. He remembered that he dismissed it at that moment. He had no idea how difficult these final days would become for him. Each morning was a disappointment. He awoke to an empty bed in a hotel room and into a world that was devoid of her magic. He missed the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled in the morning. He missed the way she would yawn and stretch dramatically as he made coffee. He missed their bedtime routine and the way she would wiggle back into his arms at night. He missed the way she reached for him in the morning as she emerged from dreamland. His presence helped her to transition from dreams to reality. He missed her. 
He started the video again. He had silenced her whines with kisses before he pushed her onto her back and climbed on top of her. Her soft moans of “Daddy, please,” echoed in his head- both from the video and from his memory. 
“Please what, Baby Girl,” he moaned in response as his hands roamed her body and he kissed her neck.
“Please don’t leave me. Please don’t leave your Baby Girl,” she pleaded. 
“I have to, Baby Girl. I don’t have a choice,. I have to keep my promise,” he murmured. 
“Please Daddy. Please Daddy,” she begged, "Please don't leave me."
Sidney shut off the video and wiped the tears from his eyes. It was his turn to be desperate and needy. As if on cue, Evie’s face appeared on the screen. 
Evie: Beso?
Sidney wiped his tears: Baby Girl….. Baby Girl
Evie: Yes Daddy
Sidney whined: Daddy misses you. Daddy misses you so much. 
Evie: I know. I miss you too. I miss you so much
Sidney cried: Why did I leave you? Why did I leave my Baby Girl?
Evie: You had to leave me, remember? You had to keep your promise. 
Sidney: Oh yeah. Remind me never to make promises like that again
Evie: Only make them to me, okay?
Sidney: Only to you from now on. 
Evie: Daddy- It’s almost over. I can be brave if you can be brave.
Sidney: I don’t want to be brave. I want you.
Evie: I don’t want to be brave either but it’s the only option we have.
Sidney: Okay, I will be brave if you will be brave. 
Evie: Deal. Do you want me to send your a new picture so you can see today me?
Sidney: Please. Call me when you get home.
Monday, June 10th- Frankfurt airport
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Sidney stood directly in front of the escalator that led from the customs area into the baggage claim area. He nervously checked each set of feet and legs that appeared before the rest of their body became visible. “Male legs, those feet are too big, no way in hell Evie wears those pants,” he thought to himself as he mentally eliminated person after person. The anticipation was about to drive him crazy and he rocked back and forth on his heels. 
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Suddenly, her face appeared as she bent over to get a view to the bottom of the escalator. Her eyes found Sidney and she grinned. He felt a hitch in his breath. Evie jumped up and down in excitement, nearly knocking over the person in front of her with her carry-on bag. “Slowest fucking escalator EVER,” he thought to himself he watched descend. 
Evie’s eyes did not leave Sidney’s body. When she stepped off, she twisted and turned to make her way through the crowd of people. “Move, move, move” she muttered under her breath. Finally she made it through the crowd and started running to Sidney. She dropped her bag and flung herself into his waiting arms. Their arms wrapped around each other and he squeezed her tight. “Beso, Beso, Beso,” she cried as they held each other. She felt his body tremble beneath hers. His chest heaved and his breath was ragged. She moved her head to look into face and saw the tears flowing which matched her tears. She shook her head from side to side vigorously as she stared into his eyes. “Never again, Sidney.” she choked out, “Don’t you ever leave like this again. Do you hear me? Never again.” Her hands went to his cheeks and she wiped his tears. 
“Never again,” he responded, “Never ever again, Evie. I promise you.” 
She smiled, “It was horrible.” and kissed him softly, “Life without you was horrible.”
He returned her kiss, “Yes, it was horrible. They were the longest and worst three weeks of my life.”
She pressed her forehead against his as he continued to squeeze her tight, “How did I survive before I met you? How was I able to breathe?”
“I don’t know, Evie,” he whispered, “I can barely remember life before you.”
“I love you, Beso. I love you so much,” she peppered his face with kisses, "You have to put me down eventually. I need to get my bag."
"You will do no such thing," he scoffed, "You are officially a princess again. My princess doesn't get her own luggage. Point it out to me and I will grab it." He grabbed her carry-on bag and they walked to the baggage claim. Evie noticed Sidney’s lack of hat and looked around the airport. Everybody seemed focused on their own bags and no one seemed to recognize Sidney. He looked down at her, "What's wrong?" 
"No one is recognizing you, Beso" Evie whispered, "Not one single person."
"Yep, I am fairly anonymous over here. Is that a good thing?" He asked.
"I get you all to myself," she poked at his chest, "No interruptions. Seven whole days and nights with you- no work, no practice and no games. Just Evie and Sidney together exploring Bavaria and Switzerland." He bent down and kissed her. 
"Mmmmm, my Evie," he murmured, "Seven whole days and nights with no prying eyes. It's going to be heaven." Evie turned and pointed out her bag. Sidney laughed when he saw the Penguins luggage tag. "Let's go," he said as he pulled the bag with one hand and held her hand with the other. "Are you hungry?" he asked. 
"A little bit," she said, "I am tired but want to stay up to fight the jet lag. When do we start sightseeing?" He stopped and looked at her. "What? You don't have a detailed itinerary for each day planned?" She questioned.
 He frowned a bit, "Am i that predictable?"
"Beso, I KNOW you. I am going to marry you and be your wife," she stood on her tip toes to kiss his cheek, "You are not predictable. You are dependable." He didn't smile. "Don't be upset, Beso. I love that you have it planned. You always take care of me. You will always take care of me. Isn't that what you told me two weeks ago?" He cracked a smile. "I love that I can count on you. Please don't be upset," she teased.
"Okay, I will get over it since you said it so nicely," he smiled, "Nothing on the agenda other than to drive to the first town and check into the hotel. Oh and we do have dinner reservations."
"Early dinner reservations?" She asked seductively as they walked to the rental car. 
Sidney furrowed his brow, "Stand down, Evie. I am having trouble controlling myself without you tempting me." He placed her bags in the trunk then opened her car door. She lightly grazed his crotch with her fingers and looked into his eyes as she slid into the car.  She hitched her dress and he licked his lips. "Dammit Evie, we have an hour drive to Würzburg" he sputtered as he shut the door. Evie growled and pulled her dress drown. "I'm surprised that you wore a dress for the long flight," he remarked.
"I changed before the plane landed," she teased, "You know for easier access.
Sidney blinked, "Easy access? How much easy access?" She smirked and lifted her dress to reveal no panties. "You are going to kill me, Evita," he sighed, "You are absolutely going to kill me."
"I hope you ate your wheaties this morning, Beso," she smiled as she leaned over the car console to kiss his cheek. "Now shut and drive. I am already throbbing."
"Thank God for the autobahn," Sidney growled as he put the car into gear.
Next Chapter -https://at.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/come-away-with-me-never-ever-have-i-chapter/94r3jfh32z7n
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danihwang882 · 2 months
~Tumblr Letter to Hyunjin and Felix~ =^w^=
The recent 48 hours started with up and down sets of good and bad news. On this Friday, family came over to drop off my younger nephew, whom we found out needs to be tested for basically the same stuff I was since a kid at Rady’s Children Hospital, delayed learning development, speaking lisp, impairment, psychological emotional needs from grief/loss at a young age that is impairing his now three-year-old self in getting him prepared for pre-kindergarten next year.
His elder brother is very advantage for a five-year-old, can carry on elaborate kid talk with adults, very loving, very emotional, cries to himself around his trusted people; example me, his auntie. Because he knows I understand them more than my own self some days now a days.
My elder father, choose to do the medication route and does not consent to surgery of any kind of his lung cancer, bone mastitis, and stage three kidney problems from chemotherapy and immune treatments with a weak heart.
These are the three men; I love a lot. But, the other two I majority of the time love with my every fabric of my mind, heart, soul are Hyun-Jin and Felix.
After a late-night interaction with both, getting a “Don’t worry I will be safe on stage, enjoy dinner” from Hyunjin. Then more conversation from Felix, with another compliment. “You are lovely today too~~” When he has not seen an update selfie from me today yet.
The bubbles of butterflies started rising in my chest and heart on a whole different type of wavelength with these two people. You, stays truly do not understand how I feel right at home with all 8 of them, Stray kids; every member brings their unique flare of fire to the whole team. Their talent from seeing it develop over years live and prerecorded on YouTube has been a sight to fucking behold.
As I sit here, outside my mom’s and dads house, just crying and doing my own passions. You guys are my muses for changing my life, and my inspiration. If I could dedicate myself to you two men forever, I so would. Never ever, doubt yourselves because your part in my life is massive and unique as every night or morning sky of this vast earth and universe. The fact I have found my soulmates, and Twin Flame in this lifetime. Truly something to thank God for.
Right now, another epiphany in the deeps of happy/sad cry, I almost feel like human kind advantaged technology just so I would some how connect with all of you. Thank you sincerely JYP and our company for making the Bubble App.
Hyunjin and Felix I have the next title or soft pop/rock title or b-track for the 2025 Spring Album. I am trusting it with you, because your lyrical prowless is way better than mine when you add the music cords and I trust Changbin's and Chan's recording and mixing skills to make it into a very special mv, song, for the album.
Posting it now. Flutters of My HEART (Side Effects of Love)
Spoilers Case 143 + JJam/Mountains + Lose MY Breathe baby make it happen!!!!!!!
My cravings right now at 4:20 am ish LOL DENNY'S FUCKING PANCAKES. HOW will I get there, not uber/lyft maybe Old School Taxi
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Somtimes things go wrong because they would have gone worse if they had gone right! It’s when things go wrong, we go right!!! Life, in all its beauty, though unrequited, was just meant to be, in retrospect the days of confusion and chaos would have led to the ones with the most clarity. (: - ON Letting go, finding yourself, Shedding parts that don't serve you anymore, on respecting differences.
You were in love with your idea of love
I was in love with my idea of you
I saw possibilities, where you saw practicality
I believed in magic, where you believed in logic
I wanted union, while you wanted companionship
I spewed soul dust, whilst you spewed mind matter
I believed in sticking to choices, you believed in sailing though changes
While I wanted shared values, you wanted shared interests
When I was rigid, you were malleable
When I gave in and became transparent, you turned opaque
I solaced in careful nurture, you were of critical nature
I wanted to break out of my circle, while you wanted to create one
I saw beauty in silence and spaces, whilst you rejoiced in sarcasm and satire
I needed more communion, you needed more communication
I craved to understand your essence, while all you cared for was my presence
While I yearned for silent glances, you preferred daunting debates
While I trusted the feeling, you trusted your thoughts
When I gave up the moment in return for eternity
You gave up eternity in return for the moment
I believed in intentions, you believed in interpretations
While I had built our castle with intangibles, you were busy searching for something tangible
While I had based it on truth, you were too concerned with the façade
I never cared for the outside as much as I did for the inside
You never cared for inside as much as you did for the outside
I was ascetic, you liked aesthetics
I enjoyed serenity and solitude, you enjoyed selfies and sharing
I chose my vibe, you stuck to your tribe
When I closely examined the softness of your heart
You closely examined the slenderness of my body
In our fiery encounter,
You thought it was the deep kiss that quenched my desire
But it was your gentle caress that satiated it all at once
Little did I know
That you were seeking with your mind and I was seeking from my being
Your turned left and I turned right
 In this clash of polarities
In this clash of body, mind, and energy
From two radical realms
When I daringly ventured out of my realm
Compulsively overstepping my consciousness
To reach out to you in your world,
Exploring its limiting depths and dimensions
Getting caught up in pleasures and passions aplenty
Gathering innumerable identifications
Emulating success, radiating pride, seeking glory
With a strong sense of personality
Racing in the madness of the mind
Galvanized by the possibility of our unlikely union
Trapped in the coils of physicality
I lost my frequency
I lost my sense of Self
 In your world, seeing my lack of survival instinct
Clouded by inhibitions from unconsciously picked up identities
Grappling for breath in a place of apparent abundance
Seeing the denial of my entry into the kingdom
Seeing my quest to trace my way back home
The inherent lack of grace and charm that was once unmistakable
Mistaking my lack of belongingness to undeservingness
You left
 But when you turned left ( When you left )
I turned Right ( My life turned right )
With you gone, I grappled my way back to find home
Shunning my unconscious identities and compulsions
I screamed in the pain of ignorance for light
It shone, not all at once but
Softly enough to take the next step
As I made my way back home,
I dropped my accumulations one step at a time
Repossessing my two greatest equipments
Unstrapping the physical imprints, unravelling a machine that once served
Untrapping the mind from identities, unravelling the mirror that once reflected
 As I neared, I dropped everything I had
I could sense that home was not far away
As I stood at the gates of the realm I once shunned
Ironically I was almost nothing, but complete and everything
 With tears of gratitude for my impermanent companion
In the illusory physical realm I was once trapped in
It was homecoming in all its glory
As the gates of the eternal flung open
Blissed out, I reached
My Self,
Merged with Shiva as pure consciousness  
My Eternal Companion
0 notes
erodasfishtacos · 3 years
warnings: smut, 18+
Harry was doing his same script, he’s been starting every show but addressing the circular stage.
“Sometimes you’ll get m’face and sometimes you’ll get m’ass. Please, let me know if y’have a preference,” He gives the crowd a cocky grin, it widens when the audience goes insane with whistles and screams.
YN is standing off to the side, where she always stands with Harry’s friends and family who come and go - visiting them.
Harry’s eyes dart to his wife, when he sees her rolls her eyes at him, he points at her, speaking right into the microphone, “And you’ll be gettin’ the ass baby!”
The arena is near deafening with the fans who are fawning and cooing at the couples interactions, they all look back to YN.
She blows him a kiss and he dramatically snatches, smacking it right on his backside with a cheeky wink and purse of his lips.
He goes on with the show in his stunning red outfit that fit for Saint Louis perfectly - YN was matching him in a dark satin orange slinky dress that was undeniably sexy. It had Harry feeling her up backstage before he went on. ***
The fans loved that the couple matched at every concert.
YN loved watching her husband perform and after that comment about her getting his ass…well, it gave her some ideas for later.
The way the shirt he was wearing wasn’t buttoned enough so she could see the glisten on his chest, how the trousers hugged his perky backside like a sin.
It may be wrong, but everybody in this arena wanted him.
They want to hug him, kiss him, blow him, fuck him - but the only one who got that was her and she basked in it.
As Harry finishes with Kiwi, losing his absolute shit, YN and everyone else starts to head backstage. YN waves to a few fans and stops for a selfie or two before disappearing.
When Harry runs back to join, after dashing from center stage, he automatically finds his wife and wraps her up into a tight hug.
“Ew, bun. You’re extra sweaty, you definitely need to go shower,” YN crinkles her nose, pushing him off as he does stink a bit and is just sticky from sweat.
Usually, Harry would coerce his wife into joining him but they had quite a few friends who came to see the concert and YN was expected to entertain them.
“I’ll be thinkin’ about you, flower,” He teases, nipping her ear before chatting with their friends for a moment before he’s trailing off to shower and change.
YN waits a few minutes, enough time to guarantee he was already in the shower - soaping up.
She punches in the code to his locked dressing room, a soft smirk on her face as she steps over where he’s strewn the orange ensemble to purposefully piss off Harry Lambert - like always.
When she opens the bathroom door, she makes sure to be as quiet as possible - same as when she shuts and locks it behind her.
It a modern, standard shower stall and Harry is standing facing away from his wife - scrubbing his hair roughly to get the styling gel and grime out.
Harry’s shoulders are so broad.
His back is just…beautiful.
It’s so muscular, defined, and strong as he flexes his arms forward. Then her eyes trail down to his backside.
His bum was small, she loved to tease him and pinch it but it was muscular as well from those squats and wall sits he does in the gym.
After she quickly undresses, she steps in behind him into shower - pressing her chest up against his wet back and wrapping her arms around his waist.
Harry startles, nearly jumping out of his own skin before huffing out a laugh and leaning back into his wife, relaxing - well more like melting as he puts his weight on her.
“Thought y’were some crazy fan,” He jokes, hand coming down to cup the hers on his waist but frowning when she pulls back.
“Against the wall,” YN murmurs firmly, pushing him gently until his chest is against the tile and the shower head is pounding on his back and shoulders.
Harry shuffles forward, willingly albeit confused about what was going on and his wife’s demeanor as the cold of the wall hardens his nipples.
“Baby? Y’alright-“
“Did you wash yourself up already?” YN asks directly, hands rubbing softly at his sides, squeezing where his mini love handles are.
“M’body? Yeah, why-“
She cuts him off again, lips on his shoulder blade, “You told the crowd and me that I was getting your ass. I’m just holding you to your word.”
And when Harry realizes what’s about to go down, he lets out a low, explicit moan that echos throughout the bathroom.
“Yeah, baby, yeah,” He babbles excitedly, it wasn’t like this was something rare for them. They normally incorporated ass play into their sex life.
It was something about catching him off guard, when he’s vulnerable, and the post-show adrenaline has already worn off - making him malleable and pliant for his wife.
“You want to be all cocky, arrogant on stage, right? But look at you now, whining for your wife to touch you,” YN teases sharply, hand drifting down to squeeze his cheek hard enough to make him squeak.
“Baby. I’m yours, I’m yours,” He gasps, voice turning into a raspy yet high begging tone.
It was a tone of his voice that nobody in that crowd had or would ever hear. No, it was saved for her when she had him like this, like nobody else ever will.
“You don’t think I know that, Harry?” His wife laughs, fingers moving to sneak between his cheeks, pressing tightly against where he’s aching for her.
She continues, “God, I think everyone knows your mine. You can’t keep your eyes off me during the concert, parade around your wedding band, make sure my tattoo is always visible.”
“It’s ‘cause you- oh fuck, s’cause y’my soulmate,” Harry moans, pushing back on her fingers - wanting more but she wasn’t willing, “Need more, darlin’, m’close.”
She really wasn’t even doing much beside pressing at him, pushing in just the tiniest amount but he was grinding his hips against the wall a bit and her tits felt so good on his back.
Sometimes when he came off stage, he had absolutely no stamina.
Normally he could last but when he was adrenaline high and had basically edge himself in front of tens of thousands of people, it wasn’t going to be a long event.
“That’s really sad, H. Reminding me of when we were teenagers and you couldn’t last,” YN ends her rude statement with a bite to his shoulder before dragging her teeth down a bit.
It was just fun to get Harry worked up, he still acted the same from when they were younger - he’d get bratty and demanding, whiney, his chest and neck bloom into a soft pink color, and his eyes are a bit wet.
“Still just as much of a fool f’you, tha’s why,” Harry puffs out, hands continuously clenching and releasing over and over against the wall - like he wants to just make Harry wife touch him, tortured by her teasing.
“Fine, fine,” YN simpers, as if he was being a pain but she slips down onto her knees - hands dragging down his back and then his lean, solid thighs.
But in typical Harry behavior, he turns back and looks over his shoulder, “Sunflower, y’knees? We can move out of the shower.”
“Shush up,” She accentuates her words with a heavy handed smack to his right cheek and she chuckles when he gasps out a quiet, “Fuck.”
YN cups his cheeks, spreading them and leaning forward.
As soon as her tongue hits where he’s hot and tight, his legs twitch, and he puts his hands on the wall to brace himself.
“Darling, baby, baby,” Harry mewls, pushing back for more and hissing when she licks into him - his ring-bare hand leaning back to thread into her hair.
YN was planning to draw this out but she only gets a few directed laps before he’s moaning obsencenly, loud enough to hear through the god damn arena.
And then he’s gripping his cock, giving one firm tug, and he’s coming with pants and unfiltered, inconsiderate shouts of pleasure.
“S’good, m’good wife. S’no one better than you. Y’the only one who makes me feel like this. Crave y’like a drug, flower,” He praises endlessly, he turns around and helps her up - kissing her harshly.
When his hand comes to sneak between her thighs, she shakes her head and murmurs, “We don’t have time, H. Everyone is waiting on us.”
He pouts with his swollen pink lips, “I’ll take care of y’are the hotel, promise.”
“Mm,” She agrees, scrubbing the leftover shampoo bubbles from his hair as he tucks his face into her neck and tries make himself smaller.
Harry always gets a little sheepish after she does anything that makes him feel vulnerable, needs reassurance from her.
“Only with you, m’yours. Y’own my heart, ‘ave since we were fifteen,” Harry murmurs into her neck.
When they get themselves together, dressed, and exit the bathroom into the dressing room.
Harry Lambert is irritated as he is picking Harry’s clothing off the floor and putting it back on the hanger.
The stylist gives them a look, a knowing look, as he hangs the trousers on the rack.
“Fuck off,” The singer huffs, tugging his wife by the hand out of the room and to the car waiting for them.
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popiastar · 2 years
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swiss - seduce
💣info: f reader, a lil bit of nsfw
-he knows how to seduce a woman but don't like to succeed too quickly
- loves when you bite back to his sarcastic comments
- king of pick up lines
- touchy but not in a inconvenient way, just a little bit to hear your skin against his. sometimes in a "accidental" way, brushing his arm with yours
- SMIRKING A LOT!!!!!!!!! he thinks it's his strong point and, well... it's true, he's sexy af
- doing shimmy for make you laugh. yes it's very funny but again sexy af
- calls you witch, obviously in a good way, or with names of gemstones like my citrine, my phosphosiderite or something like that
- ask you to go out and eat a hotdog for don't let you think it like an official date
- can't stop doing dick jokes about you and your hotdog
- if you have his number he likes to share his mirror selfies questioning if you like his outfit... but he's probably half naked and don't you dare to complain about it
- swiss loves attention so, if you ignore him, he can be a little childish and craves for being considered. oh, this make him more focused to conquering you
- he's also a whole sorry not sorry we all know he is, and act like that around you just to rouse your jealousy. of course he's going to you asking if you are jealous and when you say a cold no you can see a bulge on his pants cause this make him HORNY AF
- dance with him and don't expect him to keep his hands still, his touches are really soft and slowly, this man knows every single point to make girls crazy
- when the atmosphere become more intimate he's starting to talk with a low sensual voice
- you can't deny him. he put so much effort to make you simmer slowly and BOOM now you can just agree and accept
- best sex of your whole life periodt
- soft touches mix with rough, praise kink king and price of dirty talk *coff coff*
- his name is your new mantra, your welcome (^:
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
𝕋 𝕒 𝕜 𝕒 𝕞 𝕚  𝕂 𝕖 𝕚 𝕘 𝕠  |  ℍ 𝕒 𝕨 𝕜 𝕤
     ⇴ male reader      ⇴ all characters are depicted as [18]+
↳ request: Can you write a story where pregnant hawks goes into labor and gives birth? I just wanna know the whole process for him and what he would be feeling
↣ rating: mature ↣ warnings: male pregnancy, c-section surgery
“[Your.last.name]-san, we really need to prepare-“
“Just 5 more minutes! Pleas-“, though being interrupted by another contraction made it hard to talk.
His legs and arms were shaking as he was leaning against the bed, trying to breath like he was taught to. Hawks’ wings losing small fluffy, red feathers all over the hospital floor with how nervous and in pain he was.
“He’ll be here soon… Just a little…”
And even though the nurse didn’t look too happy and rather concerned, she nodded again and left the room. She could give him a little bit more time, but not much…
Grabbing the phone, Hawks called you again, yet, once again, you didn’t pick up. With a whine, he threw the phone back onto the bed. Beads of sweat trickling over his forehead and dropping onto the sheets as another contraction made him wince and quietly whimper.
God, he was going to kill you if you wouldn’t come here soon!
Though, before he could throw even more curse words at you, the door opened and a familiar face made his heart jump. Just like that, he broke down with a sob. It was unusual for Keigo to cry, but seeing you finally here was just too much. The situation was so overwhelming. He was about to get surgery to meet your new baby and then-
But, as you rushed to his side and hugged him, he just snuggled into you. Everything already forgotten as he melted into your arms.
“It took too long!”, he whined and sobbed, another contraction making him wince.
“I know, I’m sorry, Baby. But I’m here now. I’m here.”, you reassured him, before finally calling the nurse once more.
It was time to deliver your baby girl.
Watching as you stayed back as he rolled into the OR was hard. But Keigo knew it was only for a few minutes before he was going to see you again. With a little bit of help from a nurse, he stood up from the bed and sat down onto the operating table.
Sitting there hunched over, he hugged a pillow as a nurse held his shoulders. Another nurse softly, but firmly, pushed his wings to the side. A small hiss escaped his throat as they started the lidocaine shots. Four altogether. They were pretty painful, even though he was used to getting beat up as a hero, it still stung and burned. Like that, Keigo had to breathe through it, not even able to react to any of the attempts the nurse made to try and distract him from the pain by trying some small talk.
Thankfully, he did not feel the spinal block anymore due to the lidocaine kicking in almost immediately. At that point though, everything happened so fast as he had to bring his legs up onto the operating table before he completely lost any feeling whatsoever in them because of the spinal anesthesia.
With a pillow under his head and soft blankets to keep him warm, as well as his wings being tucked away comfortably, he laid there for a few minutes until he got his catheter. And then, once that was over, they put the sterile curtain up and he finally saw you again.
As you sat down besides Hawks’ head with the appropriate attire to be in the operating room, he immediately searched for your hand, hence you took and squeezed it gently.
“You okay, Shortcake?”, you kissed the back of his hand.
He just nodded while looking around the sterile room once again. The bright lights and stark walls were a little daunting. And even though he wasn’t cold or that scared, just nervous and intimidated, Hawks couldn’t stop shaking.
Though, thankfully, the anesthesiologist calmed both of your minds when they said it was a side effect from the anesthesia. So, you just squeezed his hand more and kissed his little fingers over and over again.
“I love, Baby, you’re amazing.”, reaching out your other hand, you softly wiped a wet strand of hair from his forehead.
“You’re doing so good. I’m so proud of you, Kei.”
And then, with one last check of his name and birthday, they started. Immediately, Hawks felt tugging and pulling and a lot of pressure. Nothing the anesthesiologist hadn’t told him beforehand, but it was still a weird feeling. As if random people were grabbing his baby bump and just pulling it side to side. Not painful, but very strange nonetheless.
“You’re so amazing, Shortcake. We will meet our little baby girl soon. I’m so excited.”
A crooked, but genuine smile appeared as he sniffled and nodded lightly.
“Me too.”
He was so grateful that you were there. Kei knew he couldn’t have done it without you, even if they probably would have forced him in the end if you wouldn’t have made it in time. But now he didn’t need to worry about that anymore. You were there, holding his hand and being with him while something amazing and almost… surreal was going on down there. Like shit… You were going to meet your little chicken nugget in a few minutes!
The anesthesiologist checked in here and there, making sure Hawks was still doing fine. Which, thankfully, he was. He didn’t feel any pain, just lots of pressure. And his nerves had calmed down to a point where he didn’t feel sick anymore.
“Okay, Baby’s coming out now!”, the doctor in charge suddenly said, hence you squeezed his hand a little tighter.
With just that sentence alone Hawks’ nervousness peaked once again. His emotions all over the place once more. He took a deep breath and grabbed your hand really hard. Though all he could feel was the pressure and before he could really realize what was happening, they lifted your baby up into the air. That’s when you could both see her for the first time. Immediately, he had to swallow his sob as he watched his little girl.
One glance to you was also enough to make him want to cry out of happiness. Your own eyes were glazed as you tried to hold back tears, while a big, happy smile appeared on your face.
“[Your.name]…”, Keigo barely sniffled your name.
“You did amazing, Baby. So amazing.”, you both looked to the side to the small table as they got some fluids out of her lungs and stomach, nothing serious thankfully, just to double-check. The crying of her making his heart ache, because all he wanted to do was grab her and love her already.
Fortunately, the table was only a few meters away, hence he could watch them all the time as they cleaned and weighed your baby. And after just a few minutes, a nurse brought the swaddled girl over and that’s when he could finally hold her for the first time.
That certainly was the most magical moment. With you by his side, the baby on his chest, it was intimate and beautiful.
“Well, she is just as tiny as her Daddy, huh?”, you chuckled and kissed his forehead while softly caressing her small cheek.
Hawks could just nod and smile, before he looked up and whispered “I love you.” with tears in his eyes.
“I love you, too.”, you mumbled back and pecked his lips.
Even though he didn’t want to let go, a nurse gently pulled you away from him together with your little girl.
“Everything will be over soon.”, you reassured him one last time, before you walked out and into the hospital room he had been assigned to.
And while you had your little one-on-one moment with your baby, Hawks was nervously waiting for it to end as they closed his wound and got him situated again.
It took almost 40 minutes where he was alone in the operating room and just craving to be by your side and hold his baby, that he couldn’t help but cry in the middle of it. All of this was a very emotional experience. It was an emotional rollercoaster, really.
Though, when he was laying naked and vulnerable on the hospital bed again, as they had stripped him of the hospital gown completely, he finally came out of the operating room and into his assigned room. Covered in warm blankets to keep his small, yet so incredibly strong body warm. His mood instantly better when he saw you sitting on a chair and holding your baby girl.
You stood up immediately and walked over once he was ready and the nurses left you alone for just a few moments. Softly placing the little one onto his naked chest, Hawks held her again in a tight, yet gentle grip, as if he never wanted to let go again.
He was groggy, but so happy. The selfie you took showed you both beaming with happiness. A photo you would forever treasure.
“She is beautiful.”
“She is. Our sweet little Ava.”, you whispered back and kissed his forehead.
“You are really… the most amazing man I know, Kei. I love you so much.”
And as he grinned from ear to ear with how happy he was, his golden eyes filled with tears and shimmered as he whispered those love-filled words back. So incredibly thankful that everything turned out alright and he could hold Ava in his arms and have you by his side now.
He knew it would get tough from here on out. Not only because he had to recover from this big surgery, which meant you had to take care of Ava almost alone in the first few weeks, (which was pretty hard for him, because he wasn’t someone to just lay down and let everyone serve him), but also because family life was going to be so new. Yet, he was also excited. To experience this with you, because he could have not wanted any other man by his side right now, than you.
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
⇻ salem.talks: this request came in like two days ago? and yeah like i said, i saw it and knew i had to write it! i loved it! such an intimate moment with our birb boy is just lovely, no? 💌 and i have lots of fun finding names for the baby that have something to do with birds or flying or something lmao
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cryonme · 3 years
ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴏʙꜱᴇꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ
part one >< jj x reader
﹥ˏˋ♡̩͙♡̩̩̥͙♡̩̥̩ ⋆ ♡̩̥̩♡̩̩̥͙♡̩͙ˊˎ﹤
JJ and Y/n have a fuck hate relationship, well, JJ does. Y/n’s madly in love and JJ’s just mad. When Y/n finally decides enough is enough and confesses her feelings to JJ, she leaves the chateau in pieces.
word count- 1.4k
tw/ cursing, mentions of sex, jj is an ASSHOLE, drinking, shitty writing.
a/n- wowwie! my first outer banks imagine, how fun! I've been wanting to write for obx for a while now so I'm really excited about this, and I hope you all love it as much as I do!! there will be a part two, so don’t get too sad about the ending... yet. xo
“Wanna tell your best friend to stop glaring at me?” You spat as you grabbed a red solo cup while waiting in line for the keg.
John B just chuckled and shook his head, “I’m afraid it wouldn’t do any good, my friend.”
You rolled your eyes. JJ had been shooting daggers at you all night. Actually, scratch that. JJ had been shooting daggers at you for the past 2 and a half years. You were a pogue, just like him and his friends. You worked for everything you had, you wore the same 7 t shirts and the same 2 bikinis, and your parents weren't exactly star role models. So you weren’t sure where JJ’s hatred for you stemmed from, until you came to the realization that he couldn’t handle another person coming into the friend group, and did his best to try and drive you out of it.
And yet you were stupidly, uncontrollably, head over heels in love with him.
Yes, you heard that right.
Despite the blue eyed boy’s disdain for you, he couldn’t keep his hands off of you. The two of you had been drunk fucking for 6 months now. It all started when you were all getting drunk at the chateau and JJ had accidentally stumbled into the room you had been laying in, and things just escalated from there. Every time you fucked you saw a different JJ, probably just because he was drunk, which you tried not to think about. He would ask you if you were comfortable, cup your face when he kissed you, stroke your hair, like he was in love with you too. But as soon as you were done he wouldn’t look at you, like he was disgusted with himself for ever touching you.
You kept his secret, didn’t tell anyone about the nights JJ would drunkenly squeeze through your window and kiss you like it was the first time, everytime.
You were tempted, wanted to embarrass him for the way he treated you in public, but you soon came to realize that if you told anybody, JJ would never kiss you again. So, you kept your mouth shut. No matter how badly you wanted to open it.
John B nudged your arm, “Don’t let him bother you, he’s really not worth it. He’s just jealous.”
“Jealous of what?” You asked.
“That there’s other people in this world we can get along with.”
You scoffed, “He needs to grow up, he’s acting like a child.”
“I agree.” John B said before ruffling your hair and walking off to find Sarah.
You sighed and turned your head toward JJ, who unsurprisingly was glaring at you again.
You smirked and mouthed, “I know you’re obsessed with me.” Before raising your red solo cup to your lips and taking a sip.
JJ clenched his jaw and turned away from you, walking in the other direction.
If he was gonna be a dick to you, you were gonna be a dick back. It’s not fair that he gets to treat you like trash but the second you retaliate the world ends.
You decided right then, standing on the beach with a beer in your hand and your toes grazing the water, you were done. He can’t treat you like this and expect you to spread your legs in return. No matter how much it would hurt not being able to kiss or touch him again, it had to be done. You had to respect yourself more than that.
You turned your body towards the party and scanned your eyes over the crowd, finally landing them on him. He was talking to Kiara, smiling and sipping on his drink, and your heart sank. He would never be that way with you, which is why it was time to do what you had to do.
You took your time walking over to the pair, kicking your feet in the sand, stopping and talking to a couple familiar faces before finally landing next to Kiara. She smiled and wrapped an arm around you.
“Where’ve you been, babe?”
You shrugged and leaned into the girl, “Around.”
JJ stayed silent as the two you chit chatted, looking everywhere except at you.
Once your conversation with Kie hit a lull you turned to the blond, “We need to talk.”
He scoffed, “Yeah, like that’s gonna happen.”
“JJ.” Kiara said in a harsh tone, looking at you apologetically. You dismissed her with a soft smile, assuring her it was fine. She looked between the two of you before backing off, giving your arm a quick squeeze. “Let me know if you need me.”
You nodded and watched the girl walk away, starting to dread what you had to do.
“I’m serious, JJ.”
“I’m not fucking talking to you.”
“Alright, fine.” You put your hands up in surrender and walked closer to the boy, leaning in to whisper in your ear.
“I’m done fucking you.”
Before you could walk away JJ firmly grabbed your arm and stared down at you. You kept your head high and your face serious, letting him know you weren't kidding around.
“Let’s talk in private.”
You got to the chateau before JJ did since he insisted you don’t walk together, out of fear of your cover being blown. You stood awkwardly in John B’s spare room, the one JJ had declared as his own, waiting for him to make his appearance.
When he did, he slammed the door and you willed everything in you not to jump. He stood in silence in front of you for what felt like hours, staring at you like if you made one wrong move he’d strangle you right then and there.
“I’m done.”
“Yeah, I gathered that much. Care to explain?” He said in a voice so intimidating it took everything in you not to shrink down and crawl out the window. You took a deep breath. You were really gonna do this, after all these months of burying your feelings, you were really gonna do it. “I love you.” You said. Your voice shook, but dammit, you said it.
“No you don’t.”
You weren’t prepared for that response. You expected him to laugh in your face, yell at you, maybe even kiss you and confess his feelings, but not that.
“You don’t know me.” You spat. “How dare you tell me how I feel?”
“I do know you, Y/n. I know you’re desperate for any form of attention. I know you think you love me because I give you just a sliver of that attention you desperately crave.” JJ’s voice got lower as he began to slowly walk towards you, not stopping until he was inches from your face. His hand came up and gripped your jaw, turning your face to make you look up at him.
“You literally mean nothing to me.”
You pushed him off of you, “You asshole.”
“Maybe. But at least I wasn’t stupid enough to fall for someone who hates me.”
If you weren’t angry before, you were now. You could feel white hot anger rising up in your chest as your fists began to clench and your muscles began to shake.
“If you hate me so much why do you fuck me like you’re in love with me?!” You nearly screamed in his face, while he showed absolutely no emotion. He stared at you for a long time,saying absolutely nothing, just breathing heavily and running a hand through his hair every 10 seconds.
You waited. You waited for what felt like forever for him to say something, anything. You just wanted to know what he was thinking, if he told you to fuck off, fine. If he told you he was in love with you but just didn’t want to admit it, fine. You just needed something from him.
“I think you need to leave.” He said finally, his eyes still not moving from his heavy gaze on you.
You nodded and quickly wiped a tear from your eye. “Gladly. Have a shitty life, asshole.”
You made sure to clip his shoulder with yours on the way out, and slam the door just like he had earlier in the night.
When you exited the chateau, the sun hadn’t even set yet, and the young drunk teens were still dancing and laughing. Your eyes found your friends, Kiara, Pope and John B. Pope’s arm was extended, holding a phone and snapping a selfie of the trio, all of them with the goofiest grins on their faces. You felt a pang in your chest watching them.
You weren’t planning on coming around anymore.
ahhhh.... part two??
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seacottons · 4 years
—ateez as boyfriends [ domestic au ]
notes: swearing. suggestive dialogue. fluff. i blame a certain someone for this, not gonna say who. @kireiwoo
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— hongjoong
very caring and attentive towards you
so much so, that even his friends have complained how it isn't fair he doesn't scold you like the way he does to them
he enjoys many activities with you, such as
helping him dye his hair an ungodly color every other month
he'll insist you try experimenting with your own tresses
but you only have the courage to dye the very ends of your strands
"i don't think i can pull off that color as well as you do," you'd say.
"that's a load of bull. you'll suit every hair color."
you'll just roll your eyes playfully at his biased behavior.
other activities include getting tiny matching tattoos together.
the tiny flower and butterfly on your wrists was most likely your favorite due to its simplicity in design and the meaning behind it as well.
spontaneous dates are his favorite.
behind closed doors, he loves to constantly shower you with pecks and smooches.
often gets teased by his friends from how whipped he is for you.
randomly books vacations for you two to relax and unwind every so often.
although he enjoys it, he is a big, tired baby when it comes to traveling
always wanting to lean his head against your shoulder
or cuddling you close for warmth due to the airport's air conditioners blasting frigid air.
has written many songs about you
and when he's finally ready, he'll not only ask you to listen to them, but to also spend the rest of your life with him and share his last name as well.
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— seonghwa
constant pet names
"the sun to my stars."
"the moon to my sun."
"love of my life."
you like to call him mars, mostly.
but he revels when you call him 'twinkle eyes' for some reason.
has a habit of pulling you into his lap.
you'll subconsciously play with the strands of his hair as he does so, him being too distracted bickering with his friends to realize sometimes.
will always give you pleading looks whenever wooyoung or san tease him.
sometimes, you walk in to find wooyoung settling onto your boyfriend's back while he greedily devours the bowl of popcorn entirely by himself.
or other times when both wooyoung and san constrict his limbs with their arms whenever you're near.
"y/n can't save you now, so cut the whining."
you'll only sigh and shake your head in amusement.
"what are you guys doing to my poor boyfriend?"
"he changed the movie we were watching without our permission!"
"because i have no damn clue what's going on, and harry potter is too confusing!"
coffee dates.
loves to sleep with you tucked against his chest.
always has an arm draped around your frame.
butterfly kisses on your neck.
soft touches against the small of your back and waist.
his favorite pastime with you would be stargazing.
"baby, look. it's me, mars-io," he'd say whilst pointing up to the large, bright star in the night sky.
when it's too cloudy outside, or when the weather isn't forgiving, he'll turn on the indoor star projector he bought so the two of you can stargaze in the comfort of your own bed.
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— yunho
is the epitome of romantic.
is constantly smothering you in love and affection.
always has heart eyes and admiration in his eyes at whatever small task you do or say.
rant about an ancient dynasty?
heart eyes.
bombard him with useless information about a certain abandoned island.
heart eyes.
gush about the new cute bakery that recently opened up?
heart eyes.
if you had a money jar for every time he says 'i love you', you'd have enough money to buy a plane ticket or two.
always willing to drop everything to help you with whatever it is you need.
will wake up in the middle of the night when you text him to ask if he's awake or not.
willingly stays up to keep you company.
but sometimes, when he's too tired, he'll knock out accidentally and profusely apologize to you in the morning.
very supportive of your life choices.
hates seeing you cry because it makes him want to bawl his eyes out as well.
his hugs are bone-crushing.
but he is a gentle giant nonetheless.
likes to attempt to bake pastries with you.
half of the time, the goods either turn out undercooked or burnt.
"they have love in them, that's all that matters."
will always insist that you can rant to him about anything and everything.
you've never felt so valued in your life before meeting him.
is the most understanding human being you've ever gotten the pleasure of knowing.
"i wish we were vampires," he says one day.
you give him an amused look, lips outstretched into a smile, "why, silly?"
"so we can spend an eternity together."
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— yeosang
his heart flutters when you notice the smallest things he does.
it makes him feel appreciated and acknowledged.
like when he changes up his hairstyle or earrings.
or when he wears a new sweater.
a big, big softie when it comes to you.
can and will want to spend all day in your arms on his days off.
quick witted and has a knack for noticing the tiniest detail.
very shy and awkward at first.
but when he gets more comfortable as time passes on, you won't be safe from his snarky little comments anymore.
will constantly bring up the thing you said or did months ago to prove a point.
"oh, you like this flavor? three months ago you told me it tasted like vomit."
"remember that time you woke up in a rush to get to work thinking you were late, only for me to drag you back inside because it was three in the fucking morning?"
you stop mid-chew and peer up from your plate of rice.
"your point, yeosang?"
"oh, nothing this time. i just wanted to tease you."
is the type to have a mid-life crisis when you can't decide on a restaurant.
"but i don't want to eat at the chicken place again," you'll whine.
"it's been thirty minutes, and you still haven't decided what you want!"
"you're rushing me!"
"y/n! just pick!"
loves to cuddle with you, especially in the colder months.
wraps a blanket around your frame and tugs you in closer against his chest.
pretends not to understand your jokes just to spite and tease you.
loves when you cling onto him.
his favorite pastime with you would be just walking around together at night and trying out different types of street food.
or even visiting any of the local beaches for a relaxing walk together.
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— san
persistently keen about whenever you feel upset or down.
he reads you better than any open book.
sometimes, it scares you, but you appreciate how he's always so eagle-eyed about your behavior.
loves to hug your head.
you allow wooyoung to crash some of your dates with san sometimes.
other times, san will whine and tell him to go find his own date.
"if y/n accepted you as a boyfriend, then you should've disclosed that i'm part of the deal as well. buy one get one free."
"as what exactly?"
"the hot, clingy best friend."
will take numerous duck-faced selfies of himself because you think they're cute.
often times, he'll ask you to mirror his expression, only for him to press his lips against yours a second before his phone snaps the picture.
likes when you kiss his dimple.
"y/n! it looks like a crater from the amount of times you've kissed it."
he likes to tease you.
a lot.
very touchy.
always has an arm around you.
rests his chin against your shoulders.
playfully smacks your rear when you're sassy with him.
or leans in to hold your jaw whilst whispering teasing words into your ear that has you becoming docile and bothered in mere seconds.
has you wrapped around his finger as much as you have him wrapped around your own.
likes to have weekly picnics with you at the park and admires all the dogs running about.
"i should bring byeol next week. maybe she'll like to play fetch too."
"i don't think that's a good idea.."
you often find him fast asleep holding onto a plushie for dear life whenever you're away.
you'll pull it away from his arms, causing him to stir awake groggily.
he'll stare in confusion as you throw the plushie aside, before pulling you in tighter as you wriggle into his arms.
"you're softer than shiber," he'll mumble sleepily against the crown of your head.
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— mingi
mingi is sometimes self-conscious around the public eye and others, but when it comes to you, those layers of fear and insecurity get stripped away instantly.
doesn't mind being vulnerable with you.
he craves affection, adores it even, but is insecure about not being able to return it well enough for his liking.
likes when you give him attention.
easily gets jealous when someone else grabs your interest.
reassuring him 24/7.
"yes, mingi. you're the love of my life."
kissing his pouting lips for good measure.
the smallest of gestures has him a blushing mess.
even holding hands in public.
when he's not being a sentimental sap, he'll like teasing you lovingly.
"wow, you have this many photos of me in your phone?"
you'll scrutinize him in confusion.
"are you that obsessed with me, y/n?"
"mingi! you told me to take half of those photos of you!"
"oh, right. i forgot."
a silence weighs down onto the two of you.
"but would you have taken them if i never asked you to?"
constantly laughs about the things you say, although you don't think you're that funny.
always seeks your approval subconsciously.
will always shield you from the rain, playfully yelling at the droplets sometimes.
"you can't make y/n wet! only i can!"
"mingi! we are in public!"
wanted to go strawberry picking because he saw a celebrity try it out on instagram live.
accidentally steps on many berries though.
"it's okay, they'll just make another plant. i did them a favor."
brags about you like no tomorrow.
even for the tiniest, minuscule thing.
"oh, i've already tried the brand of ice cream. y/n always buys that for me."
"i don't need to pay all this money for a measly slice of cake. y/n's cakes are much better."
"no, wooyoung. i'm not jealous of your new shoes." he'll lightly pinch the boy's side, "y/n and i have already bought ourselves matching pairs."
"you two are so fucking cheesy, it hurts."
when he's not bragging about you, he's boasting about himself.
but if that's what helps him raise his confidence levels up, you'll gladly sit down hours on end listening to how he has more 'swag' and 'charisma' than all of his older friends combined.
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— wooyoung
teases you like his life depends on it.
says you can't get enough of him, when in reality it's the other way around.
but you let him believe whatever he wants.
but deep down he just really gets satisfied with himself if he raises your mood and makes you smile.
especially when you're not having a great day.
uses way too many emojis when texting you.
"wooyoung, why am i saved as as 'clingy bug' on your contacts?"
he'll squawk indignantly and laugh awkwardly for a second.
"who told you this lie!?"
always wants to show off your love in front of his friends.
"no, i don't want my early birthday gift now. wait until the others show up, and do it front of them."
"but why?"
"so everyone can see how much you love me. can you also cry for good measure?"
"absolutely not."
he enjoys the dates you have in his apartment the most.
the ones where he cooks for you and asks for your help, only for him to pester you about over-seasoning or undersalting something.
"okay, fine! we'll just order take out if it tastes that bad," you pout, flinging a small piece of onion on his face.
his head instantly snaps back to eye you judgingly, fist gripping the poor spatula.
"over my dead body."
"so, y/n. how does my plating look?"
"it's beautiful, wooyoung. you've outdone y-"
"what else is beautiful?" he demands, face leaning over the table to give you a knowing grin.
you shove a piece of meat and rice into his mouth, shrugging nonchalantly.
he deflates at your answer, spluttering pieces of rice onto your face.
"jung wooyoung, you slob!"
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— jongho
is the type of boyfriend to stop you in the middle of the road to tie your shoe for you.
very charming and goofy in his own way.
takes pride in himself and his abilities to cater to your every whim and need.
even when you don't ask for his help.
aggressively opens jars for you when you struggle to pry them open.
"no one messes with my y/n."
"you're fussing at a jar of pickled radish, baby."
the type to cling close to you in public in fear of any of the bicyclists or pedestrians bumping into you and harming you in any way.
sometimes acts like you're made of glass.
while it's endearing occasionally, it is a bit suffocating at other times.
doesn't believe you when you say you're tough and don't need protection.
very selfless and willing to help you with anything you need.
never one to shy away from social gatherings with his friends, always pulling you along with him despite you being shy and clingy most of the night.
also a big tease.
when you help him hold down his legs for sit ups, he asks for a smooch.
pulls away from you when you try to kiss him.
and will laugh at your pouting face as he urges you to try once more.
"stop moving, i just want to kiss you!"
after numerous tries, he finally allows you ( you truly think you over-powered him though ) to kiss his cheeks or lips.
he then proceeds to squawk loudly in retaliation and playful disgust.
although he loves teasing you, when the game is flipped the other way, he'll be a shy mess of embarrassment.
"i don't mumble your name in my sleep."
"you always do, silly."
tucked underneath his macho exterior, you know he's prone to criticism and takes it to heart much more than he likes to show and admit.
so, whenever you get the chance, you always fulfill his need to be appreciated, loved, and taken care of.
is utterly and extremely protective of you.
"who just whistled at you?" he grumbles, "i'll break their jaw like an apple, you know i will."
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pascalpanic · 4 years
Drunk Words (Frankie Catfish Morales x f!Reader)
Drunk Words / Sober Thoughts part one of two
Summary: Frankie’s drunk off his ass and needs a ride home. PART ONE of a two part Frankie fic
W/C: 2.7k+
Warnings: language, copious amounts of alcohol, Frankie is absolutely shitfaced
A/N: THANK U TO MY BABE @sanchosammy for this idea!!! I love it so much I fuckin LOVE my baby frankie
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As you roll over in bed, you groan. You’ve been up for about 20 minutes now, unable to return to the blissful sleep that had been enveloping you before. The time on your watch now reads 3:07. You frown and grab your phone, lying on your side. The light is bright enough to make you squint, and you smile at the text thread you’ve received from Frankie tonight.
The man brings nothing but happiness to your life. You really do love Frankie, not just platonically. You want to hold his big and strong hands, want to lift up his ball cap and kiss him on the forehead, want to fluff the hat hair he always gets from that Standard Oil cap. More than anything, you want to softly kiss that little patch in his beard. It’s just existing there, perfectly clean even when he’s almost at a full beard. His tough fingers scratch it and you giggle, looking away when he asks what’s so funny. Nothing, Fish, you immediately reply. Fishie, if you’re feeling a little more flirtatious.
Frankie might be feeling the same, you’ve noticed lately. He’s a little more touchy with you. He hugs you longer than the other men, makes you dance with him when a good song comes on. He lets it happen when you steal his ball cap and wear it, where he’d scold and smack any of the other men for it. He lends you his flannel when you’re cold, wrapping it gingerly around your shoulders.
It’s been a long time that you’ve been friends now. Just recently, you’ve come to appreciate him differently. The way he hugs you warms your heart still, but it makes your heart race and your hands sweat. It makes you want to lift your face from where it rests in his neck and kiss him softly, your fingers working into that little bald patch on his jaw.
Even now, as he’s clearly drunk, you adore him. How can you not?
Frankie 🚁: attachment: one image
You open the photo and laugh. It’s a blurry selfie of Frankie, an arm draped over Santiago’s shoulders. The two men make faces like they’re going to bite the other, and it makes you chuckle aloud. You can see his fluffy curls peeking out from beneath the cap, and you desperately want to play with them. The image is blurry, showing that it must’ve been moving while he took it.
Frankie 🚁: missing u tonight, Santiago says he doesn’t like me when you’re not around
Frankie 🚁: holy fuck their new beer is really good, you gotta try it soon
Frankie 🚁: lol I fuckin love the nachos here
Frankie 🚁: snati is so annoying, pls get him away from me
Frankie 🚁: u r probably sleep sorry :((((
Frankie 🚁: can we got o a zoo soon?? I wanna see animals 🦫🐈🐕‍🦺🦡
You laugh out loud at the words, at Frankie’s terrible typing. He must be shitfaced. He’s hilarious when he’s drunk.
The last text was only four minutes ago.
Me: Alright, Fishie. Stop drinking and eat something. No more beer.
Frankie 🚁: ha I’m drinking that Coffey shit… Kalua?? isk but it’s so gooood
Your phone rings, filling the screen with your profile picture of Frankie. It’s a photo of him smiling, his dimple evident. Your cheek is pressed to his, grinning just as wide. God, he’s so fucking cute. You love him so much.
You take a second and stare at the photo before pressing the answer button and putting it on speaker. “Hey, Fish.”
“Hey,” he laughs, dragging the word out long and slow. “S’a shame you weren’t here, Will’s been buying all night.” His words are slurred and woozy. You can hear the roar of the bar behind him.
“Ah, so that’s why you’re shitfaced,” you laugh into the phone.
“Precisely,” he slurs, a smile clear in his voice. “I can’t drive.”
“I’m glad you realize that. What do you want me to do about that? I can have an Uber coming your way in ten minutes.”
“Will you pick me up?” He asks, his voice like a child’s. “Fuckin’ Ubers cost money, ‘n I just wanna see your pretty face.”
“Frankie,” you warn but feel your body warm at the notion.
“You got a cute little nose,” he laughs. “Just wanna boop it. Can I boop it? Just go… boop, boop boop. Right on the nose.”
You sigh. “Fine. I’ll be there in twenty minutes. You’re so fucking lucky I think you’re cute.”
“Thank you,” he practically sings. “See you then. Mwah.”
You throw on a hoodie and walk to your car, not caring to cover up your patterned flannel shorts that you sleep in. Your hair is messy, you don’t have makeup on, you don’t really give a shit. It’s Frankie.
Once you reach the bar, you shoot him a text, and the four men stumble outside. “Yo!” Benny calls and rushes over to you. It’s clear his normal balance has left his body for the night, his body a little wobbly. He’s an excited drunk. He slams on your window until you lower it. “Hey, you missed out on a good time,” he grins. His words blur together too.
Frankie follows behind him, an arm thrown across him. He’s still got a little balance. “Missed you so much, cariño. Santi’s being an ass.”
You look up at Will. “These fuckers need a ride too?” He’s the responsible one of the men, even when intoxicated.
He shakes his head. “Got an Uber coming. They’re staying at my place tonight.”
Frankie puts a hand on the car to steady himself. “Knew you’d come. Pretty girl always comes through for me, even at 3 A.M., thank you,” he slurs happily, his eyes half open.
Santiago leans against your car. “Hey gorgeous. We missed you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you roll your eyes. “Get the grizzly bear in the car.”
Frankie laughs at the words. “Ooh, I like that. Big and fluffy but murderous.”
“I’m about to get murderous if you don’t get in the car right now, Francisco Morales.”
“Oh, snap!”
“Shit, man.”
Benny gives a whistle. The men all make noises in commentary and laugh, Will opening the door. Frankie flops down inside. Benny ensures that all of his limbs have made it in and shuts the door. “Don’t party too hard with him tonight,” Santiago calls and you roll your eyes.
The two of you drive off and out of the bar parking lot.
“Hey, Fish,” you say, snapping your fingers in front of his face. “Buckle up. I’m not getting in trouble for your dumb ass.”
“You always do, though,” he mumbles and tilts his head to look at you. “You’re so good to me.”
“I’m a fucking saint,” you sigh sarcastically. “Seriously, buckle up. If you can’t do it yourself, we’re going to the ER for alcohol poisoning.”
“No,” he whines and pouts at you. “Just wanna be close to you. Wanna just…” he trails off and rests his head against your shoulder. “Mm. There. Your skin is so soft.”
“That’s my hoodie, Frankie.”
He takes a deep breath in through his nose, the scent clicking in his addled brain. “No, that’s my hoodie.”
He’s right, you realize. You grabbed a random sweatshirt and pulled it on before leaving. You’re the one who’s always cold at gatherings, leaving Frankie to share one of his many layers with you. You smile a bit. “It’s comfy.”
“I like it better on you. I really like you in my clothes, you know that? Wear them way better than I can. You just look so cute and so little.”
“Frankie, I’m 5’9,” you refute and glare down at him, where he looks up at you with puppy-dog mocha-colored eyes.
“Just look so small in ‘em. I’m like 6’0, you know that.”
“I do know that, Francisco. You remind us all the time,” you laugh, removing his ball cap and tossing it into his lap. “Still shorter than Benny. Get that hat off and I think you’re shorter than Santi.”
“I’m taller than him,” Frankie whines at the reminder. “How come Benny’s the baby and he’s so tall? He’s like a fuckin’ giraffe up there, can never see his stupid face,” he pouts.
“He’s too tall for comfortable hugs,” you nod in agreement. “And Santi is too short. And Will is too fucking awkward,” you laugh. You purposely leave out the bit about how perfect hugs from Frankie are, how much you dream about them and crave them.
His dark brows furrow as he looks up at you with glazed eyes. “Wha’bout me?”
The car stops for a moment as a light in front of you turns red. You smile down at him and push his messy curls from his forehead. “I like hugging you. You’re comfy.”
“Ha, grizzly bear hugs,” he slurs. “Y’should call me that more often. I like it when you call me things the boys don’t. Makes me feel tingly,” he laughs, lovestruck as he looks up at you.
“Yeah, like when they put the meds in before they steal your teeth.”
“Steal your teeth?” You laugh loudly, toying with one of the curls. “Do you mean get a tooth removed?”
“Same thing. I don’t like it when they do it then. I like it when you call me stuff though. Fishie makes me laugh and feel happy.”
“Oh yeah?” God, he’s so fucking precious. He looks at you like a puppy stares at their owner, pure and unadulterated love radiating from them. “I’ll need to call you Fishie more often then.”
It’s quiet for a while. Frankie’s head still rests against your shoulder. He can feel all of the tiny muscles move as you steer and navigate the car. He likes the way they move, making his drunken head even more floaty. After a few moments, he shifts to lean against the car door, just watching you.
The music drifting from the radio is soft and quiet. You almost think Frankie’s fallen asleep, since he’s so quiet, but you look over and see him gazing over at you. “Penny for your thoughts, Fish.”
You’re expecting something stupid. Frankie is quite the philosopher when he’s drunk, always asking odd rhetorical questions. ‘Is a muffin an unfrosted cupcake?’ has always been a favorite of his. He’s never quite made up his mind about it, waxing poetic about the difference in the two baked goods.
He always says something stupid, but this time, his sober thoughts become his drunken words. “You’re the most absolute prettiest woman I’ve ever seen,” he smiles at you, those pink lips curled into a soft smile. It shows off his dimple, and you want to scream from how cute he looks. One of his big hands reaches over and cups your face.
“You’re drunk,” you shake your head, looking back at the road. “Don’t be stupid.”
“No, I mean yeah. Kinda drunk and really stupid, ha, but I mean it. You’re so fuckin’ pretty, cariño.” The backs of his fingers trace across the side of your face, resting on the side of your neck now.
You look down at yourself, still skeptical. “No, I know what you’re gonna say,” he pouts, beating you to the punch. “You’re in your pajamas and your hair is all messy ‘n whatever, but you’re so pretty. Your face is so cute. I love your nose. Just wanna…” he leans over and makes good on his promise for earlier. “Boop,” he coos as he pokes the tip of your nose, smiling wide. “You’re so cute. The guys make fun’a me because I never shut up about it.”
“Oh really?” you ask, raising an eyebrow and laughing.
“Yeah. Santi says I’m in love with you,” he murmurs, sitting back against the car window.
You gulp as you force yourself to grip the steering wheel harder, staring at the white dashes separating the two-lane road. “Yeah? What do you have to say on the matter?”
“I’m kinda thinkin’ he might be right.” His voice is small and quiet.
You shake your head again, eyes watering from the honesty. There’s no way he can think that. He’s shitfaced. He doesn’t mean it, there’s no way. He’s never been more than a friend, done anything to indicate romance.
Or… maybe he has, you reflect. He pays for your drinks most nights. He’ll order something you want and share it with you. He’s always a little touchier than he is with the boys. “You don’t mean that,” you say quietly, swallowing hard.
Whatever common sense he has left tells him to be quiet, so he does. He sits there silently for the rest of the drive, the tension palpable between the two of you. When you finally reach his house and park, you hold your breath. You don’t know what to do, what to say, but you can’t just let him go inside without saying anything. He sits up a little straighter as he realizes he’s come to a stop.
You bite your lip and look over at him. “I should help you inside.”
He nods and you turn off the car, putting the key in the pocket of your hoodie. You get out and walk to Frankie’s side, opening his door. He reaches his arms out to you and you chuckle a little. He looks like a helpless little child.
“Alright, grizzly bear,” you grunt as he swings his feet out and you help lift him to his feet. His arms cling to you tight until he’s standing up.
“Thanks,” he murmurs and wraps an arm around your shoulder when he’s upright.
“Don’t thank me yet,” you chuckle.
Using you as a crutch, he walks alongside you and into his house. He fumbles with the key until you open it for him, then lock it behind you. He leads the way to his room, opening the door and sighing as he sees his bed.
“Not yet,” you say as he tries to get to the bed. “Come on.” You pull his flannel off, leaving him in the t-shirt underneath. “Okay, go on.” He flops down onto his bed with a happy noise. Once he’s down, you unlace his boots and pull them off, then his socks.
Standing at his side, you undo his belt. “Woah,” he laughs. “‘M way too drunk for that, pretty girl. Kinda wanna though.”
“Shut the fuck up, Fish,” you laugh and thread it through the loops, tossing it aside. “I’m getting your clothes off so you can sleep.”
“Oh,” he sighs, giggling drunkenly as you pull his pants off. “Kinda feels like we’re gonna fuck.”
“Maybe another time,” you tease and pull the covers over him. Pushing his curls from his face, you softly kiss his cheek. “Call me when you’re sober, okay?”
He frowns and grabs the hand on his face with both of his rough palms. “Don’t leave me,” he pouts.
“Frankie,” you sigh and look at your watch. “It’s 3:35 in the goddamn morning.”
“Then stay the night,” he begs. “You said you like hugging me. I want you to hug me all night long,” he sighs, kissing your fingertips. You smile softly. It’s a good offer, you have to admit. He makes it even harder to say no. “I won’t be able to sleep if you’re not here when I wake up.”
“Lots of things can happen while you’re asleep, Fishie. I can-”
“Mm, Fishie,” he says with a smile, his eyes fluttering closed. “Come snuggle with me, pretty girl.”
You sigh as you look at the man. It’s not like you haven’t spent time pressed into his side, watching a sports game or a movie. You and Frankie are affectionate friends. He looks so warm and inviting, his body radiating heat. “Fine,” you give in. “Only because I’m cold.”
“Not ‘cause you like me too?” he asks and rolls over, leaving room for you.
“We can discuss that when you’re sober.” The spot he laid is warm and cozy, his body heat making it perfect for you. You slide under the covers next to him and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
Frankie presses a sloppy kiss to your head, smiling. You can hear his slow and steady heartbeat. “G’night cariño,” he mumbles, lips still buried in your hair.
“Goodnight, Frankie,” you whisper.
He falls asleep almost instantly, and you’re close behind him. You’ve never been more at peace than when you fall asleep in Frankie Morales’s arms.
read part two: SOBER THOUGHTS
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
a/n: personally i’ve been waiting for this part to come since the beginning lmao, so here is the proposal finally!! it’s like so fluffy, almost disgustingly, but i just couldn’t help myself
pairing: Sebastian Stan X Reader
word count: 1.8k
This fic is part of the LITTLE ONE series, but can be read as a simple oneshot as well! Find the masterpost of the series HERE!
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(gif is not mine)
You’ve been eating like a hormonal teenage boy these past weeks and you know it needs to stop and held under control, but you just can’t help yourself. It’s like your stomach has become a black hole that needs to absorb any and every food that’s home, you’re constantly snacking beside the large portions you eat three times a day, there’s always something you’re craving, the shopping list on the fridge is changing every hour because you think of something else to eat.
Luckily, you haven’t gained that much weight besides the noticeable bump that’s your baby in your belly, seems like your little girl does need all the food and she uses it instead of letting it all get stuck on other parts of your body, so you’re fine for just now.
Sitting on the couch, watching some kind of soap opera, you’re snacking on an entire jar of Nutella this time, shamelessly stuffing your mouth with the sweet, thick stuff, pretty sure that nothing will be left of it by the end of the day. Sebastian is away again for his second filming that was scheduled even before you found out you were pregnant and he messed around with it a little, shortening it once again and you just visited him last weekend. Now that you are pushing the end of your second trimester, your bump is quite evident, not something you can hide easily, so when you showed up on set with your boyfriend, you didn’t even try to cover it up, knowing well someone would spot it sooner or later. However everyone on the team has been so respectful, keeping the news to themselves, because no headlines have been made about your pregnancy just yet, keeping the secret even longer. To be honest, you’re surprised it hasn’t been discovered sooner, you thoughr someone would catch you out and about and see right through your baggy clothes and sell the news to the tabloids, but now you are in the sixth month and no one knows a thing.
Your phone chimes next to you, a text from Seb and you hum to yourself happily, putting the jar aside to grab the phone and see what he wrote.
“How are my two favorite girls doing? Miss you a lot!”
He even attached a silly selfie of himself in hair and makeup, he looks adorable with the clips in his hair and some kind of patches under his eyes. Like a real beauty guru.
Grabbing the Nutella, you place it on top of your bump as you move the phone to a lower angle and take a selfie that makes your bump look even bigger, the jar on top and you grinning widely at the camera as you snap a picture and send it to him with your reply.
“Enjoying our third snack of the day at 11 am! Miss you too, can’t wait to see you next week!”
He reads the message right away, his reply coming just seconds later.
“Look at that bump! You look gorgeous, baby! Can’t wait to see you too, have fun with your sister today, love you lots Xx”
Since he has left you’ve been trying to keep yourself busy so you don’t miss him too much and you’re also using these weeks to spend as much time with your friends and family as possible, knowing well once the baby arrives you won’t be going out that much for a while, nestled up in your home, learning the ropes of being a mother. Today you are meeting up with your sister, she is taking you out to this alleged new, quite fancy restaurant you haven’t heard about before. She claimed that it’s really exclusive, so you don’t have to worry about being photographed or bothered, but she also told you to glam yourself up for the occasion. It’s gonna be some nice sister time, something you haven’t been able to do in a long time.
You take the assignment seriously, doing your hair and makeup the best you can and you decide to put on a flowy maxi dress with a soft, knitted cardigan, very much going for a kind of cottage core vibe. Leaving just in time you text your sister that you’re on your way, putting the address into the GPS and heading out of town, because the place is near the beach. She texts you back that she’ll meet you there and so your short little road trip begins. Sitting in the car you’re listening to one of the many playlists Sebastian has made for you and the baby, he likes to play them at home, humming the songs under his breath, hoping to start educating your little girl in the field of music as early as possible. You have to admit he has a good taste, so you don’t mind it at all.
As you follow the instructions of the GPS you find the place that’s supposed to be your destination, but it doesn’t seem like a restaurant at all, more like a mansion of some kind, a very expensive looking if you are being honest. There are no other cars, no sign of other people so as you park at the front you call your sister.
“Hey, I’m right outside, but I have a feeling I’m at the wrong place? It doesn’t look like a restaurant.”
“Oh, don’t worry! You’re at the right place! I’m a little late, but I���ll be there soon, just go inside, they are expecting us!” she assures you, but you’re still not convinced.
Ending the call you approach the entrance and for your surprise the heavy doors open before you could even knock or find the bell. A man in a tuxedo appears in front of you, smiling warmly at you.
“Miss Y/L/N?”
“Uh, yeah,” you nod, a little shy and confused.
“Please, follow me,” prompts as you walk inside and the two of you start crossing the grandiose hall of the building.
At this point you are sure it’s not a restaurant, but you have no idea why your sister wanted you to come here. You want to ask the man if you’re even at the right place, but he called you by your name so he was expecting you, this has to be the place where you’re supposed to be. More and more questions pile up in your head as you follow him out to the backyard, a gigantic, flower-filled garden that’s straight out of a fairytale, a path leading down to the beach where there’s a dreamy little pergola with even more flowers and fairy lights and as your eyes fall on the figure standing in the middle of the pergola, you immediately gasp.
Because surrounded with all the flowers and lights, there is Sebastian standing in an elegant suit, smiling widely at you as the man next to you helps you down the stairs before you start walking down the path to him.
Tears are flooding your eyes, because you already know what it is, but you can’t believe it’s really happening. He was so sneaky, he got home from filming earlier and even made your sister play along to surprise you, he is such a romantic soul, no one can change your mind about that!
“You’re not in Atlanta!” you tell him when he is finally close enough to hear you. He chuckles sweetly, taking a few steps forward to meet you sooner, his hands finding your waist as you cup his face in your hands, pulling him down to kiss you right away.
“No, I’m not, baby,” he smirks, his hands sliding to your belly, gently stroking the sides as you wipe your tears away, but there’s no use, because the next moment, he steps back a little, just enough so that he can get down on one knee and you’re crying again when you see him pull out a little velvety box from his pocket.
You were expecting it. You knew he would propose before the baby arrives, but you just didn’t know when and how, but he surely outdone himself with his little surprise.
“My Love, Y/N,” he starts after a deep breath, his hands finding yours and you can feel the shaking, but you’re not sure if it’s coming from yours or his. Probably both. “I’ve spent the best years of my life with you and I haven’t been the same man since the day I met you, but in the best way possible. You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met and I’m so lucky that you did not only choose to be with me, but you are now carrying our baby under your heart as well, out little one who is equal parts of you and me, though you’re doing ninety percent of the job here,” he adds with a chuckle, making you laugh through your tears. “I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you the moment you were so badass on your first date, kissing me when I didn’t have the balls to do the first step, but I’m glad you did. I fell in love with you right then and there and the same thing has been happening every day, over and over again since then. I know we went a little out of order with everything we had planned,” he smirks, glancing down at your bump before his blue eyes find yours again, “but that doesn’t change the fact that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so I have a question for you.”
He pops the lid of the box open, a gorgeous, brilliant diamond ring coming to your vision, sparkling in the warm afternoon Sun so perfectly, it takes your breath away.
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” he asks, clearly nervous, even though there’s no doubt about your answer, you’ve told him plenty of times before that you want to marry him, but still, it’s a huge moment in both your lives.
“Yes, yes, yes!” you nod eagerly as you both start laughing in relief, his shaky fingers tagging the ring out of the box and sliding it to your finger gently, before he brings your hand to his mouth and kisses the ring.
Then he finally stands up and you basically throw yourself into his arms, kissing him like your life depends on it as he kisses you back with just as much force.
“I love you and I can’t wait to call you my wife,” he sighs pleased against your lips.
“Mm, another title in the line? Girlfriend, baby mama, fiancé and then wife,” you giggle giddily.
“You missed one,” he cocks an eyebrow at you slyly.
“Which one?”
“Love of my life.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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bbunnyyy · 3 years
Aizawa x Reader
Playlist 1 Playlist 2
A/n: I'm in the mood for some fluff, so here you go! Soft Aizawa 🥺
⇥ Aizawa, Hizashi, Nemuri and You are assigned to go undercover in Tokyo. You all drive from Musutafu to Tokyo overnight. How will this go when you are oblivious to Shouta's crush on you? Will you address it?
⇥ Aizawa, Hizashi and Nemuri are 31, You are in your early 20s. Y/n is a top 10 hero who works at UA as well. Aizawa and you are friends. Implied Hizashi x Nemuri
Inspiration: This playlist
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Aizawa and you stood in front of the car waiting for Hizashi and Nemuri to quit bickering over who would drive the car tonight. You were assigned to go to Tokyo incognito to finalise a deal. Tired, you used your quirk to grab the keys. "My car, My rules Guys." You whistled, starting the car. "But you're younger than us!" Nemuri protested, whining. "We're all going to die today" Aizawa jokes and sighs and plops himself on the front seat beside you. "Both of you stop fighting. We'll leave you here and complete the commission ourselves." Aizawa stated matter-of-factly. Hearing his deep voice, you subconsciously relaxed your tensed muscles.
Ten minutes into the drive, Hizashi and Nemuri started fighting over whose playlist was going to play. Aizawa pulled his phone out and started playing jazz music. All of you groaned in unison. "Why don't we see what our Y/n listens to! I hope there are some love songs!" Nemuri suggested after a while. You hummed, connecting your phone to the car and starting the playlist.
You all hummed along to Heat Waves, while Aizawa tried to look annoyed and pulled out his cat eye mask pretending to sleep. He wanted to hear more of your voice. He craved it. "Yo I look so good! Gotta update my followers!" Hizashi pulled out his phone and took a few selfies while Nemuri pulled out snacks and relaxed against his shoulder. You turned the volume down a little.
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You had reached the outskirts of Musutafu while Hizashi and Nemuri were snoring away in the backseat. Aizawa and you were awake, sitting in silence, enjoying the sunset. You reached a bridge and decided to pull over for a break. The both of you stepped out and you took a few pictures of the sunset with your camera. "So, taking photos is one of your hobbies?" Aizawa asked. "No, not really, just taking pictures of things I like " You replied. "Hmm? You can take pictures of me too" Aizawa joked. You laughed along with him and took a picture of him while a love song played in the background.
It was getting late and you were getting hungry. "Do you want to stop and wake them up now, Aizawa?" "Shouta. Call me Shouta. Let's wait for the next city." Your ears turned red at this newfound warmth. You had entered another city and got off to freshen up, leaving Shouta to wake up the loud and rather annoying duo jk and follow you. You guys walk into -favourite fast food restaurant- and placed your order. You sat next to Shouta. "You and Emi should get together! She compliments your personality, you'd be soooo cute together!", Nemuri says, earning a groan from Shouta. Your mood dampens but you try not to show it. Shouta places his hand on top of yours, brushing your knuckles with his thumb while telling Nemuri he finds Emi annoying. Your face heats up and you look away. You troop back to the car when Shouta offers to drive but you decline, telling him to save his energy for the next day.
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The trio is asleep while you continue driving while sipping on your coffee/ energy drink that you picked up and humming along to the songs on the radio. You are started when you feel something brush against your shoulder. You jolt forward, but calm down when you hear Shouta sighing.
"You look tense, to say the least. Do you find me that intimidating?" He questions. "N-No! It's not like that!" You answer, taken aback by the sudden question. "Hmm? Are you sure? You should drop the formalities, You know" Aizawa says in a playful tone. "Yes." you reply while blushing, not able to form a coherent sentence. Shouta laughs at your response and looks out the window. "Will you listen to me?" He breaks the silence. You nod and he continues talking. "I know I'm blunt and I'm not good with feelings. I come off as harsh and uncaring and I know that. If you're offended by anything I said, you can talk to me about It, You know? It's better than getting ignored by you. Please tell me if I can do anything to make this better."
Your face is red to your ears after his speech. You rub your arm while keeping your eyes on the road. "It's not like that! In fact, It's far from what your thinking! 'm not ignoring you, I thought you found me irritating and that you have a thing with Emi, So I wanted to back off."
"Me finding you Irritating? Never. Besides, I don't know why people think I have a thing going on with Emi, I find her irritating." He turns the music down and sighs while looking out the window. "I shouldn't burden you with this but.... I like you. I know you don't like me and it was wrong of me to initiate something earlier. I understand if you want to spend some time apart after-" Shouta is cut off by your sweet laughter. He stares at you, confused.
"You're an Idiot, Shouta." He blinks at you, disappointed. "I feel the same way, Shouta. You'd never burden me." Shouta sighs in relief, and leans back into his seat, processing the range of emotions he went through in a few seconds. "I never expected you to like someone like me, But I'm so happy that you do." He says, giving an emphasis on so. "So, What do we do now?" You ask him. He takes your small/large cold hand into his and squeezes it lightly, running his thumb over your rings. "Pull over the car?" You pull over and he steps out, signalling you to do the same. He pulls you into a kiss under the moonlit sky and sighs into the kiss. "You don't know how long I've waited to do that sweetheart." Shouta says, his voice as sweet as honey. "Believe me, I've waited longer." You reply, your tone soft in place of the monotone voice Shouta was used to hearing. "I could get used to this." Shouta says, hoping you don't see him blushing. You are interrupted by Nemuri squealing and Hizashi honking the horn.
You blush, wondering how long they were awake. "I'M HAPPY MY FRIENDS GOT TOGETHER, BUT LET'S GET A MOVE ON LOVEBIRDS!" Hizashi yells. Shouta uses his quirk to shut him up while Nemuri giggles in the seat. You and Shouta hurry back to your seats. The trio falls asleep this time, and you continue driving, thinking about Shouta and his confession.
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Shouta is the first to wake up and is instantly graced by your beautiful features, which are illuminated by the sunrise. He smiles and puts his hand on your thigh. You gasp and look at him. "Good Morning." You say. "Good Morning to you too, beautiful" you smile and your cheeks are tinted pink. You nod and turn the radio on. You and Shouta hold hands.
Hizashi and Nemuri wake up and wish you good morning. No one talks about yesterday night, and you can tell everyone is thinking about it. You clear your throat and turn the volume higher. You finally reach Tokyo and all of you step out, looking around and then unload the trunk. Hizashi and Nemuri whisper to each other. "Y'know Sho can go freshen up with Y/n while we unload the trunk and get it into the hotel?" Nemuri nods happily and pushes Shouta your way and pushes his hands towards yours. You shyly intertwine hands and walk away with Shouta.
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inkedtae · 4 years
boogie business ⇾ myg, kth. [M]
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𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 ⇾ ceo!taehyung x curvy!reader (f.) x ceo!yoongi
𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒/𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 ⇾ 80s au, smut, pwp, filth, poly au, 18+
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎 ⇾ after making an executive decision without the consensus approval of your co-partners, they generously show you how it’s done in the boogie business.
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 ⇾ 8.9k
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 ⇾ dom!taehyung, blonde mullet!taehyung, switch!yoongi, undercut!yoongi, sub!reader, mentions of smoking (cigarettes), rough sex, public sex, ddlg kink, humilition kink, size kink, tongue kink, threesome, overstimulation, degradation, double penatration, exhibitionism, voyeurism, multiple orgasms, oral (m. and f. receiving), deep throating, cockwarming, fingering (with big rings), choking, body worshipping, clit biting, spanking, teasing, begging, rimming, light bondage, anal, ass play, spit play, breath play, breast play
𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇'𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒 ⇾ this is the thirsting result of the dynamite teaser and yoongi posting selfies only half an hour later… enjoy!
✼ banner by ⇾ @namluve (thank you so so so much hunbun~ // requested through bangtanhq’s request board) 
✼ beta’d by ⇾ @uhgood-dooghu​ (thank you a bunch dear~) and  @kkulmoon (you’re a champ for putting up with my thirsty ass lmao~)
✼ le playlist
Tumblr media
Working late, you sit in your office. The neon glow of the downtown’s nightlife seeps into the room in hues of green and pink. The candy green cassette plays soft pop. Your white calf high, rubber boots tap along to the beat. Smacking your mint gum, you scribble notes about the demo in your little notepad. Owning a record company is hard, especially when you have two co-partners that cannot seem to agree with you on anything. However, it’s moments like this, moments you have alone with just the music that keep you grounded. You glance up at the glass walls that give you a full view of the empty office. With everyone long gone, you have the whole office to yourself too. It’s just the peaceful space you need to collect your thoughts before you really need to get to work. Humming along to the rhythm, you wonder what song this is. Maybe you can pick something like it on your way home. Though, you doubt you’ll be able to find it now. 
A loud creak halts your writing. Trailing your gaze upwards, you find your business partners standing in the doorway. You’ve been expecting them, but you haven’t counted on them looking this good. The taller one, in a sleek emerald suit and swept blonde hair, leans against the frame. His uneven eyes already cloud with lust. The other one, sporting an undercut pushed up by a headband and a grey suit, tips his yellow tinted sunglasses down to get a better look at you. He smirks then bites his lip as if to keep from chuckling. 
You flash them both a sarcastically sweet smile. “Now, now boys,” you mockingly pout. “You can do better than that. Why don’t you shut the door and try it again, with a little knock this time?”
Mr. Kim is not amused. He tenses his jaw. Mr. Min raises a brow, intrigued and impressed that you have the courage to speak to them with such acerbity. 
Licking his lips, Mr. Kim pushes himself off the doorframe and steps around Mr. Min. “That’s cute,” he seethes through a taunting smirk. Already you feel your blossom pink thong wettening, sticking to your folds. His voice is so deep, reaching low enough to make the pit of your stomach tingle. He rests his palms on the edge of your desk and leans forward. You sit back in your chair, all smiles and feigned sweetness falling from your features. “You think you can tell us what to do, hmm? Little girl has her own office and suddenly thinks she owns the place.” 
Mr. Min makes himself comfortable in one of your armchairs before your desk. He props his feet up on the table and lights himself a cigarette. “She just doesn’t understand the business yet, Taehyung,” he mumbles after a puff. 
You drag your gaze from Mr. Min to Taehyung, slightly lowering your chin to gaze at him through your lashes. And while Mr. Min finds it amusing, Taehyung is still unconvinced. He cups your face, thumb over your freshly pink glossed lips. “I’m not quite sure that’s how she works, Yoongi.”
“Have a seat,” Yoongi tells him. “And let’s try to get to the bottom of this.” 
Taehyung is reluctant to walk away. He pauses, stares, calculates. The corner of your lips twitch. Humming a low growl, he lets go of your chin and stands to his full height. You cannot help but stare up at him with a careful degree of innocence, then glancing at Yoongi shyly. Taehyung bites his lip and back peddles until he reaches the other armchair to take a seat. 
Gaze bouncing all over your torso, Yoongi rubs his chin. “All you have to do is find the next star,” he starts before taking another puff of smoke and passing the cigarette to Taehyung. “Is that not what we told you when we signed off the contracts for the merger? Do you remember what we told you?”
You nod. 
“Tell me,” he lazily orders. 
Though lacking depth, Yoongi’s voice is raspy, scratching at that uncharted terrority of lust within your soul. So tiresome, so unbothered, his orders still manage to ripple through you, pooling your core with a fresh dose of arousal. Gulping, you repeat their words in a squeak, “You find the voices; we’ll handle the music.”
Taehyung chuckles, a cloud of smoke breaking through his lips. But his vocal additions to the conversation start and end there. His eyes continue to speak for him instead. With a hard glare, he chews on his bottom lip and quickly quirks his brows. You cross your legs under the desk to relieve some tension, but it only makes you crave them even more. 
“You’re such a good listener, darling,” Yoongi praises with a gummy smirk. “See?” He glances at Taehyung before redirecting his attention to you. “This is why I’m so confused. You listen so well but you still misbehave. Is it something we did, maybe something we said that made you think you can approve demos?” 
Squirming in your seat, you pout at him. His once cold stare warms up a bit at the sight. His heart melts at submission, you realize. Sparing a glance at Taehyung, you find that he does not respond the same way. But, maybe some neglect of attention his way might get him to warm up to you a bit. Pushing your chair back, you stand up and circle around your desk to lean on the edge of it. The smack, smack, smack of your gum piques their interest, but it’s the tight pink, white, and pale green striped dress that captivates them. Their cocky defences fall upon it’s reveal, hungry eyes dancing around your curves. Taehyung almost drops the cigarette, quick to smudge it out in the ashtray and keep his hands free. 
Resting your hands back against your desk, you arch your chest out and innocently explain, “I thought it was great. The artist asked for my opinion and as an equal member of the company, I approved of it. I don’t see why that’s such an issue. I wouldn’t be so upset if you found an artist even though it may be my job.”
The sweetness of your voice snaps them back into their roles. They share a knowing look before Taehyung rises from his seat. His eyes linger on how your ass sits on the edge of the desk, on the way the tabletop pushes it up and elevates its thickness. Meeting your gaze once more, he unbuttons his vest and smirks. “You really don’t understand the boogie business, do you, babygirl?” He whispers, one hand resting on your waist while the other cups your cheek.
Chest suddenly heaving, you find it hard to breath. So wet, you can feel the stickiness of your arousal slick on your thighs as you press them together. His gaze is so intense, you cannot hold it for long. Instead, you look to Yoongi. He has his hand over his crotch and tongues his cheek at you. 
Taehyung nudges you back to him then kisses you. You lean into it without much thought or protest. Yoongi chuckles somewhere beside you, his callous fingers playing with the wavy hem of your dress. He pulls it up as Taehyung slips his tongue in. Playing around, Taehyung is quick to show you who’s in charge. He attacks your tongue only to stroke it with his own. 
Breaking the kiss, he starts to chew on your piece of gum. “Mm, minty,” he notes with a wink. 
“Oh?” Yoongi asks before replacing Taehyung’s hand on your chin with his own and directing your face towards him. Before you can even react, he presses his lips onto yours. He’s just as needy, but a bit more tamed. He gives you an opportunity to play with his tongue first before taking the plunge. 
You moan into Yoongi’s mouth and Taehyung’s grip on your waist tightens at the sound. You break the kiss to look over at him. Yoongi does not seem too bothered with that fact, trailing kisses down from your jaw to your neck. His hands seem to keep busy too, one resting on the small of your back while the other cups your right breast, the one closest to him. 
Tangling his fingers in your perfectly styled hair, Taehyung pulls you in for another wet kiss. That piece of gum bounces between your mouths, doused in your saliva before he takes it once more and pulls away. Your chin drips with strings of saliva, eyes already half lidded from the mere implication of what the two of them can do to you. If you had known this is what was in store, you would’ve signed that contract sooner. 
He’s supposed to say something now, but instead he just loosens his red and green striped tie and takes it off. You let out a shaky breath, one that Yoongi picks up on as he stops all his kisses on your collarbone and looks back at Taehyung. He quirks a brow at his business partner, but Taehyung does not spare him a glance. “Hold her hands back,” he orders instead. 
You look between the two of them. Taehyung regards you with feral desire, but Yoongi is more curious, and hesitant to follow Taehyung’s instructions. But the bark in his tone does not leave anymore room for an argument. So Yoongi caves, guiding you up off the edge of the desk and holding your hands back. And though you’re supposed to look nervous, you cannot hide your excitement. Little smile playing on your lips and eyes lighting up with intrigue, you hold Taehyung’s cold stare. You assume that’s another reason why Yoongi eventually caved. Both men know you’re eager to see what all this boogie business really is about. 
Taehyung raises a brow, gaze drifting down your frame for a second. “No, wait,” he pauses and Yoongi instantly lets go of you. Smirking, Taehyung hands Yoongi his tie then presses his body against yours. His erection, hard and bulging, cannot be ignored. He rubs it against your stomach for a second as his fingers trail the hem of your dress. Pursing his lips, Taehyung spits on your cleavage. You gasp, leaning into him. The action surprises both men, but they must know that you had no control. It was reactive. He spits and you give in. You probably would’ve done the same if Yoongi had spit on you too. 
As if reading your thoughts, Yoongi steps forward and tests the theory out. He spits in your face and you find yourself moaning, leaning in for a kiss only to have him nudge your chin towards Taehyung. All three of you snap back into the moment with that redirection. 
“You’ve spoiled your dress, babygirl,” he tsks, feigning concern. “Let us help you out of it.” 
Yoongi grips onto the edge of your dress while Taehyung rests his hands on your thick thighs. And as your older partner pulls your dress off you, the younger one slides his hands up, following every curve and dip of your body to your fingertips. He then brings your hands down and has Yoongi tie them tightly behind you. All you can do is gawk up at Taehyung as he towers over you. 
He misinterprets the gesture, or you at least think that he must have, since he purses his lips once more and drops a wad of spit in your mouth. Your eyes flutter close upon tasting the warm, minty liquid then you swallow. Previously stone faced, Taehyung finds your reaction so amusing that he chuckles and calls Yoongi over. 
“Spit in her mouth,” he laughs, once Yoongi circles from behind you. Taehyung’s eyes sparkle with excitement while Yoongi raises a brow. 
After thumbing your chin to open your mouth, Yoongi spits in it. Your reaction is the same only this time you savour the taste a bit more. Taehyung may have that gum to chew away the remnants of the cigarette, but Yoongi doesn’t. His spit tastes a bit charred, like it had been smoked. And, for some reason, you feel the need to savour it more. This is not what was planned at all, but they must like seeing you like this. You like seeing them like this. You open your mouth again, turning to Taehyung. The action is obvious. He knows you want another taste of his tongue, but he doesn’t give it to you. Instead, he sticks to what he’s supposed to be doing; punishing you. 
Yoongi tosses your dress somewhere in your office, distracted by the way your thong disappears between your cheeks. He tugs at the hem to find it as Taehyung kisses his way from your neck to the valley of your breasts. You’re not sure what to do even though you’ve been in this situation often. These men are different. Taehyung takes what he wants. He’s impulsive and instant. Yoongi adores dotting on you. The only thing he takes is his time. He’s patient and calculative. Shifting behind you, he nuzzles his nose through your hair and against the nape of your neck. They inhale your cherry lime scent in tandem, making you shiver with lust. 
Their cohesive force only starts there. The moment Taehyung cups your bare breasts, Yoongi does the same to your revealed asscheeks. Slap, clap, slap, clap, they alternate sides but the result is consistent. Your ass and tits jiggle with each hit, moans tumbling out of you. What have you done to be trapped in such a heavenly position? The thought almost troubleshoots your words back to you. 
“That hurts, daddy,” you pout. 
It doesn’t. Not too much anyway. But the complaint sparks something even darker within them. Taehyung lifts his face from between your breasts, sharing a sinister smile with Yoongi. “We hear you,” he smirks at you, groping your breasts like he owns you. “But we’re going to hit you harder anyways.”
“Sound familiar?” Yoongi questions in a whisper, lips pressed against your ear.
You’re supposed to reply, but they both seem to be eager to continue this punishment, cutting your words out again with more smacks. The stings ignite ripples of excited nerves to your core. The space between your legs is sticky, tacky, and sopping with your arousal. You don’t need to see it or reach a hand down to know that’s the case. Every hit sends a new rush of juices, coating your thighs with your horniness too. Clenching your fists, you try to resist the urge to stop Yoongi’s hand or fight against the silk tie. 
Taehyung growls, so fascinated by the way your tits bounce with each smack. He dives his face back between them, teeth out and attacking while his tongue soothes the little bite wounds. Groping your breasts, he rubs the pain he caused away. Whining, you gaze down at him. He’s all too focused to look back up at you, but just watching him nibble on your skin then lick over it has your pussy clenching, tightening for that kind of attention too. 
The hesitance lingers behind you. Yoongi is having trouble focusing on the punishment, wanting to ravish you as well. After one last smack, and a loud moan from you, he allows himself to get lost in the way your ass shakes. “What do you have to say for yourself, slut?” He questions on his knees in that rough rasp before his tongue meets your cheeks. 
They both seem to have an affinity for using their tongues. What a warm and wet surprise it is to have it all over you. Digging his fingers into the flesh of your ass, Yoongi pushes your cheeks up and slobbers all over your asshole. His tongue is heavy, moist, and highly skilled in making you scream, as you have already done so thrice from just two laps against your tightest hole.
“I-” You start only for Yoongi to cut you off. 
He groans after accidentally sneaking a taste of your wetness, piquing Taehyung’s interest too. Though he still holds onto your breasts, Taehyung lifts his head and peeks over at Yoongi on his knees behind you. Chuckling, he asks, “Does she taste sorry?”
You nod rapidly, leaning forward towards Taehyung to arch your back and give Yoongi a better grip on your ass. Taehyung smirks at you as he chews on your piece of gum. He looks absolutely sinful, but it’s the way Yoongi drags your arousal to your asshole and pushes his tongue in to ensure less resistance that has your jaw slack and eyes twitching. “Ahh, d-daddy,” you squeal as your knees tremble. 
“I need a better look to know for sure,” Yoongi replies, looking over to Taehyung and ignoring the way you whine at the loss of contact. 
Taehyung nods and nonchalantly suggests that Yoongi might be more comfortable on his back. He then turns back to you and wraps his hands around your neck. You can feel Yoongi pushing your legs apart and making himself comfortable beneath you. But, Taehyung refuses to let you watch his business partner gasp and gape at your drenched, thong covered pussy. He pulses his grip and whispers, “Feel that?” When you rush to nod, he says, “That’s how my cock will feel when it’s deep in there.” 
Holy shit. He’s not supposed to say that. He’s completely taken this entire interaction into his own hands. It’s his show now and both, you and Yoongi, will follow every little thing he wants. That’s clear enough in his eyes. And though you know you can easily call all this off, stop every single hand on you and step away from this, you don’t want to. It’s not at all what you signed up for; it’s better. 
You gasp, eyes watering from the ache of your pathetically needy pussy as Taehyung guides you down on your knees. Your crotch hovers over Yoongi’s face. As Taehyung tightens his hold around your neck, Yoongi brushes the top of his giant ruby jeweled ring between your clothed folds. You shutter through a dry sob. They’ve barely done a thing and you’re coming apart. You can cum in this very moment. The image of Taehyung towering over you, his concealed cock inches from your face, and Yoongi laid out under you, rings teasing, is ecstasy enough. 
“Beg a little.”
Taehyung’s orders are always so cryptic. Yoongi’s are blunt, straight to the point and sting far worse than any of their spankings have. But Taehyung enjoys making you search for the answer. He loves watching your gaze shift as you wonder who to beg to first. You want that ring to stretch you just as badly as you want Taehyung’s cock to alienate your throat. Chewing on your lip, you glance down at Yoongi, who merely raises his brows. If he’s growing impatient, you worry that Taehyung’s patience might be nonexistent now. 
Feeling him readjust his grip, most likely to cut your breath off for your defiance, you’re quick to plead, “Please just fucking ruin me, Daddys. Ple-” 
Yoongi shoves his fingers in and you find that you’ve miscalculated. It wasn’t one ring, but two. Three fingers, two rings and one fast pace of destruction as Yoongi holds your thong aside with his free hand. Mouth falling open, you scream from the sweet stretch. If they hadn’t made you this wet, that first pluge would’ve shocked your body still with pain. But, with the amount of arousal they’ve coaxed out of you, it all slides in so easily. 
Taehyung takes your wide gaping lips as an invitation in. While you’re distracted with the way those rings brush up so perfectly against your tight walls, he pulls out his cock and slips it into your mouth. Crossing your eyes down on his cock, you moan around him. Less than a quarter of him is in you, but he’s still so thick, so heavy, so fucking big. Your jaw’s straining, on the verge of aching from the sheer weight of him. And he’s so fucking veiny. Is Yoongi this veiny too? This fucking huge? 
Hypnotized by the sight of Taehyung’s cock and the waves of pleasure from Yoongi’s rings, you fall out of your role. They both had verged off their goal of punishing you. Why should you continue to act like this is terrible when it’s all you’ve dreamed of. Hips rolling into Yoongi’s long fingers, you relax your throat and snap your gaze up to Taehyung. He sees something different swimming in your eyes. No more does that innocent act exist. If they want to flex their years of experience, then so will you. 
Before he can react, you take him all in one go and hold him there. You gag, moan, and drool, saliva falling over Yoongi’s forehead, making him groan. Taehyung furrows his brows, lips in a scowl. He looks completely at your mercy. His board chest heaves at the sight of you so fucking compliate and eager to please. In the same rhythm Taehyung pressed around your neck, his cock pulses in your throat. It makes you cry, quite shamelessly, but it is not what makes you whine. 
“Oh, is that what you are?” Taehyung questions. “A fucking cocksleeve? Babygirl wants her daddys to use her, hmm?”
Is that really the impression you’re giving? You barely even had to play into it. These men really brought out your most feral, unbounded side and let you run wild. And within what, the first ten minutes? This is not how it’s supposed to go. You’re supposed to talk more, flirt, establish a base to build off of before any dicks and tits are whipped out. And even as you are thinking all this, you cannot refuse the sexual call these two hold on your very body. It’s almost as if you were made for this kind of praise and attention from Taehyung and Yoongi only, no one else. They each reach a different side of you that you have not even discovered yet. 
You nod your head slightly in response to Taehyung’s questions. He smirks down at you as if allowing you to be used as such, as the cocksleeve you so proudly are. 
Though, your reign of pride ends there. Mewling desperately, your eyes widen as Yoongi pulls his fingers out, almost losing his rings from your tightness in the process. Ignoring your muffled protests against his decision, he barks, “Sit the fuck down, babygirl.” 
You cannot resist that order, let alone his voice. Instantly, you drop your pussy down on his face. Very little care and grace greets that action, but you are confident that he will find his way through. And he does. With your panties already pushed aside, Yoongi slurps up your juices within seconds of your land. He gruffs and grunts and you’re worried that you might be suffocating him until you feel him hold your thighs down on him like he wants you to do so, to take all the air out of him and replace his life source with your arousal instead. 
He’s a beast down there, but that doesn’t allow you to forget that you have a beast lodged down your throat too. While Yoongi is drowning in your pussy, you’re choking on Taehyung’s cock. Warming his length in your mouth has teased him enough, it would seem, as he flares his nostrils and glares down at you. He wants to be upset, wants to be furious, yet his eyes tell a different story. Pupils dilated and gaze soft, all you can see is a needy, desperate daddy in need of some release. 
And who the fuck are you to deny him that? 
Pulling him out, you leave his tip resting on your lips as you huff for air through your nose. You moan and whine at Yoongi’s ministrations below, rolling your hips into his mouth, then open up your own when you see Taehyung sneering at you. “Did Daddy tell you to stop?” He hisses. 
Was that rhetorical? You suppose it must have been since he rams his cock back in your mouth, denying you the opportunity to answer. This may be seen as a disadvantage if he wasn’t doing what he knows you want him to, if he wasn’t using your mouth like his personal cocksleeve. 
You hold your breath. In and out goes his cock, hips jolting with every moan of yours that vibrates around him. You’re being dined while dining. Is this always how the boogie business goes? If so, you have no problem getting down with it. 
“Yoongi, she’s so adaptable,” Taehyung groans over your gagging whines. “So eager to learn and please.” 
Mouth full of pussy, Yoongi mutters something against your folds and Taehyung chuckles, agreeing. The sight might have been more amusing to you if that little ripple of vibration from Yoongi’s response with his tongue darting in and out of you hadn’t taken you over the edge. Fighting against Taehyung’s grip on your hair, you try your best to pull him out of your mouth before you completely fall apart. 
Taehyung’s still deep in you. Yoongi holds you in place. You are trapped and cumming while choking on moans, gags, whines, and a monster cock. Body shaking, you try to loosen your tied hands from their place behind you. All you need is a moment to ground yourself and try not to pass out from the mere wave of ecstasy that overwhelms you. With your head tilted back, Taehyung rams into your throat, unbarred and unleashed. Yoongi slurps you down below all the while. Your tears are boundless, streaming down your face. Both men hold very little remorse for the waves of pleasure they caused you. 
“Babygirl is cumming,” Taehyung laughs, cooing down at you. Of course, it’s all while he’s thrusting in your mouth like the true toy you are.
“So sweet,” Yoongi seems to mumble. “So cute.”
He shakes his face between your legs as you grind down against him. You’re so eager to ride out this orgasm… until you’re not. Like a switch the pleasure flashed into hints of pain. Too much is the constant attack on your clit, the intrusion of your pussy. Too much is the warmth of his wet mouth. Too much is his tongue technology. You understand why they call him that now. There really isn’t anything that tongue can’t do, especially you. 
Petting your hair back, Taehyung could have easily given the impression that he’s gentle. But his cock is jerking into you at an ungodly speed. “So precious,” he smiles, smacking that piece of gum like he did your tits. 
There’s something in his tone though. Or maybe it’s the overstimulation of Yoongi’s tongue. Either way, you’re sobbing. Moans and cries escape you from the overwhelming pleasure and Taehyung suddenly breaks this Daddy character, and pulls his cock out. Yoongi halts all movements as well. He tires to lift you off him, but you only seem to want to grind further into his mouth, even if it means more blissful pleasure. 
You heave freely with Taehyung’s cock now vancat from your throat and cry to your heart's content. “Daddy, daddy, daddy,” you whine with every circle of your hips. 
Both men understand the cause now, and neither are pleased. Taehyung grasps onto your neck, digging his fingers in. Yoongi grazes his teeth on your clit, nibbling on it instead of sucking. You scream. Your once rolling eyes shoot open at the harsh actions. Taehyung lifts you up from his grip on your throat. You’re having trouble staying upright. Still, Yoongi slips out from underneath you. He wraps his arm around your waist and to keep you steady, telling Taehyung, “Get down there. She’s a fucking treat.” 
Taehyung smirks, admiring the way you have completely smeared Yoongi’s face with your orgasm. He gets on his knees as you whine, “But, it’s too much, Daddy!”
Yoongi tsks. He smacks your ass with one hand and gropes one of your tits with the other. “No, no, babygirl,” he sighs. Up close, you can see every wet sheen of your arousal all over his face. You can smell yourself off him even inches apart. An involuntarily whine escapes you at the sight. Then a louder one fills the room when Taehyung takes a long, slow lap from your entrance to your clit. They’ve only just started. You’re already ruined. 
“Nothing is too much for you, remember?” he asks before pressing his lips to yours. Taehyung goes in for another taste. You whimper. Yoongi spanks. “You took our duties, our jobs. That wasn’t too much for you, was it?” 
Shivering against Taehyung’s face, you nod to Yoongi. “It was! It was!” You cry just to get Taehyung out from under there. His tongue is just as warm and wet. However, his approach to savour every bit of you he tastes just might drive you crazy. You’re not even supposed to give in yet, but he’s already going to make you cum a second time. 
And he feels it. 
“Hmm,” Yoongi hums before nodding. “Maybe bending you over might help make sure the message sticks. What do you think, Tae?”
Taehyung’s too consumed with your pussy to look up at either of you. “Once she cums in my mouth too,” he mutters before feasting on you as well.
All it takes is five good jabs of his tongue in you before your legs are giving out and Yoongi has to cradle you to his chest to keep you standing. Kissing your cock bruised neck, Yoongi asks, “She’s delicious, right?” 
“Fucking juicy,” Taehyung mumbles between slurps. 
Or, at least you think that’s what they’re staying. Cumming twice in a row has you somewhat dizzy. Your ears are full of distortion, voices morphed and distant. Your vision is not any better as your tears only seem to blur it and the rush of ecstasy to your brain fogs your mind. Are you even thinking straight? You don’t think you’d ever know with Taehyung’s tongue still against you. The safe word is on the tip of your tongue but you don’t want to say it. You want them to continue to use you as they please. They’re having so much fun dominating you, playing off each other’s reactions to your body. You cannot end this fun for them, or yourself. This is the best fuck you’ve had since you came into this business and they haven’t even stuffed you with their cocks yet. 
Taehyung suddenly emerges beside Yoongi. The effects of both their tongues are so lasting, it seems as though you can still feel their faces between your legs. Yoongi shushes your little mewls as Taehyung cups your cheek. “See what happens when you have too much on your plate?” He questions. 
You nod but neither one of them acknowledges it. Instead, they get you into the next position. On your knees, Yoongi stands in front of you and Taehyung behind. You bend forward and spread your legs, looking over your shoulder to find Taehyung admiring the view. The sound of Yoongi’s zipper pulls your attention back to the front. His cock springs out and it’s just as enormous as Taehyung’s. Yoongi looks slightly thicker though. 
Mouth watering, you reach forward to wrap your lips around the tip, but Yoongi tugs your head back with a tight grip of your head. “Did you ask?” 
When did he get so cold? You pout and his expression somewhat softens but his point still stands. No, you didn’t ask. But, you hope that the exaggerated innocence in your eyes is enough to grant you what you want without the continuous betrayal of your dignity and power. Why must you always ask? That was never planned. In their eyes though, you know it’s what they both want. And Yoongi has no problem showing you that. 
Taehyung, about to push into you, hesitates for a second. Upon only hearing the demo you approved on the cassette player and not your needy begs, he growls. Your ass jiggles once more with the force of his spanks. “Too busying being a slut, you forgot your manners?” He asks between spanks. 
Yoongi watches your face wince, smirking when he hears you whine. “A good cocksleeve begs to be used,” he adds. “Can’t you do any of your jobs correctly? How long do we need to keep fucking you into your place?”
“As long as it takes until I’m satisfied.” 
Both of them freeze. They never agreed to you being this bratty. You’re supposed to be meek and easy to control. Their dominance brings something else out of you, though. It’s almost as if they’re coaxing you into talking back and when have you ever been able to resist them? 
Taehyung gropes your ass, pushing the supple flesh up. Your breath hitches. Not being able to see the anger in his eyes is chilling. However, Yoongi’s frozen frame is terrifying. You also cannot read his expression for the life of you. Leaving you in suspense seems to be his method of punishment. Taehyung, though, decides that teasing your asshole is even more torturous. 
A breathless gasp escapes you as he spits on your gaping hole. Long fingers swiping through your folds, Taehyung brings your orgasm up to your ass. Staring up at Yoongi, you realize Taehyung’s not teasing you. He’s preparing you. The new conclusion has you spreading your legs even more, inviting him in. 
“Satisfied?” Yoongi asks, finally breaking the thick silence between the three of you. His voice drips with sarcasm. Completely unamused, he leans down and shakes his head, “No, babygirl. Satisfaction is not our goal.” He tugs your hair back, your mouth falling open for a gasp. “Discipline is.” 
The moment Taehyung begins to push his tip into your asshole, Yoongi shoves his cock down your throat. Having seen the challenging look in your eye, Yoongi does not give you any time to adjust. He snaps his hips up into your mouth, your throat walls burning from the forced stretch of his thick girth. Your tears return but you do not care. Gagging and whining, you show him that you’re fine being used. 
Behind you, Taehyung is a bit more considerate… until he realizes there’s little to no resistance around his cock. Your ass adjusts to him a bit slower than usual, but quicker than most others. It’s obvious you’ve been in this position before. You’re not sure if that’s what’s got Taehyung switching the pace of his thrusts or if it’s merely the fact that he thinks you can take a rough fucking, but either way he’s giving you his all. You barely even have to bob your head around Yoongi’s cock now. The force of Taehyung’s body smacking against yours is enough to rock you back and forth. 
“That’s right, you incompetent slut!” He shouts behind you like he’s supposed to. “Suck his fucking cock!”
Yoongi chuckles a bit through raspy moans at his business partner’s words. Moving his hands to his hips, he watches your tearfully innocent eyes as you look up at him and choke on his dick. “She’s so pretty like this,” he smirks between grunts. 
Taehyung rumbles a deep laugh, his thrusts never missing a beat. “Isn’t she?”
Their compliments should put you off. But, you can’t help the swell of pride in your chest. They think you’re pretty on your knees with a mouthful of CEO dick. You cannot argue against that logic, squealing to show them your agreement. 
Everything you do seems to be a source of amusement, even when you’re supposed to be disciplined and punished. You knew they were wrapped around your finger the moment you got up from that chair and walked around your desk. The way they ogled your dress and curves makes you think that they might as well have undressed you there and then. So the fact that they chuckle at your reactions and responses, call you cute, pretty and precious as they fuck both ends, makes you hornier for both of them. You are unable to envision one of them near you without the other around. 
Taehyung twitches inside you. It makes you moan and hollow your cheeks around Yoongi’s cock. You don’t care if you’re supposed to be learning some sort of lesson right now. Both of them need to cum inside you, filling up both your holes at the same fucking time. However, while Taehyung is on the verge of releasing any second now, Yoongi seems to need more convincing. He’s into it and reveling in the way your lips wrap around his length, but he needs more than just a sucking to get off, you conclude. If only you can use your hands. You’d play with his balls too and really drive him insane. 
Yoongi’s cock pops out of your mouth as Taehyung wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his lap. Holding you still, he circles his hips against your ass and shoots his warm cum deep in you. Yoongi groans and steps forward. In the midst of your high pitched moans from the erotic sensation, Yoongi grips onto your hair and returns his cock in its place down your throat. 
“If you got something to say, slut, say it on my dick like a good babygirl,” he seethes. 
He’s unbarred now, not letting his amusement get the best of him anymore. He continues to fuck your mouth while Taehyung nuzzles his face into your back and fills you of his load with the roars of his pleasure. Not too long after that, Yoongi fulfils your goal of having both your holes filled. He has your cheeks puffed with his lust too. Then, he slowly pulls out and orders you to swallow. You’re a professional, knowing when to breath and when to swallow to ensure you get every last drop in your mouth. With every gulp, your throat tightens around his cock. He throws his head back as grunts and curses escape him.
Once you’ve flattened your cheeks and Yoongi is completely out of you, Taehyung shoves you forward and pulls himself out too. His cum follows along. It trails down to your pussy in thick globs. You shudder, pressing your cheek against the wet shag rug. Wait… why is it wet? Looking up you find a puddle of Yoongi’s cum soaked in the rug. Have they both fucked you so hard that you’ve completely lost a hold of yourself? Your cheek is stained by his white cum, but neither one of them seems too concerned by that. 
Gasping for air, you try to recollect yourself and stick to the next part. You’re meant to ride one of them now while the other has another go at your ass. But Taehyung suddenly performs the unexpected. He begins to untie your hands. They both have a habit of following directions until they don’t want to. But they’re professionals too so you suppose that they know what they’re doing. 
“On your feet,” he orders in a gruff voice. All that moaning seems to have taken a toll on his vocal chords. Your voice is also shot from the dual attack on your throat. Now every moan and whine that leaves you trickles out in a horse croak. 
Pushing yourself up, you shakily return to your feet. It’s a bit odd using your hands now after having them bound for so long. You almost feel like they should’ve kept them behind you for the next round. It doesn’t matter much now though since you can’t even summon the words to tell them this. You didn’t cum, but it sure feels like you did. Still clouded and stumbling, you try to regulate your heartbeat. Both men hold onto one of your arms to keep you stable, but that only does so much. Knowing you’re going to fall, you stumble and lean into Taehyung. 
He laughs and gropes your tender asscheeks to press you against him. He’s still hard. They both are. Not a lot of men in this business can continue to perform this well in such a short timeframe. But, you suppose that’s what makes them such professionals. 
“What do you think, Tae? She learned her lesson yet?” Yoongi asks behind you, pushing your hair aside to bury his face in the crook of your neck. 
Taehyung hums in thought. He stares into your soul with that cocky sparkle in his eye. His face glistens with sweat, adding a heavenly glow to his unholy features of beauty. You wonder if you still look that good or if they’ve messed you up so hard that you’ve become a total wreck.
As Yoongi wraps his arms around your waist, Taehyung swipes the pad of his thumb from under your chin. Shit, have you been drooling or is that just the slobbery remnants of Yoongi’s fuck in your mouth. Taehyung smirks and shoves his thumb into your mouth. You taste Yoongi’s salty cum. 
“I think one last round should pound her back in her place,” Taehyung finally replies.
You’re not given a chance to speak as he lifts you up by the grip on your ass. The wrap of your legs around his waist is instant to which he smirks and shifts his jaw. Wait, is he still chewing that piece of gum? Your taste must be entrenched in it based on how he ate you out not too long ago. He’s either genuinely interested in you or just that committed to his role. 
Taehyung shifts his grip up to your waist while Yoongi moves his down to your ass. You know what’s coming, but you don’t think you’ll be able to stay as coherent as they’ll want you to be. You shudder a breath then hear their colliding chuckles at your anticipation. 
Yoongi kisses your shoulder saying, “Relax, babygirl. Your Daddys are just teaching you how to behave.”
“Be a good girl and next time we’ll take turns,” Taehyung adds.
The idea of doing this all over has your eyes widening. Taehyung huffs a chuckle at your reaction then nudges you back into leaning against Yoongi. “She’s fucking adorable,” he tells him. 
Yoongi nods. He kisses your temple then replies, “So cute, it almost makes me want to let her get away with acting like a sluty little brat.”
He tucks his cock between your cheeks, letting his length glide up and down. Taehyung adopts the same technique. His hard length also grinds between your folds, but doesn’t enter. You still mewl and rile your head from side to side. Everything feels so sensitive and raw. Your pussy is quivering and ass shaking from the little bits of friction against your clit and tight hole. 
It’s all too much without being enough. The teasing impression of their dicks so close to ruining you but all holes so empty has you groaning out in frustration, “Just fuck me already! Fucking stuff me until I can’t function!” 
Taehyung growls, slapping your breasts with one hand. “Where are your fucking manners, you little bitch? You still think you can demand shit from us, huh?”
Yoongi bites on your neck, nibbling on your flesh all while Taehyung scolds you. “Where’s our good girl? Fucking ask politely or you won’t cum at all,” he threatens, voice thick with lust but not at all as aggressive as his business partner. 
You let out a loud whine like a child throwing a tantrum. You’ve noticed that they’d usually soften up when you act as meek as this, but they’re just not yielding this time. Pouting, you cave in and desperately beg, “Pretty please use my holes, Daddys. Please, please, please just fucking ruin me. I don’t want to walk without your cum dripping out of me.”
They share a cocky look. One, two, three beats of silence with only that demo playing in the background and they still haven’t made any sort of effort to enter you. It must not have been enough, you think. Parting your lips, you go to beg all over again, so needy to feel full that you don’t care how much of a pathetic whore you sound like. 
In unison, they push in you. The collided catastrophe of their moans rattles your bones and warms your blood. Then, there’s the simultaneous stretch of both your holes. Full does not begin to describe how well they don’t fit in you. They’re splitting you open, tearing you apart so beautifully, you can’t even breathe. A loud, long scream escapes you as they bottom out. 
You thought Yoongi would slip in so easily with your ass already having been stretched by Taehyung’s monster cock. But, you forgot that Yoongi is slightly thicker meaning he stretches you a bit more. And Taehyung’s cock in your pussy barely even pushes its way through. 
“Tightest babygirl, huh?” Taehyung asks over your screams.  
Yoongi only hisses in response. His face continues to nuzzle into the crook of your neck. That tongue of his does not take a day off, working around every inch of your skin as they’re joined thrusts begin. 
Open for their pleasure, tears of ecstasy pool in your eyes. They start to bounce you back and forth between them. Cock in your ass means one pulling back from your pussy. Left and right, up and down you’re passed between them. Your grip around Yoongi’s head and Taehyung’s shoulder tightens. It doesn’t help you out much since you’re still losing your mind with how good they're pounding you. Taehyung presses his lips onto yours, swallowing your moans as he tastes Yoongi on your tongue. You feel that piece of gum hop around your tongues but Taehyung doesn’t let you take it back. 
“We know you’re a good girl,” he mutters against your lips while you pout and nod rapidly. “You’re the bestest little one. But you have to learn where you belong, baby.” 
Yoongi pushes the meat of your ass up with one hand while his other massages your tit. “Do you have anything to say to your Daddys?” He questions against your jawline. 
You want to answer but Taehyung’s praises and the joined sound of their pleasure has completely stolen your voice. You cannot even summon the words to reply. All that leaves you is squealing cries of bliss. And they’re getting impatient. Enough of that hopping around. They keep you still to ram into you at the same time instead. 
“I’m sorry!” You cry, voice breaking from the pleasure. “I’m sorry for- Ahh Daddys, Daddys please!” 
Your vision keeps blanking, flashing blurry images of Taehyung and Yoongi. They’re not too bothered by that though. It’s that broken sentence you didn’t finish that’s consumed their attention. 
“For what?” Taehyung growls. His grip is becoming deadly. 
Another meek squeal of a moan leaves you as you force yourself to answer, “For not doing my job. Ah-ha, I’m so fucking close!” 
Yoongi purrs praises of encouragement in your ear. But Taehyung wants more out of you. The three of you know that’s not all you should be sorry for. Though, just as you’re squeezing around them and losing control over your entire body, so are they. Their thrusts don’t match anymore even if they are still fast and rough. Each man has taken a different consistency of destroying your holes until they can only accept their cocks. 
Breasts bouncing, skin slapping, holes clenching, you screech the loudest, earaching whine and cum. Taehyung sighs, his load not too far behind. You do not register it at first. Your eyes have rolled back your head, and your body convulses so hard that you almost slip from their combined grip. That extra force down on Yoongi’s cock also has him filling your hole up to the brim. 
In, in, in. They continue to go in and imprint themselves within you. Your legs around Taehyung are starting to slip and in the midst of his own orgasm, he’s having a hard time concentrating on keeping you up. One of your legs fall and this new angle knocks the life out of you. You gasp, eyes shut, and lose the ability to speak entirely.
It’s a complete blur from there. Holes leak, cocks soften. However, their thrusts are still persisting, as if they’re not ready to let go of you yet. At one point, they both shove their tongues in your mouth at the same time and kiss the life back in you. Your eyes flutter open but vision does not fully return. You think they’re out of you. Their cum leaks out, or you think it does. You think you can feel it trickling down your legs. 
Back in your dress, they’ve somehow clothed you again. It is now you register the fact that they’ve degraded you so much to the point that they remained dressed while you were stark naked, your white boots and pink thong the only items of concealment you were offered. It makes you crave them all over again, even when you know you can’t take them so soon. 
They sit you down back in your seat behind your desk. After tucking themselves back in, Yoongi fixes his shirt and belt. Taehyung puts his tie back on and sweeps his hair back from the sides with both hands. 
Smiling, Yoongi puts his yellow shades on and asks, “All is forgiven, babygirl… This time anyway.”
Taehyung rolls his sleeves as Yoongi speaks, then takes out a cigarette. He lights it, takes a puff then bumps his fist against Yoongi’s. Smoke out, he smirks, “And that’s the boogie business.”
“Annnnnnnd cut!” 
The lights of the studio come alive all at once. Out of the eighties and back into the twenty-first century, all three of you return. The two men in front of you fall to their knees the moment cameras are off. You fall forward, folding your arms on your desk and resting your head on them. You know you’re a total mess. Nothing went according to the script and you hope they don’t make you all redo this after a touch up to your hair and make up. 
The director claps, stepping onto the set. “Well done,” he beams before turning around. “That’s a wrap for Boogie Business.” 
Sitting back up, you catch both Yoongi and Taehyung already staring at you. The video is done but they still have that look of absolute sin in their eyes. You furrow your brows as someone offers you a towel and a bottle of water. Set designers are already working on tearing the little retro office apart. The crew is packing up their equipment. And still, these two pornstars look ready to devour you all over again even in their exhausted state. 
This is usually the time when you stop pretending to have been worn up and stand up like nothing happened. You’d go to your seat near the hair and makeup section and get your face all clean from whatever sexual endeavours you’ve agreed to. Only this time, none of your performance was exaggerated. You truly came all those times and apologized for something you didn’t really do. Honestly, you enjoyed your time with both of them. They’ve very big in the porn industry, their reputations of owning a scene really rings true. So you are honoured to have worked with them. 
You raise a brow, wiping your mouth and face. Every part of you wants to get up. You’ve done your job and done it well. But, you’re half conscious and completely aching all over. They did exactly as you asked. They ruined you. 
“Good job, boys,” you smile after a few gulps of water.
A crew member offers each of them a bottle of water and towel too. They raise to their feet and clean themselves up. Taehyung approaches the prop desk first, tossing his towel and water on the surface like he really is a CEO of a record company. “You really came,” he mutters, sounding surprised. “Three fucking times? Is that what you also do?”
You don’t think too much of his shocked tone. Being a pornstar is a job after all and finishing is not always a guarantee. You smirk as Yoongi approaches the desk as well with the same impressed look. “Mhm,” you hum innocently. Their eyes light up. “And you both did too. It happens sometimes. I don’t see the issue.” 
Tossing a glance at each other, both men share a look. You freeze. It’s identical to the ones they’ve been giving each other the entire time while filming. Were they…Were they serious? Is that why they delved off the book so many times? They really wanted to fuck you. You’re not one to complain or judge since you really wanted it too, but you expected all this to be an act. 
“Do you have anywhere to be?” Yoongi asks. 
You bite your lip. Looking between them, you feel rejuvenated with horny energy all over again. “No,” you smile. 
Taehyung nods. “You do now. Meet us at my trailer in twenty.” He smiles at Yoongi before looking back at you. “There’s still a couple of things we’d like to try.”
You have a rule against getting involved with coworkers. But, clearly, these two men seem to be something more. You couldn’t resist them before and you sure as hell can't resist them now. Sitting back in your seat, you cross your cum slick legs and nod. “Yes, Daddys,” you chime in your most delicate voice. 
Their eyes darken.
With a lasting smirk and innocent giggle you add, “Anything you want.”
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note; please do not leave hate towards me or any other readers. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work without my permission.
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