#We Are Pussified
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karlie-xox · 4 months ago
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We are pussies
We’ve turned into Bambi
They not like us, they not like us
Are you locked in?
Are you my friend?
Then step this way, step that way 🫶🏻
Then step this way, step that way 🫶🏻
@queendestiny6912 @sissyloren @xxsissycaitlynxx @incognitoelizabeth @cutieecassie @bambimandi @bambibreanathebarbiebimbo
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beemochi-art · 3 months ago
Did you hear Elon wants to buy Hasbro?
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sapporomilktea · 10 months ago
when i get to the taking 15 minutes to elaborate on the most irrelevant horseshit details to a story competition and my opponent is stephanie soo
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reality-detective · 2 years ago
There were 93 United States Senators who committed Treason on Live National Television who will be publicly executed by the United States Military.
There is no definite timeline for this to take place, but rest assured it's coming. I would be willing to bet it would happen sooner rather than later if the people fought back by taking it to the streets and protested the governments actions like other countries. But since we live in a brainwashed pussified country everyone will have to be patient and wait for it. People need to stop sitting around waiting on a savior for everything and take action. There is a lot we could do at a local level... Action produces positive results.
If you want change... Be the change. 🤔
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kcyars19992 · 1 year ago
personally I think it’s kinda pussified
Not that we care because the hate for him is justified get it
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seancamerons · 1 year ago
(from my personal facebook bc im heated.)
i'm going on a little bit of a rant, so if you want to ignore it, fine.
i just need to say this. one last thing to note, i believe that song i really dislike, it went like this:
bridges will burn/now it's your turn to cry.
with that a rebuttal: i may have made it rain/please forgive me
discussing something/arguably something from another point of view.
idk it's kind of in a fucked up way ironic, but funny now considering the obvious. how this all played out for the masses only about a 3rdof country didn't want to back the right person, the one who wanted to apologize not the one who wanted to hurt someone with intent. what goes around comes around perhaps is also fitting. idk, if you know me, you know, or have a vague idea what i'm alluding to, or you don't know but you will someday soon perhaps. i'm not being mean i don't want people think i'm mean or "crazy", so don't be mean but i've had at least 20 years knowing damn well it was all bullshit. now you know. 🤷‍♀️ it's nice to be right, not that i wanted to be it's actually worse tbh than i ever imagined. i believe it is your turn to cry, oh but it was nice that you had a choice to "distance" yourself from the situation, have your wife act as your mouthpiece against this narrative you so "lovingly" created to make yourself feel better and pat yourself on the back like "i did a good job!"
pussified, the opposite of justified. you ain't brave. you didn't survive shit. no, no matter what happened that should've been a private thing. so years later, i ain't mad that she told the truth on that. so you might just ignore it and all, but i'm glad its out. i'm glad she wasn't silenced anymore. now we know what you did, there's a reason for you to cry, fragile male tears sure, overdue, sure but you know what? the truth will set her free, and the truth will always come out. that's all i'm gonna say on this. this is the last thing i'm gonna say till maybe next week when i read for myself. so read it and weep.
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overpuncturedego · 1 month ago
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GoreDB has a rule of "no child or animal abuse here or we gonna ban you"
and I'm like... pussified pussyhole nasty pussyhole bitch fuck... the fuck outa my face lol. Y'all not evil enough
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darkmaga-returns · 3 months ago
Democrats are trying figure out who the next head of their National Committee is going to be. So Committee members are blabbing their concerns to the press.
One member issued this blast: “I don’t want to be the freak show Party…”
Meaning the Party of Woke.
Yeah, he’s saying that because the Democrats lost the election. If they’d won, he’d be trying to get a law passed mandating gender-castration surgery training for all doctors in America and insisting every big city mayor in the US has to be black.
But no matter. Democrat Committee members are scared shitless and they’re running away from Woke. For the time being, they’re in major disarray. That’s good.
This is exactly what has to happen to the smug armies of mainstream medicine. And Kennedy, plus his allies, have to put that fear in the Medical Crime Syndicate.
By making the Syndicate see and feel they’re LOSING. They’re exposed as fucking quacks. They’re insane injectors of toxic vaccines. They’re feeding brain destroying psychiatric drugs by the ton to children. They’re slashing away, performing millions of unnecessary surgeries on innocent Americans, like crazed jihadists with machetes.
A year ago, people thought exposing the Medical Syndicate on that level was impossible, would never happen.
But now? Glints and patches of daylight are on the horizon.
We had the experience of COVID and the vaccine—which, when put together with the federal mandate to take the shot, was the medical version of the Woke Death Cult on the march.
Now on top of that, we have Trump appointing Kennedy to head up HHS, which means ruling the FDA, CDC, and NIH, the largest medical research facility in the world.
Things have changed.
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2006aquamarine · 4 months ago
it’s still crazy to me that pussified individuals just have to deal with bleeding from our pussies for 3+ days or so. like we’re walking amongst society and squirting blood while doing so. and we have to be normal about it. the fuck?
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angelholme · 1 year ago
Fuck whiny artists and their whiny moans
When someone goes to art school, how do they learn?
Do they learn by being shut in a room, with no exposure to external stimuli, and by being given a brush and told to paint?
No, they don't.
They learn by being told "to study the greats"
By being told to study Van Gogh, Constable, Picasso, Monet and all the others. By being told to find out what made the great painters great and to learn from them.
That's how painters learn to paint -- by learning from what came before.
When we read great works of literature, and study the authors, we find out they were inspired by Shakespeare, by Tolkien, by Heinlein, by Cline, by Christie, by Meyer -- by a myriad of writers who came before them.
Musicians cite their inspirations for their music. Screenwriters, directors -- anyone who works in the creative arts cite their inspirations.
No one who works in the creative arts creates something new and completely of its own -- it is almost impossible to do so nowadays.
They are all standing on the shoulders of giants.
So fuck the whiny artists and their whiny bitching who complain about their art being used as inspiration or teaching for AI.
They are pussified pussies who should shut the fuck up and fuck the fuck off.
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ithisatanytime · 1 year ago
Xavier Wulf - Polish and Shine (Prod. GhostRage)
 the reason i hate boomers particularly the men, is they will pay lip service to the kinds of things im talking about. “trans? what dat!? ehehehehe” kind of stupid shit. but these fucking pussies might as well tuck their dicks and balls back like buffallo bill and wear dressed with their rusty lances and swaybacked horses dying of old age in the stable. you have the means get off your geriatric cowardly ass and do something or loan me your lance and your swaybacked horse. theyd rather watch it collect dust. they are cowards plain and simple, the men are feminine and the woman masculine. whats crazy about this dynamic is that this is long before the era of trans idealogy and i straight up know “trans couples” who are all but in name just a regular hetrosexual couple where the girl wants to be called him and the just regular dude wants to be called her. how did you get pussified to such a degree that literal fucking trannies are more masculine than you or feminine in the case of the women trying to pass as men? the answer is television. my mom has her own twitter now and ever since they great paraglider adventure a while back she got on their with everyone else and is pretending to be my ass from minimum five years ago with the likes of nick fuentes and keith woods. i redpilled her by fucking force about the jews along with everyone else in my life i couldnt shut up about as many of you well know, but shes these days more passionate in some ways about it than me, her stupid fucking ass still spends five hours a day plus parked in front of that television with her boyfriend. its mind boggling, like we all know now that jews are up to no good, before we knew that it was almost socially acceptable to imply tv was jewish ran as far back as the fucking nineties (because it just is) and it is my contention that im very passionate about, that ive spoken on many times, that television was the single most diabolical tool ever devised by man, of all the schemes the jews ever came up with to persecute and disenfranchise their fellow man(?) tv is far and away the most destructive and its not even close. if you watch any tv at all, just go join antifa you fucking retard you are a danger to yourself and others.
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The age of decadence that The Age were in right now is one of the most horrible ages of all the ages in existence
It gives you the added benefit of easy resource and low sacrifice but it takes away everything else
He even takes away a purpose to live and meaning it takes away spirituality it takes away the will to live it takes everything away and gives you overpowering overzealous lawful evil extremely powerful lawful evil government
Literally tyrannical and Almighty and Almighty lawful evil one world government
When Society was more broken up and shittier and things were more fucked up you couldn't have a system like that resources weren't plentiful but now that we are in the age of decadence we are now in a fate worse than hell.
Because just like hell is eternal all reincarnation back to the Earth will be simply like being in Hell For Eternity it's only going to get worse and it's never going to get better.
Are only Mercy are only Freedom would be a nuclear Holocaust or the world going into defcon 1 we need a worldwide apocalypse we need something to literally backhand all this the scientific breakthroughs all the progress and literally wipe away all progress or as much as possible in chaotic destruction to give our meaningless existence is a little more purpose a little more reason to go forward
( D.E.C.O.N 1 )
Because it's hard for people to even Define what sexy anymore because women can't judge men for being sexy because men can't do manly things and if you don't use it you'll lose it mother nature don't give a fuck about you
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Women can't judgment for being sexy cuz Male's ( And Female's ) Can't be Strong & Aggressive, violent frightful or heroes and warriors or even after the villains women don't got many more the age of decadence turned men into a bunch of fucking pussies
And the age of decadence made women stupid, it made their lives too easy it made it made it so where they didn't have to think anymore it made out it gave them all the attention they wanted because of the internet it gave them a life super duper easy until they get older and nobody wants to fuck them anymore then their heartbroken and confused
( The age of decadence has made everyone retarded, the women have become Princess Bimbo's, and the men have become completely and utterly lost and extremely stupefied, ( males are now pussy idiots they're pussified complete idiots, the men are such not men anymore that they act more like women and look like them they look like children and they look like women and real women are utterly disgusted by this ) The end result is that besides all the extremely toxic chemicals which is also playing a part in this and the toxic water and the toxic rain and that super toxic medication human beings are now starting to zombified to death, life is so fucking easy there's literally nothing you got to do but do your fucking job to survive and your job doesn't even build you up your job is tortures you for fucking fake ass resources and then you fucking, Die )
In the old world there was no such thing as a cat collector he didn't have old ladies collecting a billion cats
That literally a modern day problem in the old world old women would be wise and old and they know a few tricks and they know a lot of things
It's also a masculine trait but women had a different brain than men so they had they understood things differently and could see things differently and could teach men things extremely useful but nowadays all they want to do is show their asshole in a camera somewhere and get 1 billion likes
😡 - ( the age of decadence has turned women into a bunch of bimbos, over emotional hypersensitive they have the emotional stability of a little girl that just scraped her knee )
In the old world women weren't based entirely around their sexual theme men still wanted to fuck like crazy that never went away that's normal and women still wanted to have a lot of sex
What, I'm trying to fucking tell you is that in the old world people had to be strong or they were dead they were at the mercy of their own intelligence they were at the mercy of luck they were at the mercy of paranormal forces that they eventually realize were Spiritual beings and eventually they experience higher up being called deities the Divine family the Divine alien race that covenants all life and all other aliens existence and they have a super member or a super deity one deity that went beyond them all and we simply know that dat by the name God !
It's called it is a it is the ultimate God but it simply goes by the name God
There are many deities very close to this being very much like this being who are very very high up right next to God some have options like him some are almost as omnipotent as him these are these are ultimate deities but there's only one true ultimate deity . . . . . so far
My point me writing this is for Me to let you know at the age of decadence is actually some kind of super Poison
If there's any hope for the world hope for chaos hope for the apocalypse don't hope for peace we're running away in peace peace is killing us peace is the poison peace is the enemy
With suffering because of peace or rotting away because of Peace the pigeons became dodos because of fucking peace
Do not wish for peace it's killing all of us wish for chaos wish for evil wish for Darkness wish for destruction wish for the Apocalypse
I don't give a fuck if you wish for an alien invasion or an asteroid to hit the earth wish for nuclear apocalypse wish for something that will destroy this world just Enough so it can Grow back
Because on this conjecture women are going to get Dumber men are going to get Dumber men are going to become more pussies women are going to just keep on having sex they're going to keep pumping out dumber and dumber babies those babies are going to live in the same stupid system they're going to keep getting fucking Dumber the human intelligence is going to plummet and then that may be the end of the human race
There's no need to survive there's no challenge there's nothing to make you Stronger, There's Nothing, there's literally nothing
Need to pray for chaos you need to pray for death and destruction
You need to pray for the end of the world you need to pray because without that there's nothing else we're all hopeless we're always going to run away and we all died in peace without war was going to kill us all but really we slowly wide away and genetically Rotted away because of fucking Peace
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All life in universe is basically like the dodo it's life became too easy it started to break down our environment told our DNA that we had no challenges anymore we didn't have to even worry about biological challenges and so use it or lose it motherfucker and that's what happens in nature use it or lose it
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ms-boogie-man · 11 months ago
I will use this space the address each bullet point in the above list. Bear in mind that as I go, I will be pointing out how each item in unconstitutional and shows the Biden admin to be treasonous Enjoy yo
Taxation is theft
The Dept of Education should not exist at the federal level 2.1. Nex Benedict did not die from bullying. This has already been shown by evidence
Abortion is the murder of an independent life. Too, abortion is not now and never should have been a federal ruling. And IT NEVER WAS DECIDED TO BE A CONSTITUTIONAL RULING. So, Kamala's visit is a moot issue. Too, if you would like to discuss the reality of the rational behind the far left's claims on abortion rights and reproductive health care, which are not rights nor reproductive health at all, I would be happy to open separate chat re: that
$3.3B is not enough to even begin the projects needed to bring America's infrastructure up to speed today. Know you that all the monies will be laundered to Biden and his establishment friends
The Biden admin has been slapped down repeatedly by the SCOTUS for their unconstitutional aims of wiping out college debt. Those debts were consciously established and most did not even culminate in degrees being achieved. Most of the students who ran up these debts are not able to find gainful employment in the subjects they studied, and now they selfishly, arrogantly want American taxpayers to foot the bill. This is a ploy by the Biden admin to romance and buy off the college youth voter base, and it will not be seen thru to fruition.
Climate resilience in tribal communities? LMAO. Climate Change is a hoax and proven to be by facts. Here is one thingy you will not see on the list of Biden admin tasks completed: helping to elevate Nat Ams to an actual level of dignity and living that they as humans deserve. This is more money that will be laundered back to Biden and friends
Clean hydrogen power is not as viable nor sustainable as other alternatives and is not the actual aim of the Biden admin. More money to laundered back to the establishment
Lithium is toxic and filthy to process into useable power cells, entirely toxic to dispose of when its very short charging life has expired, and is not a sustainable option on the big scale. For cell fōn and other small gadget batteries, it is only somewhat viable. Otherwise, it is a management albatross. More money laundering
$1.2B for reducing pollution in transportation will almost all be laundered
The Geothermal bill is political grandstanding. The correct place to start is the lower House. Since the lower House is still under a slight conservative majority, the Dems must go to the Senate where bills are generally evaluated and decided upon, not written. If this bill moves forward, it will be markedly full of ways for Dems to launder money
No knock is already unconstitutional. We do not need the Senate writing new measures for us when the ultimate measure, written back in the late 1700s, already exists. More political grandstanding yo
Postal Service bill requiring the the USPS, an agency that is over 100 y/o, to do their job. Surely you jest 🦇🤣 More political grandstanding
Any and all appointees Biden moves forward are simply to divide, i.e., people of color, trans, feminism, abortion, gun control, taxation, censorship, green energy, DEI, open borders, soft on crime, etc
In case you have not noticed, everythingy in the Biden list of accomplishments is not actually running our nation. Every item is baseless, and PUSSIFYING our nation and making it weak. Too, nearly every item is designed to launder money back to Biden and his friends. The Bidens are a crime family. The Clintons, Pelosis, Obamas, Bushes, Cheneys, all crime families. Mitt Romney is a criminal. John Kerry is a criminal. Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer are criminals. Kamala Harris is a criminal. Ruth Bader Ginsberg was a criminal. FDR and LBJ were criminals. Margaret Sanger was a criminal. Robert Bird was a criminal. Jeffrey Epstein is a criminal… so is Ghislaine Maxwell. So is Sean Combs. Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari are criminals. Bill Gates is a criminal. George Soros is a criminal. Jussy Smollett is a criminal. Chesa Boudin is a criminal. Antifa are criminals. The John Brown Gun Club are criminals
… and Norma Leah Nelson McCorvey (Jane Row) lied
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#here's yer fuckin sign yo
Taxation is theft
All gun laws are an infringement
Free speech means all speech
It is not our war unless We the People say it is
The insurrection was on Nov 3, 2020
J6 was to cover up Nov 3
Have a terrific day yo!
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #9
March 9-15 2024
The IRS launched its direct file pilot program. Tax payers in 12 states, Florida, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, Arizona, Massachusetts, California and New York, can now file their federal income taxes for free on-line directly with the IRS. The IRS plans on taking direct file nation wide for next year's tax season. Tax Day is April 15th so if you're in one of those states you have a month to check it out.
The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights opened an investigation into the death of Nex Benedict. the OCR is investigating if Benedict's school district violated his civil rights by failing to protect him from bullying. President Biden expressed support for trans and non-binary youth in the aftermath of the ruling that Benedict's death was a suicide and encouraged people to seek help in crisis
Vice President Kamala Harris became the first sitting Vice-President (or President) to visit an abortion provider. Harris' historic visit was to a Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Paul Minnesota. This is the last stop on the Vice-President's Reproductive Rights Tour that has taken her across the country highlighting the need for reproductive health care.
President Biden announced 3.3 billion dollars worth of infrastructure projects across 40 states designed to reconnect communities divided by transportation infrastructure. Communities often split decades ago by highways build in the 1960s and 70s. These splits very often affect communities of color splitting them off from the wider cities and making daily life far more difficult. These reconnection projects will help remedy decades of economic racism.
The Biden-Harris administration is taking steps to eliminate junk fees for college students. These are hidden fees students pay to get loans or special fees banks charged to students with bank accounts. Also the administration plans to eliminate automatic billing for textbooks and ban schools from pocketing leftover money on student's meal plans.
The Department of Interior announced $120 million in investments to help boost Climate Resilience in Tribal Communities. The money will support 146 projects effecting over 100 tribes. This comes on top of $440 million already spent on tribal climate resilience by the administration so far
The Department of Energy announced $750 million dollars in investment in clean hydrogen power. This will go to 52 projects across 24 states. As part of the administration's climate goals the DoE plans to bring low to zero carbon hydrogen production to 10 million metric tons by 2030, and the cost of hydrogen to $1 per kilogram of hydrogen produced by 2031.
The Department of Energy has offered a 2.3 billion dollar loan to build a lithium processing plant in Nevada. Lithium is the key component in rechargeable batteries used it electric vehicles. Currently 95% of the world's lithium comes from just 4 countries, Australia, Chile, China and Argentina. Only about 1% of the US' lithium needs are met by domestic production. When completed the processing plant in Thacker Pass Nevada will produce enough lithium for 800,000 electric vehicle batteries a year.
The Department of Transportation is making available $1.2 billion in funds to reduce decrease pollution in transportation. Available in all 50 states, DC and Puerto Rico the funds will support projects by transportation authorities to lower their carbon emissions.
The Geothermal Energy Optimization Act was introduced in the US Senate. If passed the act will streamline the permitting process and help expand geothermal projects on public lands. This totally green energy currently accounts for just 0.4% of the US' engird usage but the Department of Energy estimates the potential geothermal energy supply is large enough to power the entire U.S. five times over.
The Justice for Breonna Taylor Act was introduced in the Senate banning No Knock Warrants nationwide
A bill was introduced in the House requiring the US Postal Service to cover the costs of any laid fees on bills the USPS failed to deliver on time
The Senate Confirmed 3 more Biden nominees to be life time federal Judges, Jasmine Yoon the first Asian-America federal judge in Virginia, Sunil Harjani in Illinois, and Melissa DuBose the first LGBTQ and first person of color to serve as a federal judge in Rhode Island. This brings the total number of Biden judges to 185
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resmarted · 2 years ago
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tired of weird little games. can anyone ever just be normal or honest or straightforward anymore or are we all going to do this dumb little pussified dance forever
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starstruckcowboyfury · 7 months ago
More and more of the same. Left leaning media, RINOs, candy-assed pussified America. Grow a pair and stand up! They are few and we are many. THEY CAN'T HAND US ALL!!!!
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years ago
I thought I have encountered the dumbest BS of JC stans until I saw these tweets. At this point, this person should get the f out of mdzs fandom and leave these characters alone, even JC. And also, they need to sue literature teachers because the teachers failed this stan hard for their shit reading comprehension skill.
And talk about projection, this is beyond pathetic and they successfully pussified JC even more than he already was.
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"OH i don't think civilians would like lwj at ALL"
Yeah, the civilians definitely prefer to be left to die before someone maybe comes along to help them.
"Elite cultivators like them normally disdained to take notice of low level prey, but Lan Wangji was an exception. He was never selective about what he hunted, and would never refuse to go after a monster or demon just because it wasn’t violent or fierce enough for killing it to improve his reputation. Ever since he was young, as long as someone requested help, he would come. Thus, “appearing where the chaos is” was the phrase everyone used to describe Hanguang Jun’s night-hunting habits, and a form of praise for his character."
ugh so annoying 🙄🙄. We get it LWJ u care about the plebs. Civilians deffs prefer someone like jc who lets them die & who they're too scared to ask for help. duh.
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