#Water Vapor Fireplace
optimalhealthfacts · 8 months
Best Water Vapor Fireplaces: Top Picks for 2024
Water vapor fireplaces are a modern and stylish alternative to traditional fireplaces. These fireplaces use ultrasonic technology to create a flame-like effect by heating water and producing a fine mist that resembles flames. The result is a beautiful, realistic flame that is safe and easy to use. One of the best types of water vapor fireplaces is the wall-mounted variety. These fireplaces can…
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amphiptere-art · 6 months
Ok. So vapor has smoke. Yippee. Many people have been making their smoke do some sleepy time juice. And while I might do something with vapor in a similar way. I'm going to add my own little spin because I can.
So vapors smoke is this white blue stuff. Now when I drew the drawing I didn't want to worry about too many details because it was like.. 12:00 at night.
Technically the smoke is supposed to have white little star speckles in it. It's supposed to be a tad glittery, although it glows a lot more. And every other regard though it looks like smoke. But it's viscous. It's thicker and physically feels like you're pushing through something. It will often slow somebody walking through it like you're walking through floating water or something.
The smoke does have properties. But you can only tell that the properties have activated by smell. The neutral smell is standard smoky. Something you would get from a match. Not quite fireplace but simple smoke.
If it starts smelling like dandelions or other stinky flowers. You have upset them. The smell will be suffocating. Slowly you are being poisoned. Due to the fact it is a star, It will affect you whether you are bioorganic biomechanical or pure steel. For those that are purely robot it will feel like they are being rusted from the inside out. Any other will feel like poison that slowly spreads. Completely invisible once until it starts affecting the nervous system. Causing paralysis, and if not stopped death. Luckily inhaling the non-agitated smoke will cure the poison with time.
If it starts smelling floral. They are pleased and calm. It will often induce a state of calm in others. Making them relax. It also has a small bit of healing properties. The truck is a bit when they're falling asleep too. Acting a little bit like what you would think of lavender. Helping them fall asleep while also healing them or anyone around them of injuries.
If it starts to smell like citrus. That means they are happy. They're usually more energetic. Effects upon others are similar. It will also and give somebody a strange sense of giddiness out of nowhere. They will also become somewhat people pleasers to vapor. It makes them want to do something with them. Sillyly enough it's not appreciated by Vapor. But he has no control of how the smoke changes or it's affects.
If it starts to smell woody. It means they are comfortable. Not in the way of rest or relaxation, But more so deeply entwined in something and just comfortable where they are. This will often cause others to want to work. Clean the house, do the dishes, etc. They will just want to finish a task. No matter how much they hate that task, They will enjoy it. It is often that this Woody smell will turn into the flowery smell after a bit.
And those are the four scents that I have figured out so far. There's probably more, And there's probably more specific scents that mean more specific things. But this is the broad strokes. Hope you find this interesting. Smelly vapor.
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kingofsummer93 · 1 year
Ex Luna Scientia
Lucien Vanserra, seventh son of the Minister for Magic, is as loved by his peers as he is hated by his family. But behind the charm and irreverence hides a secret, as dark and menacing as the scar on his face.
Elain Archeron, middle sister in a trio of muggle-born witches, has only one wish: for someone to truly see her. Because when she sleeps at night, she can see it all.
Or- an Elucien at Hogwarts AU.
Chapter 16: The Second Trial
Ao3 Masterlist
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** a/n- I'm setting up a tag list, please let me know if you'd like to be added/ removed for this fic, Elucien fics specifically or all fics!
Lucien hovered outside the portrait of the Fat Lady, straining his ears to hear the commotion inside the Gryffindor common room. The dungbombs planted by his friends seemed to be doing the trick, judging from the sound of students scrambling towards the staircases on either side of the circular room, cursing loudly.
The Fat Lady gave him a stern look, unimpressed. “What have you done this time?” she asked drily, rearranging the folds of her frilly pink gown.
Lucien gave her a mock-hurt look. “You wound me. Why would you assume I have anything to do with whatever is happening in there?”
The Fat Lady’s friend Violet giggled into her glass of sherry. Lucien sent her a wink as the Fat Lady continued to stare at him sternly. “Well? Are you going to stand out here all night, then? Some of us have better things to do, you know.”
“But I thought it was your duty to guard us valiant Gryffindors, my lady?”
She scoffed at him, though he could have sworn her plump cheeks deepened to match the color of her dress. “Password?”
Lucien pressed his ear close to the edge of the painting, listening for noise on the other side. Violet giggled again, covering her mouth with a lacy fan. The common room was silent.
“Giggling Gum Drops,” he declared, bowing at the waist.
The Fat Lady rolled her eyes but waved a hand. “Very well,” she drawled, and with that the portrait swung open, revealing the entrance to the Gryffindor common room.
The room was indeed deserted, though a thick, foul mist still hung in the air. Lucien coughed, his eyes immediately watering from the toxic vapors. A clock on the wall struck midnight, and he hurried to the fireplace in the corner of the room, dropping to his knees to stare into the flames. They had burned down to embers, and after a few minutes Lucien began to worry. It wasn’t like Eris to suggest such a clandestine meeting- normally he would have sent an owl or asked to meet him in Hogsmeade. Whatever it was that his brother wanted to talk to him about, he didn’t want the conversation overheard.
The dying embers suddenly came to life, burning red and orange for a moment before turning a bright emerald green. A split-second later Eris’ face appeared in the flames, looking more stressed than Lucien had ever seen him.
“Have you lost your mind?” his brother declared by way of greeting.
“Hello to you too, brother.”
“Please tell me I misunderstood and that you did not send me an owl requesting that I sneak you into the Department of Mysteries?”
His brother’s tone was devoid of its usual lazy humor, and Lucien felt a twinge of guilt. “I didn’t send you an owl asking you to sneak me into the Department of Mysteries?”
Eris sighed, making the emerald flames flicker. “Lucien, I’m serious. You can’t write things like that down, much less send them out by owl. Andras is super recognizable, if anyone intercepted him…”
“Why would someone intercept my owl?” Lucien asked sharply.
Eris winced, as if he had let something slip. “Weird shit is happening at the Ministry, Lucien. People are on their guard. Tense.”
“What do you mean, weird shit is happening?” He remembered what Eris had told him about Mr Koschei going missing. “Has Koschei still not been found?”
Eris shook his head. His mouth was set in a thin line. “He hasn’t. It’s the weirdest thing. I know he’s a mean motherfucker, but you don’t become the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement by twirling your thumbs. Koschei is an incredibly powerful wizard. People like that don’t just vanish. Magic leaves a trace, especially strong magic.”
Lucien’s stomach twisted. “What’s the ministry doing about it?” The ministry being code for our loving father.
“Father’s put out a statement claiming that Koschei took a leave of absence. Bullshit, of course. Even our top Aurors haven’t heard from him.”
“And people believe it?” Lucien asked, incredulous.
“I sure as shit don’t. Most of the ministry seems content to go along with it but a lot of people are starting to get suspicious.”
“But Koschei’s always been such a huge supporter of dad.” The word tasted like bile on his tongue. “Hasn’t he? If something actually happened to him you’d think the whole ministry would be in a frenzy to try to find him.”
“Precisely,” Eris simply. “Except…”
“Except what?”
Eris sighed, running a hand through his short hair, the motion making it stand on end. “I really shouldn’t be telling you this.”
“There’s been rumors, all right? That maybe Koschei and dad haven’t been seeing eye-to-eye lately.”
“About what?” Lucien demanded.
“I have no idea. I only know because my friend from the Department of Mysteries heard them arguing a few times, and she- get that look off your face, Lucien!”
“Lucien,” Eris snapped. “Listen to me. Those giants you saw? There is no record of their movements around Britain. None. Nothing.”
Lucien was so stunned that for a moment he couldn’t speak. “What does that mean?”
“It means that the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures has no idea that they’re there.”
A chill went down Lucien’s spine. “But- we saw them. The others saw them too, they can tell you-“
Eris raised a hand to shush him. “I believe you, Lucien. Merlin, I don’t know why you’d make something like that up.”
“It doesn’t make sense. There’s no way that many giants would go unnoticed.”
“And there’s no way our esteemed father wouldn’t keep track of them,” Eris continued, voicing exactly what Lucien had been thinking.
Their father, who forced every werewolf, vampire, harpy, house elf, goblin, and anyone else who wasn’t completely human to register with the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, would very much care about a whole village of giants setting up camp near Hogwarts.
“But…Elain said Professor Spell-Cleaver didn’t seem that concerned. How could the ministry not know if he does?” It didn’t make sense. None of this made any sense.
Eris shook his head again. “Your guess is as good as mine. Although…”
“Well, you know how Hogwarts is spelled to be unplottable?”
Lucien recoiled from the fire. “You can’t actually think-“
“It would explain why nobody has heard or seen them, even though they’re…well, you know. Not quite inconspicuous.”
“But why?”
“That I can’t answer. And before you ask, no, they’re not part of the other Trials.”
“Well, thank fuck for that, at least.”
“And speaking of the Trial,” Eris continued. Lucien braced himself for more bad news. “Since Koschei’s gone MIA a lot of people have been suggesting we postpone it.”
“People are saying it’s not right to keep going, seeing as how his department organized so much of it. But you’ll never guess who shut down that talk as soon as it began.”
“I’m guessing it wasn’t you?”
Eris smiled grimly, though it looked more like a grimace. “Our father insisted that the Tournament keep going. He was quite livid that people were even thinking of shutting it down.”
Lucien blinked in surprise. “What? What does he care? He didn’t even come to watch the first Trial.”
“Exactly. I don’t think he actually cares at all.”
“Then why-”
“I don’t know. But if you ask me, all this weird shit is not a coincidence. And it’s not a coincidence that a lot of people and resources are currently focused on Hogwarts and the tournament.”
“Meaning…meaning that people are distracted.” Eris’ meaning dawned on him with horrible clarity. “You think dad is up to something.”
Eris glanced over his shoulder quickly, as if making sure that nobody was standing behind him. “Shh! You need to be more careful about saying things like that, Lucien. You need to be careful, period. Stay close to the school, don’t leave the grounds. Whatever those giants are doing there, it’s not just an innocent vacation.”
“Got it,” Lucien said drily. “Sit on my ass and don’t get in trouble while the adults sort it out.”
“Don’t be a git. You know what I mean. Which reminds me- what possible reason could you have for wanting to break into the Department of Mysteries? Nobody even knows what the hell is down there.”
This time it was Lucien who looked over his shoulder to make sure the common room was still empty. “I hope you’re not in a rush.”
Eris stayed uncharacteristically quiet, though his frown deepened the further Lucien got into his explanation. By the time he got to the missing prophecy his brother was rubbing his forehead as though to ease a growing headache.
“So let me get this straight,” he started. “You’re telling me that not only is there a top-secret room beneath the Ministry filled with thousands of prophecies, but Elain would like my help to somehow break into this top-secret place?”
“That’s about it, yes,” Lucien replied with more confidence than he actually felt.
Eris pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You said it yourself,” Lucien soldiered on. “All this weird stuff happening all of a sudden? What are the chances this is completely unrelated?” Even though he desperately wished that it was, and that Elain had no involvement in whatever was brewing. “Elain was attacked during the first Trial, Eris! What if whoever stole that prophecy tries again during the second Trial?”
“They won’t,” Eris said darkly. “Not while I’m watching. I’ll see what I can do about bringing in some extra security. There will be eyes on her- on all of you, at all times.”
“Thanks, Eris,” Lucien said gratefully. “I’m starting to question this whole Tournament, to be honest. It was all fun and games, but…”
“But now not so much. I’ll be at Hogwarts in a few weeks for the second Trial, all right? We’ll talk more then. In the meantime I can ask my friend what she knows about the prophecies. But don’t get your hopes up, I doubt she’ll tell me anything.”
“Anything she knows would be helpful. Elain’s really freaked out by the whole thing. With good reason, obviously.” Lucien swallowed thickly. “I just wish there was more I could do to help her.”
“We will help her,” Eris declared in that tone that left no room for argument. “I can’t believe she’s a seer.”
“Just don’t bring her name up when you start asking questions, alright? She doesn’t want people to know.”
Eris gave him a pointed look. “You think I suddenly forgot how to keep a secret?”
Lucien huffed a laugh. “Touché.”
“Speaking of gossips.” Eris grimaced. “You’re not going to like Koschei’s replacement for the panel of judges.”
“What do you mean?” He’d assumed it would be someone from Koschei’s department at the ministry, or another department head.
Eris winced again, but before he could answer there was a scuffling noise behind Lucien. He tensed, whirling towards the doors leading to the dormitories. “Someone’s coming down the stairs,” he whispered.
When he turned back to the fire Eris had already disappeared, the flames back to a merry red.
Lucien barely had time to scramble to his feet before the door to the girls’ dormitory creaked open. Feyre stepped into the glow of the fireplace, her eyes narrowed at him suspiciously.
“What are you doing down here?”
“Prefect rounds,” he lied smoothly, walking to the stairs on the other side of the room.
“I heard voices,” she pressed, looking around the deserted room.
Shit. If she had heard even a fraction of that conversation… “This castle is haunted, you know.”
She rolled her eyes, reminding him so strongly of Elain that he grinned.
“You’ve become even more smug since you started dating my sister, you know that?” She walked to a table near the window and rifled through a pile of discarded homework.
“Just as you like me, right?”
Feyre huffed a laugh and disappeared back up the stairs. “Good night!”
Lucien’s nerves did not settle long after he had made it upstairs to his four-poster bed. His dreams that night were full of giants, and secret underground vaults, and Elain’s eyes, milky-white and all-seeing.
Lucien wiped the rain from his eyes, glancing once again at the giant red countdown floating in the grey sky above him. His stomach lurched with a jolt of panic-induced adrenaline. Thirty-five minutes left- almost half his time was already gone.
There was a sudden flurry of noise and movement from the crowd as the assembled students erupted in cheers and applause. Shit. Had another champion already finished the task? It seemed almost impossible, but with the high hedges blocking everything but the path in front of him, it was impossible to know.
Lucien had almost had a heart attack when Professor Amren had escorted him to the Quidditch pitch for the second Trial. His beloved field was unrecognizable, turned into some sort of giant maze, with hedges so tall they almost reached the bottom of the Quidditch stands.
“What have they done?!” he had demanded, gaping at the field in horror. “We have a match in two weeks!”
“Well then I guess it’s a good thing Quidditch is played on brooms,” Nesta had piped up drily behind him.
Any thoughts of Quidditch, however, had quickly vanished upon entering the maze. The second Trial was simple- each champion entered from a different corner, staggered according to their current rankings. They had an hour to reach the center of the maze, or risk getting disqualified from the Trial.
It seemed deceptively simple, and might even have sounded fun, were it not for Eris’ warning still marinating at the forefront of his mind. That, and the icy, unrelenting rain currently chilling him to the bone. As if on cue the sky opened up with a flash of lightning, illuminating the path in front of him. He had reached a fork in the maze, both paths stretching out into pure darkness in front of him.
Lucien squinted into the dark, trying to make out anything except the dense hedges. The rain combined with the shadows cast by the maze made it impossible to see anything. It was eerily similar to walking into the Forbidden Forest to retrieve that unicorn hair.
Something moved in the path to his left, nothing more than a shifting of shadows. Lucien took an involuntary step back as the hair rose on the back of his neck at whatever dwelled in those shadows.
After a beat of hesitation he laid his wand flat on his palm and muttered a four-point spell. The wand spun in his hand and then froze, pointing to the path heading right. North. To reach the center of the maze he would have to take the path to the left.
The shadows shifted again, followed by a slithering, hissing sound. Lucien turned on his heel and hurried towards the path on the right. He’d just have to double back at the next fork.
Another glance at the flashing numbers in the sky told him he had just passed the halfway mark. He quickened his step, holding his wand’s thin beam of light higher above his head. He was just considering calling his patronus to light his way when a scream, high pitched and petrified, ripped through the dark. Lucien froze, heart pounding, straining his ears to find the direction of the scream.
This was not the Forbidden Forest, he reminded himself. The champions were in plain view of the packed stands filled with students and teachers. And besides, Eris had promised to keep an eye on Elain.
Still, he couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe as that scream echoed around in his mind. And then echoed through the maze again, somewhere to his left.
Lucien didn’t hesitate before lifting his wand and pointing it to the hedge blocking his path. “INCENDIO!”
Fire erupted from his wand, burning a hole clean through the dense mass of branches. He didn’t stop to consider whether this would be considered cheating before leaping through the singed hole in the hedge and tumbling into the path. There were more shouts coming from the stands now, but whether they were in dismay or excitement, Lucien couldn’t tell.
He took off at a run, his senses focused only on that echoing scream. His surroundings melted away, so much so that when something wrapped tightly around his middle it took him a few beats to realize he was no longer moving.
Whatever was wrapped around his middle spread to his legs, stilling him mid-step. Lucien thrashed, fighting against the tightening hold around him. Something was wrapping itself around him- something slick and damp, thick and powerful. For a wild moment he thought it was snakes, but then he registered the bark under his fingers, the wet, earthy smell wrapping around him. He was being crushed by vines.
His already racing heart doubled in intensity as he bucked and pushed against the vines, but the more he fought, the tighter they wrapped around him. A thick branch slithered around his arms, pinning them to his sides.
He had dropped his wand in surprise, and it lay at his feet, useless. In his panic he forgot about the teachers and ministry members surely watching him get attacked- he forgot about the tournament, and the students groaning in sympathy at his plight. He could think only of Elain, screaming in fright in the distance as he failed to reach her. A million scenarios flashed through his mind, each one more outlandish and unlikely than the last.
Death by botany, he thought with a jolt of panicked-induced hilarity. Elain would have known how to get out of this trap, she would haven’t gotten trapped in the first place, she would have, she would have…
“Relax!” A voice cut through the blood pounding in his ears. A voice he would have recognized through any darkness. Lucien thrashed again, only for a vine to wrap itself around his face, smothering him.
“Relax, Lucien!” Elain cried again. “You have to calm down. If you fight back you’ll only make it angrier.”
Easy for you to say, he thought grimly, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he struggled to breathe. A bright light cut through the mess of vines surrounding him like a cocoon, and Lucien squinted against the sudden brightness. Through his cage of vines he spotted a familiar four-legged form, prowling the path in front of him.
Moony. The patronus’ light seemed to pierce through the vines, straight to his heart. He forced himself to go still, to stop fighting against the vice around him. Immediately the vines froze, receding enough for him to gulp down a ragged breath.
“That’s it!” Elain urged. “Just relax. Think of something happy. Pretend you’re conjuring up a patronus.”
Lucien relaxed further, his muscles going limp until the vines were the only thing holding him upright. It felt unnatural, but with a lurch he realized the hold on him was receding. He closed his eyes, filling his mind with images of Elain’s twinkling brown eyes and rosy cheeks.
The vines receded at all once and Lucien fell to the ground in a heap. Elain and her patronus were on him in an instant, the wolf nuzzling at his legs while Elain cradled his face.
“Are you alright?!” she gasped, eyes wide with worry. “I thought that thing was going to squeeze you to death!”
“I’m alright,” Lucien said, his breathing still ragged. “Are you alright? You screamed, I couldn’t find you…”
Elain’s eyes glittered with amusement. “Oh, that wasn’t me, it was Nesta. I saw her in a bit of a tussle with some Blast-Ended Skrewts. She’s alright, through.”
Lucien sagged with relief. “Thank Merlin. I thought- I was so worried…”
I love you and I need you safe in my arms at all times.
The words were on the tip of his tongue, but the background noise of the chattering crowd brought him back to earth. Right. Not the time or place.
Elain squeezed his arm. “You’re cute. Although if I didn’t know better I might suspect you don’t think I can handle myself.”
Lucien huffed a rueful laugh as she helped him to his feet. “I thought every girl wanted a knight in shining armour?”
“A knight in shining armour, yes.” She looked him up and down, from his sodden hair flattened to his head, to his squelching shoes, and flashed a grin. “I’m not sure that you qualify right now, though.”
Lucien looked her over, his metal eye clicking as he checked for any sign of injury. To his relief she looked unharmed- and also, inexplicably, dry. He shivered violently as a gust of wind ripped through the maze.
Elain held up a hand and waved her wand in an arc around him. Immediately he was wrapped in a bubble of blissfully warm air, the icy rain held at bay by invisible walls.
Lucien whistled in admiration. “Neat trick.”
“Who’s the damsel in distress now?” she asked with a smirk.
“Me,” he agreed. “Definitely me.”
“Come on,” she urged, grabbing his hand. “We don’t have much time left.”
Lucien glanced at the floating numbers in the sky. Twenty minutes. He retrieved his wand and hurried after her down the path, Moony trotting along on Elain’s other side.
“Do you think they’ll give me extra points for saving you?” she mused.
Lucien laughed, pulling her to a stop when they reached another fork in the road. “Maybe, but I’ll definitely get points for most entertaining.”
“What do you-“
She gasped as he wrapped an arm around her waist, tangling the other in her hair, and dipped her at the waist. Even in the gloom of the maze he could see her cheeks turning violently pink.
He cut her off with a kiss. The crowd erupted in violent cheers above them, and Elain’s lips curved into a smile. Lucien set her upright again, and didn’t give her a chance to say anything before turning towards the path on the left.
“See you on the other side, Archie!” he called over his shoulder. Her laughter echoed around the path long after he was enveloped in darkness once more.
The clock continued ticking down as he walked along the path, his way suspiciously clear of any obstacles. When he had fifteen minutes left he did another four-point spell and saw he was heading straight for the center of the maze. He broke into a jog, grinning as he spotted a shimmering light from around a bend in the path a few yards ahead. As he whirled around the corner he came to a sudden halt.
His path was blocked by a wall of fire. The flames stretched as high as the hedges, completely baring the path. They burned so hot that Lucien felt sweat prickle on his brow.
He pointed his wand to the flames, conjuring a stream of clear, cool water. “Aguamenti!”
The water hissed and turned to steam before it even touched the flames. He tried again, and again, and every time the water disappeared inches from the fire.
“Shit,” he swore.
He glanced at the sky and swore again. They barely had ten minutes left. It wasn’t enough time to turn back the way he came- it would take too long to double back and find another way. Besides, Lucien had a nagging feeling that the flames somehow formed a barrier around the center of the maze. He’d have to find another way through.
He moved to the hedges, wondering if he could somehow scale them and jump over the flames, when something caught his gaze. Pots and vials and bottles, sheltered from the rain in a little alcove in the hedge. Lucien crouched down and looked at the labels more closely. Potion-making ingredients. He glanced back at the flames.
“Shit,” he swore again. Another glance at the sky. “Merlin’s saggy tits!” He had exactly eight minutes to correctly mix a fire protection potion, or else find another way through the flames.
He dropped to his knees, wracking his brain for anything about potions related to fire, shielding, or any sort of protection. Suddenly he regretted all those naps he had taken at the back of Professor Hybern’s dungeon classroom. If he made it through this without getting disqualified he vowed to actually start paying attention.
The crowd roared, followed by the unmistakable sound of enchanted fireworks exploding in the sky above him. His stomach sank, until he glanced up and saw a yellow and black badger, made up of a thousand pinpricks of light. He grinned, momentarily distracted from his task. Elain had made it to the center of the maze, and from the sounds of it, she might have been the first one.
He turned back to the bottles and vials, scanning the labels hurriedly. Armadillo bile, sage, peacock feathers, salamander blood, crushed octopus, all useless. Mushrooms, leech juice- Lucien dropped the bottle of vile liquid. Hopeless. This was hopeless, maybe he’d have a better chance if he simply jumped through the flames and hoped someone would extinguish him on the other side…
Just as he was rolling up his sleeves something snagged in his memory. Potions lesson, he and his friends levitating bursting mushrooms under Professor Hybern’s desk and watching him rage as he looked around for the source of the stink. He turned back to the ingredients, scrambling through them, until- there. Tiny, thumbnail-sized mushrooms the color of dirt.
He dumped them out and crushed them into an empty vial with one hand, gagging at the immediate reek as he riffled through the other ingredients. The jar of salamander blood was warm under his fingers, and it hissed as he poured some out into the jar with his crushed mushrooms. Yes, that was it- bursting mushrooms, salamander blood, and…and…
Lucien raked a hand through his damp hair in frustration. There was something else, but he couldn’t for the life of him remember what it was.
With a jolt he remembered the unicorn hair in his pocket. Professor Hybern was always harping on about how dangerous substitutions were, and how disastrous the consequences could be if a recipe was tampered with. The only exceptions were a select few, incredibly powerful magical substances that could be used to override the lack of a certain ingredient.
Another glance at the countdown shimmering in the sky next to the Hufflepuff badger showed he had only four minutes left. It was now or never. And besides, there was no rule about correctly making his way through the flames.
Before he could think too much about it he dumped the shimmering silver hair into the bottle, muttered a quick freezing spell, and shook it, sending up a quick prayer to anyone who would listen. The bottle became cold in his hand, the liquid inside turning the bright blue of a winter sky.
Lucien uncorked it and went to stand in front of the flames. He lifted it in mock salute to the stands around him, and the crowd erupted. The liquid was so cold that it burned on the way down- like drinking liquid ice. A shiver went through him as the potion took effect. It was extremely discomforting, as though there was ice flowing through his veins.
He took a deep breath and held it as he stepped into the flames. The fire wrapped around him, blurring his vision of the maze. But where it should have burned, the fire merely ruffled his hair like a warm summer breeze. Another step and he was on the other side, the ruckus from the Gryffindor stands growing even louder.
He squinted into the darkness, suddenly blinded after the brightness of the flames.
And came face-to-face with Briallyn Skeeter, poisonous smile on her face, acid-green quill poised over her parchment.
Lucien jumped to his feet the moment Eris stepped into the champions’ tent. His brother was smiling, though it looked slightly forced.
“What is she doing here?” Elain growled next to him by way of greeting. Eris winced and led them out of the tent, away from the other champions.
Nesta, it turned out, had not won her battle with the Blast-Ended Skrewts, but had still been awarded a few points for her resourcefulness with the other obstacles she faced. Rhysand had managed to get through the fire barrier with seconds to spare, though had somehow managed to light himself on fire in the process. His usually sleek midnight-black hair was still smoking slightly at the edges. Elain had gotten almost top marks, with Lucien close behind, which left the current standings as Elain in first, Lucien second, and Rhys and Nesta tied for third.
Behind a closed curtain Nesta was being attended to by Madam Majda, who had been complaining in an endless stream about the danger of the competition. And in the other corner, sitting in front of a smug-looking Rhys, sat Brially Skeeter, special correspondent for the daily Prophet, and, it would appear, pinch-hitter judge.
“Hello to you too,” Eris drawled once they were back in the icy rain. From the other side of the tent they would hear the ruckus of hundreds of excited students walking back towards the castle. “And congratulations on your victory.”
“Eris,” Lucien urged. “What is that salamander doing here?”
“It was father’s idea,” Eris admitted through gritted teeth. “Press combined with a stand-in judge, wrapped in one.”
“And Professor Spell-Cleaver was ok with this?” Elain asked, voicing what Lucien had just been thinking. He didn’t know why that fact was even more upsetting than her being here, but for some reason it felt like a betrayal.
“From the look on his face when he saw her, I’d be willing to bet he had no idea.”
Elain glared at the tent with such venom that Lucien was surprised it didn’t immediately burst into flames. “I hope she burns in hell.”
“I couldn't agree more,” Eris said with a vicious grin. “But just ignore her, you don’t have to answer her questions. Hopefully Rhys gives her enough bullshit for her article to focus on him.”
Somehow Lucien seriously doubted that would be the case.
“Look,” Eris continued, glancing around to make sure they were alone. “The thing you asked me about-“
Elain visibly brightened. “The Hall of Prophecies?”
“Shh!” His brother looked around them again, uncharacteristically nervous. “Yes. That.”
“Have you found anything useful?” Lucien asked, not daring to hope.
“Well, I’ve managed to, how should I say, get closer to my friend who works in the Department of Mysteries.” Lucien choked on a laugh as Elain clapped a hand to her mouth. “She had some interesting information about the…large friends you asked about.”
“What did she say?” Lucien blurted. Elain’s fingers were a vice around his.
“Well,” Eris glanced around again and leaned in closer. “It turns out there have been sightings of them, but the reports have all been swept under the rug before they could reach certain ears.”
“Which ears?” Lucien asked, though he had a feeling he already knew the answer.
“Our dear father’s, of course.”
“You’re saying…”
“You’re saying there’s people within the ministry withholding information from the Minister?” Elain asked, stunned.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” Eris answered grimly.
“And you had no idea about this?” Lucien pressed.
“Well, you can imagine why people might be a bit reluctant to rope me into a scheme to hide information from the Minister,” Eris replied drily.
Elain winced. “Fair enough. But what does this mean? Why are they there?”
“I have no idea,” Eris admitted, brow furrowed. “But I might have found a solution to our other problem. My friend agreed to help us.”
Lucien raised an eyebrow. His brother shrugged casually. “I have my ways. It’s going to take some time though. I’ll send you a signal when it’s all prepared.”
“Our problem?” Elain asked in a small voice.
Eris’ eyebrows rose in surprise. “Pardon?”
“You said our problem.”
Eris’ frown lifted into a savage smile. “You didn’t think I was going to let you have all the fun, did you? But in the meantime, for Merlin’s sake, try to lie low, will you?”
“Yea, mother,” Lucien quipped with a grin.
Eris shook his head darkly. “I mean it, Lucien. Something’s brewing, and I don’t like it. And for fuck’s sake, do not leave the grounds under any circumstances. All Hogwarts students are safe within the grounds, but outside…”
Lucien glanced at the Forbidden Forest in the distance, and the mountains beyond. As if he could get a glimpse of the beings that dwelled there, hidden from view. Someone had brought them there for a reason. They were waiting for something, he realized. He just didn’t know what that could be.
And he had a bad feeling he didn’t really want to know, either.
Taglist (taking a guess here, let me know if you'd like to be added/removed!): @labellefleur-sauvage @headcanonheadcase @separatist-apologist @velidewrites @c-e-d-dreamer @queercontrarian
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scarletwritesshit · 9 months
Warmth of Night's End ❄️Pokemon Winter Wonderland Zine
The second piece I wrote for the @winterwonderlandzine
The cabin door creaked open, and one by one, each of the Eeveeloutions trotted inside. Clumps of snow on their fur began to melt, drenching each of them in cold water. From the door, well into the cabin, the water dripped off of their fur and congregated into a pool trailing behind them. None of them paid any mind to the water on the wood, as the heat from the fireplace would soon take care of drying the floor. Hopefully, the heat would not dry up the Vaporeon, but at this point, she felt as if she was at risk of her body solidifying if she didn’t seek out warmth.
All nine of them took their turns attempting to shake off the cold water and clumps of snow, only for it to splash right onto the ones closest to them. The Flareon got off rather easy, as her natural body heat instantaneously vaporized any water droplets that made contact with her fur. The Glaceon did not mind the splash of cold either, as he naturally thrived in such conditions. In fact, he much preferred this feeling compared to the radiation of an open flame.
Life slowly started to return to them, especially the Leafeon, who was acting as if he was on the verge of wilting just earlier in the evening. Though now in the comfort of the warmth of the cabin, one in particular had left some business unfinished. The Jolteon was rather dissatisfied with his defeat by holiday lights failing to be properly strung, and the snarl on his face showed that he was still raring to return to the battle. He wasn’t alone in his desires, however, as the Glaceon was already missing the comfort of the cold and ice in between his paws.
As for the Eevee, well, she would be overjoyed to once again return to the snowscape, that is, if she had any energy left. The last spark of desire that still burned within her was impressive enough, considering how long she actually lasted in the freezing temperatures at her young age. She would not protest an opportunity to return outside for just a few more moments, but she was comfortable on top of the Espeon’s back, and he did not seem intent on facing the cold winter’s night once more. The Umbreon was in silent agreement with the Espeon that perhaps, it was more ideal for the Eevee to rest and regain her strength, along the others. It wasn’t like she always willing to listen to the two, but the Eevee did not have the energy to defy their wishes.
Laying down in front of the fireplace, she noticed that although it was still rather warm, the heat was being provided by mere embers on their last breath of life. She called for some wood to be thrown in, but alas, the stock was almost completely depleted. With the temperatures drastically falling as the night went on, one of them was going to have to brave the cold and acquire some wood to keep the cabin warm throughout the night.
Who else would be better to take down some trees than the already fired up Jolteon? He was still rather frustrated with his defeat earlier, and so striking down some wood would be a reasonable method of productively relieving stress. The Flareon would go with him, however, free reign of firepower should not be carelessly utilized around a vulnerable wooden shelter.
While the Jolteon slipped through the door to hunt down suitable logs to use as fuel, the Vaporeon made the suggestion of perhaps making some hot chocolate in the meantime to tie everyone over. Her suggestion received unanimous support, as even the cold loving Glaceon would not turn down a sweet treat.
The Umbreon and Espeon worked together to grab enough packets of hot chocolate from the cabinet. The Espeon climbed on top of the Umbreon and, despite their synergy, did not exactly have it easy attempting to keep balance. They did manage to pull down enough packs without any casualties, but not without the Espeon tumbling off of the Umbreon’s back, knocking her onto the floor with him.
The Sylveon shot a rather confused glance at the duo, with his facial expression signifying, "why didn’t you just get my assistance in the first place?" It was more likely the two of them showing off just how well they worked with each other, but the priorities of the others lied elsewhere, such as the hot chocolate at stake.
The Sylveon forcefully shoved the two aside, taking over in order to prevent further botched performances. He grabbed a kettle to set down in front of the Vaporeon to fill, as well as exactly enough mugs for all of them, including the currently resting Eevee and absent Jolteon. For the most part, it was a team effort.
The Leafeon was nowhere to be found by the stove. Instead, he was rather content warming up by the fireplace alongside the Eevee. At the same time, he seemed to be indirectly conveying just how incredibly cold he was feeling. His wincing was somewhat justifiable, given how he wasn’t exactly suited for harsh, cold environments. However, ulterior motives were at play here, and it was, for the most part, an act to lure to Flareon into once again laying with him.
Nobody was buying his act. Not even the Eevee, who was half asleep and felt as if she was mentally on another planet. She knew all too well that he was “secretly” begging for the Flareon’s attention, who was too busy to pay any attention to his begging. It was rather embarrassing, really.
The Eevee desired only to nap, at least until the hot chocolate was prepared. That was proving to be rather impossible feat, however. Through the windows, she could see the night sky being lit up with the lightning shocks of the Jolteon, creating a rather spectacular light show. She was well aware that he wasn’t too happy about his failure to string the lights prior, but not that unhappy to put on a light show of his own. A little dramatic for cutting down trees, if you ask her.
Not only that, but the needy Leafeon whining about being cold (desiring the company of the Flareon) was starting to get under her skin. Despite somehow wanting to get away from these annoyances temporarily and seek tranquility further away in the forest, she was having a difficult time fighting off the urge to sleep. The Eevee was kept awake only by those two causing far too much of a ruckus, and despite knowing that the Jolteon and Flareon were quite busy doing them all a favor, she wanted them both to return as soon as possible just so she could possibly get some shut eye.
Her wish may be partially fulfilled soon, as the cups of hot chocolate were just about finished being prepared. The Espeon and Umbreon insisted on working together to, once again, show off just how compatible they were, but the Sylveon once again shoved them out of the way and grabbed the water with his feelers himself. He was no Psychic-type, but he could foresee one of those two dumping hot water on an innocent bystander and scalding them. The last thing anyone needed were second degree burns to tend to after everyone was already exhausted enough.
The cups were neatly arranged and each had one packet of instant hot chocolate mix poured into them. The Sylveon, to the best of his ability, carefully began to pour the water into the cups. The Flareon grabbed a spoon and awkwardly tilted her head to the side and started stirring the mixture, unbothered by the hot water splashing against her fur. The Umbreon glanced at her with a concerned side eye, a bit confused as to how a Fire-type was remaining unaffected by perhaps her greatest weakness. The droplets splashing against her face were in such miniscule amounts, and so they sizzled away practically instantaneously, causing no harm.
Nudging their cups along the floor (due to an unfortunate lack of hands), the Eeveeloutions slowly made their way along to all gather around the fireplace. Well, all except for the Glaceon that is, who was enjoying the dwindling temperatures away from the direct heat. In spirit, he was laying right in the midst of them all, but physically, he preferred to distance himself from as much warmth as possible.
The flame was growing smaller by the minute, and the temperatures were noticeably dropping in the cabin. The hot chocolate could only last them for so long before they would have to resort to each other as a source of warmth. Unsurprisingly, the Leafeon, despite being one of the more susceptible to the cold, did not seem to mind this possibility one bit. Anything that gave him an excuse to huddle closer to the Flareon, he was going to jump at.
After a while, they realized that the sky was no longer being lit up with furious thunderbolts. It remained eerily silent for quite some time, and confused glances were exchanged between each other once the realization truly sat in. Suddenly, the door flung open, and their heads turned to face the door practically in sync. The chill from outside invaded on their space, blasting each of them in the face. In the doorway, they saw the Jolteon all by himself attempting to push the logs through, as they were far too wide to simply roll.
Eager for one last taste of the cold, the Glaceon leaped up and provided him with some extra firepower to help push the logs inside. Once all of the logs were shoved into the cabin, the Jolteon slammed the cabin door shut. They may be inside now, but the logs still needed to be stacked safely to the side, as well as a few thrown in to refuel the flames. With still having labor ahead of him, the Jolteon scrunched his nose and weakly snarled out of irritation. For a Pokémon that was still rather young, he had the attitude of an old soul.
The Sylveon used his feelers to aid the Jolteon in lifting the logs, and the Flareon spat a few embers into the fireplace to once more bring life to the flame. Finally, with the fire once again burning bright, and the hot chocolate cooled to a temperature comfortable enough to drink, they were all able to settle down together for the evening.
The Glaceon was still physically close in spirit, as he especially had no interest in laying in front of a brightly burning flame. In fact, he had so little interest in the warmth, that he frosted the outside of his coffee cup to bring the temperature of his drink down further. Unsurprisingly, the Espeon and Umbreon were on the verge of falling asleep together, leaving half drank hot chocolate in front of them. The Eevee, on the verge of falling asleep herself, winced at the two, though she sleepily eyed up their hot chocolate, should an opening arise for her to swipe their drinks for herself.
The consistently cold Leafeon was shooting "desperate" glances at the Flareon, occasionally looking back at the Espeon and Umbreon to get his point across. She had already curled up with the Eevee, who arguably needed the warm comfort more than he did. His futile attempts became fewer and farther in between as the evening went on, only subsiding once he fell asleep.
The Vaporeon was already fast asleep, confident that she would not freeze over now that the fire was going strong. Soon to follow, the Jolteon would eventually fall asleep himself, too tired to continue fussing over a battle surrendered previously in the evening.
With the stories that each of the nine Pokémon could tell, one might presume that they are speaking of a year’s worth of tales. This night, however, was only the first of many snowfalls to come that winter.
And though each snowfall may feel the same as the last, one has but a singular chance to experience a first snowfall only once in their lives, and this was one that the young Eevee would look back upon with great fondness for as long as she may live.
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caterjunes · 1 year
say more about a masonry stove please!! i don't know what that is! 💙
omg ilu!
it's a very efficient and safe way of using wood fire to heat yr house!
❌️ a fireplace gives you direct radiant heat from the flames & embers, but all the hot air goes up & out the chimney. plus even well-seasoned wood only burns incompletely, especially once you've "banked" it (set it up to burn cooler & slower), so you end up with a sooty tarry chimney that needs to be cleaned fairly frequently.
➿️ a cast iron stove also gives direct radiant heat, and it stops the hot air in your house from going out of the chimney! this is an improvement for sure. but the hot air from the fire itself still goes out of the chimney, you still run into the banking problem, plus cast iron stoves tend to get extremely, dangerously hot to the touch & often don't show it. they need a lot of tending to ensure you're heating yr house safely and consistently and they just aren't safe if you have little kids or pets.
☑️ soapstone stoves are cast iron stoves with inset slabs of soapstone, a soft, dense type of stone. the slabs tend to absorb a lot of the most intense heat and gently radiate it out over a longer period of time. this helps with the risk of burns and also reduces the constant tending needed by a typical cast iron stove (but doesn't come close to eliminating it). these are pretty good. but the hot air from the fire itself still goes straight out the chimney, so you still end up losing a decent amount of heat that way. i've mostly seen them as like, conversation pieces or secondary sources of heat at best.
if only there were a way to keep the hot air inside until it has let off all its heat! enter the masonry stove aka tile stove/masonry heater/kachelofen/russian stove! ✅️✅️✅️
its firebox is designed to burn VERY hot, allowing for nearly complete combustion of the wood fuel - so almost no smoke & almost no tarry buildup. but unlike a cast iron stove, the whole thing is made of stone/brick/tile, so all that heat gently trickles through & there's no risk of burning yourself.
the hot exhaust (almost exclusively co2 and water vapor) goes through a long and convoluted chimney passageway, also made of stone/brick/tile, gradually releasing that heat into the thermal mass of the stove, until it is juuust hot enough to rise out of the rest of the chimney into the sky. this is a super super efficient use of wood - something like 90-95% of the potential thermal energy of the wood is kept inside.
because of how slowly the heat trickles through the thermal mass, you don't actually have to keep a fire burning the whole time - often people do a burn for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening, which means it's generally less work. and since you don't have to worry about banking a fire, keeping embers smoldering, etc, you can use smaller sticks & branches that wouldn't be suitable for a log fire except as kindling. this is actually an ideal use for coppiced wood!
(side note - if you bundle up the sticks & branches into a big armful, the technical term is actually a "faggot" of wood, and no the slur didn't come from using those to burn gay people (something that actually didn't happen), it's from british slang for cigarettes & british boarding school slang)
the main downside is they tend to be BIG. you see smaller ones in modern scandanavian homes, but when you see them in historical contexts they're often like a quarter of the room. this means they're super expensive and really really heavy, so you often need to build a reinforced foundation pad for them! or at the least plan for them to be as heavy as a Big fireplace. on the plus side this means they often have (heated) benches built into them, and historically people would actually sleep on top!
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the-india-decor · 2 days
5 Stunning Home Decor Fireplace Ideas to Elevate Your Living Space
Check out our five amazing home decor fireplace ideas to find the perfect fit for your space, curated by The India Decor.
Wood FireplacesBring warmth and a rustic charm to your home with classic wood fireplaces. Ideal for a traditional and welcoming feel.
Interior/Exterior ProductsCombine indoor and outdoor decor with versatile fireplaces that work for both areas, enhancing the overall ambiance.
Water Vapor FireplacesEnjoy the beauty of flames without heat, perfect for adding elegance and sophistication to any room.
Electric FireplacesEasy to install and maintain, electric fireplaces are a modern solution for a hassle-free yet stylish focal point.
Fireplace MantelsHighlight your fireplace with mantels that add character and elevate the look of your entire space.
ConclusionThese fireplace ideas from The India Decor can make any space feel inviting, stylish, and unique. Choose what suits your style best!
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writer59january13 · 13 days
Dump Trump - The demagogue Hitler reincarnate!
Countdown to Armageddon precariously, lugubriously, hellaciously, and deleteriously hinges
potential apocalypse now outcome, mere smattering weeks away
if the brazen, fierce-some amazing dragon doth don
trumps presidential throne -
ships with whistling Dixie missiles at bay
will be synchronized
with aerial bombardiers
to parlay a view to unleash nuclear weapons on cue
destroying a vast swath of flora and fauna,
and most life forms (inn oh cent), but pay hefty due
to assuage the aggressively cruel, enjoyably
growling at his goalie indubitably
kick ass mindset worse than dengue fever will ensue
a combustible domino effect fueling global horror – turning everything into ashes as mushrom cloud grew
analogous to kindling tinder logs smoke
the color - jetblue streaming up fireplace flue
witnessing sovereign magnum opus trans
forming much of animal and plant life into flakes of goo
far scarier than any macabre production
dreamt up by human frightful
scenario and no hero
she ma to rescue self or other from deadly debacle,
nor any safe haven such as a cool igloo
forsooth complete annihilation, bombination, elimination, finalization...
will far surpass any prior world war, no one will be spared,
neither gentile nor Jew which total mortal kombat, and attendant laying waste
organisms livingsocial spontaneously,
and instantaneously cremated,
where ashes spread dispersed faster than Kudzu
rendering world wide web fetid, offal, and putrid
far more noxious than the common loo
yet even this general description falls short to where mew
tinny sans hardy species (according to Google search);
such as tardigrade, mummichog, and cockroach
decimating, heaving, leveling, poisoning every cubic inch of Earth evincing voluminous vaporization
extant eradication emphatically nixed, punctuated, and radiated
pulverization eviscerating the bowels of mankind,
where nary a survivor nor foreigner could weather and withstand
hollowed out no mans land bereft of sustenance or water
where seeds of white lily when coalescence
of oblate spheroid birthed, nursed, and weaned new
life especially proto homo sapiens
and subsequent kin grunting with ah and oew
fast tracked primates, yet inherent within genetic coda (perhaps poison ingredient bubbled
within primordial soup) - steeped quantum mechanical pew
tar nation housing crucible- analogous to planetary size mortar and pestle) queue
sans predestination, where rue
brick, dogma, and fealty honoring justice slew
by paws of one cancerous, fractious and idolatrous Lothario, who opened Pandora Box (rigged shut tight) thorough
lee rendered civilization a footnote
of cosmological history and universal view
BUT.... eligible voters can choose alternate
(Democratic) candidate -
the majority will exhale a collective gustatory whew
and allow, enable and provide continuance of the human zoo!
0 notes
firepitfeast · 16 days
5 Tips for Choosing a Tabletop Water Vapor Fireplace You’ll Love A tabletop misting fire bowl transforms any room with its realistic flame effect, offering a safe and stylish alternative to traditional fire features. With no heat and cool-to-the-touch flames, it creates the perfect ambiance without
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tabletopfireshop · 16 days
5 Tips for Choosing a Tabletop Water Vapor Fireplace You’ll Love A tabletop misting fire bowl transforms any room with its realistic flame effect, offering a safe and stylish alternative to traditional fire features. With no heat and cool-to-the-touch flames, it creates the perfect ambiance without
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royalindianstones · 19 days
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Indian Black Basalt
For decades, Indian Black Basalt has been a popular option for building and architecture due to its compelling natural stone and rich history. Unquestionably attractive, this unusual stone is renowned for its strength, eye-catching look, and adaptability. We will examine the history, unique qualities, and range of uses of Indian Black Basalt in this blog, which has made it a popular material among designers and architects.
1. Origins and Formation
The Deccan Plateau in India is the source of Indian Black Basalt, a kind of volcanic rock. It is created by the millions of years-long solidification of volcanic lava flows. This extraordinary stone is widely available in India due to the region's volcanic activity and geological processes. The amazing qualities and beauty of Indian Black Basalt are a result of its unique geological circumstances.More than 90% of all volcanic rock on Earth is basalt. Rapid-cooling, fine-grained basalt is chemically equivalent to slow-cooling, coarse-grained gabbro. These basalt flows are quite thick and extensive, in which gas cavities are almost absent. In case of thin and irregular lava flows, gas cavities are formed on the rock surface.Molten basalt lava has a low viscosity due to its relatively low silica content (between 45% and 52%), resulting in rapidly moving lava flows that can spread over great areas before cooling and solidifying.
2. Visual Appeal and Distinctive Features
Indian Black Basalt has a gorgeous rich black hue that oozes grandeur and elegance. Its surface is velvety and smooth because of its homogenous composition and fine-grained texture. The delicate, organic tone fluctuations of Indian Black Basalt, punctuated by sporadic luminous specks or flecks that give the stone depth and personality, are among its most characteristic qualities. Indian Black Basalt is an intrusive option for a variety of architectural and design applications because of its distinctive colour and texture combination. When polished, Indian black basalt exhibits a natural sheen, enhancing its visual appearance. This luster adds a luxurious touch to architectural and design elements. Indian black basalt has been used historically in various architectural and cultural landmarks, adding a sense of tradition and heritage to its appeal.
3. Durability and Strength
Indian black basalt shows remarkable durability and strength by withstanding harsh weather conditions, abrasion, and temperature changes. Basalt outcrops weather more rapidly than Granite due to its higher crystallized mineral content and lower water vapor environment. Its lasting character is demonstrated by the centuries-long usage of it in a variety of architectural wonders such as ancient temples, monuments, and forts.Indian Black Basalt is a great material for high-traffic places when properly maintained and installed. It can provide a durable and aesthetically pleasing solution for various architectural and construction needs. Due to its resistance to wear, weathering, and other forms of degradation, Indian black basalt is known for its longevity. Structures and surfaces made from this material can maintain their aesthetic appeal and structural integrity over an extended period of time.
4. Various Uses
Indian Black Basalt is widely used for both external and interior purposes. It is frequently used for cladding, landscaping, and pavement in outdoor areas, giving gardens, walkways, and facades a sense of grandeur and beauty. It is well-liked for worktops, wall panels, floors, and fireplace surrounds indoors. Indian black basalt is often used for flooring in both residential and commercial spaces. Its durability makes it suitable for high-traffic areas, and its elegant black color adds a touch of sophistication. The heat resistance and low porosity of Indian black basalt make it an excellent choice for kitchen countertops. Its sleek appearance enhances the overall aesthetic of the kitchen.Also the stone's natural beauty and various finishes contribute to the visual appeal of walls in homes, offices, and public buildings.
5. Maintenance and Care
Adequate maintenance and care are crucial to the life and aesthetic appeal of Indian Black Basalt. The stone may be made more stain-resistant and have a longer lifespan with regular sealing and gentle, pH-neutral washing. Refrain from using anything acidic or abrasive that could scratch the surface. Indian Black Basalt may last for many years if given the right maintenance.
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waterfireplace · 2 months
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daheelectric · 5 months
500mm Monochrome Round Water Vapor Fireplace With Carbon 3D Flame
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becoration · 5 months
the integration of bioethanol fireplaces in modern homes
Post has been published on becoration
the integration of bioethanol fireplaces in modern homes
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Exploring environmentally friendly heating alternatives has sparked the popularity of ethanol fireplaces as an innovative and aesthetically pleasing option. This type of heating, which uses bioethanol—a plant-derived fuel that burns cleanly—has been gaining momentum.
In this article, we examine the benefits they offer, including energy efficiency and contemporary design. Their versatility in installation and their ability to create cozy environments make them ideal for modern homes seeking style and comfort.
Why Choose Ethanol Fireplaces? Unlike traditional options, ethanol fireplaces do not emit harmful smoke, releasing mostly water vapor and small amounts of CO2, which benefits both the environment and the health of inhabitants. Their adaptability in terms of design allows for seamless integration into any decor, ranging from standalone pieces to wall installations that resemble contemporary art.
Growing environmental awareness has led many households to seek heating solutions that reduce their carbon footprint without sacrificing comfort or style. In this context, ethanol fireplaces emerge as an attractive alternative that combines energy efficiency with cutting-edge design, allowing owners to enjoy the cozy warmth of a real flame while embracing a more sustainable lifestyle.
The Bioethanol Revolution in Home Heating Ethanol fireplaces stand out against wood or gas alternatives due to their significant advantages. The simplification of installation, by foregoing a traditional structure, allows them to be placed in a variety of spaces.
This flexibility is ideal for homes without a chimney, offering a practical and stylish solution. Bioethanol, being renewable, supports the reduction of fossil fuel consumption and decreases environmental impact, motivating many to opt for this clean and sustainable system.
Transform Your Space with Style and Warmth The diversity of designs available in ethanol fireplaces makes them a focal point of any interior decor. From minimalist models that harmonize with modern environments to more detailed options that radiate luxury and sophistication, there is a choice for every taste.
The presence of a real flame not only provides heat but also movement and a cozy gathering center for friends and family, balancing style with functionality and making them a preferred choice for those looking to enhance their home without forgetting environmental care.
Maximize the Benefits of Your Ethanol Fireplace If you are considering adding an ethanol fireplace to your home, taking the size of the area to be heated into account is crucial for selecting a suitable model. A large space may require a bigger unit or several to distribute the heat evenly, while for smaller areas, compact models may suffice and still provide a significant aesthetic appeal.
Safety should be a priority. Following the manufacturer’s instructions for use and considering the placement will ensure safe operation, allowing you to enjoy the beauty and warmth provided by bioethanol with peace of mind.
It can be said then that ethanol fireplaces are the ideal synthesis between utility and design. They represent an eco-friendly heating option while bringing an elegant and contemporary touch to any interior. Adaptable to different styles and preferences, they make every home more cozy and refined. Indeed, they are a wise choice for those looking to harmonize comfort, sustainability, and aesthetics in their everyday environment.
Referrer: Decoración 2.0, decoration news in Spanish
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000nazmul · 5 months
3D Water Vapor Fireplace Germicidal UV Lamps Customized Electric
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greatpapersweets · 1 year
Chimney Cleaning Services In Chennai
Electric Kitchen Chimney Cleaning needs and Reasons of Cleaning
The kitchen chimney removes smoke, airborne grease, fumes, odors, and steam from the gas stove and vents it to the outside. It has mesh, filters, and baffles to capture airborne contaminants like grease, soot, and water vapor.
Chimneys are necessary for maintaining a clean kitchen. Without a fireplace, frequent use of oils and spices in the kitchen can leave walls, cabinets, and tiles looking yellow and greasy. An electric fireplace can solve a number of kitchen problems with just regular chimney cleaning. Chimney cleaning is important and ignoring it for long periods of time can lead to serious problems. For this, you need to contact chimney cleaning services in Chennai.
Why is Electric Kitchen Chimney cleaning required?
Chimney fires are quite dangerous with loud noises and thick smoke.However, you are not always warned of the danger. It burns more slowly at higher temperatures and is capable of burning household objects. A chimney fire can spread to your walls and roof and cause significant damage and destruction. The most common cause of chimney fires is build-up of dirt and over time, clogged chimneys with creosote.
A clogged, dusty chimney releases dangerous carbon monoxide (CO), which at low levels can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea and memory loss. Inhaling CO is dangerous to your health and can lead to death. One more reason to inspect and sweep your chimney before use.
Poor chimney maintenance will cause soot to build up around the chimney. This makes it difficult for the vent to draw smoke upward, so the smoke can instead drift into your home. Soot leaves a black film around the fireplace and dirty furniture or other household objects placed nearby.
SUN KITCHEN CHIMNEY SERVICE, top chimney cleaning services in Chennai is a comprehensive solution for all your chimney repair and cleaning needs. Its experts are highly skilled in repairing and cleaning chimneys of all types and brands. It offers a complete chimney cleaning service at the best prices on the market, backed by qualified mechanics.
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weberandgrahn · 1 year
5 Reasons To Use Gas Heating in Smithtown and Southampton
The bitterly cold winters can be made comfortable by using the right heating system. The traditional fireplaces and the most advanced HVAC system can do the needful without any restraint. Unfortunately, there are multiple cons associated with each. Americans have long favored alternatives and are now relieved to find the option of gas heating in Smithtown and Southampton.
Trying to eliminate the chill that freezes the body can be extremely challenging. However, ensuring the gas heating can be effective. It is interesting to note that this type of heating will generate heat out of natural gases. This results in an increase in temperature, making the consumer feel comfortable and at ease. The end-user may use a gas furnace or a boiler to obtain optimal heating as well. It is further enlightening to learn that the usage of forced air to produce heat out of natural gases is the commonly followed procedure by the most popular appliances.
Some of the most rewarding aspects of doing away with fossil fuels in favor of natural gas for heating include the following:-
1. Clean & Green Option- Natural gas is a clean source of heat with no harmful emissions noted. The burning of gas may generate a small amount of water vapor and some carbon dioxide. It is a good idea to have vents in the system that expels the carbon dioxide. The risk to the environment is less than that of fossil fuels. The resultant carbon dioxide does not contribute much to the carbon footprint
2. Reliable- It is essential to be able to depend on the heating system, especially during the winter months. No worries! The gas usually comes into the system from the underground pipes. This ensures safety and total protection from natural elements at all times. Natural disasters will not affect the functioning of the gas heating appliances either. There is no dearth of gas either. The consumer is assured of continuous supply and generation of heat, unlike the old, traditional systems
3. Comfort- The interior becomes warm and cozy despite the sub-zero temperature outside. It is heartening to learn that the heat is far more than that produced by fossil fuels and electric furnaces. The cold spots are eliminated, with the occupants enjoying an optimal temperature. It makes sense to request urgent repairs and replacement of components when the gas heating system is not functioning perfectly
4. Energy Efficiency- Gas heating is top-rated for its energy efficiency. Both the furnace and the boiler come with a high-efficiency rate. This helps the user to save money on electricity as energy consumption is low
5. Property Value- A residential or commercial property is sure to obtain an improved ROI when it is listed for sale. The clean energy used to heat the rooms leave no ugly smudges or debris behind. This keeps the interiors aesthetically appealing as well. The prospective buyer is interested in investing in a property that looks beautiful and negates extensive repairs to make it habitable
The end-user must insist on professional servicing of the gas furnaces in Islip and Smithtown to retain their functionality throughout the long winter.
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