#Was dancing with my parents and really wanted to cry because I'm not sure if we'll ever be the same
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penkura · 3 days ago
Hello this is my first request for your page so if it's alright can you do "everyone knows" from the Sanji fic but make it Ace instead? Thank you!
Hi omg, I'm so sorry this has taken so long, I had to take my time because I kept getting ideas on how to do this one, and it's finally done for you!! I really hope you'll enjoy how it turned out, I love Ace and want to write even more for him, he deserves it. 💚
This is an AU; Sabo, Luffy, and Ace are in constant contact, and no Marineford issues (despite it being my favorite arc). 😌 Please enjoy everyone! (its also 7.1k words i'm so sorry)
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“I told you to be careful, you know.”
“I know that, Marco. You’re not helping!”
The whine you give while Marco pats your head makes him laugh at the same time, repeating what he’s just told you as you sink further into the chair in his office. You can’t believe you let this happen, that he was right to tell you and Ace be careful when you started dating. Neither of you really understood what he meant back then, but you sure do now.
“You’re definitely pregnant. Looks like…about seven weeks, almost eight,” Marco smiles to himself when you whine again, face hidden in your hands, “I don’t see anything to be worried about, you both look completely healthy so far.”
You’re screwed, you just know it. It’s only been a few months, you and Ace haven’t even had a chance to discuss marriage or babies or anything like that. You’ve just been dating and having fun with each other.
A little too much fun it seems, considering the—what should be--good news Marco’s given you today. It really should be good news, the whole crew has waited so long for you and Ace to get together, hearing you’re pregnant would just excite every one of them.
You should be happy too, but there’s too many worries and fears taking over your mind at the moment to be excited and happy about having a baby with Ace. You two danced around your feelings for each other for so long, that no one would be surprised if you made this announcement. You’ll never know about the betting pools going on, everyone trying to figure out when you’ll either get married or have a child, and now it looks like the latter is going to net someone a decent amount of cash. (Its Marco who wins, don’t worry about it if he gets your baby something really nice.)
You bury your face in your hands, Marco just watches you at first, before sighing to himself. He’s watched you and Ace avoid the obvious feelings you had for each for years now, so when you confided to him that you were going to finally tell Ace, soon after the fire user said the same thing to him, Marco was happy for you both and your biggest supporter, he knew you guys would he happy together and he’s been right so far.
He's not at all surprised by your sudden pregnancy, you and Ace aren’t sneaky at all and he’s been expecting this for a while now. Your reaction though, tells him that you guys probably haven’t even discussed having kids or anything like that at all. It makes sense that you wouldn’t yet, it’s still early in your relationship, that helps explain your reaction. The way you have your face buried in your hands like you’re trying to hide from the world or wake up from what seems like a good but bad dream.
You probably do wish it was the flu now.
“Hey,” you peek between your fingers to see Marco crouched in front of you, one hand on your knee and a smile on his face, “You and Ace will be great parents. I know you guys didn’t plan this, but everything will be fine. I’ll make sure of that as your and this baby’s doctor.”
It almost makes you cry, though you stop yourself. You remove your hands from your face, still hanging your head when you speak up.
“…I’m scared Ace will be mad…”
“At you? Never in a million years,” Marco chuckles lightly while patting your knee, “He’d throw himself in the ocean before he got angry at you, especially since he had a part in this. Takes two to make a baby and you’re only one half of the equation.”
You know Marco is right, Ace would never get mad at you over something he had a hand in. While he may not be as excited when you tell him, you aren’t sure just what his reaction will be yet, but you know there’s no way he’ll be yelling at you like it’s your fault. Maybe Ace will be happy and excited, maybe he’s just never said he wants kids or hasn’t thought about it since you’re both still only twenty. It’s likely not in the front of his mind or something he’s thought about, you’ll have to try talking about it later with him, once you’ve settled down and worked out how to bring this up.
“…what if he doesn’t want this?”
“Do you want this?”
You stay quiet for a moment before nodding.
“I’ve…I’ve wanted to have my own family…ever since my parents and brothers died.”
“That’s all that matters then.”
You’ve been with the Whitebeard Pirates for so long, ever since you were twelve, but you still hadn’t told many of them about how you’d lost your family. The hurricane that swept through your home island and ruined countless lives while taking just as many, you were one of the lucky few to survive but at the cost of your parents and older brothers. You were beyond lucky when the Whitebeard Pirates showed up, you clung onto Pops like he was your savior and he just had to let you come along, you weren’t going to let go otherwise. Marco and Izo became your favorite people immediately, Thatch following soon after when he gave you a sweet to try. Everyone quickly accepted you as their new little sister, you hadn’t felt such felt love since you’d lost your family and don’t think you could ever leave them now.
Then when Ace joined you were instantly head over heels for him, it took him a bit before he felt the same for you but neither of you could ever view the other as a sibling like you did the rest of the crew, it didn’t feel right even when you first met. Good thing too otherwise this would be very awkward right now.
“All right,” Marco nods and goes back to a cabinet, digging through it, “We’ll keep this between you and me, we won’t tell Pops until you’ve told Ace. We’ll get with Thatch though so he can keep alcohol from you and start you on a meal plan to make sure you and the baby have everything you need. And I want you to start taking these pre-natal vitamins, okay?”
You nod when Marco hands you a bottle of vitamins, you’re still nervous and worried about how Ace will react, but you have some time to think. He’s off seeing Luffy right now with a stop by to visit Sabo planned, he’d told you yesterday over a call that it’d be another week or so before he gets back, you have time to get used to this and plan how to tell him.
Marco pats your head, giving you a smile when he sees you tighten your grip on the bottle.
“Everything will be okay, no matter what happens.”
“I know…thanks, Marco.”
“Anything for you. Now,” you return his smile and start to feel a little better about the whole situation, especially when Marco speaks again, “Let’s go do an ultrasound, hm?”
Marco keeps your first sonogram images in his office, away from others who might see and spoil the surprise before you even get to tell Ace your news. Thatch is the only other person who knows right now, he’s excited for you and has a meal plan ready by the end of the day you tell him, no one really questions it when you don’t have alcohol at dinner. You really only drank when Ace was around because he’d always get you back to his room safely, so no one questions it when you aren’t given any drinks apart from water at any meal.
Nothing really changes for now, apart from Marco wanting to check on you every few days to make sure everything still looks good and so far it does. None of your crewmates question this either, knowing you haven’t been feeling well and believing that Marco is just taking extra precautions and ensuring you haven’t caught anything severe. You promise anyone who asks that everything is okay and you’re fine, just getting over whatever illness made you sick.
You’re able to keep it all a little secret between you, Marco, and Thatch for the time being, and it continues to be that way even when Ace finally returns to you and the Moby Dick. You’re busy with Marco when he gets there, not for an appointment but to figure out what needs restocked on the ship, but Ace seeks you out once he’s finished talking to Whitebeard and others about Luffy and Sabo, running to you and shouting your name once he sees you.
It makes you anxious for a moment but so beyond happy to see him again. Once he gets to you, Ace scoops you up in his arms and hugs you so tight, you do the same and laugh while he tells you just how much he missed you. You think you probably missed him more, this was the first time he’d gone off to see his brothers since you started dating, it was rough even before you learned you were pregnant, you’re sure the hormones are what made the last week and a half even worse.
Ace drags you off to his room once he’s greeted everyone, you two need some time together and he’s desperate for it, you’re the one he thought about every day that he was gone and when he hears you were sick most of the time he was gone, his shoulders drop and he frowns. He hates that he wasn’t there to help you recover, but he’s glad you all have Marco around when any of you get sick or injured. The smile you have makes Ace feel better about it though, even when he noticed something there that he can’t quite place but it looks like anxiety or nervousness.
“You’re okay now though, yeah?”
“Mm-hm!” You nod, making Ace smile again as he wraps his arms around you, causing you to fall back on his bed with a laugh as he buries his face in your shirt, “Marco made sure of it, so you don’t have to worry about getting sick. I’m all yours today~”
“Good,” Ace barely notices you flinch a little when he presses his face into your stomach, but he thinks it’s probably that you’re not as fully recovered as you’re claiming, “As long as I can just lay here with you now~ I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, Ace.”
You’re really glad he’s back, honestly. You were fine the first day Ace was gone but the next day you were more emotional and felt oddly lonely without him around, even with the others around. Ace has always been the brightest part of your days, even before you started dating he was the one who would find you first every morning just to greet you with a grin, making your stomach do flips for a while before you got used to it.
“Hey,” Ace looks up at you just enough to see your face while you run your fingers through his hair, giving you a sleepy smile, “What…do you think about having kids…?”
He's surprised by your question, but stays quiet for a minute, having to really think about it. Ace hasn’t ever thought it was a good idea for him to be a father, he’s never really thought that he’d be good at it or that he should even think about it, but he also knows about how much you want to have a child one day, to have your own family. The few times you two would talk about your pasts and your futures, while he’d told you who his real father was and you’d explained how you joined up with the Whitebeard Pirates, though Ace didn’t really have a plan for his future you always said how much you wanted to have kids of your own. He knows it mostly stems from having lost your biological family when you were younger, before you two ever met, and he respects your wants and desires.
But he’s just now sure about how he fits into that, if he wants that himself.
“I…don’t know…what about it?”
“I mean,” you shrug a bit as Ace starts to sit up, looking like he’s thinking but also concerned, hopefully he hasn’t figured you out from that one question, “It…could be fun right? To be parents one day…”
Ace doesn’t say anything, it makes you more nervous that you were about bringing it up, but you keep a smile on your face as you keep talking.
“Maybe one day, a little girl with your personality or a boy who looks just like you. I think I’d like that. We can raise them here with everyone, and your brothers—”
“I don’t think I want kids,” he doesn’t look at you when saying that, like he’s expecting you to end your relationship there since he knows your hopes for the future, but he’s hoping that’s not the case, “I just…I don’t want them to suffer because of me, or my past.”
“Ace, they wouldn’t—”
“Can we not talk about this now? I’m tired and I just want to spend time with you…”
Even though all you do is nod, it makes you feel sick that you can’t talk about this right now. You knows he’s tired, he needs to rest after having been gone and just getting back that day, but it still makes you more anxious than you already were. Ace lays next to you again, quiet himself, but he pulls you into a hug and kissed your forehead, hoping that he hasn’t upset you or anything. He really hasn’t, you
Even though all you do is nod, it makes you feel sick that you can’t talk about this right now. You knows he’s tired, he needs to rest after having been gone and just getting back that day, but it still makes you more anxious than you already were. Ace lays next to you again, quiet himself, but he pulls you into a hug and kissed your forehead, hoping that he hasn’t upset you or anything. He really hasn’t, you kind of expected him to shut down any talk about having kids right now, it shouldn’t be in your minds yet but the fact you’re already pregnant has you thinking about it constantly. You were hoping to get this discussed and settled right away, but maybe you should’ve waited until he was back for a day or two, instead of the day he got back. Maybe of you gave him some time to relax before you brought it up, you wouldn’t be feeling like you’re about throw up right now.
Actually, you’re sure it’s morning sickness combined with the anxiety and worry now, your stomach isn’t calming down and you have to push Ace away to get out of his bed.
“I don’t feel good,” Ace tilts his head as you move to leave, confused and now worried you’re still sick, “I…feel like I’m gonna be sick.”
“Hey,” Ace grabs your wrist when you try to run off, concern on his face when you don’t look at him, “Are you okay? You’re still sick?”
“Mm,” you nod before giving him a small smile, but it makes Ace even more concerned though he does let you go, “Just…gonna run to Marco, I’ll be back!”
“Okay then…”
Ace doesn’t follow you out of his room, just watching you go as you close the door. He doesn’t know what exactly is going on, but believes you when you say it’s because you still aren’t well. He knows Marco will take care of you and get you back to 100% in no time, though he wonders if what he said about maybe not wanting kids is the cause. He knows he might change his mind later on, maybe, but right now, he’s not confident that it’s something he wants. He doesn’t want anything like what happened with his own parents to happen to you and your child, it wouldn’t be fair to you or them if anything were to happen to him.
He knows it might become a make or break deal later on, but he hopes and prays he has time to really think about it and make a decision before you just end your relationship. But he also hopes you wouldn’t do that for this one thing, even if it means you have to make a compromise somewhere. Whatever that might be Ace isn’t sure, hopefully it’ll be years down the road before you have to make any kind of decision together about it.
For now, he’s going to unpack his bag while you’re gone, his whole focus being on you and getting some much needed alone time together had distracted him. He had to get somethings put away and a few gifts for you hidden for your birthday later on.
Especially the engagement ring Luffy and Sabo helped him pick out for you. He can’t let you see that quite yet.
You don’t go to Marco actually, you run for the nearest bathroom and try to keep quiet, you don’t want Ace to hear you and get more worried. He probably thinks you’re just getting Marco to help your stomach calm down and you’ll go back to him, but the whole situation has you upset even when you kept that from him.
He's not sure he wants kids, why should he be? You’ve heard his story, you know who his biological father was, you understand why he wouldn’t be sure about it. Ace knows your plans to have kids, to be a mother one day, and he’s always respected that, he’s told you he thinks you’ll be great at it. He’s never believed it should be with him, even though he’s not told you that, you wonder if he thinks he’s not good enough for that kind of life.
It makes you feel worse to think about that, to think he doesn’t believe he deserves to have a family one day.
Of course he’s not sure about having kids, why would he be? We’re only twenty and we’ve only been together a few months, damn it.
It makes sense to you, it does, but you really had thought that maybe you two starting a relationship would let Ace see you want that with him, no one else. Before you found out you were pregnant you thought maybe the two of you could adopt if something came up where Ace didn’t want biological children or you couldn’t have kids yourself.
But things have changed and you just have to hope that Ace will think about it more than he has.
You quickly wash your face and rinse your mouth several times before you leave and decide to check with Marco anyway, but end up running right into Izo before you get too far. The concerned look he gives you makes you nervous as you laugh and apologize for running into him.
“Hey, Izo, what’s u—”
“Are you pregnant?”
Your eyes widen just a bit, before you laugh nervously and wave your hands, trying to brush it off while he looks at you. He knows and you’re scared he’ll tell Ace, so you try to lie your way out.
“W-what?!” You score and glance away, it only makes him narrow his eyes at you, “No…who told you that?? That’s so ridiculous! I’m not—”
“Why are you still sick then? Marco said you should be well by now.”
“This all started while Ace was gone, yes?” You start to shrink away, leaning against the wall as Izo watches you start to let your walls about it down, sliding yourself to the floor, “You’ve been sick for weeks now if that’s the case.”
“It…it’s the flu, I’m not—"
“Its not the flu, its morning sickness, isn’t it?” Izo sighs to himself as you keep looking away, he can’t believe he didn’t notice it sooner, “Did you forget I was around when Lady Toki was pregnant and gave birth? I know it was a long time ago but I do remember such things!”
That had slipped your mind, Izo probably would have kept this secret for you too if you’d told him. You slightly nod, Izo isn’t shocked, he was one of the people betting you’d have a baby before getting married anyway, but he’s wondering more about how long you’ve known about this and starts to question you about your surprise pregnancy and if Ace knows yet. When you shake your head at that answer, he raises an eyebrow before a thought hits him and he nods.
“You found out while he was away then.”
“Yeah…I didn’t…I honestly thought I just had the flu or something.”
“I see. When—”
“Please, Izo, don’t tell anyone. I…I’m going to tell Ace in a few days, I swear, I just don’t want  anyone else to know before he does…”
The pleading look you give him makes Izo sigh but with a light smile as he nods. He’d never take that away from you, allowing you to make your own decision on when and how to tell Ace about your pregnancy. It’s soon, probably sooner than you ever thought it would be, but he can already imagine you and Ace being amazing parents, how everyone is going to dote on your baby and help raise them. It’s been so long since there’s been a baby on board, he wonders if anyone remembers how to even care for a baby let alone hold one properly, but Izo also knows that once it’s out to everyone, Marco will start helping prepare everyone for this change.
“Everyone will be happy for you two.”
“…I’m just hoping Ace will be happy…”
“He will be,” before you can say anything else Izo takes your hand and helps you stand back up right, giving you a hug, “It may take him a bit, but I know Ace will be happy to have a child with you, even if he’s not sure about it yet. Everything will be fine.”
Part of you wishes people would stop saying that, but you’re also glad for all the reassurances from those who know. They’re more positive than you ever could have expected or asked for, they give you hope that Ace really will be excited when you tell him, despite what he said earlier about how unsure he is regarding having children.
Everything will be okay, even if it might be as while before everyone is settled and accepting. What’s more important is that you tell Ace soon and get his reaction, after that you can worry about what to do next.
Izo questions you a bit more after that, before letting you go back to Ace, he just wants to be completely up to date on everything and know how he can help. All you ask is again that he doesn’t tell anyone, that’s all you need right now.
You’ll tell Ace soon, then everyone else. You won’t keep it private too much longer.
A few days later at dinner, everyone is getting rowdy and drinking, celebrating your birthday and everyone making you laugh more than normal. It helps you forget about your worries regarding you’re pregnancy, you’ll ignore it for now and focus more on the smiles and pecks on the cheek Ace gives you every now and then, your attempted conversation forgotten about for the time being. Ace told you he’d think more about it, and you said you wouldn’t push him or anything like that. The compromise is enough for now for both of you, even with your secret, you aren’t going to worry too much right now, not until you’re ready to tell him.
Tonight you aren’t going to think about it, you’re focused on your family celebrating you, everyone so happy to still have you around and giving you the gifts they carefully picked for you. Ace said he’ll give his gift to you later, some people end up taking it the wrong way and give whistles and shouts, making you roll your eyes as your face heats up. It makes Ace laugh before he plants a kiss on your cheek again, promising it’s something better than what everyone else thinks.
When Thatch comes by with drinks, he makes sure once again to keep alcohol away from you, passing you a water that you accept gratefully and it makes Ace furrow his brow.
“You’re not drinking again?”
You shake your head, giving a smile.
“Not today, I want to remember everything.”
“One drink wont knock you down, you can handle it!”
“I--no, I’m okay, Ace, really!”
No one says anything about it, instead staying deep in their own conversations. Ace doesn’t understand why you’ve been abstaining so much lately, every time he tries to get you to drink you reject it, it makes him wonder if something happened while he was gone that made you stop entirely. You haven’t told him anything, neither has Marco or anyone else, maybe you’ve just decided to cut back heavily for some other reason.
Ace lets it go for a bit, before he gets another drink and tries once more to get you to take just a sip from his cup. He questions you again when you shake your head, but before you can say anything, you hear Teech laugh and make a suggestion that makes you freeze up.
“Ha, maybe she’s pregnant!”
It makes Ace rolls his eyes, not noticing that you’re anxiously looking at him, like you expect him to know just from that.
“No she’s not, shut up.”
“I’m just saying it’s possible,” Teech takes a drink, while you pray he doesn’t say anything more or Ace just doesn’t take anything he says to heart, “We’ve all seen her sneaking out of your room most nights anyway!”
It's starting to get to you, you never cared if anyone else saw you slipping out of Ace’s room or the two of you leaving together in the mornings. No one ever said anything or made any comments, most of them did it out of respect for your privacy, though some did make suggestive faces towards you both early on, it’s all stopped over time. It’s quickly been replaced by everyone treating you both normally, the bets you don’t know about taking over private conversations for the time being.
Well, its stopped by everyone but Teech now. You’d usually be embarrassed by talk of your sex life but the comment about your still unrevealed pregnancy makes you upset, to the point you’re starting to get mad more than anything and glaring at Teech to try and make him stop talking before anything comes out too early.
“Shut up, Teech.”
“What? Everyone knows you and Ace have been going at it like—”
“I said, shut up!”
Everyone quiets as you yell, those who had been listening understand what exactly is going on but don’t say anything yet. Ace jumps when you slam your hands on the table and stand up, he’s never seen you set such an awful glare on someone like you are Teech right now, but it makes the wheels in his head start to turn and he starts piecing everything together. You never get this upset about some teasing, even if it’s a joking suggestion that you might be pregnant. Another crewmate made a joke about it early on, before you and Ace ever even slept together the first time, and it made you laugh, commenting back about how your parents were right, kissing boys made you pregnant.
But this time you’re visibly angry about it, it’s an obvious joke from Teech, he’s always been the one to make crude comments about sex and relationships, you and Ace have never been spared from this, especially when everyone figured out you started having sex. While some gave you two looks, Marco telling you to be careful (that worked out well), and Teech making comments you don’t dare repeat and have tried to wipe from your memory. Ace did everything he could to make it stop, you both thought it was over with when you hadn’t heard anything in the last couple months, but for some reason, your reaction to the suggestion of pregnancy has you mad, so Ace has to stop and think.
Teech tries to defend himself as Ace keeps thinking, everything starting to make more sense and fall into place in his mind. You being sick for so long, asking about having kids, not drinking with him, you pushed him off you the other night when he started handsy and said you weren’t in the mood, which he respected but now he’s realizing what it is that made you stop him.
“…are you pregnant?”
Ace is quiet when he asks, but it’s what gets you out of your anger, making you look back at him and he sees the tears starting to form in your eyes. Marco tries to step in, telling you to settle down because this isn’t good for you, getting worked up and stressed. You look so upset, while Ace is in shock and just staring at you, everyone around you two has completely quieted and looks between you two.
You can’t even bring yourself to speak, this isn’t how this was supposed to go, you weren’t ready to tell him yet! It was going to be a surprise when you did tell him, you had a plan, this isn’t fair!
“I’m sorry!”
You take off before Ace can say anything else, Marco calls for you but everyone else stays put. No one wants to be the first to say anything, they’re not sure if they should congratulate Ace or just keep their mouths shut, but eventually Marco sighs and sets a hand on Ace’s shoulder.
“Come with me.”
It takes Ace a moment before he can move, he knows he should’ve followed you out, he needs to know if you really are pregnant or if it’s just a suspicion you have, though the way Marco is acting tells him you have to be sure already. That’s probably why he wants to talk to him, Marco knows and is going to give Ace all the information he can, so he finally gives in and follows him out. Ace hates seeing you upset and crying, it’s not fair to you that this got out the way it did. He knows you, he’s sure you were planning something cute to do for your announcement, but now it’s all been ruined.
Ace feels sick, he’s upset for you, but he really needs to know how real this is, it could still be a misunderstanding. He’s pretty sure it’s not after the scene that just unfolded, but there’s still a part of him that thinks it might be as he follows Marco.
 Once Ace and Marco leave, everyone lets out the breath they were holding before looking at Teech with glares. While some had their suspicions from how you’ve been acting, others had accidentally overheard you talking to Marco or Thatch about it, not one of them wanted to say anything. It wasn’t their place and they all knew you’d eventually say something when you were ready, or Ace would blurt it out at some point, they weren’t sure about how it would go.
All they knew was that it was now out there due to Teech and no one was happy about it.
“…I didn’t think she was actually pregnant.”
There’s several sighs and groans, while Izo and Thatch give the glares they could to Teech, causing him to shrink away just a bit for ruining your plans with his big mouth.
“Shut up, Teech.”
“She’ll be ten weeks along in a few days.”
“I can’t believe this…”
The sonogram image in his hands just makes Ace anxious yet excited, what he can’t believe is that it’s your baby he’s looking at, his baby on top of that. His heart is racing over this despite the sick feeling he has, this explains why you had asked him about having kids, why you’ve still had, what seemed to be, random bouts of sickness still, even though Marco had said you should be totally fine now.
But now it all makes sense. You haven’t been sick with the flu, you’re pregnant and it’s morning sickness that’s been getting to you so often. That’s why you rejected every time Ace tried to get you to drink, it’s why you didn’t want to do anything the other night, why you ran off the other day after you tried to ask about having kids.
He feels terrible that your secret got out, that you didn’t get the chance to tell him yourself, but looking at the sonogram he feels so excited.
“Do we know what—”
“Too early to tell the sex, in a few weeks we can do a blood test to see and then another sonogram later to confirm,” Marco smiles seeing Ace nod, it seems like he’s still coming to terms with this but he doesn’t look too upset, “She’s been worried about telling you, thought you were gonna get mad at her.”
“I’d never do that!”
“That’s what I said, but with this situation she wasn’t thinking straight.”
Hearing that makes Ace feel bad, you shouldn’t be that scared about telling him, he’s never yelled at you about anything. It’s not his personality and he hates the idea of hurting you that way, you two have always talked through any issues you’ve had and come to compromises or agreements, like you did recently with the whole having kids thing.
Oh that explains why you ran off after asking and he said he didn’t want kids. You were scared and it made you sick, Ace realizes that makes so much more sense now. He should’ve tried to explain it better, that he wasn’t sure about having kids, not just that he flat out doesn’t want them. If you’d been able to talk about that sooner, maybe you would’ve been a little more careful not having to worry about this now.
“Ace, you know she’s wanted this forever now.”
Ace nods, still staring at the sonogram image. There’s so much you two have to discuss now, he needs to make sure you’re okay and that you know he’s not going anywhere. Even if he hadn’t planned to ask you to marry him, he’d still stick around hearing that you’re pregnant. He may not be sure of how good he’ll do as a dad, but if this is what you want, what you’ve always wanted, he’s going to stay with you and help you through everything. Nothing would change that, he really hopes you understand that already.
“I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but—”
“I gotta go talk to her,” Ace stands up quickly and hands the sonogram back to Marco, “I gotta make sure [Y/N]’s okay and tell her I can’t wait for this.”
“Really? You’re okay with it?”
“Yeah, I…” sighing, Ace smiles a bit while Marco watches him, “I’m scared as hell I’m gonna screw up, but I think…I think we’ll be okay.”
“You’re not gonna screw up,” Marco laughs and pats his shoulder, “You guys have all of us here, we’ll make sure your kid doesn’t end up like you.”
“You better go and talk to her, she’s been anxious about everything for almost two weeks now.”
“Yeah,” there’s a grin on his face as Ace nods once more, turning to leave, “I’ll take care of it, thanks Marco.”
Ace knows you ran off to his room to hide, even though its not the best place since again, it’s his room, but he’s not mad about it. You’ve always gone there when you were upset about something, this isn’t a surprise to him. You’ve mostly calmed down by the time he gets there, though you don’t look towards the door when you hear it open.
“When were you gonna tell me?”
Ace feels like his heart breaks when you sniffle, rubbing at your eyes and shrugging. He hates seeing you cry, always has, but he feels worse about it now than he ever has. You’re embarrassed and upset, you didn’t want someone else to blurt it out, he shouldn’t have tried getting you to drink as much as he did, maybe you could’ve told him later that night if he hadn’t. He feels like it’s all his fault this happened, though, he knows that it definitely is partly because of him that everything is going to change.
You’re pregnant, Ace really thought you guys were being careful and safe, but apparently not. Ace wonders if you didn’t tell him because you were scared or didn’t want to have a baby with him, maybe you thought he’d get mad at you and break up with you. He’d never do that but maybe you weren’t thinking straight after finding out, you got worried and let negative thoughts overtake your mind.
You should be happy and excited, not scared and worried, Ace realizes that. He starts to look around his room while you keep your eyes on the floor, expecting him to end your relationship or something like that.
“We’re gonna have to find a place for a crib, huh?”
“Or, hm, what’s that other thing called?” Ace starts thinking, while you’re sitting there stunned and staring at him like he has two heads, “Oh…the bed for babies that sometimes looks all frilly and stuff…”
“A…a bassinet?”
“Yeah, that! We’re gonna have to move things around,” you give Ace a confused look as he starts trying to get an idea of how to rearrange the room, “Maybe…we can move the dresser to this other corner, our bed can go against this wall, and—”
“Wait stop, you…you’re okay with this?”
Ace gives you a grin, tilting his head.
“Should I not be?” he’s still grinning when he finally walks over, crouching in front of you and reaching a hand to your cheek, “A baby with the girl of my dreams…what could be better?”
“I…you said you didn’t—”
“I know, I know,” Ace nods with a small smile, he shouldn’t said something earlier but it was your birthday and he didn’t want to interrupt your day, “When you asked, I had already started thinking about it, but you just surprised me and I kind of…”
“Freaked out?”
“Ha, yeah, I guess so. It was like you could read my mind and I was worried you’d think it was too soon if I said yes.”
“Ace,” you roll your eyes a bit with a smile, “We had feelings for each other for how long before we got together?”
Ace laughs, nodding and knowing what you meant. It seems only natural that you two would skip a few steps and go right to having kids, you’ve known and loved each other long enough. What does it matter if you’re not married yet, who really cares?
He's still going to ask you to marry him, but right now, it’s not a major concern for either of you.
“Good point, but I was still worried. So…I kind of lied because I didn’t want to scare you off.”
“You’d never scare me off, Ace.”
He nods again, smiling as you start to relax more, your own smile showing and it makes Ace happy to see you’ve calmed down some. He knows you’re still worried and anxious, but he hopes he can help you realize that it’s okay, he’s not mad or going to leave you. He’s staying with you, he's going to help you raise your baby no matter what happens, he’s going to protect the two of you and keep you safe.
“If it’s a girl, I hope she’s just like her mom.”
The comment doesn’t fully register at first, but it makes you roll your eyes again.
“If it’s a boy he’s going to be just like you, which means I’m in trouble.”
“Trouble?? You sure about that??”
You don’t get to respond back before Ace, carefully, hugs you tight and knocks you back onto his bed, making you laugh as he kisses your face and holds you close. Once you’ve both settled down, his comment about you having a girl finally hits you, you look up at Ace with a smile.
“You’re happy?”
“Of course I am,” the grin he gives almost makes you cry, but Ace stops that with another kiss before laying his head against your stomach, “Can’t believe our baby’s in there…you’ll be a great mom.”
It gets you more choked up, you can’t help it but don’t want to cry too loud. You don’t want Ace to think he’s upset you, so you stroke his hair a bit, taking a few breaths to calm yourself down before you speak again.
“You’re gonna be a great dad, Ace.”
Ace doesn’t say anything for a moment, before he hugs you a little tighter and quietly says he’ll do his best for the both of you, pressing a kiss to your belly.
“I won’t let you down, I promise.”
Although everyone on board knows now, you’re sure those who heard have spread it to everyone that wasn’t around or listening by now, you’ve still got to let Whitebeard know later. You know he’s definitely going to be happy for you and Ace, just like everyone else has been so far.
Ace eventually sits up and gives you a grin that makes you tilt your head at him.
“I’ve got to call Luffy and Sabo! They’re going to be so surprised!”
While Ace hurries off the bed to get his transponder snail and call his brothers, you shake your head with a laugh before you follow after him. The excitement you hear from the two over the receiver makes you both happy and more excited than you already were. You may not have been planning this to happen for a while longer, but you’ve accepted that it’s going to happen and you can’t wait to see how Ace is as a father.
You know he’s going to do his best and he’ll do everything to keep you both safe and happy.
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luv-rizzimura · 3 days ago
➜ Okay here we go guys, another post... Thank you to my small amount of supporters, I don't know you all that well but I appreciate you following me and viewing my page!! Again I wrote this like two years ago so.... (@eunoiiz here you go! Finally get to tag you in something)
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Ni-ki x reader who's afraid of arguments
Genre: angst and fluff
Warnings: argument (between two Enhypen members), Ni-ki talking down to himself poor boy I'm so mean, crying, the word dumba** once, lemme know if I missed something!
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When you were younger, your parents got into many arguments involving loud yelling, and it usually ended with your mother crying. This resulted in you crying as well. The fighting became much less as you got older, and your mother hadn't cried because of your father for a long time, but shouting, just the feeling that a yelling match was going to start, now always put you on edge.
Today, Ni-ki and Jay were having... a disagreement. You were in the living room with the rest of the boys while the argument got more and more heated in the kitchen. As none of you heard what they were saying until their voices were raised, there weren't any clues on what they were fighting about. You had all also decided not to intervene, believing that they would sort it out eventually (and none of you felt like getting yelled at either).
Jay had raised his voice plenty of times since you knew him, so once you heard him yell something, sure it scared you, but it wasn't unexpected. Ni-ki on the other hand was usually much quieter, and even when he got angry, he never had sounded at loud as he screamed then.
You flinched, bringing your hands up to cover your ears. The others quickly saw what happened and leaped to action. Sunoo and Jake immediately tried to comfort you as you grew paler and began shaking, calmly but swiftly taking you out of the room before the tears forming in you eyes began to fall. Sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows and glared towards the kitchen before quickly tidying up the living room and following suite. Meanwhile a pissed off Heeseung and Jungwon headed straight for the increasing voices of Jay and Ni-ki.
"Excuse us." They both said sternly, earning huffs and silence from the other two.
"We were just going to leave you alone and let your sort it out yourselves, but obviously that got you nowhere." Jungwon began. Heeseung continued, "I'm not sure if you two were aware of this or not, but Y/N does not do well regarding screaming matches, and you are the lucky winners who made her cry just now."
"Not only that," Jungwon said, "but the rest of us aren't so fond of hearing this either. We don't mind you needing to talk things out, but if you're going to yell, then at least do it somewhere where none of us can hear you."
He turned around and left, Heeseung following after saying, "I suggest not going upstairs to your bedrooms right now, Y/N's there and there's no way I'm letting you two dumbasses make this any harder for her."
The two were left in silence. Of course, they both knew that you didn't like yelling, and neither one of them meant to scare you, but they both still felt guilty, especially since at that point they had really just been yelling at each other for this or that.
Jay solemned up first, patting Ni-ki's shoulder. "Listen Riki, I'm sorry... I should've explained better instead of assuming like I know I do often, if you want to talk more later then I'm open to it, but I think we should take a break from each other for a while, hm?"
Ni-ki just nodded and whispered, "Okay... I'm sorry too. I should've listened and payed more attention. I'm going to be in the studio if you don't mind?"
"Sure, go ahead." Jay nodded before walking off. He made his way outside, figuring that a breath of fresh air and some time alone would benefit him.
Meanwhile Ni-ki found himself walking through the house and into their dance studio. Laying his back against the mirror, he slumped down and brought his knees up to his chest.
"How could I have lost control like that...?" Ni-ki murmured, talking to himself. "What was the point, I've never done that before. What Jay and I were arguing about wasn't that serious, why... I don't understand." Taking a deep breath, he stood up and turned to face himself in the mirror.
"And you were the first one she told her fears to, you know better than anyone how much happier she is now that she met us and got away. How could you've taken advantage of that?" He scoffed, pulling out his phone and walking towards the speakers. "Music. Music and dancing should help, right?"
Starting his playlist, he walked back to the center of the room, mumbling,
"You're ridiculous, Nishimura, what the hell were you thinking..."
An hour later
Ni-ki was still dancing, twisting and turning and flowing with the music that echoed around the room. Yet no matter how loud he turned up the volume or how hard he pushed to keep moving, the abundance of worry in his stomach just kept growing.
Were you okay? Were you scared of him now? Why hadn't anyone come to tell him what was going on? Why hadn't he gone to apologize yet? How could he keep dancing without checking up on his own girlfriend-?
Ni-ki tripped and fell to the ground, hard. He winced, rubbing where he hit his side on the tough floor as he stood up. Looking at himself in the mirror again, he thought,
Pathetic. You're here tripping over your own feet while you still owe your girlfriend a major apology. What the hell are you doing?
Ni-ki stumbled to his music and shut it off before leaving the room, almost bumping into Jay.
"She wants to see you." Jay said, "I just came from upstairs. Are you done in here?"
Ni-ki nodded back before continuing his trip. Once he reached your room, he gently knocked on the closed door. "Hello? It's me Riki, may I come in?"
He heard a quiet, "Yes" from inside and entered, walking over to sit on the edge of your bed.
After a bit of silence, he began. "I was on my way here when Jay hyung told me you wanted to see me...." He trailed off, and then swallowed before turning towards you. "I know more than anyone how afraid you are of arguments, and yet I didn't consider this earlier. I've realized that I've possibly made you uncomfortable or scared of me, which are emotions I-" He takes a shaky breath. "I never want you to associate me with fear. Yet, even with all of this being true, what happened.. happened. I understand and respect any and all of the time you need, just tell me so that I don't mess up again." He glanced at you before continuing. "...I will always be here when you need me, no matter when or where or how soon, I'm just a text away. I am so, so, so sorry for what I did earlier. Please get some rest, and I love you very much."
He began to stand up, but paused when you caught the end of his hoodie sleeve. "Wait, don't go just yet." You murmured. He adjusted while you sat up to face him.
"...I- I accept your apology." You said. "While it was scary for me... I've decided that I need to grow stronger. Thanks to you guys it's been years since any major arguments have happened around me, yet I feel sorry that you sometimes have to bottle up your feelings because of this. I've come to realize that letting it all out, even through yelling, is healthy. Of course, I'll still need time to get used to raised voices, but I don't want to be terrified anymore when I know there's nothing to be scared of. I trust you guys..." you looked up at Ni-ki's listening expression, "...I trust you. I don't have to be scared of you, and I know that, so don't be worried of scaring me away."
You reached for him, but before you could complete the hug yourself he swiftly wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your neck.
"I'll be here through every step of the way," he said as he gave you a little squeeze, "so put all of the trust you want in me."
You hugged him back, saying, "I will. Thank you."
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italictext · 1 year ago
Nothing like happily celebrating new year with your family knowing that in 2 months you'll reveal the secret that could wreck the family and they might never experience this again 💕💖
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gffa · 1 year ago
Okay, so it was a month since my last BATFAMILY fic recs set, but in my defense a) huge life changes and b) I did a quick count up of how many recs I had built up and it was literally well over a million words. A million words! In one recs set! And this is like the seventh one of these that I've done! And I still have at least a thousand fics on my reader that I haven't started! Because this fandom has seriously not just consumed my brain, but given me absolutely amazing stuff to read that scratches all the itches I desperately have--well, okay, scratches the itch I have for my Dick Grayson Problem, but same thing.
I've really needed some escapism lately and being able to laugh or cry or just sink into a nice, long novella or even novel-length fic has really been a godsend has done a lot to soothe me and help me process feelings that sometimes otherwise can feel too overwhelming to deal with. All while also giving me the exploration of issues or decompression time with the characters' issues that the canon itself doesn't have the space for. So, I hope this list can give others something to read in the way it has given me so much that I've loved and brought me joy or emotional catharsis, because fandom has been really incredible about Bringing The Good Stuff and I want to repay the favor!
BATFAM FIC RECS - BABY DICK IS THE CUTEST FERAL ROBIN I'M NOT HEARING ANY ARGUMENTS: ✦ The Halfway Point by Sugarcookie222, dick & bruce & alfred & clark, 5k     After a miscommunication with Bruce, a 13-year-old Dick runs away. He makes it as far as a diner in a nearby state. Bruce had left to finalize the adoption papers but clearly needs to work on his communication skills. He calls Superman in a panic to help him find Dick.
✦ be safe, they said (be good) by deargalileo, bruce & dick & alfred, 4k     there's a tree in the wayne's backyard. a very specific tree, one that seems to attract daring children like bees to honey. unfortunately for the children, it is not a tree that is suited for climbing. fortunately for the children, they have fathers who are there to stitch them up.
✦ a haunted ballroom by lothIoriens, bruce & dick & alfred, 11.9k wip     When Dick stumbles across the ghosts of Wayne Manor dancing the night away in an abandoned wing of the house, he thinks that, finally, something might be normal again. But the ghosts are nervous, and he doesn't know why. Something is brewing underneath the surface of Wayne Manor, and it's up to Dick to find out what it is—and it's up to Bruce to make sure nothing happens to his charge in the meantime.
✦ Straight On Til Morning by audreycritter, bruce & dick, 1.2k     Bruce wakes Dick up on a school night to show him the sky. It dredges up memories for Dick, and it would be a disaster, except it’s Bruce. And Bruce understands.
✦ (More) Pressing Matters by Syl, bruce & dick, 39.2k     Dick Grayson arrives at Wayne Manor, a cold empty place, shortly after his parents' murder: A re-telling of the Boy Wonder's well-known origin story.
✦ First Action Hero by Goldmonger, bruce & dick & clark & cast, 3.5k     “Jerkwads,” Dick said darkly, taking Clark’s hand. He looked up at him then, dressed smartly in a black suit and tie, and wearing converses with Sonic the Hedgehog on them. “You okay, Uncle Clark?”
✦ Lil Birdy Wants to Fly by lil_taair, bruce & dick, 3.8k     Bruce would have usually appreciated the cheeky smile that was directed at him if his son wasn’t 25 fucking feet off the ground
✦ World's Finest: Fortress of Friendship by WingFeathers, bruce & dick & clark & diana, 6.9k     Finally, Dick talks Bruce into letting him see the Fortress of Solitude – provided that Dick stay safe and out of the way while the Trinity discusses some Secret Important Business about a certain young Amazon. Clark promises that the Fortress will be safe, but is that a promise he can make?
✦ Stolen Son by springfox (dallystrings), bruce & dick & jim, 8.6k     Dick is excited to visit an American mall for the first time, and Bruce struggles to understand the difference between 'guardian' and 'dad'.
✦ Comfort Food by motleyfam, bruce & dick, ~1k     Dick struggles to find his appetite in the aftermath of his parents’ deaths.
✦ The meaning of justice by Fleur_de_Violette, bruce & dick & babs & cast, 4.6k     As Bruce drives toward Gotham Academy, he tries to imagine all the possible reasons for the principal to call him. He has a lot of imagination. Especially when it comes to bad things happening to Dick. Still, his ward being a suspect for attempted murder hadn’t been on his list.
✦ The Question Game by Santana2, dick & bruce, 1.3k     Basketball can be a very enlightening game if you play it right. Little expansion on Robin's part in Downtime
✦ Cat's Eat Birds by Nightwing_DC_2112, dick & bruce & selina & cast, 12k     After a run in with the Scarecrow Robin is separated from Batman fighting off the effects of Crane's Fear Toxin when an unlikely ally steps in to prevent him getting into further trouble.
✦ World's Finest Mini Issue: Happy Birthday by WingFeathers, bruce & dick (& minor clark/bruce & alfred), 1.8k     Bruce hoped for an emergency to get him out of his birthday party. He just didn’t want Dick to be the one in need of help. BATFAM FIC RECS - ADULT BATSON AND BATDAD ARE MY KRYPTONITE, I FOLD LIKE WET CARDBOARD FOR THEM: ✦ Truth Serum is the Worst by JackHawksmoor, dick & bruce, 3.1k     Batman gets dosed with a truth serum and unexpectedly spends most of the time talking about how desperately he loves his children, how awesome they are, and how he wishes he was better at being a father.
✦ Holy Time Travel Fuckery, Batmen by That_One_Curly_Haired_Fangirl, dick & bruce, 4.4k     Batman is dead, and Dick has reluctantly taken up the mantle. So then why are there four Batmen, all clearly Bruce, standing in front of him on this rooftop?
✦ The Waking World by Fairy527, dick & bruce, 2.2k     This isn’t the first time Dick has gone to Bruce after a nightmare. However, this is the first time his nightmare has involved Bruce's murder at his own hands, and it doesn't settle well.
✦ More Alike Than You'll Ever Admit coffeeandchocolate, dick & bruce, 1.2k     Dick Grayson has always been there alongside Batman. So if no one else is going to acknowledge that his first year wearing the cowl was harder, well, he's just going to have to do it himself. After Bruce returns from being lost in time, he and his eldest argue.
✦ Almost, Nearly by CKBookish, dick & bruce & jason & cast, 8.1k     Dick was just supposed to go with him to lunch. He wasn't supposed to get shot. He wasn't supposed to be bleeding out in the pouring rain on the steps of Wayne Enterprises. But then Bruce hadn't expected that sniper and he had seen it far to late. BATFAM FIC RECS - EVERYBODY LOVES DICK: ✦ Behind Granite and Lime by JeanjacketCarf, dick & bruce & jason & tim & barbara & cass, 14.5k wip     Cassandra had noticed. Of course, she noticed. That was the problem, she couldn’t turn it off. She always had to see, always had to know. So she knew when Dick came back from his mission that something was wrong. Or something is off with Dick. Hopefully, it doesn't have anything to do with those murders.
✦ Soup's On by HoodEx, dick & donna, 2k     Taking care of Dick never feels like a burden, it feels like an instinct. And Donna's really good at following her instincts.
✦ to dream away a sleepless night by waffle-wonder (cosmic_croissant), dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & cass & stephanie & duke, 2.7k     Dick was fine. He was fine. Sure, he was having a little trouble focusing on unlocking his apartment door, but that didn’t mean anything. Or- Dick is exhausted. His family catches him when he falls.
✦ Temporary by daringyounggrayson, bruce & dick & alfred & cast, 14.8k     The double homicide at Haly’s Circus is not Bruce’s first case involving a child, and while there's no overt indication that Bruce should react differently to this case, he supposes that his previous cases did not involve the witness known as Dick Grayson. On the surface, the Grayson case seems like any other gang case, but the more time Bruce spends with the boy, the more he begins to doubt his own instincts.
✦ To the Moving and the Strange by SilverSkiesAtMidnight, dick & bruce & alfred & tim & cast, 6k     Thankfully, Alfred tips his head in acknowledgement. “I do,” he agrees. “I remember a great many things. But I have forgotten things too, and I expect as time goes on, more of them will slip away from me, and it’s entirely possible that I won’t even notice they’re gone. My memories of them will simply be… less.” Dick looks at him, studying the lines of his weathered face. “Does that ever make you feel like... like if you loved them more, you’d remember them?”
✦ better luck nest time by ScarlettSwordMoon, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & cass & steph & duke & cast, 47k wip     Feeling as if Dick’s family does not appreciate him enough, an alternate Earth version of Babs turns Dick into a bird. Now each member of the Batfamily must confess something to him if they ever want to see Dick as a human again. AKA The tale of a family and their birb.
✦ deep roots (are not reached by the frost) by fanfictiongreenirises, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & cast, de-aged!dick, 85.2k wip     Dick gets reverted to a younger self after being kidnapped on during a case. But this is far from a routine de-aging.
✦ Bludhaven Police Department by Lady_of_Lorule, bruce & dick & jason & tim & barbara & amy & donna & wally & cast, 31.1k     Sgt. Amy Rohrbach learns that her partner, rookie cop Dick Grayson, is not what he seems. Or how Amy finds out that Dick Grayson is the heir to the entire Wayne fortune, the vigilante Nightwing, the leader of the Titans, and meets some of the Batfam and the Titans along the way. BATFAM FIC RECS - DICK AND DAMIAN WERE THE BEST BATMAN & ROBIN, I'M NOT HEARING ARGUMENTS ABOUT THAT EITHER: ✦ Too Many Walls and Not Enough Bridges by CamsthiSky, dick & damian, 3.7k     There's something bothering Damian. Dick's determined to help Damian feel comfortable enough to share it.
✦ All The Small Things by Geeves, dick & damian & bruce & cast, 20.1k     After Bruce's return to the Bat, Dick and Damian have to deal with just being brothers, but things are just a bit too messy to be that easy BATFAM FIC RECS - BATKIDS ALL HAVE MANY SIBLINGS AND THEY'RE ALL PETTY ASSHOLES AND/OR WONDERFUL BABIES AND I LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE BEING: ✦ Do-over by mx_chrx99, dick & jason & todd & damian & steph, 6.2k     Jason never really got to do the "family vacation" thing. Neither did Tim, Steph, or Damian. Dick did, but that was ages ago. Now's their chance to make up for lost time.
✦ pick up off the floor by deargalileo, dick & jason & bruce, 3k     there was a lump on Bruce's office floor. a Dickwing shaped lump.
✦ the trials and tribulations of fatherhood by InkpotSprite, bruce & dick & jason & tim, 2k     Dick, Jason and Tim compete to see who was the worst child. The answer surprises them all. On an unrelated note, Bruce is wondering if adoptions are a lifetime deal, or if they can be undone.
✦ A Time To Reflect by Experimental_Muse, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & duke & alfred, time travel, 14.5k     Bruce finds himself stuck in the past, and while waiting for the league to pick him up, struggles to get along with his past self. Plus being in a practically empty manor is a bigger adjustment than he'd like to admit. BATFAM FIC RECS - SOMETIMES YOU JUST THINK BRUCE AND DIANA SHOULD KISS IT OUT: ✦ One equal temper of heroic hearts by victoria_p (musesfool), bruce/diana, nsfw, 1.5k     Bruce and Diana reconcile at Nanda Parbat.
✦ Thanksgiving at the Kents by starknjarvis, bruce/diana & cast, 8.9k     Clark convinces Diana to come to the farm for Thanksgiving, and Diana finally gets the chance to meet Bruce's kids. There are far more of them than she had expected.
✦ Escape Artistry by David Hines (hradzka), bruce/diana & cast, 24.2k     Wonder Woman is eager to learn new things. Batman, less so. Primarily JL animated continuity; some comic elements from as far back as the Golden Age. Complete. BATFAM FIC RECS - I WILL DIE ON THE HILL THAT TIM DRAKE'S TRUE LOVE INTEREST IS CONNER KENT AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME, NOT EVEN GOD: ✦ Will you die for (marry) me? by Ididloveyou_once, tim/kon & cassie & bart & cast, 7.8k     Tim sacrifices himself on a mission and lives. Conner hates that. They struggle through the aftermath.
✦ A Saturday Evening by malcyon, tim/kon & clark/lois & jonathan kent/martha kent & kara, 13.8k     Kon invites Tim over for dinner. Tim's not sure if he should have accepted that invitation.
✦ Sending all my love to you by Paintedqueen, tim/kon, 10.9k wip     Conner and Tim get blasted into New Earth where they meet an old friend.
✦ Composed of Us by starlikeknight, tim/kon & bruce & dick & cast, 37.1k wip     Or, a spiralling Tim clones a baby without thinking about the consequences. And there are many, many consequences. BATFAM FIC RECS - I SAY THIS IS A BATFAM REC LIST BUT SOMETIMES YOU JUST GOTTA SHOVE THOSE ASSHOLES OUT OF THE WAY AND READ SOME SUPERFIC: ✦ All these things (that I'll never know) by Paintedqueen, conner & clark & kara & jonathan & implied tim/kon & cast, 12.7k     Kon-El's journey on what it means to be Kryptonian.
✦ birthday bash by yeeyee123, conner & clark & jon & tim/kon, 11.8k     Kon’s pumped that Clark has brought him in to help put together Jon’s 8th birthday party. No really, he is! Just don’t ask him directly about it, or he may need to go leave the room and take a breather. Inhaling helium gas from all those balloons isn’t good for you, you know?
✦ Catching Icarus by Fantasyfire, conner & clark & justice league, 24.8k wip     A bad encounter with magic banishes Superboy into another world. Stranded, the Kryptonian clone must deal with a whole new league and a much different Superman.
✦ Nobody's Child by Kizmet, clark & conner & lois & ma kent & pa kent & cast, 18k     Superboy is deaged. While Young Justice looks for a cure Batman sticks Clark Kent with babysitting duties. BATFAM FIC RECS - TAKE THE ANGST DIAL, TURN IT UP TO ELEVEN, AND BREAK THE KNOB OFF, THAT'S WHAT I'M HERE FOR: ✦ Adeamus by miss_aphelion, bruce & dick & stephanie & damian & jason & tim & clark & cast, 32k     I'll always be there to catch you, Bruce had promised him once. Dick would like to believe it hadn’t been meant as a threat at the time. (or; Bruce takes over Gotham to keep his sons safe, but he’s already trained Dick too well to always protect others first)
✦ Gorgon’s eyes by Fleur_de_Violette, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & barbara & cast, 9k     Dick will give time to his family. He’s just came back as Nightwing after being undercover in Spyral; he understands that they won’t forgive him immediately. Except, when an encounter with neurotoxin leaves him completely paralyzed, he has no choice but to rely on them.
✦ bad signal by prismatical, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & cast, 38.4k     The rescue mission went well. Nightwing is safe. Everything should be alright. Right?
✦ And The Crown Will Sing by ScarlettSwordMoon, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & barbara & cast, read the tags, 84.7k wip     After an encounter with alien technology, Bruce re-evaluates some previously held ideals. Gotham doesn’t need a Knight, she needs a King. Bruce will do whatever it takes to secure his rightful place as ruler of Gotham. He will do whatever it takes to keep his sons by his side. Even if it means breaking them in first. [Dark Bruce Wayne, eventual Dark Batfam]
✦ borderline by TheResurrectionist, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & steph, 22.7k wip     A mysterious force connects the Batfamily's minds together.
✦ Parting is all we Know of Heaven by Sword_Kallya, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & amy, suicidal ideation, 11.9k     Three months after Batman returns from the timestream, Dick Grayson has disappeared.
✦ Behind Granite and Lime by JeanjacketCarf, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & barbara & cass & cast, read the tags, 18k wip     Cassandra had noticed. Of course, she noticed. That was the problem, she couldn’t turn it off. She always had to see, always had to know. So she knew when Dick came back from his mission that something was wrong. Or something is off with Dick. Hopefully, it doesn't have anything to do with those murders.
✦ A Little Out of the Ordinary by dizarys, tim & dick & conner & slade & cast, 1.5k     A boot scraped against stone at the same time pain seared through Tim’s chest, radiating from one sharp, jabbing point. With a gasping wheeze, he tried to grab at it. But his arms refused to move.
✦ Override Two: Family Protocol by zombiesbecrazy, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & barbara & cass & cast, talon!dick, 78.3k     When faced with an impossible and inescapable situation, Dick does the only thing left that he can do to save his family. Surrender himself to the Court of Owls to become their Talon in exchange for their lives.
✦ Weekend Commute by CKBookish, bruce & dick & jason & tim & donna & wally & cast, 7.4k     Dick Grayson makes his way home during the first snow fall of the year, when he finds himself confused and cold, miles from home.
✦ What These Hands Have Done by WinterSky101, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & steph & alfred & cast, 14k     Dick is mind controlled into attacking his family. Unsurprisingly, he takes the whole thing very badly.
✦ birdsong by ScarlettSwordMoon, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & steph & cast, 22.7k     After getting a face full of Scarecrow’s newest toxin, Dick isn’t haunted by his typical nightmares. No. This one has little green pixie boots. AKA Batman: Ego but make it Robin.
✦ New Krypton by Hawkstout, dick & clark & bruce & cast, read the tags, 15.9k wip     Robin is captured by the Kryptonians and put under the care of Kal-El, the man he has known as Superman. Kal-El wants to do his best for Robin and keep the boy safe and healthy. He's fond of him. They were friends once. He hopes that once Robin understands the invasion of his home is for the best that he will grow to see him as a guardian, maybe even as a father. But Robin doesn't need another father. He needs a way to escape.
✦ i was not born to drown by daringyounggrayson, bruce & dick & tim & damian & donna & wally & roy & cast, 25.2k     Or: After getting shot by Doctor Hurt, Dick develops chronic migraines.
✦ Running Headlong into My Arms by gleesquid, bruce/selina & dick & jason & tim & damian & barbara & cass & steph & alfred & cast (& some minor pairings), 54.2k     Bruce doesn’t like to credit one thing for saving his life, but if he did, it would be Haly’s Circus that Friday night in September, just as summer was beginning to die. (He'll always be a sucker for kids with sad eyes, no parents, and more fight than the world knows what to do with.) Or: in a universe where superheroes don't exist, Bruce Wayne finds his family.
✦ Waking In The Night Light by I_Have_To_Get_Off_This_Planet, bruce & dick & jason & tim & cass, 7.1k     Aside from the soft pitter-pattering of rain against the window, it’s quiet in the room. Tranquil, Bruce thinks. Or at least, as tranquil as a hospital room can get. BATFAM FIC RECS - THROW BABY DICK AT BATTISON, C'MON DO IT, IT'LL BE HILARIOUS: ✦ take these broken wings and learn to fly by fishingclocks, dick & bruce & alfred, 49.2k wip     or, How Dick Grayson Burrowed His Way Inextricably into the Heart of Bruce Wayne
✦ A Bat and his Birds by SalParadiseLost, bruce & dick & jason & tim, 3.1k     Bruce Wayne adopts a child on impulse... and then another... and then another. He doesn't know what he's doing, but somehow it doesn't end up too bad except for the fact that his kids think he's a vampire.
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darthannie · 2 years ago
thursday night out
2.1k / neil lewis x f!reader
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Pairing: Neil Lewis x f!reader Summary: Neil can't sleep and neither can you. A late night conversation leads to revelations. Warnings: 18+, minors dni. fluff, no use of y/n, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort if you squint really hard, Neil cries because of course a/n: I'm a lil rusty y'all but I had to take matters into my own hands.
You were absolutely restless in bed. You had come home from the bar your friend Jonathan worked at, Balanza, after needing some liquid comfort and a close friend. He was one of four. Your little group was all you needed, but more recently it was feeling like three. You, Neil, Lucien, and Jonathan were basically inseparable as you all emerged into adulthood together.
Now, you all found a little bit of community at Gumshoe Video, your and Neil’s video store. It wasn’t much but it was what you and Neil cared about the most. It was your baby, so to speak. Yet another thing that kept you and Neil stuck to each other’s sides. 
Neil was special. He had gone through it all with you. When you were in high school together you both skipped school dances and watched movies all night long while getting drunk on whatever was close by. You had comforted each other through numerous breakups, spent many long nights taking care of each other when the other was sick, and now ran a video store together. Growing up, your parents would make jokes about how you would end up together. Neil thought that was the funniest thing ever. “What a cliche.”, Neil would say. You would always laugh and agree but deep down, there was a piece of you that resented his indifference. It was only natural that you both felt something for each other, right? Neil was your rock and you were his. 
But nevertheless, Neil was seeing someone. At least you thought he was. It wasn’t totally clear what was going on, but you knew when he wasn’t at the video store he was running around with her. That left you, Lucien, and Jonathan to hold down the fort. This always happened when Neil got involved with a girl and it always left you feeling… odd. You never wanted to admit it but you had been in love with him for years. Brushing off that feeling was the only way you could disconnect. 
This constant yearning was exhausting but you just wanted to see Neil happy. Only now, you couldn’t tell if he was happy. He had been a bit secretive about the girl he was seeing. If you knew Neil, he was in over his head. Whenever you saw him at the shop he seemed drained and a bit stressed, but he never stayed long. He’d say, “I’m gonna go in about an hour. We’re getting dinner tonight, I think?” I think, was the key phrase. His remarks were rooted in confusion. Maybe his status with this mystery girl wasn’t so solid. You had hoped, for his sake, something good would come out of this. You couldn’t bear to see him hurt again.
After some overthinking, you were finally getting a bit drowsy. Right as you were about to drift off your ringtone shocked you awake. You answered it before you could check the name and heard a familiar voice on the other line. “Hey”, Neil said. “Can I come over? I can’t sleep” The clock on your nightstand read 1:34 AM. “Yeah sure what’s u-“ 
He hung top on you and within a couple of seconds, there was a knock at the door.
You scurried out of bed and headed towards the door. You weren’t prepared for what met you on the other side of the door. It was Neil, of course, but he looked sad. His eyes were puffy and red. He looked like he had been crying for hours. He looked exhausted. It took you a second before you realized you had been staring. You moved to the side and silently gestured for him to come in. 
He went right past you and towards the couch, face-planting into the cushions. He groaned and you stood over him for a moment before squatting down to his level. “Neil?” You heard a sniffle come from him and he turned to face you. Even now, he was just as gorgeous as every other time you saw him. Handsome in a classic sense. You fought every urge not to brush the hair away from his eyes but eventually, you gave in. You reached out and he closed his eyes after feeling your touch. “Neil, what’s going on?” 
“Jonathan and I got into a fight. Well, not like a fight fight. We just argued a bit and I got pissed and left.”
You removed your hand from his face. That was the last thing you expected to hear. There was never any conflict in your friend group that went beyond friendly film debates, but you were waiting for the shoe to drop. You had spent your time at Balanza tonight blabbing to Jonathan about how annoying It was that Neil was never around whenever he started seeing someone. He pushed you about it you admitted it was because you had liked him for years. Jonathan laughed “Well no duh! I could smell that shit from a mile away. You guys already treat each other like you’re married.” And he was right. There were things you and Neil did that felt like you were married. Apart from movie nights, you had spent time cooking dinner for each other, taken a couple of trips together, and confided in each other about everything. Your bond was unbreakable. 
You were thinking about what to say when Neil interrupted your fractured thought process. 
“I was at Balanza tonight, thought I’d go in for a quick drink, you know? And I got to talkin’ with Jonathan and he mentioned how you had been there a bit before me and how I’d just missed you. I thought was weird because you always told me if you were going so we could go together. Plus you’d told me you were going straight home after closing up the store. But anyway, he started joking about you and me. I mean, what the fuck right?”
You briefly paused before responding, “What did he say about us exactly?”  
Neil sat up before he began his story, gesturing as he began, “He made a quip asking where my ball and chain was and I said “What ball and chain?” and he said you. It kinda took me aback. And really annoyed me because you would never be a ball and chain, you know. And somehow he started going on about how I should maybe be a better friend.” Your heart sank. He continued, “He said I should be more “mindful” about our relationship and I thought what the fuck, you know. I know he doesn’t really have a way with words but, god, how cryptic. Who says that? Especially about us. We’re close, right? Super close! No one really gets it!” Subconsciously or not he now had your hand in his.
“Our friendship is special you know. It means the world to me and to have that questioned made me a bit upset. Then it really got me thinking. Have I not been paying attention to you lately? Then, I started thinking about all the things I’ve been doing recently. Spending time with you know who, which by the way isn’t happening anymore.”
In all honestly, you didn’t really know who. You’d only seen her a couple of times. You interrupted him, asking what he meant.
“I broke things off with her. She was, frankly, insane, and as fun as it was it was just that. Fun. Unsustainable. Unstable. Plus, I was barely meeting up with the group. Fewer movie nights. Less time at the store. Less time together. And I thought, fuck maybe I have been a shit friend. And now that I don’t have her in my life I feel like I can actually see clearly.”
He finally took a pause and looked you in the eyes. You were stunned. Neil was always a talker but it was rare he got this candid about his relationships. When you were younger, he’d tell you almost everything, but now he rarely ever spoke about his escapades and you were grateful for it. Just when you thought it was over, he continued. 
“So, I was so fed up with Jonathan I didn’t even finish my beer. I just left. I got home and tried everything to shake the guilty feeling off of me but nothing worked. I did a- a cold shower and even made some tea. I tried to watch City Lights, but I couldn’t.”
That was your and Neil’s favorite film. You had watched it the first time when you stayed home from junior prom. You both started off by doing voices for the characters and by the end you were both touched by the film. Ever since then, that was the film you both watched when you couldn’t think of anything better for movie night. It became a ritual that wordlessly brought you closer. 
“I got really restless and upset. So, I thought I would just call you.” He broke eye contact for a moment, and you could’ve sworn he looked at your lips before making eye contact again. 
Your voice was light, “But you got here before you called.”
He shrugged, “I just got in the car and started driving.”
You chuckled at his response. “Well you know you’re always welcome.” He smiled at you before he let it falter. He seemed to hesitate before he continued talking. The shoe was about to drop.
“ I, ah. There was something I left out of the story.”
You swallowed before asking, “What?” 
“Jonathan told me about… you and… Probably not everything but he told me.” It dropped.
There was a moment of silence as the tension between the two of you grew. Your world was crashing down. You’d have a word with Jonathan soon, call him a jackass for betraying your trust. You wanted to speak and deny everything, but nothing came out. 
He spoke first. “How long?”
Without hesitation, you replied “Years.” 
He sat back and ran his fingers through his hair. He muttered what you thought was fuck under his breath, but you preferred not to listen. All you could feel was the pain in your chest as you prepared to have your heart broken. Tears started to fall before you could stop them and a small whimper left you. He wiped your tears away and leaned forward again. You were now sitting on the ground as he sat over you on the couch. Neil felt a couple tears of his own begin to fall. You both sat for a moment. His silence made it hurt even more. You were ready for his rejection to slap you in the face. The sting would last long after, you thought. You heard him speak up softly, “So you… you feel it too?” 
You hesitated, “Feel what exactly?”
He laughed at himself and clarified, “You know this, um, tugging feeling in your heart when it feels like it’s trying to tell you something.” 
You avoided his gaze, “Yeah.”
You looked down at your hands. Your fingers were now interlaced with his. Space had closed between the two of you and it was getting hard to breathe. Your heart raced and you swore his did too. He brought his free hand to your face, resting it on your cheek. You looked down at it, foreign on your skin. You looked back at him and searched his face for any sign that this was some sick joke. All you found was sincerity. He was willing and ready to risk years of friendship on the off chance that you felt the same as he did. He unraveled his hand from yours and placed it softly on your neck as he pulled you in, careful not to make any sudden movements. 
The kiss was soft, at first. As it deepened you placed your hand on his chest, not to push him away, but to feel if his heart was beating as fast as yours. It soon became breathless, both of you refusing to break for air. Your fingers ended up in his hair. You felt his tongue on your bottom lip. He was testing you and you gave in. It was feverish. You both moved in sync until, finally, you both pulled away to get some air. The room was spinning. You were kneeling after he had pulled you up. He pulled you up further and sat you down on the couch. He pulled you close to him and just held you, hoping to feel as close as possible to you. You both felt like you’d just won the lottery. He traced your arm with his fingers. You looked up at him and he was already looking at you. You slowly broke out into a smile and he did too. Soon enough you were both giggling and chuckling. It was pure bliss. He leaned in to give you another kiss. There was no testing the waters this time. He pulled away and looked into your eyes.
“What took us so long?”, he sighed. 
You whispered back, ”I don’t know.”
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russellsppttemplates · 11 months ago
Could you do a Daniel blurb where reader and Daniel are watching Bluey's new special The Sign with the girls and at the end Daniel is pure mess with the ending of the special more than the girls
Note: my little cousin only told me a few bits of the episode so I had to go watch it and I'm all 🥹
"Wait for me, I want to watch it too!", Daniel called as he walked down the stairs and joined you in the living room, sitting on Sophia's right side.
"Mummy was about to press start", Alice said as she sat to your left, leaving her sister sandwiched between you and Daniel.
You pressed play and laughed along with the episode when you saw fit, "I swear, if you had to be one of them, you'd be Muffin", Daniel pinched your shoulder.
"Really? I always thought of myself more of a Bingo person", you reasoned.
"Nop, you're Muffin, love - anything on your mind just goes right out! The way she yelled "Police!" and then "think fast!" was all you", he teased.
"But mummy never makes a mess like that!", Sophia argued as the screen showed how much Muffin wanted a cup holder for the drink and how it spilled all over the car.
"You just don't know the mummy the way I know", Daniel winked at your daughter while you shook your head.
"That did sound like you, mummy! You just don't say "Go, Bobo!", you say "Go Danny!" when daddy is driving really fast on track", Alice cheekily pointed out.
When the episode finished, you looked at both girls as their eyes were still on the screen, "Did you like it, girls?", you asked as you pulled them closer to you.
"Yes, it was such a nice ending!", Alice cheered.
"I'm glad Bluey and Bingo don't have to move!", Sophia said before looking at Daniel, "But daddy might need some comfort too, mummy - I think he's crying", she whispered.
"Danny, love, are you okay?", you wondered, rubbing his back softly.
"Things are really meant to be sometimes, you know? The dogs with no eyes had to use the coin Bluey left so they could find their perfect house and then they had the realtor call Dad because they didn't want their house anymore! And Dad was very good at making sure his family is happy because they stayed back - did you see their happy dances in their empty bedroom?", Daniel wiped his eyes, "and the way the parents wag their tails as if they're communicating with them?".
"It's okay, daddy, it was a happy ending", Alice climbed out of the sofa and cuddled Daniel's right side as Sophia did the same, hoping they would comfort him.
"I know it was, daddy is just very happy for them", Daniel offered.
"I need the bathroom", Alice mumbled before Sophia said she needed it too, making them leave you and Daniel in the living room alone.
"These cartoons really pull on your heartstrings, don't they?", you chuckled while your husband pulled you into a cuddle, hiding his face in your neck and kissing you there.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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sirianasims · 5 months ago
The Don Diaries
WELCOME! It's Sidney and Nathan's wedding day! I did promise Sidney a great boyfriend, and today is the day we turn him into a husband.
Before we begin, I want to make it very clear that we're in Sidney and Nathan's household, meaning that I have absolutely zero control over anyone else.
To say that I am scared would be an understatement.
But let's begin! We have Sidney's parents in the front row, and Jaime from the dorm next to Gina.
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You may wonder where Don is.
Don has, somewhat unwisely, decided to seat himself next to Miracle.
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I'm sure Gina won't find this weird - after all, Don is the man of honour, and Sidney likes Miracle way more than Gina so of course his two best friends get front row seats… right?
Don is crying all through the ceremony, so happy for Sidney.
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Sidney's mother is understandably also emotional, and Gina... looks like she doesn't want to be here.
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They tie the knot and Nathan is being extra about it.
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I may not control you but I see your thoughts, Don! Don't you dare!
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Nathan gives a toast and once again, the intimacy-deprived Don is never far from Miracle. I am on the edge of my seat and Gina is clearly keeping an eye on them.
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oh god the tension
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There is a brief disturbance as an uninvited pirate crashes the wedding on her bike.
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Order is quicky restored but she's definitely the talk of the party. I have no idea what is happening at this wedding anymore.
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ANYWAYS, back to the wholesome stuff, I need to get this party over with before anything bad happens.
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Don, there are literally free seats on both sides of Gina, why are you doing this??
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Miracle, no. Do not send him that look.
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Nathan is exhausted and decides to nap, preventing me from getting the first dance done. But it's fine because I am distracted by now.
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oh god Gina please don't turn around
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I don't know what I expected, really.
It was inevitable.
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Gina finally gets up and goes looking for Don, probably.
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I sure hope she doesn't find him.
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Right. So that was a thing that happened.
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Quick, distract everyone with wholesomeness!
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During the dance, Gina seems... angrier than usual. I really hope it's just because of who she is as a person, and not because she somehow knows. Although that sweat overlay is pretty revealing, Don...
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I'm sure it's fine, everyone dances and the wedding was a great success and nothing bad happened at all, woo!
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Yup. Yup, everything's fine.
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We'll leave Sidney and Nathan for now, but not before they adopt baby Elle 💖
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Tomorrow, we're going back to Don's household to survey the damage...
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sirfrogsworth · 7 months ago
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It was 1991. I was 10. And the other white kids at my Catholic elementary school started getting into rap. And I always thought if I did what my bullies did, they would bully me less. So I got a cassette tape of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch and the new "Hammer" album. He dropped the "MC" part of his name because he wanted to be taken more seriously as an artist and too many sketch comedy shows had made fun of parachute pants by that point.
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So he was just Hammer.
Apparently I screwed up because they only liked the white rappers. Because they were all a bunch of little proto-racists. But that pretty much limited you to Marky Mark and Vanilla Ice. But I liked the way MC Hammer danced so I picked that out at the music shop.
Other things I tried to get on the good side of my bullies...
I learned how to play hockey (which I ended up really liking).
I had my parents get me a White Sox Starter hat. It had to be from that brand though. And despite being in St. Louis, it had to be the White Sox. For some reason it was cooler to root for a non-local team at the time. I guess that was the extent of edgy counterculture for 10 year olds.
I got shoes that had little air pumps in the tongue. You'd press a little basketball and it would inflate the top of your shoe.
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Oh, and you had to get this Adidas jacket.
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This was fun because it came in a bunch of colors but I got black just to be safe.
The Adidas jacket was my last attempt to get on the good side of my bullies. One of them took apart an ink pen and dropped it in my hood. I spent all day with it just jostling around and spreading ink everywhere. When I came home at night my mom noticed the entire hood was stained with ink. I cried my eyes out and she tried her best to clean it. And I think I got mad at her when she couldn't. I asked her to buy me a new jacket but I'm pretty sure they couldn't really afford to buy me that one to begin with. She assured me you couldn't even tell and no one would notice if I never used the hood. But the bully who did it knew and pointed it out the next day. And they all made fun of me for my ruined jacket.
I think it finally dawned on my tiny squishy brain that I would never appease these jerks no matter what I did. No matter how much I tried to fit in. And that's when I had the discussion with my parents to switch schools. They told me the only other option was public school. They worried there would be a lot more kids able to bully me. Because I was a weird kid and said weird things. But I wanted to try it. Plus, it probably saved them a bunch of money in tuition. My bullies all told me I was going to get stabbed because of the Black kids. But, in reality, it was the best decision I ever made.
It took me a little while to adjust. I had been so traumatized at my previous school that I had trouble controlling my emotions. So I would cry at the drop of a hat. And one of my teachers got upset with me because I'd cry if I got a bad grade or if I forgot my homework. One time my dog actually ate my homework and she didn't believe me and I cried, so my parents had to write a note for me.
But eventually I learned I was not actually a big weirdo as my bullies had said. I was funny. And I made people laugh. And they liked laughing. And it turns out, if you entertain people, they don't want to make fun of you anymore.
What was I talking about?
Yes, that was my first CD.
And I liked 1 song on it.
Because Hammer got too serious and I wanted parachute pants.
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veeviiuu · 7 months ago
my five hargreeves headcannons if he lived a normal life with his family living as well after s4 🤗 so I can get over it.
Spends a LOT of time on his hair. Perfectionist when it comes to that.
Doesnt have a license 😭 drives without one. Got pulled over once and almost got arrested, especially cause he still looks like a 14 year old.
Apologized for all the things he did in the past, especially the lila thing. Had a deep conversation with diego about it and they became much closer.
Calls each siblings ever 2 weeks to make sure they are doing okay and makes sure to visit as much as he can because he gets flashbacks of the past and doesn't want to loose them again.
Likes to go on road trips with family (mainly klaus) and have board game nights with them.
He likes to watch action/horror movies with family but is the type to talk while watching and gets told to shut up. Ex. "They could've hidden, or dodged, or something! Stupid people.." (he watches romance movies in secret and pretends to hate it.)
Shows up to every event, birthday, holiday party the family has. He is either really late or really early. Makes sure to bring some sort of present for diegos kids.
He thinks about Dolores a lot, and he still gets a bit jealous about diego and Lila's relationship because he won't be able to have that.
Is a babysitter sometimes for diegos kids, and tried to learn Punjabi for Lila's parents.
Works at those fancy restaurants.
Hates soda. Only drinks water and coffee.
Sometimes has a hard time sleeping. He has dreams about the apocalypse and all he's been through.
can NOT dance 😭.
Yayayayayayyayayayyayayyay I'm still not over his death I'm so sad but still not happy with the lila and five thing. I really wish he had apologized to diego because all I can think about is that diego died, knowing his brother did that to him, and five died thinking that lila used him and knowing he hurt his brotherrrrrejsjsjwjs. Sigh, I really wish they just made it a better end scene. It's whatever!! 😂😂😂😂 (crying)
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matthew-gray-gubler-lover · 4 months ago
Christmas in the cabin.
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Mentions of lovemaking, but not explicit.
Based on a dream Also a fantasy that I have about Matthew whisking me away to a cabin for Christmas.
I am a caregiver for my mom and my mom and dad do fight a lot and it is really hard on me. So that part is real. Everything else is pure fiction.
I wake up in a place that I never really thought that I would be In bed In a beautiful cabin with Matthew Gray Gubler, our bearskin Touching each other as Matthew holds me close to him.
The Snow Falling outside is Matthew and I are still cuddled together beneath the nice warm covers.
It's hard to believe that I ever made it here. Really thinking back to how I got here, it's just like a Dream.
It was just another day for me Taking care of my mom, having to listen to both of my parents fighting. A lifetime of this. It did start to get to me to the point where I actually walked out of the house and walk down the street. I kept walking until I found a bench. I sat there and began crying, wishing that my life was something different. The passing cars being the only thing that was drowning out the sound of my crying.
What happened next was something I never thought in a million years would ever happen to me.
I was sitting on the bench, and I heard a voice
" Are you OK?"
It was a sweet and familiar voice that I have heard before. A voice that I have heard a lot, actually As I have watched Criminal Minds so many times.
I look up and I see Matthew Gray Gubler. He was wearing a purple T-shirt and tan shorts He had a purple backpack And he looked so incredibly good, just like he does in all of the fan pictures.
I looked up at Him not believing that this was really happening, This is just another one of my dreams, I thought And I'll be woke up any minute
 I answered him as he sat down on the bench next to me. Not really, I have been having a really hard time lately. I was just so casual talking to him because I truly didn't believe that this was really happening.
"Would you like to talk about it? I'm a good listener"
 He told me before he complimented my shirt, a red Christmas shirt with Snoopy on it.
" Thank You, I know that it was still Three weeks until Thanksgiving, but I start wearing my Christmas shirts and earrings on November 1st. I just love Christmas so much."
"Oh, you love Christmas? Well, I do too. It's one of my favorite days of the year. Halloween, though, is my absolute favorite"
I know I look forward to seeing you on Halloween I tell him, still believing that this is a dream.
He asked me again what was bothering me and I told him, feeling completely comfortable with him He drew a rumble buttercup for me and consoled me.
" You know I'm here for two weeks And I would love to see you again if you think that you can get away again" He Tells me with a smile.
" Sure, I can try to get away again. I mean, they fight so much they probably won't even notice that I'm gone"
" OK, same bench since this is where we first met" He asks me with a chuckle.
" Same bench, I'll see you tomorrow"
After four days of meeting on the bench, Matthew Suggests that we should go get a cup of coffee So we go to the closest Starbucks, we have like 20 of them I feel so absolutely comfortable with Matthew, even though I now know this isn't a dream, but I dreamt about him so much that it just feels so natural him being here with me.
We met at Starbucks now for the next three days That day I heard words that would change my life forever
"So I was thinking We've known each other for a week now and, um You know, maybe You might want to come to Las Vegas with me for Thanksgiving. I'm going to have a big family Thanksgiving like I do every year I think it might be nice for you to be a part of a real family. I have a lot of little cousins and we have random dance parties and we sing and we have a lot of fun. Plus we always have a big meal, It would be a nice, fun, stress free environment for you, And I also have this" He told me, handing me a piece of paper that he had signed.
I look at it and it is for someone to take care of my mother for a week so that I can go to Las Vegas with Matthew.
" You would really do this for me? I mean, you've only known me for a week"
" I know that technically we've only known each other for a week, but as soon as I met you, I felt like I've known you for a lifetime. And that's, that's not a line. I don't go around picking up random women. I take pictures with fans and sign things for them, but I don't pick them up. There is something Totally different about you There is a sweetness and a vulnerability that I'm not trying to take advantage of. I just want to make you happy" I can hear the Sincereness in his voice.
" I would love to come to Las Vegas with you"
I spent Thanksgiving with Matthew and his family and it is so much fun, unlike anything that I have ever experienced in my life.
After that, we began spending a lot more time together. We even decorated his Christmas tree together. After we put the final ornament on the tree, Matthew pointed up at the roof and said, "Oh, what is that mistletoe?"
" Why yes, I do believe it is"
Matthew and I kissed under the mistletoe. It definitely wasn't our first kiss as we had many of those over Thanksgiving, But this kiss led to something more our first time together My first time all together. He picked me up, still kissing me under the mistletoe, and carried me to his bedroom The night was pure romance and magic. He held my hand, fingers inner laced with mine as he made love to me, the fingertips of his other hand traced over my body That night was just like him. Gentle, sweet And kind.
There was something about being able to bear myself to him, not just being naked with him, but being able to bare my soul to him, To let him in and feel that I can trust him with everything, that he would never judge me.
After that, I knew that I was with my future husband and I really was Christmas Eve He asked me to marry him. We got married that Valentine's Day, the day of love, the perfect day for us.
I moved my mom to Las Vegas and she lived in the house next door to us Even though she had full time care, I still did a lot with her.
It was still a major stress for me because I never knew when I was going to lose my mother and it was getting harder and harder for me. Matthew found me crying more often.
Then, two weeks before Christmas, he came to me And told me.
" Going to Take you away to a cabin For the next six weeks, it's just going to be you and me. We're going to spend Thanksgiving there and Christmas and New Year's, and we'll come back on January 1st"
It sounded So perfect and like a dream come true.
As soon as we arrive, Matthew walked me through the door, showing me all around the cabin. He had studied it so intensely online that he knew exactly where everything was.
" Look, honey, I know that you love your mom and you know I love my mom too. I love my whole family. But you, me, we need some time alone together, time to decompress, time to just spin with each other and Be in love and be happy, just you and me"
I looked around the cabin as he held my hand, listening to everything that he was saying.
" And don't worry, I already have everything here that we're going to need. I have a Christmas tree already. As you can see I bought the biggest one they had, so that should take us a few days to decorate. I have Probably more ornaments and lights than we will need. 12 sets of matching Christmas pajamas that I'm assuming we're going to be spending a lot of time in. Since it's just you and me, there's no one to see that we're just wearing pajamas all day. I also have a refrigerator, a freezer and a pantry full of food. A coffee pot, flavored creamers, As well as everything that we will need to make cookies, I also have candy canes, The cabin is equipped with cable And every streaming service So we can watch any Christmas movie that you want, I also have Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's coffee mugs, And don't worry about Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, I already have that ordered. It will be delivered here and we can eat it Together and watch any Christmas movie that you want, And of course, if there's anything else that you need, we can drive into town and get it"
i stand there staring at Matthew so intensely taking in every word that he says.
The next Six weeks are absolutely wonderful, We did everything that Matthew said that we would do.
We even had nights full of romance and passion.
I feel so incredibly lucky to be with Matthew as I know that I am so lucky to be with him Even though Matthew tells me that he's the lucky one to have me, I know that I am truly the one who is lucky.
Matthew wakes up and looks down at me
" Good morning, beautiful" He Says to me.
His voice snapping me out of remembering exactly how I got here today.
We spend the morning drinking our coffee and having a bagel Looking around the cabin, a little sad that it's our last day to be there, but I will look back at these memories and cherish them forever.
I will always Remember it is the time that my Prince Charming whisked me away.
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 1 year ago
BAU at the Eras Tour
main masterlist
spencer reid x famous reader universe
I think unlike the Rep Tour Rossi and Hotch both make it to this show
Penny's fav song at the moment is 'cruel summer' so you know she was SCREAMING that bridge (and all lyrics of all songs obvi)
the girls are just screaming with every bit of themselves 'The Man' that is THEIR SONG.
yn is basically serenading Spencer during 'lover' her eyes do not leave him
they definitely witness a proposal during 'Love Story'
also def is making glances at him during 'willow' while singing 'that's my man'
Penny does cry during 'Majorie'
Emily's favourite album is 100% evermore and she loved screaming 'champagne problems'
i think Hotch's favourite performance was 'tolerate it' not because he related to it, just because he loved the set and yn's acting
i think this is the first night she shakes her head after the line 'do the girls back hime touch you like i do' and yn looks towards him after that seeing Derek clap Spencer on the back, and she can't see and defiantly can't hear, but she's sure he's saying 'my man!'
Rossi doesn't know weather to be shocked, scared, or impressed when he hears fans screaming for yn to take them to church (i think he's mostly impressed with her power)
Spencer defiantly loves seeing yn sing the songs she wrote about him, but i think he also loves seeing the amount of fun she has on her face during songs like 'waneegbt' and 'Style' and 'Bejeweled'
when Hotch hears 'i want to play one more song of Red, do you have say 10 minutes to spare' he immediately knows this is his time to go for a snack/drink run for himself and the team (his kids)
JJ's favourite performance is 'tlgad' i don't know why, she just loves it, i know it
i haven't talked about Derek much, but i think his favourite album is '1989' partly cause he likes the vibe, partly because he's been conditioned to love it by Pen (loves 'Blank Space')
Penny also makes Derek (he wants to) dance to 'Shake it off' with her
surprise songs are 'Paris' and 'Sweet Nothing'
Paris was requested by Penny (but yn was really happy to sing it with Spencer in the crowd)
and of course yn was planning on singing Sweet Nothing and then whatever Penny suggested
surprise song speaches
"So on this tour i've been challenging myself to sing two different songs a night. Songs i haven't played live in a long time, or never at all. And i'm sure you've noticed, but if you haven't, i do have some friends here. And when i asked my friend, Penny, if she had a song she would like to request she said this one, so i hope you enjoy, here's 'Paris'...
"This song, i wrote with someone very special. And i knew i wanted to play, given he is in the crowd tonight.. so here is 'Sweet Nothing'
now i know this is what you came here for, vigilante shit.
Spencer doesn't know what to do with himself, because on the one hand his hot and sexy and beautiful wife is doing a dance... that is doing a lot for him
also forgot to say they are married at this point
but on the other hand he is standing next to her parents and all his closest friends who he sees as his family, it's just very awkward
and yn glances at Spencer and the team when she sings "someone told your white collar crimes to the FBI..."
yn and Spencer are making eye contact (as best they can) during 'Mastermind' Spencer is grinning and blushing, the team just loving after all these years how in love their little boy wonder still is
and lastly during 'Karma' the girls (plus Derek) are all dancing, while Spencer is walking backstage to see his wife as soon as she gets off stage
@universallyblizzardlove @ferrjulie @random000000sblog
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feychild1225 · 3 months ago
This episode was so emotional. I was crying even when they were being happy because I knew what was coming.
Okay the very first thought I had was the same as episode 5, fuck I love Style’s dad he is right up there with Granny from Jack and Joker for the most wholesome parent figure.
My heart started beating so fast when Bison took out the laptop to watch the CCTV, but when he missed Kant on it, I screamed
Really breaking into the bowling alley, that is just so them. Sure, Kant, now you think about cameras.
Style and Fadel OMG could they be any more sickeningly sweet. Their date, doing each other's make-up, Style on Fadel’s shoulders I was melting the whole time.
I'm glad Fadel missed not just because of Babe but because I still think Lily is lying about that guy killing the brother's parents, and I want them to find the truth.
I really don't like Mama Lily, and I am squinting side eyes at Keen.
I knew Style and Kant were close to getting caught when the brothers came back
Oh gods, they know, and Fadel slow dancing with Style, thinking he might be about to kill him and Bison crying. I know they won't, but knowing something and knowing knowing it is two different things
I can't even process the previews
Oh and also I sort of hated the captain this episode.
How are we supposed to wait two weeks.
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reijamira · 3 months ago
The Heart Killers episode 5: my first, wild reaction
My brain is all mushy, my heart touched. I want to smile, I want to cry.
I can't do this anymore! My pulse is out of control, my hands are ducking sweaty! I don't want ANYTHING bad to happen to ANY of them!! Please! Just no and NO and NOOO! FadelBison seem so tired and fed up with that hitmen life. They don't like it. They are being manipulated and forced. They crave a normal life. 😭 It's so clearly palpable this episode. Let's stop here, and they can live happily ever after. Yes? PLEASE!
No new scars for Fadel! I mean it! (Looking at the sling from the trailer! Go away!) Let's Bison be happy with someone else for the first time in his life!
Have you all seen how SWEET our precious Style was? I liked him before. NOW I'm madly in love with him! What a kind soul! How beautiful he is, inside and out! Gosh, he has already fallen in love with Fadel! Halfway!! And not just him. KANT admitted he is developing feelings, too. Dammit!
I loved that we got a bit of a background story for Style's character, finally. What a big heart he has. Helping his dad out (who was there for Style when his mother died and his dad fell apart???). I bet it's Style's BIG heart and his love for Fadel that makes him spill the beans in the next episode?
I melted at the "You chose me" scene. 😭😍🫠💛 (Fadel, honey, I loved you from the start. In each episode, I love you even more!)
I loved Fadel asking Style what Style likes about him! Style's answers were so funny and sweet. He likes the adrenaline of a good chase. And Fadel reminding him that it's no car race, and I'm watching this and thinking, "No, it's no car race, but it's a race against time, and a car is indeed involved". 😭😭 HELP!
Then their sweet, corny smexy times at Style's garage! I loved it! It was funny! It was hot! Yes, Fadel, pay him with your body! 💣🌶🫦
Speaking of body: Style making Fadel dance with him at the bowling alley by referring to Fadel's little dance at the host club was top-notch! He is such a quick thinker and sweet talker!
And while we are at the bowling alley: I adored every scene of their double date until it went heartbreaking. Especially the way Style convinced Fadel to wear the partner shirt. (He got the ship name right! Yeah! Put Fadel's name first because he would like it! 😭👌🫠 And KantBison also hit the mark!) I SO love Style's "You can take it off at my place!". (Kant's reaction: 🤭😁) Fadel hiding behind his beer when Style said he touched Fadel's body so many times, he knows its size, got me laughing so hard! 😂🤣
It's so clear that Style has Fadel wrapped around his finger! Our big hitman softie! The way Style can make Fadel fold! It was so beautifully shown in the scene at Style's garage when they wanted Fadel's help. Kant, ever wary of Fadel's grumpy, cool demeanor, noticed, too, how easily Style could influence Fadel! Loved Kant referring to Fadel as "big brother". That barely visible shift in Fadel's expression that followed immediately! Glorious!
I love how vulnerable Fadel was! He didn't tell Style about his past lover. And he also lied BLATANTLY about not liking Style. (Fadel, darling, we all can see those looks when you think no one is looking!) And that talk about laying oneself completely bare. OMG! My heart went out to him. He DID tell Style about his murdered parents, though! (LOL at Style's quick "I'm sorry! Let's change the subject!")
Can I take a moment to appreciate Style playing with Fadel's nipples TWICE this episode? That was hot! 💣🌶🫦 The mutual ass grabbing, too! 🫠🤤
So, no recording device in the pin. (I could have sworn...) No devices in Kant's apartment either. (DAMN, I was so sure. LOL!) BUT the camera in FadelBison's basement DID record the betrayal. Shit! I really don't want this! Both Fadel and Bison are opening their hearts. They are slowly letting others in, which is no easy feat for them. And in the end, it's a betrayal. I really hope both Kant and Style can assure Bison and Fadel that they do love them. I want them working together against their enemies. I don't remember the exact wording, but Fadel said something about people not wanting to risk their lives when they are with him. Maybe Style and Kant will do this? (Dear me, it looks like Bison is taking a bullet for Babe next episode! Look how invested our Bison is in Kant and his brother! He is so protective already!) Also, I really love that Bison is the mad dog here! I loved how feral he was there for a minute.
And yeah, Fadel's fingers on Style's chin made me swoon. Please, don't hurt this man, Style!
I need to rewatch episode 5 every day until next Wednesday! I need to write and read all the meta!
It was so amazing! But the foreshadowing is killing me dead multiple times! 😭😩
Before I finish this, one final thought or two: What is up with mother Lilly and her aversion against dating and being left alone? Abandonment issues? Trouble recruiting new hitmen?
What is with Keen? Is he a friend or foe? Surely, Mother has her eyes already set on him and his office boyfriend.
And now same torture as always:
I can't wait until next Wednesday! 😭😭😭😩
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4ln-stay8 · 1 year ago
Behind closed doors - part II
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>summary: Han isn’t too happy to find out what his sister is doing lately
>author’s note: I still don’t know how I feel about it… I also take requests if you have any ideas… I’m also working on some fake texts bits haha …THERE MIGHT BE A PART III
>warning: angst, Han is kind of a dick (Im sorry babygirl) not proof read
>pairing: lee minho x han jisung's sister
Part I
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It’s been three weeks since your argument with Jisung. Three weeks since you both talked to each other. He didn’t came home after that night due to his busy schedule but he tried and talk to your parents as much as he could. Your mother tried to make you speak to each other but neither of you wanted to reach out first.
On that night your mother asked what happened to her kids after she saw Jisung dropping you off and leave the next second. You told her everything while crying your eyes out and nothing she said could make you stop.
You never thought that your relationship with your brother could fall to the ground all because you fall in love with the wrong man. Don’t get me wrong, you didn’t regret falling for Minho, you didn’t regret anything about him or anything about your relationship with him. Anything besides keeping it a secret from Jisung.
Maybe things would be different if you would’ve told him sooner. Maybe he wouldn’t have hated you so much right now. You were spiralling down the rabbit hole and all you could think of was “what if”.
You barely talked to Minho in the past few weeks, you hated yourself for putting him through this. He had to work and spend every day with his best friend who probably hated him right now, all because of you.
You were way past the whole “it’s not only my fault” part and got straight to the “it’s all my fault” part.
You were miserable to say at least. You hated yourself for being the reason why your brother hated his best friend. You hated yourself for being the reason your brother hated you. You hated yourself for being the reason why your boyfriend was treated poorly by you in those three weeks.
You tried to be a good girlfriend, you tried to be one considering all the bad you’ve caused to him in his other relationships. You tried your best but you just couldn’t look him in the eyes while knowing what he had to go through.
Thats why you asked him to talk, in the small window he actually had. That’s why you showed up at the coffee shop near the JYP building while looking like you were just hit by a meteorite, waiting for your beloved.
- Hi jagi! It’s so nice to see you, I missed you so much! said minho while talking the seat opposite from you - Hi! Uhm…. Can we talk? you asked straight forward not wanting to be there longer than necessary due to barely being able to keep the tears behind your eyes - Uhm sure…. What do you want to talk about? he asked anxiously - I’m so sorry Minho! I’m really sorry about everything. I didn’t want to get between you and Jisung! He is right, I do ruin everything! you said, your voice barely above a whisper with tears running down your face -Wha-what are you saying jagi? he whispered confused but yet expecting the worst
-I ruin a lot of things Minho, but i refuse to ruin your life more than I already did. It's not fair. I'm sorr.y Minho... we're over. you whispered, pain evident in your voice as you got up quickly, running out of the coffee shop
You ran and ran, not stopping until you got home. You ran straight into your room, falling down the wall in the quiet room, the only sound heard being your heart breaking. You gave up on the anger you held against your brother, and with a last text sent to him, you gave up on yourself.
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He stood there, watching you run away, taking his heart with you. It took him around 15 minutes to actually process the entire thing.
With small robotic movements, he stood up and slowly walked out of the coffee shop, going back to the dance studio where all his friends were.
He walked in the studio and with small steps he went straight in the furthest corner, collapsing on the floor hidinghis face in his knees. He didn't wanted to cry in front of his friends, let alone cry in front of the few staff members that were there at the time.
Chan, being the good leader and the great friend he is, he Minho's appearence in the corner. With a ferm voice he let everyone know that they are free for the rest of the day, saying that they practiced so much lately that they need a break before someone gets hurt.
His voice was so serious that no one dared to question him and everyone just picked their stuff up and left, everyone besides the band members who were still picking up their stuff while messing around.
With small and calculated steps, Chan moved closer to where Minho was sitting, kneeling close to him, putting a hand on his shaking shoulders.
-Everything okay Min? How did the date with Y/N went? he asked softly
-She broke up with me. She said she couldn't ruin my life anymore.... Thats such bullshit Chan. he whispered, slowly raising his face to look at Chan.
The moment Chan saw his teary eyes he pulled him in a big warm hug, trying to comfort his friend.
Even tho it was weird for Chan to just call it a day mid practice, Jisung never dared to question his leader, looking forward to hiding behind his bedroom door and avoiding Minho with all costs.
He didn't spoke to his hyung almost atall in the past three weeks, only speaking when needes. It was common knowledge that he was avoiding him after the fight they had on the night Han dropped you home.
He stopped talking to you as well, against his mother's protests. He always asked about your condition and about your state whenever he called home. He didn't wanted to be the first to break and to see a message from you left him in complete shock. He opened the message reading it carefully. Honestly he had to read it twice to fully understand the words he was reading, replying vaguely and confused with your words.
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His head flew up the next second, looking around chaotically. His eyes immediately landed on Minho who was currently in the arms of their hyung. He found himself walking closely to them.
-Wha-what happend? What did she do? he found himself saying, panick noticeable in his voice
-She ended things. She didn't wanted to ruin our friendship more than she did. whispered minho realising Chan and whiping his tears. Without a warning Minho stood up and stormed out of the dancing studio, all eyes on him. Han never saw Minho like this, so vulnerable and broken and he found himself feeling guilty.
Without saying a word, he took his belongings and ran out the studio, straight to his car. He found himself in front of his home, 20 minutes later.
He walked out of the car and straight inside, walking to the door of your bedroom. He knocked softly without saying a word. When he didn't hear anything form the other side of the door, he slowly opend it, being welcomed with your body still against the wall, looking into nothing.
He slowly walked thowards yoi, tears picking up in his eyes at the sight of his baby sister being so heark broken. And all because of him. He sat slowly beside you looking at a imaginary dot on the opposite wall. -You were right you know? I was indeed being selfish. I just didnțt wanted to have to share you or Minho. He is my best friend and I would hate to know he is the cause of your pain, but instead I was, and I hated myself even more. whispered jisung trying to get your attention
-You were right, I do ruin everything. Im so sorry for all the things I ruined between the two of you. I am the worst sister ever. you whispered
-You didn’t ruin anything y/nnie! I did! I ruin the relationship between you and me, the one between me and Minho hyung and the one between the two of you. I’m really sorry! Please go and fix this! I know I’m too late but I do want you to be happy!
-It doesn’t matter now, he probably hates me! And its ok Ji, I should’ve told you from the start.
-Minho hyung doesn’t hate you! Is he hurt, yeah. But he doesn’t hate you!
-Not so sure about that Jisung ! you said quietly
-My point is, I see now how much you love each other and I would be a terrible person to stand between you. I would be worse than I already am.
-I get where you’re coming from, I do but you’re my brother and your opinion matters the most to me. Seeing you so mad about the idea of me having a crush on Minho broke me. I tried at first to get rid of them but I couldn’t get rid of his feelings and I couldn’t get rid of mine.
-For how long has this been happening? he slowly asks, his voice softens with each word
-We confessed to each other at Changbin’s birthday party. you whispered slowly
-That was like 7 months ago!! he raised his tone surprised
-I know, Im sorry!
-How did it happen?
-We got drunk at the party and after a while we were just making out. The next morning I woke up behind the couch cuddling with him. We were both so embarrassed but he had the balls to confess. I told him that I wanted to wait to tell you until we were sure that it will work. I wanted to tell you, then you asked me about my crush and I tried to hint it but that didn’t get me the reaction I wanted.
-I overreacted a little didn’t I?
-Yeah, but I understand why. You’re not in an easy position. Sneaking aro was easier but it wasn’t fair to you or to Minho. I was just too scared of losing both of you.
-And now you are whiling to lose him. he whispered feeling guilty
-As much as I love him, you’re my brother. My relationship with you is more important than a boy, at least to mom who is constantly begging me to forgive your sorry ass! you said teasingly
-Hey! You’re not the only one she begged!
-I mean it tho, one day we will be the only ones left. Yes, we’ll have partners but we’ll still be alone. Mom and dad won’t live forever and it is important that we get along well.
-It’s not that important if it’s making you miserable! I know i was wrong, I reacted with knowing the full story. I really am an asshole! But I didn’t wanted to have to choose between you and my best friend, yet I made you choose between me and your boyfriend.
-It was my choice. You didn’t asked for it. It was for his benefit.
-It’s not! He is as miserable as you are! He even hugged Channie hyung back when he hugged him to comfort him. He even cried in front of us! You need to fix this, for you, for him, even for me! I would hate myself for being the reason you both are like this. And trust me I won’t forget myself for the way I reacted.
-Do you think he’ll have me back? you asked shyly
-There’s only one way to find out.
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tenshioffcial · 1 year ago
Bada Lee, You Are Not Alone. pt2
Warnings: suggestive content, smut, heavy make out sessions, Bada gets angry, toxic mother, Shower sex, Pet names, DomBada!, SubReader!, Mommy kink!, angst, Bada has a cock in this story but I'm not saying she is trans or anything it is just for the story.
part 2 - part 1
*beep beep beep beep beep! * My alarm started blaring loudly and woke me up. The clock says 7:00 that gives me time to shower and pack the last small things before I got to go to my parents' house. I messaged Kristen, Audrey and Bada about our stay and what not then I hopped in the shower. I got out and maybe myself some toast and some eggs and ate it in a hurry anxious to get there so we can leave because I can't stand my mother anymore it's like she grown bitter now and doesn't love me anymore. I stopped thinking about that the second I heard a ring of my doorbell. "I'm coming!" I ran to the door and Kristen, Audrey and Bada walked in helping me pack my stuff into my car. Bada came with them, so I drive her with me when we head there. I hurriedly shoveled the food down the last two bites, and we got into the cars and went. The ride there was pretty chill Bada hardly spoke to me but kept holding my hand and touching my thigh. "Can I play some tunes?" She asked. I nodded and she found one that played You got it by Vedo and she started doing her own dance to it next to me in the car. We laughed and had fun till we got to my parents' house. My mood was ruined the second we arrived, Bada took notice of my mood change. "What's the matter angel?" I couldn't help but sigh. "It's nothing I'll tell you later, okay?" She didn't seem to like the response but nodded. We got out of the car, and I walked up to the front door and rang the bell, I can hear my annoying mother on the other side. She opened the door and acted like she was so excited to see me, but I knew damn well she wasn't. "Hello my Beautiful baby." 'God, she made me wanna gag.' I forced a smile. "Hi...mom!" 'God when can I leave???' Kristen can tell I'm not feeling so happy about this so to help me out thank God she cleared her throat to catch her attention. My mother and her dramatic-self gasped. "Oh, and you brought friends to stay too?" She giggled half-heartedly and I nodded. "Yep, I did, they are here for emotional support." She scoffed. "Sure, not that you really need them, you have me." I tried really hard not to laugh and call her bluff but then Bada noticed and stopped me. "Where can we leave our things Mrs. Y/l/n?" She smirked as if she won. "Upstairs the first room on the right is available and then the one right across is from it on the left is too." Bada nodded and we all came in and went upstairs. I ran past them to my old room and started screaming in my pillow. 'God why can't she and father understand me?' I heard a knock at my door. "Go away mom!" I started trembling and having a hard time not crying. My door got opened and felt her getting closer. "Mom please I don't want to argue anymore right now!" I started crying but then felt arms wrap around me in a tight hug and then a second pair and a third pair. It was Kristen, Audrey and Bada. I started sobbing on them and trying not to lose my grip on reality. After what only felt like seconds I pulled away and Audrey handed me a tissue. after wiping my tears away and blowing my nose I finally took a deep breath and looked to Bada. "This is all because neither of them supports my dream to be a dancer." All three of them looked at me in disbelief. "Wow why not? you do amazingly well." Audrey spoke. "I don't know but neither my mom nor my father wants me doing it because they don't think I make enough money doing it even though I am happy and am living my best life." They all nodded and Bada rubbed my back. "The worst part is she likes making me come here just to try and make me marry a rich guy because they want me to not dance anymore." I started crying harder again. Bada pulled me into a hug. "I swear to god this has me fuming and I want to go shit talk her so bad right now." I shook my head. "Don't Bada it won't end well." She sighed. "You sure? because I don't mind being her enemy at all knowing how she treats you." I blushed slightly but nodded. "I'm sure Bada." I snuggled closer into her. "However, I want to stay in your arms forever." Kristen and Audrey smiled to one another.
"We'll leave you guys alone." and just like that they left the room. "How about we move to snuggle in your bed beautiful?" I nodded and sat up off of her and she helped me to my feet. She laid down and patted the bed next to her to which I obviously compiled and snuggled right into her. "Bada?" She hummed in response. "Promise me that you will be here once I wake up?" She giggled at my child like request. "Yes angel I promise." I smiled and fell right to sleep.
Bada's POV:
I smiled at the beautiful girl sleeping but I climbed out of under her and went to the bathroom which I definitely thought she would've gotten up from it, but she stayed sleeping. I snuck downstairs to grab a snack and a drink, but when I came down there was a strange man who I knew wasn't Y/n's father standing in the kitchen talking to Y/n's mom. I tried to hurry and grab my snack and drink but... "You must be Y/n." The man said. I shook my head. "No who are you?" Y/n's mom stopped in front of me. "He is Kim Bae, and he is one of the many suiters for Y/n." 'God this woman is trying to ruin everything for me.' "Speaking of where is she?" I tried my damnedest to behave myself. "Sleeping upstairs." She sighed. "Well, she can meet you once she gets up." He smiled "fine I'll come by later." She nodded and sent him off kindly. I hurried back upstairs.
Y/n's POV:
I woke up wondering where Bada was she promised me she'd be here when I woke up, but she wasn't here. I started to get upset but as I did the door opened. I jumped up and grabbed her in a tight hug. "Don't leave me alone again please Bada." She sighed and hugged me back. "I won't sorry I wanted a snack and drink and then..." I lifted my head to meet her gaze. "Then what Bada?" She looked like she was unsure as to how she should tell me about this whatever this is. She took a deep breath. "Your mom has another rich man here for you to meet." It was my turn to sigh. "Yeah, she does this every time I come here." I looked up to Bada and she looks angry but what she did next, I was not ready for, she grabbed me by my cheeks and kissed me with lust and passion, it felt like I was floating on air from that kiss. She moved us to the bed and climbed on top of me and started kissing me rougher and caressing my body, she pulled away breathless. "You know...you're so beautiful." I blushed and giggled. "Thanks, you aren't too bad yourself baby." She smiled and chuckled lightly. "How about we shower together?" I nodded, "Yes we should." We both stood up and grabbed out clothes for afterwards. I started the water since I already gathered my clothes, a few minutes later Bada came in and tugged on my shirt to which I responded lifting my arms and she pulled it over my head. I then took hers off for her and she unclasped my bra, and I turned around to hers, but she froze staring at my naked breasts. I waved my hand in front of her face, so she'd look at me then she blushed once she made eye contact with me. I couldn't help but giggle and tease her a bit. "Do you like what you see baby?" "Are my breasts distracting you hm?" She sighed at me then let me undo her bra then she took my pants off and panties in one swift motion. I carefully took hers off but then once we were naked, we hopped in the shower. She started washing my hair for me and I did hers then she washed my body till her hands got close to my cunt then she panicked. "What's wrong Bada?" She seemed annoyed but then she chuckled lowly and pinned me to the wall of the shower with my ass towards her. "You really wanna play innocent here princess?" She grabbed me by my hair which caused me to moan and whimper. She chuckled again. "You like me pulling your hair baby?" I nodded but that earned me a smack to my ass. "Yes ma'am." She smirked proud of what she is achieving. She moved her right hand lower till she was caressing my ass then she started moving it lower and started touching my cunt till all the sudden I felt her fingers go inside of me. "Oh god yes!" She chuckled again. "You like that don't you my beautiful baby hm? you sound so pretty making those sweet noises all for me." I gasped getting closer to Cuming. "I-I'm so close mommy." she pulled them out now leaving me feeling empty. I was not ready for what was to come because she slammed her cock into me. "OH MY GOD MOMMY YES!" I screamed so much that I was breathless for a moment after. "Shhh you're gonna get us caught princess." I moaned louder. "I don't care I want her to know I don't want that guy and that I want you mommy." She smirked happily over that. "Your wish is my command, Babygirl." She fucked into me rougher and faster I could feel the knot forming in my stomach. "M-mommy! I-I'm gonna cum!" I came all over her cock and she came inside me. We were both panting from that heated sex. "Okay now let's finish up so I can go downstairs." I smiled at Bada as I spoke. She nodded and we hurried and got dressed. She held my hand as we walked down the stairs, and we were greeted by my mom trying to shove this guy on me. "Hey there, she is my beautiful daughter Y/n. Y/n this is Kim Bae he is a famous CEO at this big company, and he said he'd marry you." "Y/n I promise I'll be a good husband to you and father to our kids if you'll have me." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Look Kim Bae, I bet you are an amazing guy but I'm not the right one for you besides I am in love with someone else." He nodded.
"It's okay I understand and thank you for your time." He got up and left. My mom however is mean mugging me. "What in the fuck is wrong with you!?" Kristen and Audrey came down and stood there listening. "What's wrong with me!? MORE LIKE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU MOM!?!?" She gasped dramatically as always. "I am only doing what is best for you with that shitty career and the shit people you are around you need to be around rich people and other people like your father and I." I was getting angrier by the minute. "No mom I don't because you and dad aren't doing what you want to do no you'd rather pretend you love your life instead of changing it to make yourself happy." She scoffed. "You are such a spoiled brat and never want to make life easier on yourself. which who is this person you are in love with? are they gonna be able to take care of you? are they gonna be able to make sure you live a happy life? no because you pick losers only." I was ready to leave this place right now and never return. "NO MOM, THEY LOVE ME AND PROMISE TO LOVE ME WHICH IS SOMETHING YOU NEVER DID YOU ALWAYS WANNA SHOVE ME OFF ONTO SOME RICH GUY WHO NEVER WILL LOVE ME THE WAY THIS WOMAN NEXT TO ME DOES!" She walked over and *Smack! * She hit me hard enough I fell to the floor. I looked up at her and stood up. "I hope you know you just lost your daughter forever." I walked upstairs and packed my things and Bada's things and brought our bags down. Bada the whole time was ready to hurt her for how she treated me. She hugged me and then walked over to my mother. "I swear if I ever see you hit her like that again you will have a lot more to worry about than her leaving, I plan to love her and treat her right through everything no matter what unlike you." She walked back to me and we all four got into the two cars. Bada and I sat there for a second. "Y/n listen I'm sor-" I cut her off to kiss her lips. "You were amazing in there Baby." I smiled at her as I said that. "Yeah, well I promised you I would never let you be alone again. You are not alone, and I will always be there for you." just like that we left unsure what our future holds but we'll get through it together.
A/n: This was fun to write and emotional as fuck I'm just happy to write something this good for ya'll and If you guys have requests I'm always willing to write one. anyways I hope yall enjoyed this one and I plan to write some more stuff soon.
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eri-pl · 3 months ago
Silm Advent calendar 18: Dream
Elros fell asleep. Unlike Men, he was fully aware of this, but unlike Elves, he no longer perceived the warmth of his tent or the camp noises.
He was home, but it was not destroyed. Just empty. No people, no animals, no dust. Silence. 
Vingilot came to the shore—shining but carried by water, not by air—and Earendil left the ship. Even though it was just a dream, the lack of the gem on his forehead filled Elros with relief. 
His father's shape changed like a mirage, now resembling Elros’s own looks, but as a Man. 
“Why do you cry?” asked Earendil-Elros.
“Because I dream of something I cannot have.”
“‘Has been just offered to me’ is quite a peculiar definition of ‘I cannot have’.”
Dreaming Elros turned to the other one and gave him an angry look, but it had no effect. The phantom’s face was still his own, but also not his. And he was smiling. 
“Who are you?” demanded real Elros.
“A dream. Come.”
They entered a cave—the cave. The air still smelled of the sea.
“What do you see?”
“My past. My pain. A dome of stone. Splashing water.”
“What happens to the drops of water?”
Elros shrugged. “They land on the floor and on my shoes, and everywhere.” 
“And then?”
It was a strange dream, and not a very useful one. 
“They evaporate, I suppose.”
“Tell me, is water useless?”
Elros tried to wake up, but it was harder than usual. 
His dream companion—now looking more like a wisp of pink smoke than a person—stepped back. “Please, don't. I apologize for my directness, or maybe for my indirectness, but please, let me get to the point.”
Elros squatted on the ground, one hand in the water. The memories weren't as painful as he'd expected. He looked again at the visitor. “Fine. So what is your point?”
“I need you to make it. This is your dream, after all. So is the water useless?”
It felt like Maglor teaching him science. Boring. Frustrating. Pointless. Still much better than other things he'd brought into Elros’s life. And less complicated.
“Of course not. Water is necessary for life, and it's singing the themes of the Great Music, and seawater isn't good, but it evaporates and leaves the salt on the ground and then it condenses into clean water.”
“And still, stone is much better.” The visitor looked at Elros with a glint in his eyes. Was there a joke somewhere? If there was, he didn't care.
“It's good for building cities, but when you're thirsty…” He shrugged again. 
The visitor nodded. “Exactly. So why do you feel obligated to be a stone?”
Oh. So that's what this whole riddle was about. 
Elros stood up. “Listen, I don't know what I did wrong with falling asleep to end up here, but you're the most stupid dream I've ever had, and I've had many. To be a stone, really? Make it a pun on our names? As if it was just— water has no friends! Nobody to miss it when it goes away. Nobody who had already lost both his parents and then some more people to whom he shouldn't have gotten attached. To whom I shouldn't have gotten attached. I'm not even sure if it's more that I don't want them to grieve one more person, or that I don't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing yet another of Luthien's line dead... I can't. Even if it wasn't for them— I can't do this to Elrond.”
The visitor withstood the whole argument calmly, and bowed. He looked like an elf now, most likely a Sinda, but his hair had a pearl sheen and in his eyes danced clouds of colors. “I apologize. I have—that's not the best point in my life either. I'm usually better at this. Maybe let's go sit somewhere more comfortable?”
“You lead. It's your dream. I probably shouldn't have been so forceful before.” 
A tension that Elros hadn't noticed before loosened, and the dream became more bendy, as they usually were. He imagined them in a sitting room — not a memory, but something safer: a fantasy based on a painting. A bowl of fruit on a table, surrounded by wine glasses. Carved wooden furniture. 
The visitor took a small pear and bit into it. It smelled more lively than in most of the dreams. “You mentioned Lúthien…”
“She was in love. I have no good reason.” Elros looked at the fruit in the bowl. All of them were more detailed than he'd expected. Maybe it wasn't such an unpleasant dream after all. He would have to remember this room, it was a nice place to dream about.
“So, being in love is a good reason. What's a bad reason then?”
Elros shrugged. “It just… feels right. That's not even a reason. Not anything I could explain. What kind of reason is that?”
“So what kind of reason is it?”
“Foolish? Mine? Why are you so stubborn about it? Why am I —or whatever you are, whoever—why would anyone need that?”
The visitor finished his pear and looked at Elros. “I'm not saying that you should choose the fate of Men. Not this for it's own sake. But I'm saying: please, make the choice that your heart leans into. Are those two the same, it's up to you to tell.”
“They are. And yet, I can't. I can't do this to Elrond. To everyone.”
“And can you do to them whatever shall come from you making the wrong choice?”
Outside, rain started falling, and also in the room drops of water fell on Elros’s head and at his cheeks, fell down, and evaporated.
“And what do you know about any of it? Do you know pain? Do you know how it is to love someone whom you hate? To hate someone whom you love? Do you know death?”
The rain turned to hail, then to snow. “I know as much as you, Elros. Which is still too little, I'm afraid. And yet, we have to make choices. Even if they mean learning more of what we wouldn't want to learn. I wish I had more comforting words for you. I wish I could tell you to not be afraid. And yet, I am also in fear, because the world still hangs in balance.”
Elros looked at him, puzzled. “We won the war.”
“We won a war.” The snow stopped falling and melted, but black clouds still hung in the corners of the room, hiding behind shelves and curtains, twirling. He watched them for a while, until his face was dry again.
“My heart tells me to choose the Secondborn. And yet… What shall I tell everyone? How can I explain it?”
“Tell them what you told me. Your heart calls you there.”
“Will they understand?”
The visitor played with an apple for a while, then put it back in the cracked bowl. “I don't know. I hope your brother will—I believe that he will. Earendil almost chose the same, so I think your parents will too. And while the personal feelings of kinslayers are surely an important factor to consider—”
“Are you trying to provoke me to do it out of spite?”
“I'm trying to help you to choose freely.” The visitor smiled. “Well, maybe provoke you a little. I must admit that I'm not entirely displeased with the thought of a certain singer learning that some people actually can make difficult choices. But that's just a small and secondary benefit.
Elros stood up and came to the window. Behind it now was only darkness, pricked with stars. “I know what I should do. I simply don't want to have to handle what everyone does about it.”
The visitor put a hand on Elros's arm. “You can do it. Or at worst you can leave them and go for a walk. That's what I do when I can't handle more stupid people.”
“Fine.” He opened the window. I'll do it. I'll—”
He woke up with tears. Beside him, Elrond was also crying, but when he embraced Elros there was no anger in his touch, only sorrow.
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