#Warlord Optin 2.0 pricing
hakireview-blog · 6 years
Warlord Optin 2.0 Review - A Majority of web traffic now comes from mobile devices.
You Are Still Hesitant. In this article Is Why It is advisable to Get Warlord Optin 2.0?
FINE, Don't hurry!! I managed to get 2 question for you: Two important questions:
If you are on somebody's lead page, and you decide you want whatever lead magnet or freebie they're offering... so what do you type into the opt-in form?
Do you type in your better email address? You really know what I'm talking about... the "golden" one? That main, primary one you give your buddies? That one you check every five minutes throughout the day?
No. You most likely avoid. You probably put in a "secondary" email address that you use only for promotional stuff and collecting freebies, right? Sure at one point you considered it your "business" email address, great you have a million web entrepreneurs filling that inbox with promo emails and really literally become your specified freebie collector. The address you make use of to ensure your MAIN, BEST email address doesn't get filled with promotional emails and fake. And there's a thirty chance some of you even type fake info into those opt-in varieties.
Get full Warlord Optin 2.0 Review: https://hakireview.com/warlord-optin-2-0-upsell-review/
So here's the second (and more important) question:
What do you think your visitors are keying in into the opt-in forms?
Yes. Same story. So is it any wonder why your email marketing isn't very succeeding? Is it a legitimate surprise that you have such low open and click-through rates?
Your emails are winding up in supplementary email inboxes that are rarely checked and, even worse, their surrounded by 1000 other marketing emails from your competitors. And on top of the, you aren't probably not even taking good thing about the 41% grab hold of open rates and 73% increase in profit that comes from personalizing subject matter lines because you either don't acquire names (because a "guru" alerted you not to) or individuals type in fake or childish garbage into the name field.
Warlord Optin 2.0 Review - Now think about for a point in time what would happen if rather than clients typing useless fake labels or secondary emails into your opt-in forms, you had a magic button that your visitor could just tap on and *POOF* you collected their primary, best email address and real name right then, without them writing in a single thing.
Sound crazy? It is, and that's why this product will probably be an industry game-changer. Mark my words:
This could literally convert email marketing as we know it on the head. You have to watch this video and get forward of this trend TODAY.
My Personal Experiences Regarding Warlord Optin 2.0
Variation 2.0 of Warlord Optin is very a BREAKTHROUGH. Have a look at the reports below:
-           30% of visitors submit bogus contact info.
-           20% of opt-ins contain typos or other errors.
-           Leads are 3X more likely to open up emails provided for their primary/best email address.
-           Subject range personalization boosts open rates by 40% and rises email marketing earnings by 70%.
-           68% of emails are opened on mobile devices.
-           A Most web traffic now comes from mobile phones.
And.. speculate what: Warlord Optin 2.0 complete can solving all problem above and you will build a HUGE EMAIL LIST
Warlord Optin 2.0 Rates & OTO
Warlord Optin 2.0 will be released by Steven Alvey on six: 00 EDT, July subsequent, 2018
Jason will offer a special discount at the beginning of the launch and for a limited time you can purchase this product for $27. I am also handing out the FREE Benefit products listed below when you purchase through my page > > >  CLICK HERE
Warlord Optin 2.0 Review - Summary
In summary, I really hope that all of the information in my Warlord Optin 2.0 Review will help you gain more understanding regarding this product and then manage to make a wise choice. If you are ready to get started on making a true online income in the most passive way possible then click on the button below prior to price rises. I i am look forward to looking at your success.
Thanks for reading my Warlord Optin 2.0 Review
Help you!
See more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaous-Ef0SGRugsOCK72kMQ
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New Post has been published on http://getblackhatdownload.com/get-warlord-optin-download/
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New 2.0 Update: Connect to MORE Autoresponder Services!
Instantly Leverage These Benefits
• Unrivaled Open Rates
• Increased Profits
• Super-Responsive Lists
• Boosted Affiliate Sales
• Less Inbox Competition
• Quality Contact Info
“Incredible, what they’ve done… So simple, yet so earth-shattering. This will change everything…”
Dave Nicholson,
Top Industry Leaders Love Warlord Optin…
“…I will happily recommend Warlord Optin to all my readers and students alike.”
John Thornhill
“Warlord Optin will revolutionize your email marketing! You need to check this out today…”
Dan Sumner
“It’s a no-brainer to recommend! …a BIG thumbs up from us for Warlord Optin.”
Randy & Simon
I can say wholeheartedly that it is BRILLIANT. …will leave your old list building tactics in the dust. 
Omar Martin
“Pretty Sweet… will massively increase your open rates… click-through rates, and therefore more profits.”
Mario Brown
Wanna learn how to 5X your open rate and 10X your profits?
Dear Internet Marketer,
So you probably already realize email marketing is getting harder and harder, open rates are super low industry-wide, especially in the internet marketing niche, inbox competition is sky-high, and most people are lucky if they make one or two sales a week when they send out emails.
But, it doesn’t have to be this way…
It is possible to actually make money from email marketing. In fact, I’d like to share with you the one trick I used to more than 5X my open rates and 10X my revenue generated from email marketing.
Let me show you something…
That is my average open rate from a month of email marketing the “old way”.  6.67%…  Pathetic? Yes. Unusual? No.
And guess how much money I made from email marketing in that month…
Yup. Barely over a hundred bucks… Sadly, this has become very common today. In fact, it might even look familiar to you.
Now, let me show you a more recent month of email marketing.
This is my average open rate from one month of email marketing after I implemented that trick I’m going to show you in a moment.
Look at that. A 537% increase.
Guess how much I made from email marketing that month…
Yup… $1,272.80.
Now that may not sound like a lot, but that was almost a year ago when I was just starting out, and it was an increase of 954%in email marketing profit.
I was ecstatic. I had finally accomplished my main goalfor that year:
I had said goodbye to an 11-year Air Force career…
…and successfully launched a profitable online business that I could run from home while spending more time with my family.
Since then my wife and I have gone on to build a six-figure online business, called Warlord Entrepreneur.
But you’re not here to listen to my life story…
The question you want answered is…
What caused this difference?
What took me from an absolutely abysmal open rate and almost no revenue,
to a super high open rate and the ability to make money every time I hit send?
Before I answer that…
Let’s talk about why your email marketing currently sucks!
We can answer that by asking you one simple question:
What do you do when you encounter someone else’s lead page?
Have a look at this. This is a typical list building setup. You want that free gift and to get it, you’re going to type in an email address.
Be Honest:
What do YOU usually type into that opt-in form? 
Your best email address?
lol…  NOPE.
First of all, statistics show that  up to a third of you have typed in a fake email address a few times in the past. (You know who you are). Of the rest of you though, most of you probably have a secondary email address of some sort. Maybe it’s one you used to use but you don’t check it as much any more. Maybe it’s one you reserve specifically for lead magnets and promotional stuff where you’ve got a million marketers bombarding you every day in your inbox. And you almost never check that and you tend to ignore the hundreds of promotional emails you get in there.
Point is:
It’s not your best email address.
Now don’t feel bad. It’s normal. It’s what almost everybody does. 
Which brings us to the next question…
When YOU build a squeeze page…
And YOU send traffic to it…
What do you think THEY are typing into YOUR Opt-in Form?
Their best email address?
lol…  NOPE.
News Flash: They’re doing the same thing everybody does!
They’re filling your opt-in form with crappy, secondary email addresses (and sometimes even fake ones).
  The Majority of Your List is Full of Email Addresses that:
They rarely check.
They reserve for “promotional junk”.
Have inboxes full of hundreds of competing marketing emails.
Are bad for the health of your list.
And are sometimes flat out FAKE.
And you’re probably not even collecting names because some guru told you to drop the name field to boost conversions (C’mon, do higher conversions even matter if your leads are crap?)
And we wonder why our email open rates are rock bottom and why we’re not making any money from our list?
Are You Kidding?
This is the list building status quoyou’ve been told to accept.
And this is what it gets you:
So How Do You Fix This?
(Read Carefully)
If you want to actually make sales with your email marketing, you must reject that status quo.
You must cast aside the traditional,
out-dated lead generation model.
You need to be collecting people’s best, primary email addresses.
Email addresses they actually check, regularly, a hundred times a day.
Email addresses with little or no inbox competition from other marketers.
(And yes, from time to time, you’ll want to use their name in the subject line so you can boost your open rates by a further 30 percent, so you’ll want to collect their real name too.)
Primary Emails and RealNames. That’s It.
That is how we boosted open rates by 537% and boosted profits by 954%
and we’ve been doing it without using any forms for leads to type in…
So How Do You Capture Their Best, Primary Email Address?
I’ll give you a hint…
It’s by leveraging something your audience relies on for 70% of their online activities. 
Yup. Whether you like it or not, the vast majority of your traffic is coming from mobile devices.
Tablets and Phones…
And when every one of your potential leads first bought and setup their phone or tablet, guess what email address they setup in their email app…
Their Best, Primary
Email Address.
And how do we grab it?
Warlord Optin is an earth-shattering new list building tool that leverages your lead’s email app in order to grab their best, primary email and the name associated with their email account and automatically adds that contact info to your autoresponder list.
What is it?
(It’s Best Just to Watch the Entire Video Above)
Step 1: Warlord Optin creates a special “magic button” that, when tapped, prompts the lead’s email app to draft a pre-written email of your choosing (ideally something like “please send me the free gift”).
Step 2: When the lead taps the  “send” button, that email is then sent from their primary email accountto a special Warlord Optin integration email address that automatically adds the lead’s primary email and name to your autoresponder list as a new contact.
How Does it Work?
Pre-Written Messages?
Yes, this is a custom message that you create, but it’s being sent from the lead. (e.g. “Yes, please send the Spiced Christmas Goose recipe to my inbox, ASAP!”)
Custom “Magic Buttons”?
Yup. Your “magic buttons” can look however you want them to. All you need is a source image. You can even have a cute little puppy with the caption “tap my nose” if you want.
Which Mobile Devices?
Warlord Optin buttons work on any mobile device that utilizes an email app or email “client”. This includes almost all smartphones and tablets (we haven’t found one it doesn’t work on yet!)
Goodbye Opt-in Forms
Website Compatibility?
Warlord Optin buttons work on most major web builders that allow html shortcodes, including WordPress, OptimizePress 2.0, InstaPage, Weebly, and more.
Autoresponder Integrations?
In addition to working directly and effortlessly with GetResponse and Aweber, Warlord Optin 2.0 now includes Zapier & IFTTT Modules  so you can connect with almost any email platform out there including MailChimp, iContact, ConstantContact, Active Campaign, SendReach, and more!
Is That All?
Warlord Mobile Links
Warlord Mobile Links is a brand-new feature that allows you to bypass buttons and landing pages altogether and simply deploy the Warlord Optin effect inside the textual content of your website, blog, or even your emails.
Plus Three More Modules
The Hybrid Optin Method allows you to accommodate web traffic indiscriminately, regardless of whether it’s desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
The RetroActive Leads module empowers you to reach backwards into your current email list and salvage some of your hard-earned leads by converting them to Warlord-Quality leads.
The Masterclass will help you get the maximum value out of Warlord Optin. It teaches everything from button generation to landing page design.
Epic Bonuses
To Help You Accomplish Your Marketing Goals, We’re Also Throwing These In:
Squeeze Page Critique and Consultation
Very Limited
I’m famous in this industry for skyrocketing conversion rates.  I can charge big bucks for this type of advice and consulting.
When you’ve got a Warlord Optin Squeeze Page up and running, I will personally critique it myself and offer consultation and advice on how to improve it and maximize your conversion rates.
To my fellow industry leaders and vendors:
Yes, I know it is non-standard and silly to offer this type of hands-on bonus to literally every person who buys this low-priced product on sale today.
Yes, I know it will take a lot of my time and it’s something I should be charging an hourly fee for.
…but this wouldn’t be the first time I’ve broken a few rules, would it?  😉
Dual 30-Day Guarantee
$1,000 Value Back
Full Refund and You Keep All The Bonuses
Our Dual Guarantee
To show how absolutely certain we are that Warlord Optin will improve your email marketing, we’re offering an unprecedented Dual Guarantee. If you decide, within 30 days, that Warlord Optin does not help your open rates, then not only do you get a full refund, but you will also get to keep all of the amazing bonuses on this page, a $1,000 value.
P.S. Hopefully you watched the video at the top and you understand the magnitude of what’s happening on this page… 
You can now effortlessly collect primary, best email addresses and real names. You can build the most high-quality, responsive list ever. You can experience open rates and email sales like never before. Click the button above, before the sale endsand say goodbye to low open rates and stagnant revenue forever.
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Special 2.0 Sale Ends Soon
Let’s Recap:
Here’s what you’re getting on this page:
Warlord Optin Software ($3,000 Value)
Warlord Masterclass ($50 Value)
Warlord Retroactive Leads ($100 Value)
Warlord Hybrid Optin ($50 Value)
Eleven Epic Bonuses ($1,000 Value)
Total Value: $4,200
You know the drill. This is a big product launch. And as always, during a product launch, you won’t pay anywhere near what the product is worth. But, after that timer ends, the price goes up. Today, until that timer hits zero, you can grab Warlord Optin and all these added bonuses for the insane low price you see below. So, if you’re ready to skyrocket your list building, lead quality, open rates, and email marketing profits, click the button below and let’s get started.
Special 2.0 Launch Price:
Use “warlord35”
for 35% Off
About Me
Yeah, that’s right. I’ve got an “about me” section on a sales page. Breakin’ all the rules…
I’m a simple husband, father of six, and recently retired-combat veteran living in the mid-west.
In 2016, I left the Air Force and became a full-time internet entrepreneur.  
In the years since then, Deo Gratias, we’ve gone on to build a multi-six-figure online business with thousands of customers, clients, affiliates, and partners all over the world.
We’ve had the privilege of being praised by some of the top figures in IM as well as publicly endorsed by celebrity investor Kevin Harrington from Shark Tank. Heck, I’ve even had the pleasure of giving a speech about online entrepreneurship at the United Nations! 
We have the best customer community (“Warlord Nation”) in the industry and we thank God for each of them every day.
Our mission is to empower struggling entrepreneurs around the globe “to do what most people are not willing to do, so that they can live like most people never will“.
“Steven Alvey is a force to be reckoned with…” 
– Omar Martin
Shark Tank’s
Kevin Harrington About Me
That’s me at the 
U.N. Headquarters 🙂
Dinner with
Kevin Harrington
[GET] Warlord Optin DOWNLOAD
Use “warlord35”
for 35% Off
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jvzooproductsclub · 7 years
Warlord Optin Review & Bonus
Warlord Optin Review & Bonus
Learn more here: http://mattmartin.club/index.php/2017/06/20/warlord-optin-review-bonus/
Welcome to mattmartin.club Review so proud to present to you the Warlord Optin Review Hope you enjoy !
  What Is Warlord Optin?
Warlord Optin gives you the step by step guide to get profit today. using this brand new tool
Warlord Optin is an earth-shattering new list building tool that leverages your lead’s email app in order to grab their best, primary email and the name associated with their email account and automatically adds that contact info to your autoresponder list.
Warlord Mobile Links is a brand-new feature that allows you to bypass buttons and landing pages altogether and simply deploy the Warlord Optin effect inside the textual content of your website, blog, or even your emails.
Unlike Any Lead Capture Tool You’ve Ever Used. Warlord Optin Grabs:Best Email Addresses, Real Names, High Quality Leads. With Two Taps:Reduce Inbox Competition, Eliminate Fake or Secondary Emails, Increase Open-Rates, Leverage Personalization.
Warlord Optin Review – Overview
Maker: Steven Alvey
Product: Warlord Optin
Front-End Price: $37
Sales Page: Click Here
Niche: Software
Bonus : Click Here
How Does it Work?
Step 1: Warlord Optin creates a special “magic button” that, when tapped, prompts the lead’s email app to draft a pre-written email of your choosing (ideally something like “please send me the free gift”).
Step 2: When the lead taps the  “send” button, that email is then sent from their primary email account to a special Warlord Optin integration email address that automatically adds the lead’s primary email and name to your autoresponder list as a new contact.
Custom “Magic Buttons”?
Yup. Your “magic buttons” can look however you want them to. All you need is a source image. You can even have a cute little puppy with the caption “tap my nose” if you want.
Pre-Written Messages?
Yes, this is a custom message that you create, but it’s being sent from the lead. (e.g. “Yes, please send the Spiced Christmas Goose recipe to my inbox, ASAP!”)
Which Mobile Devices?
Warlord Optin buttons work on any mobile device that utilizes an email app or email “client”. This includes almost all smartphones and tablets (we haven’t found one it doesn’t work on yet!)
Website Compatibility?
Warlord Optin buttons work on most major web builders that allow html shortcodes, including WordPress, OptimizePress 2.0, InstaPage, Weebly, and more.
Autoresponder Integrations?
Warlord Optin integrates with the following: GetResponse, Aweber, MailChimp, iContact, Constant Contact, ActiveCampaign, and SendReach. Other integrations can be manually setup via 3rd-party tools like Zapier.
Warlord Optin Modules :
The RetroActive Leads module empowers you to reach backwards into your current email list and salvage some of your hard-earned leads by converting them to Warlord-Quality leads.
The Hybrid Optin Method allows you to accommodate web traffic indiscriminately, regardless of whether it’s desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
The Masterclass will help you get the maximum value out of Warlord Optin. It teaches everything from button generation to landing page design.
Warlord Optin Grabs:
Best Email Addresses
Real Names
High Quality Leads
With Two Taps:
Reduce Inbox Competition
Eliminate Fake or Secondary Emails
Increase Open-Rates
Leverage Personalization
Important Stats:
Warlord Optin Grabs:
Best Email Addresses
Real Names
High Quality Leads
30% of visitors submit bogus contact info.
20% of opt-ins contain typos or other errors.
Leads are 3X more likely to open emails sent to their primary/best email address.
Subject line personalization boosts open rates by 40% and increases email marketing revenue by 70%.
68% of emails are opened on mobile devices.
A Majority of web traffic now comes from mobile devices.
Conclusion :
In this review, I hope you can find some useful information about Warlord Optin. Don’t hesitate for such an amazing product.
Thanks for coming by my Warlord Optin Review and Bonus. See you with next review in the next days!
If you are on the fence about getting this product or not, please notice that the product has 100% Risk-FREE along with 30 Day Money Back Guarantee that worth the try of everybody.
If you are interested in the product, please click the link below. In case it is not working, it means we are updating it, and we will make it function as soon as possible for you, so please, check it constantly in your most convenient time.
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If you buy through my affiliate link (just click on any link on this page) you get these bonuses below: 
Please Note: I only promote products I use or have used myself. All have great reviews, significant sales and low refund rates. I try to promote offers from reliable and trustworthy sellers with excellent track record about customer support and are in business for a while.
#Apps, #Blog, #Software
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