#Warden Ingy!!
choochooboss · 1 year
Plushies with removable hats and coats, cuddly and soft, (maybe the Ingo one having reversible coat and hat to sorta reflect his Hisui style?) but most importantly made with love and ready to give and get love. Take my money plz
Yesss I love these ideas!! The reversible Hisui style is a very fun idea I didn't think of before! Could be fun to design some seasonal gear for them too hehe!
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PLA/Submas Fic: Electric Trains are the Future Ch. 6 - Chatting over Lunch
Previous Chapter (5) - Current Chapter - Next Chapter (7)
It’s an exposition chapter, and Irida’s first appearance! I did try to keep it entertaining for the Girls Night™️ feel.
Chapter Summary: With Ingo indisposed, Akari and Elesa take the day off to eat lunch with Irida and catch Elesa up. Chapter Word Count: 3573
As always, read below or read it on AO3 for additional author notes! Every chapter is cross posted, and reblogs and comments are appreciated!
“Ingy!” Elesa was the first to reach Ingo after he had hit the ground, where he had lain still crying to himself. Akari hopped the fence and got there at the same time as Zisu, all three of them frantically checking the man for any injuries from the fall. Thankfully, he had landed in the grass and avoided any scrapes or cuts on impact.
Akari was completely lost on what happened. Why was Uncle Ingo crying and saying the name “Wyndon” over and over again? Elesa seemed a little shocked at hearing the name, but smiled afterwards, so maybe she recognized something he was remembering? Eventually, after making sure he wasn’t hurt, Zisu picked the man up and carried him home.
“What happened to him?” Shocked at the sudden question, Akari turned back towards the fence, where several of the townsfolk were still gathered, wary of the event that just transpired, with Irida at the front, standing tall with a worried expression.”Did he get hit by a stray attack, Akari?”
“No, Irida,” Akari says, jogging back over to the fence to chat with the Pearl Clan leader. “He was going to call the end of the fight when he suddenly collapsed.” Akari looks at the departing figure of Zisu, biting her bottom lip in worry. “He’s been remembering things since Elesa came here.”
Looking back, Elesa was also staring at the departing Zisu, obviously trying to hold back tears with her own worried expression. Akari grimaced and started to walk towards Elesa as Irida came around the fence, keeping some space between the two. “Elesa? Are you ok?”
The older woman jumps in her skin for a second, then swallows heavily. “Yep! Yeah, totally fine. Just watched my boyfriend collapse in tears and someone else taking care of him as I’m in shock, that’s all.” Elesa’s voice is strained, and she quickly runsher hands across her eyes, clearing the tears from them and then drags them down her face to smear them dry.
“Boyfriend?” It was Irida who asked, but the same question had come across Akari’s mind at the same time. Elesa jumps in her skin for the second time and whirls around to look at Irida with light shock. “What do you mean? He’s never mentioned anything about finding a partner.”
Akari decides to step in before anything else is said and smiles at both women. “Hi! Irida, this is Elesa, the Electric Type Gym Leader from Unova! She’s just joined Security, I think?” Elesa gives a nod, and Akari takes that as the cue to continue. “Hi! Elesa, this is Irida, the Leader of the Pearl Clan! Ingo is a Warden under her, and she accepted him into their village when he appeared.”
That immediately changed both women’s demeanor. Irida was surprised to see a foreigner from as far as Unova, as only Laventon, Keaka, and a few Gingko Clan members were farther than Hoenn. Elesa on the other hand was glad to meet the person who had taken Ingo in and immediately stepped forward to grab her hands. “Thank you so much for taking care of Ingo! Do you have time to talk? I want to know what’s been going on!”
Irida takes a step back to preserve her space before answering. “I came to talk with Commander Kamado about a few things, but I can talk after that. Are you ok with that?”
“Of course! We’ll be…” Elesa pulls a face and looks at Akari for help on finding a meeting place.
“Wallflower. We’ll be at the Wallflower.” Akari needed the mochi after the stress of seeing Ingo suddenly fall over.
Elesa and Akari were sitting outside at the table at the Wallflower, enjoying a plate of potato mochi, when Irida finally left the Galaxy Office about 30 minutes later. “So, Kamado told me that you are an old friend of Ingo’s?” Irida asks as she sits down to join them.
Elesa quickly swallows her bite of the mochi before responding. “Yes, we’ve known each other since we were kids. We went to school together, took our Pokemon journeys together, and eventually started working in the same city together and dating.”
“And this was in Unova?” Irida asks, leaning in better to hear.
“Yeah, and-” Elesa pauses and gives Akari a look. “Hey, what you told me on the beach, do they know?”
Akari grimaced a little and swore heavily in her head. She never got around to telling people she was from the future, no, and while she was sure most of the leadership had figured it out, she didn’t like that this was how she was about to tell Irida. “No, not specifically? I wasn’t sure of the best way to tell people, especially with how the Clans were, but…” She looks around, making sure that Beni is very much inside and that no one else is listening. “Her Unova is 150 years in the future. I remember seeing her in magazines then.”
Irida froze in place entirely like she had been hit by Ice Beam, while Elesa just gave her a look that was curious but not interrogative.
“I know, it sounds weird, but yeah. I like fashion a little, ok?” Irida could only nod, a little dumbfounded at the information that both of her conversation partners are from a different time period. “So, before I came here, I would read magazines, and I remember reading about Elesa. I didn’t immediately recognize her ‘cause I’ve only seen her as a blonde.”
“Yeah, I haven’t dyed my hair in awhile,” Elesa says, looking at her ponytail. “Might dye it soon with Arezu, not sure.” She idly flicks the ponytail before turning back to Irida. “Sorry that we’re dropping this Voltorbshell on you, but you should definitely know the context of why I’m completely lost on everything.”
Irida took a moment to come back to the conversation from whatever world she was in. “Ok, so. You’re from another time period, I’m sure that Adaman will have a field day with that.” She leans forward, putting her elbows on the table and pressing her fingers against the bridge of her nose. “And one of my Wardens is also from the future, meaning that the biggest reason he is so strange isn’t that he’s foreign, it’s that he is from a different time.” She takes a deep breath and exhales it slowly. “Akari, I have to say, we figured that there was more you weren’t telling us about your arrival, but… 150 years?”
Akari giggled slightly at this while managing to look apologetic. “Sorry, Irida.” She sighs and leans back on her bench, slumping her shoulders. “It was so weird coming here and realizing I was in the past. I'd heard about the Diamond and Pearl Clans, but only in history class, and I mostly slept through that.”
“Wait, you read about me in class?” Irida says with a look of incredulity. “My people are a history lesson to you?”
Akari grimaced harder, and Elesa took the chance to cut in. “Ok, so I have questions now.” Both girls turned to look at her, ready to cut this line of conversation short. “You said you let Ingo into your Clan? What happened there?”
Irida sits back from the table, closing her eyes to think. “It was a little over 3 years ago now, there were rumors of a lost spirit on the Icelands where we lived. A figure in a black coat with a hat pulled low over his face, calling out in a foreign language. Any time someone approached him, he’d vanish in the snow and they’d lose track of him. Some people thought that he was a Zoroark. Gaeric, my teacher and the Warden of Lord Avalugg, saw him one morning atop Avalugg’s Legacy, a gathering of ice that had formed as a sheer cliff.”
“Yeah, I remember I had to use Lord Braviary to get on top of there!” Akari nearly shouts in shock, slapping her hands on the table. “You’re telling me he climbed up there?!”
Irida laughed a little as she shook her head. “Gaeric said that he’d seen him up there, and climbed as quickly as he could to get there.” Elesa looked like she wanted to ask a question about that, but just shook her head and accepted the fact that someone Irida knows can casually climb a sheer cliff of ice. “When he got up there, there was no one there, and no one below on the ice, body or otherwise. No one climbing down, no one walking away. After that, we assumed he was truly a ghost.”
“Dragons, that is actually scary,” Elesa says with a look of shock on her face. “Ingo can fade into a crowd real easily, but not like that.” She taps the table a few times as she thinks. “Was he avoiding you all?”
Irida lightly shrugs. “We weren’t able to communicate with him. By Sinnoh, he didn’t even come to us by his own free will. Lady Sneasler had come to the settlement one day while me and Gaeric were conversing on the perimeter, carrying him in her basket. He was starving, had a nasty gash on his right side, and a sprained wrist.” 
Irida pauses to see if Akari and Elesa would say anything, and continues when they stay quiet and attentive. She could’ve sworn Akari had heard this from Ingo, so maybe Irida’s way of telling it was more entertaining. “Calaba, another of our Wardens, and I tended to his wounds and ensured he would survive. From what we gathered, Lady Sneasler had found him and assumed that he was some form of fellow Pokemon and adopted him. When she saw he was injured, she got worried and brought him to us.” She breathes out a laugh. “Really, it was-”
“Snea!” And here comes Lady Sneasler, holding two kids in her arms with more behind her. Walking up to the table, she drops a kid in Elesa’s lap (the kid leans back into Elesa and begins to doze off) and waves to her; she walks around the table to Akari and rubs her chin on top of her head, then gives her a kid (who climbs up onto Akari’s shoulder and sits down politely); then picks up and drops a kid into Irida’s lap (who sits nice and polite, yes ma’am!), then licks Irida’s forehead and gently grooms her hair, causing the young Leader to laugh. Sneasler then sits down next to Irida. “Snea.” She looks around at the gathered humans and gauges their reactions, then relaxes as they all are calm with the babies, then grabs a mochi to eat.
“Welcome, My Lady,” Irida says with a small bow before returning to the topic at hand. “So, with Sneasler here, I might as well talk about the position Ingo has in the Clan. He is the Warden to our Lady Sneasler, one of the 10 descendents of the Ancient Heroes, blessed by the Almighty Sinnoh Itself.”  Sneasler snickers at that, then swats at two of the kids for squabbling about climbing into Akari’s lap. “He was slow on picking up Hisuian, our native language, but it was clear that he was incredibly skilled with Pokemon. His Gliscor was a simple Gligar when he first bonded with it, and had followed him for over a month before he thought to officially take it on. He then had a Machop following him and mimicking his poses an-”
Sneasler cuts in out of nowhere. “Sneasler sneas snea-snea. Sneasler-snea, sneasler snea sler-ler.” She waves her hand as if to emphasize. “Sneasler sneas-snea-snea ler. Nler, sneal. Sneasler sneasel sneasler-snea.” She waves over towards Irida, who just plain looks annoyed. Akari and Elesa on the other hand are enraptured despite not understanding anything. “Sneasel sneasler sneas-sneas-sneasler ler.” She holds her hands in front of her to mimic holding the Celestica Flute, and blew hard. “PFOO-PFOO!” This time Elesa and Akari both laugh until Irida cuts in.
“Lady Sneasler, you do realize they don’t understand you and are mostly humoring you, correct?” Sneasler pauses and narrows her eyes at Akari and Elesa, who just smile sweetly like carved angels, before she snickers and waves her paw. “Ok, thank you.”
Irida breathes in deep before continuing. “Shortly after Ingo had joined the Pearl Clan, Lady Sneasler’s previous Warden, Shiki, passed away. She had been the Warden for the previous Sneasler as well, and the current Lady had grown very attached to Ingo in the wake of her Warden’s passing.” Sneasler sighs a little and focuses on grooming the two kids that were squabbling. No one seemed to notice that the mochi was gone. “We had already had Ingo working with her so that he could help contribute to the Clan and learn the language, so I decided that he would be the next Warden once I saw his connection with the Lady.”
There was a short silence as Irida finishes her story before Elesa says anything. “No wonder he seems so out of it,” she says, biting her knuckle nervously. “Thank you very much for taking care of him, Irida. It means a lot to me.”
Irida laughs, waving off the compliment. “No need to thank me! I would never leave someone to die if I could help it. Yes, there were struggles with the language barrier, but once that was sorted, he was a great source of help to the Clan.”
Akari finally notices the empty plate in the middle of the table, and looks down at her Sneasel, who has a brown stain across her face, and upon looking around, so do the others. “Girls. We’ve been robbed of our mochi.” The Sneasels all cheer.
Elesa sighs, having actually enjoyed the mochi, before going back to the conversation. “I have to say though, it’s interesting to see such a mix of languages. I’ve heard Kantonian, Galarian, I swore I heard someone speaking Alolan as I walked by a house earlier, and now you’re saying that you had to teach Ingo how to speak Hisuian.” She smiles and glances to Akari, knowing she’s from her time period. “I’m decently multilingual because of work, but there is a saying about Unova. ‘You know someone is from Unova because-”
“‘They expect you to speak Galarian’,” Akari finishes, giggling a little. “Really, Galarian isn’t all that common here, despite constantly hearing it from Laventon when he’s talking to himself.”
“Oh, it’s not common at all,” Irida says, flagging down Beni to order some more mochi. “I would say Kantonian and Johtoan are the most common languages you’ll find here in Jubilife.”
“Johtoan? I thought it was just Kantonian?” Elesa had been the one to ask the question, though Akari is also somewhat confused. She knew that Johtoan was a dialect of Kantonian, but a different language entirely?
“I’m not the best source on this, but from what my grandmother, the former Leader of the Pearl Clan, explained to me,” Irida starts, noticeably having to think and remember. “Johtoan was the official language for the southern islands until about 20 years ago, when Kantonian became the official language. She made sure to teach me both, so that I could communicate with any merchants that came this way. Adaman is the same, his grandfather taught him the languages.”
Akari nods with excitement before cutting in. “That explains why Kamado sounds like he’s from Goldenrod! He grew up around Johto, didn’t he?!” The Sneasel in her lap, the little thief, shouts alongside her.
“I think he mentioned that, yes,” Irida says with a nod. “Though a few others here also have a more Hoennese dialect, like Beni. There are times I just plain can’t understand him.”
“Good,” Beni says as he sets a plate of mochi down for the table. “My language is my last connection to home, and it allows me some privacy.” Without even waiting for a response, the cook turns around and putters back to his kitchen.
Elesa looks at him with a look of confusion. “Is he always so… quiet?”
“He’s a ninja,” Akari says matter-of-factly. 
“Yeah, he is,” Irida says, a little uncomfortable. Elesa winces, and looks back at the door with a bit of apprehension.
The group sits in silence for a moment before Irida reaches out to get some mochi for herself. “Anyway. When it comes to Galarian, that is indeed mostly Laventon, though Ginter and several others in the Gingko Clan know the language, and Kamado and Cyllene both know it as well. Laventon himself is from Galar, and it was through him that we realized what language Ingo had been speaking the entire time.” She smiles as she bites into the mochi, chews on it, and swallows. “We sent him to Jubilife to hopefully learn Kantonian, and then we realized Ingo was conversational in Kantonian the entire time. Once that was established, I used that to help him learn Hisuian.”
“And that!” Akari starts, pointing at Elesa with purpose. “Is why I thought Ingo was from Galar! Cause it makes sense!”
“And as I said, we don’t talk at all alike!” The two time travelers begin arguing as Irida just continues to eat her mochi in relative peace.
The three had continued to talk for a few hours, even as Sneasler and her kids left to go back to the Highlands. As the sun begins to sink into the horizon, though, Irida stands from the table. “I do need to get heading back to the Settlement. I’ll probably stop at Lian’s and rest there for the night.”
“See ya, Irida!” Akari says, waving her off with glee.
“Good-bye, Irida,” Elesa says with a smile. “It was wonderful to meet you, and thank you so much for sharing those stories with me.”
“Of course! I’m just glad that Ingo has someone here for him finally.” Irida sighs lightly, though she has a smile on her face. “He’s been in need of someone to share his space. And you seem to care for him a lot.” With that, she waves good-bye to the two and heads off to the village’s exit.
Elesa takes a deep breath and lets it out, then looks over to Akari. “So, unless you have anything else planned, you little hellion, I think I’m gonna go check on Ingo.” She stands up and begins walking towards Canala Avenue when she hears Akari run up next to her.
“I can chat on the way!” Even though she was trying to sound peppy, Elesa could tell she had something on her mind.
So she decided to cut her off. “What’s up, Akari?” The teenager deflates a bit and slows down, making Elesa slow down to not leave her behind.
“I don’t remember you from a magazine.” Ah, there it is. She thought that excuse was a little odd. “I just didn’t recognize you, because when we met at the Sinnoh-Unova League Tournament, you were blonde.” The Sinnoh-Unova tournament? That was 3 years ago, right before Ingo disappeared. 
“Hold up, what were you doing there?” She gives Akari a sharp look, mostly just to gauge her. This kid was a bundle of mysteries, being some sort of time traveler, having gods as her pets, and now acting like they’ve met.
“My name is actually Hikari.” Hikari? Isn’t that- “I’m the Champion of the Sinnoh League, unless Cynthia has taken it back in my absence.” The pair continues to walk in silence for a moment before Ak- Hikari says anything. “I had to come up with a name. I didn’t want to accidentally make a paradox, so I chose Akari.” She looks up at Elesa with a bit of worry. “Please use Akari. I haven’t told Uncle Ingo yet ‘cause he doesn’t really remember anything still.”
Elesa sighs before nudging Akari with her elbow. “Secret’s safe with me, kid. Ingo wouldn’t know you anyway, unless you actually made it over to Unova to battle the Subway.”
“No I didn’t,” Akari says with a light laugh. “I made a trip to Kanto to travel the Sevii Islands, but I didn’t have a chance to go to their Battle Frontier or anything like that.” The pair stop in front of Ingo’s house, and there are sounds of movement inside. “Well. You’re home. I’ll head back to mine, I just… Wanted to come clean a bit, ‘cause I’m the reason you’re here. I’m sorry.” Akari hugs Elesa tight for a moment and then prepares to let go and dash away.
Elesa makes sure to hug her back first, giving her a tight squeeze. “Thanks for bringing me, Skiddo. It’s great to see Ingo again.”
Akari breathes deeply before letting go. “I’ll find a way to get you home, promise.” With Elesa’s nod, she turns and bolts home.
Elesa meanwhile turns around and opens the door to Ingo’s and steps in. “I’m home!”
“Welcome home, Elesa!” Ingo calls out from the counter, where he is currently flattening out a circle of dough, no coat or hat on. “I am still working on dinner, so it will be a bit until it is ready. I’m sorry for the delay in schedule, it has taken me a bit to recall this recipe.”
Elesa looks at everything that he has on the counter, and watches him lift the circle of dough and spin it on his hands. “Wait, Ingo. Are you making pizza?!”
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bellafragolina · 2 years
surprise surprise, little sib!reader but they been thrown into hisui with big brother ingy 💀☝️
-you two reFUSE to be away from each other, somehow remember each other as siblings but always feeling the space between the two of you was awfully... empty, like there was something someone missing
-y'all get very upset if you have to leave each other, you start screaming, ingo starts yelling, all hell breaks loose so everyone kinda just leaves y'all be... lest they want a hoarde of wild pokémon trampling over them
-both of you are wardens to madam girlboss sneasler (big sneaster!!!) pearl clan was like "yo... there's two of em... yeah let's just make them both wardens LOL"
-that and you two were obv great at handling pokémon.
-the wild pokèmon in hisui really are strong though, alpha pokémon are terrifying! you and ingo are unfortunate to get ambushed by quite a few. in those moments even with your own teams, those alphas are just on some different mindset. they head STRAIGHT for the two of you, y'all fight over who gets to shield who even during the life or death situations. (spoiler alert: ingo usually wins because he's a bit stronger than you are)
-you/ingo would be a bit worse for wear, lying on the bed as you get patched up and smirking at the other because of the win HAHAHA "i won hehe no injury for you"
-while having the prestigious title of wardens, you both still get mistreated. you both stand up for each other! hands will be thrown, if not held back by the other. nobody disses the big bro/lil sib!!
-you two share the tiny hut, zero space so y'all just opted for roll up sleeping bags to put on the floor when night falls. when it's particularly chilly, you both combine the bags and half-hug-half-starfish because big bro ingo is very warm during cold seasons for some reason... hey that rhymed
-ingo is more physically affectionate too so whenever one of you feel sad, hugs are welcome or given!! hugs! hugs! hugs! big brother ingo's very secure hugs that ground you!
-big brother ingy who gives you piggyback rides around when you're injured!!!
-making tea for ingo in the morning when you wake up earlier!!!
-having a picnic with your pokémon on the top of a mountain while taking in the peace and quiet for once!!!
-fighting people and pokémon alike who try to tear you apart from each other or make you two feel bad!!!
-the adventures of ingy and lil sibby, coming to hisuian history soon!!
Omggggg big bro Ingo!!! Big SNEASTER!! Good I love it so much!! You always come in with the best sib headcanons!! I love it! I love it! I love it!
Ingo would probs be strict about protecting you in this strange land that you two can’t remember. Should you ever take a hit for him, he’s all over you, mother henning and scolding you to the high heavens and back about not doing that ever again (you never listen)
Poor Emmet, tho!! Losing both of his siblings at once! That has to be rough!!
Also, tbh, if I was the younger sib, I feel like I’d be jealous of the closeness of the twins. It’s nothing you can come compete with really, so it’s probably like a constant third wheel feeling that just always follows you around :(
Wonderful work per usual, my love!!
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