#Wanda Vision Wallpapers
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seven7arts · 5 months ago
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The final of the hex and the reality || Wandavision and Agatha All Along.
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readingnerd9999 · 1 month ago
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WandaVision ❤️❤️❤️
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prplocks · 1 year ago
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♡☆♡ wandavision wallpaper
reblog if you save ▪︎
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strawberrysnscreams · 1 year ago
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She ain't dead, I didn't see no corpse 🤷‍♀️
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xvivinx · 25 days ago
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shelbgrey · 2 years ago
Team cap and iron man wallpapers:
I own all the designs
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spitgoregraphics · 2 years ago
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iphone 11 + ios 16.4.1
apps needed: shortcuts, widgetsmith
please no redis! nobody wants a watermark on their wallpaper, so download with integrity, and link to this post.
kindly reblog if you enjoy/use!
—spitgore :3
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rootspiral · 3 months ago
Agatha All Along deep dive: episode 3 part 3
(Wandavision entries: [1][2][3])
(AAA entries: ep1 [1][2][3][4] ep2 [1][2][3][4] ep3 [1][2][3] ep4 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][+1] ep5 [1][2][3][4][5] ep6 [1][2][3] ep7 [1][2][3][4][5][6] ep8 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] ep9 [1][2][3][4][5][6])
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lilia: falling through time, desperately trying to help alice
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agatha: bitch I'm trying to save myself!!!!! oh she's so awkward when she thinks lilia's going mad. she's a moment away from grabbing a broom and going there, there like in that 30 rock scene
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I know they had a relatively low budget for this show and it was such a blessing in disguise. they invested in great sets and instead of cgi they relied on classic cinema tricks that I find so satisfying?? Idk if it's just nostalgia talking. here they simply move the camera away for a moment, lower the lights and move the actor in position, and it makes for an amazing jumpscare.
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baby lilia asking 'vuoi vedere?' do you want to see? because it is a choice for lilia. for a long time she chose not to use her gift- she was simply too powerful, she saw too much, and the knowledge of the future scarred her and made her an outcast among others
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alice's smile at seeing a vision of her mom T-T
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why inconvenient? what was jen doing? she was an obstetrician and midwife. she was helping women out with herbs and pagan knowledge passed down from mother to daughter. Back in the day midwives were struggling to get their skills recognized in an increasingly male dominated field, they were advocating alternative treatments for women constantly humiliated by condescending modern doctors - from forced bed rest to insane asylums to lobotomy in worst case scenarios. think Charlotte Perkins Gilman's short story, The Yellow Wallpaper. think about everything that happened to Virginia Woolf.
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we know that alice was a teenager when lorna died in a fire. she wasn't well, alice says, and we see now that she had a drinking problem. it's equally possible that the demon got to her or that she set herself on fire out of desperation. and if lorna could feel her own mother dying, alice could too.
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daang great zombie makeup on the teacher lady
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lilia when her incredible abilities made her able to see Death: burdened by knowledge way beyond the scope of humanity she goes into exile
agatha when her incredible abilities made her able to see Death: you know what I'm gonna tap that
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I saw people saying that because the Road wasn't real nothing that happened in the show mattered, that they all died for nothing. I disagree completely, and not only because Billy's chaos magic is so astonishingly powerful that he can create a functional Road out of thin air. like, it wasn't a trick, he made it real. But more importantly, what happened to these women, their experiences, their growth on the Road is real. Even if Billy didn't do it on purpose, even if it's fucked up that a teenager can essentially go, you know what would be cool? if they all experienced their deepest trauma! but that's the point, that's the point, that's the whole damn point of the show. life is chaos and nonsense and heartbreak, it's up to you to find a meaning where there isn't any. look at lilia! the lesson is not that you're going to die, but what you choose to do with the cards that you're dealt, with the time that you're given.
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while Patti clearly has an american accent, she is speaking correct sicilian, tutti morti su' - they could have had her talk in italian and hardly anyone would have noticed, but they went above and beyond with the details. the latin in the show is also rather impressive, like they actually hired experts rather than relying on google translate
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agatha has gotten too used to run leaving a pile of bodies behind. not so easy to consider them just food when you have to live alongside them and witness their feelings, is it?? first wanda and now this!
@perpetualanon pointed out yesterday that agatha also had selfish reasons for wanting to save billy, i.e. she didn't want to risk him being poisoned because who knows what horrors a hallucinating billy could create. Yes! exactly that! it's always worth saying that when agatha has these fleeting moments of compassion and altruism it's in the context of a whole lotta selfishness. i think of her as that drawing of Stitch's badness level, her whole body is almost filled to the brim with awfulness and there's only a thin layer of goodness that she's constantly trying to smother. her actions on the Road are almost entirely selfish, but for the first time in centuries she's surrounded by people, like Lilia here and Jen and Alice and especially Billy, who are accidentally nurturing her almost atrophied good side. and lemme tell you she's pissed about it!
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of course these two don't know what a sous vide is, one is dirt poor and the other eats people.
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I'm gonna take a stand for zoomers here, he might have never learned what counterclockwise means, but millennials like me would also have hesitated and tried to picture it in our minds. because a lot of us lack spacial intelligence and are generally rather dumb
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the shock and terror on her face when she hears nicky crying
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another great special effect achieved only with lights and the cast shuffling out of frame
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they show the darkhold because they need to mislead viewers and can't give nicky's story away just yet, but doesn't it make sense that agatha would see it? all these centuries blaming rio, and deep down agatha is haunted not by Death, but by her own actions and choices. the way she kept Nicky isolated and unsafe. the way she insulted his memory by going on killing sprees instead of letting herself mourn. the way she used the darkhold to corrupt her soul more and more, because she was never brave enough to confront her guilt.
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kathryn hahn really said, do you want Emotional Devastation???? do you wanna see a woman SUFFER? do you want your heart put through a blender??? I can do that in TWO seconds
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agatha wants to NOT DIE so badly that she has to drop the clown act and give jen a proper pep talk. because she knows what makes people tick and she can uplift just as well as she can destroy, she can help jen because she knows her so well. there's always that potential there, all of agatha's talent and her intelligence and experience could shape her into a great mother and sister in a coven. a potential that evanora refused to see and that will likely never be fulfilled.
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and the irony, the irony of never wanting to hurt jen, to deliberately avoid going after her - because she's a midwife. because nicky was stillborn, because she had to give birth alone in the woods. agatha believes with all her heart that jen's work is fundamentally good and important. and yet she was the one who bound and tortured and violated her. she was so fucking focused on herself that she didn't even realize she was tramping and destroying everything in her path like a mad steamroller. she allied with the enemy, she went against her community's best interests. there's a lot to think about there, I really want to explore it more
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patti during that hot ones episode
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NOW YOU GUYS REMEMBER HER. and of course it's alice who does
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your internalized stereotypes are really testing lilia's patience, billy (and while they consider the oven sharon is writhing and dying on the table)
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how it started: jen pushing lilia out of the way
how it ended: "you are my sister in the craft" 🥲
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I love you patti lupone
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alice is strong! alice is noble! alice is pure of heart!
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gee i wonder why
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they had to add a goonies poster in billy's room because of this scene, but i guess disney didn't want to buy the copyright so the poster says "the goofballs"
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agatha shoving everyone and then kicking jen twice for good measure
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my guilty pleasure is watching reactors on youtube (don't judge) and everyone, everyone had my same reaction to sharon's death: she is not really dead. it was too unceremonious, too sudden. you cannot have debra jo rupp unconscious for half an episode and then get rid of her like that, she's too talented, too funny, how can they keep the humor up without her? if sharon is gone they don't want to watch anymore! no, they're gonna bring her back for sure, they're witches, they're going to find a way.
And then Alice dies, and it's unfair, it's too sad, she just had her big victory! that doesn't sit right with you, that the writers would do her so dirty. And then Lilia dies.
Wanda said it from the very beginning: we cannot reverse death, no matter how sad it makes us. Some things are forever. Sharon's death was horrible and uncomfortable and senseless on purpose, because these shows are about the exploration of grief. How can you make peace with the impossible? How can you reconcile yourself with a nice fun lady dying after losing her last shred of agency, scared and alone and forgotten? Didn't she deserve so much more than being just a casualty of witchfolk drama? And how can you reconcile yourself with someone as good and as wonderful as Alice dying in such a cruel way? What about the death of a parent? of a spouse? of a child? What about your own death, as inevitable and inescapable as your birth?
I'm posting this one early cos I didn't sleep last night and I wanna take a nap now 🥲 when I'm tired i ramble, I knew that already. sorry-y!
we get to episode four tomorrow, and y'all know what, or rather WHO, that means!
go to episode 4 part 1
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months ago
Closing a Book
Fem!Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
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They say when one door closes, another opens. For you, the door closed on one Wanda Maximoff and another opened on a miss Petra Parker - the spectacular Spider Girl.
You loved every minute of every day you could spend with your spider monkey. She was incredible in every sense of the word. You loved spending time with her Aunt May and Petra loved spending time with your family.
But something always bothered you. When Wanda decided to dump you for Vision, it left you with many questions. And those questions pounded on your mind daily.
You needed to find the answers. So one day you took a little jaunt up to the town of Westview. Despite how they had hurt you, you bought a small suburban house for the happy couple. They were still Avengers and a Stark always looks after their teammates.
You walk up to the front door of the nondescript house in the middle of a suburb in Westview. Was this a good idea? Was Wanda gonna catapult you off her porch with a blast of magic.
You ready yourself to knock the door but Vision opens the door and gives you a gentle smile, “(Y/N), it’s wonderful to see you.”
“Hey Vis” you give him a little hug. In truth, before this whole Wanda thing, Vision was the closest thing you had to a brother. You kind of missed these little interactions.
“Come on in. Wanda’s in the guest room.” He guides you into the living room.
Wanda comes down the stairs a few seconds later, covered in a little bit of paint and caulk. “Detka I can’t find the screwdriver” she tries to tell Vision but she gasps when she sees you, “(Y/N) hey”
“Hey Wanda”
“What brings you by?”
“I-I can come back later. Remodeling? Or are you trying a new style. Cause it works for you”
She gives you a smile, your jokes were never that good but she loved it, “no no I’m…I’m decorating the nursery”
“Nursery? You and Vision?”
“Yeah we’re adopting. Two little boys from Salem.” She explains.
“C-congrats. You’ll make a great mother.” Your mind briefly races, “so uhh…the reason I’m here is…well that is to say…I-I…”
Wanda’s eyes quickly flash red. She gives you a sad smile, “you want closure”
“Y-yeah I guess so?” You find yourself a little confused that she was able to word in such-
“I read your mind, Stark” she gives a little sad laugh.
“So…” you try to formulate what you need to say, “what happened to us?”
“Let answer with another question. Did you love me?” She looks you in the eyes, no anger only compassion.
“Yes” you answer, “but it seemed like you and Vision were…were…”
Wanda takes your hand, “I know. That was my mistake. It was never you.” A few tears make their way down her face, “You were amazing and thoughtful but you were never mine”
The words cut you a little deep. “Oh”
“Vision and I we just…click. What’s it like when you’re with Petra? When she holds your hand.”
“I feel every problem melts away,” your mind wanders to Petra. “I love her smile. The way she looks at me and her family. The way she upstages me and corrects my math or fixes a design”
Wanda lets out a little laugh, “see? I tried to comprehend what you were saying most of the time but I couldn’t.”
“Really? I’m sorry” you try to hide your face a little.
“No it’s great. You’ve found your other half (Y/N) Stark. Don’t let her go.”
You look to your phone, its wallpaper being an image of you and Petra together. Your heart flutters. “I won’t. Not now, not ever.”
You give Wanda and Vision hugs and depart back to New York. You drive straight to Petra’s apartment.
You knock on her door. Aunt May answers, smiles and lets you in. You walk right over to Petra who’s currently sitting on the couch.
“Baby?” She asks, getting to her feet. “Where have you been? Are you alright?”
You simply hug her tight, you bury your face in the crook of her neck and breathe in her scent.
“You’re my other half” you whisper in her ear.
“And you’re mine.”
Tags @supercorpdanbeau @scarletquake-n7 @jacenradio7 @texaswolf23 @russianredassassin @revanshand @pinklawyerwinnerzonk
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slayersindie · 2 months ago
CLOSED STARTER FOR : @musesinked
WHO : wanda maximoff x natasha romanoff
WHERE : an abandoned house that wanda has taken refuge in
SYNOPSIS : while destroying the darkhold, most people presumed wanda had died in the fall. except the scarlett witch didn't. now that she is no longer under the influence of the darkhold, wanda had retreated into hiding. natasha seems to be the only person eager to find wanda while everyone else still sees her as a villain. finally, natasha locates wanda, who doesn't seem to believe she deserves kindness.
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"It's sweet that you came looking for me, but really I'm fine." Despite her false words, Wanda's situation said otherwise. The abandoned house was decaying and falling apart, wallpaper peeled off the walls, dust covered every surface. It's last occupants clearly left in a hurry, with everything still untouched. Wanda didn't even know where she was - or the date. She wore whatever clothes were still hung up in the closet, the ill fitting shirt drowned her petite frame.
Truth be told, Wanda wasn't okay at all, she was far from it. She had killed people. Innocent people. Her nightmares were filled with screams. The begging in their eyes, desperate pleads seconds before she ended their lives. They only wanted to help her, but all Wanda saw was a barrier between herself and her kids - nothing would have stopped her.
The witch still had no idea where her boys were, or even if they existed. Was Steven Strange right after all? She had lost her friends, her family, her children and her lover. Vision. The one thing that hurt the most was how disappointed he would be of her if he was still here. Envisioning his saddened eyes, the perfectly curated speech he would have given her, it was too much.
Wanda simply flashed Natasha a fake smile, resting back against the old couch. "I'm okay, I just need to be here right now, away from everyone. It's for the best."
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this-is-chaos-magick · 7 months ago
If you're Wondering what is Wanda's Phone Wallpaper it's this Picture by the way
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vision trying to do a selfie for the first time :P
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seven7arts · 11 months ago
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It's hurts. The heart still broken yet 💔 // Wandavision + X-Men 97.
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hexsrealityarchived2 · 2 years ago
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get to know the mun.
what's your phone wallpaper: it’s all the ghost type Pokémon!
last song you listened to: Never Let Me Down Again by Depeche Mode
currently reading: Nana by Ai Yazawa
last movie: Labyrinth
last show: Forensic Files, The Sandman
what are you wearing right now: a Sublime crop top, ripped high waisted skinny jeans, and vans
piercings/tattoos?: two Tragus, three piercings on one ear, two piece rings on the other (I’m counting the tragus separate). No tattoos. (I did have an industrial but it closed up.)
glasses/contacts?: both (I have bad vision and astigmatism in my right eye)
last thing you ate: red chili pork tamales
favorite colors: black, red, pink, purple orange, green, yellow
current obsession: The Naruto universe and my burden of trying to fix it.
do you have a crush right now?: yes, and it’s Ewan Mitchell. He’s so pretty like I can’t function.
favorite fictional character: have so many ngl but I’ll narrow it down to a few: Wanda Maximoff (of course), Daenerys Targaryen, Kakashi Hatake, Donna Beneviento, Re-L Mayer
Tagged by: @fasciinating (thank you!! ❤️❤️)
Tagging: @spybiote , @pistoiet , @lckidottir , @rg4rz , @hiredassault, @viperbit @dereiserne , @lt-ghxst , @bothsidesofaquestion , @sebastianshaw , @breaksmen , @untamedtempest , @taissakingston , @cosmicrayed , @ppctts , @griim , and you!
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sonkusarenitesh · 3 months ago
Blog Post- 03
Marvel’s Cinematic Universe: An Example of Transmedia Storytelling
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a prime example of transmedia storytelling, where a narrative expands across multiple media platforms, creating a rich and engaging experience. In this post, I will explore the key characteristics of the MCU that make it transmedia and also its use of multiple platforms, expanded narratives, fan interaction, and character/world-building.
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Multiple Platforms: Cross-Media Experience-
The MCU spans different media platforms like films, TV shows, comics, video games, and social media. Each platform adds a layer to the story, as the films being the core narrative and shows like WandaVision and Loki expand the character's individual plot. Comics and video games provide additional context and depth, while social media keeps the audience intact with all the information. This cross-media approach allows the MCU to engage with the people in various ways, making the experience richer than if it were presented through just one medium.
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Expanded Narrative: Enriching the Story-
The MCU cleverly uses the transmedia to enrich its narrative. For instance, Avangers: Infinity War (2018) and Endgame (2019) bring together a series of interconnected films, rewarding the viewers who have been following along for years. Meanwhile, TV shows like WandaVision offers a deeper understanding of the characters development, personal journey and emotional context that enhances a bigger picture. Additionally, comics play a key role by giving the readers a chance to dive deep into the character's past and presenting alternate realities that keep it full of possibilities.
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Fan Interaction: Participatory Culture-
The MCU has built a huge interactive fan culture where fans play a huge role in shaping the narrative. Through fan fiction, online forums, and social media, fans create their own theories, content, and decisions that often influence the direction of a story. This sense of participation allows fans to feel like they are bing a part of the creative process, as MCU often listens to their ideas and incorporate them into the larger universe.
Character and World-Building: A Unified Universe-
The MCU excels at character and world-building. creating a universe that shares the characters and stories overlap across films, TV shows and other media. For example, Captain America’s evolution in films is expanded upon in the TV series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, offering a complete understanding of the character. The MCU's interconnected storytelling makes the audience feel alive, with each story contributing to a larger narrative.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe uses the power of transmedia storytelling, using multiple platforms, expanding narratives, and fan interaction to create an indulging and immersive experience. Henry Jenkins first discussed the concept of "transmedia storytelling" in his 2007 article titled "Transmedia Storytelling: Moving Beyond the Books", which the MCU successfully achieves by its interconnected universe.
Reference List-
Cinematic, M. (2024). Marvel Cinematic Universe. [online] Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki. Available at: https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Marvel_Cinematic_Universe?file=Marvel_Cinematic_Universe.png [Accessed 19 Dec. 2024].
‌Paige, R. (2020). Marvel Studios’ ‘WandaVision’: New Poster Centers Wanda and Vision on our TV Screens. [online] Marvel.com. Available at: https://www.marvel.com/articles/tv-shows/wandavision-new-television-poster [Accessed 19 Dec. 2024].
Whatsondisneyplus.com. (2023). New Marvel’s ‘Loki’ Season 2 Poster Released. [online] Available at: https://whatsondisneyplus.com/new-marvels-loki-season-2-poster-released/ [Accessed 19 Dec. 2024].
‌hdqwalls. (2019). Avengers Infinity War And Endgame Poster Wallpaper,HD Superheroes Wallpapers,4k Wallpapers,Images,Backgrounds,Photos and Pictures. [online] Available at: https://hdqwalls.com/avengers-infinity-war-and-endgame-poster-wallpaper [Accessed 19 Dec. 2024].‌
Jenkins, H. (2007). Transmedia Storytelling 101. [online] Henry Jenkins. Available at: https://henryjenkins.org/blog/2007/03/transmedia_storytelling_101.html.
‌Jenkins, H. (2011). Transmedia 202: Further Reflections — Pop Junctions. [online] Henry Jenkins. Available at: https://henryjenkins.org/blog/2011/08/defining_transmedia_further_re.html.
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douda7 · 2 years ago
Marvel Vs. Dc
Since the incorporation of comics in their movies, Marvel and DC have always been rivals.  Although The Hulk was the first movie released by Marvel, it wasn’t until 2010 that Iron Man    was released under the newly formed ‘Marvel Cinematic Universe’. In 2013 their counterpart, the DC Universe released The Man of Steel. In terms of their rivalry, it’s apparent that the MCU has the hearts of their viewers. The MCU builds storylines for its characters through their great allocation of screen time between them. Without major discrepancies in screen time, it allows for a better connection between viewer and character. On the other hand, DC struggles significantly to put even their biggest hitters on the main screen. Superman, one of their strongest heroes, only has 16 minutes of screen time. This is a huge problem when trying to draw viewers to watch your arguably most famous character. For example, with a budget of around $300,000,000 Justice League only brought in roughly $657,000,000 while their counterpart quintupled their investment bringing in nearly $645,000,000 from Thor: The Dark World, which is widely considered to be their worst film Marvel continues to perfect the continuity within their stories (Box Office Mojo).
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However, DC isn’t doing as great of a job with linking the stories from their different shows and movies. Marvel has incorporated fan-favorite characters into successful spinoff tv shows. Wanda Vision was a tremendous success with nothing but praise coming from fans. Meanwhile, DC continues to implement Tv shows with no correlation to the movies. For instance, The Flash contains one of DC’s most loved characters, but his storyline in the show exists in a universe parallel to that of DC’s movie under the same title. Many DC fans decide not to watch the shows because they do not feel any commitment to characters who will not contain any significance in their mainstream movies. Marvel continuously shows their dedication to providing quality entertainment through their television series and cinematics, even with nearly even budgets, DC cannot seem to compete. The DCEU failed and was forced to rebrand under the moniker DCU, and through consistently inconsistent films the future of their franchise is questionable.
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Fig.1. Poster of "Avengers Infinity War”;AudiblWav;audiblwav.com, 26 Dec. 2019, A Marathon Of Upcoming Marvel Movies to Hit Theaters 2019 (audiblwav.com).
Fig.2. Poster of “Marvel vs DC concept”; HDQWalls:HDQWalls.com, 24 Oct. 2018, 2048x1152 Marvel Vs Dc 2048x1152 Resolution HD 4k Wallpapers, Images, Backgrounds, Photos and Pictures (hdqwalls.com)
“Home.” Box Office Mojo, www.boxofficemojo.com/. Accessed 26 July 2023.
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xvivinx · 28 days ago
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