#Walter Worker Camille
brooklynisher · 2 months
Lacey uploaded a bunch of show photos to her Instagram!
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Bryan also uploaded the first and last photo to his page titling it, "Family photo."
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saturday-byte · 5 months
(lobster) time of the month
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your fanbot now bears your curse as well. sorry 🙏
lobster period .....
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theomenscouncil666 · 2 months
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Who knew drawing two pretty walter worker ladies could be so exhausting! I hope I did them justice!! @bellasboneyard
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Which SPG Character would win in a fight? ROUND 7
The tiebreaker was decided to be Upgrade by @becrystalamazed ! Thank you!
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owlhari · 1 year
coughs. gimme some chelsea and camille hcs
you already know this bc u are the originator of this headcanon, but: blue matter radiation mutated chelsea and camille so they are no longer completely human. chelsea is a werewolf (remember those animal ears the walter workers used to wear during stage shows? yeah) and camille is a fae-like creature
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airatherobot · 2 years
15th SPG anniversary!
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Sorry for the late post yall!
Just wanted to stop by and say hi lol, and show the picture that was taken by Chelsea peyak in the anniversary live stream.
Look at them all together! Love those goofballs lol.
Anyway, I gotta head back now, it was good seeing yall again!
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asmogorna · 6 months
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i totally fw the new walter workers im dying to see any clips of them on the stage ..!!!
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spgiraffefb · 3 months
Happiest of birthdays to Camille Penyak! You may know her as Walter Worker Camille! 🔧🥳
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Me and my Baby
Spine x Oc
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It had been a crazy day filled with setting up for the performance tonight. Atlas had helped wherever he could, carrying sound equipment and helping set up the lights. He wasn't performing, so he could afford to spend his energy on helping set things up.
He watched from backstage as the show began, Rabbit, Spine and Zer0 introducing themselves and the crowd going wild. He loved watching them from backstage, because he got to see the whole show clearly and without worrying about the crowds. He doesn't do well with crowds.
He made sure to keep out of sight while still watching, quietly laughing at the jokes he's heard so many times, the playful banter and sibling (twin?) rivalry that they displayed on stage. They started up the bit about love, inevitably leading into Honeybee.
He cringed at the malfunction, still unsure if that was scripted or not and he'd rather not ask Rabbit directly. Chelsea and Camille came skittering past him with that damn giant wrench and he couldn't help the mild shiver running through him.
Once they fixed the problem and had some pantomime tea, with the Walter Workers staying on stage, the song continued. The brief interlude follows and they start up Me and My Baby.
Atlas stands on the very edge of the shadows backstage to watch Spine through the whole song, enjoying hearing his vocal range jump from higher notes to beautifully deep. If anyone saw him, they'd think he was swooning over his boyfriend. Maybe he was, who could blame him?
Chelsea and Camille looked beautiful as well, twirling and dancing around the stage so effortlessly. He shook his head, thankfully they had underskirts under those uniforms. His attention turns back to the Spine and how well practiced his movements were with the two Walter Workers.
Backing up while they moved one way, turning to face the other, backing up again to centre stage. Twirl around him, one disappears off stage and the other would head over while he moves his guitar out of the way, then he dips her with ease at the end of the song.
At least, that's how it's supposed to go. They seem to have a different idea this time. Once one disappears behind the stage curtains, she comes to a stop beside Atlas, giving him a sweet smile. He offers her a smile back, not sure what for, but anyway. Then she's behind him, pushing on his lower back, trying to get him to go on stage.
He planted his feet and gave her a strange look, but she just smiled sweetly again. He shouldn't be on stage, this isn't right. He wasn't even dressed up to be anywhere near a stage. She's insistent though and whisper-yells at him to just go! And to do a twirl if he could.
The lights momentarily blinded his green eyes and he could feel his core stirring in worry. Why were they doing this? They weren't public about their relationship yet. The other Walter girl twirls past him to behind stage and he figures it's now or never.
He does a little twirl like they usually do and takes The Spine's outstretched hand. Spine smiles at him and he can feel all his worries melting away. The Spine pulls him in and he goes willingly, tucking in against Spine and placing his hand on his shoulder, like he's seen the Worker do countless times on stage.
The Spine's free hand comes to rest on his mid back and he goes along with the movement as Spine dips him backwards. Admittedly, he's been a little jealous of the girls for being on stage and being able to dance with Spine, now he feels so light and fluttery, he could stay in the moment forever.
Naturally, they had to part, but for a moment, their green eyes met each other's and the blue and green lights from their cores mingled between them in the steam on stage. Spine straightened them both up from the dip and before Atlas could scurry off stage, Spine's grip on his hand pulls him slightly again.
The Spine places a gentle kiss to his knuckles and he can't help the flustered steam coming from his cheek vents at the gesture. Atlas didn't let go immediately, bringing Spine's hand up to kiss his knuckles in return. They shared a gentle smile before Atlas made his way backstage again, trying to get his boiler to calm the hell down.
Thankfully, Camille already had a chair nearby for him, because he didn't think his knee joints would hold him. He sat down and focussed on the singing voices on stage and the crowd going crazy. He doesn't want to know how this little stunt is going to go down with the fans and social media.
One of the Workers hand him a bottle of water as they pass him at some point and he refills his boiler, thankful he finally managed to calm down his overheating systems.
"You knew about that?!" He asks Spine as they're packing in the bus the next day.
"Of course! It was my idea!" The Spine happily states, helping move a heavier speaker.
"And when was that discussed?" He isn't even mad, still just shocked. They didn't even tell him, but it ended up fine in the end.
"Yesterday morning, while everyone was setting up. I asked Chelsea and Camille what they thought of the idea. I didn't think they'd already implement it last night, but it went swimmingly!"
He sighs and gets on the bus, Spine following after him. Rabbit and Zer0 were still off somewhere and the humans were dealing with the last couple things around the venue.
"Where did you disappear to after the performance though?" The Spine asks as he takes a seat beside Atlas.
"The roof. You know I don't do well with crowds and I definitely was not joining you lot at the meet and greet thing," He grumbles.
Spine smiles, wrapping an arm around Atlas' back to pull him close, "Maybe you should get used to it. I'd like that to be a permanent change to the performance, and maybe eventually you could join the meet and greets and even end up performing with us on stage!"
As enticing as that offer sounded, he wasn't going for it. Too much of everything, too much attention on him, too much expectation and too many people. Just too much.
"Don't get ahead of yourself. No one wants to hear an outdated transatlantic accent singing on a modern stage," He shuts the idea down. At least, he tried to shut it down.
"You may just be surprised!" The Spine chuckles, giving him a side hug.
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copious-zygomaticus · 5 months
Beakers, Blue Matter, And Boys In Love
There’s chemistry brewing in the Walter manor when Peter VI hires a new bioengineer to help with blue matter research. Wacky romantic adventures ensue.
Chapter 2: Apollo’s Labyrinth
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It was just another morning at work in the Walter Manor, and you were doing paperwork at your desk in the lab. It’s been hours of doing external research on radiation and flipping through files the Walter Workers have sent you. You’re absolutely exhausted and you can feel the energy leaving your body as each minute passes. But then you receive an email from Camille, who invites you to meet your fellow Walter Workers for lunch in the break room. Excited, you bound at the opportunity, instantly emailing back that you’ll be there in a jiffy before bounding out of the room.
But here lies the problem, you’re lost now after looking for the break room for like 5 minutes. You checked your pockets for the map that Camille had given you on your first day, and low-and-behold it’s nowhere to be found. You tried navigating back to the lab, but that seemed to only make you even more lost than before. You seem to find increasingly strange rooms, like the ‘tower of tacos’ that The Jon had mentioned the day previous as well as a multitude of storage rooms and a room that was simply labeled as a portal to the 8th dimension. The tower of tacos room had a large neon sign that blinked pink with the word ‘closed’ so it’s pretty safe to say that you can’t go in there, and you don’t even want to know what would happen if you stepped foot in the portal room.
As you wandered further and further into the labyrinth that was the Walter manor, you began to hear something in the distance. Maybe you had finally found the break room! You run towards the sound, but instead of finding a room of fellow Walter Workers you hear … music? The sweet sound of a bass being plucked fills your ears in the company of an acoustic guitar and glittering harmonic voices. Dear god that’s amazing, forget the break room you gotta get a look at what’s going on here. Creeping further down the hall, the music becomes louder and you begin to make out words.
“Starlight, Star-shine, please come back into my life~”
You go to look into the open door where the music is only to be met with someone walking backwards into you, making you fall hard. Your eyes shut hard bracing for impact while you mentally shame yourself for not fully looking where you were going. All the music stops abruptly and you can hear some gasps from the room. Except- you feel a hand grab yours before you can hit the floor. The hand is cold yet inviting and smooth like metal.
You crack one of your eyes open to look at who grabbed you and see a familiar gold shine. Oh my god, it’s The Jon. You just ran into The Jon, way to go. God you’re embarrassed, for someone so put together you’ve really been scrambled today. You can practically feel yourself become red in the face and The Jon helps pull you upright. You can hear people talking but it sounds a little distorted and fuzzy as the thoughts in your head race a bit. A glimmering hand brings you out of it by waving in front of your face as your surrounding come back into focus.
“-llo, helloooo???” The Jon waves his free hand and calls to you as other unfamiliar automatons gather around you. God if you thought your face was red before you’d be shocked at how red it is now, cause you’ve garnered more attention and thus further embarrassed yourself.
“Y-yes! I’m okay! I’m fine, thank you The Jon,” you retract your hand that felt so warm in his to brush off your lab coat and collect what little of your dignity you had left. The Jon looked around at his companions in a series of rhythmic head-turns before meeting your eyes. You can hear gears turn in interest and confusion at your nervousness, you seemed so commanding and formal to the gold bot not even a day before; yet here you were a red stuttering mess. You’re not even sure why you’re this nervous. Maybe it’s the way you keep tracing the black etchings of his faceplates, or the way his speakers curve around the sides of his face. Nevermind that, get a hold of yourself.
The Jon puts his hands on his hips ‘matter of factly’ with a little sass punctuated by steam jetting from his vents, “Well we wouldn’t want our new friend getting bruised!”
The feminine copper automaton behind The Jon scoffs playfully, “Yeah, w-w-w-wouldn’t want your little boyfriend to fall now-HEY!” She says as the tall silver bot elbows her in the boiler.
BOYFRIEND? I just met The Jon for crying out loud! Even though he is cute.
“Leave him alone Rabbit, The Jon is just looking out for the newest member of the team,” the tall silvery bot says then turns to face you, “excuse Rabbit here, she has a very active imagination. I’m The Spine and welcome aboard the Walter Robotics crew.”
You smile and shake The Spine’s hand, what a gentleman, you have been waiting for a more formal introduction such as this.
“Nice to meet you The Spine, Rabbit, and … I’m sorry I didn’t get your name,” you say looking towards the other gold bot with short locs.
The automaton in question perks up with excitement and waves at you enthusiastically, “Oh I’m Zer0! It's so nice to have a new friend in the manor!”
“Aw that’s so sweet of you, I’m happy to be here and meet everyon-“ you say only to be interrupted by Camille who bounces out from a room a few doors down.
She gently grabs one of your hands, “There you are!! We were starting to think you fell into a bottomless pit! ‘Cmon, the break room is right here, I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone!”
Camille drags you away from the robots while you wave goodbye as the two of you disappear into the break room. Once you’re gone, Rabbit mutters something under her breath, “He definitely ran into a bottom of some kind.”
Which earned her name being yelled by The Spine, some laughs, as well as the whirring of gears and bursts of steam from The Jon’s vents.
In the break room, Camille introduces you to fellow Walter Workers Chelsea, David, and Lacey. After introductions, you sit to eat your lunch and listen to the lingering conversations happening around you before Lacey comes up to you wiggling her eyebrows.
“What’s with the eyebrows Lacey,” you question.
“We all heard the commotion and Camille said you were making goo-goo eyes at The Jon,” Lacey says with a Cheshire grin.
Your cheeks aquire a dust of rose hue,“Wha- wha- nooo! I don’t make ‘goo-goo eyes’ I am a man of science!”
Chelsea interjects,”Well it sounds like this ‘man of science’ has eyes for a certain gold automaton.”
“It’s nothing, trust me! I just ran into him that’s all! Nothing more,” you say like a total liar.
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Alright gang, here’s chapter 2! We love a little meet cute moment! Yes this is a The Jon x Male Reader, I’m a self indulgent gay man and there are like 3 The Jon x Reader fics in existence and I require more content of the goober! Until next time! 🩵
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 7 months
feel free to ignore this if you want to lmao
for your spine compilation: in the 2017 renaissance fair performance of fire fire spine curtsies with the walter workers. the recording's on yt. its in the first minute. there's probs more than just that video but my bad memory lol havva good day!
camille blocking him 😭 why does he fuckingh move like that icant do this...
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brooklynisher · 6 months
Here are a few more images from Twitter!
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inflashback · 1 year
Owlhari sent me saying that you'd have alot of thoughts on the Sightless Demons from Latum Alterum, and I wanna hear them/Not Forced
I LOVE THE SIGHTLESS DEMONS!!! In my personal headcanon they are Kazooland “copies” of the Walter Workers (which is why they look so much like them). Their names are Not-Chelsea (the white one) and Not-Camille (the red one) and they used to work for Iggy Becile before, during a Jon And Upgrade Kazooland Adventure, they got forcibly adopted into team Walter. They’re kind of the worst, they love each other more than anything, and I care about them so MUCH!! Thanks for asking :)
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steambot-shenanigans · 4 months
Did you know that Camille (who plays a Walter Worker for Steam Powered Giraffe) has an adorable bird named Viggo?
On a related note, if one more person follows her on instagram, she will have 3,333 followers which would be satisfying
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ao3feed-spg · 1 year
perfect's a bore for what it's worth
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Jb86ike
by eggosandxmen
Rabbit breaks during Honeybee-- moreso than usual. The Walter Workers manage the situation.
Words: 807, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Steam Powered Giraffe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Rabbit (Steam Powered Giraffe), Chelsea Penyak, Zer0 (Steam Powered Giraffe), The Spine (Steam Powered Giraffe), Camille Penyak, Beebop (Steam Powered Giraffe)
Relationships: Chelsea Penyak & The WalterBots
Additional Tags: Drabble, Hurt/Comfort, Repairing Your Robot Best Friend When She Breaks During Her Emotional Heartbreak Song, terrible driving, Chelsea J. Penyak: Good At Robots + Bad At Humans
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Jb86ike
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staragroza · 3 years
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the walter workers ! 
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