#Wales can do the double… no team will want to face them in the World Cup"
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froggie-bolt · 2 years ago
Froggie's Masterpost
Here is where I'll be linking my posts for different fandoms. Posts will include art, analysis, and other random junk.
Taishiro: ( Our War Game art, Taishiro doodles, Taichi asking koushrio to the school dance- a comic, Taichi is Bisexual CANON??, Taichi's face lighting up when he sees Koushiro - Digimon 2020, Taishiro Roller-skating date, Two guys being dudes, Taishiro fans still winning with the 2020 dub, Taishiro moments in adventure 2020, English dub moment analysis, Kou has Tai on Speed Dial, Taishiro clips from episode 1 Digimon 2020, Izzy how many, Soccer game and other doodles, TaiShiro manga panels, Taishiro being team dads REBLOG ADD ON, Why haven't we been talking?, Footloose, friend said TaiShiro rights, TaiShiro compilation ,Post- Kizuna comic , I'll be with you every step of the way(I promise) - TaiShiro Fic, More doodles of them, Iris- TaiShiro comic TaiKouvember Day 1, TaiKouvember Day 2 , TaiKouvember Day 3, Taikouvember Day 4, TaiKouvember Day 4.5, TaiKouvember Day 6, TaiKouvember Day 7, TaiShiro Christmas post, Got stuck in the digital world once probably, Taichi thinks Koushiro is ignoring him,
TaiTo: (Daisuke doesn't know whats up, alright Taito shippers I understand
DaiKen: (Daiken manga panels, If a double decker bus,)
Other: (Watching kizuna >, Do you have games on your phone, Digimon movie Disc, You can be whatever you want, Kizuna Edit, Does Koushiro Izumi condone pirating poll, why they changed Tai's last name, V-Tamer Manga>, First pack of Digimon cards, Our War Game promo art, What would the chosen children do on Halloween?, Everything that could have gone wrong in Kizuna<to be edited>, Digimon edit, Taichi Yagami needs a break, How the digital world probably works, Discotek Digimon Movies , Odaiba Memorial screencap redraw, Digimon TCG update, Could be a reference, Loss in Digimon, DadShiro,
V-tamer AU: (DAZE animatic, I'll be with you every step of the way(I promise) - TaiShiro Fic, Argument
Comics for AU:
Lucky Star
Other: (Idea, if lucky star took place in todays world,
My Hero Academia
SasuNaru: (Plant Boyfriends, SNStober day 2- soulmates, Food for sns nation, SNS waled so -insert ship- could run, SNS month pieces, snstober Day 9, Don't leave me again, second half of naruto is kishi's sns fic, sns month day 24, sns month day 25, sns motors, sns at local walmart, Naruto and Sasuke are always together, The moon will sing, My bf asked for no pickles, sns fic idea, Naruto be like, Hungover in the city of dust,
Other: (Does Sakura know the truth, friends in the narutoverse, Naruto at MY urban kids??, The dinosaur has a name,
Submas: (y'all ever listened to doughnut hole?, small rant, how long has ingo been in hisui, distortion emmet AU, AU doodles, portal tech AU, Zydrate anatomy, adding Nemona to portal tech AU,
Other: Lets talk about Alder, Rei/lucas doodles, iris is one of the strongest trainers in the world, Paldea's test scores are the best, Pokemon doodles, playing scarlet and violet at release, Arven for a friend, Kieran,
More will be added, and some posts will be edited, But this is my masterpost for now :)
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 3 years ago
The King and I
Chapter One: The Future King
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Featuring Charles, Prince of Wales
I'm a 28 PR manager working for a world wide PR firm. Recently, I was hired by Prince Andrew’s personal legal team to help clean up his “highly tarnished” reputation, so he can return to his royal duties. During our meeting, the Duke of York and I became lovers. Over the years, I had come to realize I had a predilection for famous, mature powerful men, especially well dressed ones. It didn't matter who they were. And a member of the British royal family was a prime specimen of this kind of man and the thought of him made me drool with lust.  
Anyway, in between my visits with Andrew, I received a telephone call from his older brother, Charles, Prince of Wales. He asked if I could come over to The Clarence House right away to discuss his brother's situation. I told him I'd be there right away, arriving about an hour later. I was escorted to his office where he sat. He was dressed impeccably in a navy chalk stripe double breasted suit, a crisp white shirt and blue patterned tie. Time had been kind to Prince Charles as he matured into a handsome man (at least in my eyes). His hair was now more white than brown, but this only added to his attractiveness. I was already beginning to tent my pants.
"Thank you for coming." He said.
However, I wasn't greeted by a strong confident man. The prince had a tough year with the loss of his father, Prince Philip and the absence of his own son, as Prince Harry is set to spend the holiday season at his new home in LA with his wife and their children. On top of the situation with Andrew.
As we talked, I took in his visage sitting behind his desk with a decanter of bourbon and a shot glass in front of him, looking tired and defeated with lust was coursing through my veins. I knew he was the Prince of Wales and my client's brother, but I wanted him. Bad. I had fantasized about this for years and it was time to make it happen if I could.
"Looks like you need something to take your mind off of things, your highness." I said as he chuckled in agreement.
"When was the last time you had your cock sucked your highness?" I boldly asked.
Charles froze at the question, so I got up and walked around the desk to remove the obstacle between us. He was still froze, but his lower lip seemed to quiver a bit. As if words were trying to be formed, but my now sexual presence was suffocating them. He quickly took shot of liquor. I then told him he was a very handsome man as I sat on his lap like a little kid. The prince was shocked back into reality and said "Er... this is highly inappropriate..."
I interrupted him by kissing him hard on the mouth with a little tongue thrown in. I was hot and raring to go and sitting in the lap of  the heir apparent to the British throne was quite intoxicating to me. Charles pulled back, seemingly shocked by my actions and replied "I'm the Prince of Wales and a married man. What are you thinking?"
Despite his protest I could feel the substantial bulge at his crotch. I responded by putting my arms around him and burying my face in his neck. He gasped and said "What...my wife... this isn't right."
"Relax your highness, she doesn't have to know." I said as sat in the Prince of Wales' lap, with my arms around him taking in all of the sensations bombarding my senses. The smell of his cologne-scented skin, the soft yet firm feel of his warm body, the soft wool of the suit he was wearing, and his hard-on poking at my ass. It was all too much and a dream come true at the same time.
We sat like this for a while as he was beginning to loosen up, looking into each other's eyes every so often and kissing passionately. Charles gasped about how long it had been since he'd been touched by a male and how good it felt. I asked him how long it had been and he said years ago before I met my first wife, Diana without elaborating further. He then looked at me and said "Where do we go from here?"
"That's up to you, why don't we start with the here and now?" I said before kissing him hard and placing his hand on my erection.
He directed me to lock the office door and told me I was in charge. I did as he asked before coming back, kneeling before him and with his lips still quivering, I slid my hands gently on his upper legs and savored the feel of this beautiful man. Finally, unable to take it anymore, I reached up, undid the buttons on his suit coat to give me clear access to his crotch. I ran my hand over the bulge in his pants noting how hung he must be as he gasped in pleasure.
Then I unfastened his pants, unbuttoned the bottom buttons of his dress shirt exposing his hairy belly, reached into his boxers and extracted my prize. It was 8 inches long, uncut, and beautiful. I looked at him with eyes filled with lust and longing as I slid my tongue up his cock before I slipped my lips over his manhood. Charles moaned and shivered as I deep throated him with everything I had, making him gripped the arms of his leather chair.
"So... good..." The prince moaned as it looked like he was all ready to cum and everything.
I went at this for some time, noting his rapid breathing and increasing excitement to tell when he was getting close. Now feeling my cock flutter uncomfortably in my pants, I stood up, took off my shirt showing his highness my six pack abs before lowing my pants and stepping out of them. He just sat there, observing my body, stroking his cock still rock hard in his hand. Clearly, he had other things on his mind beside me finishing his blow job.
"Come here, sit on my royal cock." Charles said as he spit on his hand, smearing it all over his cock.
I've already been fucked by Andrew's comparable cock, so I knew my hole wouldn't be so tight when accepting Charles's nice uncut cock. I turned around to position myself to the Prince of Wales cock. When I felt the tip of his head tickle my cheeks, I pushed gently down on his cock, it slide into my hole. I moaned out loud feeling it enter, but only half of it got into my ass.
"You seem loose, does this mean you've been fucked before?" Charles said grabbing onto my thighs, pulling me down onto him till I felt his pubic hair brush my smooth butt.
"Yes your highness, I've had a few guys fuck me." I told him as I bounced off him, taking out half of his cock.
Then he slammed my body back into his cock sliding all the way in me. Placing both my hands on my knees, I lifted my ass and slid back down again. I started riding him real fast till we were both dead close to cumming, so it didn't take too much bouncing until that hot cock exploded inside me. He was still inside me when I grabbed my cock and jerked it to finish off. And as I shot my load, my ass muscles tightened around his softening cock and he shot another load inside me. Now for a man in his early seventies, that was impressive. Exhausted, I climbed off him, breathing like I'd just run the marathon.
We became lovers after that and he and I managed to find time between me fucking his brother and his official duties to fuck like wild rabbits.  
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themorphine · 3 years ago
You and Me (That's my whole world) Chapter 2
heres the other one if you forgot
Fandom: RWRB
Pairing: Alex and Henry
TW: Angst, Swearing
Henry POV
1 month later….
The junior/senior trip had finally arrived, much to Henry’s dread. His love for Alex had bloomed, more than he could ever imagine. But for some reason, Alex had begun to ignore him, not even sitting with all of them. Henry could tell June and Nora knew what was going on, but they wouldn’t budge. Henry was worried now; what was going on? Did he do something? Probably, but what did he do? He was so careful. Alex could never know. His heart couldn’t handle the heartbreak, and yet he longed to have him in his arms. Christ, he was bloody fucked. Pez was starting to get worried.
“Henry, you need to tell Alexander how you feel. It’s eating at you every time you just see him at school.”
“It’s fine, Pez, really. I’m fine.”
“I’m fine.”
He and Pez walked toward Alex, June, and Nora. Alex was now staring right athim. Henry doesn’t think he can handle any more of Alex’s mood swings. (He probably could, but he likes to think he thinks about himself from time to time.) Henry and Pez share a worried and somehow hopeful look. It’s a slightly scary look. Hope can damage people much more than a punch.
If Henry’s honest, he’s a little scared. Did Alex realize that he’s hopelessly in love with him and disgusted? His anxiety crawls at him, nagging him to the very end.
“Hey guys!” Nora yells when they are close enough.
“Where’s Bea?” June asks.
“She couldn’t make it,” Henry says, “but she sends her love.”
“Who’s ready to party?” Alex yells, and Everyone whoops. Henry gives a small smile. He’s staring at Henry again, and his expression oozes hate. And something else. It’s an interesting mix. He wonders if there is a smoothie for it. They live in America, so probably.
Henry quickly gets on the bus, avoiding Alex and practically shoving Pez into the seat beside him. Alex looks at him for a second before sitting next to a friend named Liam. Henry feels a pang of jealousy but reminds himself yet againthat Alex is not his. He’s never been.
The past month had been a fucking mess for Alex.
Firstly, he has been neck-deep in assignments from his law class. His teacher says he’s “preparing them for the real world.” He thinks his teacher is just lazy.
Secondly, the lacrosse team has made it to state championships, so he’s had double the practice than usual. He once fell asleep doing drills because he was so drained.
But the biggest thing of all was Henry. Henry's mother fucking Fox. He still didn’t know why Henry made him feel weird, and it just made him on edge. What is going on?
“Henry!” He heard Pez say, though his voice was muffled. Henry didn’t want to wake up. He had been dreaming of soft brown curls and chocolate brown eyes, and it was the best dream he could ever wish for. And the most painful, but he decided to ignore that.
“Hgnnnn,” Henry replied, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Come on, Wales. Don’t want to be left on the bus, do you?”
Henry’s eyes flew open, Alex’s face mere inches away from him. Christ, he looked even more beautiful upfront. He was fully awake now, eyes boring into Alex’s chocolate brown ones. The ones he’d been dreaming off. He saw Alex lift his hand before stopping himself. He then lifted it again and grabbed Henry’s hand. He dragged Henry off the bus, and Henry knew he should shout, but all he could think about was how he was holding Alex Claremont-Diaz’s hand. He felt a shot of electricity when they first touched hands, but it quickly left as soon as it came. Alex dropped Henry’s hand once they got off the bus, and Henry almost fell from the force of being pulled and suddenly dropped.
“Christ, Alex, I could have tripped!”
Alex looked at him with mock hurt, “Are you questioning my abilities to catch you, Wales?” He asked.
Henry was confused at first. This was the first time Alex looked at him with hate and anger. But he rolled his eyes; a smile was playing on his lips. “Of course not. I’m counting on it.”
Henry split from Alex after that, running to fine Pez. He was near the check-in with June and Nora. He looked up and grinned when he spotted Henry.
“How was your time with Alexander?” Pez asked with a smirk. A full-on Cheshire cat grin.
Henry looked at him flushed and embarrassed, like a mouse caught in a mousetrap. Pez just laughed.
“He likes you 100%. Just tell himmm,” Pez said, pleading. Henry shook his head, and Pez groaned.
“Nope. No way. Alex is the straightest man in this school! He practically chants it to himself every minute of the bloody day! There’s no way he would say yes.”
“But what if he wasn’t? If he wasn’t, what would you do?” Pez asks. He’s serious now.
“I-er-even t-“
Henry is cut off by June calling them, and Henry quickly sends a prayer of thanks to whoever's up there if there is someone.
“So,” she said as if she was trying to tame piranas, “Apparently, the rooms got fucked up or something. Pez, you are bunking with Nora and me on the 3rdfloor, and Alex, you are bunking with Henry on the 20th floor.” The way she talked reminded Henry of Ellen, her no-bullshit talk.
Henry could practically feel Alex seething beside him, evident anger on his face. Henry put on a cool mask so Alex wouldn’t see the heartbreak behind it.
“You can’t put me with Fox! He’s gonna drive me insane!” Alex practically screamed. He did not want to be in the same room as Henry. No way.
“I never put you with Henry. The hotel did.”
Alex let out a frustrated grunt but didn’t complain any longer. Deep down, he knew nothing could be done about it, but he still sulked. Henry was staring at him with an expression in his eyes that he just couldn’t decipher, and that angered him impossibly more. Alex takes the keys from June’s palm.
“Come on, Wales, I don’t mind locking you out.” He says, and Henry rolls his eyes. But when he does it, there is a hint of-dare he say-fondness? It makes his heart thump in a slightly concerning way.
Alex walks faster.
Alex can practically feel Henry behind them as they walk, his warmth radiating from him. Why the fuck is he feeling this way? He hates Henry, and yet he can't stop thinking about his stupid soft hair and stupid smile and stupid lips that he wants to kiss-
Oh. Oh.
Alex isn’t stupid, but if he recalls correctly, wanting to kiss someone is definitely not straight. He and Henry are approaching the elevator, but Alex’s brain is a huge chaotic fucking mess. He needs to think; he needs the time to. He knows that if he gets in that elevator with Henry, he willkiss Henry. And as much as he wants to, he needs to process this. He needs something that can ground him. He needs Nora.
“I’m going to take the stairs.” Alex blurts out, and runs toward the stairs. He can hear Henry call him, but it's all background noise. He quickly calls Nora, who answers on the third ring.
“Sup Aleja-”
“Doyouthinkimgay?” He blurts yet again, apparently, that’s all he can do at the moment.
He hears a door shut before Nora speaks again.“Woah, slow down there. I can’t answer that for you, Alejandro. And there’s more than just being gay or straight. You could be bisexual or pansexual or anything else. You don’t even have to use labels.”
Alex sighs. He knows this, but he still can’t help from feeling disappointed. He just wants to tell him what he is this one time. “Yeah I know.”
“Do you like women?” She asks him. It’s a straightforward question, and he is thankful for it. Alex thinks about it for a moment before answering.
“Do you like men?” She asks, and that makes Alex think. He thinks about how there would be colour in his cheeks when he would leave the boy's change room. He thinks about how he kissed Liam once on a dare and how he liked it. He thinks about Henry, and his breath catches.
“Well, there’s a 100% chance you’re not straight then. But if it helps, I’m not surprised that you’re calling me. You practically ogle Henry every day.” She says, and Alex protests before they both fall into laughter.
Bisexual. That term feels right. He feels comfortable with it.
“I think I’m bi.” He says.
“I know. Now go suck some British dickkk.” She says casually and hangs up. Alex squawks but then laughs. He realizes that he hasn’t even stepped on the stairs and leaves the stairwell to the elevators. His head is much clearer, and he has a purpose. To tell Henry his feelings for him.
As he heads to his room, he sees Henry outside and immediately freezes. He’s then confused. What is Henry doing out here? The question is on his lips before it dies. The key. Shit.
“Shit man, I’m so sorry. You can shower first or whatever.” He says as he unlocks the door. Henry is more stiff than usual, not replying to Alex. Alex chalks it up to having to wait outside for so long. That’s when they realize that there is only one in this hotel room. Well.
Henry sighs and dumps his bag on the bed. Why is he so pissed?
As Henry walks to the bathroom door, he stops and looks at Alex.
“If you truly didn’t want to go in the elevator with me, you could have just said so.” He says, voice thick with emotion. Alex looks at him stunned, unable to speak, even after Henry closes the bathroom door.
As soon as Henry closed the bathroom door, his legs gave out. He sat on the cool marble floor, trying his very best not to cry. He couldn’t cry. Alex would definitely hear him and ask him questions that he didn’t want to answer because he was so fucking afraid about what would happen. He was so bloody afraid of him saying no; he didn’t think his heart could take it.
He was breaking down over Alex, not wanting to take the elevator with him, but it went deeper than that. He’d seen Alex take the elevator with others, but right when he had to go with him, Alex backed out. And waited just for him to go in one so he could go with someone else. Was Henry that repulsive? He wouldn’t put it past himself.
As soon as he heard the hotel door close, Henry allowed himself to cry.
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tomtenadia · 4 years ago
Island Dreams - Chapter 19
Good evening, afternoon, morning to everyone and welcome to chapter 19.
I have a few notes before letting you to the chapter. Rowan and Aelin finally attend Heb Celt. Heb Celt is this wonderful festival held in Stornoway each year (non covid years) and it's all about Scottish and Celtic music. It's big and it's amazing. That's where they are. I mentioned some groups. Peat and Diesel have been mentioned before in the fic. The new ones are Skerryvore and Skipinnish. they do some amazing music and I highly recommend it if you want to try some Scottish bands. They also sing in Gaelic. The song from Skerryvore that Aelin sing is called You and I. Awesome stuff.
Half way through you will notice Elide and Lorcan appearing in the fic. I tried to keep Lorcan IC as much as i could. not an easy task. I had to give them modern world jobs so Lorcan in my head is perfect for a rugby player. He is the Captain of the Glasgow warriors. They are a real team in Glasgow. The boys also mention the Six Nations. This is a wonderful competition that if you are in Europe you might have heard of. It happens every year and it has 6 teams competing: Scotland (YAY), Italy (YAY - I am Italian... imagine my pain on a Sco vs Ita game), Wales, Ireland and France. I love this competition and it's going to start this weekend. Rowan and Lorcan joke about England and Scotland. Although England wins most of the times (grrrrr) a few years back Scotland actually won and it almost became a new national day after St Andrews. I am not joking. Rugby is a big thing in Scotland.
Two Gaelic phrases: -Tha Gàidhlig agam cuideachd: I speak Gaelic too -Tha beagan Gàidhlig agam. I speak little Gaelic.
Quick update as well about the fic. Most of the chapters have some big chunks written. But there are two important chapters: 22 - something big happens. I wrote the main important part 5 times already and probably re write another five before i publish it. It involves something I don't usually write and I am really nervous. So finger crossed.
26: this will be the last chapter (there's an epilogue as well) and again I have written the main event. There is so much fluff that it's probably not healthy :)
So, after this massive introduction I can let you go and enjoy (hopefully) the chapter.
Aelin had woken up before Rowan that morning. It was finally mid July and it was Heb Celt day and she was super excited. The festival would run for three days but they had chosen the one with the most of their favourite artists. Plus Rowan had tickets for Peat and Diesel and they could not miss them. She rolled out of bed and went to the kitchen. That morning it was her turn for once to prepare breakfast. Rowan had taught her enough for her to make breakfast safely without burning the house down. It was a special day and she was going to make eggs and bacon, the only concession Rowan would make in his perfect diet. Once a week they could treat themselves to a non healthy breakfast. She prepared the coffee, sliced some bread for the toaster and started frying the bacon in one pan and getting the eggs ready as well. She felt good, she could make breakfast for Rowan for once. She was almost done when she felt his arms around her waist and a soft kiss behind her ear. “It smells lovely.”
“It’s a special day today so we are having our special breakfast.” She told him while finishing ti prepare the eggs. She was very proud of her job. “I’ll set the table.” He added and moved away and she missed his arms. “So, the main event is tonight at seven.” She said passing him the plates with food “I had a look at some events and it seems there is enough for us to fill up the entire day.” “You have done a good job,” he commented taking a bite of the food she had prepared for him. She tasted it as well and found it edible. Well, at least she was not going to poison them and he seemed satisfied. “Look at you.” He pulled her to him, and Aelin sat on his lap. She grabbed her plate and finished her breakfast with one of his arms around her. She was really loving it living with him. It had taken her a little while to adjust to his way of life but she had realised that living with him was quite easy. They had their little fights but he seemed to hate to hold grudges for too long so every time they had fixed their issues quite quickly. The two of them ate in silence for a moment “This is good, Fireheart.” And he polished off his plate. “I had a good teacher.” She stood and Rowan noticed that she was only wearing a large t-shirt, his t-shirt, and under it he could very barely notice her underwear. He grabbed her and pulled her back on his lap and she straddled him. His hands landed on her butt and she kissed him. “You really love teasing me, don’t you?” “It’s fun.” He looked at her in a weird way “Sure, torturing a poor man like that.” She got up again and took all the plates to the sink and she walked swaying her hips on purpose. Rowan almost howled at the sight. She started washing the dishes and at the same time she began dancing and singing and that’s the way we do it, the way we do it in the Western Isles. Rowan laughed and helped her. She washed and he dried them. She kept singing and bumped her hips into his and the two started dancing together. Once they were done Aelin went to her old room to get changed. She wore a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Then she braided her hair and tied a colourful bandana to her head. She prepared her backpack and she was ready to go. Once out, Rowan was waiting for her. He had blue shorts a grey t-shirt and on top of it a blue shirt with short sleeves and his sunglasses on top of his head. Aelin took a photo of him “so sexy.” He raised an eyebrow at her comment “I am not—“ “Shh…” she said placing a finger on his lips “I am your girlfriend and I am the one to judge.” He bit her finger in reply. “Fine, fine.” He grabbed her hand “Come on, I have a surprise for you.” Her face lit up and he could spend an entire day staring at her smiling at him. It was such a beautiful sight. They left the house and began their walk all the way to the harbour and Aelin was getting curious about their destination. They reached a small house down at the pier and Rowan pulled her toward the small group of people gathered. Aelin noticed another couple and a woman on her own. She was quite intent in studying the couple. The woman was quite petite with black hair and black eyes as well and she had a very bright smile. The man was almost the opposite. He was tall, Aelin suspected even taller than Rowan, something she could not believe it was possible. He had a thick muscular build with long dark hair and same for his eyes. But where she exuded a friendly attitude, he seemed to scowl even at the stones. “Is this part of the festival?” Wondering about his plan. “In a manner.” He explained quite vaguely “It’s just a pre festival fun.” Sure, now it was clear, thought Aelin, none the wiser. Rowan left her side for a moment and she noticed him talking with a man who, from the way he was dressed seemed to be a crew member on a boat. Rowan looked relaxed and Aelin suspected the two were friends. And with sadness she realised she had never met any of Rowan’s friend and he did not seem to mention any of them. “Ready for an adventure?” He told her once he came back, carrying two lifejackets. Aelin stared at him and then he pointed at the small rib boat and he gave her a huge grin. “I know one of crew members, Callum,” and he pointed at the man he was talking to. We used to dive together. I asked him if he could save us two seats for this morning. It’s a gorgeous day and a boat trip seems like the best way to spend the morning.” “You are a very resourceful man, Rowan Whitethorn.” She tiptoed on her feet and kissed his nose. One of the crew member walked around distributing lifejackets and explained the basic health and safety measures. Aelin wore her vest and Rowan double checked it was up to his standards. Once he was happy that the jacket was safely on he helped her to get on the rib. The brunette girl who was part of the couple sat beside her giving her a wide smile full of excitement that probably mirrored Aelin’s. “I am Elide.” The woman introduced herself and Aelin took her hand. “I am Aelin.” She smiled back “Are you here for the festival too?” She had a feeling they were tourists. “Yes,” she replied excited “Lorcan and I come every year. We love it.” Then she turned to the man at her side “This is Lorcan by the way. Don’t worry he does not bite. That is just his regular face” and the man grunted in reply. Aelin laughed. The man seemed to be mad at the world. She turned to introduce Rowan to the couple, but she noticed he was still on the pier chatting away with one of the crew members. “The tall guy on the pier with the blue shirt? My boyfriend, Rowan.” Elide’s gaze took in Rowan and Aelin smiled wickedly at the woman’s stare of understanding. “Did you come here for the festival too?” “Oh, Rowan and I live here. He is the local, I moved her a few months ago.” “Nice,” said the woman. Aelin liked her already, she had a very bubbly personality. “Lorcan and I live in Glasgow.” “I never been there but Rowan did uni there..” “You should come and visit. It’s quite a fantastic city. So alive.” Rowan finally returned and sat down beside Aelin “nice chat?” “Yeah, I haven’t seen him in ages. I knew he had opened a boat tours business but I never had the chance to come and say hi. We were just discussing some ideas for possible diving adventures.” She caressed his head and realised that there was still so much she did not know about him. Some days he still felt like a huge mystery, but still, she was madly in love with him and she was looking to find out more about him day by day. “I made a friend by the way,” and she pointed at the woman at her side “This is Elide. She and her boyfriend Lorcan are here for the festival too.” Rowan extended his hand and then he and Lorcan exchanged a manly nod and both women rolled their eyes. Rowan fussed over her again and double checked one more time that her lifejacket was fitted and tied properly, when the rib boat started to move. His hand reached behind her back and he leaned comfortably against the side of the boat and closed his eyes, letting the sun kiss his face. Aelin and Elide on the other hand, were taking photos and chatting away happily pointing at all the points of interest. The boat glided on the water and Aelin leaned back against Rowan, taking in the scenery in front of her. She had explored all of that during her adventures, but seeing it from the water was a completely different experience. “Thank you for this.” She said to him. “Hopefully we will see some wildlife.” He added “Callum said that yesterday they spotted Orcas.” Aelin’s eyes went wide in surprise “I saw whales at the Butt of Lewis, or what I think it was whales.” “Highly likely.” Then she turned to Elide “So, you guys are staying here for the whole festival?” The woman nodded “Yes, Lorcan and I always rent a cottage for a week and spend the whole weekend at the festival. I am looking forward the main event tonight: Peat and Diesel.” Aelin almost squealed “us too. Rowan introduced me to them very recently and I am dying to see them live.” “We have been to one of their concerts in Glasgow at the Barrowlands.” Said Lorcan almost grumbling. “Oh, he speaks,” joked Elide, patting his leg and giving him a smile. He did not reply and just placed a hand on her back. “What about we spend the day together?” Aelin turned all excited to Rowan who gave her a nod “Yes,” she shouted looking at Elide again. They sailed for a bit longer and reached Tiumpan Head and Rowan told her to keep and eye on the sea. Not a moment later she spotted a couple of fins and she and Elide almost jumped. “Dolphins,” Rowan said in her ear. She made a 360 and sat on her knees facing now the water. She felt Rowan’s arm tight around her waist. “Please, don’t fall in the water.” Her hand was in the water and a dolphin passed very close to her and she almost touched it. Rowan used his free hand to take pictures of her. His phone gallery had nothing but pictures of Aelin. Elide turned as well and Rowan noticed the panic in the other man’s eyes and they exchanged a glance of understanding. Aelin leaned a bit further but Rowan’s arm pulled her back “Please don’t. Lifeguard service is not in my plans for today.” “There’s dolphins around the boat.” Aelin squealed. “I know, Fireheart,” he pulled her back “but you need to calm down.” She sat back down to a safer position and Rowan felt like he could breath again. “Is that Tolsta?” She then asked when they continued north and she recognised the place in front of her. The closer they got to the beach the clearer the water got and Aelin was in awe “This reminds me of when Lys and I swam at Luskentyre.” Oh yeah, Rowan remembered the day and very quickly chased the memories away. They were in public. The boat made a turn and they began to make their way back to the town. Aelin snuggled to Rowan’s chest, with her arms around his waist. “Are you cold?” He demanded “I have your favourite hoodie with me.” “I am fine.” An hour later they were back at the harbour and Aelin was high on excitement. The trip had been amazing. Once off the boat she flung her arms around Rowan’s neck and kissed him “Thank you. I loved my surprise.” “You are most welcome.” He pulled back from her “Let me say bye to Callum.” And she was left alone with Elide and Lorcan. “That was a nice trip.” Said the woman, grabbing her boyfriend’s hand. “Totally. I had never seen dolphins before. It was so awesome.” “Really?” Elide was curious. Aelin nodded “Until a few months ago I lived in London. Born and bred there. Not much chance to see dolphins in the water. I doubt they would enjoy the Thames.” Elide gazed at Lorcan “We were planning a quick weekend in the capital next month.” “Ask me anything. I can tell you the best places to go and how to survive London without breaking the bank.” “That would be lovely,” was Lorcan’s reply “I feel like I need a mortgage for this trip.” He kissed the woman’s head and she noticed the first sign of affection “But it’s a belated birthday present, so…” he shrugged. “Ach, I can help you with that. I survived London on a budget when I was student.” Rowan finally came back and embraced her from behind “Sorry, Callum and I were just planning an excursion for next Sunday.” He kissed her ear. “Can I come too?” “Of course.” Then he lifted his head and looked at their two companions for the day “Aelin and I are going to grab lunch, fancy joining us?” Lorcan almost protested but Elide poked his shoulder “Stop being grumpy.” Then she turned to Aelin and Rowan “Of course we are coming.” Rowan smiled and took Aelin’s hand and started walking to Maeve’s. He laughed when he noticed that Aelin was almost skipping. Gods, the woman had never ending energy. While walking to Maeve’s Rowan and Lorcan ended up side by side and Aelin just noticed that her assumption was right and Lorcan really was taller that Rowan. The man must have been closer to two metres. She felt tiny all of a sudden and Elide seemed even more petite beside the huge man. She could put Aedion with them as well and they could form a sexy, tall wall of muscles. She grinned and was glad that Rowan was busy talk to Elide so he did not notice her savage blush. They reached the cafe and noticed that it was packed and Rowan sighed. He loved the festival but it also meant a savage invasion disrupting his day to day life. He entered first and went to his aunt and Aelin smiled when she noticed that Maeve had managed to find some space for them. “Privileges of being related to the owner,” he smiled, going back to them. “This is a lovely place,” commented Elide “why we never stopped here?” “So, will you be enjoying the entire festival as well?” Asked Elide, passing a menu to Lorcan. “No, Rowan and I will be doing today only. Tomorrow we have to reopen the bookshop.” The woman’s eyes lit up in surprise “do you run the bookshop down the road?” Rowan nodded “It’s my shop.” He took Aelin’s hand in his “she helps.” “Yeah, I fix his displays and I charm customer. Rowan scares them away by being a grump” She grinned back at him and he, in exchange, flicked her nose. “I am a primary school teacher,” continued Elide who was definitely the chattier of the pair “And Lorcan is the coach of the Glasgow Warriors. They are a rugby team.” And Aelin was grateful to the woman for the clarification. “No way.” Said Rowan amazed “That’s why you looked familiar. You were their captain until a few years back. Lorcan Salvaterre.” Lorcan nodded. “I studied at Glasgow university and the Warriors were, and still are, my favourite team. I went to see plenty of their games. You guys are awesome.” “You like rugby?” “Aye,” added Rowan and Aelin studied him for a moment. He was alive all of a sudden, his usual calm disappeared and he was one beautiful sight “Stornoway has a small club and I go and watch some of the games. But I miss the big league guys. I usually get tickets for the Six Nations as well.” Lorcan smiled “I can get you some tickets for one of Scotland’s home games. Perhaps for the one against England. Wonder if it will be finally the year we trash them as they deserve.” “Hey,” Aelin exclaimed almost hurt “English woman here.” And as a joke she pushed her London accent. “No one is perfect, Fireheart.” Rowan kissed her temple. She pinched his side and he barely reacted “Fine, I will support England this year, just to annoy you” She threatened and the two guys glared at her. “Fine.” She raised her hands “but you need to teach me Flower of Scotland.” “It would be my pleasure.” And he pulled her to him and in that instant Maeve came with their order “Sorry for the wait guys, we are quite busy today.” Rowan said something in Gaelic to his aunt and she walked away with a smile. Elide turned to him “Tha Gàidhlig agam cuideachd.” Rowan’s face lit up. “I teach at the Glasgow Gaelic School. I am not a native. I picked it up at uni and I fell in love with it. I spent some time on the islands to learn it and then I got a job as a teacher.” “Yeah if she starts to shout at me in Gaelic I know she is really mad at me.” The man joked taking her hand. “I only know a few sentences. Tha beagan Gàidhlig agam.” Aelin said proudly “Rowan has been teaching me.” They finished their lunch chatting away nicely and getting to know each other. Lorcan did manage to utter a few more sentences but he became quite talkative once he and Rowan started talking about rugby. Aelin ordered a trip to the ice cream parlour. And the boys followed. Aelin took Elide’s arm and let Rowan and Lorcan follow. They were super immersed in their conversation. Aelin wished Lysandra was there too. She had a feeling the three of them would get along greatly. Aelin and Elide got a triple cone and the two men just went for something more sober with just one flavour. “Look at them all perfect and healthy.” Aelin mocked them and Elide giggled at her side. Rowan, in front of her just met her gaze and then licked his ice cream in a very taunting way and took great pleasure in noticing her reaction. Aelin almost chocked and his eyes flashed in amusement. A wall, she just wanted a wall and twenty minutes alone with him to remove that smirk form his face. He knew he had rattled her and hated the way he casually went back talking to Lorcan. She would have her revenge. Eventually her mind started functioning again and went back talking to Elide, hoping the woman had not noticed their exchange. That would have been embarrassing. Slowly they reached the festival grounds. They made it till four and they still had three hours to fill in before the main event. They all collected their tickets and ventured inside the main arena. Aelin squeezed Rowan’s hand and once she turned to him she noticed he had the most amazing smile. “We got a concert coming up.” Said Elide, then grabbed a notebook and scribbled something down “this is my number. Text me later. We can meet again for the main event.” Aelin took the piece of paper and then the notebook and wrote her number for the woman “Looking forward to.” The two said their goodbyes and Rowan finally pulled Aelin to him and kissed her deeply “I had to restrain myself all afternoon.” “You are a wicked man,” a whisper against his lips “You will pay for the ice cream trick.” But in response his kiss deepened and his tongue repeated some of the motions he did early. “Unless you want me to drag you in a hidden corner and have sex at a festival, you’d better stop it.” He laughed “Yes, Fireheart.” And mirth flashed in his pine green eyes. “Come on, let’s go and have a look at the merchandise. See if we can get you a P&D hoodie.” And he dragged her to the area with all the stalls. “Uh, food stalls.” She pulled on one side. “Later. We just had a massive lunch and ice cream.” “You are no fun.” She complained while following him. He walked with her in tow for a little longer and they finally found all the stall with the merchandise for the bands and the festival in general. “Look,” he said to her pointing at the big stall of the band “Good thing we are here early, we can do all these things now. Later on it will be mobbed.” Aelin got closer to the stall and started having a look at the hoodies. She noticed a green one and gave it a try. She had decided that for some reason green reminded her of Rowan, perhaps for his eyes, but the colour now was a reminder of him. She tried on the hoodie and Rowan turned and stared at her in appreciation. “You look lovely.” “I’ll take it.” As Rowan turned again, apparently interested by what was going on on the big screen and she used the moment to buy a t-shirt for him. His birthday was coming up and this was the second part of her present. She paid for her stuff and quickly placed the t-shirt in her backpack before he would turn again. She embraced him from behind and leaned her head against his back, he turned, “I really, really like it.” And kissed her forehead. They wandered a bit longer until they finally reached one of the smaller stages where the first band they were waiting for was going to play soon. They did manage to squeeze to the front and Aelin felt bad for whoever ended up behind Rowan. He pulled her in front of him and his arms went around her neck “Are you ready to sing?” She nodded. The band was called Skipinnish and one was one of Rowan’s favourite and she agreed that they did some wonderful music. The group started with a slow song and Aelin danced on the spot in Rowan’s arms and she felt like the happiest woman alive. In his arms she was finally happy. As if the last year ceased to exist all of a sudden. That had been his magic. He had slowly taken away all the grief she had felt until only a few months ago. He had given her again the desire to dream. She squeezed his hand and tried to convey somehow all those feeling in that simple gesture. The music suddenly picked up in pace and Rowan turned her to him, one of her hand landed on his chest and the other one in his hand that he held high. He started dancing and she swayed with him, then he lifted her and turned on the spot and put her back. A quick kiss and they kept dancing. His eyes alive with happiness. She giggled and he smiled at that sound. All through their dance, Aelin sang, impressing him by her knowledge. She only refrained from singing the songs in Gaelic, that was still too much of a challenge. They danced for another few hours then they moved to the next stage where Skerryvore, the next band they wanted to see was going to play. This time they ended up at the back, but Rowan had Aelin climb on his back, piggyback style, and that allowed her to see the stage a little better. She could not dance but loved her position. Her chin leaned on his head and her arms went around his neck. She took a sniff of his wonderful scent of pine and snow and kissed the back of his head. One of Aelin’s favourite songs began playing and she sang out loud you and I, we held each other tight. Time will take its toll, but I will never let you go. Your love is like a high, you and I. Our love can never die, together as we grow. I’ll always let you know, you’re my reason why Rowan joined in and she hugged him tighter and her head leaned against his head. “I love you,” she whispered while he was busy singing the chorus. It was past six when the concert finished. Aelin looked at her phone and noticed a text from Elide telling her that she and Lorcan were already at the main stage and they had a spot at the very front. “Let’s go.” Aelin grabbed Rowan’s hand “Elide and Lorcan have spot fro us as well at the front of the stage.” Luckily the main stage area was not busy yet, and they found the couple quite quickly. Rowan had a look and noticed they had found a good spot. “This is perfect.” Rowan commented. “Not our first festival.” Lorcan grinned back. Aelin and Elide were huddled together talking and being all excited for the grand event. Aelin paraded her hoodie and Elide showed her the t-shirt and the hoodie she had bought as well. Rowan really thought he had created a monster. With the passing of time the area started to fill and Aelin could feel the excitement around them. Half an hour later the show started with a roar. Aelin climbed on Rowan’s shoulders again and she noticed that Lorcan offered the same to Elide. Aelin roared as well and shouted as soon as she recognised the notes of the first song Stornoway of course. She sang with all of her voice and waved her hands in the air. She and Elide grabbed their hands and sang and waved together. Then they moved to Western Isles and the crowd went wild. Rowan laughed at Aelin’s wild excitement and was impressed by the fact that Aelin really had learned all the lyrics. “And that’s the way we do it, the way we do it in the Western Isles” she was singing with a passion and his mind went to that morning when she was cooking breakfast in nothing but a baggy t-shirt while singing and dancing to that song. Rowan moved a bit dancing as much as possible with Aelin on his shoulder but he sang as well and with his hand he beat the rhythm on Aelin’s legs. The band was playing some of their hits and he was having the time of his life. He had never been able to convince Lyria to go to Heb Celt with him. Her music taste was different and she was never interested in that type of music so he had gone alone for a very long time. But now he had Aelin and she was basically perfect. The guys started playing My islands and Aelin let out a savage cheer and then started to sing. She slowly slid off his back and started dancing and jumping in front of him shaking her head at the rhythm of the music Elide at her side being just as wild. She took his hands and danced on the spot as much as the crowd allowed it. Aelin took some photos of her and Rowan and went back dancing. It was quite late when the concert finished. Aelin and Elide were now walking silently hand in hand with their respective men. “I think they finally ran out of fuel.” Joked Rowan, seeing the two women quiet. “It took them a while, but eventually it happened.” Joked Lorcan who had slowly opened up a bit more. “You are both so mean.” Said Elide leaning against Lorcan. “Yes, and you are going to fall asleep soon.” Lorcan crouched down and offered to carry Elide piggyback “Come on, time to get you to bed.” “Are you coming to the ceilidh at An Lanntair tomorrow?” Aelin and Rowan looked at each other “we might,” she said. “Let us know.” Said Lorcan settling Elide properly on his back “Thanks for the day and evening.” And the two slowly walked away. Rowan turned to Aelin and noticed she had a massive grin on her face. Alas, she seemed to have some energy left. “That was awesome.” She took both of his hands “And we need to go to the ceilidh tomorrow. It’s your birthday. We need to celebrate.” “Fine. We can go. But now we are going home. You have to rest and recharge the batteries for the ceilidh.” She leaned forward and kissed him “Thank you so much for this. It was unbelievable.” He pulled her to him and lifted her and pirouetted while kissing her. Finally they started making their way home and when Rowan noticed that Aelin was on the verge of falling asleep on her feet he offered a piggyback ride and she accepted. By the time they got back home she was fully asleep. At home he deposited her on the bed and he started to ponder how to get her out of her current clothes and into a pyjama. He went to get her Cookie Monster pyjama, removed her hoodie and placed it on the chair at the bottom of the room. Next it was the t-shirt and her shorts and he tried to look away. He was about to put the new clothes away when she groaned and woke up briefly. “I am just changing you into your pj.” He told her gently. Still half asleep she let him guide her body into her night clothes. Then he realised she liked to sleep without a bra and he had no idea how to solve that one. “Bra…” she muttered. “I am… you…” he tried to hide his embarrassment “you do that.” She muttered something unintelligible and removed her bra and threw it in his face. Then collapsed on the bed and went back to sleep. Rowan slowly tucked her in then changed in own night clothes and joined her. His arms went around her waist tucked her head in the crook of his neck. Not longer after he was asleep as well.
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bush-viper-cutie · 5 years ago
“On the Run” || YEAR 3 – Ch.3 (HP au)
                              Chapter List
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Day posted: 7/17/2020
Word count: 3,119
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
They had walked for a good thirty minutes before collapsing onto a bench under a light. They were sleepy, tired, exhausted, and starving now. The small meal they were allowed to have had now been burned and their bodies were begging for more sustenance. The night was cold and the wind cut like paper despite how hot it had been earlier that day. The moon was hiding behind clouds and the air was unusually silent for what they were used to.
Privet Drive was normally quiet, not silent, out at night. They could always hear the Dursleys and sometimes even the neighbors as they talked about their new fancy cars or how delicious their wife’s meals had been that night.
Now the street was empty, most lights were out, and things barely looked recognizable. Harry had run off in such a hurry she was sure they had taken a turn down a new area they hadn’t ever been to and the eeriness of the night was setting in.
She remembered the escaped prisoner and knew she needed to get them back, even if it was very unlikely that he’d be walking around Little Whinging – if that was still where they even were. She caught her breath and calmed her heart.
“Harry, we have to go back.”
“We can’t,” he no longer sounded mad and determined, but scared.
Heather put a hand on his shoulder, “Yes we can. We just need to get a hold of a wizard, make her better, and accept whatever punishment they give us.”
“Murder. The Dursleys will kill us,” Harry hung his head and pressed his hands to his face.
“They’re too boring for murder. If anything, they’ll give us up and we might end up with a new, much nicer family,” Heather leaned down and smiled, trying to catch his attention.
“Or we’ll be separated.”
She sat back and sighed, “I won’t let that happen. We’ll talk to people and – ”
“YOU CAN’T DO ANYTHING. You’re not going talk your way out of getting us separated – you think you can fix things and you can’t!”
She stood suddenly, towering over him, “You’re right. My job is KEEPING THINGS FROM HAPPENING. And YOUR job is BREAKING EVERYTHING AND HAVING IT ALL GO YOUR WAY.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he stood and pushed her back.
“You know exactly what,” she pushed harder.
Harry fell back, tripping over his trunk and winced in pain.
“Sorry! I – ”
He held up his hand, cutting her off, “What if… what if we fly to London? We could get our money and live somewhere else with it!”
She put her hands on her hips, “How would we fly there? Our trunks are heavy, we can’t use magic, and Muggles will see us.”
“Well for starters, we’re probably expelled so we can use magic just fine now – ”
Heather winced, not realizing how horrible the situation really was.
“Which means we can make our trunks light as feathers and mount them on the brooms. And last, well its night and dark and everyone’s asleep,” he dusted himself off and opened his trunk, searching for something.
“We can’t just – ”
Harry turned around, scanning the area behind them and she followed his lead, feeling like something was watching them. They both fixed their eyes on the rustling bushes on the other side of the street. They took out their wands and Harry cast Lumos, shining bright light ahead of them.
Heather’s hand went for Harry’s arm and squeezed tight as two large gleaming eyes came forward out of the bush. A large dark lump stepped out onto the curb, keeping its fierce eyes steady, and bared its large teeth. She pulled Harry back and they stepped slowly away from whatever black creature was inching towards them.
They jumped even farther back and both of them fell onto their trunks as a large purple object appeared in front of them before their eyes. She looked up at the glass doors of a giant triple decker bus as it swooshed open and a conductor in a matching purple uniform hopped down the stairs and looked down at them.
“’Choo two call for The Knight Bus?”
Harry stood quickly and walked around the side to where the beast was and came back shaking his head. The conductor looked at them funny and repeated his question slower.
Heather looked around and shrugged, and then nodded, “…Yes.”
“Then welcome! The Knight Bus will take u anywhere you wish, just say the place and you’ll be on your way! I’m Stan Shunpike, your conductor this night and that,” he jabbed his thumb back at the driver, “Is Ernie Prang.”
Heather turned to Harry and whispered, “We can go back now and – ”
“How much to get to London?” Harry picked up his trunk and walked towards Stan.
“’Leven Sickles,” he squinted at Harry’s forehead.
Heather coughed and directed Stan’s attention away while Harry fixed his hair to cover his scar, “No, sorry, we’re going to Privet Drive.”
“Well I’M going to the Leaky Cauldron in London,” Harry reached into his trunk and took out eleven sickles and handed them to Stan. “You can take her wherever she wants,” he boarded the bus.
Heather scoffed and kicked open her trunk, dug out eleven sickles and dropped it into Stan’s open hand. She kicked her trunk closed and dragged it up the steps. She stood next to Harry, looking at five beds on the floor of the bus, all empty but one, containing a snoring old man with a bright orange night cap.
“You can ‘ave that one, and you this one,” Stan pointed at the two closest beds. “Right, now it’s all settled – Do your thing, Ern!”
They fell back onto the bed behind the driver as the bus shot forward at incredible speeds. Harry and Heather pressed their faces against the window and watched the lights and cars zoom passed like lightning, street after street.
“H-how fast are we going? It l-looks really fast,” Harry gripped the metal rail tight as they turned a corner on only the left side wheels.
Heather gripped the bed frame to keep from rolling off the bed.
“Don’ know… fast. That’s for sure,” Stan leaned on the armrest of Ernie’s reclining chair. “Five seconds an’ we’re in Wales.”
They watched Stan walk to the wooden staircase and call out to a “Madam Marsh” before turning back to them. “So woss your names.”
“Er,” Harry looked at Heather.
She shook her head and shrugged at him.
“I’m… N…eville… Neville Longbottom.”
“Right… and I’m Heather… Longbottom,” she pressed her lips together and waited for a reaction from Stan.
“Wuh, siblings or somethin’?”
“Yes,” Harry grinned, “Twins actually.”
Stan grinned back and scratched at the few pimples on his chin, “Never met twins before, that’s coo’.”
They nodded and huddled closer on the bed as they narrowly avoided two red double-deckers on the street. Stan either had no regard for his life or had complete and utter confidence in the old man with thick round glasses squinting behind the giant wheel.
The bus stopped and the bed slid forward. They barely had enough time to bring their legs up onto the bed when the side crashed behind the small driver’s wall. Stan kicked them back and helped an older woman get off the bus.
They were sent back like a set of marbles trapped in a pinball machine. How the other wizard was still asleep was beyond Heather, but it was incredible seeing a whole new part to the wizarding world besides shoppers, teachers, and students.
“How old are you?” Heather call out to Stan.
He cupped his hands, “Nineteen.”
They were sent forward and bounced back, and two more wizards boarded and headed to the third floor. As Heather’s eyes followed them up she noticed a fancy chandelier hanging from the ceiling of the bus. It swung ominously over them.
They bumped the back bed and rolled forward.
“When are we getting there,” Harry held his stomach.
Stan took out a large pocket watch, “In a minute.” He sat on the armrest again and unfolded the Daily Prophet.
Heather gasped as the same escaped convict on the muggle news stared back at them from the front page.
“That’s… Who is that? He was on the Muggle news!” Harry pointed.
“Neville, where you been? That’s Sirius Black, that is. Only wizard to have EVER escaped from Azkaban,” Stan tisked them and turned back to the page he was on, “Woz a big You-Know-‘Oo supporter. An’ only murdered thirteen people…” he looked at them from over the paper, “You two know of ‘Arry Potter, don’t you?”
They nodded quickly and Harry flattened his hair again.
“Good, at least. Well when he defeated You-Know-‘Oo, Sirius Black thought he’d take over, well it took a whole team of Aurors to bring ‘im in and all he did was laugh… Mad fellow, innee, Ern?”
The bed shot forward and bounced back, knocking Harry and Heather against each other.
“Well, ‘ere it is, the Leaky Cauldron,” Stan dragged Harry’s trunk from under his bed and rolled it down the stairs.
“Harry, look, you can wait here and I’ll go back and sort things out. You have enough for a few nights stay right?”
Harry frowned at her, “Sure. Whatever. If you’d rather live with the Dursleys – ”
She sighed, starting to get frustrated, “We need to stay somewhere permanent. We don’t have jobs. And if we’ve been expelled, we’ll have our wands snapped like Hagrid which means no magic.”
Harry’s frown disappeared and his expression turned worried again, “F-fine… Get in touch with me… somehow. I have enough for a week without your help so, either come back tomorrow if you can’t fix things or send Hedwig to me when she gets back.”
She nodded.
“At least the Weasleys will be back in two weeks,” Harry walked off the bus and rolled his trunk through the barely noticeable doors on the street.
Stan jumped back on and turned to her, “You’re the last one. So where to then?”
“4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey…” Heather sat back down on the front bed and held on tight as they shot forward again.
If it took thirty minutes to get to the Leaky Cauldron in London from the street they had stopped at, then it took around ten to make it back to Privet Drive. The bus halted in front of the Dursley’s house, whose lights were all still on.
She could see figures through the closed curtains, moving about and a strange pink car parked on the driveway. She picked up her trunk and headed out, waving goodbye to Stan and Ernie. The gravel crunched under her shoes and the night air howled through the tree leaves. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
Within seconds the door flew open and an extremely tall and slightly chubby woman with a flashy eyeshadow smiled down at her.
“Ah, Miss Potter, dear, come in!”
Heather stepped through and looked at her awkwardly as the woman looked around outside before closing the door.
“Where is that wonderful brother of yours, dear?”
“He… uh… who are you?” Heather reached for her wand and held it firmly behind her, just in case.
“I’m from the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad – the Minister of Magic sent us, Cornelius Fudge,” she smiled and pushed her through to the living room.
Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were seated on the couch across from a much smaller – older than even Dumbledore – man with a blue-feathered hat, who sat patiently sipping tea while Marge deflated in the backyard. The Tall woman took out a measuring tape and walked through the kitchen and out the glass doors to Marge and measured her arms, legs, head, neck, and waist.
She walked back in with a big grin, “Just a few more inches.”
“What will she say after all this!” Uncle Vernon grumbled and looked over at her, “So you’re back now, are you? Couldn’t handle the real world out there, could you?”
“Now, now, a deal’s a deal,” the tiny old man sung, “We put everything back to normal and the wee Potters can stay as they were, right here in their home.”
“MY home,” Uncle Vernon grumbled again.
“Where is your brother, dear?” the tall woman looked around again and down at Heather’s trunk.
“Not here… At the Leaky Cauldron – ”
“Ah, well then he’ll see the Minister of Magic there – he thought that was where he’d go – only a shame we couldn’t meet him.”
“Shame,” the tiny man repeated and took a sip of tea.
“Is… he in trouble? Are we expelled?”
“Oh dear, of course not! For blowing up your Aunt?” she laughed.
Uncle Vernon made a disgruntled noise.
“So…” Heather was trying to wrap her head around everything, “But last year a house elf’s magic got us in trouble – ”
“We should leave the past in the past, unless you’ve got yourself the right permits” the tiny man laughed, “Your brother will be staying there for the remainder of your vacation and there should be a room there for you too, paid for by the Ministry of course.”
Heather blinked multiple times, trying to understand how it was possible for Harry to have blown up Marge only to get them free rooms at Diagon Alley. She excused herself and walked out of the room and made her way up the stairs. Dudley was sitting on his bed watching his tv when she walked by and saw him jump off the bed and hide under it.
She walked into the bathroom and locked the door. She took a deep breath and crumpled onto the soft lime green mat, mentally and emotionally exhausted. She rolled onto her back and winced, digging out from under her a sharp green letter.
“I forgot!”
She unfurled it and ripped it open, pulling out a nice thick green card from inside.
‘Potter. If you don’t want to lose your spot on the team then I suggest you practice. You can either do a mediocre job with those Weasleys or you can come over to actually train with an experienced player.
– Draco Malfoy.’
It had slanted writing but overall, it was pretty neat, neater than Harry’s at least. She ran her hands through her hair and sat there thinking. He was right about them possibly losing their places if they didn’t train like Marcus wanted, with specific drills and everything. She loved Quidditch, almost as much as potions and herbology, and way more than art… but not as much as Harry and not more than she liked her friends who would likely see her going over as betrayal.
She laid back down and thrashed about angrily before sitting up and accepting how things where. She opened the door, walked out – ignoring Dudley’s squeal – and passed their open bedroom door when she saw Hedwig standing on the windowsill.
She ran over and took the letter from her beak.
‘Heather! Everything’s ok we aren’t going to Azkaban and we aren’t expelled! The Dursleys have to take us back and we get our own rooms here! For three weeks! For free! Food too! No punishments! Can you believe it? Hurry back!’
She frowned and took out a pen from their desk drawer, flipping the parchment over to respond.
‘I didn’t know YOU could have gone to Azkaban. And good we aren’t expelled.’
She paused and thought some more about Draco’s letter. She hated how happy he was everything worked out. He should have at least gotten a stern talking to… Well maybe she could make him see that not everything turns out well. She continued writing:
‘But the Dursleys are still extremely upset. I told them it was me since I’m the one back, and they say if I clean up around the house and do all the chores for the rest of vacation, then they won’t make us sleep outside next summer.’
She would be killing four birds with one stone now. He would see she was right to come back, that there WERE repercussions to his actions, he would feel guilty, and she’d be able to go train with Draco without Harry knowing. She looked at the letter for a bit longer, knowing how guilty she’d feel lying like this. Not to mention the fact that last year Draco was saying awful stuff about Hermione and all the other muggle-borns…
“But Quidditch…” she groaned.
It wasn’t fair lots of Slytherins had such bad attitudes and opinions. She hadn’t even made any friends in her house yet for fear they’d be bad people and Harry, Ron, and Hermione would disapprove. And it was even worse that the only person her age on the team was a Malfoy. But she didn’t want to lose her place. And for the moment, he was the only one who was willing to go through all of Marcus’ drills with her and knew what they were.
“It’s not like we can play Quidditch in Diagon Alley,” she smiled and tied the letter to Hedwig’s leg, “See you, Hedwig. Make sure Harry is keeping me updated, alright?”
Hedwig hooted happily and flew away into the night. She went back downstairs and watched as Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia got Marge into the house and up the stairs.
“Memory wiped and no harm done,” the tall woman smiled, “Shall we give you a lift?”
Heather smiled back, “That would be great, thank you… Do you know where Malfoy Manor is?”
The woman frowned, “My dear, are you sure you wouldn’t rather be with Harry Potter? The Malfoys – ”
“I’m sure, thanks,” Heather cut her off as politely as possible.
She knew everything she’d say. How could a POTTER go to the house or even be friends with a MALFOY, former Voldemort Supporters? Mortal enemies of famous HARRY POTTER? Well, multiple people have also asked how she, a Potter, could be a Slytherin and so it didn’t matter to her. All she wanted, was to be just as good at Quidditch as Harry – so long as it was still fun – and prove BOTH Potters were skilled and powerful. Not just Harry.
“I’ll put your trunk in the back then,” the tall woman exited the house.
Heather followed the other wizard to the car and got settled in the back. The woman closed the trunk and got in the diver’s side and started the car, pulled out and headed away from Privet Drive and to what Heather hoped was Malfoy Manor and not the Leaky Cauldron.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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bandpreferences15 · 6 years ago
Sticky and Sweet
Dacre Montgomery x Reader
Summary: This is based on Gaten’s IMDB (i think) “Best Interview Ever”. Y/N is new to the set of Stranger Things 3. Her character has multiple scenes with Billy so she’s become close with Dacre. When Y/N needs a hand with something for an interview, she knows just who to call.
Y/C/N: Your Character’s name
“Y/N! Thanks for joining us today!” The interviewer sat behind the camera while you took a seat in one of the plush chairs in the makeshift living room you’d be shooting in.
“Thank you! It’s great to be here!” you smiled brightly. This press tour had been a long one, exhaustion quickly catching up to you. You were tired, but you wouldn’t let it stop you from giving interviews and meeting fans. You’d been lucky enough to make it onto one of the biggest shows in the world, the least you could do was sit, smile, and give a few behind the scenes tidbits for the public to enjoy. 
“So, Y/N, are you up for a little game today?” the interviewer asked, shuffling the cue cards in his hands. You nodded excitedly. Normally you’d just sit in your chair and answer questions, so games were a welcome change.
“Ok. We’ll start small. Would you rather have a Steve Harrington temporary tattoo, or a Billy Hargrove temporary tattoo?” You readjusted yourself in your chair, tucking your legs under yourself.
“Well I guess I have to go with Billy since we spent so much time together.” you laughed. One of the producers brought you a sponge, a cup of water and the Billy tattoo. “I like this game! Let’s do another one!” You carefully peeled the plastic layer off the tattoo, letting the wet sponge soak the temporary ink onto your skin.
“Alright! Moving on, Would you rather have a Hopper Sheriff hat or a Will Byers haircut?”
“This is a hard one...um let’s go with the Hopper hat.” The hat was placed on your head while you carefully peeled the paper layer from your temporary tattoo. You held your forearm up to the camera. “Nailed it!” The camera crew laughed.
“Ok next one!” The interviewer called, also clearly enjoying himself. “Would you rather have 11 pounds of waffles or an 11 pound waffle sundae?”
“Well it’s 9am and I haven’t had breakfast so I’ll gladly take 11 pounds of waffles.”
It took two crew members to carry the giant stack of waffles to the little table that had been set in front of your comfy chair. There was a dish of butter and a large jug of maple syrup placed beside them and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Oh my god this is the weirdest thing I’ve ever done” you picked up the knife and fork, not knowing where to start. “This is a crap ton of waffles, I might have to phone a friend to come help me eat these!” you joked.
“You totally could if you wanted to!” the interviewer replied. “We’d love to get your friends’ opinions on the progress and storyline of the show.”
You dug your phone out of your pocket, scrolling through your contacts. Joe and Maya had an interview at a radio studio across town, Charlie and Natalia were headed to a charity event and the kids were probably looking forward to spending their day off at the hotel pool. You smiled as you came across the name you’d been looking for, tapping the ‘call’ button and waiting for the ringing to start.
“Mmmwhat?” a sleepy voice answered. 
“Morning, sunshine!” the excitement in your greeting prompted a groan and rustling of sheets from the Aussie on the other end of the line.
“What do you want, Y/N?” you could practically hear him snuggling further into his sheets.
“Well good morning to you too Mr. Grumpy. Can you come to Room 381? I need your help with an interview.” You held up a finger toward the camera crew, signalling that you were nearly finished with your call. 
“Whyyyyy?” he whined “I’m so comfy!”
“Pleeeease???” you whined back, mocking his tone, “I have waffles!” you popped another forkful of the delicious breakfast into your mouth.
There was quiet on the other end of the line.
“Don’t fall asleep on me, dude! Get dressed and come down, I need a waffle buddy!”
“A wha- Jesus Christ... Fine. Give me fifteen minutes.”
You ended the call, placing the phone back in your pocket.
“He’s on his way!” you smiled at the interviewer, “Now let’s get back to these ‘would you rathers’. What else you got?” you asked, dipping a chunk of waffle into the little pool of syrup that had been collecting at the edge of the plate.
“Would you rather wear a Demogorgon onesie or a Stranger Things Christmas lights snuggie for the rest of the interview?”
“Oh my God! The domogorgon! For sure!” You had just finished zipping up the onesie and were adusting the hood when a knock sounded on the door. You heard a few of the crew members clap excitedly as Dacre waled in, politely introducing himself before his gaze landed on you. 
“What are you wearing! Oh my god!” he was nearly doubled over at the sight of you, Sheriff’s hat perched precariously on the hood of the Demogorgon onesie. He wiped at his eyes, a few tears having escaped at the expense of his laughter. You patted the seat beside you.
“I promised you waffles, now come sit with me.” Dacre made himself comfortable, opting to squish the two of you into one chair rather than move to the sofa. 
“Dacre, would you like a costume?” the interviewer asked.The Aussie nodded vigorously, grinning as he was handed a ‘Scoops Ahoy’ uniform and a Dustin hat.
“This is the best!” he exclaimed, snatching the forkful of waffles that had nearly made it into your mouth. He took a large bite, his lips wrapping around the metal tines in an effort to get every last bit of maple-y goodness. You stared at him in feigned shock. 
“I invite you here to share my waffles and you steal them away?!” you exclaimed dramatically, clutching your chest. Dacre nearly snorted with laughter.
“I can’t take you seriously. This is adorable.” he tugged on one of the Demogorgon mouth flaps that made up the hood of your onesie. 
“I’m not adorable. I’m a terrifying, Barb-eating, monster!” 
“OOOHHH. Too soon, Y/N, too soon.” the interviewer laughed.
By the time the interviewer had run out of questions, you and Dacre had managed to finish about two thirds of the plate of waffles.
“I’m so full. You’re going to have to roll me out of here.” you groaned, leaning back in the plush chair. Dacre’s arm was rested behind you and it might have looked like you were cuddling if the demogorgon hood wasn’t in the way.
One of the producers came to get the plate of now cold waffles and you took the opportunity to glance over at the man you’d spent the last few months filming with.
“I missed you.” he confessed, using the arm that was resting behind you to pull you closer to his side.
“You saw me yesterday!” you laughed, giving him a light shove. He squeezed you tighter to him, both arms now pressing you against him as he threw his head back. 
“I can’t live a day without you, Y/C/N!!” he called dramatically, sending the whole room into a fit of laughter.
“You look like Mike Myers in Wayne’s World with that hat!” you countered, trying to hide your disappointment when he abruptly stood from the chair and stuck a pose. 
“I’ll have you know that I am a very fashionable man. Don’t tell me how to live my life!” The two of you were so caught up in your little charade that you hadn’t even realized the camera crew had begun packing up.
Dacre tugged once again on the hood of your onesie. 
“Come on. You got breakfast so I’m buying us lunch. Or on second thought, dinner. I think we need to sleep off these waffles first.” He laughed, extending his hand to you. The two of you returned your props to the production team and thanked everyone for the most fun interview you’d ever had.
As you and Dacre exited the room, you bumped into Millie and Sadie on their way to the pool.
“Guys. That was the cutest interview I’ve ever seen. In my entire life. Ever.” Millie exclaimed, nearly bouncing with excitement. Sadie nodded in agreement.
“It was live?” Dacre asked, a light blush dusting his cheeks.
“Yup!” Sadie nodded, grabbing Millie’s arm and pulling her toward the elevator.
“Enjoy the rest of your day, lovebirds!”
You hid your face in the shoulder of Dacre’s sweatshirt and groaned.
“How long do you think they’ve known?” He murmured, resting his head on top of yours. 
“Probably since you basically attack hugged me at the premiere. Maya teased me about it all night.” you blushed, reaching down to slip your hand into his.
Dacre smiled at the memory. 
The car he’d been in had just pulled up to the red carpet, cameras flashing and people everywhere. But he was able to spot you. Not waiting for the red carpet attendant to open his door, Dacre bounded from the car, grabbing you around the waist and spinning you away from the interview you’d been giving.You’d let out something  between a gasp and a squeal as he placed you back on the ground. Dacre helped you fix your dress and kept his chin propped on your shoulder for the remainder of your interview. He even gave you a kiss on the cheek before moving down the carpet to greet Joe and Maya, who had both witnessed the exchange and were currently plotting their relentless teasing. The two of you had made flirty comments and serious eye contact back and forth across the red carpet for nearly an hour before everyone was ushered inside. Dacre had lost sight of you for a good thirty minutes before he felt you, fingertips glidin along the inside of his wrist. He let you pull him to the dance floor, any excuse to be close to you undeniably appealing. 
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gotatext · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
PREFERRED NAME — nora. i think i started going by it in like, 2009?? my full name is eleanor but i hated it n thought it was way too pretentious n i never felt like it fitted me so when i started writing on forums i decided i’d be a nora rather than eleanor and then my school friends called me it and it just kinda stuck, the only person who calls me eleanor is my mum
PRONOUNS — she / her / ethereal being beyond comprehension
AGE — 23 but i tell everyone im 21 because even tho time is literally fake im desperately clinging to that fleeting thing we call youth trying to catch it like smoke in my hands
PINTEREST — i actually have two. this one is my main one where i just cram all my shit n i’ve had it for years and some of its super unorganised. then i also have this one which is one i made for exclusively female characters. it started as mythological figures but now its like, women in literature and the occasional oc as well. variety is the spice of life!
DISCORD — lindsay lohan’s meth#8664
TUMBLR (PERSONAL/MUSE/RPH) — i used to be froseths but now im pvrscphones cos ya gal is a fucking whore for mythology 
OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE — oi oi guvna ere’s me twitta. also here’s my letterboxd n my goodreads if anyone still uses tht
MYER-BRIGGS — enfp / infp border .... the classic profile of a lit student
HP HOUSE — hufflepuff, am fuckin mad. 
ZODIAC — libra which is a joke because i am in no way balanced but i guess i AM indecisive and a peacekeeper so?
DO YOU BELIEVE IN ASTROLOGY? — i believe it when it says good shits gonna happen in my life and blame it if bad shit happens but i don’t strongly follow it i just find it interesting
HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU STARTED RPING ON TUMBLR — maybe like 14?? my first rp blog here is literally so embarassing i wrote as clove from the hunger games n my best friend irl wrote cato :/ it was wild
WHAT YEAR WAS IT? — like 9 years ago?? 2010 maybs
NAME A RANDOM ROLEPLAY THAT STICKS OUT IN YOUR MEMORY — me n my friend ellie made this really cool group the summer before we left for uni which was loosely based on a concept mentioned mayb once in the divergent series, but it gave us loads of freedom to make it our own thing. it was called the fringe n it was like..... this dystopian society where people with different genes were cut off from the rest of society n lived in overrun slum cities where different groups had like, a monopoly over weapons, produce, etc.... my character jack was the leader of this lost-boy-esque tribe called the wolf pack who were hunters n used to run across the rooftops wearing the skins of animals they’d killed and engage in tribal rituals with sacrifices to the gods n shit. sounds lame but everyone there was so invested in their character arcs that it was a shame to see it go. but ! it kind of reached its end point so we blew it up w nukes n they all died. tragic.
WHAT WEIRD ANIMAL WOULD YOU HAVE AS A PET IF IT WAS REALISTIC — a fox?? do ppl keep foxes? idk i’ve always just felt a sense of connection w them like when a fox stares at me im like this shit is life i am living and breathing in this bitch.... visceral
NAME THE FIRST SONG ON YOUR DISCOVER WEEKLY ON SPOTIFY OR THE FIRST SONG THAT COMES ON APPLE MUSIC / ITUNES SHUFFLE — everbody party tonight by cobra man n summer girl by haim..... not my usual stuff but big summer chillin vibes,.....
NAME A BOOK THAT YOU READ IN SCHOOL THAT YOU SURPRISINGLY LIKED — lord of the flies and also the handmaid’s tale. one of assignments was to write a chapter from another character’s perspective n i chose moira
NAME A BOOK YOU HATED THAT MOST PEOPLE LIKED — skellig. fuck off with ur asprin ugly bat man i don’t care. also of mice and men. don’t care about the rabbits or curley’s goddamn wife.
WHAT TV SHOW DID YOU RECENTLY BINGE? — im not a big binger bc i find it jst makes me depressed if i watch tv all day but im nearly finished stranger things season 3 n i recently finished euphoria (big rec but proceed w caution as quite triggering content)
FAVOURITE QUOTE — cool girl speech from gone girl. but also “there’s something dangerous about the boredom of teenage girls” i know its like.... such an overused quote but it really encapsulates this kind of feral girlhood that a few of my characters like bridget n greta have tapped into. i also loved the line “i feel like i could eat the world raw” from song of achilles, that really captures this kind of.... pure n childlike enthusiasm tht i wanna achieve w rory 
LINK TO A VINE THAT EXUDES YOUR ‘ENERGY’ — this is my energy completely am always covered in glitter n staring broodily out of the windows of ubers at 4am like im in the sad bit of an indie film 
DO YOU WRITE OUTSIDE OF RP? WHAT DO YOU WRITE? — uhh.... not as much as i shd.... i want to be a writer so i shd be makin some effort to get my stuff Out Into The World but im just not.... lol. ive done a lot of poetry collections . i wnt to finish a novel @ some point too.
THREE YOUTUBERS YOU STILL TRUST — bold of you to assume i trust any youtubers
A CELEBRITY CRUSH THAT JUST WON’T QUIT — id literally die for saoirse ronan n timothee chalamet :/ chance perdomo also owns my ass. 
EVER MEET A CELEBRITY? SHARE YOUR STORY — i once high-fived dani harmer, the actress who played tracy beaker. today my sister text me tryin to make me guess what celebrity she just saw on holiday in wales and for ages she let me think it was timmothee but it was actually bradley walsh from the chase :/
WHAT’S YOUR PICTURE-PERFECT NIGHT? — i am in a bomb ass crop top and mini skirt, several scrunchies in my hair, glitter all over my face, wearing cowboy boots. we eat dinner in a trendy but affordable pub that doubles up as a cocktail bar n then we drink zombies or sex on the beaches n go to a rave where everyone is on the same wavelength n i share drugs with girls in the toilets and we swap numbers knowing we will never text each other but its ok bc in that moment we feel like we are soulmates and everyone is super drunk n touching everyone else n its all very visceral and we walk through the woods when the rave ends and lie in the grass because we wish to suck out all the marrow of life 
A CONSPIRACY THEORY YOU KINDA BELIEVE IN — princess diana was murdered 
ARE ALIENS REAL? — maybe the real aliens are the friends we made along the way
PLAY ANY PHONE GAMES? WHICH ONES? — love island game im addicted and way too invested in my fictional relationship with bobby, a cartoon
WHAT’S A FILM YOU LOVED WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG AND RECENTLY WATCHED, ONLY TO FIND OUT YOU DON’T ANYMORE — bold of u to assume i remember my childhood. but if we’re talking last 10 years angust, thongs n perfect snogging is so so cringe 
DO YOU COLLECT ANYTHING? — pairs of glasses belonging to other ppl when they break / get new ones even though i can see perfectly well. 
WHAT’S SOMETHING YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BUT YOU’RE TOO LAZY? — mythology...... always a craving and a wish i’d read like ancient texts but my school wasn’t good enough to do greek or latin or any of that shit n even tho i could read english translations i cant be bothered. also criminal psychology
MOVIE YOU’VE WATCHED MORE THAN 5 TIMES — ladybird, about time, angus thongs, shrek 2, what we do in the shadows, the history boys, atonement, coraline, the breakfast club, ferris bueller’s day off
NAME A FICTIONAL CHARACTER FROM TV/FILM/MOVIE/GAME/BOOK THAT YOU FIND YOURSELF PROJECTING ON / YOU RELATE TO — cecilia lisbon. rue in euphoria. alison brie in glow. adam parrish in the raven cycle. richard papen. olivia cooke’s character in thoroughbreds. allen ginsberg in kill your darlings. lily in sex education. holliday grainger’s character in the film animals --- i too am an aspiring writer who never writes and just gets drunk instead .
HOBBIES BESIDES WASTING AWAY HERE? — i go to the movies basically every day bcos i work in a cinema. im also a voracious reader n i occasionally do theatre or costume making
PLUG A TV SHOW / MOVIE / BOOK / VIDEO GAME / ETC… YOU WISH MORE PEOPLE WOULD CHECK OUT — where the wild things are (film by spike jonze).  animals. beats. the book fen by daisy johnson and a girl is a half formed thing by eimar mcbride. andy warhol’s biography from a to b and back again
WHOSE BRAIN WOULD YOU LIKE TO PICK, ALIVE OR DEAD? — phoebe waller-bridge on how i get her life. carey mulligan on how she got to be such a good actress n how i can become her. maybs wes anderson. maybs gillian flynn. i tend to listen to podcasts w the ppl i really wanna pick the brains of.
LAST MOVIE SEEN IN THEATRE — blinded by the light n i lovd it
DO YOU STILL READ? — when i finished uni i kinda got out of the habit but this week i finished two books so ive set myself the challenge of a book a week.
IF SO, WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? — i finished song of achilles yesterday n i also finished call me by your name yesterday. started circe by madeline miller today, im also partway through milkman by anna burns and the plays of annie barker
ON A SCALE OF 1-10, HOW MUCH DID YOU HATE FILLING THIS OUT? – 3 i didnt hate it bcos at heart i am self-indulgent and love fashioning some sense of self when i feel lost in a world that is scary and constantly changing 
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bang7an · 7 years ago
A list of BTS’ UNOFFICIALLY RELEASED socially-conscious, non-love songs:
Not only does BTS have a bunch of socially-conscious officially released tracks, they have a ton of unofficial/non-group releases with meaningful lyrics as well.
흔한 연습생의 크리스마스 (A Typical Trainee’s Christmas) * = about the insignificance of holidays to trainees and feeling lonely, overwhelmed, and belittled because of the industry’s expectations
Born Singer * = about pursuing your passion despite criticism from society and the uncertainty of the future
흔한 아이돌의 크리스마스 (A Typical Idol’s Christmas) * = comments on how the grass is not always greener on the other side; about feeling overwhelmed due to the work load/expectations of being an idol. also a thank you to ARMYs for continuously supporting them 
So 4 More * = about constantly working harder in order to  pursue one’s passions and to reach one’s dreams
We Are Bulletproof PT 1 4 BEGINS Ruff * = about surpassing your rivals by being yourself & not letting other people’s words get to you
RM, Suga & Jin
학교의눈물 (School of Tears) * = comments on the apathy of the current education system that pits children against each other and teaches students to step on the weak to rise to the top
어른아이 (Adult Child) * = about how reaching the age of adulthood is not as special and revolutionary as others make it seem; it is just another chapter in the book called Life. also a shout of gratitude to Korea’s armed forces who are often forced to serve for 2 years when they reach the age of adulthood
Jungkook, Jimin & J-Hope
졸업 (Graduation) * = about seeking freedom from the educational system and realizing everyone will take a different path towards their respective dreams
RM, Suga & J-Hope
땡 (DDAENG) * = about thanking the antis and internet trolls for their dedication because BTS used their hate to motivate them to rise to even higher fame and success
RM & J-Hope
널 웃게 할 노래 (The Song That Will Make You Smile by Lee Seung Gi ft. Rap Monster & J-Hope) = RM & J-Hope’s part is about not being afraid of standing tall and facing one’s adversaries head on
RM & Jungkook
Like A Star * = about regret for being afraid of being different from others and not pursuing one’s dreams/passions
알아요 (I Know) * = a thank you to male and female ARMYs for supporting them the last 3 years & a promise to be always there for ARMYs in the future
RM & V
네시 (4 O’CLOCK) * = about that ambiguous time between night and day when the blue moonlight seems to stop time and you can heal from the chaos of the light/reality
Jimin & V
95 Graduation * = about how fast time flies & the importance of preserving and remembering the past that was built to create the present. also an apology to their classmates for not being able to attend their graduation
Hookgayo (w/ Iron & Supreme Boi) = calls out the repetitiveness of the industry & artists who use swear words/graphic content simply to catch the interest of the general public (a response to Brave Brother’s diss track “Round and Round,” where he dissed producers, like Bang Shi Hyuk PD)
Fuck Cockroachez (w/ Zico) = about facing the uncertainty of the future and staying strong
Seventeen = about feeling lost in the world and not knowing how to actualize your dreams. comments on how only you can take control of your life
DREAMIN = about taking the unbeaten path and looking towards the future while never forgetting one’s humble beginnings
Glory = about pursuing your passions despite the disapproval of people around you
Naa = about the sweetness of pursuing one’s dreams and the curious beckoning of the unknown future
Suicide = about the feeling of failure even when others label you as a success
7 Dayz (w/ Popinjay) = about how dreams cannot always shield you from reality
130305 = about newbies who disrespect the senior artists that came before them
Tipsy (w/ Supreme Boi) = about pursuing your passions not for the applause, but for your own pleasure and personal satisfaction
94 Line Rap (w/ 삼순, 윤달, Suprema, Kyum2, LUPE, Wildbuck) = about the power of attacking your haters mentally rather than physically
Swag Player (w/ Tangent) = dissing wanna-be-rappers that compare themselves to those from the underground scene
You Can’t Do That (대남협 w/ Supreme Boi, i11evn, Marvel J, Kyum2) = addressing haters that say idol rappers can’t be considered truly “hip-hop”
Check the voice (w/ 라이머, 문화의사대, Black $heep, rap k.o, 문스피어, Kwind, TL, 몽숭이, Star Yankie, 찌질보이, 대포, BLAGI) = about ignoring the haters and looking straight ahead
Listen To Me = about breaking the music industry by being one with the beat
닥투 (Vote, or Just Shut Up) * = telling people we should voice our opinions by exercising our right/power to vote
Party (XXO) [Lyrics by RM] * = about fighting hatred with love & standing up for the minorities of the world. also contains pro-LGBT lyrics
I Like That [Lyrics by RM] * = about self-love & being independent and confident after a break up
FREESTYLE * = about the uncertainty of the future & the societal pressures that come with choosing music over college
FREESTYLE 2 = about how his tears for the past have dried & how he can’t go back now. also about being grateful and wanting to give thanks/strength to the people who have helped him along the way
FREESTYLE 3 * = about feeling lonely in a room full of people & the importance of self-motivation to reach your dreams/success
Freestyle 4 * = about longing for a past when time was infinite and dreams were limitless
Rap Monster * = about his dream to lead the new generation of hip hop by writing and conveying his own words/message
Where U At * = about the uncertainty of the future in such a competitive/saturated job market. also comments on how today’s youth is explicitly taught that money isn’t everything, but is implicitly pressured to earn a high salary
Too Much * = about feeling alone and trying to find where one belongs (in this case, he is rapping about the rejection he feels from hip hop fans for being an “idol” and idol fans for being a “monster”). also a question as to whether one can be truly happy/content in life
Unpack Your Bags (w/ DJ Soulscape) * = about the difference between his “idol” self and his “non-idol” self & the path towards finding his true identity
P.D.D (Please Don’t Die w/ Warren G) * = about serving revenge to haters by using the hate as a stepping stone for success
부끄부끄 (Bucku Bucku by MFBTY ft. EE, Dino J, RM) * = RM’s part is about showing magnanimity to the haters out of pity. he also gives respect to the seniors that he had always looked up to and are now able to write songs with
목소리 (Voice) * = about overcoming his past and finding his true source of happiness in music
Do You * = about living without labels/societal restrictions and doing “the fuck you want!”
각성 (覺醒/Awakening) * = addressing the fear and inevitability of failure. also about embracing the title of “idol” & not letting the label restrict his mind or actions
Monster = about becoming better than your haters by enjoying what you do everyday
농담 (Joke) * = “I’ll say one word about your rap, don’t rap.”
God Rap = about accepting and loving oneself, as well as accepting and not ridiculing others with different beliefs/views
Rush (ft. Krizz Kaliko) * = about preventing the negativity from affecting you by focusing on your own life
Life * = questioning the differing levels of loneliness that people feel and the blurred line between life and death
표류 (Drift) * = about trying to determine one’s purpose in life, but feeling lost
I Believe * = about trusting oneself and making the most out of one’s life by following one’s heart
튀겨 (ProMeTheUs by Yankie ft. Dok2, Juvie Train, Double K, RM, Topbob, Don Mills) * = RM’s part is about seniors/the older generations who look down towards and dismiss the youth
always * = about feeling like the world is not listening to you and will never be able to accept you for who you are
Change (w/ Wale) * = about trying to change the current state of the world we live in. also comments on the corrupt education system and police brutality, as well as cyberbullying
코끼리 (Gajah/Elephant by Gaeko ft. RM) * = RM’s part is about fighting for oneself and not letting life/destiny push you around
Diss = about how you can’t buy talent with money
Swagger = about being destined for success
All I Do Is Win = about surpassing your competition by improving yourself day by day
싸이하누월 MIX Final * = about how music is a part of him & not being afraid to display his true self, despite the stigma that comes with the label “idol”
Agust D * = about rising from the bottom to the top and breaking away from the stigma of “K-Pop” and “idol”
give it to me * = “Born tiger, ain’t gonna live like a dog.”
치리사일사팔 (724148) * = about pursuing your passions to reach success. also comments on social classes and the priviledge of old money
140503 새벽에 (140503 at dawn) * = about loneliness and pretending to be okay on the outside while fighting your inner struggles. also comments on his social phobia, that was an onset of his restricted lifestyle as a trainee
마지막 (The Last) * = about the dangers of comparing oneself to others & not recognizing who one has become. comments on self-hatred, depression, social phobia, suicide, and mental health. also about the sweetness of success after hardship & learning to find pride in one’s self-esteem
Tony Montana (ft. Yankie) * = about the switch from wishing for the downfall of others, to focusing on his own success and taking care of his family, fans, and team. also about the trials that come with rising from the bottom to the top
so far away (ft. SURAN) * = about the meaningless of living life without a purpose/dream, but also struggling to find that purpose. in addition, conveys a message of hope that one will find happiness through hard work and not giving up on the seemingly impossible
Animal (Jo Kwon ft. J-HOPE) = about not letting anyone take control of your passions (in this case he’s talking about his passion to perform)
1 VERSE * = about the gratification of watching your hard work and effort come to fruition
Hope World * = about opening up oneself to the world and living with hope
P.O.P (Piece of Peace), Pt. 1 * = about the role of music in bringing about change and comfort in a chaotic world
백일몽 Daydream * = about dreaming the impossible dreams and living life without fear of restrictions
Base Line * = about discovering the “base line,” the inner catalyst, that drive’s one’s motivations and achievements
항상 (HANGSANG ft. Supreme Boi) * = about how BTS is his driving force and his pride in reaching the top with his members by his side. also about his hope that they will be together forever
Airplane * = about reminiscing on his youth, when he used to dream of the skies, and finally realizing that he has surpassed his childhood goals
Blue Side (Outro) * = about wanting to preserve his memories of his younger, naive self, even if it’s through a dream
name: video w/ lyrics
=: live performance/dance practice
*: official music video/trailer/SoundCloud release
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swissmissficrecs · 7 years ago
Novella-length casefics, Part 2
Part 2 of my rec list for novella-length (ca. 15-50K) casefics. Split due to length.
Part 1 [click]
Part 2 below
The Adventure of Kitty Riley by Ariana (12K, Teen, Johnlock, Sherlock/OFC) Kitty Riley has started using her position as a tabloid journalist to blackmail people. After his return, Sherlock decides to do something about it, embarking on an adventure which amongst other things, involves Sherlock on a date with a girl, and creeping around in the dark with John, holding hands.
The Adventure of the Six Painted Virginsby Saathi1013 (14K, Explicit, Johnlock) Sherlock dons an unusual disguise for a case. John is…conflicted.
The Camford Dares by writerfan2013 (17K, Teen, Johnlock) Sherlock is being mysterious and secretive and John is being particularly stubborn and their annoying case in a well-known university town is not helping anything.
The Case of the Meddling Siblings by destinationtoast (37K, Mature, Johnlock) Mycroft and Harry Watson team up to send John and Sherlock on a case to distract a Sherlock who’s been pining after John.  And Harry, at least, is determined to get the boys together.
The Cornish Cottage by flawedamythyst (32K, Teen, Johnlock) In the wake of John's divorce, Sherlock tries to cheer him up with a trip to Cornwall. Adaptation of ACD's The Adventure of the Devil's Foot.
The Halloween Party by XistentialAngst (19K, Mature, Johnlock) Sherlock and John attend a Halloween party on the trail of a vampire killer -- a man who's been seducing his victims and taking all their blood.  Sexy costumes, bad puns, hideous danger, frantic sex in hidden places and some Halloween-flavored fluff are all on hand to "treat" you.  Boo.
The Killer with the Yellow Wall-Paper by kittlery (27K, Teen, Gen) Sherlock navigates a case - and John - with his usual tact and social grace.
The Last Case of Dr. John Watson by Susan (14K, Explicit, Johnlock)  If he really had less than twenty-four hours to live, was it too much to ask that it be sunny?  Being poisoned and soaked to the skin on the same day seemed to John a bit of cosmic overkill. Sherlock's only hope of saving John is finding the antidote before it's too late. But where does he start?
The Master of Latham Hall by Kryptaria (47K, Teen, Johnlock) Ten years after meeting Sherlock Holmes, John Watson has successfully kept only one secret from the world's only consulting detective: the most important secret he's ever had.Now, drawn into an impossible web of murders at Latham Hall, John learns the terrible price a man must pay for keeping certain things secret.
The Napoleon by darcylindbergh (25K, Explicit, Johnlock) Halloween, 1989: John and Sherlock both have big plans for the night, but serial killers have the worst possible timing.
The Night Riviera from Paddington to Penzance and Back Again by Iwantthatcoat (13K, Mature, Johnlock) Mrs Hudson has decided her boys need a little vacation together (after the events of S4) away from London and has booked them an inordinantly (per Sherlock) long train ride from Paddinton Station to Penzance.
The Norwood Love Builders by flawedamythyst (47K, Teen, Johnlock) Sherlock and John go undercover to solve the murder of Joanna Oldacre, but things are complicated by the many feelings John has been repressing in the wake of Sherlock's faked death and return.
The Other Man by ampersand_ch (27K, Explicit, Johnlock and John/OMC) Sherlock's been acting strange. John suspects he's after something in particular, but it's not what John wants. Or is it? An adventure full of traps, tricks, and misunderstandings leads the two of them on a rocky and painful road to each other.
The Sacred Bond by ampersand_ch (42K, Explicit, Johnlock) A series of mysterious deaths among priests puts John and Sherlock onto the trail of an ancient, secret brotherhood. Little do they suspect how deeply their own situation is tangled up with the case.
The Semantics of Crop Circle Formation: a case study by Sherlock Holmes [unpublished] by canolacrush (41K, Mature, Johnlock) "Look at these photographs," I said, gesturing to the wall of crop circles. "What do you observe?""Crop circles," John replied."Obvious.  What else?""Are...are those intestines surrounding them?""Yes.  The majority are bovine and ovine in origin.  The farmers who have acquired these crop circles in their fields have also had a tenth of their livestock murdered and arranged thus.""Why?" John said, presumably in a rhetorical fashion.I detest rhetorical questions.  "That is what I must find out, John."
The Straw Man Fallacy by Vulgarweed (40K, Explicit, Johnlock) “Mr Holmes, I'm not in the habit of approaching . . . consultants. But you are correct. I have great faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And until recently, I also had faith in the rule of law. Only the second one has wavered. Three years ago my fiancé, Sgt. Neil Howie of the West Highlands Constabulary, went to investigate an anonymous report of a missing child in a remote place called Summerisle. He never communicated with me while he was there, and he never returned.”Summerisle is not a welcoming place to visitors, but it shows its best face at May Day. For ulterior motives.
Torn Stitches by AggressiveWhenStartled (35K, Explicit, Johnlock) The trick to being with Sherlock Holmes, John mused, was to always keep in mind that he wouldn’t actually murder you and wear your skin as a suit. “I can see the appeal,” Sherlock was murmuring to him over the peeled body, much to the horror of any yarders in earshot. “I often find it surprisingly difficult to get inside your head. It might be cathartic to do in a more literal sense.”John snorted. “With your curls? Our killer didn’t even clean this poor bugger out properly, just pulled him on gore and all. You’d be picking bits of me out of your hair for weeks afterwards.”
Traitor’s Gate by roane (17K, Explicit, Johnlock) John and Sherlock go undercover at a top secret government lab to find out who is selling research. John is back in uniform and Sherlock is back in a laboratory, but they have to pose as strangers. Sherlock thinks he'll have an easy time of it, but John has his doubts. It's up to them to find out who is responsible for putting a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands, and try to keep their hands off each other at the same time.
26 Pieces by Lanning (28K, Explicit, Johnlock) Mycroft gives Sherlock the apparently simple task of solving a puzzle box containing a stolen microchip. It isn't simple.
Under the Downs by Evenlodes_Friend (16K, Explicit, Johnlock) Five years after they first meet, a case in rural Sussex changes John and Sherlock's life forever.
Undercover by standbygo (15K, Explicit, Johnlock) John goes undercover to unravel a crime network.
Underground Rescue by khorazir (48K, Mature, Johnlock) All kinds of danger lurk in the disused stations of the London Underground. When Sherlock goes missing, John has to play detective to find him, while Sherlock faces demons both present and past.
What You’re Missing by kedgeree (16K, Mature, Johnlock) Sherlock always has it all figured out, but his wilful refusal to factor the influence of love into his calculations on a case makes John want to show him what he's missing.
Without a Clue by naughtyspirit (34K, Explicit, Johnlock and Mollstrade) Sherlock accepts an invitation to attend a murder mystery weekend at a hotel with John, Mycroft, Greg Lestrade, Mrs Hudson and Molly in close attendance. The theme is Cluedo and John's already worried about his costume.John's happy enough to go, but given that he's struggling through a definite desire for his flatmate, perhaps taking the room next to him wasn't wise.But pretty, definitely pretty.
Writing on the Wall by ScopesMonkey (45K, Mature, Johnlock and Mollstrade) Having returned from Wales with John injured and a betrayal looming in the background, Sherlock is refusing cases, until both John and a baffling double murder get the better of him.
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shemakesmusic-uk · 4 years ago
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This segment features artists who have submitted their tracks/videos to She Makes Music. If you would like to be featured here then please send an e-mail to [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!
Dahlia is an Edinburgh-based singer-songwriter and the music she creates is a hybrid of trip-hop, R&B and witch house with lyrics which focus on mental health and bizarre life experiences. Alongside Jordan Russell-Hall on production and Jamie Clapton on drums and live arrangements they are influenced by the forward thinking sounds and attitudes of FKA Twigs, SOPHIE and Young Fathers. Dahlia has just released the double single 'Clarity' / 'Slip Slowly' and here is what she had to say on the offering: "I chose to release these two songs together because they are bookends to a time in my life when I was learning how to identify toxic behaviours in others and unlearn them in myself—shout out to the queens of boundaries themselves Florence Given and Michelle Elman for that one. Opening up dialogues about mental health is something that’s very important to me and my music and these songs demonstrate that. I grew up singing Gaelic folk songs. I’ve found this style of singing and the storytelling style of songwriting has woven it’s way into my current way of working. I’m also heavily influenced by late ‘90s and early 2000s sounds and aesthetics like Portishead but also more contemporary sounds like FKA Twigs and Sevdaliza. These two songs are a marriage of all these things with a little Dido drama at the end for good measure." Listen below.
Gillian Stone
Gillian Stone is a Toronto-based multi-instrumentalist who aims to reconcile tenderness and dark emotion in her work. Her music is an exploration of inner and outer landscapes, turbulent feelings, recovery, and the juxtaposition of femininity and imperfection. She uses vulnerability to create a safe space to explore the dichotomy of beauty and discomfort. Her background in jazz and ethnomusicology has heavily influenced her work. Her upbringing on Vancouver Island also led her to Coast Salish hip hop and the soundscape and scene of the Cascadian bioregion. Stone uses an interdisciplinary approach to explore disparate genres in order to produce a singular sonic environment. New song 'Bridges' is the soundscape of recovery. "I wrote this song in 2009 after a summer of self-imposed turbulence," says Gillian. "I don't remember exactly when or how I wrote it, but it stayed with me and became predictive. For over a decade, I've returned to it as a space to safely express shame. Now it's morphing into a reminder, a call for self-temperance. I'm still discovering what it means. 'Bridges' follows a journey of dysregulated emotions exacerbated by alcohol abuse. The e-cello movement is meant to evoke the feeling of losing one's mind. This is a post-rock night song that ends with a promise of the sun." Listen below.
Gillian Stone · Bridges
Jenna Kearns
Jenna Kearns is a disabled songwriter from South Wales. She has rheumatoid arthritis and spent a lot of time as a young child in and out of hospital, having treatments, tests and operations. She grew up and has lived in a small town most of her life. "I’ve always had music in my life in one way or another but when I was younger it was musical theatre," says Jenna. "It was while studying at university that my passion for writing songs became my main focus." She worked with a songwriter/producer in Leamington Spa and it was there she wrote her first EP Time Has Passed which was released in July 2016. Last year in 2019 the title track of the EP was used on the TV show Dance Moms. During lockdown since March she has been writing nonstop with different songwriters/producers. "I now have such an incredible team behind me that I’m very excited for the near future as a disabled artist," she says. "Personally for me being a disabled artist in the industry who cannot get out of her wheelchair the biggest challenge has really been access into studios/songwriting spaces. The studio I worked with on my first EP wasn’t accessible however it was a simple fix they had someone build ramps for me to be able to access the parts of the studio needed." 'Thank you' is the latest single from Jenna. Co-written with and produced by hotly tipped singer/songwriter Joe Dolman, 'Thank You' is a new spin on the damaging effects of toxic relationships.  Offering a positive outlook on this negative experience, the song thanks someone for showing their true intentions. "This year during my 8 months of shielding, I've been writing loads, creating an identity and really honing in on my sound and skills. Part of what makes me unique is being a female disabled artist, having a physical disability people don't see that much disability representation within the music industry, physical disabilities even less so. Talking about disabled creatives or in my case disabled artist will push forward barriers, because I  simply do not want to be seen as just the disabled girl, but want to find those who are about inclusivity and talent." Listen to 'Thank You' below.
Jenna Kearns · Thank You - Next Single 13th november
Total Brutal
Total Brutal is the new indie pop solo project from Los Angeles based singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Emily Moore. Moore is known as a professional touring musician, having shared the stage with the likes of Grammy award-winning band FUN, Børns, Ella Vos, X Ambassadors and many more. With the goal of spreading positivity and self-empowerment, Total Brutal has an ethos of standing up for yourself in order to be heard and seen, facing fears head on and being comfortable in your own skin. Her latest single 'Egypt' is an 80’s tinged song, reminiscent of Phoenix meets Fleetwood Mac. Oozing with soaring harmonies and warm, muted vocals, the funk-fueled track shimmers brightly, creating the ultimate dance-worthy anthem. 'Egypt' narrates trying to get the feeling back of being a kid and the excitement of what the future holds. Nowadays we live in fear of the uncertainty, wanting to bury our heads and hide ourselves away. Moore confides, “I constantly need to remind myself to play more and lighten up. It’s easy to get lost in the seriousness of life but I want to go through life having fun and viewing everything with curiosity.” The sun-soaked track succeeds in lifting spirits, certain to put a smile on your face from the very get go. Inspired by strong female artists, Total Brutal is determined to help other young women make their worth known and their voices heard. She shares, “It took me a really long time to understand that I am allowed to speak up, have opinions and speak directly. I’m starting to realize that I can be myself and be liked and professional all the same. I want to help foster that adventurous spirit and confidence in young women!” Listen to 'Egypt' below.
Total Brutal · Egypt
Kate Boothman
Hailing from The Ganaraska Forest in Southern Ontario, horse trainer turned singer-songwriter, Kate Boothman, emerges with her forthcoming sophomore record, My Next Mistake this fall. Recorded at producer, Thomas Knox D’Arcy’s, Taurus Recording, over 2 snowy weeks in January, 2019, Kate and Thom made what they referred to in the studio as a “massage rock” record. Writing as they went, Kate and Thom’s life-long friendship enabled them to tuck into their shadows. This provided them with instant fodder for the moody narrative that Kate delivers as part prayer, part animal, and entirely her own. This sits nicely against the sweeping strings, heavy bass, twangy guitars, organ swells and sometimes thunderous drums that make the trippy washed out folk scape reminiscent of something Lee Hazelwood would have dreamed up with the help of Mazzy Star. Latest single '17' "is one of those songs that emerged fully formed," says Kate. "It's about that confidence and arrogance that comes with being a spicy youth, and then all of a sudden you're an adult and you realize you knew nothing. You look back and can't help but examine everything you've learned and lost. I wrote '17' after a particularly heavy day during a particularly heavy time in my life. I was overworked, overwhelmed, underslept, heartbroken, and generally confused. I got home late, laid down on the floor, and when I got up, wrote the song in 20 minutes. My songs come fast, but they build up slowly. Festering away inside until they simply can't be contained." Listen below.
Kate Boothman · 17
Clara Byrne
Clara Byrne is a socialist singer-songwriter from Bray. She seeks her lyrical inspiration in the world around her and seeks solitude from that world in the music she creates. 'Conflict Bound' is her first single from her upcoming debut album Handstitched. Clara on 'Conflict Bound': "In a world filled with juxtaposed opinions and clashing ideals, it is getting progressively harder to know where to stand. It can be nearly impossible not to get bogged down in fighting the opposition or slaving towards winning small mercies. It all seems so vast, so utterly impossible to grasp. But there are rare occasions when a clearing appears through the density. These moments when everything is laid out in its most digestible form, is worth waiting for. The woods briefly comes into view and with it a sense that it is all so obvious.We cannot go on like this, in this pressure cooker waiting to be boiled alive. We are heading towards a grand finale; the likes of which mankind has never seen before. As we navigate through the late stages of capitalism, its true face appears clearer now than ever before; we the people are expendable. And like the true dying beast that it is, it will not go down easy. It will not go down alone. Don’t let it’s dying cries drown out what has become clear to you; we’re conflict bound." Listen below.
Conflict Bound by Clara Byrne
Just Costa
For Just Costa, music is just the ticket — to their own sonic theme park. "We call it Just Costa Land," quips Jesse Just Costa, who leads the Montreal outfit with sister Juliana. "We want to bring the sense of an amusement park to our music. The excitement, the enthusiasm, the joie de vivre; that's what we're bringing to life." They have all the building blocks they need. First and foremost are their vocals: Hers clear, supple and sweetly flowing, his lightly sanded and breezy. They blend with the grace and beauty of siblings who finish each other's sentences. Then there are the songs: Richly melodic, lyrically life-affirming and — most crucially — irresistibly groovy. Laced with Jesse's tasteful guitar work, crafted from an amalgam of contemporary R&B, soul, funk, pop and more, their tracks can hold their own next to hits from Bruno Mars, Michael Jackson and Khalid. Enjoy the ride. "'514' is our ode to the beautiful city of Montreal," say the dup of their latest single. "Our hometown's energy is creative and electric. The people are kind and open – you can feel the joie de vivre in the air, especially in the summertime. If your city inspires you, pushes you to open your heart and do better, then this song is for you. This is our first fully self-produced single, recorded in our own studio, with some help from the retro synth wizard himself, Paul Shrofel. The beauty of a song about a city is that everyone has their own unique stories and experiences within that city. Montreal has no lack of open-mindedness, artsiness, or beautiful people, and this city is an ongoing narrative that threads through the story of our own lives."
Just Costa · 514
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iamebonybones · 8 years ago
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(*Image from Take Over Art Exhibition, Switzerland by street-artist Jay Caes)
Often a professional, successful woman can be a target for a stalker, especially if they or their work – appears in the public domain.
Stalking is one of the most frequently experienced forms of abuse globally, with statistics showing up to 7.5 million people stalked in the U.S per year - 61% are female victims. That’s 1 in 6 women. 700,000 women in the UK are stalked each year according to data from the Crime Survey of England and Wales although the British Crime Survey estimated 5 million people experience stalking yearly. Nearly one in three women in France have been victims of stalking in their life - one of the highest rates throughout Europe according to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
According to new figures, Cyberstalking is now far more prevalent globally than face to face stalking and harassment, with many victims finding themselves pursued by complete strangers. With social media and other online methods making a stalker's task that much easier, the popularity of such sites means that cyberstalking can be done at the touch of a button. Inexpensive cell phone spy software, now makes it easier than ever for the average person to spy on a mobile phone from any country - rather than waiting at someone's house and following them wherever they go.
It’s all part of the on going issue of violence against women and girls.
There are many misconceptions about what stalking is. Described as ‘a criminal activity consisting of the repeated pursuing and harassing of another person’ - stalking is far from romantic. It’s about fixation and obsession and most of all it’s oppressive aswell as insidious, and can escalate to rape and even murder. 
To add to a long list of female specific problems, a women’s job could also make her more susceptible to stalkers . Yes, there’s a certain breed of stalkers who only seek to silence women. They are not attracted to their victims and don't even know them personally, but harass and ‘police’ women holding high-visibility jobs or positions normally held by men. Bent on ruining their reputations and self-perceptions of women who somehow or in some way challenge the status quo. They have no desire for a relationship with their victims, but yearn for a sense of power and control, sadistically finding pleasure in gathering information about their victim (sometimes fantasising about assaulting them, physically and sexually). But what drives an angry man-child to harass and cyberstalk women? The answer is pretty simple in short, these scumbags are bullies - they desperately need to feel bigger and better than someone else. Often a professional, successful woman can be a target for a stalker, especially if they or their work – appears in the public domain.
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These stalkers and those they persuade to ‘stalk by proxy’ – stand in the way of gender equality.
The celebrity hacking scandal showed that even famous, successful women were victims to cyber abuse by fragile males who used nude photos as a weapon to silence and humiliate women - as if by doing so asserted some sort of power or dominance in the world. According to Stalking Crimes and Victim Protection, males who abuse, stalk and harass are likely motivated by jealousy, envy, insecurity, fragile identities and a desperate need to assert their masculinity (or lack thereof.)
Look Who's Stalking
So who are these creepy cyber-stalkers who seek to silence women? Who are these sick and lonely cowards who abuse the anonymity of the web as their only possibility to molest others? According to recent studies, many stalkers suffer from forms of mental illness including depression, substance abuse, and often Borderline Personality Disorder. However stalkers are not homogenous - they are motivated by different things and that motivator may oscillate over time. Not all stalkers have a mental disorder. However, when people fixate it's clear there are psychological issues of some description. This is why a mental health evaluation by a professional trained in stalking is important.
Women of colour face cyber-stalking and online harassment more than any other group, followed by caucasian women and then men of colour.
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So is this a gender issue? Normally the most dangerous cases tend to be. It’s all part of what’s going on with violence against women and girls. What's most disturbing is a serious concern that many women might avoid positions that put them in the public eye, or jobs normally held by men - because they fear being harassed and stalked. These handful of cyber-stalkers, and those they persuade to ‘stalk by proxy’ online – could stand in the way of gender equality.
‘Im not Stalking, I’m just investigating’: Yes these stalkers as a group, have an impressive capacity to use moral licensing to rationalise, minimise and excuse their behaviors. They like to hide behind ‘credibility’ and go to extreme measures to track and attack professional women, by attacking their reputations, then ‘gaslighting’ them with vile smear campaigns.
So is this a race issue? According to Danielle Keats Citron’s book, Hate Crimes in Cyberspace, Women of colour face cyber-stalking and online harassment more than any other group globally, followed by caucasian women and then men of colour. White males are least likely to be harassed online, and when they are, they are largely targeted or attacked for being gay. 
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(*Laura Richards: Former head of Scotland Yard's Homicide Prevention Unit, FBI adviser & Founder and Director of Paladin, National Stalking Advocacy Service)
So how best to deal with these cyberstalkers? I had countless friends and peers in the industry who had endured years of cyberstalking, harrasment and even death threats, all in silence. I wanted to find out more about this damaging abuse afflicting millions across the globe, so spoke with former head of Scotland Yard's Homicide Prevention Unit, Laura Richards. Founder and Director of Paladin, the world’s first National Stalking Advocacy Service. Laura who seconded to the FBI and trained at the Behavioural Analysis Units in Quantico, is one of the world’s leading Criminal Behavioural Analyst and has trained thousands of police officers, and specialist professionals across the world including Europol, European Homicide Working Group, National Centre for the Analysis of Violent Crime, New South Wales Police, Australia, South African Police (SAPs), Johannesburg and more.
“It's the double standards and casual sexism that is commonplace, along with abuse and death threats that happens at the click of a button online, when we dare voice our opinion with serious impact - just because we are women.“
Paladin was set up following the highly successful All Party Parliamentary Stalking Law Reform Campaign spearheaded by Laura, which led to stalking becoming a criminal offence in 2012. After a decade of analysing violent crime at New Scotland Yard Laura became the violence adviser to the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) With a minimum sentence of 10yrs for cyberstalking, Laura helps to hunt down stalkers, and her organisation Paladin are currently doing wonderful work to build stalking cases, support victims, aswell as working to create a serial stalker register as most stalkers are regular offenders.
What's the best advice you’ve been given?
Believe and trust in yourself - you can do and be anything you want.
What is your proudest achievement in work?
Successfully spearheading two major law reform campaigns on stalking and domestic violence to better protect victims in England and Wales. The stalking law reform campaign was the shortest most successful campaign in Parliament (achieved in 15 months), I was told, until the domestic violence law reform campaign (achieved in 12 months). The domestic violence law whereby coercive control became a crime in 2015 is the first law of it's kind in the world. My hope is that other countries will follow suit.
And, of course, there's Paladin, National Stalking Advocacy Service - the only trauma informed national stalking advocacy service in the world, which has assisted over 2000 victims since it's launch in 2013. Without this service, so many would have suffered in silence. The team are lifelines to many.
What do you most dislike about contemporary culture?
The shit girls and women deal with on a daily basis and feel we have to put up with, and simply shouldn't. It's the double standards and casual sexism that is commonplace and the abuse and death threats that happens at the click of a button online when we dare voice our opinion with serious impact just because we are women. Yet so many people say and do nothing about it.
Not all stalkers have a mental disorder. However, when people fixate it’s clear there are psychological issues of some description.
What's your favourite city?
London - it's my home city and when the sun is shining, simply put, it's hard to beat! Steeped in history and culture, surrounded by beautiful buildings and with a river running through it, the diversity of people, smattering of fabulous and unique bars, restaurants and music - what's not to love
What do you like most about the age we live in?
The ability to travel and explore. I love adventures and experiencing new cultures and with the shrinking world and ability to hop on a plane, why would you not? Next stop... the moon!
If you have been a victim of any form of stalking or would like help, contact Paladin 
Laura Richards: Criminal Behavioural Analyst www.laurarichards.co.uk
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themorphine · 3 years ago
You and Me (That's my whole world) Chap 2
ummm so I didint update this fic here with the second chapter??? damn sorry guys-
chap 1 <- heres chap 1
chap 3 <- heres chap 3
Fandom: Red White and Royal Blue
Rating: E
Warnings: Swearing, Angst
Henry POV
1 month later….
The junior/senior trip had finally arrived, much to Henry’s dread. His love for Alex had bloomed, more than he could ever imagine. But for some reason, Alex had begun to ignore him, not even sitting with all of them. Henry could tell June and Nora knew what was going on, but they wouldn’t budge. Henry was worried now; what was going on? Did he do something? Probably, but what did he do? He was so careful. Alex could never know. His heart couldn’t handle the heartbreak, and yet he longed to have him in his arms. Christ, he was bloody fucked. Pez was starting to get worried.
“Henry, you need to tell Alexander how you feel. It’s eating at you every time you just see him at school.”
“It’s fine, Pez, really. I’m fine.”
“I’m fine.”
He and Pez walked toward Alex, June, and Nora. Alex was now staring right at him. Henry doesn’t think he can handle any more of Alex’s mood swings. (He probably could, but he likes to think he thinks about himself from time to time.) Henry and Pez share a worried and somehow hopeful look. It’s a slightly scary look. Hope can damage people much more than a punch.
If Henry’s honest, he’s a little scared. Did Alex realize that he’s hopelessly in love with him and disgusted? His anxiety crawls at him, nagging him to the very end.
“Hey guys!” Nora yells when they are close enough.
“Where’s Bea?” June asks.
“She couldn’t make it,” Henry says, “but she sends her love.”
“Who’s ready to party?” Alex yells, and Everyone whoops. Henry gives a small smile. He’s staring at Henry again, and his expression oozes hate. And something else. It’s an interesting mix. He wonders if there is a smoothie for it. They live in America, so probably.
Henry quickly gets on the bus, avoiding Alex and practically shoving Pez into the seat beside him. Alex looks at him for a second before sitting next to a friend named Liam. Henry feels a pang of jealousy but reminds himself yet again that Alex is not his. He’s never been.
The past month had been a fucking mess for Alex.
Firstly, he has been neck-deep in assignments from his law class. His teacher says he’s “preparing them for the real world.” He thinks his teacher is just lazy.
Secondly, the lacrosse team has made it to state championships, so he’s had double the practice than usual. He once fell asleep doing drills because he was so drained.
But the biggest thing of all was Henry. Henry's mother fucking Fox. He still didn’t know why Henry made him feel weird, and it just made him on edge. What is going on?
“Henry!” He heard Pez say, though his voice was muffled. Henry didn’t want to wake up. He had been dreaming of soft brown curls and chocolate brown eyes, and it was the best dream he could ever wish for. And the most painful, but he decided to ignore that.
“Hgnnnn,” Henry replied, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Come on, Wales. Don’t want to be left on the bus, do you?”
Henry’s eyes flew open, Alex’s face mere inches away from him. Christ, he looked even more beautiful upfront. He was fully awake now, eyes boring into Alex’s chocolate brown ones. The ones he’d been dreaming off. He saw Alex lift his hand before stopping himself. He then lifted it again and grabbed Henry’s hand. He dragged Henry off the bus, and Henry knew he should shout, but all he could think about was how he was holding Alex Claremont-Diaz’s hand. He felt a shot of electricity when they first touched hands, but it quickly left as soon as it came. Alex dropped Henry’s hand once they got off the bus, and Henry almost fell from the force of being pulled and suddenly dropped.
“Christ, Alex, I could have tripped!”
Alex looked at him with mock hurt, “Are you questioning my abilities to catch you, Wales?” He asked.
Henry was confused at first. This was the first time Alex looked at him with hate and anger. But he rolled his eyes; a smile was playing on his lips. “Of course not. I’m counting on it.”
Henry split from Alex after that, running to fine Pez. He was near the check-in with June and Nora. He looked up and grinned when he spotted Henry.
“How was your time with Alexander?” Pez asked with a smirk. A full-on Cheshire cat grin.
Henry looked at him flushed and embarrassed, like a mouse caught in a mousetrap. Pez just laughed.
“He likes you 100%. Just tell himmm,” Pez said, pleading. Henry shook his head, and Pez groaned.
“Nope. No way. Alex is the straightest man in this school! He practically chants it to himself every minute of the bloody day! There’s no way he would say yes.”
“But what if he wasn’t? If he wasn’t, what would you do?” Pez asks. He’s serious now.
“I-er-even t-“
Henry is cut off by June calling them, and Henry quickly sends a prayer of thanks to whoever's up there if there is someone.
“So,” she said as if she was trying to tame piranas, “Apparently, the rooms got fucked up or something. Pez, you are bunking with Nora and me on the 3rd floor, and Alex, you are bunking with Henry on the 20th floor.” The way she talked reminded Henry of Ellen, her no-bullshit talk.
Henry could practically feel Alex seething beside him, evident anger on his face. Henry put on a cool mask so Alex wouldn’t see the heartbreak behind it.
“You can’t put me with Fox! He’s gonna drive me insane!” Alex practically screamed. He did not want to be in the same room as Henry. No way.
“I never put you with Henry. The hotel did.”
Alex let out a frustrated grunt but didn’t complain any longer. Deep down, he knew nothing could be done about it, but he still sulked. Henry was staring at him with an expression in his eyes that he just couldn’t decipher, and that angered him impossibly more. Alex takes the keys from June’s palm.
“Come on, Wales, I don’t mind locking you out.” He says, and Henry rolls his eyes. But when he does it, there is a hint of-dare he say-fondness? It makes his heart thump in a slightly concerning way.
Alex walks faster.
Alex can practically feel Henry behind them as they walk, his warmth radiating from him. Why the fuck is he feeling this way? He hates Henry, and yet he can't stop thinking about his stupid soft hair and stupid smile and stupid lips that he wants to kiss-
Oh. Oh.
Alex isn’t stupid, but if he recalls correctly, wanting to kiss someone is definitely not straight. He and Henry are approaching the elevator, but Alex’s brain is a huge chaotic fucking mess. He needs to think; he needs the time to. He knows that if he gets in that elevator with Henry, he will kiss Henry. And as much as he wants to, he needs to process this. He needs something that can ground him. He needs Nora.
“I’m going to take the stairs.” Alex blurts out, and runs toward the stairs. He can hear Henry call him, but it's all background noise. He quickly calls Nora, who answers on the third ring.
“Sup Aleja-”
“Doyouthinkimgay?” He blurts yet again, apparently, that’s all he can do at the moment.
He hears a door shut before Nora speaks again.“Woah, slow down there. I can’t answer that for you, Alejandro. And there’s more than just being gay or straight. You could be bisexual or pansexual or anything else. You don’t even have to use labels.”
Alex sighs. He knows this, but he still can’t help from feeling disappointed. He just wants to tell him what he is this one time. “Yeah I know.”
“Do you like women?” She asks him. It’s a straightforward question, and he is thankful for it. Alex thinks about it for a moment before answering.
“Do you like men?” She asks, and that makes Alex think. He thinks about how there would be colour in his cheeks when he would leave the boy's change room. He thinks about how he kissed Liam once on a dare and how he liked it. He thinks about Henry, and his breath catches.
“Well, there’s a 100% chance you’re not straight then. But if it helps, I’m not surprised that you’re calling me. You practically ogle Henry every day.” She says, and Alex protests before they both fall into laughter.
Bisexual. That term feels right. He feels comfortable with it.
“I think I’m bi.” He says.
“I know. Now go suck some British dickkk.” She says casually and hangs up. Alex squawks but then laughs. He realizes that he hasn’t even stepped on the stairs and leaves the stairwell to the elevators. His head is much clearer, and he has a purpose. To tell Henry his feelings for him.
As he heads to his room, he sees Henry outside and immediately freezes. He’s then confused. What is Henry doing out here? The question is on his lips before it dies. The key. Shit.
“Shit man, I’m so sorry. You can shower first or whatever.” He says as he unlocks the door. Henry is more stiff than usual, not replying to Alex. Alex chalks it up to having to wait outside for so long. That’s when they realize that there is only one in this hotel room. Well.
Henry sighs and dumps his bag on the bed. Why is he so pissed?
As Henry walks to the bathroom door, he stops and looks at Alex.
“If you truly didn’t want to go in the elevator with me, you could have just said so.” He says, voice thick with emotion. Alex looks at him stunned, unable to speak, even after Henry closes the bathroom door.
As soon as Henry closed the bathroom door, his legs gave out. He sat on the cool marble floor, trying his very best not to cry. He couldn’t cry. Alex would definitely hear him and ask him questions that he didn’t want to answer because he was so fucking afraid about what would happen. He was so bloody afraid of him saying no; he didn’t think his heart could take it.
He was breaking down over Alex, not wanting to take the elevator with him, but it went deeper than that. He’d seen Alex take the elevator with others, but right when he had to go with him, Alex backed out. And waited just for him to go in one so he could go with someone else. Was Henry that repulsive? He wouldn’t put it past himself.
As soon as he heard the hotel door close, Henry allowed himself to cry.
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thisdaynews · 5 years ago
Covid-19:UK throwing everything at developing vaccine--Nnamdi Kanu
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/covid-19uk-throwing-everything-at-developing-vaccine-nnamdi-kanu/
Covid-19:UK throwing everything at developing vaccine--Nnamdi Kanu
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The government is “throwing everything” at developing a coronavirus vaccine, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said.
He told the daily Downing Street briefing that human trials for a vaccine, developed by the University of Oxford, would begin on Thursday.
He also addressed the shortage of protective gear for the NHS, saying the government was talking to thousands of suppliers, but not all could deliver.
Labour said there was a “gap” between government words and reality.
Meanwhile the UK has recorded another 823 coronavirus hospital deaths – taking the total number to 17,337.
Official figures show deaths hit a 20-year-high in England and Wales in the week up to 10 April – nearly double what would have been expected – driven by 6,200 fatalities attributed to coronavirus.
These figures cover all settings, including care homes and deaths in the community as well as hospitals.
Mr Hancock told the No 10 briefing that “the best way to defeat coronavirus” was through a vaccine.
The process was “trial and error”, he said, but the UK was at the “front of the global effort” and had invested more money than any other country.
He said two leading vaccine developments at UK universities – Imperial College London and the University of Oxford – would receive a total of £42.5m to support their clinical trials.
“Both of these promising projects are making rapid progress and I’ve told the scientists leading them we will do everything in our power to support.”
He added: “After all, the upside of being the first country in the world to develop a successful vaccine is so huge that I am throwing everything at it.”
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Mr Hancock also defended the government amid mounting criticism over the ongoing shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) for front-line workers.
He said the operation to get PPE to the front line was “unprecedented”, describing it as “the biggest cross-government operation I’ve ever seen”.
The government was “investigating each lead” from UK-based companies offering help, he said, but the “reality is not each of them who approach us can deliver on scale”.
There had been more than 8,000 offers of help from UK companies and the government was now working with 159 UK manufacturers, he added.
He also said the UK was in “direct talks” with companies abroad to buy items, especially in China.
Meanwhile, an RAF plane is expected to bring a shipment of PPE from Turkey to the UK later.
Some British companies have told the BBC that their offers to help have gone ignored.
One Nottinghamshire-based businessman said he wanted to provide a million face visors as well as gowns – but after an initial response from the crown purchasing team on Friday, heard nothing more.
Jim Griffin, the head of automotive parts firm Interflex said he is now planning to export his protective clothing to other countries.
Labour leader Keir Starmer said there was a gap between the government’s words and reality, in relation to the delivery of PPE.
He told the BBC: “It would be a struggle for any government to get exactly the right kit to the right place at the right time. But what we’re seeing here is an increasing gap between what the government says or thinks is happening and what the frontline are telling us.
“This gap has to be closed as soon as possible because people are putting their lives literally on the line when they’re going to work – they need the proper equipment in the right place.”
Coronavirus: UK 'throwing everything' at developing vaccine – BBC News https://t.co/Wjajc4DRxH
— Mazi Nnamdi Kanu (@MaziNnamdiKanu) April 21, 2020
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covid19updater · 5 years ago
COVID19 UPDATES 04/15/2020
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UK: True UK coronavirus death toll 'far higher' as new figures fuel fear London is being hit even harder. The number of deaths being reported daily from coronavirus significantly undercounted the true toll, new figures suggested today. The Office for National Statistics said there were 6,235 deaths in England and Wales up to April 3 — 2,142 higher than the 4,093 declared at the time by the Government.
Oklahoma: This is about the virus attacking the blood of a 63 year old man with no underlying health issues. He has already completed the hydroxychloroquine treatment, and now the family is hoping someone will donate plasma so they can try antibody treatments on the man. LINK
Germany: Germany: another dangerous outbreak in a hospital in Hamburg, now in a cancer & leukemia ward, 20 patients + 20 doctors/nurses already tested positive...
Brazil: Brazil with new record of deaths in one day. For the first time, Brazil exceeded 200 fatalities with coronavirus in 24 hours. According to the most recent data from the Brazilian Ministry of Health, 204 deaths were recorded, a figure that increases the number of deaths from those infected with coronavirus to 1,532.
India: Coronavirus Mutation Found in India “Raises Alarm”, Could Hinder Development of Vaccine: Study A new mutation in the novel coronavirus, which was found in India back in January 2020, has dealth the first huge blow to humankind’s race towards a COVID-19 vaccine. This mutation has the potential to undo the research done on this subject thus far, hindering the world's chances of successfully developing a vaccine, a new study indicates.
US: Woman sells penis face masks for charity.  Kindly [lets] them know this is how I determine they are too close, kindly back the f*** up. LINK
NYC: BREAKING: NYC publishes, for first time, data on fatalities that includes "probable" cases (those without a confirmed test result). It has pushed the death toll in NYC up by 57%. Was 6,589 before this adjustment. Now stands at 10,367. This is a painful but necessary accounting.
US: CDC Director Redfield: "I think we're definitely going to have a second wave. .. we've got an unknown window now to get really prepared.”
US: Coronavirus updates: A second sailor from the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt has been moved to intensive care with shortness of breath, the Navy said Tuesday, a day after a sailor from the coronavirus-stricken ship died from COVID-19 complications.
New York: New York Gov. Cuomo: "The number is down because we brought the number down." "God did not do that, fate did not do that, destiny did not do that, a lot of pain and suffering did that.” (Pride goeth before a fall)
World: POTUS announces he’s halting WHO funding while a review happens. President Trump is accusing World Health Organization of "severely mismanaging and covering up" the coronavirus pandemic. He says the organization chose "political correctness" over supporting travel restrictions and "failed" in its "basic duty." (About time)
RUMINT (UK): Remember these people who kept adding 'Underlying conditions' as a reason for death on all this? Well, UK best and brightest have crunched the data with an international team from Iceland and EU nations. The 'mutations' - even slightly - are starting to form a startling pattern: The virus is mutating in reaction to MEDICATIONS UTILISED  And every medication is, at the moment, having a similar mutagenic reaction occur across the western hemisphere. This is why it may appear so fucking random - Because these people who are dying are all taking the same medications. Why did they start looking at this angle? Because of nicotine. The head shed wanted to know if asthmatics and smokers were at higher risk. *In other words, this thing seemingly appears to have been designed to evade pharmacutical led efforts to kill it whislt targetting those already with vulnerabilities.
World: Comment from editor-in-chief of The Lancet medical journal, Richard Horton: "President Trump’s decision to defund WHO is simply this—a crime against humanity. Every scientist, every health worker, every citizen must resist and rebel against this appalling betrayal of global solidarity." (Globalist much?)
World:  20-year-old first class Anatomy graduate of Delta State University, Ishicheli Grace Kenechi is making face masks with beads after observing that some people find it hard to breathe with the popular face masks. LINK (I think she just won the Darwin award for today)
Indiana: 24 residents of a nursing home in Madison County, Indiana have died in a coronavirus outbreak. 16 tested positive for COVID-19 and 8 had symptoms.
World: Hackers Leak Thousands of Coronavirus Research Papers LINK
Germany: BILD, the largest German newspaper, today presented the first coronavirus bill China owes Germany now. They added: "Only one thing does not fit on any bill, cannot be made good by any money in the world: the thousands of people who have died of the #COVID19 virus."
World: Chinese study on whether air conditioning can spread COVID19. LINK
US: US may have to endure social distancing until 2022 if no vaccine is quickly found, scientists predict. This may be the new normal for quite a while. The US may have to endure social distancing measures - such as stay-at-home orders and school closures - until 2022, researchers projected on Tuesday. That is, unless, a vaccine becomes quickly available. That's according to researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, who published their findings in the journal Science on Tuesday. Those findings directly contradict research being touted by the White House that suggests the pandemic may stop this summer. "Intermittent distancing may be required into 2022 unless critical care capacity is increased substantially or a treatment or vaccine becomes available," they wrote in their report. "Even in the event of apparent elimination, SARS-CoV-2 surveillance should be maintained since a resurgence in contagion could be possible as late as 2024." The Harvard team's projections also indicate that the virus would come roaring back fairly quickly once restrictions were lifted."If intermittent distancing is the approach that's chosen, it may be necessary to do it for several years, which is obviously a very long time," Dr. Marc Lipsitch, an author on the study and an epidemiology professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, told reporters. Another important factor: Whether people become immune to the new coronavirus after they have been infected. That's not yet known. The study researchers say they are aware that such prolonged distancing, even if intermittent, would likely have "profoundly negative economic, social, and educational consequences."
US: Record number of 2,200 deaths in past 24 hours in the US In the United States, 2,228 coronavirus deaths have been recorded in the past 24 hours. Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore reports this based on a daily count. Never before have so many deaths been reported in one day.
World: #COVID19 pandemic: 1,000,000 cases -> 124 days 2,000,000 cases -> 12 days
Vietnam: Vietnam, Hue, Da Nang cities set up free ‘rice ATMs’ LINK
Singapore:  334 new cases registered on Tuesday, none of them imported. The Singapore Ministry of Health announced on Tuesday that 334 new cases of infection with the new coronavirus were registered, none of which were imported from another country. The second wave of infections continues to grow in this nation, with several outbreaks of Covid-19 already identified by health authorities. These data, even so, were below the highest number of positives recorded in one day, a level reached on Monday of this week (386 cases). In total, 3 252 positives have already been confirmed in this country.
Maryland: Taneytown (MD) police warn residents to wear pants when checking mail LINK
Belgium: Belgium has overtaken Italy in deaths per capita in a very short time, and by tomorrow they will likely overtake Spain which is currently in the #1 spot.
US: Over 600 sailors aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt have now tested positive for Coronavirus, Navy says. 615 now infected, over 4,000 sailors have been moved ashore in Guam.
US: There’s Been a Spike in People Dying at Home in Several Cities. That Suggests Coronavirus Deaths Are Higher Than Reported. LINK
Singapore: A new record 447 #coronavirus cases reported in Singapore today as the total soared to 3,699. This story tells how dormitories for poor migrant workers were the blind spot for a rich city-state that had won praise for containing the virus.
South Dakota: South Dakota has become one of the fastest growing hot spots in U.S., even as other parts of nation see their epidemics start to level off or slow. South Dakota has a doubling time now of about 4 days. In the setting of the ongoing national epidemic, every state is vulnerable.
Italy: BREAKING: Italy reports 2,667 new cases of coronavirus and 578 new deaths.
France: 1438 new deaths in France. 
Russia: NEW: For 4th day in a row, Russia reports record number of new coronavirus cases.
World: Not just lung damage. “But clinicians around the world are seeing evidence that suggests the virus also may be causing heart inflammation, acute kidney disease, neurological malfunction, blood clots, intestinal damage and liver problems” #COVID19
Delaware: Staffing shortage at Delaware chicken plant forcing growers to 'depopulate,' dispose of millions of birds
Nigeria: Africans burn down a Chinese factory in Nigeria in retaliation to the mistreatment of Africans in China amid #COVID19. This is spiraling out of control.
UK: China 'concealed' coronavirus from West and is trying to evade blame, says ex-MI6 chief
Connecticut: Connecticut +197 dead today, those numbers rocketed them into the #3 spot for deaths per capita in the US.
US: Trump: "More and more we're hearing the story" that coronavirus began in a research lab in Wuhan. "We're doing a very thorough examination of what happened".(SO NOW THEY ARE STARTING TO SAY WHAT WE HAVE KNOWN FOR MONTHS!!!)
US: The @WHO is "a tool of China," says @POTUS.
US: Another daily high for reported new deaths in the US +2,455 RIP. Day isn't over yet.
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hrhduchessoflancaster · 8 years ago
Chapter Sixty-Four: New Title, New Life
A/N: Thank you for reading and commenting! It means the world to me :) xx Bea Disclaimer: see Prologue __________________________________________________________________
Their journey back to England was bittersweet to say the least. Harry and Elle begrudgingly left the comfort, bliss and seclusion of their private villa in Italy, their little cocoon away from prying eyes, to return to the busy and thrilling life of British society, now as Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Their first event as newlyweds was the National Thanksgiving in honour of the Queen, at St. Paul’s Cathedral, which was followed by one of the most awaited and watched events of June: Trooping the Colour, celebrating that year, the 90th birthday of their sovereign, Queen Elizabeth.
Leo was there to pick them up from the airport, along with Ronald. Now the senior staff member, he’d control most of Harry and Elle’s engagements together. Their own agendas would be handled separately by their personal secretaries, as would their wardrobe, speeches, letter’s they’d receive, and so forth.
“ Welcome back, Your Royal Highnesses.”, said Ronald smiling. “ I trust you had a good trip?”, he continued, noticing their beaming smiles.
“ We did, and thank you, Ronald.”, replied Harry. Nodding, the secretary guided them to the black Land Rover, while Leo climbed into the driver’s seat, having John and Alfred in the following car, behind them.
Soon, Elle could see the skyline of the city and her heart started thumping. As they reached High Kensington Street, Elle became anxious, for their home was just around the corner. In the two weeks they had spent in Italy, the renovations on apartment 1, next to William and Catherine had continued and hopefully, would soon be over.
She was dying to set foot on her new home. For as cosy as Nottingham Cottage was, she longed for more space to have all of her things with her, specially her enormous collection of books, which Harry had said was more than enough to supply the entire household and residents of the palace. Elle however insisted that she still didn’t have enough of them.
Will, Kate, George, Charlotte, Lupo and Sir Lancelot were waiting for them on the courtyard inside Kensington Palace when they arrived. As they emerged from the SUV, Sir Lancelot bolted to their owners and showered them with kisses, much to George and Charlotte’s amusement, who giggled loudly. “ Yes, I’ve missed you too you fluffy ball of fur.”, said Harry, snatching its ears.
The older couple then stepped forward and embraced them. Kate and Elle shared a secret smile while the brothers laughed and whispered to each other, smirking. Rolling their eyes, the royal wives chuckled. “ Come on, let’s get you inside. I want to know everything.”, said Kate grinning.Elle nodded her head and, before going in, she kneeled down and gave both expectant children a kiss on the cheek. Charlotte, now properly walking by herself, demanded to be taken into her new aunt’s arms, and Elle gladly carried the little girl inside, while Harry hold onto George’s hand.
“ So, tell me all about it. Where did you go?”, asked Kate as they entered the spacious living room of apartment 1A. The children where promptly urged to play on the floor at a safe distance from the adults while they talked.
“ We went to Como, in Italy. Harry completely outdid himself.”, said Elle smiling. Harry smirked and received a clap on the back from his older brother.
“ Really? How so, dear sister?”, asked William, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
“ Well, we stayed at this private villa by the banks of Lake Como. It was all very quiet and secluded. No one bothered us or payed any attention to what we were doing. We drove through the beautiful countryside, drank wine, bathed in the glorious mediterranean sun, visited the town’s historical sites of course, ate marvelous food… it was very romantic, very thoughtful.”, said Elle, sighing.
“ Well, I’m impressed, Harry. I didn’t think you had in you to be as romantic as your older brother.”, joked William.
“ It sounds wonderful, Elle.”, commented Kate smiling. “ And when can we expect nieces and nephews?”, William asked smirking. Elle and Harry looked at each other and smiled, Harry caressing her arm.
“ Hopefully, very soon.”, replied Elle.
“ We’re trying but there’s no certainty yet.”, continued Harry. Kate and Will looked a little startled by this confession but smiled nonetheless.
“ I figured you were going to try soon enough. You’ve always wanted to be a dad.”, said William. “ But let me tell you, it is as wonderful as it is tiring.”, he continued chuckling, and Kate did the same nodding her head.
“ You better prepare yourselves. If your future child is as adventurous and boisterous as George, you’ll have your hands full!”, said Kate.
************ After a long and joyful afternoon with the Cambridges, Harry and Elle finally retired to their own home with Sir Lancelot. Their little cottage was a sight for sore eyes for her, and Elle leaped to the front door, ready to step into it. But before she could put her right foot inside, Harry picked her up in one swift motion into his arms.
“ Harry! What in heavens name are you doing?”, she asked amidst giggles.
“ Why, carrying you inside our home, dear wife. Isn’t it the custom?”, stated Harry smiling. Elle giggled once more and together, they entered their home, smiling at the little pieces of decoration here and there that showed their personality traits: from the pictures of Harry and his Walking with the Wounded team to Elle’s books, Nottingham Cottage reflected them as a couple.
New pictures were soon to be added to the wooded shelves as the official photographer, Hugh Burnand was to release their wedding photos. From the ones that would be on display for the public to see and would, eventually, be turned into post cards and so on, to the more private, more sentimental pictures, like the ones they took dancing their first dance together, or the ones of them cutting their cake and being silly with each other.
“ Home sweet home, right Sir Lancelot?”, said Elle, kneeling on the floor to scratch the dog’s ears, who wiggled his tail in delight.
“ I’ll take that as a yes.”, she continued, chuckling. “ Gosh, I’m beat. I think I’ll have a hot shower than sleep until tomorrow.”, said Elle as she walked towards their bedroom, with her husband following closely behind.
“ Can I join you, wife?”, asked Harry mischievously as she passed him through the bathroom door. Elle chuckled and shrugged her shoulders, waiting for his reply. Stripping down, she turned on the faucet and entered the steamy shower, closing her eyes as the water fell into her tired body. Soon, she felt a pair of cold hands sneaking around her waist.
“ Your hands are cold!”, she said out loud, turning to face her smirking husband. Shaking her head, she encircled her arms around his waist and put her head on his chest, as he hugged her; the water now falling on them both.
“ I love you so very much, Harry. I hope you know that.”, she whispered. Picking up her chin with his hand, Harry smiled and looked her deeply in the eyes.
“ Of course I do. I’ve never doubted it. Not once, since we confessed it to each other.”, he replied, caressing her cheek, making her smile.
“ And you, my dearest and most beloved wife, are my whole world. I love you to the end of the universe, time and space.”, he continued, placing a gentle kiss on her wet lips.
The following morning was back to work for Harry and Elle. The new Duke and Duchess of Sussex had their hands full with events for the coming months, including a visit to their duchy and their first trip overseas. It wouldn’t be exactly a Royal Tour yet but the couple would be spending a week in the United States for the 2016 Invictus Games in Orlando, Florida. They had less than a fortnight until they crossed the pond to another continent and their office was buzzing with all the preparation for it.
Lisa and Elle had spent a good part of their morning accessing all of the itinerary for their Invictus Games trip, as well as the details for the more imminent events such as the Thanksgiving Service at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Trooping the Color and the Patron’s lunch. Apart from the protocols to be followed and all the pomp and circumstance that now involved Elle, as she stepped into the role of a member of the Royal Family, there were more practical details such as her outfits. From now on, all of her choices would have to be checked and double checked - from the designer, to cut and colour of the dress or suit she’s be wearing. Elle knew this would happen but she hopped for a little more independence in that department.
“ Your style and preferences will be kept, Your Royal Highness. We’ll just have to make a few adjustments, specially regarding the length of your dresses and skirts. It’s per Her Majesty’s suggestion.”, said Lisa, emphatically. Elle sighed but nodded her head, understandably. Well, at least I’ll be able to choose something, she thought.
Later that day, after a long morning with Lisa, discussing all of her own engagements, Elle and Harry sat with Ronald, their chief secretary and the staff, about their joint events. “ As previously announced, the Invictus Games will take place in Orlando, Florida this year and both Her Majesty, the Prince of Wales and Their Royal Highness believe it to be the perfect right-foot forward into their marriage. This will not be a Royal Tour as of yet, but a visit, which will showcase not only the best of our Armed Forces but as well, as Their Royal Highnesses public figures.”, said Ronald to the staff.
“ We will keep it simple, since it’s a week’s length competition. No white-tie nor cerimonial events are planned so there’s no need to concern yourselves with it. We shall begin preparations tomorrow. That’s all”, he finished and the staff was dismissed.
“ He’s right to the point, isn’t he?”, whispered Elle to Harry, making him stifle a chuckle. They shared a smile but quickly recovered themselves when the man in case turned to face the royal couple.
“ I believe that was all for today, Your Royal Highnesses.”, said Ronald, smiling.
“ I believe you’re right, Ronald. Excellent work, as always.”, said Elle, congratulating the man who bowed his head.
“ My pleasure and my goal is to serve you both with the utmost efficiency, ma’am.”, replied Ronald seriously.
“ And you do so marvelously.”, said Harry, trying to contain his laughter. Thinking himself the subject of the highest of praises, Ronald puffed his chest and bowed his head once again, thanking the couple and leaving the room. Once he was out of the door, Harry and Elle laughed their heads off, letting it all out.
“ Thank God we still have Daniel and Lisa as our private secretaries. Otherwise we’d have been doomed to a life of boredom…”, commented Harry and Elle nodded her head agreeing.
“ I hope he losses up a bit. Let’s give him time. He doesn’t quite know us yet.”, said Elle. Walking towards an arm chair, Harry sat and pulled Elle into his lap, caressing her leg, gently.
“ So, what are your plans for this afternoon, dearest wife?”, he asked her.
“ Work, dear husband. Lisa and I still have a few things to work through for the next few events. Then, tea with my parents later on.”, she said and he nodded his head.
“ I haven’t seen them since we came back. You can join me, if you want to.”, she told him and he gave her a gentle smile.
“ Yeah… that will be nice. Do you know if Ed will be there too?”, he asked her.
“ I don't know, but I guess so. Why don’t you text him? You know how my brother can be… always disappearing on us.”, commented Elle.
Tea with Elle’s parents and her brother, as it turns out he was indeed at home for the time being, was enjoyable as ever. Victoria inquired about their honeymoon and their future plans; Rupert asked the couple about their work and charities Elle would be taking on and Ed, ever the family clown, pegged them about his future nieces and nephews.
“ You know there’s not a very likely chance I’ll ever get married, mate. Let alone have children.”, said Edward to Harry, making the later chuckle.
“ It’s true! And I’ve made my peace with it. I’m past thirty, single and with no perspective of settling down in the near future. You, on the other hand, has married my wonderful, smart and beautiful baby sister. So you, as my best friend and brother-in-law, must fulfill any parenting desires I might have by giving me little Harrys and Elles to spoil.”, continued Edward.
“ Oh Ed, surely you haven’t given up hope yet?”, said Elle to her brother.
“ I’m not sure I’m cut out to be husband material, dear sister.”, replied Edward.
“ Of course you are. The right woman just hasn’t found you yet. Because God knows you’re terrible at people skills.”, joked Harry. ************
Elle had her first taste of a Royal life on June 11th, as she stepped out of the car and into the steps of St. Paul’s Cathedral for the National Thanksgiving Service in honour of Her Majesty’s 90th birthday. Dressed in a pale yellow dress coat with a matching fascinator and her hair down, she took Harry’s hand, as they were met by flashed and cheers from the public. She gave them a small wave and a smile and ascended the staircase, meeting Charles, Camilla, William and Catherine at the top.
“ Someone’s very popular today.”, commented William, giving Elle a cheeky smile.
“ Oh stop it! You’ll make me even more nervous than I already am!”, she replied and the group chuckled.
“ You’re doing very well so far, my dear.” said Camilla, encouraging.
“ Let’s hope I don’t trip or do something stupid in front of everyone.”, said Elle and Harry shook his head.
“ That’s impossible. My wonderful wife would never do something like that. You’re perfect.”, he said, kissing her cheek lovingly, then locking gaze with her and smiling.
“ Ah… marital bliss.”, said Charles smiling kindly at the couple who kept on gazing into each other’s eyes.
“ Come on love birds, granny is almost ready to make her entrance.”, said William braking their loving stare. Side by side, Harry and Elle walked the length of St. Paul’s cathedral along with other royals for Elle’s first duty as an official member of the British Royal Family.
After the service, a luncheon was conducted at Buckingham Palace for representatives of the Queen’s many charities and patronages, as well as foreign dignitaries and politicians. In a much more relax mood, Elle enjoyed talking to new people and a few familiar faces, such as that of Christopher Simmons, the Prime Minister.
“ It’s good to see you again, Your Royal Highness.”, he said greeting her with a hand shake. “ I believe you remember my wife, Pamela.”, he continued as the women exchanged a smile.
“ I do. How are you both?”, Elle asked politely. “ We’re doing very well, Your Royal Highness. And congratulations once again on your nuptials.”, said Pamela. Elle smiled and thanked the woman. Soon, the trio was engrossed in a lively conversation, branching out many different subjects.
“ And, if you don’t mind me asking, how is marriage life been treating you, ma’am?”, asked the Prime Minister.
“ Incredibly well. Though I must say, I still feel a little weird being called Your Royal Highness all the time.”, she joked and they laughed.
“ I’m very glad to hear it. And I do hope to see great things from you in the near future, ma’am.”, said Mr. Simmons.
“ We all do.”, emphasized Pamela. “ It’s plain to see that you and His Royal Highness have the potential to do so.”, the older woman continued. Great, Elle thought, as if we don’t already have enough on our shoulders to begin with. But hey, no pressure. She gave them a nervous laugh and excused herself in search for Harry. She found him near a corner, glancing at her direction. Sighing, she approached him.
“ Good conversation with our dear Prime Minister?”, he asked her.
“ It was… up until five minutes ago when he and his wife began with all the ‘we expect great things from you and your husband’ talk.”, she said to him. Harry shook his head and sighed.
“ Even though we’re married and got what they wanted, they’ll never let us out of the hook, will they?”, she asked him, rhetorically.
“ I’m afraid not, my love.”, Harry replied and Elle sighed once again. “ Still, as much as we will have to make a few compromises along the way to please the government, this is our life and we’ll live it according to our wishes. Parliament and their rules be dammed if they so much as meddle with a single thing in our lives that outsteps what they ought to.”, said Harry, making Elle chuckle and smile at him.
Trooping the Colour was every bit and more what Elle had imagined. Having taking part in the festivities for a few years, she knew the didst of it all, but there was something about riding in a carriage and standing in the balcony at Buckingham Palace, just a few weeks after being there for the first time, that made it all feel surreal to her. Dressed in a soft pink dress coat, Elle stood beside her husband as the flypast went by and the anthem was played. George, who stood closest to her waved at the planes, while baby Charlotte - in her mother’s arms - gave a small wave to the crowds, surely winning everyone’s hearts.
Back at Kensington Palace, still at Nottingham Cottage since the renovations on apartment 1 had yet another two weeks to go before they could finally move into it, Harry and Elle discarded their fancy clothes and put on some track trousers, big light jumpers, trainers and baseball caps; it was past the time they took a walk in the park. Putting Sir Lancelot on his leash, they headed to Kensington Gardens, which was pretty deserted for this time of the year, for some quality time together.
“ You know, I can't remember the last time we’ve been to the park together.”, said Elle. Turning his head to face his wife, Harry sighed and nodded his head.
“ Neither can I. It feels nice to be out here, though, doesn’t it?”, he replied. “ Besides, I think Sir Lancelot is having the time of his life.”, he continued and the pair glanced at the small Jack Russell, who, as if sensing their masters’ gaze on him, wiggled his tail in joy, making the couple laugh and smile. They walked a few kilometers from the palace before deciding on setting the dog, while they sat together on the grass.
The puppy gladly ran through the green field, dashing from side to side, while the pair watched, snuggled together in each other’s arms. From afar, Harry and Elle saw a couple with two children, walking hand in hand, and Elle smiled from the corner of her mouth at the scene. Catching her gesture, Harry took hold of her left hand, gently toying with her engagement ring and wedding band, tracing the edges with his thumb.
“ Just imagine, my love…”, he began. “… in a couple of years, that family will be us.”, and gave her a grin. Elle smiled back and laid her head on his shoulder, with Harry placing his on top of hers, watching Sir Lancelot chase a few pigeons.
“ We should know in a few weeks how soon we’ll… you know… if I am…”, said Elle sighing. Harry lifted his head and they looked at each other. “ Really?”, he asked, almost whispering; a gleam of hope in his eyes. “ Really.”, replied Elle, happy but unsure, giving him a small smile. “ But I’m not getting my hopes up just yet. Remember what Georgiana told me. I don’t want to give you false hope…”, said Elle, squeezing his hand.
“ I know, my love. And, whatever happens, we’ll face together.”, said Harry, smiling from the corner of his mouth.
And as Elle had predicted, there was no baby. But they’d keep trying.  
The following week, preparations began at full speed for their first official trip overseas as a married couple: the Invictus Games in Orlando, USA. Their staff had countless meetings with their secretaries and they, with Harry and Elle, to discuss the minute details for their week-long trip to the USA.
Elle was beyond excited to be going to Florida, specially since she’s never been there before. Much to her child-self demise, her parents hadn’t take neither her nor her brother to Disney World; the only place Disney related they’ve ever been to was EuroDisney in Paris.
“ But we will have time to visit, at least two of the parks, right?”, Elle asked for the nth time. Her husband chuckled and nodded his head.
“ Yes, Elle.”, he replied still chuckling. “ We will visit at least three of the many themed parks and yes… Harry Potter World or whatever it is, is included.”, he continued and she rolled her eyes at him.
“ You keep making fun of me only because you’ve already been there.”, she complained, pouting her lips. Harry chuckled once again and moved to her side, kissing her cheek.
“ Come wife, what do you say about some quality time with your dear husband and lovely dinner?, asked Harry, giving her his signature smirk. Shaking her head, Elle smiled and gave him a nod and a quick peck on the lips before joining their hands together and leaving the office towards their little cottage.
On the week before their trip, Elle had a get together with all her friends at Nottingham Cottage. Rick, Mary and little Rose were there, as were Valerie, Melissa and Trevor. She had prepared a lemon drizzle cake and Eton mess, along with a refreshing lemonade and strawberry juice.
“ Oh my goodness, when did she get so big!”, exclaimed Elle, taking hold of little Rose who was now almost an year old.
“ It’s incredible how fast they grow.”, replied Rick smiling.
“ Rosie is walking now practically walking and starting to babble a few sounds. I can hardly believe it!”, Mary confessed it. As they sat together, with Elle still doting on her goddaughter, they chatted away about work and family but there was no escaping from the ultimate matter.
“ So, how was the honeymoon?”, Valerie asked and everyone’s heads turned to face Elle.
“ Simply wonderful.”, Elle replied with a nostalgic smile. “ We went to Italy, on Lake di Como near Milan and stayed on a private villa for a week. It was… so peaceful… just us two… it was the best of times.”, she continued and Valerie sighed.
“ Sounds incredible. I want a husband to dote on me…”, said Valerie and everyone laughed.
“ But in all seriousness Elle…”, began Melissa. “ How are you? Truly? With all of this new life, new title and all the obligations, the pomp and ceremony that comes with it?”, she asked.
“ Well… it’s been good so far. I’ve adjusted to my role fairly well and I think I’ll progressively take on more things to do as the time goes by. The staff is great, my private secretary is phenomenal and I have Harry’s support in everything. He’s my partner, my friend, my… everything. It’s easy to adjust when everything falls into place.”, Elle replied and another round of awns could be heard.
“ You’re both so perfect together! Don’t tell your brother in law, but I prefer you and Harry as the Royal Power Couple.”, said Trevor and everyone laughed. “ Seriously! You are more down to earth, more relatable to the public… it’s easy to like you. They already love you.”, he continued.
“ I’m just being myself, as is Harry. I think the people see us more easy-going because we are not under the same pressure William and Catherine are. They are the future monarchs not us.”, said Elle and they nodded their heads. It was true. Without the weight of being the direct heir of the state, the weight of being the next king and queen - even if the role is figurative - brought easiness to Elle’s life. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what Kate must go through everyday. Thank God that will never happen to me., thought Elle sighing in relief.
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trans-f0rmation-blog · 5 years ago
2- Where Do We Fit In?
It is fair to say that transgender people don’t have it easy in life. They face problems and have to fight the binary in their everyday lives that non-trans people wouldn’t think twice about like having to choose what toilets to go to in public spaces; male or female. Castricum (2018) stated that “Public bathrooms are gender identity battlefields” and this is very true! Toilets don’t need to be gendered, they should be based on function like having a toilet area and a urinal area, everybody just wants to use the toilet. The idea of having gendered toilets with figures in skirts or not is outdated and not only excludes non-binary people but enforces the idea that trans people are different (Ehrenhalt 2018). When in reality they have just as many rights as non-trans people. It’s not all negative however as there are some places that have accepted that toilets should be non-binary. For example, the toilets in the Business School in Manchester Metropolitan University are not gendered. This is a step in the right direction, but people still need to be more educated.
Exclusion can also be seen in the workplace for transgender people. While there’s not necessarily a binary, there is still stigma attached. In America, Trump has even banned transgender people from being a part of the army. As well as this obvious marginalisation, transgender teachers also face discrimination and harassment in the workplace both by the system and by the students.  In order to tackle aspects of this, human resources policies should be put in place to achieve equality, in particularly anti-discrimination policies. For transgender or non-binary people in America this would look like having their hormone therapy covered through company provided healthcare.  In many cases people do have positive experiences however. Claire Birkenshaw transitioned to a female while being a headteacher at a school.  She feared rejection but in reality she experienced positive reactions from current and former students wishing her luck! Her changing her gender does not have a negative affect on her doing her job whatsoever (BBC World Service 2018). Leading on from this is the argument whether or not people should disclose their gender when applying for a job. The Equality Act 2010 means that you don’t actually have to state your gender or sexual orientation but there is still pressure to do so.
The criminal justice system also doesn’t cater very well for the transgender community. In April 2017 there were approximately 125 transgender prisoners in prison in England and Wales, but these results may not be reliable as many might not state whether they are transgender or not (BBC News 2018). The law states that a person can choose to go to the prison that matches the identify with if they have a gender recognition certificate. This sounds like a good thing but can actually cause many issues. For example, a male prisoner who had a gender recognition certificate as a female could be placed in a female estate even if her offence was attempted rape of a woman. This means this decision would be good on an individual level but could cause more harm to the wider community. Trans people could also be victims in prisons. One solution to this would be having a separate unit specifically for transgender individuals. This would stop them from being targeted by other prisoners and could make them feel safer. For others though, they could feel isolated and it puts an emphasis on them that they are different, a double punishment. In reality, it is not even feasible for transgender people to have their own unit because sadly there simply isn’t the funds to do so especially because of the little number of transgender prisoners, but something more must be done. Praise has come from York police however as a trans woman thanked them for how they understood her identity. After being arrested the police had asked her what her preferred pronouns were and asked if they would rather be searched by a male or female officer (Minster FM News Team 2019). Although this seems like something little, it is something so easy to be done to make an individual feel more ‘normal’ and respected.  
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