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wakingeve · 2 months ago
Repairing the World with Tolkien and Gandalf the White (Word of the Year 2025 'Breathe')
2 AM and she calls me ’cause I’m still awake… Sitting here on this New Year’s morning, my body growns under heavy eye lids to embrace the sweet surrender to sleep but her voice calls out to me from the deep. This is Her day, afterall. A most blessed and holy day. I’m not entirely certain of the message she wishes me to convey, though it beckons forth like a song, illuminating darkened halls.…
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wakingeve · 11 months ago
The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
A PROPHETIC DREAM: I had a dream this week wherein the Lord showed me during prayer that He would tell me of things to come as I slept and I would recieve special graces to remember the dream and interpretation. I offer this dream more for a record of remembrance for myself, and because it relates to urgency of conversion for those who have been praying for loved ones to have a deeper conversion…
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wakingeve · 1 year ago
The Jesse Tree Journals
Lectio Divina from the Jesse TreeMARY, JOSEPH, AND THE SIGN OF JONAH – Days 19-24Jonah 1:1-15, 2:1-11; Matthew 1:23; Isaiah 7:14; Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-7; Matthew 2:1-12 “The great storm has come upon you because of me.” My son is called Jonah. At first he hated it. Every time someone smartly repeated “Jonah and the whale!” or reminded him of how little people thought of the…
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wakingeve · 1 year ago
The Jesse Tree Journals
Lectio Divina from the Jesse TreeA SLING, A TORCH 🔥, A CHARIOT, AND A LION 🦁- Days 15-181 Samuel 17:1,4,8-11,32-37,40-511 Kings 3:5-28; 2 Kings 2:1-13; Daniel 6:4-5,7-13,17-28 “Only a youth.” I shared a dream once with an elder brother, in it lay the depths of truth and I wondered at why the Lord would have me share it with him when surely one as wise and mature as an elder would know such…
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wakingeve · 1 year ago
The Jesse Tree Journals
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wakingeve · 1 year ago
The Jesse Tree Journals
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wakingeve · 1 year ago
The Jesse Tree Journals
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wakingeve · 1 year ago
The Jesse Tree Journals
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wakingeve · 1 year ago
The Jesse Tree Journals
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wakingeve · 1 year ago
The Jesse Tree Journals
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wakingeve · 1 year ago
The Jesse Tree Journals
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wakingeve · 1 year ago
The Jesse Tree Journals
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wakingeve · 4 years ago
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There is tolerance that doesn’t care. That just looks the other way and goes about its own business. Indifferent tolerance. • Then there is the opposite: the kind of caring that cares for everybody, no matter who they are—but doesn’t allow them to step outside the path you believe to be good for them. Suffocating tolerance. • And then there is compassionate tolerance. The kind that recognizes another person’s right to grow, their need to travel along a path and get there on their own—and yet has the compassion to be there for them when they are lost. • True compassion has room for a thousand private journeys. • Tzvi Freeman, Bringing Heaven Down to Earth • 🌱Scripture Reflection: Romans 15:1 “We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves.” • Examine the dignity of your compassion. For compassion to be complete (and enhance the other six aspects of compassion) it must recognize and appreciate individual sovereignty. It should boost self-esteem and cultivate human dignity. Both your own dignity and the dignity of the one benefiting from your compassion. Is my compassion expressed in a dignified manner? Do I manifest and emphasize majesty in my compassion? Does it elicit dignity in others? Do I recognize the fact that when I experience compassion as dignified it will reflect reciprocally in the one who receives compassion? • 🌱Exercise for the day: Rather than just giving them charity help them help themselves in a fashion that strengthens their dignity. 🌱 #countingtheomer #shavuot #countingup #pentecost #wordofgod #messianicjew #hebrewcatholic #bibleverse #faith #biblestudy #bible #torahforchristians #pesach #passover #readyingtheBride #growingrace #SacredWisdom 🌱 #ancientroots #WakingEve #SHEcountstheOmer https://www.instagram.com/p/COE_jzqA11a/?igshid=1eqizpfk50tqq
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wakingeve · 4 years ago
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It is written that through the study of the secret wisdom, the final liberation will come with compassion. Not with judgment alone. Now the wisdom is no longer secret. Sages and masters have found ways to make it accessible to all. Those who learn it and spread it, they are bringing divine compassion and redemption to the world. - Rabbi Tzvi Freeman, Bringing Heaven Down to Earth 🌱Scripture Reflection: 1 Corinthians 1:30 “God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin.” Compassion must include humility for it not to be condescending and pretentious. Hod is recognizing that my ability to be compassionate and giving does not make me better than the recipient; it is the acknowledgement and appreciation that by creating one who needs compassion G‑d gave me the gift of being able to bestow compassion. Thus there is no place for haughtiness in compassion. Do I feel superior because I am compassionate? Do I look down at those that need my compassion? Am I humble and thankful to G‑d for giving me the ability to have compassion for others? 🌱Exercise for the day: Express compassion in an anonymous fashion, not taking any personal credit. 🌱Attribute of God: HOD ShebeTiferet or Splendor and Majesty in Harmonious Beauty 🌱Fruit of the Spirit: Peace “UnSecret Wisdom” Today is Day Five of Week Three (19 days in the Omer) 🌱 #countingtheomer #shavuot #countingup #pentecost #wordofgod #messianicjew #hebrewcatholic #bibleverse #faith #biblestudy #bible #torahforchristians #pesach #passover #readyingtheBride #growingrace #SacredWisdom 🌱 #ancientroots #WakingEve #SHEcountstheOmer https://www.instagram.com/p/COBHzdSAYjy/?igshid=1ttqloozcxcd1
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wakingeve · 4 years ago
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Man sees a tree and the tree says, “I am here, I was here, and I am nothing more but a thing that is here.” Man ponders and answers, “No! I give you a name! You are ‘tree’! You have beauty and you have a soul. You point upwards and you say, ‘There is something higher, there is the One who gives me life and gives me my very being.’” And so Man goes on, until he has brought the whole of creation down on its knees. Man alone can accomplish what the angels cannot. Man alone can discover the spiritual within the material. - Rabbi Tzvi Freeman, Bringing Heaven Down to Earth 🌱Scripture Reflection: Matthew 5:7 “blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy.” Examine the compassion of compassion. The expression of compassion and its intensity. True compassion is limitless. It is not an extension of your needs and defined by your limited perspective. Compassion for another is achieved by having a selfless attitude, rising above yourself and placing yourself in the other person's situation and experience. Am I prepared and able to do that? If not, why? Do I express and actualize the compassion and empathy in my heart? What blocks me from expressing it? Am I locked in any way? Is my compassion compassionate or self-serving? Is it compassion that comes out of guilt rather than genuine empathy? How does that affect and distort my compassion? Test yourself by seeing if you express compassion even when you don't feel guilty. Does my compassion come from a sense of duty or is it frivolous? On the other hand: Is my compassion alive; does it resound with vitality, or is it expressed only out of obligation? Is my compassion only a result of being a creature of habit who feels badly when another suffers, or do I actually apply myself to examine and refine my compassion, observing it's limitations and forms of expression? How do I express compassion? Is my compassion beautiful? Is it well rounded? 🌱Act: Express your compassion in a new way that goes beyond your previous limitations: express it towards someone to whom you have been callous. 🌱 #countingtheomer #shavuot #pentecost #messianicjew #hebrewcatholic #bibleverse #biblestudy #WakingEve #SHEcountstheOmer https://www.instagram.com/p/CN72_xagLLH/?igshid=xanvxbgg6tcx
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wakingeve · 4 years ago
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Animals do not gaze at the stars, and angels are confined to the realm of the spirit, but Man is G‑d’s bridge between heaven and earth. Our bodies are formed from the dust; our souls are of the essence of G‑d. We alone can look at a physical world and see spiritual life and beauty. We who are beyond both heaven and earth, form and matter, spirit and body—we alone can fuse the two. - Rabbi Tzvi Freeman, Bringing Heaven Down to Earth 🌱Scripture Reflection: Sirach 18:12-13 “The compassion of man is for his neighbor,but the compassion of the Lord is for all living beings. He rebukes and trains and teaches them,and turns them back, as a shepherd his flock. He has compassion on those who accept his discipline and who are eager for his judgments.” For compassion to be effective and healthy it needs to be disciplined and focused. It requires discretion both to whom you express compassion, and in the measure of the compassion itself. It is recognizing when compassion should be expressed and when it should be withheld or limited. Discipline in compassion is knowing that being truly compassionate sometimes requires withholding compassion. Because compassion is not an expression of the bestower's needs but a response to the recipient's needs. Am I more compassionate with strangers than with close ones? Is the compassion coming from guilt? Does my compassion for others compromise my own needs? Perhaps the contrary is the case: Do I assess the measure of compassion necessary for a given situation? Is it commensurate with the recipient's needs? Can I possibly be hurting him with my compassion? Does my compassion overwhelm others? Do I give too much or too little? When I see a needy person do I impetuously express compassion out of guilt or pity without any discretion? Do I commit the "crime" of compassion by helping him with something harmful? Do I apply myself to determine other’s needs and help in the best way possible? Act: Express your compassion in a focused and constructive manner by addressing someone's specific needs. 🌱 #countingtheomer #shavuot #pentecost #messianicjew #hebrewcatholic #bibleverse #biblestudy #torahforchristians #wakingeve #SHEcountstheOmer https://www.instagram.com/p/CN6ZrJGAKwp/?igshid=1w4lxxzf9z9d0
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