#Waaaaaaaaa my wife my wife my wife
caracello · 9 months
oh my god oh my god oh my god. thhe paranoia game got put back up on steam on the 21st.
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sentofight · 1 month
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me think of who will be friends with kula from the AE cast ... thinks....thinks... *panic* MOST CAST BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL CRAZY ENABLERS AAAAAA imagine shigure be like whoa woman be my wif-- kula: got ice cream? i can be your wife. shigure: well...................................thats weird but hey! i got a wife. k appears to set him on fire. shigure: wow. thats crazy flame you got there buddy. your woman? sorry thought she is not courted. k: piss off. shigure: piss...off?? ???????????? what does that mean?????????? aldo in the back: .... shigure go back to your timeline now. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee kula and suzette pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee these twoooooooooooooooooooooooooo CAKE BUDDIES CAKE BUDDIES SWEETS BUDDIES WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! THROW EDEA BECAUSE WHAT IF BRAVELY DEAULT CORSSOVER SOMEDAY WAAAAAAAAA LADIES EAT YOUR SWEETS YOU DESERVE IT
omg suzette striking her pose "Dark princess of the Netherworld!"
k.ula blinks and says something too because its cute! "Ice Doll of the Frost land!"
e.dea gotta pose too man "Eternia Princess of Luxendarc!"
sobs in my hands...giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirls!!!!!!!
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doomzday-zone · 2 months
i luv her so kuch you guys ...... i love her so kuchhhh aughhhh.... my wifeeeeeee..... my w
e .... myeife myeife my wife........ waaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!
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sentofighta · 4 years
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Box wrapped in blue and tied with a yellow ribbon into a fluffy bow was placed on the nightstand beside Einar before she sat down beside him. It was hard to wake up before him, but the desire to see his surprised face when he opened the gift she prepared for him as soon as possible far outweighed her desire to keep sleeping. She had been working on a blue sweater for him with white cats patterned across. She reached over to gently shake his shoulder. "Einein, happy birthday, rise and shine~"
Einar’s birthday | @crownofsmiles
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Before their marriage, he had no problem staying in camp with the soldiers and come back home after their mission is over, maybe a week or two later but since Sora started living with them (which is an understatement to being forced to at the beginning) Einar found it was better to head back home whenever he can. It was a precaution in case someone tried to break into the house and take her by force for interrogation.  
He may come back home more often now but usually for a day or two, and would leave early in the morning to head back to the camp site. Sometimes, too early Sora and Gustav are not awake yet. 
For today, it slipped his mind that his birthday is upon them. Since it was just him and his uncle, his birthday was modestly celebrated and when he grow older, it was just like any other sit down with his uncle, probably involved the latter being too drunk at times celebrating it. Heh, a crazy old man but what can he say? He loves his uncle.
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Einar woke up to Sora shaking him awake which made him flinch, thinking something had happened and it took him a couple of seconds to register what she just said. Eyes narrowed down at her for a moment before he let out a sigh. “....morning....” for the love of all...it felt like ten years were sapped out of his life span. At least she is alright. 
“Is it...already?” huh.. time flies so quickly. It was not that hard to not notice the gift beside him which made him eye it for a moment then look back at Sora, “...that face means I must open it, right?” it was so obvious, or she would not have waken him first thing in the morning. Sheesh...what an endearing wife he has. 
“Right...” he sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes before picking up the box. Eyes stole a glance at her and boy she was practically fidgeting in her place. Was it something she made? Or else she would not be this excited. Hmm...she bought for him gloves the other time, now he wonder what it is (and the gloves are his new partners wherever he goes by the way.)
Carefully undoing the ribbons, he took off the box lid to see the gift and boy, he stared at it for a good minute before taking it out. “...sweater . . .” he raised it up, checking it left and right before spreading it in front of him, his left hand feeling it. “It’s pretty... Did you make this yourself? It must’ve took you long time...” despite that it bothered him that she would go this length for him he was honestly...happy. He may not people pushing themselves for others but who can say no to their wife doing her best to make him happy?
He is happy.
“The cats are adorable. Looks like V...heh,” his left hand still caressing the sweater. It was soft...this is really well made piece. Guess this has become his new favorite thing.
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Einar looks back at Sora, “Thank you...This is nice,” a smile graces his features. He leans to gently rub the tip of their noses together (very cat like) before pressing a kiss to her soft lips. “Don’t come to me when I wear this everyday and possibly ruin it,” and he means it. His left hand rest behind her head, fingers running through her hair as he kissed her again...and again. She means everything to him now. This woman is the reason he is alive now, and whatever he does cannot repay it. But he can try his best to show her how grateful he is that she is part of his life.
“Carus, I don’t have work today... We can stay here for a little bit longer...” before he turns around to push her back on the bed. “Can we?” 
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halcyon-wings · 3 years
HERES A LITTLE ENSTARS REQ any kind of arashi sweet and warm relationship headcanons if ur feeling it -🥧
arashi relationship hcs !!
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features a gn!reader and arashi (use she/her for her or die by my hand)
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<3 styles your hair any way she possibly can! whether it’s long or short, thin or thick, girlie will make sure you look absolutely fabulous. no questions asked.
<3 (well, honestly, she just loves playing with your hair, but shhhhh!)
<3 have i ever mentioned how much she loves seeing you smile? it’s just so lovely and sweet and just so beautiful and— gosh, aren’t you just the cutest thing? :}
<3 arashi is the ultimate enabler. wanna buy something? she’s got a credit card in one hand and a stylish purse in the other. need to test something out? your girlfriend is 100% willing to be a guinea pig! (please don’t ask her for anything during practice, else leo and izumi may just come after you :’v)
<3 she remembers anything and everything about you, whether it’s a big thing or just a little quirk. even if you try and hide it, naru-chan simply knows when you’re feeling under the weather. don’t worry, she’ll make sure you feel better asap! :D
<3 should mention that you two also have matching rings :} one of these days arashi’s gonna joke about the two of you basically being married, pause, then go absolutely red in the face
<3 “you’re the one that said the joke, how are you the one that’s—??”
<3 “w-well, i didn’t think it would— goodness, the things you do to me…”
<3 arashi narukami, your future wife. nice thought, huh?
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The Accidental Family - Chapter 7
Henry Cavill x OFC - multi-chapter
< Chap 6 | Chap 7 The Accidental Family 
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Disclaimer: fluff and mild bit of angst
Word count: 1.790
Author’s note: Okay, this was so much fun! And, I know it’s a little early, but let me hereby send you my well wishes for the new year. May the new year be accident-free, healthy, happy..and hopefully involving some much missed hugs with friends and family!  ❤️
(Link to my Masterlist)
How much can change in three months? Apparently everything. Just three months ago Henry had been the lead actor in a successful tv hit-series, father to a brood of children at home whom he barely ever saw in between shoots. Then, one unfortunate accident on his motorcycle later, he forgot about the life he had led the past 5 years, the scars beneath his hairline reminding him that it wasn’t a dream; this was real. One day he was a single man, the next he was a husband and dad.
And now here he lay, in bed, four kids sprawled atop him, a slight sheen of sweat covering his hairy chest as he woke from a restless dream, his limbs all tangled with his children who were still fast asleep. 
It was the end of summer and they sure felt like tiny little furnaces, their hands and feet poking awkwardly in his ribs and thighs. 
Not that he’d ever complain. 
They had been the most happy little outcome of one not so happy accident; where he had dreamed and wished and hoped for a family five years ago, here it was. All feet, clingy, sweaty hands, and drooling, snotty noses that prevented him from moving, even if he wanted to.
Trying his best to reach out his right arm, he blindly searched for the soft skin of the other adult in this bed; another happy outcome of the accident. A wife, her fingers entangling with his as she slowly sat up a little, Piper, one of the twins clinging to her neck like a little koala bear.
‘Hey,’ She murmured, squeezing his hand.
Henry grumbled something indiscernible, Phoebe’s chuckle warm in Henry’s heart as she slowly shook her head, falling back into her pillow. All the while, Piper could not give a damn about her mother waking up; she remained completely knocked out, arms hooked around her mom’s neck as she dreamed about becoming an elephant trainer..or perhaps an equestrian - the strong headed little girl hadn’t quite decided yet. 
‘We need a bigger bed.’ Henry yawned, trying his best to stretch out his legs, only to be welcomed with groaning children and even meaner hands fisting into his chest hair. ‘Ooooph. Okay. Max. Maxxy-max. Wakey-wakey.’ Henry tried.
‘No.’ The youngster said, smiling with shut eyes as he kept his hand firmly fisted into his father’s chest hair.
‘Well, what I say goes. And it’s a yes from me.’
Max finally opened his blue eyes, his lips jutting out in disagreement. ‘But you told us we could be in bed ALLLLL day.’
‘I said all morning. Since you all slept the whole night through, the lot of you. But now it’s time for some food. And Kal needs a walk - as do you.’
‘But he’s a big dog,’ Max whined, splaying out his limbs, hitting little Cole smack-bang in the face.
‘WAAAAAAAAA.’ The young one cried, but Max didn’t care, continuing undisturbed:
‘..and big dogs can take care of themselves.’
‘Ah, so you did listen yesterday. Haha. Now..Is this you telling me you’re going to make us breakfast? Are you a big boy?’
Henry snickered as the young boy shot an annoyed look at Cole who was crying his eyes out. Cole seemed to have an endless supply of tears - and every single little thing could get the toddler to show just how good he had gotten at crying. 
‘Pfft dadddyyyy.’ Max sighed.
‘Yes?’ Henry smirked as the boy let go off his chest hair. 
‘Only if its pancakes.’
The other children also blinked open their eyes; ‘PANCAKES?!!!’ 
Yawning with mild exhaustion, Phoebe shuffled into the kitchen, being welcomed by the smell of pancakes, freshly ground coffee and something sticky that was now dragging behind her slipper.
‘Shit,’ She mumbled, looking down at the sticky wrapper that had stuck to her slipper, smearing something honey-gold over the kitchen floor. ‘dammit.’
Looking up, she wanted to ask Henry for a wet cloth to clean up, only to notice that he had totally zoned out, slightly melancholic eyes staring out at the kitchen island as he leaned into the kitchen counter.
Henry looked up, blinking away his thoughts.
‘You okay?’ Phoebe kicked off her soiled slipper, walking with one bare, one slippered foot towards him, the children all somehow keeping it relatively quiet at the kitchen table as they snacked on their favourite breakfast.
‘Yea..’ Henry’s melancholic eyes wrinkled as he forced a gentle smile, hiding what was going on being those crystal blues.
For a moment Phoebe felt her heart sink at the sight of this. She knew there could be relapses. That it was still very likely that Henry would become overwhelmed, forget again or decide this life was not for him.
With a hesitant hand she touched his arm, his eyes looking down at where her fingers traced his skin, burning him with the gentlest of touches.  
‘I could have died that day.’ He said softly, looking at the long trail of honeyed residue that had smeared out over the kitchen floor. He sighed. ‘I could have never woken up. Left you alone in this mess.’
‘Hey..where’s all this coming from?’ Phoebe quickly looked at the kids sweetly munching on their pancakes, their faces messy with powdered sugar, before hinting they’d best have this conversation in the hallway.
‘No, no. It’s…’ Henry sighed and opened his arms for her to melt into, her body eagerly doing just that; she could never get enough of his hugs, especially now she had to savour every moment she got with him - the gnawing fear of him leaving her was present everyday, especially now the kids were back home. It wasn’t easy to fall into a life of taking care of four very demanding kids. Let alone suddenly having a wife.
Even if he might have always wished for it, it could still be too much. Would he tell her if it was too much? 
‘Feebs..don’t worry. I just, I mean. I was thinking, this morning, in bed, with the kids in our bed, I...’ He sighed and let his hand trail over her cheek, brushing a rough thumb over her smooth skin, some blond hair catching between his fingers. He looked at the gold in his hand, twirling it a little through his fingers as he felt his wife’s arms tangle around his back, pulling herself even closer to his chest.
Perhaps it was better that he lost the Witcher gig. Had to look for a different career. Perhaps he could be..home more. Could..
His eye caught the movement of one determined four year old climbing off his year, mug of juice precariously held in chubby little fingers. Anddd…
‘Sam!’ Henry called out for him, but it was too late, blue eyes looking up from his little task of walking over to his mom and dad, to miss the slipper that his mom had discarded in the sticky residue, his little mouth making a comical little “o” as he tipped forward, plastic mug falling from his fingers and…
Henry snorted out laughing as the juice flew all the way up to Phoebe’s legs, her lips letting out a little squeak as she quickly looked around.
In moments the calm kitchen was chaos again, the other kids wanting to leave the table, Sam crying out loud for thinking he had done a bad thing, Phoebe trying to clean up the mess and Henry squatting down to console the crying wee one.
‘Hey hey hey - it was only an accident. I’m here...daddy’s here.’ He wrapped his large paws around Sam’s little shoulders, pulling him in for a hug that was eagerly accepted.
Sam snottily nodded into Henry’s shirt; it was like laundry day never ended with four kids ruining every piece of clothing one could own. But, in that moment Henry didn’t care, his arm lifting up Sam before he looked back at Phoebe, who was now rinsing out the juice-soaked cloth, her midnight blues looking back at him with curiosity.
‘And in case you wondered; I’m not going anywhere mama-bear.’ He stepped in and waited for Phoebe to dry her hands before he could lean in for a kiss. 
Phoebe hung the drying towel back on it’s hook, mischievous eyes looking back at him.
‘You better not. Memory or not..you did kind of knock me up with four kids.’
‘Mommy..what’s knocking up?’ Sam blinked up at Phoebe, who now used both hands to grab Henry’s jaw and pull him in for a kiss. Henry half chuckled into the kiss, his face leaning back again so he could look down at Sam, Sam’s mouth and nose a mess after something that must have been close to inhaling the marmalade he had smeared onto his pancake.
‘Matter of fact..I think I can’t remember, either.’ Henry’s face kept a playfully unabashed facade and Phoebe couldn’t help but gasp. 
‘OH! No you…’
‘Maybe mommy could refresh my memory when we have some alone time again? Hmm?’ Henry cheeks turned up in a most mischievous smile.
‘And accidentally get me knocked up..again? Hmm? You want that?’ Phoebe laughed as Henry shrugged indifferently, not minding the idea one bit - what else was he to do with all this free time? Leaning forward she kissed him again, Sam squealing now he felt it was just a bit TOO much mommy-and-daddy-PDA for the moment.
‘Who said THAT was an accident?’ He grinned, before swiftly adding: ‘Later?’ Henry winked, carefully putting Sam back down on the clean floor. Clean for now.
Phoebe laughed and pulled him back in for another delightful mommy-daddy snog, shirts covered in kiddy drool, marmalade and what not.
‘Mmm..Sounds like a plan. I’ll make sure to ..refresh your mind.’
Henry tugged down his shirt to be somewhat presentable after having spent most of his Sunday stretched out on the couch, reading. He wasn’t sure who’d be at the door, but he had a hunch it were the neighbours who wanted to apologise for the slightly too loud birthday party they had yesterday. 
Honestly, he hadn’t minded it one bit; he enjoyed a little bit of life in his ever quiet house. 
Turning the lock, he swung open the door, expecting the apologetic face of Rita or James..but it wasn’t either of them. Instead he was greeted by a very different apologetic face, golden locks making his heart do a confused little flip in his chest. 
Biting her lip, the blondine - Bee, was it? - shyly shuffled on her feet. 
Henry quickly straightened up, scolding himself for looking so terribly disheveled in his sweatpants and wrinkly white t-shirt. 
‘Remember me?’ She smiled - she didn’t wear any make-up and he liked it.  
‘Of course. Ha..Eh..’ Henry felt a slight blush creep up his cheeks. ‘Want to come in?’ 
Bee smiled. ‘I hope I don’t interrupt any..-.’
‘Oh no. Please..’ He stepped away to let her inside and blabbed on: ‘I was rather bored actually. Home alone..the usual. It’s nice to see you, I thought -’
Bee halted before him, raising her eyebrows as she waited for him to quiet, his cheeks turning an even deeper shade of pink. And Bee? She laughed. Of all the scenarios that had played out in her head, this one was the sweetest, funniest, bestest thing that could have happened. For a moment she didn’t scold herself for getting much too drunk three months ago. For a moment she thought that perhaps this one tiny accident in one bathroom stall at an after party, was the start of something good. 
‘Tea? Wine? Eh...’ 
‘Oh! No wine...no..wine.’ Bee quickly followed Henry out into what she learned to be the kitchen. And what followed next was the most life changing cup of tea she ever had. 
The End
(For now. I maybe kind of enjoyed writing about these two and their kids a bit TOO much 👀😸Would you like to read more, dear readers?)
General Tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss @tumblnewby @magdelen69 @thereisa8ella @mary-ann84 @darkbooksarwin @summersong69 @madbaddic7ed @luclittlepond @maroonmolly @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @hell1129-blog @agniavateira @tillthelandslide @elinesama
@tryingtoliveonmywishes @ceilingfann @do-youseeme
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hhhhh-waitwhat · 4 years
Star Trek: The wrath of Khan
Finally watching this immediately after seeing tmp for the first time and I already miss This Simple Feeling [SPOILERS BELOW]
-spock looks amazing as always I am already in love with this red outfit aaaa
-wait where's kirk
-damn indeed
-evasive action! *explodes*
-SPOCK!! UHURA!!! We are one minute in
-Jesus? No, that's just Kirk, he's extra like that
-aaaaa i see
-yaas bones so dramtic
-Jim why must you roast them like that
-shdhejje they're gifting each other poetry now?! This is the best of times
-illegal smuggle buddies
-old man Kirk better wise up we have 3 more movies to go
-FIRST OFFICER CHEKOV?! in my dreams
-whos this nervous mop and cool lady what
-not at all ominous shed in the desert, looks like a good place to chill
-always trust Chekov
-the Botany Bay mafia has arrived
-WHAYHSHb great to finally meet you mr khan
-read the room new captain geez
-Chekov never told me the tale too :(
-Jim is a busy man khan he can't just keep checking on everyone he abandoned
-aww but it's like a worm armadillo
-oh nooo don't out it in their ears ewww
-aah back to the comfort of the enterprise
-personally i love the dad glasses Jim
-a tiny boi SIR
-vulcan the real language of love
-lmao bones and Jim snarking on the new guys
-YES ASTRONAUT GUY!!! tiny spaceman is my favourite reoccurring star trek movie minor character
-Sulu's smile melts my heart 💖
-more like Starship Un-reliant
-someone save Chekov my poor baby
-Bones lmaoo are you casually drunk
-be still my beating heart Spock in a robe
-ohohoho suddenly Spock's out here with the outbursts of Jim you're the only one for me the enterprise
-I have been, and always will be, yours.
-I have been, and always will be, yelling about this scene from now on
-*chanting* Captain Kirk, Captain Kirk
-khan really does subscribe to the Jim Kirk Titties Out look
-coughwhydotheycallthemmrsavik is this a subtitle error orrrr trans vulcan Savik confirmed
-hmm seems kinda op to just make any planet living
-cant see how that could go wrong at all
-alright Bones we should probably go about this at a different way instead of insulting Spock but I get what you're putting down
-hahs khan that's your intimating line?! I love it, reminds me of megamind lmaoo revenge is a dish served cold
-that guy just FLEW on the bridge!!!
-oof khan got em good, his bite is stronger then his bark
-sup khan long time no see
-unforgivable that they did that to the lovely lady enterprise
-amazing work as always Jim but Chekov!!! We must save him and his worm
-good god who is that in your arms Scotty why did you bring them to the BRIDGE
-its the baby boy!!! you did well my red shirt baby, rest well
-i love how bones didn't even wanna be here at first but now he won't even let Jim beam down to planets alone without him
-hewwo? Mop head and the lovely and smart Carol?
-oh there are the rest
-CHEKOV IS BACK!!! everyone hug him NOW
-thats a big sonic screwdriver
-mop head and Carol, living it up in a bunker woot woot
-Chekov betrayal! I don't blame you baby boy I blame the rest for not listening when you told them about the ear worm like what did we expect
-Terrel noooo!! I didn't appreciate you enough I'm sorryyyyy
-wait why did Chekov's worm leave is he just that powerful
-that "KHAN" was so loud I'm surprised the enterprise didn't hear it ahshssh
-OFC Kirk has a complicated relationship with Carol smdh
-my son.. look at my son!! *bursts into Hamilton song and dance
-not gonna lie I did read a spirk fic today where I believe it mentioned his son and wife died but I paid it no heed, now I'm second guessing everything ajsjsje the line between cannon and fannon continues to blur in my mind
-wowow dang Carol you really outdid yourself this place is straight ART
-kirk big brain cheated and Starfleet were so impressed they just let it slide immmm
-okay wow this crew montage and dramatic music has no right to get me this pumped up
-omg mop wears a jumper around his shoulders like a rich tennis player are we SURE this is Jim's son
-khan even nearly has the titty scar wound too he's more like Jim then mop boy will ever be
-second movie second serve of flashing lights, I really need to stop watching these in the dark
-do y'all really think khan is the kind of guy to surrender lololol
-crazy that spite kept him and only him alive like that huh
-no hesitation we mind meld with whoever, Spock you naughty boy
-Me, Bones and Scotty all yelling at Spock to STOP SACRIFICING YOURSELF at every dang opportunity sjjdidkdj we CARE
-dang khan what a way to go out
-All is good so far? Did we win?
-wow I've never seen him run so fast and- did he just push over a random guy??? Go Jim nothing can stop you
-oh my god no
-this is the second movie he can't die now?!?!? im not ready for thefamous touch through the glass scene I glimpse on Tumblr IM NOT READY
-i just have it paused. i don't even want the camera to pan across and show Spock I KNOW I'll cry
-deep breath
-i can't type too busy crying my heart out, spoooooooooooooooooooock
-i should never have watched the movies I was so happy with just the original series, imagining my boys together exploring space for all eternity
-amd now I'll never stop crying ahsjdusjjs
-Okay okay okay I couldn't even wait till the end of the movie i HAD to know NOW, my poor heart couldn't go on otherwise-so, after a brief glance at the next movie descriptions Spock is IN bones in Search for Spock?!?! And then he's alive maybe in the next one I'm so confused my heart is so wearyyy
-too numb for the rest I can't deal with you rn mop head
-we are in MOURNING
-Jims broken I'm broken we're all fucked up now
-cant even hug right I feel ya Jim we are empty on the inside
-okay bones sure he's not dead if we remember him but also HES NOT DEAD DEAD RIGHT?! It's too late now to start another movie but I am dyingggg to know what happens next send help
-you're going to bring up your birthday Jim?!? Remind both of us how you were too busy sulking to appreciate Spock's poetry I swear to goddd next time you see Spock I am BEGGING you to shower him in all the love and affection he desrves
-wish they'd do a Sherlock and he's just hiding behind a tree :(
-wellllll I mean??? He sorta was??? Egg spock
-stop making me cryyyyyy opening in Spock's voice ahshshsbs I hope those gravely lines are the last thing I hear
-FINALLY it is OVER I can try to mend my broken heart with fanfics hhhhh
-got me outta nowhere with Spock and I am draineddd, can't wait to watch the next one soon 💕
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btswishes · 7 years
Going into labor with Namjoon as your husband.(first part is a text scenario)
A/N: I don’t know how I got this idea in the first place.Nonetheless I hope you guys like it and the first part is a text scenario, just like the one I did with Taehyung. These are actually kind of short, sorry for any mistakes made.🙂
Word count: 1,715
Warnings: Swearing
Part1 ( text scenario ) / Part2
  Your contractions were still in 30 min intervals, so it wasn’t as bad as it was going to be. You placed your phone on the floor next to you and leaned on the wall. You went into labor while you were grabbing a cup of water from the kitchen. 
  You were able to tell Namjoon to come home A.S.A.P. which is great, but it still took him a couple of minutes. After awhile you heard the door open up loudly.
“YAH!” you yelled out “I hope the door is still attached to the wall for your own good Kim Namjoon!” you turned your head to the side to look at your husband, who was about to start crying. 
“Jagya!”he ran over to you and picked you up from the floor “What do I do?”he was walking around the house with you in his arms, but you weren’t happy about it.All that extra movement was a bit too much for you.
“Stop that!” Jin hit Namjoon with something 
“Jin hyung is right.Let’s go to the hospital.” suggested Jungkook as Taehyung ran to open the door of your apartment 
“That is not what I meant to say.”Jin pouted “I can help Y/N without going to the hospital.”
“Midwife Jin, thanks but no thanks.”you were rubbing your belly and breathing heavily 
“Let’s go!”Hoseok pushed Namjoon and he ran in the elevator
  It got a bit cramped in there with the 7 of them and you, not to mention the sweet old lady which lived next to you. The boys were trying their best not to crush her or you.
“Morning sweetie.”she smiled “Where are you going?”
“Morning.”said Namjoon “She can’t talk right now, we are kind of in a hurry.”
“Oh, where to?” she was such a nice old lady, it would have been very impolite to not answer
“I am in labor.”you were able to say through your teeth
“Oh my.”she placed her hand in front of her mouth “That is wonderful news dear. Judging by the size of your belly, it must be a boy.”
“It’s a girl.”said Namjoon
“That is what I said, a girl.”she laughed out and walked off on the 3-rd floor ”Do your best, I can’t wait to see her.”the old lady waved you goodbye
“Ok, is it just me or did she say that it was going to be a boy?”asked Jungkook
“No, I heard it too.” Jimin nodded his head
“Anyways.”Yoongi looked at the numbers next to the buttons in the elevator “We are here.” the door opened immediately and Namjoon ran for the car. Jimin opened the door for you, Yoongi sat next to you and Namjoon on your other side. Jin was getting ready to drive.Once everyone was in, you started noticing that the contractions were at shorter intervals.
“Can we hurry up!?”you asked
“Ok.”Jin looked back at all of you “First are your seat belts on.”
“KIM SEOKJIN I WILL MURDER YOU!” you grabbed his shirt and pulled him back.In a split second he started the car and drove like crazy.
  The good thing was that the hospital was close to your house. Jin stopped in front of the building. Hoseok got out first and opened your door.Namjoon lifted you up again and Yoongi hurried to open the next door.Everyone was synchronizing their movements for your sake 
 The first doctor that saw you rushed you to the maternity ward. The nurses let only Namjoon in while you were giving birth.When the moment came you were crushing his hand and screaming. 
“It’s ok, jagya. Everything is going to be alright.”he was trying to make you feel better.Both of your hands grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to your eye level.
“Don’t you dare tell me what is going to be alright!”the words were coming from in between your teeth and you weren’t happy at all “Why don’t you try having a HUMAN BEING rip out of your body!”
“Mrs Kim, I would like you to push.We can see the head.”the doctor asked of you
  Once you heard his words, you knew that it was almost over, you had to keep it going just a little bit more.
“You can do it jagya!”
“Nurse!”said the doctor
“I could have done that at home, with some warm water and towels.” your head moved up and you saw him standing next to you ,with his hand on his waist
“JIN!”you gasped
  He looked at the doctor and then at you “I didn’t know we were going to get personal.”he was talking about going over there and seeing what the doctor was.
“How the fuck did you get in here!?”asked Namjoon amazed and still holding your hand
“Forget about that.”you said after another painful push “Get OUT!”the words became one with a painful scream 
“But I got her this adorable dress and cute shoes that match.” he pulled out clothes from absolutely nowhere 
“JIN!”you yelled out again
“Did I mention that they are pink?” 
  He sighed and left.The day was getting more and more crazy. This was supposed to be a normal child birth.You were hoping someone called your parents ,because you were in such a hurry that you forgot your phone on the apartment floor.
  The moment you heard that sweet angelic cry ,your tears started flowing down your cheeks like a river.You were happy and once you were holding her in your arms, all that pain felt like nothing compared to what you received.
“My baby.” you were kissing her and didn’t want to let go when the nurse had to wash her up
“You did amazing jagya.” Namjoon was holding onto you and thanking you for all your hard work “Thank you for making me the most happiest man alive.”his kisses were showering over you
“Here she is.”the nurse handed Namjoon your baby girl 
“She is beautiful.”he said, gently caressing her cheek
“Wait...”your hand reached out and pulled the blanket down a bit, exposing her clothes “Jin!”
“What?” the boys walked in together 
“When did you do this!?”you asked pointing at the clothes your daughter was wearing, the same that Jin had.
“Why should I tell you all of my secrets?”
“He smiled at the nurse, she got hypnotized ,so he used the moment to dress her up.”said Yoongi yawing, he obviously slept through this glorious moment 
“Y/N.”you looked down at the side of your bed, seeing Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin looking up at you with puppy dog eyes.
“Can we?”
“Awww, I can’t say no to those cute faces.Here you go, but be careful.” you gave them your baby girl and their eyes sparkled once she smiled at them.
  The nurse that was taking care of you was supper cool and she didn’t care how many people there where, she could get rid of them in a second if she wanted to.
“Ok,ok let the mother and the child rest.Wait outside.”she took the baby out of Jimin’s hands and gave her to you, smiling
“But I am the husband.”said Namjoon
“Excuse me?” the nurse turned around to face him in a sassy way “Um,did you give birth sir?”
“Were you having back pain and were vomiting for 9 months straight?”
“Well then get out.This is the maternity ward.Last time I checked you aren’t a woman.”she grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him out, the face Namjoon was making was hilarious and adorable at the same time. 
“Sorry about that, they can be a bit noisy.”you told the nurse
“Oh not at all dear.First time dad I presume.”she helped you sit down and feed your baby properly 
“To be honest it was very funny the moment you came in here.Your husband was carrying you, one of your friends opened the door to the hospital, the other one was bringing in your bag, the charmer parked the car.You made my day, in fact you made my whole week.”she was a supper fun person to be around
“That is how we are.”you said
“Don’t they have a concert?” her question was so sudden and your face had shock written all over it “What?You thought I didn’t know them? BTS are famous after all.”she patted your back “Nonetheless this is a hospital, I must ask your husband to be a bit more quiet.”
“About that.”you looked behind her and she turned around, seeing the boys looking through the glass.Namjoon was jumping and broke something, judging by the look on his face.
“May I?”
“Be my guest.”you said
  The nurse was about to walk over to them, when they walked in. She wasn’t very happy about it and in a way she was right.
“Sir there are a lot of babies and mothers sleeping here.If you aren’t quiet they will wake up.” she placed her hands on her waist in an ‘angry mom’ position. 
“Don’t worry, we have Jin hyung here.”Namjoon pointed at him
“That is right, I will sing to them.”and he started 
“That is great sir, could you sing outside please.” 
  The boys were talking a bit loudly and you saw how your baby girl frowned her little eyebrows and was about to cry. Jimin casually looked over to you and his body froze. He pushed Jungkook and pointed over to you. Kookie grabbed Jin.
“Hyung, you should stop.”
“I am not done yet Jungkook.” he pulled his arm away
“Hyung.”said Jimin
  Yoongi sighed and grabbed Jin’s head moving it towards you.The moment your eyes met, was the moment he felt fear on such a high level.It was like someone started plying ‘Run’ in the background, they were gone immediately.
  The nurse walked over to make sure everything was ok.
“You have to tell me how you did that.”
“I have my way.”you laughed out
  Soon you felt your body getting weak and the sleep finally caught up to you. The nurse took your baby and placed her next to you. 
“Rest, you earned it.” 
  It was was such a sweet sleep, something you had never experienced before. Yet it didn’t last long, after 2 hours you heard them yelling and making a ruckus again.
“Your wife needs to sleep!” and the nurse came to scold them again.It was going to be a long visit for them, but in a way a fun one.
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pandabearlikes · 8 years
Temporary Affairs II
Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Chapter 1o.  Friends Not Foes
  A month passed in the blink of an eye.  The first few weeks back from the hospital, you barely stepped foot out of your house, fearing that if you came in contact with anything in the outside world, you’d somehow get into an accident and lose Yoona.  However, with Jongin encouragements, you finally stepped out to go on a short date with him to the super market. 
  At the market, your preggo cravings went haywire.  You wanted curry, but then when you got to the curry aisle, you wanted swiss cheese, but then when you stood in front of cheese, you wanted tomatoes, in front of tomatoes you had the urge to regurgitate, so finally Jongin knowingly grabbed a few sweet potatoes.  You clung onto his arm happily.  That night he transformed into Chef Kim Jongin and baked the most delicious sweet potato pie you’d ever eaten (it wasn’t bitter either, though you did kinda reminiscence that bitter taste). 
    Another two weeks flew by.  Since you were completely healthy, you had been babysitting Youngwoo again.  Oh, how much that little guy had grown since the last time you saw him.  Every time he giggled, or babbled, or squealed, or cried, Yoona would respond with gentle kicks.  They are so getting married when they grow up. 
  As you rocked Youngwoo back and forth on the cradle to lull him to sleep after feeding him, the doorbell rang.  Your eyebrows furrowed, not quite expecting any visitors.  Pressing the “automatic” button on the cradle, you slowly got up from the rocking chair and waddled your way to the front door.  A tall graceful female, with short wavy milktea brown hair and large shiny eyes, stood before you.   
  “Minyoung-unnie?” you asked, surprised to see one of your father’s business partner’s daughter. 
  “________ah?  Why are you here?” she asked, her eyes bloodshot. 
  “I’m babysitting for the owner’s son,” you explained.
  “…Oh…” she replied, sniffing back tears.
  “Uh…Unnie, are you looking for someone?” you asked.
  “For Sehun.  Is he here?” she questioned.  Wait…they know each other?  What a small world…
  “Um…He went to work actually…but do you want to come in?  I can get you some coffee and we can catch up?” you suggested.
  She hesitated at first but gave in when you tugged on her sleeve. 
  As you waited for water to boil, you observed Minyoung, who was awkwardly sitting on the living room sofa with her eyes darting all over the place.  Could she be Sehun’s wife?  No, of course not, because the photos on the picture frames were of another woman.  The water boiler screeched, breaking you from your trance. 
  You placed the mug on the coffee table and took a seat on a chair opposite of Minyoung to give her some space and to better see her expressions throughout the conversation.  The older female fidgeted around nervously, causing you to awkwardly clear your throat. 
  “So…________ah, I didn’t even get to congratulate you on your marriage, but it seems I can say congratulations twice on the double happiness,” she said, referring to your pregnancy. 
  “Thanks, Unnie,” you thanked and patted your belly, “less than two months to go”.
  “You always managed to beat Unnie when it came to milestones…” she said. 
  “Heh…” you laughed anxiously, “that’s not true…actually Unnie, weren’t you discussing marriage plans with your boyfriend?  How is that going?”
  The smile dropped from her face.  Crap, did my potty mouth say something I shouldn’t have said, again? 
  “…We…He…He found another woman…” she stammered, her eyes brimming with tears. 
  “Whut?!  How?  Who is he?!  Tell me and I’ll kick his ass for you!” you fumed. 
  Yoona kicked you to remind you to calm down so you took a deep breath.
  “Oh Sehun,” she replied, staring onto the floor. 
  Your body stiffened in place and your face paled.  What…wait…hold up….hold up.  You mentally separated yourself from the room to analyze the situation.  Sehun has a wife…then does that mean Minyoung Unnie is the mistress??  You raised your brow at her. 
  “Sehun?” you asked, “as in Youngwoo’s father?”  No, duh.  Why else would she be here.  Being pregnant has made you a dumber person, _______ah.     
  She nodded; tears ran down her face like cascading pearls.
  You knew you were in no place to judge or grill her for any more info but the curiosity within you was so tempted to find out the rest of the story.
  “…But for all I know…he’s married?” you cautiously said. 
  Her lips trembled.  She self-consciously took a sip of the coffee. 
  “Unnie, you don’t have to tell me anything you’re not comfortable telling me,” you reminded her after witnessing her distressed form.
  “S-Sehun and I were together first…” she sobbed.
  You looked up from the floor to her and from the wrinkles of her temples or the pink edges of her eyes, you had no excuse not to believe in her words.
  “So Sehun cheated on you…?” you warily inquired.
  She shook her head violently, “That’s not it at all.  I…he…she…they accidentally slept together and she got pregnant”.
  “Whut!?  How does one just simply accidentally sleep together?!” you blurted.
  You were so confused.  You thought Sehun and his wife were the victims, now they just sounded like a group of liars and con artist. 
  “I believe him,” she said confidently then whispered, “…so I waited for him to return to me after she gave birth”.  Wait…did Minyoung Unnie chase the girl away?  That…would explain why she willingly left Sehun and Youngwoo…
  Oh be-jeez lou-weeez, you were getting more and more confused.  While deep in thought, you unknowingly bit into your mug.  You don’t realize until the pressure caused milk to splash up and onto your lip.  Embarrassed, you grabbed a few napkins to clean up the mess.   
  “…but he doesn’t love me anymore…he loves her…I don’t know what to do.  ______ah, can you teach me what I should do?” she pleaded. 
  For a moment, as you observed her, you had to do a double take because her state reminded you of someone else you knew…but you just couldn’t quite get a grip of who…    
  “For the longest time, I kept telling myself that Sehun was just stuck in a bubble…that one day he’d realize that he still loved me…” she confessed.
  Throwing the soaked napkins into a trash bin, you exaggerated a sigh and advised, “Unnie, don’t wait anymore,”
  She looked up at you with watery eyes.  And in that moment, instead of Kim Minyoung…you saw Lee Sohee.  You blinked a few times to shake away the illusion. 
  “But I still love him…” she reasoned. 
  You narrowed your eyes into slits when flashes of Sohee stared back at you.  Shaking your head a few times, you cleared your throat ready to play the “bad cop” who would lay out the truth to her.   
  “And you still will for a while…but I think…or at least from what I know...Sehun is really in love with Youngwoo’s mother.  He’s going to wait for her no matter how long it takes for her to return,” you began. 
  “But what if she doesn’t return…oh it’s all my fault…I pushed her away…” she cried.
  Your expressions softened upon seeing her in full remorse. 
  “She will return,” you said with determination, “because no mother is able to leave her own flesh and blood forever”.  Just like how I won’t be able to leave you, Yoona.  Unconsciously, you rubbed your tummy. 
  Minyoung didn’t say anything nor move for a whole minute and you do not force her.  Suddenly, Youngwoo’s cries sounded from the baby’s room so you excused yourself to check on him.  When you returned to the living room, Minyoung was gone.  Panicking and fearful that she’d do something rash, you pulled your phone out to give her a call, but a bright pink sticky note on her coffee mug caught your attention. 
  “________ah, thank you for listening to me.  I think I know what to do now.  I’ll try to let go of Sehun because only this way, I’ll be able to let go of myself.  Thank you.  Please tell Sehun that I wish him and his wife the best,” the note read. 
  You sighed in relief, placing the sticky against your chest.  Haha!  _______ah!  You’re on a roll!  Maybe I should be a therapist one day ;p.  You waved your arms in the air and did a silly celebratory dance.  However, midway, a glimpse of Lee Sohee popped in your brain and you halted in place.  Your smile dropped.  If you thought about it…her case was very similar to Minyoung’s.  She and Jongin were dating before you came into the picture and basically stole him away from her.  If someone tried to steal my boyfriend from me while we were deeply in love, I’d fight her to death too.  You frowned.  For the first time, you discovered yourself sympathizing with her.  You weren‘t exactly commending the way she handled things and not to mention – almost caused you a miscarriage, but you pitied her and felt her pain.  Conflicted, you slouched down onto the comfy sofa to rest.  But Yoona started to kick this familiar kick you nicknamed “Lovers’ Quarrel” because you swore every time she did that, it was a precursor that Youngwoo would cry in…
  “Waaaaaaaaa  Waaaaa…” the little boy cried.  Yep, these two are getting married in the future. 
  “Coming, Little Prince!” you shouted and waddled into the room with a baby bottle in your hand. 
  On a sunny October morning, Jongin took the day off to spend time with you because you had been nagging him to get you these panda bear onesies for Yoona.  You were pleasantly surprised when he returned with not one, but three panda bear onesies – one for Mama bear, one for Papa bear, and one for baby bear.  Gahhhh $Q#$Q#$# my hubby.  This is my hubby biotches, seriously move over thissss is MINE!  You jumped up and down…or what you thought was jumping but was really just bending your knee mere two inches because your huge belly prevented you from lifting yourself from the ground.  Elatedly, you held the costume up to your body and stared in the mirror.
  With a cheesy grin, you tiptoed and planted a big smooch on Jongin’s cheek.  He smirk, satisfied with his reward for the hard work he exerted getting the costumes. 
  “Thanks Oppa,” you said, then patted your tummy and said in a baby voice, “Thank you Appa!” 
  Smiling his starry eyed smile, he held his arms out to hug you and that’s when you finally caught sight of a plastic bag looped around his left wrist. 
  “What’s that?” you asked. 
  Gasping, he immediately hid it behind his back.  That only made you ten times more curious, so you chased him down.  But he was so stubborn, using his usual tactic of holding his hands high up in the air and tiptoeing so that you were too short to even touch the object with the tip of your finger. 
  Pouting, you crumpled onto the edge of the bed and pretended to cry.  That should do the trick.
  “Jagiya, you suck at acting,” he laughed.  You stuck your tongue out at him. 
  Suddenly, a light bulb switched on in your head.  Internal evil cackle.
  “Ow.  Ow,” you whimpered tearfully whilst clutching on your stomach. 
  You pretended to sob and wheeze for air. 
  “Oppa…” you called out, holding out your hand. 
  Stunned, Jongin fleetingly sprinted over to you.
  “Where does it hurt?!  Let’s go to the hospital.  Are you in labor?!” he asked in one breath. 
  Slyly, you wrapped your hand around his wrist and snatched the plastic bag.  Ehehehehehehehehe.  Jongin gave you an unimpressed look, got up, and angrily slammed the bedroom door on his way out.  You jumped at the resonating sound of the slam and swallowed in guilt.  Uh oh.  Handsome husband is mad.  Discarding the plastic bag, you immediately got up to find your husband. 
  You discovered him on the front balcony.  Biting your lip, you cautiously tiptoed over to him.  When you were mere inches from him, you slipped your arms around his waist from behind.  But he ignored you so you playfully danced your fingers along his abdomen.  Still, he doesn’t move nor acknowledge your presence. 
  “Oppaaa,” you said in a high-pitched voice. 
  His lips flattened into a thin line. 
  “I’m sorry…” you apologized, kissing his back. 
  To your relief, his muscles unstiffened a little bit but still he made no move to forgive you for your inconsiderate prank. 
  “I know I’m always so childish and I always do things without thinking…but I didn’t think it’d be that big of a deal…” you explained, still clinging to him. 
  Jongin turned around, detaching you from him and scolded, “Not that big of a deal?!  You and Yoona are the most important people in my life.  Don’t tell me that it’s not that big of a deal”.
  Biting your lower lip until you tasted metal, your body shriveled up and your eyes looked down onto the floor, too ashamed to look at your husband in the eye. 
  Above you, you heard a loud sigh and then his long arms pulled you into his chest.  You tried your best not to be a crybaby but tears just kept pouring out.  
  “I’m sorry…I don’t know what I was thinking…” you hiccupped. 
  Jongin placed his chin on top of your head and held you close, “Shh…I’m not mad at you.  You just scared me earlier.  I didn’t mean to take my anger out on you”. 
  But you bawled harder because he was making it sound like he was wrong instead of reprimanding you like he should. 
  “Aigoo, Jagiya…if you keep crying, Yoona’s going to turn out ugly,” he joked. 
  But it worked.  You immediately forced yourself to be quiet.
  “Good girl,” your husband complimented and petted your head as if you were a little puppy, “Now, let’s go see what’s in the mysterious plastic bag”.
  He took your hand and dragged you back into the house.
  “Wait, you’re gonna show me?” you asked.
  “Eh…it was supposed to be a surprise but I don’t mind showing you now,” he remarked, holding the bag in front of you so you could look inside. 
  Hiding your excitement, you unknotted the straps and stuffed your head into the bag to see the contents.  Inside were a few more panda bear onesies that were the same size as Yoona’s. 
  “Wh-what are these for?” you asked, scratching your head, confused as to why Yoona would need so many of the same exact onesies.
  Beaming, Jongin reached over and took the costumes out one by one and laid them out on the bed.  On each of the backs were embroidered words that read, “Big Sister #1”, “Baby Rockstar #2”, “Little Pooper #3”, “Teddy Bear #4”, “Monggu’s BFF #5”, and “PeeWee #6”.  You stroked them longingly.  Oppa really wants six kids…and yet back in the hospital he was willing to give up this dream for me… You sniffed back tears.
  “D-do you not like them?” he asked, disappointed, “I’ll return them”.
  “I love them,” you replied throwing your arms around Jongin. 
On a Sunday afternoon, just weeks from your due date, you had the sudden urge to paint so Jongin drove you to the art gallery to cure your temptations or as you described, “itchy fingers”. 
  “They do itch!” you said defensively as Jongin dug through the cabinets for your paint. 
  “But won’t paint cause them to itch even more?” he asked, his head stuffed in a cabinet while he attempted to gather up the colors you listed on a piece of paper for him. 
  You grabbed an old bottle of paint on your easel and pointed to the label, “Non-toxic!” 
  Jongin jumped down from the ladder and carried the bucket of colors over to you. 
  “Thanks Oppa,” you smiled like a little kitten up to him. 
  He ruffled your head, his lips mimicking your cheesy grin. 
  “What are you going to paint?” he asked, scooting a chair next to you so he could watch you do your magic.
  “Hmm…I’m not sure yet.  What do you think I should draw?” you asked, hoping he was more inspired than you. 
  “Erm…I would take this red,” he twisted the cap off the paint tube and squeezed a bit onto his index finger, “and paint it here”, he hovered over the blank canvas but U-turned and tapped his finger on your nose. 
  You gasped, “Kim Jongin!  That paint is expensive!” 
  But just as you said it, you also grabbed a paint tub, squirted a bit of green onto your finger and dabbed it onto Jongin’s forehead.  Laughing, Jongin took another color and painted bright pink swirls on your cheeks.  You took a black, mixed it with blue and colored under Jongin’s eyes.  Hehe.    
  “Jagiya, where’s the yellow?” he asked, holding his hands out like spider fingers so that the colors didn’t mix.
  “Oh, here, I have it,” you handed the paint over.  He squeezed a bit onto his pinky and lifted it up to your cupid’s bow.  You scooted over so it’d be easier for him.  He drew on a yellow mustache. 
  Giggling maniacally, you took neon purple and drew a few dots on his face.
  “What’s that supposed to be?” he asked, curiously.
  “Moles,” you replied.
  You tried so hard to contain your laughter but Jongin’s deadpanned face was seriously the best.  Cracking up, you almost face palmed out of habit but stopped yourself when you recalled that your fingers were now the color of the rainbow.  Jongin leaned in to give you a kiss but you shook your head giggling while motioning with your hands to tell him that the paint wasn’t dried yet.  So he kissed the only bare part of your face – your lips.  It was so romantic that you could have melted into a puddle but you couldn’t stop laughing and laughing at how Jongin tried so hard to not transfer paint from his face to onto yours.  Suddenly, the doorbell jingled, forcing you two to part ways. 
  “Welcome!” you said, standing up to greet the customer but Jongin immediately pushed you to stand behind him.  The paint from his hands smeared all over your shirt.  
  “Why are you here?” he barked.
  You tiptoed to see who had made your husband lose his cool.  Lee Sohee.  Her gaze landed from you to Jongin with a sad smile.
  “Can I just talk to _______?  Please?” she pleaded.
  “No.  You may not, didn’t I make myself clear last time?” your husband said firmly.
  “Oppa…” you called, wrapping your colorful hands over his arm. 
  “I…I just have a few words I’d like to tell _______,” Sohee was persistent and for some reason, you really thought she was being genuine this time with her words.   
  Angered, Jongin stalked over, opened the door, and half-threw her out.   
  “Oppa!  Noo!” you said, rushing over to stop him.
  “Jagiya, she’s just going to try to hurt you again!” Jongin said, trying to stop you from being over-compassionate. 
  “I don’t think she will,” you responded.
  “Oppa…” Sohee started then cleared her throat and corrected, “Jongin-ssi, is that who I am in your perspective?  A liar?  A tramp?  Someone who’s always up to no good?” 
  “Yes!  You are.  You almost killed my wife and daughter!” he hollered back.
  “Kim Jongin!  Chillax!” you hissed.
  He looked to you in disbelief, “This woman made you almost lose your life and you’re gonna forgive her?”  You men won’t understand.  Le sighh 
  Sighing, you softened your tone, “Oppa, can you get me a towel and make two cups of coffee for us.  We’ll be in the patio”.
  “Jagiya…but…” he tried to persuade.
  “No buts,” you responded firmly then turned to Sohee. 
  Her eyebrows caved in worriedly and she suggested, “If…if you don’t trust me, you can tie up my hands”. 
  “That won’t be necessary.  Sohee-ssi, let’s go out to the patio to chat”.
  She sat down awkwardly, fidgeting around in the seat, glancing back and forth as if a wild coyote would jump on her any minute now.  And for the moment, she reminded you of Minyoung when she sat anxiously in Sehun’s house.  With your face now clean and fresh, you took the seat across from her.  Awkward silence enveloped you two for the first time that you almost wished you two were screaming and biting at each other’s necks. 
  “I…” you both said in unison.
  “Oh…you first…” you both said in unison again. 
  You shook your head laughing and she giggled along. 
  “I’m sorry,” she finally said.  And you should be…
  “I am as well…” you replied.
  “W-what?” Sohee stuttered, probably because she expected you to flip out on her, “W-why…why…would you be sorry?  I almost killed you”.
  “You did…” you agreed, nodding but continued, “and that’s something I’ll always remember Lee Sohee so don’t you dare try to get out of this without repaying me with at least a hundred packs of diapers…”
  She looked at you as if you grew horns on your head so you gave her a smile so she knew you were joking. 
  “…I don’t understand…why are you not mad at me?” she asked.
  “…Maybe it’s because I almost died and I almost lost my baby, that I discovered so many things including that fact that my husband really, really, really does love me…” you replied, sniffing back tears.
  Sohee hung her head, “I always knew he loved you too…I just…” her voice cracked and a tear fell down her cheek, “I just wanted some way…any way to comfort myself and keep myself hoping that he would come back to me”.
  “That’s why I owe you an apology,” you reasoned.
  She shook her head, puzzled by your rationale.
  “When I looked back, I realized that you were the ultimate victim of this so called “triangle” love affair.  You and Oppa were happily together and because of me you guys broke up.  You must have hated me to death – and rightfully so”.
  “I didn’t hate you…I was jealous of you,” she admitted. 
  “And I was jealous of you as well,” you also admitted. 
  She looked at you bewildered at your confession.  Then with a sigh, she dug into her purse and took out a pen – not just any pen, Jongin’s pen – his farewell gift from his late grandfather.  You gasped.
  “You had it all along?” you asked.
  “Yeah…I’m sorry…I knew it meant a lot of Oppa but I selfishly kept it thinking that by doing so, I’d always have a part of him with me,” she explained, holding the pen to her chest. 
  You looked down onto the table, unsure of how to react. 
  “But I don’t want it anymore because it was never mine to begin with.  So I would like to return it back to the rightful owner.  ________ssi, are you willing to accept this back?” Sohee questioned, sliding the pen across the table to you. 
  Throwing her a gracious smile, you nodded and said, “Thank you”. 
  At this point of the conversation, Jongin entered the patio with a tray and two mugs.  He placed one gently in front of you and the other carelessly in front of Sohee.  A little bit of the coffee splashed out onto the table from the rough impact.  You narrowed your eyes at him disapprovingly.  He looked away but stayed beside you.  Sipping your warm milk, you waved your hand to shoo him away but he gave you a look that read, “I’m staying here!”  And you responded with an expression that said, “No you’re not!  Get out!” 
  “No!  I’m staying here!” Jongin protested out loud. 
  Across from you, a sad laugh escaped from the female’s lips.  You both turned to look at its owner. 
  She said, “You two really are a match made in Heaven”.
  You could almost hear her heart break.  She got up to leave.
  “Sohee-ssi!” you called to her.
  She turned around and replied, “Thank you for your forgiveness.  Please take care of Oppa…Jongin-ssi for me”. 
  A tear rolled down her face and you had to look up to blink back yours.  She dashed off.  You tried to run after her but Jongin pulled you back.
  “Oppa…” you complained, “Please, can you go talk to her.  Just one last time for closure?”
  “Why?  Why are you being so forgiving to someone like her?” he questioned bitterly.
  “‘Someone like her’?  Oppa, what are you trying to say?  At one point in time, you loved her.  ‘Someone like her?’  You mean someone who loved a man so much she was willing to turn into a monster to get him to just look at her again?” you lectured with your fingertips pointing at his chest to emphasize your words.
  “Jagiya…” he said.
  “Please, be the man that I fell in love with.  That Kim Jongin I know is not a cold-hearted jerk,” you reasoned.
  With a defeated sigh, he released your hand and ran off to chase after Sohee.  By the time you arrived at the scene, they had finished chatting.  Sohee’s face was swamped in tears as Jongin extended his arms to hug her one last time.  Instead of feeling jealous like you had expected, there was a sense of contentment that lingered in your heart.  When they separated from the hug, you slowly walked over to reunite with them.  Jongin automatically laced his fingers through yours.
  “Thank you ________, I can trust you to not bully Oppa, right?” Sohee spoke, wiping away her tears.
  “Well…I don’t know about that…” you joked.
  “Yeah, don’t judge her by her tiny frame, she’s super strong,” Jongin teased, pinching your nose.  You crinkled your nose and Sohee giggled. 
  “I can’t believe I’m saying this but you two are really cute together,” the older female complimented.
  “Thanks,” you said then continued, “I hope one day you’ll find a man who will treat you well too”.
  “I definitely will and when that happens, I’ll come back and make you regret choosing Jongin-oppa and tying the knot with him so fast,” she joked.
  “Can’t wait for that day!  But he’s a keeper,” you responded, clinging tightly to your husband. 
  You looked down to see Sohee had extended her hand out.  Exhaling, you smiled and shook her hand.  With that, she turned around and left.  You sighed, watching as her silhouette grew tinier and tinier until she was just the size of an ant.  I really, really hope you’ll find your happiness too, Lee Sohee.  Hwaiting!    
             a/n: ~stations army in bushes outside of patio~
~narrows eyes with pens position to throw at Sohee~
~tears start to form as the two ladies have heart to heart conversation~
~pens, markers, crayons fall to floor~
~army retreats, sobbing~  இ_இ
  Yay The Lucky One characters guest starring again :D!  I think they show up one more time!
  And my favorite chapter tmr hehehe.  (Can you believe there are only 3 more chapters?)  Be there or be square!!!!!!    
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