#WWF In Your House 6
rainchyna · 2 years
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𓆩♡𓆪 episode six: IT BEGINS.
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HEHE this episode is a major L ngl but look i had to add hunter one way or another he’s so fucking hot oh my god yo smut warning btw LMAO ,, anyways, the y/n fanboy club will only expand from here so get ready yall all the boys and girls wanna kiss y/n
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10:31 am, at the hotel.
it was in the air.
what was ‘it’?
chaos was in the air.
ever since your promo with The Undertaker last week, it felt like you were sitting on a volcano waiting to erupt.
you were put in several storyline that got cancelled, had three separate gimmick changes pitched, two underdeveloped love angles, twelve - you counted - times you almost turned heel, and you almost got yourself and Shawn suspended for a fight you had backstage.
fun, exciting even, to say the least.
Lita almost got dropped off of Taker’s team because of an injury she got during a house show, Owen had twisted his ankle, and Steve and Bret were now in a feud within the Taker-Y/n angle and Sherri and Luna seemed to be wrestling each other in every house show.
Vince was clearly beginning to lose his sanity bit by bit everyday and it was showing. he fired and rehired six wrestlers and twenty staff members in the same hour, almost completely cancelled you and Taker’s feud and allegedly - has been in talks with some ex WCW guys to sign in them with the WWF, since WCW seemed to be stealing all the top stars he had.
one of the WCW guys that came was Hunter Hearst Helmsley. you’ve always seen him around, but nothing ever stuck. he’s pretty cool, sweet guy, very much talented. you two only began building a friendship after his debut, he was the new comer who was trying to make his way through the company.
several people advised him to get to know you if he wanted to get to the top, after all no one knows how to jump to the top of the mountain like you do. but also, he was advised to befriend Shawn as well.
poor Hunter, he quickly found himself being the middleman in you and Shawn’s bullshit. he wound up quickly befriending Chyna as well since she was the middleman in your shit as well.
fuck it. new friend group, why not? maybe being friends with Shawn will shut him up.
“’fuck are you looking at?” Shawn asks.
or not.
“did I say a fucking a thing?” you ask.
Chyna groans putting her fork down, “here we go again..” Hunter mutters. all four of you were trying to have breakfast as a friends, a way to get to know Hunter better and to make him feel welcomed. but god forbid Shawn lets you exist in peace.
“quit staring at me” Shawn huffs and you raise your eyebrows, “that’s rich coming from the guy who calls me pretty all the time” you cross your arms. “so what? do you not like compliments?” he asks. “don’t you?” you counter.
“what does that have to do with anything?” he asks, “what if i’m looking at you trying to compliment you?” you snicker.
“then compliment me.” he crosses his arms.
“trash bag hoe.” you smile.
“one meal. can we have one meal in peace?” Chyna says through gritted teeth. “how are you guys always fighting?” Hunter asks.
sweet, innocent, baby Hunter. hasn’t seen a thing yet.
Chyna chuckles, “should’ve seen them when they first met”.
“anyways” you look Shawn up and down before diverting your attention to Hunter, “nitro boy!” you run your hand up his muscular bicep, “what do you bring to the company?”
“well, youth hopefully? a bit sick of Hogan, Warrior and the rest” Hunter answers. “tell me about it” Shawn mutters.
“you’re pretty good, I’ve seen some of your matches” Chyna comments, “thank you!” Hunter smiles.
Hunter was Vince’s ideal type of male wrestler. 6 foot 3 inches tall, muscular as fuck, blond, beautiful and coquettish, hm…
you couldn’t deny, the man was attractive. very attractive.
Hunter on the other hand, was unintentionally giving you the eyes, unintentionally! he didn’t mean to, but you yourself were … oh god, you were something.
you weren’t exactly paying attention to what he was saying, nor were Chyna and Shawn. Chyna was more focused on eating her breakfast that you and Shawn’s bickering stopped her from, and Shawn… well. He was more focused on the look Hunter was giving you.
Shawn has made it very clear, several times, that he wants you - or to at least sleep with you - but here you were giving his friend all your attention. he’s known you for longer! and he’s hotter! what makes Hunter better than him?
the look on Shawn’s face was unmatched. he was jealous and he couldn’t hide it, at all.
“y’all wanna go out later?” Chyna asked without a mouthful, “yeah, why not.” Shawn said forcing a smile. “there’s a club down the block if y’all wanna head there” you suggest. “yeah, that’s sounds nice” Hunter smiles. “I’ll call Scott and Kev, they’ll really like you, Hunt.” Shawn says.
“Chy, you wanna workout?” Shawn asks, and the dark haired girl looks at him like he just asked the impossible. “I can never understand how you eat a big meal then immediately got to the gym. bro, I’m ready to take a nap” Chyna leans back in her seat. “i’ll walk with you there though” she adds.
“y’all coming?” Shawn asks as he and Chyna get up. Hunter shakes his head, “I think we’ll stay here a bit longer..” Hunter looks at you, hand hovering over yours. Chyna gives you a knowing smirk while Shawn clenches his jaw.
alright then.
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4:44 pm, the girls’ room.
“where have you been?” Lita asked, you close the door behind you and walk into the flat. “breakfast down in the hotel restaurant” you answer. you sit on the couch opposite the t.v. “why are you laying in the floor?” you ask.
she shrugs, “I don’t know, it’s kinda comfortable” she replied. “but your ankle..?” you begin, “it’s fine, don’t worry about it” Lita waved. “wait…” she sits up. you look at her.
“it’s almost five right now, what are you doing at ‘breakfast’ this late?” Lita asked.
“what do you mean?” you ask.
“dude, they stop serving breakfast at eleven” she explained, “and I know damn well you weren’t down there with Shawn”.
you bite back a smile and Lita instantly gets it.
“oh my god” her eyes lit up, “oh my god it’s Hunter isn’t it” she laughs, “maybe..” you mumble. if Lita could jump and do a backflip she would, she knew it. she’s seen the way Hunter interacts with you, she just knew he had a thing for you.
“what did I say!?” she laughs, you roll your eyes as a small smile forms on your lips. “yeah, yeah, you told me, whatever” you say.
“what’s going on?”, you look towards the room behind you, Chyna was shuffling her way out, rubbing her eyes. “you actually slept?” you ask. she yawns, stretching her arms before flopping besides Lita on the floor. “man, I could barely open my eyes” she groggily says. “what are y’all talking about?” she asks.
“Hunter has a crush on y/n!” Lita excitedly answers, “hey! no he doesn’t!” you say. Chyna chuckles, “pfft, he totally does” she says nudging Lita’s shoulder. “you should’ve seen the way they were looking at each other breakfast” Chyna adds.
“okay but have you seen the guy? he’s so hot” you say, both girls smirk at you and you roll your eyes again. you groan with a smile, “ugh, we’re going out later, i’m taking my chances to be honest” you say.
“damn y’all leaving me here?” Lita sarcastically remarked, “oh I’ll carry you on my back if you want, baby” Chyna laughs, “for real though, you need to have him wrapped around your finger” Lita says. “maybe Shawn will leave you alone” she adds.
you hum, “I mean, his friend likes you, I think that should be enough for him to leave you alone” Chyna explains.
Shawn Michaels? leaving you alone? and you get to have a fine man around your finger?
“sign me up honestly”
“i’m hungry” Lita groaned, “me too” you agree. Chyna stands up and stretches again, “weren’t you in the hotel restaurant just now?” she ask, you nod. “they stopped serving, me and Hunter were just talking” you answer.
“they should be serving lunch by now though” Lita picked up a menu that was sitting by the t.v and examined it. “sushi! what do we think?” she asked.
<<5:20 pm>>
“I underestimated how much there will be” Lita said. there was an entire wooden boat that was at least a metre long filled with sushi placed on the kitchen isle. “what did you expect? the menu said ‘sushi boat’” Chyna said sitting on a stool. “we’ll I didn’t expect this much!” Lita said handing you and Chyna chopsticks.
“let me tell y’all about this shit I heard the other” Lita says as you begin to eat. you sat next to Chyna and looked at Lita. “the other day, me and Owen were talking shit about people” she begins.
“per usual” Chyna laughs, “and apparently the Shawn-Sunny thing is picking up again” she says “HM?” you hum with a mouthful and Chyna’s eyes widen. “I know!” she laughs.
“again?” Chyna asks, “we doin this shit again?” she sounds unimpressed. “the locker room is already in shambles, we don’t need this” you say cocking you head. “I know! and also-”
“oh my god, there’s more!?” Chyna asks, “baby that’s your friend” Lita points at her, “he’s the messy one here” she adds. “also, allegedly, allegedly, Shawn is only doing this because a certain someone keeps rejecting him and he wanted to make her jealous” she explains.
both girls look at you and your head falls to your palm, “he deadass needs to give up, like seriously” you sigh. “asking Shawn to stop being a man whore is like asking the earth to stop spinning, trust me I’ve seen some shit” Chyna says.
“what is it with Sunny too? isn’t she and Candido married?” you ask. “mhm” Lita hums again, “she’s a messy bitch and honestly, bring the drama, Vince needs some controversy right now” you say. “not that type of drama though, what the hell” Chyna says.
you three continue gossiping about things you’ve seen and heard this week but the conversation somehow rolled back to you and Hunter.
“I’m considering seriously having him, or at least having him on the side” you say, “I feel like that’ll cause drama too” Chyna says, “how?” you ask.
“well, you know, Shawn isn’t the only one who kinda really really wants you in the locker room…” she said.
“oou, who else?” Lita excitedly asks, “have y’all seen that guy.. uhm.. Rocky! that one!” Chyna says, “Rocky Maiavia or something like at”
you frown a bit, you’ve heard that name backstage, but you couldn’t remember what he looked like.
“there’s also Al Snow, apparently when you first came he couldn’t stop talking about how hot you were and him and Bret almost go into it” Lita comments. “why am I the last person to find out?” your frown gets deeper, “I though that was common knowledge?” Lita questions.
“babe, there’s so many more. Billy Gun, Matt and Jeff, Brain Pillman…”
as the names kept piling up, you immediately noticed that these were people Shawn got into fights with frequently. it has to be because they liked you. it has to be.
when is it going to click that he’s never making it to the final cut?
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9:39 pm, the girls’ room.
you woke up disoriented. you didn’t recall going into a room nor falling asleep. you moved your leg and it hit something stiff, you sit up and look around you. the clock opposite the bed was barely visible. you look at what your leg hit, Chyna’s hip.
you look back at the clock, one hand pointed to the nine and the other to the forty minute mark.
damn it’s nine p.m?
you scratch your shoulder and look over to the other bed, Lita was also laying motionless. you cartoonishly smack your lips and rub your eyes, it took a couple minutes for you open them fully and only then did it click to you.
damn it’s nine p.m!
“oh my fucking god” you muttered.
you’re supposed to go out with Hunter! and Chyna and Shawn too.. but here you both were.
you pat on Chyna’s shoulder, then you begin patting aggressively, now you were violently shaking her. she groaned and sat up.
“what are you doing?” she groggily asks, you quickly cover her mouth and point to Lita who was still asleep.
you both tiptoe outside into the living room, “when did we fall asleep?” Chyna asks flopping onto the couch, you quickly grab her arm and pull her away from the couch. “I don’t remember either, but c’mon, we’re going out with Hunter! … and Shawn! him too..” you squeal.
“uuuggghhh” Chyna slowly falls to the ground, “I’m so tttiiirrreeeddd” she whines, “but I wanna get dddrrruuunnnkkk” she whines again making you laugh.
both of you make your way to the other bedroom and quickly shower as Chyna picks out outfits for both of you.
it wasn’t long before you were drying up and slipping into your outfit, and you must admit. Chyna has an incredible sense of fashion.
your corset top pushed up your breasts and it wouldn’t be that hard for anyone to see your cleavage, you mini skirt was as mini as ever. a mini skirt should be the size of a belt, and that wasn’t exactly how short it was but it was quite short. your heels made your legs look longer and pulled your outfit together.
you looked good, per usual.
you applied your makeup and quickly curled two piece of your hair at the front to frame your face, you put on your earrings and grabbed your red bag, “you ready?” Chyna asks and she fixes her hair, “yup!” you nod.
the place was obviously noisy, after all people come here to get drunk. Hunter wasn’t letting you go at all, from the moment you walked in his arms clung to your hips, and compliments seemed to naturally leave his mouth.
Scott and Kevin kept complimenting you too, you were really fucking hot. exactly how Shawn described you to them over the phone, the saw exactly why Shawn wanted you so badly.
something about you was so alluring, you had this attractiveness to you, they were attracted to you. they couldn’t tell if it was your eyes … or lips… whatever it is! Hunter’s hands on you sent a clear message to them, especially to Shawn. Shawn was chatting up some random girl he just happened to see, he wasn’t even pretending to care about what she was saying.
he was staring looking at you, sitting comfortably on Hunter’s lap, giggling and smiling against his chest. he can feel this heavy feeling of … something … he wouldn’t call it jealousy, it was straight up envy.
why him? why Hunter? Shawn wanted you, but you were giving Hunter what he wanted.
you really liked Hunter. he was so sickeningly sweet, very gentlemanly, the compliments never seemed to stop. he was spoiling you a lot too, he brought with him a little Tiffany and Co bag, gifting you a gorgeous necklace. he filled your cups, drink after drink, from the most expensive ones with names that were hard to pronounce to the ones that tasted like a broke student’s frat party.
his lips would’ve dripped of honey with how much sweet words were coming out them.
he pulled you closer to him, his hands kept rubbing over your thighs, and hovering over your neck and waist. the place was dark so no one could see what he was doing, unless they were focused on you which would be weird, but for the most part, his touches went unseen.
“your skirt is really short, angel” he spoke into your ear, something about that sent to you into a fight or flight mode. Scott and Kevin were arguing loudly over and game of cards, you look over at the bar and Shawn was ordering a drink for himself and Chyna who was now sitting in the girls’ place.
“mhm” you hummed, Hunter’s large hand slowly slid up your skirt. “wanna go somewhere private?” he asked, you look around you one more time, no one gives a fuck. so why would you?
you straddle him, turning to face him. wrapping your arms around his neck you kiss him deeply, his arms pull on your waist bringing you closer to him. you unconsciously grind on his thigh. “I’ll take that as a yes” he breathlessly says, the ‘innocent’ kissing goes on for a while before you’re interrupted by Kevin announcing that he’ll go get more drinks.
Hunter pulls you off of him as he stands up, taking your hand in his. he dragged you to the darkest corner of the club, you could see everyone from this angle but no one can see you.
Hunter’s leg pushes yours open you continue making out again. his hands guided your hips to grinding on his thigh, his hand slipped up your skirt again but this time he gripped on your panties. he can easily rip them off, so he did.
“Hunter..” you whimper, your pussy felt uncomfortably hot. the rough fabric of his jeans pushing and pulling against your clit. “you got it baby, c’mon” he encouraged directly in your ear, “so pretty for me”.
you wanted to fuck him, for more than one reason. one them being that your could tell by his voice that he was one to whimper, probably verbally vocal too.
Hunter could feel a wet patch form over his pants, it was such a turn on for him. “you know” he began, ever since your debut match, I kinda developed a crush on you” he confessed, “the way you were so effortlessly throwing Alundra around made me wanna .. uhm h-have you..” he trailed off.
you pull his hand down to your waist again, your other hand climbing up to his cheek gently caressing it. “have me what, Hunter?” you ask. Hunter gulps, nervously he leans is a kisses you again. you push him away from you and push him back against the wall your were once at. his hands immediately fly back to your waist, “answer me” you say.
“I want to you fuck me” he breaths out, “I want you control me and throw me around too, I wanna be yours to play with” he confesses again. you smirk, well this should be fun.
“oh yeah?” you ask, he nods. you look up at him, he’s so pretty. “how bad do you want me?” you ask, Hunter grabs your hand and places it right in front of his clothed boner, you could’ve sworn you felt it throb and twitch at your touch.
“really, really bad” Hunter whimpered.
bingo! you knew he was the type to whimper.
the only time you stop by the little booth you were sat in was to grab your bag, Hunter was eagerly pulling you away from everyone. he was really horny, almost unbearably, and you’ve barely done anything. his mind ran wild with ideas of what you’ll do to him.
Shawn’s eyes found you once more, he watched closely as you and Hunter held hands and walked out of the club, both of you smiling.
he looked down at his drink, wondering what was he doing wrong. “you okay?” Chyna asks, yet Shawn, never answered.
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sea-dukes-assistant · 2 years
To reply to the last anon who talked about misogyny in the fandom (who was totally right) here’s my add on to the take.
I’ve always felt like being a man in the royal family would be so easy because you can wear the same 5 or 6 different suits and no one will bat an eye. You don’t have to come up with a new stylish on trend but “age appropriate” inventive outfit, a full face of professional looking makeup, freshly blown out hair, and a perfect nude pink manicure every time you step outside of the house while managing to walk in 4 inch heels while your 8 months pregnant. You don’t have to worry about getting berated for wearing the same outfit over and over and not being “fashionable” and you don’t have to worry about getting bitched at for constantly buying new clothes. Harry was at one point wearing the shittiest oldest beat up shoes and other than like here, in close quarters within the fandom I feel like no one really talked about it at all but if his wife, sister in law or granny had dry cuticles or something tiny like that I’d bet good money we would’ve seen zoomed in microscopic pictures everywhere of them and people bitching about how the royal women are unkept and need a manicure, let alone if they wore busted up heels.
Speaking of Harry, he goes idk years or some shit looking unkept as fuck grooming wise sometimes in military uniform and no one says anything but his wife doesn’t wear a hat to an engagement, has a rough hair day as a result and she’s still getting berated for it a few years later and the whole time Harry’s hair looks like a sucked fuzzy mango but nearly no snark there. His wife doesn’t wear tailored clothes and yes to be honest it looks less than great but I can almost swear he wore some poorly tailored suits a time or two and.... nearly nothing.
I’m a person who has my own personal reservations about Meghan (and Harry) and that whole situation but people need to be fucking for real when not noticing the double standard that they imposed on Meghan and still impose on Kate. Williams not going to sleep with you, neither is Harry. Someone’s probably going to jump 4 inches deep in my butt crack for “defending” Meghan but I’m not defending her at all, like *at all* just pointing out that her husband did the same shit if not worse for a decade or more before Meghan came on the scene and they all wanted to hop into bed with him.
Also, Catherine gets shit on for wearing “dowdy” coat dresses but if you do try to be different in your royal fashion you will get bullied online for it for years. see: Beatrice and Eugenies hats at William and Catherine’s wedding. People don’t understand because of royal dress code (*not protocol, for the love of sugar, spice and everything nice it’s not protocol*) there’s only so many new and exciting things you can do with your fashion without becoming a walking model and fashionista which is not what being a royal lady is about.
Kindly, everyone needs to stop caring about if a royal family member who happens to be a woman has worn those heels before and start focusing on the causes that she’s trying to draw attention to. People are big time missing the point of a working monarchy.
I’m sorry for the even longer rant, just a woman in the royal fandom who proceeds to also not get the internalized misogyny.
This, I think, sums up the fandom in this aspect.
Something that has irked me is that this fandom has mantained a "men's fashun is booooorrring" attitude because one guy really likes blue. Meanwhile, Sir is over here wearing professionally tailored suits that usually look good as fuck (he's had times where this hasn't been the case), with the occasional novelty tie that relates to the place he's visiting/activity he's doing (pandas for WWF for example) but nobody wants to speak on his fashun because "ew, man." He has literally been declared Britain's best dressed man more than once but no, that doesn't count.
ALSO. YES. Thank you for addressing Harry's avoidance of combs and inability to dress himself. I swear he just puts on the least wrinkled shirt in the pile on the floor...right after getting out of bed. It's bothered me on a professional level that he does not shave while in uniform, because only the Royal Navy allows beards. He wants to make his service his personality at any event he can, but refuses to shave ergo not being in proper uniform. Because of course he gets a pass from (at the time) granny because oh my god, if he didn't he'd throw an entire tantrum like "MY MOM DIED WHEN I WAS 12 I SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO IGNORE THE REGULATIONS I KNOW VERY WELL THE ARMY HAS REGARDING FACE HAIR. I'M SPESHUL! OH MY GOD THE TRAUMA." I used to bring this up myself but, as usual, got told to shut the fuck up and that "regulations don't matter." Me, an active duty Sailor:
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Console Fighting Games of 1996 Compilation Part 3
Compilation of console fighting games released in 1996, this is part 3 of 3 and features games Samurai Showdown III Blade of Blood, Samurai Showdown IV Amakusa's Revenge, Shin Kido Senki Gundam Wing Endless Duel, Soul Blade, Star Gladiator Episode 1 Final Crusade, Slam Dragon, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium, Tekken 2, Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo, The King of Fighters '95, The King of Fighters '96, Tobal No 1, Virtua Fighter 2, Waku Waku 7, WWF In Your House, Yusha Heaven's Gate. 
1. Intro 00:00 
2. Samurai Showdown III Blade of Blood 00:15 
3. Samurai Showdown IV Amakusa's Revenge 04:31 
4. Shin Kido Senki Gundam Wing Endless Duel 07:40 
5. Soul Blade Intro 11:57 
6. Soul Blade 14:11 
7. Star Gladiator Episode 1 Final Crusade 23:56 
8. Slam Dragon 29:17 
9. Street Fighter Alpha 2 33:15 
10. Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium 38:51 
11.Tekken 2 45:01 
12. Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo 49:12 
13. The King of Fighters '95 54:25 
14. The King of Fighters '96 58:11 
15. Tobal No 1 01:01:12 
16. Virtua Fighter 2 01:07:38 
17. Waku Waku 7 01:11:01 
18. WWF In Your House 01:13:01 
19. Yusha Heaven's Gate 01:15:36 
20. Honourable Mentions 01:22:49 
21. Outro 01:24:10
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wrestlingbackwhen · 1 year
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The first ever pay-per-view event under the WCW banner, WrestleWar 1991 was held in February 1991 in front of 6,800 in Phoenix, Arizona, and heralded the return of the WarGames after a year off.
In the main event, the team of Ric Flair, Barry Windham, Sid Vicious and Larry Zbyszko defeated Sting, Brian Pillman and the Steiner Brothers in 21:50. Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter rated the match a rare five stars.
Elsewhere on the card, the Fabulous Freebirds defeated Doom for the WCW Tag Team Championship in one of the stranger scheduling events in the company’s history. This match ended Doom’s record 281-day reign and began the Freebirds’ -6-day reign, as they’d already taped their title loss to the Steiners a week before.
The night before, the WWF had held a house show in nearby Tempe which drew a similar crowd and was headlined by The Ultimate Warrior taking on WWF World Champion Sgt. Slaughter, as well as an Intercontinental Title Match between champion Mr. Perfect and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper.
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shikonstar · 1 year
A couple of weeks ago, my husband walked off and left the back door open because he didn’t want to expend the effort to close it then open it again.
We have three cats.
He didn’t bother telling me, and it wasn’t until the next afternoon that I discovered that one of them got loose. Needless to say, I was devastated and beyond pissed.
I set out food for a few days; something was eating it, but I could never catch it in time. Obviously, I was going to have to step up my game.
After some research, I found that one of the best ways to lure a cat back is to sprinkle used litter around your yard. Disgusting, but okay. For my cat, I will 100% do.
This led to me going out, bag of used litter in hand, and sprinkling it around as if I performing some arcane, sacred ritual. (Please include loud chirping noises, just in case she is nearby.)
I finish, and look up to find my neighbors staring at me with morbid fascination. I could only imagine what they were thinking.
“Best get the cats in, Agnes. Looks like the neighbor is tryin’ to lure ‘em over fer some type of blood sacrifice.”
Still no cat.
Did you know that the best time to find cats is between 10:30 at night and 2:30 in the morning? It’s true. I had no idea there were so many cats in the area, but at night, the population explodes. A cat for every garbage can. We spotted what we thought was my cat, but another cat ran her off before we could get close.
Cue sad trombone noises.
We go out another night, and, lo and behold, we find her—just up the street from my house! Overjoyed, I slide into the yard (hoping I don’t get shot, but again, anything for the cat) and she looks happy to see me.
But not happy enough to rush into my arms.
Oh, no.
She is a cat.
Cats tease.
Every time I get close, she dances away. I’m terrified I’m going to lose her. I crouch on the ground, waiting for the perfect moment. She’s close…..so close….I spring!
Just as a car backfires and she bolts.
So I end up grabbing her by the tail instead.
She has feeling about this.
Feelings she is determined to share.
My sister, by this point, comes close enough to see me and the cat going at it WWF style; at this point she would do anything to be getting this on video, so she can add Dancing in the Moonlight for effect.
It’s a brief struggle that ends with the cat fleeing as I wail her name. Now, I had been worried about her, but friends, I now know for a fact that she is a fighter. She has bitten me so hard by this point that I have a goose shaped lump on the back of one hand, and she’s completely bitten through the thumbnail and deep into the pad on the other hand.
I walk back to the car, feeling like a failure. Just as I’m passing close to the house, a man pops out with the trash. Shakily, I try to explain why I’m in his yard at midnight, wailing like a banshee. He waves it off, backing away with a frozen smile. He practically runs back inside and you can hear the door locking. Weird.
When I get to the car, it hits me.
My hands are drenched in blood.
I mean, it looks like I’ve dipped them in a bucket.
So now there’s another neighbor that may or may not suspect me of being a serial killer.
Broken hearted, I returned home, cleaned my wounds (which would require a tetanus shot and result in swelling so severe that I couldn’t use my hands for three days) and went to bed.
My husband wakes me at 6:00
Normally, this would result in swift execution.
However, he came with good news! Our cat had been outside when he took the dog out, and he managed to catch her!
……without injury, further proving that we live in a harsh, unjust world.
She spent the next two days sleeping and cuddling me like she didn’t try to gut me like a rat.
The neighbors, unsurprisingly, are still avoiding me.
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tvguidancecounselor · 2 years
TV Guidance Counselor Episode 566: Sara Farizan
October 31 - November 6, 1987
This week Ken welcomes new old friend, award-winning and critically acclaimed author of the young adult novels Here to Stay, Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel, and the Lambda Literary award winning If You Could Be Mine, which was named one of TIME magazine's 100 Best YA Books of All Time, Dead Flip and My Buddy Killer Croc Sara Farizan.
Ken and Sara discuss matchmaker Meredith Goldstein, how Ken and Sara are essentially the same person, growing up in the Boston suburbs, Christine Else, Karen Duffy, Janeane Garofalo, Christine Lakin, Ken's weird skillset, breaking down barriers, mentioning something that taps into a deep emotional memory bank, 1987, 1992, the love of sci-fi/horror comedy, Gremlins, Monster Squad, Eerie Indiana, the fun of doing research to make historical fiction, writing and making art for your younger self, all the fears and issues young people today have that we didn't, how easy it is to watch listen to or read anything ever made, non heroic characters doing heroic things, a dislike of dark anti-heroes, representation, navigating adults as a kid, child stars sacrificing their childhood so we can have happy ones, Box Brown's book, Halloween, television and the 1992 elections, appreciating Courtney Cox, Misfits of Science, Cagney and Lacey, not being a cop show person, being bad at being a lesbian (media wise), liking character over procedure, Loving Care for Kittens and Cats, Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future, Saturday Morning cartoons, advertising to kids, the wonders of Winterbeast, The Outer Limits in Waltham, The Midnight Hour, Dance Til Dawn, My Sister Sam, Women in Prison, Echoes in Darkness, Family Ties, having a crush on Stacey Keenan, Our House, Patrick Duffy's week, Mercedes McCambridge, family epics, Giant from 1956, Growing Pains, when Sandy died, very special episodes, generating dialog among families, After School Specials, ABC Tuesdays, Crime Story, The Iron Sheik, Perfect Strangers, Iranian immigrants loving WWF Wrestling, the early days of TGIF, Head of the Class, Donna Reed, working at Newbury Comics, Ken being fired from Newbury Comics because nobody liked him, being terrified of a Chucky Doll, Twilight, the wonder of being able to thank people face to face, Killer Croc, complicated fond memories of The Cosby Show, nice comedy and how difficult it is to do, Sledge Hammer, Hulk Hogan's Rock n Wrestling, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Lipstick and Dynamite, Carrie, Rags to Riches, I Married Dora, Jackie Gleason's lack of Emmys, and being fine with butts, even if you're not specifically looking for them. 
Check out this episode!
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afeelgoodblog · 3 years
#027 - Best News of Last Week - Feb 6, 2022
🐧🐧 - Plenty of animal news. Here's what happened last week
1. Over 75% of India's adult population fully vaccinated against covid,1.65B doses administered
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2. Feminine hygiene products now tax-free in Michigan
A new law that eliminates the state sales tax on feminine hygiene products officially goes into effect Thursday Feb 3.
Starting Feb. 3, the sales and use tax on feminine hygiene products has been eliminated. The approximately $7 million in lost revenue will be reimbursed to the school aid fund from other sources as specified by the bills.
3. Year of the Tiger marks increase in tiger population for the first time in 12 years
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In light of the start of the Lunar Year of the Tiger, a new report from the environmental NGO World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has revealed that the decline of the species has been reversed for the first time a century.
Tuesday 1 February marks the start of the Lunar New Year, represented by the tiger. The animal protection charity said that the tiger population has especially increased worldwide since 2010, the previous year of the tiger, thanks to a target set by 13 countries in the tiger’s range to double the number of large cats in the wild.
4. Dolce & Gabbana announces it will drop use of animal fur starting this year
The Milan fashion house joins other luxury brands, including Armani, Gucci, Prada and Moncler, in adhering to guidelines set by the Fur Free Alliance. The company said it is working toward a more sustainable future.
5. Iceland to end whale hunting from 2024, says minister
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Iceland, one of the only countries that still hunts whales commercially together with Norway and Japan, plans to end whaling from 2024 as demand dwindles, the fisheries minister said today.
"There are few justifications to authorise the whale hunt beyond 2024" when current quotas expire, Svandis Svavarsdottir, a member of the Left Green party, wrote in Morgunbladid newspaper. "There is little proof that there is any economic advantage to this activity," she said.
6. Same-sex penguins succeed as foster parents in first for New York zoo
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A pair of male Humboldt penguins at a New York zoo have become foster parents to a new hatchling.
The Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse says the same-sex foster couple, Elmer and Lima, are a first for the zoo, although several other institutions have seen success with same-sex penguins tending eggs together and caring for newborns.
7. Sinaloa Becomes The Fifth State In Mexico To Ban Cruel & Archaic Bullfighting
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Animal activists rejoice as the Congress of Sinaloa unanimously approved an initiative that bans bullfighting in the state, classifying it as animal cruelty.
Sinaloa now becomes the fifth state in Mexico to ban bullfighting after Sonora, Guerrero, Coahuila, and Quintana Roo. The ban will see an end to the annual bullfights in Mazatlán, the only town in Sinaloa to still hold bullfights.
. . .
That's it for this week. Until next week, You can follow me on twitter . Also, I have a newsletter :)
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razor-ramons-thighs · 2 years
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Razor Ramon vs the 1-2-3 Kid
WWF In Your House 6, February 18, 1996 (part 3)
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aj-the-cat · 2 years
Shawn Michaels Title History
Intercontinental Title
Vs British Bulldog - Saturday Night's Main Event 1992
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Tag Team Championship
Vs Owen Hart/British Bulldog - RAW 5/26/97
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Vs Jeri-Show - TLC 2009 (Unified Titles)
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European Title
Vs British Bulldog - UK One Night Only 1997
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Royal Rumble
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WWF/E Championship
Vs Bret Hart - Wrestlemania 12
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World Heavyweight Championship
Vs Triple H, Booker T, RVD, Chris Jericho, Kane - Survivor Series Elimination Chamber 2002
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Hall of Fame
2011 - Individual
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2019 - w/ DX
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Not Listed
Intercontinental Championship
Vs Marty Jenetty - 6/6/1993
Vs Jeff Jarrett - In Your House 2
Tag Team Titles
Vs The Headshrinkers - 8/28/94
Vs Yokozuna/British Bulldog - In Your House 3
Vs Rated RKO - RAW - 1/29/07
WWF/E Championship
Vs Sid - Royal Rumble 1997
Vs Bret Hart - Survivor Series 1997
AWA Tag Team Championships
Vs Buddy Rose/Doug Somers - 1/27/87
Vs Midnight Express - 12/27/87
NWA Tag Team Championship
Vs The Batten Twins - 5/15/86
AWA Southern Tag Team Championship
Vs The Rock N' Roll RPMs - 10/26/87
Vs The Rock N' Roll RPMs - 11/22/87
If you would like to see a certain superstar's title history, feel free to ask!
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unique-facts · 3 years
Top 10 Facts About PewDiePie
Let’s talk about the world’s most successful YouTuber. Welcome to Unique Facts and today we’re counting down our picks for The Top 10 Facts About PewDiePie.
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For this list, we’re looking at some of the things that make PewDiePie unique, eccentric and occasionally controversial, because you don’t make it to the top of YouTube by being ordinary.
10: His Name Is Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg
Let’s start with the basics. While many people know him as Pewds or even senpai, this YouTuber’s real life name is Felix Arvid Ulf Kjelberg. It’s a bit of a mouthful but it’s actually quite common in Sweden for people to have two middle names. Felix is a Latin word that means happy and successful, which just so happens to describe PewDiePie perfectly. You may also recognize the name from the Felix Felicis potion in Harry Potter, which brings luck and success to anyone who drinks it. So maybe, just maybe, there’s a little bit of magic behind PewDiePie’s success too.
9: There IS a Meaning Behind “PewDiePie”
Unlike the name his parents gave him, the name of Felix’s channel really doesn’t have that much meaning behind it, but it does come with a bit of funny and relatable origin story. In 2006 he created the PewDie channel but had to make a new channel when he forgot the login information, thus the great PewDiePie channel was born. To break it down Pew is to represent the sound a laser makes, die is what happens when you get shot by a laser, and pie… Well Pewds just thought it sounded funny, and he’d already started saying it as a bit of a catchphrase while gaming, so… why not? Also, who doesn’t love pie?
8: He Dropped Out of College
Surely much to his parents’ delight, PewDiePie was accepted into Chalmers University of Technology for a degree in industrial economics and technology management. This was quite an accomplishment since you needed excellent grades to get in, but it just wasn’t for Pewds. Before completing his degree at Chalmers, PewDiePie dropped out to pursue his own artistic endeavors. To support himself, he worked at a hot dog stand, and he managed to sell enough of his artwork to buy his early gaming/broadcasting equipment. It just goes to show that humble beginnings and sacrifice can create a legend.
7: He Has Two Licensed Video Games
It had always been a dream of Pewds’ to create his own video games and in 2015 that dream came true with the release of “PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist.” The game takes you on an epic 2D adventure where you save Bros - i.e. PewDiePie’s fans - from the evil barrel army. In 2016 he released “PewDiePie’s Tuber Simulator”, which is a community game where you create your own YouTuber. You work to upgrade your office and become number one on YouTube. Both games have done extremely well, receiving high ratings and positive reviews.
6: He’s Very Charitable
PewDiePie has actually used his internet powers and substantial influence for good by raising money for charity. He has quite a few charities he’s passionate about like WWF, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Save the Children, and Product Red. In fact, in 2012 he won the title of "Gaming King of the Web" and donated his cash prize to the World Wildlife Fund. In 2014 Pewds made a video announcing that his channel, with the help of the Bro Army, had raised 1 million dollars for charity, and that number has only continued to grow.
5: He’s a Published Author
He’s a poet and you didn’t even know it. Well maybe not a poet… but he is hilarious and published! On October 15, 2015 PewDiePie released the magnum opus that is “This Book Loves You.” It has 240 pages of inspirational quotes and advice, which are paired with creative visuals. Well, technically the book is a satire on other inspirational books, but it has some fun words of wisdom like “Don't be yourself, be a pizza. Everyone loves pizza.” Truer words have never been put to paper. The book even made it to the #1 spot on the New York Times’ best seller list for young adult paperbacks.
4: He Met His Girlfriend When She Sent a Fan E-Mail
Theirs is a true modern romance if there ever was one. Back in 2011 Marzia Bisognin’s best friend innocently sent her a link to Felix’s videos. Marzia thought he was hilarious so she decided to write him and he wrote back. The two started talking through Facebook until Felix saved up enough money to visit her in Italy. They had to travel a lot to see each other but now they are a YouTube power-couple happily living in the UK. Marzia has over 7 million subscribers on her YouTube channel and she even has her own fashion line!
3: He’s Had to Move Because of His Fans
Jake Paul isn’t the only one having problems with fans at his place. Though at least, unlike Paul, Pewds didn’t share his home address publicly. The Bro Army is often a force for good, especially when it comes to charity drives, but other times their devotion to PewDiePie can go a little too far. There have been multiple instances of fans hunting down his address, and then showing up at his house. You shouldn’t show up to a friend’s place uninvited, let alone someone who doesn’t know you. Pewds has had to move more than once because of this. He’s even made a video telling fans to leave him alone, which, quite frankly, should’ve gone without saying.
2: He Increases Video Game Sales
If Pewds plays it… people buy it! This is especially evident when he decides to play indie-games. Pewds has been known to crash sites when the Bro Army flocks to a game that isn’t designed to handle so much traffic. You can thank him for putting a lot of games on the map like “Surgeon Simulator” and the addictive game “Flappy Bird”, may it rest in peace. We aren’t talking about a few dollars of increased sales either; when he played “Crypt of the NecroDancer” it experienced an increase in sales to the tune of 60 thousand big ones!
Before we reveal out top pick here are a few honorable mentions.
- He Hates Barrels
- He Has a LOT of Subscribers
- His First PewDiePie Video Was About Minecraft
#1: Controversial Content Cost Him Lucrative Deals
If you’ve ever watched a PewDiePie video, then you know that he’s got a habit of pushing the limits. It has gotten him into trouble in the past, like in 2016 when he was accused of anti-Semitism after posting a number of videos that either alluded to or invoked Nazi and anti-Semitic imagery and messages. While Felix made an apology video, the offending content cost him his deal with Disney, as well as his YouTube Red series. In 2017, he used a racial slur in a livestream of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, which led game developer Campo Santo to issue a DMCA takedown of videos featuring Pewds playing their game Firewatch.
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ericleo108 · 3 years
Blog Navigation 2021
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List #3
“Let go of the past and go for the future.” - Henry David Thoreau
Blog Navigation List: 2020, 2019
Last Updated 05/04/21
Media and Treatise List:
🌍108 The Story Of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness (post) - I am now an author and this is my first book. The book is nonfiction and autobiographical and about celestial consciousness, my personal story of struggling with schizoaffective disorder, atmospheric consciousness, sustainability, and eugenics, and finishes with what the number 108 means for the origins of life on Earth.
💿🌍Read “108” (album) - As I am a hip-hop artist, I also wrote an album to compliment, popularize, and promote my book “108” as a tool. It’s much quicker to understand what “108” is about by listening to the “Read 108” track. The album stands alone and is more focused on saying some in hip-hop, being relevant, and keeping with the Emma Watson romantic narrative. 
🚸🚜 Knhoeing 2020 -  The information is broken down into celestial consciousness, atmospheric consciousness, sustainability, and eugenics. Knhoeing states the planets, stars, and atmosphere are alive, and how humans can understand that through sustainability and eugenics. Knhoeing has to do with understanding your position in the universe and expresses and addresses human purpose through a eugenics goal. In order to survive & thrive as a species, we must support ourselves through healthy sustainability and breed to understand higher dimensions. 
🙏Sentientism 2021 - This post contains insights into my mind and the voice in my head, Gaia. I explain how sentientism is the religion of Gaia where you worship through action and create dogma through science and philosophy. If the planet earth is conscious how would she try to communicate considering she has no mouth or ligaments? How would Gaia try to communicate? I postulate and explain how Gaia could be communicating through a kind of telepathic randonauting. 
📐 Expanding on Plato’s Philosophy: Forms and the Tripartite Soul (2020) - In this treatise, I explain how Plato’s forms are stored and strived for by Gaia and how Plato’s theory about the tripartite soul is similar to my theory about the will. 
♟️ Logic - This post is a short introduction to logic. I use quotes and pictures of pages from the book “How Philosophy Works.” The content includes deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning, fallacies, and formal logic. I have also embedded a couple CrashCourse videos.
🏳️‍🌈 Gender Equality 2021 - In this essay, I break down gender equality into six categories: LGBTQ, Phobic, Sexual, Mental, Feminist, and Economic. To properly show the subject of gender equality I reference the 6 Netflix documentaries and linked and discuss related videos from Ellen, HeForShe, TED, Jordan Peterson, The World Bank, and the UN.
🏁 Dark Racism 2021 - In this treatise I explain the science of racism, how it’s an arbitrary distinction that is socially constructed. Black people do have it worse due to institutionalized racism and white privilege. However, I talk about how black people create their own in-group morality around the word “nigga,” and my presented solution.  
🌎👣 Earth: Sustainability, How To Save Our Planet - If you want to know how to save our planet this post is the summation. Taking from the featured WWF video, I focus on a carbon tax and the three ways to save the planet. Along the way I discuss how it relates to The Psycho Consumption Cage.
🍱 The Psycho Consumption Cage 2021 - In this treatise I talk about how it’s hard to see environmental degradation that is not added in our economics, how you should be using your buying power strategically, how apex species need economic and congressional representation, some solutions, and examples of psycho tendencies from Christmas and hip-hop.
🌲Marijuana Treatise 2021 - Published on April 20th and introduced with a discussion of my personal use, in this essay, I wrote about the versatility of hemp, the immorality and failure of the war on drugs, and the medical benefits of cannabis. 
🍊Trump’s Effect on America - In this post I explore how Trump made the country more xenophobic, racist, and ignorant. I use some psychological terms like cognitive dissonance or the Dunning-Krueger effect. 
🐘🔫Republicans are Dangerous - In this post I focus on a chart that shows the most acts of terror come from conservative extremists. 
🍊🦠Trump’s Covid Response - In this post I show how Trump is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths due to his response to covid. 
👨‍💻 My Reckoning - This post is part two from my book “108: The Story of Earth’s Consciousness.” Part one explains the first part of Knhoeing, celestial consciousness. Part two is my personal story from the time I graduated from college in 2010 until 2019 and explains why I think there is celestial consciousness. Knhoeing 2020 is a necessary prerequisite to understanding this story.
✨💕Cosmic Love 2021 - In this post I explain how Selena Gomez is reflecting me and why she is my cosmic love. Coming in phases, I reference Emma Watson who also reflects me and I talk about in my book “108” and in (the previous year’s) Emma Watson Cosmic Love post. 
🍷The Chalice Mixtape - This is a mixtape I did from jacked industry beats back in 2017. It was a response to the cosmic love I’d been seeing and I talk about in the blog and “108” book. I love Emma Watson and I want her to think about me so I came up with a fantasy and rapped about it. I took Emma Watson and Taylor Swift’s middle name, Charlotte and Alyson (who I changed to Alice), and made songs talking to them with the subject of gender equality and the theme of Charlotte's Web and Alice In Wonderland. 
Journal list:
Journal 01/27/21: Looking Forward - In this journal, I talk about having a healthy relationship with food, Ancient Aliens and Bob Lazar, Marcus Lemonis, David Dobrick, being in remission, keto business plans, and looking forward to Joe Biden improving social security.
Journal 12/04/20: Refocused - This is my first journal in 6 months and does not contain a video. I talk about my plans and the pandemic, my book and music, growing my hair, stagnant weight loss, looking for housing, the importance of food, and going into business.
Video Journal 06/01/20 - Moving On - In this journal I talk about how I have plans to move to Lansing and attend graduate school at MSU. Along the way, I talk about the “108” book promotion and how the diet is coming along. I update the reader on topics from my previous VJ. 
Video Journal 02/13/20 - Published 108 - In this journal I talk about publishing my book “108,” getting work-out equipment, exercising, losing weight on a ketogenic diet, how I want stem cell therapy for my knee, affording things on disability, my credit score, who I plan on voting for, that congress should have term limits and future career plans.
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rainchyna · 2 years
๑ ˚ ͙۪۪̥◌𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐐˖ ࣪ . ִֶָ𓂅
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warnings! [ language, fem!reader]
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— it all started because shawn and kevin didn't want to go to catering by themselves. you and shawn were supposed to be hosting 'heartbreak hotel' together for a love angle, with kev being the cool, cartoonishly evil bodyguard but vince pulled the plug suddenly, like he always does. however, you and the boys remained close.
— “hey y/n are you free?” “yeah, until four” “lets go get food then!”
— just friends being bros, getting lunch or whatever. all three of you were met by your favourite 6"7 bad guy , scotty, a guy who was wearing a bandana so low it was at his eyebrows and a and guy with golden blond hair. you sat at the table table trying your hardest to remember the other two guys' name “holy hell, where did vince get that?!” bandana boy whisper-yelled and shawn held your shoulders with a big smile, seemingly showing you off, “y/n, i think you've met sean and hunter before” kevin said, making you mentally relax as you almost called them 'sam and hank'. “dude, you wanna come sit with us?” hunter asked. "well im already here"
— sean and hunter were really cool! you had met them before at house party shawn was hosting, they were pretty sweet boys, you liked them, but you rarely came across them after that until today.
— all six of you began hanging out more regularly because it was easy for you to be together. you were always either with shawn and kevin or with scott, and those three were always with the other boys.
— you and shawn were close, always were forever will be. he felt this sense of sheer protectiveness over you all the time, not because you were the sweetest princess, but also you were the youngest in the friend group and he's seen some of the roster, and people from outside, hit on you and it has made you uncomfortable, so naturally his protectiveness was through the roof. he also really, genuinely cares for you :( you were one of the first people he became friends with when arriving to the wwf (/wwe).
— kevin was your car on legs, being seven feet tall means that he can get anywhere faster because he was 80% legs. mans just throws over his shoulder and he's ready to go. bag, keys, wallet, y/n, phone, okay let's go. kev was the friend who would make the conversation funny, and out of nowhere too, it will always catch you off guard because you'd be ranting about something serious and he suddenly cracks a joke or makes a pun and you're like ??? bro, that kinda got me you're funny but like ??? is also very protective, uses his size to scare those you don't like away.
— "take your vitamins if you wanna be tall like me" "kevin, if you bring up how i'm shorter than you again, we will fight"
— hunter sometimes brings out the logical side of you, he's usually the one who remains sober when the other boys and shit face drunk or high, making you the parents if the group. but when he does want to do some outta pocket shit, it is the real outta pocket. "what if we got naked, drenched our selves in olive oil and tanned on your roof of your house?" "what the fuck hunter- would that turn us into human barbeque?" he can be really logical sometimes, he just prefers not to be. threatening him with stealing stephanie from him all the time. he's very soft, vewy vewy gentle, mans knows that he's a giant and doesn't want to hurt you, he once stepped on your toes in accident and almost cried about it. "hunt, i'm not hurt-" "i :'( stepped :'( on :'( your :'( toe :'("
— sean was a hooligan, but god did you love him. he's the type to be sitting down, but if you take your eyes off of him for a second, he's suddenly running around with a knife ?? like can you sit down for ONE SECOND PLS, he has this habit, when he sees someone trip (usually, almost always hunter) or some shit, he looks at you, then back at them, then at you again. then both of you try to stay as quite as you can even though it's so painfully obvious that you're laughing at that person. and hunter's like "wow y’all are hilarious 😀” and sean’s like “i know 🤠”. despite being the most chaotic one of the group, he’s the actually the one you tend to look for when you need advice, he can be really goofy one moment then be really serious the next moment. “just trust me, you know. sometimes it’s the way things go, but hey don’t take this too seriously my advice might ruin your life. love you <3”
— scott was an absolute dream boat, you've always loved him. he was charismatic, he was funny, he had this charm to him that made him irresistible and was a real sweetheart. he was really, really great. he was a literal friend, the type who so loyal it's stupid. oh, someone has a gun to your head that they'll shoot unless you rap tupac's whole discography? he's suddenly the biggest tupac stan. but you get where I'm going with this. he's the one that you can depend on through thick and thin.
what scott loved about you was how you stuck by him through his troubled time with maintaining a healthy body and staying clean, you never judged him for anything that he did and always stayed by him and encouraged him to be a better version of himself, and there’s nothing that he appreciated more.
— while you weren’t the most involved in backstage politics, the boys were balls deep in it. your push to the top of the card was one everyone saw coming because regardless of if you were heel or face the fans were always behind you, however once your became close with the boys you were cemented as the female face of the company and consistently had titles on you. “any idea why i became the champ tonight-” “no what..? i don’t know what you’re talking about”
—all of them will hold you hostage unless you do their hair. especially scott.
“-but this side looks nicer than this one!”
“ take that toothpick out of your mouth so i understand what you’re saying!”
— you used to make fun of shawn’s mullet before the front grew out. “who lives in a pineapple under the sea-” “shut the fuck up”
— gossiping with scott and kevin on the phone when they went to wcw. “-no seriously, vince is bringing in fake versions of y’all”
“you’re lying”
“deadass bro, he showed them to me”
— while talent backstage hated the kliq, everyone loved you. you weren’t a raging asshole who’s constantly in fights, to them you were an angel hanging out with goons. and whenever something goes down everyone is looking at the boys sideways while you’re totally innocent in their eyes. even taker pretends he doesn’t see you when they’re pulling they’re usual bullshit.
— hanging out with them just feels like a fever dream honestly.
— 444/10, great friends highly recommended
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bufomancer · 4 years
How Can We Do Better By Pacman Frogs?
Pacman frogs (genus Ceratophrys) are one of the most common pet frogs, and for good reason! They’re large, personable frogs that come in a wide variety of morphs and can live up to 10 years. There are eight species in the genus, though only three are common in captivity (C. cranwelli, C. ornata, C. cornuta), as well as a hybrid of C. cranwelli and C. cornuta usually labelled as a “fantasy pacman frog.” Occasionally you may see some of the other species for sale, but not nearly as often. This article focuses on the three most common species of pacman frog, excluding the hybrids.
This article is not intended to be used as a care sheet. Please do further research of your own to figure out the best way to care for your pet pacman frog. 
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Visual differences between the three common pet pacman frogs, plus the ‘fantasy’ hybrid (source)
Unfortunately, in my experience, out of all the common pet frogs, pacman frogs seem to suffer the most from minimalistic husbandry practices. Perhaps this is due to their reputation as ‘pet rocks’- they are nocturnal sit-and-wait predators, so keepers are unlikely to see them out and about during the day. A common sight in pacman frog groups and forums is a bin or tank of no more than 10 gallons, with just some dirt, a heat mat, and a large water dish. But is that really the best we can do for them?
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An example of a fairly typical 10 gallon setup for a pacman frog. (source)
In order to answer that question, we’ll first need to delve into their lives in the wild.
In the wild, the ranges of cranwelli, cornuta, and ornata are for the most part separate. Cranwelli is found in the dry chaco region, which includes parts of Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Brazil. Ornata is found in Argentina and Uruguay, ranging to the coast. Cornuta is found much further north and has the largest range, including Brazil, French Guiana, Suriname, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. There’s some possible overlap between cranwelli and ornata in Argentina.
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Comparisons from Berkeley Mapper of pacman frog distribution. Orange is range as listed by the IUCN, and the blue dots are amphibiaweb records of collection sites.
Most care sheets and keepers treat these species as interchangeable as far as care requirements, but I’m a little more skeptical. Let’s go species by species through habitat information! 
Ceratophrys cranwelli
The most common species of pacman frog lives in the hot, semiarid Gran Chaco region, which contains mainly dry thorn forests, savannas, and low hardwood forests. Much of the water is seasonal, but there are two permanent rivers. When it’s hot and dry, cranwelli will burrow into the soil and grow a protective layer of skin, then aestivate until the climate becomes more suitable for them again. Soil is primarily sand and clay-based. Average temperatures across the region range from 60-85 F, with average humidity ranging from 50-75%. 
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One of the types of habitat in the Gran Chaco in Paraguay (source)
Ceratophrys ornata
These guys live in the Pampas region of Argentina, in subtropical grasslands and seasonal wetlands. Vegetation is primarily grasses and shrubs with few trees. Humidity seems to stay around 70-80% on average. The yearly average temperature is just around 65F, with average lows around 55 and average highs around 75. Soil is described as fertile. The frogs are primarily found around the bodies of water where they breed.
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Temperature information for three locations in the Pampas region
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A view of the Pampas (source)
Ceratophrys cornuta
The third of the common pet pacman frog species is found in the Amazon rainforest and the Amazon basin. The yearly average temperature is around 77 F but can reach up to the 90s during the day and down to the upper 60s/lower 70s at night. Humidity in the amazon rainforest averages 77% in the dry season and 88% in the wet season, according to the WWF. One study on the biology of cornuta cites the forests where they live as either terra firma or inundated forest and the soil asloam mixed with silt and/or clay. Individuals were usually found partially burrowed under leaf litter, with their backs near roots or logs. They mostly moved around during nights when there had been rainfall in the previous 24 hours. 
In my opinion, the differences in habitat between the three species indicates that captive Ceratophrys frogs should be kept in somewhat different conditions in captivity as well. Cornuta would likely do well with plenty of leaf litter to burrow into, and seems to like the highest humidity of the three. Cranwelli seems to need the least humidity, and would likely appreciate some plant or wood cover, such as scrub vegetation. Ornata seems to need higher humidity than cranwelli, but perhaps not as high as cornuta. Their primary vegetation in the wild are grasses, so it would be recommended to mimic that in terraria. The different species may do better at different temperatures as well. I would recommend doing further research on your own on temperatures in their native habitats before deciding what temperature to keep your own pacman frog at.
In general, the small terrariums pacman frogs are typically kept in are inadequate. While a 10 gallon may be fine for growing out a young baby, many of whom are irregular eaters until adulthood, These frogs can grow anywhere from 2-6 inches, possibly more, depending on species and gender. I recommend a minimum of a 20 long (footprint of 360sq in) for male pacman frogs and a 40 breeder (footprint of 640sq in) for female pacman frogs. Of course, you can always go larger- I keep my male ornata in a 40 breeder and I have never felt the space was wasted.
All pacman frogs share some basic needs: enough substrate to burrow all the way into, a large water dish that they can soak their entire body in, cover of some sort be it hides or plants, a heat gradient, and access to UVB.
Most keepers recommend a heat mat taped to the side of the tank for providing supplemental heat. You should never use a heat mat on the bottom of the tank as pacman frogs will burrow to cool themselves down when it gets too hot. Overhead heat would be ideal, and there are many ways to go about that, each with its own pros and cons. Unless your house is particularly cold, your frog should be fine with a nighttime temperature drop down to the mid 60s/lower 70s.
UVB supplementation is controversial in the herp hobby for many species, and pacman frogs are no exception. They may be nocturnal, but that only means they are primarily active at night and  does not preclude them from being exposed to sunlight. I would consider them to be a part of Ferguson Zone 1 as outlined in Ferguson et al. (2010). Animals in this zone are cryptic baskers, typically crepuscular or nocturnal. They would not need high levels of UVB, but appropriate use of a low output UV bulb is unlikely to be harmful provided the frog is able to avoid the light should they choose. I personally use a reptisun T8 5.0, but any light with a similar output used at the manufacturer recommended distance should be safe. Make sure your pacman frog is able to hide from the light if they want to by providing them with hides, plants, pieces of wood, etc.
Ultimately, we can do better by pacman frogs by simply treating them like more than pet rocks. Give them space to move around, do research into the native habitat of the species you own and do your best to mimic it in your terrarium. Feed them a variety of foods - these guys can and do eat almost anything from ants to other frogs and reptiles. Give them more than just dirt and a water dish. Make sure to only purchase captive-bred individuals. These frogs will never race around their tank or be able to be kept happily with other frogs, and you may almost never see them move during the day, but that doesn’t mean they don’t use their space in their own way. 
The way I see it, you can either provide space and enrichment that they might not use, or you can deprive them of space and enrichment that they may benefit from. I think the former is preferable to the latter. 
Sources, References, and Further Reading
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sickhumor · 4 years
Redneck taglines
Back in the late 1980s - early 1990s, telecommunications took place over telephone lines and communal computing existed mostly on Bulletin Board Systems (before the WWW). It wasn’t uncommon to sign off a message or an email with what was called a “tagline” - usually a one-line expression of good wishes - or a joke. Here’s a compilation of redneck taglines I saved from a BBS listing posted in 1994.
...URA Redneck if your dad walks you to school because he's in the same grade.
...URA Redneck if directions to your house include, "Turn off paved road.”
...URA Redneck if after making love you ask to roll down the car window.
...URA Redneck if Jack Daniels makes your list of admired people.
...URA Redneck if less than half the cars you own run.
...URA Redneck if Redman Chewing Tobacco sends you a Christmas card.
...URA Redneck if the primary color of your car is bondo.
...tRA Redneck if the taillight covers on your car are made of tape.
...URA Redneck if there's a wasp nest in your living room.
...URA Redneck if truckers tell your wife to watch her language.
...URA Redneck if you answer the door with a baseball bat in your hand.
...URA Redneck if you can have sex without spilling your beer.
...URA Redneck if you can't visit relatives without your car getting muddy.
...URA Redneck if you come back from the dump with more than you took.
...URA Redneck if you consider "Outdoor Life" deep reading.
...URA Redneck if you consider a family reunion a chance to meet women.
...URA Redneck if you drove to elementary school.
...URA Redneck if you entertain with tapes of championship bowling.
...URA Redneck if you entertain yourself for an hour with a fly swatter.
...URA Redneck if you entertain yourself for an hour with a bug zapper.
...URA Redneck if you've ever lost a tooth opening a beer bottle.
...URA Redneck if you get an estimate from the barber to cut your hair.
...URA Redneck if you get Odor-Eaters as a Christmas present.
...URA Redneck if you get your oil changed by your barber.
...URA Redneck if you had to remove the Marlboro to kiss the bride.
...URA Redneck if you have "dress" boots.
...URA Redneck if you have a civil war chess set.
...URA Redneck if you have a Hefty Bag instead of a passenger window.
...URA Redneck if you have a picture of Elvis on velvet in plain sight.
...URA Redneck if you have a velvet bedspread.
...URA Redneck if you have any relatives named Elmer or Jed.
...URA Redneck if you have more appliances in the yard than in the house.
...URA Redneck if you have more than twelve dogs on your porch.
...URA Redneck if you have more than two brothers named Bubba or Junior.
...URA Redneck if you have to move the transmission to take a bath.
..,URA Redneck if you hold a frog and *it* worries about getting warts.
...URA Redneck if you keep your thermostat on 85 in the winter.
...URA Redneck if you own a homemade fur coat.
...URA Redneck if you own more TVs than books.
...URA Redneck if you prefer car keys to Q-tips.
...URA Redneck if you quit your job to avoid paying child support.
...URA Redneck if you record WWF Wrestling while you're at work.
...URA Redneck if you skipped school in the 8th grade to vote.
.,,URA Redneck if you think BMW is the call letters for a radio station.
...URA Redneck if you think cow tipping should be an Olympic sport.
...URA Redneck if you think Ernest is funny.
...URA Redneck if you think Volvo is part of a woman's anatomy.
...URA Redneck if you use more than one can of hairspray per week.
...URA Redneck if you voted Tammy Bakker as "Year's Best Dressed Woman".
...URA Redneck if you want to be a disc jockey when you grow up.
...URA Redneck if you've been arrested for getting relief in an ice machine.
...URA Redneck if you're entertained by a 6 pack and a bug zapper.
...URA Redneck if you're holding a beer in your wedding picture.
...URA Redneck if you're turned on by a woman who can field dress a deer.
...URA Redneck if you've ever BBQ'd Spam on the grill.
...URA Redneck if you've ever bought a used cap.
...URA Redneck if you've ever cut your grass and found a car.
...URA Redneck if you've ever given rat traps as a gift.
...URA Redneck if you've ever raked leaves in your kitchen.
...URA Redneck if you've ever rolled your riding lawn mower.
...URA Redneck if you've ever shot a deer from inside your house.
...URA Redneck if you've ever used lard in bed.
...URA Redneck if you've ever vacationed in a rest area.
...URA Redneck if you've ever worn a cowboy hat to church.
...URA Redneck if you've ever worn a tube top to a wedding.
...URA Redneck if you've never paid for a haircut.
...URA Redneck if you've spray painted your girl's name on an overpass.
...URA Redneck if you've worn something to church having sequins on it.
...URA Redneck if your all-time favorite movie is "Cannonball Run".
...URA Redneck if your appearance got you fired from a construction job.
...URA Redneck if your baby's favorite teething ring is a garden hose.
...URA Redneck if your baby's first words are "Attention K-Mart shoppers".
...URA Redneck if your belt buckle is heavier than 4 lbs.
...URA Redneck if your best suit is a Budweiser cap and an orange vest.
...URA Redneck if your brother-in-law is also your uncle.
...URA Redneck if your bumper sticker says "My other car is a combine".
...URA Redneck if your car has never had a full tank of gas.
...URA Redneck if your car's rear tires are twice as wide as the front.
...URA Redneck if your chain to your wallet is as big as your dog chain.
...URA Redneck if your coffee table used to be a telephone cable spool.
,..URA Redneck if your dog can smoke a cigarette.
...URA Redneck if your dog sleeps closer to you than your wife does.
...URA Redneck if your father is in the same grade as you.
...URA Redneck if your father made your personalized license plate.
...URA Redneck if your favorite Chinese meal comes from "LaChoy".
...URA Redneck if your first grandchild is born on your 26th birthday.
...URA Redneck if your funeral has more pickup trucks than cars.
...URA Redneck if your Home library is a Bible and the Farmers' Almanac.
...URA Redneck if your home needs a hitch.
...URA Redneck if your house warming involves removing the tires.
...URA Redneck if your idea of health food is pork rinds.
...URA Redneck if your kid takes a siphon hose to "Show & Tell".
...URA Redneck if your kids are described as "dumb as a brick".
...URA Redneck if your Levi's have Skoal can prints on the pockets.
...URA Redneck if your lifetime goal is to own a fireworks stand.
...URA Redneck if your living room sofa is covered by a foam backed throw.
.,.URA Redneck if your local ambulance has a trailer hitch.
..,URA Redneck if your mother has "ammo" on her Christmas list.
...URA Redneck if your neighbors have ever asked to borrow the lightbulb,
...URA Redneck if your pocket knife's been referred to as "Exhibit A",
...URA Redneck if your porch collapses and kills more than seven dogs.
,.,URA Redneck if your primary source of income is the pawn shop.
...URA Redneck if your sister subscribes to "Soldier of Fortune" magazine.
...URA Redneck if your truck cost more than your house.
...URA Redneck if your wedding looks more like a family reunion.
...URA Redneck if your wife ever burned out an electric razor.
..,URA Redneck if your wife has a beer belly and you find it attractive.
..,URA Redneck if your wife keeps a can of Vienna sausage in her purse.
...URA Redneck if your wife's best shoes have steel toes.
...URA Redneck if your wife's job requires her to wear an orange vest.
...URA Redneck if your will states all your possessions be sold at auction.
...URA Redneck if your 9x9 living room has a Spanish décor.
...Redneck foreplay: (Nudge) "Are you awake?"
...Redneck foreplay: "Get in the truck, bitch."
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wikioftheweek · 3 years
List of Baby Geniuses Wiki of the Week Articles
0 Baby Geniuses
1 ASMR (unofficially; did not have a Wikipedia page at the time)
2 Fan death
3 Figging
4 Schmidt sting pain index
5 Bald-hairy
6 Mary Toft
7 Jenkem
8 Polyphasic sleep (now redirects to Biphasic and polyphasic sleep)
9 James Randi Educational Foundation
10 List of unusual deaths
11 Koro (medicine)
12 List of common misconceptions
13 Mojave phone booth
14 Action Park
15 Witzelsucht
16 Krampus and Zwarte Piet (Black Peter)
17 Scratch and sniff
18 Bummer and Lazarus
19 Jeanne Calment
20 Nickelodeon toys
21 Daggering
22 List of sexually active popes
23 Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
24 Emperor Norton
25 Paris syndrome
26 ALF (TV series)
27 Fossil word
28 Spite house
29 Women in piracy
30 Art competitions at the Summer Olympics
31 List of animals with fraudulent diplomas (now redirects to List of animals awarded human credentials)
32 Prostitution among animals
33 Tenderoni
34 My Way killings
35 Mike the Headless Chicken
36 List of inventors killed by their own inventions
37 Inedia
38 (Episode does not exist)
39 Tarrare
40 Sweater curse
41 Death from laughter
42 Dude
43 List of people claimed to be Jesus
44 Lucy the Elephant
45 How to keep chickens from eating their own eggs (Wikihow article)
46 List of nicknames used by George W. Bush
47 Cryptozoology
48 Bob the Railway Dog
49 Magic Castle (discussed very briefly)
50 Wartime cross-dressers
51 Streisand effect
52 Self-cannibalism
53 Sex in space
54 Other World Kingdom
55 Death erection
56 Taboo food and drink (now redirects to Food and drink prohibitions)
57 (no Wiki of the Week)
58 Florence Foster Jenkins
59 Kentucky meat shower
60 Susunu! Denpa Shonen
61 Felix Moncla
62 Walter Jackson Freeman II
63 You're So Vain
64 McDonald's urban legends
65 List of paraphilias
66 Hedy Lamarr
67 Last meal
68 Hatoful Boyfriend
69 United States presidential pets
70 Maginot Line
71 Finnish profanity
72 McArthur Wheeler (now redirects to Dunning-Kruger Effect)
73 List of unusual deaths
74 GamerGate Controversy
75 Scaphism
76 Dancing mania
77 Non-English Versions of The Simpsons
78 Fart proudly
79 List of humorous units of measurement
80 Rumpology
81 Takanakuy
82 White Day
83 Max Headroom signal hijacking
84 Cymothoa exigua
85 Ganguro
86 Reborn doll
87 Drukpa Kunley
88 Crush, Texas (now redirects to Crash at Crush)
89 Cotard delusion
90 Why did the chicken cross the road?
91 Berners St hoax
92 Evander Berry Wall
93 Premastication
94 List of objects that have gone over Niagara Falls (now redirects to List of people who have gone over Niagara Falls)
95 Largest body part
96 You can't have your cake and eat it
97 Urine therapy
98 Oak Island mystery
99 Fearsome critters
100 Swan dress
101 List of selfie-related injuries and deaths
102 Potoooooooo
103 Julie d'Aubigny
104 (no Wiki of the Week)
105 Gavle goat
106 William Hale Thompson
107 List of Olympic mascots
108 Walter Lingo
109 Pam Reynolds case
110 Smigus-Dyngus (Dyngus Day)
111 Tio de Nadal
112 June and Jennifer Gibbons
113 Hairy Hands
114 Sunshower
115 Hypoalgesic effect of swearing
116 Lloyd's of London
117 Struwwelpeter
118 Haru Urara
119 Anti-Barney humor
120 Hundeprutterrutchbane
121 Accidental damage of art
122 Lisa Nowak
123 Tilberi
124 Hair of the dog
125 Bill Clinton Haircut Controversy (now redirects to Public Image of Bill Clinton section Haircutgate)
126 Penis captivus
127 Candle salad
128/129 Responses to sneezing
130 Gef
131 Melon heads
132 Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
133 Telling the bees
134 Kappa (folklore)
135 Shrek (sheep)
136 Concealed shoes
137 Highgate vampire
138 Zozobra
139 Dirty blues
140 Office assistant (also known as Clippy)
141 Virgin boy egg
142 Fartons
143 Balloonfest '86
144 Lapland New Forest
145 Curse of the colonel
146 Squatting position: Hunkerin' (section no longer exists)
147 Margaret Howe Lovatt
148 Cobra effect (now redirects to Perverse Incentive)
149 Frozen Dead Guy Days
150 Republic of Molossia
151 List of premature obituaries
152 Athletics at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Men's Marathon
153 Agnodice
154 The Most Unwanted Song
155 Vegetable Lamb of Tartary
156 Death during consensual sex
157 Catalan mythology about witches
158 List of gestures
159 Clamato
160 Each-uisge (water horse)
161 Flatulence humor
162 Mariko Aoki Phenomenon
163 Goofy
164 Chicken eyeglasses
165 Mozart and scatology
166 Ming of harlem
167 Twelve Tribes Communities
168 Andree's Arctic Balloon Expedition
169 Joey Skaggs
170 Amy Bock
171 Greenland shark
172 Mabel Stark
173 Person
174 Wikipedia:Long-Term Abuse/List
175 Dhinga Gavar
176 Skunks as pets
177 J. I. Rodale
178 Witch bottle
179 List of U.S. Presidential campaign slogans
180 Bernd das Brot
181 George Tirebiter
182 Lloyds Bank coprolite
183 Tama (cat)
184 Wizard of New Zealand
185 Learned pig
186 Miss Baker
187 Forty Elephants
188 Sheela Na Gig
189 Planetary mnemonic
190 Seedfeeder
191 John Titor
192 Lek mating
193 Roar (film)
194 Acoustic Kitty and JD & The Straight Shot
195 Soucouyant
196 Trash talk and Flyting
197 Mannekin Pis
198 Curse tablet
199 Dancing Baby
200 Cassie Chadwick
201 Serge Voronoff
202 Groom of the Stool
203 Safety coffin
204 Table manners
205 Tempest prognosticator
206 Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples
207 Icelandic Christmas folklore
208 Guy Goma
209 Extreme ironing
210 Victor Lustig
211 Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos
212 El Gran Juego de la Oca
213 Long-time nuclear waste warning messages
214 The Mad Pooper
215 Nim Chimpsky
216 Bridey Murphey
217 Grunge speak
218 WWF Brawl for All
219 Elizabeth Klarer
220 The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars
221 Top euphemisms for "period" by language (not a Wikipedia page)
222 Tristan da Cunha
223 Nils Olav
224 Giulia Tofana
225 Alvin "Shipwreck" Kelly
226 Egg War
227 List of sandwiches
228 Mr. Blobby
229 Robert Coates (actor)
230 Crime in Antarctica
231 Worm charming
232 McDonald's Characters (now redirects to McDonaldland)
233 Kitty Fisher
234 Jimmy Carter Rabbit Incident and Puzzle jug
235 Fascinus
236 Computer rage
237 Nutty Narrows Bridge
238 Australia's Big Things
239 Billiken
240 Loveland Frog
241 List of CB slang
242 Salmon chaos
243 Great Michigan Pizza Funeral
244 Dustin the Turkey
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excellentexecution · 3 years
Tumblr media
Anonymous asked: ✖ : For a angsty letter. (For the extreme princess pls)
Get a letter from my muse. 
Letters won’t change what happened. Words on a piece of paper can’t turn back time no matter how much I wish it would. All it does is reawaken a past that I know we’d both rather move on from. But regardless of what I try to do, that nightmare keeps chasing me. Hunts me down like a dog and goes for my throat. You might’ve found the strength to forgive me, but I haven’t done the same for myself. I won’t ever be able to. If only I had been there, you wouldn’t be left to suffer now. It would’ve been fine enough had it just been the boys. Neidhart and Owen can handle their battle scars. The four of us would’ve taken care of the problem as soon as it started. Just like we always do. But for whatever reason, I turned my attention away from you. Was so focused on the Foundation that I allowed for that raging lunatic to touch you. I know that you can take care of yourself. You were raised tough and smart. But not even somebody like Pillman could’ve taken on a creature like that Kane. Maybe if he had been there, I wouldn’t have made such an awful mistake. 
But I can’t put the faults of myself onto someone whose gone. It wasn’t Brian who failed you. I was the one who turned your visit into misery. It was because of me that your back is bruised and hurting. When I saw that monster wrap his hand around your neck and slam you onto the mat, I thought my heart was going to stop beating. I couldn’t breathe. Whatever war he has going on with that brother of his, if they don’t settle it soon, I’ll make sure that they both end up 6 feet in the ground. They’ve injured too many innocent people. Now that dumb bastard has laid a finger on you. It doesn’t mean a damn to me where you come from or what your name is, seeing you knocked out cold on that canvas shattered me. You might be regarded as the princess over there in that ECW promotion. You got the rights and name to an entire legacy. But to me, you’re the love of my life. You’re my everything. I wouldn’t have been able to stand it had something worse happened to you. I thought I lost you, Elena. 
You can’t come to the Federation anymore. Least not now. It isn’t safe. There’s too many people looking to cause trouble. There’s too many people looking for the chance to get back at me. They’ll do anything to break me, including going after you. You’ve already suffered too much because of me. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself should somebody else get a hand on you. Twice already have you been hurt. No more house show visits. No more coming around when we hit the big cities. I just can’t protect you anymore. No matter what I try to do to keep you safe, something always finds you. They brutalize you. They put their hands all over you. It makes me insane knowing that I can’t even do what I am supposed to. What sort of man can’t keep the person he loves most unharmed? I have embarrassed you. I have embarrassed my father and my family. For that, I am sorry. 
Please, stay with the ECW crew. Don’t go anywhere near the WWF. Not until I know its safe again and can come get you. Please, I wouldn’t be able to bare seeing you in pain another time. I swear that I will write to you everyday. I promise to call and see you when I can. I love you with every ounce of my heart, my love. Make sure those boys look after you well. Remember, this isn’t forever. We will be together again. 
Always yours, 
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