payasita · 9 months
Do you think that the Red Crown is/was an extension of Narinder? Some primordial power given physical form? I personally believe it to just be a Little Guy™️ content to just. Hang out.
we may not know for sure what the crowns are, but I do believe they're physical manifestations of godhood to a point! Like, we know that's where the power lives, and we've seen diagrams and in-game art that confirm a crown digs into the host's brain, and I believe thats closer to a symbiosis than it is any sort of parasitism. The crown doesn't appear to harm the host, but we have some proof that the death of one leads to the death of the other! Not "feeding" it (depleting your cult) kills the Lamb, and the deaths of the bishops destroy their crowns!
mind you, none of this feels to me like concrete evidence that the crown itself is alive. it is able to change seemingly infinitely at the will of its holder like a tool, and the holder can change themself given enough power, but we never actually see it react in any way whatsoever to anything done to or with it in canon art, as far as I'm aware. It's always just staring! I think it's more like an extra limb
y'know like when male anglerfish bite a chunk out of the female and then dissolve themselves fully to turn themself into a set of inputting gonads. yeah maybe
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Logan's Birthday (2/7)
Alleria was a kingdom of many types of people, human, undead, aquatic, and it was also a kingdom of innovators.
One such being a boy named Logan Elliot, who, despite only being sixteen, had managed to accomplish things most adults would only dream of.
"Mom! I'm going out to market!" Logan grabbed a basket of eggs off the table as he rushed out the door.
"Alright dear! Dont get lost!" His mother called from upstairs. Logan let out a laugh as he shut the lower half of the door-gate.
Logan never really went to the market, it was far to loud for him, but it was the best place to see new inventions, and meet other inventors.
Normally the other inventors were adults, who saw Logan as a potential apprentice, but he noticed someone new today, three someones. An adult, and two young boys.
"Pardon me, but I dont think I've seen you here before," Logan said as he approached.
"Yeah- cuz we just got back from the dead," said one of the boys, the one sitting on top of a car, arm propped up on his knee. Logan looked between the three of them, mildly alarmed. But on closer inspection they each indeed had the distinct marks of the undead, black sclera, and though they each had rather tannish-brown complexions, there was no mistake the mild paleness of each of them.
"Romulus Prince, these are my brothers, Roman Prince-Duke, and Remus Duke-Prince," said the adult, pointing to a boy polishing the windows of the car, and the boy sitting atop the hood. Logan's gaze lingered on Roman for a while longer than it should have.
"Logan Elliot," Logan said, smiling.
"Hey how much for the eggs?" Remus said, sliding off the car and walking over to Logan.
"50 cents each," Logan replied. Remus fished for a bit in his pocket before pulling out a handful of coins. Logan looked at him with a bewildered expression.
"Surely you dont need all of these?" Logan said, barely registering as Remus took the basket from his arm and placed the money in his hands.
"Oh they arent for me, our snake likes swallowing them whole," Remus said with a laugh. Logan looked at him, bewildered.
"Remus, you're scaring him," Logan felt his face flush as Roman rested a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm not- scared-" Logan said, avoiding eye contact with any of the brothers.
"I think you're the one freaking him out baby bro," Remus said with a laugh.
"Hey you're only two years older than me!" Roman replied, pouting. Logan laughed slightly, covering his mouth to hide the smile. Roman's face darkened with blush.
"Uh ooooohhhh- Roro's got a cruuuusssshhhh," Remus said, cackling. Logan's eyes widened in alarm, he pulled the hood of his cloak over his face.
"Remus! We've only just met him!" Logan let out an involuntary whine at the lost of contact when Roman removed his arm.
"Oh? But weren't you just going on about love at first sight? About how you felt like today was the day you were going to find 'the one'?" Remus said, both Logan and Roman's faces gained more color.
"Remus." Romulus' stern voice sounded from behind the car. The twins said their goodbyes to Logan and rushed back over to it, Roman's gaze seemed to linger over Logan just slightly longer than the others.
Logan stood there for a moment before retreating into the crowd, watching the other inventors, waving at a few he recognized.
And then, as if by some unknown force, he ended back at the brothers' booth.
"Well you just cant seem to stay away can you?" said Romulus, flashing a grin. Logan merely walked over to stand next to Roman.
"So what exactly are you working on?" Logan said, following Roman's hand along the car.
"Flying car," Roman replied.
"Really? And without wings?" Logan asked.
"Who needs wings when you have magic?" Roman said, waving a hand at a patch of grass. A few flowers sprouted from it almost instantly. Logan's eyes widened.
"I'm the only one that can do it, no clue why," Roman said, standing up and snapping the straps of his overalls.
"Are you supposed to show me this?" Logan asked. Roman merely shrugged.
"Logan and I are gonna go hang out in the woods for a bit bye!" Roman said, grabbing Logan by the arm and running off.
"Wait where are we going!-" Logan strained to keep pace with Roman as they rushed through the woods.
"Top secret hideout, dont tell anyone else ok?" Roman replied. Logan nodded.
A few moments later they were in a treehouse, Logan was watching the sky from outside the window, grinning broadly.
They did this every day, for weeks.
Until Roman wasnt at the fair anymore. And the reason why was even more troubling.
"Hes sick, very sick, we dont know why, we cant wake him up," Logan had accompanied Remus and Romulus back to the house. Remus was more of a wreck than Logan had ever seen him, and Romulus seemed almost- distant.
"Can I see him? Please?" Logan asked, almost pleadingly. Romulus and Remus exchanged looks, Romulus gave Remus a small nod, and Remus walked with Logan up the top floor. They turned the corner into a room marked by a red door, and Logan felt his heart sink.
Roman may have had a diminished tone before, but now his tan skin seemed almost sickly, almost corpse-like, his eyes were sunken, the vivid green irises no longer visible.
"Roman. . ." Logan's gut twisted, he felt tears forming in his eyes.
"Hes been like this for two weeks. . ." Remus said sadly.
"You dont think- could it have something to do with his magic?" Remus froze.
"You- know?" Remus asked.
"He showed me- the first day we met, when I asked him about the car," Logan replied.
"Well then, that makes this much easier," Romulus' voice came from outside the door, the lock clicked.
"Romulus- y-" Remus' sentence was cut off when he started to choke.
"See that's the thing, I'm no Romulus, I've no use for bringing your real brother back, merely his body, and you," as the not-Romulus spoke, his form began to change, his features became sharper, his nails and teeth longer, pointed.
"I knew one of you was magic, and I knew I needed that magic, so I stole his form, and brought you back, to see which one of you had the talents I required," not-Romulus continued.
"Of course I'll need to kill the both of you, make sure no one else knows why Roman's dead," Logan clenched his fists together.
"Now now, theres no use in fighting, you wont be able to do much," not-Romulus said, Remus let out another choked snarl.
"That's where you're wrong," Logan said, he fished for something in his pocket, and the room flooded with smoke.
But Logan could see perfectly clearly, thanks to glasses that were immune to the effects of everything from water to oil.
Not-Romulus on the other hand, was looking around frantically.
That is, until a nearby pocket knife found it's way into his chest.
The smoke dissipated, and along with it, the body of the false brother.
"Roman!-" Remus rushed to his brother's side as Roman's eyes fluttered open. Logan rested alongside him, clutching Roman's hand in his own.
"What- happened?. . ." Roman said weakily.
"Nothing important, all that matters is you're safe now," Logan said. He felt Roman bury his head in the crook of his neck.
"Thank you. . ." Roman said, placing a kiss on Logan's jaw.
"My pleasure," Logan replied, face flushing scarlet.
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thequeenb · 5 years
Our story (part 2)
Pairings: KamilahxMC
Amy almost dropped her phone hearing her mother's voice. A million thoughts passed through her mind making her unable to speak. Kamilah noticed Amy's stiffened body knowing better than to approach
"M-mum?" she finally spoke, her voice shaky
"Yes darling we haven't talked in a while i thought i might check how you are doing"
Her mother didn't sound angry but Amy knew how well she could hide her emotions, taking a deep breath she steadied her voice trying to sound as calm as possible
"Yes i am sorry, work is consuming me"
"I am sure, thats why i was wondering if you could visit Italy? Me and your father miss you"
Her eyes went wide in shock
"Oh! I mean if Kamilah allows me to take a break i--"
"Ah yes, your boss" she spat out those words almost in disgust but she quickly covered it
"I bet she is a busy woman, why dont you invite her as well?"
"I will contact her and i will inform you tomorrow, i have to go bye" she quickly hang up sighing
Kamilah sat next to her taking her in her arms "What did she tell you?"
Amy buried her face into Kamilah's neck trying to hold back her tears "She wants both of us to visit them in Italy"
Kamilah pushed her enough to look directly in her eyes "Do you want that?"
Amy shrugged "i dont know, its to much to process what if they saw--"
"Shh. I think its a great opportunity, i was always curious to know from who you took this madness" she laughed caressing Amy's cheek softly "i will be there with you"
Closing her eyes she took a deep breath "okay, lets do this i guess"
The plane ride was calm since they both traveled early to arrive there at night. Before they knew it the jet landed in Rome making Amy's anxiety reach a high level. Kamilah took her hand squeezing it reassuringly
Her mother had made dinner preparing the table making sure everything is perfect. Amy knew well they would attack them with questions she wasn't comfortable answering but she fought back her fear as they stepped out of their car
"Are you ready?" Kamilah asked worryingly watching the woman before her tremble. To give her courage she reached for her hand but Amy dismissed it
"I am fine, lets get this over with" and like that she rang the bell.
A beautiful woman answered it smiling widely, but her smile didn't quite reach her eyes "Amy dear!" her mother hugged her tight
"Hey mum" she said patting her back smiling
"Oh where are my manners, hello i am Amy's mother Gloria"
Kamilah extended her hand "pleasure to finally meet you Miss Parker"
"Oh please call me Gloria, Amy's friends are always welcome" she said hugging her
Kamilah wasn't familiar with this gestures but she allowed it only for Amy's sake even though she felt uncomfortable.
Walking inside the first thing they both noticed was the delicious smell of..
"Is that kushari?" Kamilah gasped, she hadn't smelled that food in a while
"Ah yes, i hope you dont mind that i searched a little bit about you, when i read that you are from Egypt i thought this dish would make you feel like home"
Amy smiled noticing how moved Kamilah was "Thank you Miss--"
"Gloria" her mum winked
"Yes, Gloria" Kamilah smiled, holding back a tear that was about to fall. No one ever made effort to make her comfortable, now she could see why Amy is the way she is
"Come give your old man a hug!" a manly voice could be heard from the living room
"Easy there, we dont want you to struggle me" Amy giggled on her father's hug
"And this pretty lady must be Kamilah" he said opening his arms
Kamilah hesitated but then surrender letting her father to squeeze her "I am James, welcome to our home"
"Thank you for inviting me, i got you this" she said giving him an expensive wine she bought before leaving New York
"A woman after my heart, she is a great friend Amy" he said patting her shoulder leaving them alone
Amy looked at the floor guilty because she knew what was about to come
"They dont know we are engaged do they?" Kamilah's tone was disappointed but she decided to not make this a problem, it was supposed to be a happy day after all
"No..i just.."
"Its okay, i understand" and like that she excused herself to the bathroom leaving her alone with her guilt.
The dinner went surprisingly well, Amy's mother told Kamilah embarrassing stories from her childhood as her father explained his passion about American football.
"Is my daughter working as hard as she says she does?" Gloria asked curiously
"Why yes, she is my right hand in the company"
"Thats great dear i am proud of you"
Amy smiled sipping some wine "It helps when you have the best boss"
Her father looked between them. Their sexual tension was so thick that a knife could cut it. He took a deep breath trying to brush these thoughts away
"And who is the lucky man who stole your heart?"
"Oh yes you have to tell your mother!" Gloria looked so excited
"Oh i, um" Amy looked at Kamilah who radiated security yet that didn't make things better
"Nothing special really" she manages to say noticing Kamilah stiffen for a fleeing second.
Her mother didn't looked convinced, a dark expression was drawn on her face, her voice changed dramatically
"We saw something on the news" she started taking her husband's hand for support "and we want to know if those.. concerning assumptions are true"
Amy felt momentarily speechless looking how serious her mother was
Amy was walking down the park with her mother laughing and eating ice cream. Her mother's eye caught up on a couple walking by kissing
She quickly held Amy's hand tight "Disgusting" she whispered as they walked by
"Oh,are they a couple?" Amy asked curiously
Her mother's face was full of disgust "unfortunately there are these type of unstable people in this world that arent normal"
Amy didn't knew what to say, she was only 12 trying to understand the world around her
"Never be like them, they are a hazard to society"
Amy's heart stopped wondering how many minutes passed since the question was asked
Kamilah took her hand taking a deep breath "You see Amy and--"
"Yes we have to make an important call, its from a big company in Japan if you excuse us" Amy said grabbing her hand dragging her outside
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Helping the situation, you froze in there"
Amy knew she had to tell them one day, that she couldn't hide it anymore but she was so scared
"And you think telling them we are engaged it will help??" she now rose her voice
"Are you that ashamed of us?" Kamilah snapped back not being able to hold her anger any longer
"Of course not Kamilah! I just cant tell them that i like women!!"
Everything was deadly silent and when she turned around she knew why
"You like what?" her mother asked gasping
Kamilah massaged her temples "we are engaged and we--"
"Stay out of this" her sharp voice cut her off. She was so sweet and gentle that it was scary watching her change so suddenly
"I knew it was a mistake letting you go to New York, look what have you became, a sick person!"
Amy's eyes were wet, her blood boiling "I am not sick mother!"
"Oh really? Women are made for men what is this madness!" her mother tried to approach but Kamilah stepped between them
"Now i respect your age, but if you take one more step i wont hesitate to show you how to respect my fiance"
She took a step back hugging Amy "lets go, she isn't worth it"
Amy leaning in into her protective arms not looking back at her own mother, the one who doesn't accept her for who she is
"You aren't welcome here are you listening to me??"
But she didn't, they quickly got in the car driving away from this hell
Amy wrapped her arms around herself looking at the window lost
"I am so sorry" Kamilah said holding her hand tight
Amy had a faint smile on her face despite the heartache "its okay, i am the one who is sorry, they aren't worth it"
"You dont have to apologize, they dont deserve a daughter like you" she said squeezing it more "i am here for you, always"
Amy turn her head to look at her fiancé and how she did everything for her, but she noticed two motorcycles and a jeep following behind them
"Kamilah look out" she pointed at the mirror
Kamilah groaned "Not now god damnit!!" and like that she speed so fast that Amy felt uneasy. But the paparazzi didn't back down, they followed close behind trying to reach them.
"Hold tight" Kamilah said trying to take turns to avoid them but the jeep was approaching dangerously close
Flashes and voices filled the night making her blind, she couldn't see the road or where she was going. But they didn't stop, they were so hungry for one picture that they forgot their humanity
Amy's heart was racing trying to cover her face with her scarf
"Amy just hold--" but the car hit their back tires so hard that they both hit on the sides
"You have to be kidding me" Kamilah tried to lose them but it was impossible, the flashes barely let her see the road, they fell already into the trap
Amy took Kamilah's free hand squeezing it tight, fear creeping inside her heart. Before they could even make a turn the car hit once more but this time the car flipped upside down.
Glass was spraying everywhere, the flashes didn't stop. Amy blinked a couple of times, everything around her hazy
The last thing she saw was bright lights from all the angles making her eyes hurt, an agonizing pain filling her body. Everything happened so fast that she didn't had enough time to comprehend it.
She could hear a voice calling her but it felt distant, as she fell deeper into the darkness.
Tag list: @scarlet-letter-a0114 @gavryllo @mrskamilxh @trouble-with-the-curve @blackphenix9527 @la-guera-69 @thepotatobleh @ilovetaylor13m @amorettemcsky @sayeedbound @wildsayeed @lightning-fury
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