spoontales37 · 10 months
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But also can we appreciate how in 3'rd life (so in season 1) Scar told Grian to kill him and Grian didn't want to do it like that and Grian won
And now in season 5 Secret Life Pearl told Scar to kill her for hearts
And he also didn't want to win like that
And then Scar ALSO WON?
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Hehe fun draw of gtwscar accept I can't do human anatomy so I just hide it in shadows and dark clothing :33
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ghostatas · 10 months
Silly little idea/hc about Q!Fit and rock climbing.
In 2b2t, it was mainly something he did to get away from people. It's very common to get chased in 2b2t, and at times it could be hard to traverse the landscape, especially the areas that were covered with lavacasts and near spawn. There's not always enough time to get put your elytra, especially with how it makes your chest area vulnerable, so being able to maneuver around difficult terrain was a necessary skill- one Fit was particularly good at.
Not many people take the time to learn it- it requires a lot of upper body strength and co-ordination, theres also a chance of falling and taking unnecessary damage and it leaves you vulnerable to end crystal attacks if you're not fast enough - but Fit has perfected the art of rock climbing. Whenever he's in a tough spot, he always manages to get away by climbing some nearby mountain or lavacast, putting enough distance between him and his pursuers to get his elytra on and make a speedy escape.
Sometimes, when he knows he's alone or he's far out enough, he likes to climb the highest lavacast he can find. The exercise is good when you're not under the threat of dying, and the satisfaction of getting to the top is one of the few things Fit enjoyed a lot about 2b2t. There's also some killer views you can get, and we all know how Fit likes his cinematic shots- it reminds him that even in 2b2t, the oldest, most chaotic place on earth, there's good things to see and experience. There's something to live for, something worth fighting for.
(But no matter how beautiful it looks, he can never see the end of 2b2t. He can never see a way out. But he can wonder, imagine and hope that maybe one day, he'll see what's beyond the hellhole he calls home. Maybe.)
In Quesadilla Island, he doesn't really get to do it as much. There's not much time, there's so many new people and places (and threats) and things to do that he hasn't gone rock climbing. He also doesn't feel as much of a need to- in 2b2t, it was an escape for him, however brief. And slowly but surely, he's stopped running away, he's moving forward, trying to keep up with the sudden change of pace Quesadilla Island has bought.
But now, after purgatory, after the entire ordeal of losing the eggs for months and finally getting them back, after the black concrete after the rebellion-
Maybe, he can take a little break. Maybe, he can slow down for a few days. His son is safe, no one is actively hurting or hunting them just yet- its the calm before the storm, he knows, but just this one time, maybe he wants to savour it. A new chapter is starting, but for now... he'll stay where he is and stay in the moment. Let himself appreciate everything around him, everything he's been through and everything that will come.
He deserves a little rest, I think.
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electrozeistyking · 5 months
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TOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HI!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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americiumam · 2 years
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mmliveblog · 2 years
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Alright right now I really don’t feel like either a.) messing with any library game files or b.) seeing what happens if I run this game on Porting Kit (I bet that’ll be an identity crisis clusterfuck) so I’ll just jot down my overall thoughts real quick.
When I said I was expecting meta stuff I was expecting a surprise to happen in the middle or end of the game, not the game to call me out within 5 minutes of starting and start messing with my files. Holy shit I’m so glad I played this blind.
Overall I think I liked the first run better than the Solstice run. I prefer all the puzzles, getting to talk to Niko (none of the dreams or dialogue boxes pop up once things start breaking down) more often, and that slow sense of impending doom simmering in the background. But I still liked that Solstice went in a drastically different direction with the tone and that the concept of “programming” and “taming” finally came together to form a really nice ending. I am a sucker for really nice endings.
It’s really fucked up that none of the old world folks except like four people even made it into that world but uh...let’s not dwell on that too hard...
Anyways this game deserves an award for making me care about the protagonist so damn fast. When was the last time this happened in a game? It usually takes a few chapters or a couple of hours, if ever. Here I was already determined to protect the small not-a-cat child to the bitter end a mere 30 minutes in. Well done game, well done.
If I ever figure out that achievement nonsense and/or play a post save the sun Solstice run I’ll post it here. Which will take anywhere between...one week to six months lmao
For now let’s see what the freeware version looked like.
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aledanshi · 1 year
It's nighttime and I've just been served a mitw and fitpac BANQUET this afternoon so now it's delulu time WOOOOOOOOOH (this is a long post I am so sorry)
I can't stop thinking about how possessive Mike was of Pac around Fit, the way he threatened Fit every time Pac wasn't around to hear it, threatening Fit's son, saying "I don't trust you, I don't want you near him anymore".
It's mainly because Mike thinks Fit knew where Mike was being kept frozen, his suspicions almost confirmed when Fit confessed that his latest cleaning job was situated in a remote location that snowed.
But I feel that deep down, that aggression and possessiveness also comes from the realization that Pac started to get attached to Fit after he was away for so long, he was starting to be less dependable on Mike.
He may not love Pac romantically, but he'll never let someone else break the chains that tie them to each other, their codependency is a double-edge sword and it's worse than they would both like to admit, but they wouldn't change it for the world.
Imagine the scorching feeling of betrayal he must have felt when Pac sided with Fit and the others, telling him that he was crazy and torturing him for information he simply doesn't know or his mind is too foggy to remember.
You can also notice two different changes in Mike's behaviour.
First: complacency. He's just been rescued and he's not quite sure what happened, he can't process much information, he seems subdued, if not a bit delusional. He keeps asking for his mininim, his little baby, and Pac's just frozen like a deer on headlights, unsure of how to even BEGIN to tell him that their child is gone. Mike's usual personality is very strong-willed and stubborn, seeing this die-hard anarchist hug Cucurucho on a whim was almost whiplash inducing.
Second: erratic thoughts and actions. After the focus of their conversation shifts from Richas and Walter Bob to Fit and the other island residents that Pac has been spending time with, it's almost like a switch turns inside Mike's head and he starts becoming more erratic, aggressive, borderline insane. Pac takes Mike to the TubChunk so he can get to know the machines and factories and as soon as Pac crashes due to the lag, Mike tells Fit that he's going to murder Ramon and then pretends he never did such a thing.
When they're walking Mike keeps dropping books to Fit and when Pac accidentally takes one and reads it he drops it immediately to Fit, he wasn't expecting such a direct threat coming from him, let alone one directed at a child.
And the clips of Fit conversations with Mike, dear god, I can almost imagine Mike's death stare at Fit, telling him he knows he's not just a janitor for the Federation, with the purpose of infiltrating for information gathering, because if that was the case why didn't he share with the others the information he found until now?
Fit's teeth clench because that motherfucker just threatened his son and is now accusing him of not actually being on their side, on the side of the people that want to destroy the Federation.
He either denies or keeps his mouth shut because he knows he doesn't have the stance to argue otherwise.
Towards the end of their interaction in Walter Bob's house, Mike seems more chill and "himself", he gets excited with Forever's plan to break as many Federation rules as they can simultaneously, but something's still keeping him on edge.
"I don't trust you near Pac, I don't want you to be near him again."
Mike takes his scythe and Fit brandishes his shield while walking away, he still has hope that Mike didn't mean those things he said. Mike hits him once, and then is gone.
When Pac is asked what he thinks about the things Mike is saying, he's so confused with what he should do and who he should trust, but ends up answering: "I have to trust Mike because I don't have a choice".
Could anyone have expected otherwise? Those two are glued to each other, when Pac got kidnapped Mike was furious, when Mike got kidnapped Pac was devastated. Their worst fear is losing each other, no prison or cage could ever compare to the loneliness they feel without their other half. Their connection is safety and comfort, but also a slow poison, it can either make them stronger against everything else or become the reason for their downfall.
They're too far into this to stop now.
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natkhat-sa-shyam · 5 months
Soooo finally central govt is settling wage revision.
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Giving 17% hike in the salary with all the perks and benefits. This month govt is settling this for all the central government officers..
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painisntn33ded · 1 month
my sister finally moved out of our parents home woooooooooh
now i don't have to worry about her getting abused by our parents anymore, I only have to worry about her alone in an apartment in a new city where no one would find her if she killed herself 😀
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Dan don't be so casual!!! Your brother is worried about you!!!!
Goddamn Jessie please don't actually go sacrifice for your brother out of guilt.
Dan stop being so fucking casual!!!
Okay side note that has nothing to do with anything. But you can leave bullets inside people, it really depends on where they are. Usually the worst thing is the damage they caused moving. Though I assume the fact that they are silver does mean you should remove them from a werewolf.
Far be it from me to call Jessie a liar, but I do not believe for a second that if Lola tells him it's an unfair deal he is not still gonna take it.
"you wanna eat my ass, fine." tell me there were now kiss motions made on that please!
Why do we need fucking cop to convince everyone they need to get healed. 😂😂
John just being rational is once again the thing that works on Lola and her freak out and refusing medical attention.
😂😂 Aviva getting medical help out of pettiness.
Aviva, John would do anything for you, making a bit of ectoplasm is probably the least.
Oh John, my precious emotionally repressed baby, just casually using up dead bodies like you do.
The goblins taking good care of turkey tail. 😭
All this magic is crazy but really cool!!!
This fucking mouse though. His little hat is cute, but he is a LIAR!!!
John once again knowing exactly what to say to get to Lola.
😭😭😭 The mouse wants to save her! I take it back lil moussy.
Me and Aviva are on the same page! The cop wanting a drink with Lola!!! It's the grenadine, it has to be.
Grenadine with energy drink shots. This sounds like the idea you have once you're already way too drunk to function normal the next day and then you think this will stave off a hangover.
They're both going upstairs. 👀 They are gonna sleep in the same bed!
Fuck me, John. Why are you so good at talking to everyone for their benefit??? Like no offense but you're so bad in dealing with yourself.
Ohhh Jessie Jessie Jessie. Seems like a bad idea to insult an owl.
I love it when they role exceptional successes!!! Especially when it is when they're doing smth for someone else.
It's so interesting to finally see some stronger emotions with John. The excitement you hear when he talks about smashing his mom's signs is rare.
Sword in the stone-ing that bat into the windshield with everything that's going on, so petty. 😂
"Carl, this man is a werewolf, do you think he's gonna fuck off?" 😂😂 made me laugh out loud, and people looked at me like I was crazy.
He just ended Carl in one shot!
Sure, not feeling pain and going numb is definitely the healthy thing to do after cold blooded murder...
They're extra giggly today, are they nervous?
Also Tim is the irl Miles of that group, telling everyone to focus. 😂
Oh my God!!! They are not fucking around, Aviva just chopping a dead man's legs and hands off. (btw why just stop at the hands at this point and not go full arms?)
You know if you hear about a matter wizard and a wizard of space and time the matter wizard kind of sounds like a dweeb, but actually it's fucking badass.
I am screaming! Fucking Ramona, really thinking giving him a dad will stop him from this. Like she's smart, but she's fucking stupid.
Oh no Lola's worst moment is so awful, and so sad.
The sound of rolling dice is so good.
I hate Ramona so fucking much. She is delusional at this point thinking she's doing the right thing and all creepy calm. Why are parents the fucking worst?!?!
To be fair I like to hate Ramona though, I love hating awful parents.
This fucking magic dagger tho! And Dan himself too obviously but omg.
"I only remember things that are important." yikes!
We love a villain that believes they working for the greater good.
"Consequences are for lesser beings." woooooooooh I hate this bitch.
Oh no of course she's not.
The fact that John really doesn't feel pain rn is really so much like his mom. He's on the edge.
Noooo Aviva can't die. 😭
Not the look of confusion, that is kind of sad.
Nope nope, I am in a store rn I cannot listen to this. Will continue listening when I get home
Jesus fuck! I was right to not listen to the last 15 minutes in the store. Good lord. 😭😭
I'm laughing and crying at the same time at Jessie just being gone.
Rob shut your fucking face 😭 (said lovingly obviously)
John casting a spell to finish all this, while having Aviva in his arms. STOP 😭
What??? *insert jlaw gif of what does it mean?!?*
What what what??? Ernie???? NOOOOOOOO Rob stop!! This is illegal!!!! What are you doing???
Okay... But this means there is gonna be a sequel right????
I will post some more thoughts later maybe, but I need to center myself because fuck me.
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 9 months
Woooooooooh! Pompshipping won the poll! But we still have the vote for third place as well as a the face off with the Second-Chance Bracket winner, Manipulashipping.
But honestly, all the ships that were nominated are great, even those that weren't able to make it past the first round (in either the main Yugioh DM Rare Pair Poll or the Second Chance Bracket). Let us all hope that in the New Year, there will be more for all the rare pairs out there, even those that weren't even nominated at all.
Happy New Year!! And may it be better than the last!!
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lithi · 9 months
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femmelated · 7 months
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trufflemacandcheese · 2 years
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solarsleepless · 11 months
sooooooo...... forgot to tell you this but i (finally) sat down and watched the power rangers 2017 movie yesterday because i was bored and had nothing to do, and it was fun. and i mainly watched it because of your trimberly posts, and well uh, guess whose now 6 years late to the party *points thumbs at me*
(if I'm influenced by my dash enough, i will succumb to it and give in at least 50% of the time)
MY GOD????
trimberly is so canon. theyre the most canonest couple to ever canon. the fucking chemistry makes me stop breathing. i love them. fucking gayasses
what do i need to do to make u more obsessed plsplspls
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a-tale-of-legends · 8 months
Yaknow what? Here's a funky question; how would you ocs be if they weren't chosen?
Not that they wouldn't be protags or have legends (unless that's what you want to do lol) but just like normal pokemon world
Ooooooooh that's a good one.
Jin - probably still goes through their arc growing up, though no longer has this chip on their shoulders when it comes to being Chosen. Don't get me wrong, their relationship to Rayquaza is still pretty complicated, but given that there's no true bind, it's kinda easier for them to simply ignore it.
Kohaku - she's definitely the one of the few that took being Chosen well, so her not being Chosen wouldn't really change her outlook on life really.
Kenji - On one end, being Chosen made him feel like he really had to exceed imaginary expectations, something he was already struggling with. So not being Chosen would kinda relieve him of some stress in that sense. On the other end, being Chosen kinda gave Kenji a comfort that not anyone could give him. Someone to talk to when he felt like he shouldn't with his friends. Without Ho-Oh having that bond of a Chosen and Legendary, things feel more hollow. Yes, Ho-Oh is still there and still tries to comfort Kenji, but it's not completely the same, you know?
Aiko - Hmmmm. Aiko is still someone I'm reworking a bit, so it's hard to say. Maybe she just. Doesn't get the courage to stick it to Silver. Heck, maybe Silver ends up being the one that goes after Lugia instead of her. Aiko's personality isn't based on Lugia of course, but not being the trainer with a "soul like silver" might come to play here. Though all of that is just a guess, I really need to figure Aiko out lol.
Danica - Her eeriness is almost always the same, but her childhood is much more lonely I think. I'm going with the idea of Danica not being Chosen = Giratina never coming to her as her "imaginary friend". Of course, she had Barry, but I imagine Danica is more distant than she already is in canon.
Kiran- Not a Chosen lol. I think his powers would stay the same bc Sakura isn't a Chosen either. Whoops!
Alexis- Woooooooooh boy. BW would still be the same I think. But there's no. Sense of someone looking down at Alexis all the time. Like something is calling to him and he just can't figure out what. His journey is still a nuzlocke. It still sucks. He still runs away with Zekrom. After he returns, Zekrom would.... honestly just leave him given the path he was going. The main reason Zekrom stayed when he was a Chosen was bc 1) they had faith that Alexis would snap out of his awful funk and take care of himself and 2) Alexis was their Chosen. And while legendaries can Choose and Unchoose as they please, they can't help but just want Alexis to be The One. Zekrom is very optimistic in my au, if not a bit naive. Though without Alexis being Chosen, I think Zekrom is more inclined to listen to Reshiram and just leave ( or at least go back into it's ball form). Which. It wouldn't do great got Alexis mentally I think. Not great at all.
Elliot - Another hard one. She was passed down the Chosen title by N in this au. So honestly it's the same thing but she just doesn't get Chosen.
Eva - Another odd case for a Chosen. Kyurem knew it couldn't really. Survive with some sj ort of protection. So it Chose Eva. If Eva was never Chosen, she wouldn't have such complicated feelings towards the cold. Well. That's a lie. What happened in Opelucid City scarred her, but not being the Chosen of Kyurem would not have her in such a panic at the time.
Wayne - Maaaaan, Wayne not being the Chosen of Keldeo kinda implies that he hadn't fully found himself. I still think he grew as a character, and still catches Keldeo, but. Yeah, it's not the same.
Jude - I was going to say Jude fucking dies, but that seems to extreme lol. Jude has been repressing her aura for years, and while Lucario and Sylveon are skilled enough to help him manage it in the early days, Yveltal's aura helps our a lot. There could be a chance Jude would die so to their aura being so much, but protag powers say they live lol.
Dante - another one where he could have died but again that's probably too much. Honestly I'm not completely sure! Outside of like, moral support, I dunno how life would be without being a Chosen for him.
Ames- Nothing really changes outside of having to wear a specialized suit if wanting to go through ultra space. That and just not being that much of a night anymore lol.
Ray - Same as above( minus the night owl stuff)
Naomi - Well. For one, I don't think her father would be dead. Possibly. The whole reason she's a Chosen is bc her father's Curse Chosen status fell to her when he died. Can't be Chosen otherwise if that didn't happen so. There's still a chance the man could have died when she was young still, but there is no longer anything fogging her memory and the faces of the past. Not saying she remembers everything clearly but the unnatural fogginess in her head? Gone. If her dad was still alive, I think those two factors would have made Naomi just a bit more confident in herself. Not a lot, but just a bit more.
Carol- Nothing much changes I think. They don't have to accidentally touch someone and release their soul, so that's cool I guess. Carol got Chosen pretty late so. Yeah.
Luca- Again not 100% sure if he is gonna be a Chosen, but uuuuuh. If he wasn't, I don't think the story would have changed much lol.
R.B - Not a Chosen lmao, I know that now. I personally find that hilarious, and just wanna say that if no one is Chosen, that means R.B loses her " I'm the only normal human being next to these fucking demi gods of people" status. Then she would be losers like the rest of them ( affectionate).
Sorry this took so long to answer I! Feel asleep. Thanks for the ask deer!
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listen LISTEN to me. Top scars that look like the setting sun. THESE
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