acidxinxwonderland · 1 year
Chapter one: Renewal
18 plus!
Pairing: Glamrock Freddy x F!Reader
Summary: You live a stressful life to say the least, working two jobs and going to college is no easy task. You find it hard maintaining many things, such as friendships, your home and most importantly yourself. Yet after finding boxes full of parts for an animatronic near a dumpster, you do everything in your power to restore him. Little did you know that he was going to change your life for the better.
Tags: Female Reader, No use of y/n, Size Difference, Size Kink, Robot/Human Relationships, Dominant Glamrock Freddy, Submissive Reader, Touch-Starved, Reader is a hot mess, nicotine addiction, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn-ish, Build a penis, Readers parents have passed away
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N:  Excited to post the first chapter for this! I've been putting some effort in this one so I really hope you enjoy it! <333
AO3 link
Chapter 2
Six months.
To you it feels like it was just yesterday when you found him. Six months ago you were heading out to the bar with your friends when you stumbled upon boxes full of parts, parts that belonged to a Freddy Fazbear animatronic from the Mega Pizzaplex that tragically collapsed not too long ago.
As soon as you found those boxes that night you forgot all about the bar, instead making your friends carry it all the way back to your house where you would immediately get to work. It was safe to say your small group of friends were very displeased with you.
Six months of rewiring, welding, programming, repainting, you name it. You can’t even count the all-nighters while juggling two jobs and taking college classes in the mornings. All of this to work on a single animatronic, an animatronic that failed to work countless of times.
Yet tonight you had a good feeling. You've convinced yourself this was it, that all the work you did would finally come together. This was the night you turned something from scrap into a proper working model.
You can see it now, you’d be the talk of the class, you’ll probably make the news for doing this! All the frustration, all the tears, it was worth it. Especially with the fact that you were able to recover most of his highly advanced AI, something the Mega Pizzaplex was well known for.
You sit at your desk in the middle of the night, the large animatronic bear laid upon a metal table in your garage, wires hooked up to your computer as you type commands with quick fingers on your keyboard, a cigarette dangling loosely from your lips.
You glance over at Freddy, admiring your handiwork with an anxious gaze. Adorned in a glossy metal casing with intricate vibrant blue designs you hand painted yourself, he looks exactly like his old self.
You take in a slow breath as you switch your gaze over to your computer, you fixate on the startup command, rereading it over and over to make sure you spelled everything right.
“Here goes nothing.” You murmur as you press the enter key on your keyboard.
You roll your chair back, turning it towards Freddy with bated breath as everything slowly begins to power on, this seems promising, considering the fact the entire house hasn’t lost power yet.
You hear the sounds of machinery humming to life as the seconds passed, smoke beginning to plume from his open mouth. You sit up in your chair, snubbing the cigarette in the ashtray beside you while you avidly wait to see what happens.
Freddy’s eyelids were the first to slide open, a vibrant blue glow pouring out of his optics. Then with the sound of motorized joints snapping to life Freddy abruptly sits up on the metal table, he appears panicked as he looks around in frantic motions. You are too shocked to say anything as he looks down at himself, letting out a disgruntled groan before ripping the wires out from his ports which causes sparks to fly.
He gets off the table and you are thoroughly reminded just how big he is. His eyes finally locked onto yours, his gaze was full of bewilderment and something else that makes you want to run away.
“Where am I? This is not the Mega Pizzaplex.” He held a strong, thunderous voice that reverberated throughout the garage.
Your eyes widen at the question, not expecting for him to be almost hostile right off the bat. Your heart begins to pound in your chest, reaching your ears as you stare up at him in both pride and a twinge of fear.
It takes you a moment but you finally find your voice, uttering out your words. “You’re um, you’re in my house! I just repaired you, you are safe from any harm.”
Freddy looks tense, well, as tense as one could look for being a robot. His expression softened yet the confusion remains palpable. “Repaired me… I was offline?”
You slowly nod your head. “Yes, I found you near a dumpster not too long ago and I took you back home with me.”
“I see.” He looks back down at you with sorrow in his voice. “I do not remember getting shut down… Have they replaced me with a new model?”
“Do you… Not remember anything?” You ask your question carefully and he shakes his head. Damn, you were really looking forward to knowing what happened to the Pizzaplex.
“Well, the Mega Pizzaplex collapsed around seven months ago. I found you a month later sitting near a dumpster, took you home and…” You gesture to the area around you. “Here you are now.”
Freddy was silent, you can see the literal gears turning in his head as he processed the information you just gave him.
“This can’t be. There is something wrong, it feels as though something is missing in my memory storage.” He places a paw-like hand on his head, looking down at the floor.
“Yeah, your memory was pretty corrupt when I started my repairs on you. I got most of it recovered but I had to give up on some of it. I still plan on trying to fix it but I focused more on getting you back in working order first.”
His hands fall to his sides, giving a nod of his head. “I understand, the fact you were able to recover most of it is fantastic.” He takes a step closer to you, speaking in a more tentative tone. “I apologize, I have been rather rude haven’t I? I’d like to thank you for bringing me back online. I am very grateful.”
You wave your hand. “Don’t worry about it, I get it. I would be pretty freaked out too.” Yet that was because you are human, never in a million years did you expect such a reaction coming from him.
“Yes, ‘freaked out’ is the perfect description isn’t it?” His ears droop down, a mix of melancholy and gratitude evident on his features.  “The Pizzaplex… it is gone. What is to become of me? What purpose do I have now?” A hint of uncertainty colored his words, seemingly hoping to get some guidance from you.
Your face softened, it was clear he was uneasy with this entire situation. The Mega Pizzaplex was once a beacon of joy and entertainment has met its demise. Now here he is, standing in your garage, given a chance at a new life.
Finally, you answer him, offering him a smile of kindness and understanding. “Sometimes you don’t really need a purpose, or a duty to fulfill.” You lean back in your chair, shrugging your shoulders. “I mean, you’re pretty much free now. I’m sure you’ve never seen the outside world once in your entire ‘life’. That makes it not sound too bad, right?”
His eyes flicker with apprehension while mulling over your words. It was clear the concept of freedom was completely foreign to him, which of course, was understandable.
“You’re right, that doesn’t sound too bad at all. The thought of experiencing new things… It is rather intriguing. And having you by my side,” He comes in closer, a soft look on his face. “Well, that would make it all the more exciting.”
As soon as Freddy got a bit too close for comfort you rolled your chair back. You feel nervous but you're also astonished, you can't believe you actually pulled this off, he was really here.
"Well, I'll be here every step of the way." You force a tight smile. He takes notice of your discomfort, taking a step back and making you realize you have been holding your breath this entire time.
“That sounds like a plan! We’re going to be a great team, you and I.” Freddy now seems more relaxed as he looks around your messy garage full of parts and trash. “Is this all to your home?”
You let out a laugh from his question, standing up from your chair. “No, no this is just my garage.”
“Oh! Yes, I see. A garage, a building for housing motor vehicles! But… I do not see a motor vehicle here.”
“It’s outside in the driveway. I use this as an office, robotics, school work, all that jazz.”
“An interesting place to choose as your workplace! I see that it is quite… cluttered.”
“Wait till you see the rest of the house bud.” You let out a chuckle. “Follow me.” You lead him to the door that leads outside, opening it up and taking a step out.
“That sounds a little concerning.” He murmurs cautiously while following after you.
As soon as he walks out of your garage he stops in place once he sees the blanket of twinkling stars above him. “Oh… Wow.” He holds a soft tone full of genuine wonderment as his eyes widen.
You watch his reaction, feeling a flutter in your chest as you see a machine experience a true night sky for the first time. You still can’t believe you really did it, he was here and he appears so life-like- almost as if he has real emotions.
Yet… That wasn't possible.
Just as you started to really think about it all you were immediately captivated by glowing blue optics looking down at you.
“This is incredible.” He remarks. “A glimpse into something absolutely extraordinary. All thanks to you, superstar.”
Your heart skips a beat. Superstar… It sounds comforting coming from him with his honeyed voice.
After a few moments pass you realize the two of you have just been staring at each other in silence. You clear your throat, offering him a smile.
“Of course big guy.” You place your hands in your pocket to keep them warm from the cool night air, looking back up at the sky with him. “Welcome to the real world.”
The two of you stand there in silence, the ethereal beauty of the stars capturing your attention and filling you both with a sense of tranquility. The sounds of the crickets and frogs, the branches of the large trees surrounding your small home moving with the light breeze.
Although it was all starting to feel a bit strange, you have someone-or something-by your side now. As a person who usually lives on your own, you finally realize that this was going to take some getting used too. He was a lot more lively then you thought he’d be.
Freddy is the first to break his trance, his voice pulling you out of your thoughts. “How about we head inside now? I am eager to see your home.”
You snort, walking away from the garage and towards the front porch. “There’s nothing to be eager about but… It’s home.” As you go up the steps and to the front door you begin to feel a bit nervous, you never thought you’d be embarrassed to show your living space to a robot.
“It can’t be that bad.” He speaks in a cheerful tone as you open the door, taking a step inside with him. “Oh… Oh my.”
You feel your face heat up as the two of you look around your home. It was cluttered as cluttered could be, the kitchen and living room merged seamlessly creating an open area of utter chaos. An array of dirty dishes and utensils stacked up together from countless culinary endeavors, the smell of forgotten meals and cigarettes intermingling in the air.
Your living room was no better. Scattered papers, cigarette butts and empty bottles of beer haphazardly placed about on the floor and coffee table. The nicest thing there was the sofa, mostly because you got it not too long ago on a good sale.
There was a long silence that passed between the two of you. He was the first one to break it.
“This isn’t like the Pizzaplex at all.” He looks over at you and you give him an apologetic smile. “But… It has some charm to it.”
You let out a surprised, short laugh, raising a brow. “Yeah? How so?”
“Well, the one thing I know is that a home is a reflection of oneself.”
“What does mine say about me?”
He inspects his surroundings more before giving you his answer. “It appears that you lead a very busy lifestyle, or that you greatly struggle with caring for yourself.” Freddy’s tone was analytical, tilting his head to the side. “Is that right?”
“Yup, spot on for both.” You make your way to the couch, falling down onto it and stretching your arms up into the air. “Two jobs, school, it’s not really easy maintaining a home.. Or myself.”
“That does sound like quite a lot on your plate.” He takes his place near the couch, his hands behind his back as he continues to observe your home. “Perhaps I could be of assistance to you.”
“Of assistance to me…?” You repeat his words slowly. He gives a short nod of his head.
“Yes. You have brought me back online, the least I can do is help you around the house. Cooking, cleaning, helping with school work. Whatever you need.”
You’re a bit taken aback by this offer, you had no idea you have quite literally built your own assistant. It sounds like a sweet deal, you’ve never had anyone willing to help you like this but at the same time you feel a tug at your heart.
“Um… Well, that sounds nice and all but you don’t owe me anything, really. I just wanted to see if I could do it, show off to my professor and…” You trail off, realizing how much you didn’t think about what happens after you built him.
“I insist. I want to do this, eager even. It will be a great help for me when it comes to adjusting to this new life, at the Mega Pizzaplex I always had something to do. Knowing that I no longer have that,” He casts his gaze to the side before continuing. “It feels as though there is something wrong within my coding.”
You run a hand through your hair as you process what he was saying, searching his face. You let out a long sigh, finally giving your answer.
“Yeah, alright. If you’re cool with it, I would really like that.”
Freddy clasps his hands together, taking on a cheerful demeanor. “It is very cool with me, superstar! This is the start to something wonderful, I just know it. Let’s get started now, tell me, when was the last time you’ve eaten today?”
“Um… Never o’clock?” You answer with a sheepish smile.
He looks confused at first, squinting his eyes before they widen once the realization sets in. “Are you meaning to tell me that you have eaten nothing today?”
“That is not good, do you not know how important it is to have proper meals throughout the day?” Freddy shakes his head as he reprimands you, turning around and going to the kitchen to begin to find you something to eat.
“Well yeah, it was my last day off and I wanted to finish working on you. It kinda slipped my mind.”
“Well yeah, of course I do. Like I said, I just didn’t really think about it.” You get up from the couch to follow after him, taking a seat at the table full of old letters and trash.
“I see that my work is cut out for me, hm?” His tone was playful as he opened the fridge.
You feel your face heat up from his teasing, grumbling underneath your breath as you take your cigarette pack from your pocket to have a quick smoke.
“You do not have much to eat…” He murmurs as he closes the fridge to go open a cupboard. “Hm… Well, it is not the most nutritious of meals, but I could make you macaroni and cheese.”
Your eyes light up from his words, recently it’s all been instant ramen noodles, mac and cheese sounds perfect right now. “Yeah! That sounds good.” You light the end of your cigarette, leaning back in your seat as you watch Freddy get to work.
Your brows furrow as you blow smoke out from your mouth. “Actually wait… You do know how to cook, right?”
“Of course I do! Back at the Mega Pizzaplex it was a common activity to bake or cook with children, I have plenty of recipes and have the capability to learn more. It was one of my favorite things to do, although it was not too often. Chica was the one to always be the leader of those little ‘classes’.”
“Wow, that’s pretty cool honestly.” You watch as he goes to the sink, taking one of the least dirtiest pots and beginning to wash it out. It was interesting to see an animatronic bear doing such a mundane chore.
You let out a small hum before drawing on the end of your cigarette. “So… Do you really not remember anything of what happened before? Like… How the Plex collapsed and what not?”
Freddy stills for a moment, trying his best to remember what happened but he mimics the sound of a sigh and continues his task.
“Unfortunately, my memory prior to being decommissioned is fragmented at best. I recollect my performances and entertaining children but as for the details of its closure, it remains a mystery to me. I apologize.”
A guilty frown tugs at the corners of your lips as he finishes washing the pot and filling it up, moving to the stove to boil it.
“There’s no need to be sorry. I wasn’t expecting you would, I guess what you lost was the night of you getting.. Destroyed. I’ll figure it out in due time, it would be nice to know what actually happened.” You stub your cigarette out on the ashtray, leaning your head on your hand as you continue to watch him work away.
“What do you mean by that? Does no one know what has caused the Mega Pizzaplex to collapse?” He turns his body towards you with a curious glint in his eyes.
You shake your head. “Nope. They tried saying it was from an earthquake but no one believes it, considering the fact no one living near the Pizzaplex felt one big enough to mess up an entire building.”
“I… See, that is quite strange. Well, if there is any chance of recovering those lost memories and shed some light on what truly transpired, I am very eager to explore it alongside you.” His gaze was filled with unwavering dedication.
You feel a small amount of excitement from his words, you were pretty eager too if you were being honest with yourself. “Yes, we’ll figure it out. Maybe. If we don't, oh well, y’know? You’re here now, that’s all that matters.”
You lean back in your chair, looking the bear up and down as excitement bubbles up once again. “I’m more than happy with the progress I’ve made today. You’re working, talking! After all these months you’re finally here.”
Freddy lets out a soft chuckle as he goes back to the stove to put the pasta in the water. “I am continuously impressed by your talent. You have proven yourself to be quite the extraordinary individual.” He looks back at you as he speaks. “You bringing me back is very impressive, you should be proud of yourself for doing such a hard task.”
Your eyes widen as you are showered with praise, feeling your breath hitch in your throat. You aren’t very used to such compliments.
You clear your throat, beginning to play with the sleeves of your hoodie. “Well, um, thank you Freddy.” Your eyes fall onto his hand while he stirs the cooking pasta. “That’s… That’s really sweet of you. I’m glad you think that way.”
He picks up on your timid behavior, looking back at what he was doing while he replies to you in a mellow tone. “You deserve every word of praise.”
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence afterwards, you can’t help but feel a little overwhelmed by it all once again. Two years of living completely alone and now you have a roommate, who was a giant animatronic bear that you just met and he is already cooking for you. This was insane.
After some time there was a bowl of mac and cheese set in front of you. You watch the steam emit from it as you feel your stomach growl, you didn’t realize how hungry you were until now.
“Thank you so much.” You murmur out appreciatively, picking up the spoon and popping it in your mouth. Your eyes widen, looking up at the bear who has a satisfied look on his features. This didn’t even taste like box mac and cheese… How does one make boxed mac and cheese taste so good?!
You swallow your food before praising him. “God Freddy, what did you do while I looked away? This is great!”
He lets out a mechanized chuckle, pulling out the chair and sitting down. It creaks underneath him, making you feel a bit sorry for his seat.
“Nothing special, just some seasonings with extra cheese. I’m glad you like it, although I implore you to go grocery shopping soon for more nutritious meals, you are worth more than macaroni and cheese and ramen.” His tone becomes serious at the end and you feel your cheeks heat up.
“I see you found my ramen stash.” You chuckle before taking another bite.
“I did. You have a tremendous amount… It’s insane.”
You snorted from his words, he wasn’t wrong, ramen is what you thrive off of.
“It’s quick and easy! Pop in the microwave, badda bing badda boom a 50 cent five course meal.”
“That… That is not a five course meal!” He sounds almost offended, a surprised look in his eyes. “And in the microwave? You do not cook it on the stove?”
“Nope.” You draw the word out slowly, a small smile on your lips as you gauge his shocked reaction. It takes him a few moments but he finally regains his composure.
“I see, well, that’s alright. It is just something we will have to work on together. I will write you a list and when you have the time I really encourage you to get these items, it will help me cook even better meals than this one. Does that sound good to you?” His tone was much softer now, comforting and unjudging.
“Yeah, that sounds good to me, I’ll go out shopping after class tomorrow.”
“Oh, you have class tomorrow? At what time?”
“Five am.” You say casually while taking another bite of your mac and cheese.
“Five am…? Superstar, it’s 2 in the morning.” He seems genuinely concerned for your well being now more than ever, having him here with you is really reminding you how much you don’t take care of yourself and you just finished repairing him.
“I know, I know.” You sigh out, eating the last of your mac and cheese. “I’ll go lay down right after I bring your charger inside.”
Freddy takes the bowl in front of you, getting up and putting it in the sink. “It is best if you go to bed right now. Just tell me what to do and I will set the charger up myself.”
“Um… Are you sure?” You quirk a brow. “It might be easier if you let me do it so you know what to do next time.”
“Nonsense, I can handle it, I am Freddy Fazbear!”
A small chuckle falls past your lips. “Well, if you say so. There is a large, modified battery sitting near my work bench, set up on the couch and plug the cord into the port on your arm. Then all you gotta do is flip the switch and you’ll begin to charge.”
“I see… Sounds easy enough, if I need assistance I will ask you. Please go rest now, I will see you in the morning.” There was a kindness in his optics, bringing you a sense of comfort.
“I hear you.” You huff, getting up from your seat turning around to head to the stairs. “Goodnight Freddy, see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight, superstar.”
With that you leave to go up to your disarrayed room, kicking off your pants and climbing into your large comfortable bed. Although as soon as your head hits the pillow and your eyes fall closed the only thing you could think about was your new roommate.
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
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[ interlude: 3tan, pt. 2 ] ahhh hello, y’all! so i decided with the final push of an anon to finally put out another interlude survey for you all🥳🍊 there’s some surprises in here just like the last interlude survey! but this one is mostly for my eyes only with the exception of the first checkbox question (you’ll see.) have fun, and here’s to the next huge chapter of this series💔
anonymous form, no emails collected
only for my eyes unless you explicitly state that i can share any answers
no matter where you are in the series, you can take this survey!
here you go !! 🍊
thank you for anyone that takes it and provides any insight and/or feedback! it would mean the whole wide world and would absolutely help as i prep for this next chapter and beyond🫂
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ask-theredcrown · 11 days
"The Lamb is alive?! Are they well??"
"Ah, thank the Crown..."
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cringelordofchaos · 4 months
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anartificialsatellite · 6 months
Sputnik got IV fluids yesterday and some antibiotics, and today he had A NORMAL POOP
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inputs-chaos · 5 months
Happy Birthday!
Do you have a favorite bird?
I do! Think many birds are favorites. It's hard to choose.
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The Turkey Vulture! Vultures are very good birds and more sociable than many birds of prey!
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Great Eared Nightjar just Looks very cool. c'mon. lookatit.
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This is the Victoria Crowned Pigeon. It's the largest species of pigeon and Very Cool.
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tompuppydog · 1 month
HI ZAI !!!
anayways hi hi :3!!!!!
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mossy-tendencies · 2 years
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so remember that wave of gifts everyone in the frenrey server made for halloween? i finally finished mine almost two weeks later LMAO 
this is for @potionbarrel of cryptids designs for frenreylattanold!! HOLY SHIT THIS TOOK THE LIFE OUT OF ME, but hey! 60-80 hours later, i have it done!! woulda had it sooner if my bestie’s bday wasn’t in the middle of october (had to work on that first and foremost), but better late than never.
this was. SO FUCKING FUN. i loooove drawing little details/easter eggs so you’ll find a few of those!!
closeups and More below cut!
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google drive link for all the extras! this includes lines n some concept sketches, plus all the closeups you see here. i may add more stuff to it later but it has the basic stuff for now lol
and now, even MORE closeups!
this first one is a ref to @/a-substantial-trash-pile’s gift for @/melonsharks, because that goddamn fake movie box art made my brain ROT. it’s also the first thing i painted and where i decided i was gonna make this project Infinitely harder for myself /hj
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woody from toy story costume. had to have this stock photo boy on the side of my canvas for a WHILE lmao
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i just thought these boxes looked nice. they Look like they have stuff in them. plus trans flag. ofc.
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snake plant which was probably my favorite thing to paint
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FLOUR! EVERYWHERE! plus the nightmarish prosthetic arm design that arcade has. it’s great i love you okay but JESUS CHRIST. i like how it turned out tho
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benny pumpkin :)
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and last but not least,
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look familiar?
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 2 years
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Subway boss off duty heading to karaoke lmao
This is the custom subway boss hoodie I designed and ordered :)
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humblemediagenius · 9 months
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trippygalaxy · 1 year
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roxygeeks95 · 1 year
Last night I saw that another one of my fics hit 100 kudos. Then, I caught up on One Piece. Episode 1066 did things to my KidLaw brain. Woke up at 5am and started writing! Something will be posted by the end of the week 😊
EDIT: I posted the thing. Here it is if you wanna read it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48234322
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oathofkaslana · 1 year
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leninisms · 11 months
since it’s already snowed it’s officially julien baker decorated lawns season
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personostient · 9 months
Yaaaaay happy birthday!!
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Sentence Starters based off of things from my quote book
"The sidewalk ran out"
"Roses are red, Stevie Wonder is blind, I like you very much you can hit it from behind"
"I'm licking the cheeto dust off my designer fingers"
“I hope you get bitten by a slightly angered rodent”
"How dare you be straight, specifically across from me?"
"You know what else starts with F? Fire. Flames." "So does fuck and I really think you need some fucking sleep."
"Looks like an IOU from tweedle dee and tweedle dumb"
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