theminecraftbee · 2 years
Ok so I know nobody cares about empires musical anymore but I was re-watching it and here’s all the lore I could find in your old friend xornoth:
* He seems convinced that when he succeeds in world domination, the world will be his. Either this means that exor is little more than an idea and xornoth is the one truly in power here, or it’s a Darth Vader-palpatine type situation where he thinks he’s doing it for himself but it’s all going to go to exor in the end
* He refers to himself as “big daddy xorxor… or for short xorny” which is hilarious I’ll admit, but he also uses the line “that’s what they call me”. That’s what who calls you? There are two possibilities. The first is that he’s referring to the people in his life before he became the demon. However, this is unlikely because he uses call in present tense, implying that he still has contact with these people. The other option has to do with “demon high school and demon college”, which I’ll touch on later
* Here we have the lines “pour me out some ichor/fill it to the brim/blood’s getting thicker/sippin’ as I sin”. I don’t believe this has much to do with the actual lore, but it is really funny to me because it sounds like a thirteen year old who just got back from hot topic and decided that they are the most tortured soul in the universe. Does demon college have demon hot topic? A question I never thought I’d have to ask myself
* Here we also have some fun lines, “you’ll learn, I’ll never return/to the boredom I was born of” which I find funny bc it makes me imagine that the former king and queen of Rivendell got bored one day, fucked, and xornoth came out
* Ok this might be my favorite part. In Lizzies pinned comment, she says “backing vocals by Maddie”. I am going to assume that the voice we here next is this Maddie. Maddie might be the best thing ever come out of music, in my opinion. For anyone who doesn’t want to look up the lyrics or doesn’t have them memorized already, she says “Scotts in the library getting kinda wise/says he’s got a plan for xorxor’s demise/xorny doesn’t care though/says he isn’t scared so/read a book, try your luck, xorny doesn’t really give a - “.
* Now, this is far from the first time we’ve heard Maddie‘s voice in the musical. She has a very high voice and has done backing vocals throughout practically all of the songs. It almost sounds childish, making her parts exceptionally funny.
* It is worth noting that your old friend xornoth is the only time that she actually speaks any words. What makes her especially interesting is that it seems that Xornoth, unlike the rest of the cast, can hear her. Once she says her bit about the library, Xornoth seemingly replies to her with “for your information I’ve got an education/Scott never showed up to my graduation/first demon high school then demon college/where’d you think I got all of this demon knowledge/demon University top of every class/you think you can catch me in a little bit of glass”. He goes on, but after this he’s not addressing Maddie so I’m gonna ignore it for now.
* I kind of wanna mention that he says the phrase embellishing my lore here, implying that he knows that he’s part of a story, but that kind of tears down absolutely everything else I know about this universe so I’m just gonna assume it’s an Easter egg and ignore it
* Also that in the lyrics he does the thing where you use an apostrophe to put two words together I don’t know what it’s fucking called but it almost sounds like he has a southern accent and that’s kind of funny to me
* Anyways back to Maddie. Xornoth does the chorus of the song again and then Maddie fucking giggles and says “look what they’re doing now writin’ out a spell/The demon from the east is goin’ back to hell/got a list of things that’ll make xor cower/they’ve got the smarts and they’ve got more power”.
* Maddie does the almost southern apostrophe thingy
* In reply, xornoth says (while approaching the empire characters, might I add) “if you want power well Xornoth’s got some/I pack more punch than a sawn-off shotgun/i’ve got more action than die hard 2/and your little faction’s a try hard crew”. I almost want to believe that this means the in-game empire‘s characters can hear Maddie too. However, they don’t seem to react to her at all. Therefore, I think that this is just her almost telling him what to do or giving him ideas for his speech. The more I say this the more it seems that the mysterious disembodied Maddie and Xornoth are friends.
* Also I’m not sure what to do with the modern day references. Maybe the way we have fairytales about like elves and knights and shit they have fairytales about our world?
* As xornoth continues on with his chorus, Maddie starts adding in her own comments between his lines. Her words go as followed: “trap him in a cell and keep him off the streets/listen to him yell, they’re tamin’ the beast/charmed like halliwell, never be released/yeah! Headin’ back to Rivendell, cookin’ up a feast”
* It is at this point that I actually googled the lyrics and realized that Maddie does not, in fact, do Xornoth’s apostrophe thing. I am ignoring this for the sake of my own interpretation. You’ve heard of the world is your oyster? Get ready for canon is your oyster.
* I looked up halliwell here. Apparently she’s a singer from Spice Girls and under people Also ask, it said Who is the most powerful charmed one so I’m assuming this is just another modern reference
* I have never heard a Spice Girls song in my life but I think it’d be funny if they still existed in the universe except they were like from one of the kingdoms or some shit. Maybe Spice Girls is like a famous Rivendell band I don’t know. I’m just making shit up at this point btw
* Let’s get back to Maddie. I feel like saying she’s just Xornoth’s friend is a bit misleading at this point. I would almost label her as a younger sister. Due to my general lack of knowledge about her abilities, the mysteriousness around her, and the childishness of both her voice and the things that she does I almost feel the need to compare her with the collector from owl house. I wish I could fit her simply into the lore by saying that she’s xornoth‘s friend from demon high school and/or demon college, but since he has to explicitly tell her that he went there I don’t think that’s the case. She spends most of the story hanging around Lizzie, as evidenced by her appearance in the vocals of other songs. However Lizzie never mentions her, so I have to assume that Lizzie cannot hear her. Whether or not Lizzie knows that she’s in a musical is not some thing I’m willing to tackle at this point.
* I feel the need to draw comparison also to oli. He doesn’t show up in this song, but he’s present in some others. In prismarine, he almost seems like he’s asking Lizzie about this experience, or she’s telling the story to him. He also voices the prophecies. It seems odd to me that Lizzie would be able to hear him when she couldn’t hear Maddie, but perhaps there is some kind of difference between them, or they can choose who can hear them. Though I find the second point unlikely because there’s no real reason Maddie would choose to not have the other characters hear her. Perhaps they’re some kind of minor gods? We know that Lizzie is often called a goddess so it’s not unreasonable to think there might be others. I’m not entirely sure about this, but it does tickle my brain in a fun way
* Now it’s time to talk about demon college. Oh this is a fun one. I know that everybody and their mother has made jokes about this but I feel like it raises some really interesting questions. Xornoth is clearly upset that Scott didn’t show up to his graduation, but explicitly states that it’s Demon high school and demon college. As far as we know, Scott is very specifically the champion of aeor. There is no reason for him to be here. I feel like there are two possible answers here. The first is that Scott truly was set to be on the same path as his brother, but broke free. However, this doesn’t really add up with the rest of his lore.
* The second one, and the one that I like better, it’s a bit more complicated. It says that exor wanted to train his champion in a way that wasn’t too different from what he was used to as to not make the change to sudden. This could also be just to help him with his people skills so that he would be able to give dramatic villainous monologues instead of stumbling when he first sees a human being again. Therefore, I propose that exor took the existing, Rivendell, elven High school and college and made an illusion of it that instead taught things that a demon would need to know. It would assumingly we have all the same people as the real one. Therefore, our old friend xornoth could mean that the illusion Scott didn’t come to his graduation bc the real one wouldn’t to make it more realistic.
* This also implies that at some point both Scott and xornoth were college kids. Do with that what you will.
* This also brings the line of “Big daddy xorxor/that’s what they call me/or for short xorny” into question. He might be referring to Maddie and/or oli. However, it might also be a college nickname. I like these both because they’re equally funny
* Actually now I’m thinking about the top of every class line. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe actually Exor just takes a shit ton of kids every year and puts them into a school program and then the one that ends up being the best is chosen as his champion and the rest of them make like I don’t know a town of evilness. Now I wish the empires crew just randomly stumbled upon that and they were like what the fuck is going on here
* The fact that Scott didn’t show up to his graduation implies that they’re not twins btw I just realize that
* Still not sure how Maddie fits into any of this but I love her anyways
* In conclusion: holy shit I need to do this more often this was really fun
Anyway I just thought I’d share this it’s not very coherent but I like it
holy shit anon you have done. SO MUCH analysis here.
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