#WIP: Amiri of Caro
etjwrites · 2 years
Find the Word Tag
I was tagged by @zmwrites & @leebrontide (thanks!! Tagged back if you want) to find: Cool, Thread, & Up
These excerpts are from my Amiri of Caro WIP:
The king's men stepped away from the disgraced thief, and the crowd began to disperse, parting enough for Amiri to catch the other's eye when he lifted his head up, tear-filled gaze beseeching the departing onlookers.
Cool, Thread
Jannes scooped up the coins, gone cool since being hidden from the sun, and stood. He turned away from the thief, then hesitated, and looked over his shoulder. “Why don't you take a walk into the desert?” he suggested, threading his voice with his Gift. “Perhaps the jackals will find a use for you.”
New Words: Hearth, Spool, Gate, Run
Tagging @akindofmagictoo @ardawyn @adie-dee @leave-her-a-tome
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etjwrites · 2 years
Thanks for the ask @leebrontide ! (From this Ask Game)
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What's the inspiration behind my WIP
Currently I have two WIPs I'm actively working on, The first book in the Amiri of Caro series, and the first book in the Tiana of Have Lath series.
Both of them are inspired by my first novel, Tedenbarr of Have Lath (read for free with kindle unlimited), as Amiri is a character in TOHL whose backstory I wanted to dig into a lot more, and Tiana's story is an AU based on the premise of "what if" such and such a character was at this place at that time, how would the story of TOHL be different.
That being said, Tiana's story very much favours the waif/thief adventure trope, and leans heavily on Robin Hood inspirations, but focusing on the lassies, and Amiri's story has a lot of puzzle adventure/tomb raider/Indiana Jones vibes with a fantasy twist in a desert country setting.
Both novels are still in their infancy, but I'm enjoying how it's going so far. 😊
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etjwrites · 2 years
Find the Word Tag Game
I was tagged by @akindofmagictoo to find: Presence, impose, grace, imagine TY!
From Amiri of Caro:
I have Disgrace:
The king's men stepped away from the disgraced thief, and the crowd began to disperse, parting enough for Amiri to catch the other's eye when he lifted his head up, tear-filled gaze beseeching the departing onlookers. “Please,” he mouthed, stretching out his remaining hand. “Help me.”
I very much struck out this time 😭. Tis to be expected, as I'm only 3k words into this WIP.
Tagging: @klywrites @adie-dee @leave-her-a-tome @sheabutterskyes to find:
Void, shrink, ruthless, stoic.
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etjwrites · 5 years
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And now for something different!
A while back I participated in the very first @yourocsbackstory event and had a blast! I completed a bunch of prompts and fleshed out quite a bit of backstory for a future WIP centered around Amiri, a character known as "Light-Fingers" in my published novel, Tedenbarr of Have Lath.
You can find all the rebloggable versions of the filled prompts here and I've just uploaded (edited) versions to Wattpad.
My favourite section is the one titled "Friends." It still makes me tear up every time.
Happy Reading!
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etjwrites · 2 years
TAG : WIP Titles
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. I was tagged by @hyba thanks!
These are all working titles ATM:
Afallon Fantasy/Romance (Current WIP)
Amiri of Caro, Books 1-3 Action/Adventure
Tiana of Have Lath, Books 1-2 Action/Adventure
Laura Sci-fi/Adventure
Archangelo Fantasy/Adventure
Unnamed Persephone and Hades Musical Romance
Baby it's Cold Outside Romance/Thriller
The Bank Run Thriller/Heist
Still Got Love for These Streets Thriller/Human Instrest
Freight Scifi/Dystopia
Black Caesar Action/Adventure/Romance
Tagging: @zmwrites @akindofmagictoo @alcego-writes @doro-writes @catharticallysarcastic
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etjwrites · 4 years
Wipful Beginnings
Saw this, looked like fun, so here we go!
Rules: Give a brief description of the beginning of 3 of your WIPs or recent works, and tag 6 people.
Thorunn:  (Recently published!)
Set 10 years before the rest of the story, we open with a young Kenton desperately trying to keep himself and his sister safe and hidden while vicious and heartless soldiers raid their village and destroy any who resist . . . 
Afallon:  (WIP) 
Chapter one opens with Candi being rudely awakened from a pleasant dream in a fantasy realm because her sister needs to be rushed to the emergency room.
Amiri of Caro: (Future WIP)
Amiri witnesses a public maiming for a convicted thief, then goes home to find his mother seriously ill.
Tagging: @adie-dee @sheabutterskyes @alcego-writes @leave-her-a-tome @klywrites @kosmosian-quills
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etjwrites · 5 years
OC Backstory Week 0 - Intro
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Hey everybody!
So excited to be doing the @yourocsbackstory event again! I participated last year with my character Amiri of Caro from an upcoming WIP and now I'm thrilled to introduce and explore the backstory of one of the viewpoint characters from "Thorunn," my current WIP, which is a YA science fiction novel with elements of contemporary and eco fiction.
Start with the words “My name is ___" and have them introduce themself!
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Hi, my name's Bo, and I hate humans.
Too strong? I have to tone it down? Well I guess I used to hate them all except Ken. Nowadays, a few more people have slipped past my defences.
Why do people wanna know about when I was a kit anyway!? All the exciting stuff happened later.
Really? They really wanna know? How nosy can someone be? This is why I hate humans. Fine, I guess.
*Take two*
Hi, I'm Bo, and I was born and raised in the Hinnom Forest. You could say I'm not the biggest advocate for humans; losing my dad at an early age due to conflict between Tribe Osinan and the settlers from Earth might have had something to do with that.
(What? You said to tone it down, I'm just speaking the truth.)
Anyway, my big brothers took care of me when I was a kit, and after Ken came to live with the tribe things were pretty peaceful until the Riven family got involved. But you all know that story.
You, know, when I think about it, my childhood was pretty good, as good as an orphan's can be. It wasn't as. . .exciting as the times we live in now, but there were definitely more than a few highlights.
Hmm, where to start?
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That's all for this week, but tune in next time to hear the first story Bo will be recounting.
Tagging the usual Thorunn crowd: (And if you want on the tag list for this and other Thorunn related posts, just let me know!)
@igotablankpage @musicofglassandwords @whatsanwritepocalae @elaynab-writing @sheabutterskyes
01 - Family || 02 - Friends || 03 - Rivals || 04 - Skills || 05 - Loss || 06 - Home || 07 - Free/Secrets
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etjwrites · 5 years
Hi, you’ve been reblogging my yourocsbackstory posts and I just wanted to say thank you for the comments! I honestly didn’t think people would be overly interested in my characters. Also since the things I’ve written have been kinda sad I wanted to let you know their story is mainly about them finding happiness, safety and love!
@time-space-and-the-muses You're welcome! 😊
The amount of wips on writeblr can be a little overwhelming sometimes, and so I love the @yourocsbackstory event as it's a great way to find and bond with new characters/wips/writeblrs.
As much as possible I hope to keep participating, whether by writing my own backstories (and I've done a couple, 1 about my OC Amiri of Caro, and one about my OC Bo) or by commenting/reblogging other people's works.
And yay! I'm glad your characters will find happiness, even if they're going theough troubled times right now. I'm looking forward to the next installment of Liam and Beatrice's adventures! 👀😄
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etjwrites · 6 years
Your OC‘s Backstory - Week 8: Free (or: Birthday)
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Ah, I can't believe we've reached the end already! I've read so many neat WIPS by all you lovely people participating in this. I've thoroughly enjoyed it, and if @yourocsbackstory​ is up for it, I think it would be fun to make this an annual/semi-annual event. (Also, Happy Birthday!) :D
Thank you so much for hosting this – I've learned SO MUCH about Amiri and now have a very clear plan of where to take his story once I start formally outlining it.  
*hugs everybody*
Good Luck with your writing endeavours!!! I used my own personal prompt (transportation) and combined it with “Birthday” for the final installment. ;) Without further ado:
Iset swept open the door, and Amiri tumbled into the dust, sprawling flat upon his face in a clumsy failure at stealth. He still didn't quite have the nuances of his Skill perfected, and creeping unseen across the open plains from Outer Caro had used up what little energy the blazing sun hadn't scorched away.
So Iset saw him plain as day with sand and grit and grass all clinging to him, a stinging scrape on his forehead testifying loudly about his ungainly stumble.
“Are the beetles that interesting?” she called, making her way over to him. Amiri spat out the chaff that left a bitter taste on his tongue.
“I was trying to see the camels – you said they'd be whelping today!”
“Aye; they're in this stable.” Iset beckoned to the wall opposite the one Amiri had fallen from. “But best keep quiet – these are his lordship's racing camels, and we don't want overseer Nerron to catch us peeping.”
They stole through the narrow opening in the limestone wall, Amiri wrinkling up his nose at the foul stench. Iset had drawn up her scarf to her eyes. She motioned to a rope ladder, and Amiri scrambled up it after her, crawling along a narrow ledge until they were just over the grunting cows. One calf had already been born and cleaned off, and it lay mostly still, twitching at random intervals, while it recovered from its trying ordeal.
“Plet ka was going to buy us a camel,” Amiri whispered. He wriggled a little, trying to get comfortable on the hard surface. “Now we can't even get a lame donkey.”
“He didn't send you his horse?”
“Mother says it must have perished with him on the battlefield.” Amiri peered curiously at the men clustered around one of the other camels. They yelled at each other, each taking turns tugging on the limp calf that was half-way into the world. “D'ya reckon they'd notice if one were missing?”
Iset smacked Amiri, then froze as a shower of dust drifted down at the action. But the men below them were too preoccupied to look and notice the two sets of dark eyes peeking through the gaps in the rafters.
“You'd be thrown in the deepest dungeons the city guard could manage if they caught you! No, worse, they'd send you to the fires of the Black Mountains.”
Iset's tone implied that Amiri had sounded just serious enough to worry her, but surely she knew he wouldn't dare steal from one of the most powerful nobles in Caro? He quickly reassured her otherwise, and they lay in silence for the better part of two hours, grins stretching from ear to ear, as one by one, the little newborn camels staggered to their feet and began to suckle, bleating and snuffling through the whole process.
“It's weird, but wonderful.” Iset kept her voice low, even through the men had left some time ago.
“Weird, but wonderful.” Amiri agreed. “Like our friendship.” That earned him another boff to the head and he backed away, laughing as Iset swatted at him. They tip-toed out of the stables and parted ways at the wall Amiri had initially fallen from.
“Tomorrow at noon?”
“Wouldn't miss it.” Then he clambered over the smooth stone and set his face on dusty Outer Caro, Iset disappearing back into the house toward her chores.
Part 1 (Introduction) Part 2 (Family) Part 3 (Activities)  Part 4 (Rivals) Part 5 (First Love) Part 6 (Things) Part 7 (Friends)
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