hyunpic · 6 months
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DAILY HYUNJIN GIFS UNTIL HIS BDAY: love you and all your little things - 😉
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panandinpain0 · 1 year
Yo so like, r u ok writing for Peter Parker?? If so, could you write a Peter x Male Reader where the reader is both a charmer and peter’s ultimate hype man (sorry Ned). Around prom season, Peter asks the reader for help to ask his crush to the prom, and the reader is sadge bc he thinks it’s MJ. Slight chaos and maybe some nervous gay boy stuff ensues??
Yes, I'd love to write for Peter Parker! (And because you brought up Ned I'm assuming it's Tom Holland's Peter.)
Also, I'm in love with this prompt <3
Requested by: Anon
Peter Parker x Male!Reader
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Peter was at his locker, talking to Ned about his Lego death star, when (Y/N) approached his locker. Peter closed it and raised his eyebrows at (Y/N), while Ned jumped in shock (neither had seen him approach but Peter's spidey-senses- or should I say "Peter-Tingles"- came in handy).
"Are you guys planning a Star Wars marathon without me?" (Y/N)'s jaw dropped with a betrayed look on his face, hand to his heart. "What happened to the brotherhood?"
Ned snorted and Peter laughed, turning to walk down the hallway.
"We were gonna' invite you anyways, (Y/N), we always do," Ned reassured, giving in to his teasing.
"Good. So, whaddya' say, Pete? Star Wars at your house this Friday?" (Y/N) asked, putting his hand on Peter's shoulder and smiling at him as they walked.
Clearing his throat quietly, Peter nodded. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan."
"It's a good thing too, because I need help studying for this chem test coming up, and I was wondering if you'd help me?" (Y/N) asked him, hand still on his shoulder.
In truth, (Y/N) was barely getting by in chemistry for a reason. It's not that he wasn't smart enough or that he wasn't putting in the work- it was that he was sat next to Peter and couldn't stop looking at him. Trying to goof off with him in class was one of (Y/N)'s favorite pastimes, and what got them in trouble the most.
This gave him an excuse to beg Peter desperately for help with his homework, therefore getting to spend more time with him. It was a solid plan in his mind.
"For sure! Studying and then Star Wars, sounds like the perfect Friday," Peter said back, always too nice (or too love-struck) to say no to (Y/N).
Ned looked between them, realizing they were doing the smiling-at-each-other-for-too-long thing, and coughed to get their attention.
(Y/N) and Peter both looked over at him and Ned smiled, "So, got any dates to prom yet?" It was meant to be a joke, the three of them in the "nerd" clique, even though realistically they were all very attractive and much more than just nerds. (Considering one of them was the web-slinging super hero, they were much more than just smart.)
"Nope," (Y/N) and Peter said in unison, laughing together.
"What about you, Ned?" (Y/N) asked back, and Ned shook his head like it was a joke he was even asking.
"Who'd wanna go out with me?" Ned asked a bit glumly, thinking he was the unattractive one in their friend group.
"Well, I have an idea." (Y/N) winked at him and pointed down the hallway. A girl named Darla, who they'd gone to school with since elementary, noticed she'd been caught staring and blushed, turning back to her locker quickly.
Ned stuttered for a minute, his face heating up. "No, she must've been looking at one of you-"
"Dude, she's been in love with you since the eighth grade!" (Y/N) insisted, moving between Peter and Ned and throwing his arm over Ned's shoulder. "I bet you twenty bucks that if you ask her out she'll say yes."
Shaking his head in doubt, Ned stuttered again, before giving up.
"She'll probably be asked out by the captain of the football team or something- that's always what happens with the cheerleaders."
"Oh, come on buddy. You've got a chance, you're the only one that doesn't see it," Peter insisted.
"She knows me because I help her with her calculus homework..."
"Just try. If not, what's the worse that can happen?" (Y/N) asked nonchalantly.
"I'll get humiliated."
"Or she could say yes," Peter countered.
"Fine, I'll do it if you guys leave me alone about it."
"That's all I ask." (Y/N) held his hands up in surrender. Then he turned to Peter and they fist bumped.
Once they got outside Ned split off, going his own way home while (Y/N) pulled out his skateboard. Happy waved from the limousine at Peter, letting him know that he was here to take him to Tony.
(Y/N) let out a low whistle, looking at the limo. "Nice ride, Parker. Perks from the internship?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, Mr. Stark sends Happy to pick me up when its more urgent." Technically it wasn't a full lie, he'd usually only get picked up by Happy if it involved emergencies.
"Well, drive safe. Text me if you need anything, or just if you're bored." (Y/N) pulled Peter into a hug, patting his back and putting down his skateboard.
"See you tomorrow!" Peter patting him back before watching him skate off, looking back to Happy. As he approached the door opened, and his jaw dropped as he saw Tony.
"Was that your boyfriend?" he teased, glasses at the end of his nose.
"Oh! Mr. Stark, I didn't know-"
"Hop in kid, we've got places to be."
Knocking on the Parker's apartment door, (Y/N) played with the colorful box in his hands.
May opened it, smiling when she saw who it was.
"(Y/N)! It's such a pleasure to have you, Ned and Peter are in Peter's room." May pulled him into a hug and (Y/N) returned it, smiling at the comfort he got every time he was welcomed into their home.
"Thanks, May. Here, my mom made you those cupcakes you like." He held out the box and May gasped, her smile getting brighter.
"Oh, that woman..." she shook her head in amusement. "Tell her thanks! Now I've got to make her that pasta she likes so much."
(Y/N) laughed and patted May's shoulder before making his way to Peter's room.
"Happy Friday boys!" (Y/N) announced as he walked into his room.
"You said that this morning," Ned commented laughing as (Y/N) slung his backpack to the floor.
"No, this morning I said 'It's Friday'. This time it's happy," (Y/N) corrected with a smirk, sitting down on the floor with Peter and Ned.
"Don't forget, it's not just Star Wars it's also studying," Peter reminded with a laugh, pulling his books out of his backpack.
(Y/N) let out a dramatic groan, clearly joking, because he didn't mind what he did as long as he got to hang out with his friends (especially Peter).
About half an hour into studying, Ned left to use the bathroom and Peter and (Y/N) started talking.
"You've asked people out before, right (Y/N)?"
"Yeah, why? You got someone in mind?" MJ was (Y/N)'s first guess. (Y/N) had seen how he looked at MJ and wished it was him instead.
Peter, on the other hand, was only thinking of (Y/N). He was extremely handsome and charming, always jokingly flirting with Peter- but no matter how smart he was, he was oblivious to Peter's obvious attraction to him.
"Uh, yeah, I do. I was wondering if you could help me ask them out to prom? Just like, give me tips or something on how to impress them..." Peter nervously chuckled as he trailed off, scratching the back of his head.
"Oh, sure! But I'm not sure there's much I can say to help. You're a really great guy Peter, and anybody would be lucky to have you. I know everyone says this, but just be yourself and depending on the reaction you get it'll tell you if they're the right person for you or not." (Y/N) shrugged, not really sure what else to say.
Peter nodded, trying to figure out how to impress (Y/N). "Should I get them flowers? Or make one of those 'promposal' signs?"
"I always thought those signs were kind of tacky, but if you think they'll like it then I think you should go for it. And I think the flowers are a nice idea..." (Y/N) tried to give him a smile, but he didn't think it looked very confident. It hurt, not knowing if he liked (Y/N) back- but it hurt worse knowing he liked someone else.
"Okay. Okay, I'll bring them flowers. What kind do you think I should get?"
Just then, Ned walked back into the room, stopping hesitantly in the doorway as if he'd interrupted something.
"Hey, Ned," (Y/N) greeted, smiling at him.
"What's up?" Ned asked, still not sure if he should sit back down or not. He considered making an excuse about asking May for snacks or something, but they weren't giving him any clear signs that he wasn't welcome in the conversation.
"Just talking about asking people to prom," Peter responded with a shrug, going back to his homework.
"Peter was wondering what flowers he should get for his crush," (Y/N) gained back some confidence with the joke, nudging Peter playfully.
"Oh?" Ned asked, eyebrows up as he retook his seat on the ground, looking between the two. He noticed their behavior and realized it was going to be weird for a while- and that he couldn't say anything. He held back a sigh at that thought.
"Yeah, what kind do you think I should get them, Ned?" Peter asked as (Y/N) started twirling his pen in his hand.
"Who're they for? Everyone has favorite flowers, right?" Ned thought aloud, looking through his notes.
"I say roses. Everybody likes roses," (Y/N) concluded, nodding as he talked.
The boys went back to studying (and eventually Star Wars).
Monday morning's were always rough, and prom was that Saturday so everybody was buzzing (much to (Y/N)'s annoyance).
Closing his locker with a yawn he turned to walk to his first class, chemistry with Peter, just to be jump scared by said boy.
"Woah! Peter, hey. Gave me a heart attack," (Y/N) mumbled as he clutched his chest, his breathing ragged.
"Sorry! Didn't mean to..." Peter looked sheepish as he gulped down his nerves.
"Are you okay? You look really... sweaty." That's when (Y/N) noticed the roses in his hand and his mood dropped. "Oh, you must be nervous to ask out your crush, huh?"
Peter nodded, taking in a deep breath.
"Yeah. I just hope he says yes." And he held out the flowers with a almost scared looking smile.
"(Y/N), will you go to prom with me?"
His jaw hit the floor, eyes wide with confusion and shock. He never thought in a million years Peter would ask him out, much less over MJ, who was watching from her locker next to his with a smirk.
Truth is, Peter knew that MJ and (Y/N) shared an art class and were friends, so he asked her for advice. That's what led to the awkward study conversation, and the roses in front of (Y/N)'s face.
"Wait- what? Really?" (Y/N) asked, searching Peter's face for any hints of a prank or deception. "You're shitting me, right Parker?"
Peter just shook his head, heart racing a mile a minute.
"You said roses, so I got you roses. I'm sure if you knew I was meaning you you'd have said another kind of flower but I couldn't figure out how to ask you what your favorite flower was without giving myself away-" Peter rambled, fumbling with the paper around the bouquet of roses.
(Y/N) put his hand on Peter's fumbling one and smiled at him, "I'd love to go to prom with you, Peter. I love the roses- and I'm so glad you didn't make one of those stupid poster boards."
The boys broke into somewhat relieved laughter and Peter pulled him into a hug.
That's when they remembered that they were in the middle of a highschool hallway. Everybody was staring at them, and both of their faces were shades warmer than before.
Ned, always the loyal friend, stepped in.
"Darla!" he all but shouted through the hallway, everybody's attention going to him. He was holding a singular tulip in his hand and was sweating bullets. "Will you go to prom with me?"
Some kids started laughing, but they turned into gasps as Darla nearly squealed as she nodded her head, her curls bouncing with her movement.
"Yes, Ned! I'd love to!" She hugged him, while he just stood there in absolute astonishment. His original plan was to pull attention away from his best friends by being humiliated, not by pulling the most beautiful and talented girl in the school.
(Y/N) started clapping and hollering, Peter soon joining him.
Then the bell rang, and everybody started going to their classes.
"I still can't believe that happened," Ned whispered from Peter's carpeted floor, staring up at the ceiling in amazement.
Peter and (Y/N) sat on his bed, putting together the Lego death star shoulder to shoulder. They'd steal looks at each other every once in a while, blushing at their newfound romance.
When they watched a movie with May later that night they held hands and shared a blanket, and all May did was smile at them when she noticed.
Not as chaotic as I'm sure you were hoping, but I thoroughly enjoyed writing this.
Thank you anon! I hope you liked it.
-Author Max <3
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konishirrr · 2 years
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Telling them "An angel sent you to me" ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
·mans was shooketh
·poor bby prolly started crying←didn't realize too
·like, he was wiping it off while trying to comprehend the fact he started crying
·everything just washed over him after he fully comprehended everything
·started hugging u saying how much he loved u
·got really clingy after that
·yall were cuddling and when u said that he prolly tuned his head so fast
·like, he was not ready for that at all
·tried to make a smooth comeback but started stuttering ←while blushing
·eventually kissed ur nose or forehead and said "i know"
·yk he randomly thinks abt from time to time
·eyes opened ever so slightly by 2mm
·prolly said something like "is that so?" while playing with ur hair
·very soft like he'd say he was blessed to have u then kiss ur forehead while holding ur hand
·his face prolly became more tender and soft
·cuddled with u afterwards
·was taking a sip of tea or coffee
·started choking on the tea/coffee while coughing and making hand gestures
·asked if u were joking while staring into ur soul
·ego boost prolly said smth like "i always knew i was a charmer~" while winking at u
·would not shut up abt it to his co-workers
·would tell u that same phrase when he thinks ur asleep before going on a mission or smth
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-made by a hopeless romantic
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darknesseddiem · 5 months
hi !! can u request n° 30 with nº19 ? thank you so much !!
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𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚
"With the raven's wings retreating into the night, the cold air carries the faint whisper of your escape—a haunting reminder that, just this once, you’ve slipped through the shadows."
This blurb is part of the writing game created by me, join me and the raven in this maze of stories. 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐥.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Kissing.
𝐀/𝐍: hi! i hope you like it, sorry for not to do this earlier, i'm kind of sad because people don't seem to like anything that i do, but it's okay!! enjoy your reading!
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Eddie was riding high on a wave of euphoria. Every time he stepped onto the stage, it was like he became someone else—a different identity altogether. It was as if he transformed into a rockstar who had all the allure of a fallen angel. His voice was rich and smooth, with a seductive edge, like velvet sliding over skin. It was the kind of voice that could corrupt even the purest of souls, and he was always ready to turn a few halos into tarnished relics by the end of the night.
In recent years, he had amassed a loyal legion of fans. His band, Corroded Coffin, had just dropped their fourth album, "Angels of the Abyss," which took their sound in a darker, more gothic direction while maintaining their metal roots. This album was a smoldering blend of seductive basslines and low-end beats, punctuated by Eddie's voice—a haunting cacophony that seemed to echo from the depths of some celestial chaos.
"Angels of the Abyss" was an auditory journey through shadowy landscapes, where the music carried an underlying sensuality that was almost tangible. The guitars were heavy and brooding, weaving through complex riffs that wrapped around you like a leather-bound embrace. Drums thundered in the background, providing a primal, pulsing heartbeat that made you feel as though you were dancing in the dark with something dangerous.
Eddie's vocals were the centerpiece, effortlessly blending raw power with a velvet smoothness. It was a voice that could draw you in with a whisper, then send shivers down your spine with a scream. The album, with its intoxicating combination of seductive melodies and crushing metal, attracted a larger audience than ever before. It was music for the night, for those who didn't shy away from the darker corners of their minds.
With every show he played, the rumors about his seductive powers and his title as the "King of the Ladies" grew stronger. The stage was his domain, giving the audience a tantalizing glimpse of the charming man he truly was. His performances were meticulously crafted, teetering on the edge of indecency, yet always with that confident, sexy swagger that left everyone wanting a piece of Eddie Munson.
He had a way of moving that was almost hypnotic, each gesture oozing with a kind of sensual magnetism. Whether he was sliding his hand across his guitar in a slow caress or winking at a fan in the front row, every action seemed designed to make hearts race. The way he sang, the way he danced, the way he smirked—it was all part of the allure.
Eddie had this uncanny ability to make everyone in the crowd feel like he was performing just for them. His charisma was off the charts, and his smoldering gaze could melt the most hardened hearts. People came to the shows not just for the music, but for the experience of being in his orbit, even if just for a night. It was like he was a magnetic force, drawing people in with a promise of something wild and unforgettable.
But Eddie had a secret, something only his bandmates—Jeff, Gareth, Grant, and Corey—and a few people close to him knew. It was a secret that could shatter the career he’d built with such effort.
Eddie Munson wasn’t anything like the media portrayed him, a seductive charmer swimming in a sea of swooning women. The truth was, offstage, he was shy and reserved around anyone he found attractive—women, men, or anyone who caught his eye. As soon as he stepped off the stage, he transformed into his true self: a down-to-earth, spontaneous guy, still very much a nerd, and, above all, hopeless with women.
The confident, sexy rockstar everyone saw on stage was a persona, a role he played with skill. But behind the scenes, Eddie would stumble over his words around pretty much anyone he found appealing, his cheeks turning red as he tried to make casual conversation. It was almost comical how different he was once the spotlight dimmed.
While his performances were legendary for their boldness and swagger, offstage, Eddie was the guy who'd rather talk about the latest comic book releases or the newest Dungeons & Dragons campaign than flirt with fans. He had a hard time meeting people’s eyes when they complimented him, and his idea of a pickup line was usually some obscure pop culture reference that left everyone scratching their heads.
Despite the rumors about his supposed womanizing, Eddie was the kind of guy who'd nervously look at his phone, pretending to be busy, rather than approach someone he found attractive. It was a well-guarded secret. His friends understood that the real Eddie was just a nerd with a guitar who happened to play a killer show, not the Casanova the tabloids made him out to be.
Believe it or not, Eddie had tried to be more confident.
"Come on, Eddie, that girl was totally into you, and you just ignored her," said Steve, his best friend, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
"What did you expect me to do? Walk up to her and start a conversation?" Eddie replied, his voice edged with indignation.
"Yes! That's what any normal human being would do in a situation like that," Steve shot back, sarcasm lacing his words.
"Well, good thing I'm not a normal human being," Eddie retorted, crossing his arms defiantly, which only made Steve roll his eyes and let out a sigh.
Eddie's idea of flirting was staying as far away as possible and hoping the other person would magically not notice his awkwardness. Steve couldn't understand it. Here was this guy who commanded a stage with ease, could play the guitar like a rock god, and had the entire crowd in the palm of his hand, yet he couldn't muster the courage to say hi to a pretty girl at a party. It was a conundrum, to say the least.
Steve often tried to nudge Eddie out of his shell, but it was like pushing a boulder uphill with a toothpick. Eddie would much rather stick to his comfort zone, which was anywhere that didn't require small talk with attractive strangers. No matter how much Steve tried to convince him to be bold, Eddie just couldn't bring himself to do it. And that was the secret side of him that the fans never got to see—the side that could belt out a killer set but would freeze at the idea of a one-on-one conversation.
"Eddie, the fans are at the door waiting for you," his manager called out, saving him from yet another of Steve's sermons. "I'm on my way," he replied, turning to his friend. "Saved by the bell."
Steve just shook his head, knowing full well that Eddie would do just about anything to avoid another one of their talks about confidence and stepping out of his comfort zone. Eddie was a master at dodging uncomfortable conversations, and this time, his manager's call had provided the perfect escape route.
As he walked toward the door, Eddie could already hear the excited chatter and the occasional scream from his fans waiting outside. It was like stepping into a completely different world, one where he was the confident rock star they all adored. But he knew it was only a matter of time before he'd be back in the dressing room, with Steve giving him that look that said, "We'll finish this later."
For now, though, he put on his best rock star smile and prepared to meet his fans, grateful for the temporary reprieve. There was a certain comfort in playing the role everyone expected of him, even if it wasn't entirely who he really was. He'd deal with Steve's pep talks later—right now, he had a crowd to charm.
"Okay, okay," he said as he reached the area where the hysterical fans waited. "There's enough Eddie for everyone." He put on his seductive rockstar mask and got down to business, taking photos, signing records and albums, hugging, and handling the waves of tears and screams like a pro.
He was in his element, calm as always. But he wasn't prepared for the last person in line—a specific person who made his heart skip a beat. You, his first love from high school, standing in front of him with a vinyl record in hand.
"You did it," you smiled at him. "How's the rockstar life treating you?"
Eddie's brain went into a total meltdown. He froze, his confident demeanor crumbling in an instant.
His mind raced with memories of you: the way you'd made him laugh, the way you'd once looked at him with those eyes that saw through all his bravado. Now, here you were, in the middle of his rockstar meet-and-greet, and he had no idea what to say.
He could feel the nervousness rising, his heart pounding in his ears. All the witty remarks and clever comebacks he usually had at the ready disappeared like smoke. It was as if he'd stepped into a different dimension, one where words escaped him, and he was just a guy standing in front of someone he'd never really gotten over.
"I—uh—I mean, it's, um, pretty cool, I guess," he stammered, which was about as smooth as sandpaper. He felt the heat rising to his cheeks, and he just hoped no one else noticed how awkward this moment was for him.
Your smile was soft and warm, and you handed him the vinyl. "Think you could sign this for me? It'd love to have an Eddie Munson autograph."
He took the record from you, his hands shaking slightly. "Yeah, sure, I can do that," he managed to say, though it sounded like someone else was talking. The rockstar mask was slipping, and he was just Eddie again, the nerdy kid who never knew how to talk to his crush.
As he signed the record, Eddie glanced up at you, noticing how time had treated you well. You were no longer the sharp-tongued teenager who always left him speechless; you had grown into your own, exuding a self-assurance that nearly turned him into melted butter.
The years had given you a quiet confidence, a way of holding yourself that hinted at a journey he hadn't been a part of. Your eyes, once full of mischief, now had a deeper, more knowing look, and your smile was both familiar and new. It was as if you had retained that spark that used to drive him crazy, but it was tempered with a grace that was downright hypnotic.
Eddie felt a knot form in his stomach as he scribbled his name on the vinyl, realizing that he had no idea how to handle this new version of you. His usual charm and banter felt inadequate in the face of your calm composure. You made him feel like a nervous kid again, the same kid who used to struggle to find the right words whenever you were around.
He handed you the signed record, his hand brushing against yours, and the brief touch sent a jolt through him. "Here you go," he said, trying to sound casual but feeling anything but.
Your smile widened, and you leaned in a little. "Thanks, Eddie. It's good to see you again. Maybe I'll catch another show sometime."
Eddie nodded, though he was sure his face was turning a bright shade of red. "Yeah, that would be cool," he replied, his voice cracking slightly. It was embarrassing, but you didn't seem to mind. In fact, you seemed to enjoy seeing him flustered, like you always did.
As you walked away, Eddie watched you disappear into the crowd, his heart racing. It was one thing to play the rockstar, but quite another to be thrown off balance by someone who knew him before all the fame and glamour. And now, he couldn't stop thinking about you, wondering if this was just a chance encounter or if it was the universe giving him a second chance to get things right.
Eddie had to excuse himself at the end of the autograph session to pull himself together. He bolted to where Steve was waiting, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.
"I think I'm gonna faint," he blurted out as soon as he saw his friend. Steve raised an eyebrow, confused by Eddie's sudden panic.
"What's wrong?" Steve asked, looking him over as if expecting him to collapse at any moment.
Eddie took a deep breath, trying to calm the swirl of thoughts in his head. "I just saw her," he said, his voice a mixture of anxiety and disbelief.
"Her? Who's 'her'?" Steve asked, still not following.
Eddie hesitated, his mind still processing the surprise encounter. "You know... her," he said, emphasizing the word as if it should explain everything.
Steve's expression shifted as he realized who Eddie was talking about. "No way," he said, eyes widening. "You're telling me she was here?"
Eddie nodded, his face still flushed with embarrassment. "Yeah, in the fan line. She had a vinyl record for me to sign. And she just... I don't know, man. She looked amazing. It was like she walked straight out of high school and into the present day."
Steve let out a low whistle, then clapped Eddie on the shoulder. "That's wild. How'd it go? Did you keep it cool?"
Eddie laughed, but it was more of a nervous chuckle. "No, not at all. I think I probably made a complete fool of myself. I couldn't even talk straight. It was like my brain just shut down."
Steve grinned, clearly enjoying Eddie's discomfort. "Dude, you're a rockstar. You play to sold-out crowds and own the stage. How can one person make you so nervous?"
Eddie shrugged, feeling a little silly but unable to help himself. "I guess she's just always had that effect on me. I couldn't handle it back then, and I definitely can't handle it now."
Steve shook his head, still grinning. "Well, maybe this is your second chance. Don't blow it this time, man."
Eddie sighed, knowing that Steve was right.
That encounter didn't leave his mind for days, even weeks. A month later, he ran into you again. This time, it was at the end of a show at a private club. It was some rich guy's daughter's birthday, and she was a massive Corroded Coffin fan who insisted her dad hire them to play at her party. After the show, the band members were hanging out, enjoying the VIP treatment, everyone except Eddie, who was sulking with his arms crossed in a corner. He just wanted to go back to the hotel and binge-watch one of his nerdy shows. He was so wrapped up in how much he hated being there that he didn't notice you walking up to him.
"We really need to stop meeting like this," you joked, taking a seat next to him.
Oh God, he was screwed.
Eddie's eyes widened as he turned to see you sitting there, looking as stunning as you did the first time he saw you again. The usual easygoing banter he'd have with his friends disappeared, replaced with a nervous smile. "Uh, yeah, it's like we keep bumping into each other," he said, trying to sound cool and casual, but failing miserably.
You laughed, and the sound was like music to his ears. "I didn't know you guys played private parties now," you said, looking around at the opulence of the club. "This place doesn't seem like your usual scene."
"Yeah, it's not," Eddie admitted, glancing at the crowd of rich kids and their overly enthusiastic parents. "But, you know, gigs are gigs."
You nodded, and for a moment, it was just the two of you, sitting on a plush velvet couch in the corner of this extravagant party, the music and laughter fading into the background. Eddie's heart was racing, and he couldn't believe his luck. You were right there, talking to him, and all he had to do was not mess it up.
"So, what have you been up to since we last saw each other?" you asked, your eyes locking with his.
Eddie swallowed hard, trying to think of something witty to say. But all he could think about was how your presence was like a magnet, pulling him in, making him wish he could stay in this moment forever.
"Ah, you know," he shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Living the rockstar life; parties, shows... women." He stammered on the last part, and you couldn't help but laugh.
"You know..." you began, eyeing him with a playful smirk, "I've heard the rumors about you."
Eddie felt his heart skip a beat. What rumors? He was sure he'd never done anything particularly scandalous. He was the rockstar who'd rather be playing Dungeons & Dragons than mingling at fancy parties like this one. But, of course, the media always had their own narrative.
"What rumors?" he asked, trying to sound casual but failing miserably.
You leaned in a little closer, lowering your voice as if you were about to share a juicy secret. "Oh, you know, the ones that say you're this big ladies' man, breaking hearts wherever you go." You couldn't help but chuckle as you spoke, enjoying how uncomfortable it made him.
Eddie laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. "Oh, those rumors. Yeah, I don't know where people get that idea. It's not like I'm out there... you know, breaking hearts." He was stuttering again, and it was clear that the whole topic made him a bit uneasy.
You tilted your head, a hint of mischief in your eyes. "So you're not a rockstar Casanova, then?"
"Not even close," Eddie replied, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. He was relieved that you were taking this all in stride. You always had a way of keeping him on his toes, but this time it felt different. It was like you were teasing him, but not in a mean-spirited way. More like you were letting him know it was okay to drop the act and just be himself.
"Good," you said with a playful wink, "because I remember a time when you couldn't talk to girls without turning as red as a tomato."
Eddie smiled, feeling a bit more at ease. It was comforting to know that you remembered that version of him, the shy, awkward kid from high school. It was like a bridge back to a simpler time, one where he didn't have to pretend to be anything other than what he was.
"I heard your latest album," you admitted, giving him a curious look. "I'll be honest, 'Angels of the Abyss' is one of my favorites now."
Eddie felt a surge of pride mixed with surprise. You'd always had eclectic tastes in music back in school, but he never imagined you'd end up enjoying his band's heavy and gothic sound. He tried to play it cool, but he couldn't hide the smile spreading across his face.
"Really? You liked it?" he asked, trying not to sound too eager but clearly failing.
"Yeah, it's got this dark, atmospheric vibe that just works. Plus, your voice is amazing." You leaned back a little, observing him with a playful grin. "I wouldn't have pegged you as a lead singer back in the day, but it suits you."
Eddie rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the warmth rise in his cheeks. Compliments from fans were great, but this was different. This was you, someone who knew him before all the fame and chaos, and hearing you praise his work made it all the more meaningful.
"Thanks. It was a bit of a leap for me, you know? Going from jamming in gareth's garage to singing in front of huge crowds. But, it's been a wild ride." He paused, looking at you with a hint of curiosity. "So, you're into metal now? I remember you were more into indie and alternative stuff."
"Yeah, well, people change," you replied, shrugging with a smile. "Besides, I like music that has a bit of an edge to it. Keeps things interesting."
Eddie nodded, feeling a sense of ease he hadn't felt in a long time. It was like you two had slipped into a rhythm, an easy back-and-forth that felt natural. He liked this, just talking and catching up, without all the pretense and pressure that came with being a rockstar.
"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the album," he said, his smile genuine now. "Maybe next time we're in town, you can come to a show. We always put on a good one."
You raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in your eyes. "Is that an invitation, Munson?"
"Yeah, it is," he replied, feeling a burst of confidence. "You should come. I promise it won't disappoint."
"You're really an angel, Eddie Munson," you teased.
"Did... Did you just call me 'angel'? As in, like, a pet name?" Eddie asked, his eyes widening slightly, caught off guard by the unexpected compliment.
You grinned, enjoying the way his cheeks turned a faint shade of pink. "Maybe. It's got a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
Eddie chuckled, scratching his head, not quite sure how to respond. He was used to being called a lot of things—rockstar, frontman, guitar god—but 'angel' was a new one. It made him feel strangely warm inside, and he couldn't help but smile. "Well, I guess there are worse things to be called," he said, playing along.
Your smile grew, and you leaned in a little closer. "Don't let it go to your head, though. We both know you're more of a devil with that guitar."
Eddie laughed, feeling more relaxed with you than he had in a long time. You always had a way of keeping him on his toes, yet it felt comforting at the same time. It was like you were reminding him that beneath the rockstar persona, he was still just Eddie—a little awkward, a little nerdy, and a lot of fun to be around.
"Yeah, yeah, I've been known to raise a little hell," he replied with a smirk. "But don't worry, I'll try to keep it angelic around you. Wouldn't want to scare you off."
"Oh, I'm not so easily scared," you shot back, your eyes sparkling with mischief. "It takes a lot more than a rockstar with a killer guitar solo to make me run."
Eddie felt a spark of confidence. Maybe this was his chance to finally be a little more bold, to step out of his comfort zone. "Well, in that case, I guess I should bring my A-game, huh?" he said, leaning in slightly, his voice low and teasing.
You nodded, meeting his gaze. "You better. I don't settle for anything less."
Eddie could feel the air crackle with tension as you leaned in closer, your playful smirk making his pulse quicken. You had this way of looking at him that made him feel like the only person in the room, and he was suddenly very aware of every inch of space between you.
"Is that so?" he asked, his voice dropping to a low, intimate tone. "You sure you can handle what I've got?"
You raised an eyebrow, your gaze locking with his. "I don't know, Eddie. I guess we'll have to find out, won't we?"
Eddie couldn't help but smile, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. This was a game, and you were setting the rules, but he was more than willing to play along. "Oh, I think I could surprise you," he said, letting his voice grow smooth and suggestive.
"Surprise me, huh?" you replied, your eyes narrowing just a bit as if daring him to try. "That's a bold claim. What makes you think you could pull it off?"
Eddie leaned in slightly, his voice barely a whisper now. "Because I'm not like all the others. You know that, right?"
You held his gaze, unblinking, the corner of your mouth twitching into a grin. "Yeah, I do. But talk is cheap, Munson. Let's see what you can do."
The challenge was set, and Eddie felt a rush of adrenaline. He was no longer the shy, awkward kid from high school; he was the rockstar with a reputation for bringing the heat. "I guess you'll just have to stick around and find out," he said, a playful edge to his voice.
You tilted your head, your eyes sparkling with amusement. "Maybe I will. But you better make it worth my while."
Eddie chuckled, feeling the energy between you growing electric. "Oh, I will. Trust me," he said, his voice as smooth as velvet, a hint of promise in his words.
"Then consider me intrigued," you replied, your smile both inviting and challenging.
Eddie felt like he was standing on the edge of something exciting, something that made him forget about the noise and chaos of the party. It was just you and him, playing a game that he hoped would never end.
Eddie could feel the tension between you two reaching its peak, each word exchanged like a dance, each smile a step closer to crossing that invisible line. The music and noise from the party faded into the background; it was just you and him, your eyes locking with a heat that neither of you could deny.
You took a step closer, and Eddie's heart raced. He could feel the warmth of your body, the soft brush of your breath against his skin as you leaned in, daring him to close the gap. The anticipation was electric, and Eddie's usual confidence was replaced with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.
"Well?" you asked, your voice low and teasing, your eyes searching his for a sign that he was ready to take the plunge.
Eddie hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of the moment, the way everything else seemed to melt away. Then he took a deep breath, closing the distance between you. It was a bold move, but you had him on the edge, and he wasn't going to back down now.
When his lips met yours, it was like everything fell into place. The kiss was soft at first, tentative, as if he was still finding his footing. But then you kissed him back, and he felt a surge of adrenaline, his hands moving to your waist, pulling you closer.
The kiss deepened, and Eddie lost himself in the sensation—the warmth, the gentle pressure, the taste of your lips. It was like a floodgate had opened, and all the hesitation, all the shyness, melted away. He wasn't thinking about anything else; it was just the two of you, sharing a moment that felt like it had been building for years.
When you finally pulled back, both of you were breathless, the space between you charged with a new kind of energy. Eddie's heart was pounding, and he couldn't help but smile, a mixture of relief and exhilaration.
"That was... something," he said, his voice a little unsteady but full of warmth.
"Yeah, it was," you replied, your smile matching his. "Glad we finally got around to it."
Eddie chuckled, feeling more at ease than he had in a long time. "Me too. Now, how about we find someplace a little quieter? I'd hate to be interrupted by one of those rich kids wanting an autograph."
You nodded, taking his hand. "Lead the way, rockstar." And with that, you both slipped away from the noise.
In a quieter corner of the club, where he had a clear view of the room, Steve watched the scene unfolding before him with a grin and a look of pride. It was a sight he'd been waiting to see for a long time.
"That's my boy," he nodded to himself, unable to contain his satisfaction. It wasn't every day that Eddie, the guy who used to stammer at the mere sight of a crush, would confidently lean in for a kiss, and Steve couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for his friend.
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my0vershareworld · 1 year
𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖, 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖'𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖
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Pairing: Cang Du, Bazz-B, Jugram Harschwalth, Gremmy Thomeaux x GN!Human reader
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons.
CW: None
Requested by @sahara-solaris-solace: Hello I read about your Sternritter headcanon. May I request u do part 2 involving Cang Du, Bazz B, Jugram and Gremmy? Please
A/N: WAHHH I LOVE CANG THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING!! these are all such a lovely characters. but sowwy abt the suggestive gestures i rlly can not think of how would they do it so uhhh ye have only gremmy doing it bc little shit move go brr
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Cang Du
you told him is valentine. he was confuzzled on what was it about so he took a few time to listen to you and what you meant
after that he goes out his way to get some gifts and allat lovely things and all the things you love to give it to you
"I'm sorry for not knowing, but here..I got you these"
he said handing you all the gifts, flowers, things you love, chocolate
he totally pay for those.
very serious about spending all the time in the world with you
get angry when you told him is love day
he said before storming off all angy
before he comes back with gifts and flowers (for both apologizing for yelling and for valentine)
"tch..sorry for- yelling or whatever- just take these, alright?!-"
oh boy he was so nervous and red as hell
give this boy a kiss and he'll melt before storming off like usual all flustered
Jugram Haschwalth
told him is valentine and he'll be confused before explaining it to him
a way to show love so he got up and walk out silently without a words
come back with good expensive ass gifts for no reason (that he totally paid for)
"I apologize for not knowing about this, next time I'll shall remember and get you a gift sooner, love"
god what a charmer even though his face is so fucking dead you could tell he love you more than anything..well uh not more than Yhwach but still-
Gremmy Thomeaux
why in 100 versions of hell and heaven are you with him
when you tell him is love day he'll chuckles and look at you and go
"are you expecting a gift?"
he said with his little shit eating grin before walking away
he's taking his time to think of what gift to get for you
instead his room is now filled with all the gifts he come up with and imagine and he got tired of accidentally using his power so he just.. get them all and give it to you
I don't even know how much gifts you get but like..is a lot and I can't explain some of them-
"well here's your gifts, I got tired of thinking so have these. if you want something more tell me"
he said with his little SHITTY ASS WINK and walk off
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valentine-writes · 1 year
be a valentino, just for you
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[ tws + notes: no tws, fluff, what if i told u reader had that DAWG in em, ur jus a lil charmer! ]
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↳ ft. the glamrocks + sundrop/sun & moondrop/moon
「 gn! reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
author's note: reader flirting w/ the animatronics. unparalleled charisma. look at you go u flirt!!!!!! (*´꒳`*) unedited and still Not Serious becuz i like goofin off <;3 i had to search up "cute pick up lines" for this. thoroughly embarrassed but. shhh. we stay silly :3 also why are u rizzin up tha robots?!!.??, /lh
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GLAMROCK CHICA headcanons:
▸ she's completely unphased im gonna b real w/ u,,,, if ur goal was 2 fluster her u failed!!! i am sorry!!!! :(
▸ her reaction isn't really to get all blushy and shy– itz to giggle and tell you how absolutely adorable u are!! shez all like "oh my gosh u rly are jus the sweetest!!" as u try desperately to convey how u feel,,, i dont think she's oblivious!! jus that she's more casual abt this kinda stuff
▸ loveeesss cheesy pickup lines tho. she'll be thinking abt it all day if u decide to use one on her. mainly becuz she thinks they r silly and adorbz (LIKE YOU!!!!)
▸ if you use pickup lines often w/ her, eventually, she's gonna wanna do the same!!
unexpectedly one day she just goes "wait! wait wait, i got one for you too– ahem... i think i need to go to parts and services to fix my eyes– i can't seem to take them off of you!"
more hcs under the cut!!
▸ letz get this straight. this guy is a professional. he will very nicely and gently pretend to not notice your comments if you decide to flirt when he's doin his job. he is desperately trying not to have reaction
▸ however– if you guys are alone, if the plex has closed, etc, etc– bro. you got him blushing and giggling and shii,,, i think itz a little funnee :] u jus catch him off guard all the time with it.
▸ "i'm very flattered you'd say that" all while overheating. he may collapse. please spare his heart. he has not even the slightest idea on how to react to your charm
▸ really, he does find it endearing and enjoys how bold you are. he just can't seem to find a way to react other than luvstruck!!!! u got him wrapped around ur finger
ROXANNE WOLF headcanons:
▸ ok this goes two wayz. she scoffs at you and goes "yeah ofc u love me" OR.,,...,.. she gets all flustered and nervous
▸ i feel like the first few times you flirted w/ her, she managed to played it off cool. maybe a cocky remark, a little smirk, brushes it off– no big deal to her at all!!!
▸ hah. wrong. you've got her in her charging chamber thinking abt the thingz you've told her. animatronic equivalent of lying awake in bed Thinking,,,, when she realizes ur Genuine abt ur feelings... she jus,, like,.,. EXPOLIDOEJEODKEKZ
▸ that iz when she getz all shy!!!! like "ok, ok, shut up..." and shes looking away all nervy. always secretly worried ur jus messing w/ her– but reassure her otherwise in a genuine manner and she's. well. probably short circuiting.
give her a bit. she'll be able to communicate her feelings eventually (´u`;) ?
▸ trust u were NOT tha first one 2 flirt if u caught his eye like that,,, maybe he's a little more subtle in the start. but the minute u pick up the clues and flirt back?? he iz so Caught Offguard
▸ HEZ USED TO BEING THE ONE WHO FLIRTS. NOT THE ONE WHO GETS FLIRTED WITH. he winks at you, you shoot one back– he freezes and immediately Walks Away like ok,,, no confronting the Feelings just felt there ig,.,..,
▸ your charisma has him shaken. he's considerably good at keeping calm abt ur little exchanges until he's alone in his green room thinking abt what you've said,,, wondering if u were bein earnest
▸ i feel like he often uses flirting as a way of like,, disguising his feelings as jus goofing off but,, once you two are Finally done beating around the bush w/ each other i fear you two would become insufferable to anyone else who is in the same room as you /j he getz a lot more emotionally open 2 u ^_^
SUN headcanons:
▸ if he already didn't know what to do with himeself and his feeling towards u,,, he iz DOUBLE confused now. never quite knows how to react to you.
▸ of course NEVER when he's working. no. nuh uh. but if it's jus the two of you and you decide to flirt,,, hhhnnghehehdb,,,, he iz jus SWOONING. heads over heels for REALSIES. will have his faceplate spinning as he giggles, thinking abt you and what u say
▸ i think he'd actually burst into tears if u were jus messin w/ him. just. instant sobbing on the ground. he's never met anyone with such a captivating personality– nor has he actually ever been flirted with
▸ always wishes he was jus as smooth as you. tries to flirt back but messes up the delivery and ends up making a fool outta himself A FOOL FOR YOU
MOON headcanons:
▸ makes you stand in the corner to reflect on your actions. i wanna say slash jay,,, but. well. anyways..
▸ moon does not do well with this. not at all. will tell you to knock it off or just shush you. he acts like he doesn't got time 4 ur antics he does and acts like if you stopped he wouldn't care he,,, might??.,..,. no one is ever this friendly or nice to him,,
▸ eventually, he just seems to ignore ur flirtatious actions and words completely. he's definitely not Unfazed though,,.,.. it'll be thinking of whether u really mean what you've been tellin him. worried to make a fool of himself LIKE SUN so it's easier for him to assume ur jus kiddin around
▸ if you ever choose to look him in the eye and tell him that you sincerely mean everything u say though?? yeah he's. he's gonna need a moment. terrible at processing Every Emotion He'll Start To Feel if that happens
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rowdyhughesy · 1 year
hii! for the 300 celly can u write mark estapa with dialogue 4?
Thank you so much🤍
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Extroverted, a word to describe someone that's outgoing, social, easy to become friends with.
It was a word you often used to describe yourself. You had never been one to shy away from crowds, it's the reason you first became a bartender at ScoreKeepers. It was flexible, giving you time for your classes but also the extra cash. Most of all it was fun.
That brings you to right now, beer bottles in hand and bottle opener in the other. Gliding between your coworkers with ease as you reach the group you’ve gotten to know the past year.
Dazzling smile on your face you slide the bottles down the bar counter.
“Here you go gentlemen.” Nolan Moyle, Jacob Truscotte and Steven Holtz smiles back at you.
“Always the charmer Y/N. Tryna get in my pants?” Nolan winks at you earning an eye roll in return but the smirk gives you away. “In your wet dreams Nol.” Jacob starts cackling at your remark raising his hand for a high five which you gladly give him.
Chatting with the boys for a minute you don’t see the group of boys walking over until one of them slings his arms over Nolan and Jacobs shoulders. Long brown hair covered by a backwards hat and brown eyes.
He hasn’t even said a word to you but still your cheeks turn scarlet red when his eyes meets yours. The corner of his lips turn upwards.
“Hey I’m Mark!” Your mouth open and closes like a fish out of water. Brain scavenging for a response. The seconds ticking by and you’re internally panicking. Have you really forgotten your own name because of a pair of brown eyes?
You can see Nolan in the corner of your eye trying to stifle his laughter at your flustered state. It’s the first time a boy has ever made you speechless and your hockey friends know this. Nolan most of all because the first night you met him - at work- you’d talked his ear off about hockey and tv shows. He’d quickly became a close friend.
Mark seeming to notice the looks his friends are giving you furrows his brows in confusion. Turning his attention back to you he smiles again.
“Are you always this shy?” His question is what sets Nolan off. Howling with laughter and beer sputtering from his mouth before he covers it with his hand. Steven pats him on the back as he coughs, rubbing circles after Nolan calms down.
After calming down he beams at Mark like he just invented the internet and hot water. “Y/N and shy doesn’t exist in the same universe dude. I think you make her nervous.”
Frantically searching for anything to do you see a group of sorority girls walking over to the bar. Seeing it as your escape you grab your notepad before smiling at the boys.
“Nolan always a pleasure. Truss and Holtzy good luck on the game and Mark? Uh, text me sometime? If you want to I mean- I’m gonna go now.” Scribbling your phone number on a piece of paper you shove it in his hand before walking away from the giggling hockey players and a startled but blushing Mark.
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chaomother · 2 years
(W-Wait lemme try mother pls know there is no rush and u can come answer anytime)
Ava in the middle of her magic studies, jumps from sonic suddenly visiting: Sonic! H-Hello? What brings the blue charmer to my abode? I'm sorry I don't have any chilidogs for you right now :")) I can make some if you'd like tho 👉👈 :\\>
(Did I do this right JDHDHF??)
- 💞🌺 anon
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"Hey, my little sorceress!" Sonic greeted as he ambled inside, careful not to disturb any of the—abundant, he might add—magical treatises scattered across the floor and tables. "I didn't come for your famous chilidogs, but how can I refuse an offer as good as that now?"
Saying that in jest, he doesn't expect you to get up from your position at all. "Nah, I just... felt like checking up on you," Sonic said as he peered over an especially convoluted looking book, the text swirling his brain into putty from just trying to decipher it. "Have you taken any breaks lately? Or eaten?"
Sonic coughed into the palm of his hand, straightening himself out. "I can go fetch ya anything you like! No problem!" And you vacillated for a second on agreeing, before you nodded your head and asked him for some fruits and candy.
His cheeks glowed from your request, more than exultant to fulfill it, and he sped off at breakneck speed only to return a few seconds later with everything you wanted. "I can do my own little magic tricks too, impressive, right?" Winks!
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sungbeam · 2 months
behold! the 2nd gen, the first offsprings of mano (don't mind the clutter they're living in- they made it their home so they could hide and stay safe from the enemies lmao)
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there were five of them- the ones mano hid in our veranda lol. sadly, two of them died when they were a few days old and these 3 lived and made home here :')
our next door neighbours had one daughter but she had severe asthma so she couldn't really go out. they had a big garden and we made a little house for these cats there and they always made sure the cats had food and shelter. so the cats would switch homes sometimes they'd hang out at mine, get bored and then jump over the wall to the neighbour and it was always fun bc atp, both of us had parrots too so we were training the cats not to mess with the parrots (mine was a feisty african grey, hers was those little birdies lol)
oreo (the one who's winking) and whiskers (the cat at the back) stuck around. the third (traitor) left lmao. whiskers was a girlie and would have kids later on which i'll introduce later, but she'll also have more siblings hehe
by the time both mano and whiskers had kids, there were at least 10 cats total that hung around in our area. the backyard was my true home now lol and whenever i came back from school, i would go chill there and let the cats play with me (they would jump on me, scratch me affectionately, rest on my lap or shoulder, or just judge me from a corner lmao).
sometimes at night i would hear them fighting and yowling and since i'm a very light sleeper i would rush outside to shoo away the enemy cat that never warmed up to us lol it was an ugly cat ngl i never took photos of him but his face is fresh in my memory💀 street cats got issues man idk why the fighting every other night lmao
i'm logging off for two weeks from tmrw so i'll come with more tales when i return! i'll tell you about my cat allergy lore and hopefully find better pics hehe. hope you're having fun at home and are well!
love, yumi <3
the three of them are sooo so cute in that photo 😭😭 like their coloring is everything to me and OREO THE WINK A CHARMER, TRULY jefnkenfj and whiskers looks so silly (affectionate) in the back there, like so adorable 🤧😭
awh im so glad that they all felt so safe between u and ur neighbor's homes :'))) im sad that they lost two siblings (plus the third traitor 😔) but it seemed they had a great home w u !!! RAAAAH to have kittens be so affectionate and loving w me <//3 OMG 10 CATS IN THE AREA IS KINDA CRAZY ??? all of this sounds like such an adventure tho like wah what a lovely time 😭 except for maybe the ugly street cat 💀 PLS DOES HE HAUNT UR DREAMS SKFNKDNFJR truly they do have issues (i say as if i have ever encountered a street cat LMAO)
also im glad u were training them to not mess w ur bird like cat-birb homies kinda sound rad
CANT WAIT FOR UR RETURN !!! thank u again for this hehe 😚
love, beam!! 💖
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diablescharmants · 1 year
❝You’re cute, you know that?❞  // my Cana 4 ur Mira 🫶
     Compliments and sweet talk; not only was Mirajane quite capable of giving them out but she had been on the receiving end of them more often than she could count. It was blessing and curse at the same time, to experience this kind of situation on such a regular basis (closely intertwined with her model activities).
                         Ah, maybe scratch that.
     Mira had been engaged in this work field for so long that she had perfected her mask over time, smiling her pretty smile when strangers voiced their shallow compliments towards her (and sometimes, unpleasant advances). It was all m i n i s c u l e in comparison to nice words she received from people close to her.
     Those strangers that looked through the magazines and enjoyed her photoshoots, all those people who admired her from afar and for her beauty foremost… Mira would bet that just about every single one of them would have a twist in attitude upon finding out about her exact magical abilities, upon learning her power, upon getting to know her as a person. They would turn around, nauseated or scared. Perhaps a handful of them would make an effort to actually get to know her.
     Right now, however, she was dealing with someone who had known her for a long time. She had seen the beauty and the nasty, had watched Mira go through different phases in her life. And it was someone whose company Mira always enjoyed. Shaking her head, the she-devil chuckled and put down the glass she had cleaned successfully.
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     "And you're being quite the charmer. Is this an attempt to soften me up?" With a wink she signalized that she was willing to entertain the situation, leaning forward over the counter just a little. In all honesty, hearing such a compliment from Cana made her feel delighted despite not even being sure if she was merely being a flirt or sincerely meaning it. Well, it could be both as well. There's one thing they could be certain of and that was the fact that Mira genuinely appreciated the other woman's company a whole lot.
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nickleai · 1 year
Soulmatch Boys Introduction + Yearbook Signature
So you don’t know who my boys are or just know a bit about the boys before the game release? Well I got you!
Here you’ll get a lore introduction/a small snippet of the characters AND as a bonus you get what they will write on your yearbook (post game scenario)!
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(Note: above are concept art of the boys, designs might change in the future)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
🖤 Asher: Your childhood best friend that moved away years ago is now back, attending the same college as you. Over the past few years things have changed, especially him. From his looks to his self reserved personality, you couldn’t recognize him at first. You two were close to the hips, but now it’s almost as if you two are complete strangers.
Can you respark your friendship and other potential feelings from the past?
“Let's use next year to make up for all the lost time we have, honey.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
💙 Hayden: The captain of the varsity basketball team. He has a contagious smile and a happy go lucky attitude that lights up the room. His charismatic personality and sociability makes him one of the most looked up people on campus. His talented athletic capability makes up for the lack of book smart. With his upcoming test, it can put his basketball career in jeopardy. 
Can you make a slam dunk into heart and help him ace his test?
“BABEEE HAGSSS!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
❤️ Eric: Your class student teacher assistant who’s also your rival and sworn enemy for years now. You two would never get along; always butting heads with each other at any opportunity you two can get. With his short tempered, hot headed and feisty personality, he is not afraid to speak his mind.
 Will you two put your differences aside and learn your true feelings for each other?
“Just remember I know all your dark secrets, don’t fuck with me :) Jk I love u angel"
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💚 Vincent: The student council president of your school. He’s the top of the class and a role model who’s admired by the student body. He's a sophisticated, analytical gentleman. With his workaholic tendency and routine lifestyle, he doesn't know anything other than school and work. That all changes when you get introduced into his life. 
Can you teach him the ways of love and change?
"Being with you during the entire of this year is indispensable for my self improvement, not only as a person and a leader, but also as a partner and a lover. There’s a lot for me to learn, but for giving me the time, patience and love I would like to thank you my dearly beloved."
(tbh his would ended up being a paragraph full of words that you don't understand)
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💜 Felix: The so-called “Prince Charming” of the school. A flirtatious charmer who can swoon every girl on campus with just a wink towards their direction. Every girl except you, and he loves a challenge. The type of guy who isn’t afraid to wear his heart on this sleeve, loud and proud. There’s a lot more to him than just a pretty face and his loving words. 
Will you be able to shatter his mask and reveal his true self?
"Darling, the love of my life, the apple of my eye, I hope you have a spectacular year now that you have your Prince Charming by your side."
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🧡 Damien: The “Iron Tiger '', the most feared person on campus. Always spotted ditching class and smoking a cigarette. He always pushes and scares people away with a combination of his death glare and his threatening words. His cold and “fuck off” personality mixed with his violent past makes it hard for people to look past that and see who he is on the inside.
Can you melt through his heart of steel and make a deep connection with him?
“I had a better year than I thought because of you, dumbass. ♡”
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forkgirl · 2 years
look i'm thirst begging for yandere daddy oz, if you have the time/ideas to do it, then i have the time to read whatever you write five times and then cry about it afterwards u-u
𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥
Farrell!Penguin x Fem!Reader
yes ofc anything for daddy oz, finally had a tiny bit of time to write a random drabble! also i got REALLY sleep deprived halfway so if it doesnt make sense or just starts to suck thats why
warnings: stripper reader, fem reader, tiny bit of nsfw, yandere themes, oz kills someone cause idk why not, oz kind of a douche but its okay coz hes hot
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𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 💋🍒
Gotham City had its ups and downs. Mostly downs, but it really depended on who you were. Born into money, a nepotism child being served everything on a silver platter - or just the average citizen, trying to play the hand they’ve been dealt.
Like many other girls struggling, you turned to the Iceberg Lounge for employment. It was well-paying, an easy to get job that would surely never lose business.
Each day payed well, you were a favourite amongst the crowd, even distracting some employees, giving them a sultry wink leaving them to long for more.
Amongst the men you’d see in your days, only a few really stuck out, your usual clients, some of the frequent patrons you’d catch staring at you during your routine. You’d hear them chatter as you go backstage, just drunken bar talk.
“Hey, dollface,” you heard through the blaring music and chatter. Not sure who it was, you glanced over and ignored it.
“Ay, I’m talkin’ to you!” The man snapped his fingers right at you.
Startled, you looked behind yourself. A larger middle aged man smiled at you, showing off his gold tooth.
“Didn’t mean to scare ya, angel, couldn’t help but tell you how gorgeous ya look.”
You smiled and nodded, about to walk away and go backstage to change your outfit, but he grabbed you by your shoulder.
“Don’t just leave when I’m talking to you, do you know who I am?”
“I’m, uh, I’m afraid not, sir.”
“Oh, princess.”
He looked at you as if disappointed, shocked even, letting out a deep sigh.
“Oswald Cobblepot. Owner of the place.” He winked and flashed a smile, and you were entirely convinced your life flashed right before your eyes.
“I didn’t know, I’m so sorry Mr. Cobblepot, really, I just never heard or seen who owns this pla-“ He hushed you, taking a seat down next to you. Who knew such a gangster coils be so gentlemanly, resting his arms on the crushed velvet sides.
“Not many people know, hah, better to be in the shadows so I can really see what people do here behind closed doors.” He chuckled, taking a sip of whiskey. “Say, think you could give me a private show? I like you a lot, you’re a charmer without even tryin’.”
Before you could even respond, blushing wildly, your manager came over to the two of you.
“Hey! Show’s on in 5, stop flirting with the customers! Ain’t like you’re getting paid extra or whatnot.” He stood between you and Oz, giving you a little shove to the dressing room entrance.
“And you, don’t flirt with my girls while they’re on the job, that’s what after hours are for!” He hissed at Oz, not knowing his position either.
Oz held his hands up, as if surrendering to the man, a smug grin on his face as the manager barked at you again, noticing your longing expression directed towards Oz.
“You’ll have enough time to flirt after your shift is over. Come on, don’t keep ‘em waiting!”
“She can stay with me as long as I want.” Oz grabbed you by the waist, protectively pulling you close to him.
“Excuse me? You think you run the place, or what?”
“‘Fact I do.” Oswald pulled out a gold-plated revolver from his coat, waving it around towards the exit. “What’s your name, kid? Tell me. I wanna know who’s mama I’m gonna be talking to, ordering around girls like that.”
The man was in too much shock to speak, instead tackling Oswald, choking him. Oswald managed to keep a grip on the revolver, shooting the man once in the head as the shot echoed throughout the club.
Oswald smiled at you, lifting himself back up on his feet and kicking the man to the side.
“You okay, sweetheart?”
You nodded, your mouth agape. He stuck two of his fingers inside, grazing your bottom teeth, taking them out to give you a kiss. Reaching inside of his pocket, he pulled out a hundred dollar bill with his number written on it.
“Nothin’ more gorgeous than a hundred dollar bill, baby, nothin’ but you. Buy yourself something pretty, you’re daddy’s now.” he said, before you could even speak.
“I say this is the night you become mine, angel.”
lmk if you guys want a part 2!! i could maybe make one ksjsjsj
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sangopearls · 3 years
-kiss on the cheek prank
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aaaaaaa i’m sorry for being absent for so long!!! but lately thoma has my heart and i’ve been thinking about friends to lovers with him so that’s what i’m feeding u xoxo
characters included: thoma (!!!), childe, kaeya, diluc
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CONTEXT: you and character are friends, but you decide to play a little prank by “nonchalantly” kissing them on the cheek
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THOMA ✧˖*࿐
he’s so <3333333333333 i wanna kiss him for realsies
he’s just such a good guy friend. you have been pals for a long time and he’s just sweet and playful so naturally you choose to play a lil prank
“agh, i gotta run,” you grumble, “work calls. but it’s been good hanging!”
“ugh. you’re sure you can’t just come in late?” thoma laughs, “in all seriousness, get there safely. i’d rather be here with you, though.”
“aw, thoma,” you sing, “well, bye, and thanks for having me over!” with this, you give him a quick peck on the cheek to set your bait and turn to leave as if all is usual.
“hey, hey, hey,” he chuckles. you turn around and his hand is delicately touching where you placed your cheek. “trying something funny, [Y/N]?”
“hm?” you ask, trying to hide your giggle.
“ah, nothing, nothing,” he scoffs playfully, trying not to blush too obviously, “have fun at work. let me know when you’re done.”
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AFDGSHAV you should’ve known what you were getting into
childe is a goofy guy. pranks aren’t uncommon. i’m thinking hiding your things, stealing your snacks, etc. a teeny kiss though? hehehehhee
“right, good spar,” you huff, wiping the sweat off your brow as childe dissipates his water blades, “but as promised, i could just fit one before i gotta run.”
“you’re just saying that because you lost,” childe chuckles, crossing his arms.
“no, i’m saying this because i’m so dead if i don’t get my task done,” you laugh, sheathing your blade, “i’m anything but a sore loser. you know that well enough.” you lean over to peck his cheek before turning to head out.
he shakes his head and laughs. “funny trick, [Y/N],” he says, grabbing your hand to yank you back. “if you’re going to play me for a fool, hopefully you don’t mind if i exact my revenge.”
you giggle and he pecks a kiss to your cheek in return. “go and get ‘em, mischief maker,” he smiles.
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KAEYA ✧˖*࿐
kaeya is a charmer and a flirt frankly i’m surprised he didn’t think of this first
he’s always been making teeny lil flirty moves throughout your friendship such as buying you drinks, winking at you, finding ways to make physical contact… are you truly the bad guy for this?
“hey, grand master jean said to drop this off for you,” you say, setting a stack of paperwork on his desk.
“i think i’d rather fight a thousand hilichurls than have to sign more permits and requests,” he grumbles with a shake of his head and a laugh, “ah, nevertheless, thank you, doll.”
“no prob, mister cavalry captain,” you giggle, pecking a kiss to his cheek.
“hm? looking to play hookie or something?” he chuckles, raising his eyebrow, “i didn’t know you felt that way, [Y/N], but i’m a very serious man. and after all, it’d be embarrassing if the other knights caught me slacking off.”
“yeesh, too far, kaeya,” you tease. his eyes are still searing into you, and you almost wonder if he’s dead serious. “i didn’t know the esteemed captain was such a perv. finish your assignment and we’ll chat.”
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DILUC ✧˖*࿐
good intention, questionable victim
he will be intrigued but very confused
“thanks for the drinks,” you say, “i hadn’t tried this liyuean wine before, and it certainly won’t be the last time, either.”
“i see why you like it,” he replies, cleaning some glasses, “it’s a rarer bottle. i ensured that the price on the bill didn’t reflect that, though. took a little off the top. my treat.”
“aw, does mondstadt’s wine industry emperor have a soft spot?” you coo.
“no, just not looking to drive you into poverty over something as trivial as wine,” he deadpans.
“considerate as always,” you chuckle, leaning over to peck his cheek. “consider that an extra bit of repayment.”
you smile, unable to conceal your subtlety with your prank.
“no repayment is needed, [Y/N], it’s my treat,” he says, chuckling lowly. the faintest hue of pink dusts his cheeks, “i must say, though, i find your form of currency rather interesting. you’re welcome back anytime. i’ll order another shipment of that liyuean wine you liked.”
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atsubaka · 3 years
type of passengers they'd be on a plane
w atsumu, osamu suna, oikawa, kuroo, daichi, akaashi, bokuto & sakusa
a/n: guys, i swear i'm working on requests - but i suddenly remembered that one scene in a barbie movie where ken's travelling to paris and he got bullied by this kid on the plane and his jeans ripped at the airport, and this idea just popped up lol
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ATSUMU - the really loud guy who disrupts peoples' sleeping time. he'll be making so much noise the entire flight that he'll be the absolute bane of all the passengers on board. the flight attendants have told him to quiet down multiple times, but tsumu's just unlawfully loud. will pick a fight will the kid sitting behind him cuz the kid won't stop kicking his seat and the parents aren't doing anything.
SUNA - that guy who sleeps before the plane even takes off. not even a second after the stewardess finishes the seatbelt demonstration, man's already plugging in his earphones and closing his eyes. an ideal person to sit next to on long flights because, #1. he'll mind his own business the whole time and, #2. he's kinda good looking so you might even develop a tiny crush on him ;)
OSAMU - by the time ya'll get off this plane he'll be broke, while the aircraft eats gucci 🙄 onigiri boy would spend an unhealthy amount of money on buying the overpriced food while travelling and the person next to him is annoyed with him chewing 25/8 and low-key jealous that he could afford to get that entire buffet. Eventually, babe notices the way the guy was eyeing his precious rice balls like some savage, so he offered a small portion lol
KENMA - the really quiet guy who games during the entire travel. everything would've went well for kenma honestly, if it weren't for these two children who keep peeking around his seat and watching him play. he doesn't really mind actually, but their staring can get a little creepy and is the reason why he loses sometimes - but he's too nice to tell them off.
OIKAWA - is basically a celebrity, which isn't even a surprise. ya know those people who just look so dang good regardless of what they wear? that's him. he'll have that jungkook airport fashion going on with the white t-shirt, denim jeans, and timberland boots with a lot of rings on each finger. and i swear, every female seems to have the delusion that he's into them because he make eye contact with them for a split second and winked 💀 a total charmer, this one.
AKAASHI - that cute guy you somehow managed to sit next to, who wears glasses and likes reading. he'll offer you a small smile when you plop down beside him, but he won't rlly talk and just continue his book. he'll be reading classic literature and maybe some historical fiction material. things like, "wuthering heights" or "the song of achilles." when u bring up the book he's reading, y'all will engage in this deep talk about the book and share your opinions on it <3
KUROO - the businessman type who's on the laptop the entire journey. he'll definitely claim the window seat and work the entire time. pls. women can't stop sneaking glances at him because of how hot he looks in glasses and a button up dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows - giving everyone a display of his shiny rolex ;)
BOKUTO - the social butterfly who makes friends with literally everyone!! is super nice, but can come off as annoying because he won't stop talking people's ear off. this man's a child magnetic cuz all the kids loving talking with him due to his extroverted nature. he'll of course play those games on the plane with the mini screen and consule, and will 100% make those funny faces just to make them laugh 🥺
DAICHI - ya know those really considerate guys who help women with their carry on luggages? dadchi's your man 💍 if he sees anyone struggling with the overhead compartments you can bet he'll be there in a hot second, trying to help out. the type to pass on snacks given by the flight attendant to the people behind him when they have trouble reaching over. overall, flying with him is 👌
SAKUSA - i'll say it again... this boy comes from a wealthy family, and is therefore flying first class. expects nothing but the utmost customer service and comfort while on the aircraft. rich boy has the most spacious and luxurious area in the entire plane, and will be calling on an attendant every three minutes.
"there's a speck of dust on my bar stool. get rid of it. immediately."
taglist: @tetsuukuroo @amisuh @kenmaslov3r @ebiharachan
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foodieforthoughts · 3 years
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Summary: Chris has invited you on a date at his home and you challenge him for a game of beer pong.
Pairing: Chris x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: 18+, hint of smut, mostly fluff, alcohol consumption, stripping
A/N: On the event of Bubba's birthday coming up on 13th, I have written 7 fics that would be posted in the upcoming days. Gonna spam the tag. Lol.
Also, it's @christhickevans 's birthday today! I hope you like this one babe. 🤗❤️
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
@christhickevans @madbaddic7ed @toomanyfandomsshreya @luclittlepond @agniavateira @eldarwen333 @avengedwritings @twhstuckylover @the-soot-sprite @moonlacebeam @donutloverxo @carpediemm-18 @confusednerd09 @diegos-butt @mariestark @cheyentjj @mary-ann84 @tonystankschild @mansaaay @hlkwrites @zealoushound
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Title: Gladly
"Dammit!" You cursed under your breath as the yellow ping pong ball bounced off the rim of the plastic cup but managed to fall on the inside. You looked at his smug face, mischievous glint present in his eyes as he smiled at you.
"Off goes the jacket." He said in a sing-song voice, taking a sip from his beer bottle.
You let out a puff of air, shaking your head at him and pretending like you were bummed over stripping. You were anything but. Taking the ball out of the cup, you chugged it's contents and shook your head over the bad aftertaste. Beer was your least favorite alcohol and too bad for you, it was one of Chris’s go to beverage.
"The game isn't over yet, Chris. Wipe that smirk off your face." Shrugging off your jacket and placing it on the armchair, you picked up a ball from the floor and stood on the other side of the table.
"You were the one to challenge me. Have you never watched me on Jimmy Fallon?" He flashed a lopsided grin, raising his eyebrow to complete his roguish charm.
You weren't going to admit you had watched his interviews, videos with his talk shows and nearly all of his movies. It had only been a couple of months since you both had started dating and you wanted to keep the fangirl in you a secret from him, at least for the time being. You knew the new job at the production company was going to be a life changer, but not in a million years would you have guessed that you would meet Chris just a few weeks after joining it.
One thing led to another and before you knew it, Chris and you had moved from texting to talking on the phone the entire night. If he was a charmer on screen, in person he was bewitching. After many phone calls and cheesy texts, Chris asked you out on a coffee date, leading to several other dates and eventually an invite to his home.
"Just accept that you want to see me naked." Chris winked at you before you aimed for the cup and surprisingly managed to land the ball in the cup. "And you are surely getting there."
Ready to celebrate, you raised your hands up in the air but stopped to stare at Chris in awe as without hesitation he pulled his shirt up and discarded it to the side. You tried to stop yourself from gawking at his body, but failed at it terribly. Staring at his chest for a second too long, his tattoos taunting you to be touched, your eyes followed the trail of hair down his navel that disappeared below the waistband of his jeans.
You felt the burst of warmth that appeared on your cheeks, spreading to your ears until you looked away. Coughing awkwardly as your mind raced with hundreds of scenarios, all of them featuring a naked Chris, you pretended like you were adjusting your t-shirt. From the chuckle that Chris let out under his breath, you knew you had been caught staring red handed.
Even though beer pong was your idea, and adding the striping part was his, you were losing the game terribly. You were never good at ping pong, beer or otherwise, so it wasn't surprising that in about half an hour, you were down to your underwear and tipsy from gulping down several cups of beer. Chris had managed to be smart, had worn socks which led him to be still in his jeans and undoubtedly pretty good at the game.
You hooted when the ball landed in the cup, finally a point for you. Smirking at Chris and picking up a glass of beer for yourself, you leaned on the edge of the table.
"Come on mister, take off your pants."
Without breaking eye contact, Chris unzipped his jeans and pulled them down his thighs. Stepping out of them and turning so as to face away from you, Chris bent down to pick his pants up from the floor.
If you were drooling, you didn't know since your alcohol laden mind could only repeat "yup, that’s America's ass" while checking out his bum.
Placing his pants on the mountain of clothes on the armchair, Chris walked up to you with his bottle up to his lips. You felt like you had entered a trance, watching as he licked the drop of pale amber on his bottom lip. His nose and his cheeks had a hint of pink, probably from the alcohol starting to finally create a buzz. Coming to stand right in front of you, he leaned down to reach your face and placed a hand on your blazing cheek.
“Is this going to be our first kiss?” You asked, biting your lower lip as he covered the tiny space between your bodies. His bare chest grazed yours, scruffy hair rubbing against your soft skin as he took in a deep breath.
“Only if you want it to be.” The little tease that he was, he shrugged his shoulder and glanced at you from under his long envy-worthy eyelashes.
To say you got a little too excited would have been an understatement. Grabbing him by the waist, you pulled his body flush against yours. Chris let out a yelp of surprise when you pushed against him, taking a step forward until his butt was resting on the table. Enveloping your arms around his neck, you captured his lips in yours. His lips felt soft against yours, the heat from his body caressing your skin soothingly as his musky scent enveloped your senses. You moaned against his mouth as his hands slipped down to your panty clad bum and squeezed them lightly. Pushing up on his body, you urged him to climb on the table.
"You are fiesty." He commented, pulling you by your thighs to straddle his lap. You nodded while not letting go of his lips until your knee slipped on the edge of the table as you were trying to adjust.
And just like that, you tumbled on top of Chris and he fell backwards on the table with one hand on your back. Beer splashed everywhere as the cups got knocked down by his other arm as he was trying to support his weight and break the fall.
"That is one way to get instantly sober." Chris chortled as he held you against his chest with both his arms, the wetness from spilled beer on his skin making you shiver. "Unexpected turn of events but I-"
"This is so embarrassing."
You refused to look at him when you spoke. You nearly had tears in your eyes from making a blunder on your date. You kept your face hidden in the crook of his neck, covering your face with your hands.
"No it's not, sweetheart." He tried to look at you but you stayed put in your place. "Come on, look at me, please."
"Just leave me on the table and put a blanket on me. I'll become a part of the table now."
Chris laughed, the sound booming in the room, as he wrapped his arms tightly around your body. Pulling his knee up, he turned to place you gently on the table. You still kept your face covered, ignoring the fact that spilled beer was beginning to stick to your skin.
"Hey." Chris gently peeled your hands away from your face and swiped your hair behind your ears. "It's alright, sweetheart. This might have been the most fun date I have ever had in my life."
"If you are lying to me to soften the blow of ending things, you are really smooth."
"Why would I want to end this?" He chuckled and shook his head. Pecking you on your lips, Chris sat up and hopped down the table. He pulled you by your hand and lifted you up in his arms.
"Christopher Robert Evans! Whatever are you doing?!" You giggled as he squeezed your waist a little, taking you towards the corridor that led to the rest of the house. He effortlessly carried you to his bedroom and made a beeline for the ensuite. Placing your butt on the cold marble counter, Chris took the chance to kiss you again, tugging at your lower lip as he pulled back with a smirk.
"How about we finish what we had started? And I'll show you how I never want this to end." He winked before reaching behind him and shutting the door with one swift move.
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starrynite7114 · 3 years
perfume (drabble)
A/N: Hello peeps! Mayans Season 3 is almost done and I guess I’m here with a drabble. I got the request and the inspiration just flowed. I’m not going to lie, my inspiration has been non-existent lately due to personal reasons. I’m trying little by little, but I think my muse for Angel is not as strong as before. If anything, you might even see me posting for Rio, Ez, Miguel and Bucky Barnes. Regardless, I hope you will all bear with me, I am trying to finish all my works in progress for Angel, I do not want to leave any of you hanging. You never know, my muse might return! 
I hope everyone has been well. It feels like it’s been ages, but it’s only been a few months and everything is just kicking my butt. 
Please enjoy this little drabble! <3
Requested by anon! Thank you!
i don't know if you take requests or not, but please if you do can you make this tiktok with angel??🥺? like she sees the tiktok and think abt doing it with angel when he comes home tired or anything you think is good...
thank you very much and if u don't feel like writing it i understand ❤️
Groupchat for updates! Please join since the tags could be a bit iffy at times!
If you would like to be added to the tag list, please let me know! My tag list is a little messy, but please let me know if you want to be added!
Also, if you’re not being notified when I post, please let me know! <3
Word count: 730
You yawned, your head against Angel’s pillow as you watched the next episode of Shadow and Bone. Angel was out late due to a late run called by Bishop. You tried your best to stay awake since you wanted to see Angel. With how busy the club was and how busy you were at work, you’ve only seen Angel a few times this week.
You were used to it, you’ve been together for six years, this was just another busy season. You heard the rumble of his motorcycle which woke you up. Sitting up, you leaned against the headboard and placed a pillow in front of you. The door opened and your boyfriend’s voice reverberated throughout your house.
“Mi Dulce, I’m home.” Angel called out.
“Room, baby.” You replied.
Angel walked in, kutte already off and boots gone. “Let me shower.” He walked over to you and dropped a kiss on your lips. “Hi mami, you look good.”
Your cheeks warmed at his words and you smiled. “Such a charmer.”
“Only to you baby.”
He walked out and left you to your own devices. You paused Shadow and Bone, opening TikTok. It was addicting but such a blessing during this pandemic. Scrolling through, you saw a woman talking about spraying perfume in between your breast and shoving your significant other’s face between them. You looked at your perfume on your vanity. Standing up, you pulled your tank top down and sprayed your perfume. When you sat back down, you heard the water turn off. Settling in your previous spot, Angel walked in with just a towel around his waist.
Your boyfriend was too fucking sinful.
“Like what you see?” Angel smirked.
“Yeah, Ben Barnes is looking good.” You matched his smirk, giving him a wink as well. 
Angel looked at the screen and rolled his eyes. “He’s on another fucking show?”
“Yes, he is.” You opened your legs and arms, “cuddle?”
As much as Angel wanted to fuck you, he was exhausted. He wanted to lay down and just hold you or be held by you, regardless, he just wanted to relax. He slipped on some boxers and basketball shorts before joining you in bed. 
He crawled over to you and laid his head in between your breasts. You hugged his head to your chest, kissing his forehead, rubbing your fingers through his hair. Angel breathed you in and he was immediately intoxicated with your scent. He knew that perfume, it was your favorite one.
“Fuck baby,” he breathed in your scent again, burying his head further into your chest. Your fingers continued to run through his hair and it was lulling him to sleep. “I love you.”
“Me too.” 
Angel poked you, hating it when you replied in such a nonchalant way. He looked up from your chest, glaring at you.
“Okay, Jesus Christ, I love you too.” You kissed his forehead again.
“Thank you.” He turned to face your chest again.
“Everything go okay?” You questioned as you resumed your show.
“No, but I don’t want to talk about it.” His voice was muffled by your skin. “How was your day?”
You continued to rub his head. “Good, you know fending off men.” 
Angel’s head shot up and you laughed. You hugged his head towards your chest and kissed the top of his head. “I’m joking. It was fine, busy, but it was fine.”
“I can’t believe you started this show without me.” He pretended to whine, knowing fully well he didn’t care for the show. 
You narrowed your eyes at him. “You said you didn’t want to watch it!”
“Yes, but I’ll watch it cause it’s our thing.” He snuggled further into your chest. You were his favorite pillow. 
You and Angel always watched TV shows together. You two took turns picking and this was the first time you veered from that tradition.
“I feel betrayed.” Angel added. 
You laughed. “Babe, did you want to see me gush over Ben?”
“Yes, I don’t care as long as I’m there with you.” His voice was fading, you knew he was getting sleepy. Today was such a tense day, but having your arms around him, your scent invading his senses, he was at peace.
And just like that, Angel fell asleep. You heard his light snores and smiled. Maybe TikTok wasn’t all about pranks, sometimes, it could be useful.
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