#WHY is that so hard
dawnstar13 · 2 years
You know every time I see the "you wouldn't want to hear Charles Martinet's overly cheerful Mario voice for an hour" argument all I can think about is the movies with Spongebob, Goofy, Mickey, and even the fucking Minions where we listened to their overly cheerful voices for over an hour.
And no one complained.
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maranull · 6 months
I have, once again, used the 60€ picrew and made myself in bg3, but on the more accurate race this time (cause tail, horns and other more personal things)
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shame we can't edit the face structure though :/
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Okay can I just say it's funny to see the Shanks vs Mihawk debate haha yadda yadda and bullshit, but it's genuinely tiring to see them both being shat on? Like fucking 'Fraudhawk paints his sword' and 'Shanks never won a fight' bullshit? Like can't we just fucking appreciate both without putting one of them down? Fuck I hate toxicity and negativity in fandoms
I did get a giggle out of this one fan art where Mihawk was painting Yoru and Zoro was WTFing in the background, BUT
Not a serious laugh. Like I didn't even know about the whole Fraudhawk thing at the time.
I tend to avoid engaging heavily in any fandom. Like outside of this blog and my moots, I avoid it because it frankly annoys the everloving shit out of me, like. I've seen a lot of it around Reddit while fact-checking canon for fanfiction.
And there's some of these morons in every fandom.
These are fictional characters. And these "fans" come at other fans spouting their bullshit........for what? Because people liking things that they don't like is wrong? Or "cringe?"
Fuckers need to look in the mirror.
And also leave my blorbos alone
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thornybubbles · 2 years
Little note to those of you that don't like Yandere stuff and get upset because other people do...
Just blocked someone that admonished me for making Giorno into a yandere and wanted to know why couldn't people like me just make OCs instead.
I'm asking that people please stop doing this. If you don't like what someone else writes, then don't read it. It's such a simple concept, and yet so many people have difficulty with it.
I don't like it when people insist that their headcanons ARE canon. I don't like it when people ship characters that don't have a canon relationship and then insist that their headcanons were what the actual creator intended.
Do you know what I do about stuff like that?
I just don't read it. When I see that a story is shipping characters that I don't think should be shipped, then I just find another story to read.
I don't like coffee shop or modern day AUs. So, I don't read them.
I don't like stories that focus on graphic depictions of sexual violence or kinks that I personally think are gross. I HATE stuff about sexual or romantic relationships with characters who are related. So I avoid stories that feature subject matter like that.
But no matter what, I don't slide into the author's comments section and try to shame them for what they write simply because I take personal offense to it.
This is part of the reason why I stayed away from Tumblr for so long. There are just far too many people here that can't stand the fact that other people are different from them and may possibly like things they don't like.
Life's too short to spend time stressing over stuff like that.
Writing fanfiction is about exploring the "what ifs" of canon. What if the hero didn't win? What if this character did things differently during the final battle? What if the two characters that are always fighting managed to sort things out and become friends? What if this character was a yandere? What if YOU, the reader, where a part of the story somehow? It's fun. It's fun to write and fun to read.
At least it should be.
What's not fun is when a complete stranger scolds you as if they have some kind of moral authority over what you should and shouldn't be writing.
If you do this to me, I will not have a discussion with you. I will not try to defend or justify my decisions to you, nor will I give in to your demands or apologize. I will continue to turn your favorite characters into twisted little yanderes in spite of your personal offense to the idea, in the same way other people insist that Spiderman and the Green Goblin are somehow gay for each other. I will just block you and continue my evil ways.
But all joking aside, I have no ill will against people who DON'T like yandere stuff. I completely understand why people don't and I won't hate on you or make fun of you for it. You have just as much right to dislike something as I have to like it. But if you are really bothered by my writing, then block me. That's the beauty of the block button on Tumblr, if you block me then my stuff will never show up in the search results for you again. You could also try filtering the yandere tag or just the word "yandere" itself and Tumblr will hide posts of that subject matter from you.
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jaydenknight · 3 months
Tumblr: This post contains filtered content
Me: Then why the fuck am I seeing it
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retrogradedreaming · 4 months
I took 3 days off work and it turns out that wasn't enough to cure me
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1eos · 1 year
what i don't understand is that ppl like amber rose will say they're not black and then later complain that they don't feel accepted in black spaces....i mean even ignoring that nearly everyone who says this has been accepted you don't even think you're black why do we need to accept you? which leads to my last question. why when partially white ppl get mad that white ppl won't accept them do they take it out on the black community? white ppl don't like us either lol
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litteralytoriatp · 8 months
I want them to take pictures of me like I’m a sunset, I always run to take pictures of the sunset. I want to be loved like a sunset.
No I want to be loved like the sky, not only when I display beautiful colours, but always.
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What is it with people spam liking stories on Wattpad? Its so damn annoying! I mean if they leave comments that's one thing. At least then I know they actually read it. But then there's people who just like stories within a minute of each other!! Another writer to!! Wtaf?!🤦
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elvhendis · 1 year
Worst thing is uploading art and instantly hating it
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icyblueroses · 7 months
Instead of getting sent to Hell, they force you to relic farm in Honkai Star Rail
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greatgigintheskiess · 2 years
Whenever someone in school asks me about the plot of my writing:
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how tf do i explain this without it sounding weird??
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vpofcookies · 2 years
I need to scream about the flaws of the US education system or I'll die
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God weeps in Heaven watching his children murder each other without cause and reason. He weeps to watch them take their brothers into streets to be murdered, to watch them force their sisters and sons and daughters out of their homes. He weeps to see his children act as terrorist when they are supposed to bring peace and harmony. He weeps to see the bitter wars between his children. He weeps to see his children act as if they are not his. He weeps in Heaven as he watches war. Because War is Hell.
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dirt-apple-productions · 10 months
Inspired by a frustrating post I read today, but if you disinvite someone or exclude them from a friendlly get-together because they’re “cishet,” you are a bigot and I would drop you as a friend instantly.
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bolontiku · 11 months
I fucking hate everything
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Me @ me
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