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captainrufflebanger ¡ 3 months ago
“Idk how to draw butches” *proceeds to draw the most attractive butch I have ever seen*
Captain, I would be that woman’s hatstand if she just asked
I stand by my statement; I don't know what I'm doing, hope that helps 👍
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Rednic, however, knows exactly what she's doing. Keeping a constant reserve of delicious maidens for Lady Dimitrescu is a full time job after all... and a supplier must always quality check their goods ✨
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hermionesterrier ¡ 6 years ago
More Than Human: Chapter 6 Liveblog!
The Professor going all overprotective!Dad I’M CACKLING. IF ONLY YOU KNEW PROFESSOR HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This is a running gag throughout the story AND I LOVE IT!
What the hell is beach blanket bingo? O.o
Awww Bubbles is still waving back that cutie
....and then jumping right into bikini mode BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Be more obvious Blossom. I dare you.
Butch snorted. “Naw, he’s here. Wandering around the beach, all ‘dark and lonely as a cloud,’ or some shit like that.” BUTCH QUOTING A WILLIAM WORDSWORTH POEM LIKE W H A T HOW THO
A small part of me wants to know what the Greens were drawing in the sand. A very small part.
The wind whipped Brick’s open shirt around him as he walked. LMFAO you can totally tell how much fun SBJ had writing this chapter hehehehe.
Flirting face? That was flirting?? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA      
Warning: A polite Butch makes another appearance.       
Oh my god stay away from the food Blossom no one needs food poisoning or the fire department.
Poor Boomer drooling all over the burgers hahahaha
Brick issued her a weird look. She rolled her eyes and stood up, and in a blur of blue Brick was at the grill with the tongs in his hand. He blinked. “What the-” “Get grillin’,” Bubbles chirped, guiding his hand to flip over the patties. Boomer looked distraught at the physical contact. “Hey! First you take my burger duties and now you take my girl?” "I didn’t think I was anybody’s girl,” Bubbles said innocently. “You can have her,” Brick muttered under his breath. All the same, he didn’t bat her hand away. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love how Bubbles just does not care what Brick thinks or wants she just takes control and forces him to follow suit. Bubbles/Brick 5ever <3        
All the little Bubbles/Brick moments *_* MY HEART IS SINGING         
“Of course you have a choice,” Brick scoffed. “You choose to be a dirty hippie and not eat meat.” Bubbles pouted. “I’m not dirty.” “Wouldn’t object to it,” Boomer said under his breath. "Was that a sex joke?” Blossom asked, narrowing her eyes at him. “Did you just make a sex joke at my sister?” I’m lmfao @ Bubbles being bothered because of the dirty part and not caring about the rest xD Also, protective!Blossom yayyyy :D
All the guys waiting for the moment        
Even BRICK is ogling Buttercup like HAH! 
“Dude.” He gasped. “Buttercup, your arms are so cut I’m not even staring at your tits.” BEST. PICKUP. LINE. IN. THE. HISTORY. OF. EVER. 
Blossom having to literally get banned from home ec tho xD      
I will always always always LOVE how expertly SBJ combines humor with well-placed exaggeration. It’s so fucking hard to get comedy right on paper but this whole story is COMEDY GOLD…especially this chapter.    
A bit O.o and not totally convinced Blossom could ever beat Buttercup in a sport tbh.   
And the tables have turned AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA     
“Hey!” Boomer cried. “I don’t have a shirt on, either!” “Good for you.” Bubbles said cheerfully. Boomer didn’t seem comforted by this. Poor Boomer xD 
Brick gaped at her. “You owe me a new shirt!” “We can go get one now.” Buttercup said without skipping a beat. “Want to?” So Buttercup and Butch have more in common than you’d think xD   
Buttercup perked up. “Yes, volleyball. Some hot, sweaty volleyball. Doesn’t that sound refreshing?” Something clicked in Butch’s brain. “Hey! Cut that out!” “What? I’m just saying-” “You’re not allowed to find my brother hot!” "Excuse me?” Blossom lowered her hat and glared. “Who are you to cast stones?” Very valid point, Blossom. Also, LOL @ that “something” that suddenly clicked in Butch’s brain.
“Buttercup!” Butch snapped. “His fucking face is up here!” “Yeah, that’s cool.” she said distractedly, not staring at his face at all. “Faces are cool. I’ve got one of those.” LMFAO YEA FACES ARE COOL BUT ABS ARE BEAUTIFUL SO SHHHH. And Butch being so obviously pissed off the second Buttercup started showing her blatant lust over Brick is everythinggggg :D
Holy shit Brick’s gonna blow a fuse after this fight’s over
I know Brick wants the fighter destroyed because of the data it could collect on him and his brothers but is he also trying to...protect the girls?
Blossom’s suspicious
....or not
“Butch, fire,” he said, and in a blast of green there was nothing but ash between Blossom’s hands. Butch is Brick’s to-go-to guy.
So Brick can basically do anything and everything right? Sure...
Damn that was...harsh. Who the fuck is Darius? And why do I already miss the previous JS even though he was never really physically introduced in the story?
Leave it to Brick to be the only one who’s miserable that they’re staying xD
Bubbles/Buttercup sisterly moment awwww <3
D’awww @ Buttercup and Bubbles already missing the boys.
He took her to fucking Hawaii. To talk. On their surfboards. In the middle of the ocean. AT FUCKING SUNSET. BE STILL MY BEATING HEART BECAUSE THIS SCENE IS EVERYTHING.
LOL @ the total inner PANIC!! mode Buttercup goes into when she thinks Butch wants to tell her he likes her. Been there girl. I feel ya.
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how Butch is the first of the boys to tell their counterpart that they work for Evil Corp? THAT’S how much he trusts her. BABIES.
“So what are you going to do about it?” he asked, his gaze as dark as the night sky. Now there was light in them, though. Funny how his eyes wouldn’t reflect sunlight, but moonlight lit them up something fierce. Funny how you keep noticing his eyes, Buttercup :’) *whistles innocently*
Blues are too cute walking on the beach holding hands *_*
“That’s really cool.” “Yeah?” Butch’s voice drifted along the water, gentler than the waves that rocked them. Their hands floated close enough to touch, but neither reached for the other. GENTLER THAN THE WAVES AND CLOSE ENOUGH TO TOUCH I AM SCREAMING OH MY GODDDDD!!!!!!
"Hey, you can’t tell anybody else,” he suddenly said. "What do you think I am, stupid?” she scoffed. “Don’t worry about it. I got you.” He raised himself up on his elbows to stare at her. She kept her eyes on the sky, and, after a while, he laid back down. A second later he kicked her board over, sending her rolling into the water, and he laughed as she sputtered and snarled and dragged him in after her. Her “I got you” is so genuine and trusting that it actually makes Butch stop and stare. STOP AND STARE. And the next thing he does? In typical Butch fashion, he ruins the moment by doing something dumb. That’s not because he’s Butch and that’s what he does but it’s because it’s Butch and he’s shocked that she isn’t beating his ass or flying off to tell her sisters and she actually just gets him and it’s nice. That’s why he ruins the moment. Because it’s nice and he’s not used to having nice things or nice moments or normal (kinda) functioning relationships with anyone. I AM EATING THIS UP LIKE CANDY OKAY.
Yup, Blossom is definitely suspicious.
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hardassexcop ¡ 6 years ago
Parenthood @Marissa_SASBDB @HardAssExCop
Marissa:  It had been nearly a week since our little warrior Rhavage was born. He was a good boy for me and his Daddy. I still couldn’t believe he was our little bundle of joy. He slept through the day just like us, night time he would keep us awake the whole family loved him. Everyone took turns in holding him, Butch took a week off rotation just to help and let me rest, it was heaven. Looking at him he was devoted to Rhavage whenever he woke up he was there told me to stay in bed and rest. I think since having Rhavage it’s changed him a little he is more focus and he is such a loving father to him. I guess that is why I love him so much, he puts us first like he always did with me. Just seeing him with Rhavage, I feel pain for him because he never got the love from his own family. That is why I am going to make sure that he is with us everyday/night. He is my soulmate the love of my life.
My arms were around Butch as we was snuggling in bed. Rhavage was in his moses basket next to our bed. I could hear him in his sleep making noises it was so cute as if he was dreaming. I lifted my head and smiled at Butch “Can you hear him baby?” Placing my arm over his chest “He sounds as if he is dreaming baby.”  Moving up closer as I planted a soft kiss on his lips.
Laying in bed, Marissa had her arm across my chest, Rhavage was asleep in the Moses basket by our bed “Yeah I can baby. I wonder if he's dreaming of his next feed” Chuckling softly,  capturing Marissa's lips with my own. I was blessed with a loving mate, a young who we both adore. Wrath had given me the week off rotation to adjust to fatherhood. I was helping out the best I could with Rhavage with his feed or if he needed his diaper changing. I never knew how much a baby could poop! And it stank. Yes even worse than V's socks.
Everyone in the mansion were flocking to see our little warrior, taking turns to hold him, coo over him. The females were taking it in turns to pamper Rhavage, I bet he now knows how a parcel in pass the parcel feels now. This was my family, the joys of a new life, new beginnings. But at times I did think of Odell and how she would of love to see Rhavage, but would of that tipped her further over the edge in her dementia? Would any of the other O'Neals would believe her, if mother had lived, a word she said. They would of passed it off as one of her little episodes.
Sighing deeply as Marissa's and mine lips parted, I was about to talk to her when Rhavage began to become restless. First it was a whimper till he cranked the volume up and cried at the top of his lungs. “Is the next feed in the fridge baby?” Getting out of bed towards the moses basket. I bent over scooping Rhavage into my arms “Hungry I guess?” Rhavage answered with a loud wail “Yep your hungry” Handing the little man to Marissa I headed out into the lounge and into the gallery kitchen.
Marissa: As I was laying next to Butch, Rhavage gave out a massive wail it was loud. Yep, I guess our little warrior is hungry. Butch got out of bed and passed Rhavage to me, I held him in my arms  as Butch went towards the lounge into the kitchen to get him a bottle. “Baby, I could just breastfeed him, keep the bottles for when we need them. It saves you getting up while we are both here baby. Yea my boobs hurt but that is because he likes his food.” Laughing softly. “Sometimes he sucks really hard, he is even worse than you baby. But he needs to feed so I don’t mind.”
Once in the kitchen Marissa yells out about breastfeeding “Now she tells me” saying this to myself. Shouting back to her “I'm coming back baby” Back in the bedroom Rhavage had latched onto Marissa's nipple and was suckling to his heart's content. Lucky boy having that harden bud in his mouth. The instant I thought of Marissa's nipple in my mouth the guy down below got hard, turning my back I rearranged myself “Not now you traitor” Turning back around Marissa was stroking Rhavage on the side of his face. “Baby do you want to take our little warrior to the Safe Place tonight? The females and the young will adore him” Perching on the edge of the bed I brought my hand up, letting Rhavage hold onto my index finger.
Marissa: After I shouted to Butch about me breastfeeding he shouted back that he was on his way back. Rhavage was still wailing until I lifted him up closer holding him tight with my hands supporting his back, trying to ease him. That is when he latched onto my nipple hard, sucking so hard making these cute sounds. “Damn Rhavage you are just as bad as your Daddy.” Laughing more  “Though I should think he would be jealous right about now that it’s not him and maybe have a bulge in his pants.” I carry on feeding our little warrior.
Butch: Rhavage had his feed which took about thirty minutes, but he needs milk to grow and poop more in his diaper. Once he had done Marissa passed Rhavage to me, I laid him gently over my shoulder, patting his back gently till he deafened me with burp “Where did that come from? Your big toes?” Laying him back on our bed, I played with him whilst I talked with Marissa “What do you think of going to the Safe Place baby?” I continued to make cooing noises to Rhavage till Marissa answered me.
Marissa: After I finished feeding Rhavage, Butch took him out of my arms and starting patting his back he gave out a large burp. Laughs softly just like his Daddy. Watching him as Butch played with our son, making me laugh a lot. “That sounds like a great idea baby. I bet everyone can’t wait to meet him, baby. He is going to get very spoiled baby. I bet I am only inside for a about 2 minutes and he will be gone out of my arms. When shall we go baby?”
“We can go tonight if you want to baby. You have a shower and I'll get Rhavage ready” As Marissa got up I gave that sexy ass of hers a quick slap. I scooped Rhavage into my arms and carried him over to the changing station. Laying him down I got a clean diaper from the draw below, some wipes and some talc. I proceeded to change Rhavage's diaper, putting the dirty diaper into a diaper sack and tied it up, throwing it into the trash can. Placing the clean diaper under him, I grabbed some wipes and cleaned his butt. Taking a clean cloth I patted him dry, grabbed the bottle of talc and shock it into his butt and front. Once done I taped the diaper together at the sides “One clean warrior, now for some clothes” With one hand on Rhavage I bent down grabbing a baby grow, a little t shirt with the Red Sox on and a little pair of jeans. Putting them on him was like having a wrestling match, at one point Rhavage was winning but I got the better of him and got him dressed. Picking him up I turned towards the bathroom door as Marissa emerged from the bathroom “We got one clean kiddo here baby”
Marissa: I placed Rhavage into Butch’s arm as I headed to the bathroom for a shower. “Butch’s hand caught me on the cheek of my butt, as I headed towards the bathroom. “Mmm baby” laughing softly as I headed into the shower. I finished in the shower getting myself dressed I could hear Butch and Rhavage in the other room. I opened the door slightly watching them both. I could see Rhavage having a wrestling match with his dad and Butch was trying to dress him, it was so cute to see. My little warrior trying to give his daddy a run for his money but it didn’t work Butch got the better of him. The noises he was making made my heart melt. Then Butch told me our little warrior was clean. “I can see that baby, I was watching you both.”
“You were? Did you see him put up the fight of his life there. Baby he doesn't like having clothes on, I think we have a nudist here” Laughing handing Rhavage back to Marissa. “I'm going to take a quick shower and then we set to go” Pressing my lips against Marissa's I headed into the bathroom. Once in there I turned the shower on, kicked my boxers off and stepped under the water. Grabbing the soap I did a quick foaming over my body, under my nut sac and suds down my back. Putting the soap back I turned the shower off and stepped out, drying myself off I went back into the bedroom, going to the closet I dressed quickly into some leather pants, a muscle shirt. Arming myself I wasn't going outside into the big bad world not able to protect Marissa and Rhavage. I put on a leather coat and pocketed more knives, ammo and a length of chain. Coming out of the closet I look over to Marissa and Rhavage “You two ready?”
Marissa: “Yes, baby. I was watching you both, you gave as good as he did to you baby. I know baby do you think because he was nude inside me so long or maybe because he is to warm? But then again baby, you are always commando maybe he takes after his Daddy.” I held my arms open as you placed our son back in my arms as you also went and had a shower. Playing and listening to Rhavage as I waited for Butch to come back. Hearing him entering the room and going over to the closet arming himself with Knives, ammo and other stuff. Then he turned asking us if we was ready. “Yes, baby. We are ready. “
“Car seat is in the lounge baby, you get Rhavage strapped in and I'll get the keys from V” Going to V I grab the Escalades keys off him “I'm taking Marissa and Rhavage to the Safe place” “You want back up?” “Nah we be fine but I'll ring you if we need you” I returned to Marissa's side, she had Rhavage in the car seat, strapped in a blanket across his legs keeping them and his feet warm. Picking up the car seat I took Marissa's hand in mine and walked out of the pit into the courtyard
Marissa: Listening to Butch as he told me the car seat was in the lounge, I walked to the lounge placing Rhavage in the seat strapping him in. Putting a blanket over his feet to keep him warm. I was waiting for Butch as he grabbed the keys for the Escalade from V. Butch returned and we walked out of the pit into the courtyard to go to the safe place.
Taking the keys from my pocket, I pressed the button on the fob, the indicators flashed unlocking the Escalade. Opening the rear door I place Rhavage into the backseat, strapping him in with the seat belt. Closing the door I opened the passenger door and helped Marissa in, strapping her in as well. I give Marissa a kiss and closes her door. Coming round to the driver's side I open the door, getting in and shuts the door, putting on my seat belt. I push the keys into the ignition and turns the engine on. Reversing back till I can bring the front of the Escalade around, I drive down the lane till I reach Route 22. Driving down into Caldwell then back out to the outskirts it wasn't long before we were at the Safe Place. Putting the Escalade into park, I switched the engine off. Getting out I helped Marissa and Rhavage up to the front door.
Marissa: I got out of the Escalade and went up to the front door to surprise everyone, Butch kissed me, he knew he wasn't allowed into the Safe Place. I entered the safe place, I was only in there about 2 minutes before Rhavage was in someone else’s arms. Smiling as I watched the people around me. “Evening all, I thought | would surprise you all. This is our little warrior Rhavage.” I sat down watching the people with my bundle of joy.
#ParentHood #SASBDB
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hekate1308 ¡ 8 years ago
The Wheel Has Come Full Circle
Saving Crowley. Hunting The Writers. The Fandom Business. 
They arrived at the portal at sundown.
Without surprise, Crowley realized he would actually miss Mary.
She seemed to be thinking along the same lines because she said, “We’ve been through much together in the last two years.”
They had. Him waking up human after having killed himself as a demon for reasons he had yet to understand, him finding the last remaining humans, finding out Mary had joined them as well, all teaming up to get rid of Lucifer, finally bringing peace to this world by negotiating with both the angels and the demons...
It almost made him dizzy to think about it.
And then, after almost twenty-four months of non-stop fighting, they’d learned about the portal. The portal that could bring exactly one human back to their world.
Their home.
He’d tried very hard not to think about the world he’d come from like this, but he couldn’t help it. As little as they had ever cared about him, Dean, Sam and Castiel had been the only friends he’d ever made in his life – both mortal and as a demon.
He was certain Mary could tell he yearned to step trough the portal himself. To return home.
And as a demon, he would have done it.
But he wasn’t a demon anymore. He was human, with all teh guilt, regrets and emotions it entailed, and he knew he couldn’t keep the boys from reuniting with their mother.
“You want to go back, don’t you?” Mary asked quietly.
Lying was pointless. She’d come to know him too well. He nodded.
She dropped her bag.
“I don’t know if they’ll be happy to see me”.
“I’m sure they will.”
When she didn’t answer, he added, “At least they’ll be much gladder than if I suddenly knocked on the bunker’s doors again.”
He could just imagine the distain on the boy’s faces when they realized he actually needed  a place to sleep for the night, how they’d clean out the room farthest from their own, how he’d be expected to leave as soon as possible.
And yet not even those expectations made it easier for him to watch the portal close behind Mary.
After a pause, she said, “I’m their mother. I only wanted what was best for them. I still do.”
“Being a parent entails difficult decisions” he agreed, as always with a pang – stronger than when he’d watched him walk away, courtesy of his human emotions – as he thought of Gavin.
“At least” she began, her voice breaking.
She cleared her throat.
“At least this time everyone agrees I am doing the right thing”.
He couldn’t recall any lengthy discussions. Everyone had just known what the discovery of the portal meant.
But then – maybe she hadn’t wanted Crowley to hear them. Because she knew. Of course she knew.
She knew how desperately he wanted to go home.
But he couldn’t.
The things he’d done...
He still had nightmares. None of the other campers had ever mentioned it.
Mary held out a hand.
“Goodbye, Crowley”.
He grasped it firmly. For two years, longer than the boys had got to spend with her, they’d fought side by side, and sometimes each other when they didn’t agree with their respective plans; and he liked to think she’d remember him as something like a friend.
“Good –“
It happened suddenly. In his defence, it never could have happened if she hadn’t taken him by complete surprise.
But with one twist and one shove, she’d thrown him right into the portal.
The last thing he heard before everything went dark was a cry of “Please look after them, Crowley!”
When he came to, he was lying in the woods.
And that was enough to remind him what had happened. There had been no more forests in that other world.
He got up, groaning.
She’d actually done it.
Mary had shoved him through the portal, the one that would have closed behind him again, and told him to look after the boys.
He didn’t understand. In what world would they be better off with him than with their mother?
Mary’s duffle bag was lying a few feet away from him. She must have thrown it after him immediately.
He opened it to find his suspicions confirmed. She’d filled it with his clothes and the few odds and ends he’d acquired during their struggles instead of her belongings.
At least this time everyone agrees I am doing the right thing.
That was what she had said. And suddenly, their departure this evening made sense.
Of course the whole camp had shown up to bid Mary Winchester goodbye. Ever since she and Crowley had managed to take down Lucifer together last year, they’d been something like the unofficial leaders, alongside this universe’s Bobby Singer, of course.
“Mary” he began, “We’ll miss you. But we get it”.
Mary smiled.
There was melancholy in her eyes.
It was easy to understand.
She’d adjusted far quicker to this apocalyptic world because she had to, and had made friends in it; but still –
She’d go to get home.
Crowley quickly looked away as she talked with the other Jody Mills, as he’d come to call her (they’d never become close; guilt had finally reared its ugly head now that he was mortal again).
He turned away to find Bobby Singer looking at him.
This version was rather close to his counterpart. The boys would have loved him.
“Crowley. You’re accompanying Mary?”
“Yes. She asked me to”.
He couldn’t quite figure out why. Another annoying thing about being human: emotions tended to get in the way of rational thinking. He was too busy wandering what would happen if he went through the damn portal instead to completely grasp Mary’s motives.
Bobby nodded.
“Good. Wouldn’t want anyone stumbling out there alone.” He cleared his throat. “You’re a good fighter.”
“Just doing my best to show these demons what true majesty looks like”.
His former kingship had long been turned into the camp’s longest-running joke.
Bobby grinned before drawing him into a quick hug, taking him off guard.
“See you, Crowley”.
Looking back, it was easy to see everyone had made a point of telling him goodbye, not just Mary.
They’d all been in on it.
He swallowed as he grasped the handle of the duffle bag strongly enough for it to cut into his palm.
He was home.
They’d sent him home.
Mary’s last words –
For some reason, she’d become convinced that it would be better for her sons if Crowley came back.
But it was probable they’d not even let him into the bunker.
As a human, he was of no use to them.
But still –
He owned nothing but the things in the bag.
Yet he was home.
And Mary had given him a purpose.
He’d make his way to the bunker.
He had to try.
After he’d walked for a while, he thankfully stumbled onto a highway. Following it, he soon arrived at a small town – thankfully not small enough that people looked at every stranger suspiciously, although he did catch a few confused glances in his direction.
Small wonder, when he finally saw himself in the dirty mirror of a gas station bathroom.
The other universe hadn’t been exactly the cleanest. Or the most comfortable.
There was only so much he could do about his appearance now, though. First, he needed money and a car. Then he’d drive for a few hours and find a cheap motel.
Crowley sighed remembering the old days of thirty-year-old Craig and luxurious bathrooms.
He was still as adept at pick pocketing as he had always been though, and two hours later found him in what he would have once called a “pimp car” (he had miserably eyed a Mustang in the same parking lot, but he didn’t want to draw attention to himself) on the way to Lebanon.
But as quickly as he wanted to get to the bunker – the very next day, as he was going through the local news, he heard about something sounding suspiciously like ghost activity.
He bit his lip.
Seemed like a quick salt and burn.
That night, he was on his way to the grave of the ghost. It hadn’t taken him long to figure out it was the old town drunk taking revenge.
Only when he arrived at the grave, someone else was there already, digging.
“Dean?” he asked before he could stop himself.
The hunter whipped around. Crowley had only a second to register the utter rage and disdain on his face before Dean threw himself at him.
Crowley, even as a human, had become an excellent fighter: the necessity of staying alive in the parallel world had ensured that. But he didn’t want to harm Dean in the slightest, and so it was only predictable that he ended up lying in the dirt, the hunter hovering over him, a silver knife pressed against his throat.
Dean still had the same expression on his face.
Seriously, what had Mary been thinking?
“It’s not even been a year” Dean hissed. “And you think you can just come here and impersonate – “
It was at this point, Crowley trying to figure out how Dean had decided that he was shifter of all things, when the ghost attacked.
He would have torn through Dean’s back if Crowley hadn’t thrown him off, feeling a slight nick on his neck, and rolled to safety himself.
He grabbed the iron bar he’d brought with him.
“The bones, Squirrel!”
Dean froze for a second, but then scrambled into action while Crowley kept the ghost at bay.
A few minutes later, it was all over.
Dean looked at the jarred remains of the bones, then back at Crowley.
He wordlessly handed him his knife.
“Alright. I’ll give you a chance to talk. Who are you?”
He rolled his eyes.
“I’d say “take a guess” but –“
“Everyone would know he used to call me Squirrel” Dean mused. “But if you’d really wanted to fool me you’d have worn a suit and you wouldn’t look so butch”.
“You try to keep your weight stable in a puss-filled apocalyptic nightmare” he spat.
Dean unexpectedly chuckled.
“You got his accent down, I’ll give you that.”
“You know what? You don’t believe me, ask me anything, anything only I would know”.
Dean studied him for a moment with something like – fear? in his eyes.
“What did Crowley tell me when I came back down the elevator after he’d tricked me into letting several demons beat me up?”
That was easy enough, even though he winced at the memory.
“That’s what you get working with a demon”.
Dean’s eyes were wide as he approached him. He raised a hand and touched his shoulder.
“You’re – alive – “
“And human, in case you’re wondering.”
Dean nodded.
Crowley wasn’t surprised he didn’t take long to process the news. This was Dean Winchester, after all.
“Not that I’m not glad to see you, but how?”
He was shocked when he realized Dean meant it.
But he really didn’t want to explain that his mother had decided to abandon him once again in an old graveyard.
He cleared his throat.
“Don’t get me wrong, Squirrel, but this talk definitely should not be had sober”.
“I’d been checking up on Garth when I read about this case, so I figured I might check it out –“
Crowley coughed.
Dean had decided to pick up the tab for tonight, so naturally he’d gone for a glass of Craig, only to realize that he’d only had light beer in the last two years.
Dean laughed.
“Oh my God, you’re a freaking light weight!”
“I will have you know I stabbed Lucifer in the chest.”
“Good for you”.
He eyed his shoulder.
“You got a tattoo?”
“Several. Have an anti-possession one on my collar bone, too.” Crowley shrugged. “Just realized I liked them”.
Dean nodded.
Then, after a pause, he asked, “What happened?”
“It’s been six months, right?”
He’d seen the date on a newspaper this morning.
When Dean nodded he said, “It’s been two years for me”.
“When I stabbed myself, I was convinced this was it. I didn’t have anything to live for anyway. I hated Hell, my son and my mother were both dead – “ and the only ones I would have called my friends despised me, he wanted to add, but it seemed only pointless. Dean was apparently really happy to see him.
“And then I woke up human. I have no idea how, or why.”
“And so you killed Lucifer.”
“I wasn’t alone. Your mother...” he trailed off.
Dean swallowed and looked down at his glass.
“She dead?”
And Crowley did his best to explain what had happened.
“Son of a bitch” Dean muttered in the end.
“Dean...” he began, unsure what to say. He didn’t exactly have the best track record when it came to mother-son relationships himself.
“You know what’s making me angry? It’s not even that she chose to send you instead of going to find us herself.”
Dean stood up; his chair scrapped along the floor.
“It’s that she was goddamn right.”
Crowley didn’t know what to say.
“I need some air”.
Dean stormed out.
Crowley sighed.
After five minutes of nursing his drink, he went to look for him.
He was in the parking lot, talking on the phone.
“Yes, Sam, alright? I’m damn sure. You are the one who never lets me forget our “Summer of Love”” he snapped. “But you know what? Let her out. If it’s him, she’ll come running”.
Crowley withdrew into the shadows and waited until Dean hung up. Only then did he step up to him.
“Are you...” he stopped.
Dean chuckled.
“The former King of Hell just asked me if I’m alright...”
He shrugged.
“I have no idea, to be honest”.
“I could say the same.”
Dean grinned.
“Got a motel room yet?”
“Wanna share?”
And that was how they ended up sharing a motel room.
Crowley was wondering who Dean could have been talking about on the phone. Was an angry Sheriff Mills about to descend upon him? But why would Sam have to “let her out?”
He was still pondering these questions when they heard a scratching noise at the door.
“Damn it, she’s fast” Dean said and before Crowley could ask, he went to open it.
The next thing he knew, there was an invisible but very happy hell hound in his lap, slobbering all over him.
He couldn’t even bring himself to feel annoyed.
She barked excitedly.
He patted her.
“Did you miss Papa?”
More slobbering.
Dean grimaced.
“Showed up at the bunker a few weeks after you – well. Didn’t feel right to get rid of her. Do you know she drinks Craig, by the way?”
“Of course. Only the best for my little girl.”
“Your – you know what, she’s sleeping on your bed.”
Of course she was.
He soon figured out that Dean wasn’t quite as annoyed by Juliet as he pretended to be, but he still put his foot down the next day.
“No. Dogs. In. The. Car. I don’t care if she’s invisible – she’ll be there sooner than us anyway.”
“Alright” he acquiesced, more out of surprised that Dean would so readily accept him as a passenger than anything else.
He crouched down.
“You be a good girl and go back to the bunker, alright? Papa’s going to be there soon. I promise”.
She licked his hand and left.
Dean shook his head.
“You and your hellhounds...”
“I will have you know they are very useful pets.”
“I know. One day, a group of ghouls tried to invade the bunker when we weren’t there.”
“How did it end?”
“What do you think? We came home and cleaned up ghoul bits for weeks.”
He grinned.
That was his girl.
They drove all day and way into the night to get to the bunker. Crowley’s biggest surprise was when after lunch, Dean mustered him once more up and down then handed him the keys to the Impala.
“Knock yourself out.”
“You’re letting me drive your car?”
“I’m tired. Plus, I’m curious about your driving. Bet you never got a licence.”
He shot him a glare. Dean winked.
“Knew it”.
It kept surprising him how comfortable his and Dean’s impromptu comradeship was.
They arrived late at night.
As expected, Juliet was waiting by the door for them.
Crowley petted her as Dean used his keys.
Sam and Cas were waiting for them in the dining room.
There was something... different about the angel.
He realized it was he was studying his tattoos.
“You’re human too, Cassie?”
“Long story” Dean said tiredly.
“Let’s just say baby Lucifer brought him back human so he could “enjoy paradise properly” and then I stabbed him when he started babbling about world domination”.
“Alright then. Hello, Moose.”
Sam shuffled his feet, obviously intent on saying something.
“No” Dean suddenly announced “We are not doing this.”
“But Dean he was – “
“I know, alright? I know. I also know the guy saved me from a ghost and got all teary-eyed when his freaking dog came to greet him. This is a good thing, okay? For once, we got a good thing, and I’m not going to ruin it. Crowley, you’re with me”.
“I didn’t get teary-eyed” he said petulantly as they strolled down the corridors, Juliet at his side.
“Sure you didn’t. Now, this is mine, Cas’, Sammy’s, Garth took that one, Claire declared this one her own, better not risk it, but the other should be...”
“You’re giving me a room?”
“I assumed you’d want to stay.”
He did. There was no denying it.
He reached down to pet Juliet once more as he nodded.
“Well then. Take your pick.”
In his room that night, he made a promise.
I will look after them, Mary. Come what may.
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davidsilvercloud ¡ 7 years ago
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                              Vancouver Visual Artist “Butch Naked”, aka Terry David Silvercloud.
I'm a bit like the Sheldon Cooper character from BIG BANG THEORY... I don't fit in, and live in despair that the humans are so ignorant and not too bright.  I'm a loner, not by choice, but genetics and history of my life.  I taught myself basic electronics when I was 12 years old and was an officer in the Navy at age 19.  I discovered what 'gay' was when I was about 22 and, since I had signed on for only 7 years, I left the Navy before they found out I was gay.  In those days (1968) I could have been sent to prison for being gay... that's the way it used to be.  I didn't become legal until Jan. 1st, 1969 when homosexuality was no longer illegal in Canada.
If I meet you, I will figure out, very, very, very quickly where you are coming from and whether, or not, you have half a brain.  I try to get along with everyone  but have zero patience for idiots, morons and bullies.  I'm 6'2" and you don't want to mess with me... I will do you  very serious damage.  There is no such thing as fighting clean and I don't fight clean... I bite and and will kick you in the nuts as hard as I can.  I break bones... don't f**k with me.  Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you.  My nickname is 'Butch'.  You figure it out.
Monday 2 October, 2017.  I wuz up early and woke to the news of the mass shooting in Las Vegas.  Very sad.  I have no words.  I have lost count of the number of times I've started my day with the news of a mass attack on TV.  The pain of the victims will not easily go away and I wish them well in their recovery.  It is pointless to wonder what kind of mind committs these things... it's tricky.
It gets dark pretty early now here in Vancouver.  I spend 99% of my time with my own company so I've got lots of time to think about things.  I think about the nature of reality, because I'm into Particle Physics, and I think about life, itself... what is this whole shebang all about?  This crazy life we live...
My assumption (theory) is that the universe has always existed, and always will.  We are so small as to be totally insignificant in the whole thing.  Time is an illusion of size... time is a relative reality based upon your physical size.  If you lived on a carbon atom, a second would seem like a very, very, very long time.  Your second would be OUR nano second... one billionth of a second.  In one nano second, light travels only about 30cm... about 14 inches.  Everything is relative to size.  Our galaxy could not exist for just one second... it is too large and takes light years to exist.  You barely exist, anyway, and I expect we are just an accident of it all and, when the lights go out, it's forever... whatever that is.  Remember, time is an illusion of size.
We live in a reality which is totally under control of Electrons.  Oh, right... did I mention my interest in Electronics and Electrons?  We live in an Electronic universe.  The information you are looking at, right now, got to you one Electron at a time when, with one final leap between nerve endings, it registered in your brain... an electron jumped a synapse to deliver an energy wave.  Your  brain is working at about 10 frames per second... that is why animation is always, at least, 12 frames per second... to avoid any jittery images in your brain.  Film goes farther at 24 frames per second... in animation they, simply, shoot two frames of the same image... i.e. 12 frames per second.  It's still a lot of drawings.  Did I mention I did animation?
As a physicist, I like to know little things... such as, at 30 miles per hour, you are moving at 44 feet per second.  As you sit reading this, you are moving, through space, at about 500 kilometres per second.  Rest is an illusion of relative motion.   There is nothing, anywhere, that is not in motion.  You can never travel in an absolute circle, in space, unless you can greatly exceed the speed of light.... exactly the formula for the circumference of a circle... better still to move at the formula for the volume of a sphere where the radius is the distance for one second of time... C the Speed of Light.   I know it sounds weird but makes perfect sense once you think about it for a bit.  Nothing ever moves in a circle.  Circles are an illusion of relative motion.
Most of you have a job to get to and worries about a roof over your head.  I'm quite poor but am retired and I have a couple of small pensions to pay the rent and buy food.  There is nowhere I have to be.  In that regard, I get to look at life from a more relaxed point of view... NOT from survival of the fittest point of view... dog eat dog, the strong eat the weak... etc.  I don't have to get up and go to work and I don't have to kiss anyone's ass.  I like being the boss and the guy in charge.  That works  best, for me.
I had planned to become a physicist but ended up an officer in the Navy straight out of high school... never did get around to practicing physics.  I got into photography and did high end commercial work... food, fashion, industrial, product, cars, magazine stuff.  I had wanted to be a painter, at one time, and have been teaching myself to paint these past 15 years.  I'm pretty good at it, now, and have learned a lot.  I spend my days working on my art.
I consider this planet, and its inhabitants, to be totally f**ked and am doing my best to save your sorry asses from the horrors that are coming... mostly mass starvation.  Yup... get ready because the world, as you know it, is about to end in this century.  Your best chance of survival will be in New Zealand and the West Coast of North America.  India is totally screwed as will be much of Africa.
Mass starvation will be the norm.  China will lose about half its population but is so overpopulated, that will be a good thing.  Military dictatorships will be the norm.  You'll see.  Mass human exodus is now a normal reality... oh, you haven't noticed?  I haven't been able to work out the physics of weather, but there seems to be a very high risk that rapid climate change could trigger a new, very fast developing... in less than 10 years, new ICE AGE.  You think I'm kidding.  I'm a scientist... I don't kid about these things.  Things are stable because the salt content of the oceans has remained constant for a long time.   The salt deposits at the South Pole are melting... oh... you didn't know about that?  The OTHER risk is that we return to a very high CO2 content atmosphere and the Arctic and north become tropical again.  Africa would be not habitable, except on the coasts.  India would be too hot a place to live.  If the salt deposits, in Antarctica melt and the sea salinity rises rapidly, it will change the nature of ice formation... it's all rather tricky to figure out.   "Remember, Eric, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people." Mr. Garrison, Elementary School Teacher, South Park.
There are tons of well-intentioned people out there.  The thing is, good intentions and ignorance are a very, very dangerous soup. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.  It's, usually, the most Conservative, of people who are the ever present danger.  The NIMBY's can be dangerous... those who can't adapt to change.   Remember, when you arrive, you don't get to stay.  Adapt or die.
Also, remember, knowledge does not equal intelligence.  Just because it was in a book and a person knows the book backwards and forwards... the book can't think.  Well read people are not, necessarily, intelligent people.  They can become filled with hubris and that leads to social dangers.  Experience can be hard to come by... and can be as valuable as education.  It's nice to have both experience and education.   Interestingly, the greatest inventions seem to come from people around age 22... those without experience but bold in their views.  It's all rather tricky.
The problem with the planet, aside from gross overpopulation and religions, is that the number of ignorant and stupid people far outnumber the educated and intelligent.  When this happens, nature eliminates the issue.  It's coming.  I say, again, prepare to lose half the population of the entire planet in this century.  Expect military dictatorships.  The west coast of North America will become a country... an independent military dictatorship.  That's where I live but don't expect to live much longer... I'm old and not well.
Remember, I'm a scientist... I don't joke about these things.  I say what I mean, I mean what I say, and I don't give a flying f**k what anyone thinks.  You must prove your worth to me.
People tell me I'm a "Sheldon".  Like, who cares?  You get to be weird when you are old.  I'm about to be 73.  Didn't think I'd be here, still.  I'm aiming for 75, just now, in order to attempt to complete some projects I've been working upon. Check me out...
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marissabdbdp-blog ¡ 6 years ago
Marissa:  It had been nearly a week since our little warrior Rhavage was born. He was a good boy for me and his Daddy. I still couldn’t believe he was our little bundle of joy. He slept through the day just like us, night time he would keep us awake the whole family loved him. Everyone took turns in holding him, Butch took a week off rotation just to help and let me rest, it was heaven. Looking at him he was devoted to Rhavage whenever he woke up he was there told me to stay in bed and rest. I think since having Rhavage it’s changed him a little he is more focus and he is such a loving father to him. I guess that is why I love him so much, he puts us first like he always did with me. Just seeing him with Rhavage, I feel pain for him because he never got the love from his own family. That is why I am going to make sure that he is with us everyday/night. He is my soulmate the love of my life.
My arms were around Butch as we was snuggling in bed. Rhavage was in his moses basket next to our bed. I could hear him in his sleep making noises it was so cute as if he was dreaming. I lifted my head and smiled at Butch “Can you hear him baby?” Placing my arm over his chest “He sounds as if he is dreaming baby.”  Moving up closer as I planted a soft kiss on his lips.
Laying in bed, Marissa had her arm across my chest, Rhavage was asleep in the Moses basket by our bed “Yeah I can baby. I wonder if he's dreaming of his next feed” Chuckling softly,  capturing Marissa's lips with my own. I was blessed with a loving mate, a young who we both adore. Wrath had given me the week off rotation to adjust to fatherhood. I was helping out the best I could with Rhavage with his feed or if he needed his diaper changing. I never knew how much a baby could poop! And it stank. Yes even worse than V's socks.
Everyone in the mansion were flocking to see our little warrior, taking turns to hold him, coo over him. The females were taking it in turns to pamper Rhavage, I bet he now knows how a parcel in pass the parcel feels now. This was my family, the joys of a new life, new beginnings. But at times I did think of Odell and how she would of love to see Rhavage, but would of that tipped her further over the edge in her dementia? Would any of the other O'Neals would believe her, if mother had lived, a word she said. They would of passed it off as one of her little episodes.
Sighing deeply as Marissa's and mine lips parted, I was about to talk to her when Rhavage began to become restless. First it was a whimper till he cranked the volume up and cried at the top of his lungs. “Is the next feed in the fridge baby?” Getting out of bed towards the moses basket. I bent over scooping Rhavage into my arms “Hungry I guess?” Rhavage answered with a loud wail “Yep your hungry” Handing the little man to Marissa I headed out into the lounge and into the gallery kitchen.
Marissa: As I was laying next to Butch, Rhavage gave out a massive wail it was loud. Yep, I guess our little warrior is hungry. Butch got out of bed and passed Rhavage to me, I held him in my arms  as Butch went towards the lounge into the kitchen to get him a bottle. “Baby, I could just breastfeed him, keep the bottles for when we need them. It saves you getting up while we are both here baby. Yea my boobs hurt but that is because he likes his food.” Laughing softly. “Sometimes he sucks really hard, he is even worse than you baby. But he needs to feed so I don’t mind.”
Once in the kitchen Marissa yells out about breastfeeding “Now she tells me” saying this to myself. Shouting back to her “I'm coming back baby” Back in the bedroom Rhavage had latched onto Marissa's nipple and was suckling to his heart's content. Lucky boy having that harden bud in his mouth. The instant I thought of Marissa's nipple in my mouth the guy down below got hard, turning my back I rearranged myself “Not now you traitor” Turning back around Marissa was stroking Rhavage on the side of his face. “Baby do you want to take our little warrior to the Safe Place tonight? The females and the young will adore him” Perching on the edge of the bed I brought my hand up, letting Rhavage hold onto my index finger.
Marissa: After I shouted to Butch about me breastfeeding he shouted back that he was on his way back. Rhavage was still wailing until I lifted him up closer holding him tight with my hands supporting his back, trying to ease him. That is when he latched onto my nipple hard, sucking so hard making these cute sounds. “Damn Rhavage you are just as bad as your Daddy.” Laughing more  “Though I should think he would be jealous right about now that it’s not him and maybe have a bulge in his pants.” I carry on feeding our little warrior.
Butch: Rhavage had his feed which took about thirty minutes, but he needs milk to grow and poop more in his diaper. Once he had done Marissa passed Rhavage to me, I laid him gently over my shoulder, patting his back gently till he deafened me with burp “Where did that come from? Your big toes?” Laying him back on our bed, I played with him whilst I talked with Marissa “What do you think of going to the Safe Place baby?” I continued to make cooing noises to Rhavage till Marissa answered me.
Marissa: After I finished feeding Rhavage, Butch took him out of my arms and starting patting his back he gave out a large burp. Laughs softly just like his Daddy. Watching him as Butch played with our son, making me laugh a lot. “That sounds like a great idea baby. I bet everyone can’t wait to meet him, baby. He is going to get very spoiled baby. I bet I am only inside for a about 2 minutes and he will be gone out of my arms. When shall we go baby?”
“We can go tonight if you want to baby. You have a shower and I'll get Rhavage ready” As Marissa got up I gave that sexy ass of hers a quick slap. I scooped Rhavage into my arms and carried him over to the changing station. Laying him down I got a clean diaper from the draw below, some wipes and some talc. I proceeded to change Rhavage's diaper, putting the dirty diaper into a diaper sack and tied it up, throwing it into the trash can. Placing the clean diaper under him, I grabbed some wipes and cleaned his butt. Taking a clean cloth I patted him dry, grabbed the bottle of talc and shock it into his butt and front. Once done I taped the diaper together at the sides “One clean warrior, now for some clothes” With one hand on Rhavage I bent down grabbing a baby grow, a little t shirt with the Red Sox on and a little pair of jeans. Putting them on him was like having a wrestling match, at one point Rhavage was winning but I got the better of him and got him dressed. Picking him up I turned towards the bathroom door as Marissa emerged from the bathroom “We got one clean kiddo here baby”
Marissa: I placed Rhavage into Butch’s arm as I headed to the bathroom for a shower. “Butch’s hand caught me on the cheek of my butt, as I headed towards the bathroom. “Mmm baby” laughing softly as I headed into the shower. I finished in the shower getting myself dressed I could hear Butch and Rhavage in the other room. I opened the door slightly watching them both. I could see Rhavage having a wrestling match with his dad and Butch was trying to dress him, it was so cute to see. My little warrior trying to give his daddy a run for his money but it didn’t work Butch got the better of him. The noises he was making made my heart melt. Then Butch told me our little warrior was clean. “I can see that baby, I was watching you both.”
“You were? Did you see him put up the fight of his life there. Baby he doesn't like having clothes on, I think we have a nudist here” Laughing handing Rhavage back to Marissa. “I'm going to take a quick shower and then we set to go” Pressing my lips against Marissa's I headed into the bathroom. Once in there I turned the shower on, kicked my boxers off and stepped under the water. Grabbing the soap I did a quick foaming over my body, under my nut sac and suds down my back. Putting the soap back I turned the shower off and stepped out, drying myself off I went back into the bedroom, going to the closet I dressed quickly into some leather pants, a muscle shirt. Arming myself I wasn't going outside into the big bad world not able to protect Marissa and Rhavage. I put on a leather coat and pocketed more knives, ammo and a length of chain. Coming out of the closet I look over to Marissa and Rhavage “You two ready?”
Marissa: “Yes, baby. I was watching you both, you gave as good as he did to you baby. I know baby do you think because he was nude inside me so long or maybe because he is to warm? But then again baby, you are always commando maybe he takes after his Daddy.” I held my arms open as you placed our son back in my arms as you also went and had a shower. Playing and listening to Rhavage as I waited for Butch to come back. Hearing him entering the room and going over to the closet arming himself with Knives, ammo and other stuff. Then he turned asking us if we was ready. “Yes, baby. We are ready. “
“Car seat is in the lounge baby, you get Rhavage strapped in and I'll get the keys from V” Going to V I grab the Escalades keys off him “I'm taking Marissa and Rhavage to the Safe place” “You want back up?” “Nah we be fine but I'll ring you if we need you” I returned to Marissa's side, she had Rhavage in the car seat, strapped in a blanket across his legs keeping them and his feet warm. Picking up the car seat I took Marissa's hand in mine and walked out of the pit into the courtyard
Marissa: Listening to Butch as he told me the car seat was in the lounge, I walked to the lounge placing Rhavage in the seat strapping him in. Putting a blanket over his feet to keep him warm. I was waiting for Butch as he grabbed the keys for the Escalade from V. Butch returned and we walked out of the pit into the courtyard to go to the safe place.
Taking the keys from my pocket, I pressed the button on the fob, the indicators flashed unlocking the Escalade. Opening the rear door I place Rhavage into the backseat, strapping him in with the seat belt. Closing the door I opened the passenger door and helped Marissa in, strapping her in as well. I give Marissa a kiss and closes her door. Coming round to the driver's side I open the door, getting in and shuts the door, putting on my seat belt. I push the keys into the ignition and turns the engine on. Reversing back till I can bring the front of the Escalade around, I drive down the lane till I reach Route 22. Driving down into Caldwell then back out to the outskirts it wasn't long before we were at the Safe Place. Putting the Escalade into park, I switched the engine off. Getting out I helped Marissa and Rhavage up to the front door.
Marissa: I got out of the Escalade and went up to the front door to surprise everyone, Butch kissed me, he knew he wasn't allowed into the Safe Place. I entered the safe place, I was only in there about 2 minutes before Rhavage was in someone else’s arms. Smiling as I watched the people around me. “Evening all, I thought | would surprise you all. This is our little warrior Rhavage.” I sat down watching the people with my bundle of joy.
#ParentHood #SASBDB
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semenguine ¡ 6 years ago
the food is mediocre. i don’t have much to say so i just eat while he talks. he’s talking about 70s feminist lesbian theories, the ones that ended up forcing butches and femmes out of the spaces we created. still, he’s not expecting me to be educated on this. and none of my opinions on it are anything he’d find favourable.
but how do you like dinner? he asks. i look up, a little relieved that he’s stopped. it’s alright, i say, politely. oh, he says. just alright? i nod. eden usually cooks, i mumble. and she’s a very good cook. so i find i’m usually underwhelmed by restaurants now. 
yeah, he puts a hand under his chin and leans forward. doesn’t that make you wonder? he asks. hear me out. this whole.. masculine woman feminine woman subculture- is designed to suck you in and keep you from ever questioning it. and people in it always claim that it has nothing to do with the imitation of heterosexuality, when, didn’t it originate because lesbians had to imitate heterosexuality to be safe? and how can you literally say that one woman presents as masculine and the other as feminine and somehow want to keep arguing that it doesn’t have anything to do with, you know, relationships between actual men and women? 
i am not sure what this has to do with eden cooking. i stare at him.
like, he says. i’m not implying she’s abusive or anything. but you don’t find it even a little curious that she’s got you dependent on her for something as laughably simple as good food? you can’t go out and enjoy good food anymore, she’s got you eating like, out of her hands. and then when you guys are young you end up growing up in these spaces with other lesbians who’ve already been groomed into this subculture. and they teach you the language and whatever, and the way you’re supposed to act. and you end up only knowing how to socialize, like, with these kinds of lesbians. so even if you were thinking you didn’t identify with all this stuff anymore, you’re not equipped with the tools to make connections in other lesbian spaces. and think about it, like, lesbians get shamed for leaving the whole space all the time. you guys have like, slurs for them. like. andro lezzie. 
it’s not a slur, i mumble. come on, he says. andro. lezzie. like, i don’t know, sierra. sounds like a slur to me. oh! you know, the photo i have, i squirm as he says that. it looks honestly like you’re being assaulted. the way you’re, like- well firstly, there’s almost 10 of them, and not a single other girly lesbian in that bathroom. and then they’re all looking at you in like, this creepy way. and they’re fighting over who gets to fuck you like you’re a piece of meat, and one of them is in the middle of forcing her dildo into your mouth, for christ’s sake. like. i’m sure it felt exciting for you, but it all teaches you to normalize the male violence you endured in your childhood. suddenly because they’re women it’s different. is it really lesbian, he asks me. if you’re doing straight sex acts? like when you’re- i’m gonna make an assumption here- when you’re getting penetrated by eden, isn’t what feels good about it the feeling of being penetrated? and if you enjoy that feeling of being penetrated by a phallic object so much and, how she looks when she has her fake penis and all and the sex you guys have with it, then.. it makes sense to conclude you’re aroused by heterosexual sex. and then what conclusions can you draw from that? you want interactions with men coming from a woman because of your trauma. right? when you think about it, in the 50s and 60s, your half of the relationship, they used to actually be prostitutes who were getting pimped out. all day long, these women were subjected to these traumatic encounters with men, right. so why would they go afterwards to a bar to have the same kind of sex except with women who looked and acted and had sex exactly like these guys? because they weren’t attracted to the women themselves, but the type of interaction, without the fear and anxiety and shame and hate that came with being with men. is this starting to make sense? 
i stare at my plate. i suppose, i say. 
i know it’s tough to get a handle on, he says. it’s just something to think about. let’s do this again tomorrow. i sit quietly while he waves the waiter over for the bill and pays and everything. he takes me to his apartment. i feel my dinner start to rise. i hope i don’t vomit here. he takes me to his bedroom. i try to get away in my head, but he gets all intimate. he takes my clothes off for me. a scream starts to build up in me that i can’t let go. he lays me down. ever been fingered by a guy before? i think so, i say. my thoughts don’t really make sense and i can’t remember anything. i’m waiting for god to stop what’s about to happen. he doesn’t.
it lasts longer for me than i think it did for him and than it actually was in real life. it feels to me like i lied there for hours and hours. i cum for him. i don’t mean to. i try so hard not to. but he strokes it out of me with one hand and the other he uses to jerk himself to a climax. he cums on my chest. i lie there. for a few moments i genuinely honest to god believe i am dead. but i’m not. 
he cleans my chest up for me. this was enjoyable, he says. i wonder who it was enjoyable for. i don’t want him to see me cry so i just say yes and i put on my clothes and i thank him for dinner and i leave. once his door closes i run away. i run down a few streets and then i duck into a side street and i half bend over and i vomit. it splashes onto my heels. some drips down the front of my skirt. i throw up a few more times. i squint. it’s hard to stay upright. my legs shake violently. i sob finally, people glance at me and then quickly look away. my shame capacity is overloaded already so i don’t care anymore. i don’t know what time it is. i don’t know where i am. i have work to do at home. 
my vision blurs, i sink down and very nearly wind up kneeling in my vomit. it’s cold out, i realize suddenly. and it’s dark. i cry and cry and cry. i don’t really know for how long but at some point i take out my phone and i call eden. i can’t even talk properly, i’m crying so much. somehow i manage to ask can you come get me? she wants to know where i am, i’m still sobbing, i tell her the truth, i tell her i don’t know. i tell her i can’t move. she finds me, somehow. it takes almost an hour but she stays with me on the phone the whole time and she finds me. 
she takes me home. i try to rip myself apart, in the car, at home. i scratch at my limbs desperately with my nails but they’re too dull. i slam my body into walls and things, i pull and claw at myself with desperation. eden has hidden the knives somewhere. i try for i think a long time before getting tired of it. i lay there limp in bed. 
i kiss my soul goodbye.
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