coconut530 · 1 year
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Are there any webcomics you like?
Ok, so aside from (multiple Zelda AU‘s about all the Link‘s meeting, a really well drawn Kirby post-anime comic series, and nostalgic Undertale AU‘s)
I’ve got bunch I was reading on webtoon (was, mostly because the app currently lags too much for me to use it and my obsession with this app from two years ago is kinda nonexistent rn)
Castoff (very cool fantasy adventure stuff)
Four Leaf (also very cool fantasy adventure stuff)
Proper Care and Feeding for your Fountain (the WORLDBUILDING. You just get thrown into this unknown and weird world without ANY exposition, and kinda just learn more about the world through reading. Also it’s just good in general, I love this)
The Little Trashmaid (very cute way of calling attention to ocean pollution)
Don‘t Click (not really a Comic? But somehow still a comic? Very cool in any way, the fourth wall is gone but in a hurt/comfort/more hurt way, one of my faves, read this!)
The Weekly Roll (it’s funny dnd stuff, and I don’t even know what dnd is)
The Doodle Demon (cute and wholesome!)
Star Children (really pretty, love the characters and building)
Labyrinth (love the art style)
The Story of a Guardevoir that became a trainer (Basically reverse Pokémon mystery dungeon. Not even the type of story I’d usually read? Idk I just like it for some reason. It’s rated 7/10 and that rating fits imo)
Guardians of the videogame (it ended in April after 8 years and it was SUCH a ride, the plot was AMAZING and also surprisingly emotional, so good)
Cursed princess club (It’s cute and has nice messages)
Toaster dude (it was just fun!)
The Last Human in a Crowded Galaxy (Sci-Fi, humans are considered horrible monsters but luckily they’re extinct right hey why does the giant spider mom’s adorable not spider kid kinda act like a human- listen I‘m running out of words to describe all these comics so just know that all of these are pretty neat, including this one)
Ava‘s Demon
Room of Swords (if you can keep up because what is even going on in this plot anymore Zelda and Kingdom hearts got nothing on this timeline)
Live with yourself (Todd explodes a PC, time shenanigans ensue- does it count as found family if everyone‘s the same person)
The Magical twins (did I ever mention I love typing in random words into the searchbar to find random and unknown not-perfect-but-charming comics, because I do)
Tales of the Unusual (Horror. Very Good Horror.)
Emmy the robot (robot gets accidentally junked, learns how to adapt)
Blue Chair (I mean it’s blue chair, it’s pretty popular. Pretty sure I saw it here on tumblr too)
Aaaaand like a bazillion more. Honestly just give me a genre and I‘ll find some comics.
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starburstonlayaway · 5 years
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for @elizabroadwaytrash and i
Current word count :
Basic summary:
Tyler and Ethan’s family goes through a lot of changes following their marriage. They lose people, take others in, and new journeys are ventured on every day, no matter how scary or exciting.
Title? WIP? Alternate titles?
“Leave a Message.”
Yes, it is a work-in-progress.
I don’t believe we had any alternative titles, and if we did, I do not recall them.
Favorite character and how they are introduced:
Tyler. He’s introduced at the beginning of the first chapter, seen before anyone else.
Favorite ship:
Rose/Victor! I haven’t gotten to writing their relationship and build-up, but from our plans and how we’ve designed Victor’s character to be, I’m excited.
MC’s biggest mistake:
Rose is probably more of an MC than the others, despite it being a Tyler/Ethan fanfic.
Her biggest mistake was probably refusing to give up on Carter. While he was her boyfriend, his actions toward her (and later, Jazzy) were unacceptable after she came out to him. She isn’t to blame at all, but it’s definitely the thing she regrets most.
A webcomic on Webtoon called “Always Human.” The comic explores the events happening to the girls Sunati and Austen throughout the course of their relationship. Beautiful art, realistic problems (despite being set in a futuristic utopian society), representation, and well-written romance. I wanted to incorporate these factors into LaM to make it similar to a story I enjoyed very much that left an influence on me.
Underrated character appreciation:
Jazzy! Rose’s best friend. Even in the separate story where she’s one of the main set of characters, she’s still very overlooked. She’s very upbeat and friendly, with lots of knowledge on wlw pop culture and history!
A few favorite dialogues:
“I’m ready, but we’re not in a rush or anything.” “Of course we’re in a rush, you slut! The sooner you guys get married, the sooner you have kids, and the sooner I’m an uncle!“ “Aren’t you occupied enough as it is? If you’re so involved in the idea of having a family, then why haven’t you and Jack had any kids of your own yet?“ “Don’t roast us like this.”
(spoken angrily) “Hey, Mister, that’s my soup!”
“That’s Amy! She’s probably Chica and Henry’s favorite out of all of us, but WE SHOULD REALLY SHARE CUSTODY OF HENRY.”
“Uh, I like to read, mostly, but watching older cartoons is also fun.” “Ooh. What cartoons do you like?” “My current favorite is Adventure Time!” “Adventure Time is considered an older cartoon now?” “Guess so.” “Damn, we’re getting old.” “We’re already old, dude.” “Thanks I feel worse.”
“What kind of cancer is it again?” “Leukemia.” “The survival chances of that aren’t terrible.” “Wow. Thanks.”
“You punched Jazzy?! You fucking punched Jazzy?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why would you punch someone for standing up to you when you were the one being a dick?!” “She wouldn’t get out of my face—” “I don’t wanna hear that bullshit! Carter, you can hurt me all you fucking want and I won’t care, but you’ve crossed the fucking line. Jazzy is the only person that’s been nice to me all year. She’s supported me and loved me no matter what, something you never fucking did!” “What the hell are you—” “We’re done, Carter! I never want to see your ugly transphobic douchebag ass again!”
MC moodboard:
MC’s fondest memory:
Probably when she was adopted. It was the most exciting day of her life, and lead down a journey of self-discovery.
In close second is the day she became friends with Jazzy. She was there for her when she needed her most.
Songs that remind of LaM or the characters:
“What About Us” by P!nk, probably definitely because it’s the song I used for Tyler and Ethan’s first dance.
“Leave a Message” by gnash, the song I named the book after! This one doesn’t need much of an explanation.
“Party Tattoos” by dodie. I plan to use this song in the closing chapter, sung by Rose.
Enjoy torturing the characters?
Not really, but I do it anyway. Good for character development, which there’s a lot of. But I don’t enjoy it, no. I love the characters in this book like my cat and dogs: with all my heart.
MC’s biggest fear:
Being unaccepted. This fear makes itself evident after what happens with Carter. Her mother’s reaction enforces this more.
To finish LaM by the end of sophomore year, editing and all.
To be proud of the finished product.
To use this book as a reminder that I can do it. I can write.
Characters’ secret talents:
Ethan, despite not playing for many, many years, still excels at playing the ukulele. This becomes not so much of a secret later on in the book.
Rose is surprisingly good at tic-tac-toe. Not necessarily a talent, but definitely something she’d want you to note.
Turned into a media? Cast?
Seeing as LaM is a piece of fanwork, I don’t believe I would turn it into a media.
If it was to be a media, however, along with Tyler Scheid and Ethan Nestor to play Tyler and Ethan, as well as Mark Fischbach, Amy Nelson, and Kathryn Knutsen to play their friends, a few choices I would make would be to cast Janet Mock as adult Rose Scheid and Elliot Fletcher as adult Adrian Garcia.
MC’s basic morals and general beliefs:
Rose’s number one moral is to never make someone feel shut out. Having been rejected (as well as accepted) many times in her life, she knows that she never wants anyone to feel like that, and makes an effort to be the reason.
How MC found out the tooth fairy doesn’t exist:
She never really believed in it, to begin with.
Best name:
Jasmine “Jazzy” Hinojosa-Mills.
Least favorite OC:
Carter. Abusive transphobic asshat that left Rose with lots of insecurities and trauma for years to come.
Mark really had gone all out with making the altar just like Tyler had wanted it to look. The arch was made out of ebony wood that had been painted white with golden accents. Flowery vines were twirled all around the wood, the flowers colors of black, grey, purple, and blue. The chairs surrounding the aisle were all made of the same wood as the arch, the cushions blue and grey. Both Ethan and Tyler’s family alike filled those chairs, chattering away with one another. Tyler quickly scanned the side filled with Ethan’s relatives, and wasn’t surprised to see Ethan’s aunt and uncle were not present. He hoped to god that Ethan wouldn’t notice. The guests quieted down and turned their heads to look at Tyler, and he felt put on the spot. Most of the guests smiled at him, others clapped quietly. He could see that two people in particular were both smiling and clapping. Seeing Jack and Kathryn so supportive of him was majorly comforting to Tyler. He exhaled, and glanced at Mark behind him. Mark was already smiling, and nudged his head towards the arch. Tyler walked down the aisle and received praise from just about everyone sat in chairs. He high-fived Jack on his way to his place next to the officiant. The lady smiled at him, and he returned the gesture. She opened her book as Mark took his place next to Tyler, gazing over his friend’s tux and wiping off some dust quickly. Mark gave Tyler a thumbs-up, and Tyler couldn’t stop smiling. Now that he was actually out in front of the guests and standing where he was meant to be, his nerves relaxed. In fact, every thought he’d ever had in doubt of this marriage before that moment vanished, as soon as Ethan walked out.
WIP representation:
Rose is trans
Jazzy is pansexual with two moms
Adrian is trans with two moms
Marcus has two dads
Rose and her mother are black
Adrian and his mama are Mexican
Marcus has leukemia (cancer of the white blood cells)
Standalone or part of a series?
Standalone. Although I suppose you could call it a spinoff of one of our other works, the reader does not need to read that series to understand this story.
Biggest character development:
Definitely Rose. Seeing as the story follows the changes through most of her life, there’s a big difference in her character comparing the first chapter she is introduced to the closing chapter, where she takes center stage.
People who know of the WIP:
My co-writer, Caroline. Though I’ve done most of the writing, Caroline and I brought the idea for this story to life together, creating a unique cast of characters such as Jazzy, Rose, Adrian, Marcus, their families, Victor, Rose’s mother Aaliyah, and Ethan’s uncle Zane. Without her, the story would not have been written in the first place.
The lovely readers on AO3. I’ve uploaded chapters of the WIP onto there, updating at least once a month. It feels good to be putting some of my work out there for other people instead of just keeping such a joy all to myself. Of course, this is just a personal opinion.
Characters’ annoying habits:
Jazzy’s very short-tempered. Make one wrong move, anyone could get shouted at, lectured, maybe even a blow to the face.
Marcus feels a lot of self-pity and spite. He wishes his parents wouldn’t baby him so much just because he has cancer. This, later on, leads to him participating in multiple illegal activities to antagonize them.
Adrian grows to be more selfish as he gets older, even going out of his way to go into the military and disappear from Rose’s life out of the blue one day without telling her. He later regrets this.
Rose has plenty of autophobia to go around. After her mother gave her up to the orphanage at a young age and Carter’s abuse towards her in her late middle school years, followed by Adrian’s sudden leave after high school, she always fears being alone or abandoned by the people she cares about.
Tyler and Ethan both never seem to recover from the grief of their first child’s loss. This makes them closed off to people who ask about the incident, and could sometimes bring them back to their depressive state.
Very last three lines (with context):
“Unsure was she on how to approach this. She’d felt it since that first night she met him, but it’d grown more and more out of hand since. They’d also became closer as friends, even now sometimes hanging out without the needed assistance of Marcus and Jazzy by their sides to ease the tension.”
Context: Rose had just come to the conclusion she had a crush on Adrian.
Characters: Based off IRL people(through looks, personality, or habits)?
Tyler, Ethan, Amy, Kathryn, Mark, Jack, Chica, Henry, and all of the parents in the story are based off IRL influencers. The characters have only been switched and changed a bit, as well as the relationships, of course, to fit the story.
Impossible friendship:
Carter and Jazzy. Don’t really need to explain it if you’ve read the work. They hate each other’s guts more than anyone, and they could never kiss and make up. As characters, they aren’t the types to do that at all, especially with each other.
Am I proud?
Yes. Leave a Message has been my most dedicated piece of work so far, and I’d say I’m well on my way to reaching my personally-set deadline next year if I keep it at the rate I’m going. Not to mention the characters and plotlines are exciting and realistic, in my own opinion. There’s still a lot left to be written, but I’ve got everything planned out. I don’t plan on stopping until I’m finished with it.
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many-gay-magpies · 2 years
bro the intros and outros really do HIT i actually do listen to them often (yes its bc im down bad for jake and like hearing his voice wHAT ABT IT) AND THE WRITING IS SO INTERESTING??? LIKE PLS WHERE DID IT GO. WHERE.
back to solon- YES EXACTLY WEREWOLVES ARE PACK ANIMALS. EXACTLY. which is a huge reason as to why it makes more sense for solon to be born a wolf, they're family-oriented packs that Would want to raise kids. ik theres a lot of stories where lycanthropy is spread via werewolf bite, but thats a very modern idea and not consistent with the core of what a "werewolf" is. most origins of it have it as a born condition or as a divine curse. so anyways itty bitty baby werewolf solon in his little community. i am going to CRY. AND THE PART WHERE HE THINKS HE HATES SOOHA BUT RLY ITS HIS INNER PULL TO HER BC HE RECOGNIZES HER AS A MEMBER OF HIS PACK. THATS SO . AAAAAA. AND ALSO CAN WE THINK ABOUT HOW HE PROBABLY HAS THIS DEEP-SET FEAR OF LOSING HIS PACK SO HE PUSHES SOOHA AWAY BECAUSE HES SCARED OF FORMING AN ATTACHMENT THAT WILL DEVASTATE HIM TO LOSE. YEAH .
AND YEAH I HAVE FEELINGS ABT THE SUNSHINE CITY WEREWOLVES NOW TOO. BECAUSE ACTUALLY. SOME THINGS MAKE SENSE NOW. the sunshine city boys usually express some kind of surprise when the decelis boys band together, and in the webnovel they actually team up to get shit done (and rescue the werewolves that got kidnapped). part of me thinks that because of their experiences w solon, the decelis boys have adapted a pack mentality/werewolf style of being, which is why they team up so quick w the sunshine city boys when they hear of their wolf brothers getting kidnapped. it's that "no one is left behind in family" mentality. so i imagine the werewolves just SO FRUSTRATED bc why do these vampires, their mortal enemies, posses the same pack-mentality values as them??? idk just thoughts
-vrvr anon
KSGJDGDJDH YEAH IT DID. IT SURE DID. im pretty sure theres an entire section of my brain just dedicated to generating solon angst at this point thats how seamlessly this stuff comes to me. anyone can say pretty much anything about solon and ill be like oh? oh potential beginning of an angst pathway? oh i see.
THEY DO HIT and i feel you so much with the jake thing... his speaking voice is just. so beautiful. its like he was born for narration hsjfbfjfbj (altho i heard niki did some in japanese in the new intro which has me like 👀👀👀). but YEAH WHERE DID THE WRITING GO. where is it. what did you do with it hybe
GOD I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS ABOUT WEREWOLVES AS PACK ANIMALS U DONT EVEN KNOW. so many. and it does make more sense as far as the werewolf myth goes overall for it to be a genetically inherited tradition or a curse... one person gets cursed to be a werewolf and all of their descendants after them carry the curse, as well... except it ends up devolving into something thats not really a curse because now theres whole communities of werewolves living happily together and helping each other deal with their lycanthropy and building families and AAAAA yeah . i just think its neat! (also coincidentially, when i answered your ask yesterday i had also just been reading this cute little comic zomcom on webtoon where one of the characters is a born werewolf and theres this cute little doodle of him as a baby wolf and . it made me think of little tiny baby wolf solon stumbling around and roughhousing with his human packmates pre-orphanage and now im <////3)
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(the baby werewolf in question ^^^) (just imagine that but its itty bitty werewolf pup solon. and now you're crying!)
the thought of the decelis vamps developing this familial "no one gets left behind" pack mentality because of how close they are with solon is soooo... feelings. yeah its so feelings HDJFBFJFJ im perfectly coherent what are you talking about ?? (legitimately tho its so sweet and such a soft image i might cry.) aND THEN THE SUNSHINE CITY WOLVES BEING SO CONFUSED LIKE "wtf why are these vampires teaming up with us so easily?? these are OUR pack members so why should they care?? theyre acting like a wolf pack but theyre vampires. whats going on. what" I LOVE IT.
also now im having lots of very soft feelings about the vamps being solon's pack; insisting from the moment they all connect at the orphanage that, FUCK genetics, they're gonna be this sad lonely wolf boy's pack whether they can actually turn into wolves or not. you know that really cute scenario we talked about where the vamps all pile together on top of wolf!solon for a week long nap after finals are over? im wondering if that (the whole cuddle pile thing) might be a behavior that's more exclusive to werewolves and something they boys all develop because of their relationship with solon, so whenever the sunshine city wolves see the vamps all piling on top of each other (maybe after an exhausting battle, when theyre all a lot closer with each other and dont mind chilling out together after) they just go ???? because. What. HSJFHFJFB
AND also also . jakah using his superspeed to race with solon on full moons. or ALL of the vamps running with solon on full moons. jaan wrestling with solon like a fellow wolf would because his superstrength allows him to actually hold his own against solon in his wolf form (and maybe even sooha doing the same later on). the boys all playing hide-n-seek in the forest and having solon find them. just. think about it
(and last thought . now i have a much funnier alternative to the angstier scenario of one of the wolves, upon finding out solon is a werewolf, asking him if he wants to join them so he can be in a REAL pack, and rather than being all conflicted about it solon is just like. i already have one tho??? and the wolves go "your brothers dont count" and solon goes "the FUCK THEY DONT-")
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