#WHY AREN’T YOU BY MY SIDE WE HAVE SO MUCH TO DO TOGETHER ㅠㅠ and at least let us be in the same time zone that’s so cruel
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napoftustar · 2 months ago
this fact breaks my heart into million pieces really..
worst part about the Internet is knowing that there are finally people who both match and complement your freak. the nearest one is 2,318.4 miles away and your time zones are awkward
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day6source · 3 months ago
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241102 Wonpil has posted on bubble! 🐰🫧 | trans: @/wonpilsbbl on twitter
➽i'm here ➽i changed my profile pic! ➽[image] ➽it was from Jakarta concert~ ➽have you guys listened to sungjin hyung’s album sampler~? ➽i know how hard he worked on his album and how he prepared it while watching him from the side, so ofc i feel emotional..! ➽i can’t wait for november 5th hehe ➽i’ve been so busy lately so i’m here nowㅠㅠ ➽right, we received an award yesterday! ➽i was kind of nervous bcs there were a lot of seniors in front of us…ㅠㅠ ➽but still, i was so happy hehe ➽it was only possible bcs of mydays ➽i want to continue spreading good and positive influence ➽but ofc i’m need to show my growth through music first hehe ➽i can’t say that there’s no pressure, but i think of it as a good pressure and i’ll use it to keep growing😊 ➽(y/n) i love you❤️
➽i’m not going. ➽i haven’t properly played pilgu yetㅠㅠ ➽i’ll tell you once i get to play it☺️ ➽i didn’t have time to play it properly.. ➽oh, Papa Recipe! ➽i had so much recording the narration and the filming, i was grateful the staffs treated us so well too ㅠㅠ ➽i think the season’s greeting was filmed around summer~? ➽yep, i took the hand sticker photo during that time✌️ ➽shall we listen to songs together, after a long time~? ➽okay, let’s go for Pilaylist after a long time😊 ➽Pilaylist first song is~
➽coldplay -JUPiTER
➽ready~ start❤️ ➽this album was released when we had a tour in Malaysia! ➽ofc i’ve listened to the whole album ➽it’s so good hehe ➽it’s my favorite band since i was in high school, so i’m always excited and looking forward to their new releases ➽it’s the same feeling that i have with you too, that’s why we always want to come out with good albums ➽next song~
➽d4vd - here with me
➽ready, start🤗 ➽i think this song fits this moment perfectly..! ➽i really like the sound of stepping on fallen leaves ➽*rustles* ➽there aren’t as many colorful leaves bcs of climate change, right..? ➽i realize lately that the things we consider normal can change easily, so i want to live while appreciating the things i see now! ➽let’s move to next song! ➽i’ve recommended this song before, but there might be mydays who don’t know, so i’ll send it again❤️
➽maximillian - letters
➽ready~❤️ start☺️ ➽i love this song so much ➽should i say that i like it bcs it’s not too overwhelming..? ➽there’s a kind of pain in it, but the song is so beautiful ➽as expected, it’s so nice to listen together🥹 ➽next song
➽avril lavigne - bite me
➽ready~🤟 let’s go, start! ➽i like this kind of song ➽ay you~ ➽i really like this kind of punk-rock ➽next~ ➽i think i’ve recommended this sing before too, i don’t really remember, but i really like this song so i want to listen to it together after a long time
➽the chainsmokers, 5 seconds of summer - who do you love
➽ready🙇‍♂️ let’s go❤️ ➽it’s nice, right~?🤗 ➽it’s a music that bands can do well 😊 ➽next song~
➽flume - never be like you(feat. kai)
➽ready❤️ start❤️ ➽what should i call the genre? future bass? trap? ➽i like this kind of songs too ➽next song~
➽disclosure - omen (feat. sam smith)
➽ready✌️ start🫶 ➽ofc i like this genre too!!! ➽i think i listen to all kinds of genres ➽i get to learn from them too ➽i think this will be the last song for tonight🥹
➽day6 - love me or leave me
➽let’s go🔥 ➽go🤟 ➽🔥🔥🔥 ➽haa ➽can’t give up on you-u-u-u😘 ➽🎹 ➽okay okay, this will be the real last song
➽day6 - shoot me
➽i think we never listen to this together ➽are you okay if you don’t get ready? ➽start🤟🔥🔥 ➽i want to perform in concert🥹 ➽🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ➽shoot me is way more powerful live🔥 ➽let’s listen to the real last song and go to sleep
➽day6 - somehow
➽let’s go, start☁️ ➽i get so excited before playing the keyboard riff at the beginning ➽this song is so fun ➽we made this song but it’s so fun ➽sighs… ➽let’s go to sleep now ➽it’s the real real last song, okay~?
➽day6 - she smiled
➽just get ready🌹 ➽just start☺️ ➽(y/n) you’ve worked so hard today too ➽(y/n) i hope you can rest well in the weekend ➽(y/n) i’m so happy and i cherish this moment ➽(y/n) you need to sleep well tonight, okay~?🥹❤️ ➽(y/n) i love you❤️ ➽(y/n) thank you so much for today too, thank you for talking with me and listening to songs together❤️ ➽(y/n) let’s spend this November together well, okay~? ➽(y/n) good night🌙 ➽(y/n) ppyong😘
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sweetiejunie · 5 years ago
idk if requests are open rn, but an angst/fluff soulmate au with Beomgyu would make me really happy. If requests aren’t open then it’s okay^^
Rewrite the stars
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Summary: you weren’t meant to be together. And it freaked you out. But beomgyu? He’s always been your rock.
Genre: angst, fluff
Beomgyu x reader
A/n: huehue thanks for the request anonie!! First time i wrote a soulmate fic 🥴 but hope u enjoyed! I tried :’)
The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break. Beomgyu watched as you laid in his arms, staring at the red string tied around your pinky. He knew this was wrong. You weren’t supposed to be with him. But he loved you, and you loved him.
It was a fluke that the two of you met. It was a fluke that you fell for each other. But that faithful day he decided to ignore his instincts, was probably the best decision he’s ever made.
You hated that you lived in a world where ‘soulmates’ existed as a concept. You had always thought it was just a social construct, but you can’t ignore the disapproving looks you got while you walked down the streets hand-in-hand with the boy that wasn’t fated to be with you. Why couldn’t the thread be tied around his pinky instead of some stranger you haven’t met? Faith, and the universe, just had to be a bitch.
Beomgyu, on the other hand, he never cared. He loved you, and that was all that mattered to him. Who cares about what others thought about you? Everyone around him told him that it wasn’t right, but nothing ever convinced him. He swore to be by your side no matter what, and it was a promise he planned to keep. On the days when you started to doubt your relationship, he was there. On days when the harsh reality of society got to you, he was there. He was there with you through thick and thin.
“You’re overthinking about the piece of thread again,” he suddenly spoke, knocking you out of your dazed stated when he caught you playing with the string around your left pinky.
You blushed, hiding your hand in a fist as you apologised, “Im sorry.”
“No need to apologise, my love.”
Beomgyu truly was the sweetest. Through all your panic and doubt, he still chose to stay with you and never expected anything in return.
Even the time you almost broke up with him because of everything people were telling you. How you weren’t fated to last or how he was going to leave you once he met his real soulmate. After all this time, that day is still engraved deep in his mind, stuck with him like the plague. After all, the most painful memories are the hardest to forget — the day he almost lost you.
That evening, beomgyu invited you to dinner to meet his parents. You had been dating for a while now, and he thought it was the perfect time for the most important people in his life to finally meet. There was just one small catch, okay, a pretty big catch. Since you weren’t soulmates, his parents weren’t biggest fan of you.
“Why would you agree to that? You know your parents aren’t typically that fond of me. Now you want me to sit barely a feet away from them for, gods knows how many hours?”
“Come on y/n, don’t worry so much. It’ll be fine, and I’ll be with you the whole time, alright?” Beomgyu replied, pouting at you, hoping that tonight would be the night his parents saw just how loving and kind you were. He wanted so badly for you to get along, but that proved to be just a wish.
“Fine, only for you. But don’t you dare leave me.”
As the night went on, beomgyus parents didn’t do anything too out of the ordinary, asking the usual interrogating questions any parent would ask the significant other of their child. But through the night, you had half a mind that every now and then they would glare at you. Then again, you were extremely nervous, so it could have just been you overthinking or your overactive imagination. But the moment beomgyu had excused himself to use the washroom, your suspicions were confirmed.
“Ill just be a second,” he whispered to you as he pushed he chair back.
The moment he was out of sight, his mother spoke, “listen, y/n. I’m going to be frank with you. I think you’re a really nice girl, but i want you to leave beomgyu,” venom evident in every word.
Her statement caught you off guard, and the only respond your brain could process was, “huh?”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s clear that you two are not meant to be together. After-all, you aren’t soulmates. No amount of love can fix or change that.” She paused, only to continue when you didn’t reply, “and i just want the best for beomgyu. I’m sure you do too. One day, I want him to be able to find true love without being held back by anything... or anyone.”
Her words rang in your head over and over again. Were you really just a burden to beomgyu? Was he really going to leave you one of these days?
“I- er- Excuse me. Sorry, i have to go. Ill see myself out,” you stated, your head hung low as you hurried to gather your thing. “ Thank you for the dinner.”
You made your way to the front door, clicking it shut behind you. Ignoring the sound of the bathroom door opening and beomgyu’s voice as he called your name. Worried, confused, maybe even desperate. In the minute he left, his entire world had come crashing down in front him.
“What on earth did you say to her?!” He yelled at his parents. But before they could answer, he was sprinting out the door after you.
“Y/n!” He called out, running towards you. “Wait! Please!”
He reached out to grab your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. When you turned to face him, the tears running down your face were bullets to his heart.
“They’re small minded people,” he began, grabbing your hands, holding them tightly. “Why do you care what they think-”
“It’s not just them,” you interrupted. “It’s everyone.”
“Not me,” his expression soften when he realised you were starting to sob harder. His thumbs running over to back your hands assuringly.
“It may not be written in stone,” he said, referring to the thread tied around his own pinky. “But i know you’re meant to be mine.”
“Beomgyu...” you trailed off. You hated how fate made you question your future with him. You hated how you always put beomgyu in that position. But you couldn’t help it. “No one ever looked at you the way your parents looked at me. But they’re right, you and i, this isn’t meant to happen. Eventually, you would find your true soulmate. Isn’t it better we end it now, before it’s too late and one of us ends up getting hurt?”
He stood there, staring into your eyes. His grip on your hands never faulted, afraid that if let you go, he’ll never see you again. A millions thoughts ran through his head, but all of them wasn’t the right thing to say. All, expect one.
“I- i love you,” he chocked out.
“No, don’t. I can see it in your eyes that you love me too. Isn’t that enough? I promised to be by your side. What matters the most is what we think. And we love each other, thats more than what others can ever say about us. Just because this stupid string says we’re not supposed to be together, doesn’t mean we can’t still write out own ending. Don’t leave me, please.”
“But beomgyu, they’re your parents.”
“I dont give a shit. If they can’t accept me and whatever and whoever i love then... then that’s their problem.”
You couldn’t speak, chocking on your sobs as you looked into his eyes. You pulled him in for a hug, and that was all the response he needed before hugging you back.
Bringing himself back to the present, he smiled, admiring the sight in front of him as you stared up at the clouds. Since that day, the road with you was no where near a smooth ride. But from the moment he saw you, he knew that you may not be fated to be with him, but he had to love you with everything he had, for as long as he can.
The journey to be with you may have been long and difficult, but he was glad it was so tough. Cause if he hadn’t gone through hell to get there, he might not have learnt the lessons he did. And he would carry those lessons with him. He loved you through all the hard times, every stupid fight, every pang of jealousy or boredom or uncertainty that came your way. And he would continue to do that, until the very end. Admittedly, beomgyu didn’t know what the futures holds for either of you. But he knew that it included you.
Hope you liked this! Not completely happy with this but thought it was still worth posting. I tried ㅠㅠ
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dailykai · 6 years ago
[Trans] 190113 KAI Birthday Party Translation:
Kai: Hi I'm EXO Kai! My birthday is tomorrow but I am holding a party today~ There are people who couldn't come today but I wish they won't be sad, because I will do this until the day I retire!
First section is 2018 EXO-L Awards (voted by Eris): Kai's best looks: 1. 180923 Gucci airport fashion (He chose this look himself). 2. Dubai Teddy bear airport fashion (He wanted to buy it, hesitated at the price, but bought it since he's a Bear). 3. Love Shot red suit.
Kai's best performances: 1. Olympic closing ceremony solo (The Olympic closing ceremony solo was one of the most nerve-wracking stages for me. My leg was injured at the time, but I still can't forget the rush of emotion of when I performed that. The beats of the gong were very free, so it was difficult for me to dance to it) 2. I See You (One of the most difficult choreos for him) 3. Gayo Daejun Love Shot solo (He thought a lot about how to bite the rose in his mouth, he was happy the footwork choreo got on camera.)
Kai: I always want to show you guys better performances. So I was thinking how I want to make high quality content and videos and upload it on YouTube.. I don't know if it will be possible but~ *
Kai said he doesnt like his red suit teaser because the panty line is showing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ why do you not get rid of it?! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Kai: Yesterday, I slept late because I was hanging out with the members.. Guess what time I woke up today? Eris: ?? Kai: 4 in the afternoon
Q: Say 'I love you Eris' in both a cute and cool way Kai: How do I say it in a cool way? Can I just choose one way? ㅂㅇㅂ EXO-L: No~  EXO-L: Say 'noona I love you!' Kai: Noona I love you? But there could be dongsaeng! Noona, dongsaeng and same-age Eris.. I love you! 
Q: What is your Biggest charming points? Kai: Dance, Skin, Black Hair.. I have a lots of abs..? I compared it to Moonkyu and I have more. But the biggest attraction, I think.. I'm talking to myself.. hmmm. Dancing!
Q: Which album concept suited Kai? Kai: aigoo album..!! Please give me more time... no last hint????...... all!!! **answer is LOVE SHOT
Kai chose an EXO-L from the audience to do an acrostic poem with #BearDayParty (#곰일파티 Gom-il-party): Gom: I came to a party il: on Sunday par: With a bear ty: I want to see Kai in a tiara
Q: What is a food that Kai makes the best? Kai: I wonder what you guys answered to this. I can crack eggs well now. I can also make Budae jjigae (sausage stew) *Eris' answer to the question was 'Ramen' and Kai said "Is this what you guys think of my cooking skills??"ㅋㅋㅋ
*B-side track that Kai likes; EXO-L guessed Thunder but Kai’s answer is Ooh La la la. He danced when the music played and says he likes the "oohlalala" part.
*Eris sang Birthday Song to Kai* Kai: I made this bday cake myself! I told you I'm not that bad of a cook~ If I can make a cake, aren't I pretty good? You know how I blew the candles with you on Christmas? After that, I wanted to make a cake on my birthday to cut with you all.
Kai is doing Ato's lines from Miracle That We Met with EXO-L saying Yeonhwa's lines. HE is scolding EXO-L for their soulless acting & make them practice over & over so that they are saying the words in syncㅋㅋㅋ
Kai was decorating a piggy bank for an EXO-L!!! Kai: (Signing on the piggy bank) Where should I do it?  Eris: The belly~~~  Kai: Don't wanna~~ (I'll sign on) The butt ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ Kai’s message: Baby pig ♡ EXO-L, I love you EXO-L
Kai said he will also appear on variety shows this year.
Kai chose Eris out of the audience to give self-decorated piggy banks and also the cake he made! Kai: All of the things I prepared today are over.. But wasn't it fun? It was really fun for me~ I don't think I should do my bday party for only one day. Should I make it 3 days? Kai: I really like how my birthday is on January. I am so happy to receive such strength from you all the starting of 2019, I hope that you all can gain strength from seeing me too. I am always thankful for you, and miss you always. Kai: You know how I posted on January 1st on Instagram of how I wanted to spend a good year with you all? I will always work my hardest this year in order for it to be good. I want meet you all more often and show the good sides of me. Thank you so much, and I love you.
Kai: I don't want to part~ It's too sad, this time went by too fast ㅠㅠ It's 9PM right now. Should we take a photo together first? Kai: 3rd #BearDayParty, always on Jongin's side! 1, 2, 3.📸🐻 Kai: Next year, lets start at 6PM and do it until 9PM (1 hour more) ^^ ㅎㅎㅎ
Kai: Today was so enjoyable. Thank you for everyone who came today, let's meet again! Bye~ Go home safely. I really prepared a lot today but I think I should prepare even more next time. Should I do an IG live later? Yes? Bye now! 
 - END -
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snaggle-chamsae · 7 years ago
Stay | Jaehwan
genre: fluff
member: jaehwan 
requested: yess!
summary: jaehwan have never thought of confessing to you until he found himself in a dangerous situation. 
side note: thank you so much for requesting 💓 i’m so sorry i took such a long time to finish this ㅠㅠ i hope this makes sense and it isn’t too boring :/ altho it is a bit short but i really hope it meets your expectations :>
“so when is jaehwan ever gonna confess to you? the both of you should get together!” your best friend nudged you as jaehwan leaves the table
you groaned 
you have actually been hearing this question for quite some time now 
be it your friends or jaehwan’s friends, they have all been asking this question 
you clearly don’t see what is going on 
everyone claims that jaehwan have a crush on you
but… you don’t see it 
i mean if he does, he would at least tell you right?
and you believe the only reason why your friends or his friends constantly tease you about this because you and jaehwan grew up together
just like those clique childhood friends
you and jaehwan are no different
you guys started off as neighbors
and since you’re the only child, you would get bored easily 
you always wish you have someone to play with while your parents are at work
and jaehwan is that someone that kept you accompanied 
you guys treat each other houses like your own 
and you would invade his room more than you should 
even though you guys are just kids, jaehwan doesn’t act like one 
in your eyes, he is just like a brother to you
if he sees you hungry, he is more than willing to give up his last piece of pizza for you 
when you fall and scrap on your knees, jaehwan would always be there to wipe your tears and give you bandits 
basically, even before calling for him, jaehwan is already there beside you 
just like that, the both of you grow up together 
you thought your friendship would drift apart after knowing that you won’t be going to the same middle school as jaehwan 
but jaehwan still made the effort to find you
this time round, when he goes to your house, he brings his guitar along 
he would entertain you with his singing
and you enjoyed it so much 
you have no idea that your best friend has such a talent for singing 
and even until now, when you guys are in the same high school
no changes
jaehwan is still your close friend
he is still going to your house like it is his
and he is still singing to keep you accompany 
honestly, you don’t see anything wrong with that 
isn’t that what best friends should do?
you don’t understand why is everyone taking this another way 
and claim that the both of you are an item 
that’s what you thought
but little did you know, that’s the truth
jaehwan have actually been crushing on you
but you being a dense person, couldn’t realize the fact
when you guys are still young
jaehwan thought it is normal to have his heart beating so fast around you
he thought this should be the feeling he gets when he is around girls
but when jaehwan told his friends, that’s when he knows he is in love with you already
that’s when he started taking notice whenever he is around you 
there is just something about you that made jaehwan feel weird inside 
you could effortlessly make him happy
whenever you’re not around, he finds his mind drifting off to you naturally 
and if he doesn’t see you, he couldn’t function well
although you can drive him nuts at times, but jaehwan has never considered once about telling you his true feelings for you 
to put simply, jaehwan is afraid
what if you don’t like him?
what if he isn’t good enough for you?
or what if because of his confession, everything between you and him ends?
jaehwan have never thought of losing you 
and he doesn’t want to know how it feels 
even though you’re just his childhood friend, but you mean the world to him 
he would rather not take the risk to confess and lose you 
and jaehwan thought he has been doing a good job in hiding his feelings
but guess what
almost everyone could see through him 
everyone could tell that he has heart eyes for you 
no matter how hard jaehwan denies, everyone could still point out the truth
“seriously jaehwan! just tell her your feelings, i’m sure she feels the same!” that is what everyone says
“i… i just can’t!” 
he thought if things stay the same between the both of you, everything would be fine 
“as long as i’m beside y/n, taking care of her, everything will be okay” jaehwan convinced himself
jaehwan continued having that mentality until a day where he found himself in a dangerous position
“class, please welcome junyoung into our class” 
“you may take a seat beside y/n”
at first, having a new classmate didn’t bother jaehwan until he sees you 
the moment junyoung took a seat beside you, that smile on your face have never faded even for a second
when junyoung greeted you with a smile, you immediately got a good feeling about him 
and just within 5 minutes, junyoung effortlessly kept your smile there 
you guys talked as if you known each other for years 
“y/n and junyoung, please pay attention in class” 
which made you almost forget that you’re in class 
even during break time, you carried on talking to junyoung to a point where you totally forgot about your daily break time with jaehwan
“y/n! aren’t we gonna have break time together?” 
“sure! junyoung, you can join us too!” you invited junyoung 
even before jaehwan could speak another word, he sees the both of you walk off already 
“y/n won’t forget about me… right?” jaehwan wondered
and as time passes, he found himself doubting
even though jaehwan is there with you, it feels as if he is invisible 
you talked to junyoung as if jaehwan isn’t there in the first place
you paid attention to junyoung to a point where you didn’t realize jaehwan’s dull expressions
jaehwan probably sighed so many times but you still wouldn’t hear it 
jaehwan secretly prayed that this would only last for a day 
but turns out to be weeks 
even when weeks have passed, you and junyoung started getting closer and closer
while you and jaehwan started getting further and further 
not only that, you also realized jaehwan stopped coming over to your house over the weekends
although you have junyoung now, but you would still have that empty feeling bugging you 
as if something is taken away from you 
whenever you hang out with junyoung and you hear him sing with his guitar, it would inevitably remind you of jaehwan
jaehwan would always sing to you during the weekends
and now that junyoung is the one singing, you couldn’t get used to his voice 
and by the time you realized you haven’t been with jaehwan lately, guilt started creeping into your heart
“i must have neglected jaehwan…” 
just when you are about to make up for jaehwan, that’s when you realized how different things are now 
jaehwan is much quieter as compared to the past
even when he replies you, you couldn’t help but feel that coldness in his tone 
as much as you want to ignore and brush this off your mind
but you just couldn’t 
just when you thought by reaching out to jaehwan through text would be a good choice
but turns out to be wrong as well 
never for once that jaehwan would reply late to your text
on top of that, cold reply is something jaehwan will never do
you wondered why have things turned this way 
you blamed yourself for paying too much attention to junyoung that you never noticed jaehwan leaving you 
with that, you felt something warm on your face
why are you even crying?
you regretted so much so that you’re suddenly afraid that you might lose jaehwan just like this 
how can you ever lose your childhood buddy?
with that, you planned to talk to jaehwan face to face the next day 
surprisingly, this bugged you more than it should 
you couldn’t sleep well 
you couldn’t eat well 
all you wanna do is to talk to jaehwan 
just like any other days where you would walk home with jaehwan, you decided to break that silence
“jaehwan… why are you avoiding me lately? why are you so cold to me?” you bit on your lips as you wait for his reply 
“no, i’m not” 
“you are! in fact, you changed after i got closer with junyoung. what’s wrong, jaehwan?” 
even after saying so much, jaehwan continued acting cold towards you
you had enough
“fine, jaehwan. i have enough of this!”
just before you storm off, jaehwan pulled you by your arm 
“i-i like you okay! i was all jealous when you started getting closer to him and seeing the way you smiled at him makes me scared… that i will lose you” 
“what did you just say?” you stared at jaehwan who is busy blushing 
“stop making me jealous and just stay by my side, y/n” 
instead of feeling relief, you actually got angry 
“you should have said it earlier! you know how worried i was when i see you in this cold state” you hit him hard in his chest
but your hand soon got stopped 
“you don’t have to worry anymore” 
and finally, after such a long time, you finally see the same old jaehwan that you knew for years
you could finally see that smile that you miss so much
a smile that strangely brings so much warmth to your heart 
i guess you can say it’s a feeling that no other person could make you feel this way 
a feeling of love
a feeling that only jaehwan could bring ♡
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kwanisms · 7 years ago
A little Snippet
Here's a little preview as promised! Sorry it's kind of late!
Hoonie [19:29]: where are you?? Mingyu invited his whole damn graduating class what the fuck hELP ME
You [19:30]: whoa what?! I'm on my way now
Hoonie [19:34]: pls hurry idk how to stop this. There are so many people in my house. Soonyoung is trashed. I'm so uncomfortable help
You [19:36]: I’m in the cab. Be there soon just stay calm
You were about to respond when your phone dinged. It was Soonyoung. You hailed a taxi and got in, giving the address to the driver before responding.
Squishy ☆ [19:41]: where a re uyo????
You [19:42]: Soonyoung stop drinking. I'm almost there
Squishy ☆ [19:44]: uwu hurry I misss yuo ㅠㅠ
You [19:45]: I'll be there soon
Squishy [19:47]: uwu
Rolling your eyes, you returned to Jihoon's texts. As the taxi got closer and closer.
Hoonie [19:39]: please hurry (Y/N) I need you…
Hoonie [19:40]: where are you??
Hoonie [19:42]: …(Y/N)??
You pressed the up button on the elevator, hopping in when the doors parted. You shot a quick text back to your panicked best friend.
You [19:46]: I’m here. I'm getting in the elevator now
Hoonie [19:47]: hurrrryyy
The elevator ride up to the apartment was slow. You held the bottle of champagne close to your body as if it might be snatched away but in reality you were holding it for comfort because elevators made you nervous. You hated elevators ever since the one in your old building broke down with you inside, effectively trapping you for 2 whole hours. The police were called, the fire department came, and of course, a very panicked Jihoon was waiting for you when you got out. He held you tight and told you that he was sorry he wasn’t there for you sooner. He let you sleep on his couch that night before you terminated your lease a week early and found a place to live. A new building without creaky old elevators.
The doors opened and before you stood Jeonghan. A soft smile graced his features as he took in your appearance. “Ah, (Y/N), right?” he asked stepping forward into the elevator. “You must be here for the party next door.” You nodded standing rooted to the floor. It was silent before Jeonghan looked down at you. “Aren't you getting off?” he asked in a soft, quizzical tone. You practically leapt out of the elevator and turned around to catch a glimpse of a smirk on his face as the doors shut, leaving you alone in the hallway. Loud music was no doubt coming from your friends apartment as you approached the door and pressed the doorbell. A very drunk Soonyoung answered the door absolutely beaming the moment his eyes landed on you. “AH! There you are!” he said slurring his words as he reached for you to pull you into the apartment. Inside was packed with college kids bumping into and grinding on each other to loud pulsating beats. It was hot, crowded, and smelled like body odor.
You allowed Soonyoung to lead you through the crowd to where Jihoon stood, arms crossed, trying to cave into himself in the corner nearest the kitchen. A game of beer pong set up on his dining room table and he watched the players through narrowed eyes. You could see Mingyu dancing with two girls, they looked like twins from this angle. On the couch, Hansol had a girl on his lap and you couldn’t tell where one began and the other ended. Seungkwan next to him looked severely uncomfortable. The moment he caught your eye, he tore off the couch and latched himself on your arm. “Take me with you, I can’t stand another minute of this!” he pleaded. Stifling a chuckle, you beckoned him to follow you, Soonyoung leading you, arm wrapped around your waist, Seungkwan clinging to your arm. You passed Chan, another of Jihoon and Soonyoung’s friends, who was surrounded by sorority girls looking the definition of uncomfortable. He saw you and his eyes pleaded for help. You beckoned him to follow too and he gladly ducked under the girls outstretched arms and clung like a Koala to your back as you walked over to Jihoon. His expression changed from sour to relieved the moment he spotted you. You shook the others off you now that the area was a bit more free.
Jihoon grabbed your hands. “Help me. How do I get these people out of my home? I don’t want the neighbors to call the cops on me for noise complaints. What do I do, (Y/N)?” You glanced around trying to come up with a plan. You handed him your bag and made your way over to the DJ. You motioned for him to cut the music but he just chuckled and went back to what he was doing. You scoffed and looked around for a cable and you found one connect his laptop to the DJ equipment. You unplugged it and took it with you to prevent him from reconnecting. There was a loud collective groan from all the kids and sounds of protest filled the room. “Hey turn the music back on!” You pushed a couple of kids out of the way of the counter, kicked off your shoes and climbed up on the counter so you were over everyone's heads. “Alright, so uh, hi everyone! Before we resume the festivities, I have a couple of questions!” you heard more yells of protest and to turn the music back on. You ignored them and cleared your throat. “Soonyoung,” you said looking for him. He appeared at your feet like a puppy.
“Lights please.” He was off in an instant. He flipped the switch and the room suddenly filled with soft light. “Hey! Turn the lights off!” “Come on!” “We want music!” Putting your hands together as if you were praying, you spoke again over the college kids. “I promise I'll make this real super quick! If I could just have Mingyu, Soonyoung, and Jihoon up here for just one tiny moment. Just let me borrow them real quick.” You added to a girl who clung to Mingyu's shirt. “Just real quick. I'll return him, I promise.” You added in a sickly sweet “pleeeaasseee?” Mingyu chuckled and pulled himself free to stand at the counter. Jihoon took your hand “what are you doing?!” he hissed. You waved him off and mouthed “just trust me!” at him. He stood silently watching to see what you were going to do.
You stood behind Mingyu and knelt down placing your hand on top of his head and pat his hair. “Raise your hand if Mingyu invited you here tonight!” you said into the crowd. There were loud whoops and hollers as people clapped, cheered, and raised their hands. You smiled and ruffled Mingyu's hair before standing and moving to kneel behind Soonyoung. You took his face in between your hands and gently squished his cheeks while he looked up at you with such devotion and admiration. “Now raised your hand if you are here cause this squishy beautiful boy, Soonyoung, invited you!” Again, your questions were met with cheering and hands shooting into the air. You gave Soonyoung's cheeks another soft squish and kissed the top of his head before standing again and moving over to kneel behind Jihoon.
He stared up at you, confusion covering his features. “What are you doing?” he whispered. You reached out to caress his cheek. “Just trust me,” you whisper back with a smile. “Who is here because this incredible man, Jihoon, invited you?!” you asked the crowd and it erupted into cheers and you smiled when a blush covered his face. You stood up and called out. “Now, if you would please, those of you that were invited by Soonyoung and Jihoon, move to this side of the room and those of you invited by Mingyu on this side please!” you motioned to the crowd separating them into two groups. Once done, several people looked up at you. “Now what?” the girl that was clinging to Mingyu asked. “well, if you're on this side,” you said turning to face the group invited by Jihoon and Soonyoung. “Congratulations you get to stay! Woo!” you said dancing on the counter. “What about us?” a guy on the opposite side said.
“You get to leave! Yay!” you said throwing your hands up in the air. You could see Jihoon chuckling out of the corner of your eye. “Why?!” several people cried out. “Because this isn’t a college frat party. Go home.” You said waving them toward the door. “What if we don’t want to?” one tall, slim college kid said looking at his friend and there were loud voices all agreeing. “If you don’t get out, I can and will call the cops and have you FORCIBLY removed!” you shouted over the grumbling. All the college kids look up at you, Mingyu included, in horror. “Do you want to have to call and explain to your parents why you were arrested? Don’t try me. I WILL do it.” There was a moments pause followed by all the frat and sorority kids scrambling for the door. Mingyu looked up as Jihoon and Soonyoung helped you down off the counter. “What the hell?” he asked angrily coming up to you. You hugged him around his waist. “It's okay, Gyu. There will be other parties.” He softened in your embrace a little and turned his attention to Jihoon and Soonyoung. “uh… guys?” he asked. Soonyoung pulled you off Mingyu and draped his arm over your shoulders. “I told you it was supposed to be a small get together, Gyu,” Jihoon said, defending your actions. The younger man smiled sheepishly. “aww, I’m sorry Ji. I just got carried away,” he said rubbing the back of his neck.” He turned and left with the group of college kids and silence fell upon the apartment. Jihoon turned to you as you tried to shrug out of Soonyoung's arms. “Thank you so much,” he said pulling you from his roommate and into a hug while Soonyoung stumbled away to take a seat.
You hear Soonyoung call weakly for help and you pull back. “You go, I'll handle Squishy.” Jihoon turned and returned to the party while you turn your attention to Soonyoung who is sitting at the kitchen island. “What can I get you, Squishy?” he looks up at you, a toothy grin appearing on his face. “you're so pretty in this lighting, (Y/N).” You walk around the counter to the sink, pulling a cup from the cabinet and proceed to fill it with water. You return to Soonyoung, setting the water in front of him. “You need water, so drink up,” you say gently pushing his hair out of his eyes. He take the cup and starts sipping the cold water. “There we go,” you say softly continuing to smooth his hair and offer him reassurance.
This is only a preview!!! I will have the first chapter up in a few days! I would appreciate any positive feedback and constructive criticism please! This will be the first fanfiction I’ve ever posted!! Thank you for reading this! It is greatly appreciated! 
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comments-on-kai · 8 years ago
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(Compilation of comments from both fans & nonfans)
Translated by: theMoonDreamer @ Twitter
- Ah this was fun and fluttering...it was a rediscovery of KAI. He's good at acting
- I watched this drama for Park EunBin but Kai is pretty cool too ♡♡ I wanna see more Kai in dramas...he's really attractive. To all Choco Bank actors & staffs you've worked hard~
- I marathoned this from episode 1 to 6 and that ending scene was really fluttering. When EunBin was doing aegyo while asking and KAI turned his head and smiled, seriously fluttering. Just like that scene in Reply 1994 
 - How did KAI's acting improve so much? You did really well! It was a fun and fluttering 5 days. It made me wait for 10 AM every day. And made my going to work so enjoyable. Can't you shoot more(drama)?
-When KAI cried, I cried too ㅠㅠ When he said that Mom's sacrifice was too much pressure it felt like a chain ㅠㅠ  I related a lot to the content, received a lot of financial information, his acting was so natural I can't help but keep watching this. I'm hoping for KAI to continue with his acting.
- I'm a Taemin stan and because KAI is such good friends with Taemin I've always looked at him positively, so since he did a web drama I thought I'd give it a try. But unexpectedly he acted really well I was so surprised!!
- I'm not even that fond of EXO but Kai's good at acting!! His voice ㅎㄷㄷ to the point that the other rookie actor was the one that looked awkward instead. I read he got a lead role recently... seems like there wont be any foot-acting controversies
- I had goosebumps when he screamed out... sure he doesn't have out-of-this-world acting skills but for someone who has never tried acting properly I think he's doing really well
- Heolll I'm a non-fan but this was so fun ㅋㅋㅋㅋ why is Kai so fluttering ㅋㅋㅋ
- This was a very entertaining watch, totally opposite of my expectations ㅋㅋㅋ I watched it well, thank you~
- whoa crazyㅋㅋㅋㅋ Kai's really good by the end I was holding on to my heart watching it 
- Seems like Mr Kim EunHaeng is good at acting~ very lovable too. EXO KAI...it will be great if I can see him often in other dramas,varieties and movies
-I really hope there will be another drama where EXO Kai is casted as the leading man while Park EunBin gets casted as the leading actress this NEEDS to happen and I really want to see them do a kiss scene
- For an idol that's pretty much good acting already. I think it's totally watch-worthy.
- I'm not an EXO-L but I like Kai-nim so I took a a look and watched all 6 episodes and what I felt was Kai-nim is surprisingly really good at acting. He's really handsome and I think he could well at things that he want to be good at. Park EunBin-nim was really lovely and loveable and Lee IlHwa-nim was elegant and beautiful. I guess it felt like it ended too quickly because it was a web drama but even within that short time I think there were many good messages delivered by the drama and as someone who don't usually enjoy watching dramas & movies I thank all the actors and producing team who worked hard to produce this fun drama!
- It was shocking to see how much Jongin improved within the span of 6 episodes 6, even people who aren't fans are saying his acting is really good in Choco Bank. I hope in the future if there are more good opportunities Jongin could take part and show more of his good acting.
- I think with the exception of D.O, Kai is pretty good at acting within EXO members. For an idol this level of acting deserves praises, I acknowledge that
- Jongin-ah you've worked hard. When I first heard the casting news I had a feeling you would do well but when I actually watch the drama you so coolly did so much better than my expectation. You expressed the lines and emotions with natural body movements, facial expressions and such a good voice that I feel proud while watching you. To see you producing such results during such a short period of shooting if there were to be more opportunities where you can give more efforts to improve I believe you could carve a career in acting. I will support both the Kai on stage and the Jongin in the dramas.
- Wow at the first ep I thought his acting was a bit awkward but beginning from ep 2 till ep 6  his acting improved so much I was so shocked,,, honestly I had no expectation for any crying scenes acting but he was really good at that too,,
-that was such a stable performance in a crying scene...isn't he being too much of a genius? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
- Originally EXO was just another group to me but after watching this I'm stanning... I thought KAI was just good at dancing but even at acting ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
- I hope KAI will continue acting he's good at even crying scenes
- surprisingly it seems like Kai is really good at acting ?!
-this was totally just like a novel ㅠㅠㅠㅠ episode by episode Kai's expressions, voices, the look in his eyes, movements I DIED at every single thing. He's always good at acting during EXO's stages so I thought of course he'll do pretty okay at web drama acting but it wasn't just that he could act I've actually fallen into a state of ecstasy. Kim Kai such a cool guy ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
- Normally no matter how much I'm a stan I'm the type to just say things as it is but there's nothing negative I could critic about Jongin's acting. The very nature of Eunhaeng's personality is someone who is cold and aloof so I'm really thankful that Jongin managed to portray that aspect well. At first I had a lot of worries but Jongin completed his first challenge not awkwardly but rather well. But please change the settings so that overseas fans could watch this too because my friend who is living overseas said that she can't watch the drama because Naver blocked it. Anyways hopefully I can see more new sides of Jongin in the future. I will support each and every one of Jongin's challenges!
- I'm an Army who just happened to watch this drama but Kai is really good at acting I hope he will continue
- The drama was so fun to the point that I think I would have followed it even if the drama wasn't a web drama...it's been a while since I was addicted to something
- I was going WHATT? when they didn't kiss....lol so exo fans are loving it that the kiss didn't happen huh? that's cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 
-I felt good hearing my sister praising Jongin's acting that he did much better than her expectations hehe the heroine Park EunBin is so pretty too
- I think Eunhaeng's acting improved so much within such a short span of time ㅠㅠ I was so worried that if he did badly on his first attempt that he might be dissed and criticized but instead he did so well that as a fan I feel a mixture of pride and being thankful too ㅠㅠ
- I'm going crazy I'm really fluttered ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ what the hell is this webdrama... it was even fun... how could you end at episode 6 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ so fluttering how he smiled when Malnyeon went underneath his arms ㅋㅋㅋ
- wait a minute why is this fun ... what the heck is this drama  that it's that much fun
- wow... Kai's acting really improved a lot it's only 6 episodes I felt like he must have given a lot of effort that's cool
- So disappointed we couldn't see whether their lips touched or not in the kiss at the end, I hope the both of them could act together again in a project in the future!
- This was more like a Financial Bank than Choco Bank lol Kai's Tsundere side was so cute
- I think Kai gave the best acting here
- I watched it with so much fun! Jongin-ah you are always impressing not only me but I believe all exo-ls. I really had so much fun watching thing. I REALLY want to convey to you that you did so well on your first acting and no this is not a lie ㅠㅠ
-Kyaa..that was a good ending btw was this a PSA drama? why were there so many useful information ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- Jongin-ah you've worked hard~ Surely you were nervous because this was your first acting lead right? I think the project came out really nicely,surely as much as you were nervous about it. So glad I was able to experience your acting through this project. As expected you didn't disappoint me. Thinking about how difficult it must've been for you to shoot this project during the harsh winter it pained me but at the same time I also feel proud of your. I'm so happy that it seems like a lot of people are accepting and looking at your acting positively.The only thing I'm disappointed about was probably how the drama ended; it felt so rushed and incomplete.
- Kai was really cool ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
- This is really fun Park EunBin is so cute and Kai, I heard this was his first acting but he's even good at crying scene. His deliverance of dialogues are just right and his looks should be used to be an actor
- Ah this was fun ㅋㅋ the lead couple has good chemistry
- Kai was really fluttering...damn he's good. and Park Eunbin was really cute and pretty
- Kai's crying scene acting was excellent he's such a good actor
- When Jongin was tearing up I teared up too ㅠㅠㅠㅠ It's incredible how he has this ability to make people who are watching him just became immersed in the situation whether it's his dance, singing and now even his acting he really has that talent
-what do i do ㅠㅠㅠㅠ his tone during the crying scene was so stable and he was so good I was so absorbed I cried
- you know that Jongin really has a good voice for this, when he was explaining the financial stuffs. It's like a voice colour that you can trust in
-no matter what expectation you had in mind he kept showing a much better acting in the next episode. I felt very sad for EunHaeng today. Although I can predict a happy ending,I'm still waiting excitedly.
-Kai-ssi I can see that you've worked hard to improve
- His face is not your standard handsome face but it's like he's handsome in a really manly way ㅠ his acting is totally better than average, the content is good and other actors are nice too I like this drama
- I think Kai is just born with it
- So turns out he is good at acting huh? what is this?
- Jongin's crying scene was soo good I'm going crazy my heart is breaking ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 
- I think it's really fascinating that we get to see all the never before seen sides of Jongin through his acting....so fascinated to see how he looks like when he's really angry ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ and his acting is really good too ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
- I started this as a light watch but the more I watch it the more it overlaps with my reality such as the issue with mom and job hunting it's very sad...
- I'm a nonfan but Kai is really handsome from today on he's my bias wrecker -everybody is acting really well in this  and the storyline is good to I'm getting immersed
-honestly I thought it was gonna be really cringey so I watch this with zero expectations but the acting is good and this is such a fun drama to watch ㅠㅠ
-I'm watching Choco Bank really well. Kai's acting is very good so it's the last episode after this?
- I wish Kai would shoot another drama or webdrama... firstly even just his visual is already fluttering...
Translated by: @theMoonDreamer
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309nyeon · 8 years ago
[PANN] Joo Haknyeon with his sisters
Source: 누나랑 여동생이랑 사이좋아보이는 주학년
Produce 101′s Joo Haknyeon has an older and younger sister.. Currently, he lives with his noona in Seoul. He has quite an age gap with his younger sister.  He has a lot of aegyo because he grew up with two sistersㅠㅠ
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The person next to him is his older sister. An acquaintance of his older sister uploaded this picture of Haknyeonㅇㅇㅇ Even though his noona’s face is covered with his sticker, you can tell she’s a goddess.... Also, look at Haknyeon’s outfit (t/n: he’s known for having good fashion sense)....... I can’t believe that he’s willing to share an umbrella with his noona. 
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He took these pictures with his younger sister in Jejuㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ His hometown is Jejuㅠㅠㅠ I can tell that he completely babies her since they have a bit of an age gap between them.  She even left a youtube comment, asking people to support her oppa. 
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I’m Joo Haknyeon oppa’s younger sister, Joo ____ ! Thank you for giving so much love to my oppa! I won’t accept any questions. Please vote for my oppa a lot!
Even though she’s young, she’s strict about not accepting any questions...
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This is a picture of the three of them at Gyeongbok Palace in Seoul........... Their relationship looks close.  Most siblings don’t take pictures sweetly like this, right? ;;;;; Anyways, I’m so jealous that Haknyeon is someone’s actual younger brother and oppa.
My oppa, shut your eyes...
Me too.........
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Ending this post with a picture of Haknyeon who loves chicken
Overall: [+767, -195]
1. [+220, -6] Cuteㅠㅠ He does look like an oppa next to his younger sisterㅠㅠㅠㅠ
2. [+203, -6] My oppa, shut your eyes. I don’t have any pictures with my oppa like that. Just thinking about it grosses me outㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Joo Haknyeon looks so affectionate with his younger sister. I’m jealousㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+162, -5] Joo Haknyeon oppa .... his oppa vibeㅠㅠㅠㅠ he’s so sweetㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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4. [+91, -3] Produce ruined his image completely....To his family, he’s the world’s most precious son and brother.. I wonder how hurt his family and he must feel when watching reruns.. If it was me, I wouldn’t even go on the internet...I cried so much for him after finding out that he was the head of the family. My father also died early so I empathized with him when he was holding back his tears during his ranking speechㅜㅜ....Regardless of the reactions toward him, I don’t hate him... I want him to succeed. 
5. [+64, -1] He does look like an oppa next to his younger siblingㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+62, -0] Haknyeon, what do you think about a younger sibling that’s old? I’m ready to call you oppa.
7. [+56, -0] You can tell he babies herㅠㅠㅠ I’m jealous of his younger sibling..... I also want to be Haknyeon’s younger sister....
8. [+56, -0] I feel so bad for him because he’s getting so much hate these days...These pictures make me realize that he’s still only 19. Even though he looks so young in these pictures, he looks very sweet...ㅋㅋbasically, I’m jealous that his sister has an oppa like that.
9. [+56, -0] Haknyeon’s full name is Joo Haknyeon oppa... anyways, he’s an oppa, Haknyeon oppa...
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10. [+56, -1] Haknyeon working hard at volunteering with ash on his face...He also bought and wears a charity (AMIS) hat...After the concert ended, he went back home at dawn, slept for two to three hours on the way, went to school even though he’s tired, and personally printed out a piggy post-it to thank fans for his subway ad... Why do people expect so much from a 19 year old... when they know absolutely nothing about you.. Why do people say to stop defending you and curse you even on unrelated posts about your daily life?... Even as a fan, I’m sad. How much sadder must you beㅠ
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11. [+52, -0] Haknyeon oppa... I also want to call him oppa.... Haknyeon oppa.... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
12. [+52, -0] You can tell that he’s very sweet just from how he treats his fans. He was the first one to leave a post-it on his subway ad too. 
13. [+44, -0] I think the way he acts everyday is his real self, not the way he comes across on the show.... I really hope he later shoots a reality show of his pig farm in Jejuㅋㅋwhile acting like a guide and talking in Jeju dialectㅋㅋㅋ He seems to have a lot of pride in pigs and Jeju. 
14. [+41, -0] Hey, all of you who are disliking a post like this, you actually love Haknyeon, don’t you...? Now that 1-pick has started, you should work harder to promote and vote for your fave. What are you doing here, increasing the views of this post? You're very interested in him, aren’t you...
15. [+36, -0] Wow, looking at his clothes, he looks like a fresh, bright kid. His face is also working hard. Although there may be many who are cursing you because of Joonyoung’s evil editing, there are even more people supporting you. I hope you struggle through the hate and come on top. I’m also supporting you. 
16. [+33, -1] Look at how sweet Haknyeon looksㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
17. [+26, -0] He’s the second child among three siblingsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They look very close!!
18. [+26, -0] Haknyeon, you caught my attention with your PR video. After that, your meringue video and your hidden box video where you introduced the trainee next to you even though it was your PR time impressed me. And even though you went to your company’s building to promote yourself, you told them to watch the show live instead of asking them to vote for you. Why won’t the PD show this side of you? Because the PD told you to come early, you went so early in the morning that I thought you were admirable while feeling sad for you. Even though people are completely misunderstanding you, I hope that one day these people will get to see this real side of you.. Noona is always supporting you! I’ll work hard to vote for you this week!
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19. [+24, -0] I definitely don’t get along with my mother’s son like that ㅠㅠㅠ
20. [+23, -0] Haknyeon, don’t get hurt, don’t lose strength, and let’s hwaiting! One pick is Joo Haknyeon!
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21. [+23, -0] I’ve seen a couple gifs in the comment section, and I can definitely see why he’s called Produce 101′s founding contributor. He’s handsome... Idk if he’s the standard handsome type but all of his features are f amazing. 
(t/n: He got a lot attention and interest because of his pictures from 3/9 Sangam and his ending close-up from the Nayana performance). 
22. [+22, -0] Tbh I assumed he must be really bad after seeing all of the hate comments, but after watching Mcountdown, he fixed everything that people pointed out so I was surprised. He’s willing to listen and fix his mistakes. 
23. [+22, -0] When Joo Haknyeon oppa cries, he becomes a babyㅋㅋㅋ
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24. [+22, -0] All of his acquaintances have said that he works f hard.. He also had to learn the Open Up choreo in three days.. A mistake’s a mistake, but he doesn’t deserve to be this criticized. I feel bad for him. Cheer up, I’ll support you. 
25. [+21, -0] I love Haknyeon’s fashion sense...His shirt also sold out (after he wore it). Joo Haknyeon, cheer upㅜㅜㅜㅜ
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26. [+21, -0] Isn’t Haknyeon’s full name actually Joo Haknyeon oppa..?
27. [+20, -0] Apparently, Yongguk and Haknyeon were in the same agency and trained together before. Why didn’t they show this.. I only found out after watching Yongguk’s Vapp live.
28. [+20, -0] As expected, his full name is Joo Haknyeon oppa....
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29. [+20, -2] 
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I once prepared a performance with him before. I can’t tell you what exactly because I’m embarrassed of potentially exposing myself. But what I can tell you is that he’s nothing without hard work. Is this too harsh of an expression? I was dumbfounded that people have been criticizing his personality, saying that he’s greedy or that he’s an outcast. But I was most dumbfounded at people saying that he doesn’t work hard. He’s someone who experienced all kinds of hardships so he works even harder. He doesn’t go outside often and practically lives in the the practice room. Please don’t judge and criticize him based on the five minutes of his life (you’ve seen on tv). 
30. [+20, -0] Haknyeon, let’s debut!! The people who are disliking this post are practically stalkers at this rateㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
31. [+19, -0] He looks very young, looking at him like this....ㅠㅠ I hope he cheers up even though he’s getting a lot of hate these days. 
32. [+19, -0] Haknyeon, debut and shoot a variety show in Jejuㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
33. [+19, -0] Haknyeon’s actually very bright and has a lot of aegyo in daily life. He’s just a kid that acts like his age. Why don’t they show this side of him on broadcast? It’s a pity that only fans know this side of him. 
34. [+19, -0] There are so many stories of him being kind, but you’re criticizing his personality??? 
35. [+19, -0] I like how sweetly he’s staring and holding his younger sister’s shoulders, but I also like him in this picture ㅋㅋㅋLook at how he’s holding his noona’s bag and jacket.....If this was my younger brother, he would’ve just thrown them on the groundㅡㅡ (what actual siblings are like ㅋㅋㅋㅋ) Haknyeon’s like the ideal younger brother you’d imagine in your head....I’m crying
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36. [+18, -0] I watched his individual cam and he wasn’t that bad...I’ll support you.
37. [+18, -0] He looks so good in a hanbokㅋㅋㅋ he looks like a crown prince... or just one of the king’s sons?? ㅋㅋㅋ He looks very royal. 
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38. [+17, -0 ]
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When I first got to know Joo Haknyeon, there were rumors that he did acting before. There was a lot of talk about why he was doing this when he did acting and that he probably just wanted to be a celebrity. To the people from the art, music, and p.e. (t/n: dept?), these were words with some bite, but to us, it was just something we talked about with indifference. I bet Haknyeon got hurt by it a lot, but he just laughed and responded well. I’m sure that there were people who were jealous of him at first, but later on, there was nobody who thought badly of him. But apparently he’s getting criticized for not working hard enoughㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Do you know that we’re laughing about this among us? Joo Haknyeon’s the type to work disgustingly hard. He works so disgustingly hard that he even made the ones who talked crap about him shut upㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I don’t know anything about center or whatever because I don’t really watch the show. I also haven’t seen him since a year ago so I don’t know if his personality changed since then or if he was originally like that. But what I do know is that when it comes to effortㅋㅋㅋㅋif you tell anyone who knows Joo Haknyeon that he’s being criticized for not working hard enough, they’ll 100% laughㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 
39. [+17, -0] He’s only a trainee, but look at how he treats his fans. He’s f sweetㅇㅇ
40. [+17, -0] Haknyeon’s memorizing the lyrics by himself in a cornerㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ I’ve gotten used to looking for him in the corner or the edges on the show... I’m supporting you, Haknyeon. Fighting, fighting
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41. [+16, -0] He was the first one to write a (thank you) post-it on his subway ad..ㅠㅠ I feel bad for him. He treasures his fans a lot.
42. [+16, -0] He’s the type to practice his one line in the waiting room, but they don’t show any of that ㅠㅠ Even his teachers have said they thought he didn’t practice at all at first because they didn’t know he was a slow learner. But they realized that he actually worked 2, 3, 10 times harder to get something right ㅠㅠㅠ The PD maliciously used his slow learning pace and showed him failing to catch up the first few days, but they don’t show him working even harder the following daysㅡㅡ
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43. [+16, -0] Haknyeon’s so lovableㅋㅋㅋㅋ Idk about the show, but anyone who’s seen his PR to how he wrote that post-it would never be able to give him up.. Even though he’s just a trainee, I’ve never seen anyone who’s already so good to their fans.
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44. [+16, -0] Let’s all cheer up!!
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45. [+16, -0] Ahn Joonyoung completely ruined the image of a kind kid like this in one moment. Please give up your position as a PD. What are you doing to these kids?
46. [+16, -0] Haknyeon’s not my fave, but he feels like my hurt finger?ㅜㅜㅜ I’d been voting for him consistently until two-pick, and I’m really supporting him... I thought that he must be a good kid seeing how the people around him have all stood up for him and said that he’s not like how the show makes him out to be. Now that it’s one-pick, I probably won’t vote for Haknyeon anymore since my fave is also in a dangerous position but I’ll keep voting for him on maboyㅜㅜ I know that both Haknyeon and his fans are probably hurting and sad because of all of the hate disguised as criticism, but I want Haknyeon and his fans to know that there are lots of people supporting him as wellㅜㅜ I hope that he debuts with my one-pick and that both will smile brightly at the final episode...
47. [+15, -0] The people around him have all come out to say that he’s not like how the show makes him out to be. Joo Haknyeon, let’s debutㅜㅜㅜLet’s work hard for one more weekㅜㅜㅜㅜ 
48. [+15, -0] He’s an oppa one moment, a baby the next.... Noona’s heart hurtsㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜHaknyeon who always says fighting for the noonasㅜㅜHaknyeon, you should also hwaiting!
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romeorussia · 7 years ago
would you mind to make a bullet scenario where you miss them so much? and suddenly meeting them in a lonely street? idk what i'm saying ( since i'm crying typing this ask) but i hope you understand ㅠㅠ
I haven’t had requests like that in a while, and I’m super nervous, but let’s give it a try…
Everything seemed to be going wrong with your flight, your first experience in the underground, with a tiny hotel you booked somewhere in Seongnam. Who could tell it would take you 3 hours to get to this small town to the south of Seoul and find a small building hidden behind a huge commercial stand? You were in a hurry as you were running late for a meeting with your new friend.
“Unnie!” You saw a familiar silhouette in the window of a Twosome place on the opposite side of the street. She waved you back, paid for her ice coffee and rushed to greet you.“Finally, I can’t believe I’m here!” you were chattering excitingly, not letting Kyungha put a single word in. She didn’t mind though as she wasn’t more talkative than in katalk.
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“Unnie, where are we going?” you asked, a bit puzzled.“To the metro, I thought we were going to Hunus?” she replied in her slow, graceful manner. You liked her Korean accent, it sounded cute.“Unnie, the underground is that way, in the AK Plaza building!” you giggled.“Oh… Looks like you’re better at finding your way in Korea than me”, she smiled and followed the direction you pointed.
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You booked a hotel at Seoheyeon station so that you could get to Hunus fast as it was situated one station away. You got off the couch and saw big letters SUNAE STATION. This was it, the dream of your life was about to come true. You were about to see the agency of your loves, which suddenly got you out of breath.“Are you with me?” you heard from above. Kyungha was already on top of the staircase.“Coming!” you rushed to catch up with your friend.
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“Wow!” You couldn’t hold in your excitement when seeing luxurious interiors of Lotte Plaza.“Do you know which way to go?” Kyungha asked, looking around.“Not sure, but I’ll find out when we are outside!” You walked here so many times at google maps that you had full confidence.You two walked out of the doors and found yourselves in a busy street, full of cafes, shops, makeup stores, and commercial plates.“How can you even stand this much commercial?” you asked wondering if Koreans ever get lost in the colourfull abundance of the streets.“We don’t notice I guess?” Kyungha smirked.
You turned to the right and saw a giant ship building you had noticed on google maps. It was sailing on waves of tiny shops on the ground floor, and your heart shrank in pain when you imagined your boys passing through these dirty entrances. No way. They deserve so much better.Seeing your confusion, Kyungha unblocked her phone. “Wooribank here, Aglio here,” you heard quiet muttering while searching the building for familiar letters.“There!” she pointed at a tall slim building behind the ship, when you were already taking your phone out. Large green letters read HUNUS.
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“Hey, I was pretty sure that palm lobby was on the ground floor, not on the roof! Omo, that’s the place where they played snowballs!” you yelled while taking photos.You froze in front of the building, trying to imprint every piece of it into your memory.“Aren’t you going inside?” asked Kyungha.You shrugged. “There’s a special admittance system, we won’t even be allowed out of the elevator…”“Yeah, but we could try…”“No”.“Look, you’ve done all this way, and you won’t try to get in?” Kyungha looked at you with eyes wide open.“I’m not a sasaeng fan, unnie, I can’t give them any trouble”.Seeing your resolution, she gave up, and you headed towards your next destination, which was a famous traditional cuisine restaurant.
“Are you sure you don’t want to try again tomorrow?” - asked Kyungha when you were saying goodbye to each other after the dinner.You sighed. “I can’t. I don’t want to disturb them”.“I see… Anyway, it was so nice to meet you, thanks for the evening! See you tomorrow, bye!”You waved at your friend, who was already hopping on the bus happily. Now you’re alone with your thoughts. Your wide smile fainted, and you moved towards the underground, trying to ignore pain in your chest.Romeo… These boys have changed your life. You’ve come here for them, but you can’t even catch a glimpse of them. Life’s so unfair… You heard a quiet “katalk” from your pocket.“Cheer up!” Kyungha’s message read.You couldn’t hold back a smile and started typing the response when suddenly you bumped hard into someone.“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” Fear made you forget all Korean words, and you hid the phone to see who your victim was.“It’s okay!” you heard a velvet voice that made you freeze.It can’t be…“Hyunjong?.. Hyunkyung of Romeo…” it was the only thing you managed.You heard a loud deep voice from behind that you identified clearly as that of Kangmin’s and a loud giggling, definitely of Yunsung’s. You two were still standing there, unable to move, looking at each other in shock and not knowing what to do.
“Jesus Christ, how HANDSOME he is!” was the only thing you could think of. Hyunkyung was really tall, very thin and stunning as much as you had imagined. There was something in his eyes that made you forget who you were. Suddenly you wondered why Jaekyung was nicknamed Twinkle star if Hyunjong had such beautiful sparkly eyes.
“Yes, hello,” finally managed Hyunkyung, still having his eyes on you when Yunsung approached and asked him something in Korean. You only caught “ippuni” and blushed.Hyunkyung answered, and at that point you pulled yourself together and tried to show you were a living person, not a tree.“Hello, I’m Y/N, I’ve been your huge fan since debut!” you shot your hand out to Yunsung, and he smiled in a most sweet way while shaking it. In the other hand he was holding a huge bag of probably chicken and cheese potato which read GAMARO.“Hello, I’m Yunsung! Nice to meet you!” You started liking Korean accent even more, and these words were the cutest you’d ever heard. His smile grew wider, and you fell in love with that beautiful heartwarming eyesmile of his.Suddenly Kangmin showed up from behind Yunsung’s shoulder. After exchanging a few words with hyungs, he waved at you and hid again with a shy smile.
You remembered how much you had always wanted to tell them, but your mind went blank, and you barely remembered your own name. Besides, if you started showering them with all your love and concerns, it would make things awkward, so why do that? You decided to put it in a letter, and for now…“Can I take a photo with you?” you asked in a shaking voice.“Yes!” They were buzzing about something in Korean while you were taking out your phone again, and you made a note to yourself it was the coziest feeling ever to see them being so lively, funny and cheerful. Just like you had imagined.You handed your phone to Hyunkyung as he had the longest arms, and he took a few shots of all of you together. Hyunkyung, Yunsung, Kangmin and you.“Kamsahamnida!”Your sincere gratitude made them smile, and they waved back at you right till the turn to the agency.You looked at the screen and touched it caringly. It definitely was the best day of your life.
Suddenly the phone lit up again, and you heard a loud “katalk”.“Are you okay there??”“Unnie, you won’t believe what happened just now!!!!!!!”
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