shmorp-mcdurgen · 10 months
fun news i got obsessed with the hsh au like a few months ago and in that time I’ve started to get a lot of nightmares and hallucinations (I was like hsh mark irl) and this freaked the shit out of me to the point where i stayed at my friends house for like three days because I didn’t want to get eaten by my house. it turns out that was not the case and there was actually a carbon monoxide leak! and there had been! for a week! And I could’ve died! Got scared of the fictional horror beast when in reality it was evil chemicals
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Your post got me thinking. Why do people who have become resentful still stay in that fandom to troll others? What kind of people are they irl? What does it bring them? I thought fandoms are for interests and escape... I don't understand...
Hiya there Anon,
[cue audible gasps]
First of all, I am so sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for so long. I’ve just been so incredibly busy since April that I barely have time to sleep, let alone stay on here if nothing’s going on. Plus, after the certificate fiasco, I kinda needed a detox to get my head straight that sorta thing.
Very interesting question you have there but I have to say, in all my years in different fandoms, I’ve never quite encountered the special breed of bitter hags this particular fandom has bred. Correct me if I’m wrong but you’re referring to former shippers and fans turned sourer-than-Sour-Patch-Kids, right?
So, the million dollar question now is, how did that happen? How did they get here? Girl, beats me.
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I think, and please know I am in no way an expert in psychology because God forbid I ever enter those people’s brains, that they do it because it gives them a false sense of superiority. It’s that little insecure voice inside their heads that are telling them they are now somehow “better” than the rest of the fandoms who refuse to believe that things they do. Perhaps it also has to do with the things they think they know and actually believe. From being dedicated fans who possibly spent almost all their time cheering on their faves (SamCait in this case) and spending so much money and effort on sleuthing, buying merch, etcetera, to becoming the number one Negative Nancy is quite a shocking turn of events, ain’t it? Truly, it’s a plot twist worthy of The Illiad, or maybe some other best-selling story because I hate the classics.
Though, one thing I am willing to admit is that the past years have not been easy for everyone in the fandom. Executives have bullied fans, SC themselves have let their fans down so many times, fucking Starz is mooching money off everyone in any way they can, etcetera, etcetera. Perhaps all of that were part of their villain origin story? Does it excuse the absolutely horrid things some of these people have been doing and saying to people who chose to remain in the fandom and the ship? Good Christ, no. Absolutely not.
The doxxing, the death threats, the vile sentiments, these are all simply resulting actions of individuals who have no regard whatsoever for the people, the humans, on the other side of their screens. All for what? To prove that they’re better than the rest of us because they have now seen the end of the tunnel, are no longer baby-eating shipper demons, and have become the harbingers of the truth, the way, and the life? Welp, there goes my retirement plan of being the Best Person in the entire world because they’ve apparently beat me to it.
Piece of advice? Don’t feed into their narcissism and grand ambitions of being the I Am Right Almighty. Use the block button generously, my friends. Let them simmer in their own pile of boiling, putrid shit while we go out, touch some grass, celebrate love, and continue living the best parts of fandom and shipping life.
Send them this picture when you smell them from miles away.
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Ryan knows what’s up, I trust him and so should you.
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protecticarus · 6 years
Prompt: let’s reach for the ultimate cliche. Todd takes a bullet for Dirk. Not fatal, but dangerous enough that for a while Dirk is fairly certain he’ll die, and it’s his ‘fault’.
some clichés don’t get old!
Dirk could barely register the series of events taking place.The horrid man refused to cooperate. He refused to listen. All Dirk and Todd wanted was his help, but he was too far gone.The man raised a gun and pointed it at Dirk.“You are why this shit went down in the first place.” He said.“No… I, well, yes, but listen-“ Dirk stuttered.“Shut up!” The man screamed. “Just shut up!”“Dirk… What do we do?” Todd whispered.“I… am at a loss.” Dirk whispered back. “I can’t reason with him.”“Shit… Goddamn it.” Todd whispered.The man took a step closer to Dirk and Todd. Dirk stiffened and Todd breathed out in fear. They had dealt with many dangerous situations but most of them included crazy supernatural circumstances and evil bad guys. However, an unstable, scared man with a weapon was less common.“You can’t be here.” The man said, staring at Dirk. “You have to go.”“Alright, we will leave you alone, just-““No. You have to go.” The man said and before Dirk could say or do anything, he heard a gun go off.Dirk felt like he was seeing everything in slow-motion. The man looked desperate. Tears streamed from his eyes and down his face as his shaky hand pointed the gun. He jerked back a little from the power of the bullet flying towards Dirk.As the bullet began its travel towards its target, Todd took action. He shoved Dirk as hard as he could from his close proximity, but it was enough to throw Dirk off balance. Dirk dropped onto the ground in shock.Todd now stood where Dirk previously had, just in time for the bullet to reach its new target.Suddenly everything was happening in high-speed.
Todd whined in agony. Dirk cried out and crawled where Todd was suddenly laying on the ground.“Todd!” He cried.Dirk looked for the man with the gun, only to see him shakily running away from them, seemingly upset about having actually shot a person.“Fuck that hurts. Getting shot really fucking hurts.” Todd coughed.“Why would you do this, Todd!” Dirk sobbed desperately and removed his scarf to press it against the bullet wound on Todd’s abdomen.“Love you too.” Todd groaned in response.Dirk let out a sob. “Why…”“It would’ve-“ Todd’s sentence was interrupted by violent coughing, “killed you.” He finished eventually.“It may very well kill you!” Dirk screamed.Todd was about to reply, but Dirk interrupted him.“Don’t speak! Focus on staying still and staying awake.” Dirk said and fished out his phone from his pocket and dialed 911.
And so followed the most exhausting and terrifying 8 hours of Dirk’s life.
He forced himself to be brave enough to call Amanda, praying that she wouldn’t hate him. He also called Farah, who rushed to the hospital to be by his side.The next hours were filled with silent tears and Dirk’s mind scratching itself raw.‘Your fault’ was all he could think.“Dirk.” Farah tried to get his attention.Dirk’s face was wet with tears and his ears were ringing. Nothing felt real.“Dirk!” Farah raised her voice.Dirk looked up to see her gesturing towards the hallway. Dirk shifted his gaze to see Todd’s surgeon walk into the waiting area.Dirk practically flew to stand and walk towards the doctor.“How is he?” Dirk asked. He felt Farah walk next to him.“Mr…?” The doctor questioned.“Gently.” Dirk replied impatiently. “How is Todd?”“Mr. Gently, your friend’s surgery was successful. We removed the bullet and were able to stop the bleeding. The bullet did little damage to any vital organs. The most alarming was the loss of blood, but we got transfusions going in time. We will need to keep him here for a few days to look for any complications, but he seems to be doing well so far.” The doctor explained.Dirk let out a breath of relief he hadn’t realized he was holding.“Thank you. Thank you so much, Doctor Waugh.” Dirk sobbed.The doctor placed a hand on Dirk’s shoulder and smiled. “Your friend should be fine.” She added.“Can I see him?” Dirk asked.“He should be moved into his room by now. Visiting hours are over at 9.” She replied.“Thank you.” Dirk smiled.“Any more questions?” The doctor asked.“No, thank you Doctor Waugh.” Dirk said and the doctor gave him a nod and turned to walk away.“Let’s go.” Dirk said to Farah and turned to basically sprint towards Todd’s room.“You go. I’ll update Amanda.” Farah yelled after him.When Dirk got to Todd’s room, his breath got caught in his throat. Todd looked… So different. He looked pale and somehow… Small. Well, smaller.Dirk sat on the seat next to Todd’s bed and looked at his friend. His eyes filled with tears once again.“I’m so sorry, Todd. I’m so sorry.” Dirk whispered. “I never wanted this to happen. I cause pain to everyone around me, but I was really hoping I could spare you. I’m so sorry, Todd… I love you. I’m sorry.” His last apology got swallowed by his cries.Dirk let his head rest on Todd’s bed as he cried. After a while, unconsciousness finally found him.
When Dirk woke, he found Todd looking at him with a smile on his face.“Todd!” Dirk screamed and threw his arms around Todd’s neck.Todd groaned. Right. Bullet wound. Shit.“Shit! Sorry!” Dirk exclaimed and sat back in his seat.“It’s okay, Dirk.” Todd laughed as soon as he got his breath back.“No, Todd, it’s not okay. You got shot!” Dirk exclaimed.“Yeah, I know, I was there.” Todd mumbled.“Why on earth would you do that! Never, ever do that again!” Dirk’s voice got even louder and higher.“I saved your life?” Todd replied, confused.“I don’t care! I mean, yes, thank you, but my life is not worth yours!” Dirk screamed.“I’m not dead, Dirk. I’m gonna be fine.” Todd reassured him.“But you could’ve died!” Dirk replied angrily.“Yeah, well, I didn’t, so-““God, Todd, stop pretending like it’s not a big deal!” Dirk screamed.“Well, it seems like the universe didn’t want me dead just yet.” Todd joked.“Fuck the universe!” Dirk yelled.Todd looked stunned. He blinked a few times and then took a deep breath.“Dirk. I’m okay.” Todd said.“But you could’ve easily not been.” Dirk whispered. “I’m surprised you are okay.”“Why?” Todd asked.“Because! I always get people hurt! And you… I can’t lose you, Todd. I simply can’t. So do not do anything like that again. Ever.” Dirk said.“Oh Dirk…” Todd sighed and took Dirk’s hand into his. “I made that decision by myself. You had nothing to do with it.”“That bullet was meant for me!” Dirk exclaimed.“Yeah, I know. But I chose to…”“Take a bullet for me!” Dirk exclaimed in anger.“Yeah, that. That was my decision. It’s not on you. And I really am fine, Dirk.” Todd explained.A silence filled the hospital room for a minute. Then Dirk stood up.“Maybe you should quit.” Dirk said.“What?” Todd asked.“Quit. Being my assistant. Quit.” Dirk explained.“What? No. Why? No!” Todd exclaimed.“I can’t have you hurt. I can’t.” Dirk said.“Dirk, no, you didn’t do this, I did. I’m not going anywhere!” Todd protested.“It would be better-““I don’t give a shit, Dirk! I’m not quitting. Period.” Todd growled.Dirk sighed in defeat. “I can’t lose you.”“You won’t.” Todd replied.“Don’t ever do that again.” Dirk demanded.“I’ll try.”“No. Just don’t do it.”Todd laughed. “Then don’t get a gun pointed at you.”“I didn’t mean to! I never mean to!” Dirk groaned.“I know.” Todd laughed.“So just… don’t risk your life for me.” Dirk said.“So just don’t make me love you so much.” Todd shot back.“I don’t know how that happened either…” Dirk muttered. “So, how do I do that?”“You can’t.” Todd shrugged.Dirk sighed. “You’re impossible.”“Only way to put up with you.” Came Todd’s reply.
if you have any ideas for fics, send me prompts! I’d be happy to write them. my inbox is open! xx
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